#(well he did try to scare away obi-wan. but it only made him more curious.)
maulfucker · 10 months
actually the more I think about it the more it makes sense to write him being in rut
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captainrexisboo · 4 years
-DJ Khaled voice- Another one.
What the fuck?? Four fics in just one weekend?? After two whole months of inactivity?? Aha, I am in no way as productive as you think I am. I’ve been sitting on all of these projects for almost three months now lmao- but they’re here now for your viewing pleasure, babes! This is a one shot Rex x Jedi!Reader, but they are not together. They do not get together. This is just Rex, pining for some oblivious Jedi General (you) and dealing with it by being grumpy and thinking he has the upper hand in teasing the reader. I left the gender of the reader pretty ambiguous I think? I hope?
No warnings apply, except I guess foul language if you don’t like that. And vague imaginings of semi steamy scenarios. Some angst if you squint. But really, it’s just fluffy pining, with a needy (and in denial) Rex. Comments, questions, reblogs and replies absolutely welcome and encouraged!
“T-take off the a-a-armor.”
The jaig eyes turned to you, the blue and white blending into the Pantoran ice and snow effortlessly. This would be the only environment suitable for their stark white armor as camouflage, and here you were demanding him stripped. Knowing you couldn’t read his bewildered expression, Rex tilted his head to you in a curious motion, “Why?”
“It’s fekkin’ f-freezin’ Cap,” you spoke through chattering teeth, pulling your robes tighter around you. He chuckled at your cursing, no other Jedi talked so blunt like you did, so casual. It was even worse when you were outside the temple, falling out of regulations and decorum the moment it was just you and your troopers. Hell, they didn’t even have to be your troopers. Force knows how often you’ve snuck around the barracks on Coruscant, going from battalion to battalion, whoever had furlough, making sure every clone gets at least a moment's worth of normalcy in their too-short life. Rex would be lying if he said it wasn’t endearing, and he may have felt a slight smidgen of pride that, aside from your own men, you seemed to find yourself in the 501st bunks the most.
“So? I’m perfectly toasty in this specialized insulated armor. You’re the one that decided not to wear your cold-assault gear until we got to the surface, General L/N,” Rex teased, drawing out your name and title nice and slow, biting back a bit of laughter at the way you scrunch your nose whenever you got annoyed, “Why would you want me to de-kit? To be cold with you?”
“Don’t c-call me that, Rex,” you bit out, groaning at the formality, and the chill going down your spine, “Y-you know I’m just Y/N.”
“I’ll stop calling you proper, when you stop being a Jedi,” he chided, prodding some more at the fire in the dim cavern, the only light being the glowing embers in front of you and whatever was being illuminated off the snow right at the mouth of the cave. Your ship had crashed into the freezing moon in the midst of a brutal blizzard, luckily right next to the base of a mountain with accessible caves. Unluckily, you were also 15 klicks west of your rendezvous point, with the wind and snow causing major damage to your transmitters and interfering with the signal in your commlinks. You weren’t going anywhere, or talking to anyone, until the storm let up.
You huffed at his strict persona, you know Rex only acted so dogmatic to rile you up. You saw how nonchalantly he acted around Anakin and Ahsoka, even Obi-Wan at times. No, with you it was entertainment, a game to see how much you could take before breaking, and he loved it. Even without the Force, you could see it in the shake of his shoulders at his quiet laughter, hear the coy smirk in the dip of his drawl, watching the extra swing in his stride as he walked away triumphant every time, so sure he had succeeded in driving you crazy. This time, he had nowhere to run.
Ignoring his baiting taunt, you crawled around the fire to sit right next to him, “P-please, Captain? I’m r-r-really kriffin’ c-cold, and while the fire is so delightful, I think i-it’d be in both o-our best interests to h-have a second source of heat.”
Rex nearly dropped his stick he was using to poke at the kindles, tensing slightly before clearing his throat, “Oh? And what ‘source of heat’ did you have in mind?”
“D-don’t play dumb,” you shivered again, pouting at how you stuttered while he sat a little too well composed for your liking, “I know the K-Kaminoans t-taught you all about s-s-survival tactics. I d-do it with my boys a-all the time. Strip to your b-blacks, m-me to my t-t-tunic, then I’ll wrap my robes around the two of us. B-body heat, Rex.”
Your boys. Your affectionate term for your ever-faithful battalion, that apparently frequently slept and cuddled with you in the most innocent and familiar of ways. Still, something about it made Rex’s stomach stir, his mouth twisting from a smirk into a silent snarl under his helmet. He wasn’t against ‘cuddle puddles’ with the vode, every single brother took part in them, and it wasn’t unusual to find a stray jedi or padawan compacted in the very middle of the pile. He knew for a fact that the 212th had regular arguments as to who’s turn it was to use General Kenobi as a pillow (and that Cody never partook in those bouts- no, he was always the General’s pillow). In theory, he knows it's more than a possibility for you to be a part of them, especially with your extremely relaxed extroverted personality, but actually hearing you say it out loud had something ugly rear its head to sour the Captain’s mood. He attempted to shoo the little creature away, trying to scare it off with a forced cough to make it scurry back into hiding and leave his inner peace alone. His mind clear again, he peered into your pleading doe eyes through his visor, seeing the flames flickering reflections off your irises in a whimsical dance. His gaze went lower, following the slope of your nose, before tracing the shape of your full pout, lips trembling and reddened from the cold, nearly beginning to chap. The slight clicking of your teeth as he watched you shiver under your robes made him resign to your request, sighing as he removed the cowled helmet, “Fine. Why you didn’t just wear your own cold-assault gear is beyond me, but I’ll help you stay warm this time.”
“Oh, thank the force,” you whimpered, immediately dropping the outermost robe from your shoulders, staying on your knees as he stood up to remove his layers. Rex nearly dropped his cuirass, watching you unwrap your tan-colored linen underneath to reveal a gripping white tunic, clinging to your every curve and muscle, no part of you left to the imagination except the actual flesh itself. You even discarded your boots and breeches, leaving you in opaque black tights. Without the safety of his helmet, Rex tore his eyes from you, desperate to hold onto some semblance of rectitude, taking a deep inhale through his nose before continuing his own removal. Rex could feel the tip of his nose numbing just slightly, shaking his head at what the hell was he doing-
“You know, if we get found like this-”
“We’ll s-say I got hypothermia and you were ‘d-doing your duty t-to protect the Jedi’,” you giggled, a little forced, hands coming up to rub at your shoulders, attempting to create some friction, but wincing at the iciness of your fingers, “Rex, hurry!”
Your whine of his name had him hesitant to remove the bottom half of his armor, already starting to feel something forbidden gathering in the depths of his stomach. He tried to fend off the feeling by turning his head to the stone wall and talking- though whether that was an effective decision remained to be seen. “I’m just saying, can’t you use the Force or whatever to warm yourself up? Isn’t that something you can do? I know you can use the Force for healing purposes, this’d be like that, right?”
“If I had f-followed the path of m-m-medical practice, sure,” your breath came out in little clouds as you puffed through another tremor, wrapping your dark robe around your shoulders as you waited for Rex to finish, “But, I didn’t, I chose the kn-n-nights, and so I’m here, and n-now I’m your problem.”
“My problem,” Rex grumbled under his breath as he sat back down, tugging at the final parts of his boots, not caring that you could actually hear him, “Skywalker is my problem. Tano is my problem. Kenobi can even be considered my problem at times, but you, General? No, no, no. You’re not my problem, you’re-”
Turning back around to face you, he nearly choked on his own spit. He hadn’t realized how close you were, and without his helmet, his nose brushed against yours in an innocent bunny kiss, the brief friction making him jump back nearly a foot away. A teasing chuckle left you at his skittish reaction, cocking your head to the side as you opened your robe back up and beckoned him closer, “Wrong way, Captain. C’mere.”
His throat felt tight, closing off almost everything, even air, and despite his discarded layers he was certain the back of his neck was beginning to sweat. The way you so carefully had folded your legs, thighs pillowing together in such an enticing way, leaning on your elbow to pronounce the slope of your hips and curve of your waist...he could so easily wrap his arms around you perfectly, before settling his head to rest on your chest and memorize the beat of your heart- the pinch of his nails digging into the meat of his palm drew him out of his mind before he could fall any further down that rabbit hole. He cleared his throat, throwing his gaze to the floor as his entire being tensed, “This…i-is not regulation, General.”
“Oh my maker you’ve been hanging out with Echo too much,” you groaned, throwing your head back dramatically, “Rex, please?”
He swallowed down a hard gulp of air, inching his way over to you, without looking up from the floor. You met him halfway, dragging your thickest robe behind you, and sighed in relief at the natural waves of heat coming off of him. Every single clone ran hot, and you trapped that heat by throwing the robes over the two of you, wrapping your hands around the back of Rex’s head and pulling him into your neck as you leaned against a standing rock.
One minute his eyes were counting cracks and jagged holes scattered over the cave floor, and the next they were gifted with a gracious view of your form, so close he could smell your clean body wash, a soft mint that tickled his nose, and he had to count to ten to control his breath so he didn’t just inhale you instead of oxygen. It was a concentrated effort made extremely difficult due to the delightfully sharp pressure of your nails against his scalp. You already felt like heaven, he had to tense himself from wanting to grab for more of you- which he didn’t have to do anyways. You had pulled him into you, his nose brushing over your neck, the tip still chilled, making a breathless giggle leave you, “Oh, your nose is s-so icy!”
“Who's fault is that,” Rex grumbled into you, mumbling to try to keep his lips from mouthing over your exposed collarbone. What he couldn’t stop was the delighted shiver that ran through him as your hands started massaging the tired planes of muscle in his back, making him lose a bit of discipline and dropping flush against you. He made a horrified sound, the breath strangled in his throat as he felt a nervous sweat thickly dripping over the back of his neck, before that sweet amused sound left you once again.
“Rex, you're so tense! Here, lemme just-”
Your hands worked in smooth motions, rubbing deep into his tired tissue. He could feel his eyes roll back into his head, biting the swell of his lip to keep any lewd sounds from leaving him, focusing on syncing his breath with the flow of your touches. His form was finally slack, keeping you trapped underneath him as his arms tentatively found their way around your waist, holding you to him, his face buried in the crook of your neck. You hummed at the coverage of him over you, leaning to nuzzle against the side of his head, the prick of his blond tickling the tip of your numbed nose. You whispered to him, eyelids growing heavy as you curled into him, “Thank you, Captain.”
Your breathing evened out, deep and slow, your hands coming to a rest, stopping on the small of his back and between his shoulder blades. Rex couldn’t believe it; you had fallen asleep in his arms. His eyes slowly peeked open, and he wiggled a bit, getting to a place where he faced you instead of the rock you were both leaning on. His eyes were nearly level with your jawline, he could trace the profile of your parted lips, still threatening to chap in the cold air, but your breath didn’t stutter anymore from the chill. He really was helping keep you warm.
He had dreamt about those lips, memorized the way they shaped his name, watched the direction you preferred to run your tongue over them while you were deep in thought. He licked his own lips in just that way, thinking about how maybe it’d feel if he were to do that to yours.
Maker, he was awful. Thinking about his wretched togue playing at your perfect lips, while you laid so peaceful and trusting underneath him.
Rex prided himself as a man of honor, he wasn’t so foolish as to attempt anything, but even just thinking about you in this vulnerable way as you let him hold you… he felt slimy, unworthy to be in your good graces. He let out a shuddering breath, not in the cold but in longing, exhaling your name as his arms brought you impossibly closer to him. For however long the two of you had, however long the storm lasted, he would treasure this. He would treasure you. 
He was a fool for fighting you on this. Being lulled by your breath to join you into rest as the blizzard raged on, the only thing he would change would be how late he was in agreeing to your conditions. When you both awoke, with the snow settled and communications running, when you were both with your respective teams, and yourself in proper gear, Rex would still have tonight in his memory. He would still be holding you in his arms, breathing you in, and playing the memory of your heartbeat, the soft thumping tempo so soothing, on repeat in his mind.
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seaquestions · 3 years
im sorry to the fetts, to anakin and obi-wan, but ive been thinking about quickswitch and sixshot’s story since before i got into star wars and ever since i saw the prequels i cant help it [copies homework but changes it as much as i can so its not similar] (long post ahoy)
anyway!! i started working on a lil comic script some time ago (which im not gonna finish anytime i bet but it still gave me Ideas). sixshot is taken prisoner by the autobots, and theyre gonna experiment on him to try and make their own six-changer. unfortunately sixshot wakes up, trashes the place and escapes before they could finish the full scope of the project but they did manage to create... a baby clone of sixshot (our boy, quickswitch). they get magnus/minimus to take care of the kid because a) not a lot of ppl have the clearance to know abt the project and he’s one of the few b) of the people who do know, he’s the only beastformer c) since he’s so dedicated to the cause, it would ensure that quickswitch grows up to be a loyal autobot, yes? so here. take care of this child.
things go wrong eventually. but for the time being minimus is an adequate dad to quickswitch, for someone who had zero prep or warning that he was going to care for sixshot’s baby clone. and they do love each other. minimus cares about the pup more than most things in life. maybe even more than properly filled paperwork. he has to be actually minimus way way more often too, and thats probably good for him and his identity issues. quickswitch‘s dad is minimus ambus, not ultra magnus. its a secret thats hard to keep, very hard now that he doesnt hide in the armour as often, but minimus follows the rules; not even his own pup can know.
and, naturally, quickswitch finds out. but not before he finds out the truth about his origins first. he’s a curious kid, yknow. and he’s different. people treat him different. nobody else is like him, he’s special. he’s going to grow up to become the hero of cybertron. (he’s going to grow up to become a weapon.) and it takes a little push from an anonymous message, telling him that he needs to know the truth. to know why he exists, and where he came from. and he sneaks around and finds out about the whole project, confronts his dad, and asks what other secrets have been kept from him and, well, the kid doesnt take well to being lied to his whole life. doesnt take well to the realisation that his whole purpose is to be used. he runs away, scratching the autobot insignia off his chest.
and as all this is happening, sixshot does his job, does his duty: committing acts of violence for the decepticon cause with indifference and existential loneliness. to someone like him, its a simple life. he’s been bored since he was born, really. he’s not had a challenge for a long time now. and unlike others he’s disinterested in fighting his fellow decepticons. whats the point, if they all end up in the same medbay? besides, he’d win anyway. he lets shockwave examine him, mess around and experiment, because what’s the point of saying no?
(shockwave found out about quickswitch very quickly, and decides to shelve the “cloning sixshot” project idea. if someone beat them to the punch, might as well not waste any resources. no, lets just take the already finished product, and make him think it was his idea too.)
quickswitch grows up, roams around the galaxy, unaffiliated. takes in a few bounties for cash, ends up making himself known against his will. well, its kinda hard to be inconspicuous when youre this big and you’ve got six altmodes, just like that very infamous decepticon, sixshot. quickswitch doesnt know if he wants to meet him. he’s afraid, a little bit. but he’s also so curious. think about it. thats his dad, right? well, his template at least. in his dreams, sixshot takes him under his wing and becomes his new mentor, maybe even recognises him as his son. in his nightmares, he is an autobot still, and he is pitted against the very person who he is made from, and he dies a brutal death. quickswitch still holds a grudge. he misses minimus but if he wants to stay, he’d have to rejoin the autobots, and he Does Not Want That. no telling how he’d be treated too.
minimus retreats into the armour. he’s ultra magnus nearly 24/7 now. he thinks about reaching out, of finding quickswitch and reconciling, but he’s afraid of being rejected. the magnus armour doesnt do anything against his son. its minimus who fucked up. he knows it, and he hates it. hates himself.
maybe they cross paths once in a while. but quickswitch just glares at ultra magnus’ face and walks away.
quickswitch gets swayed towards the decepticons. the idea of meeting sixshot is compelling, and as he grows into his own strength, he’s less and less scared, and more just curious, excited maybe. and he will meet him.
..... this is the part where im not quite sure how i want the story to go. the things that are definitely going to be a thing: quickswitch meets sixshot. sixshot is initially like “what the fuck” but slowly comes to like quickswitch. ultra magnus shows up at some point and all three have a confrontation. minimus and quickswitch reconcile, at some point. but idk what actually does happen??
either QS and 6S meet in a string of coincidences, or QS joins the decepticons? maybe?? i feel like either way QS is factionless by the end at least. thats just the vibe im getting. kinda wanna say “and then quickswitch gets two dads and they all live happily ever after” but ahh.... it just doesnt feel right for the tone of the story so far. but anyway thats what i got!!! the ending is!! not really there yet!! but ive been typing for like an hour so sksbjsjak im wrapping this up.
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passable-talent · 4 years
ok roe hear me out. dragon!anakin Au. reader is a knight sent to kill him but when their helmet gets knocked of, Anakin changes to his human form and it’s like love at first sight or w/e. and then when the knight fails to kill the dragon, the village offers them as a sacrifice to the dragon, so Anakin comes and picks them up and it’s tense and idk what my point is but have fun!
we are combining the selki myth with a dragon myth because i. wanted to
do u ever not realize how much you need something in your life until you have it 
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The governing Council of Coruscant, a small village, was facing a problem, in the form of a dragon. A dragon which lived on the edge of their town and preyed on its people, or did, until they began offering it tribute. They offered the dragon, which they’d named Vader, food or gold, earning its favor so that it wouldn’t destroy the village or its people. It was tradition to name a dragon, in order to easier call it for battle or tribute, a tradition started many years ago by the little village of Tatooine shortly before the death of their dragon, Maul. 
Maul had been destroyed by a young knight of the Jedi Order, Obi-Wan Kenobi, which made the Council of Coruscant turn to the Jedi Order. But Obi-Wan had grown older, and was doing more important things for the kingdom, and so the Order sent another young, talented knight, eager to do service to the realm. 
You rode to the village nearest to the dragon’s lair and continued on foot from there, your blade hanging at your hip. You carried a mystical weapon called a ‘lightsaber’- a magical blade which was made of solid light. It was the mark of a Jedi Knight, and the mark of your skill. No enemy could stand to you, not even a dragon. 
You had been directed through the woods, to a large cavern that was enclosed by a mountain. It was said that the lair of the dragon could be seen easily from far away, but as you grew closer, and the trees thickened, it would become harder to find. Luckily, you had a good sense of direction, and when forest gave way to grasslands that lead up to a gaping mouth of stone, you knew you had found Vader’s lair. 
You stalked toward it, silent in the light of the setting sun, hoping that the dragon would yet be asleep and its death would be quick. You only let your eyes come overtop of the stone ledge, your helmet blending in with the grey. You weren’t yet noticed, and so looked for the dragon, and saw it curled up around one of multiple piles of gold within the cavern. 
It was a deep shade of oaky brown, almost grey, horns curling over its forehead. Thin wisps of smoke curled from its nostrils as it slept, and you knew now was the best time to strike. You would follow in the footsteps of Obi-Wan Kenobi and cleave this dragon’s head from its body, putting your name into history. 
You heaved yourself over the stone ledge, gathering yourself to your feet. You padded silently toward the dragon until you stood overtop of it, nervous now, not to strike, but to stand so close. 
“With me,” you whispered to your saber, the incantation that its magical bond with you responded to. It ignited for you and you held it high- but the sound had woken the dragon. 
Its eyes were a piercing blue, chilling like nothing else you had ever seen. You meant to swung the saber down before the dragon could fully wake, but a great foot knocked you sideways, and you snuffed the blade so that it wouldn’t be in your way as you fell. Collecting yourself to your feet you found yourself face to face with a dragon, sparking its back teeth together, preparing to flame- and so you ran, knowing a fall from the short ledge was better than being broiled in your armor. 
You tumbled down the hillside and came to rest at the line of trees, your helmet knocked from your head in the fall. You breathed hard, trying to right yourself through your dizziness, and looked up to the ledge, where you could see the dragon approaching, and tried to find your helmet before it attacked. 
The roar of a dragon stilled you, and you ignited your saber again, holding it beside you while glaring upward. If you would have to fight it without your helmet, that you could do. 
But then, something began to happen.
You could describe it almost like... molting? The dragon quickly lost size, and it brought its head back to its body, its scales shifting and moving until instead of a dragon it was a man, wearing a dragon’s skin cloak. 
You paused, and stared, because that was a dragon a minute ago, and now it’s a guy. 
“You’re not only a dragon, you’re a witch!” You shouted, running up the hill again, meaning to take him down now that he certainly had much less fire in his throat. 
“A witch? Funny word.” You’d never heard a dragon talk before, and his voice was smooth, and it startled you. The closer you were to him, the more startled you became, as he wasn’t just any human, he was possibly the most handsome you had ever seen. He was tall, with broad shoulders, and those bright blue eyes had retained into his human form. Though there were fangs in his smile, they didn’t make the smile any less radiant, and he seemed to sense your hesitation as you approached. 
“Be not afraid of being startled by my beauty,” he called down to you, making you stop dead in your tracks. “For I am enthralled by yours.” You snuffed your saber and hung it at your hip, looking at him. He clearly meant not to harm you, and so you raised your chin.
“Are you the dragon they call Vader?” You called up to him, just making sure, and he laughed, his expression bright and lovely.
“Yes, but my name is Anakin.” You tilted your head at him and gave him a small smile. 
“Well, Anakin, my name is (Y/N), I’m a knight of the Jedi Order. I came here to kill you, as I’m sure you noticed.” Anakin laughed, lifting a hand from his cloak and laying it over the back of his neck, where your saber had almost been. From the motion you saw black claws where human fingertips would be, and darkened skin bordering scales on his forearm the color of his cloak. 
“I did. You’ve changed your mind?” You looked at him for a moment with a laugh, then reached to your side to tug at one of the ties that held your armor in place. 
“Yes, I think I have.” 
“In that case,” he said, sitting down on the ledge, tossing his legs over it, “want to come up for tea?” 
You returned the next day to Coruscant with scorched armor and smudges of dirt and bloody scrapes all over. You vowed that you had failed to kill the dragon after an epic battle, but you would return to Vader’s lair after you had healed, and you would try again. 
Returned you did, and once again, you dredged home to Coruscant, Vader still alive. So you tried again- again, and again. 
“Anakin?” You called as you reached the trees, climbing onto his ledge and shedding your armor at the entrance of the cavern, as you always did. He wasn’t there- but sometimes this happened, and he always returned soon after you arrived. You wandered the expanse of the cavern and investigated his hoard, but mostly you were entranced by the space where he lived: a loft-life area above the golden treasures that had been carved by dragon claws from the mountain. Within it were human luxuries- a bed, couches, a carpet, a fireplace like none you’d ever seen before. It was so comfortable, especially to you, after spending time on those couches with him. He brewed the most delicious tea. 
When he still hadn’t returned you grew disinterested in waiting on the couches and went to his hoard again, looking over it. You wondered if there was more than gold within it, and dug down with the tip of your foot, curious if even in your casual digging you’d uncover a gem. The stones were the most interesting to you- you’d fashioned a small sunstone into the hilt of your saber, and yet it had been the only precious stone you’d ever seen. 
You’d only been standing there for a moment when arms wrapped around your waist and lifted you from the floor. Caught off guard you grabbed onto the wrists, but you knew who was spinning you and placing you back down. 
“Anakin!” you laughed, and accusing tone gracing his name. 
“For a Jedi Knight, you sure do scare easily.” You shook your head, your smile fond, and with one hand shoved him gently, pushing him back from you. 
“Where have you been?” You asked, letting him lead you up to his loft, his cloak almost billowing behind him as he walked. He had only gotten more attractive to you- the curl of his hair around his horns, horns admittedly smaller in human form, but still wicked and dark. His figure was exceptional, his smile was bright, his hands strong and kind. 
“Visiting my mother,” he said, putting on a pot of water to boil. You were always colder than he was, so often he made you a hot drink when you arrived. “She gave me some advice.” 
“Advice?” you repeated, sitting down on one of the couches. “About what?”
“Dragon stuff,” he said, turning to you with a playful sneer, “you wouldn’t understand.” You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Oh yeah? Try me, Sparker.” His eyebrows raised as though you had caught him off guard, and his pupils narrowed into vertical slits briefly, a reaction you knew to be of self-defense. Was he embarrassed?
“Nothing, (Y/N), honestly. Don’t worry about it.” You indulged him with your silence, laying your head back into the cushion of the couch. 
“I think Palpatine’s getting upset with me,” you said, steering the conversation away for his sake.
“Palpatine? You mean the head of the Council?” 
“Yeah. I think he’s getting tired of me failing to kill you.” 
“Oh yeah?” Anakin asked, pouring hot water into a mug to let the tea leaves steep within it. “Thinking about actually killing me to get him off your back?” You looked up, startled, at him. 
“What? Of course not.” 
“That’s good to hear,” he said, carrying over the mug and placing it on a table next to the couch, then taking a seat next to you. “Though I wouldn’t mind having you be the last thing I see.” You rolled your eyes and let your shoulder rest against his, nudging him softly. 
“You know,” Anakin said, repositioning. He often sat so close to you like this so that he could wrap you in his dragon cloak. You hadn’t quite figured out why he liked to do it so much, but you allowed him anyway- it wasn’t like you’d complain about the warmth you felt from him and the way he put his arms around you. “I could always drop your charred armor and clothes onto his doorstep. You’d be able to stay, and they wouldn’t be upset with you.” You lifted yourself up enough to look him in the eye.
“You’d do that?” You asked him, and he tilted his head. 
“Why not?”
“I just...” you trailed off, silent while he repositioned so that his left leg laid lengthwise onto the couch, and you sat between it and his other. “I didn’t realize you’d let me stay.” You felt him press a kiss down onto your head, and a smile grew onto your face. You pulled the cloak over your shoulder to cover more of your body. 
“Of course I would,” he said, his claws lightly tracing your wrist down until he found your hand, and curled his fingers into yours. 
“But no,” you said, turning your head to rest your cheek onto his chest. “I wouldn’t want them to think you’ve killed me. I’m a better knight than that.” 
“True,” he said, pulling more of his cloak over you when he noticed how you bent your knees against the cold. “Then maybe, you could say you’re leaving, to come back with reinforcements, or better weapons, and instead stay here.” 
“That doesn’t solve anything, Ani,” you whispered, reaching over your shoulder to run your fingers through his hair. “Then they’d still be blaming me for the fact that you’re still alive. And I could never kill you.” He turned his head up to kiss your palm, then resting his head back down into your hand. 
“You’ll think of something,” he said, and in the comfort of the moment, you believed him. 
As the sun rose you entered the outer limits of Coruscant, exhausted. Anakin’s nocturnal nature made these meetings easy to schedule but quite hard on your sleep cycle. You usually made it back only to have the older women of the village fawn over you, tending your wounds while you slept. You always returned burnt and bruised, though these wounds were self inflicted, to make it seem as though there was a battle. Anakin never hurt you- save for today, when you had insisted that you get a scratch across your jaw. 
“I can’t, (Y/N),” he had insisted, holding his hands to his chest so that he didn’t even bring his claws close to you. “I can’t.”
“It’s alright,” you promised, “I’m asking you to. I know you’d never hurt me. I’d do it myself with a stone, but these people know what dragon claws look like.” 
“Love, I can’t hurt you.” You reached forward with a gentle smile, lightly taking his hand into yours. 
“Close your eyes, then,” you whispered, bringing his hand up to cup your jaw. You leaned into his palm, your fingers resting overtop his, and when you felt him relax, you pressed down hard onto his first finger, dragging it in a swift motion down your jawline and toward your chin. He gasped, opening his eyes, but you held his hand away, making sure that your blood dripped down your neck uninterrupted. You’d kissed him goodbye, promising him that the women of the village would treat the wound. 
This morning, though, Palpatine himself was there to see you arrive. 
“(Y/N), my dear!” he said, approaching you. “It’s so good you made it home alive.” You thanked him, knowing what he would ask next. “And our dragon? Have you vanquished it?”
“No, sir,” you answered, looking to the ground, feigning shame. “I did not succeed tonight. But I will return to try again.” Palpatine sighed, and before you could react, he had the guards of the council surround you. Shocked, you whirled, but did not ignite your blade. The sheer number of them overpowered you, chaining your hands in front of you. 
“(Y/N) of the Jedi Order,” Palpatine said, standing in front of you on a platform in the center of the village, “You have failed to rid us of our dragon, and so will serve your final duty to Coruscant on this, the sixty-sixth day of spring- you will be a sacrifice to Vader, and with your death, will keep him from harming this village.”
“What?” you snarled, trying to take a step forward, but the guards stopped you. Your armor was torn from you until only your fabric clothing remained, and you struggled against every moment. “This is how you treat the people who are sent to help you?” 
“As a mercy, you will be keeping your magic blade,” Palpatine said, tossing the hilt of your lightsaber toward you. “If you kill the dragon before he kills you, you are free to return.” You glared in Palpatine’s direction as the guards fashioned your saber to your waist, then as they lead you to the platform Palpatine had emptied. Here they had piled the sacrifices of gold and food for Anakin, and here they placed you now, looping your chains through a hoop in the center of the platform. 
There was a trumpet that had become the sound of dread in the village. It caused all to run to their homes, in fear, because the trumpet called the dragon. 
What would Anakin do when he was arrived? Would he recognize that you were the sacrifice, and spare you? Surely he would, he would recognize you- he had to!
How the people of Coruscant, who had loved you, who had put their faith in you, could do this to you- it was evil. You collected yourself to your knees, your arms held in your lap, chained down. 
“I curse this town,” you said, softly at first, as the sound of the trumpet echoed throughout the valley. “I curse Coruscant and all who live within it. I curse you to the fire and death I sought to protect you from!” Everyone hushed as they saw a dragon, on the horizon. Everyone but you.
“I curse you to be torn, limb from body and flesh from bone, I curse you to the same end of pain and suffering that I will be given!” The dragon grew closer, its wingspan wider than the streets of the town, its nostrils exhaling smoke. 
“I curse the Force from this place, may its kindness never guide you again!” 
You trusted Anakin. You did. With your whole body. 
Still, those slitted blue eyes studying you from behind scales, the massive form of the dragon approaching like a hunter with its eyes only on you, it was terrifying. You had tears rolling down your face, and you didn’t even know why. Anakin would never hurt you- he’d made that very clear, this morning.
But you saw his back teeth spark. 
His fire, red and yellow and orange, shot forward, consuming the wooden platform you sat upon. 
Your curse had worked, the townspeople would whisper. The dragon’s fire ate up the platform and left nothing behind, spreading to the nearest homes and buildings. As for you, though, there was nothing left- and everyone had been too concerned with the flames to notice how it happened. 
Except for one old woman, who had known of dragons longer than most in Coruscant. She had kept her eye on the town of Coruscant and its dragon scourge, and its new knight. She was the first to open her home to you.
Shmi Skywalker watched as the dragon lumbered into the flames, and disappeared. And she watched as two figures hurried from it, wrapped in a fireproof cloak of dragon skin. She’d keep their secret. 
-🦌 Roe
| part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | 
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yelena-bellova · 4 years
Don’t Be Afraid: Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader - Chapter Twenty Nine
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Chapter Twenty Nine: Trouble In Paradise
Series Masterlist
Plot: The Resistance has been chasing information across the galaxy to confirm the identity of the voice behind the mysterious radio broadcast. Meanwhile, Y/n has been keeping secrets from her loved ones that could have catastrophic consequences...
Warnings: language, intrusive violent thoughts, talk of the death of a parent, no beta reader because we die like men...
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: GAH we’ve made it to TROS. I can’t believe we’re nearing the end of this series...Nope, I’m not getting emotional today lol. Thanks for patiently waiting for this chapter, I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated. Hopefully I don’t disappoint :) --------
I’d joked as a kid that I’d always wanted to float. The concept of hovering above the ground suspended in midair had tickled me, but the reality of physics had crushed that dream quickly. 
So naturally, my inner child was giddy to learn it was indeed possible.
I sat crossed legged, hands resting on my knees, eyes shut, more at ease than I’d been in a long time from seven feet in the air. Meditation had always brought me a deep sense of peace, but diving deeper into a Jedi’s way of performing the act had taken the whole thing to a new level. 
“Be with me…” came a voice from the body that sat adjacent to me. The corners of my mouth lifted up slightly as I listened to Rey try her hardest while still attempting to remain relaxed and open. It was a blessing and a curse to be a perfectionist and a Jedi, you were wildly driven but also would beat yourself up generously if you couldn’t get something. That was Rey to a t. Not that I wasn’t just as devout, but I’d trained myself long enough to know that you couldn’t perfect something overnight. 
“They’re not with me,” she declared with a scoff, “Ugh…”
Rey effectively called an end to our session as I opened my eyes to see her gracefully flip through the air and meet the ground. Her half of the rocks we’d been keeping in the air with us fell while I eased mine down with me, landing in a crouched position. “You’re going to get it.” “I’m not so sure I agree,” she sighed. “I haven’t figured it out either if it makes you feel any better,” I offered with a shrug, brushing the dirt from my leggings. 
Rey made an objective noise, “That’s not true, you can hear your grandfather.”
“Only because he reaches out to me, I’m still not able to hear or see him by my own doing. And believe me, I’m trying…”
“It comes with time and a healthy dose of patience…” said the warming presence I sensed just a few feet away from us. “I’m starting to think it isn’t possible,” Rey stated as we walked toward my mother, “To hear the voices of the Jedi who came before.”
“Nothing’s impossible,” Mom replied simply, she had drilled that phrase into our brains so many times over the past few months that I swore it was tattooed somewhere in my skull.
“Nothing’s impossible,” Rey echoed, a small smile spreading across her face at the encouragement, “I’m going to run the training course. Are you coming?” “No, I ran it earlier,” I said, elbowing her lightly in the arm, “One day I’ll beat you but today was not that day.” Rey was such a humble person, which made it all the more entertaining to watch her try not to take delight in being the best at something. She slyly grinned at me before accepting Uncle Luke’s lightsaber from Mom and heading off towards the start of the course.
Can I go with her? Unless you need me? “No, Bee,” I smiled down at the droid, left in my custody till Poe returned, “You can go with Rey.” He happily rolled his way through the jungle, in search of his friend.
“Any word from the Falcon?” I asked hopefully as Mom and I slowly strolled back towards base.
“Not yet,” she answered, trying her hardest to sound unworried, “It may be too risky to send a comm back. I wouldn’t worry yet.”
“Telling me not to worry only makes me worry more,” I returned, clenching and unclenching my fists in an attempt to relieve some of the tension in my body.
Only a handful of Resistance personnel knew the details of Finn and Poe’s mission. Those who did understood the weight and magnitude of the information they were potentially retrieving. But as with every high-risk mission, bringing back intel meant bringing themselves back, which was a big if…
“Mom, what if it really is what we think it is?” I asked, sounding more like a curious child than a concerned commander, “Worse, what if it’s who we think it is?”
“I wish I had an answer for you,” she sighed, “But the truth is that we don’t know for certain what we’re up against. We’re anticipating and planning in the dark. We can only pray that Poe and Finn return with something that could shed even a little light on the matter.”
Light versus dark, an age old battle with a new enemy for each generation to face. But the same enemy coming back twice? Nobody could have predicted it. And while it was true, we had no official confirmation that the broadcast across the galaxy had been who we believed it to be, those who had lived through the rebellion had no doubts. 
“Do me a favor and let me know when they’re back if I’m not around,” I requested, breaking away from my mother who was heading back towards the command center. I needed a few minutes to myself to attend to matters I couldn’t concern her or Rey with.
“Y/n,” she called and waited for me to face her, “I know you’re scared, but don’t feel like you need to fight your battles on your own.” If only she knew the battles I was fighting and just how important it was that nobody find them out. I hated secrets, I’d spent my entire life keeping them from those who meant the most to me. But the ones I kept now were in a new category of extreme, they were the kind that when all was exposed could ruin every relationship I had. 
So I simply nodded, gave a tight lipped smile and turned back on my way. 
I ended up deep in the opposite side of the jungle, far away from the training course and far enough away from base that nobody would stumble upon me. I scaled one of the large trees with ease, landing on a sturdy top branch and settling onto it. Like D’Qar, I kept a secret corner of Ajan Kloss for myself for when I needed quiet or clarity. But both places where were I faced my demons, only the ones I had now couldn’t be combatted with a lightsaber. Not yet, at least…
I took a deep breath and looked out to the beautiful horizon, inwardly beating myself up for what I was about to do.
“Ren, are you there?”
“Ren, I know you’re there somewhere,” I pushed, trying to open the connection between us once again, “You’ve got to tell me if you know anything about what’s been going on.”
“This isn’t a matter of First Order or Resistance, it’s not about you or I. If this is what we think it is, both of us are fucked so if you know something, I need to know it too.” We hadn’t spoken since the evening of the broadcast, I knew him better than I wished to and knew that any threat to his rule would send him frantically searching for the culprit. Since he’d gone silent on me, I’d reached out often to try and get any information out of him I could. It wasn’t so I could use it against him, it was simply to figure out what we’d be up against. He was the only person I knew close to the dark side of the force, meaning he was the closest to answers I could get. I was toeing a dangerous line and I knew it.
As always, he didn’t answer. Once I’d served my usefulness to him, he’d dropped our frequent communication without so much as a warning. I’d spent so long trying to get as far from him as possible and now that I needed something from him, he was nowhere to be found.
Thoroughly done with myself, I groaned and leaned my head against the tree. “Resistance commander trying to strike conversation with the leader of the First Order…Well done, Solo.” Then suddenly, my mind was struck with an overwhelming pain. I was having another attack.
I stood amongst the familiar flames. 
Bodies were scattered around me, their screams echoing through the air.
My usual y/e/c turned yellow as I stared down at the carnage.
Ren stood near me.
Obi-Wan did not.
“Don’t be afraid,” Ren said in an eerily soft voice, “This is who you were always meant to be.” Another scream, but it wasn’t in the dream.
I clung to the tree with one arm, the other was clutching my head to try and make the pain stop. Taking frantic whimpering breaths, I tried to remind myself that it wasn’t real. It wasn’t real. It was just my nightmare, the one I’d lived through my entire life. It was nothing more.
But then, my grandfather had never not been there. 
And I’d never seen myself as a Sith. 
I decided that was enough for one day, I didn’t know if there was anything else on my agenda but I’d find something. Anything to keep me out of my own head, which was becoming a more dangerous place to be with every passing day…
It was a few hours later, while tucked away with Rey in her corner of the base, that the day took another turn. We were going through the old Jedi texts when Nimi shouted for both of us, “Falcon’s back!”
I groaned in relief, setting my book down and leaping from my seat. Rey and Bee followed close behind as we made our way through the base, but the smoke trail leading back to the ship’s landing area wasn’t a good sign.
Sure enough, the Falcon was in flames. I stopped short at the sight, my beloved ship, my home, burning up. People were flocking to it, some to watch but most to help extinguish the fire. The Falcon was a Resistance symbol and people felt protective over it, it was a legacy.
“It’s on the fire, the whole thing’s on fire! All of it is on fire!” The figure emerging from the chaos typically sparked joy in me, but at the moment of his appearance I found little comfort in his presence. Sensing my anger, Rey stepped forward while I turned my back away from the Falcon and ran my hands over my face trying to keep calm.
“Hey.” “Hey,” Poe greeted.
“There’s a spy?” she asked, I’d admit that I forgot all about the mission in the moment.
“Really could’ve used your help out there,” Poe said loudly over the noise that surrounded us.
“How’d it go?” “Really bad actually…Really bad.”
I inhaled deeply and spun on my heels, my resolve to remain calm fizzling with every word my boyfriend said. “Really? I wouldn’t have been able to tell.” Poe’s hands readjusted themselves on his hips, “Look, you don’t understand-“ “No, Poe,” I raised a finger towards him before pointing to the Falcon, “You clearly don’t understand. What was the one rule I had for taking the Falcon? Don’t do anything dangerous!” “And you don’t understand that I had no choice,” Poe raised his voice, gesturing to the Falcon, “We had First Order on our tails, I did what had to be done.” “And pray tell, what needed to be done to my ship?” I asked, flattening my palms together and pressing my lips together in a faux smile. Poe breathed in to explain before he caught sight of Bee resting in between mine and Rey’s feet. “What’d you do to the droid?”
“What’d you do to the Falcon?” Rey countered.
“The Falcon’s in a lot better shape than he is.” “I beg to differ,” I interjected, my voice raising an octave. “BB-8’s not on fire,” Rey gestured toward the still flaming ship.
“What’s left of him isn’t on fire,” Poe’s eyes widened as he looked down at his droid.
Growing tired of the exchange, Rey cut to the chase, “Tell us what happened.” “You tell me first,” Poe demanded stubbornly.
“I asked you first and you still haven’t given me an answer,” I argued, throwing my hands out to their sides in frustration. 
“You know what you are?” Rey began, a sarcastic smile plastered on her face as she stared down Poe.
“What?” “You’re difficult. Really difficult, you’re a difficult man.” “You, you are…” Poe started, letting his sentence end with a growl as he stalked off to examine Bee. Rey went to greet Finn who swept her in up in a hug
I crossed my arms and rotated my posture to speak in his direction, “She’s not wrong.” “You two aren’t exactly easy to deal with all the time either,” he fought back, not even bothering to face me as he examined Bee, “Buddy, look at you. You’re a mess.”
“I’d be a whole lot easier to deal with if you would tell me what the hell happened to my ship,” I raised a finger to him as he began to inhale, “Do not say one thing about Bee, he lost one part and Rey and I were going to fix him up before you got back.” A roar from Chewbacca, hard at work trying to help fix the Falcon gave me the answer I’d been asking for. We’d officially graduated from anger to rage…
“You lightspeed skipped?!” I shouted.
“Yeah, well, it got us back here, didn’t it?” Poe countered.
“Poe, the compressor’s down,” Rey explained, her face exposing her shock.
“Oh, I know, I was there.”
“Every time…” Finn mumbled to himself as he stood to the side of us. “You can’t lightspeed skip the Falcon.”
Poe sprung to his feet, “Actually, turns out you can.” “Does that mean you should?” I scolded. Finn, ever the peacemaker, tried to calm the three of us down. “All right, guys, we just landed, okay?” “Poe, you are never allowed to fly the Falcon again,” I seethed, “Ever.” “You can’t make that call, she’s a Resistance ship,” Poe objected, coming to stand in front of me.
“She’s my ship that I allow select Resistance members to use, of which you are no longer one.” “Okay, guys,” Finn interjected as gently as he could, “Can you two deal with your issues later and actually discuss the mission?” 
Looking like a child who had just had a toy taken away, Poe silently stalked away from me with no more than a steely glare. The argument was far from over on both our ends.
“What happened on the mission?” Rey asked, changing the subject for all of our sakes as we followed Poe. 
“Bad news, that’s what happened,” Poe explained with his back to us.
“No spy?” 
“No, spy.”
“Can we please communicate like adults for five seconds?” I asked, pressing m hands against my mouth in an attempt to not let my fury fly free. “Did we make contact with the spy or not?” Rey asked, leaving no room for interpretation.
“There’s a mole in the First Order, and they sent us a message,” Finn explained, but Bee decided to interrupt with his own retelling of how he’d gotten his injury which caused Poe to stop in his tracks.
“You dropped a tree on him?” he asked Rey.
“You blew both sub-alternators?” she retaliated.
“No, he did more than that,” I spoke up with a humorless laugh, “He may have caused permanent damage to the Falcon, you could’ve torn the whole damn thing apart.” “Well, you know what, maybe you two should’ve been out there with us!” Poe finally exclaimed, we’d gotten to the heart of the matter at last. “You know I want to be out there with you,” Rey cried, “We both do!” “Yeah, but you’re not. You’re here training, for what?” Poe continued, sighing in disappointment afterwards as he looked between us both, “You two are the best fighters we have. We need you, out there, not here.” Silence had fallen and Poe had successfully gotten in the last word, Rey couldn’t fight any more and Finn didn’t want to. I however had plenty more to say on all subjects discussed and as Poe left us, ordering someone to get R2 into reconditioning, I went after him.
“Did you think that conversation was over?”
“Hoped, yes,” he replied, not slowing down to accommodate me. “It’s like talking to a wall,” I growled, walking double time to catch up to him, “I have told you at least ten times why I’m not on missions right now and yet you still give me shit for it.” “Y/n, you know as well as I do that things are dicey right now and we need our best out on the frontlines,” he stated as we argued through the base, “You and Rey are our best and you’re here training for something and you can’t even tell me what it is.” “How am I supposed to tell you when I don’t know what it is?” I asked, waving a hand between the two of us, “I can sense things that you can’t, you have to trust that what I’m doing is best for the long term.” “Well, then maybe don’t give me so much shit next time something happens to the Falcon on my watch when you’re not there and I’m doing what’s best for the long term.” My feet stopped but Poe’s didn’t, causing me to have to speak louder. “You really don’t understand why I’m upset, do you?” He swung a foot around and pivoted, he was visibly tired but still willing to listen. If only the sight of him didn’t fill me with so much anger…This wasn’t how his returns usually went.
“That ship is the last piece of my dad that I have,” I began, willing my voice not to crack, “I don’t have his wedding ring, his jacket, I don’t even have a picture of the two of us. I have the Falcon,” I pointed back in its direction, smoke still rising high above the trees surrounding it, “That’s it. So when it comes back in pieces, you’re right, I’m going to be upset and I’m not going to apologize for it. Because I know if you still had your mother’s A-Wing and someone so much as got a scratch on it, you’d never forget it.”
Poe kept quiet, his softening eyes betraying his hardened stare. I’d won, but it certainly didn’t feel like it. “I’m gonna go try and save what’s left of my father’s ship,” I finished, breaking into a jog back towards the Falcon before Poe could see the tears in my eyes.
Grease stained, sweaty and reeking of oil, I finally emerged from under the Falcon with Chewie at my side. She’d be fine, but it had taken a lot of hands to get everything repaired. Poe had done more damage than I’d ever seen done to her, it truly was a miracle they’d made it back alive.
“Can you tell me something?” I asked Chewie as I rubbed furiously at a splotch of grease on my palm, “Was lightspeed skipping really the only way to get out of whatever was going on?”
Chewie groaned his response, telling me that while he didn’t like it at all, he hadn’t come up with any other ideas as to how to survive the TIE attack.
I sighed, partially from exhaustion but also from lingering frustrations, “So do you think I’m being too hard on Poe? I mean, I’m pissed that he did this to Dad’s ship but…if it was the only way to stay alive then…”
My honorary uncle agreed that Poe had probably done the right thing, but by no means was he pleased about what happened to the Falcon. Chewie was just as protective of the Solo family ship as I was.
I hummed in reply as I thought the day’s events over, wondering how much worse it was going to get at the briefing that was only moments away. The intel Poe and Finn had brought back had been being decoded all afternoon and now we were finally going to find out what had been discovered. If the rest of the day had been any indication of how the briefing was going to go, it wasn’t going to be good.
I weaved my way through the growing crowd underneath Tantive IV, scanning faces till I found my mother. When I spotted her, there was no way to get to her. I also was in no condition to stand at the front of the entire Resistance, I’d probably have black oil stains on my skin for days. I slipped in between Connix and Snap, patting the pilot on the shoulder as I took my place.
Poe stepped forward once everyone had assembled, he’d been tucked away in the command center all day during the decoding process. Just before he started speaking, his eyes sought me out for the first time since our argument. All anger had drained from his face, replaced with concern and confusion. I furrowed my brows, silently asking what was wrong from across the crowd, whatever he’d heard had been troublesome…
“We’ve decoded the intel from the First Order spy and it confirms the worst,” he paused to look down and sigh, “Somehow, Palpatine returned.” I wished I could have said I was surprised.
Mom and I caught each other’s eye, our worst suspicions having been confirmed. It was another moment where I realized fairness didn’t exist for some people, one of them being her. My mother had already fought a war against the Emperor, she’d lost her home in the crossfire, and somehow he lived to give her more sorrow. My heart ached at the hardened, yet vulnerable, look that flashed across her face.
“Wait, do we believe this?” Rose asked from her position near me.
“It cannot be, the Emperor’s dead,” Admiral Aftab exclaimed. “Dark science,” Beaumont explained, his eyes widened with shock, “Cloning. Secrets only the Sith knew.” “He’s been planning his revenge. His followers have been building something for years,” Poe continued, “The largest fleet the galaxy has ever known. He calls it the Final Order. In 16 hours, attacks on all free worlds begin. The Emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the Unknown Regions. On a world called Exegol.”
R2 started chirping frantically from behind me.
“Exegol does not appear on any star chart, but legend describes it as a hidden world of the Sith,” 3PO translated to the group.
“There were always whispers of his hunger to cheat death,” Beaumont said with a shake of his head. I hadn’t heard of cloning having been done since the formation of the clone army decades before. It all seemed like an explanation you’d find in a children’s storybook, but it was our reality.
Mom had gone to stand next to Poe, conversing on how Palpatine had been pulling the strings since the very start of our problems, as we swallowed the information amongst ourselves. I didn’t know where I fit into any of what was going on around me, all I knew was that I needed to be at the helm of the fight. The something that I’d been training for was upon us and after hearing the details, I knew it would be uglier than I’d imagined.
“If we want to stop him, we must find him,” Maz said to the group, “We must find Exegol.” “General, Commander Solo?” Rey interrupted, I hadn’t even noticed she’d slipped away and returned, now carrying a book under her arm, “Can I speak with you both?” I nodded before snaking my way through the crowd, me and Mom followed her back to her station where she laid out one of the Jedi texts for us to see. “I know how to get to Exegol,” she said confidently.
“Tell me,” Mom urged as my eyes skimmed the pages of the dusty book Rey had poured over. “Luke searched for it, for a long time. He nearly found it. There are ciphers here I can’t read but he said to get there, you need one of these,” she pointed to a small triangular object, “A Sith wayfinder. They’re compasses that lead the way to Exegol. To stop what we both know is coming…I need to finish what Luke started. Find Exegol. Find the Emperor.” “She’s right,” I endorsed my friend’s idea wholeheartedly, “If Uncle Luke made it this far, he’s already done half the work for us. Look, it says the last place he’d been when searching for one was on Pasaana. This is our shot at stopping this.” Mom regretfully shook her head and shot us down with a single syllable, “No.”
“We don’t exactly have any other options,” I said confusedly, “We’ve got a set course right in front of us, we need to chart it.” “I don’t want to go without your blessing, I can’t speak for Y/n, but I will,” Rey said with conviction in her eyes, “I will. It’s what you would do.”
I watched expectantly as we awaited Mom’s answer, knowing that we both made too much sense for her to say no again. The good news was if she did, we didn’t technically need her permission. I owned my own ship and I didn’t need to order Rey to come with, one way or another we were getting to Pasaana. 
“You two can go,” Mom finally relented, “But I hope you both understand just how critical this mission is. There’s no room for error, we have a little over one day to stop the attack.” “And we will,” I quickly assured her, “There’s nobody more suited for this task than us.” “I can’t argue there,” Mom admitted with a sigh, looking up proudly at her two Padawans, “Get what you need, you’ll leave immediately.”
A/N: And we’re off once again...Hope everybody enjoyed this one, we’ve got a lot in store for these last few chapters. Hopefully I can still surprise you all a little lol. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged.
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animemangasoul · 4 years
You Are Wanted Obi-Wan Kenobi
Summery: Qui-Gon lives and Mace gets a new Padawan.
[In which Qui-Gon repudiates Obi-Wan and Mace isn't about to let the kid leave the order without a fight.]
Chapter: 3/10
No one gossiped quite like the Jedi. A miniature change, a Knighting, a death, a Trial gone wrong. All of it spread like wildfire and within a blink of an eye, the words were across the Temple, twisting the realities behind said words and painting the walls with new and highly unlikely truths. Breathing in the swirling masses of twittering gossip was just part of every day life of the Coruscanty Jedi.
Qui-Gon of course knew how much Jedi liked to gossip. Knew very well how vicious rumours could get; even if it was never done out of malice, just too much curiosity and the indulging need to share things. He knew, and yet…..
"I heard Kenobi tried to leave the Order again."
"I heard he touched the darkside."
Qui-Gon came to a stuttering halt. Head tilted just so, chin high and gaze fixed on a far away spot as he tried and failed to tune out the Naboo crises that had for the last couple of weeks become the hot topic of the Temple. Why was the refectory three floors too far from his quarters? Was it always like this or was every step suddenly too heavy, too slow, now that Qui-Gon desperately needed to get away.
"He's lucky the council hasn't kicked him out," filtered through to him. Spoken too loud for him to be able to ignore and….
Something foreign, something cruel crawled it's way up his throat. Each whisper of curiosity making him burn. Burn as if the force itself was being ripped from his soul.
Fingers clenching around each tray, one filled with all assortments of dishes; little Ani was all too wide-eyed and adventures with his need to try all types of food now that he realized it wouldn't be withheld from him, and the other with nothing more than the bare essentials.
They shook; both trays vibrating with the unsteadiness of his hands.
"Master Qui-Gon had to stop him from turning into a Sith. At least that's what people are saying."
"Did you know he isn't even a Padawan anymore?"
"Really? I mean, I know Master Qui-Gon has a new Padawan but I thought they'd Knighted Kenobi. Didn't he kill a Sith?!"
'Yes!--' he wanted to scream. A strangled sort of cry dying in his throat as he forced himself to put one foot in front of the other.
'Ignore them. They don't know. They don't understand. Ignore them,' he told himself. But how could he, when all he wanted to do was scream at them. Frayed edges and all. Scream the bloody and raw truth for the entire Temple to hear.
His boy had killed a Sith. Had defended him. Had protected him. His Obi-Wan was a SithKiller. He was an exceptional Padawan. Brilliant and radiant and so so kind. He wasn't….. He wasn't what they thought. With their soft whispers behind lifted hands and flittering glances.
They didn't know the truth.
They could never fully understand the truth.
What did they know….. What did they know.
"Master Qui-Gon most have seen something wrong with him."
He kept walking. Snippet of unwanted conversation filtering through despite his best effort to ignore them.
"My friend told me no Master want to take him."
"But Padaw--- Kenobi is so nice! Why would he-----"
And on and on it went. Anywhere and everywhere in the Temple. Rumours about Obi-Wan and his supposed disgrace kept circulating like month to flame. Padawans, younglings, even Knights scurrying away the second they noticed him walking by, mouths clamming shut and shame clouding their eyes for letting their fantasy run away with them.
Qui-Gon wanted to snap. Shout at the top of his lungs that none of their ridiculous rumours were true. That they were so far of base they might as well be striding across space. That his boy was good. He was kind and gentle, and the truest of Jedi there was. That he saved his life. That he scared him as Qui-Gon's last fading moments were filled with sheer and utter terror that he'd wake up to a dead Padawan that had given too much of himself to save his dying Master's life.
Obi-Wan was good. So good. So how dared they defame him like this. Slate his name…….
He wanted to set them straight. Wanted it so badly it burned. But he couldn't. He wouldn't.
To protect Ani, he couldn't.
Anakin was feeling out of place as it was. Scared and lonely, missing his mom terribly. If people around the Temple realized the truth, that Qui-Gon had let go of his Padawan of ten years to take a kid that was too old….. It would put Ani in a difficult position. And the poor child was already dealing with so much. Missing his mother, learning all these foreign cultural norms, adapting and even worrying about Obi-Wan on top of it all. Qui-Gon couldn't in good consciousness clear up the rumours while also protecting Ani from them.
In the end it was a matter of who needed him more, and right now, that was the Chosen One.
So he clammed his mouth shut, gritted his teeth, pulled the trays closer to his chest and kept walking. Blocking out every curious, hurtful word, and let his emotions fade into the force.
Repudiating Obi-Wan hadn't done his young Padaw-- former Pawadan any good. Especially with the boy's spotty reputation as it was, but Qui-Gon was sure as soon as Obi-Wan got a new Master this would all die down. He just needed to hold on a bit longer. Besides, his former Padawan had been in the Halls these past couple of weeks; and oh, if his heart didn't give a painful tug at the thought, so none of it would have reached him. The Temple gossip wouldn't last much longer.
And maybe when Obi-Wan got a new Master, when the rumours died out, Anakin too wouldn't have to be kept away from the Temple life any longer. Maybe then Qui-Gon wouldn't have to keep little Ani secluded; shielding him from curious eyes and less than flattering opinions of Obi-Wan. Besides few friends the kid had made, Anakin didn't go out much, not even to classes. Qui-Gon having decided it was for the best he homeschooled him for now.
It was for the best.
The gossip wouldn't last forever.
Even if Qui-Gon didn't like it. Even if he wanted to put a stop to it. Even if after killing a Sith and saving his life people were likening Obi-Wan to Xanatos. Even if…….
It was for the best. At least for now.
So Qui-Gon kept walking. Kept his head down and wondered how his boy was doing. How he was healing. If Master Che was taking care of him. If he was smiling or laughing. If he was worried, if he was thinking about him. If, if, if.
"Greeting, Master Jinn."
He didn't startle, but it was close. Qui-Gon blinked slowly, re-entering himself.  "Knight Vos," he said pleasantly. "Back from your mission I see?"
Shadows didn't talk about their missions, even newly assigned Shadows like Vos, so Qui-Gon wasn't surprised when the young man's only response to his question was a careless shrug. "Dinner?" he asked instead, nodding at the trays Qui-Gon was balancing in his hands, one eyebrow arched.
"Yes. Ani is just about done with his homework so I offered to grab us a bite."
Something crackled around them, the force nearly suffocating with emotions Qui-Gon couldn't quite decipher before it vanished just as quick. Vos, for it most have been Vos, clamming down on his emotions as fast as he had let them slip. The Kiffar's shoulders were tense, a tiny grove appearing between his eyebrows darkening his expression. Suddenly Qui-Gon felt as if whatever little regard the Shadow might have had of him, had evaporated.
It felt like he'd failed a test he hadn't even been aware of taking.
"Is that so? How nice." The last word was practically spat at him. "Good to see that you have moved on from the Naboo incident. Content with your new perfect life are you now, Master Jinn?" If looks alone could kill.
Qui-Gon frowned. "We are all making due with the hand we were dealt, Knight Vos. But I can assure you Naboo haunts us all. However as Jedi, we cannot let our emotions get the best of us."
Quinlan stiffened. "Have you even gone to see him? Do you even--" Clenching his fists, Vos's glare was almost too much. "He isn't dead you know. There's no need to act like he is."
And that. No. That was one step too far.
"Knight--" he hissed, trays perfectly still even as his heart shook and his breath hitched. "Know your place."
"My apologies," Quinlan muttered, eyes flashing as he bowed, deep enough to be respectful, shallow enough to put his point across. "I did not mean to overstep."
Giving him a stiff nod in return, Qui-Gon tried not to think of his own hurt, his own anger, of Obi-Wan. "See that you don't."
The Kiffar nodded back, sidestepping to walk past him. Air too tense to continue any meaningful conversation. Qui-Gon listened as the newly Knighted Jedi's presence drew further and further away from him, but just as he was about to make his way back to his quarters; the clawing desperation scrapping against his throat boxed away for another day, Vos spoke up again. His voice distant, but in these empty halls, all the more potent.
"Some Padawan's thrive because of their Master's guidance," came his words, cutting across the distance between them as if he was right next to him, whispering into his ear. "Others thrive despite of it. I pray for Skywalker's sake he follows Obi-Wan's path of the latter."
And, oh….. That was….. That hit harder than Qui-Gon expected it to.
It's as if Vos was suffocating him. As if he'd reached across the hall and squeezed his heart in an unrelenting grip of death.
Years of mastering his emotions is all that prevents Qui-Gon from stumbling back. Quinlan without realizing it having dug up a pain so profound it's scars were still screaming with agony under the shell that was Qui-Gon Jinn. Feemor, Xanatos, now Obi-Wan. He doesn't even notice Quinlan's footsteps fading away, no. All he can focus on is his shortened breath, his pounding heart and the shake. He's shaking. Because……… he'd somehow managed to fail Obi-Wan like he'd failed everyone else and……
He can't breathe.
He can't.
And it's only what feels like hours later that he comes to. Curled at the farthest corner of force knows where. Food nowhere in sight, knees pulled against his chest as he tries to just breathe.
Quinlan Vos's words shouldn't have gotten to him but they had and Qui-Gon hated himself for it. Because….. Because, what did Vos know. What did he know about his struggles. What did he know about the sacrifices Qui-Gon had made. This was the Will of The Force. Why did no one understand that! This wasn't about him or Obi-Wan. This wasn't about the council or hurt feelings. This was about the Chosen One and how he needed training. The force had willed it so, so why was everyone trying to stop him?!
He hadn't failed Obi-Wan.
He hadn't.
Not really.
Obi-Wan was the man he was today because Qui-Gon had done right by him even as he was still recovering from Xanatos. Even with all the scars Xanatos had carved into his heart, he'd let Obi-Wan in, raised that boy like he was his own. And Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan had repaid his devotion by being the light in his otherwise darkened soul. Obi-Wan had saved him. Loved him, respected him and…..
Did they honestly think he would abandon his boy if the force wasn't guiding him?
This wasn't his fault. This was the council's fault. They had forced his hand. Made him choose. If they'd only Knighted Obi-Wan like they were supposed to none of this would have happened. They had changed and twisted tradition before, so why not now?
Qui-Gon knew why.
It was to spite him. They didn't like that he wasn't bending to their every whim and they took it out on his Padawan.
This wasn't his fault. It was the council and their incessant need to punish him for not being a puppet like everyone else.
Now Obi-Wan was Masterless and Qui-Gon couldn't fix it. Couldn't take back what was done. 'And you wouldn't,' his consciousness whispered traitorously. 'Training the Chosen One is more important. Obi-Wan isn't more important than bringing balance to the force.'
And Qui-Gon knew he wasn't and that's why he'd let him go.
It was for the best.
"If you really wanna visit Mr. Obi-Wan, you should!" Anakin chirped, stuffing his face with another spoon full of stew; having finally let go of being cross with Qui-Gon for the late dinner. The old Master having gone back to the refectory; after his unexpected breakdown to get them two new plates of food while still not quite knowing what happened to the previous ones.
"Is that so," he muttered, slowly sipping at his tea. "And don't talk with food in your mouth, Ani."
Qui-Gon glared and Anakin flushed. Chewing and swallowing quickly, the kid muttered a soft apology under his breath making Qui-Gon smile in satisfaction. "It's ok. Just don't forget it next time."
Nodding and looking a little less enthusiastic now, Anakin fidgeted in his seat. "So are you?"
"Am I what?" He knew he was being difficult and by the tiny frown on Ani's face, the kid knew it too.
"Visit Mr. Obi-Wan," Anakin huffed, crossing his arms. "He's awake you know and he's super good at talking without falling asleep in the middle of it now, and he has all this candy and gifts that he shared with me and maybe he'll share it with you too and he's really nice and he misses you and why don't you go visit?!" The last words were practically shouted at him. Anakin having stood up in the middle of his rant to slam his hands on the table.
"I can't," Qui-Gon said, voice sharp even as he tried to temper down his emotions. "Master Che won't let me."
The surprised little "Oh," Anakin let out, eyes wide and mouth slightly gaped open in disbelief made a flush of jealousy course through Qui-Gon's veins. Because-- "But she lets me visit all the time!"
How was that fair?
The fact that Ani could visit his boy when he was denied. The fact that Vokara didn't think the kid that upended Obi-Wan's life would give him stress but he, Obi-Wan's Master. The man who raised him through his adolescent, somehow would. How everyone from his friends to the council members to even Anakin could visit his Padawan, but all Qui-Gon could do was brush his mind against his son and drink in his presence from afar.
How was any of that fair?
It burned. It curled around his throat and burned. Anakin had just arrived. He hadn't even been here for a full cycle and yet he knew the state Obi-Wan was in better than him. Could eat his breakfast, finish his school work and bounce of to the Halls to go see the one person Qui-Gon wanted to see above all else.
Oh it burned.
Anakin didn't know what he'd taken from him. What the Will of The Force had taken from him….
And just as soon as the jealousy flared up, it died down. Overwhelmed by a sense of shame and embarrassment that Qui-Gon had even let himself entertain such destructive and baseless emotions. This had nothing to do with Anakin. The kid hadn't made his choices for him. Ani was innocent in all of this. How could he even blame him?
"Maybe…. Maybe you can ask again? I'm sure Master Che will let you see him if you ask super nicely?" The lilt of uncertainty in Anakin's side of their bond, pulled the Master back out of his own head. Eyes landing on the small boy sitting across from him; dinner long since abandoned and if that didn't make Qui-Gon feel even worse. Anakin ate with vigor because he still couldn't comprehend that the food would still be there afterwards, and now Qui-Gon had worried him enough to abandon it in hopes of appeasing him.
Sighing deeply, Qui-Gon shook his head. "I'm sure she will Ani." Smiling gently at the poor boy, he was rewarded with a wobbly one in return. "Let's finish eating shall we?" Lifting his fork he clinked it playfully against Anakin's own, which made the kid's uncertain smile bloom into something more real, and that was enough for now. If this was all Qui-Gon could do at the moment, make a little boy smile, that was enough for him.
Especially since he knew deep down; despite the irrational feelings that suffocated him sometimes, that none of this was Anakin's fault. This was all new and scary to the kid as well. He didn't need Qui-Gon's issues on top of his own.
Besides, he mused tiredly, taking a bite out of the Tufkus cake Obi-Wan loved so much. This was his own cowardly fault in the first place.
He was the one who'd broken Obi-Wan's trust. He had been the one to run out of the kid's hospital room after unbraiding his hair because he was too afraid to look him in the eye and tell him what he'd done. Selfishly he'd still wanted Obi-Wan to look at him as if he'd hung the moon, so he couldn't, he wouldn't…….
It had been so much easier to do it while his boy was unconscious. To run his fingers through his hair one last time, file away every little detail of his peaceful face to memory. To never forget. To never let go. Even as his fingers fumbled to untie the braid. The moments, the days, the history.
It had been so incredibly hard.
Putting it all away. Cutting their bond.
And now there was a brown wooden box under his bed were familiar beads and bands once tied to Obi-Wan's bbraid, lay collecting dust.
Yes, it had been…. Hard. But duty rose above all else, and Qui-Gon knew with time, Obi-Wan would come to accept it too.
Still, not all hope was lost. Because no matter how many times Master Yoda had told him to stay out of it, Qui-Gon was going to fix this. He had a last ditch plan if all else failed. There was no way, force wills it, he was going to let his kid be sent away again. Not under his watch.
He'd been keeping an eye on Mace and Yoda's efforts and it was safe to say it wasn't going well. Which wasn't a surprise seeing as Obi-Wan's records were well, not exactly perfect. Leaving the Order left a stain on someone's legacy and while Qui-Gon had already forgiven him for that transgression, not many would be able to do the same.
No, it was definitely not going well. Master Yoda all but admitting it to him when he'd checked in with him for the fifteenth time; Mace unwilling to look at him let alone talk to him after that fated council meeting.
"Looking we are. Little success we are being met with. Have heart you most. Abandon Obi-Wan we will not."
'Unlike you,' had floated between them, unsaid.
But it was Yoda's parting words that had stayed with Qui-Gon. Lingering in his head, days after the wise old Jedi had looked at him with such sadness and regret.
"Hurting, you are. But band-aid to your pain Obi-Wan is not. Band-aid to your pain Obi-Wan should have never been. My mistake it was, assigning him to you."
My mistake. Assigning him to you.
Mistake. Assigning him. Assigning Obi-Wan, to him.
Yoda regretted creating their partnership and Qui-Gon didn't know how to process the absolute devastation and anger that ignited within him.
There was nothing wrong with his partnership with Obi-Wan. Sure they'd had their ups and downs, but the good times far outweighed the bad and for Yoda to say something like that, to hold such conviction in his voice as he said it……
No. Neither Master Yoda or Master Windu knew what was best for Obi-Wan. They wouldn't find him a Master to take him in. They wouldn't succeed, and in the end, his boy would once again end up on a train taking him far away from home.
Qui-Gon would be damned if he let that happen.
In fact, he had the perfect plan to prevent it all and keep his Padawans with him.
"Master Qui-Gon sir?"
"Yes?" he said, momentarily putting a pause on his running thoughts. "You finished your dinner, Ani?"
Nodding eagerly, Anakin pushed his empty plates away and jumped off the chair. "Can I go now?"
Shaking his head a fond smile playing at the corner of his lips, Qui-Gon stood up too, collecting their plates. "Have you finished your reading?"
Anakin moved restlessly. "I wanted to do it tomorrow? But-" he said, giving him a pleading look. "I did all of my other work. I promise! Can I please go?"
Frowning thoughtfully, Qui-Gon made his way into the kitchen, well aware of the hasting footsteps hurrying after him. "Why leave it for tomorrow?"
"Um," looking over his shoulders he watched as Ani twiddled his thumbs.
"Um, what?"
"Well," the kid smiled, uncertainty practically flooding the force. "Obi-Wan said he'd help me with the reading and it's really late right now and Master Che said I couldn't visit when it's late so I can't go and ask him for help. So….. Tomorrow?"
Something lodged itself in Qui-Gon's throat and for a second, it was almost too hard to breathe again. "That's…. Nice," he managed to force out. Not daring to look at the little boy who practically gave him everything while taking away all that mattered to him. "Where are you planning to go?"
"Aayla said she'd show me the hangers and I promised to meet here after dinner! Please?"
Aayla Secura. Quinlan Vos's Padawan. Gritting his teeth, Qui-Gon released his bitterness into the force. Apparently nothing was going his way today.
"So can I go?"
He sighed. "Yes. But--" he called out as Anakin let out a little yeep and darted to the door. "Be home at a reasonable hour this time."
"I will!"
Qui-Gon scoffed. He doubted it.
But Anakin was very independent, not like Obi-Wan. And he didn't want to hamper that independency, especially since the kid was destined to save the world. And with the kid having to stay home and study alone for majority of the day, Qui-Gon didn't think refusing him his nightly outings was fair. So he wished the Chosen One goodbye and settled down for an hour of meditation.
He felt far too restless for mediation these days, but it was only through centering himself that he found that he could get close to Obi-Wan's force signature. And loathe as he was to admit this level of attachment, he did not feel ashamed enough to stop. Being near his boy. To quietly hover around that bright, warm presence. It eased something deep and painful within Qui-Gon.
And it strengthened his determination to carry out his plan all the more.
Dooku, he thought, kneeling. Eyes closed and mind wandering despite his almost desperate need to find that serenity so he could seek out Obi-Wan's presence within the force. Master Yan would arrive back at the Coruscant within a week, and as soon as he got back, Qui-Gon would corner him and somehow convince him to finish Obi-Wan's training.
He didn't get along with his former Master and frankly Qui-Gon was all too willing to carry on with their current norm of never speaking to each other outside of polite greetings, but right now, Dooku was his only option. The right option. After all, Master Yan had shown keen interest in Obi-Wan's education in the child's earlier years; thankfully Qui-Gon had managed to keep his Master away from his very impressionable student, but now he might be his very last triumph card. And Obi-Wan was twenty-three now, he wouldn't be so easily corruptible by Master Yan's distinct interest in Sith history. Besides, Qui-Gon knew how distant the older man was. He could probably convince him to take Obi-Wan as a Padawan and then leave him here, with him. That way Qui-Gon could keep both his Padawans, train them and no one would be sent away.
It was the perfect plan. The perfect idea. And with his former Master being much kinder now that Qui-Gon had barely escaped with his life against a Sith, he was sure it would all work out like it should.
He was sure of it.
Letting himself sink even deeper into the force, he filtered out all the pulsating force signatures around him. Drowning them all out as he sought out the one candle light that was as familiar to him as his own and there. He smiled.
Warm like a crackling campfire in the middle of freezing winter. Comforting like a hug given by a tiny thirteen year old who'd seen too much of the world far too quickly and yet managed to retain his innocence.
His Obi-Wan.
Qui-Gon wasn't going to let him down again. Not this time.
Slowly drawing himself back away from his boy, he breathed in and opened his eyes. The loss of the blazing presence that was his former Padawan making his chest ache, but he knew he couldn't linger, less the kid noticed him.
It didn't matter either way. Because it was only matter of time before he would be reunited with him.
Standing up, he brushed imaginary dust of his robes; faintly hearing the echoes of Obi-Wan's laughter at his old man habit.
Today was the day the auburn haired youth would leave the Halls. It should have been yesterday, but according to one of the Padawan's in rotation that he'd coaxed the information out of, a small complication had delayed Obi-Wan's release.
Since no Master had claimed him yet, Obi-Wan Kenobi would be assigned to the Initiate dorms again, and Qui-Gon was not willing to let that happen.
He would go pick him up and surprise him with the good news that he could stay with them. Him and little Ani until they found him a Master; Yan Dooku if Qui-Gon had anything to say about it. And he was sure his boy would be so relieved to know that Qui-Gon still had his back. Maybe that could be their first step in mending what had been broken? Especially since Anakin and he seemed to already get along splendidly.
Of course it might be mildly embarrassing for Obi-Wan for a bit; sharing quarters with the boy who'd replaced him, but he would settle down eventually. Qui-Gon was sure of it. His boy was nothing if not adaptable. And after he heard the effort Qui-Gon had put into keeping them together, he would forgive him. He had to.
If he didn't, Qui-Gon wasn't quite sure what he would do with himself.
Making his way through the living room; ready to grab his boots to go, he stumbled over a box by the sofa and nearly fell. His quick reflexes the only thing keeping him standing.
Frowning down at the scattered boxes of Obi-Wan's things that he'd packed away weeks ago, so Anakin could have more space for his own stuff, Qui-Gon sighed. They'd have to find somewhere new to place them. Maybe Obi-Wan could take his room, since Ani had already moved into the older boy's? And Qui-Gon could take the sofa, just for now. Just until he applied for bigger quarters. Nodding to himself resolutely, he sidestepped the rest. But just as he arrived at the door, there was a knock. Followed by three more rapid bangs.
"Hold on," he called out, reaching for the panel and as the door slide open he came face to face with Muln. Garen Muln. Another of Obi-Wan's delightful friends. And by the sour look on the kid's face, just as delightfully furious with him.
"Knight Muln," he greeted softly followed by a bow.
Garen grinned, all teeth and stormy eyes. "Master Qui-Gon," he said cheerfully, bowing back. "I'm here to pick up Obi's things."
Qui-Gon stiffened, folding his hands under the sleeves of his robe. "Ah, he's being released today," he said. Neither making it a question nor a statement.
The shaggy haired man nodded enthusiastically, his force presence practically swallowing them both up with a sense of coldness that sent chills down Qui-Gon's spine.
"Yeah," he answered, jaw twitching. "He's finally leaving the Halls and I was sent to get his things." Nodding his head at the boxes strewn around the floor behind him. "So if you could just get them for me--" clapping his hands, Muln smiled; his eyes were cold. "That would be wonderful."
Clearing his throat, Qui-Gon gave the clearly resentful Knight a tight smile. "There is no need to take Obi-Wan's things--" He ignored how Muln flinched as the name left his mouth. "To the Initiate dorms. They can stay here until he gets a Master."
Now. Now Muln's eyes were sparkling. There was a sense of vicious glee swirling around them in the force and it made Qui-Gon tense. What was going on?
"Oh you don't understand," Garen smiled back at him and this time, his smile did reach his eyes. But it looked foreign on the face of the otherwise furious man. "I'm not here to take Obi's things to the Initiate dorms." Here he paused, his force signature practically dancing. "He already has a Master and said Master asked me to bring his things. So you see--" a giant grin. "Nothing for you to concern yourself with."
"You heard me. Master Jinn." The last two words were dragged out, Garen's lips widening even further into an almost sadistic smile. "His Master sent me to get his things."
But Qui-Gon couldn't quite comprehend it. He couldn't……
A Master? Already?
When, how, why?
"Who?" Was what came out. The burning question that mattered the most…… who?
Garen Muln slid in past him and chuckled. "Believe it or not," he said, voice practically a giggle and tone conversational. He was enjoying this. "Master Windu."
Qui-Gon could barely keep a lid on his shock. Because…. Mace? Why would he take Obi-Wan.
'Why would he take Obi-Wan away from me?'
The young Knight shrugged. "Yeah. He asked him yesterday and Obi agreed." Lifting his hands he concentrated and before long all the boxes were floating; Qui-Gon couldn't even muster the necessary disapproval to scold him for the improper use of the force.
"Obi-Wan….. Agreed?"
Floating the last mementos of his Padawan past him, Muln smirked. "Yup. The Master of the Order. Isn't that crazy."
Mace…… Mace had taken his Padawan.
But it wasn't supposed to be Mace. It was supposed to be Yan.
Yan Dooku was supposed to take on Obi-Wan and then give him back. So they could all stay together. Here. Like they were supposed to. Not….. Not Mace.
"Now Obi doesn't have to leave, you get to keep your prized Chosen One, Master Jinn. And all will be sunshine and rainbows." Practically skipping out the door, Garen Muln gave him a wink. "All as the force wills it, right?" And with that he was gone. Leaving Qui-Gon in a stupor he couldn't shake. Not even hours later when Anakin snuck his way in, letting out a yelp when he found his Master sitting listless by the door. The poor kid nearly stumbling over him.
"Master, what's wrong!"
'Nothing,' he wanted to say. 'Obi-Wan found himself a Master. Isn't that great!'
But he couldn't. The thought alone made him want to rip his hair out. Because deep down he'd assumed there would be no capable Masters willing to take Obi-Wan, not with his spotty record. And those who might have been willing to see past it, would have already had Padawans or were far too young to train a Padawan as old as Obi-Wan.
Qui-Gon had; loathe as he was to admit it, almost counted on it. Subconsciously relieved each and every time he'd heard of another rejection. Even as he felt great sadness for his former Padawan. But he'd known Master Dooku was coming. His Master was coming back to fix everything, help him restore what had been broken. Qui-Gon had been so close to getting his family back. And now it was gone. It was all gone, thanks to Mace Windu.
Mace had stolen his Padawan from him.
"Master, Master! What's wrong?!"
Nothing, nothing at all.
The End
Never have I ever found a character as hard to write as Qui-Gon Jinn. I literally ended up putting on robes, letting my hair down and pretending to be him for a full 24 hours to get his stupid character down. Hopefully he came out ok. I didn't want to make him a 100% bad person but I also knew he wasn't a great person either, so he had to land somewhere in the middle. In character, yet an asshole. So in the end, I have summarized Qui-Gon like this [Everything is about him. Even though he loves Obi-Wan it's about Qui-Gon. His pain, what he needs, his jealousy, trying to keep both Padawan instead of finding any other solution blah blah blah].
He isn't a bad person. He's just a really shitty Mentor. Like imagine telling Obi-Wan he will stay with them, while being an absent mentor's padawan just so Qui-Gon can continue playing at being a dad...... this man needs serious help. And I actually feel kind of bad for him because he does love Obi-Wan. He's just not good at anything else besides that first step. (Sorta reminds me of Bruce Wayne actually lol)--- sorry for the super late update guys! Please enjoy!!!
Qui-Gon: You can stay with us!
Obi-Wan [......]: You gave my room away. You disowned me and you never even looked me in the eye when you did it.
Qui-Gon: Semantics.
Chapter: 1,  2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
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izazov · 4 years
This prompt has been on my mind for ages. Today, the inspiration struck, resulting in this ficlet. The ending was supposed to be less angsty and without the dark overtones, but here we are. 
The cot was narrow and hard, and the stone wall uncomfortably damp and cold. After having been stripped of his armor, Obi-Wan was left wearing only thin cotton tunic, loose leggings and boots. It was a poor protection against the chill that was slowly but surely seeping into his very bones.
 Obi-Wan shifted on his small cot, trying to find a more comfortable position. It wasn't an easy task, not even for someone who has spent the majority of his life sleeping under the open sky.
But that was the purpose of a cell, was it not? To leave one bereft of comforts as well as freedom.
Dragging his fingers across his face, Obi-Wan pushed those morose thoughts to the back of his mind. It would do him no good to sink into self-pity. He had made his choice, and he had done it knowing what the cost would be. To lament his decision now would be futile, but also a sign of a weak and fickle character.
He had already lost almost everything, he had no intention adding dignity and integrity to the list.
The sound of metal scraping against stone, followed by heavy footsteps made Obi-Wan stiffen involuntarily, his gaze flicking toward the iron bars of his cell.
Obi-Wan tried to remain calm, but it was a doomed battle. His stomach twisted into a tight knot, his fingers flexing where they were resting on his knees.
Have they already reached a decision? It has been barely a day since Obi-Wan had been thrown back into his cell, after refusing to accept guilt or plead for mercy for having disobeyed his orders.
Obi-Wan swallowed the bile that had gathered in the back if his throat, helpless anger flaring inside his chest as he recalled Palpatine's voice, accusing him of treason.
Treason. After fighting and bleeding for the King and his country his entire adult life, that was what he would be remembered for; the act that had earned him the moniker The Traitor General.
As if the real treason would not have been razing an entire town to ground and spilling innocent blood, all in the Prince's name.
Even if Obi-Wan had been capable of going against his morals, he would rather have slit his own throat than tied Anakin's name with the slaughter of the innocents.
Even those who were supporting Dooku.
Not that it mattered to Palpatine and the majority of the Royal Council. Quite the opposite. Obi-Wan has long suspected the Lord Regent's... less than favorable opinion of himself.
Obi-Wan could only imagine Palpatine's satisfaction with Obi-Wan's fall from grace. Now, there would be no one standing between him and the Prince. No one to lessen his malignant influence.
Obi-Wan closed his eyes and grit his teeth, his hands balling into fists as impotent fury blazed its path through Obi-Wan's veins.
There was nothing Obi-Wan could do about it now. No way to prove he had deliberately been set up to fail. He had been stripped of his rank and title, his reputation and honor tarnished. His word meant nothing. He had nothing. Only his life.
Soon, maybe not even that.
The steps grew louder as they drew closer, only to halt abruptly.
"General," the familiar voice called, low and urgent, making Obi-Wan's eyes snap open.
"Rex," Obi-Wan said, rising to his feet and walking over to the cell bars. The sight of Rex dressed in the formal uniform of the Captain of the Guard still seemed faintly surreal to Obi-Wan, even if it has been six months since Rex had assumed that position. Obi-Wan frowned, glancing warily at their surroundings. "You should not be here."
"With due respect, General," Rex said, squaring Obi-Wan with a flat look. "That's probably the stupidest thing I've heard you say." He paused, the corner of his mouth lifting faintly. "And I've heard you composing lyrics while drunk."
Obi-Wan felt his mouth draw into a smile. "Ah, yes. That hadn't been my most dignified moment."
"Maybe not," Rex said, growing serious. "But there's not much demand for dignity while you're out there, freezing and covered in mud, waiting for the enemy. Camaraderie, respect... That's what matters. And you showed us both, General. I- We will never forget it."
"I-" Obi-Wan's voice faltered for a moment, his throat burning with a myriad of emotions. He swallowed thickly, composing himself. "You should not call me that anymore. I am no longer your general."
"You will always be my general," Rex said, solemn and without a moment's hesitation. A shadow crossed over his features. "Cody would say the same if he were here."
Obi-Wan looked away as guilt churned in the hollow of his chest. "It hadn't been my intention to drag Cody down with me. He should not have been demoted because of my actions."
"Cody doesn't blame you, and you shouldn't blame yourself," Rex remarked, pulling out a key from the inside of his jacket. "What you did was right, and the men know it."
Obi-Wan made a step back, his eyes widening in alarm. "Rex, I am not-"
"I'm not here to break you out," Rex cut in, unlocking the door and pulling it open. "I'm here to take you to the Prince. We don't have much time, General, so save the martyr act for some other time."
Obi-Wan blinked, caught between amusement and concern. "What does Anakin have to do with this?" Crossing his hands over his chest, Obi-Wan gave Rex a sharp look. "You were supposed to discourage his reckless behavior, not go along with it."
"Right now, General, you're the one with the problematic attitude," Rex said, frustration giving his voice a sharp edge. He squared Obi-Wan with a flat look, gesturing at the open door of his cell. "Like I said, we don't have much time. So you can cooperate or risk seeing what the Prince would do if I don't bring you to him on time."
Obi-Wan pressed his mouth into a thin line. "I don't think Anakin has been a good influence on you, Captain."
Rex shrugged. "Since you're the one who recommended me for this position, you have no one but yourself to blame, General."
Obi-Wan sighed, but made no further protest. Rex was right. Whatever ridiculous plan Anakin had concocted, Obi-Wan had no choice but go along with it. Or risk pushing Anakin into doing something incredibly foolish.
Striding out of the cell, Obi-Wan gave Rex a pointed look, arching an eyebrow. "I concede, Captain. Now what?"
Rex pulled out a pair of manacles, looking uncomfortable. "I- I'm sorry, General. It's just-"
"I understand, Rex," Obi-Wan cut in, extending his wrists. "You have my permission."
Rex let out a sigh of relief. But he still looked uncomfortable as he closed the manacles around Obi-Wan's wrists.
"Now," Obi-Wan said, grimly determined. "Take me to Anakin."
Obi-Wan had half-expected someone to stop them.
But, as they were walking the mostly empty hallways, Rex's hand firmly around Obi-Wan's bicep, no one had spared them more than a curious look.
Despite that, Obi-Wan could not relax; his stomach was tied into knots, while his lungs seemed unable to draw enough air.
It was nothing new. Anakin has always been the only person capable of completely shattering Obi-Wan's equilibrium.
Though, this was the first time he had done it when he wasn't actually physically present.
Obi-Wan's confusion and alarm grew further when, instead of taking the right turn, Rex took him up the narrow stairs that led to the east wing of the palace.
"Where are we going?" Obi-Wan demanded in a low voice. "This wing has not been opened since the Queen's death."
"I have my orders," Rex answered curtly, making it clear he wasn't going to elaborate further.
Obi-Wan clenched his jaw, but remained silent.
"We're here," Rex announced, stopping in front of large mahogany doors. He tapped the doors twice in rapid succession, then took a step back. "The Prince is waiting for you."
"You are not coming inside?"
Rex's mouth curled faintly. "Like I said, I have my orders."
"Orders, of course," Obi-Wan remarked drily. Rex merely shrugged in response.
Taking a deep breath, Obi-Wan pushed open the doors, only to find himself enveloped in a tight embrace as soon as the doors clicked shut behind him.
For one moment - precious and stolen - Obi-Wan relaxed into Anakin's embrace, allowing his eyes to fall shut, the entire world narrowing to just the two of them.
"Obi-Wan," Anakin murmured into Obi-Wan's hair, his arms tightening around Obi-Wan's shoulders. "Thank the Gods you're finally here."
Obi-Wan inhaled sharply, painfully aware how there was no other place he would rather be in than Anakin's arms. And equally aware that it was the one place where he shouldn't be.
Silently cursing his own weakness, Obi-Wan forced himself to step back, out of Anakin's embrace. It took far more strength of will than Obi-Wan was willing to admit. Even to himself.
Ignoring Anakin's confused, dejected expression, Obi-Wan sketched a low bow, purposely clanging with his manacles. "You left me no choice, Your Highness."
Anakin blinked, confusion quickly morphing into frustration on his face. "Now is not the time for your poor humor, Obi-Wan."
"Believe me, your Highness, I am in no mood for jesting."
Anakin's eyes flashed. "Stop calling me that," he bit out. He let out a frustrated noise, dragging a hand through his already messy curls. "What is wrong with you? Don't you understand how precarious your current position is?" Anakin's voice broke on the last word, his expression turning desperate for a fraction of a moment.
Obi-Wan's resolve weakened as he took in Anakin's appearance: the paleness of his face, the dark circles underneath his eyes and their almost frantic gleam.
"Anakin," Obi-Wan sighed. "Being seen with me now can only harm you. You know that."
Anakin's lips curled over his teeth, his eyes flashing dangerously. "I may not be king yet, but I am not about to cower before the Council like a scared child in my own blasted home, Obi-Wan."
"Is that why we are meeting here and not in your quarters?"
Anakin opened his mouth, only to shut it, his cheeks coloring.
Obi-Wan frowned, unease forming a tight knot in his abdomen. "Anakin?" Obi-Wan said, trying but failing to keep his growing alarm out of his voice. "What are you not telling me?"
Anakin took a deep breath, straightening fully. "The Council has decided on your sentence."
Obi-Wan swallowed, his breath stuttering in his chest. He made himself smile. "And? What have they decided?"
"Exile," Anakin replied, voice barely over a whisper. He looked away, his hands curling into fists. "Some- Some members of the Council were insisting on execution but Palpatine made them reconsider."
"Did he now?" Obi-Wan said, more to himself than Anakin.
Anakin snapped his gaze up, scowling. "I know you dislike the Lord Regent, but he was the only one defending you." Anakin rubbed at his forehead. "Except Yoda."
"So this is goodbye, then?" Obi-Wan asked after a moment, faintly surprised how steady his voice was.
Anakin shook his head vehemently. As if mere thought was too horrible to contemplate. He crossed the space between them in two long strides, gripping Obi-Wan by his upper arms, his eyes gleaming fervently. "No, because you are not going anywhere. I won't allow it."
Obi-Wan let out a deep breath. "Anakin, there is nothing you can do. Even if you were-"
"Yes there is," Anakin cut in, deadly resolve etched onto his features.
Obi-Wan smiled, a soft, sad smile. "You are my Prince and my dearest friend, Anakin," Obi-Wan said. "I would have given my life for you a hundred times over, but I won't allow you to tarnish your honor and what little has left of mine on a fool's quest."
Anakin closed his eyes briefly, his face contorting into a pained expression. "That is not your decision to make, Obi-Wan."
Obi-Wan felt a shiver of dread crawl down his spine. "What do you mean?"
Anakin released him, then turned on his heel, striding over to a nearby table. He stood there, unmoving, for one long moment, his shoulders sketching a rigid line.
"There is one law that goes beyond the Council, an old tradition no one would dare dispute," Anakin said, voice barely over a whisper. A moment later Obi-Wan could hear a faint click of a latch being opened. "The one thing that could save you and keep you here. With me."
Unconsciously, Obi-Wan made a step back. "There is no such law, Anakin. You should-"
Anakin turned around, fixing Obi-Wan with an unwavering gaze.
Obi-Wan broke off abruptly, his eyes widening at the sight of the gold collar in Anakin's right hand.
Obi-Wan knew that collar. Knew what it meant. But he refused to accept the implications.
Not now. Not like this.
"Yes, there is," Anakin said, striding forward. Obi-Wan felt frozen in place, his thoughts shuddering to a stop when he felt Anakin's fingers brush against his neck in a feather light caress. "I have the right to choose a consort. It can be anyone. And I have chosen you, Obi-Wan."
Obi-Wan blinked up at Anakin, unable to move or form a coherent thought even as he felt the collar close around his neck.
"This is not the way, Anakin," Obi-Wan managed to force through the tight clench of his throat. "Take it off."
"There is no other way," Anakin said, tipping his forehead against Obi-Wan's. "I'm sorry, Obi-Wan."
Obi-Wan closed his eyes, the soft click of a latch echoing loudly in the silence of the room.
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starwarsaddiction · 3 years
Learning the Force
First night in Corusant
You can read it here too. 
The cerimony of Obi-Wan Knighthood and the first night on Corusant, for the first time after Qui-Gon Jinn death.
Naboo, after Qui-Gon Jinn funeral, in a secluded chamber, with the High Council and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
“You have passed all the trials, fighting with the Sith that killed your master, Obi-Wan.” said Mace, the small ritual knife in hand, watching him and with a hand on his shoulder. All the council had seen the recordings from the security cams more times, watching the duel from the start to its painful end, and asked so many details to Obi-Wan that he had to review the memory as much as he could bare. It was just because he could feel the warmth of their affection and comprehension that he could stand the questions and the rewatching, and he knew that they were terrified as he was, knowing that the Sith were back, even if one was already defeated. A fearful legend came out of the darkness and became a terrifying reality, the day he killed the Sith Lord, and the life of Qui-Gon Jinn was a great loss for all of them, even if he didn't always agree with the High Council. He was a friend and an honored master for many of them, anyway. “You're the first jedi to kill a sith, and he did kill your master before your very eyes, but that's not the only consideration we've made. You kept your mind calm and focused, even in the face of the grief and the anger for Master Qui-Gon death. And when that Sith was in a position of advantage, you were able to collect yourself and find the opportunity to overcome him, reaching into the force, without letting your pain and anger to strain you from the battle. You never let your emotions to guide your actions, never let them lead you to the dark side, and this is the reason we all decided that you're eligible to become a Jedi Knight. This duel will be remembered and will become subject of study for the next generations of jedi, I believe. So no other trials are required to knight you.” Obi-Wan nodded, breathing slowly. The pain in his heart was so deep that he feared he could cry, but he almost could hear his master saying “calm down, focus on the present, feel the force” in his ear. Yoda approached Mace, before he cut the braid, and with a gesture asked for the ritual knife. “To me the dagger give, please...” He said to Mace. “The braid by the master must be cut. Qui-Gon we lost, and his master too... but his master I trained, so your braid I'll be the one to cut, young Obi-Wan.” That was too much for Obi-Wan self control. He kneeled down, to put himself at the same height of Master Yoda, but he couldn't hide his tears anymore. He bow down, let the tears stream his face, and it took a while before he was able to look the old master in the face. He felt his tiny hand on his shoulder, giving a light caress, and his old face was warmly smiling, when Obi-Wan could finally focus on the Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Obi-Wan didn't look around, but he could feel in the Force how many other masters around him were feeling the same grief, and if he had watched, he could have seen many of them whipe tears from their faces. He bowed to Yoda, and he cut the braid, keeping it in his small hand. “Welcome to the Jedi Order, Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi.” said, putting the braid in the hand of Obi-Wan. “Rise, please. May the Force be with you, always.”
Anakin was not allowed to the ceremony, because he wasn't still accepted in the Jedi Order, and he waited for him in their room, feeling small and a bit lost, until he was called to be finally welcomed in the Order. His hair was cut and a little braid was made behind his ear. He wore for the first time the clothes that were distinctive of his new found status of padawan apprentice, and finally joined Obi-Wan again, just before the great ceremony for the victory against the Separatists in the central street of Theed, on Naboo. “They cut your braid. Obi-Wan...” “Yes... I'm no longer a padawan. I couldn't be anymore, I'm your Master, now.” he smiled. Anakin felt his sadness, he could have told how sad he was even if they weren't both force sensitive. His eyes were still sad and weary, as if he had just cried his eyes out, and his smile surely was not as wide as the first time they met. Anakin feared that Obi-Wan could blame him for his master death and the weight of taking him as padawan, but all he could feel from Obi-Wan was his warmth and gentleness. There was something deeply reassuring in his face, and Anakin could only hope that they would discover each other and became at least friends, soon enough. But they had no time to talk properly until they finally went to Corusant, the great capital of the Galactic Republic, and home of the Jedi Order.
Corusant, Jedi Temple.
The Temple never felt so huge and empty, thought Obi-Wan, stepping in the great entrance for the first time after the return from Naboo. He had a small quarter of his own, and Qui-Gon Jinn apartment was already emptied and reassigned, so he asked, before arriving, to have another apartment, bigger and with another bedroom, to live in with Anakin. Obi-Wan surely didn't want to leave the boy in the dormitory, alone with all the other kids, that could only be a bunch of curious strangers, to him. He could feel clearly the kid's fear for all the new things to come and even if he didn't feel the loss of Qui-Gon as strongly and deeply hurting as it was for Obi-Wan, he was surely stunned by the fast events that occurred in such few days. The first evening, they found themselves in this new quarter, a small kitchen and living room, and two twin bedrooms. The bed in Anakin's room was softer and bigger than he ever had, but the whole place felt cold and faceless, to the boy. “It's all new, Anakin... we'll start from here, and it'll become cozier, I promise.” Obi-Wan said, taking all the blankets he could find in his arms and sorting them in two piles. He took the bigger one and brought it in Anakin's room, preparing the bed. “It's winter here on Coruscant, and I figure you could be cold, at night. if you need more blankets, just ask, we'll have them brought by service droids, in any moment, even during the night.” He went on explaining the heating system and all the equipement that he thought Anakin hadn't in his Tatooine home, trying to make him feel welcomed and safe, he ordered something to eat from the communal kitchen and they had a small dinner in the kitchen, trying to get used to each other. The boy followed him silently, nodding, not daring to interrupt him, fearing to be of nuisance. After dinner they cleaned together, but Obi-Wan felt his hesitation, and stopped. “Don't worry, if there is something you want to know, or to say, anything, you just tell me, ok?” Anakin hesitated, shifting on his feets. “Are you... happy that I'm here...” said, but he bit his lips, knowing they were the wrong words, but unable to find the right ones. “well, maybe not happy... but do you...” he stopped, biting his lower lip. Obi- Wan sat down, and patted the couch beside him to invite Anakin to sit down as well. He breathed deeply before answering. “I would never imagine all of this, surely... but I have always thought about becoming a Knight and taking a Padawan myself, as my master before me. I was preparing for the trials, Qui-Gon was sure I was ready... It was a fast change, and yes, Anakin, I'm scared and surprised too.” he smiled, taking the kids hands in his. Anakin's were cold and small, and he held them between his, warming them. “But I'm happy that I can share all the things that Qui-Gon has taught me with you. He was an incredible master, and I hope I'll be able to be a good master for you. I know that we don't know each other, but we will learn. You'll learn from me and I from you. Don't be scared, we're here together.” “How do you know how I feel? How seems that everybody knows how I feel?” Asked Anakin, wording his discomfort for being so easily readable for the first time in his life. “Because we're jedi, like you. We've learned to see through each other. Try, you can too. Look at me.” he smiled to the kid, “look into my eyes... and breathe with me. Feel my hands, and feel the Force. It's like... a deep sensation in your belly. It's like a door opening to a larger hall, a presence wider than you. I'm there, in that open space that is the Force itself. Just let it flow through you, like your breath.” he said, in a voice that became calmer and slower, while everything around them became far and silent. Anakin obeyed, synchronizing his breath with Obi-Wan, focusing on his face, his eyes bright and gentle, his voice so soothing and calm. He let his breath become slower, his mind calmed down and the familiar sense of the surrounding that had always filled his conscience became less cluttered, less noisy, cleared for the fist time, and in his physical sensation he finally felt the sensation that Obi-Wan mentioned. It was like a switch, something opened in his body, and something larger made his way in his belly. He could feel the presence of Obi-Wan in a way he never felt anyone else, it was not only in front of him, he was inside him, a presence in his mind. He could sense the feelings of the man in front of him, the grief for his master deep down, the doubts for their future, but all this was just a small part of Obi-Wan, like details in a greater landscape. He felt a great calm, and compassion, and a sense of affection that reminded him of his mother, Shmi, far away on Tatooine. Obi-Wan was way more centered and collected that Anakin, and even if his emotion were similar to his own, he felt something that made him desire even more to become a Jedi. It was like being in the presence of a powerful yet loving being, he could feel the power of the Force running through him, it was like the great strength of a sand tempest, but it wasn't even remotely scary or deadly. It was gentle, compassionate, guided by a strong will and a desire to help, and the ability to do it without harm. And behind his human presence, there was the presence of a greater being, and he understood that it was the Force itself. Obi-Wan opened himself and let Anakin look through him and into the Force, like a door to a brighter light, and Anakin finally found a similar door inside himself, a connection to the Force. It was sentient, compassionate, benevolent and enormous. It talked with a soft voice, and another voice inside Anakin joined it like they wer singing in a choir as wide as the galaxy itself, so wide that left Anakin almost overwhelmed, and it was just because he was still watching the kind face of his new master that he didn't loose himself in that vast energy and could come back to that room, that couch, the feeling of his big, warm hands around his own, small but finally warm hands. This was the first real lesson that he ever received in the Temple, the first time he learned to willingly find the Force in himself, and Anakin never forgot that feeling, and his master force signature was deeply inscripted that time and forever in his mind, so strongly that he could recognize him everywhere. That first time forged their connection so that from that moment on, Anakin could find Obi-Wan anywhere in the temple, without any comlink, he just knew where to find him. For the rest of his life, even when Obi-Wan was unaware of this, he could sense his master further than it was usual for padawans, and he never forgot that sensation. He looked into the heart of Obi-Wan and thought “this is a man I can follow, this is a man I can call my master.”
Years after, The Death Star.
Even when he was encaged in his armor and crippled, a small part of Anakin remembered the warm, loving and calm presence that Obi-Wan was in his mind, from that time in their first shared apartment, to the day that he sensed him on the Death Star, for the last time. It was only when he cut through his cloak, only to watch him disappear into thin air, that the presence of Obi-Wan Kenobi was completely erased from his conscience, and he felt ever more alone than his entire life
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Summary: That one AU in which Obi-Wan raises Luke. Today we’re getting Obi-Wan a job because babies are expensive.
Also on AO3!
Raising a child turned out to be more expensive than Obi-Wan had first thought when he’d arrived on Tatooine. Of course, when he had first stepped on Tatooine, he had still expected to hand Luke over to his Aunt and Uncle. It had only been on the second night, spent in a terrible cheap inn, that he realized he couldn’t give Luke up. He’d bonded with this child and Obi-Wan, for all that he had tried to be the perfect Jedi, had never learned how to let go properly. He hadn’t been able to let go of Anakin’s child, the last remnant of his family.
Living out in the Jundland Wastes, Obi-Wan had become fairly self-sufficient. He had bought two vaporators to collect water for Luke and himself and had found some roots that were so persistent they even grew on a desert planet such as this one. But Luke was still a newborn who needed to be fed multiple times a day and grew with every passing week. He needed new clothes and baby food. Obi-Wan had brought some from Alderaan, enough for the transfer to Tatooine and to sustain Luke a little while longer should Owen and Beru have been unable to buy some fast enough.
But now Luke was Obi-Wan’s responsibility and he was running out of credits. He needed to think of a new way to gain income. He wasn’t good enough a mechanic to work at the spaceport and he also had no plans to do so. Even on Tatooine they knew of General Kenobi, Jedi traitor. They wouldn’t be able to pick him out of a crowd but Obi-Wan knew he’d be better off avoiding interacting with spacers and smugglers.
“What do you think, Luke?” Obi-Wan asked the baby cooing on his bed.
Obi-Wan’s dwelling, a little hut that had been long abandoned, had come with only one bed that wasn’t doing his joints any favors. He didn’t have a crib for Luke and so had no other option but to sleep next to the baby. The nights got surprisingly cold and sharing body heat was the best way to keep one another warm. The first few nights Obi-Wan had been so scared to crush him in his sleep – he was so very small and frail – but by now he knew better. He’d awaken before that would happen if he slept at all.
“Should we go on a little adventure?”
Luke, of course, couldn’t reply, but he was shining so bright and happy in the Force, Obi-Wan decided to take it as a yes. The sun had not yet risen, but the planet was starting to warm up. Obi-Wan estimated that they had about two hours before the winds in the canyons would become a problem. He picked Luke up and strapped him to his chest, his head resting right above Obi-Wan’s heartbeat. He had carried him like this through all spaceports and ships until they’d made it to Tatooine. Luke was used to it by now and so was Obi-Wan. It was almost relaxing to feel his little heart beating in addition to his Force presence. Like this he was sure that Luke was alive, that not everything was lost.
Obi-Wan packed a bag for the two of them and walked out of the door, humming one tune or another. Luke resented silence, he’d always start fussing. It wasn’t like Obi-Wan had anyone to really talk to, so he had taken to singing. His voice wasn’t anything special, certainly not as nice as Anakin’s had been, but he could hold a tune.
He started the speeder and began to drive towards the canyons. He didn’t know where exactly he was heading, what the Force was trying to tell him, but he figured he should follow his old Master’s advice. When in doubt, trust in the Force, it will provide.
Time passed, the sky turned a light purple, then pink and orange. Obi-Wan kept on driving, stopping only once in a while to check on Luke, who had slowly dozed off. When the sun had almost risen completely, Obi-Wan decided to take another break as Luke stirred. He spotted some caves in a distance and decided their shadows would make a better resting place. He parked his speeder right in front of them and walked inside. As expected, the caves were quite cool.
“Not so bad for a boring planet, right?” Obi-Wan asked Luke. “This is certainly remote enough and not Tusken territory. Doubt the Jawas would come here as well. Might make a nice vacation spot, what do you think?”
Luke, of course, couldn’t reply, but he cheerily sent Obi-Wan his emotions.
“You’re right, this is a happy place,” Obi-Wan vocalized Luke’s feelings.
He was already quite strong in the Force, sharing his emotions and dreams with Obi-Wan. He’d be a delight to teach someday, certainly would have made every Master at the temple proud-
Shut it in a box. Sink the stone to the bottom of the river. Burn all reminders.
Obi-Wan could afford to project his darkness around Luke.
“Let’s go check it out some more,” Obi-Wan said and walked deeper into the caves. They appeared t be fairly untouched by anyone and their stones echoed with stories of centuries past, speaking of great floods and peace.
Now, why would the Force want him to be here?
Obi-Wan sighed and leaned against one wall of the cave, resting his head on the cool walls. He closed his eyes only for a moment. He hadn’t actually attempted to meditate since he had decided to keep Luke. He couldn’t think of facing what had happened, not when he needed to be there for Luke and couldn’t afford to break down. But maybe he’d try here, sometime in the future. Not now.
He opened his eyes again and saw something flicker just a few steps away from him. Curious, Obi-Wan walked over to the niche in the wall. He expected it closer and found a little green stone, reflecting the light from the cave’s entrance. It wasn’t very big, but the one just above it was. Obi-Wan took out his lightsaber and used its end to hit against the stone until it broke off. It was rather pretty. Frowning, Obi-Wan walked out of the cave again to hold the stone up against the sunlight.
It flickered rather beautifully and it was clear. No flaws within the stone. He could probably sharpen it with the Force. He’d never used it to shape a crystal that wasn’t kyber, but the process couldn’t be any more difficult.
“How much do you think this is worth, Luke? Enough to buy you a crib?”
Luke was looking up at him with those beautiful and painfully familiar blue eyes. The stone Obi-Wan had found didn’t measure up against them, but it might still be worth something. He’d have to check the next time he stopped in the city. He wasn’t sure yet if this was really what the Force had sent him here for, but he should investigate it anyway.
(Turned out that, when cut correctly, the stone was worth enough to provide a steady income. It wasn’t what the Force had sent Obi-Wan there for, he wouldn’t know until he’d discovered more of the caves where the Force sang as it did on Ilum.)
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nimsajlove · 3 years
Coming home
Ahsoka gets to bring Boil home to his sister.
Calling Home
Brothers-AU  Ao3
"Ahsoka!" Sighing, the Jedi put the small crate down on the ramp of the shuttle and straightened up again, her back cracking softly and the clone beside her let out an amused sound. She shot a sharp look at Droidbait and Cutup, who was displaying a big grin. Only then did she turn to Obi Wan Kenobi, who came up to her with small steps. With a quick look she recognized the reason for his slow pace, two children were hanging on his robes and giggling softly to themselves. Behind them were two clones, both poorly trying to hide their smiles. It warmed her heart, all men seemed to have done more than good with the frequent contact with the younglings of the order. Many were much more relaxed. "Master Kenobi, what can I do for you?", she asked with a small smile, the Jedi Master smiled back and she enjoyed it for a second, it had become so rare. But Leia and Luke had a great, positive influence on him too! The two children saw her, beamed and walked around Kenobi to hang on her trouser legs. "Knight Tano!", beamed Leia and Luke simply buried his face in the brown fabric of her wide pants. God, she could eat those too! Or something like that... "I was hoping you could do me a tiny little favor.", Kenobi explained gently and looked at the scene in front of him with a mild look. She looked up from the children and recognized his two companions as Cody and Boil. "For you always." She was so happy to finally have resolved many of her conflicts with some Jedi Masters. When he put his hand on her shoulder, there was no longer any twitching or backing away. It was like greeting an old friend. “Are you taking Leia with you for a few days? I'm sure she'd like to see where Luke's new home will be. And on the way…” He let the sentence unfinished and looked significantly at Boil, who had a rare smile on his face. It didn't take a second for her to understand what was going on. Immediately she nodded. "Of course!" "Thank you my dear.", Kenobi smiled relieved and she patted his hand, which was still resting on her shoulder. She glanced at Cody and he nodded that he would accompany her, not least to bring Leia home later. Reassured, she bent down and lifted the children in her arms, Cutup and Droidbait had already loaded the rest. "Well then, let's go."
When they started, she didn't look back at the temple. The Jedi who were there didn't keep her here. The clones here got along well without her too, and her brothers waited for her elsewhere. Luke sat contentedly on her lap and watched the stars outside with wide eyes, while Cutup next to her prepared the jump to Ryloth together with R7. In the back she could make out the bright laugh of Leia, accompanied by the deeper tones of Droidbait. "Beautiful!", the little boy mumbled on her knees and pointed excitedly outside, the stars stretched out and then they were in hyperspace. Smiling, Ahsoka let the boy look outside for a moment, then stood up and placed him on her hip. "Don't look out too long, or the hyperspace ghosts will come for you." Cutup laughed and shook his head. "That goes for you too.", grinned the Jedi and stroked his hair with one hand, her brother rolled his eyes and turned back to the instruments. With the boy in her arms, Ahsoka made her way back to the others.
Droidbait and Leia appeared to be playing a game. She watched the spectacle for a few seconds, the goal was to hit the other's hands or avoid his blows. For her age, the little girl was surprisingly good, she seemed equal to Droidbait. Next to them, Cody and Boil sat and watched the game as well, seeming to be talking quietly to each other. Ahsoka was roused from watching, when Luke shook his legs in dissatisfaction and she let the boy down. Within a heartbeat he was next to his sister and wanted to play against Droidbait as well. The glow in the eyes oft he three was all Ahsoka really needed for the rest of her life! It made her happy, she could bathe and rest in all the glow around her. But after listening more closely, she received unease and looked at the source. Boil seemed to have deepened his discussion with Cody. Granted, she was curious, but most of all she was worried. They were finally on their way to Ryloth, even if she would never be happy to see that planet. Before she could get any closer, Boil got up and withdrew, he left behind a sober looking Commander and quietly she slipped next to him on the narrow bench. She glanced at him, then waved to get Droidbait's attention. His look was questioning, almost worried, when he saw her slightly contracted expression. "Do you still have the bag?", she asked and was relieved when her brother actually pulled out a bluish bag. In a flash she had taken it. "Hey, don't I get the pay for keeping it?" She grinned and reached inside before flicking Droidbait three of the little candies across the small table. He and the two children were satisfied, so she reached inside again and offered one to Cody on the open palm. He just looked at her for a second, then she saw the smile in the corners of his mouth and he accepted the candy. "Shall I check on him?", she asked carefully, carefully. She had learned that after the Clone Wars ended, the 212th had become more withdrawn, quieter. So she didn't blame Cody when he sighed and shook his head. "Leave him alone, that's just his nerves." He tipped his head back, Ahsoka hid the very girlish giggle behind her battered hand and watched how Cody was just as easy to bait as all of them. He opened one eye and gave her a sharp look that she couldn't feel the bite of. “I know what you are planning Ahs'ika. Won't be that easy.", he muttered and she gave him a big smile, the further they got away from the temple, the freer she felt. Here, between the clones, she was at home. She didn't need a temple to return to and spend hours planning the construction with the rest of the council members. "Really?", she replied and Cody huffed softly, but closed his eyes again. He looked tired, she wanted to bet one of her new akul teeth that Master Kenobi had kept him busy. This little break would also be good for him, even if he would then probably run after Leia the whole time. He adored her, and Ahsoka wouldn't be surprised if in a few years the little girl was firmly convinced that Cody had always been her ori’vod. Her thoughts faded as she looked at the tired clone and was more than satisfied, that he had dozed off after all. Leia laughed and she hastily put two fingers on her arm, put a forefinger on her lips and then pointed to the sleeping figure next to her. The girl nodded hastily, Luke put his hands over his mouth and smiled, the corners of his eyes curving upwards.
Droidbait smirked slightly as he looked at Cody for a moment, then proceeded to keep the children quiet and calm, telling stories. Ahsoka thanked him with a kiss on his head as she got up and took the bag with her. Then she went to the back where a couple of beds had been set up. Boil was sitting on one of them and seemed to want to stare down the helmet in front of him. For a moment she was afraid that she had penetrated a moment that was too intimate. Then Boil looked up and she realized it hadn't been a conversation with Waxer. He stared at his own helmet, his second face, as if he were utterly dissatisfied with it. "May I?", she asked softly and he nodded, silently she sank down next to the helmet on the bed opposite to the clone. She put the bag of sweets next to it, actually that was Cody's thing. But she hoped that maybe she could manage that too. After all, she had watched the Commander hand sweets out for years. "What did he do to you?", she finally asked quietly and took the helmet to look at it, turned it back and forth and was glad that it was still almost unchanged in design after the years in the war. Somehow she had grown fond of it... Boil shrugged his shoulders, a hand scratched a little at the beard, which had grown a little over the past few months. He looked tired like everyone else who had fought their way to a home. He didn't seem happy about it though. Carefully she reached out for him and as her mind brushed his, she saw him flinch for a moment. Shortly afterwards, a faint chuckle escaped him and he looked at her with open eyes. There was so much in his head, Ahsoka had a good effort to sort the emotions apart and to find the problem. She was glad when the clone almost nosed her into what she was looking for. Fear.
"Ah...", she mumbled and pulled back before holding the bag out to him. Sighing, he reached inside and looked at the colored paper, nothing but the armor and the candies had been so colorful in recent years. "I'm sure everything will be okay.", she tried to reassure him and Boil looked up and studied her, now there was more than just fear. "Waxer should have come with us.", he suddenly complained softly and stroked through his face again. "That was his child, not mine." When he did not lift his face from his hand, Ahsoka stood up and overcame the distance between the beds, leaving the helmet behind on the mattress and carefully sitting next to him. She folded her hands in her lap, daring not to impose any more than necessary. "I think Waxer would be proud of you.", she mumbled gently and that wasn't a lie! She felt how scared Boil was. Fear of failure maybe? But still he kept his promise and returned. Boil's shoulders sagged a little, then he looked up and glanced at the helmet. He seemed less hateful. "Thank you General, for believing that." Now that his gaze was clear again, Ahsoka immediately raised a finger and looked at him seriously. "You have to come up with something else.", she complained and he raised his eyebrows, it made her smile. “Well, you officially resigned from the army exactly 3 hours ago. So...“, she let the thought fade away and Boil finally had to smile too. He nudged his shoulder lightly against hers. "Thanks kiddo." Ahsoka scrunched up her nose, that wasn't exactly the best nickname... "Live with it.", Boil teased and she laughed, then got up and went back to the door. Helmet and candy were left with Boil.
 Ryloth was still dusty, but more beautiful than in the war. Nature seemed to have recovered and when the ship's ramp went down, Ahsoka saw a small group of lizards scurry away. The trees that could be seen over the harbor walls were lush and full of life, crawling and flying. She went a few steps down the ramp and when she let her gaze wander, it caught on the narrow figure a few meters away. She raised her hand in greeting and Numa returned it, a shy smile on her face. Ahsoka turned around smiling, where were the others? She saw Droidbait and the two children, they seemed to be discussing something and Cutup was standing by laughing, he was having a lot of fun. Then Cody and Boil showed up, the latter had ducked his head and gripped his backpack tightly with one hand. In two big steps she was back inside with them. "You don't have to do that.", she offered immediately, knowing that she would somehow explain it to Numa. However, Cody immediately shook his head and gave Boil a vigorous push against his shoulder. "Oh he has to. You idiot get your ass down this ramp now.", he threatened, but smiled. It was strange how the phrase made Boil lower his shoulders. "Thanks. For…” Cody held up a defensive hand and shook his head. “Save that for when the first want to visit you. Let's see if you're still so grateful then.” Boil laughed and slapped him gratefully on the shoulder anyway, then turned and walked down the ramp.
At that second Numa seemed unable to stand anymore in the shadow of the wall. As fast as her feet could carry her, she ran towards the ship and no sooner had Boil made the last step off the ramp than she threw herself against him with full swing and wrapped her arms around him. And Ahsoka grinned broadly when Boil didn't hesitate to return the hug. He could say what he wanted, but this was his sister and Ahsoka was glad to have brought him home.
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secret-engima · 5 years
I blame @talisward for this but like-
Before I get way into this, tagging @wolfsrainrules​ and tentatively @north-peach​ because FFXV isn’t your fandom but this is also part Star Wars and who knows you might find it funny.
What if in a Star Wars/FFXV crossover, a ship takes damage to the hyperdrive (pirate attack or unexpected meteor shower something) and the hyperdrive yeets them waaaaayyyyyyyyy into Wild Space and it crashes on the jungle islands of an unknown planet and the crew is killed in the crash.
But the crew weren’t the only ones on board.
The Galahdians of various Clans, for once all united, swarm over the strange thing that fell from the sky very warily, scuffing and chirping at each other (because this is totally an A/B/O verse, maybe even an a/b/o spin-off of Thrown to Wolves verse who knows) and they finally pry open part of it to look inside and- dead bodies. Dead bodies of strange adults and non-human ... beings that still looked vaguely humanoid and didn’t dissolve like daemons. Sprawled over in what was clearly death from the crash. They explore and find no survivors or even anything familiar. The letters on the walls are strange, the technology is strange. Everything is strange.
Then one of them finds a body dressed differently. Rather than strange, unpleasant smelling synthetic fabric, this one is dressed in spun clothes, rough and simple and practical. The body, not human but very humanoid, is curled up near a door, an expression of odd serenity and determination on their face even in death.
It’s one of the Ulrics that notices the area AROUND the body is miraculously untouched. There is destruction and crumpled metal and sparking wires in the hallway leading up to the spot, but the door behind the body and whatever is beyond is undamaged. Protected.
One of the Ostiums sniffs carefully, stiffens as he finally catches a scent other than sparks and foreign metal and strange blood, “There’s something alive on the other side,” he whispers.
An Arra presses her ear against the door for several seconds before growling, “I hear pups.”
And that’s the only incentive they need to start forcing the door open, because pups are sacred, even in a place like this, a metal ship that fell from the night sky and is filled with the dead bodies of human and non-human beings alike.
The door finally gives way with a scream of metal, letting the light spill into the room.
The collection of Jedi Younglings stare at them with wide, frightened eyes, some human, others not, all smelling of sadness and terror and the need for reassurance.
The Galahdians glance at each other meaningfully at the sight of non-human pups, then carefully set about coaxing them all out despite the language barrier, soothing the tears that come at the sight of the dead protector (who must have been protecting the pups with magic, surely) and herding them out into the jungle sunshine. While some of the Clans start working on removing the bodies for as proper a funeral as they can make (they hope star people don’t mind being burned and released to the winds, but it’s all they can do), others start trying to figure out what to DO with the new children. They can’t separate them, but these are a lot of strange children and that will be a lot for any Clan to handle. They settle on giving them to the more famed and long-standing alliances, the Ulric-Ostium and the Lazarus-Furia-Arra because the joint clans will have an easier time raising the kids and figuring out ... well. Non-human biology.
One of the Ulrics meanwhile is carefully distracting the poor scared kiddos by trying to establish some rudimentary communication. She finally coaxes their names out of them and smiles when one of the humans (human-like? If he’s a star person does he really count as human?) in the group, a boy no more than eight if she doesn’t miss her mark, steps forward and shakily bows in greeting and carefully enunciates “Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
Some other notes on this AU that I apparently have now: a/b/o is an Astral fiddling thing that happens over time and all the Jedi younglings are young enough that THEY develop it too as they’re raised by Galahd.
Galahd guards their Star Children zealously. Keeps them secret and treasured.
If this is not a Thrown to Wolves a/b/o spin-off, then this is still an AU where “magic” (ie the Force) can be used by almost everyone to some degree or other, just for simpler things than the specialized and extremely powerful magics of the LCs and Oracles because of Bahamut’s Blessing. Other people can still do amazing stuff with their “Magic” but it’s not armiger or Walls or superhealing/purification and it’s not as overwhelmingly powerful as LCs (who are all like- up there with Anakin Skywalker Force-power wise).
The younglings are Obi-Wan’s crechemates, they were on their way back from Illum or something when the hyperdrive yote them to Eos. They quickly figure out they’re on a planet so far away no one knows Galactic Standard and that no one has space travel. Eventually they settle in their new lives.
Everyone picture Feral Galahdian Jedi bbys. It’s like- Feral Mandalorian Jedi bbys but without the helmets and heavy armor XD.
They did end up splitting the creche between the various Clans, but tried to keep at least two kids near each other at all times so that they wouldn’t feel abandoned and organized regular “play dates” for all their Star Children (with the added benefit of the adults getting to share their meltdowns over the weird things their Star Children do and need). Also Ramuh is watching from on high and running damage control, which is why no Galahdian falls over dead from space viruses and no youngling dies in spasms from Eos viruses. He’s also the one to tweak the kiddos to fit into the a/b/o dynamic.
Obi-Wan would like you to believe he’s an Ostium. He is not. He’s an Ulric. Bant is his long-suffering Ostium braincell.
Other members of the creche include: Bruck Chun, who after multiple hard lessons on bullying is actually a pretty decent (if aggressive) bby Furia. Quinlan Vos because I find him fun (or, in this AU, Quinlan Ulric), and a couple OCs because I can’t remember who all else is in Obi-Wan’s age group/creche. There’s a Togruta in there somewhere because Togruta are cool.
Meanwhile in the Galaxy at large the Jedi are searching for their lost ship of younglings with more than a little alarm, but they don’t find them. While wandering for clues even years later, one Qui-Gon Jinn stumbles across a slave woman and her year old bby on Tattooine. The bby is extremely freaking Force sensitive so he Qui-Gon Jinn’s his way into buying both of their freedoms and taking them to Coruscant to introduce the woman to the Jedi so she can decide if she wants her bby in the Jedi or not. The woman is Shmi, the bby is Anakin.
Obi-Wan uses the schematics found on the ship (it was a ship for building lightsabers and stuff like in that one Clone Wars episode), his own instincts, and bits of the Elemency crystals/meteor shards lying around to “re-invent” the lightsaber. All the Galahdians are enamored and immediately figure out how to make their own.
Niflheim was Not Prepared to tackle a jungle full of Feral Galahdians with Laser Swords. Galahd does no fall and the Kingsglaive are still formed but not out of refugees. Instead Regis approaches them hoping to form an elite force of laser sword wielding jungle maniacs warriors. The Galahdians agree after some haggling for extra autonomy/privacy to hide their Star Children.
I feel like Obi-Wan joins the Kingsglaive. Just- because OBI-WAN. He’s curious and interested and he doesn’t particularly like war but he has that very strong Protecc instinct and people appreciate his diplomacy.
Years and years later, when the Star Children are teens/young adults, either they figure out how to repair their old ship or somehow another Republic ship finds Eos and all the Jedi proceed to collectively lose their minds over finding their Feral Galahdian former-Jedi younglings and their culture of laser-sword wielding jungle Packs.
Also the secondary genders is NOT a thing outside Eos so all the Jedi are ALSO freaking out over that and trying to figure out how their younglings have it (BECAUSE IT’S A THING. THERE ARE HORMONES AND VOCALIZATIONS AND STUFF THAT NORMAL HUMANS/MON CALAMARI/ETC CAN’T PULL OFF). It ... it never occurs to the Jedi that the Astrals did it because no matter how many times the Galahdians say it’s an Astral-granted thing, no one believes them because everyone “knows” that must be their primitive mythology and culture. There is no such thing as beings who can materialize out of thin air and are made of pure Force. Pssh.
Ramuh the Troll, Bahamut the Drama Queen, every other Astral who is professionally insulted that their existence is brushed off by the idiots who should know better: Behold, we shall ruin these arrogant space monks’ entire careers.
Also Palpatine tries something funny near the Galahdians and is murdered discreetly via an Arra because they can SMELL the madness and near daemon-like corruption on him kthanks.
Also also all the Galahdians take one (1) look at Anakin and go BBY SPACE ULRIC and promptly adopt Shmi and Anakin both while the Space Monks look on and sputter in confusion.
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No Matter What: An Obi Wan Kenobi One Shot
Summary: The Reader is a senator as well as Obi Wan's secret lover and when an admirer finds out about their relationship and uses it to blackmail them into sleeping with them Obi Wan does not take it well.
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Author's Note: So yeah this one shot is based off this Imagine
https://katieswinforddiaries.tumblr.com/post/626117871336030208/imagine-being-obi-wans-secret-lover-and-him which in turn is based off of a movie clip. I hope you guys like this one I was really into writing this, but I also understand why some people might not. I actually really enjoyed writing jealous and protective Obi Wan. Again this is an unedited first draft. I mean there is the fact that you get Obi punching the piece of shit.
Rating: M – I like the summary explains why very well. I mean it's very angsty. Though you will be happy to know that there is no sex.
You had been secretly seeing Obi Wan for a little over a year now and you knew that you could never move on to anyone else. And as a senator you were headed back to your quarters to meet him since he had just gotten home from being away on a mission when the last person you wanted to see appeared before you. He was one of your most obnoxious admirers who had been trying to get into your bed for ages.
“Senator. You look ravishing as always.” He complimented.
“Thank you, but I'm actually late for a very important meeting.” You replied as an excuse as you hurried past him.
“With your secret lover?” He asked making you freeze in your tracks and turn back around.
“What did you say?” You demanded.
“I asked if you were going to meet with your lover.” He confirmed giving you a cocky grin.
“My lovers are none of your business.” You insisted. “Senators are fully allowed to have relationships.”
“You're right. Senators are, but Jedi masters are not.” He replied.
“Just what are you implying?” You demanded as your hands settled on your hips.
“I'm not implying anything. I am telling you that I know that you're sleeping with Master Kenobi. Really you could do so much better.” He mocked.
“You're insane.” You retorted.
“No I'm not. And you are going to give me what I want or I will go to the council and tell them. I wonder how much he'll love you when he looses everything I spent his life building.” He told you.
“What do you want?” You asked.
“You. In my bed. You know that I want you and if you do as I ask I'll keep your secret.” He promised.
“You're a cold hearted bastard.” You shot back.
“That might be, but I know you. You'd do anything for him.” He explained. “I understand you will want to tell him first, but I'll expect you in my rooms tonight.” You didn't say a word. Instead you just stormed off. Amazingly you were able to make it to your room before you started sobbing.
“Love what's the matter?” Obi Wan asked as he rushed to your side. “Are you hurt.”
“No. No I'm not hurt.” You promised as he held him tight.
“That what's wrong?” He asked gently wiping the tears off of your face.
“He threatened me.” You told him.
“Who did?” He asked.
“Who do you think. He found out about us and is using it to blackmail me.” You explained.
“What? What does he want?” Obi Wan asked. You could tell that he was only getting more worried by the second.
“Me. In his bed. He said that if I don't sleep with him he'll go to the council and tell them about us.” You explained.
“I'll kill him before I let him touch you.” He replied obviously angry, but you stopped him with a hand on his chest.
“Obi love stop. Don't. It will do more harm then good. And people will ask questions.” You insisted.
“And I'd tell them the truth of what he's doing. What he's trying to do is rape.” He argued. “I won't let him do that to you.”
“I understand. Believe me I'm furious, but if it comes down to a choice of spending once night with that monster or letting him ruin what you've spent your entire life doing I'll make that sacrifice. I love you Obi.” You told him as you rested your forehead against his.
“And I love you, but I can't ask you to do this.” He whispered.
“Yes I do. And you don't have to ask. I'd do anything for you. For us. And no matter what I'm yours. Always no matter what else might happen or how far apart we might be you know that's true.” You assured him.
“Please don't do this.” He begged.
“I have to my love. For us.” You told him. The rest of the afternoon was spent with him holding you in his arms kissing you tenderly you knew the fact of what would happen was tearing him apart, but you also knew that you couldn't let everything you two had be ruined. Eventually you were forced to get up and get ready.
“Don't do this please.” He said finally breaking the tense silence in your rooms.
“Oh my love.” You sighed as you took his hand and pulled him close. “It won't change anything you know that.” You promised “And I will be back. Please will you wait here for me?”
“You know I will, but I don't like this.” He insisted.
“Neither do I.” You agreed before kissing him and walking out. Once you left Obi Wan felt like he was going crazy he tried absolutely everything he could think of, but nothing would take his mind off of it. Eventually he decided to go for a stroll. That was when he say the bastard walking with you acting like the two of you were a couple he he led you towards his rooms. He followed at a discrete distance and after he watched the door close he was only able to wait a minute or so before he stormed over and pounded on the door. He heard cursing, but eventually the door opened.
“What do you want. To watch?” You blackmailer mocked. “By all means come in.” Obi Wan responded by punching him square in the jaw which made you burst out into a laugh. Outside of the necessary fighting of a Jedi Obi Wan was not a violent man. “You think this is funny you little bitch.” Your blackmailer yelled. Obi Wan responded by grabbing his by the caller and slamming him against the wall.
“We're leaving and you're not going to come near her ever again.” He told him. “And if you try to cause any trouble I will tell everyone how you tried to rape her. How do you think that will effect your career? And who do you think they're more likely to believe.”
“And here I thought the Jedi were about peace.” He replied fear obviously written on his face.
“We are, but we will use violence when necessary and I think attempted rape is a very good reason.” He replied before finally letting him go and taking your hand and leading you out of the room. Once outside he pulled you close as soon as he realized that you were shaking. “Did he hurt you?” He asked.
“No. Other then wanting to vomit every time he touched me.” You admitted.
“You're shaking.” Obi Wan pointed out as he shrugged off his cloak and draped it around his shoulders.
“I'm scared. He could still ruin everything.” You explained.
“No he won't. He  knows that we could ruin him. The man is a narcissists and the idea of his image being ruined will stop him. And if not I will deal with the consequences.” He insisted. “I couldn't let him do that do you. I love you so much. It's too big of a sacrifice.”
“And your career isn't?” You countered.
“You know you're more important to me. As I said if it comes to it I will deal with the consequences.” He promised. “Now let's get you home. You need to relax.” He insisted before leading you back to your rooms. Once where Obi Wan made you a mug of your favorite tea before running you a bath and helping you into your favorite night clothes. The whole night he was at your side spoiling you and ensuring that you felt safe. Late in the evening you started to fall asleep and grabbed his hand to stop him as he went to move.
“Not go.” You begged.
“Hey it's alright I'm just turning off the lights and change clothes.” He promised. “I'll be right back.” You just nodded tiredly. When he finally came back to bed you did your best to pretend to be asleep, curious what he might do. He gently caressed your hair and placed a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I'll always protect you no matter what my love. Hell if you asked I'd leave the order iwthout hesitation.” He vowed before pulling you close to his chest almost as if he was afraid someone was going to take you away from him. It took everything you had not start to cry and instead you nuzzled closer to him and heard him chuckle in response.
“I love you Obi.” You mumbled.
“I love you too.” He replied. “I didn't mean to wake you.”
“It's alright. I feel safer knowing you're here.” You told him.
“Good because I'm here. You're safe. Now you should rest. I'm not going anywhere.” And with that you just sighed happily and drifted off to sleep in the arms of your love.
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thedrown · 4 years
Siege of Mandalore Ep2 Thoughts
   Ooohhh slow fade in of the title card with spoooooky music, hell even was just “Clone Wars” before the tiny “Star Wars” bit faded in and it couldn’t be more apt since this fanfiction sure as hell isn’t Star Wars.
So from the beginning of the invasion to driving Maul and co into the sewers was about the same length of ROTS’ opening since Obi Wan’s transmission confirmed he’s speaking shortly after giving Anakin his spying assignment which primes things for good ole’ Order 66. Let the lingering unease begin.
Maul knowing the plan with the clones and everything is something that doesn’t come up often glad to see he accounted for it but bringing a literal invading army on the chance of Obi Wan (and Anakin as we learn) coming to an unimportant system at the wars end is still moronically out of character for such a great strategist.
Man doubling down on retconning Son of Dathomir cause the Shadow Collective is back and kickin’ better than ever and DRYDEN VOS IS AMONG THEM. They’re really trying to fix the massive gaping timeline issue of Solo’s dumb Maul cameo by saying Crimson Dawn was a thing during the Clone Wars? Sure why not, and not just that, if he ran the syndicate in Solo then clearly he did care about his powerbase which doesn’t make much sense with him sacrificing all of them now does it?
I’m curious why Maul interrogated troops about Ahsoka, her relationship to Obi Wan? Whether or not she was technically a Jedi and if that would affect Order 66? Information on Anakin? Hmmm.
So Bo Katan’s jetpack gives out at just the right moment and I guess the elevator loses it’s weight? Sure why not.
Love how Ahsoka bosses everyone around, wouldn’t even know she’s friends with Rex if someone who hadn’t seen the series saw this. 
Really? Join me and we can rule the galaxy, again? Getting old guys after the 50th time and while it’s interesting Maul wanted to lure Obi Wan and Anakin to Mandalore to evade Order 66/Anakin joining Sidious, in what galaxy did he think Obi Wan Ke-fucking-nobi would kill his padawan? Remember if Maul’s plan went as intended Anakin wouldn’t have started the final path to Sidious by killing Dooku so Anakin wouldn’t be veering so dangerously close to the dark side. Again, Maul isn’t an idiot stop portraying him as one.
You know shaking the camera during slow and static action doesn’t make the battle more extreme or engaging and apparently every Mandalorian forgot rifles exist since all of them have been using pistols only this whole arc.
So Ahsoka agrees to join Maul to stop Sidious but once he tells her Anakin is destined to destroy  (Which no one knows his inner darkness like Ahsoka does and she knows full well Maul has truth to his words) she decides nah truce over immediately. If you’re going pull a bait and switch within moments of it’s setup then just don’t do it all and again, did Maul really think this would work?
Maul vs Ahsoka here we go, the thing I’ve been fearing and boi did it deliver on those fears. Ahsoka fends off Maul effortlessly even giving snyde cocky comments during their fight before launching him out of a window all without breaking a sweat. Darth fucking Maul runs away from Ahsoka and when pressed up on some rafters they duel and again Ahsoka has him on the ropes and never loses her footing as she throws herself around while Maul can barely stay balanced. Then when he does gets the upper hand he has Ahsoka standing on the wrong end of a sky high beam and instead of just cutting the other half Maul decides to go to her and attempt to strike her down (which he fails at flailing around like an idiot despite her being unarmed) only for teenage girl Ahsoka to physically overpower Darth motherfucking Maul and toss him over the edge no problem.
Beyond that, this fight was one of the worst in all of Star Wars, the choreography was ridiculous and out of character for both of their fighting styles and moreover was so “over animated” so to speak that it was unbelievably slow. What I mean is it’s like they painstakingly animated every possible movement to try and be impactful but also slowed down the fighting to make sure you saw it that the fight has zero flow whats so ever which is made worse by these being two of the most agile duelists we know. The best comparison I can make is that it was like watching those DBZ fights in 60FPS that look god awful, and also like those 60FPS DBZ fights, fanboys love this too. Zero animation techniques were used to make the movement more fluid because they really wanted you to see how “well animated” the fight was, and no, speeding it up does not fix it it still looks abysmally janky and unnatural. 
A month ago Maul: Holding his own against Grievous, Dooku, and Sidious TWICE back to back to back Maul now: Loses and runs away from Ahsoka within a minute
From the way these two eps have been, it’s become glaringly apparent the biggest flaw is just how forced in Ahsoka is. She has no reason to be here, it breaks all logic for her to be here, and half the time she’s just hanging out behind other characters and is just there. As per usual filoni isn’t even trying to hide his boner for his OC (plz don’t steal) and keeps pushing his fanfiction. This arc would’ve been infinitely better if it focused purely on Mandalore and was told from Maul’s perspective considering his preparations for the end of the war and Order 66. Maul is the one saving grace of this episode and even then he’s treated like he’s a weak, scared, imbecile and stops sounding like Maul near the episodes end and is just pure Sam Witwer and it’s jarring.
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annoyedfanfiction · 5 years
the chosen (5)
qui-gon x reader
Qui-Gon had been released from the infirmary for a week when his doorbell chime sounded, instead of the door simply sliding open to allow Obi-Wan entry. Anakin was adamantly staying in your quarters, and since he had not been assigned as a padawan no one was stopping him. He shuffled over to the door, pace slow despite his returning strength. “Mace,” he greeted his old friend with a warm smile, “I hear the Council has been keeping you busy.” “I swear, one more meeting this week and I just might resign,” Mace complained, as the door shut behind him, making Qui-Gon laugh. “Tea?” he offered, moving towards the kitchen. Mace hesitated, but eventually agreed, following his friend in. “That hesitation usually means I’m about to be thrown into the deep end of something, Windu. What’s going on?” “You know,” Mace answered, and Qui-Gon’s hands stilled from where he was meddling with his teapot. “She lied to us, Mace.” His movements began again. “For years. Hid everything.” “She was scared,” Mace pointed out, taking the teapot from Qui-Gon as his hands began to tremble. “She was only a child for much of that time, believed her father had left her for years. They didn’t tell her until Dyas tried to beat it out of her.” “He what?” Qui-Gon’s voice was level, but there was white-hot anger burning behind it. “Apparently the day she came back from guarding a Senator all bloody and bruised she’d been in the training rooms with her Master the whole time.” Mace set the teapot aside, the tea steeping darker as he levelled Qui-Gon with a heavy gaze. “I know it hurts that she didn’t tell us.” He held up a hand to silence Qui-Gon’s comment. “Believe me, I know. I found out just before you did. But this wasn’t – isn’t – about us. This is something we should have known about her for a long time, but by the time she even found out she was so irreparably disillusioned about it that she was scared telling us would twist our friendship the same way Dyas twisted her training.” Qui-Gon sighed, running a hand over his face. “I have sulked for long enough, I suppose,” he decided, eventually. Mace grinned, relief flooding the room, and reached to pour the tea. “I don’t know, it’s only been nine days,” he teased, earning a sharp punch from Qui-Gon. “But seriously, Qui-Gon.” Mace sobered again, and his dark eyes met Qui-Gon’s once more over their teacups. “I think she could handle it if I never spoke to her again, but not you.” Qui-Gon frowned, raising a curious brow. “You really are as oblivious as you are reckless,” Mace commented, wonder dawning across his tone. “You truly never noticed that she’s been in love with you for 15 long years?” Qui-Gon choked on his tea, spluttering into the cup. “What?” he croaked, once he’d regained his breath. It took all Mace’s strength not to burst out laughing. “For Force’s sake, Qui-Gon.” He set his cup aside, and grabbed the other man by his shoulders. “She’s been in love with you this entire time, and you’ve just been sitting around pining for her because you have the observation skills of a cthon!” “I haven’t been pining,” Qui-Gon denied, folding his arms. “I have been releasing my feelings into the Force and moving forward.” Mace stared, flatly at him, and he sighed. “Okay, fine, but what makes you think she feels the same?” “I am not completely blind,” he answered, rolling his eyes. “Also she fell asleep in my quarters last night after crying about how you were ignoring her and literally the only other time she has ever done that is when you two had that huge row about your apparent death wish.”
“You and Mace have the actual weirdest relationship,” Obi-Wan commented, nonchalantly, entering the kitchen after Mace had left. Qui-Gon rolled his eyes, turning to face his now-former padawan, still not used to the braid that was missing from his hair. “Yet it has lasted us through many years,” he shrugged, handing Obi-Wan a fresh cup of tea. “As has your relationship with (Y/N),” Obi-Wan pointed out, gratefully accepting the tea. Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow again. “Oh, you can’t seriously have expected me not to bring it up. I was there too. I saw and heard the exact same things you did.” Qui-Gon couldn’t help but note, all of a sudden, the age-old wisdom in his former padawan’s eyes, even beneath the bright hope and wounded fear of a youth growing up too soon. He sighed, saying nothing as he made his way to the couch, steps still agonisingly slow for one who was so used to taking on the world at its unpredictable pace. “And what, Knight Kenobi, have you deduced from that?” he asked, once he was settled on the couch, Obi-Wan seated opposite him. “Mostly that she wasn’t lying,” Obi-Wan admitted, leaning back in his seat. “(Y/N), for all the time I have known her, is even more difficult to read than you are.” Qui-Gon chuckled, bitterly. “But from what Mace said this morning – you were speaking very loudly, don’t look at me like that – I think she had pretty strong evidence that anyone knowing how powerful she could be would not have ended well for her.” Qui-Gon hummed, noncommittally, but Obi-Wan could see that his anger was faltering. The final nail in that coffin would be a low blow, but he was prepared to cop that. “I mean, it’s not like you’ve never kept secrets from her about things Dooku did to you.” Qui-Gon looked up, sharply. “What do you mean?” he asked, tightly. “You have a very specific brand of training, Master,” Obi-Wan said, fondly. “One that had very conspicuous inclusions, and more conspicuous omissions. I had much more freedom than any padawan could really expect. Sometimes you learn more about someone through what is not said than what is.” “Sometimes I wonder if you’re too smart for your own good,” Qui-Gon sighed, with a wry smile, watching as Obi-Wan took a huge gulp of his tea. The young man then spluttered, hissed, and swallowed too quickly, almost dropping the cup as he realised how hot it still was. “And then you do this.” Qui-Gon took the cup from him before he could drop it, as Obi-Wan clicked his tongue in displeasure. “Oh fuck off.” The door chime sounded again, and Obi-Wan got up to answer it, shooting his master a final glare.
“Anakin?” The little boy smiled brightly at Obi-Wan, offering Qui-Gon a reluctant, half-sullen smile. “(Y/N) had to go away,” he explained, folding his arms and pouting. “The Council said I couldn’t go with her because it was dangerous. She told me to stay with you.” His eyes flickered over Qui-Gon, inspecting his health with care despite the hurt in his eyes. “She still trusts you a lot. I’m meant to call her tonight to tell her how you are. Because you won’t see her.” “Anakin–“ Qui-Gon began, but the boy just shrugged, shaking his head. “She says you’re hurting and its okay, so I shouldn’t be angry with you,” he said, looking up at the man who had brought him here, who had started this whole affair, with sad blue eyes. “And I’m trying not to be angry, I am. I really am grateful to you, but…she’s hurting too.” “I know, Anakin,” Qui-Gon said, eventually. “I’ve been unfair. And I will go and see her as soon as she comes back.” None of them added the ‘if’ that lingered in the air, but they didn’t need to, as Anakin launched himself at Qui-Gon, tears clinging to his cheeks as he buried himself in the comfort the man offered. “Where did they send her?” Obi-Wan asked, eventually. “Obida? Something like that?” Anakin answered, scrunching up his face in thought. “They said something about a missing Jedi, Siffidos or something?” “Sifo-Dyas,” Qui-Gon corrected, darkly. Obi-Wan groaned, audibly, as Qui-Gon jumped up, dislodging Anakin from his lap and righting the boy on his feet. “I have a few words to have with the Council.” “Like Mace hasn’t tried already,” Obi-Wan muttered, nevertheless following Qui-Gon out the door, Anakin beside him.
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alistaircousland · 7 years
I'm curious? How exactly do you see reylo becoming canon when he tortured her and killed his own father? There isn't even subtext so I'm confused by all the "canon sources" you seem to be reading
(before anything- Reylo is not canon yet. I strongly believe it will be. If you refer to me saying so in my blog title etc. that is mostly to scare off harassing antis so they do not follow me. I’m not talking about normal people who don’t ship reylo following me, here I’m refering to the death threat senders and those who throw all sorts of slurs at reylo shipppers. I do not want them on my blog.)
I’ve thought a lot about how I should answer you on this anon. Short or long? Precise or jokingly? I’ve come to the conclusion that if you really want to know, what you should get back is a (at least almost) definite answer. I will spend a lot of time on Kylo/Ben, since that seems to be the man some people have problems with, not just with the ship Reylo but with his character as a whole.
I’d also like to state right now, before you bring in every piece of logic you’d usually apply to any real-world situation. There are two things we need to be clear about: this is fiction. This is a fictional ship. This whole story is a made up thing, by bringing in every moral and standard you have normally nothing in Star Wars makes no sense. Secondly, no character is perfect. Not a single one. Kylo has his flaws, Rey has her flaws, even our darling Finn does. The original trio has em and there’s so much to pick from in the prequels. I won’t go into that any more, but you need to have this clear. No, Kylo is in no way a perfect prince and no he will not be treated as such. Got it? Ok let’s go!
Let’s start with Kylo Ren, previously known as Ben Solo!
Now, just to give a quick reminder, he is not irredeemable. He feels compassion. He is not okay with the First Order blowing up planets (read the canon novel fam). He most likely grew up on one of those planets destroyed. He is not a psychopath.  
So now let’s get to the Han death scene, shall we? I don’t know how people think he initially wanted to kill Han, or that it was his plan all along to trick him into some false sense of security or something? There are a LOT of ways you can interpret this scene, and to try to not make this too long I won’t go into every detail. If you could not see that he was truly torn apart and did not know what to do I really am confused by how you watched this movie. He is distraught, wanting to go back but knowing he never could. Yes, he believes that he never could go back with Han, because of all the awful things he has done (see “It’s too late”). It doesn’t matter if Han says no (and sometimes I wonder if Han really believed his own words, see this theory on this scene if you’re interested: http://nathantrents.tumblr.com/post/159970936626/ ), he has already made up his mind about that fact. His only choice in this scene as far as we can see according to him is to kill himself or kill Han. He can’t go back to Snoke without killing Han, he can’t go back to Han because of his actions. I’m sure he does not want to die, and makes that terrible decision to kill Han. Hopefully that will help him stay on the dark path, he believes. Listen; he is not okay with what he did. That’s the whole point of the scene and his death. Even though he did the darkest of acts- killing his own father,- he still can’t get rid of the light still inside him. Still, when he was stabbed by his son, Han caresses his face, as to say he still believes in him, or still cares for him. It’s not far fetched to think that Kylo didn’t believe that he cared- he was not there for him during his childhood and sent him away to train with Luke! Still though, he can’t justify it himself which is what makes him redeemable to me. (Another interesting theory regarding his struggle with the light is that Snoke actually encourages him to use BOTH light and dark, but somehow Kylo only wants to be dark? I don’t know what to make of that yet, but it is still interesting to note.)
I hate to say this, because I do truly love Han Solo, but Kylo killing him is not inexcusable. I’ve gone through it before, you know. When Darth Vader killed Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan is one of, if not my number one favorite character in Star Wars. Still, I got through it, and while I was pissed at Vader I still accepted his redemption. He killed Palpatine, the worst of the worst. I don’t know how y’all can’t see that this is setting itself up to be done again, with Kylo killing Snoke in most likely episode IX. Snoke is no better than Palpatine, they both are despicable beings (who has shown no indication of remorse/compassion whatsoever) and they’re both going to be slain by our legendary Skywalker line, whom they thought they had seduced well enough to have on their side just to have them both eventually turn on them. Kylo is already showing a lack of faith in Snoke. Honestly, he might’ve even killed his father to finally have access to his physical form, as we still don’t know if he actually has even met him face to face! Imagine that! Besides, Kylo hates the weapon. He does not want to use it. He never wanted to kill his father. This is going into too much theorizing but what did Vader want to do? He keeps saying “I’ll finish what you started”. I can only think of Vader destroying the Jedi (which must be why he wants to locate Luke- so he can end the Jedi). HMMMMM I wonder who else says they want the Jedi to end??????????? *cough*it’s Luke*cough* What if it was Luke who first betrayed Ben back in the day? Anyway that’s enough for now.
A quick stop with some Rey too!
I’d like to talk about the interrogation scene with Rey here. No, this is not a “classic”torture scene. Really, it is not. Please compare this scene with what the First Order did to Poe earlier in the film. That is torture. Kylo has stated in the novel that he does not want to hurt her. Yes, he does say that! Guess what he says! ”Despite what you may believe, it gives men no pleasure. I will go as easily as possible- but I will take what I need.” Guess what! This is exactly what he does! He tries to use the mind probe force ability to get his crucial piece of information painlessly out of her. Unfortunately, he fails to do so. Rey instead uses this same dark side ability to do the same to him, revealing his darkest fears to him. There are multiple times Rey struggled with the dark side in this film alone, this scene and during the fight in the forest. In the end of the fight she even considers killing him, a dark side of the force thing to do (remember “it’s not the jedi way!!!11!!1” – Anakin). 
Aaaanyway- her “hurting from the probe” is also very much up to interpretation too. In the novel there is no mention of her feeling pain from it(probably because Kylo says he will do this as painlessly as he can), but she’s stressing because she’s trying to stop it and that’s why she is so distressed. Listen it is not okay that he kidnapped her and caused her this stress, but you do realize that she is is enemy? And still- even though he could treat her the worst possible way he did not. Of COURSE Rey is in distress being captured by him, and that is not okay but what did you expect? What I’m saying is that technically he should treat her worse, but my point here is that he still didn’t. He is supposed to be the big baddie! Which is why it makes it so special that he does not harm her. 
Another highly important fact to consider; she always shoots first. When they meet in the forest for the first time, she fires at him, unbeknownst to who he his. He comments on this (novel), saying “You would kill me. Knowing nothing about me.” She says he is of the First Order so why wouldn’t she, and he replies with that she doesn’t and that she is ignorant. He continues with “So afraid. Yet I should be the one who should be scared. You shot first. You speak of the First Order as if it were barbaric, And yet, it is I who was forced to defend myself against you.” This of course happens once again in the forest with her firing her blaster at him first. He is forced to knock her out so she wouldn’t try to harm him further, because yes, she would. This we see when she gets the lightsaber, and she charges at him. He is defending himself, still stunned about how good she is at literally everything. She is the one who slices him up, cutting his face, are two seconds away from killing him. She didn’t have a scratch from what we saw. 
So to the good stuff- reylo. Why? How?
Listen- we don’t want a toxic-capture-prisoner-slave-rape thing that somehow people seem to believe. The most of us want them to be together on the same side, be that the dark side, light side or the most popular and mostly loved outcome- in the middle, together. Since I believe the route they’re going is the middle ground, I’m going to focus on this one ok? Save dark Reylo for the fanfiction. 
OKAY SO if you ship Reylo then you most likely believe that they formed a force bond when they entered each others minds(or when he first entered hers in the forest, but that is up to interpretation), which honestly seems like the only logical way for her to be that knowledgeable of the force after their encounter. She succeeds in doing the mind-probe back at him, in addition to using a Jedi mind trick on the (James Bond) stormtrooper aaand getting that lightsaber in the forest without ANY training. If they formed a force bond, this would actually make sense as the core of a force bond is borrowing each other’s strength. She could have picked up how to do all these things through him.
Before this bond was made Kylo mentions this “something” at least three times in the novel talking about her. Rey also thinks that she finds herself drawn to Kylo when they meet again in the forest, which all would make sense if they formed a force bond. Kylo’s pre-force bond “somethings” could be him sensing there is a possibility of that bond, which would make sense with him saying “something there. Something unexpected.”
For Star Wars this is an unexplored story- a light side-dark side romance. This has been explored in the now expanded universe, but not in what we consider canon. Imagine all the possibilities! The novel Lost Stars (yup a canon novel) they have explored the Empire-Rebel romance thing, and that is such an amazing story you definitely should read. For the movies this is a new thing that is just screaming to happen. Even marketing is pushing these two as the main characters of this saga- further establishing how their relationship is at the core of this trilogy. Rey said she feels like their destinies are intertwined, and guess what TLJ will definitely further develop that.
While I would adore it if they went romantic with it, they don’t have to.  This story can work with them just relying on their force bond connection to so become friendly towards each other. However, adding a romantic factor would really spice it up and make it a lot more interesting.
(If you are a fan of the “cutesy” way of shipping them then you must’ve seen the way he looked at her when she catched the lightsaber. Literal heart eyes. He is so attracted to her, be that romantic of because of the force bond- so much so that he wants to teach her and never harm her.)
Anyway- I have no idea how or how much you know about Reylo, but you should know we predicted balance being the main plot for this saga back in 2015/16 right after release. All that by reading the subtext of the film, novel and script notes. We picked up this ship also, as being the main indicator of this balance. We knew that their bond would be the center piece, which is why it does make sense to ship them. They’re yin and yang- different, and yet the same. Lonely, isolated in their own way. We want them to find happiness in each other.  
The reason I’m not saying anything about the Finn and Rey ship here is because I have nothing against it. I love them, they’re adorable. Personally though I want and strongly believe Reylo will be the way this is going, and then I can only hope they’re brave enough to go with Finn and Poe. If not, there were rumors about a “Finn-love-interest” being cast for ep VIII far back and now we have Rose- so tbh I would not be surprised if they put them together either.
I am not forcing you to ship this. You are allowed to like and not like whatever you want to. What I am tired of is having to justify my ship because others don’t bother to read subtext, because the film, the promotional material for TLJ and everything Rian says about it all but confirms it for me. What I am asking of you is to ship and let ship. Stop hating on such a small, insignificant thing because yes it is insignificant for you if you don’t care about it, but stop harassing shippers for what they enjoy. I have no idea if you’ve participated in any of this, I hope you have decency enough to not have done it anyway, but that needed to be said. 
As a last note to this, it needs to be said that Star Wars has never been a fluffy, cutesy non-problematic series. There are sooo many morally wrong decisions being made by all characters, so cherry picking which are good “cinnamon rolls” and who is not is not the way to go when you discuss this saga seriously (note: when discussing seriously. by all means make whatever memes suits you for the fun of it fun). This saga is so much deeper than that. The conflict between light and dark has always been at its core, and as we know nothing is ever black and white about this. I am so glad they’re finally solidifying the balance between the to to be focal point.
Thanks for not sending hate and actually asking for a serious opinion, I hope this answered your question in some way. If not, well, go back on anon and specify whatever you feel wasn’t properly said I guess. So yeah, thanks for not going all about this in a hateful way. 
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hellsbellssinclub · 8 years
Across the Stars. Part 6
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5/   Ao3
Okay! So this is the first of many Qui-Gon Chapters that are going to be happening along side Obi-Wan’s adventures. 
One of the things that imminently happened when Obi-Wan walked through the doors of the Tardis is that he changed the past. He changed the past and the universe around him. If you weren’t already aware (or haven’t seen the posts) this means the following: 
Qui-Gon Jinn does not want to take another Padawan because he enjoys working alone or with an experienced Master, not because his last Padawan Fell.
Xanatos Du Crion is not a Fallen Jedi. But he did leave the Order.
Hego Damask is still alive.
There are other little changes and they will be expanded upon in later Qui-Gon Chapters. This is mostly just a teaser chapter. World building if you will.
I am slowly working on next arc’s plan for Obi-Wan, the Doctor and Donna. So far I have the first part planned. I will start work on that soon.
Chapter may come out slower from now on as I do not have a plan set out for me like I did before. But I am keen to write this fic and enjoy it with you all.
(Also, tell me if I should post this as another part of the series on Ao3 or not. I am curious on what your opinions are.)
One Week before Obi-Wan Kenobi goes missing.
Qui-Gon stepped off the ship and let out a small breath of relief. Though he may not be fond of the planet itself, Coruscant was the closest thing he had to a home and by the Force he could not wait to get to his rooms and just bask in the warmth of his bath for the next several hours.
After he yells at the Council for sending him on that stupid, useless mission that cost the lives of nearly thirty people, of course.
A deep, almost angry frown made its way onto Qui-Gon’s weathered and dirty face as he slowly walked towards the Temple. Once again, another mission that the Council had sent him has ended in death and pain. The Senate no longer does proper checks into requests for Jedi and the Jedi are limited on what they can and can’t research because of new legislation that restricts them.
Which means more often than not, Qui-Gon is faced with loose/loose situations where people die because he does not have the information he needed for the mission.
Qui-Gon feared deep within his heart that someone was trying to either kill off all the Jedi in what would, at surface glance, look like accidents, or worse, have the Order look so incompetent that people would either oust them or have them killed.
One way or another, these last few missions had been terrible and Qui-Gon knew it was only going to get worse. He hoped Tahl had managed to gather any information she could on the legislation so they could hopefully counter it.
Sighing quietly, Qui-Gon released his fears and anger into the Force. Neither of those emotions would help him. He needed to have a clear head when he dealt with the Council and he needed to be mindful that he does not project his emotions, especially the more unpleasant ones, within the Temple.
It would do him no good to be yelled at by the Wookiee Crèche Master for projecting near the younglings and scaring them. Again.
All but dragging his feet along as he walked, Qui-Gon gathered what was left of his energy and prepared for the explosions that were to come from the Council Chambers.
Qui-Gon leaned his head against the back of his door and listened to the lock engage with relief. Finally, he was home.
It had been a long, blood month and a half and oh he was so relieved to be back in his own personal space. All of his plants pulsed softly with the Living Force and Qui-Gon was silently thankful that Tahl had watered and fed them while he was gone.
And she must have cleaned out his kitchen as well, seeing as he could not smell any rotting fruit or vegetables.
Smiling softly at the generosity of his friend, Qui-Gon shuffled himself to the bathroom and ran himself a bath. He would worry about his messages and what he should eat after he has washed off the top two layers of skin and dirt that is stuck to him. Urgh, and he has to do something to his hair. The mattered mess looks like something a bird would nest in.
And quite frankly, he does not want a bird to be nesting in his hair. His love for animals and the Living Force only goes so far.
Shaking his head, Qui-Gon peeled off the tattered and worn robes, that he would have to get replaced (he was not looking forward to that confrontation with the quartermaster about him, once again, destroying his robes), and sank himself down into the hot water with a groan of relief.
He was going to be useless until the water became cold. Even then he was tempted just to lay in the gentleness of the water and allow himself to sleep.
After washing his hair until it was damned well clean enough that one would not mistake it to be a bird’s nesting area, Qui-Gon lazily dozed in his tub. He allowed himself to sink into a light mediation and to feel the gentle pulsing Light that came from every member of Temple that milled about.
On other planets, Qui-Gon would focus on the Living Force of the trees, the plants, even the soil. Coruscant is a giant city. There was little to no green to be found naturally on the planet anymore and everything was soaked in pollution. He could also not focus on the people that often when he mediated, as a lot of the presences he could feel came from the Senate.
And those presences were often filled with greed and desperation. He tired once to mediate with those presences. He spent a week in the healer’s ward as a Padawan because of it.
No, it was best to stick to the Order and how his Jedi brothers and sisters feel within the Force. Their Light was gentle and kind against his weary soul. Like a soothing balm.
Perhaps he really was burning himself out like Micah and Tahl have been telling him. Maybe he should take a break from everything. Spend a year away from the Order. Go to some Outer Rim planet filled with the Living Force and just relax for a bit.
Yeah that would be nice.  
Qui-Gon let his head rest again the rim of the tub and relaxed into the gentleness of the Force.
At least he did until his bathroom door was opened unexpectedly.
“Force Damn it all Tahl!” Qui-Gon jerked and quickly covered himself. “Can’t you see I am in here?!”
Tahl rolled her eyes at him and dumped a towel that he had neglected to grab on the toilet seat for him. “Oh please. You have nothing on you that I have not seen before. Hurry up and stop being such a pampered little Senator. Mic and I brought dinner.”
Qui-Gon closed his eyes and counted backwards from ten before letting out a low sigh. “Get out of my ‘Fresher Tahl.” There was no point in fighting her. Tahl would drag him out of the bath by the hair and make him sit naked and wet on his couch if he did not do as she said. She has done so several times and Qui-Gon was in no rush to repeat the experience.
Tahl rolled her bright gold and green eyes at him but thankfully left. Qui-Gon sighed and silently mourned that he would not be able to have a quiet night to himself.
Still, it is nice that he has friends that have brought him food. And hopefully alcohol.
Standing and stepping out of the bath, Qui-Gon towelled himself dry and walked calmly into his bedroom with the quiet hope that he still had clean underwear somewhere in his draws.
Dinner was loud, rowdy and the most fun Qui-Gon has had in months.
His two crèche mates had brought enough food to cover his small dining table and enough alcohol to have them on the floor laughing about the Loth Cat that Qui-Gon had brought back to the Temple when he had been an initiate. Slowly, but surely, the three of them nodded off to sleep on the floor; all of them full of food and alcohol and resting half on top of one another and in awkward positions that were going to make them all cranky come morning.
When the dawn came, several loud groans of displeasure were sounded from the occupants on the floor. None of them had thought to shut the curtains and were rudely awaken by the glaring sun in their eyes.
“Urgh.” Qui-Gon pushed Tahl’s foot out of his face and tried to roll over, only to bang heads with Micah. “Force Damn it!” He growled, cursing in pain.
The Weapons Master merely grunted and rolled onto his stomach and went back to sleep.
After several minutes of accidently hitting one another, Qui-Gon managed to get untangled from both Tahl and Micah. Leaving Micah where he slept, Qui-Gon and Tahl shuffled to the bathroom and kitchen respectively. Qui-Gon stumbled to the toilet and relieved his bloated bladder before shuffling to the shower to wake himself up.
By the time he got out of the shower Tahl had made a simple breakfast with whatever was stocked in his kitchen and had made tea. Micah had finally woken up and was resting his head against the table, looking pathetic. His old friend never did handle his hangovers well. He would be his normal self soon enough though when he got some food into him.
The three of them sat at the table, slowly eating the food (which was really good. Tahl was a better chief then half of the galaxy renown chiefs that Qui-Gon had met) and the tea that tasted stale and old. Qui-Gon mentally sighed and made a note to go to the lower levels later that day to get some more tea and food for his shelves.
“Did Xanatos ever reply to your message to him?” Micah low voice startled Qui-Gon from his thoughts. Qui-Gon blinked at his friend and sighed, placing his mug of tea down by his plate.
“He did. He has agreed to talk to me again by the end of the month.” Qui-Gon admitted, knowing full well that lying in any form to these two was not a smart idea. “He was very… polite and calm when we spoke.”
“You managed to get a holo call with him?” Tahl asked in surprise, her dark eyebrows raising. Qui-Gon shrugged and toyed with some of the food on his plate.
“I left the Comm number in the message and I wasn’t busy at the time.” He said, looking down. “He looks well. Healthy. The treatments have been working.”
“That’s good to hear.” Micah sighed and gently clasped Qui-Gon’s shoulder. There was a pause before Micah continued. “You do know no one blames you for what happened. No one. Not even Xanatos himself. You need to let your grief and regret. You cannot change the past Qui. No one can.”
Qui-Gon let out a low breath and gave a tired nod. He had heard those words so, so many times in the last several years and while he knows that they are true, he cannot help the feels that still plague him. Nor the doubts that eat at him at night.
“I know. I know. I need to organise another meeting with Healer Vantie. I’ll do that after we finish eating.” Qui-Gon rubbed a hand over his face and shook off his friend’s hand. He could only stand to be touched for so long while sober.
“You also need to get more food, clean clothes and speak to Yoda before noon meal as he left you a message while you were in the shower.” Tahl stated, stealing his tea. Qui-Gon glared at her and Micah snorted beside him.
“You are the worst. Both of you.” He grumbled in half-hearted annoyance. The two of them snickered and the rest of the morning went by in companionable silence.
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