#and of course lulu. and birds. and lulu's soft smile. and-
selccuth · 1 year
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I might have no energy but there’s always the time and willpower to make Lulu beautiful for the season right before the year ends.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 3 years
Eddie if Zack/Someone killed Lucian :)?
Heh. Pain.
Eddie gazed at the water crystal blue water, smiling softly. Making graves earlier today had him in a good mood. Now that it was night, he managed to sneak out before Albert could come beat him and relaxed by the small stream that laid near his pet cemetery. Although he was supposed to be calm, something in his heart was tugging. Almost as if something was wrong, but he wasn't sure what. Something deep inside worried him.
Eddie's eyes widen as his head whips to the left of him. He heard a faint cry from further down the creek that sounded awfully like someone he knew. The feeling of dread he felt before was now coming a reality. He quickly stood up and rushed towards the voice, his eyes meeting with a sight he could have never imagined.
Lucian's bloody body laying on the luscious green grass, staining it with a crimson red. His pale skin seemed even paler underneath the moonlight. Of course, Eddie dropped to his knees and immediately helped him sit up, seeing blood pouring from his head. So much blood.
"L-LUCIAN!" Eddie cried, unwrapping his red scarf from around his neck and trying his best to stop the bleeding. His eyes swept down his entire body, seeing he was wounded practically everywhere with glass shards sticking from his limbs. Despite looking like a ghost, Lucian laughed softly with tears rolling down his cheeks. "L-Lucian! What happened?!"
"Am...Am I gonna...die, Eddie?"
Eddie's heart jumped to his throat. From the amount of blood he was losing...
Lucian laughed again, this time even weaker. "Marigold...my dear marigold..." he fell into Eddie's arms, holding him with all the strength he had left. "It's okay...I...I wanted...to come...here so that...you could bury me..." Eddie didn't know what to do. He was so shocked that he couldn't even move or think. Everything was going in slow motion. "...Y'know...I...I...always liked you...more than..."
"L-Lucian...! Please, no! Please...please, stop it! You're not gonna die! I-I-I won't l-let you!" Eddie let him go and rested him against the trunk of a tree, sobbing out of control. "N-No...no...!"
Lucian gazed deeply at the crying boy. He could feel the blood pouring from all of his wounds which made him dizzy, however, he was more concerned about those tears of his. He was sobbing even though he would be the one to bury his childhood friend. For a moment, it confused Lucian.
"Eddie...it's...it's okay..." He reaches for Eddie's cheek, stroking it with his pale fingertips. "You don't need to...cry like that...I don't wanna see you cry..." Lucian then gave him a gentle smile. It seemed different from all the ones Eddie had seen, it was so genuine without any fault or concern. Pure joy to spend his last moments with Eddie. "Because...I...love you..."
Eddie's heart began to race with excitement. A mutual love that will last forever, right? All he had to do is make him eternal and they could share that feeling together until the end of time! That's what he would've thought if it weren't for those wounds. If he didn't do it now, Lucian would be stolen from him. He would die by the hand of his mother. That's not what he wanted, not at all.
He has to do it now.
Lucian's eyes grew more hollow than ever, the life seeping out of him. Eddie stood up and lifted his shovel, panicking. The genuine grin Lucian made was turning to an unreadable expression.
He has to die now.
"Eddie..." Lucian's voice grew so weak that you could barely describe it as a whisper. Eddie's tears were continuously falling from his face into the flowerbed beneath them, staining their petals ever so slightly. "...does this mean...you love me...too...?"
"I-I do!" Eddie wept, his hands trembling more than ever before. He couldn't move from his standing position. In fact, he was so devastated that he could barely keep his balance. For some reason, he just wanted to hold Lucian close without having to do this. But he would become like that little bird if Eddie didn't kill him.
Lucian closes his eyes with a bigger smile. "I'm glad...hey, you know...you look...scared..." his breaths became shorter and shorter from the amount of blood he was losing. "My final moments...belong to you...and only you, Eddie...if you're afraid of...killing me then...you don't...have...to..."
"L-LUCIAN!" Eddie drops his shovel and launches himself into his arms. He cried into his blood stained shirt, his entire body shaking from the fear of being alone completely. Lucian kept his smile, wrapping his arms around Eddie and patting his head just as he used to do.
"...It's okay...it's okay..."
"I-I love you t-too, Eddie..." Lucian choked, his tears mixing with Eddie's. No matter how he truly felt, he continued to smile for him.
"Lucian, please!" Eddie grabbed his shoulders and looked at him, seeing that smile. But...
He didn't see any life from him.
His body was limp as it rested on the tree trunk. No breathing, no heartbeat, nothing.
"Lucian..." Eddie's eyes were huge and his tears stopped. "Lucian...Lulu...? Hey..." his heart sunk further as Lucian's head rocked forward as Eddie shook him. No life whatsoever. The smile turned into a soft expression, looking as if he were only sleeping peacefully. Blood dripped down his forehead and onto Eddie, yet, no sign. "Hey...HEY! LUCIAN! LUCIAN, WAKE UP!”
But there was no reply.
“No…no…” Eddie held Lucian close, biting his tongue so hard that it began to bleed. He was trying to hard not to scream on the top of his lungs after all. Seeing his beaten body, he clenched his shirt into fists. “…Who did this to you…? Who…? Your mom…?” his voice fumed with anger. His chest felt tighter and tighter from being so enraged. His mind began to spin all in which had one solution.
. . .
“That’s it…” Eddie lifted Lucian into his arms, taking him to the meadow they used to play in as children. Flowers grew all around, little animals roaming, this is where he’d make Lucian happy. Then,
He’d do it better.
He’d make everything better.
Immediately getting to work, Eddie spoke to Lucian as he did before. As if he weren’t even dead. He told him every step he took to make this grave, what flowers he was going to pick, how bunnies and other small animals would roam around happily around the headstone. Overall, he overworked himself until his arms felt too heavy to even move. It needed sanded more, now it needed more detail, now it need more flowers, less flowers, the name should be fancier, the date needed to be more legible, over and over again. It had to be perfect. After all, he truly loved him. Ever since they were little kids. So…
He knew if he was gone…
“It’s done…” Eddie murmured, dropping his shovel and walking to his beloved. “…all done…” he then pulled Lucian into his arms and rested his head on his bloody chest. He still felt warm, but his blood was now drying onto his skin and clothes. Eddie didn’t want that. So, without a second thought, he stood up and walked to the stream, getting some water and rubbing the blood off of his body. He couldn’t get his clothes to be the way they were, but his pale skin was much clearer, as for his wounds as well.
Eddie found glass in the gash on Lucian’s head, ultimately the cause of his death. Looking at the glass, he saw that it must have come from some sort of wine bottle. One huge smash to the head and poor Lucian bled out.
Eddie clenched his teeth. It must of been that rotten mother of his. Always intoxicated without a care in the world, it was her fault that Lucian died. All of her fault, all of it was!
“I’ll bury you now…” Eddie coaxed to him softly, giving him another hug. “then, you’ll be mine. I…love you, my dear Lucian.”
That being said, Eddie rested Lucian into the coffin he had hauled out from the shed, adjusting his hands to fold on his stomach and putting flowers in his white hair to cover the blood stains. He looked so elegant and beautiful, almost as if he was just sleeping. Slowly, Eddie grabbed the lid to seal him in before tearing up. This would be the last time to see him. Normally, he’d feel so overjoyed, but knowing how much pain he went through before dying just completely drowned him in sorrow. How terrible it was.
“I already miss you. I don’t think I can live without you..” Eddie whispers with a smile. “but I know I’ll see you again. I have no worries about that! I’ll see you…very soon.”
Pulling out his father’s revolver from with front pocket, Eddie puts the barrel up against his temple. “That’s right! I’ll see you right now! In our own grave, Lucian! Ours and ours alone! Isn’t it pretty?! ISN’T IT LOVELY?! HAHAHA, IT IS, ISN’T IT?! ALBERT, CARL, GEORGE, MOMMA, DAD, THEY’LL ALL FORGET ME! IT DOESN’T MATTER! AND SINCE I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH…! SINCE I COULDN’T MAKE YOUR DEATH BEAUTIFUL AND PEACEFUL, I SHOULD DIE TOO!”
And with that, Eddie pulled the trigger.
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malfoyfarms · 4 years
Let the Adventure Begin
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
T/W: soft jj
A/N: idk what it is but the idea of JJ calling the reader Bird, or using bird names makes me happy. Also, I really want to make this into a series of blurbs with different situations. Goodnight. 
It was rounding 1 am when you finally managed to finish your night. You had picked your little sisters up from your aunts, made them dinner, got them both bathed, reluctantly coaxed them into bed and put the last load of laundry in the dryer. 
The kitchen was a mess, the pots from dinner were still on the stove, the girls’ bowls and utensils were scattered on the table with the occasional piece of fruit or mac n’ cheese. You hadn’t eaten yet tonight, but you would eventually. While making a cup of tea you thought about how you ended up here. 
Of course you were thrilled when your mom had given birth to two carbon copies of yourself, not imagining at 17 you would be one of the main providers for them. Nola was 6 and laid back, while Luanna was 4 and a straight hellion. Tonight she had insisted on only taking a bath in the kitchen sink, which you were fine with considering she was actually keen on getting clean tonight. 
The laundry was sorted and folded, dishes cleaned and put away, and you yourself had just made a sandwich when you heard a knock on the door. Making the way to the front, you expected to see a disappointing form of your mother, but instead you saw JJ. A smile appeared on your face as you opened the door for him to come in. Usually you didn’t like having guests over when you had the girls, but they were asleep and you could use some actual conversation. 
He kissed the top of your head, and made his way to your “bedroom” that you took once the girls came along. It used to be a small office area, but it worked. 
“Bird, you got any left over dinner?” he asked, taking his shirt and shorts off. You handed him the last of your sandwich which he took gladly. You chuckled at him as he made himself comfortable in your bed. JJ was not a shy boy, but it never failed to amaze you at how long it had taken to get him to just waltz in. 
“No chateau tonight?” 
“Nah, Sarah was over, and after the second round of ‘John B!’ I figured I’d come to see what you were up to.” You pulled your hair out of the bun it was in, and moved into JJ’s side. 
“You surprisingly smell good,” you mumbled into his skin. He fake gasped at your comment, letting out a small laugh. 
He rolled over to look into your eyes, and could see the exhaustion. It was nearing 2:15, and he knew Nola and Lulu would be up by 7:30. JJ pulled you close and ran his thumb over your eyebrow, trying to give you some comfort. He knew you worked hard, and wanted to give you as much relaxation as he could. Your eyes slowly started to droop once he successfully maneuvered his fingers in the pattern you would usually do on him. Once JJ could confidently say you were asleep, he pulled the quilt over the two of you and went to bed. 
JJ woke up to something heavy laying atop his chest. His eyes slowly opened to greet not one, but three mops of y/h/c. As he focused his eyes and became more aware, he realised Lulu had found comfort in sleeping on his chest. Her tiny fingers were holding on to a shark stuffed animal. Nola had wiggled in between himself and your body, still completely asleep. 
He had met your sisters a couple of times, but he never thought he’d find himself waking up to them. A feeling in his chest was swelling. It was at this moment JJ knew he wanted to wake up everyday like this. Something about the thought of you having his kids, and them crawling into bed with him made him elated. 
Lulu had now started to stir from her sleep, looking up to JJ with big y/e/c eyes. She reached for his hand to play with his fingers, something she normally did to you when she was ready for you to wake up. JJ let her play with his fingers for some time until she worked up the courage to ask him for breakfast. Lulu pulled her shark and her sister off the bed, ready to see if JJ would cave and give her sugar for breakfast.
“Alright ducklings, what do we want for breakfast?” he asked, searching through the cupboards.
“No,” he quickly responded, shooting down the crazy 4 year old with a smile. “If you eat some oatmeal for me, maybe I can convince Sissy to take us for ice cream later.”
“Give me the oats,” Lulu responded. He turned to Nola to make sure the deal was alright with her, and she quietly nodded, shying into her stuffed animal. 
When you finally awoke, you were shocked to see an empty bed and no monsters in sight. The confusion was slowly replaced with fear as you heard large amounts of laughter from the kitchen. You cautiously made your way there, preparing yourself for the worst possible outcome. 
What you saw instantly made your heart explode. Nola and Lulu were on the couch eating and watching Pocahontas, while JJ was giving a performance to Colors of the Wind. 
“Sissy look at our new Pocahontas!” Nola yelled when she realized you were watching from a distance. JJ’s cheeks instantly became red as he sang out his final line of the song. You took a seat next to Nola as you watched both your boyfriend and Pocahontas deal with the issues of John Smith. 
It didn’t take long for the girls to get bored with TV and head outside after giving you the empty oatmeal bowls.
“Thank you for getting them breakfast while I slept. I really appreciate it,” you told JJ as you rinsed the dishes. He came over to you and placed a quick kiss on your lips and sat his head on yours. 
“Anytime, you need sleep.”
“I want to have your children,” you muttered quietly, catching JJ off guard. “Not soon, but eventually.”
The smile that fell on JJ’s lips was so wide you were sure it hurt him. He looked like he was going to cry.
“I would love that more than anything in the world.” 
“Also, if you’re okay with it, I think it’d be nice for the girls if you came around some more,” you said shyly, hoping he didn’t shoot it down completely. 
“I’d love to spend more time with my three girls.” This made your heart swell. You never really brought people around your sisters due to the fact that you didn’t want them to get attached, especially if they left. Not all things were permanent in the Cut, but for them you wanted to sure as hell try. “Also I think the little monster may have taken a liking to my bargaining style.” 
“What did she con you into this time?” you sighed. “Ice cream? Violence? Raiding the cookie jar at my aunts?” 
“Ice cream,” he paused, little caught off guard at the violence. JJ’s thoughts were interrupted when the two wandered back inside.
“Sissy, can you go talk to Benjy’s mom? He was calling us names, so Lulu threw a rock at him and it hit him in the head,” Nola asked.
“Let the adventure begin,” JJ muttered as he placed his hand on your back, and  the two of you went to work out the situation at hand with the neighbors.
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adorasgayass · 3 years
No Strangers to Love: We Know The Game (And We're Gonna Play It)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
After an unbearable time apart, bitter exes, Lilith and Hooty, are forced to spend time together as they plan their rebellion against Emperor Belos. Will they get back together? Or will they be strangers to love once more? Will they run around and desert each other? Or will they never give each other up?
Read on ao3 | Co-written with @marashope
Notes: Exclusive art on AO3!!
“Hoot, so why are you here again, Swiftie?”
Swift Wind, Hooty’s ex-boyfriend from years ago, throws back his long, pink mane and spreads his wings out majestically and says, “I felt the call of rebellion!”
“Right,” Hooty drags out the word, not quite believing him, “How did you even get here, hoot?”
“Well,” Swift Wind begins to explain but his voice fades away as Hooty sees a different ex come into the room.
Hooty sucks in a breath but he does it too fast and suddenly, he’s choking. Everyone turns to look at him as he begins to cough loudly, “HOOT HOOT HOOT.”
Hooty flushes with embarrassment, pretending not to notice how Lulu is rolling her sparkling blue and grey eyes at him. He tries not to watch as she takes her seat next to Eda, pointedly avoiding looking at him.
"Lu- I mean, hoot, Lilith," Hooty hoots, raising an eyebrow, "I did not think you would show up, hoot."
"I am crucial to this plan, Hooty," she spits his name like a curse, "Though I could hardly say the same for you."
"Um, guys-" Luz tries to interrupt them but Hooty is already yelling over her.
"How dare you, hoot?" He shrieks, "At least I'm not a coward like you! You just ran away and hid who knows where!"
"Because I couldn't stand to see your stupid bird face!"
"Maybe you guys could do this later?" Luz wrings her hands nervously, trying to get back on topic but Hooty is only paying attention to Lilith.
"Well, I couldn't stand to look at you either, hoot hoot." He glances away from her. "Because looking at you is like looking at the sun."
Lilith opens her beautiful, thin lips to answer but Eda interrupts her, "That is enough, you two. No one wants to listen to this garbage."
"Actually," Swift Wind interjects, watching them with a smile, "I don't mind." Everyone in the living room turns to stare at him, including Hooty. Swift Wind just shrugs "Lin Manuel Miranda didn't seem to care."
“I don't know what that means,” Eda rolls her eyes, “But Luz is right, we need to get back to planning.”
Eda and Luz begin to explain the plan but Hooty is not listening, he is only watching Lilith. She is paying attention to the planning, pale fingers absentmindedly twirling her blue hair. She must feel him staring at her because she turns to look at him, holding his brown eyes in hers for only a moment before glancing away, cheeks reddening as she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear.
Hooty barely notices when the meeting concludes and people begin to disperse.
"Get in the porta-hooty," Eda tells him as he tries to remember what was said in the meeting. "We need to leave now if we want to get near Belos' palace in time to make camp for the night."
"Oh, okay, hoot," Hooty says, avoiding Lilith's eye as he peels himself out of the house. He remembers the disgust on her face when she first saw him do it.
Eda's prediction was correct and the group of rebels reach the edge of the palace's grounds just after sunset. Hooty watches as everyone begins to set up their tents, purposefully avoiding the corner where Lilith is setting up hers. It takes a few minutes for everyone to finish setting up but once they do, they waste no time in going to bed, wanting to be well-rested for tomorrow. Hooty looks around for his own tent but when he can’t spot one, he turns to Eda.
“Where’s my tent, hoot?” His shrill voice makes the people sleeping mutter in annoyance, “I need someone to set it up because, well, I have no hands. Or feet. I’m pretty much just a tube, hoot!”
“I didn’t bring you a tent, Hooty,” Eda replies, rolling her eyes as she pulls out pajamas from her backpack.
“What?” Hooty is shocked, “How could you, hoot? I thought we were friends, Eda.”
“‘Friends’ is generous,” she tells him, “Besides, you don’t need a tent. Like you said, you’re just a tube.”
“Just a tube? JUST A TUBE?” Hooty shrieks, betrayed. Someone shouts “shut up!” a few meters away and he huffs, too heartbroken to listen.
“Stop being so dramatic,” Eda groans. “You’re going to get us caught. Just go share a tent with someone.”
Suddenly the campsite falls silent. Hooty looks around and sees that everyone has gone into their tents and zipped them up. He wonders what the hurry was.
“Will you share with me, Eda?” He looks up at her hopefully.
“Oh, Titan, no.” She makes a face. “I don’t get why you can’t sleep outside. You sleep outside of the Owl House every day.”
“That’s different, hoot!” he huffs. “Come on, hoot, please?”
“Absolutely not,” she says with finality before stepping into her tent and zipping it up.
Hooty sighs, resolved to begin preparing for a night without shelter when a familiar voice comes from behind him, hesitant and quiet.
“I’ll let you share my tent, Hooty.”
Hooty spins his tube body towards Lilith, who looks up at him with wide eyes, “A-Are you sure?”
“Yeah, it’s no big deal,” her pale cheeks turn slightly pink, “just stay on your side.”
“Right,” Hooty looks away, “Of course.”
He follows Lilith back to her tent, trying to ignore his fast beating heart. She sets up some pillows for him before lying down on the opposite side, keeping her back to him as he settles into place.
A charged silence falls over them as they lie there, so close yet so far apart. Hooty turns to glance at her, watching her shiver slightly in the coldness of the night. He would give anything to press his tube body against hers, to feel their heartbeats become one as they warm each other.
He tries to control the nervous crack in his voice as he opens his beak to speak, “It’s kind of cold out today, hoot.”
“It is,” is all Lilith says in return. Hooty is about to leave it at that when she speaks again, quieter this time, “Maybe we should think of a way to warm up.”
“Well, hoot,” he hesitates, “We could use our body heat.”
There is silence from Lilith’s side of the tent and Hooty cringes, certain that he has ruined any chance he had with Lilith. But then-
“That sounds like a good idea.”
Surprised, Hooty turns and sees that Lilith has turned to face him as well. Her eyes hold a strange expression as she slowly shifts closer to him. Hooty tries to keep calm as he tentatively wraps his body around her.
He feels both of their bodies begin to warm up as his breathing slows. A calm settles over him as he feels Lilith wrap her arms around him. She smells familiar, like dead batteries and feathers.
He closes eyes and hesitates only a second before whispering, “Good night, Lulu.”
There is silence for another moment before Lilith’s voice comes, just as soft.
“Good night, Hootcifer.”
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 34 - SBT
Here it is!
Lucien didn't even hear the kitten sing along to him. He was too deep into his rehearsal, on the piano, in his suite. His fingers were gliding on the keys and the man had sunk to depths uncharted by man ever before him. It was so dark at these depths, he didn't need his eyes to see, so he closed them. 
Not only did he not need his eyes to see but he was also exhausted. The nightmares coming back to him were starting to get to him. But, as of late, there was one thing that never failed to bring peace to him and help him fall asleep. 
Lucien was in the dark despite the golden sun drowning his living-room. The song he was rehearsing was sweet but the smoke of the cigarette between his lips, bitter. It balanced it out nicely. 
The Frenchman played and played, letting his fingers do the work while he set his thoughts free to run wild. And oh boy, they did. They ran and galloped, flew like fish in the clouds and swam like birds in the sea… One image kept coming back to him, one smile, one pair of lagoon blue eyes. And that sensitive side of him… M was full of surprises, all being good ones so far.
But how long? How long could he make it last? That trick of thinking about him to find peace and fall asleep without being assaulted by images of Marie and Jérémy? Could he even make it last? Was it even in his power?
The doorbell rang.
"Oh?" Lucien stopped playing and pricked his ears up. 
He scooped Perle off the piano and put her on his shoulder as he went to the door and opened. 
"Ah, bonjour Bastien." 
"Hey there, L! Pearl..." The young man was carrying a few boxes.
The kitten hissed and Bastien chuckled.
"Tsk, sois polie et dis bonjour, Perle."
[Tsk, be polite and say hello, Perle.]
She hissed again and Lucien tapped her nose. 
"My apologies, as always, Bastien." 
"No worries. I have a few things for you. First, these suits from your tailor. He had me tell you that he added the extra one you asked for." 
"Oh, that is generous of him." Lucien took the suits that Bastien was handing him. 
"And he says good luck for tonight." 
"Merci. Here is for you, Bastien, and have a good day." 
Bastien accepted the tip with a wide smile before nodding and leaving.
"Jetons un coup d'oeil, Perle."
[Let us have a look, Perle.]
Lucien opened the boxes one by one. 
"Hm… Very nice, and very appropriate; right on time too." 
There were a few suits for his concerts, then M and his costume for Duchemin's masquerade ball and… 
"Oh, wow…" 
That had to be M's extra suit. Lucien had called Richard and added one. Why? He couldn't really say. Maybe seeing M's gaze fall to the floor when Richard lectured him about his clothes got to Lucien. Maybe it reminded him of his days locked up in his parisian flat, in rags as well, watching the sun spin around his head?
In any case, he needed to get this suit delivered to the Aussie. He rang for Bastien and asked him to do it for him. 
Now, Lucien needed some well earned lunch. 
"Perle, tu viens?" 
[Perle, you want to come along?]
The kitten brushed herself on her master's head. He smiled and got her leash. 
"Alors allons-y."
[Then, let's go.]
Lucien attached the leash to Perle and dropped her on the floor for her to trot happily on his side. He put on his jacket and headed for Victoria's diner. 
-- Victoria's diner --
"Oh hey, L!" 
"Bonjour, V."
"Hello, Pearl…!"
The kitten answered in her own way. 
"She still doesn't like anyone, eh?" 
"Non… And I try to teach her to at least say hello, but she refuses and just hisses at whoever happens to cross her path." Lucien sat down and scooped Perle off the floor to drop her on his lap. 
"Apart from you, that is."
"So, what will you have today?" She asked. 
"The fish." He answered. 
"I'll ask for a big one, so you can give some to her." Victoria winked. 
"Very nice of you, thank you. And you?" 
"I think I'll go for a Ceasar salad."
"Add it to my bill, please."
"Thanks! I'll be back in a minute." 
Victoria spun on her heels and left man and kitten alone. 
Perle was playing with her master's fingers, grabbing the index with her fluffy paws and gnawing on it. Lucien undid the leash and took her closer to his face. He kissed her and chatted with her while waiting for Victoria to come back.
He laid her on the table on her back. 
He tickled her and the kitten squealed and mewled, trying to push back these fingers that she liked to feel against her and through her fur so much. Lucien chuckled and removed his hand just to get rid of his glove and be able to feel her soft fluffiness. She hugged and cuddled his finger, wrestling with his hand still. 
"And here we go, fish and chips for the old man and the kitten, and a salad for me!"
Victoria put everything on the table before sitting down and joining Lucien. 
"Bon appétit, V."
"Thanks, to you too."
And they started digging in. Victoria had brought a small dessert plate where Lucien put bits of the fish that he previously had blown on, to make it cool down, and make sure Perle wouldn't burn herself on them. 
"So, how's it going with your friend?" She asked. 
"My friend?" He repeated. 
"Yeah, the lanky bloke from the other day, what's his name again…? Uh…"
"Ah, you mean M perhaps?" 
"Yeah, him! How's it going with him?" 
"We are not friends, professional acquaintances." Lucien corrected. 
"You can tell that to someone else, L, but not to me." 
Lucien stopped chewing sharp and his eyes darted up from his plate to Victoria's. 
"Pardon?" He asked in his native tongue. 
"You call him Bushman and he calls you Spook. You're friends." She explained. "An odd combo, but eh, I won't judge." 
Lucien raised a confused eyebrow. He wanted to answer back something, show her the wrongs of her ways, but her argument was pretty solid. He called M 'Bushman' and he was 'Spook'... 
"An odd combo?" He repeated. 
"You're as fancy as a bloke can get. It's a miracle you don't ask me for silver cutlery when you eat!" Victoria said. "But he looks like the very simple type."
"How so?" Lucien wanted to know exactly what she was thinking. 
"He doesn't have those manners of yours, he dresses up very simply, he talks very simply. In a word, he is your exact polar opposite." 
Lucien smiled. 
"Indeed, he is." 
"And yet…" She said and he raised his eyes to her. 
"And yet you like him, eh?" 
The concerto of cutlery on plates stopped sharp. 
"Non." He said coldly, although Victoria could hear the difference between his usual cold-bloodedness and the tone he was using now.
"Yeah, you get along nicely together." She went on. 
"Hey, I just mean I'm surprised you seem to - "
"Enough about him already!" He burst before frowning and looking down at the content of his plate. Perle had jumped out of fright on the table and laid down low, her ears were pulled back.
Lucien's sudden fit of anger startled Victoria who blushed out of embarrassment and resumed eating her salad, frowning too, but that was only because her friend's unexpected reaction pushed her to think harder.
"What?" He still stared at his plate, wincing at how ridiculous his behaviour had been. He was at the other end of proud of himself.
"Why are you so aggressive when I mention him? I'm just happy for you to have a friend."
"And for the millionth time I will repeat myself, he is not my friend!"
He raised his eyes to her and she was making one of those unfazed faces that said that she didn't believe him. Lucien rolled his eyes and sighed out of exasperation. 
"We are just working together. Circumstances called for it, neither of us and especially not me, wanted this."
"Hm…" She still did not believe a word of it. 
"Why are you insisting with this?" He asked.
"If you behaved normally, I wouldn't. But look at you, you're gripping your fork so tight, your knuckles are white. And I've never heard you get angry at anything before. Even when I asked you personal stuff, you didn't get angry. You just got up and went away."
Lucien looked away at Perle.
"So I'm just… surprised." Victoria said. "Why would you jump on your high horses just for that bloke?" 
He couldn't look her in the eyes and just petted Perle, as a wordless act of excuse to have yelled and scared her. But he knew. He knew Victoria was far from stupid...
"Oh, Gosh…!" She dropped her fork and it landed with a clink that shattered his ears. The conclusion she came to in her head dawned on her hard.
Lucien frowned and put a hand on his eyes, to hide how hard he was screwing them, while Victoria smacked a hand on her mouth. He raised furious eyes to her, shining like the sheen of blades. It was a threat, he was threatening her without the words. His ice grey eyes burning and the red of his face spoke the words his mouth couldn't and she blushed. She was impressed. 
"D-don't worry, I-I won't tell anyone…" She stuttered, paralysed by the rage fuming out of his face, his hair, and his suit. 
-- The Queen Victoria --
Lulu was in his dressing room, getting ready for the night's performance. His encounter with Victoria for lunchtime didn't leave his mind. What she had read in him, he was trying his best to hide, forget and even better, throw away. He couldn't allow himself to feel that way. Non, of course not, not while getting his revenge for Marie and Jérémy. 
What would she think if she knew? 
Lucien shook his head. Non! Not again! That wasn't the right moment to think about this now! He was about to step on stage…!
And yet, Lucien kept on staring at his reflection in the mirror, his impeccable hair, his eyes and his suit sharper than before. And he remembered his miserable afternoon that day, after the lunch he shared with Victoria. 
He had gone back home and straight to his bed, where he needed to hide, like a fox in his den. He curled up under the duvet, all the lights were out, the suite was dead silent, and he held Perle in his arms, because there was no one else to hug, to cuddle, to squeeze. 
His breath was getting louder and faster. He regretted it, he regretted having told Victoria. Merde! He hadn't said anything! But if she got it, that meant that he had made it clear enough, non? Merde! Merde! Merde! Why did he have to be like that?!
Marie would die of shame if she knew it, no doubt. And Lucien wouldn't know how to look Jérémy in the eye if he had still been walking amongst the living. Marie didn't know that he could also like men. She knew him as a romantic man, a man who would appreciate beauty though all his senses. A good meal? A nice perfume? A soft scarf? He used to revel in them all, a man of acute sensitivity he was, both on his physical senses and his heartstrings… 
What would Marie think to see him now closing his eyes at night on the image of a man? What would she say if she was still next to him, in his bed? What would she say if, when he held her hand, he would feel the engagement ring again? How would she look at him, if she knew that the only way for him to fall asleep and peaceful, was to swim in the lagoon blue eyes of a man?
And what man? Scruffy, wild, untidy, someone at the polar opposite of his prime, pristine, impeccable and elegant self, to quote Victoria. 
And on top of all that, he couldn't afford any shred of sentimentality, not when he was off to kill a man, not when he was off to torture the life out of him, choke it out of him, lacerate it out of his very skin. Non, frivolous feelings like these wouldn't help, quite the opposite. 
She brushed herself on him, under the cover.
"Pourquoi je suis encore comme ça?"
[Why am I still like that?]
"Après la mort de Marie, je ne pensais que je pouvais encore-…"
[After Marie's death, I never thought I could-....]
He screwed his eyes shut and felt them grow warmer.
"Non! Pas encore! Je n'en peux plus d'être comme ça!"
[No! Not again! I can't bear it anymore, to be like that!]
He released Perle and wrapped his arms around himself, curling in a fetal position. He wanted to be small, tiny, to not exist, to press the reset button of his life…
Perle screeched out of fright as Lucien, again, drenched his pillow, the mascara of his cold facade melting along his cheeks…
After he had woken up and taken a hot shower, he had called Andy. Change of plans, change of songs. Here were the new chords. The song was French, he insisted on singing it. Oh, and there was something else he trusted Andy with, something for-... 
Argh! Again?! 
The same blue eyes flashed before his eyes…
Lucien sighed. He was now at the Queen Victoria and looking next to him, he found yet another cardboard box full of admirers’ letters. A voice in his head whispered to him to have a look. But reason got the best out of him and he resorted to simply push it away, out of his reach.
He was now Lulu, and it hurt, because he was the artist, the sensitive man. He knew that when it was his turn to walk on stage - any minute now - he would then again lose against her, against Music. 
She would wrap herself around his neck, his waist, let her hands slither along his slender body, send shivers everywhere as if she was touching his bare skin. She also would take his lips, suck the very breath out of them and leave him empty and exhausted. Trying to resist falling too hard, it takes a lot of effort and energy.
"Ladies and gentlemen…!"
Lucien's ears pricked up. It was his time to shine. He stood up, straightened his bowtie and carded back his hair. 
Hey, mate? Deep breath. 
His eyes snapped wide and his pupils shrank. 
"... The one and only, the great Lulu!"
Lucien gulped down some water and walked to the stage. He pushed the panes of the thick red curtain left and right and emerged in front of the crowd. He had asked for a bit more light on him that evening. Frank, the Queen Victoria's owner, had mocked him, thinking Lucien was throwing a tantrum, like a rotten spoilt child. 
But non, of course not.
Lucien walked to the microphone under the thunder of applause that for once didn't make him feel that good.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Lucien started. "Thank you again for the letters, I appreciate the kind words and would like to reiterate my thanks." 
A wave of applause rolled in the audience. 
"Secondly, I took the liberty of changing tonight's song." 
There was a collective silent gasp in the audience.
Lulu sat down at the piano. 
{The song is "Comme ils disent" [As they say] by Charles Aznavour, some lyrics have been tweaked}
He nodded at Andy and his fingers sank on the keys as the violins pulled their first chord. Lulu closed his eyes and let her get to him, Music, he let her possess him. The double-bass resonated in his chest, his heart beat the tempo and he slowly melted in the melody as he sang.
"J'habite seul avec ma Perle
[I live alone with my Perle]
Dans un très bel appartement
[In a very beautiful flat]
J'ai pour me tenir compagnie
[I have for company]
Des cigarettes, des nuits d'ennuis
[My cigarettes, my nights of boredom]
Et une chatte"
[And a lady cat]
Of course the original song's lyrics were different, but Lucien had changed them all when he had decided that he should sing selfishly, about… himself. 
"Le travail ne me fait pas peur
[Working doesn't scare me]
Je suis un peu décorateur
[I'm a bit of a decorator]
Un peu styliste
[A bit of a designer]
Mais mon vrai métier
[But my real job]
C'est la nuit
[It's at night]
Que je l'exerce travesti
[That I work for it, in a disguise]
Je suis artiste"
[I am an artist]
Oui, Lucien in fact, was an artist. Espionnage, like music, was an art. It was a means to express one's feelings. The boldness of a bullet, the delicateness of a knife, the seduction of an interrogation exercise, the sensuality of torture… And Lucien was an expert at all of it.
"J'ai un numéro très spécial
[I have a very special number]
Qui finit en nu intégral
[That I finish completely naked]
Après strip-tease"
[After a strip-tease]
Of course Lucien did not mean it literally. But it did feel like it, especially in this one-sided game where he knew M was somewhere out there listening to him, not knowing that the L he worked with was the same Lulu in front of him. And that was why Lucien asked to be blinded with a spotlight. He wanted the light to make it impossible for him to see that man, sitting there in the crowd. He needed that external light to take his eyesight away because he knew that without it, he would be too tempted.
Lucien took a deep breath, the next verses he knew where the hardest. They spoke a truth that no one should know about him, and yet, he needed to shout it, he needed to free himself from that taboo.
"Et dans la salle je vois que
[And in the room I see that]
Les mâles n'en croient pas leurs yeux!
[The males cannot believe their eyes!]
Je suis un hom-oh
[I am a man-oh/homo]
Comme ils disent"
[As they say]
And there, it was said, it was sung and it was yelled. That song was cleverly designed such that one could either hear "Je suis un homme, oh" [I am a man, oh], or it could also be "Je suis un homo" [I am a homosexual]. 
Lucien stood off of the piano and took the microphone with him. He started walking on stage, the words coming out of his mouth were commanding his legs, his arms, his entire body.
"Je me couche mais ne dors pas
[I got to bed but I can't sleep]
Je pense à mes amours sans joie
[I think about all my sad loves]
Si dérisoires
[So pointless]
À cet homme beau comme un dieu
[I think about that man, gorgeous as a god]
Qui sans rien faire a mis le feu
[Who, without doing anything, set fire]
À ma mémoire
[To my memory]
Ma bouche n'osera jamais
[My mouth won't ever dare]
Lui avouer mon doux secret
[Admit my soft secret]
Mon tendre drame
[My tender disaster]
Car l'objet de tous mes tourments
[Because the object of all my desires]
Passe le plus clair de son temps
[Spends all of his time]
Sur le macadam"
[On the roads]
And there he was again. Lucien was standing at the edge of the stage, a hand on his chest to help his heart. His lower lip was trembling and he could feel a tear form in his eyes. He fluttered his eyelashes and looked up, as if to swallow back those shameful, burning waters. 
"Nul n'a le droit en vérité
[No one in truth has any right]
De me blâmer, de me juger
[To blame me, to judge me]
Et je précise
[And I want to make it clear]
Que c'est bien la nature qui
[That it is only Nature]
Est seule responsable si
[The one responsible if]
Je suis un hom-oh
[I am a man-oh/homo]
Comme ils disent"
[As they say]
That last note he held as long ah he had some breath, it floated in the air and stretched the passing of time itself. Of course, as he closed his eyes, the tears finally sank. He turned his back and left the stage without adding a word.
Lucien locked himself in the dressing room. Nothing made sense anymore. Why did he have to sing that? M knew that Lulu liked men, they had talked it through before. But why did he feel like he had to sing it? 
A knock interrupted his descent in madness. He froze. 
He stood up from his sofa and nearly fell. 
His legs were jelly. He caught himself on the sofa's arm and pushed on his legs and thighs to stand, collecting his dignity. He feared that the man behind the door was the one he had asked the brightest of lights on his eyes for… 
Lucien cleared his throat and pulled the door open. 
The plump man was standing at the door and Lucien's lungs slowly released the air he realised he had trapped there.
"Duchemin wants to see you, maybe even have a bite with you." 
"Ah, but of course." Lucien followed the restaurant owner to the upstairs, VIP area. 
"Here he is! The legend! The fool!" Duchemin applauded him and his brain-dead henchmen copied him around. Lucien bowed elegantly as he noticed the lady on his lap was yet again a new one.
"Merci." He sat next to the criminal. 
"Cheeky choice of song, hm?" Duchemin said. "Somebody please, get this man a menu!"
"It is one of the artist's functions, to go beyond taboos, open people's minds through their ears and hearts." Lucien coldly answered as he took the menu he was handed and chose the chocolate dessert again.
"Still, quite bold, although I had no doubt about it." Duchemin answered. 
"About what?" Lucien asked. 
"À propos de ce que vous avez chanté."
[About what you sang.] 
Duchemin's French was impeccable, of course, he was a native. But with his British accent when he spoke English, Lucien had almost forgotten that. Of course Duchemin had understood the lyrics…
"I also understand about your plus one." Duchemin added. 
The dessert appeared in front of Lucien's eyes and he dug in. 
"Vous m'aviez dit que ce serait un homme."
[You told me it would be a man.]
Duchemin said in French.
"Does it come as a surprise to you?" Lucien answered.
"No, to each their own. I know plenty more like you and unlike you. I do not care as long as you are a friend. And Lulu, you are becoming a good one!" 
Lucien gave him a fake, yet believable smile.
"Many thanks."
"Did you get your costume yet?" Duchemin asked. 
"Oui, I did."
"And your other half too?"
Lucien almost choked on his chocolate dessert. He was seeing M in his head and hearing "other half" at the same time. His heart jumped in his ribcage. 
"Oui." He simply answered, thanking his lifetime of service as a spy for hiding his blush and emotions. 
"Perfect! I cannot wait to see you there! It will be quite the party."
"Do you expect a lot of guests?" Lucien asked. 
"Certainly! It will be colourful and hopefully, a great moment of entertainment!" 
"No doubt." 
"And I have talked about you to a few people, look at the upstairs area here…"
Lucien looked left and right. It was full of people. He smiled to himself. He indeed won his bet with Frank. In about a month, the popularity of the Queen Victoria soared. 
"You look tired, Lulu. Not enough sleep?" 
"I work hard." Was Lucien's answer. "I thank you for your company, but I must get some rest."
"Of course, thank you, and congratulations again on today's performance!" 
"You are welcome."
Lucien stood up and bowed to the criminal before going back to his dressing room. He locked himself in, threw his gloves and tie away before dropping on the sofa. He put his elbows on his knees and bent forward to hold his face in his palms. 
"Mon Dieu…"
He undid the first button of his shirt and breathed heavily.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 5 years
As The Dust Settles (Chapter 1)
Pairing: Thomas Mendez x MC (Marissa Day)
Summary: Settling into their first year of marriage, Thomas and Marissa are prepared for everything life throws their way...or so they think.
Tags: @princess-geek @chetachisblog @dorishi-desu@hatescapsicum@annekebbphotography @drakewalkerfantasy@seriouslyices @zambazeus @loilko @blackcoffee85@randomchoicesblog @fortunatelywaywardsandwich@canknot@lapisreviewsstuff @akacalliope @senseofduties@badchoicesposts @ao719
As always, enjoy! And let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged.
Six months into this married life, and Thomas and Marissa still find it to be extremely blissful. After swearing off of love after the death of his first wife, falling for Marissa Day was a complete surprise, but it’s something that Thomas is grateful for every single day. She’s a breath of fresh air in their stuffy little town, his solace, his source of comfort. And Marissa feels the same way about him. Thomas is the complete opposite of her ex in every way and sometimes, she wants to punch herself just to make sure she’s not dreaming and she didn’t conjure him up in her imagination.
They settled into an easy routine after getting married, thankfully able to avoid the growing pains of blending a family together. It helped that Luz and Ivy were best friends and now being sisters was the best thing on earth to them. Their mornings were filled with bustling energy, everyone getting ready to start the day, their nights ended with everyone gathering together around the dinner table, sharing stories about their day.
It’s a quiet Monday morning in the Day-Mendez household. The sun is just starting to rise, birds are quietly chirping, and everything is peaceful.
Until Thomas is woken up by a horrible wrenching sound. His eyes snap open and he turns to see his wife isn’t in bed next to him. “Riss? Is that you?”
There’s no response, so Thomas pulls back the thick comforter and sleepily crawls out of bed. He walks to the connect en-suite and finds it empty. 
Following the sound of the commotion, Thomas heads out of the master bedroom and walks down the hallway. The light is on in one of the bathrooms.
He finds Luz hunched over the toilet, throwing up while Marissa rubs soothing circles on her back.
Panic settles in his blood as he sees his baby crouched down on the floor, sick. “Lulu baby, what’s wrong?”
“Don’t...feel good,” Luz replies slowly.
“I heard her in here throwing up,” Marissa says. “And she has a fever.”
Thomas sweeps Luz’s hair away from her face and touches her forehead. She’s burning up. “Oh no. You think it could be a stomach virus?”
“I think so.” Marissa grabs a towel from the counter and runs it under some cool water. She places it firmly onto Luz’s head. “She can’t go to school like this, she’ll be miserable.”
“You’re right. I can stay home with her.”
“You have a huge case to prepare for,” Marissa says. “I can stay with her.”
“Are you sure? You’re still pretty new at work, I don’t want you to get into trouble.”
While Thomas and Marissa were engaged, she was able to complete her schooling and get her degree in social work. Right after they got married, she got a job working with the county, as an advocate for people leaving abusive relationships and connecting them to different available resources.
After her tumultuous relationship with Guy, she felt like it would be a good way to give back and help other people. She’s been there for 5 months now, and she loves every minute of it.
“I’ll be fine. I can take a sick day.”
“I can handle it in here, you just go wake up Ivy and start getting ready,” Marissa softly orders. Thomas walks out of the bathroom, after giving Luz a soft kiss on the head. Once he’s gone, Marissa turns on the shower. “Why don’t you take a shower and change into some cooler pajamas. And once you’re done, I’ll get you some ginger ale.”
“And crackers too,” Luz adds.
“Of course. Ginger ale and crackers coming right up.”
Marissa leaves Luz alone in the bathroom to freshen up, softly closing the door behind her and she pads back to her bedroom. Thomas steps out of their walk-in closet once he hears her return. 
“Hopefully I won’t be in the office too late tonight,” he says, watching his wife plop dramatically onto the bed. “I’m handling a pretty ridiculous civil case right now.”
“Anything interesting?”
“Two greedy sisters fighting over their late father’s assets. They’re so ridiculous, it’s actually amusing.”
“Why can’t they just split everything down the middle?”
“Because that makes too much sense,” Thomas jokes. Marissa’s phone beeps and she blindly reaches the bed until it hits her fingers. “Who’s calling at 6:30?”
“No call, it’s an email,” Marissa answers. She scrolls through the message and chuckles humorlessly. “It’s the school. They wanted to inform us that there is a stomach bug going around and we should be cautious.”
Thomas snorts. “Well, they’re a day late and a dollar short.”
“Got that right.”
“”You think you and Luz will be good for the day?”
“Of course. We’re going to lay in bed, watching soap operas and daytime talk shows.”
“Sounds like you’re getting a vacation day.”
“Please, I wish.”
Thomas walks back over to their bed and braces his arms on either side of Marissa’s head so he’s hovering over her. He leans down and gives her a short kiss. “I don’t think I said good morning to you.”
“You didn’t, but it’s okay, we were pretty distracted.”
“Well, good morning beautiful.”
He nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck, inhaling softly. She always smells good, like vanilla. “You know, all four of us could take a sick day. You and I can stay curled up in bed.”
“Are you trying to get out of work?” Marissa teases.
“Just thinking of how nice it would be to spend the day with my girls, and no crazy clients.”
Marissa rolls out from under Thomas and tugs his hand. “You’ve got a job to do, Mister Hot-Shot Attorney. Go to work.”
“Fine,” Thomas relents a pout. Marissa rolls her eyes and gives him another kiss, but before she can pull away, Thomas wraps an arm around her waist. “Give me one more.”
“You’re so demanding sometimes. I like it,” Marissa murmurs against his mouth. She leans into him, kissing him with much more fervor this time around, a hand reaching up to tug his hair.
Thomas grabs hold of her waist, pulling his wife even closer to him. He feels her shiver as he kisses up her jaw. “Don’t start what you can’t finish, Missus Mendez.”
“Can you guys stop eating each other’s faces for five seconds?” Luz asks, causing the adults to spring apart like two teenagers.
“Luz!” Thomas’s cheeks turn bright red. “Honey, we did not see you come in.”
“Come on, I need to get my ginger ale and crackers and I can’t reach the top shelf in the pantry.”
“Sorry sweetheart. I’ll be down there in one minute,” Marissa promises. Luz rolls her eyes, mumbling under her breath and walks away.
“We have to get a lock on that door,” Thomas says with a groan. “I’m tired of getting interrupted.”
“And the kids will still find a way to get in,” Marissa jokes. “Come on, go finished getting dressed. I’ll put on a pot of coffee for you.”
“You’re the best.”
“I know. It’s why you married me.”
Later that afternoon, Marissa and Luz head down to the grocery store. With Luz having an upset stomach, Marissa decided that it would be the perfect opportunity to make her famous chicken noodle soup.
She scans her list as they walk idly down the aisle. “Okay Luz, do we have our chicken?”
“Celery, carrots and garlic?”
“Check, check, and check!” Luz exclaims.
“Perfect. Now time for my special ingredient. It is absolutely imperative that you keep it a secret.”
“What does imperative mean?” Luz asks.
“Super, super important. Do you think you can keep a secret?”
“I am the best secret keeper.”
“Good.” Marissa scans the produce section until her eyes land on what’s she’s looking for. Running over, she plucks a few ingredients and drops them into a tiny plastic bag.
“The secret is jalapeños?”
Marissa nods. “Yup. That’s why my chicken soup is better than everyone else’s. It adds a little bit of umph.”
“Awesome. I love spicy food.”
“Me too. That’s why you and I go together like peanut butter and jelly.”
“And Oreos and milk.”
“Perfect comparison, kiddo.”
They continue their stroll down the aisles, picking up different food items, happily chatting along the way.
So caught up with their conversation, their shopping cart accidentally bumps into someone else’s. “Oops, I’m sorry–” The apology doesn’t on her tongue once she realizes it was just Vanessa. “Oh. Hello, Vanessa.”
“Marissa, hi.” Vanessa plasters on a fake smile. “You weren’t at the PTA meeting this afternoon.”
“Sorry I wasn’t able to make it. Luz got sick, I’m sure you received the email about the stomach bug going around, right?”
“Yes.” Vanessa’s eyes flicker over to Luz for a brief moment. “Hello, little one.”
“Hi,” Luz mutters, never meeting Vanessa’s gaze. She didn’t like the older woman and made no attempt to hide her disdain. Marissa envied that about her, her lack of poker face. 
Instead of looking at Vanessa, Luz spots a small kiosk on the other side of the aisle. There’s an older lady passing out samples. “Ooh, Marissa, can I try a sample?”
“Are you sure it won’t upset your stomach?”
“It won’t, I swear.”
“Just one,” Marissa insists. Luz happily skips off, Marissa keeping an eye on her until she makes it over to the kiosk. When she turns around, she notices that Vanessa is still standing there, staring at her. “Did you need something?”
“Since I’m here, I might as well give you a synopsis of the meeting. We’re holding a fundraiser the school’s art department later this month. And since you were so...good with the last one, I figured you should run this one as well.”
Marissa barely had time to pull off the last bake sale. But with how busy things get at work, she definitely can’t commit to planning another bake sale. “I can’t. Work has me pretty swamped right now.”
“Surely your night shifts at that dingy little bar don’t keep you that occupied.”
Marissa’s eyes narrow at the dig. Vanessa knows perfectly well that she doesn’t work at the bar anymore. “I haven’t worked at Drafthorse since I graduated last year. You know that.”
Vanessa feigns ignorance. “Silly me, I must’ve forgotten.”
“You’re too young to be losing your memory, V. You might want to get that checked out.”
“I can’t plan the bake sale, but you can put me down for rugelach again. And I can give a donation from the Mendez household.”
“Oh how nice, Thomas lets you use bank account.”
It’s no secret that the members of the PTA resent Marissa, for a multitude of reasons. But her marrying Thomas was icing on the cake. Not only did she snag one of Goldcliffe’s most eligible bachelors, he was rich to boot. And while Marissa isn’t one to flaunt her husband’s wealth, she’ll absolutely rub it in Vanessa’s face.
She just smiles politely. “My name’s on the account. What’s his is mine. That’s how this marriage thing works, not that you’d know.”
Vanessa’s eye twitches at the insult, but she recovers quickly, her icy facade slipping back into place.
Before she can respond, Luz rushes back over, a tiny cup in her hand. “Marissa, I got you a sample! It’s ravioli and it’s really good.”
Luz shoves the cup in Marissa’s face and the smell invades her senses. She recoils instantly and her stomach churns uncomfortably. She covers her mouth takes a step back. “Luz, get that away from me please.”
“What’s wrong?”
“That smell is–”
She can’t even finish the rest of her sentence before she turns her head and empties the contents of her stomach...right onto Vanessa’s shoes.
“My Louboutins!” Vanessa shrieks. “You’re going to pay for my these, you cow!”
Marissa groans and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, barely registering what Vanessa is going on about. She turns and glares at Luz, who’s staring back sheepishly.
“I think I got you sick.”
“Yeah, I think so too.”
It’s a few days later, and thankfully Luz recovers from her stomach bug and is able to return to school. Marissa is not so lucky, the virus taking her down swiftly and without mercy.
Her third day off from work, and Alma is over, keeping her company as Thomas is at work and the girls are at school. They’re sitting in the living room, curled up on the couch, watching trashy court tv. 
“Wait, wait, tell me the story again,” Alma says in between laughs. “You threw up on her shoes?”
“All over them.”
Alma’s laugh only grows louder. “Man, do you know how much money I would’ve paid to see that happen? Top dollar, Marissa. Top. Dollar.”
“Well, I have to buy her $800 shoes now, so I hope you enjoy the story,” Marissa grumbles.
Alma wipes a stray tear from her eye, a side effect of laughing too hard. “Trust me, the laughter and complete joy this story has given me is priceless. Easily worth the pair of Loubs. You are my queen for doing that do her.”
“It was a complete accident, Alma.”
“Sure it was. You don’t have to lie to me, Riss.”
“I swear, I didn’t do it on purpose. I got so sick all of a sudden and I couldn’t move fast enough.”
“What the hell type of superbug do you have?”
“Who knows. Elementary schools are a breeding ground for germs.”
“Maybe I should go home,” Alma suggests. “I do not want to get sick.”
“No! I will go crazy in this house all by myself.”
“Fine, I’ll stay. But only because you’re my best friend and I love you.”
“Thank you. You have carte blanche to the television and the fridge.”
“You really know the way to my heart. I’m going to get a snack.” Alma slides off of the couch and into her seat. “Do you want anything?”
“Saltines, please. And a cup of ice.”
“Coming right up.”
A few minutes later, Alma heads back to the living room, a bowl of popcorn, a pack of crackers, and a large cup of ice. 
Marissa sits up and eagerly rips open the pack. She stuffs a few into her mouth and she instantly regrets it. Jumping up from the couch, she runs to the downstairs bathroom and thankfully makes it to the toilet before she throws up on the floor. Her throat burns and her stomach clenches tightly from the exertion.
It feels like forever before she’s finally done vomiting–she’s sure it’s just bile at this point considering her stomach is empty–and it takes all of her remaining energy to wipe her mouth clean.
She knows there’s no way she can walk back to the living room, so Marissa curls into a ball on the bathroom floor. The room is spinning, her entire body is trembling, and she’s pretty sure she’ll have to spend the rest of her life on the floor because getting up is not an option.
“Are you alive?”
Marissa instantly recognizes it as Alma’s voice. “Barely.”
“Do you think you should go to the hospital? Because no offense, you look horrible.”
“No, no. I’ll be fine eventually. I just need to lay on this cold floor for a few more minutes and collect my bearings.”
“Are stomach bugs usually this horrible? Should you be throwing up this much?”
“I don’t know.”
“What if you’re pregnant?” Alma muses.
Marissa scoffs at the suggestion. “Alma, don’t be ridiculous. I’m not pregnant.”
“What, are you celibate?”
“I’m a newlywed, of course not.”
“Then it’s a possibility.”
“I can’t be pregnant because I just got my…” Marissa’s words falter. Holy shit. When was the last time she got her period? Wasn’t it supposed to be this week? Or was it last week?
“Oh my god.”
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charmandhex · 5 years
Inspired by @herbgerblin ‘s wonderful Taakitz art
For those that live perpetually on call in Faerun, contacting them can go a couple different ways. If you’ve got their frequency, some are easily reachable by Stone of Farspeech. If you’re offering some sort of brief, stunt-filled adventure to three less-than-retired saviors of the multiverse, a letter will suffice. And, of course, all else failing, anything from a posting for a serving job at the local tavern to one preceding a multiverse-saving adventure may be posted to Craig’s List.
But for the agents of her Majesty the Raven Queen, goddess of the natural order of life and death, ruler of the Astral Plane, it’s more a feeling: a chill gracefully sweeping up the bones, feathers subtly rising in anticipation, and the certainty that something so much larger than you is watching, that if you were to look over your shoulder, a pair of deep brown eyes would meet yours.
It’s to such a feeling that Kravitz wakes up this morning. And that’s morning only in the technical sense of the term, as the softly ticking clock on the wall indicates that it is 3:16. Again, in the morning.
Kravitz immediately closes his eyes again, pushing down the brush of frustration. First, despite Kravitz’s semi-return to the land of the living, he is still very much dead and in the Raven Queen’s employ. Though She certainly respects Kravitz’s newfound work-life balance, necromancy never sleeps. At least not at reasonable hours.
Second, there’s Taako. Kravitz opens his eyes again and tilts his head to look at his sleeping boyfriend, somehow sprawled across half of the bed and most of Kravitz, tangled up in blankets, hair spread across the pillow. Beautiful, ethereal, gorgeous. Also drooling slightly.
A smile crosses Kravitz’s face before he looks to the clock again. The feeling heightens, a sense of urgency tracing through Kravitz’s recently back in use veins. It has to be something serious then.
Kravitz slowly extricates himself from Taako’s hold, trying not to wake him. Faint moonlight peeking through the curtains paints Kravitz’s shadow across the wall as he rises, a cat hopping off the bed and trotting noiselessly across the room as he does.
Kravitz follows just as noiselessly, and his hand is on the doorknob when he hears a sleepy, “Babe?” Kravitz looks over his shoulder. Taako slowly pushes himself up to sitting, still under enough blankets to be more fabric than elf. Taako peers at him for a moment, blinking sleep out of his eyes, then says, “Shit. Call from bird mom?”
“Yes,” Kravitz answers, turning around fully. “I can’t believe those two got you to call her that.”
“Shit.” Taako mumbles again, or half mumbles as the word turns into a yawn. “S’like... fuck o’clock.”
“You can go back to sleep. I’ll be-“ Kravitz stops. “It won’t take long.”
“Nuh-uh.” Taako wiggles off the bed, taking the blankets with him and sending two more cats running. A far lumpier shadow crosses the wall as Taako crosses the room. “Ugh. Fuck o’clock. Coffee first?”
Kravitz considers, reaching out to ask, and the watched feeling softens, the hairs on the back of his neck settle. Urgent, important, but not Magnus Burnsides level of needing to rush. Coffee first then.
Neither bothers with the lights as they head downstairs, because neither needs them. Taako bats Kravitz’s hands away from the coffee maker in the kitchen and sets to work himself. Kravitz, for his part, concludes he’d be better suited, both figuratively and literally, if he were wearing work attire instead of pajama bottoms, and materializes his suit and cloak. There’s a soft, almost squeaking meow near his feet before Cat Angus starts determinedly climbing his pant leg.
“Why not send Lup?” Taako whines as he works.
“Your sister is probably going too.” Kravitz answers.
“So send Barold with her.”
“Your brother is probably going with both of us. This one... feels like a big one.” Taako’s ear twitches, and his shoulders tense. “It’ll be fine. We’ll be safe, and I’ll be back by dinner.” Kravitz rushes to say, reaching out to put a hand on Taako’s shoulder. Or what he is 90% sure is Taako’s shoulder. It’s hard to tell with all the blankets. There’s another meow from somewhere near his hipbone and a swift tug of his cape as Cat Angus jumps.
“Mmmrmph.” Taako lets out a truly dissatisfied noise before turning around, two mugs in hand. Kravitz he gives the official Raven and Ram racing mug, while Taako himself keeps a mug emblazoned with the word, “beanjuice.”
“You don’t have to stay up,” Kravitz says, gesturing to Taako’s mug even as he takes a sip from his own. The bitter taste of the coffee is tempered by just the right amount of cream and sugar. As always, Taako is an expert in the kitchen, and Kravitz is especially grateful for that (and caffeine) right now. “You could go back to bed, get some more sleep. It is-“ Kravitz breaks into a yawn. “-Very early.” He finishes.
Taako shakes his head and takes a sip of his own coffee. “Nope. Gonna hold you to that one, rabbit. You, Lulu, and Barold all back safe and sound by dinner.”
“Nope!” Taako shakes his head. “You gotta be a good Grim Reaper, I’m gonna be a supportive boyfriend. So, family dinner, tonight. No negotiations here, babe.”
“Taako, I-“ It’d be nice to have something to look forward to at work today. And a reason to push off paperwork until tomorrow. “Okay. Family dinner, tonight.” Kravitz nods.
“Cool. Gonna have you ‘n Lup ‘n Barry ‘n Maggie ‘n Ango ‘n Merle ‘n Ren and-“ Taako breaks into another yawn. “And everyone.” He says decidedly. “Family dinner means everyone. So you three-“ He gently pokes a finger into Kravitz’s chest. “Have gotta show up.” The hand raises to hold Kravitz’s cheek.
“Promise. Cross my heart and hope to revivify.” Kravitz winks, work accent popping in.
Taako snorts. “Fuckin’ necromancers.” He leans in to kiss Kravitz. Only to pause when there is a thoroughly indignant squeak, as Kravitz’s own movement jostles a certain kitten that has reached Kravitz’s shoulders. “You little shit.” Taako directs to the kitten, pulling back.
“He wants attention.” Kravitz says. Cat Angus gently bats at one of Kravitz’s braids.
“Yeah, and he coulda had it now, but he picked you as his favorite.” A purple Mage Hand carefully picks the kitten up off Kravitz’s shoulder and deposits him on the floor. Cat Angus, for his part, meows his displeasure before stalking off, tail pointing straight upward.
“I think Angus is his actual favorite.”
“Lucky Agnes.” Taako huffs.
“You’re my favorite.”
“Damn right.” And Taako leans in to kiss Kravitz. They aren’t interrupted by the kitten this time. “Love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“Oh, and can you pick up fabric softener while you’re out?”
“Of course. Fabric softener, family dinner tonight.” Kravitz smiles.
Being summoned at 3:16 might be harder now, but what he’s going back to? It’s worth it.
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étoiles et fleurs
Summary: Lucas is next in line for the throne, about to be engaged to marry a young noble woman and he hates it. That is, until he runs into the curious florist, Eliott, on a walk through the city. Lucas has little choices in life, but will one of them be Eliott?
Word count: 2.9k 
Warnings: none
ao3 version:
Lucas sighed, putting his book down on his knees and turning to look out the window and onto the grounds. The massive garden was alive with colour, the lawn a vibrant green, flowers of every kind covering the hedges and trees and bushes. Roses and marigolds and lilies and carnations, perfectly trimmed and watered.
That day, it was a particularly clear afternoon, only a few pale white clouds bobbing along the pale blue June sky. Lucas could see one of the gardeners out with his clippers, trimming the hedges neatly.
Lucas looked along the corridor for any signs of life, tilting his head back against the window frame, tucking his knees in closer on the bay window. He could barely get a second of peace anymore now that he was technically dating Chloé. Although it was hardly dating since it was arranged and he couldn't stand the girl. The more he got to know her, the more he realised she was physically incapable of not talking, always going on and on about complete nonsense. She talked his ear off at dinner about annoying servants, complained in the garden about friends back home, babbled in the library about her new clothes she was sent.
Opening his book once again, Lucas pushed all thoughts about Chloé out of his mind and continued to read his book.
He was almost onto the next chapter, starting to get into the scene, when he heard quick footsteps behind him, followed by someone grabbing his shoulders. Lucas startled, dropping his book onto the floor with a thud and spinning around so fast his neck clicked. When he came face to face with none other than Yann, his startled frown melted into a grin. "You gave me a fucking heart attack, Yann!" he whined, shoving his friend and getting off the window sill.
Yann snorted, shoving his shoulder back. "Don't be such a drama queen—sorry, prince. It's not my fault you're jumpier than a kitten," Yann replied, smirking and jumping out of the way of Lucas' swat. "Oho, that's not very nice, is it? I know I'm just a servant, but surely you don't have to be so cruel!" Yann mocked defense, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting.
"Can I help you, Yann?" Lucas asked, crossing his own arms.
Yann shrugged casually, plopping onto the windowsill with his back against the window. "Shouldn't I be asking you that, your Royal Highness?" Yann teased. He digressed, straightening up. "But really, no. Mum let me go for a wander and I was bored so I came to exactly where I knew you'd be."
"How'd you know I'd be here? No one else knows about this area," Lucas asked, furrowing his eyebrows together, "No one ever comes here because it's not even near any staff quarters."
"Oh, Lulu, you underestimate me," Yann replied, "Of course I know where you hide from your little girlfriend. You're far too predictable, really." Lucas rolled his eyes. "A distant, mostly deserted corner of the castle which is relatively close to the library and has a good enough view of the gardens? Hmm, I wonder how I figured out you'd be here…"
Lucas leaned against the wall by the window and slid down to the floor with his back against the wall. "Okay, so maybe I am a little predictable," Lucas admitted. He lifted his fallen book and flattened out its pages, closing it properly and setting it down by his side. "But can you blame me for hiding? That girl never stops. I needed a break before dinner later on."
"How on earth would I ever manage to talk to her, Lucas?" Yann deadpanned, staring at Lucas, "I'm just the butler's son and she's a noble who is soon-to-most-likely-be-engaged to the heir to the throne."
Lucas groaned, shut his eyes and hit his head against the wall. "Fuck. Sorry," he muttered, "I don't use my head at all."
Yann poked his nose with his finger. "No, you don't," Yann said, "But it's okay. I forgive you."
They fell into amicable silence, Yann watching the gardener water the plats while Lucas fiddled with the pages of his book, legs outstretched in front of him. If he really strained, Lucas could just about hear the chirping of birds outside the window.
"Do you really think I'm going to have to be engaged to Chloé?" Lucas asked after they had been sitting in silence for almost 20 minutes. He looked over his shoulder, making Yann turn his head from the window down to him.
Yann sighed, placing a comforting hand on one of Lucas' shoulders. "I hate to break it to you, but yes," Yann admitted sadly, "Most likely. She's from a noble family that has pretty much always backed your family and she's been basically living here since late April. And you're of marrying age. I think it's safe to say you'll be engaged at least by the end of summer."
Lucas groaned, falling onto his side on the itchy carpet, burying his face in his hands. "But I don't want to marry her," Lucas whined, distorted by his hands, "She's annoying and talks too much and I'm not even 21 yet. I don't wanna marry anybody yet." Yann climbed off the bay window and settled down beside Lucas, forcing him to sit up. "I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes I really hate being the prince." Lucas rested his head on Yann's shoulder, scowling.
Yann reached up and patted his head. "I know, Lucas," he said, "I'm sorry." Lucas frowned deeper, glancing sideways.
"Sorry? What for?"
"Even though you're a royal and have all these privileges, at least I have more choices in life than you."
Dinner that evening was a disaster. Lucas' father called him out for hiding from Chloé all day because she asked multiple people where he was (including the king!). This turned into his father yelling about duty and chivalry and honour and how Lucas would never be a good enough king. Chloé cried, his mother left the dining hall shaking, his father accidentally broke a plate slamming his hand on it in anger and Lucas stormed out of the dining hall with his hands curled into tight fists.
Lucas burst into the hallway, pacing the floor and breathing heavily, tightening and loosening his fists. The doors to the dining hall swung open again and Manon hurried out, holding up her scarlet dress, hair a mess. Lucas was hunched, leaned against the wall, eyes burning with hot tears as he tried to keep himself from punching the wall out of anger.
"Lucas? Lucas, are you okay?" she asked, striding over to him. She held his fists in both her hands, uncurling his fingers to reveal red rimmed crescents indenting his palms. "He's wrong, Lucas. None of that is true. You'll be a far better king than he ever has been, okay? You have more chivalry and honour in your big toe than he does in his entire body." She wiped the tears from his cheeks, smiling sadly.
"But what if he's not wrong? What if, when I become king, I ruin everything?" Lucas cried, sniffling. "And I'm hardly ready to marry anyone nevermind her."
"Maybe if you tell mother—"
Lucas cut her off and shoved her away. "No! I'm never going to be satisfied with my spouse and you know it," Lucas snapped, "I'll never be happy enough with who I marry and our parents won't ever care." Manon started to reply, but Lucas was already marching out of the hallway, heels clicking on the stone floor.
"Lucas, where are you going?" Manon called after him, hands on her hips and worried frown on her face.
"Out! Anywhere is better than here!" he called over his shoulder, storming down a flight of stairs. He heard Manon's heels following him down the stairs frantically, hair flowing behind her and skirt bunched into her fists. "You're not stopping me, Manon."
"Come on, Lucas. Don't do this. You can't just leave the castle."
Lucas stopped and spun around, fresh tears in his eyes, making Manon blur in his vision. "I'm just going for a walk, okay? I'll be back later." And before Manon could protest further, Lucas spun back around and stormed out the front doors once again.
It was sunset by the time Lucas reached the middle of the city. He was mostly calm now, walking through the winding streets. The evening air was cool against his skin, having neglected wearing a coat, which left him in his simple white button down. All the market stalls were shut for the night as well, only a few shops and restaurants still open. The streets were almost deserted and Lucas only passed a handful of people, thankfully. He was considering turning back, shivering with cold, when he stumbled upon a small florists still open, warm light flooding onto the dim street.
Lucas pulled his sleeves over his hands and stepped inside the shop. He was instantly overwhelmed by the strong floral scent filling the air, along with the pleasant heat coming from a small fireplace in the corner. Lucas glanced around the entire store, brushing his fingers over the soft petals and leaves, occasionally leaning down to smell one.
"Hello," a voice said in his ear. Lucas lept to the side, whipping his head up, eyes wide. He found himself barely an inch away from the same florist from the market stall pess than a month ago.
"Fuck, you scared me!" Lucas exclaimed, clutching his chest.
The man chuckled, eyes crinkling as he smiled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to!" he replied, still laughing, "I was just coming to see if my customer needed anything. Looks like I found my favourite one."
Lucas flushed, distracting himself by fidgeting with the stem of a gloxinia.
"It's been a while. I was starting to think you were a dream," the man continued, "Or at least that you weren't coming back." The man was standing so close to Lucas he could feel his breath on the side of his face and neck. It sent a chill down his spine.
"Yeah, I've been, uh, busy," Lucas replied sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "And I live just outside of the city, so it's hard to come here often, I guess."
"What a shame," the man said. "Where's your companion from last time? The magnolia girl."
Lucas snorted at the memory. "She's back home. I came here myself."
The man nodded and clapped his hands together once. "Right. Well, can I do anything for you today?" he asked, stepping away finally to gesture towards the flowers surrounding them. "I'm Eliott, by the way. I don't believe I introduced myself last time. Silly me." He held out his hand in front of Lucas.
Lucas shook his hand, lingering for far too long to be considered normal. "Lu—Louis."
Eliott smirked, a knowing glint in his eye. He's onto me. "Well, Louis, what can I do for you? Another arrangement for a special someone?" Eliott asked with a teasing lilt to his voice. He gestured around the shop again. "I can do loads of different bouquets for all occasions."
Lucas stepped past Eliott further into the shop, looking around the room at the seemingly endless array of flowers filling the room. They were set in baskets and vases and paper bags on the wall, overlapping endlessly in a rainbow of petals and leaves and ribbons. Lucas made his way all the way to the back of the shop where he found a bunch of parchment stuck to the wall, adorned with what looked like pressed azaleas and peonies.
"They're my favourite flowers," Eliott said, appearing by Lucas' side, "They symbolise my soul. Like spirit flowers or something."
Lucas walked ever closer to the wall, lightly touching one of the azalea petals. "So like floriography?" Lucas asked casually, glancing sideways at Eliott. Eliott's smile softened, looking down at Lucas through his lashes.
He nodded. "Yeah. Exactly like that."
"So." Lucas turned his entire body towards Eliott, who mirrored him. "What flowers am I? What's my soul flower?" Lucas asked, raising an eyebrow teasingly, suggestively.
A sharp intake of breath. A grin. A pause. Eliott looked Lucas up and down thoughtfully, tilting his head to the side. The silence in the air hung heavy and charged, but no less comfortable. "I don't know. I'll think about it," Eliott said after a moment. "Maybe come back and I'll have one in mind."
"Okay then…" Lucas turned around, circling the store once again. "Will you make me an arrangement at least? Any that you like. Any occasion you can think of," he said, walking backwards, grinning. Eliott followed him, eyes full of mirth.
"Now that I can do." And then Eliott was hurrying around the small shop, knocking down baskets and grabbing flowers here and there seemingly haphazardly. Lucas hopped up onto the cash desk, swinging his legs back and forth as he watched Eliott hurtling around the room collecting the flowers for the bouquet. It was the most fun Lucas had had in weeks, watching Eliott stumble and scatter around, a man on a mission, barely pausing for breath.
After five minutes, Eliott came over to the table with a bundle of flowers, laying them down and searching through the stack of ribbons. He pulled out a baby blue one and went to work arranging the flower assortment into the way he liked. Lucas watched with interest, giggling when Eliott dropped flowers or struggled over tying the neat bow to perfection. Finally, after making sure the bouquet was satisfactory, Eliott presented the bouquet with a flick of the wrist, holding it up for Lucas to take.
Lucas gasped as he looked over the arrangement. It was made with gloxinias, yellow tulips, white carnations and a few sprigs of heathers, all bunched together perfectly tied with the baby blue ribbon. Love at first sight, loveliness, admiration, Lucas thought to himself. The mixture of flowers smelled divine. Lucas glanced back up at Eliott, cheeks burning, and smiled flirtatiously. Eliott watched Lucas inspecting the floral arrangement, smirking, eyes glinting hopefully. Lucas took another whiff of the bouquet, eyes closing with contentment.
He looked back at Eliott and raised his eyebrows. "This is quite the selection of flowers you chose," Lucas said, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Well I thought they would suit you, now," Eliott replied simply, "I'm glad you like it." He stepped forwards, closing the majority of the gap between them. He was only a few inches away, warm breath hitting Lucas' face with mint and coffee. Lucas sucked in a breath, eyes wide as he peered up at the taller man with awe and something he thought was attraction. Lucas could have sworn he saw a similar look in Eliott's bright eyes that stared straight into his soul.
"How much is the bouquet?" Lucas asked, taking a step back and clearing his throat.
Eliott blinked, stepping back as well, face falling briefly before returning to a polite smile. Lucas' heart fell with it. "You can have it for free," Eliott said, "Take it as a gift from me."
"Are you sure? I assure you I can afford it—"
Eliott nodded. "I insist. Your sweetheart must get gifts like these often. Perhaps you should get something for a change." Eliott pushed the bouquet closer to Lucas' chest, still forcing a polite smile. Lucas caught Eliott's wrist, staring at him.
"Thank you, Eliott."
Eliott gulped. He glanced at Lucas' grasp on his wrist and back at Lucas, eyes wide. "I'm serious. No one's ever done something like this for me. So, thank you," Lucas repeated, deadly serious. His heart was racing with the intensity in the air between them, eyes burning from staring at Eliott so long.
"Well, I'm glad I can be the one to do it for you," Eliott replied, finally breaking their eye contact, glancing at the bouquet. "You deserve—"
"Eliott? Are you ready to go?"
Lucas ripped his hand off of Eliott's wrist, jumping back and nearly tossing his flowers behind him. Both men turned towards the door to the shop where a young woman was standing looking at them curiously. She glanced at Lucas and he turned away, avoiding her eyes.
Eliott peered at Lucas and back at the woman. He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck. "Lucille. I apologise, but I was just speaking with this customer and, er, got a bit distracted," Eliott replied, moving towards the back of the shop and disappearing behind the desk. Lucas watched the exchange with his heart at his knees, face scarlet.
Lucas took a deep breath, straightening his trousers and pushing past the woman–Lucille and into the street. "Thanks for the flowers, sir," he said over his shoulder, ignoring the woman and looking at Eliott behind her. "The recipient will love them, I'm sure," he added cryptically, smiling politely. Lucas turned fully away and began his trek back down the street, sighing.
"I'll see you again soon, sir." Lucas stopped walking. He turned back around and found Eliott standing outside of the shop, hands in his pockets. Lucille was unlocking the door to the shop, back turned to them. "Please." Lucille finished, turning to face Eliott and Lucas.
Lucas nodded stiffly, gesturing with the flowers. "If you can find my soul flower, I'll certainly be back for more of these arrangements," he replied. Before Eliott even had the chance to react or reply, Lucas was already hurrying away down the street. He looked down at the bouquet once again and couldn't help but smile despite the discomfort caused by the girl interrupting them.
Maybe he would be coming back to the city more often.
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gcrifin · 5 years
     It had been some time since someone gazed upon her with such fascination. Such bestial details were often feared or frowned upon in times past. No matter the glory of the mythical creature, a mix of the ever-fabled kings of birds and beasts, there was hardly a time in which it was revered. People looked upon any of those forms with a flighty urge. Those that did not wish to flee stood with malice in their eyes and blades at the ready. Be it at times Lulubelle feared they would thrust them unto her body without hesitation. To be greeted with such open arms in such a cold world was something ever so heartfelt. For a moment it is as though, perhaps, she is truly beautiful .
     Along with such realizations is the joyous exclamation of the younger woman, paying her compliment after compliment in both actions and words. A warm, relaxed smile as though to steady her touched heart, ❝ How kind of you to say so. I ── ❞
     Thought ceased with the sound of flipping pages and the rush of the other’s figure up to her side, the rattling of questions beginning and seeming never to end. Though a pleasant expression she keeps, it melts into something sheepish and humbling as that sudden rush of energy catches up. A fold of wings to her form, almost encapsulating the underlying timorous feeling brought about by the countless inquiries. Keen senses define each and every one into coherency and echo it about in memory. Many others would find it difficult if not impossible to decipher that long run-on string of curiosities but somehow, with a bit of luck and enhanced hearing, Lulu begins to process it all .
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      ❝ My, such excitement... ❞ a soft chuckle. It is lighthearted and mildly impressed by the length at which she had continued. ❝ Let me see if I can answer all of your questions . ❞ 
     A quick clear of the throat as she mentally begins to skim the list, ❝ My wingspan varies depending on my form, as does my flight speed. I fly much faster in this human form. My current record is eighty-four miles per hour. There is a balance between gliding and flying, it is a matter of if you wish to ascend, descend, or keep a steadied pace. The wind plays a big role in that as well. My wings are properly structured and I have no problem flying with them in any form. I’ve been told my eyesight is very reminiscent to the detail of an eagle’s. I have grown used to my shifting, though at one point the change was quite disorienting and returning to my human form often left me with shoulder and back pain. It was rather uncomfortable. I am hot-natured and my feathers only define that, so heat can be rather draining. The gusts from my wings are rather relieving in that case. I much prefer the cold as it’s easier for me to tolerate and remedy, but mild weather is my favorite. I’ve adopted the habit of straightening myself often, patting down my clothes and the like. Sometimes I am a bit too personable and like to comb through hair. I believe it stems from an avian’s instinct to preen. My physical strength in my beast form is quite formidable. I can whip up whirlwinds with my wings and carry many people with ease. My senses improve drastically as well, among other things. Lastly, of course, I do enjoy meat. However I have a much bigger craving for fish. I must admit I do rather like shrimp . ❞
    Slowly Lulubelle breathes, attempting to give herself a moment to do so while the other supposedly takes notes on all her answers. It was a very strange thing, being the center of one’s attention. Yet somehow the griffin hadn’t minded it. A slight tilt of the head follow, smile still ever present through the entirety of her personal spiel. ❝ Is there anything else you wish to know ? ❞ // : @icycoldavatarstate continued { ♕ }
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“All That Lives Must Die” Part 11
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10]
Taako pushed the Umbra Staff into one of the five unoccupied capsules in his basement. A slight frown tugged at his lips as he stepped back, looking at his progress. Set up in a semicircle against the back wall of the circular room, there were six ten-foot tall cylinders.
On the left most cylinder, there was Barry. The green transparent slime encasing him glowed slightly at it healed the cut on his forehead from where Taako had hit him to knock him out. His red robes were stored underneath the capsule to avoid dragging his limp body down. Left in his muscle shirt and blue jeans, Barry certainly didn’t look like anyone who could ruin all of his plans, but Taako was well aware of the dangers of letting him out before his time.
Next to him, was his girlfriend...or at least her soul. Taako had cast invisibility on the body and he lugged it down to the basement. Now it sat, vacant in a chair. There was no point in having to calibrate another body to a sun elves specific needs when he didn’t need to. Stuck in the capsule of slime was his Umbra Staff, holding his sister’s soul.
Dragging his fingers down the cold glass of the capsule, Taako let his breath fog up a part of the glass, “I’m sorry, Lulu, for putting you back in there.” He hadn’t tested if Lup could still hear him in the Umbrella from within the capsule, but it made him feel better to act like she could, “I’ll let you out soon, I promise! I just...you were threatening to ruin everything I’ve done for all of us, and I couldn’t let that happen. I fixed your body up though! So once everything is better, you can go right back into it.” His frown slowly faded and a smile appeared, “Hopefully the others don’t have to get put next to you...hopefully after dinner everything will be fine.”
A look was cast to the empty ones, one for each of the Birds beside him. Just temporary holding areas until he could make sure none of them would ever be in danger and leave him.
Turning his back on the capsules, Taako flicked his hand, and rot spread out from the motion. Eating away at the empty space to form a portal for him to step through to the kitchen. Another flick and the portal closed.
Plastering his best smile on his face, Taako checked the stove and then made his slow way to the living room, “Dinner’ll be ready in a bit!” A soft laugh and he moved to sit down next to Kravitz.
Lacing their hands together, Taako leaned in to whisper in his ear, “Follow me to the bedroom.” Then got up, borderline dragging Kravitz to the bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind him, Taako gently pushed Kravitz to the bed and cast Silence, “I haven’t got you alone to myself all day, babe.”
Kravitz was silent, though there was a bit of a bemused smile stuck on his face. Almost mechanically, his hands raised up to gently squeeze Taako’s hips.
Taako smiled, though it was less vibrant than before. This was something he was missing, the perfect Kravitz.
Since the charm spell had been cast, it was easy with him. Easy because Krav didn’t bother to question and barely spoke unless he was spoken to. No arguments, and something in Taako called for him to be glad for having such an agreeable fiance. The main voice called for him to ignore it, and go about making everyone else as happy as he was.
The only disagreement came from a small, nagging voice in the back of his mind. It screamed and screamed but never loud enough for Taako to really hear what it was saying.
So he convinced himself he was happy (it wasn’t that hard). (It was hard, it was hard to act like everything was fine when his fiancé was acting like that). He convinced himself he was happy.
Kravitz hummed and leaned up to kiss at Taako's neck, "What did you want to talk about, dearest?"
Even his voice was wrong wrong wrong. Too quiet and demure and not at all like it should be. Taako knew that he was disgusted, somewhere at least. The screaming got louder, and he could almost make out what it was saying. Almost could hear what was troubling something inside of him.
Taako raised a hand to his temple, grimacing as a headache began to form. The tendrils crawling across his face pulsed in time with his pounding head and began to glow with unnatural light that wasn't supposed to be there. Slowly (as the tendrils began to crawl down his neck), his breathing steadied back out.
He had his family, he almost had all of them safe. He was doing what he had to do and this is what he was needed for. He was needed and it felt perfect and right.
Kravitz hadn't seemed to notice the tendrils creeping down his lover's neck as he kissed it. If Taako tried to think about it (something he didn't really enjoy doing), Kravitz hadn't really seemed to notice anything these past few days.
"Dearest?" It was only when he spoke again (in that wrong wrong wrong voice), that Taako remembered that he was getting asked a question.
"Oh, right." He blinked for a few seconds, trying to recall something that wasn't the steady rhythm of his heart calling for him to be needed and wanted.
"I asked why you had called me in here." There was an endless patience to him now, something that Taako both loved and hated. He loved how perfect Kravitz thought he was, and how much he adored him. He hated how much he needed him (he loved it, didn't he?), hated how silent he was when he was not talked to.
"Oh!" Taako sighed, looping his arms around Kravitz's neck and leaning into him, "I just wanted us to get some time alone." As Kravitz's hands moved to unbutton his top, Taako raised his hand to stop him, "Not that much time dearest, we don't want the food going cold."
His hands dropped to his lap, barely curling up and laying there, "Oh, okay." And there was silence that filled the room.
Taako opened his mouth, trying to say something that could potentially help. His fingertips began to glow a soft gold as he traced nonsensical designs across Kravitz's shoulders. The glow carried up to his arms and then engulfed his torso. Anywhere the tendrils of dark purple had gone, the glow ignored.
Leaning forward, he kissed Kravitz deeply, shoving down the screaming voice that was wrong wrong wrong. It was getting easier and easier and Taako was relived for that (was he?). The glow (not the glow, glow implies something bright and this was anything but) carried through his lips to Kravitz's.
He kissed back (why did Taako expect him to not?), tilting his head sweetly into the kiss. It was easy to kiss him, and during kissing neither of them were expected to talk, so it was nice, and easy. Taako enjoyed easy things, it was nice to just have things be easy.
Withdrawing from the kiss, Taako dropped his hand from Kravitz's shoulder to hold his hand. His thumb rubbed back and forth across the golden engagement ring that was on his left ring finger, "After this...once everyone's safe and good. Then...after everything's fine, then we'll get married, okay?"
Even before Kravitz opened his mouth, Taako knew the answer, "Of course, I love you and I would wait as long as needed." A smile that Taako was slowly getting more used to. Not shy or unexpected like before (Taako had begun referring to pre-death as before), but soft and shining and it was just another perfect facet to him.
Deep inside, Taako knew that no one should be perfect. But that voice (quietly screaming though it was) was getting easier and easier to ignore (especially when combined with the two much louder voices commanding him). So he did, and everything was perfect.
A chiming bell went off and Taako turned his head toward's the door, "Oh. It's dinnertime!" A wide smile grew across his face and the screaming voice was silent, "Come on, Kravitz. I made one of your favorites."
A soft laugh (wrong wrong wrong) came from Kravitz as he got up, dislodging Taako from his lap, "You say that as if anything you cook isn't my favorite."
Taako beamed at him, and it was almost real, "Oh, babe, you always know just what to say." Now he just has to convince himself that Kravitz meant those words.
Slipping his hand into his, Taako squeezed his hand before tugging him towards the door and dispelling the Silence with his free one. Pushing the door open, Taako flashed another winning smile towards the Birds (and Angus) in the living room, "Time to eat!"
[Part 12]
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30 Day OC Challenge
So my friends and I decided to do a 30 OC Challenge just for fun! I’ve decided to post the first 10 days here. Feel free to read and give me any feedback. I’d love criticism or comments on what you think of them. Very much looking to improve on my writing.
Days 1-10 below the cut. 
DAY 1: Introduction
Elliot was red. She was cherry lollipops and red vans. Her skin was tan and freckled like constellations, but inside she was burning a dark red that was hot to the touch. Her personality singed skin and left marks that you wanted to show off. With determination and confidence, she owned herself and didn’t let anyone forget that. She was a touch of spice you didn’t know you wanted until you got a taste. And it burned. But oh was it just right. Elliot Katherine Demarco. Even her name rolled off the tongue like waterfalls crashing onto rocks, or the sheathing of a newly forged blade. She was the jump out of an airplane, the start of an avalanche, the build up of adrenaline, and you couldn’t get enough.
June was just as June as her name portrayed her to be. She was vibrant in an array of colors only she could see and outgoing like a bird eager to take flight. She was dark skinned with soft edges that made you want to get lost, with hair just as all over the place as she was. A standard unto her own that no one could take. Her mind was scattered, tangled in thought and question that never seemed to stop. She was warm summer nights that left imprints of curiosity and wonder, a desire unspoken on the tip of the tongue. Her dark brown eyes were filled with a never ending burst of excitement and fascination that you didn’t want to look away from. June was warm, sweet, intoxicating, and everyone craved more.
DAY 2: Job
Lulu’s Cafe was that small coffee shop in downtown San Francisco. It had a cute hipster vibe on the outside with a calm rustique charm on the inside that was always thriving during lunch time no matter the day. Lulu’s cafe was the place that attracted the young teens and hipster wannabes. Mason was made for Lulu’s. A coffee enthusiast, with a love for the simple things in life, and not to mention, a hipster girls wet dream. Mason was a doc martin’s, plaid shirt and leather jacket kind of guy, complete with a close shave and thick, wavy, brown hair.
The customers loved Mason. His customer service routine was equipped with big smiles, laughter, and pleasant conversations between him and the guests. This is what made him so good at his job. Everything he did was genuine. But that’s the kind of guy Mason was. Lulu’s was happy to have Mason, and Mason was happy to have Lulu’s.
Monty’s theater was a fifty plus year old theater in the heart of San Francisco with the charm of a typical grandmother’s home. The type of home with a bowl of strawberry candies and pillow mints that no one knew where they came from or how long they had been there for. The theater smelt of fresh popcorn and at times, the vague lemony scent of furniture polish. As anything over fifty years would be, it was falling apart, with its fading carpet that looked like it belonged in a blockbuster video store, and cabinets that were barely hanging on to its last nail. Even though the theater was a bit “outdated”, to Kam, it was home. Or at least a second home. He had become close friends with the people he worked with and enjoyed his time there. Even though the pay wasn’t the best, Kam treasured the small theater for the people he met and the coworkers he had befriended, and goddammit, he knew he would be stuck there forever.
DAY 3: Hobbies
June spent 90% of her time with Jamie her best friend. At school, after school, before school, at home. They did everything from getting coffee to sleeping over to sneaking out at night. June typically had free range to do whatever she wanted when it came to her dad as long as it wasn’t illegal and she was home before 11pm. June often followed Jamie around after school. Instead of doing her homework she had taken to accompanying him to his improv practices in drama club on tuesdays and thursdays. Every other day, she spent the remainder of her time in her room either watching tv or “attempting” to do homework with Jamie. When Jamie was busy, June didn’t really know what to do besides watch TV or sit on the computer. Hobbies weren’t something she picked up on. Sure she didn’t mind reading but her attention span didn’t really allow her to sit for too long on one thing.
DAY 4: Family
Adopted from Hawaii just after birth, June was very much loved by her mother Stella and her father Aaron. Or so June thought. Four years later, June began to wonder how much her mother really loved her when she left them for another man and his family. Over the next 13 years, her mother kept in contact with her father but June wanted nothing to do with her. So much so she purposely went by June, the abbreviated form of her middle name Juniper, instead of her first name Stella; of course named after her mother. Just saying it was like vile in the back of her throat. June however, loved her father very much. He worked long and hard hours as an accountant to provide for her and gave her a wonderful life full of everything she could want and she saw that everyday when he came home from work with tired eyes. It was just the two of them, and that was how she liked it.
Two older brothers, one younger, her grandmother, a rather young mother and father, and of course, Elliot. The Demarco household was always full. Together Elliot and her family lived in a tiny trailer park that barely housed the lot of them but nonetheless, they made it work. There was never a dull moment. Noah and Liam, the two oldest fought over the dumbest of things. “Those are my fucking socks!” Liam would shout. “We have the same fucking pair!” Noah would shout back. Their mother would simply shake her head. The youngest Ben was always going on about the latest fad or interest. One week would be painting, the next would be basketball. Her grandmother, Camille, hogged the one tv they owned in the living room, always watching TLC or HGTV. Between that, or talking to her friend Janice on the landline from her weekly knitting club. John and Theresa, Elliot’s parents worked early in the morning and came home in the afternoon. Family time was important to them and even though they didn’t have a lot of money, they were happy. It was crazy and loud, and sometimes Elliot thought she’d go insane, but it was home nonetheless.
DAY 5: Friends
June was rather well known in school for her loud and funny personality. She didn’t care what people thought and loved making people laugh. She had a few people she might consider friends but they weren’t really the friends she went to for things or asked to hangout with on a daily basis. Jamie however, was her best friend. Like her, he too, didn’t care what anyone thought and just like her, had a big mouth, except he didn’t have a filter. They were the comedy duo of Ulysses Memorial High School. Jamie was openly gay and proud. He wore collared shirts buttoned at the top with pants in various patterns that changed depending on the day of the week. Every conversation he had usually consisted of, “So listen hoe,” or “Honey you did not?”, and 90% of the time, “Okay sunshine, calm down.” Sunshine was his nickname for June. No real reason in particular. Jamie happened to say it one day and it just stuck. He was the God of nicknames. June tried one day by calling him the “Full Moon” to her “Sunshine”.
“Are you calling me fat? Juniper Martell, calling her best friend full to his face. Okay hoe, I see.” Needless to say it didn’t catch on. Despite the terrible nickname, their friendship was like that of the sun and the moon. They both came with a strong force that brought them closer and no matter what came at them, they would always be there for each other.
It was Linda, Martin, Chris, Jack, and Elliot. Always together, anywhere in town, anytime of day. Besides school of course. Elliot shared a class with all of them except Martin, but they spent enough time outside of school that it didn’t matter. Most of the time they could be found in The Main, a small part of town where a lot of the local businesses were located, one in particular being Fun Center USA, their favorite. Linda and Martin always competed for the top score on Space Invaders. This typically took hours with a small crowd joining in to see the new record. Jack talked to the girls that came in on friday nights, and when there were no girls dumb enough to feed into what he had to say, he hit up the arcade. Elliot and Chris went straight to the batting cages. There was nothing like the rush of the impact and the sting of the bat in their hands. Seeing the ball shoot across the field made Elliot’s adrenaline pump and they constantly fought to see who could hit the ball harder and farther. Chris always said it wasn’t a contest and didn’t matter, but Elliot liked to argue it was because he couldn’t admit to losing. Elliot wouldn’t say she was exactly close to them all, but as far as friends went, she guessed they were a pretty cool group to run the town with.
DAY 6: Guilty Pleasure
Elliot could spend hours upon hours watching TLC. She blamed her grandmother of course but like she said, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink.” She was right of course, but Elliot wasn’t going to admit it. Cake boss was the shit. The cakes where beyond amazing. How in God’s name do they create these sculptures that you can EAT?! And the drama??? The show consumed her. She could care less whether it was real or not, that shit was entertaining. That and Four Weddings. Elliot never knew if she wanted to get married, or if she’d even get the option, but that didn’t stop her from rating other peoples weddings and seeing how terrible or great the night went. Some of the women on that show went all out spending thousands on a dress they’d only wear once, and the perfect venue they spend maybe five hours of their life at. Her favorites where the more bizarre brides. The ones with a halloween theme, or a batman themed wedding, or a fucking underwater theme. The list could go on. She would never outright tell anyone, but she had a soft spot for family and home channels.  
DAY 7: Casual Outfit
It was all bright colors for June. From yellow polka dotted pants to blue dresses to checkered skater skirts with bright purple tights. June’s closet looked like a rainbow exploded in her room. She accessorized with sparkly rings and necklaces that caught the light and large bangles that matched the days color scheme, if you could say she even had one. Her favorite shoes where a pair of basic black flats that buckled at the ankle and match anything and everything. Her go to pair for any outfit. June’s clothing was loud and bright just like her personality. It wasn’t a secret that she stood out in school, but if she was going to, she was going to own it.
Three pairs of ripped jeans, one nice for special occasions. Graphic tees galore. That was mostly what people gave up to thrift stores, but Elliot was happy to take them off their hands. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure right? Her favorite piece however, was her shoes. Red checkered vans, a birthday present from her parents. She wore them everywhere and anywhere. The only other pair was a beat up pair of off-brand black vans that she wore for when she was running out for something real quick. Elliot wasn’t one for accessories but she was always seen with a faded red backwards hat. It was against school dress code of course, but that didn’t stop her from carrying it along with her for when she decided to leave. Fashion and clothing wasn’t Elliots main focus. They were second handed and worse for wear, but her style was hers and no one could take that from her.
DAY 8: Formal Outift
Elliot was a same four outfits a week kind of person with only one formal outfit for whatever special occasion it called for. If it weren’t for her mother, Elliot would roll up to a wedding with ripped jeans and faded graphic tees, unfortunately her mother nagged to the point they spent a whole day at Goodwill and various other thrift stores looking for the perfect outfit. After trying on a skin tight, yellow mini dress, and a pant suit that made her look like she belonged in a Michael Jackson music video, Elliot found pants that just so happened to work perfectly with the top and shoes her mother found. Everything about the outfit was perfect. The pants were a navy blue with matching suspenders. The fabric stretched ever so slightly fitting the curve of her hips and buttoning at the waist. The top was a white and navy blue striped button up that Elliot tucked into the pants and rolled the sleeves to just below the elbow. The top was soft and lay perfectly over her shoulders, dipping into the curve of her waist, accentuating her feminine figure as the suspenders gave her a hint masculinity to the outfit. It was subtle but much needed addition to the outfit. Elliot felt beautiful and confident and thought maybe this wasn’t so bad afterall.  
DAY 9: Spirituality
June had been raised in a non-denominational church her whole life. Her father was a deacon at a reasonably big church a few miles downtown, and June participated in the choir like she had been doing since she was ten. She was religious, but when she discovered she was attracted to girls, she wasn’t so sure anymore. It’s not that she instantly decided God wasn’t real, but most christians preached such things as sin and that you’d end up in hell. Her church had never preached against it, it was just never really...brought up? June believed in Heaven and Hell, she believed in God, but to her something didn’t add up. Her father was a very religious man. Not the kind to drill the word of God into sinners of the world, just one proud to be Christian and expressed that through crocheted pillows and inspirational wall art. One day June would tell her father how she felt, but not for a while. Maybe when she went off to college? Or moved out of state? Or when the people of Earth decided to colonize Mars? Whichever came first.
Elliot’s family wasn’t the religious type. If anything, they’d call themselves agnostic. They knew something had to be out there, but what exactly, they didn’t know. The Demarco’s were quite possibly the most open minded and non-judgmental family anyone could meet. Elliot had come out to her family when she was thirteen. When she told her parents she thought she liked girls, her dad responded with a handshake and a, “Welcome to the club!” The oldest brother Liam responded with, “Wait, so you’re a fa-” but didn’t get to finish before their grandmother slapped the shit out of him, and never again did Liam say another word like that again.
DAY 10: Broken Temper
Mason was a calm type of mad. Not much angered him. Some days he didn’t get enough sleep, skipped coffee, or just wasn’t in the mood. When he was like this he mostly kept to himself. Slight nods, silent treatments, snappy answers. Kam knew not to bother him too much on days like that. Kam had seen Mason truly angry only once. The day began with much begging and a million please’s as Kam finally talked Mason into going to a free concert at a downtown bar. It was open to the public with local performers playing throughout the night. Everything was fine until Mason left to use the restroom and came back to find a man pushing himself on Kam. With a beer in one hand and the other holding on tightly to his shoulder, Mason’s expression changed in a heartbeat. The man leaned in close to talk to Kam, who in return, looked very uncomfortable. Mason knew Kam was too nice to tell him to leave him alone. He was about to politely pull Kam away, until the stranger moved his hand down the small of his back before pushing himself onto him. Mason was there in seconds, shoving the man off Kam. Mason’s voice was loud and harsh. “Hey, get the fuck off of him!” Mason could smell the alcohol on his breath, clearly drunk. “Fuck you man! You don’t own him!” He retaliated, stepping up to Mason who had a good few inches over him. Mason had him by the collar when he felt a light tug on his shirt. He turned around to see Kam holding on, his eyes soft and pleading. Mason turned back to the guy and let go, taking Kam by the hand and leading him out without another word. His grip was tight and firm as he made a beeline for the door. Kam’s only thought after that night was to see aggressive Mason more often.
No one could stop Elliot when someone made her mad. This isn’t the complaining and cursing about life and dumb people type of mad, but the type that actually made her snap. It wasn’t a surprise when people heard that Elliot was caught in a fight at school. Guys liked to test her and push her buttons and Elliot damn well made sure they knew what they had gotten themselves into. 90% of Chris and Jacks responsibility as her friend was spent keeping her out of fights or, when they were too late, pulling her off the poor guy that decided to say the wrong thing to her.
Unfortunately Chris was absent the day Elliot had overheard a conversation between Caleb and his friends over another kid a seat away who could clearly hear every word they were saying. Elliot wasted no time walking over to tell him to “Shut the hell up!” This led to some words being passed back and forth before Elliot took her fist to his face, leaving the giant man baby, as she called him, on the floor, stunned. The end result was a broken nose and a fractured hand, which Elliot thought was well worth it. When questioned by the principal as to why she did what she did, she answered with, “Well maybe if he had left Tyler alone and not decided to call him a, ‘faggot little bitch who can shove a ruler up his ass’, to the entire cafeteria, then maybe I wouldn’t have.” Elliot said holding onto her hand, her voice harsh, brown eyes sharp.  
The principal sighed, rubbing her hand down her face. Elliot had gotten to know Mrs. Larsen really well over the past few years.
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lelouch-vi-zero · 7 years
Entry 10
Wowzers, another update? It took me longer than I expected to write this entry, since I started many at the same time. It was also considerably shorter than the other entries so I added more at the bottom. That’s why this takes place over two non-consecutive days.
Main AU Page Previous Entry Next Entry
In this entry, Villetta and Jeremiah grow closer to finding the girl responsible for stealing their sight.
Rating: K Words: 1,548
Villetta tapped her foot. This was taking too long! The Metro station was being very uncooperative, despite the relevance towards Prince Clovis’ murder. 
“We don’t have any cameras on any of the trains,” the office attendant said.
Jeremiah clutched his fist. “Your subordinate already told us this.”
“I’m not sure what you actually want. Your group already confiscated the specs of the train and video of the location when the terrorists boarded.”
“We’re looking for a specific passenger, and need to see the video of the train at every stop that day.”
“A specific passenger? Do you have a warrant with the description?”
Villetta puled an envelope from her bag and passed it to the attendant. Her hands were firm, but her heart raced. If they were caught forging documents, they would have far more worries than starting over in rank.
The attendant read the warrant. “A girl? Oh-okay. Do you want all the tapes following that train?”
“We want to find out where the suspect first boarded a train,” Villetta answered. 
It was easy to track the girl. She wore large, metal braces on her legs. Naturally a cripple, she required enhancements to walk. 
“She was not wearing those when I saw her,” Villetta whispered to her superior. 
“I would have certainly remembered seeing those. Perhaps the terrorists confiscated them?”
“If that’s the case, how would that explain their partnership?”
“That’s not important right now. We need to explain our memory loss and get our titles restored. We'll deal with Nobody another time.”
The attendant directed their attention to the screen. “This is where she leaves the station. It’s Downtown Tokyo–Education District.” He wrote down the address for the two soldiers.
“Thank you,” Jeremiah said. He motioned for Villetta to follow him.
She turned back to the attendant, pulling out a sketch of the uniform she saw the girl wear. “Do you recognize this uniform?”
The attendant shook his head.
Villetta and Jeremiah walked out of the Metro control center.
“Any progress is good progress. We can ask around if anyone recognizes the uniform,” Jeremiah said.
Villetta was temporarily distracted by the sight of a man in dark sunglasses facing them. She couldn't be certain, but she felt like he was staring at them.
What a weirdo, she thought.
“How have those legs been treating ya, Nunna?” Milly asked, lightly pinching Nunnally's thigh.
 Lelouch shooed her hand away. “Let her be,” he said.
 He breathed in, trying to relax under the sun.
 “You just don't want me to know you're starving her. Look how thin she is! I'm worried the wind will blow her away.”
 “Perhaps the wind will stop blowing when you stop speaking.” He frowned.
 Milly smirked. “There's the Lelouch I know and love.”
 “Oh, brother, don't you think you're being too hard on Milly? She's worried about me,” Nunnally said. She slapped her arm, hoping to hit the mosquito that had been harassing her.
 Lelouch pulled out the bug spray and reapplied it on her skin. “They seem very fond of you,” he said.
 “Nunnally is sweet. Of course the bugs would prefer her over you,” Milly said.
 Lelouch held his tongue.
 Nunnally thanked her brother, then took Milly's hand.
 “I'm sorry, Milly, but I lost the legs,” she admitted.
 Lelouch looked away. “It's a long story. Not for a day trip like today.”
 Milly wrapped her arms around the siblings, threatening to throw the boat off balance. She prompted the response of the helmsman, who was quick to scold the young woman.
 “It's okay, guys. Don't worry about it. My husband can just make a new pair whenever you want it.”
 Lelouch grunted. “Ah yes, your husband. How is he?”
 Lloyd swung over the railing, catching Suzaku off guard.
 “It seems like this trip to Area 11 won't be a total bore after all, Kururugi.”
 “Uh... good morning Lloyd, Miss Cecile,” Suzaku said, realizing Lloyd's statement was missing the beginning and middle.
 “Hello, Suzaku,” Cecile called from the top of the Lancelot's mounting platform. “Come up here, we have some good news for you.”
 Lloyd leaned on Suzaku's shoulder as they walked up the stairs. “It seems that Princess Cornelia is requesting the assistance of the Lancelot in battle.”
 “Battle? Against who?” Suzaku asked. He hoped that returning to Japan meant that he would not have to face combat. Aside from Prince Clovis' murder, things were relatively peaceful in this colony.
 “That Nobody character has certainly reignited the dying flames left by the JLF. We have received intel that they are receiving aid from India—possibly to start building their own Knightmares.”
 “They want to fight?” Suzaku asked himself, clenching his fist.
 “That's the way it seems. Those poor saps. Nobody really set them up for a suicide mission.”
 “He certainly has.” 
Those soldiers were smart. Mao was wise to follow them here. They looked like motherless ducklings for a few days, but this made up for it. He looked at the gates of the prep school.
“You've been hiding here all this time, haven't you?” He chuckled. 
He stayed behind as the two Britannian soldiers walked into Ashford Academy. They hoped to find Nobody, but he hoped to find his King.
 C.C. stood behind Nunnally and grasped the handles of her wheelchair. 
Nunnally undid her ponytail, happy to have her hair free.
“Don't you think you should wait until your Geass wears off before heading home?” C.C. asked Nunnally.
“I am tired. Besides, Lelouch should be expecting me home soon.”
“You need to be careful to keep your legs still,” C.C. said with a chuckle.
 Nunnally opened her eyes and looked down, pulling her skirt further over her knees as she stopped tapping her foot.
 “We have thirty minutes left. Don't worry, I can do it.” Nunnally gave C.C. a thumbs up.
 C.C. rolled her eyes and smiled. She pushed Nunnally away from their hiding spot. Nobody's costume was safely tucked away for his next appearance.
 “That girl is certainly fond of the both of you,” C.C. said. “She took you out on a date. She gives you gifts. Should I be getting a disguise ready for a wedding?”
 “She’s been a family friend for a long time. And she’s already married.”
 “That doesn’t stop some people.”
 C.C. stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and placed a hand on her forehead. 
 Nunnally felt chills down her spine. “Why did you stop?”
 “Something is wrong. I think…my past mistake has come for me. For you.”
 “What mistake?”
 “There’s something I have to do alone. I’m going to take you home, but you have to promise me you’ll stay there.” C.C.’s voice deepened.
 Nunnally put her hands on the armrests and pushed up. “What? No!”
 “Up pup,” C.C. scolded.
 “Someone’s here to see?” Nunnally whispered.
 “You’ll never know,” C.C. said playfully. 
 They returned to the clubhouse. Nunnally fussed in her seat, resisting the urge to jump up and demand C.C. explain what was going on.
 When C.C. opened the door, Milly jumped in her seat.
 “Lelouch?” She turned around. “Oh! Hi Nunnally, C.C. Did you happen to see him outside?”
 Nunnally turned her head upwards.
 C.C. answered, “I didn’t see him. Did he go somewhere?”
 “Yeah, like forever ago! This weird cosplayer came looking for him, so he went outside to talk.”
 Nunnally tugged on C.C.’s sleeve. “Some people like to dress up like a character on TV.”
 Milly groaned. “He had on these weird superhero sunglasses, and a trench coat. It had a logo on it. Looked like a bird.”
 C.C. tightened her grip on Nunnally’s wheelchair’s handles. She struggled to let go. After taking in a deep breath, she said, “I’m going to go for a run. If I see him, I’ll tell him to come back.”
 Nunnally shook her head and tried to pull on C.C.’s arm. 
 C.C. tapped the girl’s hand and said goodbye to Milly. She whispered in Nunnally’s ear, “You’ll be safer if you stay here.”
 After C.C. left, Milly crossed her legs. “She’s off for a run, in that outfit?”
 “How long has my brother been gone?” Nunnally asked in a soft voice.
 “What’s up with you? Lulu’s a big boy. He can handle himself.”
 Nunnally held her head in her hands. “No…something is wrong. C.C. was trying to warn me. I think he’s been kidnapped.” 
 “Kidnapped?” Milly stood up. “No way.”
 “Did you call him?” Nunnally pressed her hands against her legs. She felt her Geass wearing off. She recognized the sounds of Milly’s cell phone as she dialed Lelouch’s number.
 “Lulu? Who are you? Wait, what? Stay right there, I’m coming down.”
 Milly grabbed Nunnally’s wheelchair and began pushing it out. 
 “Who was on the phone?” Nunnally asked.
 “He said he’s Suzaku Kururugi, Princess Euphemia’s knight. No clue what he’s doing here.”
 Why would Suzaku pick up Big Brother's phone? Nunnally's worst fears were realized.
 Milly pouted. “Ah, so it was really you, Suzaku.”
 Suzaku took off his gloves and stuck them in his pocket. “I’m surprised you’re here.”
 “This is my family’s school.”
 “Right…Sorry, I forgot.”
 “Asplund may be my husband’s last name, but I’ll always be an Ashford. Now, what are you doing here?”
 “I came here to warn Nunnally and Lelouch. Someone from the military is looking for you.” 
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[RF] A City in a Wild Garden
*Hi all, it would be great to know what you think about my short story :) any tips and advice would be much appreciated, thanks!\*
Do you know what he would have thought?
Do you?
Today I see you flourishing. Your grass, long thick and emerald green bathing in the sunlight. Would he now look upon you and smile?
I glance down to my feet, which are naked and free. Free but I can still see where the chain held its grip, a snaking trench ingrained into my soft skin. You and I are alike, in these days we heal but our scars run deep.
I know they stripped you bare also, and took you as property when neither of us could be possessed. We cried out, in our different ways, for them to stop.
Stop! Stop! Stop!
But they didn't. No-one stopped. They squandered all we had to offer, cut through our flesh, poisoned our bodies until we had nothing left. Then they asked for more.
What would he have thought? Was my question now, as I gaze across you in this new world. A world that bloomed in green where the cold, concrete walls once stood. Would he believe the past was unforgivable?
I miss him. I cry out and wait for a call back. Of course, there is no answer. But I feel his optimism still in me, seeping through my veins. An optimism that Jack held to his last breath, when he held his head back and smiled into the sky. 'Lulu' he said, 'hold tight, change is coming'.
He was right, he was always right, the change did come. But it was too late, as the change came once he was gone. I felt his life gently leave his body. His heart stammering to its last beat, and his arm went limp, falling into my lap. Tears came with my despair, spilling down onto his skin, tracing small streams of white through the dirt.
Jack is gone, as are so many, and our new city is haunted by their silence. So I come here, to your meadow plains that wrap around the city’s circumference. Meadows of grass, buttercups, and meadowsweet. I belong here, with you. For your sweet earthy smells and your birds, beetles, and bugs.
From the meadows, I can gaze across our green city. A city in a wild garden is what we call it. This new city has no greedy towers. No vehicles feasting on carbon, beeping in anger and impatience. And they have gone, those who lived in denial, as the truth was not prosperous for their wallets. They did not care for us.
It was only when you fought back, whipped out your final scream of anger and agony. No more could be taken, your balance had been shattered and you could no longer give. When you fought back, our cities crumbled.
Our economy meant nothing. Paper notes rip easily in hurricane winds. Paper notes do nothing for the starving seared people that begged in the dry, cracked earth. Paper notes do nothing for the homes drowning under a rising sea.
But it was the wars which smote us. People destroying people, the reasons lost somewhere with each bullet. Desperate people do desperate things you know. I was in that place, a place with no reason or time, in an existence that I could not define as ‘’living’’.
It was because of the wars that I watched those I loved vanish from my life. I was taken, beaten and poisoned. The ‘Dringo’ tribe took me, along with so many, and they said ‘fight!’ as the needle pierced my skin. With clouded minds, we fought.
I look at my hands now and I think ‘are these the hands of a murderer?’ I never knew I could kill. Jack never knew he could kill, or would be killed.
You fought back, and so we fought, dragging you further down with us. You wouldn’t think so, as I stand here today in your peace and beauty.
Jack saved me with his hope of change. His optimism pushed me onwards, and he was right. When all was lost, a new wind blew and today’s world was built.
A few of us remained, like embers glowing in the dark. We came together and ignited change, rebuilding our lives to include you, nature, our green cities now working with you and not against you. I try to bury my scars deep as you do, and I embrace this new life as we slowly heal.
You fought back, nature, and we did eventually listen.
submitted by /u/JC25365 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2VjfXDQ
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gcrifin · 5 years
getting to know Lulubelle!!
tagged by: @devilslcg​ GET YOINKED tagging: Who you think
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Name?       ❝ Lulubelle Elsemore!! ❞ What was this, role call? ❝ My friends call me Lulu. Or, if you’re after my neck, ‘Loyal’ Lulu ! ❞
Are you single?       ❝ Yeah. But are you really single when you’re having such a good time ?? ❞
Are you happy?       ❝ You know what they say: you can always be happier ! ❞
Are you angry?       ❝ I don’t think so. ❞ A thoughtful hum. ❝ I am a little bummed I don’t have anyone to hang out with, though . ❞
Are your parents still married?       ❝ Of course!! At least, I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t be. I haven’t seen them in a long time ... ❞
              NINE FACTS –
Birth Place?       ❝ San Faldo, in Paradise. Liveliest place you’ll ever see !! ❞
Hair Color?       ❝ Blonde . ❞
Eye Color?       ❝ Green . ❞
Birthday?       ❝ December 8th . ❞
Mood?        ❝ Everything’s been okay, so I guess I’m doing okay too ! ❞ 
Gender?       ❝ Female . ❞
Summer or winter?       ❝ I like both, but I guess summer! I don’t like wearing extravagant costumes in the summer but it’s perfect for comfy clothes! Winter is great for balls, though. Walking through snow in a fluffy gown makes me feel like a noble ! ❞ 
Morning or afternoon?       ❝ Afternoon comes just before the night life, ❞ a wide grin, ❝ and nothing beats the night life! Nobody likes waking up hung over, anyway . ❞
Are you in love?       ❝ Mm, that’s a nice thought, isn’t it? Being in love ? ❞ A tap of the lower lip. Kittenish smile, twisting quickly into mischief. ❝ Wouldn’t you like to know, nosy ? ❞
Do you believe in love at first sight?       ❝ A lot of stranger things happen. Fairy tales are a reality in the New World. ❞ being able to transform into a monstrous griffin, Lulubelle can attest to that statement. ❝ I suppose I do . ❞
Who ended your last relationship?       ❝ Do affiliations count? Because I’ll be damned if I let the navy step all over me again. ❞ Or the captain responsible for causing her so much grief, for that matter. ❝ Also, their soldiers keep saying they won’t back off even when I invite them out! Can you believe that? I’m not even a pirate !! ❞ Yet. She mumbles deeply into the fabric of her cloth, ❝ I bet if I made a deal with a Warlord they’d listen to me ... ❞
     Or try to kill her of their own accord. But at least it would be more fun than scaring off novice marines. That was starting to get taxing. It had been a fairly long time since she felt genuinely threatened by anything or anyone . 
     ❝ Oh, it has to be romantic? ❞ she purses her lips. ❝ Well, I haven’t really had anything to end, so ... ❞
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?      A soft bite of the lip and a concerned expression. ❝ No. At least, I really hope not . ❞
     Her parents’, maybe, when she left and considered never coming back .
Are you afraid of commitments?       ❝ I make commitments all the time! Do you know how many parties I’ve planned? The kind of people I’ve put up with? Plus I’ve been out to sea for years now and ── ❞ It’s as if there’s a list a mile long as to why she’s more than capable of handling commitment . 
Have you hugged someone within the last week?       ❝ Sure! People are starting to get less friendly, though. It’s kinda hard to find people okay with it when most of them are holding a knife to your throat saying they’re gonna claim your bounty. ❞ She laughs a little, the happiest smirk cutting it short. ❝ They wish . ❞
Have you ever had a secret admirer?       ❝ Have I? It wouldn’t be very secret if I knew, now would it ? ❞
Have you ever broken your own heart?      She says nothing. The only semblance of an answer is a slight nod .
              SIX CHOICES –
Love or lust?       ❝ Love, obviously! But... ❞ a coy smile. No Lulu, ❝ you don’t kiss and tell, right? ❞ Damn it, Lulu .
Lemonade or iced tea?       ❝ Both if I can put vodka in them. ❞ A wide, all-knowing grin .
Cats or Dogs?       ❝ Where are all the wild choices? Birds, reptiles, amphibians?? My own devil fruit can’t even pick which animal it wants. ❞ A joke, albeit a terrible one. ❝ But I guess since the king of beasts is in my blood now, cats . ❞
A few best friends or many regular friends?        ❝ Can’t I have both ? ❞
A wild night out or romantic night in?       ❝ Come on!! Do I always have to pick between all the fun stuff? ❞ An audible pout and a puckered lower lip, which she quickly retracts. ❝ Obviously I like having wild nights out! I grew up in the Carnival City! ❞ She presses a hand to her face, a wistful expression in her eyes. ❝ But who says no to a party of two ? ❞
     It’s difficult to discern whether Lulubelle is an actor or a dancer at this point .
Day or night?       ❝ The night life !! ❞ 
               FIVE HAVE YOU EVERS –
Been caught sneaking out?       ❝ It was only one time. I didn’t do it again after that because my mother threatened to stop taking me with her to her bigger parties. In hindsight, I know she was lying, but little me wasn’t taking any chances on missing out . ❞
Fallen down/up the stairs?       ❝ Of course not. Who does something silly like that ?? ❞
     Lulubelle does. Multiple times. Especially while drunk. Nothing quite like a night of celebration to really bring out the idiot in a young, wild heart .
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?       ❝ I wanted to be free, once. ❞ It was a tender subject. A shame she hadn’t the motivation to explain any further .
Wanted to disappear?       ❝ ... Yeah . ❞
              FOUR PREFERENCES –
Smile or eyes?       ❝ Both! What good’s a sharp smile without a sharp pair of eyes ? ❞
Shorter or Taller?       ❝ Oh, taller... like a protective wall to wrap their arms around you! Or maybe simply intimidate your enemies. ❞ There was something about sheer intimidation and strength that really caught the griffin’s attention. Then again, there was something sweet about the meek and small. ❝ But short is sweet . ❞
Intelligence or Attraction?       ❝ Why not both? I can’t imagine anybody that’s made it all the way to the New World lacking in either . ❞
Hook-up or Relationship?       ❝ Relationship. Duh. But if you ask nicely, maybe I’ll follow you home . ❞
     A playful flick of the tongue, naught more than the tip . 
              FAMILY –
Do you and your family get along?       ❝ Family is everything! It doesn’t matter what kind of family you have or plan to make! Of course we get along !! ❞
Would you say you have a “messed up life”?       ❝ Maybe. But it’s not living if everything feels like an impossible dream made into reality, now is it ? ❞
Have you ever ran away from home?       ❝ I didn’t get very far, ❞ she admits sheepishly. ❝ I came right back home because I got hungry and I was too young to get into any of the night parties by myself . ❞
Have you ever gotten kicked out?       ❝ I had a bar kick me out once because the keep said I was beating up all his patrons, ❞ an exaggerated incredulous look. ❝ It’s not my fault people have egos the size of their over-inflated heads! I make bets, I win, and then their big boy prides get bruised and they start it. I like having a little entertainment while I eat. I just wanna have a little fun!! Is that so bad ?? ❞
     A pause. ❝ Oh? No... my parents would never kick me out. Why do you ask ? ❞
              FRIENDS –
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?       ❝ Why on earth would I hate a friend? Kinda defeats the purpose of a friend, doesn’t it ? ❞
Do you consider all of your friends to be good friends?       ❝ I don’t see why not . ❞
Who is your best friend?       ❝ Salohn. ❞ She tries not to chuckle but does so anyway. ❝ He knows just about everything you could ever know about weapons. I guess he kind of saved me once, too. He was in the navy a lot longer than I was. Really fun guy. Really good tactician, too. People think he’s an idiot because he’s so fun-loving and oblivious but he doesn’t really mess around when it comes to strategy. Haven’t seen him in ages, though. ❞ A curious scratch of the scalp. ❝ I wonder what he’s up to ... ❞
Who knows everything about you?       ❝ My parents. ❞ Possibly. There was a lot of memories being made that she hadn’t had the time to share with anybody. But they knew her better than just about anybody else. ❝ I guess Salohn reads me like a book, too. To be fair though, he reads everybody like a book. That’s kinda just how he is . ❞
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“All That Lives Must Die” Part 9
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8]
When Lup got the call from Taako, she could’ve cried from relief. While she knew that Kravitz could never let Taako die forever, Lup had thought herself into circles about what could’ve gone wrong. Thought about her never hearing from her brother again, him cutting her off because she killed him. Thought about her and her heart’s relationship being irreparable broken like his and Lucretia’s was. But nothing could be wrong when her brother (her twin her heart) sounds so normal and happy, happy to hear her to talk to her.
“Hey, Lu-Lu, almost all of the birds are here. We’re having a little get together shindig and well we can’t really have a Bird Party without all the birds now can we?” He laughed and she laughed with him. He wants her at her house, he wants her over and wants to talk with her.
“Right, okay. I just gotta finish up this one bounty for RQ and then I’ll be over to you and Kravitz’s, kay?” Lup twirled her scythe in her hand as she cut a portal to her next bounty.
“ ‘Kay. Can’t wait to see you.” The line went dead, leaving Lup with a feeling of unease that didn’t go away. There was a tone underlying his voice that set something off in her. Some genetic feature within her blood that thrummed with warning as she heard his words.
The feeling was still there when she was knocking on Taako’s door two days later, and only increased when the door opened.
Her brother was there, and he looked...normal. Healthy skin (not pale from death), ears flicked up (not down, not scared he’s not scared of her), and a bright smile. But there was something off with his face, as if everything was slightly to the left of where it should be.
But that’s ridiculous. Ridiculous and she needs to stop doubting her brother. If anything, he should be the one doubting her. She killed him, she hurt him so badly. Lup should definitely be grateful-
There was a thrumming in her blood again, a pulse of warning, of screaming in her ears that something was so very wrong.
Lup’s lips twisted as she pushed the pulse away, this was her brother after all. “Hey, Koko.” She opened her arms to embrace him in a hug.
He grinned at her, bright and perfect (wrong wrong wrong wrong), “Hey Lulu.” Taako moved forwards, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her close to his chest.
Over his shoulder, Lup looked into his house and more of the warning thrummed within her. Sitting inside, were two groups of people.
On one couch were Lucretia, Kravitz, and Angus. Each holding a cup of some tea who’s smell made her ears draw back in some primal instinct that tells her when things are so very very wrong. They were making small talk between each other, every so often trying to attract the others on the other couch to join them.
On the other couch, looking decidedly very uncomfortable, were Magnus and Merle. They didn’t hold tea cups, and didn’t really interact with anyone on the other couch. For this reason (no tea no wrongness), Lup decided to sit with them. They made room for her in the middle of them and she sat down.
Taako didn’t seem to notice the atmosphere, and merely clapped his hands together, “Fantastic, almost all the birds are here! Just one more to go!”
Lup looked around, and furrowed her brow, “We’re down two, Koko. Where’s Barry?”
“Yeah, Taako,” Magnus’s gruff voice held an edge to it, “Where’s Barry?”
With a flick of his hand, Taako dismissed them and took a seat in his chair, “Oh, he’s downstairs looking at some books Krav brought back from one of his bounties.”
“When you were talking to him, you said that it was a sciencey thing.” Magnus’s grip tightened on the arm of the sofa that they were sitting on.
“Right..right. They’re books on science, and they’re in a language Krav here can’t read, so I decided to let him try his hand at it. He’s probably...sucked into his work right now, but whatever. I’ll go get Jort man whenever Davenport gets here.”
“Why don’t you go get him now so his lover can talk to him?”
Lup scowled, and elbowed Magnus. Even with the wrongness that looking at Taako gives her, Lup felt tired of hearing Magnus needled her twin, “Calm down, Mags, I know Barry. If you rip him away from his work when he’s neck deep in it, he’ll be distracted all night.”
“Thank you, Lulu.” Taako grinned, and Lup had to avert her eyes from his face.
“Yeah, no problem, Koko.” Lup grinned, though it was weak.
Taako didn’t seem to notice as he reached for the teapot and a teacup, “Would you like a cup of tea?”
“No!” Lup shouted, her ears drawing back. A flush rose to her cheeks as she realized how weird she must’ve looked, “I mean, no. I’m fine right now, thanks for offering.” Gripping Magnus’s bicep (her hand couldn’t even go all the way around it), she tugged at him, “Hey, Mags, can I talk with you...in private?”
Magnus met her gaze and gave her a very slight nod, “Of course, I know just the place.” Rising to his feet, Magnus led her to Angus’s room.
Lup shut the door behind them, flicking her wrist to lock it, “What has happened to my brother?”
Magnus scratched at the back of his neck, “We don’t...know, exactly. The kid had a theory-”
“Angus? Which reminds me, what’s wrong with Lucy, Krav, and Ango?”
“Taako charmed them, we’re almost positive. I’m not sure how much you could see, but for Merle and I? Their eyes are tinted purple: Krav’s entire iris and pupil are solid purple and we think that’s because he’s been charmed the longest, Lucy’s, uhh, the white parts of her eyes are purple, and she got got last night. The kid’s...the kid’s the same as Lucy.” He sighed, dropping down onto Angus’s bed and making it groan with the unfamiliar weight.
“Taako...charmed them? Why would he do that?”
“We don’t know, but there’s some sort of corruption that’s been overtaking him since he came back to life.”
Lup’s face paled, and she gasped, covering her mouth with a hand, “Since he came back to life? That was almost a week ago, Burnsides!” The ends of her hair began to light up in her fury, “Why didn’t you tell me the second you knew.” She rushed forwards, grapping him by the collar of his shirt.
Magnus’s eyes went wide and he raised his hands in surrender, “Angus told us not to!”
“And you took the advice of a child?” Her elvish form was slowly losing it’s composure, and Magnus could see brief flashes of her skull.
“Yeah! We trust him! Look-” Magnus gently took Lup’s hands off of his collar, “We need to be objective about this.”
“Objective about what? About the fact that I could’ve seriously fucked up my own brother?”
“Lup don’t blame yourself. See, this is why we didn’t call you!” Magnus sighed, and was silent for a few moments as he reassembled his thoughts, “We need to be objective on how to save him…and what we’re saving him from.”
“You don’t even know?”
“I told you! The kid had a theory and he got got before he could tell us.”
Lup paced in the small child’s bedroom (small not only in the sense that it belongs to a tiny child, but because the poster lined wall and galaxy painted ceiling felt like they were boxing Lup in), ears downturned as she wrung her hands, “Shit...shit.” Her eyes were wide, small flames flickered in her irises as she kept pacing. Her paces got smaller and smaller until she was barely taking a step before turning. Her chest began to heave, pupils growing smaller as her ears raised only to flatten against her head.
“Lup.” Magnus’s voice was soft, but it was enough to startle Lup out of the spiral that she worked herself in. She looked up, eyes still wide. Lup’s teeth were still half bared in a snarl with her ears flat against the sides of her head, but some of the fire went out of her eyes, and Magnus took that as a cue to continue, “Lup, we’re going to save him. He’s Taako from TV!”
The nickname, familiar and not at the same time, drew a laugh from her. Muted and subdued though it was, he found it was another small victory. It was all about small victories with her, he had found over their century-long road trip through the planar system. A twist of the lip here, maybe a snort there, but there were always cues for him to continue, and cues for him to stop.
“He’s Taako, and he’s your brother, and my best friend...and whatever Merle thinks of him. And we’re not going to fucking abandon him.”
Lup’s grin turned slightly more forceful, slightly more wide, “You’re goddamn right, Mags. You’re goddamn right.” With that, she turned around. Her red cloak whirled around her, the very edges of it caught fire, and Magnus knew the cue. So he stopped.
When she entered the living room, the only cue she gave Merle that she was in on the truth was a glance out of the corner of her eye. This was completely disregarded by the way that Lup took her brother by the arm and said, “Hey, Koko. Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a quick second?”
He grinned, and nodded, pretending not to notice the flinch as he touched his twin’s elbow to lead her into the kitchen.
The last thing that the birds saw (the birds conscious enough to see it for real) was the flash of Lup’s red cloak and how she gripped the handle of her wand. Merle and Magnus shared a worried look, this wouldn’t end well.
[Part 10]
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