#i have a soft spot for big beautiful holiday gowns.
selccuth · 2 years
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I might have no energy but there’s always the time and willpower to make Lulu beautiful for the season right before the year ends.
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hockeyboysimagines · 3 years
Say it to me softly
Chapter 3
Warnings: Swearing, slight NSFW under the cut, mentions of sex and alcohol
Enjoy! And please let me know how your liking the stories so far!
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As the weather turned colder and the season picked up, Sawyer fell into a routine in her new life. She worked, went to games and spent time with Nolan and the rest of the team. They celebrated birthdays, holidays and had regular dinners together and she became a natural part of the family.
But the weather wasn’t the only thing changing. Her relationship with Nolan had also taken on a change. A small touch here or a kiss on the cheek there, from the outside it didn’t seem like much, but to those who knew they could see what was happening.
And Nash was fucking amped about it.
Every time Nolan put an arm around her or whispered something in her ear she smacked Travis repeatedly until he looked, and he wished they would just get together so Nash would stop hitting him.
The “Important Event” Nolan had asked her to come to was actually a Gala, one that Nash had attended last year. Apparently it was an important event, as Nolan had told her with a lot of important people. As it drew closer she roped Libby and Sawyer into dress shopping. After the 3rd store Sawyer had sore feet and Libby was growing frustrated. The Gala was only a few days away, and they couldn’t seem to find anything appropriate to wear. Nash had found a deep burgundy dress, with shoes to match in the first store they went to. Libby and Sawyer however were having trouble.
“ What about this one?” Libby asked pulling a shimmery silver dress off the rack. Nash made a face.
“Big no.”
“Ok this one?”
“Even bigger no.”
“This one?”
“Sure, if you wanna look like a hooker appearing for court.”
Libby aimed a kick at her and hung the dress back up, blowing a piece of hair from her eyes. She spun and stopped dead mouth open.
“That’s the one!”
It was beautiful, long and Blush Pink. She hurried and grabbed it off the rack, running to the dressing room before anyone else could grab it. She burst through the door a moment later turning this way and that.
“ You clean up nice!” Nash said leaning around the rack and waggling her eyebrows “ I might even be into you.”
Libby winked and turned to Sawyer “What do you think?”
“I think you and Joel might not even make it to the Gala if you wear that.”
Libby blushed and waved her off “ These shoes are perfect, and your buying them.” Nash pushed a pair of heels into Libby’s hands and turned to Sawyer.
“ Looks like your the last woman standing.”
Sawyer sighed. She had seen a ton of beautiful dresses but nothing that caught her eye. As she wandered down the aisles away from Libby and Nash she spotted a long black gown, with a slight train and off the shoulder sleeves. She ran a hand over the soft black fabric and pulled it gently off the rack, making her way back to the others.
Nash gasped “ Oh my god its perfect! Nolan is going to die when he sees you in this dress.”
Sawyer rolled her eyes “ Nash it’s -“
“ Yeah yeah whatever we know your ‘just friends’” she said waving her off and adding air quotes “ If that’s your story then that’s fine but either way.”
“And” Libby added as she stepped out of the dressing room, back in her own clothing and slipping her shoes on “ if you decide you want to be more than ‘Just Friends’ this dress with definitely do the trick.”
Sawyer gave them both the finger and swept past them into the dressing room to try the dress on. As she slipped it on and the fabric settled on her frame she had a brief vision of the way Nolan’s hands would feel on the fabric, or on her bare skin. She shook her head and coughed, smacking herself on the cheeks a few times.
After several catcalls and vulgar comments from Libby and Nash, Sawyer bought the dress and they wrapped up shopping and halfway home they got a text from Kevin summoning them for lunch at his apartment.
“What’s in there?” Travis asked as they filed through the door garment bags with dresses inside in each of there hands.
“Never you mind!” Nash said slapping his hand as he reached for the zipper. Travis frowned and rubbed his hand, sticking his tongue out at her. Nolan gave Sawyer a small smile and stood.
“Let me see.” She side stepped him just out of reach of his long arms.
“No! This is a surprise Nols. Get out of here!” She yelled as he took a large step forward, reaching for her again.
Joel was side eyeing Libby, and she pointed threateningly at him “Don’t even think about it.”
“Who are you going with Kev?”
He shrugged as he took a sip of his beer “ I’ll probably just go home with someone.” All three girls made faces.
“Kev don’t you want like...a girlfriend?” Sawyer asked as she set her bag across the end of his kitchen island.
“ Is that an offer?” Travis snorted and glanced at Nolan who was squinting at Kevin over Sawyers head, blush raging on his cheeks.
“ Easy buddy.” Kevin said patting Nolan’s shoulder as he passed by him to answer the door “ She’s only got eyes for you.”
Sawyer felt her own cheeks burn and peeked up at Nolan. He was already looking at her, eyes unreadable and gave her a tight smile.
After lunch had ended and everyone began to filter back to their own apartments, Sawyer bid Nolan and Kevin goodbye and left them by themselves. Nolan turned and gave Kevin a stare until he chuckled.
“You know what.”
“I’m just trying to help you out with your Sawyer situation buddy.”
Nolan scoffed and folded his arms slouching in his seat “ I don’t need any help with my Sawyer situation okay?”
“Ah so you admit there is a situation.”
Nolan gaped at him for a moment “ Fuck you.”
Kevin laughed, clutching his stomach and wiping his eyes.
“ It helps if you say it out loud Pat.”
“There’s nothing to say. There’s no situation and even if there was I don’t need help.”
“If you say so. But I think it might be worth it to see where things go from here.”
Kevin was serious now and held Nolan’s gaze .
“Yeah. Maybe.”
Nolan:This thing starts at 7:30 till whenever so I guess I’ll pick you up at like 7? If that’s okay.
Sawyer: yeah that should be fine. Nash has summoned me for a “Day of pampering” at her place tomorrow so I can at least look half decent.
Nolan had his fingers hovering over the keyboard wondering how he should reply.
Travis would say something funny like “ being decent is overrated.”
Kevin would go with “Your gonna look fucking hot.”
Carter would say something sappy like “Your going to look beautiful.”
Nolan: I’m sure your going to look beyond decent.
Sawyer smiled and set her phone down, chewing on her lip while she flipped through channels. It was late, but her body wasn’t tired. She was a bundle of nerves and energy the closer the gala got. She had barely been able to focus on anything the past few days besides running over multiple scenarios in her head all of which ended up with her and Nolan behaving in a way friends should not.
When she finally forced herself to go to bed, she fell asleep easily, unaware that 3 blocks away Nolan was wide awake in his own bed thinking about her.
Sawyer shivered under Nolan’s touch as he ran his hand up the exposed skin of her legs, eyes flicking up to meet hers. She sucked in a sharp breath as his lips moved across her neck and jaw before stopping and hovering above her own, he began to lean in and slowly-
Sawyer jolted upright knocking her phone off the bed and smacking at her alarm clock. She glanced around hurriedly and realized she was in her own bed and not Nolan’s and took a few deep breaths, fanning her face as she replayed the dream in her head.
She lept from her bed and jumped immediately into a cold shower hoping to cool off but was startled again by a banging at her door. She jumped out and grabbed a towel wrapping it around her waist and hurrying to the door.
Assuming it was Nash here to pick her up she yanked the door open and froze in horror.
Nolan, all six feet two inches of him, was on the other side hand still raised from knocking, eyes wide cheeks burning. He had a bag in his hand. His eyes moved from her feet all the way up her wet legs, to the towel that barely came to her mid thigh, and the outline of her body underneath, to the wet hair stuck to her shoulders and neck.
He cleared his throat and handed her the bag
“ Uh. Sorry I-Nash asked me to drop this off, she left it at Kevin’s and I-guess. Bye.”
He turned abruptly and walked down the hall leaving Sawyer standing there, forming a puddle on her rug.
“And you just stood there?!” Travis said smacking Nolan on the shoulder and rolling his eyes. Nolan groaned and rested his head in his hands trying to shake the image of her in a towel from his mind.
“What else was I supposed to do?” Nolan mumbled as he heard Travis open the fridge.
“ What am I gonna do with you Pat? That was your moment dumbass! And instead your sitting here with your pants still on.”
“Shut UP!” Nolan said forcefully chucking a towel off the counter and hitting him in the chest with it.
“You such a nerd Pat sheesh.”
“And you just stood there?!?”
Nash screeched as she mixed together the contents of a face mask for Libby, who was surveying her wide eyed over a magazine. She had recounted the whole story to them exasperatedly.
“What was I supposed to do?!”
Nash half turned and waggled her eyebrows suggestively and shimmied her shoulders. Libby blew out a laugh and Sawyer laughed too in spite of herself before sighing.
“He’s probably kicking himself. Or rather Travis is probably doing it for him.”
“Poor Nolan.”
“Why would you even answer the door in a towel?”
“Because I didn’t think it would be Nolan banging my door down at 7:30 in the morning!”
“ I seriously doubt that the only thing Nolan wanted to be banging down was the door.”
Sawyer woke early on the day of the Gala. She hadn’t heard from Nolan since the towel incident of the previous day and for all she knew he would never speak to her again after it. She ate breakfast and watched tv checking her phone every 5 minutes until finally it buzzed. She snatched it from the cushion next to her.
Nolan:Just wanted to make sure you’ll be ready by 7? Looking forward to seeing you.
She smiled a big stupid smile before typing
Sawyer: yeah 7 is fine. See you later.
She hopped up, a renewed energy flowed through her. She spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready, jitters flowing through her veins until she slipped her new dress and shoes on and grabbed her bag, the clock reading 6:58. She locked the door behind her, took the elevator down one floor and exited out the front as Nolan’s car pulled up. He got out eyes on his phone as she descended the stairs.
“Hey I was gonna come up and get-“
He stopped mid sentence and mid step when he saw her. She smiled very softly, but then frowned when he didn’t smile back. She glanced down at herself then back up at him.
“Do I look alright?”
He nodded very slowly “ You look-you look incredible.”
He held out his hand, and pulled her closer to him.
“We should Uh-get going.”
Nolan couldn’t stop looking at her. And he wasn’t the only one. Every time she moved someones eyes followed her. She was well spoken and smart, and illicited many compliments through the course of the evening.
He sighed, as he watched her from his spot against the wall. The lights were shining off of her long hair, and she kept giggling, a light wine induced blush had spread across her cheeks and she was killing him and she didn’t even know it.
“ You look like a serial killer lurking over here bud. Wtf are you dong?”
Nolan jumped, and turned glaring at Travis who was suddenly beside him.
“ I-what nothing. What are you doing?”
He rolled his eyes more dramatically than necessary “ Well I’m gonna be honest dude I’ve been a standing here for 5 minutes and you haven’t noticed me at all. I’m not sure if I should be jealous or offended.”
“ Shut up.”
“ Just tell her how you feel bro. “
Nolan felt his face burn” I don’t have any idea what your talking-“
“ Listen I know a thing or two about this and trust me when I tell you the longer you put off telling her the worse it’s going to be. If you keep waiting she’s going to find someone else mark my words.”
“ And how did you get this infinite wisdom oh wise one?”
Travis looked down at his feet, using the toe of his shoe, running it across the floor and his expression changed to sadness, and Nolan felt bad for even asking. He turned his gaze, until it rested on Nash and he sighed before looking at Nolan with a real genuine look of pain, love and a little bit of fear.
“ I know all about being stuck between a rock I’m and a best friend spot. And it fucking sucks dude. Don’t make the mistakes I’m making.”
Nolan’s mouth fell open and he gasped “ I knew it you dirty liar!”
Travis rolled his eyes. While EVERYONE knew Travis was harboring some feelings for Nash, Nolan never thought he would say it out loud. He had suspected Travis feelings for Nash had grown to large to ignore at this point and he was close to exploding.
“ I fucking knew it. Your over here counseling me on making a move on my best friend of 15 years and your pining over yours. Wtf?”
Travis opened his mouth to defend himself but then closed it again, having no real defense against what Nolan said. Nolan however wasn’t done.
“ Look we all know you love Nash, it’s so obvious to everyone. Maybe you should take your own advice buddy and man up.”
“Don’t you think I know that? It sucked for me to watch her mooning over Justin all those years when he was nothing but a fucking douche.”
Nolan had watched Justin dismantle Nash’s life piece by piece for a year and for that reason alone they never mentioned his name. It was something he never spoke of, not even with Sawyer. Travis hated the guy, at one point for no apparent reason. But it all made sense now.
“Just be better than me Pat. That’s all I’m asking.”
Nolan watched him walk away and disappear through the crowd, his words running through his head.
“You okay?” He jumped again and found Sawyer at his other shoulder, looking questioningly at him.
“I-yeah fine just. I’m fine.”
“It’s getting pretty late and I think everyone is leaving. Are you ready?”
He nodded and turned, but paused and reached for her hand, large fingers enveloping hers.
“Come on. I’ll take you home.”
-Gala Night Part 2 will be up sometime tomorrow!
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seokmingiggles · 4 years
powdered sugar.
@ofrosesandteacups​ requested on 201220: "Would you do a fluff Yoongi one shot where he goes home for the holidays with his girlfriend for the first time (but he's previously met her family when they've come for a short visit) and although he's nervous, he finds that since his girlfriend is the youngest of her family with a wide age gap between her and her siblings (like 8 years older) she gets babied by them/gets them to do things for her by being cute/whining which he's seen bits of in Seoul but she usually independent and tends to take care of him and the rest of the boys so he teases her for it? Also I really enjoyed 'Comfortable' and I'm excited for whatever else you create!"
Pairing: Min Yoongi x female reader
Genre: fluff, established relationship, holiday season.
1.85k words
Warnings: brief mentions of alcohol consumption, (dialogue heavy).
On the drive home from your parent's Christmas Eve dinner with the rest of your family, your boyfriend enjoys hearing you whine as he reminds you of the way you're coddled by your older siblings. Later on, he continues to pamper you when you return home. Alternatively, Yoongi wants to baby you every once in a while because you're just so darn cute.
A/N: Thank you for the request (and for all the support you've shown for me so far)! This one was a bit tricky for me to think about since I am the eldest of my family. I tried to put myself in my step-sister's shoes (who is younger than me by nine years) to come up with how the reader would feel being the youngest. I hope it turned out okay! I kind of made it turn into something else near the end (it felt like I was around 600 words for a long time, and then it suddenly became 1.8k). Please enjoy :)
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•• "Wait, no, when Jun got hit when we opened the champagne! That was the highlight of dinner, I swear. My cousin is hilarious."
You laughed again just picturing your tall relative hiding in the corner of the kitchen behind your (much smaller) aunt, but still getting the cork to his head despite his efforts.
"Yeah, Junhui is something else, that's for sure," Yoongi grinned, keeping his eyes trained on the road ahead of him. One of his hands was on the steering wheel, while the other encased in yours. "Do you want to know my favourite part about seeing your family again?"
You glanced over at your boyfriend, interested in what his opinion was, "I bet it was the turkey my mom made. I know you love her cooking."
"Well, yes, that's a given," Yoongi silently thanked your mom again when he remembered the delicious care package she put together before you left, "but actually, I love seeing how different you act when you're surrounded by your siblings."
"I should have known." You rolled your eyes despite knowing he wouldn't see the action under the passing streetlights.
"It's true! I keep forgetting you're the youngest when it's just you and me. You always insist on taking care of me and asking how I'm doing, so it's funny to see your siblings pull that stuff on you when you're all together." Your boyfriend's face was illuminated crimson from the traffic light. He glanced at you, "You're the baby. The little, tiny baby-"
"Ah, stop it!" You smacked his hand situated on your lap.
"Be careful, (Y/N)-ie, that dish just came out of the oven!" Yoongi ignored your gentle warning and continued to tease, quoting what your siblings had said earlier, "Let me do it. You can go sit down at the table."
"Now you're just as bad as them, Yoon."
The light turned green.
"You just rile them up when you walk around all cute and pouty. I'm scared to open the champagne bottle. Can someone else do it for me, please?" Now he was quoting you.
"And I had the right to be scared of it! You saw how it hit Jun's forehead!" You still couldn't get over how the cork managed to find him. "Are you telling me that I'm not normally that cute around you?"
Yoongi scoffed, "You already know I think you're cute. It's just that you're so different around your family."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No, not at all. But it catches me off guard. They're all so cautious about their youngest doing things on her own." Another stoplight. "But little do they know what a big girl their baby sister has become!"
He had the audacity to poke your cheek as he laughed; a cold sensation on your skin warmed from the champagne—you’d had both yours and Yoongi's portion as the boy knew he'd have to drive you both home afterwards.
"Yoongi," you dragged out, "please! I could be teasing you at how stiff you were when you first walked through the door tonight."
"That's not the same."
"Isn't it? It's nice to see you again, Mr. (L/N). I swear you corrected your posture as soon as my dad opened the door."
Now Yoongi was whining out a complaint.
"They like you already; my family has for a while. I don't know why you still act so proper around them."
"I'm only being a good son-in-law."
"Say that again after you propose, Min."
"Yes, ma'am."
You finally were met with silence, a nice change from your boyfriend's loving teasing. You leaned your head against the top of the passenger seat and watched the colourful lights pass by. The radio was quietly playing in the background; a Christmas hymn barely heard over the noisy car, crunching over the gravelled-down streets.
"Do you want me to propose?"
You almost missed Yoongi's words from your ears being tuned to the gentle orchestral arrangement playing from the speakers.
"Of course I do," you cooed. "I love you, so yes. Without a doubt, one day, when we both feel ready to take that step."
"You know we've been together for years now, (Y/N). It'll be our sixth in the spring. Maybe it was because I saw your siblings with their spouses tonight; it got me thinking about it all. Your eldest sister already has a daughter too." He paused, eyes still focussed on the snowy road, "It made me wonder if you'd want that too someday. With me."
You couldn't help the smile that formed across your face at picturing a lifetime with the boy next to you. You squeezed Yoongi's hand intertwined with your own.
"That sounds perfect, Yoongi. Any future with you sounds perfect."
The car finally reached its designated parking spot in front of your condominium unit. Yoongi put the vehicle in park and removed the keys, but you both remained in your seats with hands still laced together.
You turned your head to the side to see Yoongi already giving you a fond gaze.
"I love you," he whispered. Anything louder would seem deafening under the delicate snowflakes beginning to fall, instantly melting as they hit the glass of the car's windows. "Merry Christmas, (Y/N)."
"Merry Christmas, Yoongi. I love you too."
The two of you exited the car and collected the cards and small presents arranged in the backseat that your family so graciously handed to you after dinner. Of course, also not forgetting the leftovers your boyfriend was so enthusiastic about too.
You unlocked the door to your home as Yoongi had the assorted gifts held tightly to his chest with the oversized Tupperware of food in his hands, carrying it like some prized possession.
He walked over to the small decorated tree in your living room to add the few new additions of prettily wrapped boxes beneath the shrubbery after dropping the food in the fridge on his way. He plugged in the lights and admired the way the tree sparkled.
He found himself looking beneath the tree at one small box in particular. "Hey, could I give you a gift tonight, love?"
You were in the entryway hanging up your jackets and putting away your boots. Once finished, you made your way to see Yoongi sat on the floor next to the tree: his portrait glowing from the gleaming lights.
You smiled at the view; your boyfriend never failed to take your breath away. "I don't know, technically it's not Christmas yet."
"It will be in ten minutes."
"Hm, I suppose I can let it slide just this once."
You made your way closer to Yoongi, taking a seat in front of him on the carpet.
"Can you close your eyes for me?"
You obliged his request, but quipping, "Your idea of a gift that can't wait until tomorrow better not be a kiss, Min Yoongi."
You felt a soft peck on your lips.
"You know me too well, love."
But you also felt something small placed in your hands.
"You can open your eyes now."
As your eyes fluttered back open, revealed to you was a small box. It was no bigger than your palm; black velvet with a forest green ribbon decorating it, turning into a delicate bow resting on its top.
You looked back up at Yoongi, who only nodded his head to encourage you to open it.
Pulling at the ribbon, your breath hitched when you carefully opened the lid.
It was a necklace. In the shape of a heart, it looked even more golden from the warm-toned twinkling lights of the tree next to you.
"Yoongi, it's beautiful," you gasped, already removing it from its container.
"It's a locket," your boyfriend commented, taking it from your smaller hands so he could show you.
Upon opening it, you were met with two small photos on each half of the heart. The left side had a tiny family photo with you, your parents, and your siblings at your graduation a few years back, and the other side contained an old photo of you and Yoongi around the time you first started dating.
You almost felt like crying; the gesture was so thoughtful.
"Your mom found these photos buried away and gave a few to me. I know how much your family means to you, so that's why I chose this one," he pointed to the one with you grinning in your cap and gown and smushed in the middle of a hug by your siblings, "and I'm fairly certain that I also mean a lot to you, so I wanted to include a photo of us." Yoongi brushed his thumb against the right half of the heart housing your younger faces.
"This is the most thoughtful gift I've ever received, Yoongi." You released your grip on the velvet box and moved to embrace the boy, "I can't thank you enough. You're so wonderful to me."
"Merry Christmas, my love," Yoongi returned the hug, smiling into the top of your head. "Would you like my help to put it on?"
You reluctantly let go and sat in front of him once again. "I think you've spent too much time around my siblings, Yoon. You know you don't have to treat me like a baby the way they all do. I'm capable of doing things myself even if they say otherwise."
"I know you can, (Y/N), but you're my baby. I think there are different rules. Here, let me help you."
You sighed with a smile and shook your head at Yoongi's persistence, but turned around in your spot nonetheless. He carefully maneuvered the necklace around you, fiddling with the clasp until the sides hooked together properly.
You spent a little while longer in the gentle ambiance of the decorated tree and watched the dainty snowflakes fall from the sky. It was past midnight now; the world was quiet. Silenced by the powdered sugar fragments drifting down from the heavens and covering the earth in a blanket of icing white.
You fiddled with the chain around your neck, leaning back into Yoongi's warm chest, having moved from your spot on the floor and to the couch.
You felt him press a kiss onto the back of your head, his protective hold around you tightening ever so slightly. Maybe it was from the coziness being in Yoongi's arms, or possibly from the big dinner you had a few hours ago—you felt yourself beginning to drift off, not fighting the all-encompassing tranquillity.
It was only at the sound of your breathing becoming heavier when Yoongi realized the predicament he found himself in. He smiled, wanting to coo at how cute you looked asleep in his arms, but he chose not to wake you.
Instead, he planned on bugging you about it when you inevitably woke up, saying something about how his little baby didn't even make it to the bed because she was so tired.
Yes, like your siblings, you were his baby too. Until you had your own, and maybe even after then as well, you'd be his baby.
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Princess Part 5
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Link to Part 4
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: E- smut
Christmas came around a lot quicker than you expected. Returning back to Grimmauld Place you were thrilled with the thoughts of having Regulus all to yourself for some time. Walburga and Orion were busy planning their annual Christmas Eve gala that was hosted every year so that would leave Regulus and yourself some alone time. You silently thanked Orion for attempting to keep his wife from your meddling in the love affair going on between Regulus and yourself. The two of you were adults and didn’t need Walburga butting in or trying to keep sex from happening.
To your displeasure, however, Voldemort had other ideas. For the first week of the holiday Regulus was gone the whole time. Apparently, there was some mission that could not wait. That meant you were once again put on the back burner. This seeming abandonment you would have to put up with. There was no sense in trying to talk Regulus out of going. He had to. Whether you wanted him to or not, your lover had to work for the greater good. You would just have to deal without him for a bit and not complain. Walburga’s words of that’s what good wives do. They support their husbands...especially at a time like this. You will look pretty and provide him comfort when Regulus comes home rang in your head. It didn’t matter if you weren’t his wife “technically.” In Walbruga’s eyes, you were as good as Regulus’ wife.
Luckily, Walburga picked up on your sullen mood and swooped in to keep you occupied. She required you to help her with the Christmas gala and took you dress shopping (even though you had plenty of evening gowns) for a perfect party dress. As the witch as the dress shop hovered over you gathering measurements and deciding what tone would look best on you. Finally, the three of you decided on a form-fitting emerald green gown that pushed your breasts to new heights and a split that went nearly to your thigh. Walburga smiled from her seat.
“Come Easter holiday, we will be looking for a wedding dress.”
She was thrilled with your sweet smile. The seamstress looked up with a grin.
“Ah, getting married are you?”
You nodded, happily. Walburga normally didn’t let emotions other than wrath and anger show. Today, however, she smiled like a proud mother.
“She’s marrying my only son. Isn’t she a beauty?”
The seamstress nodded, eagerly.
“I thought she was your daughter, ma’am.”
Walburga stood and came to join you on the platform that you were standing on while the seamstress hemmed the bottom of the dress.
“She’s as good as. Y/n and my Regulus have been taken with each other since they were children. There is no one better for my son.”
The seamstress nodded with a smile.
“I saw your boy a few days ago, Mrs. Black. He is very handsome. These two will make lots of pretty babies.”
Walburga nodded, locking her gaze on you. The two of you made eye contact and your expectations as a woman and wife were clearly said without Walburga saying a word. She had made it clear that she wanted an heir but not anytime soon. You were thankful that she saw your views on wanting to wait until things with lord Voldemort slowed down. When he made the appropriate amount of progress and Regulus wasn’t out risking his life then you would have a baby.
“That is the hope.”
Walburga replied.
The Christmas gala came with no sign of Regulus coming home. You sat putting the finishing touches on your makeup before heading downstairs to the party. The last thing that you really wanted to do was go to this party without Regulus. Showing up without your boyfriend to a party where 98% of the invitees knew about your engagement was a bit tiresome. You didn’t feel like spending the evening saying polite thank yous to all of the people in your social circle wishing you well. It was rude and selfish, you knew this. All that you wanted was your lover.
Stepping into the room, your eyes immediately went to Evan and Emma. Your annoyance built a bit more. Emma got to have her fiance home. Before you could hide from your cousin, he spotted you and grabbed Emma’s arm to pull her over. Emma immediately smiled as her eyes met yours.
She said, cheerfully and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Hi, Emma. Evan when did you get home?”
Evan shrugged.
“Yesterday. Regulus should be back soon. There was a mission that one of the new worthless members of or cause messed up. Regulus had to go clean up the mess.”
You didn’t have to ask Evan what that meant. Regulus was out killing someone. You had told Regulus in the beginning that you didn’t want to know what he was doing when he went out. It didn’t matter how you felt about purebloods, half-bloods, or mudbloods. You didn’t want to hear about death. Since your own mother was killed years beforehand; you had always been sensitive to it.
“I see. I’m glad to see that you are alright.”
You wrapped your arms around Evan’s shoulder and kissed his cheek. If something had happened to Evan you would have been devastated. Evan smiled and returned the gesture. He looked between Emma and yourself with a pleased smile.
“Pureblood women are the prettiest. You two look simply lovely.”
Emma smiled and playfully smacked her fiance’s arm.
“You’re so talented at words.”
Evan shrugged, knowing that his fiance was right.
“I’m going to talk to Malfoy. I’ll leave you two together.”
When Evan walked away Emma turned her attention back to you. Your face had turned a bit more annoyed.
“What is it? You look furious.”
You scoffed.
“Lucius is back too? Everyone has their lovers back except for me.”
Emma’s motherly smiled returned as she reached out to fluff your hair.
“There now. Stop frowning. You’re going to get age lines too quickly. Y/n, you know what our men are doing is the right thing to do. We have to make sacrifices for the greater good.”
You wanted to scowl even harder at the comment on the greater good. As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t make a comment about how you were questioning “the greater good.” Was all of this even worth it?
Emma’s voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“You look lovely. It's good to see that the best of our society came to this gala. I was afraid that Melissa would be here.”
You rolled your eyes. The feeling of annoyance about Emma’s hatred of your other friend returned.
“You know that her family wouldn’t have been able to afford a new dress for her. She would have looked simply dreadful.”
Emma added. You took a sip of the drink that you had snatched off of a tray.
“She is in France with her grandparents anyway.”
Emma’s cold eyes narrowed.
“I don’t understand your fascination with that girl. We are practically royalty and she’s just...poor.”
You sighed.
“She’s nice, Emma. Maybe it's a good thing to network outside of our own social circles from time to time. There could be something useful that comes out of friendships with others.”
It was Emma’s turn to roll her own eyes.
“Sure, if my house elf needs a new pillowcase to wear. Regulus!”
You quickly turned the moment Regulus’ hand touched the small of your back. Without even thinking, you threw your arms around his shoulders.
“You’re home.”
You said, softly. Regulus chuckled and pulled you into a soft kiss. He would have kissed you more but Regulus knew his mother would have a cow if the two of you started snogging in the middle of a party.
“I’ve missed you.”
He replied as you slowly backed away.
“I missed you too.”
You whispered, looking him over. Thankfully, nothing looked out of order. Regulus appeared to be perfectly fine with no injuries. He stood dressed in a full black suit and tie that matched your dress.
Emma, meanwhile, touched your arm so you wouldn’t forget her presence.
“I’ll leave you two alone. I’m going to find Evan.”
“Bye, Emma.”
You said, softly as Regulus gave her a nod. He waited until she was out of earshot before speaking.
“What was going on? You looked ready to punch her.”
You rolled your eyes as Regulus slipped his arm around your waist. He wanted to keep you as close to him as possible and you weren't about to object.
“She’s such a selfish person sometimes.”
Regulus nodded, rolling his eyes. You were never more correct than you were with that sentence.
“Emma and Evan are perfect for each other.”
Your eyes fluttered up to Regulus’ face.
“I hear that we are perfect for each other too.”
Regulus leaned closer. Having you this close to him after the hellish week that he had was more than welcoming. Regulus had big his mother and father a quick hello before coming to find you. You were the one that he wanted to see more than anyone in the world.
“Oh, my darling, you have no idea. This dress...it's going to look even more wonderful on my floor.”
You ran a hand down Regulus’ chest earning a sigh from him.
“Why don’t we get out of here for a little bit?”
You asked, resisting the urge to let your hand go lower.
“That sounds nice.”
The two of you left the party without gaining much attention. Walburga and Orion were so busy talking to the Malfoys that they didn’t notice Regulus lightly shoving you from the room and up the stairs.
The moment his bedroom door was shut, Regulus had you against the wall. Soft timid kisses quickly turned hungry as he shoved his suit jacket off. He groaned as your hands reached up and tangled in his hair to deepen the kiss.
“Need you, now.”
Regulus moaned between kisses. The past week had been one of the most exhausting in his life! Coming to find you in a dress that practically showed your tits to the whole room made the jealous lover in him go into hyperdrive. Regulus yanked the soft silky fabric until it ripped. He gave one more hard pull until what was left of the dress hit the floor.
Now you stood before him in only a silky white thong and your emerald heels.
“Now that’s better.”
Regulus growled before going for the thong. You gave him an amused scowl as he tore it off of you too.
“I am running low on lingerie.”
You commented as his hands trailed over your breasts to cup them greedily. Regulus stood up straight and looked down at you with that displeased expression. So, this is the mood for the night. You thought as that dom eyebrow of his rose up.
“I can do whatever I want, Y/n. I can rip anything off of my fiance that I want. If you are that worried about lingerie, I can always buy you more.”
You smirked and said in almost a teasing tone.
“Yes, sir.”
Regulus was suddenly pressed against you so hard that you could barely breathe. His handsome face was looking down at you with an angry hungry expression. Regulus’ hand tilted your chin so you were looking at him fully.
“So you want to be a smart mouth, huh? Well, princess that’s just fine with me.”
“The silencing charm…”
You muttered. The last thing that you wanted was for anyone to hear what the two of you were about to do. Regulus shook his head.
“No, you want to be a sassy little brat then I’m going to make you scream like a whore.”
His voice was low. It was low and oozing with pent up sexual energy from the past week apart.
“Reggie, I don’t want people to hear…”
Regulus’ hand was over your mouth silencing any more of your sentence from coming out. He leaned down nuzzling his nose against yours.
“Don’t you Reggie me. Now I’m going to shut that smart mouth up.”
He quickly started loosening his tie and tossed it to the side before going for his dress shirt. You swallowed, watching hungrily as he unbuckled his belt before pulling you back into another kiss.
“Time to shut your smart mouth up.”
He took your hand and moved it to the bulge in his dress pants.
“You know what I want.”
Regulus added, his voice softening a bit. You eagerly nodded as he wrapped his hand around yours and led you to the velour loveseat near the fireplace. Regulus kicked his shoes off before easing his dress pants down his slender waist. You wanted to whine the moment that his erection came into view.
“On your knees.”
Regulus ordered as he sat down, spreading his legs enough for you to kneel between his knees like the sweet princess you were. He tossed his mess curls over his shoulder as you knelt before him.
“Kiss me first.”
He said before leaning down enough to kiss you. You put as much passion as you could into the kiss. Regulus was clearly caught off guard and let the inner dom in him get lost in your mouth. You pushed up enough to be pressed against his chest as the snogging continued. Regulus rocked his hips the moment his brain seemed to realize that his cock was trapped between your joined bodies.
Regulus was the one to break the kiss.
“Get to work, princess.”
You did as you were told but decided to tease him a big first. Kissing his full lips once more, you moved slowly down his body. Pressing soft butterfly kisses to his chin, neck, chest, and stomach before moving to his waiting erection. Your eyes flickered to the dark mark on his arm before batting up to his face. As much as you wanted to admit that you didn’t like his “job” the dark mark on his arm was a turn on. Seeing your prim and proper lover with a tattoo was enough to leave you wet and dripping.
“Don’t make tell you twice.”
Regulus snapped.
“Yes, darling.”
You cooed before seductively licking a path down his length. Regulus fought the urge to close his eyes as you took him into your mouth. You focused on trying to make him moan. If he was going to be a cheeky shit and not put a silencing charm on the room then you were going to make him moan so loud that his mother would hear him downstairs.
You smirked at the thought of Walburga down there minding her own business. She would be mortified the moment that she realized that her son wasn’t in any danger but instead was getting a blow job. The two of you would get the tongue lashing of a lifetime that even Orion wouldn’t be able to save you from.
“That’s a good girl.”
Regulus hissed, trying to resist the urge to move his hips. Your violet eyes fluttered open and met your lover’s face. Regulus was biting his lip as he stared at you with lust-filled eyes.
You pulled away enough for Regulus’ cock to leave your mouth with a “pop.” Regulus groaned and leaned his head back against the sofa as his hands dug into the material You leaned forward and kissed his inner thighs while keeping one hand on his cock to keep Regulus muttering beneath you.
Internally, you cursed the control that Regulus had on himself. You wanted nothing more than to have him moan a little louder. Hearing him say “fuck” and “good girl” was thrilling but you wanted to have him gasping.
“I know what you are trying to do and I should spank you for it.”
Regulus growled before reaching down and pulling you into his arms. His mouth was back on yours as he claimed his prize. You quickly reached up and twirled your fingers in the curls that had fallen into his face.
“I like it when you spank me.”
You said against his lips. Regulus chuckled. He had let his hard side go to simply enjoy being close to you.
“I will never hit you but I won’t hesitate to lay you over my lap and spanking you.”
You gigged against his mouth before gently pulling his bottom lip into your mouth. Regulus reached between your bodies to circle your clit with his index finger. You immediately bucked against his hand.
“Not yet, naughty girl.”
Regulus wrapped his arms around you enough to lift you bridal style. You hungrily kissed the exposed skin of his neck. Leaving lovebites for the world to see was your next goal. You didn’t give two shits if the two of you returned to school looking as if you had been attacked.
Regulus dropped you onto the bed interrupting your thoughts of love bites. You stared up at him as Regulus removed your heels. He gently kissed your ankles before spreading your legs. Regulus wanted nothing more than to shove in and make love to you roughly. You, however, didn’t deserve that. It had been nearly a week since your last lovemaking. He wanted to make you feel good. If you could put your legs together the next morning that would be even more pleasing.
You whined his name earning a smile from your lover. He reached down and cupped your face. His dom persona had dropped quickly and was replaced by the sweet boy that you had fallen in love with.
“Soon, darling.”
He took his place over you and kissed your lips, cheeks, and collar bone. You sighed happily as his mouth moved down to your breasts. Stormy eyes met yours as he bit at your nipple before gently sucking at your stinging bud. Your hands ran through his curls as Regulus moved away from your breasts to kiss and lick a path down your stomach.
“You’re so wet.”
Regulus stated as he gently pressed two fingers inside of you. You bucked your hips earning a low laugh from Regulus as he shoved you back down. His voice seemed to drop an octave as he lowered his mouth to your folds.
“Nothing tastes better than you, love. You’re the only girl that I could do this too.”
Regulus whispered before licking a path down your folds to tease at your clit. Your eyes snapped closed knowing that Regulus was about to play unfairly. His goal at the moment was to overstimulate you. Swallowing back a sigh, you made a mental note to be quiet. You couldn’t let the party guests hear you screaming from your soon to be husband’s touch.
“Reggie, I need…”
Regulus stopped licking and looked up to you with that shit-eating grin. He ran a hand over his chin before taking his fingers out of you and licking them clean.
“What do you need, sweetheart?”
Regulus quickly took his place on top of you and turned your face to his.
“Tell me what you need.”
He said in a cheeky tone as he kissed your cheek not coming near your mouth. His hand had gone between your bodies to rub his erection against your clit.
“Make love to me.”
You cried.
“Make love to me, beautiful boy.”
Regulus smirked before shoving just the tip inside. You cried as he slowly pushed in a little more. He gave you enough for a bit of pleasure but not enough to leave you starry-eyed and gasping.
“Reggie, you aren’t playing fair.’
You whimpered. Regulus chuckled as he began to make love to you with just the little bit of his cock that he had given you.
“Who said that I played fair?”
He asked. Your violet eyes opened, narrowing on his arrogant smirk.
“Fine, if you aren’t going to fuck me properly then give me the vibrator in the bedside table. I know what to do with it.”
Regulus’ cheeky expression instantly faded and was replaced with that jealous scowl that he wore so well. This was the scowl that he always wore when you would talk to another boy that wasn’t Regulus or Evan. The last time that you had really seen Regulus’ jealous side was the day that the two of you had ran into Sirius in town and the older brother hugged you. Normally you wouldn’t play into Regulus’ jealousy. Today, however, it would get you what you wanted.
Without another word, Regulus shoved in balls deep leaving you spasming around him.
“You don’t need that toy when you have me.”
He hissed raising your thigh over his hip to give him deeper access to your body. You fought the urge to cry every time the tip of his cock hit your cervix. Regulus quickly put a hand over your mouth.
“Hush now. Do you want everyone to know what it sounds like when I fuck you?”
You shook your head as Regulus removed his hand in order to steady his own shaking body.
“Reggie, it feels so good.”
You cried with each snap of his hips. He didn’t ease up on the speed of his thrusts. You could tease him and tell him that he was being mean. That would just result in your cervix being abused harder. Not that you would be complaining. You would be moaning harder. You bit your bottom lip trying to stop the moans from coming out louder. In between heavy breaths you were already crying Regulus’ name.
Suddenly, Regulus pushed in further and held his position. He kept the head of his cock pressed against your womb’s entrance. You felt uncomfortably full. Rocking your hips, you pleased with him to move. Your body was stretching to accommodate Regulus’ sudden action.
“I was reading in a magazine about making your lover come without moving and I think that you are about to.”
Regulus said with a moan. He was trying to stop his own body from coming. It didn’t matter how much you were pulsating around him, Regulus wanted to hold on. He wanted to have more time to torment you in a delicious way.
You cried his name a bit louder before finally finding your release. Regulus closed his eyes thinking over everything he could to stop himself from coming (school, his role as a death eater, anything) but it didn’t work. It took one more squeeze of your spasming core to send Regulus over the edge of no return.
The moment he came, you sighed in complement. His come filled you as Regulus continued to fuck you through his own orgasm until he too froze. Regulus muttered something that sounded like “god damn it” under his breath before collapsing on top of you.
Your fingers stroked through his sweat-drenched curls as Regulus continued to come inside of you.
“That was perfect.”
You whispered leaning up enough to kiss his forehead. Regulus slowly pulled out enough so he could roll you into his arms. When the two of you were able to move, he would call for Kreacher to come to change the sheets. For now, however, he was too lazy to consider moving.
Regulus’ laughing quickly got your attention. You looked up at him sleepily.
“What’s so funny?”
He grinned down at you with a playful smile.
“By the way, there is a silencing charm on our room. Mother cast it herself. Just thought that you should know.”
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I do?
Requested: yes! By @maximes-world
Pairing: Stefan Salvatore x fiancé reader
Warnings: angst, miscarriage, it’s sad, cussing?, bridezilla, idk what else.
A/n: I don’t own gif nor the picture of the wedding gown. Wedding gown and bouquet pic came from Google. Credit to owners of the gif and pic. Hope you like this, hopefully I have got everything you requested. Hope y’all have a wonderful holiday season merry Christmas! Happy holidays!
Place & time: Mystic falls Virginia, before they turned
When I first met Stefan Salvatore I never thought he would be my husband. I thought we would always be just best friends, nothing more nothing less. Boy, am I happy to be wrong.
I’ve always lived in mystic falls. My family, the L/n family was apart of the founding families in Mystic falls. I was just a wee child when I first met Stefan. I practically grew up with him. He was my best friend, and Damon was like my big brother.
I remember meeting them as a tiny child. I’m not even sure how I remember it. I must’ve been only three or four.
I was so shy it’s embarrassing to think about. We had just got out of our horse drawn carriage in front of the Lockwood mansion, it was a small dance they were having with all the founding families together.
My tiny 3 year old self was wearing a purple ball gown fitted for a three year old. I could barely stand in my dress it was heavy. But I had to be there with my family. My mother held my hand as my father held her arm, leading us into the house.
“Hello, Mr. l/n. Mrs. L/n. Miss, L/n.” I shyly nodded at Mr. Lockwood practically hiding in my Mothers Emerald green ball gown.
“If you would like you may go play with the other children.” Mr. Lockwood had bent down to my level. I looked up at my mom would had nodded. “You all my come in. I’ll get one of the helpers to lead Y/n to the other children.” I held my moms hand as we all walked into the giant mansion.
You have to remember I was so tiny!! So the giant Mansion was even bigger for me as a wee child.
A lady of color had came over to me. A smile on her face and in my own. The lady was Miss. Sipsi. I had grown use to seeing her when I had to go to these things with my parents. Miss, Sipsi was magical (a witch I had learned when I had gotten older). I never knew how she did thing she had done. She could make a flower crown in a insistent. A cloudy day a bright sunny day. And she had taught me a few things when my family had visit the Lockwood family. Somehow she taught me to do magic. Just a few small things.
When I seen him I hid in Miss. sipsis dress. She chuckled, shaking her head as she gave me a small nudge. “It’s okay, these boys are nice.” I was the only girl in the whole group. “Mr. Salvatore?” Two boys turned towards Sipsi.
“Yes ma’am?” They both spoke at the same time walking over to Miss. Sipsi. “Boys this is Y/n l/n. Her father is one of the founding fathers of mystic falls just like your father. Stefan was about 5 years old and Damon was 13.
“Nice to meet you.” Damon smiled at the little girl. She nodded as she shyly waved. “This is my little brother Stefan. He’s around your age.” Damon spoke softly so he wouldn’t scare y/n.
From then on they became friends. They (Y/n and Stefan) would play around the houses. Stefan was her best friend and Damon was like her older brother.
As time went in they got closer and closer. Nothing could come in between them. When Y/n turned 16 her parents decided it was time for her to get married. Back in those times the parents would arranging their marriage. They couldn’t chose for themselves.
Y/n and Stefan were already courting. They would go to dances together, walk through the town and go to the school house together. They had fallen in love.
One summer night something happened that probably shouldn’t have happened. (They did the deed). They had a passionate night in the barn of the L/n plantation.
Weeks after that night Y/n began getting sick in the mornings. She would throw up all the contents in her stomach. Sometimes certain foods would trigger the sickness. Y/n was worried she was getting sick so she went to Miss, Sipsi. She would be able to tell Y/n if anything was wrong.
Miss sipsi came up to Y/ns room and immediately knew what was the problem. There was a very small bump on her tummy that was not there weeks ago.
“Oh honey.” Miss Sipsi said as she held your hair as you had puked. “Whats wrong with me?” You asked as you wiped your mouth with a wet wash cloth.
Miss sipsi felt an energy coming from Y/n and smiled. “You’re going to have a baby.” She spoke with a small smile. “What? I can’t they’ll take it away from me because I’m not married.” You were worried they would take the child from you since it was wrong for a woman to conceive a child before marriage.
“It’s okay. You and Stefan are due to be married in a few months. Well just make sure your dresses can’t show the baby.” Y/n smiled and nodded hugging Miss. sipsi. Happy and nervous tears poured from her eyes. “Thank you! Thank you!” She cried knowing Miss sipsi was the most loyal person she knew.
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Months passed and it was time for the wedding. You walked into the Salvatore yard looking at your fiancé Stefan. Damon your soon-to-be brother in law bump Stefans shoulder as you came into view.
“Miss. L/n.” Damon smiled bowing his head down politely in greeting. “Mr. Salvatore, lovely day is it not?” You smiled as Stefan took you into his arms. His hands subconsciously going to rest on the covered baby bump. Stefan and Damon were told right after you had found out. You made them swear to not tell anyone. In fear you would lose the child because you weren’t married.
Through out the pregnancy you had some problems. You would get random cramps and would sometimes spot. You would freak out and ask Sipsi if everything was okay and she would assure you everything was fine. But today you knew something was wrong.
You were big pregnant like, 37 weeks almost time for the baby. Tomorrow was your wedding and you were freaking out! We’re they going to see the baby bump through the wedding dress? Was this good enough? Are you ready for marriage?
You were walking inside of the Salvatore house when you felt sharp pains in your lower stomach then pressure. You cried out falling to the floor holding your baby bump. Stefan and Damon came running to you. Miss sipsi, who became your helper ran towards you.
“I think somethings wrong with the baby.” You said as blood covered your dress. You cried as you felt more pain.
“Take her to her room!” Miss sipsi ordered. “Whats happening?” Y/n cried as Stefan laid her in her bed. “The baby, it’s gone.” Miss sipsi said as she placed her hand on your tummy feeling how the energy from the baby was gone. You sobbed as you place a hand on the bump.
You had to give birth to a still born baby. It was one of the worst feelings you have ever felt. You squeezed stefans hand as you gave birth to the baby. He too was crying, knowing he would never be able to watch his child grow up.
The cleaned the baby handing her to you. You sobbed hardened as the laid the lifeless baby on your chest letting hold her. “I’m so sorry.” You cried as you kissed her small head. Stefan cried as he kissed your forehead. His arms wrapped around you as he sat beside you in the bed.
“We still have to name her.” You said as you wiped the tears from your eyes. Stefan nodded as he looked down at the small baby. “Anana Lilian Salvatore.” Stefan smiled nodding as tear flooded his eyes, clouding his vision.
“Anana means a gift from the gods, Lilian purity also it was your mother’s name and Salvatore your last name.” You told Stefan as you wiped his tears with your free hand.
They took the baby and Stefan held you as the two of you cried. Tomorrow was the wedding would it still go on? Everything was set up, ready to have you Stefan married. Your mother had made your wedding gown, would you let all her work go to waste?
You looked at stefan. He was laid beside you asleep. You ran your hand through his luscious locks and smiled, kissing his shoulder that was right beside you. He stirred awake and looked at you and gave you a soft smile.
“Hi beautiful.” He greeted pulling you closer and kissing your lips softly. “Hi.” You whispered against his lips.
“It’s morning.” You whispered as you lied your head in his shoulder as his arms tangled around your body.
“Today’s the wedding.” He mumbled, his sleep present in his voice. You nodded as you began to think. “Do we have to have the wedding today?” You asked as you closed your y/e/c eyes.
“I think we should. It can give you something to think about get your mind off things. Plus your mom has worked hard on your beautiful dress I can’t wait to see you in. Your cousin Hannah has been so excited to go to a wedding. And, she’s made your bouquet with those beautiful flowers from the garden.” He wasn’t pressuring you to have the wedding. He just wanted you to not regret not having the wedding.
You nodded and gave him a small smile. Trying to make it a genuine smile. “Okay.”
The day continued and you were getting ready for your wedding. Your mother hemmed the beautiful white wedding gown to fit you better.
You heled the bouquet and smiled as you felt like a princess. You were glad Stefan talked you into having the wedding.
Your wedding dress and bouquet:
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You smiled as you heard everyone gathering inside the church. Your father smiled as he seen you for the first time in your wedding gown.
“You are not allowed to cry, father.” You spoke wiping your eyes so you wouldn’t cry.
“Sorry, I just can’t believe my little girl is all grown up.” Your father had no clue about your pregnancy or miscarriage. You only told Stefan, Damon, your mother and Sipsi. You didn’t want to see the look of disappointment on your fathers face.
“Soon enough you’ll have children of your own and you’ll be saying the same thing.” He said as he place a sweet fatherly kiss on your temple.
As the wedding went on your father walked you down the isle. Stefan was smiling as he stood at the end of the isle. To his right was the preacher and to the left Damon.
Y/n smiled as she held onto her fathers arm with one arm and her other held her bouquet.
At the end of the isle your father stood there smiling. The whole town watched as the towns lover birds got married. Each one of them happy for the amazing couple.
“Do you promise to love and cherish y/n; For better or worst, in sickness and in Health, richer or poorer, for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” He vowed, smiling brightly as he sliped the gold and diamond wedding ring onto her left ring ringer.
“I do.” Y/n vowed slipping his gold wedding band onto his finger. Smiling as she slipped the ring in his finger.
“Well, by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband in wife. You may now kiss your bride.” Stefan and Y/n smiled brightly as the two sealed the wedding with a kiss. Everyone in the church clapping and celebrating.
Hours went by and it was night time. Y/n and Stefan went inside of their house. A big two level house right on the outskirts of town. Miss sipsi came to knocking on the door with a gift.
They welcomed the woman in and opened the bag. “Baby clothes?” Y/n asked as she looked through the bag confused. Y/n looked up at miss. sipsi confused and asked why she was giving her baby clothes.
“Y/n, you need to see this.” Y/n followed the sound of her husbands voice when she heard cooing.
“Oh, my god.” She gasped seeing her baby alive and well. “How?” She asked her friend, unable to wrap her mind around the fact her still born baby was now alive.
“I talked to the witch ancestors. They allowed me to bring the child back. They thought it was worth the sacrifice. Saying the child would be special, unlike any other child in the world.” Y/n cried as she rushed over to Sipsi hugging the small woman happily. “Thank you so, so much!” She cried hugging the woman so tight she couldn’t move. “I’m forever in your debt. If there is anything I can do for you say the words.”
Sipsi smiled hugging Y/n and giving her a motherly type kiss on her forehead. “Young lady, you’ve done so much for me. I am just repaying a favor.” She smiled as she watched y/n get to hold her baby.
“I found the crib in a store and knew I had to get it for you. I traded a few quilts and two chickens for it.” Y/n smiled as she held the baby close to her chest. “Thank you so much!” Stefan spoke, hugging the woman tightly. The two were so thankful for what Sipsi had done. They knew if they could do anything for Sipsi they would.
From then on they lived happily ever after...
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thewritingginger · 4 years
Hi, what about Jumin/fem!Reader with “sucking on ‘candy canes’” prompt?☺️
Thank you for the request and sorry for the wait. 
Just a word of warning this one was almost entirely written and edited on sleep deprived brain . . . 
Enjoy ~ 
Prompt: Naughty #03: Sucking on ‘candy canes’ Fandom: Mystic Messenger Pairing: Jumin Han x F! Reader Word Count: 2,,384 words Warning(s): 18+ NSFW, oral sex, rough oral sex, pet names, degrading, dirty talk, dom & sub
Sipping your champagne and grazing the snacks you have chosen from the bar, you observe the well dressed people floating around the room, talking and laughing.  Contemplating whether you being here was necessary, not that you weren’t welcomed. You went there to accompany your lover who you’ve seemed to have lost in the sea of businessmen and women. You’re at a “Holiday Party” hosted at Jumin’s office building but it’s really less of a party and more of a business event. So to occupy yourself you decided to let him do his business thing as you enjoy the complimentary food and alcohol until he’s finished.
It’s been roughly two hours since you parted with Jumin and you’re about four flutes of champagne in when you spot the dark haired man. He’s in font of the bar conversing with a few older men in expensive looking suits. ‘They must be big shots with how Jumin is acting.’ You thought to yourself. Crossing your knees together as you lean into the back of your chair watching the interaction. About to start picking at your small plate of food you notice candy canes, each with a red ribbon tied in a bow at each place setting.  Picking up the candy you begin to peel away the plastic wrap around it. Resting back in your chair enjoying the fresh treat a mischievous idea pops in your head.  
As Jumin listens to the men talking to him about their ideas he spots you in the corner of his eye. Having not seen you in a while he looks towards you to give you a slight smile but his crescent lips soon flattened into a tight line. Flicking his eyes away from you, he swallows. Trying to focus on the men in front of him but unable to ignore the scene in his peripheral. You, sitting at a table in the back, knees crossed the high slit in your red satin dress - to match his tie - exposing your leg. Your elbow relaxed on the table top, candy cane in hand as you gently suck the tip of the striped treat. Your eyes, boring into him as you rack your vision up and down his figure. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t trying to get at least a little reaction out of him, and that could be due to the alcohol in your veins but either way this “party” was much too boring for your taste and you’ve already spent too much time on the sidelines watching. So now it’s your turn to have a little fun.
You can’t help but giggle while you watch the dark haired man, the way his gray eyes flick to you every so often to catch a glimpse of your suggestive behavior. How he balls his fists on his blazer to adjust his collar. Wishing it were you those hands were grabbing. The scandalous thoughts whirling in your head of all the things he could do with them made you cross your legs tighter. The warmth that had started on your face from alcohol slowly made its way down due to more intoxicating stimuli.
As time goes on you’re no longer satisfied with just watching and waiting, the feeling coursing through your body is leading you to a different plan. Standing up, smoothing the front of your gown, you down what was left of your champagne before making your way over to Jumin and his little group.
Jumin catches a glimpse of you sauntering over towards him and the others his sights on you directs the other men to look over. “Hello gentleman.” You say with a slight nod of your head. Looking up to your lover you smile, “Hope I’m not intruding.” You say.
“Of course not Darling.” Jumin responds, turning towards the businessmen, his hand resting upon the small of your back. “This is my girlfriend Y/n.” He says introducing you. The men all politely greet you, “You’ve caught quite a beauty Mr. Han.” One of the men says. Making you chuckle a bit and innocently bite on your candy cane,  flicking your gaze up to Jumin as he laughs as well. “Yes, she’s really something.”
You wrap your arm around Jumin’s back as he gently holds you close. Talking about travel the businessmen are not only speaking with Jumin but with you as well now. “So Ms. Y/n do you ever get to attend Mr. Han on his business trips? I’m sure a young woman such as yourself would enjoy exploring new places when given the chance.” The older man said. You smile, “Yes I do go with him when I can. But for me it’s more about being with him rather than where we’re going.” You say sweetly. Jumin grins at your response. “Now that’s a woman in love, you better put a ring on her finger before she grows tired of waiting.” A younger man said, pulling laughter from the whole group. “I could never grow tired of him.” You say with a smile. “He’s too fun to mess with.” You say playfully, getting another laugh from the men. While laughing you give Jumin’s butt a light squeeze causing him to clear his throat a bit. “Yes, she can be quite the trickster when she wants to be.” Jumin says, with a tight lipped smile, his hand on your waist tightens. Ignoring his warning you push a little further. “He loves it though, as you men might know it’s good to keep things exciting in a relationship.” You say. The other men agree.
Leaning in Jumin whispers to you, “Watch yourself Y/n.”
“I'm just having a little fun Ju. Although I am growing bored of this candy cane, perhaps you can help me find something else to suck on.” You whisper back. Looking back at the men talking, your face not mirroring the naughty words that just came from your mouth.
Interrupting the start of the next topic Jumin says. “Well Gentlemen it was great speaking with you but I believe my partner and I shouldn’t take up anymore of your time.”
“Oh nonsense, it’s been lovely. You should’ve introduced her earlier, she's quite a gem.” The older man said. “Thank you, the pleasure was mine.” You say with a slight curtsy. “Yes, well I have some business to attend to, have a good night gentlemen.” Jumin says. Saying your goodbyes, you’re led by the small of your back towards the entrance.
Before reaching the doors you’re stopped by Jaehee’s voice. “Mr. Han, Mr. Chairman said he’d like to speak with you.” She says. “Tell him I’m busy. I’ll be in my office.” Jumin says flatly. “Oh okay.” Jaehee responds, thrown off. You give her a smile as you and Jumin head for his office.
Once in, Jumin locks the door behind him. Walking further into his office you take a seat on the edge of his desk. Palms resting behind you, propped up on the surface. “Why so serious Ju, I was just having a bit of fun.” You say tilting your head to the side with a small smirk. Walking towards you, his lips form a tight line. “You know, I let your little actions from across the room slide but teasing me and saying those things in front of those men was too far.” Jumin says, standing before you, staring down with eyes that could kill.
“Oh really? Then what are you gonna do about it?” You say, taunting him. You give him a mischievous grin and without missing a beat he responds.
“Get on your knees!” He commands, taking his blazer off.
Standing, you laugh. “As you wish, Master.” You say with a smile. You could almost hear a growl in reaction to your words. Looking up at him you run your palms up his legs to then grip on the band of his belt.
“You seem happy to be on your knees.” He says.
“Well I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t what I asked for. This seems to be more of a reward than a punishment if you ask me.” You say. Your words make a sadistic grin cut across his lips.
“Oh you don’t really think I’m just gonna give you what you want after what you did, do you? No no no.” He tsks. Jumin bends over to be nose to nose with you, balling his fist in your soft locks he pulls your head back. “I’m gonna fuck that slutty little mouth of yours till you can’t even utter one more damn word about what you want. Am I clear?” He says, his words course through you like a wildfire. Your breath hitches when he releases his grip on you.
Your previous confidence in your position has shifted, looking up at your domineering lover as he loosens his tie, your hands begin to make work of his belt. Pulling down his trousers to pool at his ankles you unconsciously lick your lips at sight of his growing member stowed in his black boxer briefs. A low chuckle vibrates through the room, “Already drooling for my cock before it's out, huh. Go on, take it out now.” His teasing words leave no room for questioning. Doing as you’re told you slowly pull at the waistband. His erect member springs free, the tip already wet with precum. Wetting your dry lips you grab the base of his penis as you look up at him. Sticking your tongue out, eyes locked as you flick the tip with your tongue. Taking the head of his cock in your mouth you close your eyes as you begin to bob up and down.
Watching you suck him off, he’s grown tired of your leisurely pace. Removing his tie entirely, he takes the expensive silk fabric and wraps it around the back of your neck pulling you forward taut. The sudden action makes you gag as you gasped around his length. Using this as leverage he begins to pump into you. His hips hit harder every few strokes, groaning at the sight of your eyes beginning to well with tears and the sensation of your hot throat swallowing him as he sheaths himself completely.
“Is this what you wanted? For me to use your mouth like a toy?” He says through gritted teeth. His pace, aggressive, white knuckling the tie that holds you in place. Unable to speak you just let out a choked cry. “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t hear you Princess. I guess it's hard to speak now with my cock down your throat.” He says with a sinister chuckle.
Tears stream down your cheeks, as Jumin continues is assault on your throat. Your grip on his hips tighten with every pump, the coil in your belly tightening with every growl from his chest. The room is filled with the sounds of muzzled moans, whispered curses and the muffled music and people on the other side on the door. “Do you think the people outside can hear you slobbering on my cock? What do you think they’d say if they saw you now? Would they still think you’re that pristine beauty they met earlier or do you think they would see you as the filthy whore you are?” Jumin says. His degrading words make your head spin. You’re unable to even put together a single sentence in your head let alone give any kind of response. Even if your mouth wasn’t full of him you still wouldn’t be able to give a coherent answer.
The minutes tick by and you sense Jumin is nearing his end. His movements are becoming a bit sporadic, his words being cut short by grunts and moans. The sensations of your hot mouth around him with the gentle grazing of teeth crossed with your nails digging crescent shaped scars into his thighs makes his head roll back and release a deep pleasurable sigh. Looking down, his end near. “Come on, take it. Take it! You want me cum in your mouth?” He asks through gritted teeth, watching as you nod your head as best you can and give a staggered yes against his member. His pace slightly quickens, chanting for you to take it and strings of curse words like a song till you taste salty ropes of cum coating your mouth. Jumin doesn’t halt his movements, riding out his climax with a guttural moan. “Yes. Drink it up Kitten, like the good little cumslut you are. Fuck, look at you.” He says. His hips slowing down much like the aftershocks of his orgasm. Pulling out, you fall to your hands gasping as drool drips from your mouth. Fixing his pants and suit, waiting for you to catch your breath Jumin then kneels down in front of your crumpled form. Gently taking your hands to guide you to your feet, placing you back on his desk for support he looks at you. Your cheeks stained with the streaks of your tears and mascara, red lipstick smudged around your lips. Taking out his pocket square he begins to help clean you up. Whipping away the tears, then the left over drool and misplaced lipstick from your chin. Your heart still racing, aching as your calming down from your high and your breath still shaky. He smooths your hair down, hand resting on the nape of your neck. “I didn’t hurt you did I?” He asks. Eyes glossed with concern, to calm his worries you reply. “No you didn’t. It was kinda hot how aggressive you got.” You joke, getting a chuckle from him.
“If that’s so then there might be more where that came from when we get home. That is if you can manage to behave till we get there.” He says. “I can’t make any promises.” You say teasingly. Rolling his eyes he takes your hand. Smoothing your dress and hair as best you can you head for the door. “We’ll take the back way out to avoid any questions.” He says opening the door.
“Sounds good to me, Sir.” You say.
Walking out in front of him, you sway your hips just a bit more to top it off for him to see and think about how he wants to ‘punish’ you next.
Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed it :)
💛 ~
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rainythefox · 3 years
Nightfall (CH.16)
Synopsis: Pre-Resident Evil 1, slight-AU/Canon Divergence. Claire Redfield comes home to visit her  brother Chris for the holidays but gets caught up in a dangerous game of  cat and mouse with Albert Wesker, the Captain of STARS, after stumbling  upon dark secrets. She can’t call the law; Wesker is the law, and she  can’t tell Chris. She is trapped…Claire/Wesker & Slight Chris/Jill (There’s Wesker & William Bromance too lol). Rated M for smut, language, violence, adult content.
AO3 Link
Chapter 16: Mine
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Warning: this chapter contains lots of smut. You’ve been warned, okay? Okay! :P Because of this, only the first section of the chapter is available on Tumblr. Please follow the link to AO3 to read the rest. Thank you! :)
Okay, she knew her luck had taken a big dump recently, but this was ridiculous! If she thought the university job was difficult, she promptly changed her mind. That was a walk in the park compared to this. Claire stared at all the people. The exquisite party was happening at the ritzy Orient Restaurant on the second floor of the most luxurious hotel in the city, Central Hotel.
There had to be close to a hundred people here! The whole restaurant was closed to cater for the invitation-only event. Why did she even assume this “Christmas Party” was going to be just a group of rich, old dudes bragging all night? With how her luck has been, she should've known better!
Claire gaped at the man beside her who was unfortunately the closest thing she had to a friend at the moment. She recalled William’s little “briefing” on the drive over here.
“The party’s not gonna be that big. Just a simple “get in, get out”. You’ll be home in no time! Actually, you’ll probably be at Al’s home in no time!”
He was still rubbing his arm where she decked him.
“This is nothing like how you explained it!” she hissed.
But the mad scientist only half-heard her, his eyes lit up as though he was a kid about to enter his very first amusement park. Something in here was on his kill list because Claire overheard he wasn’t a stranger to parties, at least not to parties like this that could get him something he wanted. 
William was actually quite handsome all cleaned up in his suit. Claire had grown accustomed to his usual disheveled appearance that made him attractive in his own way.
He grinned slyly. “Oh relax, sweetheart. You’ll be fine. Most of these people are total bores…losers just out trying to feel important. They got nothing on you!” He winked at her. “You know what to do, who to find. Ada’s on your earpiece and Al and I are here to watch your back. Don’t worry. Al _definitely _won’t let you out of his sight. Just…don’t distract him too much. I need him focused tonight.”
“Are you fu-”
“Erica!” William nearly squealed, waving both arms and abruptly abandoning her. “Is that gown designed by Broca’s aphasia? Because I’m speechless!” 
Claire glared at the fickle bastard as he ditched her to join some other people standing around talking and drinking. She was on her own for now.
“Forget about him, Claire. Just focus on getting to Bennett. Best not drag this out longer than we have to and risk exposing ourselves,” Ada said on her earpiece.
“Okay,” she mumbled, and got into character, her natural Redfield bravado and assurance making it easy to stroll through the party like she owned the place.
It was a beautiful Asian restaurant. Most of the dark tables were accented with candles and glasses. The lounge-like chairs were colorful and comfy, and the tall ceilings gave way to soft LED string lights, oriental paintings and sectioned lattices. In warmer seasons, the same kind of setup could be seen on the massive balcony, but it was currently closed off.
She felt many eyes on her as she started her objective. But she only cared about one set of eyes as she discreetly scanned the place for them.
This many people here was both a blessing and a curse for her mission, and it could go either way real quick at any time. More people meant no room for mistakes, too many eyes. But on the other hand, this many people distracted amongst themselves could make it easy to get away with nearly anything.
Claire soon found the eyes she had been seeking, felt the familiar, pleasing burn on her skin they always caused. She traced them to an area with more people, where a grand, gold statue of Lord Yama sat. Directly in front of the god of death, Wesker was encircled by a small group, mostly beautiful women, and he charmed them effortlessly.
The younger Redfield had to keep herself from staring, also charmed by his chameleon smile, good looks, and striking black suit. Her nerves tingled from simmering blood. She couldn’t believe it. She was actually jealous?! Claire was angry with herself. How could she possibly feel anything of the sort over the man that was blackmailing her?
Besides...she knew Wesker well enough by now to know that it was all pretense. She was sickened and enthralled by how easily he could deceive and influence people. Ada was right. His calculating mind, his clever tongue, those were his deadliest weapons; not his hands, not his gun.
The statue of Yama was simply a backdrop to the true god of death in the room. His admirers probably had no clue and listened intently. The women batted their eyes, pushed out their chests, even the ones who had dates. And those men did nothing about it, perhaps too enthralled themselves or maybe it was the fact that Wesker had an uncanny ability to make most men around him submissive.
He may have looked like he was paying attention to them, his eyes concealed behind black shades, but Claire knew he was watching her. All of her. Every breath, every step, he was in complete tune. Something about that lit a fire in her belly so fierce, she trembled.
The jealousy she felt instantly crumbled. It didn’t matter if those women were rich or prettier or dressed in nicer dresses. They meant nothing to him. Not like she did.
And why was that, exactly?
Claire frowned, faltering mid-step, eyes still locked on Wesker across the room when she should've been moving on. She had some suspicions, if her gut and Ada and William were anything to go by. 
More importantly, why do you care?
“Claire?! Earth to Claire, hello?”
“You aren’t exactly being inconspicuous staying in one spot drooling over Albert.”
Claire’s face flushed and she briskly walked away with a huff. “I’m not drooling!”
The first place she needed to check for her target would be the bar. Typical. It was in the back of the restaurant, low-lit, a massive, semi-circled bar with a marble countertop up against an airbrushed wall depicting a dragon floating through the clouds.
“Whatever you say, hun.”
Claire bit her tongue, taking a deep breath. “I was just happy to see him chatting up other women. Less problems for me.”
Ada sighed. “Claire, fishing is beneath you. First, they aren’t his type. More importantly, Albert detests easy women.”
That wasn’t her intention. “I wasn’t-”
“Unfortunately and fortunately for you, you are his type and are as difficult as they come. I probably shouldn’t be saying this, but you’re as close to obsession as he’s going to get romantically.”
The only fortune she could come up with was that it was unlikely Wesker would kill her. But obsession through people with sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies like Wesker were never a good thing. Her life might be spared at the end of all this...but at what cost?
Claire briskly pushed that thought aside, something cold and heavy dropping in the pit of her stomach. She needed to focus on finding Bennett and getting this over with. That was her excuse. After all, she wasn’t ready to acknowledge that her own growing infatuation would likely veer her into her captor’s arms for good.
She looked around the bar area. There were all kinds of high-status people attending Bard’s Christmas party. Doctors, politicians, city officials, even Mayor Warren and Chief Irons were here.
She recognized Mueller from Raccoon University having a casual conversation with the man that had to be her target. A picture was never granted, but a detailed description allowed her to quickly analyze him. It had to be him. Tall, average build, auburn hair and an anchor beard. He chatted with Mueller with a drink in his hand.
Just as Claire stepped their way, a strong grip snatched her wrist. She was spun around, coming face-to-face with Nathaniel Bard. He looked fine since the anaphylaxis she put him through with the shrimp, but the creep wasn't happy one bit with her, still keeping a painful grip on her arm.
"I knew I'd see your face again, girl. What happened at the university is all your fault."
Claire glared at him. "You're gonna be hurting more if you don't let me go right now."
The music and all the guests chatting around them helped conceal her threat from eavesdropping ears but the Spencer Memorial doctor heard her clearly.
He considered challenging her, lips pursing, but soon let her go after his eyes scanned the numerous faces within the party. "I know you're working with those two bastards. You have no idea how much harm you’ve caused me and several of my colleagues. Lowery was a good man, understand? He had a family. And now I’m trapped doing those two psychos’ bidding.”
“Maybe you aren’t the only one who is trapped.”
“Well then there’s more to your pretty face, isn’t there? They wouldn’t risk it otherwise.”
Who the fuck did this guy think he was? Claire clenched a fist, as it took all of her willpower not to break his damn nose. She had a job to do here. If she caused a scene in the middle of this party, especially with the man hosting it, then she could kiss her freedom and potentially Chris’s life goodbye.
She did let him in on what he was narrowly missing out on by grabbing his hand and twisting it slightly, squeezing hard on a pressure point. Just enough to make it really hurt, just enough to get her point across while looking like she was just holding his hand to nearly everyone else. “If my life didn’t hinge on fulfilling this job, you’d be on the floor with a broken fucking face, do you understand me?”
“Damn, Claire. I like your style,” Ada chimed in.
The younger Redfield ignored her and smiled, showing the guests they were having a pleasant conversation. Bard hissed in pain, quickly nodding. Claire released him and he jerked his hand away, shaking it off with a grimace.
“Listen, I’ll make the job easy for you. Just...do what you need to do and get out of here. Take those assholes with you. And never show your face at one of my social events ever again.”
“I’d love to, but it’s not my call. But...I have a feeling you know exactly who you can talk to about that.”
Bard scowled, rubbing his injured hand. He muttered something under his breath and motioned her to follow him, heading towards Bennett and Mueller in the back of the bar. “C’mon, and follow my lead.”
“Ugh, he better not screw this up.”
Bard put on a welcoming smile once they reached Mueller and Bennett’s table. Mueller recognized her, but didn’t say anything. She barely got a moment’s glare from him before he flashed Bard a guarded look, as if asking “what are you up to now?” The two men stood and the doctor shook their hands.
“Mr. Bennett! I trust you are enjoying the party? What kind of host would I be if I was neglecting my honored guest?”
He looked to be in his thirties maybe. His smile was warm as he nodded. He noticed Claire nearly right away, and there was a definite reaction of some kind. Attraction, she guessed, immediate infatuation. Great…
“Oh yes,” he said in a European accent. “I am grateful to you and Greg’s hospitality. You’ve made being so far from home much more bearable.”
“Good, good! It’s a shame your business partner couldn’t join us this evening. But I’m sure he had his reasons. You two are busy men, after all!”
Bennett nodded, composed yet amiable. “That we are. I’m sorry, but I have to ask, who is this beautiful young lady you have with you?”
Bard didn’t skip a beat in his front, presenting her with a grin like she was a piece of treasure up for auction.
“I know, stunning right? This is Elza. She’s one of my...assistants.”
The European man held out his hand with a handsome, friendly smile. It could’ve fooled anyone, and it almost fooled her. But her gut constricted at the last moment, her first indication something wasn’t right about this guy.
He took her hand and kissed it softly. “It is my utmost pleasure, Miss Elza. I’m Stephan Bennett. Please, just call me Stephan.”
Claire put on the sweetest smile she could muster, batting her lashes. “The pleasure’s all mine, Stephan.”
He looked her over, and although he was an attractive man, it made her skin crawl.
“Has Greg taken you up to your suite yet?” Bard asked cordially. “I’ve left you a little treat as a thank you for choosing to stay the night in Raccoon City’s famous Central Hotel!” 
Bennett ripped his eyes from Claire and shook his head at the host. “No, sir. I got the keycard to the room earlier, but wanted to check out the party before retreating for the night.” He presented a friendly, almost sheepish smile. “Honestly, I’m still a little messed up with the time zone changes. I didn’t think it would affect me this much.”
“That’s not a problem. My assistant and I will escort you up there. There’s a little bit of business I’d like to discuss with you anyway,” Bard replied.
“What about your party?”
“Eh, they’ll entertain themselves! Greg will take care of things while I’m gone. It won’t be but a few minutes.” Bennett glanced at Claire, expression unreadable, and Bard quickly added. “My assistant is completely trustworthy, don’t worry. She knows about our research.”
Bennett nodded, relieved. “Alright, lead the way, Nathaniel.”
Claire was uncertain what to do as Mueller shook hands with Bennett and bid them good night before heading for the bar. Her job was to stick a bug on the European businessman, probably so Wesker and William could track him straight to Aaron Roth. Leaving the party just tossed her whole plan into the garbage. This just got way riskier.
Nothing like winging a mission where my life’s literally at stake. What’s the worst that can happen?
“Great,” Ada whispered in her ear, not helping Claire’s gut feeling. “Wesker’s watching and listening through your piece. He says it’s fine. Just get that bug on Bennett without him knowing.”
Was that supposed to make her feel better that Wesker said it was fine? And how exactly was he able to do that anyway? That just made her earlier conversation with Ada a lot more awkward...
With a slight tick of her jaw, Claire composed herself with a friendly smile and followed the two men out of the restaurant and into the fancy, historical hotel.
They went to the lobby, a grand room with high ceilings, bright lights, and expensive carpet and decor. The elevator ride to the fifth floor seemed extra crowded, even though there were just three of them. Bard and Bennett chatted normally about their lives and careers. Claire didn’t like the frequent glances Bennett gave her. She waited for an opportunity, stayed vigilant with that inkling sprouting in her gut.
It got worse when Ada told her she lost visual on her from their location.
Wesker’s making you do this alone because he wants to see how you do, said a small voice in the back of her head. She didn’t have proof, but she wouldn’t put it past him.
She gave vague answers when Bennett asked her something, either curious and flirting or digging and deceiving. She wasn’t exactly sure.
Bennett scanned his card and held the door open to the big, two-bedroom suite. Bard strolled right on in but Claire hesitated, not wanting to put her back to these men. When she did, she felt his eyes all over her, and when he closed the door, he purposely brushed her to get by.
They stepped into the spacious living room first, accented with a bar and impressive kitchen. There was a home theater set up in the den, opposite a wall of glass that displayed downtown Raccoon City. Dark buildings silhouetted within soft glows of lights of all colors. Speckles of white rained down softly outside.
“You meant it when you said this suite had a view,” Bennett stated, drawn to the panorama.
Bard gave her a look, dipped his head in the direction of his “guest”, as if urging her to get her business done. Claire glared at him as he turned off to the bar instead.
“Yes, I did! And over here, something just for you, Mr. Bennett. Your favorite wine. All the way from home!”
“I don’t like this. Are you okay? Cough if you are.”
“How thoughtful of you, Dr. Bard. Thank you. You’ve gone out of your way to make me feel at home here.”
Claire didn’t like it either. She looked around, keeping up her appearance as she joined the men at the bar. She didn’t see any danger, but something like it was lurking about. Whatever it was, she was fine for now.
She coughed. “Oh, excuse me.”
Bennett watched her more than Bard, but she still couldn’t read his expression. Bard took the fancy bottle out of the container of ice. “Shall we have a glass while we talk?”
“Yes. I’d like that.”
That clicked an idea in her brain. Claire put a hand on Bard’s arm, mustering up the realest fake friendly smile she could handle, looking between the two men under thick lashes. “How about you gentlemen take a seat, get comfortable? Let me serve you.”
Bennett’s smile held something darker, but it was gone in a flash. Bard looked at her funny, but composed himself and slowly put the wine down on the counter. “Of course, Elza! You’re always the sweetest thing! Come, Stephan, over here.”
“What do you have planned, exactly?” Ada asked. “Ugh, I hate going by sound alone.”
Her cohorts had lied to her, she realized. William promised Wesker wouldn’t let her out of his sight and Ada said she would watch over her. Wesker didn’t say much to her before the party, but disclosed if she did what she was told, she would be fine. She was alone here and certainly felt something other than “fine” was coming her way.
The doctor and his guest went to the lounge chairs nearby, sitting across from each other. It was the perfect way for Claire to bug Bennett without him knowing. She opened the white wine and poured their glasses, giving them time to get settled in their seats and start talking. The more distracted they were, the better. It also gave her a moment to get the tiny tracking device ready.
The younger Redfield served Bennett first. She caressed her fingers up his arm, across his shoulder, stopped at the back of his neck, squeezing his collar gently. Her flirtatious smile was enough to distract him from Bard when she handed him his drink. She didn’t remain long, crossing to Bard and giving him his drink with the same smile, the same caress that made her skin crawl. She left them and returned to the bar, gathering up the wine bottle and ice bucket and placing them on the table in between the two men.
Claire eavesdropped on their conversation, but a lot of it made no sense to her. Big research, Sheena and Rockfort Island, Roth, Ashfords, prototypes, T-series. All similar topics that Wesker and William discussed and were involved with.
“You know, it’s strange how all of our business associates keep coming up dead or missing since we’ve been in town,” Bennett said after a long sip of his wine.
Bard grew quiet, confused, his fingers clenching around his wine glass. “What…do you mean?”
The European man looked at Claire, like he knew all of her secrets, not near as charming now. “You know what happened to them...don’t you, Miss Walker? Or should I call you Miss Redfield?”
Claire stiffened, nails digging into the chair arms. She dared not blink, glaring at him, keeping calm, but reeling underneath on how to react. He knew her name. Her _real _name.
“Shit!” Ada echoed in her ear. “Claire, don’t do anything rash. Hang in there.”
It wasn’t as though she had much of a choice. She was on her own. Bard’s alarmed face told her everything. He was just as surprised as her, but would be too much of a coward to help her.
Claire took a deep breath. “I don’t know what happened to them.”
“I think Dr. Lowery would say otherwise.”
“How do you know my real name?”
The European businessman crossed one leg casually, swishing the wine in his glass, sharp eyes on her. “All it took was a little digging. You really shouldn’t use your mother’s maiden name as an alias, darling. Especially one as unique as hers.”
Cold steel bumped the back of her head. A gun.
Wesker had told her the same thing. Warned her.
She was careless to use it after not being prepared at the university. Now she was in real danger. The other wolves that Wesker claimed he was protecting her from had stalked her right into a corner. Then again, maybe he wasn’t expecting _this _pack. Or maybe he had and was ready to give her up as tribute for his own motives…
“Uh, Stephan, what’s going on, is t-this necessary?” Bard asked.
“Quiet, or you’ll have one to your head also.” Bennett motioned for Claire to stand. “My business partner, Aaron, would like to speak to you one-on-one, Miss Redfield. You have the time, right? You can help fill the gaps on what’s been happening to our dealings. We’re getting warm, but it seems as though everyone is too afraid to give us answers. Whoever you’re working for, we’ll cut you a nice deal if you expose them.”
Claire kept his gaze, defiant, silent. She had no choice but to comply. She had no weapons on her, no way to hide one in this dress. She slowly moved her hands down to her sides, preparing to push herself up, and felt it. The cold, metal coil of a corkscrew. She forgot she had brought it with her while serving the drinks.
Snatching it up between her fingers, she stood. The man who had the gun to her head pulled her out away from the chair. Bennett rose from his seat, finishing his drink and setting the empty glass down.
Bard shot up as well, looking between Claire and his guest, panicking. “Wh-What are you doing?”
There were two other men in suits now. They must’ve been hiding in the suite this whole time. Although they didn’t have weapons drawn, they were probably packing like the one behind her.
“Nathaniel, lying to me that she is your assistant? After what happened to Simon, I’m shocked. Someone’s got you cowering and afraid, just like Greg. Just like our friend the Police Chief.”
“I-It’s n-not what you think.”
Bennett nodded to the other men. They grabbed Bard by the arms, containing him. The European man pulled a gun equipped with a silencer from his suit jacket.
The doctor fought his captors. “Wait! No!”
Claire stabbed the man behind her in the groin with the corkscrew. He cried out as she spun, disarming him and shoving him away where he tumbled to the floor. She grabbed the bottle of wine and threw it at Bennett’s head just as he switched his gun on her. The bottle shattered on his face.
She didn’t get far with running. Not in that dress, not in those heels, before she was snatched by his men. A bash above her temple instantly made the world spin. Still, she fought, as weak as she suddenly felt.
Bennett was soaked, his face earning a few gashes from broken glass, blood mixing with golden-colored wine. He cursed, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. He grabbed her neck, squeezing hard.
“You little bitch! You’re lucky Aaron wants to speak with you, or you’d be dead!”
That’s when his arm snapped. Like a twig. He screamed. Claire, her vision still hazy from the blow to her head, realized he was attacked. His men were attacked; she was let go. A few blinks and she saw Wesker using some sort of martial arts to swiftly dispose of them. Not Bennett though. He raced away to his escape while holding his limp arm that flopped uselessly as he ran.
The STARS Captain had killed the other three. In seconds. With his hands. He paused, looking to the door where Bennett had fled, as if deciding whether to pursue him. He was over it in seconds though, grabbing her and pulling her to him. Not as rough as she had expected, but gentle wasn’t really in his nature.
“Hold still,” he commanded. She felt his hand on her head. He must’ve been examining the clout she had received. “Are you alright?”
There was some blood on his hand when he withdrew it, and she felt it trickling in her hair. It must’ve been just a small cut, otherwise it would’ve been all over her face by now.
“Yeah,” she said. And she was. It had only made her light-headed for a minute or so.
The nearby chair squeaked as it scooted on the carpet, and a muffled curse came from the other side. Wesker finally looked away from her, jaw clenching. He marched over to the furniture and kicked it. The chair crashed and skidded several feet away. Wesker seized Bard by the collar and picked him up, slamming him into the nearby bar counter. The sound his body made hitting the granite countertop made her flinch, and Bard’s yelp confirmed it.
“Wesker, wait, please! I d-didn’t know! I didn’t! I swear! He was gonna kill me too!”
“He was,” Claire confirmed. 
She had no idea why she defended the asshole, especially when he didn’t offer her any help before. But she could tell he was telling the truth. Wesker paused, but didn’t look at her, probably contemplating what to do with the doctor as he shuddered in his hands.
“Consider your...contract extended indefinitely,” Wesker growled, and shoved him over the other side of the bar. He put a couple fingers up to his ear, the same hidden piece she had. “Ada, William, we’re finished here. Ada, track Bennett. William, tell Irons he has a mess to clean up with Bard and Mueller.”
Bard got to his feet, shaken, his surprised eyes finding hers. The younger Redfield glared at him, a silent message he understood. She had spared him a cruel fate from the Devil. But she wouldn’t do it again.
She returned her gaze to the three bodies around her feet. The one she stabbed with the corkscrew had a snapped neck. The other two looked as though they had suddenly dropped dead, nothing to attribute to the hands of the STARS Captain. But she had seen it with her own eyes. And although it shouldn’t have, it lit a fierce fire in her lower belly, spreading when his arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her towards the door.
The flames were fanned when he whispered in her ear, his hand squeezing her hip. “You did exceptionally well, dear heart. You make me proud.”
When Ada told her Wesker would want to take her home after seeing her in her dress, she had denied wanting him to, denied she wanted to go home with him willingly. But after what she saw, how he held her close to him like she was his, and his alone, how his breath upon her ear titillated her, made her receptive to him only, she could no longer deny it.
Claire wouldn’t be able to stand the drive there. She wanted him. Wanted him to take her. She was a liar; it wasn’t just a one-time fling or a mistake. It was going to happen again. And she wanted it to, and would do nothing to stop it.
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plantvenuss · 5 years
Steve . R  x Black! reader - Don’t sweat it -
[ if you’re interested in more of ‘Plantvenuss’ Christmas Specials’ click here ] 🍒!
Summary :  The Avengers attempt to infiltrate a Christmas gala event in order to retrieve lost Hydra files stolen from an old  S.H.I.E.L.D base. But what happens when the mission is almost jeopardized because of a simple mistake?
“Please tell me we’re not here for another mission.” you begged as you walked through the briefing room in sweatpants and a white tank top. You had just woken up from a nap and the first thing you got was a message from Nick Fury asking the avengers to assemble in the briefing room for an “emergency.” 
“I swear to God If we’re here to watch the road for 12 hours for one more robber I will threaten to retire again.”
Tony snorted as he strode toward the head of the chair, taking a seat and propping his legs on the table intertwining his finger together.
“It’s the holiday’s, I thought we were free from any Avenging.” Bucky stated when the room fell silent, Sam glared at him and inhaled before answering.
“That’s why It’s called an emergency, dummy.” Bucky snarled holding up a warning finger toward him, you copied tony and sat at the other end of the table without putting your feet on the table.
“Emergency was ‘so big’ he didn’t even show up.” you commented, and just then his face appeared on the glass behind tony, bruce jumped before calming himself down.
“Good to see y’all.” Fury said as the remaining avengers took their seats, Tony turned around swiftly and smirked. “Where are ya, Fury? and what’s the emergency?”
Fury kept a stoic face and looked directly at Tony, “I’m right where I need to be, Stark. And that’s all you need to know.”
“Wow,” he exhaled sharply, patting the center of his chest, where his arc reactor lit up at the sense of touch.
 “Can’t say that didn’t hurt.”
Fury Ignored him and looked among the rest of the Avengers who were patiently waiting for the emergency to be explained.
“As you may know, what’s left of S.H.I.E.L.D have been investigating hidden HYDRA bases for a specific file that was stolen from us a couple of years ago,” He paused stopping when the sound of an exotic bird squawked above him.
“And just recently, one of our S.H.I.E.L.D agents have managed to locate this very specific file in one of their hidden bases, in Munich, Germany.”
Steve leaned forward, the blue sweater that hugged his muscles tightening at the cause of movement.
“And you want us to retrieve them for you?” He asked, and Fury simply nodded, confirming Steve’s question. Steve scoffed and twisted his chair to face you, you exhaled and turned to fury to speak.
“We’re getting real tired of doing your dirty deeds for you, Nick.” you said, saying what everyone else was to afraid to say. Sam and Bucky looked at you as if you had just murdered an innocent person in front of them and you lightly shrugged at their response, waiting to hear Nicks Clapback.
“Yeah?” He asked, the sun shining behind him before he changed the angle of the camera.  “well take a break.”
You tilted your head, your eyes examining the small glimpse of his surrounding that he exposed. “It’s really hard to do that when you keep us busy all year round.” 
He smiled, a stern smile and nodded toward you in triumph. “Exactly, meaning you work for me and you do as I say. Without question or complaints.” 
You opted to clamp your mouth shut, afraid that something cruel would slip past your lips, you looked at Steve defeated. His eyes softened at your expression, you tried for him and he was grateful.
“I’ll send you a file about all you need to know. You have 72 hours to locate and retrieve the file, call me when you have it.” He said, and then the call cut, his face disappeared and the  room was filled with silence once again.
“Okay. Is it just me, or was he in the Bahamas?” 
After Nick had sent the file and the Avengers had gone over their plan, Steve had ordered for the Avengers to get some ‘Shut eye’ so when they awoke, they were at the top of their game.
It was way past midnight nearing to three - four am when you caught Steve in the briefing room, his fingers tangled in his golden locks and his head falling and sharply standing when he caught himself sleeping. You padded, barefoot towards him, your hair covered in a  black bonnet a black plain top and the  grey sweatpants from earlier. You felt sorry for him, being the leader of a group wasn’t as easy as you thought it would be. He was born and bread a leader, so you thought it would’ve came naturally to him; you thought wrong.
You entered, thinking that would be enough to alert him of your presence. It wasn’t.
 You tapped on the window, and his head sharply snapped upward, his eyes immediately settling on you. When he realized it was you his gaze softened, his muscles un-tensed and he  dropped his attention back onto the tablet where Fury had sent the files, with a lazy, tired smile.
You sat across from him, setting your un-used glass of water to the side. Your heart cried for the man. He really was a man out of time.
“Are you sleeping?” you asked the obvious and he shook his head, his eyes closing fleetingly before he opened them and rubbed them harshly. 
You laughed a small laugh and you slid the water toward him with the tip of your two fingers, the sound of glass sliding across the table filling the room.
“You’re a horrible liar, has anyone ever told you that?”
He hummed while picking up the glass and chucking on the water. 
“Let’s get you to bed, Rogers.”
He loved it when you said his last name, his ears perked up at the sound of it rolling off of your tongue and he sighed happily. He shook his head lazily.
“I’m fine- I’ll be fine (Y/N).” 
You scoffed through your nose, making your way towards him and attempting to lift him by his forearm, “Yeah, the last time I believed someone when they said that they died...so,” 
He grumbled loudly, guilt eating him up inside for keeping you up this late at night. 
“Alright, alright I’m going.” 
You nodded and let him go, the feeling of your fingertips still sizzling on his skin. He loved it when you touched him, he felt a sense of comfort whenever you did so.
You walked out of the glass doors, calling out to him, “You better, or I’ll beat your ass’ if i still catch you down here.”
He chuckled at your forwardness as he watched you walk further away into the darkness of the Avengers compound.
It’s what he loved the most about you.
7:00 am
“Coffee?” You asked, even though you didn’t need to, placing a cup of freshly brewed coffee in front of him, he thanked you and took the mug from the counter, sipping it. By the time he thought of anything to bring up conversation with you, you disappeared, leaving Steve to go over the file on his own.
“How close are we to Munich?” Steve asked, bending down so he could ask  Natasha, who was piloting the quinjet with Bruce Co-piloting beside her, asleep.
“An hour.” she whispered back, in an effort to not wake up Bruce with her voice. Steve nodded and made his way toward you, who was tying the laces of your boots. You were already ready to get off this damned thing since Tony, who was playing an Asgard game with Thor wouldn’t shut up.
Although you weren’t speaking, you looked so concentrated, so focused on what you had to do. Steve didn’t even have to read your mind to know you were going through different scenarios, different plans for the infiltration just in case anything went wrong tonight. Even subconsciously you were helping him, helping the team and that was another thing he loved about you, you were selfless. Just like Peggy. Possibly more. Hard and stern when you needed to be, when you sought for what you stood by, but soft and sweet when you needed to be. 
“We suit up in an hour.” Steve announced, everyone’s heads turned towards him, Bruce stirred a little which worried Natasha but he remained sleeping.
2:45 pm
When you arrived in Munich, Germany it was cold. Extremely cold. It was already snowing heavily when you arrived, the disguised S.H.I.E.L.D van that was waiting for you was already lightly covered in snow, Sam shivered and rubbed his forearms when the Avengers approached the van. 
“Why is Europe always so damn cold?” he muttered, slamming the door behind him.
When you arrived at the briefing room that was assigned to you, you went over the plan a million times, making sure everyone knew their mark and their place.
Bucky and Sam; much to their dismay. Were paired together, assigned to stay in the ball room to receive the file and hand it over to Natasha and Clint, who were positioned at the door way at all times, just in case anything went wrong. You and Tony were to enter the file room, your objective was to retrieve the file and make sure it was handed to Steve, who was the lookout and the person who made sure it was also safely handed to Sam and Bucky. Bruce was to stay in the quinjet, which was located in the back of the building, in the case that were was a much needed emergency. 
“Everyone knows there position and know’s their objective. We only have one shot to get those files and that shot it tonight,” everyone nodded, already prepared for action. “Suit up.”
“Thank you, Natasha.” She smiled at you, running her palms past the outline of your hip, straightening the crinkle that your dress made. “You look stunning.”
You scoffed through your nose again and swatted her hand away, “you can look but you can’t touch,” you teased, she walked towards the door of your dressing room, her black strapless ball gown dress with red emeralds flowing behind her.
“Oh is that right?” she teased back and you both laughed stupidly.
When Steve spotted you in the Ball room with your arm draped inside of Tony’s extended arm, Steve thought you looked breath taking, the sunlight yellow sleeved dress sparkled under the chandelier light, and Steve thought that you looked way too beautiful for a mission that he knew was going to turn into a blood bath. The honey yellow complimented your dark skin, the way the sleeved dressed clung onto your arm made Steve squirm, it was almost as if you were chocolate, and the dress that was draped over your body was the wrapper. Steve wanted to unwrap you and he wanted to do it quickly.
“I’m in.” Your voice rung in his earpiece, even your voice sounded as beautiful as you looked. 
Tony “Ehmm’d” beside you and you rolled your eyes, lifting the bubbling glass of champagne up to your lips and pretending to speak to Tony so you didn’t blow your cover. 
“Fine. We’re in.”
You pulled the champagne away from your lips, the strong smell of a strange alcohol filling your nostrils. You rested your ear on Tony’s shoulder, using the end of his suit’s shoulder pad to act as a finger pressing on the earpiece, so you could communicate with the rest of the team. “Don’t drink the Champagne, it’s spiked.”
From the reflection of the art piece that sat in the middle of the ball-room you could see Natasha smile, she patted the widow bites that rested against her wrist making them light up, “She got there before me.”
Tony’s grip on your arm became tighter as your approached the steps, you moved to “whisper” in his ear, and his hand cupped your cheek so he could press your earpiece, your now straightened hair that was elegantly styled into a simple updo covering his thumb.
“Approaching the file room now.” 
When you and Tony opened the file room it was filled with heaps of hard drives, you closed the door behind you, reaching inside your inner-thigh and placing a automatic padlock on the handle. You punched the password in and the metal quickly molded into a lock. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” Tony called out, and his glasses lit up, you placed a timer under the door and stood beside him. 
“It’s on the far right, Boss.” She confirmed and you wasted no time and strut your way towards the computer. You sat on the chair and twirled around getting used to its cushion.
“Do you have to do that every time?” Tony grumbled, standing behind you. 
You began to work, your fingers typing at such an immaculate speed that Tony’s eyes could not keep up with. “Can’t work If i’m not comfortable, Tony.” you blatantly answered his question, he huffed looking around the room to find something to occupy him.
“How long is this going to take?” He asked, leaning on one of the hard rives behind him, sucking on his teeth. 
“Long if you don’t shut the fuck up.” 
“And get off of that.” You scolded, he grumbled and slowly peeled away from the desk kicking his foot lightly.
“You’re no fun.”
“Not for you, I’m not.” You answered typing the last of the codes in. The screen scrolled with green codes before a satisfying ‘ding’  was heard. A hard drive ejected from one of the side of the computer. 
You smiled yanking it from its socket and holding it, you re-wrapped your arms around Tony’s and smiled, flicking your hand the lock flew across the room, Tony called you a “show off.” before cracking the door open, only  to meet the face of Steve who was holding his shield that was currently camouflaging to the area around him thanks to your and tony’s updates on stark tech.  
He already had his arm held out, ready for Tony to pass you over to him like a father would to his daughter on her wedding day. You smiled, running your hand over his bicep before you placed your arm in his and you made your way to the bottom of the stairs, a few glances given to you as you descended. Steve thought it was because you looked like a Goddess.
“We’re good to move out.” Natasha said, and everyone took their positions ready to leave. Weaving through the crowd, Steve was too focused on getting out of there that his shield bumped into the rear end of someone, sending them flying.
The tech, somehow must’ve popped off, because as soon as Steve bumped into someone, the camouflage glitched, the shield flickered and electrically shocked Steve, making him drop it and send the sound of the shields rattle to swim through the air, before it returned to it’s natural shade that everyone was so used to.
“I thought you secured the tag, Tony.” Natasha said, disappointed. 
“I did,” he whined, calling for his suit when he heard the cocking of guns echo through the ball room. 
“I think.” he corrected himself after a long-awaited silence.
“Son of a bitch, they’re all HYDRA agents?” you asked, pissed. You ripped your arm away from Steve’s and pulled out the Sai’s that you had hidden behind the slit of your dress.
“Do we call for back-up?” Thor asked, Mjǫllnir gripped tightly in his hand, Natasha turned to him, ripping the lower-half of her dress for flexibility and gave him a knowing look, even though she wasn’t smiling you could see it in her eyes, her hunger to put her abilities to use for the greater good. She shook her head and cocked her gun, her baton in the other and said, 
“No. I’m pretty sure we got this one.”
You huffed, standing in your fight stance you prepared to take on a hall full of HYDRA agents. 8 vs 350.
“Let’s get these sons of bitches.”
“Question.” Tony stated, through the coms as he shot one of the last of them with his repulsor. 
“go ahead.” Natasha allowed standing up from discarding her heels. 
“Clint, what do your bows actually do? what happens when you run out of em’ do you just? walk away I mean. I’m truly fascinated.”
Clint who was already exhausted out of his mind snapped his head toward Tony. Tony held his hands up in defense. “research purposes.” 
Clint scoffed limping towards the door after Natasha pulled him away.
Steve, sat slumped on the stairs got up and latched his shield behind him, feeling discouraged and annoyed that he almost jeopardized the mission for everyone.  
“Head up, Rogers. I’m pretty sure everyone knew it was a trap anyways.”
He nodded dragging himself towards the back of the torn building; thanks to the hulk. 
You latched onto his wrist twisting him to face you.
“Hey,” you said as you stood on your tip-toes and placed your lips on the corner of his mouth, stunned he moved his head toward you and you placed your lips on his, the feeling flowing within you indescribable. It was like this for a moment, the rhythm of both of your lips working against each other buzzing the core that laid in your lower abdomen. You relaxed your feet, returning to your original height breaking the lips that were made for each other apart. They whined in sadness.  
Budging past him teasingly you bent over to pick up your scattered Sai’s and continued walking to where you saw the quinjet.
“You coming or not?” you asked when you didn’t hear his feet padding behind yours. He smirked, suddenly joyful that he made the mistake of blowing cover. He picked his head up to look at you, the happiness in his eyes building up your own. He picked up his bloody shield and strode towards you, confidence radiating in his aura, even in the most unfortunate situations: such as these.
“Yeah. Yeah I am.”
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somedayonbroadway · 5 years
A Newsie Carol Have You Forgotten How To Smile
And chapter 4!
"You… I know you! Your that-"
"Oh of course you know me! I'm that happy spirit that you get when you feel even the slightest bit of joy inside that cold heart of yours!" the spirit assured. "But, I clearly haven't done my job, since you don't know how to spend a Christmas morning, my friend!" It scolded, standing from its crouched position beside the man's bed.
It was a woman. A short, plump, carefree, dark skinned woman. One with pink cheeks and a smile that showed off pearly white teeth. She wore a flattering, sparkling green dress with pink accents and glitter all over it. She was young, perhaps even younger than the last spirit he'd seen. "Oh, what is it, honey?" she laughed, gliding up to him. "You look like you've seen a ghost!"
Pulitzer was not laughing.
"Oh, cheer up, darlin'! You're back in the Present now!" she laughed, tapping his arm as he glared at her. "Unlock the door and let the music in, Joe! It's Christmas Day!" The spirit was bight and confident, even more so than the last. She glowed, not figuratively, but literally, as if she had spot light following her every which way. "Are you ready, honey?"
With a small shake of his head, Joseph could be nothing but honest with the beautiful ghost. "In all honesty, Spirit," he whispered, looking up at her, "I'm not sure I am…"
But she scoffed. "No use dwelling on the past, honey. Ya can't outrun it, but you sure as hell learn from it," she explained. Her voice was soothing to him. He couldn't place why. "Now… let's get you out of here and down onto the streets of New York… Christmas wait for no one, my friend!"
Before the man could even begin to rush back and hide beneath the covers of his bed, he was on the snowy, freezing cold streets of Manhattan. No one seemed bothered by that, though. No. Everyone seemed much too happy for that. "Recognize that building?"
That was enough to get Pulitzer's attention. He looked up. They were standing right outside of his building. His company.
And there, walking past them in a rush, was his assistant who looked as if he were late for something. He watched as the man fished some change out of his pocket as he passed by the carolers who were once again standing just outside the entrance to The World. He tossed whatever spare coins he had in their bucket and stopped for a moment, reaching out to shake their hands, offering a small thank you, before rushing down the street.
Joseph made to follow the boy. But a hand on his arm stopped him. "Not yet, Joseph, darling. First… lets go dancing!"
The caroler sang louder and an invisible orchestra seemed to begin accompanying them. The music was loud and cheery and everything that Joe had been trying to avoid.
Forcefully, the spirit pulled him down the road, twirling him around in the snow as he had no way to stop it. "Hey!" he cried, trying to rip himself from her grip.
But he stopped fighting when he was whirled around and forced to look at each and every happy face of every man, woman and child rushing down the streets of New York, bags and gifts in hand, treats smothered across their faces as they went to celebrate this commercial of a holiday.
For some reason, he couldn't find it in himself to be upset or angry in any way. A lightness took over him as people sang with those carolers who smiled and danced as they walked by.
He had no time to dwell as he was pulled continually down the road. The spirit didn't stop to let him watch.
She kept on dancing and caroling her way through the cold, but cheerful streets of Manhattan. He lost sight of where they were completely, just as he began to enjoy the music.
That's when things went quiet.
"Ah, here we are!"
Here was a small apartment that was somewhere deep within Manhattan. Somewhere warm and festive, but still small and simple. "Where… where are we-"
"No… he's not coming…" a voice sighed from behind him. Joseph whirled around at the familiar voice. "No… I'll be fine. I'm glad that you decided to spend Christmas with Bill, it was about time. Don't worry about me… Merry Christmas, Darcy."
She hung up her sell phone, sighing as she plopped down on the small couch with a small television playing some old, black and white Christmas movie. It was at that moment that Pulitzer realized how much he missed that beautiful young woman. She picked up a plate of fudge that had more than likely been a gift for somebody and stuffed two pieces completely in her mouth, looking more sad than Pulitzer cared to remember her.
She had always been his happy little girl.
"Spending Christmas alone is never something anyone should have to do."
"She said she was planning a Christmas dinner with a friend…" Pulitzer stated, shaking his head as he just didn't understand who would dare leave this woman alone on Christmas. She deserved better.
She had always deserved better.
But the young woman only sulked for a moment before she looked over at a small picture frame that was set on a table just beside her. Pulitzer's heart clenched. It was a picture of their small —now broken— family. The one that Pulitzer himself had torn apart.
A small smile spread over her lips. She stood to her feet and began to sway, just like someone else once had. Pulitzer smiled and stepped closer to her, just in time to hear his baby girl begin to sing. "Frosted window panes, candles gleaming inside, painted candy canes on the tree… Santa's on his way, he's filled his sleigh with things… things for you and for me…"
Joseph let his hands hover above his daughters hips as she began to dance just like her mother once had. "It's that time of year… when the world falls in love… every song you hear seems to say…" he sang with her as she smiled. "Merry Christmas, my love…" he whispered to her, hoping she could hear him. Hoping this scene might become real.
The spirit only began to dance right along with them. "Oh, I like her! She's a sweetheart!"
Pulitzer laughed. "Yes… yes she is… even after everything… she still calls me…" he admitted, his voice quiet and reserved. "She deserves better, Spirit… so much better… better than me..."
Nodding and pausing in her slow sways, the ghost offered him a kind smile. "There seems to be a lot of that going around." She placed her hand on Joseph's shoulder and the shadow of his precious daughter faded, giving way to white.
So much white.
"Spirit... where are we?"
It didn't take much to deduce that it was a hospital room. A small, quiet but secluded room with a single white bed in the corner, surrounded by wires and machines and one single stuffed bear that a small child clung to with a tired grip as he breathed in and out so slowly. Anyone in the small vicinity of the room could hear each and every inhalation he took through the small tube in his nose.
The boy was so small. Smaller than any child the old man had dared take notice to in a long while. Four, if Pulitzer were to guess. He'd put money on it. The scrawny, pale kid couldn't be older than four. He listened intently to every breath the child took in. They were forcefully deep and moved his small chest up and down with a grey blanket and a hospital gown. The boy's weak grip on his teddy bear was enough to bring forward something in the man's chest. Something he hadn't felt in a long time.
It was Christmas Day. And no one was here with this boy.
At least, not until moments later. Not until the door creaked open with a sort of hesitance that Joseph was sure he'd never had in his entire life. "Spirit..." Pulitzer called again. "Who is that boy?" he dared to ask, never once taking his eyes off of that precious, sleeping form.
The spirit beside him didn't move, and stared down at the boy just the same, sadness growing in her eyes. "That's Jack Kelly's brother, Joe... his only living relative... that's Tyler James," the ghost beside him stated, as if Pulitzer should have known.
A pang of guilt shot through the man's heart. Pulitzer should have known.
"How's he doin'?" a familiar voice with a thick New York accent asked, stepping cautiously into the small room with his hands shoved into his pockets as he took in the sight of that child, his voice soft and loving.
Pulitzer didn't know what this feeling was. But suddenly, it was like his heart was dropping down into his stomach. "Kelly..."
"He's been sleepin' for most of the night, but he ain't any worse off. Been callin' for you though..." There were two other men in the room. Jack and a nurse. A nurse that was only a bit taller than Jack and only possibly a few years older. One with dark brown hair and kind brown eyes.
Nodding a bit, Jack sighed, setting down his old coat and his backpack. That coat was wearing thin and that backpack had a broken zipper and a whole in its side. Joe wondered silently how his assistant had even managed such a thing before immediately shoving the thought to the back of his running mind. He watched as his employee took a couple steps forward, reaching to pet the small child's hair. That was when Pulitzer first caught sight of the bluest eyes he had ever seen. A sort of blue that he couldn't even begin to describe. One that made the morning sky on its best day look like night. He saw a smile that rivaled the sun with its brightness when that little child looked up to see the man that stood over him. "Jackie..."
The old man looked over to the spirit with wide eyes when he felt something in his chest tighten. That boy's voice was weak. It was breathy and shaken and quiet. It was broken. Sick. It was so small.
But Jack didn't even seem to notice. "Hey, baby..." Jack whispered, thumbing at the boy's cheek. "Merry Christmas..." he breathed, even more lovingly.
"Merry Christmas, J..." The child held fast to his stuffed bear, even as he tried to scoot closer to his big brother. A hand went down on his shoulder from behind. He pouted, squeezing the life out of the small comfort he held in his small, skinny arms.
Jack laughed and the nurse shushed the child. "It's okay, Tyler," the other man soothed, walking around the bed to a chair that was set in front of a small computer screen. "Jack ain't goin' nowhere..." he promised.
Nodding along, Jack agreed. "Yeah, he's right... I's stayin' right here all night..." The young man was so quiet. But the joy in his voice could be heard from miles away.
At that, the boy gasped in awe. And Pulitzer could hardly breathe. All he could do was stand and watch as this boy smiled so easily, simply at the news that he wouldn't be alone that night. Simply at the news of being able to spend Christmas night with the only family he had.
"He's only six..."
The vague memory of those words played over and over again in Joseph's mind. And it crushed him even more when he looked down at that boy again. He was so small. He looked so much younger than six. He looked so innocent, laying there so helplessly, just so happy that he had his brother with him.
"Hey, Dave?" Pulitzer blinked himself out of his own thoughts at the voice of his underpaid assistant. The one he was always so hard on. "Hey... do ya think maybe I could... uh... you think maybe I could hold him?" Jack's voice was quiet and unsure. The boy on the bed was hooked up to so machines and wires.
But when that boy looked up so pleadingly at the nurse above him, there was no answer anyone could give him accept for the one that he got. The man in the scrubs sighed and looked from Jack down to the child on the bed. It was as if Pulitzer could feel his heart being torn apart in his chest. He didn't understand it. He didn't know this child or the man who was begging to simply be able to hold him. What did it matter to him?
He watched the tall nurse nod slowly before standing to his feet and pushing Jack aside to help the small kid out of the bed. "Okay, Tyler... I'm gonna let Jack hold you for a minute... but only for a minute, okay? You need ta rest..."
Tyler nodded almost violently. He still held his teddy bear tight and squeezed his eyes shut when Davey began to carefully untether him from the machines that were there to cater to him and help him.
The ones that were there to keep him alive.
"Spirit... why didn't Kelly ever tell me that Tyler was ill?" he asked quietly, this whole scene tearing him apart inside. He could've done something. He could help. He could help this child. This little boy who had nothing. He could help.
The spirit turned to him. There was a certain anger to it as it did, one that burned within it's eyes. "He tried. You wouldn't listen." It was as simple as that. Joe didn't recall. He couldn't remember Jack speaking of it.
He couldn't remember Jack speaking of anything. Had he ever once listened to the young man?
Pulitzer tried to swallow the lump in his throat. He watched as that precious boy was lifted so delicately into his big brother's arms. He stared intently as the boy melted into the young man's chest, looking as though he weighed absolutely nothing, looking completely boneless as he lay his sleepy head down on Jack's shoulder. But that was nothing compared to the way that young man looked down to that little boy. "Hey, kid..." he breathed, his hands shaking ever so slightly.
The boy didn't move from the perfect position against the young man's chest. He sighed. "Hi, Jackie-Bear..."
The boy smiled tiredly as Jack began to sway on his feet a little bit. "How w's your day yesterday, Racer?"
It sounded like an old routine. One they had to go through. One that made them both grasp to something that felt familiar; something constant.
The child's grin seemed to widen, albeit sleepily, at the simple question. "Charlie came n' read me a story yest'rday... n' we watched The Grinch... n' Spottie brought me a new blanket..." he stated, curling his tiny fists into his brother's sweatshirt. "I missed 'em..." he explained before a precious yawn escaped him and he melted even further into the man who looked down on him with more love than Pulitzer could recall ever feeling. A type of love that was said only a parent could feel. Jack was feeling that right now.
"I know, baby... they'll be back t'night, I promise..."
"F'r Christmas?"
Nodding and beginning to pace and rock around the room with the child in his arms, Jack nodded. "Yeah... f'r Christmas..." he confirmed, though his voice was still so quiet.
The boy nodded against the young man. Pulitzer had forgotten what this had felt like. What feeling had felt like. It was almost horrible and most definitely foreign. But suddenly, it was like a flood had broken through the dam he'd built around his heart.
He watched that boy doze off on his brother's shoulder, seeing Jack shush and coo at him. It never occurred to the old man that this boy whom he'd hired almost a year ago had things to truly worry about. After all, he was so young.
Those piercing blue eyes blinked open again. And Joseph couldn't help but be memorized. "Why d'ya think Santa didn't come 'round again this year, Jackie?" his small, airy voice asked.
The way Jack paused did not go unnoticed by the old man who took a few silent steps closer to the pair who were already being closely monitored by the nurse sitting at the small desk beside the bed. He wanted to reach out, try and get the man to notice him, to offer some kind of reassurance or help. Jack couldn't see him. He cradled the boy even closer to his chest, breathing out so slowly and closing his eyes for just a moment. "Santa's doin' his best, kiddo, I promise... he's workin' hard f'r you... he just needs a little more time this year..." he breathed finally, brushing a kiss up against the boy's forehead.
That child looked as fragile as air. He could break into pieces any moment. This may be the last one he had.
As that small boy breathed in heavily, his small frame moving with every breath, he loosened his death grip on the small stuffed animal in his arms. He was getting tired, though he'd just woken up. "I been good this year, bubba..." the boy whispered.
Jack nodded, continuing in his pace back and forth across the small room. "Yeah... yeah, you have..." he agreed.
In his sleepy daze, the child nodded and dropped the topic, moving onto another and somehow making Pulitzer's heart hurt even more. "When can I go home?"
It was a simple question, one that any parent should have been able to answer with a quick "Soon" or a "tomorrow". Not Kelly. Kelly couldn't say that. Because that would make Kelly a liar. If there was one thing Jospeh Pulitzer knew about Jack Kelly, it was that he was no liar.
But Jack seemed to respond easily anyways, as if Tyler James asked it every night. "Home? No, Racer, we're goin' ta Santa Fe, remember? We're gonna ride the horses n' run outside in the fields n' you don't gotta lie 'round in bed no more..." he promised.
An exhausted smile spread back on the boy's face. "Santa Fe... you can bet..." he sang in a whisper. It must've been all he could muster. But it made Jack melt all the same.
Unable to take his eyes off of the small child in Jack's arms, Joe breathed out. Then, for what must have been the first time, the old man looked up at the young man who had been working for him for what felt like decades. For the first time, he saw the pureness of that young man. He saw the walls coming down, only for this moment. For the first time he saw how young this man was. "We won't let no bastards beat us..." Jack sung back to his baby brother. "We won't beg no one ta treat us fair n' square... there's a life that's worth the livin'... n' I'm gonna do my share..."
His voice was so soft. So smooth. Pulitzer had never known he'd had it in him. He hadn't ever known Jack could be so careful or gentle with something. He hadn't ever known that this little boy existed. He should have known. He should have asked.
He should have cared.
"I'm sorry we ain't in Santa Fe, JJ..." the boy whispered, yawning again and losing his grip in his bear completely.
Jack shifted the child so he rested in only one arm and steadied the bear against Tyler James. "We'll get there, baby... but I don't need nothin' else so long 's I got you..."
There was something inside Pulitzer that was crying out, though he found his lips melting into a small, sad smile. That baby boy was more precious than anything he'd seen in a long time. He could see his own child in his arms, a long time ago. He forgot what it felt like. To have nothing but that little baby keeping him going, making him smile.
It was like that same thing, that same feeling was happening all over again, only with someone else. Someone who needed so much help.
Help that he could give. Help that he'd withheld for so long.
"I thought ya wan'ed ta be rich..." the boy breathed.
"'m as rich as a king when I get ta hold ya, boy," Jack whispered, pressing another, firmer kiss to Tyler's blond, curly locks.
That was when the nurse sighed and waved Jack over to the bed. Time was up. Jack had to let the boy go back to sleep.
The most magical day of the year for so many six year olds in the world, and this one was about to be laid down in a hospital bed all over again, while his family stood there and wondered truly how long he had left.
The young New Yorker nodded as he made his way back over to the bed. And he lay his baby brother back down more gently than anything Joseph had ever seen. "Merry Christmas, my little angel..." Jack whispered as he lay him down.
That boy didn't waste a second. He sat up as quick as he could and wrapped his small arms as far as they could reach around his brother's waist. "Merry Christmas, my Jackie..." he responded with a crooked grin spread across his face.
Jack laughed and helped him lay back down. He began to sing all over again. A Christmas song this time. "I'm dreamin' of a white Christmas... just like the ones I used ta know..." He pet the child's hair as the machines were turned back on and the tubes and wires were replaced. "Where the tree tops glisten... and children listen... to hear sleigh bells in the snow..."
The boy turned his little head towards the touch and sighed in content, letting his protector sing him to sleep on Christmas Day.
And Pulitzer couldn't move.
"Spirit... that boy... he's going to die..." the man stated, knowing how these kinds of stories ended. He shook his head, turning back to the ghost that once took the form of a young woman. He gasped when he was met with the sight of a frail dame, much older than himself with those same chocolate brown eyes that the young female had once had. "Spirit?"
"It's about time I leave you, Joseph," the woman rasped, her hair turning whiter and whiter by the second, right before his very eyes. It was happening so quickly as the world around him spun. Suddenly he was back in his bedroom. His head whirled just as the universe had as he fell to his knees with a sort of nausea he'd never experienced before.
"Wait... Spirit..." he began to plead, truly unsure of why.
He was hunched over, gripping at his aching stomach. He blinked hard, trying to figure out what was happening. "What's happening to me?" He could vaguely hear someone screaming. When he closed his eyes again, he caught a glimpse of Jack Kelly, scooping up his baby brother, looking even smaller than he had mere seconds ago, tears rushing down his face as he ran out the door of a small, run down apartment.
Opening his eyes, Joseph felt tears in his own eyes. He looked up, wanting to beg the once kind, young soul for some sort of relief. But the old woman in front of him was much different than she had been only moments ago. Her once round, warm features were harsh and cold. Her eyes were angry.
He shook his head, frightened of this unfamiliar feeling of helplessness he felt. "I didn't know..."
"You didn't want to know. You were blinded by ignorance and greed," the spirit stated easily, scowling as it back away from him.
Breathing in deeply as the nausea subsided, Joe wearily blinked away the tears. "That child... is he going to die?" he asked, knowing the inevitable answer, but hoping there was something, anything he could do to prevent that dark future.
But that woman continued to grow older and older before him. "He'd be better to die and decrease the surplus population," she mocked. Her green ensemble began to fade and turn black.
"You mock me with my own words!" the old man cried. He didn't care what he'd said. He hadn't known. He had been a fool. He had been running a business.
A business he'd gladly give up if it meant keeping that precious child alive.
"Who are you to decide who lives and who dies?" the ghost spat. The room was growing dimmer as her light began to fade. "If these shadows remain unchanged, the child will die..."
Pulitzer blinked. The spirit was gone.
And the clock struck three.
Okay... this ghost is obvious... I mean... come on...
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imabanditostuff · 6 years
Dinner with candles for two
It was a nice summer evening. That time of the day when the sun almost sat down, painting the sky in varieties of orange, red, pink and even purple colors. Lanterns started to turn on. The heat of the day was gone and the streets were filled with fresh cool air.
Emily was walking to the restaurant, where she had a dinner planned. She was a young girl, in her mid-twenty, beautiful. Some said that she had such a pretty face on a pretty neck. Emily was aware of her beauty; she used to turn heads when she entered the room. But she wasn’t just about the look. You can’t make people like you by just having a pretty face. She knew that. Emily wasn’t one of those mean girls with perfect appearance; she also was kind, generous, loving, intelligent and witty.
The girl was slowly walking with the wind in her, a bit curly hair. And as she walked closer to the restaurant, Paris was changing. The night was falling on the city but, instead of sinking in the dark, Paris was lighting up.
Emily entered “Cafe de la Paix”. She came in with a breath of wind. Confidently walking towards the table where he was already waiting for her. His name was Harold, but Emily often called him Harry. He was an Englishman, couple years older than Emily; tall, well built, good looking fellow. He had eyes that you could drown in. He had a deep voice; it was a pleasure to listen to him, even if he’d talk some nonsense. Harry was smart, kind-hearted and had a good sense of humor.
Emily and Harold were old friends. They had known each other for about 6 years. They met in London. Emily came there to study at the college, and Harry was a senior there. The two were going to the same drama club. Harry was one of the musicians, playing the drums. Emily got there to act. They got acquainted during the first week of rehearsing a new play. And soon enough become good friends.
After Harry’s graduation they were still hanging out together for a year, but then he left London because of his new work. But Harold and Emily were still keeping in touch with each other.
The girl came to the table and finally met a friend of hers, which she hadn’t seen for four years. He got up to hug her:
“Good evening, Harold”, she said with a touch of a smile on her lips.
“Hello, mate”, he said with his strong English accent.
They sat down. Their dinner was in a small, cozy café. Little round tables were just enough for two. A dim light was softened their faces.
“So, same lips red, same eyes blue, same white shirt, you haven’t changed at all”, said Harry smiling.
“Is it a bad thing?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
They were talking like they’ve never been apart from each other. Like all those years didn’t exist. They were talking about all sort of things, refreshing their moments together, telling stories they hadn’t told before. The waiter came and interrupted their conversation. Old friends made an order and afterward, have forgotten the previous topic; they shared a moment of silence. But it wasn’t that kind of awkward silence when no one knows what to say when you can cut the tension with a knife. No, it was the complete opposite. It was a comfortable silence, the one which you can share with your closest friends or significant other.
“So what have you been up to lately?” Emily asked suddenly.
“Oh, well, I’ve quit my job”, casually answered Harry.
“Wait, what?”
“Yes, I quit a few weeks ago.”
“But why?” asked Emily with sadness in her voice.
“I didn’t like it, I’ve got sick of it, I didn’t like what I was doing and I, probably, burnt down. So I decided to follow my dream, at the end of the day you should have high hopes for a living, right?”, he said with a grin.
“Ok, I perfectly understand you. And what is your high hope? What are you going to do?” softly asked Emily.
“I’ve decided to risk it all and make music. Do you remember that I was a drummer?”
“Yeah, of course, I do. I’m really happy for you, you’re gonna make it, I’ll support you”, she said with a wide, warm smile.
As Emily and Harry were talking about everything in the world, about changing jobs and cities, about holidays, babies, history, newspapers, museums, grandmothers, marriage, movies, spiders, English accents, Spain, France, Italy, walnuts and the color orange. They concluded that algebra angered them, opera sickened them, Charlie Chaplin was a fake and flowers were for pansies. Candle on their table was burning out, and darkness was enfolding them.
Suddenly Emily asked: “Have you ever thought what if all your life is just imagination?”
“Sorry? What do you mean?” asked Harold.
“I mean, what if your whole life is just in your head? What if you created everything that you know, and nothing really exists?” Emily explained passionately.
“So, you’re saying that I don’t exist and you’ve just created me in your head?”
“Yeah, basically. Is it weird?”
“Oh, yes, it’s bizarre”, he thought about something for a moment and then asked her – “but why you think so? Don’t get me wrong, as a piece of your mind (he said with a touch of sarcasm in his voice), I just want to understand it.”
“Our reality is subjective, we all seeing it in our own ways and we can’t prove with complete certainty, that we see everything that surrounds us, and we also can’t prove that everything that we see is really out there. Our mind and perception are tricky, they can fool us, and they do. So how can I be fully confident about something in this world?” Emily clarified.
“Ok, I see your point. But how can you created so much stuff, and what about things that you don’t know but they exist, have you thought about that?”
“Yes, I have”, she sharply answered.
“And what are your thoughts on it?”
“Well, what if things that I know nothing about are just not there?”
“That what I thought”, he laughed.
“Ok, ok, laugh if you want. But sometimes I think about it a lot, and I’m not sure if it’s all real” Emily said it softly and confused.
“Hey, don’t be so concerned. I believe you. Have you created this world to feel some control?” Harry asked with interest, but he sounded a bit like a psychiatrist.
“No, I don’t know. I can’t destroy it if I want, if that what you mean.” The girl quietly answered.
“Ok, I’m just trying to understand”, he said it with that annoying, calm tone of psychiatrist again.
“Well, all I’m saying is that I sometimes think about it, maybe too much, and yes, maybe I sometimes don’t sure if everything is real, but it’s okay, it’s not a big deal. I’m fine.” Said Emily defensively. “I was just wondering if you had some similar thoughts. And you hadn’t, now I know, let’s change the topic, shall we?” said the girl, and smiled.
“Well, then we gotta get away from here”, suggested Harry. He got up and gave her a hand in the way like he was inviting her on the biggest adventure in their lives. Emily gladly took his invite, and they left the restaurant.
The two walked out on the streets of Paris. Sun had already sat down and it was dark. So the city of lights was in its full glory. All street lights were lightened up and gave a nice warm atmosphere. The buildings were highlighted with pleasant yellow light. Small outdoors cafés were full of people, that were talking, seemed to be, in all the languages of the world. Soft, light jazz was flowing through the street. As they kept walking the saw it, the biggest, brightest spot, it illuminated everything around, it was one of the most recognizable views on the planet, it was the symbol, the sign, the light itself, it was The Eiffel Tower. Paris is luminous. And The Eiffel Tower was the most beautiful, the brightest part of all lights in the city.
“Stunning view, right?” asked Emily.
“Yes, it is magnificent.” quietly said Harry.
“Come on, we need to get closer.” Said Emily, grabbed his hand and run.
They came to the tower, sat on the grass right in front of it and enjoyed the view, without saying a word. They were almost alone there. A few couples here and there and that’s all. Despite being in the city of love this moment wasn’t romantic
for them. It was the moment of calmness, safeness, happiness. They were living in that exact moment, at that exact minute, enjoying every second of it. The couple sat on the middle of the field for about two hours. Talking about everything and sitting in silence, then remembering about something they kept talking. And most importantly they were having a time of their lives.
“It’s getting late, I probably should take off now”, said Emily, looking on her watch.
“Yeah, you’re right, I’ll catch a cab for you”, suggested Harry.
“A cab? We aren’t in London, there are no cabs here” replied Emily laughing.
“Oh, right, but you get what I mean.”
They got up and walked to the road, slowly, because they didn’t want to say goodbye. But soon enough Harry caught the taxi.
“How long do you plan to stay in Paris?” asked Emily looking right in Harry’s eyes.
“I dunno”, he said quickly, “but even if we won’t meet again in Paris, we can meet again somewhere, somewhere far away from here,” Harry said it and hugged Emily, tightly. “Goodbye.”
“See ya!” smiling said Emily and sat into the taxi.
She was tired so she started to fall asleep; suddenly girl saw a bright white light, and everything stopped.
Emily woke up in a hospital room. When she opened her eyes for a couple of seconds it was too bright to see. The girl looked around; she was alone in that room. She wasn’t in pain, she had no bruises or scratches, she was fine. A nurse came in and when she saw Emily, she was shocked.
“Hey, hello, what’s wrong with me? Why am I here?” asked Emily in a raspy voice, her throat was dry.
“Oh my god, you’re awake”, the nurse said in surprise and went out.
“Yeah, great, thanks for your answer, it was helpful”, said Emily quietly.
After a minute a man came in. He was tall, gray hair touched his temples, thin glasses were sliding off his nose, he was wearing a white medical gown.
“Hello Emily, it’s nice to see that you’re awake”, he said with a New York accent, “I’m your doctor Mr. Richardson”
“Hello”, said Emily, “my doctor? But why, what is wrong with me?”
“You don’t remember?” he asked.
“No, I don’t, I wouldn’t ask you if I knew”, she said. Her voice sounded annoyed and confused and still raspy.
“You were in a coma”, sharply said doctor.
“What? Is it a joke, am I being pranked or something?” almost screaming said Emily.
“No, you aren’t pranked, you were in a coma for almost two years”, said doctor calmly.
“Oh my god, what am I in a movie or something. It’s insane!”
“What the last thing that you remember?” asked Dr. Richardson.
“Umm… I… I was in Paris?... Yeah, I was in Paris with Harry, we said goodbye, I sat in a taxi and then a bright light and I woke up here”, slowly and quietly.
“Emily you never were in Europe and in Paris.”
“In Europe? Wait where am I then?”
“In New York City, born and raised here”, he answered.
“Okay, well it's interesting”, Emily mumbled.
“I’ll be right back”, said the doctor and left the room.
“Okay.” She got up, sat on the edge of the bed, put her elbows on her knees and rested her face in her hands. “It isn’t real, it isn’t real, it isn’t real…” she was swaying back and forth and mumbling it over and over again. She stopped for a minute and had something like a moment of clarity, “I was right, I was right, I knew something was wrong, I did make it all up, it was just my mind, I was right” she also mumbled it, but now she was more confident.
“Alright, we need to do some tests with you, and then if everything okay you’re free to go after a couple of days”, Dr. Richardson walked in and informed Emily.
“Okay, I’m ready”, she replied obediently.
After a week in the hospital, she was free. The girl was fine physically, but not mentally. Emily walked out of the hospital in lower Manhattan. It was the begging of September; City still had that hot summerlike weather, fall hadn’t begun yet. It was a bit windy and the wind reminded everyone that summer had gone to its end. Emily was wearing the same white shirt, black skinny jeans, and black chelsea boots. Her long, a bit curly, fair hair was tangling in the wind and then was gracefully fluttering in the wind. She walked through the concrete jungle of the New York City. Buildings were so tall that you couldn’t see it top if you put your head up. The sun was shining brightly and the skyscrapers, made from glass, were catching the sunlight and reflecting it, returning the light even brighter than it was before. Streets were very loud, there are sirens all around and people were buzzing around, it was the voice of the City. After an hour and a half of walking, Emily got to Central Park. It was much quieter and less crowded there. She walked through, still green, parkways into the depth of the park. She was wandering through the park alleys, not noticing anyone. Enjoying the silence she was thinking and mumbling something.
“I was right, all that time… it wasn’t real, I made it up. It isn’t real, is it? How can I prove it?” girl was whispering it to herself, “What if it’s just a prison in my mind? No, I’m not crazy!” she said the last sentence much louder, like if she was persuading herself. “But now I can’t tell if this is real, I don’t know! Now I am not sure about reality, what if it’s another mind trick played by my wicked brain?” her voice was trembling, she was confused and scared.
“Harry? Is he even real? Or he was right when he said that he’s just a piece of my mind. He said “we should meet again somewhere far away from there”, yeah, we should.” Saying it her voice calmed a little bit and she felt certainty at least for a short moment. Her thoughts were interrupted, someone bumped into her.
“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” said the man who bumped into her. Emily didn’t raise her head; the first thing that she heard was deep voice and strong English accent. When she looked up, she saw a young, good looking fellow, it was Harry. “Please say something, are you okay?” his voice sounded worried.
“Yeah, I’m fine”, Emily replied, she was shocked.
“Okay then, sorry again. Take care!” Said Harry and kept running.
“Harry?” She said out loud, and just kept walking, but he turned around when heard his name. “It was him, isn’t he? Now I am not sure… What if I’m still sleeping? I’m not sure if all of it is real.”
And are you?
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imaginesoverreality · 7 years
Put on a Show for Me - Let Me Show You Part 2
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Author’s Notes: Despite how long it took me to post this, I actually had a lot of fun writing it. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy it too. Again sorry for any typos. I try to edit it, but I miss things. 
Word Count: 3,413 (Get yourself a snack, kids. This shit is long af.)
Warnings: Smut. I mean is there anything else worth writing?
Part One: Let Me Show You
Roman knew you were reaching your breaking point. As much as you tried to stay cool and collected under the gaze of his bedroom eyes, he could tell it was all an act. Being an upir had its advantages. One of them being how he could catch your eye and sense your body remembering every welcomed violation he performed on your pleasure deprived body only a few hours prior. He could hear your heart race and he could all but taste the blood rushing to his favorite spot between your thighs. He wanted you again the moment he watched you fall into euphoria in his arms.
The two of you woke up from your naps, limbs tangled together, and still high off the feeling of your earlier actions. You shifted yourself so you could look up at him from his chest, his sleepy green eyes looked down at you innocently, but the hand grazing up your thighs had other intentions. You coughed nervously and quickly lifted yourself off his warm chest. You weren’t sure what was happening between you and Roman, and you were certain he didn’t know either. But never, in all the years you’ve known him, has he ever looked at someone the way he was looking at you. And to be perfectly honest it scared you a little. 
“Don’t you have to go get ready?” You asked him, turning your back to him so you could get your robe off the floor. He watched predatorily as the smooth silky fabric slipped across your shoulders, hiding his view of your decadent curves. You got up and started picking up the rest of the scattered articles, bending over and giving Roman a sight that made him wish he could keep you in that position all night long. But instead, he reluctantly moved off the bed and stood right behind you. You couldn't help but jump a little when you noticed just how close, and how very naked, he was. He leaned down a little to brush the hair off your face and looked deep into your eyes. 
“Come with me.” He asked. All these years of knowing Roman, you had never been asked to attend any Godfrey Industries’ extravagant events, mostly because Olivia strongly despised how much Roman cared for you. But with her out of the picture, you had no excuse not to attend the annual End of Summer Charity Ball. It was one of their biggest and grandest events, the only thing more glamorous was their Holiday Ball in the winter, which featured an ice fountain that overflowed with Dom Perignon Champagne. Looking at this gorgeous man, begging you to stand by his side, in front of the most powerful people in the country was so overwhelming, but extremely flattering. 
“Don’t be silly, Roman. I don’t belong there. Plus, what would I wear? My sister’s prom dress?” you teased, handing him his clothes and leaving him in your room to get dressed. You walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. In the background, you could hear the soft clicking of his leather boots on your hardwood floors. For such a large man, Roman moved with the grace and fluidity of a gazelle. He came into your space looking sexy as usual. Somehow he managed to tame his hair enough to make it look like you hadn’t been tugging at it hours earlier. The young tycoon wasn’t one to beg, but he desperately needed your support on this. Taking hold of your hips, he looked down at you with pleading eyes. If his experience with you on the floor taught him anything, it was that your weakest spots were your hips and neck. If he wanted to get his way, he was going to have use them to his advantage. You squirmed in his grasp, not liking that he knew how to get his way with you. But he needed you. Never before had he been the one to give the speeches. Usually, when the Godfreys held an event, he was at the nearest bar trying to drown out the newest bullshit story his mother was trying to feed everyone so she could take more of their money for another “project”. 
“I need you. Please.” He begged. You couldn’t say no to him. Especially when he looked so vulnerable, something you’ve never saw up close before. ‘Its the least you could do after he gave you such a mind-blowing orgasm’, you reasoned with yourself. Slowly, and reluctantly, you nodded your head. And You watched how his big green eyes filled with joy and his plump pink lips cracked into a boyish grin.
“My driver will drop a dress off for you at 7. And I’ll come get you at 8.” He said excitedly, kissing your cheek and heading towards the door. You shook your head in disbelief. Only Roman could go from the master of seduction to a 6-foot child in seconds flat. Since you had plenty of time before the ball, you decided to take a hot bubble bath, hoping it will calm your nerves.
You looked at yourself in the mirror in disbelief. The gown Roman bought for you was so luxurious you didn’t feel worthy of wearing it. The black fabric fit like it was handmade for you, hugging every curve and flowing down your legs making you feel like a queen. But the split on the side came up so high up your thigh, you were convinced someone could get a sneak at what was lying underneath. 
Speaking of what was underneath, Roman made it a point to have his input on every aspect of your outfit, right down to the French lingerie. You had no idea how he knew your bra size, but nevertheless, this was the first time you had ever worn something this feminine and sexy. You didn’t know what he had in mind, but knowing that he picked it out with you in mind made you shiver with anticipation. 
A knock at your door made you ripped your gaze from your reflection. Quickly, you grabbed your purse and opened the door to see the Godfrey heir sporting yet another one of his beautiful satin tailored tuxedo, hair perfectly slicked back, and shows so shiny you could see yourself in them.  Roman’s gaze followed up the slit of your dress, pausing briefly at your rising chest and neck, before meeting your eye. 
“You look stunning” he confessed. “But of course, I knew you would when I picked it out.” He stepped closer to you, pulling a velvet box from his jacket pocket. “Time for the final piece” walking behind you, he placed a princess diamond tennis necklace on your neck. He secured the clasp and walked around to look at how the sparkles danced across your chest. “Shee-it, I’m good” Roman joked before offering his arm. You laughed, lightly slapping his chest, before taking his awaiting arm. Never before had you been so spoiled, and you’re still not sure how to handle Roman’s affection. But you were happy to see his light-heartedness come back, he was still your best friend.  
The ride to the ball was relatively innocent. But as the night went on, Roman’s teasing went from playful to dangerous. He made it a point to always be on the side where the split was threatening to show more skin than you were comfortable with. During dinner with the town’s mayor, Roman brushed the tips of his fingers against your thigh so lightly you thought he did it on accident. But when he leaned over, giving the facade that he was really listening to the mayor’s new irrigation plan, Roman pushed his hands even higher, brushing the lace of your panties, you knew he was trying to get a rise out of you.  And as much as you tried to brush it off and cross your legs tighter, the boy just wouldn’t quit. And if you were being completely honest, you didn't want him to.
That’s how Roman found himself across the ballroom floor, watching you at your seat, clenching your legs together. Out of all the beating hearts in the room, yours was racing so fast he was surprised it was still pumping. He could smell your arousal as he leaned down, from behind your chair, and whispered a demand to meet him up on the highest floor of the building after his speech. 
“Ladies and Gentleman, I want to thank you…” Roman mindlessly read off the teleprompter, hoping he gave enough variations in his voice to sound like he gave a damn about whatever he was talking about. He couldn’t give a shit about the newest research project Dr. Pryce demanded needed to be done. His mind was elsewhere. And as he looked into the crowd, the only face he wanted to see was yours. He thought about the moment he gave you the necklace. He was afraid that he scared you with all his affection and that he was moving too fast. But the way you were looking at him as he spoke, with so much pride, admiration, and pure desire, it made him want you even more. 
Once he was finished speaking, Roman gave you a subtle nod before disappearing into the crowd.  You excused yourself from your table and half ran to the nearest elevator, to find the billionaire standing inside waiting for you. He calmly hit the button, and before the doors could fully close, he had you pushed against the elevator wall. He couldn't help but put his full weight against your body, as he forced you to look up him. He moved his soft lips violently on yours, kissing you like he had never tasted something as marvelous as you before. The hands that made you bite your lips every time you saw them, were now gliding up the slip of your dress, grasping you thigh so hard it hurt. He pulled your leg up to wrap around his torso so he could somehow press himself closer to you. His lips broke the kiss to travel down your neck, nipping at it, trying his hardest not to lose control and break the skin. It was all too soon for the both of you when the elevator door ding, informing you that your destination had been reached. The steel doors opened to reveal a beautiful office that was renovated into a studio apartment like space. You scrunched your eyebrows together before turning to look at Roman who was punching in a code into the elevator panel. 
“So no one can interrupt us,” he said simply before turning to face you. “You might be wondering why a research facility has a bedroom. Well, it was my dad’s. Apparently, he came here the nights he couldn’t bear to deal with my mother.” Roman explained. However, as he proceeded to unbutton his tux jacket and place it on the coat hanger, you realized you didn’t give a fuck about the bedroom, you were just glad it was there. He walked up to you, head looking downward at your shorter frame, and proceeded to reach behind you. His talented fingers took hold of the small zipper, dragging it down ever so slowly. 
“You wanna play a game sweetheart?” He questioned, letting his investment slip off your body. “You wanna show daddy what he taught you this afternoon?” You couldn’t help but moan at his words, as he stood there looking like a feast to be devoured. Roman took the vision of you in, circling around you, ensuring he didn’t miss a single inch of you. “I didn’t hear an answer, baby.” said as he reached his starting place in front of you. You shyly looked up at him and whispered a ‘yes’. The smile he currently sported wasn’t like the ones he usually showed you. No, this one had sinful intentions behind it, and you were all too excited to find out what he had in store for you. He took your hand and guided you to the bed against the back wall. “Sit there,” he told you simply.  Across from the bed was a leather chair that was facing directly in front of it. That is where Roman sat, pulling out a cigarette from the pocket of his slacks and proceeded to light it nonchalantly. You watched with anticipation as he calmly let a few puffs of smoke fall from his lips. It amazed you that after years of seeing him smoking, he still managed to make it look like the sexiest thing a person could do. You watched, memorized, by the way his plump lips wrapped around the stick and his cheekbones became more prominent with every draw. Minutes later, he pulled out a glass and a bottle of vodka from the nightstand next to him. He held your gaze as he poured himself a glass, watching you squeeze your thighs together, hoping that the mild friction would mitigate the throbbing between your legs. Once he felt like he had stalled long enough, he leaned forward.
“Touch yourself.”
You were taken aback by his request. Leaning back he simply explained, “I told you, I want to see if you learned anything from our session earlier. So go on, put on a show for me.” He lifted one his foot to place it on his thigh and took another sip of his drink. You wanted so badly to make him proud, so you tried to let your nerves roll off of you as you grazed your hand down your neck, imagining it was his. Picturing the way he would make you weak with their strength. You slid them down lower, tracing the outline of the of the silky slopes of your bra straps. Despite Roman’s love for dark colors, the lingerie he picked out for you was so white, it almost glowed against your skin, almost like angel feathers. You let your fingers glide delicately over the lace of each cup, before grabbing both of your breasts with your hands, squeezing them over your bra. You had closed your eyes for a fraction of a second, but when you opened them again, you could see Roman struggling to regulate his breathing. His tie and vest were thrown haphazardly across the chair’s arm and the buttons of his shirt were undone. He was watching every move you make like it was physically impossible for him to look away. You continued moving downward to tease the skin between your bra and the elegant waspie that exaggerated your feminine frame. You reached behind you and slowly undid each hook until it fell off. You heard his breath hitch as you moved your hands higher up your back to undo the hooks of your bra, letting it drop to the floor. A groan slipped from his lips as he watched your nipples harden.
“Pinch your left one, you’re more sensitive there” he whispered, making you jump for a second. You had almost forgotten Roman was watching you. But you did what he said nevertheless. And of course, he was right, and you groaned in pleasure as the slight pain rushed through your body. You held his gaze as you moved your hands down your stomach to the line to the edge of your panties. You lifted both your feet so your legs could fall open, giving Roman a full view of the damp spot that was starting to form in the middle of your satin panties. You rubbed your center over the silky fabric, bringing chills down your spine as it touched your clit. 
“I can smell you from here. You smell so god damn sweet” Roman confessed, grabbing himself from the outside of his dress pants, rubbing the evident boner that had been growing since the elevator. You smiled shyly as you lifted your legs up and let pulled your panties up and over your legs. Tossing them teasingly at Roman, who caught them easily with one hand, and you watched as he took in your scent. Groaning, the man before you rested his head on the back of the chair and took another drag of his cigarette. Once again your legs fell open and slipped your finger into your mouth. Godfrey watched in anticipation as the single digit ran down the path he wished his lips were following. He finally gave up trying to hold back and undid his pants. Grabbing himself underneath his black boxer briefs.
“Let me see you” you pleaded, letting your finger run tight circles against your clit. He didn’t hesitate to snuff out his cigarette and swiftly stood up and pushed both his boxers and pants down his thighs. He sat back down and resumed his lazy stroke up and down his cock. He made sure to spread his precum around the sensitive head, going at the same pace you were moving. 
“Put two fingers inside you, curve them up” He ordered you. With your other hand, you dragged your fingers down your thighs, teasing your self a little, before finally slipping them inside of you. You gasp and threw your head back in ecstasy. Even without him touching you, he was still able to give you the most intense pleasure you have ever felt.
“Oh Roman” You whispered out. He grunted as he started moving his hand even faster, “Louder. I want to hear you.” He order. You called out his name again even louder as your fingers moved relentlessly inside you. Your high getting closer and closer. Blood rushed to his lips as his teeth began to sink deeper and deeper into the skin, breaking it only slightly, and marveling at the taste of his blood on his tongue. Reaching below he grabbed his balls, tugging them lightly. 
“You’re gonna cum for me? Show me what a good girl you can be?” Roman loved calling you that. You were such a good girl for him, following every order he gave. You were so close and the vision of him, the most powerful man in Hemlock Grove, flushed and aching at the sight of you touching yourself on his bed made your heart race. “You look so beautiful. Wearing nothing but the $50,000 necklace I bought you. You’re mine aren’t you?” he kept pushing himself closer and closer to his breaking point. You nodded mindlessly, too focused on the sensations of your hands to hear what he was saying. Roman could tell by the hardness of your nipples and the sounds of your fingers working inside of you, that you seconds from your release. He wanted nothing more than to watch you cum again for him for the second time today. 
With a few more flicks of your fingers, your hands froze, the heat from your core spread throughout your body, making you shake with such intensity that you couldn’t move for a second. Screaming his name again, your legs snapped shut as you pushed yourself to keep that tingling feeling alive until you became too sensitive to handle your own touch. It was then, with your head thrown back, and with his name on your tongue, Roman also met his end. The evidence coated across his chest and hands. You had never seen someone cum so beautifully. His big green eyes were so focused on you, but the way his eyebrows scrunched together and his jaw went lacked, gave you the opportunity to watch this god of man crumble into his most euphoric and vulnerable state. You heard him call out your name, as well, and his eyes shut with exhaustion. Roman slumped in his chair and gave himself two more lazy pulls, before letting his cock rest against his stomach. The two of you were a complete mess, but you didn’t dare move from your spots.
After a few minutes, your positions became uncomfortable. Roman got up from the chair, took the last swing of his drink, and made his way to the bathroom. You were still lying on the bed, afraid to move, due to your sensitivity. But  Roman returned momentarily with a hot damp towel and one of his t-shirts, fresh from the laundry. He stood before you, wearing nothing more than his tight black boxers briefs, making your mouth water all over again. Without hesitation, he gathered you up in his arms and moved you up to the end of the bed. He gently placed you back down and you instantly sunk into the soft sheets. Despite your deep need for rest, Roman fought to keep you awake just a little longer.
“Hey, hey. Let me clean you up first, then we’ll sleep.” He whispered. He dragged the hot cloth across your chest and down to your body. You hissed lightly as he brushed your clit. “Sorry”, he apologized softly, looking back at you. When he was finished, he looked down at you perplexed. It was like he wanted to tell you something but the words just wouldn’t come to him. So instead of trying to say something profound or clever, Roman simply told the truth. “I just wanted to thank you for being there for me today. I couldn’t have done it without you.” You smiled lazily at him as he helped you put on his, way too long, shirt over your head and he reached behind you to unclasp the diamond necklace. He placed it on the nightstand and watched you sink deeper into the bed. You yawned quietly and confessed “That’s not true, Roman. You are the strongest man I know. Nothing could ever stop you. I wished you believed that too.” At that point, you were out like a light. You would never know how much those words meant to him and how that night would define the rest of your lives together.
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chriscoleman · 3 years
St. Martin with the Donald's
June 27 - July 6, 2021
Saint Martin is part of the Leeward Islands in the Caribbean Sea. It comprises 2 separate countries, divided between its northern French side, called Saint-Martin, and its southern Dutch side, Sint Maarten. Julia and I met up with the Donald’s for a week of vacation.
David Sr, Melissa, and their 15 year old daughter Allison arrived on the island a week before us. David Jr, Liz and their 2 year old son Jack were also there. 8 of us total.
Sunday June 27th we left Seattle on a red-eye flight to JFK. Prior to departure we were required to have a negative COVID test, which was reviewed/approved by Sint Maarten Electronic Health Authorization System (EHAS). Once the logistical paperwork was out of the way - it was smooth sailing into SXM.
David Sr. picked us up at 2pm island time. He chauffeured us to Hertz rental car and then onto Zee Best for baguette sandwiches. We finally met up with the full family at our rented villa - Mariposa. The rest of the crew had switched from a smaller villa near Orient Bay to Mariposa in the Les Terres Basses neighborhood for our 8 nights together.
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Pool time allowed us all to catch up before dinner. Chef Cee at Big Cee’s restaurant served up a laid back 1st dinner on the island in Porto Cupecoy. Our waitress was energetic and friendly, leading us to the restaurant as we entered the plaza. My tuna steak and Julia’s grouper fillet were exceptional, as were the fried plantain appetizers. Never too full for ice cream - we got scoops on the way back to the car.
Tuesday the 29th we started with the closest beach to the villa - Plum Bay. Julia and Allison walked around to the point while I swam and relaxed in the shade. David Sr. and Melissa joined after a while and we navigated the rocky entry for chill ocean time. Although the girls were gone for a while - no sunburns in our first afternoon of full Caribbean sun.
Lunch at Maho beach, Sunset Grill, provided us with one of the most popular tourist activities - watching the planes land at SXM airport. Big commercial jets landing on a runway only feet from the beach. The grilled chicken, burgers, and frozen drinks were all delicious. Then a quick grocery shop so David/Melissa could cook us shrimp dinner at the villa (plus brownies!).
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Wednesday we got up early to hit Marigot for pastries. Chez Fernand Bakery served up AMAZING baked goods of all kinds. Choosing was the hardest part. I settled on a croque monsieur and Julia with a pistachio roll of some kind, both huge. Also an almond & chocolate pastry from Sarafinas by the marina - which turned out to be my favorite of the entire trip. Then a quick walk through the street market for souvenirs (shirts, hats, spices, and coconut coasters).
Friars Bay was empty when we arrived at 10am. We picked 6 beach chairs + umbrellas in front of Friars Bay Beach Cafe to be home base for the day. They were $5 each, as long as we agreed to have lunch at the restaurant.
Happy Bay was around the corner, so after some relaxing at Friars we took a short trail to the next cove. It was obvious right away why this was one of David Sr.’s favorite beaches. Near deserted, silky soft sand, and no commercialization of chairs/bars/massages/etc. We only spent an hour but on future trips I’m sure it will be more (especially if they have live music).
Dinner was at a fancy Sicilian / Italian restaurant Sale & Pepe. We got to pick out the whole snapper we ordered - which was cooked to perfection. Then Julia ordered a mysterious frozen dessert - almond semifreddo.
A beer at The Hole in the Wall finished off our night. Ronny ‘Santana’ and Tanya Michelle sang hit songs while everyone at the bar cheered along. We danced on the patio since Allison wasn’t old enough even for Dutch bars.
Thursday July 1st was another early morning. Up and out with a 30 minute drive north to Orient Bay. David Sr. has visited the island many times, staying in Orient the majority of the time. Unfortunately the winds had blown in massive amounts of seaweed - sargassum. It was in the water and on the beach. Too much to make a day at Orient enjoyable - so we bailed for a bakery breakfast at Good Morning Cafe.
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Grand Case was the backup option - which turned out fantastic. Rainbow Cafe hooked us up with a cabana for the day and buckets of Presidente beers. We got loose and bobbed in the ocean for hours.
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Vacations with the Donald family involve a mix of restaurants and home cooking. Typically each family will cook 1 dinner, with a light breakfast at the house and lunches on the beach. David and Liz chose to skip their home cooked assignment - instead buying us all dinner at Gutside restaurant on Thursday night. An unexpected treat where our family was the only one dining there all night. Ribs, snapper, shrimp, and conc were tasty, plus an in-shell crab appetizer. Jack even ate a rib or 2 while making friends with the staff.
Vacations with the Donald family also involve card games. Crummy Rummy is a classic. Melissa dominated us all, with me and Allison bringing up the rear. Not my finest hour - but hanging with the family is what it’s all about. We got to chat about Allison’s upcoming driving test and her plans to try out for the high school swim team.
Friday the 2nd David cooked us a breakfast hash before rolling with Julia, Allison, Jack, and me to Plum Bay. We swam, trying to keep our feet off the rocks unsuccessfully. A pair of high school graduates jumped from the nearby rocks in celebration in their full cap-and-gown. Jack napped on David’s shoulder as we chatted and the girls walked the beach. David Sr. and Melissa showed up as we were leaving to have lunch at the villa.
Baie Rouge was our afternoon spot. First attempt at accessing the beach was stopped by a gate guard. Luckily he pointed us in the right direction and we were taking photos at the colorful doorway entrance in no time. Another near-deserted beach, very natural without any restaurants. We swam around the point to see ‘Davids Hole’. A bit precarious but totally worth the effort once we were there.
Ocean 82 is a classy restaurant in Grand Case. A favorite of David and Melissa, as they like to celebrate anniversaries here. We started with a delicious tuna tartare appetizer, fresh salads, and ice tea. Then we picked out a 4 pound lobster to share - as a special treat. Unfortunately the lobster was prepared with cajun seasoning and flambé, when thermador was the order. The good news is that the waiter took the responsibility and discounted our meal heavily for compensation. Rough ending to an otherwise fantastic restaurant experience.
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The night didn’t get better after that… Julia’s ear pain grew to the point where an emergency room visit was necessary. Water had gotten into her ear a day or 2 before and became infected. Antibiotic prescription was acquired relatively quickly at a Dutch ER.
Saturday July 3rd we went to the pharmacy first thing to fill the antibiotic prescription. Then onto Mullet Bay for beach time. Yes - Julia is a trooper and wanted to go to the beach after being diagnosed with an ear infection less than 12 hours prior. We got chairs in front of Da Water Hole restaurant. The virgin frozen Miami Vice drinks hit the spot. Then we jumped in the waves all afternoon.
David Sr. hired a professional photographer for family photos, Alex Julien. We met up on Plum Bay beach and sweated our butts off during a sunset shoot. We used the Le Château Des Palmiers villa owned by Donald Trump as the backdrop. The palm trees on his property really were stunning. Results turned out beautiful!
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Julia and I cooked fajitas for our group dinner. Quick and easy. A decadent chocolate cake from Chez Fernand for dessert. Early to bed as Julia continued to recover.
July 4th began with a parade at Club O on Orient Beach. Odd to see an American holiday celebrated on a French beach, but apparently it’s a tradition as many expats called this beach home. There was still some sargassum, but a command decision was made to roll with it. We set up shop at Orange Fever bar for the day with front row chairs + umbrellas. The pizza was fantastic with service directly to our chairs. I even walked the entire beach with Julia and Allison on a mission to document each bar, in order, of Orient Bay. We also tried to hit Club O for happy hour, missing it by 30 minutes. 4:30pm is pretty much the closing hour for beach bars, so we left to acquire dinner. The Grand Case LOLO, Cynthia’s Talk of the Town, was perfect BBQ chicken for takeout.
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Monday July 5th was our last full day on St. Martin. We started with a dip in a nearly deserted Baie Rouge then got cleaned up for our COVID test at 11:45am. The USA currently requires a negative test before allowing anyone into the country. The test at a medical facility in Simpson Bay was extremely convenient. In-and-out in 5 minutes flat for $70. Then onto Mullet Bay after picking up Cuben sandwiches at Zee Best.
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Mullet Bay was calm this time. The beaches really were different each time we visited. Any time 1 was windy/wavy we were able to find one that wasn’t. The sand may be out 1 day and back in another. It was interesting to see the terrain change over such short periods. Hurricane Elsa was passing the island a few hundred miles west, increasing the ocean’s power. Luckily we weren’t affected by Elsa otherwise. Rosie’s Rib Shack had amazing ribs according to David/Liz and the banana frozen daiquiri was a treat for Julia and me.
Heavy rain as we drove to the grocery store - Carrefour. We bought burgers and sides for a quick final dinner. A fancy restaurant reservation at Mario’s was the original plan, but the family was tired of 3 hour meals so we offered to cook instead. Not a meal to write home about (fries were soggy and buns were airy), but it was easy and gave us time to chill together. David Sr. spun up a curated playlist of songs for each family member. I got the Superman theme and Julia the Leia Star Wars song, along with many other thoughtful songs as we ate rock solid ice cream.
Go-Home day was July 6th. Pack, eat, clean the villa, and load the vehicles by 10:30am. Then gas the vehicles, pickup sandwiches, return the vehicles, and check into the airport for our 2pm flight. Lines were long - but we managed. Emigration / customs at Miami airport went smoothly and we boarded for Seattle at 8pm. Midnight local time we were at home petting the increasingly vocal black cat.
Lucky buggers David Sr. and Allison get to stay in SXM for another 2 weeks. Julia and I return to Seattle to a Sounders game, ultimate league, a siding project, and work. Life is beginning to feel normal again after a big COVID break. Happy to have seen the Donald’s and allow David to share St. Martin with us. I know we’ll be back again.
For now - I need to eat a salad and run a mile - I’m fatter than ever!
Next up… Iceland!!
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b-ballbaes · 7 years
Hello, could I ask Mayuzumi and his female s/o get stranded on a lodge on a mountain in winter (I know, it's still far off ^^)? S/o is scared but Chihiro comforts her and then there's tension between them and nsfw stuff happens XD by the way it's their first time as a couple. Thanks and good luck with the blog ;))
~You sit snuggly in your rented two bedroom log style lodge, sipping hot cocoa from your favorite holiday mug, the cozy room warm from the roaring fire in the giant stone fireplace. You stand in front of the large picture window, peeking through spots of crystal frost on the glass, observing the wintery scene outside. Crisp white snowflakes fall from the sky one by one, coating the ground gradually and growing in size over time. The sound of children laughing with glee as they play in the snow among their friends fills the clear night air, attentive parents carefully watching at bay. Some families are skating on the ice while others are making the short climb up then down the small mountain of snow, be it by skis, snowboards or sleds. “Wow it’s really coming down!” you mumble to yourself, a touch of worry in the tone of your voice. You and your boyfriend decide to spend a week before the holidays in this beautiful rustic lodge. You both enjoy the early century details of the ceilings and the big wood logs skillfully placed to create gorgeous walls and accents. What you aren’t enjoying is the unexpected snowstorm that started brewing yesterday and has become gradually worse. What is supposed to be “a few inches” of snow has turned into one of the worst blizzards you’ve seen. Since it’s only a couple days until Christmas you both decide it’s best to stay and wait out the storm, taking advantage of their breathtaking surroundings and celebrate the holidays there together. The big oak door suddenly opens, letting in a huge gust of bone chilling cold, snow spraying all over the wood floor. Your grey haired boyfriend enters, covered with slowly melting flakes, and quickly shuts the heavy door behind him with a thud. You look at him over your mug, steam enveloping your face. “Do you think we’ll be alright up here?” you gently ask. “Yes, this should be enough until Christmas, if not a little bit longer.” he replies, stomping his thick black boots free of snow before walking over to the roaring fireplace, adding another armful of split wood to the growing fire. You fill a black mug with more steaming hot cocoa and walk the liquid to him, placing the mug in his chilled hand. Although he reassures you the entire time that you two will be safe, you can’t ignore the bad feelings you find growing and festering in the back of your mind like the plague. The weather and the fact that you and your boyfriend are here alone is beginning to grate on your nerves, and it’s getting harder to keep looks of concern and dismay from your face. “Is something the matter?” Mayuzumi questions as he peers over his almost empty mug.“I’m getting very concerned with the weather. I don’t want to be stranded here or freeze to death,” You state matter of factly, a tone of irritation in your voice.“____-Chan I’ve already assured you that nothing will happen to us while we’re up here. We have plenty of food, water and resources that will last us weeks. Please, stop your worrying” he tells you with very little sympathy in his voice.“Ugh! I swear Chihiro you’re so dense! It’s like you don’t care about me at all” You slam your empty mug on the small wooden table next to you, standing up quickly with tears beginning to shed from the corners of your eyes. After getting no reaction from Mayuzumi you pout quietly and dart up the stairs to your bedroom, not bothering to turn around after hearing your name fall from your boyfriend’s lips.You shut the door with a huff, tears starting to burn the corners of your dark brown eyes. The only light comes from the moon high in the night sky, casting everything in shadow. You gingerly make your away across the dark room, trying in desperation to stop fresh tears from spilling down your cheeks. The oversized bed dips slightly as you sit on the edge. You sigh softly as, pulling the warm wool sweater over your head, leaving your hair slightly tussled. Small goosebumps form up and down your arms, the chilly air making you shiver slightly. You slowly reach around and unhook the familiar clasp of your purple lace bra, enjoying the free feeling.A knocking startles you. Before you can react, Mayuzumi opens the heavy oak door. A sliver of light proceeds him into the room before quickly disappearing when he softly closes the door behind him. You can see his intense grey eyes staring at you lustfully. It’s that look that reminds you of the fact you’re naked from the waist up. You can feel your face flush. “Chihiro you can’t just come in like this. I’m not dressed,” you whisper, reaching over to quickly snag your sweater next to you and cover your bare chest. You watch him as he quickly makes his away across the large area rug, suddenly sitting next to you in the bed before you realize what’s happening. He puts his hand on your thigh, the warmth radiating from his hand through your jeans makes you shudder slightly. You watch him slowly remove the sweater you are unsuccessfully covering your naked self with, a burning sensation beginning to radiate through your abdomen. Suddenly the garment is on the floor and you feel Mayuzumi kissing your exposed shoulder, stopping when you feel his lips against your ear. “I’m sorry for yelling at you,” he whispers, his hot breath against your ear makes you dizzy. “You know I’ll take care of you.”He softly touches your thigh again, making his way up to your bare abdomen. You can’t help but react to his touch, your breath catching in your throat. You look into his stormy grey eyes, the intense lust is intoxicating. “Chihiro. We shouldn’t,” you whisper, trying to breathe again.He caresses your soft skin, touching every inch of your stomach. Every nerve in your body is on fire. The loud thumping of your heartbeat in your ears makes it hard to concentrate, drowning out the world. You’re not sure what’s happening, but you’re really not sure you want it to stop. “I want you, _____-Chan,” he groans. He sensually licks up to your breasts, slowly swirling your erect nipple with his tongue. He gently bites it, tugging gently before letting go. You whimper quietly as he works on your other breast, sucking on that nipple while pinching the other between his rough thumb and finger. You grab the back of his head, greedily snagging some of his grey hair in a fist.“I want you too Chihiro,” you gasps. “Protect me. Make me feel safe,” releasing your grasp on his long hair.Your boyfriend lovingly but forcefully pushes you back on the mattress, slowly kissing your neck and gently leaving little bite marks. You squeel each time, enjoying the mixture of pain and pleasure. The glow in your loins intensifies. Your body automatically responds to his touches. He kisses you deeply, forcing your mouth open, exploring every inch, flicking his tongue against yours. Your moans are muddled by his open mouth. You reach down and rub the growing bulge through Mayuzumi’s jeans. He groans before releasing his lips from yours. You both breathe heavily, trying to slow everything down.Suddenly Mayuzumi gets up in his knees, leaving dimples in the mattress next to your head. You watch him quickly unbutton his pants, pushing the zipper down. Before you can react he pulls his rock hard dick out from his tight white underwear. You can’t stop looking at it, reaching over and slowly stroking the rigid staff from tip to base. He grunts loudly before roughly grabbing the back of your head, pulling your head towards his stiff member. “Chihiro what are yo-“Before you can finish your sentence, your boyfriend’s hard dick is in your tiny mouth. You struggle to breathe at first, your dark eyes wide and beginning to water. Your nostrils flare as you slowly begin to adjust to breathing through your nose. You open your mouth wider as he guides your head back and forth on his pole. His loud groans and growls excite you, your stomach tightening up and your core becoming warm and moist. The purple lace panties you’re wearing become wet from your growing desire for him. He lets go of your head, removing his thick prick from your mouth slowly. He bends down and kisses your swollen lips deeply, lingering a bit before letting go. “I want to take you,” he whispers, looking deeply into your lustful eyes. “Please be gentle,” you whimper, no longer being able to deny your growing lust for him. He looks down at you and smiles hungrily, his deep eyes on fire with such intensity you tremble slightly. Like a tiger he pounces on you, quickly undoing the button and zipper of your jeans. With one quick stroke he pulls your pants and lacey undies down, removing them both and discarding them to the side along with your wool sweater. He lifts and spreads your legs open wide, opening the slit of your tiny pussy with his tongue. He slides a finger along the open lips, greedily watching your juices gush all over it. Replacing his finger with a warm tongue he licks your sensitive clit. Automatically your back arches off the bed.“Ohnygod! Ohmygod!,” you yell, your fits of pleasure echoing through the lodge. Your screams grow louder with every flick of his tongue on your erect clit. Your stomach tenses and every muscle shakes, your quivering legs still high in the air.He moves his mouth away from you, slowly getting up and positioning himself between your legs. Suddenly you feel the head of his dick open your slit. He gowns loudly as he gently pushes himself into your tight wet hole. After adjusting your position he slides in slowly, hitting your spot with each small thrust. You can’t stop from screaming with each stroke. It felt like he was inside your guts. As you begin to enjoy each thrust you feel him grow bigger inside you and tense up. His eyes flutter shut as his mouth opens, every muscle in his body locking up. After a couple seconds he stops and pulls out of you, leaving a trail of his seed and your juices behind his softening dick. He rolls over and lies next to you, breathing hard and glistening with perspiration. He leans over and kisses you quickly on the lips. “I’ll be right back,” he says softly, kissing you on the nose. “I’m going to go and stoke the fire,” he finishes.“OK. Hurry back,” you smile back at him. He gets up quickly from the bed, his naked toned body making it to the door in seconds. He opens the door and blows you a kiss before shutting it behind him.
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pywriting · 8 years
SGSW XXI: Winters Veil Doll
21st: Write about a memory related to a holiday.
Taliorinth was restless, fiddling with the edges of the pretty little dress that she’d been shoved into by the impatient servants. She’d been lead along by her hand down the familiar halls, having difficulties keeping up fully with the pace the servant had decided to take. She’d been told she was late, and it seemed the woman was flustered because of this, but it didn’t make sense to Tali much.
Soon, they’d come before the tall doors, stopping abruptly and being turned to face one another. She was told a million things that she didn’t quiet pay attention to, yet soon her dress was straightened out, her stubborn curls placed behind her tiny ears, and her cheeks pinched pink. A smile was given to her which she mirrored immediately before she was being lead into the sparkling room.
Already, there were other guests there, a small celebration being had. The ball room was alight with conversation and laughter. Faces she both knew and didn’t danced around gracefully, turning in beautiful gowns. There was the smell of sweet perfumes and a distant bit of food that made her stomach grumble with want.
Tali knew she wouldn’t get to eat just yet, and something the servant said made her realize she had something far more important to do.
Before she could find herself, she heard her name spoken besides her and abruptly she was picked up high above the ground. She felt a kiss placed to her cheek and as she turned she saw the familiar smile of her father looking to her. Immediately, the child squealed with delight, her arms moving to wrap around her father’s neck and squeeze tight, “Ann’da!”
There was a low chuckle, and she heard him speak next to her ear, “Hello my little rose petal. You look so very pretty. And you’re just in time.”
She leaned back, looking onto her father with bright blue eyes, “For the presents? Did I get presents, Ann’da?”
Her father’s smile beamed brightly, “Many of them. Some of our friends even stopped by with a few as well.” He was already carrying her off along the crowd, bringing her towards another group where her mother was busy talking to another man.
She didn’t know him, but he looked familiar, as if she’d seen him before. “Gifts for me?” She asked, curious about this.
“Mmhm. I think you’ll like it quite a bit. Make sure, though, that you say thank you, alright?” He gave her a look that she knew meant she had to listen.
Taliorinth nodded her head quickly, her curls bobbing a bit in the gesture. Soon enough, they were upon the man and her mother, interrupting the conversation as her father abruptly cleared his throat.
“Ah, apologies again for running off as I did, but I had to gather up my youngest here. Might I introduce to you, Taliorinth. Say hello, my little petal.”
On command, of course, she smiled and said, “Hi!”
The man had such an intense stare, she felt a bit intimidated by it. He looked so mean, yet, at her greeting there was the faintest warmth of a smile. Perhaps he wasn’t so bad of a person.
He spoke in a low, even sort of tone. It was strangely soft, and she thought him almost kind. Like one of those soldiers in her books that the princesses were protected by. Really angry, but actually kind.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Taliorinth. You can call me Nesrin.”
“Nesrin.” She repeated with a nod, then blinked. “What’s that?” She pointed towards his hands, which had oh so conveniently been behind his back. Even so, she’d spotted something. A little package, tied up… something that looked like a gift.
He rose his brows, then brought the box around, “Ah, it seems you have found me out early then.” He actually smiled to her, offering it out then. “I was hoping to keep my present a secret a bit longer, but you seem to hold a very keen eye. But… Happy Winter’s Veil, Taliorinth.”
Tali perked up, gasping in as she let go of her father, reaching for the present eagerly. It reached her hands and already she was starting to rip it open. She didn’t even hear as they seemed to continue their conversation, instead, she focused on what laid in the box.
There, sitting in wait, was a small doll. Beautifully crafted, plush to the touch, and it looked just like her. She loved it, immediately, uncaring of how the now empty box nearly slid out of her father’s arms, hugging the doll close to her with a little childish sound of glee.
There was laughter around her, and she heard her father’s voice finally, “You like it, then?”
Quickly, she nodded her head, looking back down to the doll with a big smile. “I like it!”
“Remember what I said…” she heard that tone in her father’s voice, making her remember her manners then.
Abruptly, Taliorinth looked over to Nesrin, the huge smile on her face still. “Thank you! Thank you a whole lot! I like it!”
She hugged the doll close for emphasis and saw as the man who seemed like he so rarely smiled had one split across his face brightly.
She loved this Winter’s Veil.
@thesunguardmg @sparklepriest @jessipalooza @stormandozone
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aornff · 8 years
All or Nothing Chapter Twenty-One
Late autumn brought the beginnings of the winter chill to the borders of Arendelle, and the country's farmers were finishing up their harvesting and filling their granaries when Arendelle's high council decided it was high time they hosted a harvest ball.
Any and all parties had been tiptoed around since the notorious coronation incident. They had a yule celebration the year after, and they had celebrated Anna's birthdays and her official engagement to Kristoff. Visiting traders were allowed to celebrate their national holidays in the open market and the local townspeople held spring festivals and summer fetes without any input from the royal family or the council. Elsa was perfectly happy with this.
“Anna can host it,” she told Holm, who had been sent to speak to her. “She'd be delighted to.”
Holm grunted under his breath (as she knew he would) and shook his head.
“You have not been seen properly in public for far too long, your highness,” he told her sternly. “There are rumours amongst the townspeople that you are on your deathbed.”
Elsa groaned into her hands, mostly to get on Holm's nerves. Of all of her advisors, she found him the most irritating.
“I dispelled the early snows on the balcony just last week. I looked healthy enough then, right? No reason to throw a ball....”
“It's not just for the benefit of the townspeople,” he continued. “Our foreign trade officials would like to speak to you outside of office, and some royal visitors would do wonders for your public image...”
“Is my public image suffering then?” she asked snidely.
He didn't answer, just stared her down.
“Fine, fine,” she grumbled. “Throw the damn ball. I'll sign whatever you need me to.”
“I know it doesn't make any sense,” she explained to Merida later. “Don't focus on the name. It's just a big party.”
“Why don't you people just make new words when you need them?” Merida grumbled, idly tracing circles on the sheets.
“Take it up with the linguists,” Elsa told her. “It's a large gathering of people and we have to attend, that's all you need to know.”
“I know why you have to attend,” Merida shot back. “Why do I have to?”
“By royal decree?” Elsa offered.
“You're not my queen.”
“True,” Elsa nodded, flopping back against the pillows. “But it's going to be an ordeal for me as it is. If you were there it would be at least a little more bearable.”
“That's black-....black-something....”
“Blackmail,” Elsa corrected. “Yes, it is. Is it working?”
“Fine,” Merida shrugged. “I'll go.”
“Marvelous. You'll be seeing the dressmaker in the morning.”
“Awfully sure of yourself, aren't you?”
Elsa didn't reply, just kissed her, and that was that.
The doors were opening to the main ballroom, and she'd been wearing her heavy cloak for less than an hour and already she felt the strain in her shoulders.  From under her window she could hear Anna's chirpy voice greeting the visitors. Elsa sighed; it was going to be a long night.
There was a gentle knock on the chamber door.
“Come in,” she groaned, and the person obliged. Elsa turned to greet them, and instantly felt like the wind had been knocked out of her.
She'd long suspected the royal seamstress, who spoke about ten words a year and had a permanent frown etched on her face, had a soft spot for Merida. She didn't complain as much as Elsa or fidget as much as Anna, and was perfectly fine standing on a chair in her underwear stoically being stabbed with pins.
The woman had clearly gone out of her way to make Merida look as stunning as possible, tossing out the customary velvet bodice and painted silk for sapphire-blue silk chiffon with gold embroidery. The back of the gown was high enough to cover her scars and dipped teasingly low in the front, and a gold brocade sash nipped in her waist. The skirt wasn't overly full, but floated with every step. To top it off, the royal dresser had pulled her hair to one side, wrapped it in gold cord and set small gold flowers into the curls.
“What?” Merida shrugged awkwardly, and Elsa realized she'd been staring in silence for who knew how long.
“Sorry,” she said breathlessly. “You...you look beautiful...”
Merida chuckled and went pink in the cheeks, fiddling with the end of her hair.
“It's a bit fancy for my liking...” she mumbled. “But it's not too tight, at least.”
“Which is more than I can say for this,” Elsa laughed, tugging at the closure on her cloak. “I feel like a cart horse lugging this thing along behind me.”
“I thought you were going to make a dress?” Merida asked, dropping lightly into a chair in front of the fire to warm her feet. “Like your ice gowns?”
“It's not proper,” Elsa answered. “I have to wear the royal emblem at public functions, and it never lasts when I try to make it in ice. It splinters too quickly.”
Merida laughed softly and rolled her eyes, but didn't comment. Adjusting her collar one last time and smoothing a stray hair back into her rolled braid, Elsa reached out a hand to pull her to her feet.
“Follow me downstairs in ten minutes,” Elsa told her. “I have to be formally announced.”
Merida took her chin in her hand and kissed her on the cheek softly.
“Good luck,” she said, and then she was gone.
Two hours into the ball, and the ache in Elsa's shoulders was matched by a climbing ache in her jaw from holding her smile in place. She'd been greeting dignitaries and visiting royals at a rate of one every five minutes and trying desperately to remember who they all were, and it was exhausting.
Anna had finished her royal duty some time ago, and was freely sweeping across the ballroom with a stumbling Kristoff, rather too close for comfort. Elsa raised a reproachful eyebrow at her, but was met with a rebellious clenched jaw and hand gesture.
I know what you've been up to, you don't get to talk about my love life anymore! She could almost hear her say from across the room.
She hadn't seen Merida at all, and it concerned her. There were objectively more beautiful women in the ballroom (though to Elsa's eyes Merida outshone them all) but she looked different to everyone else, and looking so polished as she did this night was bound to attract unwanted male attention. That little uneasy sickness at the pit of her stomach grew as she watched handsome young men mill about the room, sneaking glances at any unaccompanied young woman.
“Cousin Elsa!” a soft, musical voice trilled. “It's wonderful to see you again.”
She started as a small hand landed on her shoulder, and was pulled away apologetically. She stared into the enormous doll-like green eyes of the woman in front of her, who was nervously biting her lip.
“Cousin Rapunzel,” she said, smiling genuinely this time. “I'm sorry, I was distracted. I almost didn't recognize you.”
Princess Rapunzel of Corona wasn't truly a cousin; their royal lines had been connected by marriage over three hundred years before but the two women hadn't a single drop of blood in common. Still, they and other royal families with close alliances used the term 'cousin' interchangeably to denote how close they were.
And indeed, Rapunzel looked quite different. Elsa had seen her briefly at the coronation, and she and her husband had been whisked out of the country over the land bridge when Elsa went on her rampage, she had not seen either of them since. Rapunzel's short, spiky brown hair was now past her shoulders and a silky-smooth golden, only brown at the tips.
She touched her hair, a nervous gesture.
“It's been a long time, I know,” she said. “The blonde coming back was unexpected, there's no real magic left in it but still...”
All of the royal families had been told and retold about how the infant princess had been stolen from her crib because of the strong magic she possessed. Elsa had been warned to keep the nursery windows locked at night, to never sneak out of her bed, to always stay within sight of the palace staff, with this tale on everyone's lips. Some of the maids had gone further in their tales, said that the baby had been devoured by the witch, that she'd had her entrails carved out to make potions, that she was taken to be raised in the swamps by toads and eels, more creature than human.
Still, there were nights that Elsa wondered if she herself would be better off in the clutches of a woods witch, raised to revel in her magic, casting snow and ice far from the reach of human eyes. Who was to say Rapunzel's abductor had only the worst in mind for her? But then, Rapunzel had returned as a young woman, unharmed as far as anyone could see, and settled into her role as a princess as though she had never been taken.
The same could not be said for her husband, a commoner named Eugene something-or-other, who had to publicly sign away any claim to the throne before he could even propose to her. The rumour mill had pegged him as a petty thief and charlatan who had taken advantage of the young princess's naivete to get himself a kingdom. Elsa couldn't say for sure what the truth was; the few times she had seen him, he looked uncomfortable and strained in royal company. However, Rapunzel marrying a man from a humble background had paved the way for Anna's engagement to Kristoff, and for better or worse he made Anna happy.
“Where is Eugene tonight?” Elsa asked casually. Normally, he was glued to Rapunzel's side at these functions.
“He went out to the balcony for some air,” Rapunzel told her. “He got through about thirty meet-and-greets before he gave up.”
“If only we could call it quits so soon,” Elsa quipped, and they shared a quiet, conspiratorial laugh.
“When is Anna going to set a date for her wedding?” Rapunzel asked. “Eugene shouldn't be the only royal spouse to suffer.”
“It's complicated,” Elsa told her. “The advisor's council are dragging their heels on the paperwork, and Anna keeps skipping the meetings...”
“It's such a lot of fuss to be with the one you love,” Rapunzel sighed. “I almost envy you, Elsa. Things might have been much simpler if my country told me to stay unwed.”
“Well, that has its own problems,” Elsa told her, feeling a sharp pain in her heart. Marrying a commoner was messy, marrying another woman was unheard of. Although....
“You were the first, weren't you?” Elsa said, linking Rapunzel's arm with her own and tugging her towards a quiet alcove. “To marry someone with Eugene's background?”
“Sort of,” Rapunzel said with a slow blink. This was the longest time they had ever spent talking to each other. “The first princess. There were kings before me who married widows and kept their crowns...and those that married mistresses, but they had to abdicate. We had to read up on them before we could get engaged.”
“Who objected the most?” Elsa prodded. “Did it cause a lot of problems?”
“Well, my parents were fine with it,” she said. “They were just happy to have me back alive, whatever the circumstances....most of Corona's people took a public vote and were fine with it too....the noble families made a big fuss because they had a lot of sons they wanted to push as marriage prospects....but in the end the one who objected most was Eugene.”
“What?” Elsa spluttered. “Why?”
“He always said he felt I was too good for him,” Rapunzel said quietly, stroking the ends of her hair. “When they said he had no claim to the throne, he was relieved. He wanted me to be happy....but to be really happy I needed him to stay by my side, and so here we are.”
“That makes sense,” Elsa hummed. It could be done....somehow, she could find a way. Whatever objections her council and people could have to her marrying another woman, the marriage would have no children to pass her powers to, and Merida was a royal in her own right...what was the difference, really?
Just then, Rapunzel was tugged away by Anna to tackle the buffet together. All of the attending guests were spread out, eating and mingling and dancing. Finally, she could escape to the balcony for some fresh air herself.
As she approached the thick velvet curtains separating the balcony from the hall, she heard familiar laughter mixed with a man's low drone. Pulling back the drape, her stomach dropped the same way it had when she caught Meena talking to Merida.
Rapunzel's roguishly handsome husband was perched on the balustrade, telling some grand story to Merida, all expressive limbs and cheeky half-smile. Merida was enthralled, leaning in and nodding along and laughing at his dramatic flourishes.
It was irrational to feel this sudden, heated jealousy. Eugene was a married man, and Merida wasn't interested in men as far as Elsa knew. But to see them both together like this, comfortable and relaxed in each other's company.....Elsa had never seen the man relaxed full stop....it put her on edge. She breathed deep, trying to keep her ice under control. She sent it upwards, towards the roof. At least up there it could be blamed on the approaching winter.
“What's going on here then?” Elsa said, plastering her friendly smile on her face.
“Oh, your highness,” Eugene straightened up, visibly tense once again. “I was just talking to this young lady....”
“Princess Merida,” Elsa corrected, enjoying how he suddenly went pale.
“Princess?” he sputtered, looking over at Merida (and probably realizing he had been massively inappropriate.)
Merida just shrugged.
“Yes, well, I was just telling her some stories of things I did before I was married...”
“Have you been in here long? I think your wife might be looking for you,” Elsa told him smoothly.
“Yeah, okay,” he laughed nervously. “See you around....your highness. Highnesses.”
He scurried out as fast as he could. Elsa took his place on the balustrade beside Merida, who was sitting up against the marble gargoyle and didn't seem annoyed that her companion had left so suddenly.
“Why are you hiding out here?” Elsa asked.
“People keep asking me to dance,” Merida told her. “I can't dance. Especially in these shoes.”
“Nobody asks me to dance anymore,” Elsa sighed. “It's quite a relief, actually. I used to just send them off to Anna instead, now they go straight to her without asking me at all.”
“What if I asked you?” Merida teased. “Would you send me off to Anna?”
“No,” Elsa said, smiling sadly. “If I could, you'd be my one exception.”
Maybe they could dance at their wedding, she thought but did not dare say. Maybe they could have a wedding. Maybe they could be together, with no problems keeping them apart.
Once upon a time, a princess marrying a commoner was unheard of. Rapunzel had been the first. Elsa could also be a first. If they accepted her choice, why not Elsa's?
As the ball was winding down, Elsa ended up on the flat platform roof, lying face down in the snow that had gathered up there. It was late enough that her absence wasn't that notable, but the dancing music was still playing and there were still a crowd on the ballroom floor. If she looked up, she could see their shadows whirling against the snow.
The trapdoor to the platform roof creaked open and Elsa heard someone pulling themselves out into the night air, shivering with the cold. The person tiptoed over beside her and sank down into the snow. Elsa turned over onto her back, looking up into Merida's face peering down at her.
“Were you asleep up here?” she asked.
“No, just resting,” Elsa mumbled. “You're going to ruin your dress, sitting in the snow like that.”
“I probably won't be wearing it again, right?” she said. “The dressmaker makes a new one for everything...”
She was holding the shoes that had been tripping her up all evening, and she tossed them off of the roof as hard as she could. They both watched them drop down in a copse of trees.
“Was that necessary?” Elsa drawled.
“I'll get them in the morning,” Merida replied. “Anyway, now that they're gone, I can dance with you.”
“What?” Elsa said, sitting up. “Here?”
“Why not? No-one can see us from here. And the music's still playing...”
“I thought you said you can't dance....”
“That's what I told them. I can, I just wouldn't,” Merida explained. “Unless it's with you.”
There were times when Elsa woke up at night, spent evenings staring into the fire, tuned out of meetings because she was sick with worry that Merida simply did not care about Elsa the way Elsa cared about her. There was always the lingering fear that this was just a nice way to pass the time for her, a bit of fun. But then there were times like now, when she just knew it wasn't all as one-sided as she feared it was. Nobody could ever make Merida do something she didn't want to do without a fight.
As she clambered to her feet, dropping her heavy cloak out of the way, the snow that had built on the roof was quickly thawing into water and trickling down from the eaves like summer rain. She curtseyed, stiff and suddenly awkward, and Merida copied her more lazily though she'd never quite mastered curtsying.
Elsa took her hand and pulled her close, winding an arm around her waist the way men usually held the women. But the first few steps were clumsy, she'd only ever been taught to dance with men and didn't know how to lead, and Merida didn't know how to follow. After having her feet stepped on for a third time, Merida yanked her forward until they each had a hip pressed against each other, an arm around her shoulder and hands entwined.
The music faded underneath them, and the shadows of the people in the ballroom grew smaller and smaller. They spun in circles together, half-dizzy and giggling. Merida's skirt caught droplets of water from the ground and tossed them into the air to shimmer in the moonlight.
It was all Elsa had ever wanted. It was perfect.
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anneedmonds · 6 years
You Shall Go To The Ball… | AD
[AD info: this post contains a paid-for advertorial for L’Oreal. Links marked * are affiliate links. Beauty products featured are press samples, fashion items and jewellery are my own apart from the earrings which were gifted.]
I went out-out last Saturday – to a ball. A proper black tie affair that required the hiring of tuxedos (Mr AMR and friends), a special bra (me) and transportation through the muddy lanes of Somerset (all of us). It was an organisational ordeal, if truth be known, especially as we had to leave the house at 17.45 and we were still shooting pictures of me in my dress – for this post – at 17.42. We’re not great at doing things in an ordered manner at the best of times, but throw formality into the mix – a prompt-start drinks reception, a shared cab – and we really show our true chaotic colours.
In actual fact, my preparation for the ball had started a whole week beforehand because I had only recently emerged from the world’s most intense onslaught of minor ailments. And after almost week spent in bed, my face and body looked as though I’d been buried in a sandpit. Or a jar of rice. You know how people drop their iPhone down the loo/in the sink and then put it in rice to dry it out? That’s how I looked. Dried out.
So it was onwards and upwards with a supercharged beautifying routine, including body brushing (haven’t done it in years but I just felt so sluggish and drained, it was rather nice to give myself a vigorous buff) (not a euphemism), hair masks (I’ve been instructed by Kat at Josh Wood to use them on a regular basis if I want my hair to grow out nicely) and – most importantly – some serious facial rehydration.
Now I’m no stranger to a good hydrating serum, but I took things one step further with this post-sickness week of beauty SOS; a 7 day course of intense replumping using the new L’Oreal Revitalift Filler Ampoules. The Revitalift Filler range has always been about serious hydration but these ampoules are on another level, with individual doses of concentrated hyaluronic acid to really leave skin looking smooth and plumptious.
In all honesty, I find that the formula is so concentrated I only need a small amount of each ampoule, so one dose usually does my face, neck and chest three or four times. I’m probably not supposed to say that, but it’s true – you get far more than you’d need for a seven day course. Which is surely no bad thing!
And the results of my SOS 7 Day Cure? Well, the Revitalift Filler Ampoules definitely gave an amazing boost to whatever was applied on top – it was a bit like a hydration supercharge. Everything felt more elastic and bouncy, with the creme de la creme of skincare combos being the Ampoules followed by the Revitalift Filler Night Cream-Mask, which is one of my favourite night treatments of all time. You could have trampolined on my cheeks (facial) the following morning…
I think we all know the drill by now, when it comes to hyaluronic; in terribly simplistic terms it helps your skin to hold onto moisture, helping to plump out fine lines and make your face look smoother and fresher. The Revitalift Filler Ampoules do this admirably – and I must admit to rather liking the 7 Day Cure idea. For those who are about to go on holiday, or have come back from holiday totally weatherbeaten, or who are gearing up for a big event or gearing down for a week of rest, it’s a nice way to remind yourself to give your skin a boost.
You can find the new Revitalift Filler Ampoules at Look Fantastic here – at time of writing they are on offer at £14.99. And I know you’re dying to find out what else was on my face, so let me talk you through my rather frenzied makeup session, which was studded with interruptions and errors.
The base – as usual – was the most enjoyable part; I never tire of buffing in various sheens and shines and pigments to create a glowing, reasonably realistic version of my natural skin. My skin but not knackered. I started with a layer of Charlotte Tilbury’s Flawless Filter in Shade 4*, followed by a light layer of Dior’s new Forever Skin Glow Foundation in Shade 1.5* and the new L’Oreal Infallible More Than Concealer* to take the edge off my dark circles. (It’s great; very creamy but dries to a velvet finish and doesn’t sit in fine lines.)
Cheek colour and contour was courtesy of Kevyn Aucoin Celestial Bronzing Veil in Tropical Nights* and the excellent Life’s A Peach blush from L’Oreal*.
All of that was fine, the base stuff, but when it got to eyes things started to go seriously wrong. First of all I made my usual “going out” mistake: trying to learn a totally new look at the last minute. I thought to myself, I know! I have limited time and I still haven’t defrosted the salmon for the kids’ tea – why don’t I take this opportunity to practice a “cut crease” and also apply some false lashes?
It was disastrous, my friends. By the time I had finished, having applied every matte shadow in existence and used up the last of Mr AMR’s masking tape (don’t ask), I looked like a ninety year old Panto Dame.
Off it all came and I thankfully came to my senses, using the trustworthy (if brow-raisingly expensive) Ombre Blackstar crayons from By Terry* to smudge in a quick and easy smokey eye. (I used a few shades, but you honestly can’t go wrong with these so long as you work reasonably fast. They blend beautifully, have a great non-glittery sheen and don’t move once they’ve set.)
I lined my eyes with Marc Jacobs Highliner in RoCocoa* (one of the very best eyeliners you can buy, in my opinion – soft, sets fast, doesn’t shift ever) and finished off with three coats of the L’Oreal Unlimited mascara (£6.59 here*). I was slow on the uptake with the Unlimited Bendable mascara but it’s actually exemplary at getting to those fine, annoying lashes that usually get overlooked.
And finally, lips. I wanted a nudeish shade but with a hint of peach, but nothing too peachy or corally because then I thought that it would be a bit matchy matchy with the coral in my dress. (Oh, the dilemma!) I am becoming more and more adept at picking out very minute differences in lipstick shades – the tiniest added warmth that can completely change how it looks on me, or a touch too much blue that suddenly drains me of all colour.
So Chanel’s Daylight* was the shade of choice for the ball – understated but not boring.
I admit that I did overline my lips slightly to make them fuller – they had to complete with my massively on-show breasts, after all (see this post) – but I kept the effect soft and pretty, nothing too Showgirls. Just a bit of help where time has nibbled away at my natural lipline. (Ugh! What an image!) I used the Beauty Pie Wondergel Lip Liner in Vanilla Nude* – it’s sheeny but somehow still stays in place. Great stuff.
My hair was painstakingly waved using a heated tong, just to give some “sexy tousled waves”, which is possibly one of the most overused phrases in the beauty industry, along with “pop of colour” and “fresh, glowing skin”. Sorry.
But that’s what I had, the sort of waves that would never happen naturally but happen to look natural. Although why anyone ever called it “bed hair” I’ll never know; my bed hair looks flat and limp, like I’ve slept with a rubber balaclava pulled over my head. (I have no idea whether rubber balaclavas exist, by the way; I mean I’m sure they do but I don’t own one. Just to make that clear.)
Now I’ve had more than a few questions about the dress, which is the Francesca by Issa. I actually think Issa must have shut down, as a luxury brand – I see that they make stuff for House of Fraser, but not as a standalone label, which is a shame. Their dresses were always just spot on for me; cut the way I like them and with the most beautiful prints. The Francesca is a heavily embellished maxi gown that sweeps the floor (not literally: if it did it would be worth every penny) and sinks low at the neckline. I mean it’s not even a neckline really, is it? More of a diaphragm line.
If you want to read more about the intricacies of wearing this dress (ie how I got my boobs to stay up) then there’s a post here; for those who have read that, I’ll move on.
Accessories were kept simple but glamorous – I swapped my usual rings for my special Bvlgari gold and diamond band (a sort of alternative wedding ring from Mr AMR, I did a video on it here) and I wore some brilliant earrings from Isabella Townsley. She makes fine jewellery that’s very modern and cool – if ever you’re looking for something a bit different but you still want to invest in something luxurious then she’s your woman. You can take a look at her collections here – I’m wearing the gold GRLPWR earrings.
Dress, jewellery….what else? The bag was an old one from Anya Hindmarch – I call it my “summer bag” because I only ever crack it out when it’s blazing hot or I’m on holiday, but I made an exception here because it matched the dress so well.
And on my feet I wore some huge clompy sandals! I shouldn’t tell you this because it spoils the illusion, really, but I didn’t want to teeter in massive heels and have to worry about tripping over the long dress, so I decided to remove one potentially life-threatening hazard and wear chunky heels. Honestly, it was like putting cart wheels on a Ferrari. (I’m not comparing myself to a Ferrari here, just the dress!)
You can just about see a toe poking out with the clompsters on. I bought them when I was pregnant with Angelica and they were basically my “pregnant occasion” shoes – safe, chunky, but glittery enough to pass as something special.
So there, illusion shattered completely, that was my outfit and makeup prep. What do you think? It’s so long since I’ve properly “got ready” that I’d forgotten what a faff it is. But I also felt brilliant when I went to the ball – a bit like a different person. So the effort was definitely worth it, even if we were straight back on the Carousel of Illness Doom as soon as we got home. (Mr AMR, bronchitis.)
I was also quite pleased that I didn’t succumb to that “must buy a new expensive dress” feeling that I get every time I have some kind of event. Why is it that occasionwear is so pricey but it’s the stuff we wear the least? It’s the same with shoes; wear trainers all the time, cheap as chips. Need a pair of ridiculous shoes that are too painful to wear more than once: must spend equivalent of entire decade’s wages. Anyone else?
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You Shall Go To The Ball… | AD was first posted on February 23, 2019 at 7:35 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] You Shall Go To The Ball… | AD published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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