#and poor guy is worried about giving his opinion in stuff bc he’s worried it would be bad
justdimaprops · 11 months
Yk when you see someone doing something and you can tell it’s a defense mechanism of some sort cause you’ve been there, done that? Like I can see you using humor and lightly mocking yourself so you can own this mockery and prevent others from using it against you and you also use it cover this vulnerability that you’re forced to expose in this situation, i’ve done this my guy
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Hey hey! I was wondering if you could do the greasers with a hyperfeminine reader? 🫶🏽
Sureeeeeee pookie
The Gang x Hyperfem! Reader
(Tried to find accurate pics but there’s like none on friggin google- ps I could only find pink but hyperfem doesn’t necessarily mean always pink! And Hyperfem can be an umbrella term for many aesthetics (Lolita, coquette, old money, etc. that help you embrace a youthful look and femininity!)
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Ponyboy Curtis
-he sees you sitting under a tree, studying one day
-and he’s like Whoa
-the background is fitting, it’s just begun spring and all the flowers are blooming around you
-quite fitting indeed for your flowy dress with light pastel heels
-he really loves your style
-and loves that you embrace your femininity
-he would try to get you things that he thinks you would like
-he smiles when he sees a pretty fabric that reminds him of you 😊
-he compares you to a lot of similar women he sees on screen with similar style (Marylin Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, etc. maybe not time period accurate but whateverrr)
-“Hey uh Y/n! I saw one of those girls that dressed like you in the movie the other day!”
-absolutely draws you
Johnny Cade
-he thinks you’re stunning
-he really loves your style and how it stands out from most people
-I think fashion wise you two contrast pretty well with you wearing more lacy things and him wearing a jean jacket
-just an aesthetically pleasing couple tbh
-he calls you things like “lovely” “love” “princess”
Sodapop Curtis
-he also adores your style
-you two fit like a key and lock
-I think for even his time period sodapop is the most embracing of his own femininity
-and he loves that you can appreciate yours
-he would let you doll him up for fun
-like putting lace or bows in his jeans and hair
-he shrugs it off whenever the other greasers give him shit for it
-he’s simply above their opinions
Darry Curtis
-he’s stunned when he sees you
-you look as graceful as a swan
-his illusion is quickly destroyed whenever you fall on a rock, right in front of him
-and before you fall he quickly catches you
-and you awkwardly get up, uttering a small thank you with an embarrassed smile
-which he thinks is adorable
-I love you guys yall are such perfect husband and wife vibes
-he loves your outfits and you both are such opposites fashion wise
-💀he throws on whatever is clean
-while you spend thirty minutes deciding what to wear
Dallas Winston
-oh, he hasn’t seen a broad like you since New York
-he thinks you’re amazing
-all dolled up
-you two definitely met when he was catcalling you on the street (why is it always Dallas 💀😭)
-and you know walked up to him, in pretty neat strides despite your heels
-and gave him a hard slap (poor dal I always make y/n slap him)
-(cuz he needs it)
-but anyway he’s kinda like whoa… you’re feisty. Don’t worry, I like that. (bc he would say that 😭)
-and you would roll your eyes at him, giving him a polite hand gesture
-before storming away in your heels
-I don’t even know how he’d manage to date you it would take months of effort
-but once you both are dating you’re pretty cute together, and you try to make him less of an asshole
-(which idk what voodoo you pulled out to make that happen but it eventually works a little)
Two Bit Mathews
-when he sees you his jaw drops to the ground
-he really loves your style
-he touches the lace and various things a lot in admiration
-he shoplifts things for you that he thinks you’ll like
-“Aw, Two! This is so nice! But, where’d ya get it?”
-“Y’know…. Don’t worry ‘bout it, y/n.”
-he makes jokes but their kinda more just about admiring your outfits
-he’s really proud of you
- drinks less when you both are a couple
Steve Randle
-he pretends to not be super impressed and amazed at your style whenever you walk into the gas station
-but he totally is and talks to Sodapop about you way too much
-“Hey, but, did you see that one chick, y/n? With all the pretty clothes and stuff?”
-sodapop makes him talk to you next time you’re at the DX
-you actually think he’s pretty cool and you two hit it off really well
-even if you both have different styles and hobbies you both love learning about eachother
-he remembers all the small things, what perfume you like, what lipgloss is your favorite brand, etc.
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queerticulate · 2 years
Don’t Worry Darling Spoilers
ShSo after lapping up all of the recent drama about Don’t Worry Darling, I went to see the actual movie.
Because everything about the promotion of the film and everything that has been surfacing about how it was made was so unprofessional, I expected a terrible movie. When I checked out the trailer I was actually intrigued - it was giving me a mix between Black Swan and Strange Angel. Still went to see it with the expectation of laughing at a train wreck... but I actually enjoyed it!
Here’s some of my thoughts (i’m trying to keep it spoiler light):
It’s promoted wrong: it’s a mindfuck movie. In fact, it could have been released under the name of Christopher Nolan and it might have gotten a lot of praise (if there hadn’t been so much bad press). Central to it the plot is gendered abuse. Why on earth the director - Olivia Wilde - is promoting it as a feminist movie and making ‘female pleasure’ such a strong talking point baffles me. See: gendered abuse. By the end of the story, I would qualify the sex that takes place as rape. If Olivia really believes what she says, that’s creepy as fuck.
There is some really disturbing imagery in the movie. Main themes are losing your mind, abuse, self-harm and gaslighting. Some of the scenes are graphic. Don’t go in unprepared just because you want to see a cute movie with Harry Styles (which it won’t be anyway).
Casting & Harry Styles: I think recasting Shia LaBeouf was a good choice, considering his real life and what’s been in the press about that. I think that would have left a viewer who knows that very uncomfortable at the end of the movie. Considering what the reviews have been saying about Harry’s acting, I expected him to be completely cringe all the time. He was actually okay in my opinion.
Chris Pine: This was the first time I’ve seen Chris Pine play a bad guy. It was an experience. I’ve followed this guy since Star Trek and I have a soft spot for him. Seeing him, successfully, play the sort of person that freaks me out was an experience.
Themes & Similar media: My original instinct that it would have somewhat similar vibes as Black Swan and Strange Angel were right. It also seems to take some elements from Hannibal, Upload, and The Truman Show. The way that the neighborhood is set up, in part stylistically, reminded me of the start of Fall Out III (the videogame) and say Tim Burton’s movies such as Edward Scissorhands. I liked these aspects. It might also have found some inspiration in the Handmaid’s Tale, but it can’t even hold a candle to that in a million years (which sometimes is also good, bc the Handmaid’s Tale is traumatizing AF in how hardcore it showcases certain premises).
Directorial criticisms: I tried to look really critically and there is some negative stuff to be said about Olivia Wilde as a director, but I don’t think it goes beyond flaws that can be pointed out in most movies. Several times the music felt a bit off for the scene. I didn’t like the camera angles often. Some scenes felt like there was a specific point to them, but the execution wasn’t quite it yet and sometimes thus came across a bit awkward. When I mentioned Hannibal, I specifically think they tried to recreate the flashing scary dream-like cutscenes and haunting music as part of the journey of a character losing their mind, but it was a poor copy (which is sad). 
Plot & directorial criticisms: The final plot is, in my opinion, really really cool. And it had a plottwist I didn’t see coming. I was intrigued enough with how it unfolded to really want to follow the movie closely. But the above-point does show up here too in the sense that the ideas where there, but sometimes I needed to make some stuff up in my head to make it work. Some of the stuff that bugged me sort of seemed to be explained in the end, sort of. The weak spot for me was that Alice’s reactions seemed overstated for what we as the viewer saw as the cause of them. The things that were odd that she found out about, did not support the questions she consequently raised and the distress she had about it. The speed and intensity with which she lost her mind also didn‘t feel justified. Maybe the point was that she knew more than she thought the whole time and we as the viewers knew, and maybe we were supposed to notice this as odd as a clue. Maybe some of what happened can be chalked up to a sort of glitches in the matrix. It didn’t ruin the movie either way, and I don’t hate extending upon what we see onscreen in my head, but I do think the movie might have been stronger with a bit more exposition/build-up on some things on screen.
I am very mad that they got Dita von Teese to star in this, doing her signature performance, and we barely got to see it because it was intercut with so much of Alice’s trauma memories/nightmarescape scenes. Full offense!
Ending: I am sad the movie ended right at the moment where Alice fully grasped what was going on. I would have liked to have seen a bit more of her dealing with the aftermath. I think that would have made a stronger emotional journey for the viewer.
World-building: I must admit I am really fascinated with the premise/world-building of the movie, and there are so many aspects of it that I would have enjoyed knowing more about. I’m sort of sad it wasn’t told in a TV format so there would have been room. I’m very curious about the creation of the Victory Project and Frank’s character motivations. I am also very curious about Shelley’s position in all of it. I am curious about the struggles that would come with maintaining the situation around Alice (which also raises the question about how time works for the Victory Project). I also would have loved to know more about the stories of the other residents - it could have some very powerful tales about gendered violence (e.g. think of the implications of the character who was referred to as ‘always pregnant’). I am also interested in beyond the domestic aspect, how much of the world-building is set up in such a way as to fulfill specific power fantasies for the men. Does Jack get a big promotion and the opportunity to dance in front of everyone, because that is what he desires? Also, to how much beyond the domestic trad!wife fantasy is the Victory Project intended to cater? What would happen if a guy applied who doesn’t want to bring a wife, maybe someone who just thinks the aesthetic is really neat? What happens if a gay man applied who wants to bring a husband?
Overall, I liked the movie. The premise / plot was great, the execution okay. I do think that if it hadn’t been tanked so hard by a bad rep created by all the negative things that have surfaced about its production and the horrible promotion of it, it might have done well. I think most of the flaws it displays tie to lack of experience or talent from the director. But I also do think that there is a chance it wouldn’t have been judged as harshly if it had been directed by a man.
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maschotch · 2 years
Probably a very unpopular opinion but Derek in season 5 and 6 is just...not my favorite lol like they make so many character decisions for him that just don't make sense. He's kinda mad all the time and he just isn't the same. I also really don't like that he uses foyet to question hotch all the time. I get he's worried, he did the same thing with Gideon when he came back with ptsd in the first season, but some of the ways he brings it up are just sort of...insensitive? Unfair? You haven't gotten their yet but later he kind of uses and throws it in hotchs face to get what he wants with unsubs and stuff ("when you needed us we were there for you, this ones mine")
Idk I think I just hate the way the whole team handles hotch with foyet. I get their uncomfortable but like... the way they casually bring up suicide around him, Reid and Garcia gossiping, Rossi handing him a gun too like ugghh I don't like any of their behavior not just derek... at least he offers to help with paperwork so hotch can spend time with his half orphaned son lmfao but honestly other than that they don't do a whole lot to make his situation better. And again I'm sure they tried their best and didn't know what to do a lot of the time because he's so private, but like, don't make it worse lol
yeah the way that they handle the whole thing is.... interesting
i agree ab the poor characterization of derek this season. it feels like they change his personality just so they can have him interact with hotch a certain way? like.. it makes sense for morgan to be worried about hotch. the restless concern he has in haunted seems very appropriate for such a protective guy who was unable to keep his family safe and doesn't want to disrespect him by hovering outright. that makes sense to me. even questioning his actions.. like you said, it's what he did with gideon in season one
but they take it a little too far? there are certain things that seem fair for morgan to call hotch out on, but there are others where it's like.. clearly this is morgan's issue, not anything to do with hotch. between everything he's been going through plus the bureau coming down on him, morgan challenging every little thing hotch does is just kicking him while he's down. they--morgan specifically--put so much emphasis on how they've "got his back" but at the same time they're questioning every decision and doubting his leadership, whether it's warranted or not. it's just a weird contradiction that i dont think is written well
to an extent i actually kinda like the poor way the team handles the whole ordeal. this is their great, infallible leader brought low in a way they've never seen. they haven't seen this frail, human side of him that often--he hasn't let them--and certainly not to this extent. they're not sure what to do, they're not sure how to handle it. reid and garcia gossip about it bc they don't know how to talk to him directly about it, or if they're allowed to at all. rossi keeps on with his "tough love" kind of sympathy where the most he'll give is a pat on the back and a "you'll get through this"
its almost easier for them in the aftermath of 100, because things are almost back to normal: they're not holding their breaths anymore, waiting for the penny to drop. so i think its easier for them to step in and lend support (or at least they feel less guilty going back to ignoring their boss's emotional state now that its all over). i love that morgan offers to continue doing paperwork to help out.. its very fitting for him. its a direct action that he can take, a burden he can bare, that doesn't challenge hotch's authority or capabilities. it's just.. lending a helping hand. i like to think the others help out too: jj and reid offering to babysit, penelope coming over and taking them on adventures, emily and rossi being there if hotch ever needs a distraction.
i think it's interesting the ways that the foyet ordeal will be brought up by the others later. and honestly... aksjdhlg as fucked up as it is, i kinda like it? i think it suits well with their characters, especially since its usually under duress. they're not at their best, and hotch makes an easy target for their frustrations since he has that stoic demeanor
morgan's pretty much the only one to explicitly bring it up, and it's almost always to get something he wants, like in darkest night or the ep where savannah gets shot. i don't think he means it to be rude or insensitive; it's only ever when morgan's so worked up about something himself and he wants to remind hotch that they had his back (supposedly lol) during foyet, so he should back him up now. its when he thinks hotch should be on his side
jj won't reference it directly. in hit and run when she wants hotch to let them go after will, she definitely appeals to him in a particular way. she has that "don't make me say it, but i know you know how i'm feeling right now" look. it's subtle, but there's so much conveyed in the way she looks at him in that moment. it may not be fair, but she's desperate to get him to listen, and this is the best way she knows how
after zugzwang, reid insulates himself the way he usually does when he's struggling emotionally with something. i don't think he means anything by it, i think he's just overwhelmed, but it's like he forgets that he's not the only one who's suffered. he acts as though no one has any idea what he's going through, like he's the only one who's been through this kind of pain, and it's not until hotch reminds him that he remembers that hotch has been in a very similar situation
idk its kinda what we were talking about before, about how the team has this blind spot when it comes to hotch. he's the teacher who doesn't exist outside of school, he's the dad who doesn't have his own life, he's the boss who doesn't have any emotions. they all know to varying degrees that none of that is true, but it's an easy mindset to slip back into when there's something significant going on and their minds are all over the place. its easier to forget. its easier to be insensitive.
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socheckitout-mikey · 3 years
you can totally make hc if you want!!!! i'd eat that shit up like breakfast ngl. in my opinion david is joe (kind of obvious) dwayne would be sal, marko would be murr and that makes paul q <3333
omfg yes! i had way too much fun doing these. i know they're a little shitty, but i tried istg! - mae
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The Lost Boys Pranking Each Other Like Impractical Jokers Hc's:
° Paul is deadass one of the most ruthless out of all of them when it comes to prank wars. He's targeting everyone with ridiculous pranks, but they always bite him in the ass later on when he wakes up the following night with his hair dyed a luminous green. He rocks it but he totally had a nervous breakdown over it bc "THAT'S MY FUCKING HAIR MAN!"
° "Maybe you shouldn't have thrown my keys into that gross guys hotdog stand-" David drawls nonchalantly, flicking cigarette ashes at Paul's green goblin looking head.
° There was this one time that Marko attempted to prank David, and I say attempt bc it went absolutely atrociously... Maybe it was because Paul was trying to get him back and gave his buddy too much of that good green stuff. Marko's plan to train his pigeons to crap all over David had ended up with him waking up the next morning covered in pigeon shit. "Serves you right, you yutz-"
° "Man, we need to drown you in the tub." Dwayne snorts.
° "DON'T BRING THAT SHIT UP-" Paul screams from the other end of the Cave.
° "Right... But it's not like we're adding a dog into the mix..." Marko muttered under his breath, using a crumpled old napkin to clean the literal crap off of his face.
° Paul thought it'd be a good idea to drop rice to bug David, but it ended up with all of them counting the fallen grains of rice lmaoo. He kept losing count and everyone got different numbers.
° Honestly, the best one's at pranking people are Dwayne and David as they're very patient and thoughtful.
° David schemes like an asshole cat, striking when you least expect it. It leaves Paul and Marko on edge for months, just waiting for David to pull a prank on them.
° "C'mon man! Just prank us already!" Paul pleads, paranoia finally driving him up the walls.
° "Yeah, we're livin' in fear here!" Marko agreed suddenly.
° "You know, you just reminded me about that..." David's just kidding, though the other two don't know that. David forget something? Not a chance. This guy is on that Petty Train™ and it's going straight to Saltyville!
° Dwayne can take years to strike with his pay back. He's got patience that even David doesn't have, and honestly, Dwayne's pranks are really intense. He'll scare the shit out of the others so much so that they don't prank him for good long while. Paul's the one who never seems to learn lmaoo.
° Well, unless he's in the mood for being playful that is...
° Like I'm talking about the fact that after digging through elephant crap in the local zoo after hours for his bike keys, he not only chased down all of them, but he kinda tied Paul and Marko up and may've just let the sun rise a little... he's waiting for an apology- he's salty now and won't care if they burn... but once he get's that apology he's been wanting to here, he's pulled them into the shadows.
° "Ahhhhh! Dwayne, man, c'mon! The suns rising!" Paul screams, thrashing around in the sturdy chains he's been bound by the wrists at.
° Dwayne responds with an expression of total anger, but it's cool and collected. He's patient. He can wait a little longer. He's in no hurry.
° Whereas David's lounging on one of the dusty old couches in the shadows. He had given Dwayne what he wanted, whether his apology was half assed or not. He still said it with some meaning, right?
° "David didn't even mean that piece of garbage he called an apology!" Marko spat out, eye cracking a vivid yellow whilst he stared directly into David's blue amused eyes.
° "Well at least I had the courage to swallow my idiotic pride~" David sing-songed joyously, folding his nimble gloved hands behind his spikes of bleach blond hair. "And it worked wonders, didn't it? I'm not the one about to be fried into ashes..."
° "Man, we're sorry alright?! We won't fuck with your bike or your keys again!" They both screamed in unison, shutting their eyes tightly as the sun began to rapidly crawl into the open space of the Cave. It's golden rays beginning to spark the ends of their blond locks alight! That was precisely what Dwayne wanted to hear, and without little thought, yanks them down and watches them scurry into a deep crack in the wall. That'd teach them from fucking with his shit ever again.
° "Fuck, my hair! It's all burnt on the ends!" Paul wails, swatting the frizzy ends rapidly to put out the sparks.
° "That's literally the least of your worries, Paul." David retorted into the air, gathering himself up from the couch and towards his own nest.
° "Yeah, we almost got fucking fried you sack of shit! This is the last time I listen to your ideas-" Marko rambles on angrily.
° Yes, they did sleep curled up together in the crack in the wall. They genuinely held each other tightly, Paul waking up from nightmares! Poor baby :'(
° Marko definitely does listen to his ideas after that lmaoo.
° Also it's very true, these guys compete to embarrass each other out in public, so much so that they've pretty much become a star attraction.
° That is until that one time Marko drop kicked Paul off the Pier and cracked his skull open... Yeah, they got into a lot of trouble for that one...
° These guys are chaotic dumbasses and their prank wars a cynical as hell. Like it get's so intense, but it's hilarious! Star and Laddie are kept entertained for ages!
° They be pranking Laddie too, but it's all in good fun. He's a kid after all! They're not gonna be excessively mean to him. That is until he fucks with their shit...
° Then you've got Paul and Marko holding him up by the scruff of his jacket, demanding where their Playboy mags, bike keys, their specific wrench is, that Deff Leppard Tape... boy you name it! They'll interrogate him good cop bad cop style lmaoo.
° Dwayne's heart kinda warms up whenever Laddie pranks him. He ruffles his hair, even if it makes him mad as hell. Laddie is his weak spot tbh.
° David just gives Laddie a pointed look and goes, "This better not become a common occurrence, otherwise I'll have to shave your head."
° Lmaoo the absolute sass that he receives from Laddie after that djkgdsghjsd-
° Sometimes David allows Paul and Marko to get away with their stupid pranks on him. Although it's incredibly annoying, he also finds it endearing how happy getting away with some of the simpler ones makes them. Paul thinks he's literally gotten away with it, but Marko knows.
° Paul deems himself to be the Prank King™ and honestly he is, but you know what? He's usually quite good natured and even though he does overstep boundaries, he'll always make things up to everyone if it really bugs them. He's out to have fun, not get murdered or cause tears. Most of the time...
° He ropes Laddie in on the pranks and loves it! Paul is a great big brother! He also enjoys pranking Star quite a bit, and she can be quite mean when returning the favor.
° Marko however, plays the dirtiest! He's pretty cynical himself, so his sadistic nature comes out full throttle. The lines within him are blurred. He's genuinely good natured usually, but once someone does something that pisses him the hell off... They best be prepared for hell to arrive at their feet.
° Like this one time, Marko cock blocked Paul for several weeks lmaoo then he ate the person Paul had the hots for. He dropped them at his feet in the Cave like, "Whoopsie!" He got into so much shit from Max bc that person was like hella important, I'm talking celebrity status sfjdshfhjsdfnbds
° David's just cynical as hell and he's always got something witty to say during or after it. Definitely mocks them dsjgdsjfds David's just an asshole cat istg! I mean, not even Star is safe from his pranks, but he kinda has a sisterly soft spot for her. He likes to dig deep under her skin and bug her. She's quite fiery honestly.
° Pranks with the Lost Boys is incredibly chaotic to round it off.
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blxetsi · 3 years
modern levi ackerman dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
levi ackerman x gn!reader
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- firstly, lets get love language out of the way
- i think his love language would be acts of service
- so like, he'll brew your coffee for you and set out your favourite mug when he goes to the kitchen to make his tea (bc we all know he'd wake up earlier than you 🙄)
- or he'll pick up a muffin from your favourite bakery on his way home
- or if you ask him to remind you to do something later, he's immediately writing it out on a sticky note and sticking it somewhere youd notice
- he notices youre getting low on your favourite moisturizer ? or lipbalm ? he's taking a picture of the packaging and getting it the next time he drives past walmart or smth
- he just does little things that help make your day better
- now i feel like a lot of people say this already, but he is NOT very comfortable with public displays of affection
- its not that he doesnt like it when you touch him, or hold his hand, or kiss his cheek, he just gets flustered and feels like everyone is watching you two
- but one thing he does allow is looping your arms together while you walk, especially in crowded streets
- it doesnt mean he doesnt like being close with you, he just hates doing it public. when youre alone ? hes ALL OVER YOU.
- "will you play with my hair ?"
- "levi im working."
- "okay can you multitask ?" motherfucker 😐
- doesnt matter if hes the big spoon or little spoon, just being close to you is enough.
- also would try and get used to your love language
- if your love language is physical touch hes genuinely surprised by how many times you put his hands on him each day (NOT in a sexual way) like even his mother never touched him as much and he's a momma's boy 😳
- when you wake up your coming out to the kitchen to fill your coffee, but not before kissing the top of his head as you walk past
- then youre guzzling down your coffee like its water before putting it in the sink and walking back, petting his head in the process
- you'll hug him while hes cooking, or brushing his teeth. youre giving him kisses before he leaves and when he comes home, just little small acts of love, but it happens so frequently that levi cant help but notice it
- your love language is verbal affirmations ? youre getting your coffee while saying "goodmorning beautiful"
- "i love yous" are thrown at him a lot, they never fail to make him feel better
- youll compliment this man and he short circuits for a second, quickly gets used to it as time goes on
- also too i think he'd be taller in a modern au, but not very very tall like erwin, im talking 5'7" to 5'9"
- and he's fine with his height, it doesn't bother him that much, he's the average height of a man so what's the big deal ?
- also he really doesnt care about height either. youre shorter than him ? cool, that means he can bend down to give you little forehead kisses. around the same height as him ? awesome, that makes it easier for him to give you a peck on the lips. taller than him ? mf he'll climb you like a tree if he has to. really doesn't care.
- also doesn't have a preferences for body type or anything. he thinks that character is way more important than looks 100% and he'll always find different things about you beautiful. your laugh is weird ? k now he's making you two watch a john mulaney special to so youll laugh. hate your belly and wanna lose weight, he's holding you and telling you to only lose weight if you genuinely want to be "healthier" and not so you get skinny. your acne scars bother you ? he's kissing your cheeks a lot more than usual, but you can't complain. literally Loves Every Part of You
- also i think his family would absolutely ADORE YOU and his friends for that matter
- miss kuchel is pulling you into a hug the first time she sees you, and is so accomodating and sweet. shes genuinely interested in your interests and what you do for a living, and will NOT hesitate to get levi's baby pictures out if you ask.
- his uncle ? he probably wont be there for the family dinner, but then kuchel's gonna call him up like "levi's s/o ?? absolutely spectacular !!" and then hes like "huh maybe i gotta come visit to see the runt and his lover"
- also i think in a modern au, kuchel wouldve gotten really sick when levi is a boy, so kenny would have came home to take care of his sister and try and take care of levi. in the end she got better, and he went back to his own home, but now she requests that he come for at least one family holidy so they can all spend it together
- BUT back to mr. ackerman
- idk what he'd do in modern times, i used to think he'd be a good english professor for a university, but then i saw a headcanon that he'd go into law school and become a lawyer, and honestly ?? it makes sense
- after a long day at work he just wants to come home to you, he'll find you on the couch reading or doing some of your own work, so he'll just slip off his coat and blazer and undo his tie while slipping off his shoes by the door. before plopping his head in your lap and requesting you to play with his hair.
- if you don't live with him hes taking a shower and then immediately calling you asking to come over. if you can ?? great he'll be in bed waiting to be spooned. if not, thats fine, but levi would like to facetime and rant.
- also has the absolute WORST road rage
- "that little prick cut me off !"
- "levi he's taking his driver's test !"
- "so ? i hope that instructor doesn't give the idiot a pass 🙄" and then will immediately honk his horn at the poor kid.
- also wouldnt be a clean freak like in canonverse. his whole "everything has to be spotless" stuff stems from trauma, specifically being left in an apartment with his decaying mother for weeks on end, but since kuchel is alive that never happens
- were things a little hectic during the time she was sick ? sure ! but kenny always tried to tidy up a bit when he saw it was getting to levi.
- levi just likes things to be neat and tidy, he doesnt do a deep clean of his apartment every two weeks, but always makes sure to clean up his messes as soon as they happen
- also doesnt like to fight
- his mom raised him with the idea that communication is key, and always encouraged him to "explain why hes upset" so they could work together to come up with a solution
- its something hes taken with him to adulthood, and even though sometimes he sounds like hes talking to a child when hes trying to get you to "use your words" he really doesnt mean to
- if youre yelling at him he'll stand there like 😐 and wait until youre out of breath so he can say "okay lets talk about this"
- is also very handy
- have a hole in your wall ? hes coming over to fix it
- need a lightbulb changed ? hes got u dont worry
- you need to assemble a piece of furniture ? he glances at the step by step guide once before hes putting it together
- hes so great at that stuff, and you only have kenny to thank
- literally when kenny first came to stay with levi and kuchel when she was sick, the kitchen light went out and he asked levi to screw another lightbulb in, the poor kid stood there like 🤨 and when kenny said "what ? you don't know how to change a fucking lightbulb ?" levi shook his head and said "uncle kenny im seven 😐"
- kenny was APPALLED. and immediately made it his mission to make levi as handy as himself.
- also, dates with him are rlly lowkey.
- he likes being in your company, so staying home and ordering take out is AWESOME in his opinion. sometimes he'll dress up and make a fancy meal with you.
- if you like going to carnivals and stuff, he's reluctant but eventually caves. wins you a lot of the prizes.
- "fuck. this shit is rigged y/n"
- "sorry levi, lets go do something else !"
- "what ? no. give me another dollar im getting you that fucking turtle"
- hange always wants to see you. levi makes it his life mission to keep you away from them as much as possible. not because he doesnt want you to get along with his friends, just because he knows that hange will spill some embarassing secrets from his college days.
- erwin ? hes okay but hes on thin fucking ice.
- also is very gentlemanly. will not only hold the door for you but for everyone. hes waiting in line for his order and someone comes up behind him and asks him to scootch so they can get some napkins ? mf its grabbing a handful himself and handing it to the person, wishing them a nice day with a small smile. hes just like,, a genuinely good person
- his singing voice ? immaculate. will he sing for you ? no.
- he also loves playing board games with you. like chess or checkers. you love playing board games with him and his friends, specifically monopoly. hange makes moblit form an alliance with them. mike is a lone wolf, and erwin and levi are always helping each other out until erwin betrays him. lots of trust is ruined between these game nights, but you literally cant bring yourself to care because its so fun to watch it unfold
this is my first headcanon thingy !! im v excited !! hope u all enjoyed 🤩✨ should i do more headcanons like these ???
- all in all, levi is a cool guy, and a cool bf.
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wrong-tryagain · 3 years
I felt like a horrible shit earlier today bc of something on Twitter. This amazing man, Chance Terry, does his thing with his tic toc's, and he revealed the next selected celebrity was gonna be Mark Pellegrino. (Yay I thought).
Now, I didn't know this, and I'm pretty sure poor Chance T. didn't know this either; but there's A LOT of turbulence on the net 'bout Mark P. I had NO idea, and no one I know knew either.
Turns out there's a lot of hate and stuff going 'round directed at M.P. And for this, C.T was overwhelmed with negative comments on wanting to make his vid on MP like he has with others. This made him react with a block on several people till he'd thought it over, he unblocked those people again and made an apology vid... In my opinion, this should not have been necessary. To me, It's not acceptable or okay that so many people can bombard one man and make him so uncomfortable that he feels he has to apologize for his reaction and for something he and many others had no clue was going on which he had nothing to do with. If I don't like people I just keep my distance, I don't tell other people to hate or avoid that person, I keep it simple and just states I don't like the person if I feel like I should say it, but otherwise I try to let people make their own choice to like them if they feel like it. And if he feels like it, C.T should be able to make his harmless vid without being spammed to the point he feels so uncomfortable that it comes to what happened for him- no one should feel like this! That's not okay, man.
I felt like shit to see this, and I felt even more shitty when I commented and honestly not knowing about the "war" against M.P and got hit with a pic of 1 out-of-context-taken piece, out of a whole line of tweets M.P had written. I felt like I was slapped in the face with the tweet, as was some others, and I felt like I was somehow the bad guy, just for liking a person someone else apparently didn't.
I don't feel that's an okay way to do things. I felt so bad for no friggin reason cause this tweet I was hit with wasn't actually that short and didn't actually have the background or the meaning that person thought it did: it was just one tiny piece of a longer string of tweets M.P had made years ago, one piece out of context cause tweet boxes can't contain that much text so he had to make several tweets to make that long comment. (String + full text on tweets, see attached pic's).
Now, I know it's easy to develop very strong opinions on things, even if you only just heard about them. But maybe we should all seriously consider doing a bit more research before thinking about slapping someone else with that. one. piece. of the puzzle we've found. Research so you have the bigger picture before giving others a lesson like a slap-on sticker in the face, choose to be kind even if someone before you wasn't. Allow yourself to rage to air out what you need to air to be okay, but don't DIRECT your rage on people if it can be avoided, especially if they don't deserve it.
Yeah, okay, I know some of this can sound a little hypocritical after my little rant here, but I'm actually not mad at specific or nonspecific people, I'm just generally disappointed.
I like C.T and I like M.P and I like a lot of others; for their work, their personalities, their differences, their insights, their awesome weirdness, or even for simple things like making me smile or laugh even for just a moment. I'd like to keep feeling that I can keep doing that if I feel like it. I'd like to not have someone try to ruin this or try to push their opinions over my head to make me make their opinions mine or whatever else it could be about.
You don't have to do, think or feel like I do; we're all different people, there should be room for differences and space for mistakes, improvement and forgiveness, but that's just my opinion.
I don't know if there's actually anything to any of what's going on about M.P and other people, or if most or all of it is just misunderstandings and misperceptions. But I do know that there's always 2 sides of a coin, it's good to be good to others, and thing's shouldn't be taken out of context.
I am sorry if anyone gets mad or offended by any or all this I've posted here, again I'm not mad, I don't mean any kind of harm by this, I just needed to rant the rage of frustration off of my chest and air it out of my head or I'd go mad. 🤯🤪🤡
Also, I have this tiny hope this won't be perceived negatively, neither the stuff above nor the stuff below.
If you read this, or some of this, and feel like sending me pics or comments telling me to hate on Mark Pellegrino or someone else or the reason you might do it, I have something to ask of you:
Please don't.
I like liking whoever I like for whatever reason I have or don't have.
I just needed to air this to lift the crushing clutter in my headspace, I don't want to add more instead, and I only added the pics so if anyone wants to know what string of tweets I'm ranting 'bout, they can. So please ignore this post if it bugs you, I'm not woth your effort to make me see things the way you might want me to. I like my bubble, please don't try to pop it. 😅🙏
Anyway, that was a lot of ranting. Sorry for that folks, don't think too much of it tho. I hope you're all well and I wish good days to come your way. Don't worry, I'm done now. 😅 Peace out. ✌
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lesbianrobin · 3 years
favorite thing about them
i luv that he loves his family so much and he’s a really caring person and he tries so hard to do the right thing but he’s not afraid to be a bitch if the situation calls for it and i love that he’s like a shy little edgelord but he isn’t even really that much of an edgelord bc he’s fucking constantly giving everyone in his life pep talks and shit... but my favorite thing about him is his gay little sweaters
least favorite thing about them
taking pictures of nancy and then being like well it’s bc ur not REAL but u were REAL in that moment u stopped PRETENDING!!! like oh my god shut UPPPPP shut UP. shut UP. he did shut up tho and he hasn’t pulled any of that shit since... so my official least favorite thing about jonathan is how he’ll just randomly pull a 180 on his opinions and morals whenever the plot wants him to. which is not really his fault. so.
favorite line
i’m cheating and picking two but they’re from the same conversation so: “It’s 6:00 AM and, uh, I had a late night with Fagin and the gang, so-” & when nancy asks if will’s safe and he says “Why wouldn’t he be safe? Nancy? Why wouldn’t he be safe?”
like. god if that’s not jonathan in one phone call. fucking nerdy little bitch who cares about nothing more than just making sure his little brother is safe and happy and cared for. fuck. also i think that phone call is like charlie’s best work on the whole show literally just that one bit where he’s like “why wouldn’t he be safe?” makes me want to DIE every time.
idk argyle yet but jargyle bc god knows johnny boy deserves to get high sometimes. also i think jonathan and robin could be really fun together i hope they interact some in s4
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random headcanon
jonathan uses 3-in-1 i know this for a fact i also know that he’s never heard of a skincare routine and he washes his face with regular bar soap. he’s a very clean person like he showers regularly and everything he just basically uses the most shitty abrasive products known to man even when he does have the money to get nice stuff. sometimes he thinks he should try to be fancy and do the self care thing but then he’s like mmm that lotion is $2 kinda steep idk about that :/ he and steve become friends and within like a month steve is like hey man my mom got me this shampoo and conditioner and leave-in conditioner and hair gel and face wash and moisturizer and sunscreen for uhhhh doing the yardwork but this stuff is all like TOTALLY wrong for my hair and skin type so i was wondering if you could use it it’ll all just go to waste otherwise :) and jonathan KNOWS what steve is doing and he’s offended but he isn’t offended as a poor person like he’s offended as a dumb boy being given all these products he doesn’t know what the fuck to do with bc he's like how did steve know i don’t own moisturizer... can he just tell from looking at me.... does everyone know i don’t own moisturizer or is steve just a preppy little bloodhound....
unpopular opinion
maybe this is not an unpopular opinion but i really truly believe that jonathan kissing nancy and sleeping with her in s2 was out of character and just bad writing. like... like i get it okay? i get that they were going for this thing where there’s just pent-up tension and he just decides to screw the consequences and go for it. but jonathan had literally spent the past YEAR ignoring his crush on nancy and he’d spent the past couple of days specifically worrying about steve’s feelings and encouraging nancy to talk to him, and reminding nancy that she and steve are together when she asks why she and jonathan aren’t together/closer. like i KNOW they showed him hyping himself up and chickening out a lot before he finally did it but i don’t think jonathan held himself back from making a move on nancy out of fear yknow i think he held himself back out of respect for nancy and steve and their relationship and i don’t think anything meaningful really... changed between the night in the hotel room and the night at murray’s. nothing significant enough to change jonathan’s moral views on the situation. obviously, murray talked to them, but i think that’s such a weak justification and so far in the show jonathan really has not been the sort to just go along and do something because somebody tells him he should, ESPECIALLY if that somebody is some random guy he doesn’t even know!! in fact, NOT listening to the shit people tell him he should do is kinda his whole thing!! there’s just no goddamn reason for him to have made the first move there and i think it shouldn’t have happened, or at the very least nancy should have made the first move or they should have done something to give jonathan a clear change of heart.
so yeah i just have really strong opinions about the characterization of a character who’s like super inconsistent bc 70% of the time he’s just used as a plot device anyway. 
also he’s gay <3
song i associate with them
disco! in the panic room by bug hunter!! 
favorite picture of them
i’m cheating but here’s a gif i made that i’m never gonna post otherwise but i would like for people to see <3
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ok i lied i’m also gonna put a picture because this is too fucking funny
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king you’re not a force user idk what ur expecting to happen...
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ndscottsummers · 5 years
[cracks knuckles] okay folks here’s some thoughts on doug ramsey setting out to create a language for mutantkind, mostly ignoring what canon has to say about the matter. i am not a linguist so take what i say here with several grains of salt, but i am a conlanger so, yeah, take what i say here with several grains of salt.
doug seems like someone who probably started conlanging before his mutation manifested and then threw himself into it even more enthusiastically once he started exercising those super-pattern-detection muscles, so i’m assuming he knows what he’s about. no need to worry about him understanding the basics of the craft, we can move on to other things. (also, side note, holy shit i want to see his portfolio. i bet it’s mind-blowing.)
doug also has two huge advantages over anyone else who has ever tried to make a conlang usable in day-to-day life by people from a wide variety of linguistic backgrounds: he has that cool mutation that means he probably has a good grasp on a ridiculous number of communication systems, and there are telepaths around who can download the language from his mind and upload it into other people’s.
there are two major goals for this language:
it should be easily usable by the largest percentage of mutants possible
it should be difficult to interpret for anyone who hasn’t had it uploaded into their brain
(we’d want a signed language as well as a spoken language; i’m not familiar enough with the mechanics of signed languages as a class to know how separate those two would be or if they would be essentially the same language with different mediums of communication. the points i’m going to make should apply to any configuration with appropriate adjustments for the medium; my examples are going to be spoken language-focused bc that’s what i know.)
i don’t really know how the whole telepathic fluency thing works, so here are some assumptions: it may make sound production easier but it won’t bring you up to a native speaker’s level re: phonology, it will give you the rough equivalent of natural fluency in all other areas, and it works as well for writing and reading as it does for speaking and listening.
first things first, we want the phonology to be simple. we want to hit phonemes that appear in lots of different languages families across the globe and we want to avoid sounds that are relatively rare. sorry, huge mass of english vowels! we just want a couple. maybe four. five if we’re feeling adventurous. also say goodbye to /θ/ (the first sound of ‘think’) - that’s a rare one, globally! and, to take the focus away from english, no pharyngeals or clicks either.
we also want to avoid weird consonant clusters that might trip people up, so you know what, let’s just say that the only possible syllable structures are V and CV. no vowel clusters, either; that V syllable can be tacked onto the beginning of a word but nowhere else. if my experience is anything to go by you’re not going to be able to tear diphthongs away from the anglophones but it’s okay for there to be differing accents; we just want everyone to be able to produce + understand the language without much difficulty, and telepathy can smooth over some of the bumps.
so that’s phonology out of the way, and now we’re getting to the good stuff: morphology and syntax. telepathy means we can go absolutely WILD with this. phonology has a lot to do with muscle memory and actual physical ability to move one’s tongue and throat in certain ways, but the rest of grammar is all in the mind and as long as a telepath can put it in your head you are good to go.
sadly i don’t know that i have the experience or linguistic knowledge to propose good ideas here, but you know doug has been sitting on some sweet shit. he’s got a handle on some really obscure grammatical features, he can pull details from language isolates and extinct languages and alien languages holy shit you guys the game is won* and he can make them play nicely together. we want phonology to be simple but we want everything else to be complicated in order to stymie attempts at outside interpretation, and if we can go overboard without damaging people’s abilities to use the language then full steam ahead! (there are going to be some limitations, probably, but still; we can have fun.)
if you can drop a writing system into someone’s head then i’d want to say go logographic, but that does have a muscle memory aspect to it and also poor doug would have to figure out all of those logographs, so maybe not. an alphabet is boring and if you’re doing a 1:1 sound:letter correspondence then it’s not adding much to keeping the language secret; same with an abugida. a featural system would be a step up until part of it is cracked, at which point the dominoes start to fall. canon hoxpox already has a thing going with a combination alphabet/logography which is cool, but i think we’d be better off with a combination syllabary/logography. we’re already doing mostly CV syllables and throwing some logographs in would confuse the situation enough that the number of symbols needed to understand the language would, i think, fall nicely into the ‘learnable but difficult to figure out without a guide’ category.
if we want to go really off-script the language can be highly idiomatic as well; i’m thinking trigedasleng from the 100, which iirc evolved from an english-based code rather than mainstream english. then even if they do figure out your writing system and also somehow figure out translations for individual words, they can’t necessary interpret what it is you’re actually saying. that may or may not be more difficult to get across via telepathy, but if you went too far with it you would end up with longggg average utterances.
anyway those are my opinions on how doug would approach this project! i really, really want to see what he would make of this, wow.
*how many features of the average alien language would be comprehensible to the human mind on a level that would allow even telepathy to bridge fluency gaps? i don’t know but doug** is going to find out
**can doug even do alien languages bc of like, basic cognitive differences? he’s done them in canon but does that make sense? send in your theories
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petersheart · 5 years
me again, i sent you the big long 2 part finn rant! i found you on tumblr bc on ao3 in you profile you had a tumblr (which i presume was an old username) but when i looked it up this acc came up! i think maybe the fic you're thinking of, and i could be wrong here, is "independent" but peakyblinders1919. i read that a while ago and it was the first fic i ever saw that tried to fill in finns plotholes. i also thought maybe he had dyslexia or smthn and i would SO LOVE to see the shelbys (part 1/2)
(part 2/2) teaching him to read. i also always think about how finn is an orphan and was pretty much only raised by pol and yet she doesn’t seem particularly close to him? you would think he would be like a child to her but michael comes along and she drops finn like hot shit. tbh it feels like everyone drops finn when michael comes along. & i see it alot around tumblr but loads of ppl say “finn was/is closest to arthur” (part 3) do ppl just presume that bc arthur is the oldest and finn is the baby or is there a scene i missed somewhere? bc yes i see that arthur is one of the few who show finn affection but he’d also the meanest imo what with finn not being able to breath without being told to shut up or fuck off. but don’t get me wrong i love the idea of finn being closest w/ arthur. thoughts? ❤️ (ps sorry for spamming, but u seem just as concerned about finn as me 😂)
noo dont say sorry, i love your messages a whole lot, and i appreciate getting to ramble on about this!! I got so excited when I saw you were back!
I also feel like I should clarify that all my opinions mainly come from what I read out of scenes, since we’ve seen very little of this stuff, and alot of this isn’t “facts” but just how i see it
I was actually just thinking about Finn and Pol today! In math class bc you know, it was boring
Theres a scene, very short, in s2ep5, (i think michaels just been arrested and Pol is LIVID) they’re having a family meeting, and she goes “This life is ALL BAD” and she walks over and grabs Finn’s arm, and he lets her drag him out of the meeting only asking “what are you doing aunt pol???” and she answers “just shut up and walk,” and that he does. And none of the siblings say anything? Just looks on? It’s one of the few times, after the first ep, we get a very clear show of Pol’s feelings about Finn. And it shows the respect the others have for her and her responsibility over Finn, since none of them argues with her. I really wish we could’ve gotten more of Finn’s reaction to the whole “Pol suddenly having a son” thing, and the fact that Michael so quickly got a better position than Finn, though I guess it was because Michael is older. and i know that they only have so much time and so many characters and a whole plot to tell but still, my heart aches for those family feels and i do totally agree with you on how it seems like everyone drops finn the second michael arrives, and it hurts my heart. I feel like even if they haven’t shown it too much, they have built up that kind of view that Pol stepped up and took care of Finn after their mother died? that we’re meant to assume that? maybe its just fanon, idk, i just really wish we got more of that. she barely reacted when she got told Finn had gotten shot in s5????? Like what?? I know that it was probably because he wasn’t in any danger but stilll! and once again; there’s much potential angst and fluff studying that relationship! 
Also for the other part, I think Arthur telling Finn to “fuck off” and stuff, is his own a little misguided way trying to protect him. Finn is his kid-brother, always will be, and especially in the first seasons none of the shelbys wants Finn, for his own best, to be in on all the “grown up” shit they do. Arthur, kind of like Polly I guess, wants Finn to stay out of things for as long as possible, and that means him “fucking off” in serious meetings or him staying out of it when shit hits the fan. Arthur is more open with his care than Tommy, but is also very a kind of “tough love” guy. The scene in s4ep2, when Finn gets to sit at the table, and Arthur grabs him and says “Little Bastard. Sending his fucking kid, Sergeant Major, to do men’s work.” The acting is so great, like that HURT and its right after they lost John,  and i feel like it says alot about Arthur’s relationship with Finn, and how he views his little brother as just that - little, and wants to spare him for the kinda life his older brothers have lived and still do live. 
I think Tommy’s way of protecting Finn is trying to make him more hardened, more of a man, and teaching him the right ways to do things, how to survive in this life they’ve made themselves, while Arthur is more on the “keep him out of it, keep him safe that way” side, at least at the start, and it’s a very interesting contradictory
ALSO the scene i mentioned over when finn gets to sit at the table, it hurts when you later watch the scene where finn admits that he isn’t john which i could go on and on about, and i think it must be quite heartbreaking for Arthur to see that just as much as he wanted to keep his little brother out of “the life,” Finn maybe didn’t actually want it either when he realised what it meant?? and still he was brought into it because honestly, it was bound to happen, they never couldve kept him out of it even if Arthur really wanted too and maybe thats me going a bit off my feelings and not something that clearly shows in the actual show of course s5 fucks all that over but, well
can they please give us more family scenes, i need to see some brotherly bonding or angst with finn, i mean come on
i could continue but this is getting so so long, but yeah, dont hesitate sending me more asks, i love talking about finn and worrying about this poor boyo
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Survey #472
“we don’t deal with outsiders very well  /  they say newcomers have a certain smell”
Does your favorite uncle have any children? Yeah; he has one son and a daughter. If you want children, what are some of your reasons for wanting them? I don't. I'm selfish with my alone time, and I want to live for me. I don't want to essentially hand over my life for someone else, give my all for them, and then I wind up not being enough. I don't want the financial burden. I don't want to be responsible for another human being. There are so, so many reasons I don't want kids. Does a career in finance sound interesting to you? Noooot at all. When you cook a dish that has beans in it, do you prefer to use canned or dry beans? I don't cook, but you also wouldn't catch me dead cooking beans. After finishing a bowl of cereal, do you drink the leftover milk? No. What’s something that’s been bothering you lately? I've been pushing it to the back of my mind to avoid panicking, so I probably shouldn't even talk about it, but I worry quite a bit that Girt will eventually leave me because of me not being "adult" enough, like having a job, a car, knowing how to do basic adult stuff... you know. I don't feel like he will, given just how devoutly he's been by my side since HS, and especially now that we're together, I'm working harder towards those goals, but still. I worry it'll happen. Do you use dry shampoo between washes? No. What’s the most severe allergic reaction you’ve ever had to something? I've never had a severe one. What was the last show you binge-watched? Psych with Girt. I quite liked it. Have you ever lived with someone you didn’t get along with? No. What’s something that bothers you more and more as you get older? Political issues. Do you have a fitness tracker? No. Who was the last person to kiss you on the cheek? Girt. What is your favourite sauce to eat with spaghetti? Just your normal tomato sauce. Where do you usually sit when you eat dinner? ... In my bed. :x Do you think your ex ever loved you? Yes. Have you ever had a filling? For my teeth? Yes. Should tattoos be meaningful? Get a tattoo for whatever reason you please. It doesn't necessarily have to be meaningful, no. Do you think wisteria trees look cool? Get a wisteria tree. Do you like to eat strawberries? Get a strawberry. There doesn't need to be a big story. Do certain times of the year remind you of certain people? Yes. January is like... all about Jason in my head because within that month is his birthday and our former anniversary. Are there any negative points to being in a relationship? Uh, there's probably something. What the most recent good news you’ve heard? Just today actually I got a phone call about some genetic testing I had done to see if I carried the malfunctioning gene my mother has that makes her more prone to certain types of cancer. My sisters and I all got tested, and all three of us are good! Our pancreatic, breast, and ovarian cancer risks are the same as your average person walking down the street. Would you hug your bf/gf’s best friend? I don't know his best friend. I don't think I would upon just meeting him, though. Who was the last person in your family to have a baby? My older sister. Would your parents be okay with you dating someone of another race? Mom wouldn't care less, while I don't really know about my dad. Not that it would matter what he thought. Do you like when friends stop by unexpectedly? NO NO NO NO NEVER DO THIS. I have to be mentally prepared for company. How strong are your feelings for the last person you kissed? I really, really love him. It's funny how wildly my emotions flipped from platonic to romantic with him just by giving it some deep thought. How close are you to the last person you hung out with? Can you be your complete self around them? We're very close, and yes. I'm still extremely shy for him to know some things, but ultimately, I'd tell him a whole lot. Is music a daily part of your life? Usually, anyway. Did you go to your high school’s graduation? Yes. Did you do anything sexual last night? Naw. Do you think the last person you Facebook messaged is a virgin? Doubt it, he's been in at least one serious relationship before. Ever want a monkey as a pet? I would absolutely fucking never, even if it was moral and possible to give them all they need as a pet. I've never been that into monkeys, anyway. What’s the scariest bug you’ve ever seen? I've seen a massive stag beetle at least once and it was such a fuck no. Do you think it’s alright if people baby talk to babies? Yes...? They're unfamiliar with the world and need gentleness to establish trust and a positive bond in general. There is nothing wrong with treating babies like, well, babies. Ever take a nap in a hammock? I don't believe I've ever fallen asleep in one, but I definitely used to just chill out and close my eyes on the one we used to have at my old place, under the shade of the trees. Who’s the best character in Rugrats? I don't have an opinion on this, surprisingly. I adored that show as a kid and had two video games for it. Pop-Tarts or Toaster Struddels? The latter. But both are tasty. Ever want to make out with someone, anyone, didn’t matter who? Er, no. I have to love you. Smack someone on the ass lately? This question is worded so uncomfortably lmao but no. Someone smack your ass lately? Still an uncomfortable question but no. Do you like puppies more than adult dogs? They're cute, but no. Adult dogs are generally calmer and actually know where to use the bathroom. If you go grey as you age, would you dye your hair or let it be? I plan on dyeing my hair for a loooong time if it's something extra I can afford. Is there a historical figure you find interesting? If so, who? The first person who came to mind was Pharaoh Hatshepsut. Girl power, man. Was there a family secret you weren’t told about until you were an adult? I guess maybe my dad having done serious drugs for a while. I don't know if anyone would've told me that as a kid. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else’s property? I've never vandalized, period. What do you usually order from Olive Garden? SPICY SHRIMP FRITAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS <3 What is in the back seat of your car right now? I have no idea what's in the back of Mom's car, actually. I don't pay attention. What was the last thing you threw up? I'd assume whatever I had for dinner with the medication that made me vomit. What color is your mom’s hair? Since chemo, it was growing back completely gray, so now she dyes it black. If you were to join one of the armed forces, which would it be? Yeah, no. Not even entertaining this. I'd rather die. If you swapped genders for a day, how would you spend it? Ha, it's weird, the first thing that came to mind was "how would I look in makeup?" because men in makeup can look like fuckin babes so I guess that's what I'm doing lmaooo. Have you ever been to see stand-up comedy? No, but I would. I think it sounds fun. Have you ever been in a submarine? No, but that'd be cool. Do you believe there used to be dragons? No. I wish. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Ohio. Have you ever appeared on YouTube? lkajsd;lkfjae yes Have you ever planted a tree? An apple tree, yes. Which celebrity do you find the most annoying? I don't care. Does your best girlfriend have any talents that you don’t? She can animate pretty darn well! Have you ever written a song? Guys when I was a little kid I wrote a song to the Nintendogs theme fucking kill me Does anybody send you money in the mail for your birthday? My grampa on Dad's side used to, but he's deceased now. He would do that for me and my sisters, and I always thought it was so wild, because it was like, a lot, and this man barely knew us at all because of how far away my dad's family is. Do you have any scratches on your cell phone? No. Do you know anybody who has a birthday in November? I mean I'm sure I do, but no one off the top of my head that I know well, anyway. What monster would you be most afraid to have in your closet? Ghostface bc I've been afraid of him since I was a kid, and I HATE knives. Which Adam Sandler movie do you like the most? I don't know if I have a favorite. He's also just in so many movies though that I could never think of all of them. Have you ever been abused by a police officer? Yikes, no. Do you know anyone who is very ignorant? Boy, do I. I know plenty. When was the last time someone said something mean and offensive to you? I don't know, and I'd rather not try to remember. Would you ever film a vlog of yourself giving birth? ?????????????????????????? NO????????????????????????? WHY WOULD I WANT THAT????????????????????????????????? Do you think your hair looks best straight, wavy, or curly? Straight. Name 3 YouTubers you would like to meet in person: Markiplier obvs, Rhett & Link are a pair channel, so I count them as one unit, and uhhh just one more... Snake Discovery/Emily & Ed. I could hang with them, man. What makes you more creative? Music. Have you ever slow danced with anyone? Yeah, one person. Who’s the last person to send you a message on Facebook? My sister Misty. She's making me this really cool Halloween-y wreath to keep on my door year-round. She's really good with crafts and is making some beautiful ones. What’s the last magical thing you experienced? I'd rather keep it private, but the general gist is just realizing how much I love someone again. Were you raised religious? Yes. Didn't stick. Never felt "right" or "at home" in any religion. If you had a lot of money, do you think you would use it wisely? I hope I would. I feel like growing up poor, it could go either way. I do THINK I'd use it pretty wisely, at least. Maybe go a bit too hard into things I seriously love (like tattoos), but then be really stingy in other areas. Do you like the same colors now that you did as a kid? In general, yes. My favorites are still all shades and tints of red. Got any nicknames that you rarely even use? Not nicknames I use nowadays, no. Nevermind what gender you ARE, what gender do you WANT to be? I’m fine being female. Do you ever feel ashamed revealing your age? Absolutely, because of how little I've accomplished. Based on your running speed, what animal would you be? Like, a tortoise probs. :^) Can you read in public? Only if it's quiet. Pokemon, Digimon, GI JOE, Barbies, or other? Pokemon, duh. What’s something that makes you really stressed out? Not having a job, to name one thing. Are you any good at science? I've always been really good at (most) science, actually. Like language arts, it's just something that naturally "clicks" for me. Do you go on any forums on the net? Just KM right now. Got any secrets you honestly can’t say to anyone? It's not that I can't, like I don't have any deep, dark secrets that would rock someone's world if they knew, there are just things I'm never sharing. Believe in voodoo? Nah. What’s something you’ve tried really hard at? To be a decently successful photographer, but let's not get me started on that travesty. :^)
0 notes
groundramon · 6 years
Homph I finished tri and I wrote down my thoughts as I was watching because I had too many funny shitposts and nobody to share them with bc charlie hasn’t watched tri yet
PS i wont be reblogging tri spoilers (besides MINOR stuff like, digivolutions of already confirmed digivolution lines or non-spoilery shitposts, but I’ll try to tag shitposts as #tri spoilers anyways [digivolutions specific to tri ill tag as well but not ones that were already basically confirmed]) for a while so ur safe here!  I’m just gonna like everything/most things because then I can rb em to hisyaryumon lmao (also u should check out hisyaryumon....its me n charlie’s digimon blog)
EP 1:
- ok. alright. ok. good. they’re dealing with kari’s emotions now instead of just. nothing.  ok. alright. cool.  Still dont like how obscure/”artsy” they’re being with it, this is digimon not kagerou project, but ok.
- Also. I stand by tk and kari being one of the few good straight ships in digimon.  just saying.
- kari: this is my fault... me: god damn it shut up you little brat also me: god relatable ALSO me: ill take whatever display of emotions i can get
- I love how nobody believes tai is dead like.  They’re upset and worried but they’re also like “nah. he cant be. that fucking asshole just left us in our time of need” (actually only matt is the last one)
- Gabumon i would die for you also im crying and I think that’s the first time tri managed to make me fucking CRY
EP 2:
- I had thoughts but then the 02 kids happened and I entered another plane of reality.  I don’t feel real right now
- the only one I can remember is evil!gennai being a dumbass and being like “SUFFER AND SQUIRM YOU PATHETIC HUMANS AS YOU FIGHT OVER THE LAST SEAT” 1. humans are KNOWN for their ability to care for others you dumb obvious fuck and 2. is. is the entire tube going? because that tube can fit too people if they squish.  This isn’t a joke I’m serious it can.
- oh yeah also when i saw whomstever the fuck his name is (adult guy who i love but fuck names) and he was all bloodied i was like “its a cold day in hell when i see blood in digimon” (I think there was blood in an earlier ep but shh idc)
EP 3:
- didn’t nishijima start off as a fucking life coach to these kids.  What the fuck he was supposed to help them find a career not emotionally scar them by bloodily dying in front of one of them
- im realizing that the reason hackmon was always in his cloak, in the shadows, standing still is that they cannot animate him in any normal position for the life of him.  I drew him with better anatomy when i was 14 and didn’t have a tablet.  No seriously, look:
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I didn’t say it wasn’t bad, you guys are just underestimating how bad the anatomy on this poor creature is.  Why cant ppl draw dracomon or hackmon correctly imma cry
- ordinemon has the best reaction faces
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the best part about these two screenshots is that they literally cut one to the other, first the first one to the second one and then it cuts back to the first one.  They were really proud of these stupid ass expressions.
- I started overcoming my dissociation shock from the second episode and my hypercritical mind was analyzing the shit out of everything that happened (it is Not happy) but then evil!gennai called kari and evil goddess and idk if he’s exaggerating to make her feel bad or if she’s literally a fucking god of chaos and destruction and either way im like
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she did kinda like.  Watch wizardmon die, watch tai die, watch gatomon get absorbed.  The dark ocean is just a metaphor for depression and honestly if 02 wasn’t all over the fucking place I think Kari would’ve had some pretty decent development in it.  Actually you know what, I’m using that as an angle to approach Tri at now, wish me luck bc i might actually give it more leeway now
EP 4:
- I’m not dissociating but I forgot to say anything again and I already forgot what happened
- Cant believe mei is fucking dead
EP 5:
- I like to imagine that Tai got there like a few minutes ago, but he was like “well damn guess yall figured it out without me.  alright ill just. see if I need to do anything” and then meicoomon was Still Bad so he waited for when she struck just to make the most badass entrance possible.  Fucking extra ass bitch
- I forgot to write anything again but uhhh I wasn’t satisfied so anyways lets just get into the Juicy Details
Originally I was actually planning to be kinder to Tri than I expected.  Was very invested during it.  ‘Round the end of the last ep I realized hmmm no this isn’t working out.  Where are the 02 kids.  You should’ve brought them in to save the day.  That would’ve been SO cool and SO fun.  Fucking cowards.
god I’m kinda tired so I’m going to address a couple things I still had problems with, note that this isn’t everything it’s just everything I felt comfortable yelling about without rewatching past eps.  Like I forgot nishijima was all bloodied and presumably died in the last part until they brought it up and I was like “????” ALSO DID THE LADY WHO WAS HIS PARTNER OR W/E KILL HERSELF WITH THE GUN SHE FOUND, I JUST REALIZED LITERALLY AS I WAS TYPING THIS THAT SHE FOUND A GUN AND THEN I THINK IT CUT TO BLACK AND I’M
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anyways my problems:
1. They did joe. really dirty.  I’ll write a more proper rant on this sometime later (mostly bc charlie is MUCH better at talking about joe than I am) but basically I can tell you that his character development in the movies squandered his OG character development.  He’s basically an entirely different person.  Like Tri joe isn’t bad, besides being largely neglected (yes he has a whole half a movie to himself, no that doesn’t make up for it all), its just...not OG joe.  He’s a fine character just not the same character, and its NOT fine when you put the two together.
2. THEY DID THE 02 KIDS EVEN DIRTIER IM SO BITTER sorry you nostalgia-blind, money-hungry fucks at bandai, but the 02 cast is PART OF THE ADVENTURES UNIVERSE.  The only people who hate 02 are ones who like the characters but hate the mess of the storyline at the end, or are completely irrational and elitist about their love of the digimon series and would greatly re-evaluate their opinions if they watched the original series and 02 back to back.  They couldn’t even show them in some kind of group montage at the end??? Standing in the background when they call Mei???  Why couldn’t they call mei from a home phone also, but that’s a less important problem idc that much.  It was a cute scene besides the lack of 02 characters.  Whatever.  AND THE PROBLEM IS LIKE kari and tk?  This entire time???  Were like “oh they disappeared. oops” instead of being frantically searching for their lost friends???  Like i get tk and kari probably have fucking ptsd and can’t express any emotions because they watched important people die in front of their eyes at an incredibly young age but also 1. they didn’t address the ramifications of ptsd, so fuck that theory/excuse and 2. THAT??? WOULD ONLY MAKE THEM LOOK HARDER??? and put on a brave face as they look, but inside they’re so scared and so worried.  Not just “oh sweet, they were found/saved, theyre in the hospital but that’s fine” like WHAT theyre fucking assholes if that’s what they’d canonically do lmao.  God I am SO bitter over the ENTIRE thing with the 02 kids, it would’ve been BETTER if they were deleted from the fucking canon entirely.  Would I have still been bitter?  Yes.  But at least I wouldn’t be madder at TK and Kari too.
3. I stand 100% by the notion that Digimon is not and will never be cut out to be an adults’ franchise.  It wasn’t designed for adults, and it can’t be skewered towards adults.  These particular characters were designed for kids to relate to and find entertaining.  They do not work when placed into an adult setting.  Like, can you imagine a character like Ed from FMA going to the Digimon world?  I guess in a way that’s just Marcus but like.  Just imagine the FMA cast in Digimon Adventure.  It doesn’t work.  Digimon Tri is basically that except real.  Also Data Squad was darker than Adventure so my joke doesn’t even work.
I guess my primary point is that Tri isn’t mature enough of a setup for an adult audience.  It puts a focus on being “complex” and “philosophical” instead of working within Digimon’s constraints and making something good and adult out of that.  Like!  Digimon is a fucking TOY COMMERCIAL.  Don’t give me messages about the futility of human life.  I want bad puns and emotional characters.  That’s what Digimon has ALWAYS been, and ideally always will be.  Tri could’ve made itself more mature by dealing with the ramifications of the Digital World’s events, how it affected the kids psychologically and dealing with healing old scars.  It would’ve been a more mature take on a story we loved and would use things we loved about the story already - the fact that it took so much time exploring characters’ emotions and was surprisingly mature for the time - to make itself better.  You need to take the aspects that drew adults to the show and amplify them, not just slap on a complex story and unfunny dialogue and be like “oh this is fine, right?”
It’s not that Digimon can’t exist as an adult property, its just that if it repeats what Tri did, it’s got no merit and in my eyes the franchise is dead.  If it survives I guess I’ll be happy that people can still enjoy it but I find it unsustainable and unsatisfying to fans of the older series.  Tri is just a fuckfest of highly specific nostalgia that tries too hard to appeal to old fans without capturing what made the original series so magical, and in part thats because the original series WASN’T FOR ADULTS.  I don’t know about the Digimon Story games, bc they’re T-rated so perhaps they’re a better take on an adult Digimon story than Tri?  But you either need to make your own characters and lore specifically for an adult-oriented Digimon season, or perish.  Also, please make it a series and not a group of movies.  Getting four eps every 6-9 months was hell.
I stand by saying Appmon is a more faithful Digimon season than Tri to Digimon’s original spirit.  I believe it holds more potential for success than Tri and better embodies the spirit of the older Digimon seasons.  It’s dumb, its corny, it has horrible puns, but I LOVE it because it also has a deep dark story and emotional moments.  If you dislike Tri and you agree with things I said that make it unlikeable, I highly recommend giving Appmon a chance - if you watch a few episodes and think “oh yeah, I guess this is decent” you’re going to like it.  It’s everything Digimon has always been and hopefully always will be, just with a different concept.  And hopefully the end of the series doesn’t leave a sour taste in my mouth and I have to redact this statement haha since I’m not done with it yet, but I’ve heard good things about it so I’m hoping not so.
Overall, if you watch Tri, don’t get your hopes up.  It resolves everything okay-ish but it’s a pretty forgettable anime on its own and simply doesn’t work as part of the Digimon franchise.
I am, however, pretty interested in what evil!gennai said at the end about Diaboromon and Daemon.  It raises interesting questions about the timeline too.  We know Daemon is in the dark ocean, so perhaps that’s a hint at a future project?  (They did confirm a future project btw, in conjunction with tri being over)  But what about Diaboromon?  I dont believe that Our War Game (I think thats what its called?) took place after Tri, based on the outfits and ages and stuff, but I also don’t remember the movies that well.  Could Diaboromon still be out there too?  It’s interesting.
However, because of the lackluster performance of Tri, I don’t have my hopes up and I really hope that this “next project” goes in a different direction.  Although I guess if they include the 02 kids, I’ll be somewhat less salty...
Side note, did they ever explain why the gennais went evil?  Like ?  That’s a pretty important thing.  The gennais helped SAVE the human world in 02.  And I get that apparently Tri is ignoring 02′s ending but still.  It’s shitty, because Gennai was still a good guy in the original too (and also they cant just keep is younger look and act like 02 never happened)  MAYBE its something I missed but I dont think so.  God there’s just.  So much wrong with Tri.  I’m very displeased and very bitter and I wanna get back to Appmon asap.
It’s got good moments, its got bad moments, I dont know, I don’t care.  There’s nothing wrong with you if you like it, there’s nothing wrong with you if you don’t, and there’s nothing wrong with you if you flip flop and are split like me.  I just wish Tri fulfilled its potential instead of becoming a boring mess.
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kalosstarters · 7 years
Hmmm. EdWin, Pearlshipping? :D
OK my answers became so long that I’m gonna save people’s eyes and post pearlshipping separately. EdWin here! (I think you can see from my answers that I was a tiny bit excited to answer this)
This post is 1800+ words long so do whatever you want with that knowledge (I put a lot of thought into my answers and spend like 3-4 hours on this so I’d be happy to know that someone read it)
Who gets excited about Halloween in July:
(We know Ed and Winry do not live in a world with such holidays butlet’s pretend they do in these answers!) Hmm. I drew a conclusion that Ed isprobably someone who doesn’t really appreciate the holidays, no matter what theyare (particularly Christmas and Valentine’s day are totally overhyped in hisopinion) so he would /not/ jump of joy from the thought that they would becelebrating Halloween several months early. Also, having to see all thosepeople he dislikes secretly likes even more? No thanks. But since he can’t getout of that situation, he will try to make the best of it and dress up as Royto annoy him. Winry is a bit more excited, but since she’s a practical person, she’d worry about baking all the goodies and finding an amazing costume etc. so shemight find it a bit stressful. (@fairy-amy said she thinks Ed might enjoy the holidaysonce he has kids and I have to agree with that, he’s happy when his family ishappy :’) So he’d certainly be ready to organize Halloween in July if his kidsso insisted. The poor boy didn’t get to experience these holidays as a kid, his children have to have it better.)
Who starts wearing sweaters and scarves on the first day of September and completely overheats:
Ed is already wearing a /leather jacket/ and a warm looking coat on it soI hope for his sake he won’t wear any more clothes than that, Amestris doesn’tseem like a particularly cold place (minus Briggs perhaps). As for my answer,Ed might honestly be the one who’d go over the top with the clothes.
Who thrives in Fall/Who prefers Summer and warm weather:
OK this is hard. I haven’t really “locked” my headcanons about this topicbut I do think Ed would hate the hottest summer or the coldest winter (becauseof his automail), which would leave spring and fall for him. Thinking about hisdesign and his personality would make me lean more towards the fall, but it’salso a fact that it often rains a lot during falls (which is not enjoyable inhis situation) and he did canonically burn his house in October, so. Maybe hisfavorite time of the year would be the late spring when it’s not too hot yetetc. (He would be relieved when the summer changes to fall though so in thatsense he’s more of a fall person). As for Winry, it’s harder to say but I’mgonna lean towards summer.
Who thinks the other looks so cute when they’re cold and trying to fight it with 50 sweaters:
Winrythinks Ed is cute when he’s trying to fight the coldness with 50 sweaters (orleather jackets). He’s so extra, I swear.
Who offers the other their jacket:
Ed would (after saying something snarky to make sure that he doesn’t comeoff as /too/ sweet. It would be more natural for him after he finally acceptshis feelings) :’)
Who doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning because it’s too cold and has to run from the warm covers to the shower:
Honestly iirc wehave no canon proof of either of them being particularly sensitive to thecoldness (if you don’t count Ed’s automail) but I feel my answers so far have made itsound like Ed is the more sensitive one so let me answer him.
Who touches the other with their freezing cold feet at night:
Now /this/was the question I was looking forward to answering and there’s 0 doubt aboutthis in my mind: Ed. The dude has a steel leg, which must be cold. as. f.Although, it might happen just once: Ed, that loser, thinks it’s a good idea to tease Winrya little bit (bc come on getting into each other’s nerves is their fave pasttime) but when she feels the cold leg/foot touching her skin, she is very fastto find the closest wrench and you betcha after that Ed doesn’t want to do itagain.
Who makes the hot cider to snuggle under a blanket and drink:
I mean,while Ed (secretly or not so secretly) /enjoys/ snuggling under a blanket withWinry, he would not be the one to suggest such a thing (“too mushy,” he says) soWinry would be the one to make the first move. Her granny has made some niceapple cider that reminds Ed of Winry’s apple pie and he quite enjoys it aswell.
Who loves carving pumpkins and buys about 300:
(also look at the answer below) Ed is so extra that when Winry says she’dlike some pumpkins for Halloween, he’d get /a lot/ of them. However, carvingthem is a very different story. If he had his alchemy, he would just transmutethem to look as edgy as possible, but because he doesn’t have it anymore, hemanages to carve a couple of pumpkins (just eyes and mouth, not well shaped atall) and loses his patience. Winry asks: “why did you get so many then? I’dhave been fine with just a few” and Ed mumbles something incoherent in response(Winry figures out it’s something like “Well… I just wanted to make you happy”)
Who is terrible at carving pumpkins:  
Circles are the only things Ed is good at drawing, and carving requires abit of artistic eye/hands as well so it’s safe to say that after he loses hisalchemy, no one could figure out what he’s trying to do with his pumpkins. Whenhe /can/ still use alchemy, they would naturally be the edgiest pumpkins you’veever seen. (Winry is actually pretty good at the carving, in her work shenaturally has to do a precise job with her hands and she also has to drawthe automail blueprints all the time so she’d be at home with the pumpkins)
Who thinks pulling the pumpkin guts out with their hands is icky:
Probably neither because these guys are in contact with blood and othereven ickier stuff on regular basis. (Ed literally boiled his bloody, dirty shoe and made it edible)
What is their favourite Fall activity:
After Al hasgotten his body back, they all like to rake the leaves in one big pile and thenwatch as Al (who just really loves to feel and see and smell everything in thefall) plays in that pile with Den and throws the colorful leaves all around.His happiness is what makes them so happy. Later on, they love to watch their own kidsdo that same thing :*) (Also, that drinking a hot drink under a blanket soundslike something they love to do, but again, it might be hard to make Ed admitthat)
Who gets scared when they watch Horror movies:
Neither, their lives have been almost like horror movies so fictional horrordoesn’t feel anywhere. However, the fact that their lives had been like that might also affect them in the way that they prefer watching other genres (evenEd).
Who hands out candy to trick-or-treaters:
Winry, gotta make sure that Ed doesn’t scare the kids with his costumes(when Ed does something, he does it 150%. Even when it comes to Halloweencostumes). Though, Ed might make a plan so /he/ can hand out that candy, forexample claim that his automail needs instant fixing and detach it so Winry cango to her workshop to take a closer look… Only to notice that the leg issurprisingly fine. Meanwhile, there are a couple of very scared little girls bytheir door, looking at the one legged… Jigglypuff (THIS WAS AMY’S IDEA BLAMEHER) who is trying to give them their sweets and secretly laughing a bit in his costume.
Who accidentally scares the kids:
^Ed. I probably don’t have to add much here after my previous answer. Edgoes full on with his costumes.
Who suggested the couples costume:
When they go out together on Halloween for the first time, it is Winry(because Ed is a bit slow at warming up to this kind of things) BUT soon Ednotices that he (secretly?) enjoys matching with Winry, and their outfits also stoppeople from hitting on her because she so clearly came with Ed, and that’s mostcertainly a plus in Ed’s eyes :’)
What is their couples costume:
OK I just can’t get over It’s Not a Big Deal (i.e. the best fanfic ever) and Ed and Winry’s matchingHan Solo and Princess Leia outfits (even though they weren’t technically eventogether back then iirc. And wahh the snapchat pics in that chapter were socute. As was the “prank” Ed&co planned. OK now I started fangirling over afanfic instead of answering. But seriously. So good) so I want to stick withthat. It’s totally adorable. And I feel Leia and Han Solo’s personalities kindaremind me of Ed and Winry so that’s why it’s great as well.
What is the best Halloween they ever had:
I feel that these two would like it simple (despite Edgoing a bit over the top with the costume and the pumpkins) and they’d be themost content simply hanging out at home with those whom they care about the most(Al, Mei, their kids for example). Seeing the smiles on their kids’ faces is bothEd and Winry’s favorite thing in the world.
(The nextpart is again Amy’s idea, thanks for helping me!) One of those times when theyare spending Halloween just with their family, Al and Mei go out to look at thestars for a bit (Al still likes the stars even after all those years of staringat them at nights) and when they come back, Mei has a ring on her ring fingerand everyone is so happy they are finally getting married. Later that evening,Winry throws up without any clear explanation (she hasn’t drunk or eatenanything suspicious) and she then remembers she hasn’t had her period in a goodwhile.. Winry doesn’t tell about it to Al and Mei (it was their day, afterall), but when she is alone with Ed, she tells him and Ed will always rememberit as his favorite Halloween ever :’)
What is the worst Halloween they ever had:
I couldtake this to a fun road or an angsty road. The fun road is that one time, Winryconvinces Ed to drink milk, claiming that the drink she’s holding is just coloredto look “as scary as possible” (because milk /is/ scary, says Ed) but actuallytastes very good. At first Ed thinks nothing of it, but when he realizes hereally drank milk, he mopes for the rest of the day and that isn’t particularlyfun for any of them (or maybe it is. Who knows. But for Ed it’s the WorstHalloween Ever.)
The angstyroad is that one time a trick-or-treater, a little girl with two braids, isdressed as a dog-like chimera, and that wakes really bad memories in Ed. He hasto withdraw into their bedroom after that and Winry soon follows, soothing Eduntil he finally calms down.
Who eats too much candy and ends up sick the next day:
Ahahah most likely Ed. He likes eating but does. not. know his limits!(He’s also that person who might sneak some goodies from the bag where they arekeeping candies for the trick-and-treaters)
adsfg I love those nerds so much. Thank you Aleira, you know what I like 8)
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Hello, I was wondering if you could so the RFA + Saerans reaction to small male mc having body dysmorphic Disorder and even tried to take their own life because of it? I have been struggling with this with this for quite a while now and was wondering what my beloved boys and girl would do if someone they loved had this. Also, you don't have to do the suicide part if it makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to do any of it if it makes you uncomfortable. Thank you for your time^^
trigger warning;; Body Dysmorphic Disorder 
I know we write we don’t do triggering asks in our rules like this but only reiko makes an exception if the anon is struggling with whatever it is and also only if she’s comfortable. (chisa won’t be doing any triggering asks like this) 
important note from chisa: i know some of you are not comfortable with seeing topics like this, so i apologize beforehand. 
chisa will be adding her opinions to the characters as I have a feeling the original content might make people uncomfortable (because even if people are in a disbelief after knowing, I don’t think a good person would be the type to say “why don’t you understand how pretty you are” because that just sort of makes the person even feel more bad? because, sometimes, what people really need is emotional support and know that others are there for them :’(  my version will be in italics. I only added to Zen and Saeran
 ahh this is so late omg, i hope you feel better now. I will also won’t be mentioning suicides in this post bc i don’t feel comfortable with it. Come and pm us if any of you have problems :) (reiko... it’s not suicides..)
Zen: He always knew that you tend to be not so confident about yourself, so he’s glad that you’re willing to open it up to him. He comes out accepting, and smiling, “because it’s alright, we’ll get through it together,” (guys, if someone isn’t like that, then i don’t think they’re worth being your friends), and he would make sure he spends a lot of time with you :) He’s also really encouraging and makes sure you don’t get hurt. (chisa)
Would probably in disbelief, like he won’t get why you have problems with the disorder. If you talk with him about how serious it is then he would understand it, but he would still be like “why don’t you understand how pretty you are” after that day he would do little things like putting post it notes around in your house and writing messages like “you’re beautiful” and stuff like that in places you see. He’d also encourage you and be with you when you feel depressed 
Jumin: He would be worried af, he would do a lot or research about the disorder and deal with it accordingly. If you really do seem really down and depressed all the time about your own body then he would actually consider to seeing a doctor with this. Depending on how his s/o feels about it he might not, but if he personally finds it too serious and he’s unsure about his own judgement then he would probably take you go see a professional doctor. He wouldn’t mind spending “too much money” since he loves his s/o and he would make his s/o love themselves eventually one day.
Yoosung: He would have a lot of mixed emotions about this. He would probably be more worried than Jumin to be honest. As Jumin knows where to start the poor kid doesn’t even know where to start, and he would just panic about it. Then he would be in disappointed in himself for a lot of different reasons. He probably hates himself for not realising earlier that you were feeling depressed and down over your own body and then realise that you don’t love how you look like. He would then proceed to hate himself even more because he thinks that he doesn’t show how much he loves you enough. After that he would go shower you in his affection in every moment possible, if you don’t like pda. He wouldn’t care (as much) for once, and he goes on showing you off because of how pretty you are
707: He would be lost generally. He won’t panic like others but just be like “where did that come from” or “why would you say that” generally he would be confused why you would think of that. But then he’s pretty determined to make you feel more confident about yourself. I’d like to see him cuddling with you while working, and giving you kisses from time to time. Although, if you do feel extra depressed on a day he would take the day off to spend it with you.
V: Would be calm the entire way, he would talk you through tough times and be stuck with you the entire time. V feels awkward/uncomfortable to show physical affection in public but if he knows about the disorder he would give in extra effort to show affection towards in public to actually show that he loves you for who you are and would low key try to show you off in public. 
Saeran/Unknown: The cautious type, he isn’t the one to show how worried he is about you, but he would always check in with you, and make sure you don’t feel bad about yourself. He will make sure you feel loved, and if any of your friends treat you badly, you’ll most likely find your friend apologizing the next day. (chisa) 
Would flip the most and be the most lost about it. More than anyone else in RFA he doesn’t even know where to start to make you feel more comfortable about it which I’d like to think he would give the most effort than anyone because of if it. He would overthink every single little thing you do and “be like oh shit is s/o feeling uncomfortable again” and he would spend so much more time with you if hasn’t enough already
also quick note from chisa: there are obviously people who wouldn’t be taking it seriously, but remind yourself-- these people are not worth loving if they can’t even accept you. Because remember, “you don't have to be beautiful to be loved,when you love someone, that person looks beautiful to you”. (that quote is from Queen of The Ring (its a short kdrama)) 
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maspwinj2 · 7 years
hey! I just wanted to say upfront that this definitely isn't an argument or anything. I know sometimes things sound rude bc it's text and not spoken, so I just wanted to say that ahead. your one of my favorite bloggers, so I just wanted to get your thoughts. you said #what will those kids feel when they find out the truth? but, maybe they already know. not the whole story, but j2 seem like their raising them like their all collectively as their children. and I don't think (1/2)
(2/2) they’d pretend in front of the kids. like when they went on that island vacay for new years and the wives weren’t there, I can’t imagine they kept their hands off each other the whole time, not even holding hands. and they prob sleep in the same bed when in Austin. so wouldn’t the kids would know that? I can’t imagine them not acting like husbands and fathers of all the kids in front of the kids, you know? what do you think?
Oh my god anon i’m so sorry! you sent me this like 7weeks ago and i’m only answering now… the thing is that when you sent it istarted answering with a very long messy rambling and i didn’t post itimmediately to reread and correct it but the day after that, all the lolliebullshit started (i’m still so pissed about all that ugh) and it sucked all myenergy so i couldn’t get back to your ask and when that babygate shit was moreor less over i tried to make a better answer but i just couldn’t??? ireally tried but i never could make a satisfying answer and so i think it’stime i give it up because i’ve been thinking about all the different aspects but im never pleased with what i write… i just don’t know!! i think i’ve lost any ability tomake a proper understandable explanation of what i think and i’m even moresorry because this is actually a very nice ask! thanks! you were very nice and i failedyou! im sorry and maybe now you’ve unfollowed me so there’s no way you’d seethat i actually wanted to answer you T-T
But im gonna answer about the first part of your ask.You’re talking about what i wrote in the tags of this post, when i said “the truth” i wasn’t talking about the kids knowing that jared and jensen are together but more about the kids realising they’re being used to sell the straight image of their fathers, im pretty sure they don’t know about that truth yet haha
like for example with this pic of shep making J/G “kiss”. shep must have been like “why should i make you kiss when you never do it in real life???” and when he’s older he’ll get that he was just being used like a tool for his parents’ bearding. that’s why i wonder how will that make him feel? or with that ad jared did where he used tom and shep to prove he has the perfect straight family (and now you can add the popandsuki video with poor odette being used right after her birth with her brothers) or with this jj pic that she will remember as a nice birthday with her parents but when she’s older she’ll see they used it to project this fake idea to the world that they have a totally traditionnal family 
that’s what i was talking about, if i were those kids i would feel really hurt/upset when i understand i was unknowingly being involved in all those lies and fakeness for the benefits of my parents
And now about the rest of your ask and about the truth of the kids knowing j2 are together well, to be very short :no i don’t think the kids know about j2 nor do they have doubts and i don’tthink j2 have any kind of romantic gesture towards each other in front of thekids either and i put under the cut the reasons why i think this way because it’sa very long rambling and no one should suffer the pain of reading all of it, i don’t evenknow if any of it make sense and again im sorry because this is a veryinteresting question and i should have answered way earlier, honestly mea culpa
but just a warning that at the end there’s the usual j2 negativity because they’re using their kids and that’s just gross and also i make a comparison with cristiano ronaldo cos i think he’s the perfect example of a closeted gay man succeeding in having a family. 
So… about if the kids know the truth : i believe theydont
 i think that j2 are letting the kids assume they’re inlove with the moms, we see with the pictures and video they post in which thekids witness their parents acting like a couple and the kids , just like thegeneral public, believe it. They are letting our heteronormative society do thejob so the kids think « i have a mom and a dad who spend time togetherwith me so they must be in love » it’s the logical thought process mostpeople have
J2 are lying by omission to their kids so that the kids willnever go and talk to their friends or teachers like « mom and dad aren’t inlove but dad is in love with my uncle » . If the kids believe their bio parents are in love theyll never be able to sell j2’s secret so its notsurprising j2 do that to protect this secret they’ve had for so long, ruiningit by letting their guards down around their kids would be a waste. They’re notgonna take such an unecessary risk and it’s way easier to let the kids form thesame opinion that the public has because what can they possibly say to explainsuch a situation « so kids if you see dad kiss and cuddle with your uncleand sleep in the same bed , while you never see dad do the same with mom whenthere are no cameras around : it’s PERFECTLY normal ! don’t worry !But there’s  one very important thing youmust remember : it’s that you must NEVER EVER talk about that toanyone !! EVER !!! » ??? it would be so confusing for thosepoor kids ! and if they ever see j2 kiss it’s 100 % sure that they willtalk about it to someone imo.
-About acting like fathers : J2 love their kids likefathers and act like fathers BUT they are the « uncle » (NOT the dadaor papa) to 3 of them so if the kids saw their dad and uncle kiss, they are obviouslygoing to mention it to someone. It’s SURE. To me calling the other jay uncle isa proof that the kids don’t know
-About not keeping their hands to themselves : if j2 canhandle not touching/kissing during filming and conventions and everytimethey’re in public im more than certain that they don’t have any troublebehaving when with their kids and even if they did act very touchy and allwhile not acting this way with the mom there’s still no reason for the kids tobelieve that « my dad and my uncle are in love » because again wereally are in a heteronormative society where same sex people doing very lovingand tender stuff are just « guys being dudes » and « galpals » (and j2 take advantage of that to hide so that even with ALL thetime they spend together people still think they’re straight and that includestheir kids) And they’re not pretending in front of their kids, they don’t kissthe wives when there are no cameras around but that doesn’t mean that they’dkiss each other in front of the kids either you know ? it’s not becausethey don’t kiss or hold hands that they’re pretending. Again to me it’s justletting the kids assume that it’s the mom and the dad who are together and notthe dad and uncle because the most common occurance is the hetero couple evenif those two guys spend all their time together and go to vacations alone withthe kids (and im sure j2 sleep in the same bed, they could simply forbid the kids to go there because adults are allowed to ask for their privacy even from their kids imo)
-about acting like husbands, well when you’re building yourlife with someone and spending all your time together, being touchy and cuddly(in public and in front of their kids) seems pretty anecdotic to me. I f theymanage time to work on their intimate relationship or act romantic in private,Im sure they can handle keeping their hands to themselves when they’re takingcare of their kids, they’ve been doing that for 12 years and it must be hardsometimes but it’s the price they chose to pay to keep working on spn and theywon’t take the risk of being outed by their kids or of messing with their kids’heads just so they can hold hands
-About raising the kids as family : Im sure the kids cansee that j2 love each other but they don’t get the extent of this love and imsure they see j2 love all of them but i think j2 spend more time with their biokids than with the others for bearding purposes and if you went to jj and askher if tom and shep are her brothers im sure she’ll be like ??? no theyremy best friends or something like that and if you ask her who her parents areshe won’t include jared and same for tom and shep with jensen
What really makes me believe they hide their truerelationship to the kids is that it’d really confuse them because if the kidssaw j2 kiss , j2 would have to discuss and explain this situation (because ontv and in their lives the kids never see other peoples dad and uncle kiss, orpeople who are not married and not officially dating kiss each other, or ifthey do see that they must know it’s cheating and dishonest and overall weird,if j2 did that the kids would know it’s not a normal situation and would askquestions either to j2 or people around them which would lead to j2 beingouted) but the kids are way too young to understand what’s at stake and if j2let the kids see them kiss and still NOT explain what’s the deal. It would beSO confusing and very unhealthy to leave the kids with unanswered questions andadd the risk of outing to all that
-end with the usual j2 negativity whenever the kids arebrought up :
Let’s be real the way j2 use their kids like tools to hidetheir lifestyle and like « proof » of their straightness iscompletely DESPICABLE . You can argue all you want aboutthem « not having a choice », « but they really love theirkids », bla bla bla at the end of the day i don’t see how j2 can feelanything but shame for using their kids like that
And togo back to the tags i wrote « how would they feel » well i thinkthey’ll feel awful and used by their fathers because of their terrible decisionmaking skills. And it must be awful to find out when you’re older that yourparents have lied to you for YEARS 
Im pretty sure no one in the lgbt community would condonewhat j2 are doing, the lies they are furthering THANKS to their kids. Even ifj2 came out, i doubt the community will be proud of what they’ve done, thelenghts they went to (involving kids) to hide their sexuality
And if you want a comparison to know how a closeted gay man can have a kid without using said kid to further his straight image just look atCristiano ronaldo. He’s working in THE most homophobic business EVER and yet he’snot married to a woman, he has beards but he’s not pretending to raise his kid (thathe had with an anonymous surrogate) with a woman. Hes not affraid of postingfamily pics and being constantly seen with his long term partner ricky regufe.He’s not trying so hard to sell the perfect family image like j2 have done andhe did not get stupidly trapped by greedy beards like j2 did
J2 are incredibly nice and hard working guys and they don’tdeserve to live like this but involvinginnocent kids in this mess is just wrong
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
The Great Ace Attorney Replay: Trials and Tribulations, Case 5, Part 5
I’m going to examine this garden gate as Phoenix specifically to get this dialogue.
Phoenix: “Edgeworth’s probably in the garden, crying softly to himself…I guess we should hug it out and talk about what he’s uncovered’
 I’m never getting over this like. Phoenix specifically imagining Miles “crying softly” and anticipating hugging. “I’M HERE TO HEAL UR PAIN EDGEWORTH”. Phoenix take it back a notch.
In we go to say hi to Miles who is still berating himself for passing out and Phoenix is like “oh my GOD why is it still bothering him” I FEEL YOU PHEEN.
Oh god…I never noticed it the first time around but it’s literally a repeat of the scene between them when Phoenix came into defend Miles at the detention center. That’s beautiful. THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME. Miles is still a disaster. I wonder if this still happens even in their 30s. I bet it does. Not just over earthquakes and going to jail. This is what happens when Miles tries to make an awesome banquet for their anniversary and ends up burning the food. This exact exchange.
Actually it may have happened when they were younger too considering the first time, Phoenix warned Maya not to actually laugh when he says this because “It’s a trick. He’ll get mad when you laugh. Or burst into tears.” So did baby Miles run away, have to be dragged back and then yell this when Phoenix tried to comfort him over not being able to do origami back in the day? And then did he try to laugh like Miles asked because he thought it would help and this is what triggered the outbreak of sobbing? IT’S PRETTY MUCH CONFIRMED THAT THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED. IN MY HEART.
Phoenix if u tell him you want to hug him I’m sure he’ll say yes cuz it’s you. Go for it.
Miles: “I never thought I’d see you wear one of these”
Phoenix: “It’s because of you I became one” 
Phoenix: “Not that I have any regrets. I really don’t.”
Phoenix: if you’re trying to say “thanks “you can can say it a bit louder.
Honestly I can’t even handle them just kill me.
Miles: “One of the biggest names in the world of law as I’m sure you’ll agree”
NICE THINGS. He respects her! I’m so proud of you, Miles, you’ve come so far.
Miles: “For better or worse, we were only destined to meet once in courtroom”
Probably for better. You would have lost. And she would have had to put up with your brattiness more. Not a good time for either of you.
Phoenix: (I know. I read all about it).
Miles “It was the first time for both of us. Two novices head to head.”
Miles: I can still remember how downhearted I felt after that trial ended the way it did
Phoenix: (I wonder if Mia felt the same way, too).
Uhh Phoenix she literally wrote down that she did. That is was a wound in her soul that never healed or whatevs. Though I guess we don’t know if Mia wrote down the stuff Phoenix read. He could have just researched the case and all the narration we read was just Mia’s thoughts to herself rather than what she wrote down.
Miles: “I don’t know her very well, but it seems like she’s always landing in trouble”
Phoenix: “You clearly know her better than you think.”
Miles: “I do sincerely hope she’s all right.”
Aww. Also, like you guys aren’t constantly landing in trouble too.
omg Miles. You know I always thought the whole “I’M WORRIED ABOUT THE DEFENSE TRAUMATIZING THIS CHILD” with Cody Hackins was just him being a dick as usual, but considering this dialogue it looks like that was genuine. 
Miles is very defensive of young children and paranoid about them being traumatized. That makes sense and is both adorable and sad.
Presenting Gumshoe means Miles mentions he took him out for pasta and Nick is like “WELL GOOD YOU OWE HIM THAT MUCH IT’S YOUR FAULT HIS SALARY IS SO LOW GIVE THE POOR GUY A RAISE JESUS.” 
Speaking the truth goddamn give it to him good Phoenix
I was thinking for a second investigation 2 causes a continuity error here bc he finally gives Gumshoe a raise in that but then I looked up the official Ace Attorney timeline that case takes place after this one.
All of Investigations takes place after this case and ends just before Phoenix gets disbarred (the last case of investigations 2 is literally 10 DAYS BEFORE IT HAPPENS…). Which makes sense bc if Miles had been gone for a year he wouldn’t have had time to be in spinoff games set in Japanifornia during that time. I have no idea why I thought investigations was set between game 2 and 3.
Miles have been going to trials in five different countries to learn how to be better at running them…and apparently learned all the languages.Phoenix is like “WHAT. HOW. IT’S TAKEN ME A LIFETIME TO SORT OF MASTER ONE LANGUAGE” I feel you Phoenix
If I try to show him evidence it’s all “I’m a prosecutor, I’m a defense attorney, we cannot discuss things so intimately” Miles he wasn’t asking to make out with you over the evidence, he genuinely wants your opinion.
Talking to Gumshoe, we find a bloody sword and Phoenix tells Gumshoe he doesn’t want to get it tested. Gumshoe realizes he’s terrified it’s Maya’s blood (and is going green at the thought). I FORGOT ABOUT THIS PART THIS IS SO SAD.
 Gumshoe reassures him and says she’s definitely okay and he’ll take him and Maya out for pasta when they find her. Awww Gumshoe I love ya. You really are better at knowing how to handle people’s feelings than anyone else in this bar. (And that being said, Phoenix should really tell him to go talk to Miles right now too. He is in need.).
Huh I forgot about this bit where Miles and Phoenix figure out how Dahlia is involved in all this together. I also completely forgot that Miles found out Dahlia was Phoenix’s ex and tried to kill him etc.
Phoenix mentions spirit channeling and Miles just flips out all like “SPIRIT CHANNELERS ARE FRAUDS THAT WOMAN ACCUSED AN INNOCENT MAN OF MURDER AND RUINED MY LIFE”
Did…he never figure out that it was his dad’s spirit who lied about the murder?APPARENTLY NOT.
and apparently he’s just willfully ignoring all those times Maya magically transformed into Mia RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Like I know you tend to be hyper-focused on Phoenix in court but I cannot believe you wouldn’t notice sometimes Maya is a foot taller and busting open her kimono. HOW DO YOU RATIONALIZE THIS TO YOURSELF? WHERE IS THE ~LOGIC~ MILES?
I guess “my dad accused an innocent man to protect me” would be a leap Miles would be unwilling to make because it goes against his image of his dad as champion of the ~Truth~. Not to mention it would be pretty horrible to know your dad’s spirit is out there thinking you were the one that killed him. Miles is going to have a hard time with dealing with that. Phoenix seems to realize this because he just kind of pauses for a second and is like “you’ll understand someday, Edgeworth”.
TIME TO GO TALK TO IRIS…EXCEPT NOT REALLY. I think I remember what happened here, Iris and Maya-channeling-Dahlia switched places in the sacred cavern….
You can honestly tell she’s Dahlia if you pay attention to her dialogue- mostly when Phoenix messes up
Iris: I had hoped you would get at least this much correct. I hate seeing you mess up and getting all disappointed.
Phoenix: (Nngh... I didn't know she could be so harsh...)
And she also says “that’s no position for a lawyer to find himself in” if he stumbles another time. Dahlia’s gonna find a way to own Phoenix even if she has to pretend to be sweet, just gotta do it. 
Then of course when Phoenix says Dahlia “began relations with a certain college student in order to hide the evidence. That college student... Have you heard anything about him...?”
Iris:... Well... I did hear one thing... She said she hated his guts. :D
REALLY SUBTLE THERE DAHLIA. Awww Phoenix is so sad and she’s so cackling inside about it. She really is an excellent villain.
Agh it’s just like. Dahlia’s brand of evil is delicious and chilling- it’s fun to watch even if it’s horrible. She knows what she’s doing and she’s having fun with it.
ONCE AGAIN Godot’s all was “your job to protect them” re Mia and Maya.
Guess who’s going to lecture Phoenix because he, I don’t know, didn’t feel that Mia was being murdered with his Spidey-sense and then swing over at the speed of light to punch the murderer to death or whatever he was supposed to do? Godot, of course!
 Phoenix finally points out that HE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW MIA WAS IN DANGER OR WHAT SHE WAS UP TO HOW THE FUCK WAS HE SUPPOSED TO DO ANYTHING. And Godot’s response is that “being oblivious is a crime.”
Hey Godot you know what is actually a crime. Actually knowing people are in danger, not telling them they are, doing nothing to prevent it and actually making everything infinitely worse because you wanted to do some super-violent dashing rescue to soothe your own pathetic ego. But you wouldn’t know anything about that, riiiiight?
And then Godot is like “WHATEVER MAYA’S DEAD I HAVE DECIDED THIS SO IT MUST BE SO” right in front of Pearl oh my god I hate you so much. Fortunately he finally fucking leaves and Nick reassures her. 
Well, we’ll endure and carry on. TILL NEXT TIME.
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