#and ppl get mad at you for lockpicking
lepusrufus ยท 9 months
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Tfw you're walking past the same locked door for the 50th time in a row but you can't do anything about it because nobody has any thieves tools
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crazyalien87 ยท 2 years
ok i hate the plot of avengers endgame bc it is shitty writing. so im gonna rant about it now. major spoilers ahead.
there are 2 big ass plot holes that make no fucking sense: 1, why they send nebula to where she was in the past? & 2, why tf didnt they fo and steal pym particles from pym BEFORE all the other time travel to get the stones?
the furst is the worst. why the fuck didnt these fucking idiots sit around and talk for more than like two minites when planning the time travel? oh my god. what the fuck. like im pretty dure nebula KNEW or at least suspected that she was there near to where starlord was. surely she would have at least suspected that sge might accidentally connect with her past self via wifi or whatever & then let thanos find out the whole time travel plan. wtf. it makes no sense that these several people including 2 geniuses who figured out the time travel, didnt think of that. i lnow they really wanna undo the snap already but damn. it's not like they have to hurry. they couldve thought ahout it for a week or at least a day. literally the only reason the movie was so godamn long with this fighting with thanos is because these fucking fools didnt plan well enough. they couldve just sent nebula somewhere. it's not like what her & cheadle did was that difficult. a 3 year old with a taser could do that. they just had to knock out starlord, get his lockpick, open the door, & grab the sphere. easy. although now. i just remembered that nebula hurt her hand getting it. but the guy has the iron man suit so im sure he could do the same. maybe even stark couldve made a special suit arm that is really strong to withstand it better. idk i actuallt forgot who this cheadle guy is bc it was been so long since. i saw fhe iron man movies. im talking like several years. but either way they did not need 2 ppl for that. they shouldve sent nebula somewhere else. or even had her stay behind & gaurd the avengers mansion. idk. although she wouldnt need to be there if thanos wasnt alerted of the plan anyway. honestly. i am less mad now. i have calmed down. but i fucking hate this plothole. it is so glaringly obvious & stupid. literally the only reason it fucking happened its because the writers. wanted the movie to be long & have big fighting climax. i guarantee that i mean there is no way the writers are just that stupid right? or that the characters are that stupid? if they can figure out time travel they can figure out that 2 versions of the same robot/cyborg (idk which one she is) can connect telepathically on accident. like radios or smartphones idc. i just fucking hate it. like it does not actually make the movie better to make it extremely long due to unneccasry war with thanos. we already saw them fucking fight thanos. like damn it aint that interesting we dont need another version of that. or at least i dont. i mean just so iron man could die? altho i recently heard that it is because robert downey jr quit. ok fine but yoh dont gotta kill hos character? he can just retire godamn. he is just a genius in a suit. anyone can wear the damn suit. he coulda passed on iron man title to his friend like captain america did or something idk. like he say to spiderman "if you nothing without the suit then why give you the suit?" something like that. also i dont like the idea of superman being basically a mini iron man & also like 15 instead of an actual man with just spider powers but that is another issue.
also the other plothole is annoying but not nearly as bad as they fixed it. but obviously tony stark & steve shoulda figured out sooner that they can just go in the past & get more pym particles. it is insanely stupid that they didnt think of that first. reallg it makes mo sense that they didnt. like i can see MAYBE why they didnt do it at first if they thought it was too risky? (but really it was so easy for them). but like they couldve at least planned it out first. idk it is just ridiculous. i mean i get the superheros wanted to rush this getting the stones & unsmapping but damn. they know so much is at stake so isnt that more reason to sit around & talk it out & plan first instead of rushing it? goddamn. ngl idk why the writers didnt have them steal the pym psrticles before the stone stealing. maybe the writers are just stupid. there doesnt seem to be an reason or benefit from the writers' standpoint. not just the writers i mean but like to irl ppl lile the company of marvel & stuff compared to what the characters are thinking. like either way there would still be the scene of them going to shield & doing that except maybe they wouldnt need to get the tessaract. but probably would anyway bc it is easier. really it would be a simple rearranging of the plot points. whereas the thing with nebula is obviously a big change to the plot so they can extend the movie & have more fighting & more exciting climax & whatnot. bc you know if the characters hadnt made that mistake then the movie would be much less exciting. like hulk undoing the snap (why didn't he hold hands with thor or whatever to share the power & get less hurt like in the end of (spoiler alert) guardians of the galaxy one?) would be the climax. then after that we still have the steve returning stones thing. then people reconcile etc. the end. the movie would be much shorter & less exciting but for me it would be much better. because the glaring plot hole with nebula is just so annoying bc it doesnt make sense that the characters would be like that. they legit added a whole thanos war plot that was totally unneccessary & easily avoidable. i fucking hate it.
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