#and putting this shit on ice for when *she* is ready 😌✨
whyeverr · 1 year
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“Don’t get me wrong, I do find you attractive—”
“Oh! ... Um, okay, yeah! Same page!”
“It’s just, y’know, a no from me for the moment. I just had a baby—I’m giving, like, a hundred and ten percent of myself to that right now. But uh, if and when that changes, you’ll... you’ll be the first to know!” 
“I— [choke] well— Right on!” 
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safyresky · 1 year
Hullo bestie, it me. So sorry for the late(ish) ask but since the weather's been warming up I have a question about CS. Specifically about how a Beach Episode would go lol.
Cause Away with the Fae is kinda almost like that considering that they go to a beach at one point. But I wanna get inside your head and wanna know how a true to form Beach Episode of Crystal Springs would go.
Considering that the Frost Fam aren't exactly beach people (I wouldn't think) this has gotten me curious as to how this would play out. Would there be snowball fights at the beach? Would the twins try and make glass by super heating the sand? Would they make it such a mess for every other beach goer? Idk, just a fun thought that I thought you could answer 😌
ANDIE GET OUT OF MY HEAD! I HAVE BEEN THINKING OF A BEACH EPISODE OF CS ALL WEEK! (probably bc of the post I saw earlier this week that mentioned how gr8 filler episodes are tbh)
And this isn't the FIRST TIME I have thought of the Frosts at the beach >:). this shit's been BREWING!
First off, surprisingly, the Frosts are beach people! 5/6 are, of course. Three are Summer Sprites and enjoy the day spent on the sunny shores of the Southern Province; and for the other two, the summer sprite blood gives them a penchant for occasional tropics, and this includes beach days :)
The only Frost that ISN'T a beach person is Winter, but she goes anyway because she does enjoy her beach ritual. BUT I AM GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF, OF COURSE! FIRST THING'S FIRST.
I cannot decide for sure if both Blaise and Jack wear that old timey stripey shorts tank top one piece swimsuit, or if it's funnier if only Jack does and Blaise goes for the swim trunks and open Aloha shirts, or vice versa, or they BOTH go for the funky shirt and swim trunks combo!
The mental image of the pair of them in this number absolutely sends me tho, tbh:
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Though when I picture beach episode they are both in the funky shirt and swim trunks :)
but GOD if the old timey trunks aren't funny as FUCK
Winter covers tf UP. She wears a HUGE sunhat, absolutely GINORMOUS, and just as big black shades, probably like Gucci or Prada or something, to shield her eyes. She burns SO easily (being made of snow and ice and love would do that to a gal, she supposes) so she covers tf UP
Something victorian-esque for her as well, like this:
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but with longer pants and a longer skirt, if not a full on bathing gown from way earlier like the lady behind the first one there, lmao
Jacqueline is ALSO in big sunhat mode, but not as big as Winter's. She does not burn as easy as Winter does, but does burn--usually the tops of her shoulders, her cheeks, and her nose! Her aviators are PLANTED on her face, they do NOT come off
She and the Twins are more modern in terms of swimwear. She wears a one piece, with your typical asymmetrical long beach sarong
The Twins are pretty versatile! I think usually they BOTH wear swim shorts and tops, though Fiera will switch out for a swim skirt every so often! she deffs prefers the shorts, though, since they are always running around on the beach and in the water like the wild hellions they are
but in point form because I'm not that much of a monster!! ANYWAY, BEACH DAY
Winter's beach day ritual is as follows:
bundled up as breezy as can be when you burn as bad as she does, she finds a nice, shady corner, preferably up against a rock side or cliff face
sets up her umbrella, which Blaise has enchanted to keep her out of the sun at all times (like moving solar panels but opposite)
lays her blanket down beneath the umbrella, sits down with a good book in one hand and sunscreen ready to attack all four kids with it if necessary
She stays put in her shady corner ALL DAY.
Blaise, meanwhile, goes to the bar, gets himself a drink, plants his reclining beach chair with attached umbrella that is never deployed down right beside his wife, sits down with drink #1 (tells the bartenders to keep them coming when they see it empty) and does not move at ALL.
he sinks into the chair, kicks his feet out into the sand, and BEACH BUMS. He melts into the ground. he becomes one with the beach. he is in MAXY RELAXY mode and the ONLY THING that could move him is if Winter, in a moment of cloudy weather, asks to go for a walk or swim with him
he'll be out of that chair SO FAST
But that's IT
Some say he COINED the term beach bum; he INVENTED it! He is the OG beach bum
He will also on occasion substitute the sand for the water, and his chair for a beach floaty
these leads to a fun game Jacqueline, Fino, and Fiera enjoy called TIP DAD INTO THE WATER! They never win. Unless Jack plays. Jack always wins
(Both of these Blaise scenarios work best picturing him in the trunks and funky shirt >:)
If Summer finds out that her sister is at the beach, she will put everything aside to go hang out with Winter! The pair will spend the ENTIRE day chatting up a storm (literally on one occasion. the resulting tsunami was surfed by Jack and averted by Summer being the literal season and the one with the fastest reflexes) and lounging about together for the day while Blaise melts beside them
I never thought about the twins trying to make glass out of sand, but I am thinking about it now! Summer shows them how. They have yet to master it, but they're getting close!
(Summer fears the day that they learn she can do much the same but with diamonds, as they both will want to learn it immediately!)
The Twins are the most active people you'll ever see on a beach! They spend a LOT of time swimming, mostly splashing the crap out of each other (and the cold front if they join, but Jacqueline is really good at splashing them BIG TIME)
They make HUGE sand structures and run amok, with NO concept of beach spot boundary etiquette which means a lot of people have to deal with, you know, messy blankets, sand flying up as the pair rush by, sparks threatening to set fire to their dry beach towels, and so on and so on. The lucky ones only have to deal with a sand structure potentially cropping up beside them!
Aside from that, most people actually don't mind too terribly when the Frosts hit up the beach! Which is gr8, bc they be in situations a LOT, and Blaise deals with the dumbest people sometimes, so they're more than happy to see them chillin'
A lot of magibeans are quite happy when the twins are in the water! It warms up NICELY. Not that it's FREEZING. I mean, the South is HOT so the Arctic Sea can be refreshing, and Summer pulls some strings to take the edge of that portion of the CS shoreline--it's just nice to have warm water knowing it is because of magic children gifted with fire manipulation and not, you know, PEE
Though Fiera sometimes snickers when people say that, which gives Fino cause to be SUS
Fiera gets buried in the sand at some point by Fino and hangs out there, watching her twin wading in the shallows, trying to catch some minnows with a little net
Like. The Twins try to do ALL the beach things at once!
And if they make rivals via sand castles or any other beach sport, it's an EXPERIENCE
Since Blinter is checked out, Jack usually takes up the "parent" part, but in the most big brother way you could imagine: very irresponsibly, encouraging the rivalries and participating until all four kiddos end up defeating said rivals
This has happened more than once. Jacqueline has lost count.
SPEAKING OF THE FROSTY BASTARD HIMSELF, He camps at the bar! He gets ALL the local gossip on beach days. ALL OF IT
Later he shares with Blinter and when Blaise gets into work the next day, my GOD do people get OWNED and does shit get DONE.
Everyone's like wow Blaise! Relaxing looks good on you!
And Blaise chuckles like thanks, but inside he's just a gossipy old man and so is his son >:)
BUT ANYWAY Jack deffs wades into the surf, ankle deep, sipping his drink and freezing the water as people drift by. He gets a kick out of it; it's very amusing, even more so when they can't tell why it's happening, AND DOUBLY SO when he does it to the Twins
who THEN proceed to warm it up again, only for him to freeze it again, and it goes on and on and Jacqueline watches from her chair like "Fino and Fiera are two halves of a whole idiot"
Jacqueline would be the person roped into a volleyball game and kicking ass with her new magibean pals
She also will go for swims too! And beach walks! And she'll hang out in the shores with Jack to shoot the sleet as he antagonizes the swimmers
That's how Jack gets his Legate gossip >:)
Joke's on him, bc that's how Jacqueline gets the latest goss on the Legends
>:) >:) >:)
SOMETIMES DITE APPEARS! And when this happens, it's bc she heard there was a beach day and jumped at the opportunity to stare at her beautiful curvy lil girlfriend in one of her fave locations
Jacqueline LOVES when this happens bc then she can spend the entire time staring at her strong gf bc Dite goes full bikini and Jacqueline is positively ENTHRALLED with her all day
And vice versa with Dite @ Jacqueline 😂😂
On these occasions, Winter scoots closer to Blaise's chair, rousing him from his zen mode to try and once again figure out where on earth Jacqueline gets her curves from
"You're curvy," says Blaise. "Well yes, but also, not quite; I have some unfortunate lankiness here and there. Perhaps she gets it from your mother?" To which Blaise SCOFFS and says "That woman was ballroom gown shaped, I am convinced. She may not have even HAD legs." And Winter giggles and says "Well, it shall remain a mystery, I suppose."
the things parents discuss about their kids! (my parents have this discussion about my nose quite often. I think wedding photos finally put that debate to rest tho)
Jacqueline, funnily enough, actually gets the curves from her maternal grandmother, the Snow Queen.
She was a very curvy woman, so much so that the Winter Warlock called her "Bodacious Bianca", and, well, Bianca simply didn't have the heart to tell him that "bodacious" doesn't quite mean what he thinks it means.
(had she, he would've replied like so: "Ah, yes, but you see, that's the beauty of words! They can mean whatEVER you want them to! And that's why I'm one of the best Warlocks there has been >:)" and she would laugh in kind at her silly little warlock)
(Queen Frost probably HATED him, given that she considered herSELF the best Warlock and did NOT appreciate this man in dress pyjamas and bunny slippers and pointy hats bouncing around claiming to be better than her)
(it was a very one sided rivalry, for certain)
(Unless Winter Senior knew she hated him and hammed it up just to piss her off more, which, goofiness aside, is highly probable)
I think that about cover all my musings! Honestly, a CS beach episode would go SO well. The Frosts would just have a very good time, probably at the expense of a couple of disgruntled magibeans but hey, can't win them all, Blaise always says.
but yeah! It'd go VERY well! An enjoyable day for them all! I think in an actual beach episode, Jack would be gossiping, Jacqueline would be chilling, the Twins would have a BEACH DAY BUCKET LIST and try to do it all, upsetting a few people on the way. By the end of the day, they have a small angry mob and Fino and Fiera look at each other like >:) because guess what the last thing on their list was?
When it's time to head home the Twins are soaked (crowd tossed them into the sea and they love every second of it), Jack is burnt af bc he BURNS BAD, Winter is chipper, Blaise is seven shades darker and so relaxed he's actually slouching, and Jacqueline has a first place volleyball trophy in her hands, a group of magibeans waving bye to her, one of them miming CALL ME.
They return later once the beach is clear to collect abandoned/forgotten sand toys, bc I used to do that with my cousins and our grandfather and I can see Blaise walking on the beach in the sunset, twins skipping ahead and collecting loose toys, tossing them into their big red bucket!
When they get home, the Twins pass out bc long, energetic day, and Blinter enjoy a quiet evening with Jack, who they chat with all evening while Jacqueline sleeps on the couch!
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