#and quite a lot of other weird taxidermy in costume and I just
sandinthemachine · 2 years
one of my lecture halls has a taxidermied coyote someone put a santa hat on and it haunts my every waking hour
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ihassheepquake · 2 years
DC's Stargirl 3.04 "Chapter Four: The Evidence" Has Aired on the CW, and I'm Here to Talk About it
Can we talk about how Stargirl is such a good fucking show? I swear, if it doesn't survive whatever the hell is going on with DC shows thanks to the new Warner bitch, I'm gonna lose my mind.
Show, I really need you to stop making me feel for Cameron, thanks. Like, why does he have a snow globe of a girl that is clearly supposed to be Courtney?! That's so fucking weird dude! But also like, poor kid. He's being basically groomed into being a supervillain.
The weirdest consistent small detail in this show is that Courtney always sleeps with her door cracked. Who does that? Does it matter? No. Does it make me very upset? Yes. But the Staff literally just yanking Courtney away is hilarious.
I like getting to see Pat and Courtney bond with Beth's mom a little and teach her a bit about this whole thing. It's sweet. And speaking of parents, I still hate Yolanda's.
Dr. McNider!!!
Sylvester now has a healing factor that it seems he didn't before. Sure, it could be the thing McNider says about having absorbed energy from the cosmic staff and can use it to heal himself now. Or, it could be because he's an imposter who just happens to have a healing factor.
Random thought, the outside of the Mahkent mansion really reminds me of Doom Manor, specifically from their episode of Titans. Looking up that actual shot I know it's not actually the same house, but very reminiscent. Just thought that was fun.
Yes "Sylvester", quit! I don't think you and you're a shitty guy to be a hero!
Oh, of course, it's somehow Dragon King. Can we not just let Cindy try to move on? You know this is just going to make everything worse between her and the others. I was wondering if what Cindy was trying to do with her experiments was curing herself, but now I wonder if she's just falling apart. Maybe that's why she wanted to turn over a new leaf too. She figured it'd be easier to find some way to save herself as one of the JSA, either because one of them/their allies will find something or it'll bring her closer to getting the kinda shit she'd need. Which sure, could be an actual cure for everything that was done to her. Or could just be a way to stabilize her body.
Jakeem trying to refuse to go explore the sewers with Mike is really just him going "fuck this white people horror movie shit" and I respect that.
Somehow, Tim is even more of a creepy asshole now that he's trying to be nice to her.
Paula taxidermied a raccoon for Barbara, I love her!!!
Is this the first time Courtney's seen Cameron use his powers? I can't remember if she knew before or not. But damn, they look good! The visual effects of this show just keep hitting. "To help people." Sir, your dad was a villain. I know you've been shown otherwise, but like, objectively, not a good dude. Sure, he had (I'll say) decent goals back in season one, but when your plan includes brainwashing the entire adult population of a country, knowing full well that it's going to leave nearly a third of them dead, you don't get to say you're the good guy. Obviously, someone needs to tell him the truth, but I'm worried about it being Courtney. Specifically, I worry that he's going to take it as her trying to trick and manipulate him and attack her.
As much as I don't want to see Sylvester back as Starman, they could've at least given him a new costume instead of just remaking the old one. I'm actually really surprised nobodies gotten a new costume yet.
I'm really excited to see Cameron's arc this season. We really lost him last season and I think there's a lot of potential. Like, multi-season arc potential. He learns to use his powers because of his relationship with Courtney this season and in the end, he learns that Mike was the one who killed his Dad while Courtney and the others were trying to stop him. We see him as one of the main villains in season 4 but he gets the classic "just before the end, the actual bbeg does something that crosses my personal line, so I turn on them and do the right thing in the end" trope. And he could choose to hero up in season 5, but I think the more interesting thing would be for him to quit the game entirely (except for the big series finale moment where every character who can show up to help the titular character stop whatever their ultimate challenge is) and instead fully use his powers for his art, just as this final scene with them is setting up. That would be cool and I think a really unique choice for a character in one of these modern hero shows.
Courtney and Cameron finally had a moment and kissed, and it was sweet or whatever, moving on.
Cindy has scales and shit too! Holy shit, she's really mutating into her dad.
We're taking a little break next week! Episode five will be premiering not next Wednesday, but the following, October 5th. According to the Stargirl fandom wiki page, this should be the only mini-hiatus this season, so we shouldn't have to worry about the crazy hiatus a lot of the other CW shows have. Looks like next time, we'll be seeing more of the darker side of Starman, which will be fun to explore! I wouldn't be surprised if they also stumbled upon wherever Cindy is hiding out. I also a new photo of Jenni earlier today, and I do believe she was confirmed to return for at least one episode this season. I'm not sure if it's next episode, but it just might be, so keep your eye out!
We'll return to our regularly scheduled programming on October 5th for DC's Stargirl 3.05 "Chapter Five: The Thief"
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dreamties · 4 years
Slashers x S/O W/ Red Angel Wings
A/n- Y’know, when I first got this request I thought it was awfully specific, but after watching Carrie it’s making a lot more sense lol 
Decided to add a few other characters just for the heck of it! :)
Let’s just ignore the fact that wings probably don’t work like this,, at all.��
Characters: Carrie White, Billy/Stu, Norman Bates, Michael Myers, and The Lost Boys.
T/W: None that I know of- just let me know if you’d like me to add any! :)
Carrie White
You know Carrie from around school. About her overtly Christian mother, and how shy and secluded she was. And how strange and weird other people saw her. You never bought into that schoolwide belief- you just thought no one took the time to get to know her. 
(part of you related to that- though most people would have thought you were cool to start out with...and then have less than kind reactions when they saw what you were hiding)
You’d interacted with Carrie only a handful of times throughout your high school career- mostly in group projects, or letting her know she had dropped something, or simply trying to spark conversation. She had always been very nervous around you though- almost more so than others. (You’d later come to find out it was because she liked you)
It’s the first time you see each other alone- outside of class. It’s after class and Carrie’s been held behind- by one of her teachers asking her about this and that. While you’re hanging out at the back of the school, there’s no sports that day, so you don’t have to worry about any onlookers. Except Carrie, who decides to head out the back way. Thinking there would be less people she’d run into- less of a hassle.
And she doesn’t know what to do. 
The way you're framed in the light, you look like you're glowing. You look unreal, and so holy and beautiful. You’re so beautiful. but then she spots your wings. They're fitted tightly on your back, flitting open, and spreading out so beautifully- you're standing centered as they flare out. And she's shocked and unsure.
 Oh, she'd be mighty frightened.
 She's shaking and crying, and she's got her mama's voice running through her head. This is what happens when you don't follow the rules exactly. When you come into this world so impure.
And oh, your wings! She let's out a gasp, eyes widening. They're colored crimson- the Devil's color. And she's sure you've come down from the Heavens or- or come from down below...come to mock her. To punish her
She knows you know what she's done. What unknowing sins she's committed. [ my poor girl hasn’t actually done anything though :( ]
 And you look at her, confused. Then your eyes soften, and your wings slowly close behind you. You gently smile, “I’m not here to harm you, Carrie.”  
She begins to calm at the soft sound of your voice, and your pleasant aura. She’s still shaky all over, and part her says to run and hide- but you have your arms out wide, offering her to join you. And she gulps down nervously- maybe this was her accepting her fate. She slowly walks over to you, allowing you to wrap her into a hug. It’s feels so good to have your arms wrapped around her- she feels overwhelmed by the amount of positive emotions sprouting from your actions. You let her stay there, crying in your arms. “It’s okay, Carrie.”
After she gets passed the initial meeting, and the two of you start dating- which takes a lot of time for her to get used to you. Not because she doesn’t think you seem like a good person, but she’s skeptical, given how people have treated her in the past- plus she’s still dealing with the after effects from all the religious abuse with her mother :( 
She starts associating you (and your wings) as almost...protection!
Her favorite thing is to have your wings wrapped around her as she sleeps. She feels safe in them.
Billy Loomis + Stu Macher
Y’all meet at a Halloween party.
It’s Billy & Stu’s favorite holiday, and they always go all out for it! With the costumes, the decorations, etc- maybe even a bit of hidden bloody fun for just the two of them.
You’ve always kept your wings well hidden- folded against your back, underneath big coats. But tonight? Ohh, tonight! You’re able to have them out, allowing them a good stretch. When people ask, you can pass it off as just crazy good mechanisms.
And well, the boys see your “costume”, and they get wicked excited about it! They’ve never seen someone with a costume like this before- it’s so realistic! And the fact you chose blood red, over the standard angelic white? Very impressed by your talent and ideas.
They start asking all these questions about it, cause it’s like, legitimately one of the coolest costume they’ve ever seen. How can you not think giant wings- that move- aren’t cool?? 
But then like Stu excitedly asks if it would be okay to touch it- and you get oddly quiet after that one. “Well, they’re fragile, y’know?”
Stu pouts, “I can be careful.”
You give him a skeptical look, “I mean- just be careful, like you said.”
“Woah, they feel so real!” Oh, if he only knew. “Billy, ya gotta check this out!” He says, nearly shouting, as he nudges his shorter friend.
Billy rolls his eyes, but gives you a look to see if it’s alright. You simply nod, smiling at him- feeling more at ease. As Billy’s admiring them, and finally leans in to touch them- another guest at the party harshly bumps into you. The force of it accidentally knocking their drink out of their hands, drenching your shirt. 
“Aw shit,” you mumble to yourself. “I’m sorry, I’ll have to leave for the night.”
Stu frowns, not liking the idea of you leaving quite yet. He’d been enjoying your company quite a lot, and he’s certain that Billy did too (even if it didn’t seem like it). “You can borrow one of my shirts,” he all but blurts out.
You can’t help but laugh at his offer, “Are you sure?” Stu eagerly nods.
 You’re in Stu’s bedroom changing, and you’re about to slip on his sweater, when the door is knocked open (not on purpose, of course). “Dude!”
They quickly apologize, but then take notice of your wings- exposed as what they truly were. They stare in awe and bewilderment. You’re still freaked out, and yet still try joking your way out of the situation. “Just, really good prosthetics?” 
It takes a bit of explanation on your part, but the boys accept you for what you are pretty quickly. As strange as this all might be. Stu will have a lot of questions for you, and Billy’s somewhat unsure of it for a while. 
Established Relationship Fun:
Okay, okay!! Soft idea!! When cuddling, sometimes you’ll wrap your giant wings around the three of you. so warm and cuddly.
when watching horror movies together, Billy’s always intensely focused on the screen(almost scarily so- but then again this is one of the faces behind Ghostface we’re talking about so...not too surprising), to the blood and carnage. But he always finds his hand idly playing with your feathers, even if you have them closed behind you. He’d never admit it, but he finds them comforting and extremely calming. He can just forget about all his little problems, and just stroke your feathers (plus, you enjoy it when he does that!! And he likes that it makes you feel good!!)
Norman Bates 
You’d be really nervous at first to tell him, because early on in your friendship/relationship, he introduced you to his hobby- taxidermy. And it kind of scared you seeing your feathered friends in such a state. But...Norman would never harm you. 
(Now...his mother on the other hand? Would be more than willing to discard this freak of nature)
(Norman won’t let that happen to you though- he promises) 
Norman is such an absolute darling. He couldn’t judge a single soul for who or what they are- and yes, that does go for your winged-body, too.
He’d be extremely surprised and intrigued though- he’d be all blushy and happy though that you felt safe enough to tell him!
He finds your wings just absolutely gorgeous though.
He’ll often get sorta shy about handling your wings at all. But he’s very careful with them.
And if you get hurt, he’ll be more than glad to help you patch up (while also being upset you got hurt :( ) - since you can’t really,, go to hospitals at all. Who knows what the general public would do if they found out something like you existed.
On that note- Norman will always be there to help cheer you up when you feel bad about having them. Like, it’s gotta be strange being the only being with wings surrounded by humans- and only humans. Norman’s very good at cheering you up though! He’s very soft and sweet about it. One of the few times he’ll touch your wings. He treats them delicately, as if they’ll break upon his touch if he’s not careful enough. Presses gentle kisses to them, and reminding you how much he loves you.
Michael Myers
You meet Michael during one of his hunts.
You never bring out your wings, unless you absolutely have to.
He’s surprised and a bit confused when he sees you, standing in the streets, giant red wings splayed out. The street lights reflecting your wings into pools of red on the ground. He watches intently, as you push yourself into the air with a loud whoosh. He nearly startles.
But besides this initial reaction, he’s fairly indifferent.
Michael knows no human should have wings like that, or even wings at all. And part of him is curious to know more, so the next time he sees you, he doesn’t try to attack you.
The Fun Stuff??
Michael would definitely be a little rougher with your wings than some of the other slashers. 
Mostly because a part of him recognizes you’re not entirely human, so he equates that to you’ll be able to handle more.
He’s still pretty careful though- because he would never want to hurt his S/O.
Michael enjoys killing alone, and he sure doesn’t need protection- but sometimes, when you convince Michael to bring you along, he finds he doesn’t actually mind your presence there. He kind of enjoys it. And, again, he doesn’t need your protection- but you can’t help to be worried about him, okay? You’ll use your wings as a shield when his victims try fighting back. If you get hurt a bit? Then I guess Michael will just have to help you patch up afterwards.
The Lost Boys
Aww, they are so hyped about it!
Most of the other creatures they interact with are human, so it’s so cool to them when they find out you’re a fellow supernatural being! They’re not,,, entirely sure what you are (neither are you, tbh), but that’s okay.
They get to fly around with you, which they wouldn’t be able to do with you if their S/O was a human or some flightless supernatural being.
Paul would love playing with your wings!
I mean, they all do to some extent. But Paul will play with them whenever. Even if you’re out in public. Like,, if anyone sees your wings they have ways of dealing with that, y’know?
Y’all sleep in the same bed together- kind of just like,, a constant cuddle pile lol. And you don’t always do this, but when the boys are feeling especially in the mood for it (like,, maybe they’ve had a long night, or they just really need to be as close to you as they can)  and you’ll just outstretch your wings, covering the four of them. The soft, familiarity of your feathers calming even the rowdiest of the bunch
They accidentally stay out too late, and you’ll use your wings to help shade them from the sun, as you make your way back to the cave.
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Rules: Tell your followers eleven facts about yourself and then tag some people you want to know more about.
Okay! I was tagged by @monstersinthecosmos and she had such cool and interesting stuff to share so I’m kind of worried this is gonna be shit :)
1. I sometimes do taxidermy in my spare time. I started off with frozen snake food mice and an Instructable some years ago :)
2. The Marvel Cinematic Universe was one of the best things to happen to me. Iron Man was and still is a kickass first film. Then along came Captain America: The First Avenger and some subconscious low-key love for Steve Rogers. Avengers and Loki’s tortured ‘adopted child trying to make something of his life in the shadow of his bigass buffoon of a brother’ with it was like a fireworks factory blew up in my heart and thus began my eternal pining for Tom Hiddleston. Then of course arguably the Best Film Ever - Captain America: The Winter Soldier came out and I simply died and went to Valhalla. I just can’t explain how much I love it, it’s just so good it physically hurts me. Bucky and Sebastian Stan became Imaginary Husband #2 and the rest is history.
3. Sometimes I cosplay. I only started doing it a couple of years ago when little bits of Marvel started sneaking into some of my dance costumes, but it’s now slowly taking over my spare time and I love it and the people I have met as a result of it. Its also taught me some awesome crafting skills.
4. I’ve loved insects and other arthropods since I was a wee kid, and now, after 30 years , they have become part of my job. That’s something I never thought would ever happen but I worked hard and was very lucky and I’m thankful for it.
5. I’ve gone from seeing yoga as a chore to absolutely loving it. I try and fit in a practise every day if I can and I’m sure my pals are getting sick of me going on about how good it is :P
6. I think about my own mortality quite a lot. It’s not a new thing, it’s always bobbed up to say hello since I was young. It’s crap that this is it so I’m trying to make sure I enjoy it while it lasts and encourage others to do the same.
7. Tea is my lifeblood. As is chocolate milk, Reeces cups, cheese on toast, bhatura chana, Adnam’s Copper House gin, Kraken rum, and bourbon biscuits.
8. Sometimes I write fanfiction and I’m still kinda anonymous about it although not feeling as weird about people knowing as I used to. Always absolutely blown away by the positivity I’ve received as I don’t think I’m any good at writing at all. :)
9. If I could stay in bed all day I totally would. I love bed and sleeping and new sheets and naps and tea and biscuits in bed... but not the crumbs dude.
10. I’ve got reams of things to say floating around in my head but I’m not that great at articulating them either via speech or in text. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this!
11. I love dogs, so much. I love most animals actually - the Rock Hyrax is my spirit animal.
Tagging @bloodyneptune @claudia-flies @dietraumerei @leftennant if y’all wanna partake :)
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renegaderoots · 6 years
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♚┋FULL NAME: Theodor De Vries ♚┋PRONUNCIATION: Theo-dor (German pronunciation) ♚┋NICKNAME(S): Teddy, Theo ♚┋TITLE: The Gargoyle  ♚┋OCCUPATION: shop owner / contract killer  ♚┋~AGE: 36 ♚┋DATE OF BIRTH: 15 August ♚┋GENDER: Cisgender ♚┋PRONOUNS: He/Him/his ♚┋ORIENTATION: Homoromantic Demisexual  ♚┋NATIONALITY: German  ♚┋RELIGION: the best to describe it would be...a religious atheist?  ♚┋SPECIES: Human ♚┋AFFILIATION: technically, his son. Realistically, the Morrison family. ♚┋GENERATION: third  ♚┋THREAT LEVEL: for somebody born to be a vicious killer willing to fight dirty, Espen’s threat level is low. He isn’t aggressive or malicious, nor does he take any pleasure in violence. 
♚┋FACE CLAIM: André Hamann / Chris Hemsworth  ♚┋EYE COLOUR: Green ♚┋HAIR COLOUR: dark blonde  ♚┋DOMINANT HAND: ambidextrous  ♚┋HEIGHT: 184 centimeters or 6′0 ♚┋WEIGHT: 158 lbs ♚┋TATTOOS: Just...too many to possibly list. Think up every imaginable gothic cliché in existence and you’ll probably find it somewhere on his body - along with a cupcake on his left butt cheek because he’s an idiot.  ♚┋SCARS: predominantly burn scars. ♚┋PIERCINGS: snakebites  ♚┋GLASSES: in theory, yes, but the lazy bastard doesn’t even know how to put on two matching socks so, like, what do you expect here?
♚┋JUNG TYPE: ISTP ♚┋SUBTYPE: Logical ♚┋ENNEATYPE: 7w8 ♚┋MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral ♚┋TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine/Choleric ♚┋SCHEMA: VH, SI, NP ♚┋INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Visual-Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Logical-mathematical  ♚┋~IQ: 132 ��┋NEUROTYPE:  Unsure as of yet.  ♚┋AT RISK? Well, I mean, solely based on environmental factors, there’d be ample reason to believe he may be at risk. 
♚┋HOMETOWN: Cologne, Germany ♚┋CURRENT: Dublin, Ireland ♚┋LANGUAGE(S): German (mother tongue), Dutch (native speaker level), Irish (lower-intermediate level) ♚┋SOCIAL CLASS: upper middle class ♚┋DEGREE: Master’s degree ♚┋SUBJECT(S): Forensic nursing  ♚┋PARENT #1: Gerrit De Vries, deceased ♚┋PARENT #2: Beatrice De Vries neé Hoffmann, deceased ♚┋SIBLING(S): Lena De Vries, deceased, Alexander De Vries, deceased ♚┋MAIN SHIP: Espen/Sam (bromance) ♚┋RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single ♚┋CHILDREN: Oliver De Vries, alive, three years  ♚┋PET(S): none ♚┋ADOPTED? Yes. After his parents’ death, Espen was adopted by his paternal grandfather.  ♚┋RAP SHEET? Nothing yet. ♚┋PRISON TIME? Not yet. 
♚┋SMOKES? like a chimney.  ♚┋DRINKS?  Yes. ♚┋DOES DRUGS?  Used to, yes. Stimulants (i.e. ecstasy) and hallucinogens like LSD ♚┋IS VIOLENT? Not at all, ironically enough. This is so hard to believe because Espen’s family consisted primarily of criminals, including former intelligence agents, one might be quick to falsely assume that their natures - violent, predominantly - are irrevocably ingrained in his being; but this couldn’t be further from the truth. If at all necessary, Espen will only react defensively, thus defending himself physically, when there’s no other way.  ♚┋HAS AN ADDICTION? Not anymore.  ♚┋IS SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? Yes. ♚┋HABITS: perpetually confused about what clothes are - likes to walk around his flat completely nude. Unsurprisingly, he also sleeps without any clothes on. Cannot sit on chairs like normal people. Hello bad blood circulation.  ♚┋HOBBIES: sewing, alternative fashion, taxidermy, reading (mostly Gothic literature because he’s extra like that), taking care of baby bats, vblogging, weaponry, medieval history, travelling around the world to visit castles, tarot card reading, make up (both theater and alternative), book reviews on youtube, gaming ♚┋TICS: grunting (especially when stressed or extremely anxious. It’s happened before that that’s all he does while he completely shuts down normal communication.)  ♚┋OBSESSION(S): none ♚┋COMPULSION(S): has to arrange food a certain way on his plate lest he won’t eat it 
♚┋HOUSE: Gryffindor  ♚┋VICE: Wrath ♚┋VIRTUE: Temperance ♚┋ELEMENT: Fire ♚┋ANGEL: Uriel  ♚┋MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Vampire ♚┋ANIMAL: black cat  ♚┋MUTATION: time manipulation  ♚┋WOULD SURVIVE POST-APOC? No. Sadly, he has morals. 
♚┋DEVELOPMENT: Semi-developed ♚┋SHIPPING: Shiplocked. Not to a particular ship, mind you, but because of Espen’s background and personality, it would be ooc for him to commit to multiple ships (even if they’re regarded separately).  ♚┋VERSE: Multiverse ♚┋VERSE TYPE: crime, slice of life ♚┋CANON: crime ♚┋PLOTTING: open  ♚┋CREATION DATE: August 2017
After five minutes, you’ll have no better descriptor for Espen other than fucking weird – and rightfully so. Everything from his demeanor down to his most perfunctory mannerisms, the man defies social conventions without even trying all that hard. Raised to patch up his mother’s career as a discharged intelligence agent, Espen grew up isolated from his peers, trained and groomed mostly and certainly not treated like a son. Eventually, their renegade ways caught up with them; the result being murder in the first degree. Following these events, he was adopted by his paternal grandfather and Theo became Espen. All tragedies aside, his golden heart and warm eyes give away his personality at first glance. There’s compassion in his actions that shouldn’t be feasible given that his body count is heavy. Now that there’s another life in the picture, namely his kid, Espen is determined to find the exeunt to his tragedy. Good morals and good character, unfortunately, don’t mean shit when you’re indebted to a crime cartel.
Physically, the guy is average and contrary to what one might believe, he doesn’t really stick out from the crowd save for his colorful sleeve tattoos. Standing 6’0 tall, Espen isn’t exactly a frightening, towering figure either. How he manages to stay fit with the serious sweet tooth that he has is a mystery, but his build is, without doubt, rather muscular. His accent is quite a minuscular detail yet, still, a faint German accent can be heard. What will certainly turn some heads, however, is his clothing. True to his decade-old fondness for the Goth subculture, you won’t ever see him wearing anything that isn’t various shades of black. When he can be bothered to dress up, Espen likes to wear a combination of Edwardian and Trad Goth attire, though the classic ’90 aesthetic of the vampire is also something he wears daily. Due to his appearance, his demeanor is key and he knows this. You can’t just be withdrawn or aloof looking like him, so he goes out of his way to be kind and courteous – especially towards elder people.  Since his wardrobe is black and then black, his light brown hair and green eyes are accentuated even moreso, his look always attentive. And when you’re close enough to him, you will smell a few drops of a vintage perfume for women, namely Guerlain Shalimar; a coveted assortment of vanilla, tonka beans and castoreum musk.  
Espen is the pinnacle of wasted brilliance and proof, as he says, that one’s IQ is relative if there’s not a grain of ambition in your body. That’s pretty much his lot in life; a double-edged sword, if you will, with which he has accidentally stabbed himself more than once. His intelligence is only outmatched by how much of a fucking sloth he is. He’s Snorlax personified, essentially, and if nobody actively pestered him to be productive, the guy would probably just suffocate in his own filth. As the common genius stereotype would suggest, Espen is emotionally inhibited and socially inept, unable to function in social settings. This, while somewhat true, isn’t entirely accurate either. Sure, his tact is less than ready to tango and he often comes across as remorselessly crude because he has only a rudimentary grasp on what is socially acceptable. Simultaneously, however, he is not content to just build a wall of silence around him. No, Espen tries his best to tune in to what others are partial towards, reacting accordingly. There’s also always a kernel of humor in his interactions, one that might imply he doesn’t take anything seriously. Because if he does, it matters. Be that as it may, a cold, malicious asshole he is not. He could be; would have enough reason to be – yet he is not if his numerous flaws can be reined in. Even his humoristic take on pessimism is charming. He’s the type of person who knows his odds, yet still does the thing to crack others up. In contrast to this, though, Espen isn’t idealistic – he knows the world is a shithole. Often a devil’s advocate and a complete shut-in when stress hits him, emotions still make him feel insecure and incompetent – every emotional response might be the wrong one, after all.
Espen doesn’t really care for languages, yet can communicate on native speaker level in three languages – English, Dutch, German. Where he really shines is his creativity and fashion sense. He loves giving baby bats fashion advice, quickly one to offer help when things are tough at home, too. Of course, he shouldn’t be underestimated either. Though not proud of this skillset, per se, he is nonetheless adept at social engineering, sociology, basic psychology, martial arts, vehicle and foot surveillance, marksmanship, and, naturally, hand-to-hand combat. As mentioned above, giving in to his benevolent and amiable side, Espen pursued a master’s degree in forensic nursing. Beyond that, he is also excellent at forgetting important dates, being late, being tired and eating everyone’s food. Oh, yes, and an obscure knowledge of medieval and Celtic history to boot, he’s really into medieval markets/costumes.
In a word, odd. Just plain fucking odd. Here he is not even able to survive without somebody constantly kicking his ass to get his shit together; here he is with barely an idea what decorum is and he still tries to be kind, even though it’s technically not in his nature to be any of that. Although Espen may come across as secretive, private and somewhat shy at first, any worries are forgotten as soon as mischief, fun, or sweets are involved. Now, ever since his family died, Espen has been somewhat clingy with the few people he has in his life, much like a cat demanding instant and constant attention. He doesn’t take well to being ignored, and won’t stop until he has your undivided attention. As for romance, Espen isn’t really made for that; not in the conventional sense. A very solitary creature by default, it is very hard for even him to tell whether what he feels are genuinely deep emotions or just what he feels compelled to feel. Either way, if you express interest, Espen will go to great lengths to ensure you feel nothing but wanted and validated.
INSPIRED BY: the guy on Lie to Me, Edmund (King Lear), Deadpool tbh 
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