#and right now the ones i talk to regularly are shit-scared and reconsidering their life choices
shinelikethunder · 5 years
Listen, if the conversation happening around third-party AO3 apps were any of the following, we’d be cool:
“this app doesn’t even offer useful features in exchange for ads/subscriptions, it just looks like a skeevy cash grab”
“this app may be misleading users into thinking they need an ad-ridden app to access something they can already get for free”
“authors are bound by the ToS to keep their work strictly noncommercial, so it’s pretty fucked-up that third-party app developers can monetize all they want”
“monetizing this shit could draw the ire of corporate legal departments, and creators and/or AO3 could end up in the crossfire”
“does this app respect edits and deletions? does it bypass access controls on NSFW and archive-locked works?”
“wait, this random app is collecting login credentials?”
“whose ire will be drawn towards AO3 if Apple decides this app isn’t bowdlerized enough for their tastes?”
But that’s not the conversation you’re having, is it? That’s all secondary. Y’all are talking as though any third-party viewer app whatsoever is somehow “stealing” your work by existing. You know, the way an RSS reader is “stealing” your blog when it requests the full text of a post. Or the way you “didn’t consent to have your work taken out of context” when someone views your Tumblr posts in the Washboard app. Or the way Discord’s auto-embed previews are “stealing” fanart. Any online RSS reader is probably running ads to cover its server costs, btw. What are the ethics of that?
And once it’s been framed as “stopping content thieves,” apparently that end justifies absolutely any means of takedown, regardless of the actual nature of specific apps. Brigading, finding the dev’s personal accounts and harassing them there, doxxing, review flooding, sending spurious DMCA notices about apps that aren’t even hosting content, tugging Mama Apple’s skirts and pointing at the exact content AO3 exists to protect as reason to nuke it for Purity Crimes... what the fuck, guys. What moral high ground could you possibly hope to occupy by tattling about all the icky, nasty porn on AO3, all to force an arbitrary takedown of an access point you find dodgy for unrelated reasons? I sure as fuck didn’t consent to having my fic used for that.
Do you have any idea what kind of chilling effect this all has on fans who might want to create third-party apps with actual, useful additional features? Because y’all aren’t exactly drawing distinctions between the sinners and the saints, here--you’re at “see AO3 app, burn it to the motherfucking ground.” Right now, one of my Discord servers has multiple members completely reassessing whether/how to share fandom-related coding projects and how to keep their identity firewalled, so they don’t get fucking doxxed if some underinformed moral panic lumps them in with whatever witches are getting hunted next week. Is that likely to happen to fans trying to contribute helpful extra functionality, noncommercially, out of their own pockets if necessary? I don’t fucking know! I realize the vehemence of this incident is mostly driven by the monetization, but the way y’all are talking sure isn’t giving me faith in your willingness to even consider that distinction.
Just... take a step back. Be willing to make distinctions and articulate the boundaries of your wrath. Consider what you’re actually objecting to. Consider analogous cases. Ask yourself if whatever you’re saying goes for them, too, and if not why not. Fan, as the old saying goes, is a tool-using animal--consider which tools your condemnation applies to before you put it on full blast. Also, you know, put the fucking pitchforks down and take a step back from whatever the mob mentality is telling you would be totally proportionate and justifiable as a response. It doesn’t have a great track record of holding up the next morning.
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opes-magnas · 4 years
those two days.
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A wise man once said, ”The bad news is, nothing lasts forever and the good news is, nothing lasts forever.”
That’s freaking bullshit. Whoever told that hasn’t gone through the amount of trauma I’ve been through, which made every single moment feel like an eternity. Oh wait! I should’ve explained it more graphically.
Every single second felt like I was being skinned alive and being rolled over in salt and then fried in burning hot oil, then my limbs being torn out of my body and I could probably go on forever. In short, my time as a mortal on this planet has been miserable.
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My mother and father were the epitome of love, they were the ideal couple who fell in love as soon they laid eyes on each other and the middle of their story is so cliché I’d rather let you imagine it in the most typical way possible and the end of it is, they got married!
They sadly never had their happily ever after cause they then got pregnant with me.
(After 9 months of my mother craving weird things)
He kept pacing the length of the waiting room, anxious, his face was dripping with perspiration and his brows were knitted in deep thought, his hands were clasping and unclasping and fidgeting with his jacket.
* Piano playing a sad note*
He hears the OR doors opening and rushes towards the doctor and shakes that poor guy until he’s pale. The doctor says that there were a lot of complications with his wife’s pregnancy and that they could save only one of them, and his wife told them to save his child and that he now has a healthy 4.5 pound baby boy.
He fell to the ground. How could he even live without his beloved wife! His moon and stars, his better half! He felt so utterly devastated.
Sometimes when people lose the very thing that defines their life, the very thing that they lived and breathed for, they lose faith and when that happens there is no coming back.
I think this was that moment for my father. I’ve always wondered how anyone could love anything so intensely. But I guess love is a very elusive thing which sadly won’t fit into the bounds of words.
I can try to make sense of though, from what I’ve seen, love is when my father returned home after a tired day of work and as soon as he saw the face that opened the door, he could find calmness in spite of all the chaos surrounding him. One of the biggest regrets of my life is that I couldn’t see and feel that pure unconditional love.
Anyways, in my bittersweet flashback my father also gets to know that it was my mother’s intentional decision to give her life in order to save mine.
So, from that day my father loathed to see my face. As every time he looked at me, I reminded him of the day he lost the purpose of his life. He became an alcoholic and just gave me money to do whatever the hell I want with it.
I never actually went to school regularly, used to bunk most of the time. But that didn’t matter because I passed somehow by cheating and my street smartness. But, it really hit me when I flunked my senior year and all of my friends went to Ivy League colleges, while I was left to attend my dreadful senior year AGAIN with a bunch of crackpots.
Though, that wasn’t the part that made me lose my sense of self- dignity. It was when the look of nonchalance on my father’s face when he heard the former news. Even this far in life I didn’t have goal or any plans to look forward to. This part kept me most of the nights and stole any little peace of mind I had left.
Then I attended community college in hopes of at least getting proper education. In college, I couldn’t stick to any one major for a year as I was pretty fickle minded about it.
One sunny happy day, birds are chirping, I’m braying Beyoncé’s halo and enter the college premises to see this guy snogging my girlfriend. My fury knows no bounds as I beat the shit out of him then I get to know that my girlfriend had been cheating on me with him for many months. But, it was too late to reconsider my actions as I had probably broken 50 of his bones oops!
Then I got slapped an assault case and got expelled from college for disgracing them. This particular joke that I’m about to say is a big touché moment but humour at my expense has been a trend I’ve experienced everywhere so hell with it.
I got expelled from a freaking community college with drug addicts, goons, people who have flunked their freshman year about 3 times go to. And I have been expelled from such a college for “disgracing them”!!!
Go on laugh yourself out.
But a tiny ray of hope appeared after a jumbo combo of disappointment with a side of bad luck and a dollop of ugly fate. I was discovered by the basketball scouts and got a chance to play in the local league and if I did play well, I had a chance of playing ball in college! They absolutely loved me. I had gotten so used to people being disappointed in me that I was so unsure of myself when people really appreciated me.
But as you know of my series fuck ups I had to screw this one too. But, this one was the most epic of them all. I had a few shots in before the game just to you know, bring that edge.
During the game, when I was passed the ball, my drunken brain thought it was the head of my ex-girlfriend and I started smashing the ball against my head (which my brain thinks as a pathetic attempt of kissing “her” or rather “it”). So, at the end, everyone thought I was some lunatic and I got kicked off the field (literally).
I finally let go of all the little self-respect I had and applied for a job as a cashier at McDonalds. And the reply from them was the single most embarrassing moment of my life.
I got rejected!
Then I heard a call saying that my grandpa had died but he had also left me the family mansion, which I assume is out of pity for being ignored for most of my life. This was just in time (not my grandpa’s death of course! Gee I’m not so devoid of emotion!) as I was being kicked out of my apartment due to not paying rent for past 3 months and needed a place to crash.
But, aside from that I was a 23 year old man with no job, no girlfriend, and no degrees to show for, no friends and absolutely broke. I should be the poster boy for the word “miserable” (at least that way I’ll make some profit out of my pathetic existence of a life).
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The mansion looks absolutely beautiful from outside. It has a huge dome at the centre with 2 parapets flanking its either sides. The entire dome is made of tinted blue glass which makes it look like it’s a part of the sky but a glistening one filled with hand painted butterflies, hummingbirds, Macau’s and various other exotic species of birds.
The front lawn is as exorbitant as a rare and secret meadow left untouched by mankind, where the flowers unknown grow at their own liberty, unrestricted where bees hover over them making a slight buzzing sound . The whole estate looks so unreal and glorious, it is like a medieval castle left untouched.
But, all I could feel by looking at it was dejection. I felt even this wonderful piece of architecture was looming over and looking at me in pity. I sighed heavily and gathered my meagre possessions and stepped inside.
It was even more splendid from the inside. I don’t know what I’ll do with so much space, I could fit all of my things in the pantry closet! I just lay down on the plush divan to take a small nap because thinking about my wretched life made my mind blackout and heavy like I’d had a few too many tequila shots.
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“Poor boy, how can anyone’s life be so tragic and pitiable!?” said pride, wiping off the tears rolling down its cheek, “I know what a troubled childhood feels like, even my mother was too haughty to admit that she had become too fat because of giving birth to me and she never looked at me with a hint of motherly affection, it totally damaged my self-confidence.”
“As if you ever had it to begin with! You appeared to be so full of yourself in front of people but deep down you’re a pathetic little wimp!”
“Stop it envy! See, you made him cry, aren’t you living up to your name! Always jealous of others! I know it’s like we can invade his privacy, by taking a peek at his thoughts, but this boy can’t even defend himself. He doesn’t get angry at all when people talk all sorts of things about him! How can he even live with himself!”
“Now now, anger you don’t upset yourself too much, your BP is gonna skyrocket. All this boy needs to do is to get laid man! He so uptight, he needs to loosen up a little and take a chill pill.”
“I totally agree with you, said Sloth, he needs to take some time out for himself and have a little self’-introspective nap once in a while right, Glutton?”
“All you ever do is take naps! And anyways he needs to round up and appear fuller, he’s such a scrawny kid! Eat more spaghetti and meatballs!”
“You’re awfully quiet Greed, speak up man this isn’t like you! You’re always complaining that you don’t as much time to speak”.
“Yeah dude, it’s just I’ve never seen any man not having even basic survivalist desires. We gotta help this fella.”
“Okay then roll up your sleeves gentlemen and ugh *cough* cough* sorry woman, we got some work to do!”
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I opened my eyes and nearly peed myself in the pants, in front of me were six men and woman, I screamed like a cat dunked in a bucket of water!
“Hey Yo mate, chill down, we’re just here to help”, said a boy who was in his teens clearly by the amount of acne on his face and the ripped jeans and hoodie he wore further justified my guess, he wore a badge called “sloth”
What a weird name, I thought. Who would like to be named after the sloth bear!
“Yo, for the fact the sloth bear was named after me!”
“Now, sloth you need to follow your own words, the boy must be scared shitless. By the way, I’m Greed, nice to meet you too and that rude fellow was Sloth.”, spoke a middle aged man with a rather baggy shirt and tight jeans.
“Guys let’s introduce ourselves to make it easier for him. Hello young fellow, I’m Glutton!”, said a shirtless man whose abs glistened with sweat as though he’d come from a workout.
“Hello kitten, I’m Anger.”, said a strikingly beautiful woman with a purple dress synched at the waist with a Gucci belt and black stilettos.
“Greetings from the better part of hell dear, I’m Envy.”, said a man with a formal attire and red horn-rimmed glasses.
“Morning, I’m Pride.”, said a tall man wearing an expensive Armani suit, reebok sunglasses and slick blonde hair.
“Hi, I’m Lust.” ,he whispered, God he must be the male-version of Aphrodite! He was enough to turn a straight man like me, gay.
(I gave such detailed description of them, as they keep recurring and I wanted you guys to see them exactly like I did.)
“Umm. Hi, I’m max I guess.”, I blurted.
“God! We need to work on your self-confidence boy! Okay I’ll tell you why we’re here. While you were napping, we looked into your past and thought you might need a little boost to help you live a better life. So, each of us will help you in their own area of expertise and ooh! I almost forgot we are here only for two days, so buckle up!”
Have become schizophrenic?! I am hearing voices in my head!
“Relax honey, we are visible and audible only to you.”, Anger said.
“Humph okay, what should I do to get rid of you lot?”
Quit the sarcasm brother, first we need to get a good workout. Come on move your ass, and Glutton then pulled me away for what seemed like forever and made me workout like hell. The workout was so intense, I was so sore I couldn’t move a muscle and every time I got up my butt ached.
But, when I looked in the mirror, I couldn’t believe my eyes, my body looked like it was photo shopped! Six pack abs, killer thighs, amazing collar bone and to top it off a chiseled jaw! I looked like a Greek God!
Then, without wasting a minute, Sloth whisked me into the kitchen which was filled with amazing food and magazines. He told me, “You know what mate, you need to take some time out for yourself and make yourself happy once in a while.”
I never forgot those words.
I ate to my stomach’s fill, of course only healthy foods allowed (Glutton approved- check). Then my slot was with Anger.
We took a walk and were talking everyday stuff when she pulled me into a McDonald’s. I resisted as I had just eaten the feast of my life, but she insisted and made me sit down in a booth.
“Sometimes anger in the right direction is okay.”
Then a waiter came and asked for our order, before we could even blink an eye, he started bellowing out like a cow belching and started telling people that I was the specimen of a man who got rejected even from a McDonald’s job and thought a ball was his ex-girlfriend!
People around me started taking selfies and snaps of me and posting it on social media.
Anger whispered, “You need to defend your honour, sugar. No one is going to do it for you.”
I mustered all the courage I had left in me and punched that guy in his face. I pulled Anger away and we made for the run.
After the running all the way to house, I told her, “I never felt so exhilarated and satisfied in my entire life!”
“But, remember kitten, anger only in the right direction and for the right cause, like you defending your honour for example.”
Will remember, Ms. Anger.
Then Pride and Greed approached me together and took me into my room and gave my laptop.
“Listen son, you are quite capable and intelligent, all you need is to believe in yourself a little more and go after the things you want.” , Pride said. “So you need to write an essay to get into Ivy League colleges with full scholarship, so begin writing.”
I bit my lip. Just believe in yourself.
Then I wrote my essay by pulling an all-nighter and submitted it.
I could feel someone shaking me hardly, I rubbed my eyes and opened them reluctantly only to see Greed pulling off my blankets and telling me to get ready for a small basketball session.
We then drove over to the Baltimore city gym, I then realized he had brought me to the basketball try-outs for the city’s team!
Believe in yourself.
After almost half a day, we returned home then Lust dragged me into various clothing stores and dressed me up and told me to remember one girl who had impacted me the most.
Then, I thought how I could miss the one girl who stood with me through thick and thin! She never doubted me! Suddenly I could remember all the subtle hints she gave throughout the time we were friends, and I, a fool, never paid her enough attention, trying to go after girls who were popular!
Oh Sarah! Then I saw the smirk on Lust’s face and knew he was the one who helped me clear my thoughts.
He murmured, “Go! You moron.”
I rushed to my car and drove to Sarah’s house and almost punched a hole into her front door trying to knock.
The door opened, and when I saw her face, I found calm in midst of all chaos of my mind, guess I finally got to see the true love I always yearned for.
I gave her my true confession with gulps in between.
She told, “I thought you’d never realize.”
I pulled her waist close to me, and whispered in her ear, “Better late than never” and tucked the hair on her cheek behind her ear and kissed her like I’d never see her again.
Well, two days passed within a blink of an eye, and yet I have changed so much, grown into a better man. Oh! Only Envy hadn’t had his chance to speak to me.
I then told Sarah I’d see her tomorrow and drove back to the house to see all of them standing on my front porch. I got down and t and went and hugged each one knowing it was time to say our goodbyes.
Envy stepped forward, “Max, we always knew you were a special young man, but always remember that when you succeed, there are always gonna be people who will envy you and try to bring you down, you have to then remember how hard you worked to get there and say, fuck you assholes and stay put.”
“I love you guys; do you have to go?”
“Yes child, but we will be watching you, okay?”
When I was going to unlock the front door, I saw my reflection on the glass, and I then I realized that I was always like this, but I never saw myself for what I really am.
I measured my life by milestones and achievements all along, never realizing those small moments where I was the best possible version of myself.
I guess, the old wise man was correct.
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Epilogue – After a year
I am so busy right now, I don’t even have the time to write this, but I know you guys I are curious of what happened after that.
I got selected to play college ball for Princeton University with a full scholarship. Sarah and I are in a very serious relationship and we are thinking of getting married after college, oh and by the way, she also got accepted to Princeton.
I also work as a part time model for Vogue (who knew!) I think I may be playing for the NBA next year.
And I made things right with my father and actually forgave him of all his shortcomings.
I am so grateful and happy for those two days last year, though I still think my mind is playing tricks with me as I went back the McDonald’s store and asked the guy whom I punched if he remembered me and he gave this weird look .
Anyways, you guys might have thought I have finally achieved something, but I think otherwise. I am still so very insecure about myself in a thousand different ways. But when I wake up in the morning, I am so grateful for being given this life in contrast to before when I used to wonder my purpose.
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~ Lady Lazarus
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spacebunniis · 6 years
meta topic: Yexia and how she changes over the course of the story :3c (i know i already Know This but i love it a lot and i think it deserves to be OUT THERE ON YOUR BLOG !!!) ♥
you are the bessssttt ;;U;;❤️❤️❤️❤️
prepare for a LOT
uhhh under a cut because even I wrote more than I expected to
alright here is angry nightmare child’s growth to semi-decent tough girl with a good(ish) heart
let’s start! all the way at the beginning!
Yexia is the 5th of 6 siblings, and the clear favorite  of her parents because she’s the strongest (physically, and more importantly, in the force). It’s not exactly a favoritism that is rewarded with anything other than her parents at least do praise her versus the cold indifference (or sometimes disdain) her parents show to her siblings. They still push her to be stronger, and only encourage her to push herself, to go far, and make it obvious that she’s only successful if she has something to show for it. She’s the one who is going to carry their family name, who is not only going to hold their prestige, but raise up their legacy, make their family name better. Yexia and her siblings are all regularly encouraged to fight each other to ‘improve’ their skills, and they do not hold back. At a fairly young age Yexia has a spar against her force-blind sister Izhae, and leaves half of Izhae’s face covered in a burn scar. (sidenote that I don’t know if I’ve talked about before - instead of base game abilities, I always imagine Yexia’s force abilities being more fire based, to match her…explosive…personality  :’D ) This isn’t the only time she leaves scars on her siblings (granted, she’s also got quite a few from them).
By the time she arrives as an apprentice at Korriban she is well and truly awful. She’s her parents favorite, so she’s nothing but a cocky, overconfident asshole. She thinks she’s the best, and she deserves whatever she wants just because she’s so great. There’s not a lot of people who get along with Yexia because she’s hard to get along with. She’s blunt, and not in the good way - it’s just plain rudeness. Yexia delighted in tormenting and taunting others, because that’s how you show you’re better than them. Whatever she’s doing she rushes in with blind surety and recklessness because of course she knows what’s best, of course she can take down anything and anyone.
However, as an apprentice she’s also faced with, for the first time, realizing that everything isn’t going to come easy to her, it’s not all going to be handed to her. It’s not that she isn’t strong, she is, but in what is news to her, so are plenty of other people. There’s plenty of other strong force-users, some who even rival or exceed her. But she has to be the best, and her instinct in the face of this is just to get angrier, and more reckless, and just be more of an asshole in the quest to prove she’s the strongest.
One of the first things that begins changing her world view is Vette, who really is the first to both not be afraid of Yexia AND not to immediately just (rightfully) hate Yexia for being so insufferable. The two of them working together, and Yexia having to rely on Vette for something she can’t do starts to make Yexia reconsider some things. And also you know, first ever friend! Yay! So Vette is able to put up with Yexia’s assholery, give some of it back, and still be enjoyable and nice and well…it feels good to have a relationship with someone that’s based on anything that isn’t hate or rivalry. Yexia doesn’t really know what to do with herself (which does lead to her falling back on just saying rude or angry shit when she’s overwhelmed/doesn’t know how to correctly process feelings).
And of course next, one of the most important factors, naturally, is Azhiera. Apart from being forced to work together, Yexia is drawn to Azhiera for many reasons, just many she can’t exactly figure out at first. For one, she is definitely attracted to her, but doesn’t even realize that until MUCH. MUCH LATER. But also at the beginning I think, she’s a little afraid of Azhiera to be honest. Azhiera is strong, and in the face of a lot more obstacles than Yexia has ever had to face. Even not knowing Azhiera’s entire history, she is still an alien (and a chiss at that) at the academy. And like Vette, Azhiera is never really intimidated by Yexia, which definitely throws her off. This small, sassy, blueberry just refuses to be intimidated, and actually messes with Yexia. Azhiera sasses Yexia back, “accidentally” zaps her, and Yexia gets angry but always comes up short of actually doing anything more than being all bark and no bite at responding to whatever Azhiera is doing.
The more they work together the more Yexia realizes she likes Azhiera, and that, in a weird way they are friends. But she has no way of … properly conveying that, or conveying how important Azhiera is to her with words so it comes out more through actions. She’s always a shield between Azhiera and enemies, she tries to say nice things even if it usually comes out weirdly phrased, in a yell, or roundabout way.
She also begins talking more about feelings with Vette because Vette (mostly) doesn’t make fun of her. The relationship she ends up having with Vette is, Yexia eventually realizes, the kind of relationship most siblings have. They bicker, they tease each other, but at the end of the day they have each other’s backs. They don’t try to one up each other, she doesn’t feel like she has to be better than Vette - they’re equals. And she starts seeing Azhiera as an equal too (or, honestly maybe placing her above a little bit, not that she’d ever admit it but she’s pretty damn smitten).
Which, as cliché as it is, also contributes to her growth. Finding something other than anger as a passion, something like love, a desire to protect her friends and found family - that really pushes her to finally start thinking beyond herself. She (as long as it took) finally begins to realize the ways everyone she encounters has a whole life, their own passions and goals, and that she could never be the best at everything. Everyone has their own strengths - and for the longest time she was only using her strength in the pursuit to become stronger and nothing more. She is still a pretty brutal Sith, and still works her way up in the Empire, but she’s not quite as unforgiving, she’s more willing to show mercy rather than brutally end anyone who crosses her.
(I still haven’t finished warrior’s story though know most of it so bare with me as I skip ahead to expansions!)
Later on she ends up working as Linalae’s right-hand officer (whatever that position is?? idk), because by the time they’re facing Valkorion and Arcann, Yexia is a much more mature person. She still uses her outside voice more than often, is quick to anger and often very intimidating but she’s better at stepping back and actually evaluating situations, in actually giving fair responses to situations. She’s also finally able to take orders from others, and recognize someone like Linalae as a good leader, and someone worth following. (Begrudgingly she also becomes something of a squad 'leader’ for a group of blueberries that has until now been Vette and Azhiera, is joined by my inquisitor Ziseshis, and eventually any other blue babe in the alliance who realizes, they can all kind of stand behind her and let her take all the damage for them, even if she complains and yells about it, she’s gonna protect them).
And, to come full circle, let’s end with family too!! By the time she’s in the alliance she’s lost contact with all her siblings. It’s not like they were ever close to begin with. But she does return home one last time to formally let her parents know she’s not carrying on the family name the way they want her to. At this point she’s lost an arm (that’s a story for another time!), and she tells her parents she’s in love with Azhiera, a chiss, and she doesn’t plan on returning home ever again. Needless to say her parents are furious, and rather than yell or explode at her Yexia just, finally receives the cold indifference they had been giving to all her other siblings. She’s just ignored. So she leaves and returns to her real family.
Eventually out of morbid curiosity she asks Linalae to check in on her sister Izhae. All Yexia knows about her is that she was in the military, since it was her only way of proving any strength. Linalae discovers Izhae also became a Cipher Agent, however, is listed as KIA. It’s not something Yexia can cry over, or even feel a deep sadness over, but it still stirs up something more now than it would’ve in the past. She at least wishes she could’ve apologized to Izhae, for a lot of things. However, she does get the chance to apologize to one of her siblings. When she and her siblings came of age, it was her family’s tradition to send them out to face a large and hard to take down beast as a right of passage (how Yexia got the scars on her face). It is expected that they defeat the monster and return, or die in battle (because coming back without defeating the beast would be unthinkable). Her sister Jaeyi never returned from the fight, and was presumed dead when Yexia was incredibly young. She was used as an example of how Yexia and her siblings shouldn’t be weak, of what not to be. Jaeyi was brutally injured facing the beast, but in her nearly last moments she became so fearful for her death that she was able to drag herself to freedom, far away from the beast before collapsing. She was discovered and healed, and eventually found herself among Jedi who wanted her to join them. Her upbringing and this experience made Jaeyi an incredibly fearful and meek person, bad at standing up for herself, scared of her own shadow, but still trying her best to prove her worth among the Jedi - to prove that saving her was worth it. Still, she never fit in that well, and didn’t feel she was particularly strong or worth while. And since I’ve already rambled enough about Jaeyi on accident - the long story short is, Yexia ends up finding Jaeyi and bringing her back to the Alliance, where Jaeyi is welcomed and slowly begins to fit in. The two of them have a lot to rebuild in their relationship; when Yexia finds Jaeyi, Jaeyi is terrified Yexia will drag her back to their parents or kill her on the spot. It takes a long time for Jaeyi to stop being scared of Yexia. But she gets to watch the way Yexia interacts with everyone, how Yexia has respect and people listen to her, but they don’t respect or listen to her out of fear - Yexia’s actually earned it.
Overall, by the end Yexia is still rough, and speaks somewhat crudely, and jumps to conclusions or actions too quickly a lot of the time. She still yells a lot, and isn’t always good at expressing genuine emotions, or saying nice things. But, underneath all that she is pretty sweet - she genuinely tries to help her friends, she definitely does everything she can to protect what and who she believes is worth protecting. She learns how to step back and assess situations, how to do things that will benefit her and others, she learns how sometimes she needs to put the needs of others before herself. And she’s also pretty good at giving those back-breaking, lifted off the ground hugs.
So that’s !! A lot on Yexia :’D a very angry tomato. I love her so much and to anyone who reads all this thank you so much????? i have lots of thoughts and feelings and so much i wanna write for her and idk if i even conveyed everything properly but ;v; here’s a big long wall of words and love!! TvT
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B',:) all. of. them.
bitch I love you so much 
Anubis: How do you feel about death? uhhnn?????? ?????? ??? ????
Atum: What are your greatest imperfections? I'm a scared useless piece of shit who sucks at functioning in normal society
Bastet: Do you have any cats? sadly no. 
Hathor: What brings you joy? you, you idiot
Horus: What is one thing you've had to fight for in your life? pffffft I don't know how to answer this, the shit I fight for is kind of either stupid OE more complicated than I'm willing to dump right now. 
Osiris: Do you believe in the underworld? I mean, I believe that you go to whatever afterlife you believe in when you die. 
Ra: Do you have any major responsibilities or importance? I am largely insignificant. 
Arawn: What is the most terrifying thing you've ever done? uhhh when I was like seven I fell and cut my left wrist open, that was scary amd I still have a scar. Having the bus break down and having to change the tire on the side of the road was bad. And like every time I end up getting separated from the people I'm supposed to be with in a public place is B A D.
Bran: How is your health? I'm extremely nearsighted and my skin is evil but good other than that!
Brighid: Tell us about your relationship with your father. uh. Uhhh. Fuck. Not good for a good chunk of the time but when it isn't horrible it's fine?
Cernunnos: What is your favorite animal? Crow! Or kitty. Or dog. I just like all animals guys, I'm sorry?
Danu: What is your relationship with your mother? uhhhh better than the one with dad 
Morrigan: What do you think happens when we die? see Osiris. Plus you have the option to be reincarnated. 
Olwen: What is your favorite flower? Wisteria or chamomile. 
Rhiannon: Have you ever been betrayed? pffft enough that I expect the good things to noit happen even as I prepare for them
Bragi: What kind of music do you listen to? all. Bob Dylan, wattsky, rolling stones, smash mouth, sqyirel nut zippers, frank Zappa, so many more...
Freya: Have you ever been in love? yeah too much. I'm a heart player, what'd you expect?
Freyr: Do you have any children? nah
Hœnir: Are you a silent or talkative person? both but I'd prefer the situations where I can be talkative 
Iounn: How old are you? 21
Loki: What is the best trick you've ever pulled on someone? freezing my asshole friend's toothbrush
Odin: What is your family like? oh my god Strange. 
Thor: Would you consider yourself pretty powerful? I have no power. 
Tree: What have you done with your life? What are you going to do with it? staaaaahp please I'm stressed enough
Aphrodite: What do you think of yourself? messy horrible trash child
Ares: Are you an easy person to anger? ...not really unless you're my dad or sis. 
Athena: Would you consider yourself an artist? ...a shitty one but yes. 
Apollo: Do you play any instruments? No. 
Dionysus: Do you drink? Yeah, so much water :0) juice :0) milk :0) tea :0)
Hades: Do you have a bad reputation? normal people think I'm such a good person I hate myself
Hekate: Have you ever tried to communicate with the dead? No because joy won't bring me the ouija board
Hermes: Have you ever stolen anything? yeah but I don't reality want to go into details
Poseidon: Are you a moody person? Sometimes
Zeus: Are you a confident person? No
Jupiter: Would people say that you are intimidating or fairly approachable? If I'm intimidating please reconsider yourself, I'm lightweight and you can probably kill me but I wanna be friends
Pluto: Where do you think we go when we die? SEE Osiris
Apollo & Dianna: Do you prefer to be up during the day or at night? night, let me be nocturnal
Mars: Have you ever gotten into a fight? my sis used to beat me up regularly
Minerva: Do you generally give good advice? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Proserpine: Have you ever felt trapped? hahaha yeah, kinda right now
Plutus: Do you have a job? not really
Venus: Have you ever had your heart broken? kinda
Vesta: Do you like being home or do you try to get out whenever you can? Out. Out out out. But I have issues with being out with someone I don't trust or alone. So yeah. 
Morpheus: Do you daydream often? Of what? so often and just. Shit um writing or whatever. I had a month long davejohn daydream one time. I miss it. 
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para || Brobastian: Another Shot, 12/25/2016
Tagging: @sebadasssmythe and @squaredancing-weston
Time: Sunday evening, 25 December 2016
Setting: JAX Tavern, Forrest, OH
Summary:  When Brody invites Sebastian to be his ringer at the Christmas Pub Trivia game with a first prize of a free tab for the night, of course he says yes.  And of course they make a mockery of the competition.  What’s left but to drink to themselves?
Part 2
Note: Kind of jumbled because we started out just headcanon-ing and then got more detailed...
Brody rolled his eyes.  "Narcissistic, big-headed, semi-demonic...yeah, I guess I was a little too kind," he couldn't help but retort.  "Yeah, that sounds like your method of thinking," the older man responded.  "Always my fault."  Oh, damn, that sounded like a really...confusing offer.  Wait, what?  Brody kept his expression calm, but internally his drunk and befuddled mind was now clinging to Sebastian corrupting him and how else could Bas possibly do that unless they ended up in bed together again?  "Seriously Bas-- I lived on a ranch for years.  I almost worked a farm for a living instead of herding teenagers.  You don't think I would know what was sexy and what wasn't about outdoor gear?  It's an illusion." Except, arguably, if it got him into bed again, Brody would totally reconsider his stance on chaps. "Hey, I know exactly what it was-- I'm just pointing out that you're selling yourself a bit short for assuming it was anything less.  Although I will admit that you have a talent for giving back to the community."  He barked out a laugh at his own joke, raising his shot glass in a toast before throwing it back and signaling for another.  "What-- here, or in a house?  Because obviously things change up a bit depending on what we're talking about.  I mean, for instance, I don't have any hanging racks that can hold you up in my place, versus in the back room..." Arguably, Brody knew from experience that having a round back there would cost a few bills for the bartender to turn a blind eye, but he could think of worse things to spend his money on-- especially since he wasn't paying for his drinks.  "On the other hand, there's not a shower or a hammock chair/pseudo sex swing here."  The sex swing had been a stretch, but Brody was trying to play to his strengths, and with the cold weather, he had brought the thing inside and shoved in the corner, which did look oddly suggestive every time he looked at it.  Brody huffed, "You know, first off-- that was stupid.  Second, I did manage to get past it just fine, thank you.  And C) it's all of your furniture, Bas.  Literally, the only thing that felt like it actually belonged in a house was the mattress.  Where the hell do you shop?  An art gallery?" Brody didn't want to screw over Bas, or Vanessa to be fair.  He liked both of them.  And, he justified to himself, he wasn't really taking Bas away from Vanessa...he was just detouring his route for a little bit. "Hey, you may be charming and mysterious, Sebastian Smythe, but I am trustworthy and a good guy.  Why would I lie to a friend?"  He arched an eyebrow deviously, wondering if Bas would call his bluff.  Apparently not, or not immediately, because Brody had the other man's interest.  Brody tried to think of something he was sure he could win completely uncertain of Bas' skill level in bar games.  He could think of one option, but it was generally one he didn't like to use.  Brody wasn't a fan of revealing personal information himself, under most circumstances, but...  "5 shots.  Never Have I Ever.  I lose, I talk you up to Vanessa and any other person you see worth fucking in this place.  I win...I'll still talk you up to her, but you owe //me// a more personal show of appreciation before you take her up on it."  He arched his eyebrows suggestively, his chest pounding hard as he waited for the other's answer on how flexible those rules were...
 “A little too vague, more like,” Sebastian countered. “And, yeah, well – for once, I wasn’t the cause of this mess.” Honestly, he was pretty sure Brody was just in denial at this point where the whole Blaine deal was concerned. His suggestion of corrupting Brody didn’t quite get the reaction that Sebastian had been hoping for, but he found himself wondering if that was just because Brody was forcing himself not to react. Which was just as good as a reaction in itself, really. “Yeah, but what’s sexy to me might not be sexy to you, Brodes. I didn’t say /I/ wanted to model the stuff for /you/.” Seriously, this was starting to become a problem. He was pretty sure that he talked about the older man in chaps just as much as Brody talked about Sebastian’s ass. “I never sell myself short,” Sebastian replied with a scoff. “I know I rocked your world, don’t worry. My confidence in my skills is perfectly fine.” He shook his head, but it was accompanied by an amused chuckle. How much had Brody had to drink? Not that he was feeling entirely sober himself, but still. He raised his eyebrows as Brody listed off several… tempting options. Fuck. “Wait— you use a hammock as a sex swing?” Shit, that was… yeah. Something he wanted to try. Something that sounded ridiculously risky, and Sebastian couldn’t help but think that it was no wonder that Brody often found himself with an endless list of sex-related injuries. “Admittedly, my headboard leaves something to be desired – but it’s not like it’s something I thought about while picking out my furniture.” Not that he’d put a lot of thought into his furniture, anyway, but it looked good regardless. He hummed doubtfully. “What kind of good guy deliberately ruins my chances. Maybe I should go over there myself after all,” he suggested. He waited for Brody to decide on his wager, tapping his fingers against his glass. His lips spread into a devious grin when Brody made his suggestion. Really it sounded like Brody deliberately chose a game that Sebastian would lose, but for once in his life, this really was a bet that Sebastian really wouldn’t mind losing. Really, he had more to gain by losing than winning, when you thought about it. “Fine, Brodes. You’re on.”
"Well, consider this me amending my mistake," Brody retorted.   He raised a hand to argue that, since he brought up the whole meerkat thing in the beginning, arguably the whole aftermath was his fault, but there was no way he'd actually convince Bas of that, and he was kind of preoccupied with other ideas to really want to be deterred by that whole furry discussion again.  "Alright, so say I go ahead and drag you out to a field exhibition, I set up shop in my gear-- boots, hat, jacket, full-legged chaps...whole nine yards.  And then, you know...drag out the whole day so that you've got no choice but to just watch me wander around like that, with no respite..."  Now it was actually sounding kind of hot, truthfully.  "You're saying that's something you'd be into?  As opposed to the weird black leather crap strippers wear?"
"And yet you feel like it was enough of a letdown that you have to bolster my ego?" Brody countered.  "I think one of us is confused on how that night went down, and pretty sure it wasn't me."  Well, that got Bas' attention.  Brody's lips twitched in triumph as his stretch paid off.  "Seriously Bas?  There are two reasons to buy furniture-- it's either comfortable or a good sex surface.  Preferably both, let's be honest.  And that thing has to come inside during the winter, so I might as well make good use out of it, right?"  He angled his head curiously at Bas, goading him into thoughts Brody himself had been entertaining for what seemed like ages by now.  "Seriously?  Then what the hell //do// you think about when you buy furniture?"  Brody just didn't get why you'd just want crap that looked...what?  Expensive? Brody barked out a laugh.  "One that cares about the morning after for his friend?" he retorted with a smirk.  Although he didn't figure Vanessa as the clingy type-- well, she was, but not like she'd call Bas incessantly or throw things at him if he tried to sneak out.  Hers was more of an in-the-moment cling.  Literally, sometimes.  "Scared of what a few choice words can do, Bas?" he goaded.   Brody's heart felt like it would just about explode out of his chest when it realized he was getting his chance.  He really wanted Bas back around him-- in a lot of different ways, for a lot of different times, but he'd just take one if that's all he could get.  He just needed a quick fix, since he was going without all night, he told himself.  Brody gestured to the bartender for ten shots to line the bar, and drew the first close to him, using his index finger to start tracing a line across the rim.  "Alright then.  Never have I ever...had sex with someone more than ten years my senior."  He knew Bas had been in a problem child, especially in his youth-- he had to have had a cougar at least once.
God, Brody just had to go ahead and make him visualise it, didn’t he? He tried his best not to be too telling as he pictured Brody in the outfit he described, but he was pretty sure his pupils were way too blown – and, honestly, since when did Sebastian develop such a cowboy kink? His pants were way too tight as it was, and he shuffled in attempt to ease the pressure. “You really think I’d prefer the fake stuff over the real deal?” he asked, his voice taking a slightly gravelly stance that he couldn’t really help. Shit, he really needed to get some relief – and he was pretty sure he’d be thinking about Brody in his gear regardless. He rolled his eyes. “You have such a terrible habit of putting words in my mouth.” The only thing that was a letdown about that night was that it ended, and it left Sebastian wanting more. “I dunno, Brodes, you sound pretty confused on the matter.” And holy shit, Brody definitely knew how to reel him in. “I mean, I can definitely see the benefits of having a good sex surface around if bringing people back to your place is something you regularly do,” he conceded with a shrug – but really, his mind was just trying to work out ways that they could put Brody’s hammock to good use. He shrugged. “It looks good, so I go with it?” “If your friend is smart, she’ll understand what a night with me and the morning after would mean,” Sebastian retorted, and he rolled his eyes in exasperation. “I’m not worried. Have you /seen/ me? I’m irresistible – as you’re perfectly aware.” Despite the fact that Brody had managed to resist him for so long, but that was beside the point entirely. Oh, Brody was /definitely/ trying to get him to lose – and Sebastian huffed, taking the first shot and downing it within a matter of seconds – because, yeah. He’d went through an older man stage – particularly in his early 20’s. He let out a breath as the burn rose on the back of his throat, trying to think of a counter. “My turn,” he said. He didn’t want to make it look like he was /willing/ to lose, so he had to be smart, here – go for plausible options, and definitely not fake out on his first go. “Never have I ever had sex in a barn.”  That was reasonable, right? It sounded like something Brody might have done.
Brody shook his head with a grin, "Well, when you put it that way..."  He shrugged, "Really though, you just seem like an appearance over function kind of guy, which leans more toward the painted-on, exhibition black leather, rather than the layered, organic, working type."  Brody fiddled with his empty glass-- truthfully this conversation was kind of turning him on regardless, and he wished it would go somewhere else. "Yeah, I have a pretty good recollection of what went in your mouth-- words weren't something I put there."   Brody must be pretty far gone, because that was a bad innuendo, but he couldn't pass it up.  Which meant now his dick was starting to twitch in excitement at the visual that accompanied Brody's words, because Bas' eyes staring up at him while he sucked down Brody's cock... holy fuck.  "Well, to be fair, I don't have the same compunctions with people coming back to my place because I don't screw crazy people," Brody pointed out.  "So why not make good use out of your surroundings, right?"  He scoffed.  "I think if there was ever a lesson for looks can be deceiving, it would be your furniture, Bas." Brody shrugged his shoulders noncommittally-- he knew Vanessa was smart, and Sebastian was hot, but he still didn't like the situation.  "I don't know-- the right phrasing and all the looks in the world may not save you," he pointed out.  Bas obviously wasn't used to not getting what he wanted, but Brody was fairly confident that he could swing the hammer if he wanted to.  Not that he did-- if he wanted to fuck Vanessa tonight, good for him, right?  It wasn't any of Brody's business anyways. Brody watched him reach for the Jack, smirking in triumph as he knocked the drink back.  It was interesting, but even though Brody wanted to win, he also had a nag in his head about the potential information he could glean from the other man playing this game.  I mean, he was definitely going to win, right?  So why not find out a little extra information as well. And then Bas fired back, and Brody couldn't help but laugh, even though he was irritated.  Because, yeah-- he'd definitely managed that one more than once.  Considering how opposed to having sex in his parents' house he'd been growing up, his truck and the barn were pretty much staples for his sex life.  So raising in toast, he threw back one of his own, placing the empty shot in front of him.  "Never have I ever..."  A part of him wanted to go for the easy hits-- to win.  But he also wanted to actually play the game-- to learn something.  Bas was about as inclined to share as Brody himself, and he couldn't help but be curious about the man who was similar and yet so different than himself, "...had sex in my father's office," he countered, eyebrow raised.  That was a more risky move, since Brody, even knowing Bas and his parents had a contentious relationship, had no idea how respectful of the man Bas had been back when they'd been on speaking terms.  But it was kind of hot to think about, so Brody decided to go for it anyways.
“Here’s thing, though – chaps look good on their own. Why would I want some fake tacky plastic crap?” He grinned in return. “I mean, just because there’s less of it, doesn’t mean it’s hotter, right?” Not that he was altogether against that kind of thing, but fuck, the thought of Brody all geared up just did something to him that he couldn’t even explain. How the older man managed to have such an effect on him even after they’d slept together, he’ll never know.  “No, my mouth was pretty full,” he admitted with a smirk.  “That, I didn’t mind so much.” More like it was so hot that he was still thinking about it over a month later, but he didn’t need to get too specific there, right? Because, shit, the way that Brody took control during sex, telling him what to do… it was something that made his cock strain in his pants every time he thought about it. He hummed, conceding with a nod. “You have a point, there. Hey, if you trust people enough to take them back to your place, more power to you.” He’d slept with exactly two people at his own place, and neither were people he’d just met that night. Fuck that. “Hey, we seemed to manage to get good use out of my furniture, as far as my recollection goes.” He almost wanted to prove Brody wrong. /Almost/. As much as Brody could try his best, Sebastian could be pretty damn charming, after all. Then again, the older man might have the advantage as far as having built up some apparent level of trust with the woman, so he wasn’t 100% sure if he actually /could/ win this one. Strangely, it didn’t bother him as much as it usually would. Sebastian chuckled as Brody knocked back his drink, flashing a grin at him. Although he kind of had to play this carefully. As much as he wanted to find stuff out about Brody, he didn’t actually want to /win/ this one. Well, he wanted to win – just, something different entirely. Then again, it wasn’t like he couldn’t just forget about Vanessa and go home with Brody regardless, but that’d mean admitting that the other had made such a strong impression on him that he was willing to break his own rules… again. Brody asked the next question, and he only just managed not to wince, shaking his head. His father had actually been pretty terrifying – and his office had been kept locked when he wasn’t holed up in it. Not that it was exactly an open door policy when he was. He moulded his lips into a cocky smirk. “Careful, Brodes. Gotta step up your game.” He licked his lips in thought, trying to think of something that Brody /might/ not have done, and then it came to him. “Never have I ever fucked someone while wearing chaps.” And with that particular image in his head, Sebastian swallowed around the thirst in his suddenly dry throat.
Brody barked out a laugh: he wasn't sure how this conversation had become oddly flattering, but at some point it had seemed to shift that way.  As ridiculous as the thought was while sober, right now it was like Sebastian was specifically turned on by Brody's lifestyle, and not just the vague fetish of chaps and the cowboy look.  He must be more drunk than he thought.  "Well, if you're so certain on that one, I may have to pull you out on a trip come spring," he replied.  "Hell, once I went to a circuit that one bracket of competitors went to a strip club afterwards that was specifically themed for the event, so arguably if you plan it right you can get both.  Compare and contrast, right?"  He laughed in amusement: he'd been too young to join Bob on that trip, but his older brother had always made a good story out of it, and it was practically stamped into Brody's mind."And it looked damn good that way," the older man added, more than half honest and/or hard by the image of Bas beneath him-- his fingers tingling at the memory of being fisting his hair and just--  and breathe, Brody, he reminded himself.   You're at a bar, not a motel.  "Definitely won't say it bothered me at all."   He smiled at Bas' comment, but allowed for his own concession.  "I mean, arguably, you're not wrong yourself," he admitted.   "I mean, different approaches.  If you cycle, you aren't necessarily inviting strangers into your bed.  But if you tap something new every night, you only have a matter of hours max to figure out what you're getting.  I don't blame you for your technique.  Just your furniture choices."  He laughed, bobbing his head side to side.  "We made do.  And nothing broke-- I suppose we can call it a moderate success.  Although I'll admit: that fucking mattress..." he trailed off, his hand curling in a gesture.  "That was a really nice mattress, I will give you that.  If I was going to blow my salary on something, that would definitely be worth the investment.  Fuck, I'd get two-- one for sleeping, one for  fucking."  The headboard may have been ridiculous, and the furniture useless, but Sebastian's memory foam had definitely made an impression on the man.Brody studied Bas intently as he paused, but let out a disappointed groan and knocked his fist on the bar top when the other man finally shook his head.  "Damn it, seriously?" He snapped his fingers-- apparently Sebastian's father held a little more clout with his son than Brody'd thought.  His blue eyes narrowed, lip twitching at the challenge, "You ever hear that saying about messing with a bull, Bas?" he retorted with a smirk.  "I know you've got more skeletons than I do."  Well, that was debatable, but Brody was hoping like hell he could dig up more of Bas' in five rounds than the other.  He really wanted to feel Sebastian around his fucking cock... Sebastian's next move actually had Brody pausing to think.  Had he ever had sex in chaps?  He took a hold of the full shot, tilting the liquid back and forth against the glass as he tried to think.  He'd certainly messed around on the circuit, but chaps were constrictive, and when he was a teen, he hadn't been //that// quick about his excursions.  Most any fooling around had taken place long after he'd gotten out of his gear.  Which, he thought as he bit his lip, left the second half of college... "Nope...no //fucking//," he finally decided, replacing the glass on the counter.  "I mean, not to get too technical, but as far as chaps remaining on, there wasn't penetration, or an orgasm involved-- at least on my end-- so I'm going to stick with no."  Sebastian certainly wasn't the only person Brody had encountered with a thing for guys in gear.  Of course, now he had to think up his own move, fingers dragging against the inside of his empty shot glass before sucking the tip in consideration.  "Never Have I Ever...been arrested for anything I was doing while hooking up: public indecency, underage drinking, exploitation of a judge..." he elaborated, flashing a grin at the added example at the end.  If Sebastian had ever fucked a judge, though, Brody wasn't sure if he'd be impressed or kind of weirded out though, to be honest.  Obviously not enough to forego fucking the guy, but maybe a little judgmental nonetheless.
Sebastian's lips twitched at Brody's answer - which, yeah. "I just might take you up on that, Brodes. As long as you're modelling." He highly doubted that the strippers would hold a candle to Brody in chaps, but he was hardly going to say no to that offer, either. "Are you saying we should go to a strip club /for science/? Not that I'm against that idea, I'm just admiring your ability to justify it." Why the hell the opportunity to see Brody in chaps was more tempting to him than 'strip club', he had no idea. "Naturally," he agreed with a grin. "Watching you falling apart because of it wasn't exactly a bad sight, either." That, and the fact that Brody was so damn demanding in bed - he can't seem to get it out of his goddamn mind. God, he'd gladly just let Brody use his throat whenever the fuck he wanted at this rate. He shrugged. "I'm good at reading people, but, loathe as I am to admit it, even I have my limits." He scoffed, bumping Brody's shoulder with his own. "We did better than make do. But at least we agree on the mattress. If you need help breaking the sex one in, you know where I am," he quipped with a wink. The rest of his furniture, admittedly, was more about appearance. For all the time Sebastian spent in his apartment, comfort wasn't really an option. Except for, well, yeah. His bed. He was really particular about his bed and its comfort level. Sebastian smirked when Brody replied to his answer. "What can I say? Of all the places that get my motor running, my dad's office wasn't one of them." And, really, there was that terrifying human thing again. Not really something he was up for discussing with Brody, though - or anyone, for that matter. He watched, waiting for Brody's answer, and huffed when he put the shot back on the counter. "Boring. You should fix that." With him. He should fix it with him. Like hell he was spending so long trying to talk Brody into playing dressing up for some stranger. This was /his/ hard work. He snorted at the next one, not even having to think before pulling the shot to his lips and swallowing it down. "College. We were drunk, and we were /sure/ the lights were low enough in that club." It had been pretty hilarious up until the point that he'd had to deal with his father - who, rather than paying the bail to get him out that night, chose to leave him in overnight to learn his lesson. "And, no, he wasn't a judge."
 He pondered what he could ask Brody next, going through all the sexual exploits that he and the older man had discussed in the past. What he'd learned about Brody thus far had been that he was prone to sex-based accidents - or, at least, had been when he was younger, wasn't as against recurring partners as Sebastian was... oh, and that he was amazing in bed. Irrelevant to the game, but still worth a thought. From what he had managed to gather, Brody had become less promiscuous as he got older - but just how wild /had/ his colleague been in his college days? "Never have I ever had sex in front of a crowd of more than three people." Because, yeah - specifications were important. His own college days had been pretty wild, especially after his breakup.
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