#and saino/keina
shooks-stupid-stuff · 4 years
oh god oh fuck ive fallen into shipping hell for my ocs send help-
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Ooooooo who's the lucky girl Saino? :3
"......Her name's Keina Eri.... um, she graduated from high school last year, so.... Most people I know don't know her..... She's really nice though...."
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Aside from stand attraction, what brings the Morioh guys to Florida?
cjnfjc tbh stand attraction or whatever wasn't even a factor in my thinking, i just brought over characters that i had ideas for lol
that aside
Sumi: Wanted to move back to the U.S. but still be by the sea + had a job opportunity
Celari: Moved because Sumi did, wanted to be near her grandkids
Lilliannah: Moved to the U.S. with Xayvion when she was going into highschool, moved around for a while.
Vara: "Japan is boring, I'm going to Vegas" and then she traveled a lot
Saino: Florida climate is great for gardening, plus the more rural areas like Loxahatchee are prime nursery territory (as in plant nurseries, like where you go to buy plants)
Keina: Moved with Saino + good colleges
Merridith: Work related reasons, also beachside condo moment
Mae: Florida has a surprisingly good economy for businesses, not just tourisim
Hayate and Tomoyasu: The motherfuckin' scoops (also freelance news grind baybeee)
Chiyoko: Found work there post-Harvard
Brigitte/Dao'shin: Their bodyguard for hire business has them travel a lot
S: She appears wherever she finds things interesting
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 4 years
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2 more sprites-
imma defs do these for more of my ocs, but for right now imma probs get back to refs lol-
also, i have art trades open right no, so if you’re interested in that then feel free to dm me! :D (once again, full sprite sheets are beneath the cut)
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fe fates sniper used as a ref/base for the first sprite, and fe fates nine-tales used as a ref/base for the second sprite (though parts of it were changed drastically)
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Saino catwife momence
saino catwife momence 😔
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Character Intros
Vara, Lilliannah, Samantha, Marco, Sumi, Momorio, Celari, Naliok, Elizabeth, Konaco, Lucie, Hugo, Merridith, Ayanei, Ski'nei, Chiyoko, Saino, Piero, Keina, Grace, Saori, Brigitte, Dao'shin, Miumehime, Carmine, Ellie, James, Mira, Erika, Hayate, Tomoyasu, Mae, Aleino, William
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Bio: Vara Dorobo
The Un-cat-chable Theif
DOB: 3/31
Height: 153 cm; Appx. 5 ft.
Stand User?: Yes
- Family: Keina
- Friends: Myrene, Taiana
- Acquaintances: Saino, the junior high kids/staff
Likes: Shiny objects and trinkets, chaos, stealing things, flirting, grape soda, ice cream, parfaits, girls
Dislikes: Being quiet, sitting still, boring things, being lectured, perfume, restrictive clothing, close-toed shoes, rules, vegetables
Other info: Vara is a complete adrenaline junkie, to put it likely.  She makes a hobby of stealing small trinkets or shiny things from people or shops, just to leave behind quite a bit more than they’re worth.  And why? For what purpose? Because she can, of course!  And because she has yet to be caught; No consequences = fun!  That aside, she’s usually pretty chill outside of her criminal escapades.  She tries to not cause her big sister too much trouble, and usually will just hang out with friends (some of which she has a habit of flirting with despite knowing that they’re not into her; it’s just a thing she does).  Overall, she’s just a chaotic little cat girl.
And yes, the ears and tail ARE real.
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“It’s not stealing, it’s just buying with extra steps.~”
Ability Description: Utilizing the scanners on it’s palms, it is capable of knowing the monetary value of any item scanned; This includes people and other living things as well.
Specific Traits: Sentient, and will often take actions on it’s own;  Cannot speak; Much more polite than its user; Can fight fairly well, though its kicks are much stronger than its punches; Can eat despite not having a mouth, and adores chocolate cake; Very helpful and kind. 
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(Bi)Weekly Summary: 2/5 - 2/19
Last Recap
Haha so like. What if we ignored how late this was-
Anyways, onto your (ir)regularly scheduled summary:
I. Character Happenings
Mae is STILL missing, and Laurence has gone missing as well. Touma Very Much Cares.
Speed dating... Certainly Happened. Drake was the only one who actually got a date though.
Merridith 🤝 Yomi: Fuck that Naomi bitch, fr fr.
Breaking news, Rizo's mom is incredibly embarrassing AND she owns a Home Depot.
Other breaking news: Rizo and Mai's relationship is a bit strained at the moment for reasons.
Lore from the tags that you may have over looked: Apparently K has never shown up in Morioh as of now, despite clearly doing that. Don't think about it too hard it makes sense I swear-
Anons have taught Suikai what sus means. Very cool.
Related note, he may be a bit fucked up and evil, jury's still out on that one.
Ok jury's back he is, and his really name isn't actually Suikai Satsujin (read: Murder).
Ayanei has discovered that she has cousins. Big Sister Mode has been activated
Shin and Yoku got redesigns and will be relevant finally soon I promise, haha what do you mean it's just because of my touhou brainrot haha what-
Mae hates the circus. Cry about it.
This post is sponsored by Sparkly Life of Murder-Chan, go read it. Now.
Saino's fashion taste is that of a middle-aged uncle vacationing in Florida. Surely this is not indicative of his future.
Related, Keina has once again been briefly mentioned but not by name. haha she was supposed to be a character-
Merridith is still searching for a way to convince herself she doesn't like Kunio anymore (spoiler alert: it's not working).
Chiuji meanwhile is having a wonderful time with his girlfriend he loves very much.
Sumi, who has had probably The Worst luck with friendship ever, is now having to explain it to a possible eldritch being. Very epic and cool.
Sumi was also once again forgotten by the paranormal club, despite having the most hands-on experience with the paranormal out of all of them (read: being fucking possessed).
Did you know that cats can and will eat bread? I did. We had to buy a breadbox.
Oh yeah hey guys did you know I like Touhou Project like a lot haha anyways that brings us to the next section-
II. New Characters (of which there are a LOT this time around-)
Primary Characters
Aisho Tsuku: A student at Izumi-ku who essentially is the student council's secretary. A bit of an over-achiever, but has a pretty relaxed attitude despite that. She's currently possesed by 3 animal spirits, named Okami, Washi and Kawauso (who's names should be self explanitory). Good friends with Okoto and Chikaru since elementary school, and lives with her single dad who loves her more than anything in the world. Hasn't had a good nights sleep in a long while.
Okoto Pōtaru: A student at Izumi-ku who's a bit of a smartass (read: he does a little trolling). He often speaks in an over-exaggerated manner, and playfully uses sarcasm alongside that. He's a bit of a pretty boy. Very good at planning and strategy, and enjoys things like board games and puzzles. Has been friends with Aisho and Chikaru since elementary school. Lives with his adoptive mother (who he is INCREDIBLY embarrassed by) as well as his personal assistants Soto and Mitara. He can seemingly appear behind you without a moment's notice.
Chikaru Ichiba: A student at Izumi-ku who is always trying to get the student council to hold festivals. They're incredibly energetic and charismatic. Enjoys what they call, 'The art of the Exchange' which is literally just someone buying something or two people trading things. Lives with their parents in a small apartment above the thrift store they run, and often helps out working there. They have a large collection of cards that seemingly have various effects, though according to them they can only have 5 'equipped' at once. We do not talk about the Card Incident of 1996.
Scarlett Vermillion: Ok she's TECHNICALLY not new but. She was killed off earlier when I decided to axe some characters so we'll count her coming back as her being new since I didn't do jack shit with her anyways- A student at Izumi-ku who offers 'Fate Readings' every day at lunch - for a price, of course. She's full of her self, and has that rich kid vibe but still has a good amount of charisma about her despite this. She only drinks from wine glasses, and always uses and umbrella when outside. Lives in a mansion that seemingly just appeared one day with her sister and other family(?)(who will not be on this recap since i haven't redesigned/reintroduced them yet). Supposedly can actually tell someone's fate, but prefers to give half-truths because it's 'more fun'. Has a weird rivalry with the shrine maiden of the Inori Shrine (which is just down the street from her residence).
Mizusuki Hakahana: A mysterious woman who can often be found either hanging around a local bar challenging people to drinking contests or arm wrestling (which she always wins in), or just generally enjoying herself partying and whatnot. Despite literally being an Oni, she's never harmed a human intentionally. She just thinks they're neat. :] Friends with Jim and Teina (who works at the bar her father owns, a fact I keep forgetting to mention-), and will often help them out if they ask. Always wears a hat around humans to hide her horns, though she cannot hide her 8 ft 1 stature and buff physique. Eh, it's Morioh, people probably don't even bat an eye. Lives in an abandoned building near the Inori Shrine, and often attends festivals held there (much to Rei's dismay). Helps out the the annual Setsuban festival to make up for it.
Michaiso Maneki: A student at Izumi-ku who has never once been on time to school. She wears a cat-ear headband alongside her hair ribbon for some reason. Has a wonderful and supportive boyfriend who she loves very much. Only ever uses money to pay to wash her clothes at the laundromat, and to buy toast for breakfast. Dumpster-diving pro, it's how she gets every other meal. Happily homeless and unemployed.
Side Characters
Rei Inori: The shrine maiden of the Inori Shrine, and Shin and Yoku's mom. A pro exorcist and yokai exterminator (read: she just beats them up until they stop misbehaving) with a mastery of hamon. She hates the fact that yokai often come to her shrine for festivals and parties, and hates even more that she can't do anything about it out of fear of losing actual patrons of the shrine. Very serious.
Mars Inori: A magician, and Shin and Yoku's dad. He often joins Rei in her yokai exterminating exploits, though for him it's just for the fun of it. Incredibly adept at controlling heat energy and fire. Much more relaxed and mischievous than his better half. A terrible influence, and partially the reason Yoku is they way she is (though not the FULL reason, mainly just the arson).
Yuriko Baria: Otoko's adoptive mother, and a member of the Izumi-ku PTA with a fairly high standing. She insists that she's only 40, something that is always met with her son calling her old and in her own words, "bullying her." Has a weird friendship with Rei (who is her neighbor), and by weird I mean Rei hates her, Rei kinda is friends with her, and Rei hates that she's kinda friends with her. She is seemingly able to appear anywhere in an instant, and make objects appear from thin air. Has a pet cat and fox, which she spoils. They're probably normal.
Soto Bakudan: One of Okoto's personal assistants. He's essentially a butler, but like cooler. Gets along very well with Mitara. Upbeat and loyal, but a little forgetful and stupid. Great at dancing.
Mitara Seikatsu: The other of Otoko's personal assistants. She's basically a maid, but cooler. Gets along very well with Soto. Upbeat and loyal, but can sometimes be a bit mean while playfully teasing others. Great at dancing.
III. Plots
The Kaiji/Kyō and Yukikara plots are still ongoing, but haven't really had anything happen.
To Catch a Serial Killer
Laurence did some more investigating, and proceeded to find no new information
Mae then proceeded to die a whopping 22 more times. This is not a Girlboss Moment.
Laurence decided that accessing a police database was his best course of action, did that, and the proceeded to make his way to the Murder Man's house.
Laurence is now also trapped in the basement.
Apparently Mae recognized the Murder Man, so that's neat.
Mae and Laurence had a fun character building moment over a game of poker.
Shortly after, Mae developed a plan to get them out of there based on a theory that there were drugs in their food that was disabling their stands.
That theory was true, seeing as 4 days later her stand finally came back. The time to put the plan into action was NOW.
Daito finally found the lead he was looking for, in the form of realizing that Laurence may have accessed the address databases. He's making his way to the address he found, and the final confrontation is nigh.
And that's it for the summary! (I hope)
sorry it's late i'll try to remember next week-
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Saino don’t you have a gf
"....Yeah, but I'm not here to date... I'm here because Taiana and Mom said I need more friends... I told Keina about it anyways, and she doesn't mind...
...Plus, there are some interesting people here.... so I wanna be here incase something happens so... I don't miss it.."
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