#and she didn't hear me use the wrong pronouns but it's been haunting me a bit
vibinwiththefrogs · 10 months
Earlier today I accidentally used the wrong pronouns for an acquaintance who is a trans and I've never known her to go by anything other than she/her. And honestly it's very frustrating because that feels like an indication that I view her a certain way deep down even if consciously I know her as a woman. What do I gotta do to really unearth the unconscious bias
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sassykattery · 1 year
Dollface, Pt. 2
CW: Main Character is afab, uses she/her pronouns. Profanity. Someone being pervy.
The main character is afab, uses she/her pronouns. This story is meant to be somewhat curvy/plus-sized reader insert, but the main character is given a physical description, but it's not crucial to the story or mentioned often after Part 1.
Themes: Romance. Magic. Adventure. Suggestive content
Characters: Main Character. Diavolo.
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
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Over the next couple of days, he learned her routine pretty quickly, as habitual as she was. She often woke early in the morning, played music while she did her makeup, and then took her backpack with her to what he presumed was class, since she stopped taking him out of the house. A couple of times a day, he would hear voices from others, one woman that sounded similar to his new caretaker, and a gruff-sounding man. He learned that they were her parents.
Diavolo tried to sleep when she slept and stayed awake when she was gone, but with little to do but stare at the ceiling or whatever direction he was facing, he got bored quickly and often slept to pass the time. She often left him to lay on the pillow next to hers, which he thought was far better than sitting in that office wrapped in plastic all day. Sometimes, she even left the TV on, giving him some entertainment while he waited on her return.
One afternoon, he perked up when he heard the door open to her bedroom, but she left the light off. Moments later, she was crawling into bed without even looking at her phone or talking to herself. He could hear her gently sniffing, light sobs coming from her direction.
Oh? What's wrong? He thought, desperately wanting to ask.
Her hand slowly reached out to him, gently grasping his body in her palm and pulling him towards her. She tucked him under her chin, and he felt her heartbeat against the top of his head, warmth coming from her neck, chest, and the hand that held him.
"When will I be good enough..." she muttered quietly.
What happened?
"I just feel so stupid. They were right, I'm not smart enough," she muttered, burying her face in the pillow.
That's not true. I've listened to you, you're very smart.
"I'm crying to a doll right now... Pfft, I'm pathetic... but I'm glad you're here," she mumbled, rubbing her thumb over his back.
"A doll that is listening," Diavolo huffed.
She froze then, hearing a low tenor voice right in her ear that was most definitely not her imagination. Right?
"You... you can hear me? Wait, I can hear you?" She whispered.
"Wait, can you hear me?" The masculine voice called out again.
She shot up and looked down at the doll speaking to her now, and brought her face closer again to look at it in the dim light. It still laid there motionless, eyes and mouth remaining still.
"Hello," he said to her, still not moving.
"Oh fuck you're talking," she swore in a panic.
"This is a new development to me as well. Please, don't be alarmed," he tried to calm her, failing as he did.
"I bought a haunted fucking doll!" She yelped, scrambling to get away.
"Please! Wait! I promise I'm not haunted. I'm actually cursed," Diavolo tried to reason with her. Again, miserably.
"No shit!" She bit back.
"No, I think you misunderstood. I'm a real person that has been cursed to be a doll," he explained. She was silent then, so he took it as an opportunity to continue. "My name is Diavolo. About a month ago, I was cursed to be a doll by accident. I'm not sure why I'm able to speak now, but I've been aware this entire time."
She remained quiet a little bit longer before speaking, "You said you were cursed. Is that, like, magic? Are you magical?"
There was a lilt to his voice then, like he would be chuckling in that moment. "Indeed. I have a human form, but I'm technically a de–" he paused, realizing it might scare her to tell the truth.
"A demon?" She finished the sentence for him.
"Yes, a demon," he confirmed. He noticed how she didn't seem terribly frightened by this information, that she was more scared to have a doll talking to her than for that doll to be a demon at this point. "I don't mean any harm unto you," he added for good measure.
"Oh... um... good..." she trailed off as she slid a hand under him to pick him up. "Well, hello."
"Hello. It is lovely to actually speak to you. It has been rather frustrating to not be able to respond to you," Diavolo replied.
"I suppose so. So, um... what do you know so far? About the curse... or me?" She asked with a head tilt.
"I actually know nothing about this curse. I touched a cursed book and found myself on the floor, only to be picked up by random people and ending up here with you. I tried to undo it with my own magic, but this curse is rather powerful and has locked my magic out of my use," he answered.
"I see."
"How did I come to be in your possession?" He asked in return.
"Oh, um... god, this sounds odd, but I found a listing for you on the internet and thought you were cute, so I... bought you?" She sounded more like she was asking a question than a statement.
Diavolo chuckled warmly at how she worded it. "I see. Well, as for you, I've been able to put together bits and pieces about you from what I've seen while observing you," he said, and then went on to explain how he knew her name and some of her interests.
"Okay. Well... What do you want to do? How can I help you?" She asked quietly.
"I appreciate your willingness to help, though I'm not entirely sure how you can. It might be that this curse is broken over time, given I wasn't able to speak before now. If you could, I would appreciate your help in safeguarding me until we know more or find help," he responded.
"Well, I can do that. I won't take you to class anymore, I'd hate for you to get lost. You should be safe in here," she stated, looking him over.
"Very well. Thank you."
"Is there someone you want me to call?" She inquired.
"Yes, but I'm not sure how you can get a hold of any of them. We were in another country when we got separated. And our communication devices aren't the same as yours, so calling won't work," he replied.
"Oh... Well, I guess I could search the internet for your friends," she offered.
"I'm not sure if you will be able to track them down that way. They are demons as well, and we try to be inconspicuous when we visit your world," he said. "But we can try nonetheless."
She nodded in understanding. They sat in silence for a few moments before she spoke up again. "Are you, um... Hm," she looked down at him curiously. "Do you get bored? I'm sorry you've been stuck doing nothing."
"Ah, that's kind of you to consider me. I will admit, I do get bored waiting for you to return," he answered thoughtfully.
"Do you like movies? TV? I can put on something for you. Music, too, if you'd like. I'm sure I'm not that entertaining," she offered, looking for the remote.
"You're very sweet," he replied, which made her side-eye the doll. "But I have to say, you're quite entertaining, really. I've heard you sing and listened to your little rants and thoughts. But I've also seen you draw and write, and quite honestly, I'm always enthralled to see what you do."
"You're... being too kind," she said suspiciously.
There was a knock at the door, and she looked down in a panic, "Don't say anything!"
"Honey, who are you talking to?" A woman called out.
"Ah, it was a video, on my phone, Mom," she answered.
"Alright. Dinner will be ready soon," the other woman replied, closing the door.
Waiting a few moments, she looked back to the doll. "I don't think my parents would understand, so let's try and stay quiet. Keep this between us."
"That may be wise," Diavolo replied softly.
She then laid down on her side and faced turned him to face her on his pillow.
"That reminds me, do you get hungry?" She asked curiously.
"Fortunately, it seems I don't," he answered.
"Okay. Well, I guess let me know if you need anything... And you're welcome to talk to me. I'll keep you company," she added, slightly smiling at him.
Sweet, indeed.
"I'd like that, thank you," Diavolo replied.
"So this is your favorite movie? Intriguing," Diavolo declared. She had them set up to sit on the recliner in front of her TV that evening after dinner, with the demon in his doll form sitting up against the middle console next to her arm.
"Yes, it's a whole universe, essentially, where these movies are interconnected because of the two paranormal investigators who were also married. They took calls from those who were experiencing paranormal phenomena to determine the true cause. Sometimes, there was a natural explanation, but on occasion, it was truly paranormal," she answered excitedly, reclining her seat back as the movie title showed.
She then turned and looked at the doll of the demon prince. "Are ghosts real?"
"They are," he replied.
"And do demons... possess people? Or objects?"
"They can."
Her eyes went wide as she turned to face forward again, now feeling uneasy about what used to be her favorite movie franchise, wondering if these things could truly happen now, knowing demons and ghosts exist.
After finishing three movies, and it was quite late, she yawned and switched off the TV.
"I'm afraid I'm a bit tired," she informed the doll.
"Ah, please, go to sleep. Don't stay awake on my accord. I usually sleep when you do anyway," he replied.
Scooping him up, she stood and walked them both to bed, sliding in and placing him on his pillow. Once she was situated, she rolled over to face him as he stared up at the ceiling.
"Are you okay like that? I can move you around," she inquired.
There was a chuckle to his voice again. "You really are considerate. I'm fine as is, unless you would feel more comfortable a different way. I understand if you are uneasy knowing I'm aware," he replied.
"No... Well," she started to say. She reached across and turned him on his side so she could see his face.
"No, it doesn't bother me. I just didn't want to bother you," she stated.
"You're no bother," Diavolo replied. She looked away and chewed on her lip. "Might I ask you a question?"
"You may."
"Earlier, you came in seemingly very upset. Would you like to talk about it? Or are you alright?" He inquired.
"Upset... Oh, that," she mumbled. "Um... I don't want to dump my trauma on you."
"It's not dumping. I'm genuinely asking you if you would like to maybe talk about what happened with someone who's willing to listen," he replied diplomatically.
"Well... I haven't always been treated well throughout my life. On occasion, when I'm reminded of the people who have mistreated me, I start to doubt my self-worth and my own talents or accomplishments. I wonder if I'm just a phony or delusional to think I can be anything more than an idiot," she explained.
Diavolo listened carefully to her choice of words. Clearly, she was trying to describe what was happening without sharing too many details.
"I believe you're a touch hard on yourself," the prince replied. "Though, I know what it's like to have a lot on your shoulders, I've heard you in class. You're very smart. I'm rather impressed with you, even with not knowing you long." He paused for a moment. "I am saddened to think someone as kind as you has been abused in such a manner."
"Yeah, well, unfortunately in this world, kindness is often a weakness viewed to be used for gain by others," she answered bitterly.
"I find your kindness to be an endearing and honest quality," he retorted softly. It made her look away again with doubt. "Though it's easier said than done, I should hope that, with time, you come to find these intrusive thoughts to be untrue and unworthy of your time and attention."
"Now you're being kind," she replied, looking back at his doll form.
"I hope you don't believe I'm being facetious," he added. "I'm being completely honest. I haven't been with you long, but I can see rather easily that you are far more than you believe about yourself."
"... Thank you," she finally replied.
"Of course."
That night, the human got ready for bed and slid in after a hot shower, taking her medicine and slipping into an oversized shirt. When she got dressed for the day or undressed after class or for the night, he tried not to look, knowing it was an invasion of privacy. Occasionally, he caught a glimpse of her in just her bra and sweats as she leaned over the bed and over him to reach her phone, and he was rather fond of her shapely figure, so full and curvy. He had come to appreciate her beauty in the short time they'd spent together. Sometimes, his mind wandered to less than appropriate thoughts, like what she felt like, sounded like, or looked like under the hands of pure pleasure.
But now, she clearly stayed out of his field of view as she changed clothes, aware that he could see her. She tried to stuff down the embarrassment she felt, wondering just how much he's seen of her.
As she settled in bed, covers thrown over her head, she took hold of him and pulled him in close, this time right next to her face and held in her small palm.
"Can I ask you questions, Diavolo?" She asked quietly.
That was the first time he had heard his name grace her lips, and he'd be damned to not hear it again. She said it so sweetly, it was like it carried new meaning when she said it.
"Yes, go on," he agreed.
"Where exactly do you come from?"
"There are three realms in our plane of existence. The human world, the Devildom, and Celestia are the three. I essentially live in a plane congruent to your world. In the Devildom are where the other demons live. Angels come from Celestia."
"And what do you do in the, um, Devildom?"
"Ah, well, I'm technically the prince and de facto king of my realm," he answered casually. Her brows shot up and she absorbed this information.
"Do I need to call you Your Highness or Majesty? I'm sorry if I was rude," she replied worriedly.
He chuckled then. "No, please don't. Usually, I'm referred to as Lord, but I ask you continue to just call me by my name," he stated.
"Okay. So, you rule the Devildom. Can you tell me about that? What is it like?"
"Hm, well, I suppose it can be like your human governments, like a monarchy. I make any and all final decisions when it comes to my domain, but there are others who help me, too. I have a butler and then seven brothers who were named Lords of Hell."
"Seven? Are you talking about the Seven Deadly Sins?" She asked curiously.
"Indeed. All seven of them live there and assist in a variety of ways with government proceedings and work for me. We also have a school that we all help run. I'm like a headmaster, I believe is the equivalent to your world. We make up the Student Council of the school," he informed her.
"How interesting. Schools and education are typically instituted as ways of creating a civilized society and creating more complex hierarchies to give people opportunities to learn broader skills for the betterment of the entire society," she rattled off.
"Precisely. I created the school as a way of diversifying my people," he affirmed.
"So demons aren't heathens that kill people?" She was chuckling then.
"Well, I never said that, did I?"
Her eyes widened, and she scooted back slightly, eyeing the doll.
"We try not to do that, but we are demons, and I won't lie to you. We still on occasion use those methods for handling things. But from what I understand, some humans do as well, right?" He added.
"I see... No, you're not wrong. Humans do, too. But that doesn't make it right," she answered. "Tell me what you like, Diavolo."
He sat there for a moment, mildly surprised by the request and sudden change in subject. Was she interested in him, truly?
"Well, I'm partial to sweet things, like candy, cake, and tea made by my butler. I enjoy cycling or jogging in the mornings. I am particularly fond of animals, any and all kinds," he responded.
"I like animals too, and I'm partial to sweets, except I'm not supposed to have very much," she mumbled sleepily.
He took in her sleepy expression, watching as her eyes started to slowly close.
I love being here, he thought fondly. As much as I miss home and I'm sure it's been chaos without me, I'm glad I'm at least in a place where I'm needed most.
"I know it's silly, but I'm glad you're here. Thank you for listening," she murmured sleepily, almost like she heard him. "Good night."
Good night, sweet girl.
"Of course. Now, rest well," he replied.
Diavolo stirred awake again as he felt the bed shifting constantly, feeling as though he was facing upright. It was completely dark in her room, and he tried to listen and look carefully in the vicinity he could see it. He started to hear her mumbling, soft whines, and what sounded to be her in distress.
"Are you alright?" He called to her but received no reply.
An obvious sob finally sounded out. He realized she must've still been asleep and was having a nightmare.
Poor girl. I wish I could help her.
He waited a while; he wasn't sure how long, when the movement stopped and he couldn't even hear her breathing or strained noises.
Finally, she rolled over, and seemingly in her sleep, she pulled him in closer, holding him tight and tucked under her chin. He could feel her erratic pulse, and he was rather surprised by the action. The demon also noticed her little hiccups and realized that she was crying as well. It tore at him, he realized, to have her be this upset and not be able to console her, even in her sleep.
Damn, I wish I could hold her instead of her holding me.
His mind wandered, as it did sometimes at this point, what that would be like. He wondered how soft she would feel in his arms, given how plush her body was. How her hair and skin might smell as he buried his face against her to breathe her in. He wanted to comb his hands through her hair, to feel its softness as well. He wanted to make her feel better, to be a source of comfort for her, maybe more intimately than he could at the moment. At least he was in a place where she could find solace in him, even if she was unconscious for it. He wanted to hold her against him while he hummed a soft tune, maybe a lullaby, to calm her down. He wanted to feel her chest rise and fall against his, slowing as she went back to sleep. Maybe he could watch her sleep, too, just in his arms, and that would be more than satisfactory to him.
It hit him, then, how he could feel this strongly about her. He was able to learn so much about her in such a short time; he felt like he's known her for a decade. From one evening of talking to her, he saw himself being around her longer. He started to think about if this curse lifts, is there a way he could keep her around, just stay a little longer with her, or until she sent him away.
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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed.
Post made by sassykattery. do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
Tags: @delphi-dreamin @itsmeninerz @themythicaldisaster @marvelous-maniac @attic-club-sandwich @bite-sized-devil @flemmingbamse
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otherone12 · 7 days
Oh, Baby... You're Mine
Vampire!Gerard Way × Reader
-> Masterlist
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A/N: Hey!! I’m weirdo and vampires are fucking hot, so I has to write a something like this (no judgement, pleaseeee). Hope u enjoy it :)
Summary: The boy in your class is shy and weird, but you've always been nice to him, making him create an obsession. The problem is he's a little weirder than you thought… I mean, he literally drinks blood, and wants YOU and YOUR blood, and he won't take "no" for an answer.
- Word Count: 2.090
- Warnings: She/her pronouns. Blood things, pet names? Kidnap, AFAB >light< SMUT!
- Ps: I'll not use y/n…
- Ps2: Sorry for the smut, i'm not used to write this, i'm still learning already. (:
- Ps3: I'm brazilian, so english is not my first language... sorry if i wrote something wrong.
1st Person POV
Gerard has been my classmate since the beginning of the year. I've never talked properly with him, but everyday I say “hi” to him with a smile. 
His black hair fell perfectly on his unhealthy pale face when he bent over the table to draw. Maybe the way he didn’t talk to anyone, or the way he kept his attention on his drawings during the class, I don’t know, but he's really cute. 
Sometimes my pastime is to find him looking at me, when he notices I stared back, he stops staring and gets a bit blushed. 
This has been happening for some months, and I got a bit tired of this, so I walked towards him at the end of the class, knowing he has free time. I crossed the empty classroom, and stood in front of him. Gerard looked up at me and swallowed hard, looking a bit nervous.
- Hi! - I started with a kind smile - Am I bothering you?
- H-hey… N-no you’re not… - He tucked his hair behind his ear, taking his eyes from his draw. His voice was high-pitched and pleasant to hear. - I wanted to talk to you, but I was afraid of being creepy. 
We talked, and I noticed that we had a lot in common, passion for art; for good music and old movies; so we kept the conversation going as long as we could. He didn't smile even one time, but I thought he liked talking to me as much as I liked talking to him.
In the next few days, Gerard and I had small conversations during the free periods, but nothing more than that. I started to think about him as a friend, ‘cause somehow he made me feel great.
Wasn’t like I thought of him as some kind of partner or something, but it is nice to know that if I need someone to talk to, I can go and speak to him. I haven’t many friends, none actually, I just didn’t feel comfortable with anyone, but he was different, someway.
After class, on an ordinary day, I was walking alone with my headphones on, and the cold wind of fall in my face. Going home, I felt something weird on my way. I didn’t know what was wrong, but the sensation of being followed haunted me for some streets. 
Faster than I could understand the whole situation, I felt a strong hit in my head, I fell on the floor, beating my head on the asphalt. The pain didn't last longer than a few seconds, cause i had already fainted.
Opening my eyes slowly and with difficulty, I couldn't see an inch in front of me because of the dim light. When I tried to rub my eyes with my hands, I realized that they were tied apart. I began to panic, noticing that I was tied to a bed, with my hands on different sides of the headboard and my legs spread with my ankles tied to the other end of the bed.
My first instinct was to scream, and I did. I got no response, but a door was opened, making the room a little brighter because of the light coming from it.
Before the door was closed, in the few seconds that the room wasn't pitch black, I saw that the room had a gothic aesthetic, with old paintings, black veils covering the windows, candles and chandeliers filling the room, and the old structure itself attracting attention.
I heard the sound of footsteps approaching, unable to make out anything. Soon I felt cold hands tracing my face and going down to my neck. I froze, the soft skin of those hands was almost soothing, but I couldn't let it take away my focus. I screamed again, but my mouth was covered pressing hard on my dry lips.
- You don't need to scream, darling. - A familiar voice reached my ear, making me even more nervous - I won't hurt you, hun. At least, not now.
 Slowly, he took his hand away from my mouth and I didn't scream, for fear that the situation might become worse than it already was.
- G-gerard?! 
I said, stuttering and with my voice muddled by fear.
- Aw how cute, you recognize my voice. - His tone didn't sound friendly, but threatening. As he spoke, he caressed my cheek. - There's no need to be afraid, baby.
- W-why are you doing this? - I cried, and he dried my tears with his thumb. - please, let me go
I begged to no avail, only to hear a harsh laugh coming from him. 
- I'm doing this because you’re different from the others. But you already know that, right, princess? - He moved away from me and lit some candles, letting me see the room more clearly - Do you know how much time I spent observing you? The way you talk, the way you smile, the way you walk... The way you look, damn! All pretty, all perfect, but never all mine.
His delicate fingers holding the candles looked like some hypnotic thing, and i couldn’t stop stare at them.  
- I’m not the only one who think about you like this, i’m fucking sure about that. - The disgust in his voice, probably thinking about the guys who asked me to hang out with them, made him seem genuinely concerned about me. - So I couldn't wait any longer to finally make you mine.  
Gerard’s voice became serious, while his disgust turned to seriousness and possessiveness. The sound of the old wood on the floor creaking filled the environment while he walked toward me again. 
- I love you. I always have. And I know you love me too. - A fatherly countenance, together with the heat emanating from the candles, left the environment less morbid, but still gloomy.- If you didn't love me, you wouldn't have spent so much time with me, would you?
- You're crazy! - I screamed, still crying. - I've talked to you very few times. I've never said anything about love!
- You didn't say it, but I felt it. - Now, with the light brighter, I could see the highlight of his white skin contrasting with his black clothes. - You don't know what it's like to spend eternity looking for the right person. 
He walked towards me again with a smile I'd never seen before. The closer he got, the more outward his teeth became. My heart races when I realized that those was FUCKING FANGS! And “eternity” was meant literally.
He sat on the bed next to me and looked me in the eyes. His bright hazel iris bore into mine and sent a chill down my spine.
Panting, my nervousness increased and he noticed. Keeping his smile, letting it be obvious how he was enjoying this situation.
- You're so pretty, do you know? - His hand was on my body again, unbuttoning my blouse. He licked his lips admiring my exposed chest - The most beautiful woman in this world, and all mine.
I opened my mouth to protest, but the stern look he gave me shut me up.
My hands remained tied as he ripped the sleeves of my blouse, removing it completely.
- Please don't... 
Again, I tried to react, but he was already unzipping my pants, ignoring me. The only thing I could do was hope that he would feel sorry for me, and stop doing anything.
- Darling, you're mine now. Don't worry, I'll be nice... - his hands passed over me, who were now covered only by my black lingerie. - but just if you behave like a good girl. Will you do this for me, baby? Can you be a good girl?
While he spoke, his fangs turned apparently, in a perverse smile. He leaned over me and pressed cold kisses down my torso, past my ribs and up closer to my breasts, making me fight the pleasure that was slowly consuming my mind. A moan was about to escape my lips, but I bit it back, muffling any sound that might come out. 
- Looks like someone's enjoying it, huh?  - he hummed, with a haughty tone in his voice - I told you. You love me. 
I tried again to say something in protest, but this time it would be a lie. Not that I loved him, but I was involuntarily enjoying it. He licked his lips in such a hunger, I couldn't help but shiver. 
His hands slid down my panties, pushing them aside. He teased my entrance and made me sink my teeth even deeper into my bottom lip. He looked with satisfaction, laughing darkly, and said In a practically growl.
- Very wet, aren't we? 
I mumbled in response, trying not to make my state of hopeless obvious. Gerard removed his hand from inside me, and positioned himself on top of me, with his knees on either side of my waist. 
- You know I'm about to turn you into the same beast as I am, right? - I barely heard what he was saying, but his voice, at the same time that left me panicking, made me melt into the bed. - I just want to have some fun first. Vampires are cold... but don’t worry, you'll get used to it. 
Gerard undid his black  jeans, springing his boner free. I got shocked by the size, and he let out a grin with his shiny fangs. The situation itself could be romantic, like candles and a pretty guy who apparently loves me… but the kidnap shit messes with all of this.  
He thrusted his dick in me in one move, not even trying to be kind. I was in some kind of state of mind, forgetting that he was abusing me, I started to enjoy the situation. 
- Don’t be shy, honey. - He groaned, going somehow deeper. - I wanna hear all those pretty noises. 
It didn't take too long and I felt my orgasm getting close, and like he said, I moaned really loud, breathless, I felt him come inside of me. 
He kissed me passionately, muffling while I screamed in pleasure against his lips, reaching my apse. The taste of cigarettes mixed with red wine was good, and I kissed him back, needing and wanting more of him. 
I caught myself thinking of how I would feel being with him forever. I’ve never felt like that, loved by someone, cared for by someone, and Gerard gave me all I begged for at last few years. His electric touch, this erotic feeling he brought me, was it that bad? He said “turn you into the same beast as I am”, does it mean he’s gonna bite me? ‘Cause he looks exactly the same way as a vampire does in my mind. 
- Are you ready for this, hun? 
He whispered, biting soft my bottom lip, running his hand to my neck. 
Before I could even respond, his teeth were already buried in my artery. I could feel the heat of my blood being sucked from my veins. The feeling of his tongue running across my neck made the pain milder, even so, the piercing and sharp sensation of pain ran through my body, as did his hands, which touched every inch of my torso. 
As he tightened his grip on my waist, my warm blood began to drip from the corner of his mouth, painting his pale skin a bright red. When he finally let go of my neck, he left kisses at the bite site, moving up towards my jaw and finally reaching my lips again, smashing them hard. The taste of my blood now filled my palate, while our tongues intertwined in movements that seemed to have been rehearsed.
Soon, I found myself out of breath, and feeling tipsy by the smell of wine he emanated. 
The strength in my entire body seemed to have been removed, and I felt really weak. Gerard held my face with one of his hands when he broke the kiss looking for some oxygen, while his other hand was still squeezing my hips.
Quickly, my vision became blurry, and I could only feel his cold lips hit mine again and my body collapsed in that bed, feeling like i was on fire and leaving the scene outside like one of the paintings I saw in his sketchbook once
- G-gerard...
I mothered in a whisper.
- Shh, you'll be fine, baby. I'm gonna take care of you, and we'll be happy ever after. 
He caressed my hair and rocked me. Little by little I lost the last lapses of consciousness, becoming completely off.
~ So... that's it, guys... should i make a part 2?
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I don’t know how late your post was posted, (the one where you asked for comfort fics) but can you do an angst/ comfort fic for Wandanat x female reader?. Only if it isn’t a bother. If you do, can you please do one where y/n gets attacked in their house while the team is on a mission and Nat and Wanda get an alert that says y/n is in trouble and they get back in time to save and comfort reader… please
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Wandanat x Reader: Intruder
Hell yeah. I've been wanting to write a Wandanat fic for decades lol. You guys all pulled in on the requests and I failed you. I ended up having two dry sockets and it hurt so bad I couldn't focus to write :/
Description: what it says in the request lol why is it underlined? HELP I CAN'T GET RID OF IT. Everyone is around the same age and dating in this cause there's some weird stuff in this tag lol.
Gender: neutral! no pronouns used!
WARNINGS: violence obvi and pain, shitty ex-boyfriend totally not because I believe mine would've done something like this if he knew where I lived, panic attack if you squint, anxiety, past trauma and stuff
P.S. don't tell anyone you're going with for the first time where you live, you never know how it's gonna go down. Meet them there - Life advice from me. Go out in public if you've never met them before. And for goodness sakes LEAVE if they won't let you get a word in. Good luck out there my loves, be safe.
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You hear something from beside you. Almost like a tap on the window, but not quite.
Groggily, you start to pull yourself from your sleep. You blink a few times to get your eyes to focus in the dark.
Suddenly, you hear a thud. Your heart jumps, waking you right up. You look over and see the silhouette of someone standing there. Your hand reaches down beside your bed, searching for the bat you have stored there. The back of your hand makes contact, but knocks the bat to the ground, out of your reach.
"Hello, sunshine. Why are you afraid?"
Oh, shit. You know that voice. It makes your skin want to fold in on itself and burn. Your ex. Though you don't call him that. You call him 'the person you used to date' because you don't want him to be your anything anymore.
You haven't seen him in years, since high school. But there he is, standing right in front of you.
"Why are you here?" You ask, your voice involuntarily shaking.
"You're not happy to see me?" He sounds threatening in a way.
"I . . . I didn't say that."
He shakes his head. "Don't you still love me?"
You are silent, not sure which answer would make this outcome better.
"I still love you," he says. "You're my sunshine, forever."
"We broke up years ago. I haven't seen you since high school." You try to reason.
"I know, such a shame. And now I see you've forgotten me."
"I haven't-"
"Yes you have. You have a new love now. Do you tell her you love her? Do you even think of me anymore?"
You take a deep breath. Something about him always ticks you in the wrong direction, despite the fact that he just broke into your house.
"I think of you all the time." You are being honest.
"Yes. You haunt me everyday. You tried to manipulate me and you stalked me."
He walks up to the bed, towering over your sitting figure despite the fact that you know he's the same height as you.
"You're lying. You spread that rumor to all of our friends. You turned them all against me. I love you. I never manipulated you."
You see the shadow of his raised fist on the wall behind him.
"Agents Romanoff and Maximoff, your house has just received a break-in alert." FRIDAY announces to the team's earpieces.
"What?!" Wanda yells out. She scans the area for any sign of her girlfriend.
"Wanda, you have to be quiet or you're going to blow our cover." Pietro whispers from next to her.
"I don't care! Y/N is in trouble."
"Wanda," Nat's voice comes in. "There's nothing we can do about it until we're out of this base. Just hold it together for ten more minutes."
"Data is uploaded." Tony says, making Wanda sigh in relief.
"Let's stay low on our way back to the jet. Don't make any rash decisions." Steve announces. "Okay, Wanda?"
"Yeah," she responds, sounding distant.
They all take their respective routes back to the separate entrance points they entered on, thankfully without attracting any attention from the swarms of HYDRA agents. Once inside the quinjet, Wanda worriedly sits next to her girlfriend, holding on to her arm.
Tony sets the jet on autopilot, highest speed. "We'll be back in about two hours."
"Two hours?!" Wanda yelps.
"I can't go any faster." Tony looks apologetic.
"Wands, it's okay. Y/N is strong. We left the bat beside the bed and the gun in the living room." Natasha whispers into her ear to calm her down. "It's all going to be okay."
A tear runs down Wanda's face and onto Nat's suit.
You come back into consciousness, barely realizing you are now on your living room couch. A blurry image of the room appears and you don't see he-who-must-not-be-named, or Voldemort, as you and your friends call him for short.
You keep your head down and don't move as to not alert him that you are awake. You can taste blood and feel dried blood on your face.
You only remember him coming into your bedroom and starting to talk. You can't remember anything else.
"Good morning, sunshine."
Ah, shit. Well, you tried. You lift your head, trying to sit up but discover that your wrists are tied to a chair located above your head.
"We should talk." He says, coming into your view. "Now, you turned my friends against me. You made me feel like a horrible human being. You made up lies about me. So, I could kill you."
"I'm sorry!" You blurt out, every single minute of therapy you had just immediately flying out of your brain. "I am! I said I was sorry years ago and I'm still sorry today, okay?"
"Yes. But see, I don't believe that because you fell in love again with someone else."
"I-" you stutter for a second. "I mean, I moved on but I still shouldn't have talked about you to everyone."
"I used to be popular!" He suddenly shouts. "I was going to be captain of the cross country team! You ruined it for me!"
Actually, for the record, people only knew him because they were laughing at him behind his back. He was too blind to see that. Additionally, he was one of the worst runners on the cross country team. So like, no that was just another blatant lie he made up.
You used to feel so bad for him. Back when he was nice to you. People laughed at him and you just wanted to give him a hug. Sure, you never thought he was particularly good-looking, but you're more of an emotional-rather-than-physical lover anyway.
Too nice for your own good. As usual. And you were right all those years ago thinking he might attack you some day. He always seemed so unafraid to say whatever he thought. Now here he is, threatening to kill you.
He takes in a breath. "Now, of course, if you were dead, that would mean my love would be dead. So the other option: I keep you for my own forever. Would you like that?"
You freeze and don't respond. Your inner lie-detector won't let you say yes but you're too scared to say no. Again, too nice for your own good. Dammit.
"Would you?" He asks again.
"Um," you fill the silence to buy some time. "Well, that's a big decision to make. I might need some time to think."
Speaking of time, where the hell were your girlfriends? FRIDAY should've sent the break-in alert hours ago. The sun is just starting to rise now and a little bit of light illuminates the blood stained on your clothes.
"Well, I'm in control now." He makes eye contact with you, making you dart your eyes away. "I make decisions for myself. No one tells me what to do. And I think you hurt me more than you could ever love me."
"I said I'm sorry! Is there anything else I can do?" You feel tears start to sting your eyes. A mixture of feeling his disappointment and the fear of imminent death stabs you like a knife to the stomach.
"Hmmm," he very very slowly and methodically pulls a gun from his pocket. He's a hunter. You know he has good aim. You'll dead for sure. "No, I don't think there is. You sealed your fate."
"Please don't-"
"Put the gun down!" Natasha's voice shouts. You gasp in air, a little weight lifting off your chest. You start thrashing around trying to get free.
"Enough!" You feel the tip of Voldemort's gun press into the side of your head. "Shoot me after, see if I care. Someone else will finally feel my pain."
Suddenly, he freezes and his eyes unfocus. You see them turn a slight shade of red. Natasha runs into the room and rips the gun away from him. Wanda follows her, untying the weak knots and pulling you into a tight hug.
You feel a few tears escape your eyes as your heart pounds. Suddenly, you find it very hard to breathe.
"Hey, hey, hey," Wanda runs her hand through your hair. "Relax, it's okay. We've got you now."
"I- can't-" you barely force out, your lungs constricting your voice.
"Okay, that's okay. Just try to breathe regular with me, yeah?" She takes your hand and holds it up to her chest so you can feel the rising and falling of her breaths. "We're here now. We've got you."
"I'm going to get this moron to Stark. We'll have to wait till he's over the mental trauma before calling the police." Natasha explains, using the rope you were tied up with to tie his hands behind his back.
"Mental trauma?" Wanda cocks her head.
"Yeah," Nat gestures to his confused and scared gaze. "Shit messes you up for awhile."
"Oh," Wanda bites her lip. "Sorry about that one time-"
"Yep, all good." Natasha kisses the top of her head. Finally pulling your body together a bit, you let out a little giggle at their interaction.
Wanda beams at you. "You're smiling! Oh, thank goodness!"
"My face really hurts though," you wince a little as you talk.
"Yeah, that's a bad punch you got there," Nat gently holds your head still as she inspects the area.
"I don't remember when that happened." You look away.
"That's okay," Nat uses a finger to turn your head back to her. "Doesn't matter what you remember. As long as you're okay now."
You nod with a little smile.
Hey sorry that like 25% of this was just me projecting my very specific guy-I-used-to-date problems. True story, couldn't say his name because it physically hurt for some reason so my best friend came up with Voldemort lol.
Don't steal! Thanks for reading! Leave a like if you feel like it! Save me for later!!!
Buy me a coffee?
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holden-caulfield · 2 years
Seven Bells
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REQUESTED: "A heist with split parts. Inej, Jesper and reader are in one place, working on stealing something Kaz needs. Him and Nina (or just rearrange the roles as you wish) are outside, backing them up in case of unexpected events. Inside, the three of them trigger a security system, only the two manage to get out, the reader gets locked in. Knowing she's able to get herself out, they return without her before getting caught. They wanna plan accordingly, but Kaz get's furious, worried, tense, you name it. Ignoring the danger and the plan, he goes back for her, killing and destroying everything in his way to get her out. How about in the end when she's safe, all of the tension and anger falls off of him and a hint of previously hidden affection gets revealed, unintentionally? (Feel free to change something if you want to <3)"
SUMMARY: a carefully planned heist. nothing could go wrong, not if kaz brekker had planned it. but when everything goes south and the reader gets into trouble, it's up to kaz to remain cold and analytical, it's up to kaz to make sure everything turns out right.
WARNINGS: gore details?? (not too much), i used bells to keep track of time (so one bell means something that happened before four bells etc.). also, reader uses she/her pronouns and it's in third person. if you squint, you can see spoilers for kaz's backstory :)
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Three bells.
"How much do you think they're going to take? It's freezing out here." Asked Nina, hugging the jacket close to her chest. It barely did anything for warmth, but she held onto it as if her life depended on it.
Kaz didn't even glance at her, eyes set on the doors. They were positioned at the corner, just like he had said, waiting for the others to get out. "Not much, they should be here any moment now."
"Couldn't we settle on a warmer place to wait for them?" She continued, shivering and hugging the jacket even closer to her, uselessly.
Kaz didn't feel the cold, only waited, getting more and more impatient as time passed. "We need to be ready in case things go wrong."
Nina scoffed, starting to move up and down to warm up a little. "We could have been ready inside that shop down the street."
"Stop moving, someone might notice you." His gloved hands had tightened on his cane. They should have been out already, but all was silent. Everything was fine.
"If i stop moving, i will stop breathing too, Brekker." She said, annoyed.
"Does it mean you'll stop talking, Zenik?" He quickly retorted.
"No, Brekker, it means that i'll die and then haunt you for life," she said, smirking cockily. "You'll never hear the end of me."
That seemed to cheer her up, and she stopped complaining about the cold, the jacket tightly enveloped around her.
One bell.
"Everything clear?"
"Yes, boss, it was already clear the first three times you said it." Mocked Jesper, his hands already firmly placed on his revolvers, only waiting for the sign to enter the building.
It was a normal heist, like many they had done, but it was in a overly-guarded building, so secured that Jesper couldn't help but wonder what they hid in there; perhaps so much kruge to last him for two lifetimes. He would have found out in little time.
Kaz glared at him, but then let them go.
"No mourners," said Y/n, before bidding her goodbyes to Kaz and Nina.
"No funerals." Concluded Kaz with a firm gaze.
Four bells.
"Don't you think we should do something?" Asked Nina, worry laced in her words. She didn't even feel the cold anymore, her body now numb to the unforgiving Kerch winter; her mind was occupied with way more important matters.
They still weren't out.
They should have been all celebrating back at the Slat, the mission completed, the drinks poured.
"You know the plan. If something goes wrong, we intervene. Now, we wait." He repeated the plan just like he had repeated it in his office hours ago. But he was starting to doubt it too.
"But they should have been here already, shouldn't they?"
Just as Kaz was about to answer, cries erupted from the facility they were supervising. Gunshots could be heard in the distance, and they only increased in volume. The alarm went off, sirens blasting in the wind, the quiet night air broken by them.
Something had indeed gone wrong.
Two bells.
Inej had already climbed the enormous facade; Y/n and Jesper were only waiting for her to let them enter. It would have been any minute now.
The door gingerly opened, revealing Inej on the other side.
"Lead the way." She said, and Y/n happily walked in front of the small group, guiding them. She had spent hours and hours ━ days even ━ with Kaz, learning the map of the place by heart. She probably knew more of the place than the guards working there. She knew more of the place than whoever had built it.
She guided them through the corridors, the ones she was sure would have been empty, to get to the place they needed.
Their mission was simple: find the key, get the key, leave the place, possibly undetected.
The only problem was that the key was incredibly guarded, almost too much for such a tiny piece of metal. Y/n had asked what was so special about it, but Kaz rarely let details like those out: she would have found out when she would have gotten hold of that key.
Kaz had thought about everything, just like he always did: Inej would have let them inside, Y/n would have found the key, and Jesper would have helped out if things had gotten ugly. Him and Nina would have waited outside, but Kaz had been clear about it: help shouldn't have been needed if they had followed the plan, step by step.
So she did, she retraced the place, step by step, just like she had learned it in his office.
"I'll never understand how you do it, i get lost in the Slat sometimes." Began Jesper, a light conversation to ease the tension that, even if they had become very good at hiding it, was obviously hanging on their shoulders.
Y/n laughed lightly. "Then thank Ghezen you are the sharpshooter and not the map, huh?"
"Oh believe me, i do that everyday. I spend already enough time with Kaz without having to learn every left and right of every building in Ketterdam!" He continued. "Tell me, how can you bear him for that long? He repeated me the plan thrice and i was on the verge of falling asleep."
Y/n snickered while Inej hummed behind her, signaling she was agreeing with Jesper. "It's easy really, i like this kind of stuff, and if i ever find myself bored, i'm great at sleeping with my eyes open too."
Jesper rolled his eyes. "A woman of many talents."
"Obviously, or Kaz would have never taken her, wouldn't he?" Inquired Inej. Y/n felt a surge of pride as she lead the group, turning every now and then, whenever was necessary.
Jesper was about to reply when they heard steps. They stilled in the empty corridor. It should have stayed so; empty. But the steps were coming towards them.
"Quick! Here!" Whispered Y/n, flinging herself into a nearby hallway, smaller and dimly lit.
The two followed, huddling behind her. Jesper started to move towards the opposite way, leaving the now not-so-empty corridor, but Y/n stopped him.
"We have to go this way." She stated.
"Not if we don't want to get caught," retorted Jesper. Guards were beginning to flood their way, passing in front of them as they held their breath. They were chatting, not paying much attention, but they weren't going away. They positioned precisely there; their path was blocked.
"What now?" Inquired Inej.
"It should have been empty," began Y/n, uttering as she thought back of everything she and Kaz had ran over. "It should have been empty at this time. It's always empty at this time."
"We should return another time, then. They probably changed their-"
"No." Interrupted Y/n.
"But, Y/n, we can't go on-"
"We'll get what we came here for," she said, lifting up on her feet as silently as she could. "We'll just take another way."
"But you said we had to go that way," said Jesper, pointing at the corridor in front of them, hushed chatter still coming from it.
"I know," she confirmed. "But i know this place and, even if it'll be a little tricker, we can find another way. We won't leave empty-handed."
Three bells.
They were walking, crawling, sneaking around. As silent as whispers, as quick as blades. But the corridors seemed to never end.
Y/n had set a brutal pace, darting from one corner to the other, relying on her memory and, most of all, her hope, because as she moved so quickly, she surely hoped she wouldn't have come face to face with a guard.
"Y/n, how much longer?" Asked Jesper from behind her. He usually never was, but he seemed worried, as if this whole change of plans didn't sit right with him. It didn't sit right with none of them and, if Kaz had known about it, he would have thrown a fit.
Thankfully, by the time Kaz would have known about it, he would have had his beloved key in hand to comfort him.
"Not much, but i had to take a totally different route in order to avoid guards. And that route is long."
"And are you sure this route is the right one?" Y/n turned around, stopping right in front of him and shot him an inquisitive glare. She was sure. "Okay, okay, i was just asking, keep leading."
Four bells.
Just a few turns. Just a few turns and the key would have been in their hands. Just a few turns and they would have been a step closer to getting out of there.
Just a few more turns.
And they were there. The key stood on the desk, glinting mischievously, as if to taunt them, as if to beg them to just steal it and get it over with. For such a precious object, they thought it would have been more well-guarded. Maybe it wasn't important, maybe there was something much more valuable in there that requested that kind of security, maybe the key was just something that Kaz wanted. Because Kaz had a plan, and that key was, quite literally, the key to the success of that plan.
The three of them snuck into the room, closing the door behind them: that room had two entrances, and the one they had just come inside from would have soon be swarmed with guards. They would have used the other one, but they had to be quick.
Y/n took the key, twirling it between her fingers before safely putting it into her pocket.
"All this fuss for that?! Next time it better be a solid gold key, encrusted with diamonds, that can sing and talk with me whenever i want." Stated Jesper, obviously annoyed.
Inej chuckled from behind him. "No key would want to talk with you, Jes."
"Because no key knows just how fun i am."
"I bet you're right, but we better move now before-"
Y/n couldn't finish her sentence; they broke into a frantic run, closely pursued by a flock of guards. Their weapons were trained on them, bullets rippling through the air and barely missing them as they ran and ran through the corridors.
Y/n was leading them once more, avoiding hallways that were sure to lead them to death. But it was hard: it was hard to find corridors that would have let them exit unscathed.
The guards shouted at them, unclear insults and orders surrounding them, but they didn't bother listening; only running.
An alarm went off, blasting in their ears. More and more steps could be heard as they ran, more and more soldiers were coming for them. Y/n had to think quick: she had to find a way out.
She abruptly changed course, diving into a deserted hallway, Jesper and Inej following her.
"Y/n! That's a dead end!" Shouted Jesper, trying to make himself heard above the sirens.
Y/n didn't answer, instead quickened her pace. It was a door, she opened it, she let the other two enter and she closed it behind them. The guards began banging onto it.
"What do we do now? How do we get out?" Asked Inej. "That door isn't going to hold forever."
Jesper knew it. Y/n knew it. She retrieved the key from her pocket and handed it to Inej. "Take this out and get to safety, i'll distract the guards."
"What?! Are you kidding us? We won't leave you here!" Panicked Jesper. "Tell her, Inej!"
"We won't leave you here, Y/n!"
"You won't leave me here, i'll get out, but i'm the only one who knows the place, i'm the only one who has a chance at finding another way while giving you enough time to get out." She continued, as calm as ever.
"Why separate? We can make it together!" Begged Jesper.
"It will be easier this way, it'll be easier for me to get out if i know you made it already." She forced a smile. "Trust me, yeah?"
"You are an idiot if you think we're gonna let you here, Y/n." Scolded Inej.
"And you are delusional if you think i'm giving you a choice." She said, her voice as hard as stone.
"Sometimes you remind me of Kaz," said Jesper. "I hate it."
Y/n chuckled lightly as Jesper smiled down at her, a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "We'll meet outside."
"Yes, you have to-"
"We will, Y/n. If you die, i'm not forgiving you." Said Jesper, then smiled. "And i'm taking your gun, the one you never let me touch."
"You wouldn't dare!" Retorted Y/n, feigning indignation.
"Then stay alive."
Jesper prepared to go. Inej hugged Y/n, so hard and so tight Y/n feared for her ribcage. "No mourners."
"No funerals." Smiled Y/n. Her gaze then turned to stone once more, resolve on her features. "We'll climb up there," she motioned to the airway conducts. "And we'll find ourselves out of here. You go left, and after two turns you should find the main entrance. Once out, Kaz and Nina will help you out. I'll go right and find another way."
Jesper and Inej nodded. They began climbing.
Five bells.
The door busted open, running figures emerging from it. Guards with their pistols drawn followed them like moths.
It was a peaceful night in Ketterdam, but the gunshots cutting through the air broke the quiet atmosphere that had been created.
"Now we go!" Shouted Kaz as he and Nina emerged from the shadows.
It didn't take much for the heartrender to stop the soldiers running after the rest of the group, and it took even less for Kaz to start shooting. Jesper seemed to notice the help, and didn't waste a second: he grasped the pearl handles of his revolvers and made the guards topple down like flies. Inej threw knife after knife, darting through the air almost like bullets, hitting the men right in their chests. They didn't get up after that, and if they did, she made sure it would have been a mistake they wouldn't have repeated.
Only one was missing.
The guards ended, those few remaining retiring in the facility and closing the doors shut after them. Jesper and Inej ran, following Kaz and Nina to the safe place they had found.
"What happened back there?!" Shrieked Nina, running her hands through her hair in an attempt to calm herself down. There had been too many, too angry men back there.
But not enough, noticed Kaz.
"Where's Y/n?" Came his question, ice cold. He already knew the answer, but he wanted to be wrong. For once, he wanted to be awfully, terribly, utterly wrong.
"She said she'd meet us outside, she knows her way in the-"
Jesper couldn't finish; he had already began walking towards the doors again. Jesper stopped him. "What do you think you're doing?! You can't go in there just like that, after we just barely escaped!"
"Says who?" He replied, stone cold. But he wasn't. He was far from it. He was furious, worried, tense, you name it. He was on the verge of going crazy and all because she hadn't come back. Because she was somewhere, alone. Because his plan hadn't worked out.
"Kaz, we need a plan! You should know that better than anyone here!" Intervened Inej.
He glared at her. "If i don't go now, she won't need a plan, she'll need an obituary."
"If you go now, we'll have to find one for both!" Added Nina.
Kaz was seeing red, his blood boiling, his mind set on one only goal: getting her back. He had put her in that situation. He had made the plan. He had overlooked the need of a backup plan. He wouldn't have let her die in there. At least not alone.
He knew what almost dying alone was like, and he didn't want for that to happen to Y/n. Not to her, not like that.
"Make sure it's a nice one then." He said, picking back up his pace towards the facility.
"Kaz, you can't go in there without a plan!" Tried Inej.
"I have a plan: i bring her back."
It seemed so easy, so simple. He just needed to do one thing: bring Y/n back. Save her from what he had caused. Save her because he would have never admitted it in front of her, but he needed her.
"You have to think this through-"
"I have," he begins, cutting off Inej. She looks up at him, worried. He looked like a madman, how could she not be worried?
"She said she knows what she's doing, she said she'll find a way-"
"So i should leave her like that?" He asked. No one answered. In the awfully quiet night air, he began talking again. "I'm going in and i'm bringing her back. Once out, i want you to cover us while i get her to safety. That's the plan, understood?"
"We should come with you," added Jesper, hands still quivering on his guns.
"I risked her life already, i won't risk yours too."
"Kaz, you are not-"
"I will bring her back." He concluded. No one seemed to argue. Everything went still again.
"Come back in one piece, both of you." Said Nina; she had completely forgotten about the jacket, hanging loosely open around her figure.
Kaz looked at her, he looked at everyone; then, he went inside.
Five bells.
Running was tiring, and maybe Y/n should have realized that before breaking into a frantic run around the entirety of the building.
She knew there was no way to hide, and she knew that the only way out was the front door from which they had arrived. She was on the opposite side, a massive hoard of guards trailing behind her like hounds following a prey. She heard the bullets being shot around her, surrounding her but never fully getting her. Thankfully.
She kept on running, but her feet were getting more and more tired. Her legs begged her to stop, just a moment, just a moment to then start running again. They were burning, and she wanted nothing more than to oblige. But obliging would have meant giving up, and she would have never. Not like that.
She kept on following the mental map she had so carefully drawn inside her head, each curve and corner so skillfully designed and she retraced each one, hoping to get to the doors before her legs collapsed beneath her. She had given Jesper and Inej enough time. She had the entirety of the facility following her. They were safe. Now, she had to be safe.
But her steps were getting sloppier and sloppier, she had risked falling more than once. She never did, because falling meant death, but it was a possibility. A pretty close one.
She ran. And then she couldn't no more.
A wall. In front of her. Cutting her way out. There shouldn't have been a wall there, or maybe she was just too tired to argue with herself. She turned back around, trying not to lose her momentum but she was cornered. Like a wild dog in the streets. But she was more like a gazelle, trying to escape a predator she could obviously not escape.
The guards kept on approaching her. She lifted her hands above her head. She had no weapons on her, because Jesper had and they would have been quicker like that. She regretted not taking as much as a simple, small knife, but what could have she done with that? Nothing.
Some guards chuckled in seeing her like that. Some had an evil look in their eyes that suggested they would have given everything to see her bleed out right then and there.
"I surrender." She said, feebly, panting hard.
"I bet you do," said one of the guards. "Now you better follow us and tell us more about what you and your friends did here, won't you?"
Six bells.
He barged in the place. It was empty. Except for a few guards: once he had passed, they weren't a problem anymore, laying on the ground, still.
He moved with scary velocity for someone whose leg had never fully healed; he killed with eery easiness for someone who only had a cane and a gun.
He walked faster and faster until he was almost running. He knew which turns to take, which corners to avoid, which ways to trudge in order to find her. Because he knew how she thought, and she knew he would have found her. He wouldn't have let her down.
The guards were starting to get more and more numerous as he got closer to her; it reassured him. But they seemed to be too quiet, too calm; that enraged him even more.
It didn't matter: whoever got in his way, finished on the ground. Either dead or soon to be. He had the element of surprise on his side, startling everyone.
And then he found himself in front of a door.
Dead bodies surrounded him; it repulsed him, but not enough to make him turn back and go away. Not enough to make him stop. Not enough to make him think of a plan before entering the room.
He stormed in, and everything was so quick.
She was there, tied to a chair. And in a moment, he was cutting her bindings. More dead bodies surrounded them; neither seemed to care.
He looked at her and she looked at him. He looked furious, she looked shocked.
"Why did you come here?" She asked as he freed her wrists.
She immediately got up and started retracing her way out, making sure Kaz hadn't left anyone there that could have been able to stop them. He hadn't.
"Why did you not follow the plan?! You could have died, Y/n." He answered, fury clear and unmistakable.
Y/n matched his tone. "If i had, you and Nina would have had to find our dead bodies in here. They changed rounds, i had to change routes."
"You should have left as soon as you noticed, Y/n." He said, following her. He walked with such calm, as if he was strolling on a sunday afternoon; such a stark contrast to his ruthless tone.
"We came here for something and we left with that something!"
"I could have left with a corpse, do you not care?!"
Y/n turned around to face him, interrupting his walking. They stared each other down, tension so palpable in the awfully quiet corridors. Not a soul in sight anymore, but them.
"But you didn't! I had everything under control before you barged in here, killing everyone!" She motioned to the pile of bodies, some not even recognizable anymore.
"You were tied to a chair, Y/n! You obviously didn't have anything under control!" He retorted, not once looking at the corpses around him; only at her.
"I could have gotten out of there on my own!" She wasn't so sure of her statement, but she wasn't going to let him win. "Now everyone will be on our tails because you decided to turn this place into Ketterdam's new cemetery!"
"I did what i had to do." He said, suddenly, abruptly. "I wasn't going to leave you here."
"I could have done it alone." She seethed.
"But you didn't have to," he said, seemingly regaining the calm, seemingly softening. "We're a team."
"I told Inej and Jesper that i could have done it alone, you should have trusted-"
"We are a team, Y/n," he repeated. He looked scared, vulnerable, truthful, you name it. And he looked afraid to continue. "We don't give up on each other. I don't give up on you."
She stared at him for a long moment. They were in the worst place possible to have that talk, but she didn't care. He didn't either. They were together. She was alive, in front of him. He was there, in front of her.
Seven bells. The clock ticked, and its sound resounded across the whole building.
She smiled up at him, shaking her head. He looked away, a smirk tugging at the corners of his life, bashful.
The clock had ticked, and they were safe, together, again.
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alastorswifee · 2 years
Leo x Reader
Pronouns being used: she/her
‼️TW: mentions of death and suicide‼️
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Y/N sat up all sweaty and tears streaming down her face as she breathed heavily. "H-huh?.." she mumbled quietly while looking around the dark room, she then turned to her right to see her boyfriend Leonardo sleeping peacefully.
Y/N shook her head and ruffled her hair while carefully getting out of bed to not wake her lover up. She walked quietly to the kitchen, turning the lights on and putting the kettle of water on the stove to heat up.
She grabbed a tea cup and tea bag and placed it on the counter before pushing her hair back and walking to the sink, she splashed water in her face and sighed deeply.
Ever since that day she witnessed Leo almost get finished off in a battle against a villain, she's been having nightmares of him actually get finished off without his brothers getting there in time to help him.
It haunted her, she couldn't bring herself to the thought of her boyfriend being gone forever. She doesn't care if people say 'he'll live on in your heart' or 'he'll still be with you' that could be true but no he won't be with her physically, she can't bring herself to not hearing his voice anymore, not feeling his touch from the warm hugs or sweet kisses he gives her.
As cheesy as this sounds, he is her home and her safe place, she feels safe in his arms and no where else..he's her main source of happiness. Without him she wouldn't have a reason to live, he stopped her from jumping off that building that night and told her he will protect her and never leave...
Her thoughts got cut off by the kettle whistling, she quickly turned it off to not wake Leo up. She poured the hot water into the cup, dipping the tea bag in and out slightly. She lifted the cup to her mouth and blew softly before taking a little sip, she hummed softly and closed her eyes.
She relaxed her body, shivering a little at the warmth of the cup. Her body was already adjusting to the cold atmosphere as it is.
Suddenly she felt two arms wrap around her hips from behind and a chin resting on her shoulder. She smiled softly, knowing the feeling of her lover "hey..." he whispered softly "hi..." she whispered back.
Y/N turned her head to the side and kissed Leo’s cheek "this is the fourth time you've gotten up in the middle of the night..are you sure it's nothing?" Her boyfriend asked with concerned laced into his voice. The girl always assured him that it was nothing but it's happened too much to be nothing. "It's fine babe.." Y/N sipped her tea again, Leo wasn't satisfied with the response and stood up straight, placing a kiss on her head.
Y/N turned her body and looked at her boyfriend only for him to stare back with a slightly stern but mostly worried expression and his arms crossed over his plastron "darling.." he started but she quickly cut him off "I said im ok-" "you are not ok. What's wrong?" He cuts her off with a slightly stern voice. "Leo I am perfectly fi-" "don't lie.” He slightly raised his voice which caught her off guard, she rests the cup on the counter and stared at the floor as tears blurred her vision.
Leo widens his eyes and wraps his arms around her, hugging her close "baby hey hey listen I didn't mean to raise my voice..I'm just worried-" "it's not that Leo.." she cut him off while trying to clear her throat.
"What is it then?.." he held her close "after that battle you had a week ago.." she started, this caught his attention "what about the battle?.." he asks. "You almost left me.." she mumbles, it took him a little to process what she meant and when he realized what she was referring to, he quickly kissed her head and hugged her tight.
"Hey hey listen..I'm not going to leave you anytime soon, I don't plan on it..I made a promise didn't I? I promised to stay and protect you and love you til we're both gone.." he cupped her face. "Yeah but if your brothers didn't get there in time that promise would've been broken.." she whimpers, "I could've done something..." she whispers and held her hand out, reaching for his.
"I know hana but you were at your limit and you weren't exactly in perfect condition to fight..it's ok baby please don't blame yourself" he took her hand and lifted it, kissing her knuckles gently. She sighed softly "I just don't want to lose you..." she mumbles while looking up at his eyes, "trust me love I'm not leaving my happiness behind...I love you" he smiled softly. Y/N wiped her tears and mumbles "I love you too.." before she pressed her lips against his gently. The atmosphere was filled with comfortable silence...
"Yes hana?"
"Let go of my butt please"
"O-oh right!"
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