#and she genuinely doesn’t mind
baleclava · 5 months
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I love how they are standing so close to each other
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naarlar · 28 days
Okie so hot take: I don’t think Melinoë is as good of a protagonist as Zagreus. And here’s why.
It all comes down to motivation. Why did Zag go through the events of Hades 1? Because he was living in an abusive and volatile household and had to find some way to make things better for not just himself but his house. Otherwise he surely would have lost his mind having to deal with the abuse he got (remember at the beginning of the game basically only Nyx and Achilles were helping him. Everyone else is either neutral towards him or outright hostile). He needed answers, he needed to find out who and what he was by trying to find Persephone. And in the end he succeeded and was able to create a better life for himself and his house. Hell, even his relationship with his dad improved.
Now let’s look at Mel (yes this criticism is only addressing Early Access Hades 2). Why is she going through the events of Hades 2? Because… she’s been groomed since basically birth to kill Chronos. She doesn’t really have any other motivation than because it is what is expected of her essentially. She even says during her confrontation with Chronos, AFTER HE THREATENS TO HURT HER FAMILY, what do I care I barely know them (yeah sure she could just be bluffing to Chronos but that is still a very chilling thing to say when supposedly all of this is to save them and it makes her reunion with Hades lowkey ring hollow or weak). In another scene she even says the same thing to Hecate and says Hecate is more her mother than anyone else. Heck even in the flashback scene with young Mel and Hecate (which was very cute I’ll admit) she says she would want her mother to come back so Hecate isn’t sad. This makes all her motivations to kill Chronos and save the Underworld seem very… disconnected from the main component of the game? Being saving the house of hades and her family??
Like it’s expected of her and she was raised at birth to basically be prepared for this but she doesn’t have any personal reasons for doing any of this than just not letting Hecate and the others in the Crossroads down. Hell when she comes back from killing Chronos for the first time it honestly feels like Hecate is more interested and invested in what happened than Mel herself.
It makes her a really weird protagonist especially when comparing to her brother and how effective he was as a protagonist. Think about it, with Zag we got really in depth and character revealing moments where as the player we understand why he is doing all of this and so it is easy to go along for the ride because we like Zag and want to help him. Mel says she cares a lot about what is going on and wants revenge, but it all feels surface level (and which is understandable she doesn’t know these people, all she can say is “the titan took my family” when let’s be real she sees the people in the crossroads as more of her family). It honestly just seems like because she is expected to kill Chronos since she could think, she feels she has to do all this. It feels weird how she is disconnected from the core point of the game being to save the house of hades when Zag was so integral to that same core point in the first game.
I dunno, just my thoughts, I’m curious to see what everyone else thinks.
Edit: just fyi cause I feel with the comments I’ve been getting from my posts, I like hades 2 I am excited especially for the official release. I recognize my criticism/analysis could be wrong or out of date since the game isn’t finished yet. These are just my initial thoughts.
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francy-sketches · 10 months
You know when you think about it…purple wedding is just a synonym for lavender marriage...hmmmmmmm
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Title: willingness to bend
Rating: PG? Nothing much but some arguing further in. Abby is stubborn and not thinking straight, and Nate isn’t helping his case.
Pairing: Detective Abigail ‘Abby’ Brùn/Nate Sewell
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: how the post-forest argument would have actually gone between Abby ‘fiercely independent and stubborn’ Brùn and Nate ‘worries SO MUCH but terrible about talking through things’ Sewell. Also known as ‘these two care a lot about each other they’re just bad at saying so’
I was disappointed there was no sort of conversation or confrontation with these post-trapper, especially picking the dialogue option that gets you the famous “i won’t allow you to endanger yourself” line. so I’m rectifying it by making things worse <3 no spoilers really this all takes place in the timeframe of the demo, but I’ll tag it just to be safe.
Abby wasn’t expecting Nate to be waiting for her.
She’d lingered behind at the Facility after the debriefing. Longer than she probably should have, given the circumstances of…everything going on. But she’d needed some kind of respite, a little time to process without Unit Bravo looming over her shoulder.
Getting food with Vieno had been the perfect excuse for some time away.
Unit Victor had been an unexpected surprise, but ultimately a pleasant one. The group had no problems dragging chairs over and making themselves comfortable. Willing to talk about everything and nothing, they had little regard for personal boundaries.
Apparently news about her traveled far, and she wasn’t sure how she felt being at the center of it.
It seemed positive, at least.
The conversations were light. Nothing more than gossip to fuel the rumor mills. Was Adam as hard headed as everyone claimed, something Abby only gave a noncommittal shrug to because the last thing she needed was her answer somehow cycling its way back to him. They’d reached a tentative peace, she didn’t feel the need to argue with him at every comment, and he seemed to tolerate her being around. No need to upheave that progress.
They’d asked about Nate afterwards. About her relationship with him, and she couldn’t bring herself to answer around the sudden lump in her throat. Vieno steered them off by calling them a bunch of ‘nosy gossips’, and it was all Abby could do to give them a grateful nod at the intervention. Conversation still flowed afterwards as they all talked amongst themselves, and she happily let herself drift to the background.
But the lump never eased.
It’s- ridiculous. Selfish, even. Everything that’s happened in the past 24 hours, and it’s her own personal problems sitting on her mind like lead weights, something she couldn’t shake off. Added salt to the wounds of everything else.
Maybe it stung because Nate had been her point of peace. Someone that could help keep her afloat even when it felt like she was spiraling. She didn’t have that now and she felt- she felt alone.
Too lost in her own mind to be considered anything remotely close to ‘good company’, she gave a distracted good-bye before excusing herself and somehow managing to find her way to her car.
The drive back, trapped in the silence, hurt more than it helped.
She couldn’t stop herself from replaying everything over in her mind, trying to pick out where she’d gone wrong to make him so frustrated. Outside of the level of danger that was becoming a regular occurrence in her life, she’d come out of the attack fine. Stressed, a little shaken, but unhurt. She hadn’t even fought, technically. The thorny mess of underbrush had done the work for her; she’d just taken advantage of her…familiarity with the area.
Not that it mattered. Nate still hadn’t been happy she wasn’t willing to let him hide her away while everyone else fought in her place.
So, he yelled. Sort of. As much as Nate ever raises his voice.
And in turn, she yelled back at him. And if she hadn’t been so caught off guard, she would’ve been embarrassed that it all happened in front of the rest of the team.
No, that didn’t settle in until afterwards. After the chaos settled and the adrenaline faded, forced to sit through a debriefing with as much distance as she could manage between her and Nate. It mixed with the slow burning anger she’d tried to swallow down until it formed something toxic that left a bitterness in her throat.
It wasn’t Nate’s frustration that stung. Or the yelling - though that hadn’t helped. That, alone, she could have taken; sat with and picked apart into pieces of something that made sense, given enough time.
I won’t allow you.
No, the anger came even before they’d been reduced to shouting at each other. It was the declaration of what she was allowed to do, as if that’s a decision he had the right to take away from her. One sentence, buried in her mind like a splinter. The more she dug at it, the more raw she’s left afterwards.
It’s not rational, not really. One panicked phrase, said in the heat of a dangerous situation, shouldn't have struck her as hard as it did. But whether or not it was sane or fair didn’t matter - it left her feeling angry and constricted.
She doesn’t register the drive until she’s sitting outside the chain link fence of the Warehouse. It takes effort to uncurl her fingers, idly rubbing out the cramps brought on by the white-knuckled grip she’d had on the steering wheel. Staring up at the decrepit facade, with her headlights painting shadows in the gloom of the night, a part of her considers turning around. Peeling out before she has to face anyone, although…she has nowhere to go besides here. A stray thought passes through her mind about crashing at Tina’s, but she squashes it before it has a chance to take root. It’s well past 2 in the morning, and while Tina would open her door to her, Abby wouldn’t put her out like that. And she isn’t sure she wants to deal with the line of questioning that would bring on, either. And, Adam had been clear about her order to come directly back to the Warehouse afterwards.
Another order. Another decision made for her. Only this one smarts less, because she’s used to Adam telling her what to do.
So, against every nerve in her body, she forces herself to shut the car off and climb out. Mentally talking herself into taking each step forward, more mechanical feeling than anything natural. She’s not in the right headspace to handle anything more than collapsing into bed.
It’s late, anyways. Maybe she’ll be lucky and everyone will be busy doing whatever it is that keeps vampires busy throughout the night. They’ll hear her arrival, she’ll be able to get to her room and push off dealing with anything for at least a few more hours.
She wasn’t planning on Nate being up and about. Even if she shouldn’t have expected anything less from him.
“You’re back.” He startles her out of her thoughts. Perched on the couch in the living room, a book in hand, it’s clear he’d been waiting for her return. He’s smiling, doing his best to look relaxed, but she knows him too well for him to hide the tension in his body. The concern in his eyes as he looks her over.
Both get worse when she chooses to stay rooted to her spot by the door instead of moving to join him.
“I was at the Facility.” She says, words stilted and awkward as she debates her chances of making it if she were to just rush through the room and leave. She’d thought- a part of her hoped her aggravation would ease, if she gave herself time, but seeing him has it trying to claw its way to the surface again, settling like a burning coal in her chest.
Maybe he’ll let it go. Maybe he’ll just say goodnight and let her go-
“I was worried.”
He means it, that’s the worst part of it all. A passing remark made with nothing but genuine care in mind, because he always worries when she’s away. When he can’t be around. He just wants her safe. And there’s a small, logical part of her that knows that. The part that’s fighting and failing to pull her temper back knows it’s meant in kindness.
But the threats she’d been desperately grasping onto snap, all the same.
“I was with Vieno. And another Unit.” Her tone is flat, bordering on harsh. “Do I need your permission so you can allow me to go anywhere without you?”
She’s lashing out now. Feeling twisted up too tight, throwing barbs in the hopes of something sticking. There’s no pleasure when her words hit their mark though, no enjoyment in the way she sees him flinch. Just a building pressure under her skin, a rolling nausea in her stomach.
She hates this. Hates everything she’s feeling, but is too far in to pull back now.
He sighs as he pushes up from the couch, and she shuffles the rest of the way into the living room to take a place in front of the fireplace. Just- to give herself somewhere to stand besides the front door, so it didn’t seem like she was seconds away from bolting. She keeps her eyes on the ground though, just to find something to look at that isn’t him. Still, she feels him take a place beside her, even with the deliberate space he’s kept between them.
“I suppose we need to talk.”
“Yeah, we really do.” As if drawn by a magnet, her eyes flit in his direction, unsure of what she’ll find. Frustration on his face? Exasperation in his eyes at her attitude? She’s not being kind, it would be deserved.
She isn’t prepared for the deep crease between his pinched brows. She isn’t prepared to find him looking so incredibly sad.
“I know I didn’t handle the…situation with the Trappers properly.” He starts after a brief pause, clearly trying to gather up his thoughts. She lets herself relax, just a little. At least this seems like a step in the right direction. “Seeing them close in on you, while I was too far to help, filled me with terror. Every worst case scenario went through my mind, and I shouldn’t have raised my voice.”
He sounds properly contrite, at least. His shoulders are drawn, hands pushed deep into his pockets. It's only her own stubbornness that keeps her from reaching out to him though. “It worked out, though.”
“That it did.” He smiles, but it’s a wobbly thing. Brittle. “All it takes is once, though. As I said, they will stoop to whatever means necessary to take you and I- I cannot bear the thought of that happening.”
“And I can’t handle sitting back, doing nothing while everyone else fights my fights.” She turns to face him now, and he mirrors her movement. “And I can’t handle you telling me what I’m allowed to do.”
“It’s our job to protect you, and we don’t mind-“
“But I do!” She snaps, cutting him off. She knows they’re making no progress. Two steps forward, three backwards. Unlike before though, she can see him trying to figure out a way to diffuse the rising tensions before they can come to head.
“We’re getting off point, and I’ve upset you again. I apologize, for then and now.” His apology soothes her annoyance, if only a little.
“Thank you.” He takes a few tentative steps forward at that, trying to close the distance. “But again, Nate, it’s not just the fight. It’s you trying to tell me what you’ll allow me to do.”
He pauses then, and she realizes he’d been hoping she’d just pass that point over in favor of being angry about everything else. “I shouldn’t have phrased it that way,” He says finally, carefully, and she narrows her eyes. “I misspoke, I’m not trying to make every decision in your life.”
Just certain ones, the thought is a cranky, nasty little one. “You’re going to have to let me help. If I’m going to be part of the team, let me act like it.”
His brows furrow at that. Reaching out, hesitating just long enough to give her a chance to push him away, he cups her face in his palm. Cradling her like she’s something precious, she can’t help but lean into him as his thumb traces her cheekbone. “Being a part of a team also means accepting your limitations and allowing us to help you, though.”
Any warmth from his touch vanishes then, chilling in her veins as she shakes him off. “What does that mean?”
“I told you to hide because, at that moment, that was the best thing you could have done to help us.” His tone is gentle, but Abby knows him well enough now to know he’s picking his words with care, working up to his point in a very Nate-like way. Kind, always so kind, but unwilling to budge. “Your safety is my priority, always. At times, that means you have to be willing to let us protect you.”
He’s not listening. He’s not hearing a word she’s saying, and she can feel her anger rising again.
“I handled myself though.” She’s trying to be reasonable. To quell the part of her that wants to snap, and snarl, and fight. “I didn’t even fight, I was able to handle it my way.”
“And what if you couldn’t? What then?” Nate crosses his arms, as if he isn’t sure what he’s supposed to do with his hands now that she’s out of his reach once again, and Abby has never thought he looked more stubborn. “I just wish for you to be safe, is that a bad thing?”
“It is when you expect me to sit back and let my family fend for themselves!” She won’t let herself focus on the fact that was the first word that came to mind, slipping out before she could stop it. Not here, not now. Not with so much tension, or with the storm of emotions making her chest ache. Or with Nate’s face lighting up, even in the midst of her yelling at him. She’ll dissect it later, with nothing but four walls watching her and the safety of an empty room around her.
“I’m simply asking for you to trust us,” He says slowly, as if to placate her, though all it does is further stoke her temper. “I- We can handle threats against ourselves, but you-“
“You almost didn’t before!” She shouts, throwing her hands up in exasperation. Memories of Nate, battered and bruised, laying in his own blood, flash in her mind, too quick for her to block them out. As if sensing her distress, he reaches out on instinct, but she jerks back before he can make contact.
She can almost pretend like the flash of hurt on his face doesn’t make her ache.
“I was taking care of myself long before you guys showed up.” As soon as the words are out there, she wants to snatch them back. Bury them, stuffed away in the dark where they belong. Panic and embarrassment has her pacing now, too much of something buzzing just under her skin. She was prepared for fighting, yelling she- she’s not ready to see pity from him.
Because maybe, that’s the true, awful core to all of this. Why Nate’s protectiveness feels like an ill-fitting coat, clinging too tightly. So long with no one, pushed to grow up too fast. She doesn’t know how to let somebody else care for her.
Would she even want to? To let herself be that vulnerable with someone else?
And Nate knows. Of course he does. Even with ehr pacing, and her stubborn refusal to meet his eyes, she can feel him watching. Picking up on every little thing she wants to hide from him but can’t, because he’s always seen too much of her. He’s close to hovering, she’s sure, wanting to provide comfort but unsure how. The thought makes her cross her arms, as if she can make herself a smaller target.
That’s what makes him finally move, though. A gentle hand on her arm to stop her in her tracks, providing a warmth she can feel even through her layers of clothes.
“You shouldn’t have had to.” He sounds so soft, so sure of himself. Steady, where she’s drifting. “And if I could, I would mend that for you. But you don’t have to now.”
Let me care, the words are there. Unspoken, left to hang between them, but there nonetheless. I would if you’d let me. I want to.
And it would be so easy to let him. To drop her guard and let him in. To let him take the few final pieces of her heart she has hidden away, because he’s already taken the rest. Given to him willingly the first time they’d kissed
She could.
She wants-
I won’t allow you.
But she won’t. Can’t.
“Well, I did.” She cuts through the silence that had grown between them with sharp precision. Squaring her shoulders, she turns to face him, trying not to miss his touch as his hand slips away, and forces herself to meet his gaze head-on. Whatever he sees when he looks at her has his shoulders slumping, ever so slightly. “Which means I don’t need you panicking over every little thing that could potentially go wrong, or you deciding what I’m allowed to do.”
There’s a rare flash of frustration in his eyes, there too fast for him to be able to tuck it out of her sight. “It’s not about permission, Abigail.”
“That’s exactly what all of this has been about!” She snaps, barely resisting the urge to yank on her hair in frustration and instead settles for pulling at her sleeves to give her something to dig her nails into. Her tone is rising again and she can’t stop. This is falling apart in front of her, too fast for her to do anything but embrace the inevitable crash waiting for her at the end. “You’re trying to tell me what you’ll allow me to do, stressing over things that might happen. None of this is going to work if you don’t trust me to know my own limits.”
“You ask me to trust you, yet you have an alarming pattern of paying little regard to your own wellbeing. So forgive me if I’m inclined to doubt your choices.” His tone is harsher than she’s ever heard it, words sharp enough to make her wince. He notices, immediately softening as he scrambles to backtrack. “I care about you Abby. So much.”
That’s all this is about. Everything it boils down to. But it’s not enough to fix anything. And that realization has her deflating, a sadness creeping in to replace the anger.
“But I’m human.” It’s a quiet sort of admission. One that hurts, because it doesn’t matter what she does in the end. How much she prepares herself, or tries to help. She’s still the weak link, and Nate will always treat her as such.
Half a dozen emotions flicker across his face in that instance, almost too fast for her to recognize. Fear. Frustration. Affection. Something- something heavier, deeper than the others, and she feels her heart thumping painfully against her ribs.
“That-“ He cuts himself off, tearing his gaze away to look at the wall. There’s something more there, that much she’s certain of. Something he’s barely bitten back, and part of her wants to grab him. Shake him and demand an answer, an explanation, anything to tell her she’s wrong. “You are.”
Nothing more. No deeper answer. Just a heavy hearted agreement, that hurts more than her own words had.
A bitter part of her wonders why she expected anything any different.
The fight leaves her as quickly as it had come. The exhaustion of everything suddenly presses down on her with such a fierceness that she’s left aching. So she crosses her arms again, like she can hold herself together a little while longer as she shuffles backwards. Desperate to space between them.
“I can’t do this right now.” She’s speaking more to herself than to him at this point, turning towards the door. “I can’t- I need to go.”
“Abby?” There’s a thread of alarm in his voice now, and she hears his muffled footsteps on the carpet as he keeps pace behind her. “Wait, we can talk-“
“All we’ve been doing is talking, Nate. And I’m done.” There’s a hollowness in her, like something carved out a piece of her, and she rubs her chest as if she can massage the ache away. A chill has seeped through her clothes, settling all the way down to the tips of her fingers, and she chooses to blame it on the lack of sleep.
“Please.” It’s one word, practically begged, but it’s enough to make her stall. Enough to have her spare one more glance at him. Frozen halfway from touching her, panic and desperation have brought a sheen to his usually warm eyes. Torn between having her stay, and afraid of pushing her further away has him teetering on an edge. “Please, stay?”
It hurts. So much, more than it should, and it isn’t fair. Leaving him like this, when a part of her wants to turn around and let him soothe away everything. Let herself be lost in him awhile and pretend like everything is fine between them. To take the easy path.
But she knows how that will end. Another fight, sooner rather than later. She knows she can’t keep burying things away, as much as he wants to when things get tough.
So she shakes her head, pulling the door open and forcing herself to look away before he can notice the tears she can feel burning her eyes. “I just need some time, okay? Give me some space.”
She doesn’t wait for him to answer. She can’t, not if she’s going to keep her resolve. So she leaves, letting the door slam closed behind her. And maybe, everything will feel a little less painful when the sun rises.
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At my mums workplace there’s this guy that comes sometimes to visit the residents, and my mum was going on about how kind this guy was (takes residents to dinner and lunch,to the gp,does check ins and regularly calls and jist rlly kind and lovely) and my mum showed me a screenshot from a video call he did with her and the staff. And it was the actor Will Poulter
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apotelesmaa · 4 months
I love how whenever tsukasa and/or rui (more so tsukasa) are doing some deeply obnoxious dumb shit in public nene is like I genuinely hate you guys you are the most embarrassing people to spend time with EVER & then when emu does the same stuff nene is just like (sighs fondly) noo stop that. She doesn’t even try that hard to stop emu she just accepts it. Nene willingly spends time with someone who runs around screaming wonderhoy and canonically digs holes to hide in so she can jumpscare people. I know what you are nene.
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camgoloud · 6 months
i simply feel that if you burn shit in your roommate’s skillet you should then feel the obligation to be the one who scrapes it out and cleans up
#sometimes i think about the fact that i’m literally the only person who’s cleaned the kitchen in this place for the entire year and a half#i’ve lived here and i get. a little pissed off#i’ve tried being polite and bringing up the problem without explicitly pointing fingers by leaving cleaning products (which i bought)#out on the counters and sending a text in the group chat like ‘hey! 😊 i got these wipes for us! i think that all of us could#use these a little more often so that the kitchen doesn’t get so gross!’ but it seems that everyone either has no sense of shame or just#genuinely doesn’t mind living in filth for the periods between the marathon cleaning sessions i do every few weekends when i have the time#one of the guys who lives downstairs will just walk right by me cleaning up on his way to the fridge and pretend he can’t see me#which is still better than the other one (the one who just burned shit in my skillet) who once saw me cleaning and asked if he could help#and when i got all pleased and asked if he could maybe take the trash out for me while i was cleaning counters (a small and simple task!#when he’d literally asked me if there was anything he could do!) he visibly deflated. said ‘well i’m not really around here much [so it’s#not my trash in there etc.]’ and wandered off. without doing anything#like. HELLO???? you could have just been like the other guy and pretended you didn’t see me doing all the work if this was how you were#going to be about it#but i guess he wanted to feel good about himself having offered/expected me to just say ‘oh no thanks i love being your housekeeper 😊’#tbh i really need to be more assertive and be like ‘hey guys i’m sick of this’ and maybe. bring up the Sexism of it all. because.#you know. the whole situation feels pretty gendered#was complaining about all this to an irl friend the other day and she said i should start a chore chart but i don’t want to be responsible#for maintaining the chore chart either! take on the mental load of managing the housework and also turning into Resident Bitch for asking#men to do things for me. you know. there is simply no way out here#there is another woman who lives here as well but unfortunately i don’t think she’ll be much help in forcing the issue because. she doesn’t#clean shit either!#actually in the days since she moved in the shower drain in our bathroom has become horrendously clogged which. well. i mean not to point#fingers but one of us has got about two inches of hair and the other has got a foot and a half. so#i also simply feel that if you clog a drain you should be the one to unclog it but i’ll probably do that as well#sorry for the massive tag rant by the way i really shouldn’t make myself out to be some kind of martyr because i’m not particularly neat#myself but…. ooooh god if the bar isn’t all the way down in hell#anyway i just did a whole bunch of dishes but i left that one skillet to soak passive-aggressively overnight#i don’t think the aggression will come across though because i think he genuinely won’t even pay attention to the fact that it’s still#dirty and i’ll end up being the one to clean it tomorrow#caseyposting
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nerefee · 3 months
one of my coworkers keeps falsifying data and it’s pissing me off, I don’t like snitching but I do care about this project and I would appreciate!! If she didn’t make me fix everything at least!!!
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chuchayucca · 1 month
The length is fine!! I love long posts just diving into thoughts
Honestly, as shit of a human being the uncle is, his entire relationship and dynamic with Richard is just. SO fascinating to me. Even in scenarios where Richard WASN'T abused by his brother, he still had to live with him as he grew up, and deal with his whole... Thing. I wanna know their dynamic sooooo bad
Also!! Oh my god I didn't even think of Richard's drinking being connected to his abuse, that's SUCH a good idea
Though that does give me the sweet idea of Carmen trying to help Richard with his alcoholism, maybe even chewing his brother out for enabling it
Same here, Richard can be an intriguing character because of his relationships alone. I’m curious too, even without the possibility of abuse, what was life like for the both of them? Did Richard ever suspect anything? I also wonder if the Carmen and Richard are in the cult theory is true, because if so, was it the Uncle would trick them into it?
Richard has a few things going for with him and I’m a bit bummed out, the fandom doesn’t pay attention to him as much as Carmen, and when they do, he’s just Carmen’s husband.
TW Discussions about fictional CSA and SA and alcoholism
Thank you. It made sense to add because CSA and SA victims are more likely to abuse substances to cope with the abuse and trauma. There‘s specific personalized reasons why victims turn to substances.
Richard turned to them to improve his low self-esteem, feelings of loneliness and inadequacy, his mental health in general, and later feelings of shame, when his parents found out because he believe it was his fault his brother was caught and treated him differently afterwards. Outside reasons for his alcoholism are his friends thinking his drinking made him cool and could also underage drink with him because the Uncle would supplied them. The Uncle had his own motivation for this.
Again trigger warning because unfortunately I have to talk about this sicko’s actions and reasons to explain his character.
He gave Richard alcohol as a bribe to not tell anyone about the abuse. First it started when Richard became uncomfortable with the “games” so the Uncle would persuade him to continue by buying him toys after the ordeal. This continued until Richard turned 13, by then the Uncle realized toys weren’t affective anymore, and that alcohol would help Richard forget what happened. It also helped with the Uncle’s image as he looked like the cool older brother to Richard’s friends so they didn’t suspect anything.
Throughout of Richard’s life, Carmen has been very supportive of him. Despite what people think of Carmen, I do believe she genuinely does care for her love ones and will help them.
Oh that’s another good scene idea, the Uncle finally receiving some sort of consequences. Hope you don’t mind this, but that scene did gave me a possible direction for Carmen and the Uncle’s relationship.
Carmen is somewhat skeptic of the Uncle and is assertive towards him when she needs to be, compared to Richard. I don’t think I can stressed how much of a positive impact Carmen had on Richard’s life here. Carmen was one of the few people to take Richard’s drinking and his problems in general seriously, was and is still supportive of him, weaken the grip his brother had on him once she became a active person in his life, help Richard become his own person, and was the push he needed to improve himself. Of course the relationship went through hardships because of Richard’s problems with intimacy and alcoholism and Carmen’s own flaws but in the end Richard got better because he finally had some form of support.
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time Mihoyo made a storyline about breaking a population out of a collective dream/consciousness, I’d have at least 4 nickels- which isn’t a lot, but Mihoyo what the fuck
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be-gay-do-crime-ahaha · 3 months
Holy fucking shit the dysphoria is dysphoria-ing right now. I feel physically nauseous oh my fucking god. I’m gonna fucking kill someone maybe myself rn I’m gonna lose my shit holy hell.
Doesn’t help that I’ve been incredibly overstimulated the past few days every sound is like a fucking cheese grater in my ears oh my god.
#dysphoria#gender dysphoria#sensory processing disorder#tw emetophobia#for the nausea mention#idk if that’s needed or not#but yeah I’m about to tear off my fucking skin and jump off a building I am losing my fucking mind#it’s so over#lmao my brain is fucked i genuinely wanna off myself over this shit#and my mother keeps refusing to even entertain the idea of getting my name changed on the school role#even though all my teachers and friends call me Alex and that’s what I’ve been going by for a few years now#and it would make things significantly easier for everyone because it would fix my email name as well#so that’s not helping#and she was talking about my period and being all “it’s okay all WOMEN get these ❤️ you’re just becoming a beautiful woman#and now she keep being rude to my sister because she uses men’s deodorant (because it works better) and doesn’t really wear dresses#(because she finds them annoying and inconvenient)#and is being all “hurr durr you’re copying your SISTER stop being so masculine”#like fucking hell#shit talking me and harassing my sister all at once#man I want to fucking kill myself im so done with this shit#and I’m so overdue on school work and I feel so overwhelmed and stressed this fucking sucks#and I know the school work and stuff is fully my fault for forgetting and slacking off but I can’t bring myself to do them because the#stress of fucking up and just how much of it I have to do is pushing me to my damn limit#I can’t even bring myself to start on my film and media assignment that’s a week overdue because I’m so fucking stressed just thinking about#it and I’m so overwhelmed I can’t fucking do this. I just can’t. and I know I’m at fault for procrastinating and being too lazy and stressed#to bring myself to start working on it#and things are just gonna get more and more difficult#so yeah. rant over I guess. sorry guys#did not mean to rant in the tags this much dysphoria is just killing me and so is general stress#tw suicidal thoughts
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
my hottest take is that I literally Do Not care how disconnected the wheeler family is, there’s no reason for nancy to literally see mike in danger in her vision and not only not tell him but not even have a proper reunion with him. literally didn’t even speak to him. mike, who is almost always closest to the center of the danger. the one who’s most likely to actually fall into the danger nancy saw. absolutely zero reason to be that emotionally detached to the point where your brother goes missing for a week and the most horrifying man on the planet shows you a vision that starts coming true and you watch him be put in danger and then just. Don’t even acknowledge him. in fact the only comment you have towards him is about how messy his room is. Girl what is wrong with you
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falinscloaca · 5 months
pisses me off so much much that i’m not immune to people arguing about steven universe
#what is it about that g-dforsaken cartoon that makes my bones weep for blood#its like. the perfect combination of well intentioned progressive storytelling bungled themes antiblackness fandom culture and shipping bul#bullshit queer community physiology kids show and actually-good-except-all-the-bad-parts#anyways any defense of the show that starts with ‘lily orchard is full of shit huh’ immedialy into the trash you fucking go#not all criticism of the fucking thing stemmed from one annoying youtube skank. people have been hypercritical of SU since before that vide#was a glimmer in orchard’s eye - people have been making great and godawful points about it since steven fucking two#STEVEN TWO?!?#SEASON#like some points made against it ARE bullshit! but not all of them! and when real life seems to have spat out a few strawmen for yall to ar#argue against you’ll never make actual progress on the genuine fucking issues people have on it! its useless!#also it really irritates me that bc some people escalated criticisms of the diamonds to ‘su condones nazi redemption’ all responses to the#shows approach to justice just get countered with ‘but RS is jewish’.#like YEAH and actually her jewishness does inform the shows approach to justice abd punishment but that doesn’t make the end result GOOD#also judaism isn’t. spiritually speaking. 100% about reform and self-reflection rather than christian damnation barbarity or whatever#there is in fact harder edges to our shit its just unlikely steven universe would include WD getting hanged along with all her sons orchang#changing her mind at the last second because she hasn’t earned an uncomplicated admittance of fault and she sends and army after the#escaping stevenites only for said army to get drowned alive as the sea closes around them#lol#(or that it SHOULD have#imo while the diamonds did escape proper justice from just a tonal and like. thematic cohesion standpoint a violent execution of the#dictatorial class really would NOOOOT fit the show in any sense)
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so normal about everything ever (has to pause studying because i started thinking about golden toads and don’t have time to cry)
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Me: [hates talking to people over the phone because it’s awkward and makes me anxious]
Also me: [has witnessed multiple people experiencing extremely painful, gory, and/or life-threatening events and only felt a mild sense of curiosity and ”Wow! If I don’t (help them)/(feign empathy) right now I’ll look like a bad person.”
#It’s weird#I’ve drilled it into myself to help people so much that it’s become instinctual and I’m not entirely sure what motivates me#I’d say it’s a desire for recognition but I still do good things when no one is watching… unless subconsciously I believe in god?#I don’t really care about anything anymore but I still behave like I do.#Like a plane continuing to run on autopilot after the pilot and co-pilot have both died in the cockpit#I don’t even necessarily care about people all the time; I just care about doing a good job at something deemed “morally correct”#even if I do care about the people the urge to “correctly” complete tasks is still foremost in my mind#which can backfire and cause me to do something that hurts instead of helps because I misinterpreted what someone wanted me to do#which will then only make me feel bad because “people will hate me because I look like an evil sadistic idiot”#vent tw#I accidentally responded with the stock “Good… How are you?” to my aunt directly following the death of my cousin#She was PISSED (rightfully so)#But people never ask that question genuinely; so I never answer genuinely.#If however I were to answer genuinely; I’d say I feel like a steaming pile of goose poo. Every single time.#but that’s not socially acceptable so I just say “Good” as a rule no matter what… I could be bleeding out and say the same thing#And I ask them how they’re feeling so the conversation doesn’t seem one-sided#(even though it is; I’m just spitting their own words back at them)#and I get rewarded for my minimal-effort conversational skills by being placed into MORE social settings I despise with all my being
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bimiio · 1 year
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