#and she goes to the durselys and harry is there and he thinks she a death eater and stuns her
glove23 · 11 months
the torture of remembering the contents of a fic but not the title or the author and also it was deleted and so u will never get to read your favorite fic again
the torture of scouring ffn and ao3 in the vain hope that maybe it was reposted and clicking on anything vaguely similar only to be disappointed every time
the torture of loving something so much that is gone forever
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
Many people criticized Harry because of his behavior in Order of the Phoenix. Do you consider it was understandable his behavior and why people don't understand his actions?
This ask is very recent and I have a bunch of old ones to answer but today I'm in a bad mood and I need to rant, I'll also give you the more analytic answer but let me rant for a bit ok?
OotP is my favorite book of the saga and Harry is absolutely amazing there, he is so angry and he has every right to be! He was even far too nice, he should have stepped on one of the tables of the Great Hall and shouted at everybody to just fuck the hell off. This book could've been titled Harry Potter and the year everybody decided to gaslight him (besides Ginny, because she is amazing, and they are perfect for each other my two adorable dorks). Anyway, Harry had every right to act like he did! And not to overshare, but I'm quite familiar with trauma linked to witnessing death so, trust me, Harry handled it majestically.
*goes to punch a wall*
*clears her throat*
So, you were asking if Harry's behavior in OotP was appropriate or too much? Well, let's paint, very calmly, a picture of what Harry has been through up until this point in his life, and let's find our conclusions.
Harry becomes an orphan at fifteen months, he then starts living with his blood relatives that, for a reason unknown to him, hate him. So he spends every single day for ten years living in an abusive household. When he turns eleven someone tells him that his life is going to drastically change. Turns out, he is a wizard! He gets introduced to all this new magical world, he has a bunch of money, but something is still weird about him. Apparently, he is famous and the reason why is linked to his parents' death and him doing something he has no recollection of. Then his second year arrives and he finds out that there's something even weirder about him. It's not anymore about some mysterious thing that he did in the past, he's singled out for his abilities and the link he has with Voldemort. And he finds out for the first time that there are things that are his responsibility not because he takes that responsibility upon himself like the previous year, but because he's the only one who can do certain things. Also, by this point, he was forced by circumstances to kill a teacher and to witness a girl he really cares about (for unspecified reasons) being five seconds away from death. In all of this, he keeps being forced to go back to his abusive relatives.
In his third year he finds out that a crazy assassin is after him and again, for something he doesn't even remember doing, he gets singled out from his peers and punished for this condition of never fitting in, never being like the others, all for motivations out of his control. He finds out that the crazy assassin is actually his godfather and that he betrayed his parents. Giving Harry, who has an incredible craving for official positive bonds, another shitty family member. But wait! The man was innocent all along! Well, that's great right? They'll live together now, he will finally have a proper family, right? Nope.
By his fourth year, one would think that he had enough troubles. The Durselys are finally backing off under the menace of Sirius, Sirius is away from the country sure but safe and free and he writes to Harry. Ok, maybe there's no Quidditch but he'll be entertained by the tournament, won't he? And of course, that's when he gets put against his will in the mortal tournament. All in all, he manages quite well, by the third task he's in the game so, of course, it turns out that it was all a plot to kill him. The teacher that he had trusted all year is actually a death eater and Cedric dies and it's indirectly Harry's fault. Add to that Harry was never Cedric's biggest fan, between being competition for the tournament and Cho's boyfriend. I'm sure that didn't add any sense of guilt. Let's not forget that he nearly gets killed by Voldemort and that the other guy trying to do him in was his parents' best friend. Someone who was supposed to love Harry, that probably held him in his arms just a few hours after he was born, someone who probably bought onesies that Harry wore and toys he played with. As we see in DH, Harry doesn't like to acknowledge Peter's existence, and for good reasons. Not only he betrayed his parents, he betrayed Harry.
The fifth year comes and Harry is hated by half the wizarding world for no good reason, they try to expel him with some plot, it's his fault that Sirius had to suffer coming back to Britain, dangerous for both Sirius' mental and physical health, and there's a crazy professor who tortures him. He also has normal fifteen-year-old problems. Now you would think that by this point someone would tell him what is going on. It's clear to Harry that he's not normal, that he is at the center of all these troubles, it's undeniable at this point that in one way or another Harry is special. But Dumbledore refuses to talk to him, the other adults keep treating him like he is just another teenager while for years they forced him in and out of situations exactly because he wasn't normal, and even Sirius with all his love for Harry, has so many personal problems that he ends up making Harry believe that he is the one who needs taking care of. Ron and Hermione, poor things, try to be there for him but they don't really understand. And if it isn't the perfect summary of how shitty Harry's life is that he needs to end up in all this trouble to find out that the person who truly understands him is Ginny, I don't know what is.
OotP is a book whose main point I'd say is that all the people, but especially the adults, who should be there for Harry, in one way or another aren't. Harry understands to be special before anyone else is ready to admit it, to listen to him, to acknowledge what he has gone through. This is why the easter eggs scene is so important, and now it seems like I'm trying to make this about hinny but I'm not. That scene is important because Ginny just seats there and listens to Harry. For one fucking time in his life there's someone who is not telling him what to do or not to do, how to feel or not to feel, she listens to him, and then she offers a solution to what he said his problem is.
If you notice, Harry is a lot calmer in HBP despite the fact that Sirius died, because Dumbledore has finally told him the truth and he lets him in. People stop treating him like he's a crazy attention-seeking narcissist or a reckless teenager and acknowledge things for how they are: Harry is not normal. He would very much love to be but it doesn't change the fact that he isn't and ignoring this fact doesn't make it any less true.
So yeah, I'm sorry if I think Harry had every right to be an angry little shit after years of just internalizing all this trauma.
You also asked me why people don't understand his actions.
Well, the options are two: they don't know how to read which is very popular these days or they are lucky enough to have no idea of how people respond to major life-altering traumas and don't care to find out.
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illicthearts · 1 year
I cannot, this has to be a joke. I am so tired of TikTok and their takes. No one is torturing Dudley and his family. No is there pointing a wand at them and saying the Cruciatus Curse at them. What happens to them is the consequence of their own actions.
“So when he’s 11 years old his family uproots their life and goes on the run,”
I’ll agree with you, yes it’s stressful but no one was out to get the family. They (Hogwarts) just wanted Harry to come to Hogwarts, and they know (somehow) that Harry didn’t see his letter so they kept sending them. None of that would have happened if the Dursleys just let Harry see the damn letter, like what did they think would have happened? Mind you Petunia knows this process so she easily could have saved them the trouble. Also they wouldn’t have had to go on the run if Dudley hadn’t told on Harry. That’s the consequence of their own actions. Not the wizards. And certainly not Harry. It was Harry’s letter, he had the right to read it.
Let's look at all the stuff Dudley had done to Harry by the third chapter of the book:
“Dudley’s favorite punching bag was Harry,” yes Harry was fast but clearly there were enough times that Dudley punched him for Harry to be considered his “favorite punching bad” also Harry, a 11 year old, is one doing the cooking while Petunia and Vernon, perfectly capable adults, are right there.
Dudley starts crying because Harry has to go to the zoo with him. I have to share my birthday with my whole family (3 other people), he can get over having to take his cousin to the zoo with him.
“Dudley’s gang had been chasing him as usual when, as much to Harry’s surprise as anyone else’s, there he was sitting on the chimney.” accidental magic (in Harry’s case) is triggered by emotion, so they had scared Harry so bad that he apparated, APPARATED! Something that is supposed to be hard, especially for someone younger than eleven. And Harry must have been really scared to do that before the age of eleven or just that powerful. And Harry got punished for it too.
Dudley and his gang is are knowing to target Harry so much that Harry labels it “Harry Hunting”
The snake scene, the snake did nothing to the family, it snapped at them and went away. And Dudley wasn’t trapped in the cage either.
I am sure I didn’t mention all the things Dudley did to Harry before the age of eleven, but some of those things are scattered throughout the books. But this all for mentioned in like the first three chapters, that's a lot considering one of those chapters takes place when Harry is one years old. I do remember one where Marge’s dog chased Harry up a tree while they all laughed. Marge didn’t call off the dog until midnight, MIDNIGHT! So Harry was alone, scared, stuck on a tree for hours. As someone who is scared of dogs, I can't imagine how scary that must have been for him. I'm surprised he didn’t have a fear of dogs.
Hagrid giving Dudley the pig tail was wrong. I'll admit that and he didn’t deserve that, Vernon did, especially since he was the one who insulted Dumbledore which angered Hagrid, and I also don’t like Hagrid but that’s a whole different conversation.
“The year after that was less stressful, but not no stress right? There’s still stuff floating around, his dad’s really angry, and then gets pulled out of a second story window.”
his dad’s angry sure, I don’t recall Vernon ever yelling at Dudley, not even once, if you do, please mention it. As for your second point, he wouldn’t get pulled out of a second store window if they just let Harry respond to Ron’s letters or if they didn’t put any bars in the window. Ron knows how the Dursely’s treat Harry, so he’s obviously concerned when Harry doesn’t respond to him. I would be too if my friend with abusive guardians didn’t respond to me for days. So he goes and rescues Harry, it wouldn't be necessary if they just let Harry respond or even let go to the Weasley’s. So again consequences of their own actions. Not the wizards or Harry’s fault or the good guys’ but theirs. Not to mention they were starving Harry, and he still shared the food with Hedwig.
“And then the year after his aunt inflates, like I know it’s supposed to be funny because she’s fat but again we’re putting ourselves in Dudleys shoes and he doesn’t understand magic or its impact on the human body. Harry loses his temper and she literally blows up.''
Now why does Harry get angry? I'm sure it's not unreasonable. Oh right, because Marge calls his mom (who died trying to save him from the evil wizard) a bitch and his dad (someone who also died trying to save him) an alcoholic, which is just made up by the Dursely’s. Now if she didn’t say that then Harry wouldn’t have gotten rightfully angry, and the anger wouldn’t have triggered his accidental magic, which he should be in control of by now. So clearly the words affected him a lot. They wouldn’t have if Marge didn’t open her mouth to talk shit about a child's dead parents. And it didn’t say that Dudley was watching TV so I’m assuming he was listening to the conversation. That’s the consequence of her own action, not Harry’s fault or the wizards fault, or the good guys.
“It doesn’t get better for him, thereafter, that he eats a piece of candy, that keep in mind Fred and George intentionally left for this to happen and then just peaced out. He eats a piece of candy and his tongue swells up to 3ft long.”
First let me get this out of the way that Fred and Geroge are kind of bullies, their pranks sometimes do harm to people. Now why do Fred and George leave that piece of candy? Because they have heard of all the terrible shit he has done to Harry, and they’ve seen first hand how badly the Dursleys treat Harry (second year, bars on the window). And they of course, like any friends, want to get revenge for Harry. And they also get in trouble with Arthur and later Molly. They faced the consequences of their actions and so did Dudley.
Then the dementor thing happens. Which wasn’t anyone’s fault but Umbridge since she sent them and Dudley just happened to be with Harry. But it was important that he was because that’s the start of his so-called redemption arc. Dudley is a bully and no bully just wakes up one day and realizes that “oh shit what I did and how I treated them was wrong.” no they need a wake up call and for Dudley that wake up call was the dementor.
“We’re 5 for 5 every year,”
no we are not. We’re not even close, what about those eleven years before Hogwarts? Those absolute hellish years? He hated them so much that Harry considers Hogwarts, where he’s in constant danger and where he eventually dies, his home? What about those years? But that’s in the past so they don’t matter right?
Dudley hasn’t even been through a quarter of what Harry has (and half that trauma was due to Dudley and his family) and there nothing the Dursleys can say or do will ever make up for years of trauma and abuse. Their past actions finally caught up to them. And Harry is so traumatized from them that when Mcgonagall asks for Wood, he thinks that she’s going to beat him with a wooden stick. For saving Neville’s, who was being bullied by Malfoy, rememberal. If Harry can tell that bullying is wrong then so can Dudley. He should be able to tell that what his parents are doing to Harry is wrong. And if he wants his parents' approval so badly then he can at least be nice to Harry at school, but he doesn’t, instead he gets his friends to join in too. And makes his social life hell. I remember something about Harry having to dumb himself down so he doesn’t do better at school than Dudley and get him trouble. If he wasn’t a wizard, this could’ve possibly ruined his future. And he doesn’t stop after the first year of Harry being back. He later makes fun of his parents death and Cedric’s death as well (although he doesn’t know who Cedric is and Harry was taunting him before this). All the stuff that you mention is nothing but just a couple of bad days in his otherwise happy life.
And I’m not even going to talk about him going into hiding part because I have nothing to say.
Let's also remember that the target audience for the Harry Potter series is kids Harry’s age, so eleven year old, pre-teens and middle schoolers. People who do not think like high schoolers and adults do. It's detailed enough that kids love it. She (JKR) doesn’t expect them to comment on world building, the money system, or how bad at math JKR is or how much of a bad writer she is or why they didn’t use the truth serum on Sirius. If you did, then congrats to you, I didn’t. I saw magic and a school for wizards and thought it was cool. But if they can tell that what Dudley was doing to Harry was bad then so can he. Dudley should be able to tell that what his parents are doing is wrong. Kids are taught from a young age to not bully and if they see something then say something. And Harry grew up around that, and instead of becoming like his abusers, he became this kind and selfless boy who in the end sacrificed himself to save the world, that didn’t give him much. Sacrificed himself for people who constantly changed their opinions about him. If Harry can be different from Vernon and Petunia than so can Dudley.
Also I do not believe that Dudley got his redemption arc, all he says to Harry is “I don’t think you’re a waste of space,” which congrats to him for finally being able to be a decent human being, I guess. For recognizing that his own cousin isn’t dirt at the bottom of his shoe. It’s not enough for me to consider redeeming him, he’s literally doing the bare minimum. And for a redemption arc you have to go above and beyond. The Dursleys are shit human beings and probably the worst of the humans, I’m surprised Harry didn’t turn them into toads or something the first chance he got.
And Harry, first and foremost is a victim. Harry has done bad things, of course, he’s not perfect, but he’s a victim. He’s a boy that experienced severe trauma from a very young age. He was used and abused by the adults and authority figures around him. So blaming him for things that were out of his control (i.e. Sirius death (that’s a whole other conversation that I can get into if you want me too)) is not okay or fair.
So no, Dudley doesn’t not have the right to blame/hate Harry or wizards. The wizards didn’t do anything to them for the fun of it or anything like that. No, it is them being punished for being shitty people in the past and shitty people to Harry. (They got what they deserved and I’m glad they did, it seems that Vernon is still a shitty person though and idk what happens to Dursley after the battle of Hogwarts) If they had been decent then none of these would have happened. There’s tons of other stuff I could mention that the Dursleys do but I don’t have the time.
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dramionediscussion · 3 years
something that always ticks me off about the books is that canonically, the trio always spend their christmas/easter hols and part of their summer at the burrow, especially harry, but they never spend it at the grangers' house. the durselys definitely wouldn't want harry's friends to stay over, but hermione's parents are mentioned like thrice in the series, when they could've played a much, much bigger role. it could have also made the entire obliviation scene so much more impactful--when I first read it, I didn't really care. I mean, it sucks and all, but I didn't even know their names, or what they were like, or anything. so that just made it like two random people having their memories erased, rather than hermione's parents.
it could add to the plot too--ron learning about having to do things the muggle way while staying at a muggle house, because underage magic and all that (and if romione had to be endgame, that could provide loads of cute romione moments, and besides, what exactly does ron know about hermione's family? as far as canon goes, he and harry haven't even met them in seven years of ride-or-die friendship).
the fact that the trio always spends their time at a wizarding family's house (grimmauld place or the burrow) than a muggle house, when they could easily have been more hidden at the latter, just goes to tell you that wizards are indeed considered superior in JKR's mind, which defeats the whole purpose of the books.
sorry for this little rant lol. it's just that we know nothing about muggles in the series, except for the dursleys, when the entire thing is about the divide between wizards and muggles. ugh this is just so annoying to think about.
Yes yes yes! I agree!
We know nothing about Hermione's family but everything about the Weasleys. I mean she is Harry's best friend, why doesn't he ask he about her parents, growing up, he life outside of the Wizarding World. You would think that he would be way more comfortable with her and her life than Ron considering he grew up muggle.
I've said this before, but it's like when they both, Harry and Hermione got into the Wizarding world, they forgot about their past.
And it's stupid because they are trying to defeat a wizard who wants to get rid of people like them. But they themselves don't seem to give a shit about their heritage all the while proudly proclaiming they are from muggles.
And yeah Ron in Hermione's home would be hilarious!! Definitely moments for them to bond and be all cutesie.
And you know, so many fics have Hermione doing very muggle things and insisting on doing it that way because she is muggleborn and proud of it. But it canon it doesn't show. Harry doesn't show that either.
- Lisa
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In the Light 1
Harry Potter 
Characters: Sirius Black x Reader 
Summary: This work goes hand in hand with my In the Dark story. This takes place around Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This does not follow the book or the movie. You haven't seen Sirius since he was locked up in Azkaban prison. The past 15 years have not been kind to you.! After losing your James and Lily, you are not allowed to see your nephew. Now things are different and it may be a chance to regain the family that you thought you had lost forever!
Rating: Mature
12 Grimmauld Place
You never thought that you would be outside of this house again! Now here you are! You stared at the doorway with depressed eyes. It wasn’t until you felt Remus Lupin place his hand on the small of your back did you move. You quickly looked over your shoulder and adjusted your umbrella as the heavy rain continued to pour down. 
“Are you alright?” 
Remus asked gently. He knew that it was a silly question. No, you were not alright. Your eyes alone told Remus how you were feeling. The past 15 years had taken so much from you! After James and Lily were killed and Sirius was thrown into Azkaban your world fell apart! You were no longer the happy smiling person that you were before. Now it was few and far between when you smiled. 
“Y/n, everything will be alright. You can meet Harry now. It will do him good to have you in his life.”
Hearing your nephew’s name seemed to perk you up. It perked you up and made your heart ache at the same time. 
“What if he hates me, Remus?’
Remus gave you a kind smile. 
“Harry isn’t that way. What happened with the Dursleys was no fault of your own.” 
You had to fight the urge to scowl when you heard the Dursley’s name. They were the reason that you never had any contact with Harry. When he was left in their care, they didn’t want any freaks in their home. They were “putting an end to the rubbish.” 
When you begged for some time with your young nephew they told you to leave and never darken their doorway again or there would be legal consequences. You were ready to fight them with everything that you had but it was Dumbledore that made you stand down. 
It is for the best that you stay away for now, Y/n. I know that you are his aunt and godmother but you have no chance of gaining anything in this. You’re the wife of a mass murderer. That is going to hurt your chances. The Dursely’s have a safe two parent home. For now, you must let events unfold.”
Part of you still held a grudge against Dumbledore but as you got older you understood more. At the time, you were in no shape to be a mother. 
Your heart broke just thinking his name. The past had been so unkind to the two of you! You didn’t  beehive that Sirius was a murder. Never in a million years would you have believed that! It didn’t matter how many times that you screamed at Barty Crouch sr that it was Pettigrew who betrayed your brother and sister-in-law as well as “blew himself up”...he didn’t believe you.
Remus clearing his throat pulled you from your thoughts. Again, he knew where your mind was going. Remus felt slightly guilty that he hadn’t told you Sirius was inside. 
“Come, we should go inside before you catch a cold.” 
You lifted your black skirt and walked up the steps as Remus began to unlock the door. Remus pushed the door open and motioned you inside. Darkness was all that you could see as you stepped in. 
“It's still nice and cozy in here.” 
You muttered as Remus chuckled. 
“I’m glad to see that you still have your sense of sarcasm.” 
“Oh yes. Somethings will never change.” 
You said with a smirk before following Remus into what was Mrs. Black’s reading room. Just being back in this room made you want to turn up your nose. Walburga Black was a horrible woman! Horrible may have been too nice of a comment to describe her! You never liked the woman. Her beliefs and how she did Sirius made you loathe being in her presence for just a moment. 
You were pulled from your thoughts the moment a set of arms wrapped around you. Squeaking, you looked into Molly Weasley’s eyes as she pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“Y/n Black! It is so good to see you, my dear! It has been so long! You’re looking well. Where have you been? We have missed you so!”
Molly slowly let you go enough to breathe. You hadn’t changed much in the course of 15 years. 
“Hi Molly. It’s good to see you too. I have been working in France. I had to get out of England because...well...you know.”
Molly’s cheerful smile faded. She knew exactly what you were talking about. Being forbidden from seeing your nephew and losing your husband was more than a good reason to go somewhere else. 
“I understand but you're back now! Harry will be here in a few days and you can start a new life with…”
Molly stopped talking when Remus signaled for her to stop. She had forgotten about Sirius’ ignorant request to not inform you that he was back. Molly had begged him to be honest from the get go. Sirius just walking out and surprising you probably wasn’t going to go so well! 
You didn’t seem to notice Molly’s whole “start a new life with” comment instead you were looking around the room.
“This place has not changed a bit. I am waiting for that horrible old hag to pop out and start screeching at me for seducing her son and causing her heart to be broken.” 
“Don’t insult my poor mistress!”
You jumped the moment that Kreacher stepped out of the shadows. The house elf looked worse than you remembered! 
“You! You're still alive?”
Kreacher nodded. 
“I live to serve the house of Black. My poor mistress was so distressed that you as a filthy blood traitor married into our family. It was a great tragedy for our family.” 
You rolled your eyes. This wasn’t the first time that you had heard Kreacher muttering this nonsense. After you married Sirius, you had tried to convince him to try speaking with his mother again. Looking back, it was a horrible idea but Sirius did because you asked. The only thing that transpired from that was Mrs. Black screaming and calling the two of you blood traitors and to never come to her home again. 
“Keacher, go clean something.” 
You snapped. Kreacher muttered something about you never being his mistress and waddled out of the room. When he was gone, you turned to Remus who was shaking his head.  
“Adorable, isn’t he?”
Molly shook her head and motioned you forward. 
“Why don’t you come with me for some tea? We have a lot to catch up on.” 
You followed Molly into the dinning room. Molly motioned to the kitchen.
“I’ll be back in just a moment. Make yourself comfortable.” 
You walked to the window before muttering “fat chance.” 
Remus sat down as Sirius walked into the room. It was the first time that Sirius had looked excited about something in a long time! 
“Is she here?”
Remus nodded. 
“She is. Sirius, I would approach this carefully. Y/n has been through  a lot over the years. I don’t want her to have a heart attack the moment that she sees you.” 
Sirius quickly walked to the dinning room door and smiled the moment that he saw you. Nothing had changed.You still looked like the beautiful woman that he married 16 years ago. Falling in love with you had been so easy! From going to childhood friends to lovers in the last year at Hogwarts had been the easiest thing that Sirius had ever done! 
“She is still so beautiful.” 
Sirius said in a dreamy tone. Remus smiled.  You had been the girl that changed Sirius. You were the girl that tamed the bad boy! 
Remus stood up to join his friend. 
“Yes, she is.” 
You stood watching the muggle children play. In ways you were jealous of them. You envied their youth and innocence. How lucky they were to not have to worry about the things that you did.
“Such a pretty thing, Mrs. Black.”
That voice! Your heart seemed to stop the moment that you heard it. Spinning around, you stood stagnant when you saw Sirius. Was your mind playing tricks on you? Surely it was! There was no way that Sirius stood in front of you. 
Sirius quickly closed the gap that separated the two of you. He looked down at you with a smile before taking your hand in his. He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a series of soft kisses to the back of your hand and wrist. Sirius closed his eyes as if he was savoring the moment.  
You managed to squeak out his name. Sirius smiled and stroked his hand down the left side of your cheek. 
“You still wear the same perfume.” 
He said with a cheeky grin. You were still unable to move. Everything about this moment was what you had dreamt of for so long. Sirius still looked like the man that you had fallen in love with. He was still handsome Sirius Black, however, you could see where prison had aged him. 
“Y/n...I’ve missed you!” 
Finally, your brain clicked out of its stunned mode and allowed you to move. You quickly stood on your tiptoes and threw your arms around Sirius’ shoulders. He quickly wrapped an arm around you before tilting your face to his. Your eyes closed as the kiss began.  
Neither of you spoke for a few moments. You couldn’t pull away. One of your hands had slid from his shoulder to grasp onto the lapel of his jacket. 
Without speaking, the two of you had the same thing going through your heads...your last kiss.
Sirius had just been sentenced to the rest of his life in Azkaban. Barty Crouch Sr took some pity on Sirius and yourself. He gave you three minutes to say goodbye to each other. Three measly minutes! The two of you were in tears as Sirius held you against his shaking body. 
“I’ll do everything that I can to get you out! This isn’t fair!” 
You whimpered against his lips. Sirius tightened his hold on you as he kissed you feverishly. He had just lost his best friend now he was about to lose his young bride and be in a small cell all of his life! 
“Y/n, I need you to be strong! There are going to be a lot of bad things said about us in the coming days. I never did anything...just know that I will always love you!”
You put a hand to his mouth.
“Darling, I know! I love you!” 
Barty Crouch Sr finally had enough and motioned to the two other wizards in the room to break this up. The moment that you were yanked out of your husband’s arms, Sirius started yelling to be let go. Sobs wracked your body as you listened to Sirius screaming your name....
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aurora077 · 4 years
Harry Potter and the "Hey, I said NOT Slytherin!"
Harry Potter was proud to say that he was perfectly normal, thank you very much.
(Except, he really wasn't.)
It all started the day his parents got killed in a car crash.
(Except, they really weren’t.)
He was delivered to the Dursley’s doorstep in a quaint little basket, covered by a blanket. From afar one could mistake it for an innocent delivery of baked goods from the local artisanal bakery. Indeed, it’s what his aunt hoped the day she opened the door to collect the morning’s paper for her husband.
What she got instead, was him.
Suffice to say she was none too pleased to find the cursed spawn of her sister at her doorstep, the only explanation given being a letter from that horrible man (Dumblebore or whatever...) threatening her into keeping him. Oh of course he was ever so polite, the way he’d been when he’d refused to let her join Lily at Hogwarts so many years ago. But a threat was a threat no matter how nicely worded. And so Petunia Dursely was resigned to her fate. 
She was to keep the brat fed and clothed until he was of age. It was ‘important’. 
She scoffed at the word. If she didn’t take him in, potential disaster could befall her family (and the boy but that was an afterthought). Didn’t that constitute a threat? Keep him, or beware! 
After her initial horror had subsided at the request being made of her, she looked, really looked, at the boy. He was around her own son’s age, but much tinier. For a moment her heart melted, looking at the baby. For whatever else he might be, he was but a mere babe. She was slightly annoyed when she noticed he looked more like his father than anything. But then the baby yawned, and opened one brilliant green eye, and all she could think of was Lily.
 Lily, who was no longer here. Lily, who she hadn’t spoken to in years.
 Lily, who she’d never see again except through the eyes of the little boy in her arms.
Petunia would never admit it to Vernon, but that night after he was asleep, she slipped out of their bedroom and cried on the sofa for the sister she had lost several years before her untimely death.
The next morning, she gathered herself and resolved to stamp all traces of that wizardly nonsense from their life (Vernon agreed a little too enthusiastically). If she was to take care of the boy, she’d do it. But nobody could ever accuse Petunia Dursley of being a freak! The boy would grow up normally and go to a normal school. He never needed to know about any ridiculous notions of magic (or evil wizards out to get them. Especially not about evil wizards out to get him them).
*10 years later*
It was surreal, the past few days that is. Never in his wildest dreams did Harry ever imagine he would be where he currently was. In fact, it rather seemed like it was a product of his imagination instead of reality. 
Reality was: 
1. Waking up in his cupboard
2. Preparing breakfast for the Dursleys whilst bearing their insults
3. Going to school (where he spent several torturous hours)
4. Going straight back to the Dursleys (to spend several more torturous hours on a myriad of chores, which included being Dudley’s punching bag) 
5. Going to bed all the while hoping to wake up in the morning to something better. 
6. Waking up in his cupboard.
This cycle had gone on for years. As soon as Harry's motor skills had developed enough to allow him to grip objects without dropping them he had been designated numerous chores by his relatives. As he grew older, so too did his responsibilities around the house. He was pretty sure this constituted child labour, if not abuse, but hey who would believe him. He was an orphan born to 'good for nothing parents' while they were his perfect suburban relatives. He was simply the burden that Aunt Petunia's sister left  her when she had the audacity to go and die. And the kind Dursley’s had taken him in when they could have easily have left him to the system. ‘Really, he should be grateful!’ he overheard a neighbour say once.
Reality wasn't waking up one day to a letter, just for him. It wasn't being given an entire bedroom, simply because the sender of the letter was aware of his previous sleeping arrangements. And it certainly wasn't Uncle Vernon losing the plot and relocating the entire family to a tiny, desolate island in the middle of nowhere just to avoid letting Harry get ahold of any of the letters meant for him. It was a curious affair indeed because Harry wondered who on Earth could have inspired such fear and rage in his Uncle. And over him at that.
As it turned out, it was the cheerful man (called Hagrid) now leading him through Diagon Alley to purchase his school supplies. Well, him and this great Professor Dumbledore that Hagrid kept going on and on about.
It was no wonder Uncle Vernon didn't want him to read the letter you see. The Dursleys hated anything and anyone that was different and out of the ordinary, and that letter had said that he, Harry Potter, was a wizard! Can you imagine that?! (He certainly couldn't.)
Hagrid had found them in that sad little shack and told him the truth about his parents and who he was. ("Car Crash!" Hagrid had thundered, as he proceeded to upend Harry's entire life. His parents hadn't died in a car crash -- they were murdered! "You're a wizard Harry!" Hagrid continued, barely even giving him time to really process the news.)
Of course it was a difficult thing to believe but hadn't strange incidents always happened around him? Like that time at the zoo with the snake for instance.
A part of him still believed that he was going slightly insane from one too many clouts to the head from Dudley.
But if this was insanity he would take it over reality any day. 
The letter, strangely enough, wasn’t to tell him he was a wizard but rather to inform him that he was expected at Hogwarts, a school for wizards like him, come September. It had a rather extensive list of required items that he had no idea how he’d find let alone afford.
Luckily, Hagrid seemed to know how to solve all of these problems. Which is how he found himself here, outside of Gringotts (a bank run by goblins), with a sack full of money and a list of school supplies to buy. 
All he had ever wanted was to be normal like the other kids in his class and not a freak like Dudley and his gang often said when they were beating him up and taunting him. Now, he couldn’t be happier that he was abnormal if abnormal meant escaping the Dursley’s and finding, for once in his life, a place where there were other people like him. 
A place that he belonged.
An hour later and he was starting to regret his last thought. Because there he was, just trying to get his school uniform in peace and what does he do? He goes and bumps into a posh blonde preening in front of the mirror and behaving exactly like Dudley Dursley.
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ao3feed-gendrya · 5 years
I'm thinking about producing a Harry Potter and GOT cross over; it follows the Harry Potter plot but has the GOT characters with the JK rowing characters. Can I ask to have another couple writers who would want to help write this epic story with me?
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2TGJ17g
by PatriotsWrath
Basically Lyanna Stark is Harry's Godmother, and this story picks up right after the Durselys refuse to let Harry open his Hogwarts Letters. Annoyed with their antics, Minvera tells Lyanna that they have a huge problem at Number Four Private Drive, and Lyanna goes to see her godson to give him his letter. But instead she is furious when she finds out that he has been abused. She takes Harry with her back to Witnerfell and Harry is raised by his godmother and goes to Hogwarts with Arya Stark, who is in his year, they are the golden four, along with Ron, Hermione, and Daphne Greengrass who has been sorted into Gryffindor. It follows the Harry Potter plot, but Harry has a godmother in Lyanna and has a family that he feels part of during the entire span of the story. Would anyone be interested in writing this? I mean wouldn't you want to write a GOT Harry Potter cross over over a Modern AU with no Harry Potter? Please lets make this happen? I'm shocked that no one has attempted to write this yet? Why is that? Please let me know? Bests!
Words: 193, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Lyanna Stark, Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Sirius Black, Ned Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark
Relationships: Lyanna Stark & Harry Potter, Arya Stark & Harry Potter, Robb Stark & Harry Potter, Jon Snow & Harry Potter, Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Sirius Black/Lyanna Stark, Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon & Ned Stark, Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Proposed Story
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2TGJ17g
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immortal-jelly · 7 years
I’ve been thinking about Harry Potter non-stop for days and I’m currently having a lot of Dudley Dursley feelings so I’m gonna splurge them out here
Like, I know he was definitely an antagonistic character and he treated Harry like garbage and he behaved like a spoiled brat but like, he WAS a spoiled brat and honestly I feel like nothing he did to harry was that beyond what kids normally do to each other? The difference of course being that it was accepted/encouraged by vernon & petunia and harry had no-one to go to about it. So dudley treated him like a plaything but in his mind that was his right and that was what he was SUPPOSED to do and I feel like he never really bore harry any ill will in any personal or specific way?
Also, that house must have been TENSE. Obviously most of that was taken out on harry but in philosophers stone when vernon goes a little unhinged trying to escape from hogwarts letters, dudley is TERRIFIED. And then a giant breaks into their supposedly safe hideout and gives him a pigs tail! with magic! wtf!
Then suddenly harry goes off to some magic school and dudley goes from seeing him every day to only seeing him for like 6 weeks out of the whole year and I feel like he’s got to miss him a bit, even just as someone to pick on, and without harry as a distraction living with the durselys as parents is probably really suffocating??
seriously for all her fussing over him does he ever actually have a positive interaction with petunia in these books? genuine question
and also he isn’t allowed to tell anyone anything about how harry can do magic! he can’t talk about it at all! an 11 year old just found out that magic is real and his cousin who he’s lived with his whole life can actually do actual magic and he can’t even talk about it! TENSE
so like, I haven’t actually read the books for a while but as time goes on doesn’t dudley spend more and more time out of the house? or in his room on his computer/playstation/whatever?
I mean I guess kids played outside in the 90s but I feel like he mostly just didn’t want to be home
and it seems like as the years go on he’s less bothered about picking on his weird cousin who he barely sees and isn’t allowed to talk about and who is suddenly really ANGRY for totally unknown reasons
and then at the beginning of ootp, in storms harry into dudleys relatively unbothered life, absolutely SPOILING for a fight and it’s probably the first real one-on-one face-to-face interaction they’ve had in months? Years? And then they get attacked by dementors and harry SAVES him? with magic?? dudley doesn’t know that harry’s special or that he has a “saving people thing” he’s just his weird cousin, and suddenly he’s being confronted with this secret hidden magic thing that he’s never been allowed to talk about, and it’s really dangerous! and his cousin who he barely sees and doesn’t get on with saves him with absolutely zero hesitation! ( using magic!)
 then the weird neighbor comes over and starts talking about magic stuff and then they go home and HIS OWN MOTHER starts talking about it and he’s what, 15 here? just edging into maturity and suddenly all of the tension between his and harry and his parents that has held their relationships in stasis for all these years is starting to shift!? This is a Big Deal.
and so a year passes and then him and his parents are being taken to some safe place because of all the dangerous magic and he KNOWS it’s dangerous and he’s seen it himself and he knows harry is involved somehow but he doesn’t really know the whole picture because who’s going to tell him? but he leaves tea out for harry, he expects harry to come with them to be safe, he must have been thinking about all of this stuff for the past year since the dementor incident and suddenly there are these wizards driving them off somewhere and talking about how big of a deal harry potter is like they’re surprised he doesn’t know
and he’s about to start his second years of sixth form at this point when he moves to a whole new place and he’s away from all of his old gang of friends and he has to be the new kid for the first time in his life
and all of the dursleys are new and out of place and petunia can try to judge the neighbors as much as she likes but THEY’RE the odd ones out here so they become even more insular than they were before
and petunia must have some idea of the danger involved, after all, she lost her sister in the last war, so she’s going to try and clung onto dudders as hard as she can but at this point I can only imagine that will push him away further and he spends that year kind of lonely and kind of confused but he throws himself into something or other and he wonders a lot about harry and about wizards and magic in general
Then the war ends but he doesn’t really know it because he never really knew it was happening, there are some weird stories on the news and vernon and petunia exchange glances because they’ve been here before and last time they ended up with a baby on the doorstep (and also maybe, just maybe, because they think this means maybe it’s over, maybe harry won, maybe he’s ok. (They do not share this with dudley))
and then dudley goes off to uni! and he’s away from his parents (finally) and he’s the new kid again but it’s ok because so is everyone else! and after a year of feeling lost he’s coming back into his own but he’s coming back as a more mature and thoughful person and an actual adult! 
so he throws himself into uni and he joints the rugby team and makes new friends and goes out drinking and lives his life! and he’s happy! and fulfilled!
and maybe one day, on same lads night out, some mate of a mate gets absolutely smashed, and maybe starts going on about how he’s got a sister who’s a witch who goes to some magic school, and how he’s not meant to talk about it but there was a war and everything’s different now and what does it matter anyway. And all dudley’s mate laugh and say he’s trying to wind them up but dudley listens. And maybe at the end of the night he finds the other man and talks, FINALLY talks, about magic, and wizards and the war and his cousin who he grew up with, who he still thinks about. And then, just maybe, he asks this man if he would be able to find him an address, and if he knows how to send a letter by owl.
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jhaernyl · 7 years
It pisses me off so much how in the books Parvati and Lavender are just pidgeon-holed as 'fashion obsessed hair heads' for most of the books?
I mean, they might not be, but that was the impression pre-teen!me got from reading the books?
And now I'm all ... okay, okay Hermione is awesome and we all know it.
But that doesn't mean Lavender and Parvati are stupid just because they are geared differently from Hermione.
Fashion is hella hard and it requires a lot of memorization and attention to detail? And honestly Lavender and Parvati seem to be pretty nice people, in the little glimpses we get of them?
And all I want is Harry, following the Weasley without getting noticed (because he is used to sneaking around without disturbing people or attracting their attention, owing to the Dursley for that) and getting through the barrier and on the train.
And Lavender's father helping him out with his baggage, jokingly asking him to keep an eye on his little girl? You seem like a good lad, my Lavender is the most beautiful girl, I need a strong gentleman to keep an eye out until she gets to Hogwarts and she starts to learn magic, so are you up to it?
Which is, of course, not true. Lavender has been going to self-defense lessons for years.
But the man noticed that this was a little kid with no parents around, looking all alone.
He thought 'hey, maybe I can stick him with my kid and they'll make friends'
(btw, as Lavender is not, as far as I know, confirmed as pureblood in canon, I am going with half-blood or muggleborn for her, I'm thinking muggleborn for this specific AU?)
And Lavender is all "Daddy!" and apologizing to Harry for her dorky dad the moment he is out of the door.
And very nicely avoiding to comment on his clothes because she knows how it feels to be conscious of how your clothes look on you and it's clear to her eyes that the way Harry is dressed he is probably from some orphanage or something because those are huge hand me downs.
(Because fuck you 90s, being fashion conscious doesn't mean you are an elitist bitch).
And her parents are looking at her from the Platform and instead of asking about Harry's life, not wanting to put him on the spot, Lavender waves to them and starts talking to Harry all "Those are my parents, they are so fascinated with the idea of magic and what I will learn at Hogwarts, I can't wait to write to them all about the castle. My dad works in an office as an accountant and my mother has a column in --" Insert popular teen magazine for 90s UK.
And Harry is a bit overwhelmed but Lavender isn't staring at him, she is not forcing him to talk and she looks nice.
So he kind of starts to tell her about the Dursely y'know, not like he did with Ron about how terrible they are, but about Vernon working for Grunnings (Lavender giggles and says 'Oh I am so sorry but it just sounds like a really silly name? Grunnings.' and she tries to stretch the word a bit and Harry laughs a little and says yes, because it does sound silly the way she’s saying it, he just had never thought about it. 'I think it's Swedish or something' he offers and Lavenders nods sagely because yes, that makes sense) and how Petunia lives at home and reads all sort of gossipy papers, but not teen ones so sorry, he has never seen Lavender’s mom’s column.
And then the door to their compartment open and Parvati and Padma's mother (I don't know if they are pureblood but I'm headcanoning them as pureblood for this one) politely asks if there's space for two more girls and when Lavender and Harry, after looking at each other, agree, Madam Patil levitates their trunks in (much to the amazement of Harry and Lavender) and settles them above and then guides her daughters in.
She introduces them, putting her hands on her shoulders, cautions her girls to not get wand-happy and wishes everyone a happy Hogwarts year and then leaves them there, going back to the Platform to join her husband and tell him how she left their daughters in the presence of Harry Potter.
"He looked dreadful. Hard up at the very least. I think you should look into his family situation. His clothes, at the very least, were terrible." She murmurs, softly. "I am sure our girls will adopt him before the ride is over, so you should look forward to hearing about him in their letters."
Her husband, who knows all about his beloved's wife tendency to take people under her wing and adopt dangerous animals and fell in love with her for it (as well as for other qualities she has) because he’s very much the same, smiles fondly at her for the last bit and nods seriously at the first one.
It doesn't matter who the boy is. Well it does, because Harry Potter of course, but it also doesn't matter because no child should be mistreated.
Also it's kind of strange that Harry Potter would look hard up, considering it's common knowledge his parents left him handsomely provided for, full tuition to Hogwarts already paid.
Lavender gushes about how beautiful the Patil twins are, which immediately conquers Parvati, who gushes right back at Lavender's sparkly accessories.
(Look, I might be wrong because this was the UK and not Italy, and if I am please let me know, but I was a child in the 90s, I bought italian teen magazines, sparkly shit taped to the cover under a plastic sleeve was the shit with fashionable people.)
Of course the moment Harry introduces himself, the Parvati twins try really hard not to goggle, though they do look at his scar, and then Parvati starts asking a storm of questions about where he grew up, whether the Harry Potter adventure books right about all he did since he was a child, if not that what did he do since beating You-Know-Who.
Harry 'Do you mean Voldemort?' is greeted by soft gasps, right until Lavender asks 'Who?' and then Parvati starts telling her all about the horrible Voldemort and how Harry and his parents saved them all from that monster.
Padma's brain on the other hand is whirring and she is the one who reassures Harry that he will do just as fine as everybody else, when he says that.
Lavender and Parvati interrupt their convo because Lavender needs to assure to Harry that she's muggleborn too, so they will have to learn together and he will be just on par with her, while Parvati explains that magical kids do get a leg up because some of them are allowed to practice at home but that really, she will make sure Harry is up to date with everything that is 'stupefy' about the magical world.
At which point, Lavender asks what 'stupefy' means and Padma explains that it's the stunning spell, so don't say it while pointing your wand at anyone and Parvati adds that it means, well, the most stunning things around.
(What? Wizarding children should have their own slang).
So by the point Hermione and Neville come by, the group as already made the first basic ties and while Neville is greeted and introduced by Padma and Parvati to the rest of the group, Hermione goes on fine right until she hears Harry's name.
Padma and Parvati thinks it's ... whatever wizarding equivalent is there of gauche, that Hermione would throw that torrent of words at Harry and just ... presume to know about him.
Lavender is just hella protective of her new friend.
Tightly knit protective of Harry formation is achieved in 0.2 seconds.
Neville, who has been around other pureblood children but has been condescended upon by most of them (not Padma and Parvati, given that Parvati will stick up for him later on, but still, it was a general tendency towards a potential squib) has found in Hermione one person who has been nice to him to the point of going out of her way to help him look for his embarrassing toad, so he gets protective of Hermione right back.
So basically, Parvati tells Hermione that she should not barrage people with informations like that, Neville replies timidly that Hermione didn't mean anything bad, she just like quoting sources, Lavender tells Harry that he doesn't have to worry, they'll look up all that stuff when they get to Hogwarts, Hermione gets huffy because of course she didn't mean anything bad, she just thought Harry would know about that stuff, Padma asks why Hermione would think that when Harry has been raised in the muggle world, Neville goggles at the news that Harry was raised in the muggle world.
It's a mess.
And then Draco Malfoy arrives, because he's been making the rounds of the train to look for Harry Potter (saying hi to family allies on the way).
I am not sure who says what to whom for most of the ‘chat’ but what I am sure of is that by the end of it, Neville and Hermione are going to be best friends forever and an united front against snobby purebloods, Padma has icily informed 'Mister Malfoy' that she will be writing to her father about how low the raising standards of the Malfoy have fallen to produce Draco as a result, in response to a snipe Draco made about telling his father about the Patil twins and the rabble they are sticking with, Parvati has informed Crabbe and Goyle that she had not thought they were better than this but they definitely need to find themselves friends who don't just treat them like dumb muscle and Lavender has vowed to herself that it doesn't matter to her how cute Draco Malfoy is or how attractive his silver hair are she will spell his hair and robes to look like something an 80s hairband groupie would wear, just as soon as she learns the necessary spells.
To make it simple, battle lines have been drawn, metaphorical blood has been spilled on all sides and the Harry-Lavender-Parvati-Padma friendship has been set in stone.
Ron, if you are curious about him, found a compartment that had Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas in it and spent a really amazing first ride to Hogwarts.
They both made sure Dean knew how Gryffindor was the best house there ever is and then they explained Quidditch to him and became fascinated when Dean explained football (to americans: soccer) to them, especially once Dean started sketching out schemes and stuff.
There are too many players, but it looks like exactly the kind of team effort chasers have to put together only spread through eleven people and that's just wow.
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