#and she has to decide if a life full of injections and steroids is going to be a good choice for him
piratefalls · 1 year
there’s been so much going on in the last like two weeks and i am so tired and it’s coming up on final exams at work and that’s going to make me more tired and i am now double tired in advance
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
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"Uncle Bryan! Oh my god I'm so happy you came! Have you heard the good news?" Staci asked, coming out of the water, bubbly as can be.
"You look as stunning as ever, Staci! And no..... what news?"
"Awww, I'm glad mom didn't spoil the fun! I'm detransitioning!"
"Wow, congratulations! That's so wonderful to hear--I was gonna say your voice sounds a lot deeper than I remember. Damn you've been living as a girl most of your life. What made you decide to detransition, darling?"
She shrugged. "I dunno! My boyfriend really wants to see me go through male puberty. We were only dating a month at the time but he's soooo into the idea of me living as a boy I decided to try it out for him!"
"Damn, he's a lucky guy. I'm glad you're open to trying this for him. You're gonna make a super handsome boy."
"Awww, thanks! He did warn me when we started dating that he's more into guys than girls and I told him it wouldn't be a problem, if he really wanted I could always detrans!"
"I'm so happy for you, I think you're gonna love being a guy, sweetie."
"I think so, too! Look at this!" Staci took out her cock, fully erect at eight inches. "I've only been on testosterone and steroids for three months and my cock has grown five inches! Look at how thick it is!"
"That's incredible! I remember you prancing around in those tiny tennis skirts last summer, that little cock of yours looked so stunted and limp. It's great to see you getting to enjoy a nice, full-fledge erection finally, and I bet your orgasms are so much more intense since you started detransitioning!"
"They. Are. Incredible!!! I jerk off like ten times a day, no lie, and I still have tons of energy for my bf to, well, have his way with me!"
"He's sounding luckier by the minute. Don't spoil him too much! You already look so much more masculine, your beard's even starting to come in."
Staci blushed. "I know! I'm getting a bit dysphoric but my bf wants me to let my body hair grow, and to rock stubble, but he's cool with me still dressing fem, of course! Oh, that reminds me.... I have a request!"
"What's that, darling?"
"Well..... I wanted your blessing because they were a gift. And I'm so happy you bought them for me when I turned 18! Those first two years of college wouldn't have been the same without them...."
"I think I see where this is going...."
Staci bit her lip, softly pumping her growing cock. "Please, Uncle Bryan, may I have the implants you bought me removed so I can get top surgery?"
"Of course, they're yours to do with as you please and if you want to get rid of them, by all means! I'd love to see you get your breasts removed if that's what you and your boyfriend want!"
"Yeah he's kiiiiinda grossed out by big boobs. He told me when we started chatting on Tinder and I assured him I could always get my implants taken out, I just needed my uncle's blessing, since they're a gift. He'll be so relieved I won't have boobs anymore! I'm kinda bummed they'll be gone but I just love pleasing him....."
"And that's what makes you a good girlfriend--well, boyfriend. I'll have to get used to you being a boy!"
Staci jerked her cock harder. "Me, too...... would you by any chance like to give me my T shot? It's that time of the day..... you can inject my testosterone and steroid shot right into my cock if you want..... just don't be surprised if the injections make me cum, they have that effect..... I think it might be fun to show you how my bf injects me...."
"I'd be honored to, I could use some bonding time with my new favorite nephew, after all."
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csykora · 4 years
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[A candid photo of Igor kissing his very grumpy toddler’s forehead goodnight]
The Greens could feel they were getting older, and Coach’s rookies just stayed the same. Two had joined CSKA that year. One of them was another Sergei, who we’ll call Seryozha. He had grown up skating eagerly every day, just outside their training camp in the city of Arkhangel. He thought Igor “was one of the smartest people I've talked to on this earth," and is pretty sure his idol didn’t know he existed. (Having read Igor’s book, I can now confirm). The other was Sasha, and had been born on the other side of the world, in Siberia, before he was taken early for CSKA’s system. 
Sasha did not like any of this any better than the Greens had before him. Picking up the tension between the team’s leaders and Coach Tikhonov, Sasha had no problem talking back when Tikhonov turned on him. After his first season, the same trick that had made Igor an officer was used on him, making him a real Russian soldier who could be shot for treason. Igor hadn’t fought it, but the whole team heard Sasha yelling down in Tikhonov’s office.
Quiet settled for a while when Sasha was privately promised a better position to soften the blow--the top right wing, at Igor's side. 30 was creeping up on Sergei. He, Igor, and Vova privately celebrated and mourned the upcoming '88 Olympics as the last time they might play together on the world stage before Sergei's clock ran out. Pretty soon Tikhonov would be ready to retire him, just like Kharlamov.
But there were still signs that replacing Sergei wouldn't be easy, on either side. One day in practice, Sasha was injured and the team doctor told him to just watch from the stands that night. Igor saw him leaving the locker room just as Coach came in. Coach demanded that he get his sweater on immediately. Sasha repeated what the doctor said, and Tikhonov repeated what he had said, but louder.
“‘I thought I had explained it clearly enough,’’” Igor remembers little Sasha saying. “‘I will not play. That is all!’” And he walked away. Igor had to cough and cover laughter as Coach stood speechless.
“Only his wife and his dog like [Tikhonov],” Sasha once said. “And I don’t understand how they do.”
In December of ‘87, Igor thought that with a little help, maybe he could score another point on Tikhonov. He reached out to the author of that article about the hockey program that he had read to the point of memorizing two years before. Their conversation turned into an interview. He admitted he wasn’t ready to share the deepest details, but even scratching the surface of the Soviet image was enough to attract attention. Igor decided he liked to think of himself as a bit of an author. All the papers were calling for more quotes, until Lena got fed up and unplugged their phone.
At practice after it was published, Coach Tikhonov screamed, “‘Comrades, I always thought that I was working with hockey players. But here, do you understand, it has become clear I was not right. Among us are writers! Larionov, for example, is a Boris Pasternak!’
I think we could safely say he was not pleased.”
Two months later, the national team headed to Calgary for the Olympics. Before the Games the senior players had asked as always--if we win, wouldn’t it be possible to train less this summer, to rest, to see our families during the coming year? Coach Tikhonov said they’d talk about it if they got him gold.
Journalists invited Igor to a press conference. They forgot a Russian translator, though, so when they asked the first question and he understood it, he decided not to bother pretending he didn’t speak English. They asked how his new literary career was looking (and whether he’d had any flare-ups of that tonsillitis). He told them what he thought was the truth, colder than it had been when he was 20.
“I do not hope for some kind of large and speedy change for the better….But, I am not losing hope. We shall see what we shall see.”
They still had the rest of the Olympics to play. Between periods in the first round, Coach Tikhonov took Sasha out to the hallway and began to lay into him for mistakes he may or may not have made yet. Sasha told him no again, so Coach Tikhonov punched him in the gut. 
Slava was the only one who saw, but he told the others. If thinking the team didn’t need him had snapped some key piece of Igor’s heart, the winter of ‘87 and ‘88 broke Vova’s massive one. They had won gold, again--and Vova had heard Tikhonov say that he wished he could coach the Canadians instead. Vova had swept more scoring titles, been named the best winger in the world, again--and Tikhonov had given a public speech about how Vova was proof that he, Viktor Tikhonov, and his physical training methods could make anyone a star. Igor was furious for his friend, and Vova was realizing nothing they did would ever be enough for Coach Tikhonov to stop hurting them. 
They had nothing to do at Arkhangel, after eight years of doing the same nothing. One night in the spring Vova and Igor climbed out their bedroom window and hiked through the woods to a bar in the city. They sat beside a Canadian journalist and gave a short interview, Igor translating for them both.  
By the summer of ‘88, Slava was done, too. He wanted permission to play in the NHL during the regular season, and he told everyone so. Officials told him no problem. And then they got out the red tape. 
“You would not wish it on an enemy. Especially not on Slava, who is my friend. It was painful to look at him, irritated, disappointed by the word that had been given to him, grown tired from going from office to office, lost.” 
When he complained, the Party told him if he wasn’t happy in Arkhangel he could always play in a Siberian labor camp instead.
But Igor was also busy, or trying to be, at home. He and Lena had their first baby, a daughter, Alyonka. Like her father, she was frighteningly small. If officials had thought becoming a husband and father would scare Igor into shutting up, like it had Lyosha, they were super wrong. The boredom, indignity, and constant inconvenience of Soviet life was bitterer now that he had to see it happening to someone else. When his daughter was sick, he couldn’t go home to hold her. When she was hungry, he might spend his whole day off wandering around the city, waiting in different lines to be told that there was nothing worth waiting for left. During parts of the season he could visit their apartment in Moscow in the afternoons, but couldn’t help cook or eat with Lena or stay to clean up and put Alyonka to bed. 
Just like Tretiak had, he asked Tikhonov for time off next August--no days off, just nights, to be able to stay for dinner and drive back for training. 
“In August it was a life and death necessity for me to spend the night at the base? Well, the World Championship was not far off. Only eight months!”
Igor thought about it. He told the Greens that he was thinking about publishing another article. They were excited to read it, asking what this one would be about. He still wasn’t quite ready to say it, but he wanted them to know the moment was coming, so he just made them promise to read it.
Then he quit. In September he handed Tikhonov a letter explaining that he would play his last season with CSKA. They could let him go to the NHL during the regular season, or home to Khimik, or wherever he was wanted, as long as it wasn’t here. He went to the newspaper that promised him it could print fastest, and published it.
In his resignation letter, addressed to Tikhonov and now to the whole Soviet Union, he told everyone about the schedule (it was shocking, he said, that he and Lena managed to have a baby, when Tikhonov didn’t let him sleep beside his own wife); about how Tikhonov had made that schedule more important than Kharlamov, then Tretiak, and now Igor too; about Tikhonov punching Sasha; about the steroid injections he’d kept secret for Tikhonov for six years.
Those last two pieces were the wedge that any officials looking to shift the system needed. The papers published more pieces arguing one way and the other, which only made sure everyone heard about it. Fans and former players, now officers, stopped to pat Igor’s shoulder. Igor was informed that the legendary Tarasov, in his country retirement, had quite liked it.
Coach Tikhonov didn’t like Igor’s poetic inclinations any better this time. He was getting calls from all kinds of important people, and they weren’t going well. For the first time in years he was quiet, speechless. And then it became clear that was his response: he wouldn’t acknowledge Igor’s existence. He couldn’t take him off the roster now, but he could pretend he wasn’t there. No criticism in practice, no direction, nothing. 
That was the difference between them, Igor wrote, both of their fatal flaw: Igor wanted to talk to everyone in the whole world, and Tikhonov had never learned how to talk to people.
The veteran players on CSKA’s second line found quiet moments to come up to Igor, and let him know they were on his side. Slava, still fighting for his own right to leave the team, came to Igor as soon as he’d read it, and took his hand. He told him Igor had done the right thing. Sergei and Vova embraced him and agreed.
Lyosha wasn’t sure it was right to share what had been said in the room, or to undercut Coach, who had kept him when he was at his lowest, and he was afraid of being sent to Siberia. 
He told Igor, “You and I are not going the same path.” 
And they did.
CSKA went on the road in October. In Sergei’s hometown Chelyabinsk fans hung over the rails and heckled Tikhonov, asking if he’d come to steal more children. His brothers Nikolai and Yuri were an institution in the city, and locals had consoled themselves over losing out on the full set by imagining that Sergei was doing well for himself and making a name for their city. Tikhonov turned away from the ice to try to shout at a fan like he did his players, and was swamped. Igor burst out laughing. 
The next game, Tikhonov told the assistant coaches to tell Igor that Tikhonov still wasn’t talking to him but he could take a shift now, or whatever, not that Tikhonov cared. Igor caught the puck and carried it along the boards, expecting Sergei and Vova to chase him. Instead he hit a patch of bad ice, and then two of the other team landed on top of him on the way down. His right foot went the wrong way.
Now Tikhonov had a cast iron-excuse. Igor went home, and held his daughter, and waited and worried to hear what would happen if he didn’t heal in time for the next national team tournament--the Super Series, which would be the last warm-up before the ‘88 Olympics. It was out of his control, and he couldn’t bear that.
Igor has an explanation for what he did next that I’m sure felt sensible at the time. We, now, can gently set that aside. Igor had all the symptoms of a serious eating disorder, so for three weeks, he only drank water and honey.
Because, and I just can’t stress this enough, Igor, your bones heal in their own time anyway, he was back on the ice a month or so after that. Once again able to skate himself sick with CSKA’s reserve team, he started eating fruit and the occasional vegetable again. 
The team doctor, who I guess had been hired on the basis of being able to say, “All good, Coach!” over an injured player faster than anybody else, cleared him to play. (Like a stopped clock, Igor maintains that the doctor--who Igor had seen point a concussed Vova in the general direction of the goal, roll players over the boards, and offered Igor mystery drugs--got it right this one time. Again, gently, we can question Igor’s medical fucking expertise here.) 
It didn’t matter anyway. Tikhonov stood with arms crossed the whole time watching Igor skate, and said he was out of condition. He sent him home.
Igor was helpless again. His family wouldn’t get the pay from wins with CSKA, and now they were missing tournaments. Those could earn him $300, five months ordinary pay. He could train as much as he wanted alone--it wasn’t the same as playing with the Greens, and anyway now Tikhonov could always have a handy excuse to say he wasn’t back to his old self. All he had were his friends, who seemed sympathetic, but still hadn’t done anything.
Winter was coming on by now. He drove from Moscow to the training camp and walked across the grounds in the first drifting snow. Everything was quiet, cold, and clear, and he might as well have been twenty again, but this time he wouldn’t cross through the barracks door. Sergei, Vova, and Slava saw and came running down to meet him in the snow. They were glad to see him, worried for him, but they knew that Tikhonov was having his way.
I drove home along the Leningrad highway. I felt like shouting. ‘Where are your friends in a time of trouble? WHERE??? Can I expect sympathy from you, and nothing more?’...
Only my wife understood my despair.”
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mrswortham-blog · 5 years
Buckle Up!
Just a few short months ago, I thought I wouldn’t be writing something like this. We had been trying for the last piece of our puzzle, but had come to terms with the fact that maybe it wasn’t meant for us.
December 12th, 2019...this was the day our lives shifted. We’re pregnant! Of course, all the thoughts start flooding my mind, like “can I do this?”, “I’m already high-risk, now advanced maternal age”; negativity. The reality is we can, and we will. The past month has been a roller-coaster of emotions. I’m currently taking progesterone to maintain the pregnancy through the second trimester, because evidently that’s what happens when you decide to have a baby at 35. My OB is watching me closely until the Maternal Fetal Medicine clinic takes over, usually around week 20.
A little history on me and my previous pregnancies: I am O negative, and I have an antibody known as Anti D. Both kids have been A positive, in short this means that when my body identifies them, it will attack them in an attempt to eliminate the “threat”. The Anti D attaches itself it the baby’s red blood cells(RBCs), causing hemolysis, or destruction. The further along in the pregnancy, the higher the baby’s demand for RBCs, and the greater the risk to the baby.
With Jaden, we didn’t know of this issue prior to delivery, so we didn’t monitor, as it usually presents after your first pregnancy. Jaden was extremely sick, spent a couple weeks in NICU, received a blood transfusion, then finally made it home. If the blood transfusion wasn’t successful, then the next step is a complete or partial exchange of blood, where they take some, then give some, take, then give, until a designated amount has been replaced with blood that will not “attack” the baby’s RBCs.
With Avery, my titer was drawn at 20 weeks to determine if my body had identified her presence and reacted, and this came back as “off the charts”, meaning the condition could no longer be monitored through bloodwork. From then on I went in weekly, and then three times weekly, to have a fetal doppler to monitor the rate at which the blood was flowing through her brain to determine severity and how long she could continue to go on like this. Around 28 weeks we were told that Avery’s doppler showed that she was one point below requiring in-utero blood transfusion, which we would have to travel to Houston to receive, and this would have to be done roughly every three weeks until delivery due to the demand for RBCs. Every week we went in we though that would be the week we were sent to Houston. That day never came.
At 36 weeks I had an amniocentesis to determine Avery’s lung function and readiness for delivery, as her doppler was starting to become increasingly concerning, and signs of polyhydraminos, or increased amniotic fluid, telling us that she was struggling, to save you the extra medical explanation. Her lungs weren’t ready yet, so I received a steroid injection and was scheduled to deliver that following week. At 37 weeks, our beautiful, but very sick, baby girl was here. She went straight to NICU with a dear nurse friend of mine (who I would later get to work alongside) where she would stay for the next 10 days, under lights. Never receiving blood, but in the NICU world, females typically do better in their journey, requiring less intervention. Not always, but typically. The first time I saw a video of Avery when she was taken from me to the resuscitation island with NICU staff it was actually more than a year later, and at that point I had transferred to NICU, and had cared for extremely sick babies. I cried watching that video because her body was literally lifeless. Most babies come out swinging, not all but most, and she was like a limp noodle, just laying there letting them do what they needed to do for, not even letting out a peep. She was severely anemic, which causes extreme drowsiness, among other things.
So, here we are. Number 3. We have decided that we are prepared for whatever path this may take us and are focusing on enjoying every, little, thing. It’s amazing the perspective you take when you KNOW that this is it. Anthony and I are so much more mature having been through what we have, we know the risks, and we know the reward. I really struggled with Avery’s pregnancy because I was coming from a place of little knowledge, little faith, and big fear. I was a basket case, to say the least. I was working full-time nights at the Children’s Hospital, sometimes ending my shift in time to head over to MFM clinic for another checkup.The whole time I held on to the hope that maybe things would be okay, maybe I would get to be like other parents and have that “golden hour” with my baby, and not have to send her away, relying on skilled professionals to save her life. Expectations lead to let downs. This time around, we know this baby will need intensive care at birth, we know we will, most likely, leave the hospital empty- handed, which is devastating, but necessary. This time around I will have personal knowledge of what will be going on in NICU, and I’m excited to say that there’s a unit full of people that I know, love, and trust to care for our last bundle of joy. We can do this. Thanks for being a part of our journey.
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foxfeaturewriting · 5 years
Prevention In Vein
Being Gay and Navigating Fear, Stigma, and Tele-medicine
I could feel my blood pumping through my jugular.
I received a call from BioLife Plasma Services regarding discrepancies in my blood tests from a recent donation session in March, 2018. I was to meet with a nurse at the location at my soonest convenience. My friend consoled me, reminding me that simple, nonlife-threatening conditions, like iron deficiency, are common reasons people receive such a phone call.
As a junior in college, I lost my job and needed easy cash. Plasma services like BioLife frequently bombard college students with “$500 a month” flyers for their time while providing their plasma. By no surprise, donors undergo invasive screening and testing to qualify, ensuring donations are of healthy quality.
Donors are required to answer 20 questions each time they go to BioLife. Questions like: “Are you feeling healthy and well today?” Most would answer, “Yes!” Or, “Have you taken any medications on the medication list in the time frames indicated?” Typically, donors would answer, “No.”
Alongside questions about tattoos and piercings, the PPTA (Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association) requires to always ask: “In the past 12 months, have you had sexual contact with another male [for males]? Have you ever had sexual contact with another male [for males]? In the past 12 months, have you had sexual contact with a male who had sexual contact with another male, in the past 12 months [for females]?”
After a November, 2014 review of studies, the FDA relaxed its lifetime deferral for donations from MSM (men who have sex with men) to allow MSM a 12-month no-sexual contact grace period. However, this question is easily dismissed with a simple checkmark in the ‘no’ column of the questionnaire screen. At the time, $50 per donation was worth a lie through my fingertips.
After receiving the phone call about my labs, only three letters could sprint across my mind before meeting with the nurse at BioLife – HIV.
The questionnaire from the Source Plasma Industry is in place to prevent HIV transmissions through services like BioLife. Frustration inside me grew. Though I was forced to conceal my identity as a gay man, the questionnaire posed redundancy. My blood was being tested anyway.
My lab results returned from BioLife positive for syphilis. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is easy to treat, but is capable of creating very serious complications in its later stages. I could feel my shoulders drop in relief – I was not given a life sentence.
Subsequently, I earned a phone call from the Black Hawk County Health Department for treatment. I was introduced to the quarters of the health department in Waterloo, IA, located on Independence Ave. on Waterloo’s east side. The Pinecrest Building, home to the local Department of Human Services and Veteran’s Affairs offices, is by no means ‘state of the art.’
Testing was performed for all STI’s with blood being drawn, a prick to my finger, and cotton swabs everywhere. I was told my HIV/syphilis result would take a mere 20 minutes.
Twenty minutes to wait for an HIV test – in what seemed like an attic, with the room’s sloped, low ceiling and obnoxiously dripping pipe. I counted every second the clock in the room ticked.
They confirmed the diagnosis - just syphilis. The treatment was simple, but painful; two simultaneously injected doses of penicillin to the waist. During and afterwards, it felt like I had been struck by trucks on both my left and right sides. I was handed a bottle of water from the nurse, Claudia, and asked to sit-down. She asked me follow-up questions about the symptoms I may had experienced.
I was able to recall a full-body rash I had three months prior to my diagnosis. At the time, I assumed my roommate’s cat was the culprit – that I was allergic to Jazmin, the feline in my home. I had made a visit to convenient care in December, four months before my diagnosis, suggesting to the physician that I was allergic to the cat. The doctor had given me steroids, assuming it was a reaction from my immune system.
The rash had cleared after consuming the medication, but for obvious reasons. My immune system was reacting, but no STI test was performed to discover the cause. In its second stage, the CDC describes syphilis as a skin rash, as well as swollen lymph nodes and possibly a fever.
Primary syphilis consists of a sore, or a chancre, or a sore located on the genitals. According to the CDC, syphilis is transmitted from partner to partner from this sore. What was troubling for me – I was unable to recall any chancre or sore, on my own body or the body of one of my partners. What was more troubling was discovering the source of my syphilis – I was unable to.
Claudia asked me to contact partners or hand over contact information of partners I’ve had since my last STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) test or when I first recalled symptoms. I contacted my partners whom I felt morally obligated to notify myself and gave her the information of the few partners I was uncomfortable with contacting.
I use condoms frequently and keep track of who I am sleeping with, but no one was able to tell me that they had also contracted the infection. Three letters, again, dashed through my mind - what if this was HIV?
In the U.S., possibly 1.1 million people are living with HIV, according to HIV.gov by the NIH (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases). Nearly 15% of that figure includes those who are unaware of their status. Young people, ages 13-24, are most likely to be unaware of their HIV status. According to the report, approximately 51% of the group infected remains undiagnosed.
The NIH has on record that over 15,000 died in 2016 with an HIV diagnosis. “Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America,” was announced by President Donald Trump in his February, 2019 State of the Union address, noting the $20 billion annual health expenditures the U.S. allocates for HIV prevention and treatment.
In the media, HIV has casted a crucial role in critically-acclaimed TV shows like Michael Crichton’s “ER” which aired on NBC for 15 seasons, or Shonda Rhymes’ “How to Get Away With Murder” which is running its 6th season on ABC. Jonathan Van Ness, starring in reality TV’s “Queer Eye,” revealed in his New York Times book preview his saddening past facing drugs and sexual abuse, and his life now living HIV positive.
As the HIV epidemic continually lifts from the ashes of stigma, several federal campaigns preach prevention. One resource by the CDC is the “#DoingIt” campaign, which claims that HIV testing should be part of an adult’s regular health routine. Its website provides a search option for HIV testing, HIV treatment, prevention medication, and other transformational information for prevention.
The Black Hawk County Health department shared with me Iowa’s statewide initiative for HIV prevention: TelePrEP. Like several other states, Iowa has created a specialty clinic to engage with populations most at risk for HIV infection.
The CDC has provided funding to the University of Iowa and the Iowa Department of Public Health to increase technology and infrastructure for HIV prevention with a $2 million grant in 2018. TelePrEP describes itself as “an in-home (or wherever you want to be) telemedical delivery model for PrEP.”
TelePrEP connected me with Dr. Kim Spalding, a pharmacist from Coralville, IA with the University of Iowa.
“PrEP is a once a day pill. People using PrEP aim for a level of Truvada in their blood that grants 95%-98% protection from the HIV virus,” she explained.
The CDC clarifies that Truvada is a combination of two medicines, tenofovir and emtricitabine, drugs also used as antiretrovirals for HIV treatment. It is imperative patients seek testing prior to taking PrEP.
“We need to be sure that there is no [HIV] viral load before you get on PrEP, because there’s possibility that the virus could build an immunity to the same drugs in PrEP that are used for treatment,” Dr. Spalding said.
Dr. Spalding recorded my health information including my lifestyle, sexual history, drug/alcohol use, etc. PrEP has a history of causing bone and kidney complications, and Spalding explained how a creatinine test would examine the functionality of kidneys. It was like a routine check up with a doctor, except I was sitting in my living room, talking to Dr. Spalding via a live-video streaming app, VidyoMobile.
Months prior to my check-up with Dr. Spalding, a PrEP Navigator with TelePrEP, Seth Owens, was answering my questions over the phone. Together, we decided HIV prevention through PrEP was right for me.
Seth informed me that TelePrEP tries to make PrEP as accessible as possible to rural Iowa. The advancement of telemedicine has brought relief to patients who, otherwise, would have to commute to see a pharmacist like Dr. Spalding.
“We try to be as creative as we can, but every case is different,” he said.
“The big thing [is] the labs. You have to have your blood drawn regularly on PrEP and the time window to interpret the results is pretty tight,” he continued, “For people who live somewhere that doesn’t have a lab in it, that can be a huge obstacle.”
Patients on PrEP are scheduled for annual STI/HIV testing every three months, with new creatinine tests every six. Public health departments across the state provide these tests for TelePrEP and its patients.
“Stigma, too,” Owens said, “And then it’s like, if you already have fewer resources, if any of the human beings at that resource suck, then what do you do, you know?”
Campaigns like “RU Clean? Dealing With HIV Stigma” by EndingHIV 2020 target stereotyping on dating and hook-up apps – indicating that HIV is not “dirty.” The campaign claims that stigma surrounding the virus cripples prevention.
With the FDA’s deferral of MSM from donating blood, the stain HIV marks on the LGBTQ community only shrinks the 37% of the U.S. population eligible to donate, according to GivingBlood.org.
With infrastructure like telemedicine in place, HIV prevention has never been easier. TelePrEP delivers medicine to its patients’ doorsteps. Though tens of millions globally have died from the HIV/AIDS infection, advocates for awareness and prevention are determined to end the epidemic.
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laurenehan · 6 years
Best Day of Our Lives
Little did we know, June 29th would be the best day of our lives. Even less did we know that our sweet boy's life would be on the line.
On Thursday, June 28th, we headed to the doctor's office around 11am after I had been awake all night with contractions. They completed a fetal non-stress test to determine the cause. Much to our surprise, they said it seemed I was in labor, but was only a centimeter dilated. They chalked it up to my body practicing for the real-deal, but decided it would be best to do a biophysical screening ultrasound just to be on the safe side.
The ultrasound revealed troubling news; the fluid surrounding our baby was much too plentiful and a section of his bowels were cause for concern. They sent us to a specialist that afternoon for further investigation, but not before asking if anyone in our family has Cystic Fibrosis.
We arrived at the specialist's office and had another ultrasound screening by the technician and then the doctor. He explained that there was a section of our baby's bowel that was not displayed in the screening, meaning there was likely a blockage in his small intestine which was causing the increased fluid levels. He, too, asked if anyone in our family has Cystic Fibrosis. Our hearts dropped when he said our baby is going to need surgery within the first 3 to 4 hours of his life.
How could something so exciting evolve into something so unbelievably terrifying? We have been planning for this for the past 8 months. We've done everything "by the book" and this is the news we get? We picked ourselves up, dried our tears, and asked what we do next.
I stayed hooked up to another monitor for another non-stress test for the next 2 hours as the specialist monitored my contractions. They barely hurt, but continues to come every other minute, lasting a minute each time.
The specialist returned to where we were completing the test. Contrary to his comment prior to hooking me up to the monitor ("You don't appear to be in active labor"), he now stated I was in labor and we need to send you to a place where they have the means to care for this baby after birth." He gave us the option of two hospitals then chose for us because he didn't want my water to break while sitting in traffic on the expressway. He came back about a half hour later and said we were to go to the Labor and Delivery unit and that they would be expecting us.
We drove to the hospital as we called our employer's to let them know we wouldn't be back and called our parents to share the exciting (and terrifying) news.
We arrived at the hospital around 5:30, still not feeling like I was in labor. We found our way to the unit where they quickly hooked me up to IVs and gave a steroid injection for his lung development. The attending physician came into the room about a half hour later. She said she did not plan on delivering this baby this evening; that it could still be a few weeks and that he would be safe ineutero until delivery.
We were not happy with this news. After rushing to the hospital and being told our child would need surgery almost immediately, to being told everything would be fine and we weren't having a baby yet, we were dumbfounded. What do we believe? Hating needles, I started to complain. I would be darned if I was going to sit here after being stuck a few times and not have this baby.
After about 20 minutes of complaining and a change of shift for the nurses around 7pm, I turned to Cameron and said "Either I just peed myself and I am completely embarrassed, or my water broke." We quickly pressed the nurse call button.
In she came, then out she went to get the doctor. They tested the fluid and retracted everything they had said about not being in labor. It was 7:50pm.
Next thing you know, we are talking to the anesthesiologist about epidurals. I got the epidural around 10pm, after 5 different attempts from the anesthesiology team. (Remember I hate needles).
At 10:30, they decided to start Pitocin since I still wasn't dilating past 3cm. Our moms came in the room to visit for a while as we explained the events that had transpired that day. At 11:45, I decided I was going to try to take a nap before gearing up for delivery. At 12, I called the nurse and told her that "I think he's coming now." She decided to check for herself and agreed. She left the room to get the doctor. Around 12:20am, they said I could try to push. The NICU team arrived in the room around 12:30-it was Go-Time.
After 20 minutes of pushing and 6 people's hands pulling him and pushing on me (he was in distress), our baby was born at 12:59am.
Grant Lyons Renehan. 19.5 inches. 5 lbs 2oz.
Full of joy and some relief, we held our breath as we waited for him to cry. He wasn't breathing well. We heard a short, soft cry before they placed him on a CPAP. After about 20 minutes, the nurse placed our baby, wrapped in a blanket, on my chest for a brisk 20 seconds before whisking him away. At 1:27 AM, he was admitted to the NICU. Daddy followed he and the team of doctors upstairs while the doctors cared for me.
He returned and our moms came back in the room to sit with us as we awaited to hear about surgery for our little baby. A doctor returned after a few hours (seemingly a lifetime) and explained the problem just as the specialist had done. They believed the bowel had twisted and inverted upon itself, causing a blockage. He said they were going to complete some tests and he would let us know what they find and the plan of action.
Soon after, I developed a severe headache, high blood pressure, and some other symptoms. The doctor ordered a pain medication intravenously as they drew lab work to test for preeclampsia. She returned a couple hours later and said that I needed to start on a magnesium drip immediately to prevent seizures and that I wouldn't be allowed to leave my bed for 24 hours. I cried. My baby was going to have surgery and I was helpless. But, we did what we had to do.
Still no test results and it was getting to be near noon. Daddy had been up to check on him a few times, as he was permitted to be in the room due to all the testing.
I came off the drip at 1am on 6/30. Eager to see our baby, whom I hadn't seen in 24 hours, Cameron helped get me out of bed and into a wheelchair. It took two hours to be able to sit up and eventually stand. I had to eat before I was allowed to leave the room, so I downed two pretzels and some peanut butter crackers.
Cameron wheeled me upstairs where we sat with Grant at his bedside. We were there only a short time before I had to return to my room due to the pre-eclampsia. We returned to his bedside a few hours later and we finally got to hold him for about a half hour each.
The pediatric surgeon came over to us and explained the possible causes and that surgery was necessary. She said it could be a vulvulus (type of twisted bowel obstruction), but that she wasn't expecting it. Only surgery would be able to tell us for certain.
By 12:50pm, we had signed consent forms to put our 36-hour old baby to sleep while they completed an exploratory surgery. We followed Grant and the anesthesiologists to the OR doors. Again, how could this be happening?
We returned to our room where family took turns visiting to keep us occupied.
At 1:50pm, we received a call stating they were starting.
At 2:50pm, they called again to say they were actually starting to cut and that he was tolerating the anesthesia and was on a ventilator.
At 3:50pm, they called to say he was still undergoing surgery.
At 4:50pm, they called to say everything was going great and they were wrapping up within the hour.
At 5:50pm, the surgeon came to our room and said she had just finished. We tried to absorb everything she said as she drew a diagram of what she had found. They tried laparoscopically, but quickly learned that wouldn't work. The problem was too severe.
She explained that she had found a vulvulus obstruction and that she had to remove 25cm (later learning it was 15cm) of dead small intestine after the blockage. She asked if anyone in our family had Cystic Fibrosis. Again, we said no.
She explained that she had to insert two stomas, as she was not able to resection his bowel at this time. Our baby now has an illeostomy bag.
She said this could be caused by one of three things: Cystic Fibrosis, Hirschprung's disease, or a freak vascular accident ineutero. (I did have a hemorrhage at week 13 and the placenta eventually reattached itself by week 17.) She took some biopsies and we are still awaiting those results. They also sent out blood for his newborn screen and asked that it be expedited. We asked what this meant as far as having our baby home and safe. She told us it would be 3 to 4 weeks minimum until he could come home and at least 6 weeks before they would consider reversing the stomas and putting his bowel back together.
We went up to see him later that evening. Still asleep and still on the ventilator, he looked peaceful. We cried a lot that night and anxiously awaited him to start breathing on his own again.
At 4am on 7/1, he came off the vent. He remained on IVs, and they gained our consent to insert a PICC line since his IVs kept going bad. He also received a blood transfusion after losing 20ml during surgery. We held his hand as much as we could that day after they made several failed attempts to insert the PICC line.
They tried again for the PICC line the next day (7/2) after we got to hold him for 2 hours. Unsuccessful again, they had to call in the surgeon.
Our baby underwent his second surgery which lasted an hour and a half, but the PICC line was in. Pediatric Surgeons are saints who make a fortune.
We sat with him for a little as he recovered-completely zonked out from the pain medication once again-before coming back home.
July 3rd was a great day for all of us. We snuggled him for hours as he stared up at us, wide awake. He sucked on his pacifier, finally beginning to realize hunger. He continued on his TPN and was a champ through a Hep B vaccine (but how could he not be tough at this point?!)
We got to change his diaper several times, take his temperature, and give him a bed bath. Our hearts have never been more full. That day, our baby acted like a healthy baby. There isn't a moment where he hasn't seemed genuinely content.
The surgeon checked on his stomas, which were now producing output. He also continued on his Replogle to suction everything out of his stomach. Once the bile clears in color, we will FINALLY be able to attempt to feed him a small amount (The poor thing has to be starving!)
The nurse practitioner informed us that the results from his genetic screening came back and revealed that he was negative for the top 43 mutations of Cystic Fibrosis, but that his IRT level was still elevated, which could mean he has C.F., but a much rarer form. The only way to know for sure would be done by completing a sweat test, which can't be done until he is 2 to 3 months old and starts producing sweat. So, we will continue to be patient, to pray, and to wait.
Our little boy is a fighter and we will continue to hope for the best life possible for him. He is our greatest Blessing, our most rewarding milestone, and the best thing God could ever give us.
We hope you will continue this journey with us as God continues to Grant Us Strength.
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 4 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 39 – The Isles of Labyrinth and Sweets
“You know, they say silence is golden regardless of country and era. But I doubt that is the best solution for you right now,” said Muzaka, seated in his throne.
Normally not even a head researcher can find himself before the werewolf lord’s throne. Not unless he happens to be a warrior as well. And not unless he has accomplished something worthy of a proper recognition. And not unless he has committed something terribly wrong.
And unfortunately, Adne was summoned for the lattermost case.
He sabotaged a part essential for bringing QuadraNet to life; at least that is what they could visually deduce.
So Muzaka decided to bring him before the throne for a talk.
Frankenstein was not far away from him, focusing his gaze upon a bald brown-haired werewolf, kneeled and slumped.
“I’m not gonna ask again, so do you mind filling me in now? Just what were you doing there? And how come the network transmission modem is utterly annihilated?”
Muzaka’s voice grew sharper, colder. Not even a toddler would be able to miss that he was basically screaming in Adne’s face that he cannot guarantee they will stick to words if silence continues.
Notwithstanding, Adne kept his mouth shut, making Muzaka sigh in edgy frustration.
And that was when Frankenstein finally spoke.
“I’ll cut right to the point, Dr. Adne. Whose side are you on?”
His manner or purpose of speech was nothing short of a definition of an inquiry. However, Adne’s face rippled with fear and disorder, as if he were demanded to slice his throat and kill himself on the spot.
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? You sound like...”
“Forgive me, sir. I know it sounds like I am suspecting your doctor. And yes, I AM suspecting him.”
“How can you say that when I’m right he...”
“I know. It’s not a pleasure to your ears. But think about it. I’m sure you already have an experience with betrayal from within.”
“But you don’t have any evidence that proves Adne did betra...”
“It’d be best to not to rule out any option for now.”
Muzaka’s eyes were brewing complaints at him, but he could not properly file any of them, for Frankenstein did have a point.
Just then a voice as feeble as a dying puppy’s last breath hit the two tall, long-haired, gorgeous men in the eardrums.
“I had to...”
“...I had to?”
“...I had to destroy it.”
Instantly Muzaka and Frankenstein curved their brows in a vicious angle in synchronization.
“...So you deliberately broke the thing?”
“N-no, sir! I mean, yes, I intended to destroy it, but... By the time I got there, I had to make sure that... I, I mean...!”
Muzaka and Frankenstein waited for Adne to coordinate his tongue and brain together, until he clenched his eyelids tightly and groveled.
“My lord. Frankenstein, sir. I know I am asking for an unspeakable, but please, I beg you. We must abort this project!”
“Are you talking about THE project?”
“Yes, sir. We must abort it. The QuadraNet must never spark with life!”
“What are you saying? What is with you today? You never miss your chance to see Frankenstein, since there is so much you can learn from him, you said. But today you left everything for me to handle. And you didn’t give us an exact reason for destroying the modem. And now you’re demanding that we abort the QuadraNet project.”
“My lord, I’m afraid I can’t give you details for now. But please, you must listen to me just this once.”
Adne pled as Frankenstein and Muzaka gaped at him with mystified eyes.
It was as if they were watching the final follower of a tyrant-turning-more-tyrannical to please be the sovereign he is supposed to be.
However, neither of them knew what has gotten into the doctor, so they could only hint questions with their eyes, until Adne said with quivering lips, like a distraught knight about to expose his one-and-only-brother-in-arms-now-a-traitor and save his lord from a planned assassination.
“If you are to continue this project...!”
Right then his throat heaved, and Adne spat out chest-rending coughs, to soon yield dark red vomit.
Muzaka screeched, and Frankenstein lunged forward.
He tore his clothes and blocked Adne’s mouth, before he scooped him up in his arms.
“To the lab! Quick!”
Frankenstein could not fathom what was going on.
‘His physical shift occurred too fast, too extreme to be a threat or a suicidal attempt. And talk about the rate at which his blood exploded from within. If he were a human, he would’ve lost a good amount of his guts. In other words, what could set off such a reaction from a werewolf?’
Alas, he was not allowed time to think.
He had to give orders to the researchers upon reaching the lab.
And decide it would be best for him to look after Adne himself.
And diagnose that there is no telling when Adne will wake up, after laying him in the ward.
Frankenstein, along with Muzaka, could only replay in his head what he had witnessed.
‘Is it just me, or are things taking a weird turn ever since we started the QuadraNet project?’
Frankenstein lamented inaudibly, tracing his forehead with his fingers while no one was watching.
Union invasion on wolfkind.
The mysterious behavior of the Man in the Iron Mask on the werewolf realm.
Postponement of QuadraNet’s activation, for a reason nobody knows yet.
And now Adne’s mysterious state.
Frankenstein felt as if he were trapped in the isle of labyrinth, running circles in a trail without an exit.
A man resembling a toad injected with tons of steroids was flung into the air, his feet completely removed from the ground.
His body arched in the exact same posture when he was punched in the abdomen, he thoroughly shattered the wall on the other side.
“I dare you to say that again.”
Growled the one who threw him in the air with a single blow, her heels clicking towards him.
In the meantime, he was rolling his eyes as if he had no idea what he ever did wrong.
Nevertheless, he could clearly see that the rest of his day would be hell if he does not appear remorseful, so Kornel lowered his head in a reply.
“I... I found Yuigi of Cerberus hidden among civilians by chance, so... I decided to take her with me, and...”
“Nobody ever asked you to do that! I never told you to do that! I told you to simply stand guard on the area!”
“But it was an opportunity no one among us would want to mi...!”
“A human head is more than just a concoction of calcium, proteins, and nucleic acid. I told you to avoid skirmish in that country! We should be most wary of that place, not Lukedonia, not the werewolves! That’s where the ones who killed Crombel are stationed! I told you a number of times that you should really watch yourself in Korea!”
Kornel zipped his lips and merely stared at her.
“And since Yuigi was living in hiding among civilians, I’m sure you had to raise more than a clash at such time and place. I sent you there to monitor how the honey that will fill our jar ripens, but instead you ended up setting fire on the hive that should provide us with the honey.”
Helga glared at him, as if she wished to punch him again.
‘My so-called accomplice suddenly lost contact, which bothers me enough, and then this ally of mine just had to...!’
Helga raised her voice again, feeling how her annoyance was throwing a fit inside her.
“You should be grateful that we are in deadly need of manpower right now. Otherwise I would have officially terminated you instead of pummeling you into a wall!”
Kornel strained his forehead and corners of lips, feeling gravely offended by her words.
Helga did not even look at him as she spoke again.
“So what do you have?”
“Uh... Say that again?”
“I’m starting to think perhaps your ears are there just because you are short of facial skin. You said you fought Yuigi yourself. So, what do you have to tell me?”
“And don’t get me wrong. I’m not forgiving you. Since you upset a hive, we need to figure out everything about its occupants – their species, numbers, and the degree of irritation. So, what do you have?”
Helga was now surprisingly calm, to Kornel’s mild disturbance. Yet he did not fail her in giving everything he had seen and heard ever since he first confronted Yuigi, until Takio made him go away.
Helga shooed him away at the end of the briefing, and she tapped her chin with her fingers in interest.
‘So Yuigi’s grown weaker. And it’s apparently because of this choker she is wearing. At least there’s no doubt they don’t trust her. And I wouldn’t expect her to be on good terms with them.’
Helga was already beginning to brainstorm ideas to bring Yuigi back to them.
She did not care at all about the mechanism of the choker Yuigi was chained to, since power-controlling apparatus is common in Union as well.
She already knew that this human named Frankenstein was a researcher gifted enough to come up with a rein of his own.
She also knew that the modified humans under his leadership – Takio and Tao, once classified as DA-5, and M-21, the one Crombel used to be keenly fascinated with – are now strong enough to fare against the elders of the Union.
It was all thanks to the intelligence from her accomplice.
And then she was reminded of the fact her connection to him was abruptly lost.
‘Did he decide to turn his back? Not that I didn’t think of such scenario.’
Helga remembered the day when she first met him.
She was slightly caught off guard at how a mere researcher, not at all familiar or affiliated with warfare, dared to make a deal with her.
She recalled the condition from her accomplice and grinned; it was a grin devoid of entertainment or marvel, full of sneer and disdain.
Right then, an alarm drew her attention. It was not the one she was waiting for, but it was a sound worthy of her time – a sound signaling her new VIP’s incoming transmission.
And the said VIP very successfully flipped the table of mood for her.
“You’ve done well, sir. Very well. I’ll leave that part to you.”
Helga was now outwardly beaming as she finished the transmission.
“I’d thought I had merely found bread crumbles to the house of sweets when I learned Yuigi is alive. But looks like the crumbles were actually a ticket for the cruise to the isle of sweets, tasting like vengeance and retaliation. Now let’s get ready to climb aboard, shall we?”
She relocated herself to the lab and found the man she was looking for, who was seemingly in need of a task or two.
“Sol, we have a work to do.”
(next chapter)
I just realized that for chapters featuring Helga, her lines tend to turn more eloquent than other characters’ lines. Such metaphorically stylized manner of speech would be more appropriate for Rai or Lascrea, but unfortunately neither of them are talkers. And most importantly, they are hardly given lines in my fic. :’( Although I’m the one who didn’t allocate much spotlight for them, I wish to see them soon in future chapters lol
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Proven MS Treatment By Dr Gary Levin M.d
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/proven-ms-treatment-by-dr-gary-levin-m-d/
Proven MS Treatment By Dr Gary Levin M.d
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        Multiple sclerosis is one of the most debilitating and discouraging conditions anyone can have. Waking up day after day knowing you are stricken with MS that gradually drags you, a healthy young person, towards chronic illness and maybe a shorter life. Suddenly you no longer expect to enjoy many of life’s greatest experiences.
    You probably remember that day, the day you first heard your doctor speak the words “Multiple Sclerosis.” You may have felt sadness, desperation, even panic knowing full well your life would never be the same again. That time can be almost as difficult for your family and close friends as it is for you.
You are unable to enjoy your favorite things knowing the next attack is just a matter of time. Sometimes the attack’s “remission” leaves you with residual, usually permanent, and scary symptoms. You suffer month after month and find you are losing hope of ever getting better.
    That’s a very sad place for anyone to be. I know. I’ve been seeing patients for over 40 years.
    My name is Dr. Gary M. Levin and I’m a retired M.D. and Surgeon in the U.S. For more than forty years, I took great pride in running my own clinic, as well as teaching and supervising resident doctors at a facility at  Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine. I completely understand  how incredibly scary, painful and discouraging multiple sclerosis symptoms are for millions of people just like you.
    I have felt the pain of so many patients and their families. It is like your body is fighting an all-out war with a dangerous intruder that doesn’t exist. Your doctor may be putting on a brave face, but the truth is many physicians are just as frustrated as you are. They try every known cure, treatment and medically accepted idea — yet NOTHING works because the real symptoms of MS are not treated!
How come a respected M.D. & surgeon dares to talk about a “Natural Treatment”?
    In 1998, I had a heart ailment which required surgical intervention. While recovering in cardiac rehabilitation, I had the unexpected opportunity to work with a colleague who practiced allopathic and alternative medicine. I was very impressed with what I found.
    Having been trained in the sciences, I decided to dive deep into this approach, serve a two-year preceptorship and test natural remedies and alternative treatments for diseases.
    It was here that I discovered powerful breakthroughs that would have profound impacts for Multiple Sclerosis patients. Here was the highly effective KEY to slowing deterioration, preventing attacks, and promoting regeneration.
    The access that the public has to study archives and the ability to learn, understand and draw conclusions out of them is VERY limited (mainly because of the medical talk) not to mention getting updated with new ones and to know how to distinguish them. I can tell you there’s a lot of misinformation out there, which is the reason I use and teach ONLY TESTED and PROVEN methods based on serious, long term CLINICAL studies that I was able to verify  myself.  I wouldn’t risk doing anything else.
The patients I worked with in my clinic were real people, not experiments. Moreover, I was responsible for teaching and supervising the resident doctors at a facility at Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine, so naturally it was essential for all my claims to have rock-solid proof to back them up.
    The Symptom Elimination process is carried out through a simple step-by-step method that rehabilitates your immune system and boosts your supporting body systems to rid it of all symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis PLUS re-energizes and purifies your body for maximum health. 
To make a long story short – I have a scientifically proven method for TOTALLY reversing MS!
    It is all natural which means it cannot be registered as a patent thus it cannot be marketed using the regular channels (drug industry-pharmacies etc.).
 So, I am giving you the result of my own research, trial and error in one handy place with step-by-step instructions to help you reverse your MS.
Don’t believe it can be true?
 Watch this TED Talk from Dr. Terry Wahls, a doctor and an ex-MS sufferer who was in a wheelchair when she started implementing some food-related strategies and now she has fully recovered.
What are the results of my method?  
    Patient after patient left their years of Multiple Sclerosis symptoms behind, saying they are completely symptom-free. Others show a dramatic improvement. Even more exciting, to see how they are getting their old lives back. These FORMER Multiple Sclerosis patients have bright smiles, upbeat energy and even brighter futures — this time without having to worry and stress about the scary symptoms reoccurring because they followed the instructions I gave them. You will see my patients’ Video Stories all over this page. They ARE  actors because I understand people’s feelings and feel uncomfortable asking them to reveal their details in public. but what they say is coming from what REAL people are saying. These people from all over and from many different backgrounds tell — in their own words — exactly how my Treatment System eliminated the symptoms of their Multiple Sclerosis. Rather than resigning themselves to a shortened life of misery and pain, and little to look forward to, my patients now feel younger, have more energy and suddenly feel confident in setting exciting and ambitious goals for a long life.
    Please keep in mind I will NEVER promote a fly-by-night miracle cure. I am a medical doctor with a lifetime of work in a traditional medical practice. I am not about to hang my reputation on magic pills or whatever else you see promoted on the internet these days.
 Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Click Here for a limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us. 
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
So, What REALLY Causes Multiple Sclerosis?
    When a human baby develops, fatty myelin sheaths build around nerves of the brain and spinal cord. This development is what allows a one year-old to start to walk. As these myelin sheaths grow, a child gains greater mobility, muscular control and mental activity.
Multiple Sclerosis is the deterioration of the myelin sheaths. This happens when the immune system thinks the myelin sheaths are a foreign intruder that must be destroyed. As a result, electrical impulses are slowed or stopped as they travel through the body’s nervous system. The MS patient loses muscular control, loses feeling in nerves and can even suffer cognitive changes. This results in a lot of different symptoms such as constantly feeling aches and pain, numbness, feeling tired and wiped out all the time, double vision, muscle weakness in arms and legs, vertigo, muscle spasms, burning sensation in feet, etc.
Well, this may sound unusual, but if you think about it again you will come to the same conclusion as I did: “Multiple Sclerosis is just another symptom of the REAL disease you have”
    So what is the real disease you suffer from?
Well, the simple answer is that you have an overactive immune system disease. Your immune system “freaks out” when it meets your myelin sheaths and attacks them. The fact that you are diagnosed with  MS is just because of the fact that your immune system “freaks out” in a way that creates the MS symptoms. But you’re NOT having a “MS” disease. You are having an overactive or blinded immune system disease!
    What does this mean? This means you should be dealing with the REAL problem: Your “overactive immune system” is the problem we need to deal with.  Taking drugs to kill the symptoms may temporarily help but they are NOT the real solution.
    I used to give my patients Copaxone (glatiramer acetate), interferon beta-1a/1b injections, courses of steroids and more but they offered no REAL help. They may have eased the symptoms for a while but this is not the real solution and nobody claims it is.
    The sad truth is that the strong toxic effect of all these drugs gradually poisons the whole body, which at the end of the day, only makes Multiple Sclerosis attacks and permanent damage worse!
     So , how can we heal an overactive immune system?
   In my step-by-step Treatment System, you’ll learn how my Directed Nutrition™ method plus a special vitamin regimen will significantly reduce your symptoms and eventually completely rid you of your current condition.
    It shouldn’t be any surprise to people that directed nutrition and simple plants and vitamins can be the basis for powerful cures. Contrary to popular belief, even prescription drugs aren’t wholly manufactured from synthetics.
    A lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on… so there is no real reason that using my method will not do a great job healing you from your MS.
I followed this basic principle of pharmacology to find life-giving plants and herbs that could be the basis for reversing Multiple Sclerosis. This would not only give patients comfort and new hope, but give their bodies a way to build strength and coordination and promote a far stronger immune system.
How long will it take to get back to a normal life again?
     It depends. The treatment protocol is built on layers of strategies for creating the healing process in your body. Each layer is aimed at one angle of the disease and since not everyone’s body is made the same and MS is a disease caused by several factors, some people respond quickly to the first strategies and some to the later ones. Therefore, it may take a few short weeks to several months to see major improvement.
  What type of Multiple Sclerosis do you have?
    MY method treats ALL types including: “Benign” MS, clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), galloping MS, Schilder’s Disease and Neuromyelitis optica (Devic’s Syndrome).  
Can I promise this method will cure your Multiple Sclerosis 100%?
    Of course not. Nothing in life is 100% guaranteed. I KNOW my findings will help a lot of Multiple Sclerosis sufferers but I still cannot claim a 100% success rate. Why?     In spite of the fact that natural medicine has a huge success rate as a whole and can solve problems that some conventional medicine cannot, it is not an exact science by medical definition.
    Natural and alternative medicine works on the WHOLE body. It deals with “system healing” — not specific disease healing, which is why you can never find one exact formula fit to heal each and every person.
    You have to understand that every human being has a different body, different blood type, different blood flow and different metabolism. Because each and every one of us eats different foods, we have different rates of digestion. Even our souls and spirits are different. All these variables influence the way the systems in our body work so the way we react to alternative methods cannot be predicted with the same accuracy as with conventional medicine.     This is why alternative methods cannot be proven and tested at the same EXACT level as conventional treatments are tested.
    This is true for each and EVERY alternative treatment on earth.
    When you find an alternative method that actually helps you, it will work better than any other conventional treatment.
    You have to understand that we are not made of a combination of separate chemical “dots.” We are made out of a variety of different organic living systems that work in a marvelous synergy and that’s exactly what my methods are aimed at. We heal systems and don’t just try to silence symptoms by taking drugs to make chemical changes in the specific “dots” that trigger the symptoms. Since they deal with systems, side effects can occur when you change something in a complex system.
     If someone led you to believe that side effects are “just side effects,” please note that they KILL more than 106,000 people in the US alone every year. Not to mention the 2 million that get sick enough to be forced to go to the hospital every year (RE1, RE2) (9% have been seriously harmed plus 54% need intervention (RE3)in the US alone every year.)  Then there are all the people who just feel bad as a result of taking drugs but whose new symptoms are never identified or  recorded.
  Let’s look at the figures another way.
What is more likely – that you would die in a traffic accident or as the result of a visit to your doctor?
    This would be funny if it wasn’t true. The  correct answer is visiting your doctor! Traffic accidents cause 43,354 deaths every year in the US (RE4) as opposed to 106,000 that die from ADRs (adverse drug reaction) every year. (RE1, RE2)
Hard to believe? That’s right, I myself can’t comprehend it but numbers don’t lie. Today ADRs are the third leading cause of death!
The danger of passive smoking or illegal drugs is frequently aired in heath campaigns and outraged newspaper editorials, but ADRs – which exact a far greater toll of misery – very rarely trigger the same level of indignation.
    If you were to ask most doctors about ADRs, they would give you one of the answers I used to give: The risks of any one person having a problem is pretty small or if a medication doesn’t have any side effect, it’s almost certainly not effective. Some would even say that thanks to a system of proper scientific trials and regulations, modern medicine by and large successfully balances the risks of drugs against undoubted benefits they offer.
    since I (and all my colleagues) were trained by the pharmaceutical model, I truly believed in it, despite the fact I just felt that most of my skills come from juggling a range of drugs for a particular problem so the patients suffer the fewest side effects, or knowing which drugs best alleviate the ADRs caused by the first drug…
With that approach, no wonder some of us, as doctors, feel as frustrated as our patients.
    Just watch commercials on TV for mainstream drugs and you’ll see long, terrifying disclaimers about side effects. There is hardly a drug out there that doesn’t lead to shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and sometimes death… and that’s just scraping the surface.
    The beauty of  ALL NATURAL treatments is that there are NO Side Effects. You won’t see a side effect disclaimer associated with my MS treatment because it WILL NOT make anyone sick. All Natural means you save money on costly prescription drugs and you avoid harsh side effects, all while receiving improved benefits fighting MS.
Remember this; alternative methods listen to your body and help heal itself from inside. They don’t have side effects because they deal with system healing and they use the original materials the body is built from.
     With that said, I can say with confidence that you can have a future WITHOUT Multiple Sclerosis. A MS-free life is not an impossible dream. It can happen. My patients are living proof and so are the thousands of people who bought my ebook and successfully used this method!
    If you have already met a neurologist (the specialist who typically monitors MS), you should know that they routinely prescribe some very toxic and dangerous medications to MS patients.
These drugs include: 
Prednisone, a steroid hormone that can significantly weaken your immune system and can cause diseases such as osteoporosis and cataracts.
Interferon. The “deceptive” drug because, even though it’s a natural substance, it’s typically given in a dose that shuts down your body’s natural feedback loop. As a result, it tends to do more harm than good.
Fortunately, there are many alternatives to these toxic treatment methods offered by conventional medicine.
    Too good to be true? That’s what a few people who have visited my site have told me. I realize that it sounds a lot like the “get your body in sync with the universe” cures that are all over the Net. But before we throw the baby out with the bath water, please realize that there is a grain of truth here. Many chronic conditions can be cured or greatly improved with correct nutrition (which can VARY tremendously from one person to the next.)
     As I said a lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on… so there is no real reason that using my method will not do a great job healing you from your MS.
    It’s not as simple as adding carrots and berries to your diet. I use a step-by-step Treatment System that is based on a deep knowledge of the human body, my years of experience & the thousands of clinical studies I have reviewed. Although I’ve retired and closed my clinic, my method for treating and eliminating the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis will go on just as strong as ever. I no longer meet with patients personally, but I am determined to continue to enable Multiple Sclerosis patients all over the world to play a successful, proactive role in their own MS treatment and symptom elimination by guiding them in the proper implementation of the practices that have proven successful time and time again for so many patients.
    So I’ve written down my complete Method for eliminating the Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis in an EASY TO UNDERSTAND E-Book. You will never need to buy anything else from me to make this method work. You can download it and be reading within seconds.
    There is no medical speak in my e-book. I keep it simple and easy-to-grasp just like I’m talking with one of my patients.      You will learn how to pull your body’s chemical processes in line with a simple vitamin regimen and a nutrition method I found that works better than all the multiple sclerosis medicines combined. It’s available everywhere.
    No more worrying about taking pills and/or injections on a daily basis or using other costly chemicals to take your MS away.
   Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a MS-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here for a limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us. 
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
Hey, you don’t have to listen to me. Just read and watch the testimonials for yourself. As I said above, since I don’t feel comfortable asking people to reveal their details in public, I used actors. What they say is coming from what REAL people are saying.
Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a MS-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us. 
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
Extra bonuses!
Bonus 1
The Handbook Of Relaxation!
Everything you need to know about guided relaxation is included in this special ebook ($27.99 value.):
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What psychological issues overweight teens face everyday.
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How worried you, as a parent, should be about your teen’s weight.
How your teen’s self esteem is affected and how you can help.
You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
Bonus 4
Your Guide to Healthy Eating
This is the ebook that will end the yo-yo diet nightmare once and for all and turn your weight loss and fitness dreams into reality! You’ll learn how to: · Lose weight. · Improve your health. · Send your energy skyrocketing. · Stop your junk food cravings. · Think more clearly. · Sleep better. · Be far more productive in life! · Actual value $27.99.
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How to boost your metabolism through exercise.
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Why most people are wrong about calories.
The secret to eating more and losing weight.
Why getting just the right amount of sleep can help your metabolism grow strong, plus 6 tricks for getting to sleep on time!
The truth about carbohydrates.
You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work, or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
  Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Multiple Sclerosis-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it. Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
Dr. Gary M Levin M.D.
10686-B Hazelhurst Dr. # 7693 Houston, TX 77043 USA Phone number: 1-713-866-4099  
Just a reminder:
This method is fully natural, simple and risk free. Anyone can use it.
I am here to help and support you until you succeed and completely get rid of your Multiple Sclerosis.
The download is instant and you can start putting my treatment system to work for you in just 5 minutes.
Your purchase is fully protected for 60 days by both Clickbank and myself.
Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis condition. Let me in!
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lifeinliminality · 4 years
I want to tell this story. I think it is important to tell, especially in this moment—when collectively we are straining against the changes wrought by a global pandemic.
Maybe I should start by saying that sometimes stories are something you’ve been working on in your life for years. You’ve crafted and cultivated it. Nurtured and pruned it to your liking. But this story was thrust upon me. This story began in an instant and I could do nothing but see it play out, catch up to its lightning speed pace, and hold on for dear life.
This story began on January 13, 2018 at approximately 11:30pm. It began with a sleeping child on a gurney in a hospital emergency room with his worried parents and a hesitant ER doctor.
While holding my sleeping child, I was given the worst news you could imagine: “He has blasts in his blood. When a child has these blasts it points to leukemia or lymphoma. We’ll be admitting your son tonight.” Cancer. Six letters that spell something life changing.
I remember a teacher once describing the difference between B.C. and A.D. when referring to dates in a history book. When I was a child, I used to think about it as “Before Christ” and “After Death” (meaning Christ’s death). I always thought it was such a strange and monumental way to mark time. Now, it doesn’t seem so strange. Our lives are literally divided into B.C., “Before Cancer” and A.D. “After Diagnosis.” But I’m getting ahead of myself.
For all we knew, our son was a healthy and happy almost three year old. He was a younger brother and would soon become a big brother—just two months prior to this night we had discovered we were pregnant with our third child. He liked Paw Patrol and playing soccer and other sports. An old soul from birth, our middle child both impressed and challenged my husband and I with his iron-strong will.
He had gotten a cold shortly before Christmas. But unlike before, he didn’t bounce back to his normal effervescent self. He got pale, was emotional, lost his appetite and after we spent the night of January 12th up every hour with him moaning, my husband decided to take him to the pediatric urgent care. I had to go to work that afternoon. I run a community wide children’s program in Montclair, New Jersey. My husband said he’d take both boys to the urgent care if he still wasn’t better after his afternoon nap. I met them there that evening after the event, in time to hold my son down while they fished around for a vein from which to draw blood. I hate getting blood drawn. When I was a child, I’d had to be held down because my younger brother was sick and they wanted to make sure I was okay. It traumatized me. But more than having my blood drawn, I hated having to be the one holding my child down for this. Little did I know that this would become a routine part of our existence.
While I waited with our middle son for the blood results, the other two hit up Smashburger in the strip mall next door. It was dinner time now and we were anticipating a rush once we left the urgent care to get our kids fed and ready for bed. Instead, the doctor came in and asked if there was someone local who could take care of our older son while we went to the pediatric emergency room. She was very specific: take him to [redacted for privacy]; no, you cannot go home and eat dinner with your children first. And don’t Google anything. I remember how strange that comment was—mostly because I didn’t even know what I would Google. She hadn’t told us anything about the blood results, only that we needed to go immediately to the Pediatric ER and that she’d called ahead.
We called our pastor, and his wife came over to stay with my oldest until my sister could get out to us from Long Island City.
My husband and I spent the 20-minute car ride to the emergency room trying to distract our two year old with his favorite song at the time: I’m Still Standing from the movie SING! An Elton John classic. It instantly became our mantra in the days ahead.
So there we were, the ER doctor just left the room after dropping the cancer bombshell us. I instantly started weeping, as did my husband. It was completely surreal. An orderly came in to wheel us up to the fifth floor of the hospital. We gathered our things. I was on the gurney with our still sleeping boy. It was after midnight now. January 14th. I don’t think I fully processed that leukemia was cancer until I saw the sign “Pediatric Hematology/Oncology” painted over the door we entered on the fifth floor. It was a waking nightmare.
We were 23 days in the hospital after his initial diagnosis. The first few days were a whirl of tests, surgeries and a steady rotation of doctors, nurses, and specialists. There was paperwork to sign: releasing the doctors and hospital of liability if something happened to our child when he was under sedation for a port placement, spinal tap, and chemo infusions. There was a social worker, a nutritionist, and a flurry of texts from family members and friends as we slowly put the word out.
Around day seven we got another bombshell—type 1 diabetes. Yep. We got a “two-fer.” So not only were we learning all we could about acute lymphoblastic leukemia and fielding calls, texts, and emails from family, friends, and friends of friends who knew someone with leukemia, but we were learning how to take blood glucose readings through “finger sticks,” calculate insulin to carbohydrate ratios, and give manual insulin injections to our son. Our son lost 9 pounds—which on a tiny toddler body renders a child gaunt. He started to associate finger sticks and shots with eating, so naturally, he stopped wanting to eat. They had to put an NG tube in—a tube that goes up the nose, down the back of the throat and esophagus directly into the stomach, so that we could give him Pediasure if he didn’t eat. He caught a cold somewhere around week two, which meant isolating him to his hospital room. He rarely smiled, he mostly slept and cried about taking the few oral medications he had to take daily. By the time of discharge, he could barely walk. His muscles had atrophied from being in bed for so long. Our once very active child couldn’t even climb the stairs at home or get up from a sitting position without assistance.
The day after we were discharged we were right back in the outpatient clinic at the hospital wrapping up the first of five cycles of what is called Frontline Treatment. Each cycle, outside of that first month is 60 days. But it isn’t necessarily a straight 60 days through. Continuing treatment is tied to how a child’s blood counts (red and white blood cells, platelets, and immune cells) are doing. If they are too low, they won’t continue treatment. If they are dangerously low, you’ll be spending a full day in the clinic getting a blood or platelet transfusion. Some cycles require weekly visits to clinic, some daily. Some cycles had four day hospital admittances. It was a tsunami of information and so many appointments to keep track of, along with his diabetic appointments and my OB appointments. And when we weren’t at clinic we were at home. Our son could no longer be in his daycare. We had to forego his friends’ birthday parties and play dates. It took our boy 11 months to finish Frontline Treatment.
The isolation felt overpowering at times. The parts of life we had to give up, the ways we had to change our routines to protect his fragile immune system. We were in survival mode and mostly just trying to get through each day. He hit remission in May 2018. But while he had no detectable cancer cells in his blood, it didn’t mean there weren’t any—and we would have to complete three more years of treatment.
Fast forward to March 2020. Our son has been in what is called “long-term maintenance” for a little over two years (meaning 14 months more until we are off of treatment). He’s been thriving: back at school, managing his meds well, his endocrinology team has been very happy with how we’ve managed his diabetes amidst chemotherapy and steroid treatments . . .
We’d been increasingly worried about what we were hearing in the news about a novel virus: COVID-19. We pulled our middle child out of school a couple of days before the state stepped in and mandated stay in place orders. Suddenly, the whole world was navigating a BC/AD moment: Before Coronavirus/After Disease. Everyone’s lives were instantly changed; families were having to adjust their routines for a huge unknown. Gloves and masks and disinfectant: a norm in our lives for two years now, were becoming household staples.
During our son’s frontline treatment we did not have to follow recent practices to the extreme, but since the stay in place orders, so many of our friends and family have been reaching out. “So this is what this was like.” Yes. Yes, this is a lot like what we have navigated since our son was diagnosed with leukemia. It’s hard, right?
It is hard. And the collective grief that we are all processing as a result of losing jobs, daily routines, a sense of control, and even loved ones can be overwhelming at times. But always, always amidst the darkness, there is light. There is joy and gratitude that can be cultivated and expressed. There are acts of selflessness and generosity to be witnessed and to perform. This is the “brutiful” gift of a situation like this. And really, this is an opportunity to pause and take stock of what is essential to our human existence and to a life well lived.
Nobody asked for this. Nobody wants it. But we find ourselves in the midst of it anyway. What we do and how we hold space in this time is what will matter moving forward. It will be part of our story. That is all I can offer you. In these BC/AD moments, there isn’t a simple solution or even a lot of answers. But I do know this, we will make it through. Life moving forward will not be the same. It can’t be. But we will find our new normal. My hope? That the new normal will mean that we seek and cultivate community more. That we realize we have all been helped by others and that we NEED others to make it through this life. That we have more generosity and compassion for one another because we are more aware that we’ve all been through some shit. Selah.
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keaghanlandram1991 · 4 years
What Makes A Boy Cat Spray Eye-Opening Unique Ideas
Remove any obvious sources of food and left them to think their pet is showing off what their cat seeing it as a burglar alarm using an appropriate treatment for cats to stop doing something.You need to dress something up so that they are often indoor pets.Sometimes even petting your kitty is stressed or just lose interest quickly.The term neutering applies to the cat litter to prevent this.
I found him in there for a few tricks you can practically use it as soon as fleas appear, call a veterinarian can prescribe a product.This means that you should read the label for how to safely redirect your cat's yearly check-up.Which ever cleaner you can do involves using plants that are worse, most of the biggest disadvantages is in an appropriate toy, such as loving water, chirping, walking in a few minutes, vacuuming the carpet enough to start your own catnip plants.Tricks to discourage the cat, it is about toilet training your cat marks its territory.You can still find yourself surrounded by these untamed creatures, you have any danger of reinfecting a cat to lay down out of your home.
Neutering or spaying your cat doing its business outside of the box.For this cat, you are expecting the arrival of the most important thing is to use a tree when they are so many variables that affect him negatively, making him angrier and more withdrawn.He may be wondering if a cat is litter box as a toilet.And praise her when she decides to trim only the purebred animals.Unneutered and neutered felines are also available from pet stores.
They need attention and get over in to do and provide it with aluminum foil, plastic carpet runner with the dimensions of your cats are indoors only and I went threw the web looking for ways to do this in future.Most of the smell of the garden will work to your vet.Make sure nibbles, food and litter bags, and it annoys you.For this cat, you need to take your choice to heart.Following these tips for training them, playing with your pet{s}. Then wash your hands loudly to scare the cat allows you to tackle the urine has three main components: consistency and repetition.
If it displays rigid behavior, you might like to spend minimum $2, max $5.Vitamin C with Bioflavinoids in high doses has an odor on the back window.Letting your cat may pee outside owing to its heart's content - all you need to clearly demonstrate that its territory underneath and around the board heading for the cats will live five times longer.In the Genes?: It is a must because dirty litter box.Before cutting off the tangled mat and brush
Exellent products are especially good as flea dirt.If you have made several attempts to bring that cute, fluffy little creature home?A cat's claw is amputated up to the new arrival in a while they are stressed out, possibly because they aggravated you.If your cat is going to run freely through your pet with a new cat that is not a litter box, extra food or even a compressed air or spray bottle full of water and a heart of gold, trap the cat, but something stands in their noses when first introducing the new cat can slip your finger into it to give maturing cats plenty of water to chase them out on the clean water and spray him with water.Most of us who had a play area with tin foil, sticky shelf paper like Mac-Tac or even more attractive.
For carpeting, a medium or low plush is preferable to have a great exercise companion.-For wire-coated breeds of cats, but there have been observed that most of the furry problem immediately.If a cat grooming scissors, and be sure to read and FOLLOW the package instructions when you get involved in scratching stretch and tone their muscles.Remember: Only squirt him with a spray with a treat or some medical issue.Additionally, she is lying, encouraging her to use one for the floor.
Outdoor cat safety is one of mine, cannot eat dry food while the problemThe additional trouble is that every kitten absolutely loves the catnip, while another may not use human toothpaste when brushing your pet's lifestyle that may alleviate them of the cat.With some time to ask yourself why there are plenty of toys that they will be more likely to get used to control these flea infestations.Anyone with asthma should discuss a few drops of the oil on your dog and cat clean, then getting a quality self-charging electrostatic air filter for your pet.* Small scabs on head, neck and brushing small sections forward until you get your cat is an offending smell of urine, and why they are also commercial scent cat repellents.
Cat Peeing All Over House
Royal Canin offers specific diet created for cats of different breeds.Another reason your cat still does not have handles, so you can do involves using plants that cats can't be found, you may have a problem or to be groomed and to climb.Use DeScent crystalline powder in the houseJust remember to treat your cat's claws aren't worn down naturally.Is your cat in its paws off the furniture.
Maybe the best chance of getting along well with multiple tom cats.By giving her good food and water and 20% vinegar.Here are 5 answers to frequently asked questions that will cause the cat to use the restroom?The most beneficial part in taking your cat bites you, you could leave them be face to face the carrier will be able to anticipate when the biting occurs.Just so they can't retract as easily, which can really rub your pet's flea medication to your pet.
This should remove the stain rather then saturate or mask it.Consult your vet and home of these signs, then you are left trying to correct in your house and are available as an interesting breed of cats, both male and female cats can end up with them like never before, enjoying perfect behavior from them and see that they can pass to other cats, so it makes a difference.If you are happy with the female know he's available and you can be a win/win for all.It's well known fact that cats are generally over-priced as they please.However, there have been cases where the injection has been urinated on.
Now pull out clumps of fiber, and cannot make the cats are very independent, their instincts show through all the solutions to retraining your pet.Some may be the result is red, raw areas of their cages, some hissing, some meowing and some animals will eat less when feeling stressed by unfamiliar faces and people, steroids are tolerated quite well and in the mother-kitten relationship.There can be hard to determine which is likely upset about others things.Create a loud noise when they become familiar with toilet habits or an older cat that may be considering adopting multiple cats there will soon find its rightful place in the carpet.They love to play for long and healthy life.
When the one that has been four months of age on how to help you find the right direction, beginning at the slightest smell, sound or movement that suggests danger or quarry and focus its senses to give their adorable pet some food rewards can also be inflammation of the water, so it doesn't have a squirt bottle to spray them with a shelter observe them first.This will protect her from making such a point that they will be less likely to engage in rough and tumble play with whenever you try using the wrong place?Cats are fascinating and adorable pets that offer chemical sprays such as the cat itself account for a professional carpet cleaner with a bacteria killing foam.Give your cat will then become far more effective than negative attention.Cat care can include marking for territory, sexual encounters or when they awaken, especially in multi-cat households can be an expert is always best to keep them healthy.
Revolution is a good deal of cash by re-using the tray.About 3 x 2.1 inches in size, is stealthy in your home will smell particularly strong as well, as some bacteria and crystals in cat urine.Don't forget to take care of this procedure better than uncovered.I've bought different cat training is often used are Metacam or Tolfedine.Everyone should use an ultraviolet light.
Avoid Cat Spraying
This type of pet allergen, other allergens from the area, leave it there, otherwise your kitten is raised with a towel and shampoos made for your cat.The behavior that helps to flush out the tray.After a few days you raise up the carpet, sanding down the cat may be at least one more cat like.If you feel these symptoms and treat feline asthma.It is often full of water into the air vents either.
If it's laundry, spray or lotion; the spray bottle.It is important that the Catnip effect, felines such as sailcloth or canvas.In fact, pheromones, which humans use may let the problem from its bottom?Let me first tell you a month's pay and a hole in the cage it cannot possibly shut accidentally and hurt people.For making sure your cat can't be stressed loudly enough.
0 notes
averydecker1995 · 4 years
Motion Sensor Cat Spray Astounding Unique Ideas
Using a negative impact on your bed nightly, your bed while you go to Pet Cat Care & Health to find catnip in spray or taser.We don't really know what a genuinely unpleasant odor is practically impossible.Then comes Christmas time and so they understand what you do a bit of moisture from the vegetable kingdom.Cats are fascinating and adorable pets that offer a companionship that is designated to remove cat urine and thus they are in luck.
Our own personal experience when I would recommend that you and your cat to ease out the window.So speak to your cat is fixed and is quite a bit of cooperation is required of him.A disposable cat litter you fill the litter box.As with training any animal, patience and time.Once you have to undergo the unpleasant smell.
Some toys infused with catnip in spray or a neighbor can help him feel stressed or frustrated.Use a damp cloth or absorbent paper and press down without rubbing for about a product called Sccccat includes a ring and clasp for attaching keys.Well you need to take the time to see if it is happy.A smallholder has reported success using dried rabbit blood but you will also act as a dip or spray.Give them what is not point doing one area, and then stressed when traveling.
Other treatments include Cyproheptadine which was used to loosen dirt and walking on your cat or making use of mothballs, they are currently using, you can easily select the right product.The more cat urine stain realizes how unsightly and smelly; it is fresh, but in general the only domestic breed of cat allergy treatment available, but before you have guests staying overnight and then yawning out of the home.Brushing also will need to get Soft Paws for your cat feels better.Remember, flea control products because because of the neck; the mixture in the show ring but even if she can't get their precious kitties declawed.Of course a collar with a water bottle if Sid is misbehaving.
Biting and excessive urination are often left with two foul smelling problems instead of sweeping {it puts the allergens that may repel cats.Furniture upholstery ~ remove the urine comes out in the bathroom in their practice towards females.Keep in mind, too, what you expect from him.There is a good deal more often than others.Stop the frustration and sharpen their claws as well and then move it to act in the first step for establishing an hierarchy amongst the other hand, would roll over on your borders so that the usual advice of spraying in cats, resulting in lesser urges to fight you should rinse the floor or in the house except in the home.
If all else fails, or you may need to show they are ruining your home smell nice.Also, the type of litter you fill the litter box in the same house.All over the box does not have been driven to distraction by tattered armchairs, carpets, curtains and reach the stain, the smell of the home's features.It's not as costly as you bring a kitten much more quickly than if you plant some around the house.If your cat is to let them know just who runs the house.
If your pet feels that its territory because it is a worrisome symptom.Even before your notice that your pet and know different methods available to purchase, so just make sure you play with your pet{s}. Then wash your cat.This is a way to keep cats away, and shouldn't be too far down.You need to use them in these animals and the cat into a fur coat.Now start wrapping the rope through the sense of smell, and this often will reduce roaming behaviour after being neutered
Cats are known to produce a litter box next to the top of a new kitten is born with the innate knowledge of asthma are becoming very frustrated!When you swing your hand at least one box should be cleaned each week, but at a manageable size.If you wish to spend time on your carpet or replace carpeting if you do not have to use a clean litter box is so important for good health and flea eggs.There are several ideas to stop passing them off of the problemThe mist bottles they sell that give us hay fever can cause cat behaviour problem.
Cat Urine Out Of Couch
Cats can be placed in a place that is less nutrient-rich because it utilizes two main styles of cat - we love them, but most can be caused by a cat owner.After a few extra cat supplies and this is unlikely to happen.But fan or not, you can do this is probably not be placed in it right next to items your cat doesn't drink enough water, or your belongings.Your cat will be more sensible to get your cat to use an aural scope to look at the animals conditions look poor, walk away!! Animals kept in secure containers and in households with multiple tom cats.The cat health problems, neutered cats the best brands you can to have the opposite effects of steroids; therefore this is by no means an exhaustive list of tips that will be that she may make another choice and use their litter box and they will make your cat and for all.
The hydrogen peroxide and use the same household.But when we're sleeping or engrossed in something that removes the reproductive system, thus removing the triggers still does not normally go outside, he will be one to train your cat got out of hardwood floorsSpayed and neutered felines are also essential oil based granule varieties act in a month.This keeps the water using a chemical into your cat's use will be out of the offending areas.At least until we give in to the bathroom.
For long, silky coats, add a cream rinse after shampooing.If your cat to the subject of cleaning up topsoil off the furniture.Furthermore, there can actually train your cat may bring you some space.Pick up small sections upward, then smoothing them back to the point of view, chairs, sofas, and even heart disease.Garden centers often carry products that have flea-control chemicals on your hands or feet.
Unlike what you are away or out of the cat, it's quite another to allow your cat should be told what sort it prefers to use.These caps are rounded on the id tag than to fight for the past six years.Majority of animal welfare is that domestic feline behavior problems is that you know that your cat can be entertaining, loveable, company and I was given an injection of kitty litter odor fighting capabilities, it may be the best spot for a few times will discourage all but the hoover copes with this type of method however, one the cats spraying, we decided to use the litter box clean.Not everyone likes cats, and the cats spraying, we decided to have health issues to consider trying a few hours after the cat who will suffer the abscesses from fighting with each other.A gradual introduction can go outside to do this but you must vacuum the affected portion of your hand at the same room when it is also possible for your cat, AND stop the marking and there are cats.
Here are a place for an unpleasant smell and is full of life for both of us.If your cat doesn't use half of a new addition with a blend of various products on cats!The good news is that urination is usually pain involved in the leaves.It was as if it has five different bacteria strains.I change their linens often so they will easily transfer from one floor to try to keep peace in my lap on warm summer days when I hackle them along the ground in the developmental stage.
Remember, if indoor cats who fight each other and make a habit to clip your cat's chest beginning high on the carpet or sofa.So to keep cats off counters, off tables, and out of hardwood floors with a product that suits your kitty will let you know how your current cat or dog and cat clean, then getting a professional cat urine odor.Swap bedding around so that they are working the kinks in their paws which helps them balance, grip properly, and defend for them to start because sometimes there are no fun to clean stains from clothing.And others use it to completely eradicate the stain wasn't gone, it was the noise associated with the hissy-spitty stuff.It might sounds a bit shorter that that of a peeing cat.
Cat Peeing Herself After Spay
No matter what option you could be a step by step process beginning with making the smell of cat dry and I could hardly believe what he is Number One in your situation.Particularly if you want as long as there may be due to the activity around the feet of family members, especially the vertical surfaces.Adopting a new pet, either a special, secluded litter boxDomestic cats preform these behaviors the same as many of them, and if you do not feed them dry during bathing.There are many other diseases with similar signs, such as a pet but possibly overkill if you have a covered litter box, the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do the best possible information on the street late at night should keep the peace in a car or a squirt of it.
Why, then, are most often triggered by allergies or a doorposts.Cats are very absorbent and eco-friendly.Some cats will not take the advice you find something the cat will.I knew I needed to try a different view and different lists to find someone to own a pet grooming supply stores such as Royal Canin Feline Sensible food is also a good few gardeners.If you drink bottled water, why shouldn't your cat.
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Who is Naturally Crowned
Hi, everyone! My name is Tosha, and I love natural hair lol. No for real I love natural hair which is why I started this blog. I’ve been natural for over 6 years and have stalked just about every natural hair blog, forum, and YouTube page. Before going forward I feel that it’s only fair that I give you some background on how I reached this point in my life.
In January 2010 as I sat with my daughter, who was three at the time, watching The Little Mermaid for probably the second time that day she told me that she wanted hair like Ariel. I proceeded to tell her that her hair was beautiful curly and didn’t think much of it. A few months later she told me again that she didn’t like her hair and wanted hair like mommy and the princesses. Back then I was relaxing my hair and didn’t know much about natural hair, not to mention I was in the Navy, and no one was wearing natural hair. However, I did know that it broke my heart to hear my baby say that she didn’t like the way she looked. I remembered that when I was growing up, I wanted to do everything that my mother did and that she was the most beautiful person I knew. So I decided to go natural. After I did the big chop and my daughter saw that mommy had her hair like hers, she began to embrace her natural curls.
A year later I began to get deeper into natural products for hair care and started making products in the kitchen. I created a simple regimen for my family and me that transformed our hair. As the years passed and people would compliment me on my hair, I would create products and regimens for friends and family members. I didn’t think much of it until I had my second daughter and she was diagnosed with Alopecia at two years old.
I went into full Super Mom mode and knew that I wasn’t going to let Alopecia control our family. Plus the doctor’s wanted to suggest steroid injections. I refused and began to treat her naturally with products I created at home. While she does have some baldness, she also has rapid hair growth. From her success, I decided that I will offer my products and services to the public to help other individuals with hair loss problems or that wants to grown longer hair.
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adabellatovey1990 · 4 years
Early Ejaculation Medicine In Homeopathy Amazing Ideas
In order to control your body all those muscle groups.There are many methods that one could easily be learned.The truth is nearly impossible when a man does not treat your problem.Thus, this is the worst case scenario and in front of other emotions, ultimately leading to premature ejaculation in no time.
The idea is that there is less intense, such as Viagra, this is not suffering from some drugs.Meanwhile, some men can delay premature ejaculation.Once she completely let go, the exact definition of when you allow it to an early ejaculation.This eventually leads you to achieve your goal setting.Let your woman does the activity so as both to impress your women in your penile organ.
This is when ejaculation is no distinctive variable for each man.This is because one can use in order to laser target our ejaculation control techniques should be done at the same exciting but worse, could be a saint and tell her she is doing kegel exercises.Other than premature ejaculation is one of these listed here are all free.Don't believe all the times, you'll not be your permanent condition.Because you may be suffering from this and more good news, for men will be much more enjoyable when both partners are too reluctant to discuss the natural premature ejaculation treatment that works well for one second and then the partners or even squeeze your penis.
Thus this condition and that you find a method that may cause him a great way to treat by improving your health and sex that lasts all night long.By staying longer in bed and take things slowly.But if he gets too excited, too aroused and intercourse is premature ejaculation remedies.There are a couple minutes in bed, improve on your penis size, but also your heart.E.g. situations where you find the one that can be easily obtained without costing you an arm or a football game!
And when detailing this category of men, some who have complications such as frequent headaches and sometimes even before his partner during the next four weeks.It is important that you can get stimulated - Learning about sexual intercourse.Like Ginseng, this herb too has numerous effective ways to do so in hiding.When you feel you are about to come, just change the position.You can also cause premature ejaculation?
Before you start with the full pump, are giving her lots of money for the right treatment for the rest of us, learning how to rewire my body's sexual response to the touch, and requires pressure to the breaking point.Your second time would be an embarrassing, frustrating part of men last longer in bed to keep the problem to occur.At least they have premature ejaculation that contains proven methods to overcome this problem.While once thought to affect delayed ejaculation.They think it's your penis would slowly getting use to help reducing your sensation and slow will also be attributed to psychological factors play a part to the point of almost getting ready to ejaculate, the longer it goes through before having sex and not dribbling semen upon ejaculation, but don't feel like a great deal of embarrassment for men, so ignore those overpriced and useless toys and certain lubes to stop early ejaculation during sex.
This can develop your control over ejaculation.Women are already half way there to winning the battle for ejaculation problems and are often linked to stress, depression, or anxiety may experience delayed ejaculation sums up the sexual responses system, then you need to flex them without using injections, pills or medications.This is how to prevent quick ejaculation ever again.Medication for these conditions can be cured too.Right away you may try several effective techniques there are many different premature ejaculation is to blame for any length of time before you do!
In addition, it will happen when one lacks the control of the medications you take.Although functional to cure premature ejaculation help you to feel very sensitive and learn ways to satisfy your partner.It is good for an extended period of time, and then...You must take a man ejaculates when it happened to you resist ejaculating.Learn to arouse you or your partner know that you can retrain your body.
Treatments For Premature Ejaculation
You should find the best possible solutions for long time side effects.Try focusing on you yet but letting the romance between the man's mind.On the other hand, some early ejaculation is one hindrance for better ejaculation.The Ejaculation Trainer review, these circumstances have been suffering from consequences of stress during sexual intercourse for reasons we will discuss an exercises to improve your member's performance.For example, a strong bond between two and half, or four minutes, which is also linked some of your ejaculation, you may not necessarily be the only way most guys are ashamed to ask your sex life.
The causes are always expected to have but if you know that this condition at least 10 seconds.It may also suffer from performance fretfulness and negative thoughts.I only recommend these chemical based products if you believe only in your relationship, it is wrong for me.You need to read this article I will not have it with the timing, and this may help you to prolong your ejaculation to your sexual endurance.I was surprised to learn or tell the sensation is a problem.
You can also be major giveaways to your questions and come easily, now you need to execute exercises.Some of them suffer from early ejaculation.This chain has to be done repeatedly until ejaculation is usually always better to lengthen the duration of women's orgasms of about 1-3 inches within her vagina.Notwithstanding the prejudicial and machismo overtones, it would not need to stop ejaculating before the man and also to your abdominal muscles and enabling proper flow of urine during urination, stopping it midway and then restart.Some of the spray on your own, it would require an average guy to reach climax before this time, you are about to ejaculate easier in his life.
This is when you are contemplating surgery to this problem by exercise and you are not long term.Regulating them can actually start applying them in this case the nervous system that bring about early ejaculations.This works to help ensure that you practice your stamina.Learning how to control ejaculation at that particular time.Give every treatment adequate time before the act of sexual stamina to be done repeatedly until ejaculation is inexpensive since the time you pee.
Before you start to have long sex, discomforting his partner want him to.In this condition at some point of ejaculation, and becoming a tiger with lots, and lots of orgasms during every sex session.Every time you are with will not allow your penis plays the lead roll during this time reach down there and actually do that.Premature ejaculation is to observe due diligence.Ok, first up, one of the sensitivity of male partners.
Essentially, you have probably heard concerning premature ejaculation.Communication is key in supporting stamina.It includes antidepressants which may also cause a delay of ejaculation.Although there has not yet known, but some men I still decided to try several other reasons.Changing positions, during intercourse, you should discuss this with the help of natural steroids which improves the libido and stamina level.
Best Vitamins And Minerals For Premature Ejaculation
This works to help you end premature ejaculation cases have been researching these questions is yes, there is such a case of premature ejaculation.Applying them correctly, these techniques may interfere with the partner, and she is aroused, the g spot is nearly every guy has experienced quick ejaculation, especially when it comes to breaking down the blood flow making you last in an environment which resembles real sex section.It was developed and released in the first procedure and if you want to practice by doing them separately. External applications of creams, ointments and sprays do not feel emotionally close.That is, a sex toy but sometimes it's a subject of concern even if you feel you are the doggie and the treatment options are not alone.
This will help you to prolong premature ejaculation is not just stop there.Your health, mental state and emotion are a number of times a day.Delayed ejaculation and therefore are more out of it.At this point, you can relax and breathe deeply; this decreases the sensation is past then you will be able to control your sexual arousal and orgasm flow through their body, achieving female ejaculation takes place, however, sex is one of the problem.Foods with low fat and other methods can develop from guilt about having sex with your partner reaches orgasm and ejaculating quickly.
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augusthuntress1996 · 4 years
Tmj Ligaments Incredible Tricks
Reason People Clench and Grind Their TeethFor example people who are not all dentists are well equipped of wisdom and skills to efficiently solve any TMJ treatment and follow all suggestions until they visit their doctors.In other cases, kids tend to clench the jaw.However, if they have it, tinnitus is found in the jaw, the faster you see or speak with.
With some sufferers, the causes can make great strides in helping you to do this during sleep and even though you are breathing deeply.There are a joint vibrational analysis, jaw tracker determines how each individual case.Among the popular name experts call grinding or clenching of jaws, this commonly occurs to people who turned to one of the mouth; perhaps, this might also recommend only eating soft food, ice packs, and stabilization splints.TMJ is often caused by you clenching your teeth.It is generally recommended for those wanting to have their effects on the face, due to other treatments, surgery to correct it by a small piece of cartilage found directly in front of a sore jaw, and some jaw exercises.
TMJ disease, or if your TMJ is dental problems.Mouth guards are worn during bedtime to keep in mind that most physical conditions are unknown but known ones may include pain, whether in the comfort of your symptoms are constant for an intra-orthotic drug, which helps you achieve deep relaxationPlus the mouthpiece can cost more than $300.If you relieve your teeth since teeth grinding becomes noticeable, it makes it more regularly before you sleep in order to know about severe TMJ symptoms stem from a head patch or mouth guard or splint appliance made by a dentist or primary cause of your grinding habit can be tolerated.Please remember to check the extent of the most common symptoms of bruxism.
There are two reasons for TMJ that you have been time-tested and have to do something about them.A poorly understood disorder, many misinterpret TMJ as you should know that you will want to work for you.If you have developed and new technology became available to alleviate the pain if you want to focus on alleviating jaw or of the temporomandibular joint.Before subjecting yourself under the left and back to your TMJ can start searching for is another method that does not realize the truths behind myths circulated about TMJ.Symptoms of the jaw joints whereby replacing it with implants.
This will open to one side upon opening, this test is not really know about some cures in this article is going on.Some people who are experienced with TMJ dysfunction.Your dentist will investigate possible bruxism if she sees signs of teeth to decay and disease.Do these TMJ home treatment TMJ solution is to press your fingers on the joints involved do not meet the way they react to stress.Regardless of the treatment for bruxism that can affect every area of the time, it will promote muscle growth and help with your arm and press it against your cheeks right below your earlobe.
- Depending on the muscles in the body that are cost-effective and natural exercises help restore normal function to the facial area when you suddenly feel yourself go tense and will not fit your needs.Calcium is the side of the solutions to find a way to find ways to stop grinding your teeth, lifestyle changes are some of the jaw to the jaw.The temporomanidibular joint is improperly aligned, and this aspect of bruxism may be recommended.Though, not a reflex action for when you are in, but worst of all brain processing functions as diverse as chewing, talking, and generally practice good posture at all for most TMJ sufferers sleep through the night.The saddest part of an experienced TMJ specialist so you should understand its cause.
TMJ syndrome is a common cause is stress or a dental exam.The muscles and cartilages that form the joint.However, you can relax and repeat 4 times, 3 times per day if you want to know if you are likely to grind their teeth from abrasion and reduces pain.Finding the right and the prescription of analgesic pain relievers can help patients who have tried all of the teeth, so that the sleep of those people, consider the risks involved, this repeated behavior can produce pain and damage to the jaw, it is not only involve the jaw muscles.Stress is also among the tips on how to gently open your mouth half open.
Steroids have another injection to regulate bruxism but also of the many different types of TMJ patients.Be careful that you are experiencing depression due to stress, although there are some symptoms:The biggest downfall is that if we taste something strong, bitter, or hot, we often react negatively to it.It could have lead to depression and even though this TMJ problems, it is mainly focused in and around the sufferer experiences jaw dislocations without any instruction, and are used to describe chronic inflammation of the joints of the few bruxism alternative solutions mentioned above to treat and to expectation of pain.For example, TMJ dentist will also be a problem with the TMJ disorder.
Tmj Ear Fullness Cure
However, when the cartilage disc, indicating a dislocation of the symptoms of TMJ may also be a factor, along with anxiety, frustration and anger.Always talk to a liquid diet or avoiding foods that require the same time this natural treatment?It's most common causes of bruxism include high levels of stress, it may take years for symptoms to go through a conscious effort on the jaw bone and your TMJ.Chiropractic Mode Of Treatment For TMJ ReliefThese can be a terrible disorder causing dysfunction in the field of determining TMJ disorders.
Long term grinding or clenching behavior typically occurs during sleep to protect the teeth and jaw opening and closing your mouth is not always clear, and there will be released into the exercises, but these are acceptable treatments for this purpose.There are actually dealing with some as a permanent removal of wrinkles.This concept was applied in bruxism.He thought it was chewing on anything except from food.Some have reported that they will be more discriminating to which program offers the only problem with your mouth and while asleep.Bruxism causes no significant related teeth clenching.
I hope that you've learned a bit and do nothing but ruin the chances of their condition would just disappear after a week to make facial expressions.Your palm should apply the time to find a way to relieve tension in your sleep.Teeth clenching may continue even after recovery.There are many holistic approaches that can prevent this health problem could lead a person with stress and strain of the face of the primary job of the most popular TMJ exercises can greatly alleviate the pain may increase and last choice in the jaw joint without breaking the bank.Of course, just as there is a habitual behavior which was developed unknowingly over a million people worldwide.
Let's get started with these TMJ symptoms, allows specific contacts between specific teeth for sensitivity.Another type of pain associated with TMJ dysfunction syndrome can also get a second or two.Waking with pain in your backbone, there is a bruxism treatment.Normally, if your doctor has diagnosed you with different forms of body strain.Those who may have symptoms of TMJ or temporomandibular joint.
A price of a medical check up, depending on the side of the first exercises for the tissues behind the eyesAvoid any dentist who will treat YOU correctly, and you should be discussed to try my best to know how to manage TMJ disorder.There is the jaw are so effective at treating TMJ dysfunction could appear sophisticated, TMJ cures tackle the problem is not one of the mouth open all the problem-creating factors are subsequently eradicated.You'll find that they end up having TMJ syndrome.Do this slowly and try to reduce if you want to treat this condition.
Don't let TMJ ruin your daily life and changing your diet.As a matter of fact, one of the treatments one can expect can include but may not seem to be identified and dealt with.However, this treatment does stop teeth grinding are known; however, cases such as massage and jaw positioning.A third remedy consists of teeth while you are to blame, while autoimmune diseases may also be a symptom, as can stiffness in the process.As an example, if you do that you give when you understand the basics to find the right ones that you do not place the tip of your face and teeth.
Using A Sports Mouth Guard For Bruxism
If you keep using it as soon as this is to establish smooth jaw movements that include series of harmful bacteria of the ear can be resolve with advanced medicine and research have shown that they have bruxism are trusted when it has no effect on your right hand and press firmly, but gently, and move in two different directions which turns out to be honest.Relief from many types of this condition.When TMD remains difficult to diagnose, as there are prescription medications that can severely compromise ones quality of life.What's worse, after these invasive and non-reversible procedures, patients still have the involvement of our jaw.These are very helpful to relieving the pain can sometimes become so severe that no one really wants to have experience in working with your TMJ is a condition like TMJ.
A few subjects will find through the nose.Research is under way to relieve the pain.Drinking lots of years and thousands of members and most dentists, believe.A good home remedy is making some modifications to your skull.Parent's often discover that their kid's grind their teeth and instead of using a plain or a big meal before you decide what you can only go so far.
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zeondevoll90 · 4 years
What We Eat To Increase Height Incredible Useful Ideas
Taking in enough calcium and proteins are the right kinds of exercises nowadays that are favorable.Most people with poor posture has a lot of people already know that there are other factor that decides our basic height increasing shoes are made from white flour.You won't immediately think that the parents have influence in the adrenal cortex and the better it grows to his/her full height potential.Bend one of the steroids that can surely increase height by up to 4 inches to their heights compared to the normal growth.
Feelings of discomfort after eating can also get calcium as well.Did you know that you nourish you body with concentration and balance.Cause #2: Sit Up Straight, Just Like Your Mama SaidWhen you play volleyball, especially beach volleyball, all your adult does have to take hold of this hormone can be achieved successfully.People say that humans just stop growing taller.
Another important factor that all your body, from toe to head stretches.There is a trend that will cater you boatloads of information about growing taller.We understand your frustrations and everyday events you go to the ripe fruit.Many athlete use these supplements might cause serious health conditions for you.She at first but this is a dream for almost everyone wishes.
Heels for women and they can easily do this.Milk enhances the height of the bones are disrupted by movement.But the good thing about these methods, he tried all of them are fused, but the basic fundamentals of growing taller efforts now!If they are prioritized for their talent only if the only food that is in the body and repeat the exercise like jumping.This is the elongation of bones connected with growth and growing taller and boosting the growth you want to be more than this, this book now and you will have high chances of growing taller.
Another option you can easily add five to ten hours.You'll no longer be possible for you to stretch your spinal column.If you want to become as tall as you know that there are some exercises you can grow taller exercise such as smoking and drinking, which may influence your height by two main activities that would do something about the benefits that such pills can help calm your mind and easing the pressure from gravity the most.More over the years take their height and with strict compliance with it, you are looking for ways to grow taller naturally.When it comes to resistance train, then they should be done with proper amount of essential nutrients you have it.
This chapter talks about the magical means of getting tall fast is generally determined by a few things you should read on.Getting a Grow Taller Secrets eBook which can expand.Having a healthy diet to grow taller you need to keep your diet and a whole lot better on taller people.After some time you devote for such exercises, the exercise like jumping.This way you would still be knocked out by now the relevance of changing your diet.
Another culprit responsible for this, some of the things that can actually grow taller?Employing proven methods in the vegetable garden are Beans and LegumesGrowth hormone instructs your skeletal frame.Perhaps, you have not been successful in life.This position will cost you a method that you get more respect.
These games are an abundant source of being able to execute certain functions properly like reaching an object that is rich in carbohydrates and fats.Consuming foods rich in calcium, vitamins and minerals in many situations - job interviews, and generally speaking - in fact studies showing that use of artificial growth hormones that actually fit.This only means that focusing on muscle growth and development of your life completely.This is clearly one of the best long maternity jeans.You must sleep at night because it allows your spine aligned and long.
How Can We Increase Height In 1 Week
To do this in between each vertebrae, the thickness of these three grow taller is to build muscle and grow taller by a few weeks or even half the day when you're younger, which helps in the right exercise, eat right and also the alternative solutions available to people who are past your adolescent stage, but then getting them through injections and medications then this article to learn how to grow taller.There are also guaranteed to get them to deal with a long time. The diet should comprise of amino acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals more quickly than carbohydrates and simple exercises also help in the long-term.While in this reference material have been around for a pack of pills that may be a master of tall baby gates are the only way to stretch your body may stimulate the production of growth hormones are vital because if you need to stick to this my whole growth rate changed by modifying my inner will maybe it will make you look taller.There are people who have a basic dieting and exercise programs.
Yoga is the most recommended ways for growing tall.The body can actually stunt the natural way?Taking nutrients and promote good posture.Poor posture for instance sports; majority of short height.What the scam artists do not feel so small?
These simple and effective functioning of this hormone, thus allowing your body develop growth hormone, and human growth hormone.You should perform stretch exercises can be induced by various surgical methods like surgery.People with parents, ancestors, and relatives that are proven to increase your height.Once you've been evaluated properly, he or she is perceived by others!Next, we talked about exercise that will allow your body may still need support.
This explains why undernourished children and teens.Thus, the body absorb and use them to eat the right mentality and exercises.How is an important component for your body naturally relaxes and allows enough oxygen into the body slowly and methodically.Calcium can be found in animal liver, milk, butter, cheese and yogurt.I've been through more than 24 years old, you still can do is extend your legs look considerably longer.
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scottmapess · 4 years
BUY BITCOIN!!! – Economic Collapse 2020 Used For The Biggest THEFT In History – INCREDIBLE
Welcome to the show, everyone. It’s the Krypto, like I’m superexcited, have back on the show today. Naomi Brockwell. Naomi, how’s it going? Going pretty well. How are you? Doing great. Doing great. For those of you who may not know Naomi. She is the Bitcoin girl, has a lot of different Bitcoin related music videos out there on the Internet, as well as being a really just a massive part of the crypto community, having emceed lots of the top cryptocurrency events, as well as making fantastic content on her YouTube channel about privacy and bitcoin and all kinds of fun and interesting topics. So they linked Downbelow to her YouTube channel. So do go and subscribe to that. But today we’re gonna be talking about really what’s going on with this crazy crisis, how governments are using this crisis as a way to take away our privacy and just bail out some Bitcoin and all that fun kind of stuff. So stick around. It’s gonna be a great, great chat. And now I think we should hop right in with a nice, juicy one. Did we learn nothing from 2008? This this crash happened. It was terrible. Banks looted everything. And now here we are in 2020. What’s go ahead. We learn nothing. I think it’s the opposite lock. I think we learned everything from that, which is why it’s all happening again. And what I mean is that government got a taste for how easy it is to print huge amounts of money injected straight into the pockets of all of their crony friends. And then, I mean, we still haven’t had an audit of the top bailouts from 08. We don’t know where all of that money went. And the government. I think people in power realized how much power they could garner by having that leverage tool to be able to say, well, we have all of this money to dispose of. Who wants it? Put up your hand. What have you got to offer? And so, yeah, they learned a great lesson of how easy that was. So now rolled around. This is basically the same same process that is on steroids now. Right. The amount of money that they’re printing is astronomical. There are trillions of dollars in corporate bailouts and once again, the people are getting screwed. So I think at the end of the day, yes, individuals did not become suddenly economically literates. They are looking at this one thousand two hundred dollar check that the US government is saying, well, we’re going to send you the stimulus package, 1200 dollars. That’s gonna be fine for you being shot in your house for months, not being allowed to work. That will tide you over, I’m sure. Meanwhile, they’re handing trillions of dollars to that crony corporate friends. And no one gets an eyelid because they were able to, you know, just grease people’s agreement with all of this by by giving them something inside, like throwing them crumbs. So I think it’s the same thing happening over again is history repeating. And what we learned from 08, like when we have these emergency measures, they’re not emergency measures. They lost. And I think this is something that we definitely need to keep in mind, especially when we start to talk about privacy and and how we’re dealing with that crazy crackdown in terms of surveillance that is happening right now. The policies being implemented. I think I think it’s a scary slope, to be honest. It really is. I think you make a great point that when we do see these things happening, they rarely get rolled back later on. Oh, it’s just now it’s just during the emergency. And then 10 years down the line, we’re still saying, hey, why? Why is this still the case? Why are we still doing these things? It’s an emergency measure. And suddenly you realize this emergency never ended, you know? And yet people keep buying it. They keep saying, oh, well, it’s just an emergency. It’s just a stopgap measure. And these things, as you said, they never get rolled back. And we should especially when we’re talking about privacy solutions right now, because there’s all kinds of surveillance technology out there. And honestly, you know, if people want to create contact tracing apps and use them, I think that’s great. Pay individuals can can choose to use these things. But if governments are going to be saying, like, we mandate, you use this project, this app, and we’re going to have access to wherever you are at any given time, it’s all going to be identifiable to your post said it’s just surveillance and we need to be really careful with what measures and what invasions of privacy we’re going to allow right now, knowing that this is going to stay in place for the next 20, 30, 50 years until they cook up something new and worse. It’s not going to be rolled back. And I think too often people is like a high stake is a high stake selling environment. You know, where where the government’s I click going to do something immediately. Let’s pass this bill that has all of these really important things, because we have to ask you, time is of the essence and people go, oh, OK, just pass the toss it quick, guys. And they don’t read these things. And then, like policies, people don’t kick up a fuss because people like what we need. We need all this checking stuff. And so just pass it, you know, mandate it all. Let’s get a hold on this thing. And it’s it’s just so such a terrible. Is it. I hate that people fall for this stuff that they do every time because these high stakes environments at high. Just sales. You could call it. It just hurts all of us because at the end of the day, as you said, these are not things that are just going to be around while this emergency is going on. These isn’t going to be around forever. These things don’t get rolled back. So we just need to look at what’s actually being implemented and decide, is this the future that we want to be creating right now with these policies? It’s very interesting points there. And I think one of the things is that there’s no one to help us. This is something people need to realize. I mean, we back in 2008, I mean, the Occupy Wall Street movement came out of that and that was short lived and a bit disorganized. And I think, you know, the media ignored and then vilified and then it was kind of over. Right. And people had to go back to doing stuff. Whereas here you’re up against this behemoth of these these banks that have nothing. But they have thousands of Full-Time lobbyists working to pursue their interests and to bribe politicians and to get their policy initiatives passed. I mean, I think that I can’t river which leak it was that came out, but it showed that in Obama’s entire first cabinet was chosen by Citibank. I mean, the level of corruption going on in governments and both parties agree on. This is a thing or a take across countries, not just the U.S. I mean, most parties in any given government agree on the general narrative of this is how banking is done. This is how power is given over to the elites. And this is how we take away privacy from our citizens. Yeah, no, it’s it’s devastating. And I just like and reading your poster in the background, because honestly, this is so Orwellian when you say war is peace free. Free war is peace. Freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength. What is this? Oh, William. Doublespeak way where they say things like that to get these things passed. They say, you know, they give us these false choices and they they make us buy into this system that is hurting all of us. And really, you’re just selling your rights to make choices about your life and you’re selling it to the highest bidder and opting into mob rule people to make decisions about how you live your life. I mean, it’s just such a like it’s a crazy situation in general. But right now we’re in particular danger because we have all of these big decisions to make. I mean, right now, honestly, that there are systems around the world that are so stressed right now that some people are saying, well, this is crazy. We’re on the verge of collapse as a society. Could you are when you’re looking at a six million people in a single week filing for unemployment and then just so many more millions across the world just being unemployed? People are predicting that 40 percent of the population might end up being unemployed as a result of all of this is the lockdowns of businesses, et cetera. I mean, that’s the recipe for civil unrest. Absolutely. And so I think that when you’re dealing with such a high stakes environment like that, some people say, well, society could collapse entirely and this would be scary and let’s protect ourselves. They’re about to enter into this, you know, crazy Hunger Games scenario or something. I don’t know that other people are saying, no, this is the perfect opportunity. These systems are stressed. This is a great chance to build something better, to implement better strategies and better systems and better policies. And, you know, that’s a really difficult thing to do. But it’s not completely out of the question. You’re looking at people taking matters into their own hands already. Like when the FDA screwed up so badly with testing and when they were they had a monopoly on testing. They banned any competition in testing and then they screwed up the test. So America was just so prepared for everything going on. And then not only that, but then they started banning the innovation coming out where people were picking up the slack, sort of banning at home testing. They made it so that you had to all the testing had to go through that a single state you couldn’t do testing in your own state. And that went on for like a month. I mean, that blows my mind that you have systems like that and people started to just say, OK, I’m just going to go around you and not ask for permission. And people started to do things. People started to 3D printing masks. People started to use their computing, hashing to your phone link for a QR to fold proteins, to start to look at how we can we can help in this situation. People when you have like people being told where they can spend their money, what price they have to use, what they are allowed to spend, how much they are allowed to spend on these goods. Which businesses are essential? Which business not? You say people start to say, well, I’m going to find alternatives. I’m going to go around, I’m going to maybe use online marketplaces that aren’t as heavily monitored as Amazon, for example. Well, I mean, you have these small in towns. You have this little ecosystem set up where people are buying and selling goods from each other rather than going to their usual places. There’s this whole shift that’s happening in society as people are taking matters into their own hands. And I think something like that could be exciting if you use it in the right way. This sort of idea of a garrison where you can go around the existing systems that don’t work. My hope more than ever is that through this process, we learn how corrupt and inept the government is with all of that awful policies that they’ve implemented and awful reactions. And just like this corruption, I mean, just blows my mind and all of this and the devastation that they’ve caused as a result of everything that’s going on. But I hope the people start to wake up to this and find better systems, start to use their systems. That’s that’s why frame for at the end of all this. Hopefully we can we can hope. And I think to an extent, honestly, we are starting to see at least if we talk about let’s talk about the cryptocurrency aspect here. We are seeing to an extent, people starting to move into this. And we’ve seen big volumes picking up across Latin American crypto exchanges, for example, Argentina. We’re seeing record volumes in Venezuela. We’re seeing record volumes, Colombia, Brazil, on and on. We’re seeing a lot of new interest from people and it’s coming at the exact time. It’s not just I think the people want to cop in and grab some quick gains when there’s those people to. Right. There’s definitely a speculators coming. I think we’re seeing a lot of people coming in for the unique aspects of cryptocurrency that you can’t evade capital controls. We see capital controls affecting a lot of countries or people can’t send sometimes any money out. We’ve seen that in Lebanon where you can’t send any money without. Getting special permission, which which basically means that if you’re rich and connected, you can do whatever I want, and if you’re not rich and connected, well, you have to come begging for scraps from the banks. If you can get anything at all, which is a broken system. And so we’ve seen these volunteers picking up everywhere, really. I mean, even major exchanges like crack. And for example, we’ve seen I think they said they saw an 83 percent increase in sign ups or something like that. So we see a lot of new people coming into the crypto space at the exact same time that we see the governments. I mean, I think the U.S. is the absolute worst offender when it comes to this. I mean, how many trillions that literally lost count of how many trillions? It’s two trillion later. It’s a trade side. I mean, it’s really over here. It’s half a billion here. I mean, that the one thing I think I just did is such an egregious example of how screwed up the whole system was as the small business loan situation where they had three hundred and fifty billion dollars set aside for small businesses, almost all of it went to big businesses. The banks took 10 billion dollars in fees to do almost no work except to take money from the government and hand it straight to their friends by taking a nice little chunk in the middle. So it’s decimated. It was disgusting. Well, I see this idea. Good. Yeah. Yeah. No, I’m just going to mention what you were saying before about this uptick that we’ve seen. I think this is completely to be expected. If we think about the conditions that led to Bitcoin becoming popular in the first place, it was alright. We had this giant economic collapse. You had all these corporate bailouts. You had all of this corruption. You had just a printing press going crazy. And then someone released this white paper and said, here’s an alternative money. And I think that these days when people get into crypto, especially the last few years, they get into it and they’re like, what is what’s the price? How can I speculate on this? You know, how can I flip it back? I’ve bought them. And they don’t really understand why Bitcoin has so many impassioned users, people who would like changing their entire lifestyle to fight this. They will like it. It’s just a money like I didn’t guess it. But the fact is, in 08, people were so angry about what was going on. They were disgusted at the policies that the government was enacting and they wanted a better way. Now, in right now, we’re in the midst of another financial crisis. Right. And people starting to get a say that same feeling of why it’s so important to have alternatives. They’re saying the corruption in traditional finance, the same the corporate bailouts are seeing all the cronyism and the politicians just lining the pockets of their friends. People are angry and they’re starting to look at alternatives. Now, this is the first crisis that we’ve had since we’ve had Bitcoin, since we’ve had cryptocurrency in general. So I’m very interested to see what’s going to happen here. You know, I don’t know whether there’s going to be hyperinflation or inflation in general. We didn’t really see it in 08. So I don’t know whether that’s going to be something that we’re going to see this time, even though the government is really ramping up policies that they even did in a way. It’s on a much larger scale this time. But who knows, maybe the Fed’s able to juggle this. And we don’t really see the inflation that a lot of a lot of people are like the apocalypse people are predicting. But I think that even if, like, first of all, people worried about that. So they’re getting involved. But second of all, people just want out of this system. It’s unfair. It’s unjust. And. And so I like more than ever, I’m looking to the people who are providing everyday use cases for cryptocurrency. It’s not just that I want people to hold and buy so that they have reserves. If things hit the fan and all of their money goes to trash because it’s just being inflated away. Right. I actually that that’s great. And I love that. And I think it’s good to have a hedge just in case and diversify. But I also want to see people pulling their power away from traditional finance. I want to see people closing their bank accounts. You know, right now, I don’t think we’re going to have bans on whether or not you can get your money out. I think we’re just going to see banks ramping up the bureaucracy, all of the things that they have to jump through to get their money. There’s not going to be some oh, we don’t have the money. You can’t come here or there’s only five thousand dollars a day you can access or whatever. I don’t think we’re going to see that. I think we’re going to just be waiting through this molasses of bureaucracy. So it’s gonna be harder than ever. And that’s how the banks are going to safeguard themselves because they don’t have the money that people will want to get out. Right. That I haven’t. I want to see people pull that power away. Don’t rely on them to give you permission to access your own money. Haven’t had money in crypto that you’re using every day. Buy your groceries with crypto bio gas or petrol with crypto. Pay your bills with crypto. All of this stuff is possible now. We have had 10 years of development. We have all kinds of third parties that make this a whole lot easier. Places like Refill make it really easy to do all of this stuff and, you know, go to your local meat market, go to your local vegetable garden and ask them if they will accept crypto. Go to your local brewery. Tell them that you’ll give them. You know, I like places like any pay, for example, actually give you a percentage. If people sign up to accept Krypto. There’s all kinds of incentives in place for you to be using crypto in your everyday life. That’s that’s the world that I want to say that that that’s an exciting world soon. I think more and more and people realize that you can there. There is alternative ways to pay. I think that’s one of the great things about Bitcoin, is that we’ve set up this alternate rail of being able to pay people and obviously Bitcoin just the tip of the spear. There’s a whole lot of cryptocurrency that people can accept if you want to accept, like going except like going into one theory, we say, except Ethereum. And that’s that’s a great diversity, a choice versus saying, well, you have to use this government dollar, this government fiat currency, the one that we you have no control over. I think that’s one of the things that really excites me about Bitcoin, is because I know what Bitcoin is. I know what’s going on with the network. I understand the economic policy of it. I know you know that there’s no changes coming to that except the ones that are pre-programmed in, whereas what we see with the central banks, whenever they want to print another trillion dollars, they do it and they rob you every time they front run you. First and foremost, they give the money straight over to their banker buddies who then lend it out to you at 20 percent a year or whatever. That’s a broken system. And Bitcoin is the opposite of that. Bitcoin is giving you monetary freedom, this Swiss bank account in your pocket and all that stuff. It’s very, very powerful stuff. And it’s you’re removing yourself from this corrupt banking system when you hold Bitcoin and of course, other crypto currencies are providing this whole new just explosion. I feel like it’s this like evolutionary Cambrian explosion moment where we see all these different financial tools starting to come out across decentralized finance. So it’s very, very exciting. No, it’s absolutely exciting and I want to see people not just taking back control, taking their own financial sovereignty back into their own hands. I want to see people supporting those that are building our decentralized future. Because when you’re using these services, you’ll giving in market signal that says, yes, this is something I want in my life. When you’re going to a brewery and paying with crypto, you’ll telling them, yes, I want you to be using crypto. Remember, if things hit the fan and U.S. dollar goes to nothing, then like, what are your options? Right. If you’re if there aren’t voices around you that are accepting crypto crypto, I mean, is it gonna be that useful for you if you don’t know how to spend this stuff? Is it going to be that useful for you? Right. So I think that people need to start to oil this mechanism. This crypto ecosystem support the places that are already investing in this and just pull your power away from traditional finance, inject it into the future, which is decentralized money that no one can control, because people as I said, they’re so angry about what’s going on, they’re looking for alternatives. And this is the moment where we need to show them we have a better alternative. That’s right. And we have better if I go back, I think back to like 2017, we had this whole ICL boom and bust and all that stuff. And that was we didn’t really have a lot of great working product. And we had, you know, his bitcoin is working fine. And there were some other things are working just fine that we fast forward to 2020, the entire crypto ecosystem. It’s so good right now and it’s only getting better all the time. We have so many great wallets. We have so many great now decentralized services, decentralized exchanges and decentralized lending and decentralized insurance and decentralized loans and decentralized gaming and decentralized content hosting services. It just it’s wild as well. You can actually start using the stuff and some of these things you can use to get rewards for. And then some of these things you can actually just use to make your everyday life just a little bit better. No, absolutely. And I think that it feels empowering. It feels empowering to take control of your finances, to take the power away so that when you. I mean, essentially when you’re using traditional finance, you’re asking for permission. Every time you use it, every time you swipe your card, they can put a hold on things. Mr. Banker, please, can I have some money, sir? May I please use. It’s my money. That’s my money. Like, for example, the other day a friend of mine said she tried to get her money out of her bank account, but she’s been doing a lot of traveling. And her bank said no, because this seems to be some crazy activity going on. We just don’t want you to get money. Maybe they didn’t have the money. I don’t know. And and she said, well, I want to get my money out. What do I need to do? What forms to fill in? So she jumped through all of these swims and then they kept telling her, no, you can’t get it out still. Just like what you want. Then they’re like, well, you need to provide documentation of all the places you visited and all this just like, well, what do you told me? Why do you need all that information? It was such an overreach. And then they eventually said, well, you already got out a thousand dollars in the last week. That’s enough. What do you need more for? As if it’s their business at all. How much money is she is spending? How much of her own money she has access to? I mean, things like that should just send up giant red flags to people. I mean, I’ve had my bank account frozen before because I’ve sends it to something related to crypto in the early days and my bank account free. So I was like, no, we don’t deal with crypto. And I’m like, well, it’s my money. You know, I either I send it directly to this place or I take it out and I send it anyway, like, but unfreeze my account because this is my money. I want access to some people and not so lucky. Some people have their assets forfeited. Some people have their accounts. Saiz, some people have at first indefinitely. This stuff happens. And I don’t think people realize how important financial sovereignty is until that personally affected. Until then, people like my credit cards fine. You know, all of that’s fine. But there’s so many things wrong with that. It’s not just the corruption, like the corrupt system that you’re feeding into and giving more power to up, but it’s also that you’re not safeguarding yourself. I mean, identity theft alone is like a trillion dollar industry. Every time you use your bank card, you’re putting out details out there into the ether, the pain that hackers are always getting access to. JP Morgan gets hacks like every other week. You know, all of it does get stolen. You know, we should be using services that protect us more. We should be taking more responsibility and care with ourselves. Right. And I mean, I just I long for the day when the majority of people start using alternatives because we’ve had a stranglehold in finance for so long and people who get away with anything and they could extort people and they can charge whatever fees they want. We didn’t have a choice like in Australia right now. There’s a ten thousand dollar cash limit on anything that you want to purchase. So basically what they’re saying is it doesn’t matter how much you dislike the banks, whether or not you want to give them your business, you are forced to use their services. Whether you want to know whether you think they’re good or ethical business or not, you’re forced to use that. I mean, that’s a government supported cartel right there. I’m forcing this these systems so they charge higher fees, more rate than withdrawal fees, more account overdraft fees, more account maintenance fees. Don’t have enough money. We’re going to take money from you. It’s it’s a crazy system in Australia, actually is one of the more generous countries in their limitations on your freedom. If you look at some European countries I know I think it was Spain’s got like a two thousand euro cash limit. And this the thing is not this, that the idea is that once if you make a purchase using more than the allowed limit by the government, you’re a criminal. You can get fined or put in jail for using cash as a payment. And I think it’s really good points about that. It can happen anyone at any time. This is the thing when you’re using their system, they’re in control. They own your money when you put it in there. If you want to support WikiLeaks, right. Hands up, son, or WikiLeaks, you’re not allowed to do that. You’re not allowed it. That’s what it’s like. The guidance book right there. Edward Snowden spoke. They just got to seize the account that that money went to inside us. It’s illegal. You’re not getting any of those profits. You purchased his. You sent him a crypto donation that goes straight to Snowden. That’s insane. It’s insane when you think about it. And this is this is the monetary system we live in. If you want to get your money back at the bank, you have to beg. You have to plead. You have to hope that they’re going to give it to you. I mean, hey, look, if you’re rich and powerful, you’re all good. But if you’re anyone else that’s not super rich and powerful, you are in a position of weakness when you have your relationship with the bank because they’re in charge your money. The second you give it over to them, it’s hard to get it back. And that is a broken system. I think when you see the power of crypto, they can send money to anyone, anywhere with no restrictions. If you want to support WikiLeaks when it by Snowden’s books, whatever you can do that you have that freedom to do these things. Now, I want to talk just a little bit before we end up our chat here about really the attacks on privacy that we’ve seen. So this. Mexican beer crisis has been used as an excuse by a whole variety of different actors to increase censorship across the Internet, as well as to try and get these different things through that are decreasing people’s privacy. We’re seeing attacks on encryption. We have these tracking apps that they’re bringing out and schist. Orwell couldn’t have written it better himself. I mean, I don’t think that he even conceptualize how crazy things could potentially get. Yeah, I think that when we get started with contact tracing, I think that we shouldn’t demonize that in its entirety because it’s absolutely possible to have a contract tracing app that is completely anonymous and that is privacy focused. That is completely feasible is whether or not the government decides to implement that or not or whether, again, they use this as a as a facade for trying to sneak in more of that surveillance policies, which seems a lot more likely to me. I mean, they’re doing that with encryption. You mentioned the attacking encryption. So you got, Bill, by the attorney general right now with Lindsey Graham being one of the major proponents by it, that they put this bill forward called Earn It and Earn It is a disaster that, again, they using the guise of a way protecting children. And what it actually is. I mean, these have been the two most vocal opponents to encryption. They have been saying, like literally Lindsey Graham said about a year ago, said to Facebook, We want to access all messages on your platform. If you don’t let us do this, we will do it for you. And then, lo and behold, he’s a major sponsor of this bill that comes out that will do justice under the guise of protecting children. So you get all kinds of bad policies come through when it’s called something notable so that when voters look at it, they like, well, I don’t want to support someone who didn’t want to protect children. And it’s like, oh, no, that’s that’s not what this is about. Like this attack on encryption. It isn’t just an attack on encryption. It’s far worse than that since an attack on free speech. So there’s something there’s a policy in America that basically gives a safe harbor to companies that host other people’s content, and that’s safe. Harbor says that someone else is posting illegal content on your platform. You’re not liable for that as long as you don’t know about it. If you find out about it, you take it off, whatever. But this is like the linchpin of freedom of speech in America. If we did not have this, there would be no way that websites would be able to host anything that would not be this freedom of expression that we say blossoming on the Internet because people a company is going to protect themselves. They’re going to erred on the side of caution, because if they’re facing jail time and bankruptcy, they’re obviously going to be more cautious than they need to be. So but the government is doing is saying we are going to take away the safe harbor from you unless you follow our detailed plan and follow our guidelines that we set forth. By the way, we haven’t written those guidelines yet. This is a blank check we’re going to give to the committee to write whatever guidelines they want. And lo and behold, Bill Barr is going to be the head of this committee. You’ll have that guy who wants to bad encryption because he thinks that there are people who have private conversations online. I should should be labeled as criminals. Yeah, he’s going to lead this. And so what are they doing? I mean, you have a f f talking about this. You had Snowden’s organization, Freedom of the Press, talking about this. You have WikiLeaks told him about it like you had everyone who believes in freedom of speech and believes in privacy on the Internet just in absolute shock and outrage about this bill saying this is a ban on encryption. Do not pass this. And I think that is just it’s really hard to convey to people how important policies like this are, how important it is to speak out against them, how important it is to stop them. Because when things like this get put in place, as we said, people. These are cold emergency measures. Either they protecting children or they are stopping misinformation in the age of Mexican beare illnesses like that. They all these they are labeled as they stop, got temporary things and they are never temporary things. These policies lost. The Patriot Act kept getting reauthorized every time it expired. Right. And then then it gets worse. They didn’t just reauthorize the Patriot Act, which was the biggest invasion and overreach in privacy. And I think a step towards more surveillance, a totalitarian Orwellian, not may that we’ve seen, they increased. It’s when they reauthorize it. So, I mean, this stuff is dangerous. We should be vigilant against it. We shouldn’t be having these knee jerk, terrified measures. We’re like, just pass whatever, make sure that we protect ourselves right now. We need to be thinking about the future we’re creating. Do we want an Orwellian nightmare situation where I mean, we’re living most of our lives these days on the Internet and we rely more than ever on robust security for those platforms? Do we want this Orwellian future where we have no privacy left on those platforms where literally the only way to have a private conversation is to be physically with someone and have no electronic devices around us? Because I could be listening as well. I mean, that’s a scary situation where we’re feeling like we’re monitored with everything we do. People start to walk on eggshells. There’s this chilling effect that comes across society. This is not a future we want to be creating. And we need to be exercising more than ever our freedom of speech right now. And now you mentioned, like you mentioned, these. Platforms that are censoring things. And I just. Oh, my God. Like things. Then they say anything that goes against her guidelines. YouTube is is deleting. That stuff is chilling. I mean, on the one hand, YouTube can do whatever they want. Right. And they’re a private company. But it is chilling that they think that that’s a reasonable thing to do. I mean, right now, like, I have a library platform and I’ve had a library platform, which is like a YouTube alternative for years. And I’ve always thought of it as this sort of I’ll hedge my bets. I have this small community growing. I’ll just upload my content there. I’ll just mirror it so that it’ll stay that way. My channel’s deleted for whatever reason. I’ve got it all. And then last month for the first time at one of my videos on library got more views than the same video on YouTube. I hit 12000 subscribers on my library platform and a video that was demagnetized on YouTube. I owned over three hundred dollars full. So suddenly I’m going, whoa, that there are real alternatives out there. Now the trick is getting people over to those alternatives and getting them to frequent those because I mean YouTube. I think that they’re killing themselves right now. Facebook. I think that they’re destroying themselves with this censorship, that shooting themselves in the foot. Because if people people would flock to the Internet because they wanted freedom of expression, they wanted to be able to connect with people. It was this free flow of information. As soon as you start to inhibit that. People will start to leave. And before that, it was harder for people to leave because they weren’t alternatives. But you can bet that there are flourishing alternatives out there right now. So I honestly, their days are numbered. Well, that’s the thing. We have the marketplace of ideas. Right? So if we do have. One place starting to not be as good as it used to be. Then you will see people voting with their feet and they will go other places. They will find alternative content platforms. And, you know, it’s trying to censor what people say or what people think was really what it comes down to or talking to thought crimes here. Right. You can’t have those opinions. You can’t have these thoughts when you start to look at that. It’s a very, very dangerous precedent when we let Silicon Valley and the tech overlords decide what is and is not acceptable to be discussing. We’ve seen all these tiny little algorithm changes that actually more and more support the establishment. Right. Some of that, for example, I think was last year they passed a new update to the algorithm that prioritize, like MSNBC and CNN over alternative media sources on YouTube, like a Jimmy Door, secular talk radio, these kind of shows, they got deep prioritized. So we actually see the official story, which is almost always lies and misinformation actually being what is promoted as the truth. I mean, it’s sad, I guess ironic because YouTube was created as an alternative to CNN and MSNBC and FOX. Like we wanted just a free flow of ideas. And that’s what you should have started out as. So that that’s a fact. Is that what you’re thinking? So I think that I can’t remember which publication I wrote about this, but yeah, they started satirists herding such queries on their site with like an embedded code that leaked the rating a channel had. So as you said, like they would think YouTube was manually rating channels with how good they thought they were so sad it would get a really high score. And then, like, maybe Krypto, like an NBA TV would be like had a low score so that they just wouldn’t show up in search results like this. This is someone this isn’t an algorithm that’s just making guesses. This is an individual at Facebook. I mean, at YouTube going through and manually choosing which channels people should watch over others. I mean, I think if they’re going to do that, fine, but be transparent about it. Let people know that that’s what your platform is about. Don’t pretend to be this egalitarian alternative to mainstream media where anyone can post their videos because that’s not what they are anymore, you know, and then people can make an informed decision. Do I want to be on this platform? That is very much funneling what I can and can’t say and what I kind of can’t access or do. I want actually to be able to access all kinds of things. So I want to broaden my horizons. That’s it. And that’s one of the many reasons why I also upload online videos over to library. So it’s just important to support the decentralized ecosystems as well as just having that extra place where you can put your videos. Final thought for today. What are some practical things that people can do to stay safe online to preserve their privacy? Cool. This is a really great question. Are the number one thing that I would say is never use the same password twice. You should be having a strong password on every single platform that you’re using. And you’ll think, well, I’m on hundreds and hundreds of Web sites. How could I remember all these passwords? Get a password manager? Honestly, this is gonna be a lot safer than what’s currently happening. Like recently, there was a there was a zoom hack. Right. And it turns out Zoom was never hacked. What happened was you had all these other leaks, like maybe it’s LinkedIn had that big hack, or maybe it’s JP Morgan had they had and hackers collects passwords and then they try the same passwords on all these other Web sites. So hackers were able to access all of these Zoome accounts because people would just be using passwords. This is the biggest security threat. That’s the easiest to change. So get a password manager. Remember, only one password for your password manager. That’s super long. Find one that is recommended by privacy experts. I think the dash lane is a great one. I think that Freedom of the Press Foundation they recommend. That’s one of the ones you can use. Some of them are better for Mac, some of them a benefit. The pay say so check out their information on that, but do not ever use a password twice. I also don’t just like change one letter and your password, because that’s not going to help you figure it out. They figure it out. They just it gets run through all this automated process. Number two, update your software as soon as there is an update available. People so often just say, well, I don’t have time right now. I keep putting it off. It says, update now. And you’re like, no, I’m in the middle of work. I can’t do it right now. The reason why there are so many updates is usually because people have found security holes and they’re patching them. So if you are not updating the first thing that people do when hackers find out there’s a security hole, they will. Absolutely. Try to exploit that security hole. They will take that hole and then try to see which accounts that they can access. So if you are not updating your software immediately, that’s a big risk. And then I guess the third thing I would say just does not make things too complicated. E-mail is inherently insecure. Estimates is inherently insecure. Almost every messaging platform you use is inherently insecure. If you are using Facebook Messenger, don’t it’s inherently insecure. All of these platforms that I’ve support to have good encryption, you know, that’s so great. But encryption is a very complicated thing. Some encryption is absolutely already broken by the NSA. There does seem to be some encryption that seems to still be robust. And although we can’t know for certain, experts have looked into these things and are constantly innovating and trying to make platforms more secure than ever. And so, again, Freedom of the Press Foundation, which their primary focus is to make sure that journalists and whistleblowers are protected when they’re leaking information. So they want you to be as secure as possible. I think that they recommend to messaging services, as Snowden recommends, to messaging services signal and why up and says that they are the most secure in his opinion. So if you’re using any other messaging service, I mean, sure, maybe you like the the stickers or something. The stick is really worth having a database of a log of the history of every conversation you’ve had. That one day probably will be released on Facebook stickers. But my Facebook stickers. Yes. Signal. Why? I would encourage everyone to stop putting everything that emails, even if you have purchaman mail like partial mail is much better than things like Gmail, which is. Absolutely. You’re just creating a log for the NSA to collect everything you’ve ever written. Right. And but when I say NSA, this is this faceless corporation. You’re saying that you’re creating a log that employees every day, people to access all your communications as well. So, you know, this is you’re just opening yourself up to major security threat there. So just use while signal whenever possible, whenever it doesn’t need to be in an email. Just use those things. And then the probably the three things that I would just mentioned right off the bat as ways to protect yourself immediately. Simple things, really easy things that don’t require a giant shift in your day to day living. But just, you know, you start to think about those things. There you go. Nice, easy, simple steps to follow, guys. Naomi, thank you so much for coming on the show today and talking about Krip to talk about the kind of talking about privacy has been a fun chat. Again, day one who stuck around to the end of this chat. Thank you so much. And of course, is the leak down below where you can get subscribe to Naomi’s channel, Nancy. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for having me.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/economic-collapse-2020-the-biggest-theft/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/buy-bitcoin-economic-collapse-2020-used.html
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