#and she had to put her dog down last april and that completely devastated her
piratefalls · 1 year
there’s been so much going on in the last like two weeks and i am so tired and it’s coming up on final exams at work and that’s going to make me more tired and i am now double tired in advance
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blood 7 - Strange/Stark!Reader
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Relationship: Dr. Strange/Princess!Stark!Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Adult Themes, eventual smut, adult language, implied sexual violence, general violence
Synopsis: Reader is the daughter of the legendary King Anthony Stark, Uniter of Lands, The Iron Defender, and leader of the realm. When the king disappears during battle, hope is lost and he is presumed dead.
When the late king’s uncle, Obadiah, takes the throne until your brother Peter is of age, he quickly arranges a marriage for you with a wicked king in a neighboring kingdom.
With the realms politics in question, and rumors of an upcoming siege to overthrow Peter’s rule before it starts, you quickly learn who is loyal to the crown and who is not.
part 6 - part 8 (coming April 13th)
Chapter Playlist
CHAPTER WARNING: Yee-har, thar be smut afoot in this here chapter. 18+
7- a king
Anthony Stark hadn’t expected all of this to come of his death. He foresaw of some of it.  
Of Obadiah’s imminent betrayal and Brock’s general ambition, but when Wanda had approached him with her vision all those years ago, he couldn’t have understood what it all meant. 
Now, however, he realized the violence that was soon to arrive at his kingdom’s doorstep. It was an uneasy feeling; the responsibility bestowed upon him to put men’s lives at risk. To make widows and orphans because of inter family squabbles. 
But Tony knew that Obadiah and Brock both presented far larger threats in the long term. 
A king who is hungry for power will never stop to consider the least fortunate in his rule. 
It was a mantra Tony had created for himself after his father had let entire villages fall to win back some petty golden toy during the War of the Giants. In the end, the lives lost had been worthless and the giants returned to their mountains with more spoils than they’d started. 
It had made him sick. 
That was the moment Tony decided to be a better man. A better king. He took pride in his unselfish rule and lack of war among those who shared the boundary with his kingdom. By a miracle he’d gotten Brock into line, but Obadiah had gotten a taste of power from his position in the Giant’s War and wanted more.
Rumors turned to plots, and all at once Tony knew his family and legacy was in danger. He had a troubled relationship with the Wakandans after one of his own barons killed their king in a quest for vengeance after the Giant’s War. Steve had volunteered as ambassador with the shadowy James Barnes (who’d long had a positive relationship with T’Challa) and they’d managed to broker a deal benefiting both nations. 
And Asgard. 
That was a whole other bag of complications. 
Odin had long been distrustful of Tony’s first wife, the late Queen Alexandra due to her Vanir lineage. The Asgardians had fought for centuries trying to eradicate what they’d seen as a dangerous race of uncontrollable magic users. 
Odin had been a step in the right direction, after replacing his late father, but the prejudices still remained and Tony’s marriage to one of the few remaining Vanir royals had soured what little relations they’d had. 
Still, in the end, they’d protected you when he so desperately needed help the Asgardians could only provide. To that, he’d offered her hand to the princes, and Odin took the offer into consideration, only backing off when an agreement was made between the two boys and yourself that affections lay elsewhere.
Which brought him to his latest challenge. Your engagement to the monster king, Brock Rumlow. 
The popular story was that he’d had his late wife killed when she hadn’t produced a male heir. Every female baby prior had been fed to the dogs and at last, when her fifth pregnancy had yielded yet another female, she fell mysteriously ill and died a few nights later. Some say a villager found the baby’s water logged corpse shortly after. 
From a strategic perspective, it made sense. You hadn’t been called upon by any serious suitors, often running around the kingdom with a begrudging Stephen on your coattails, and you were still young enough to bare a child or two. 
Brock needed a means of securing trust in the kingdom, and marrying one of its beloved daughters was the way to do it. Not to mention, Obadiah got his army, Peter would be overthrown when he attempted to take his birthright, and both men would share in the mutual benefits of being involved in one of the strongest economies in history. 
It was a clear cut plan for control of the kingdom, and it would have been more than enough for Tony to take action.
Except for one small caveat.
You’d been born of the same Vanir blood as your mother and even as a days old infant, you had shown the Master Sorceress at the time an insurmountable measure of power. 
It was an old and finicky magic, the woman had warned before your mother’s body had even cooled in bed. You would need trining, but there was no one left to provide. 
The Asgardians had been thorough in destroying the ancient texts and any remaining Vanir had long fallen into hiding, often using enchanted amulets and trinkets to conceal their seidr from those with wicked intentions. 
Your mother had been a victim of such vicious greed. She’d been open with her abilities, sharing a close bond with Orin’s own wife and his young son, Loki. The pair had conspired to learn all the forbidden secrets of the Vanir, and she’d begun to accumulate quite the library of resources from old temples and Asgardian burial tombs. 
Frigga helped her translate and in turn, the relationship with the royal families had warmed considerably until a few days before your birth. 
Things had fallen apart so quickly. The Northern Kree empire had infiltrated the castle after hearing rumors of the queen’s power. Someone had once written that a single drop of Vanir blood was worth thousands in gold pieces. A bandit had gotten through the gates while she labored, he had ambushed her in the birthing chambers and despite putting up an admirable fight- died with a dagger stabbed through her heart. 
The beast had tried to cut it free in front of the midwives. 
The Master Sorceress had only stepped from the room a moment to freshen up her herbal remedies. By the time anyone had made it to her side, she had died, and you’d been cut free of her with that same knife. 
“Your majesty?” Wanda inquired, approaching where he sat by the fire of the rebellion campsite.
“Yes?” He blinked up, returning to the present at hand. The men who were preparing for battle around him. The women sharpening weapons and sewing leather.  
The people he had asked to rise up for the betterment of the kingdom. The people who were prepared to die by his side for a secure future. 
“Master Strange is to meet at my cottage in the hour,” she explained. 
“And what would you advise Master Sorceress?” he asked, an amused expression on his face. “Shall we let him in on our secret?” 
“With less than seven days to the wedding, it might be wise,” she reasoned sardonically. “Natalia has her own mission in securing the support from within. Master Strange is working with Peter and Loki on securing the vulnerable.” 
“Do you think he told him?” Tony looked down at the fire pensively. 
“Loki,” he clarified. “He and Master Mordo were among the few who knew. They had to have mentioned something to him. He’s- well- I’m not entirely sure what he is to her now, but he’s certainly one of the closest lines of protection to her.”
“Assuming the rune hasn’t already faded, I would think he either told him or Stephen found out for himself, my liege,” Wanda sat down on the log next to time, her gaze following his into the flames. “Her power is what Amora desires. It needs to be concealed until the princess is in safe hands.”
“Then he knows,” Tony decided, nodding to himself. “Amora would have done something stupid if the seidr had broken through completely. Someone is keeping it under control.”
“I’ll find out,” Wanda promised. “Would you like to speak to him?”
Tony made a disgruntled noise at the thought of approaching the sorcerer. House Strange had long served under the Stark banner, proudly riding at the front of the line when called upon for battle. When they sent their oldest to train at Kamar-Taj, Tony had been surprised.
The boy had a knack for strategy and was sharp as a needle point. Tony could have seen the young man easily rise in leadership in the house, ruling his own militiamen and managing the family affairs. 
But apparently he had no interest in it, and in an unorthodox fashion, the assets had been passed to their eldest daughter. 
Granted, in the end, none of that mattered- as the entire family estate had been stricken by a particularly nasty plague. The sole survivor was Stephen, who’d been away at Kamar-Taj when he’d gotten the news. 
He’d rushed home, and in the process gotten sick himself, but with the help of his fellow sorcerers, recovered with the only remnants of the illness remaining in his hands. He often told others it had been a riding accident. Only a select few knew the truth and devastation of his loss. 
Tony had met with the young man on his sickbed, assuring him the assets would remain in the family. That the castle would maintain the property while he fulfilled his obligations to Kamar-Taj. After all, there was no greater calling than to a life of service and compassion. It was the least Tony could do. 
Well, until you had scared off every Master to cross the castle threshold and he’d gotten desperate and asked the boy for a favor.
He should have known better. You were close in age. Equally as ambitious and cunning. For years you’d been sneaking through passages and around the villages at night, often with Natalia at your side. 
Stephen just made it easier, and helped Tony rest a little easier knowing the man would give his life for you, if need be. 
Tony wasn’t dumb. He’d seen it the first night the you had met. 
The sneaking smiles, the conspiratorial whispers in the corners of the ballroom, and when Peter’s cat turned into a lion almost identical to the Stark sigil, Tony knew that one day he might allow that young man to break the oaths he’d made for a single exception. 
“Your highness?” Wanda pried gently for a clearer answer. 
“Yes, I’ll speak to him,” he pinched the bridge of his nose. About a great many things.
“I somehow don’t believe you just found out about this,” you stated, sitting cross legged on one of the strewn about cushions, a teapot floating delicately from the palm of your hand. 
“I’ve learned a number of thing recently,” he replied dryly. “Like Mordo is alive, and Brock wants to kill Obadiah once you’re wed.”
You lost your focus and the cup shattered on the ground. 
“He what?” you gaped at Stephen while he repaired the ceramic cup with a wave of his hand. 
“It ties into the whole secret magic thing, but it really isn’t an ideal situation,” he explained, setting the cup aside and dropping to the cushion across from you. 
“I guess it’s good I’ve pestered you for your books over the years,” you mused, flexing your fingers in the air in front of you.
“It isn’t the same,” he sighed, watching while you lifted a few other stray objects and paused them between the two of you. “Seidr is... there isn’t documentation. The books were destroyed. Kamar-Taj had a few tomes but the Vanir language is nearly impossible to translate at this point.”
“What about Loki? Or Frigga?” you asked, moving both your hands at once and dropping a feather into his lap with a grin. 
“Believe it or not, I’ve been focused on other issues,” he muttered dryly. “We’re going to have to seal this before you leave.”
“But you said it’s what preventing Amora from taking over my head,” you reminded him pointedly, summoning a small flame from an incantation you’d studied the day before. Extinguishing it between your palms, you looked up at him for a better excuse. 
“But it is also the reason Brock is forcing you into a marriage and so she can control you, and in turn, your power better than you can,” he explained tersely. “She can’t know you’ve gotten partial control over it. Let her underestimate you, but until you can learn to conceal the energy yourself, you can’t risk exposure.”
“So am I being sealed or not?” you asked impatiently, floating a candle from you to him. He took it with an amused half-smile, extinguishing the light with a quick puff of air. “Can you do a... half seal? Hide the energy, keep some of the good parts?”
“Gods, I don’t know,” he groaned, shaking his head while he seat the canclde aside. “This is entirely new territory that I was not trained for.”
“That must mean you’re a terrible Sorcerer Supreme. What fool put you in charge?” you teased, reaching forward and tapping the top of his nose playfully. 
“It’s not my fault you’re a freakish anomaly that’s supposed to be extinct,” he mumbled, pulling a frown while you laughed. “Give me your wrist.”
“Fine, but when this over I demand you help me train properly,” you stated and though he  continued grumbling under his breath about being too old for your games, he agreed. “And Loki helps too.”
“Not part of the deal,” Stephen scowled. 
“Fine, I’ll marry him then,” you smirked back at him. “You still haven’t asked, so I guess when my wedding tragically falls through, I’ll have to find respite with him.”
He pulled you forward, a glint in his eyes that sent a shiver through your entire body. 
“I’m not going to chase after a betrothed woman, it’s bad taste,” he hummed, fingers crawling up your wrist and intertwining with your fingers. “I have a reputation to uphold, even if you feel comfortable hiding away with strange men in dark places.”
“Is that supposed to be a joke?” you whispered, sitting up on your knees and tilting your head.
“Do you not think I’m funny?” he murmured, reaching with his free head and tilting back your chin. A smile played on the corners of your mouth, both of you sizing the other up and daring the other to make the first move. 
“I can think of many things you are,” you lifted his hand and pressed a tender kiss to his palm. “But funny?”
“You laugh at all of my clever wit, don’t try to deceive me princess, I know the truth,” Stephen sharply pulled your hand forward, forcing you to fall into his chest. He held your lower back, gazing down at you adoringly. “You’re trying to hide it, but I see it in your eyes.”
“Do you know what I see in your eyes?” your voice cracked ever so slightly, your hand cradling his cheek, your thumb lightly tracing the sharp features. 
“What do you see?” 
“Strength,” you murmured, transfixed by his opalescent gaze. All at once, it was like you were seeing him for the first time. You could feel the energy radiating off of him, seeing the waves of magic as they ripples through his body. “Devotion to... Stephen you’re beautiful.”
“Or so the stars whisper to the earth below,” his voice was soft, gentle, while his hand guided itself up your arm to your cheek. “But, what the stars do not see is their own radiance, their own ethereal light shimmering across the velvet heavens above. The stars do not know how the Earth worships the very flicker of their existence, tells stories of their magnificence and beauty. The do not know how the Earth finds its meaning in what little time it steals away to them in the night.”
It all happened very quickly after that. 
You peeled at his robes, he worked at your corset, a frenzy of hands and mouths tasting one another in a way neither had ever imagined. 
Discarding the corset, he worked his hands up your blouse, fingers lightly teasing the tip of your nipple until you let out a satisfied moan. Robes loose, you pushed him back against a nearby pile of cushions, climbing between his legs and peppering hungry kisses up and down his neck until he growled, clawing at your hips. 
“If you’re-,” he tired protesting while you pulled away more clothing, pressing his leg between yours and letting out a whimper of pleasure when he shifted in just the right way. 
That seemed to set something off in him. 
He was over you, flipping you to the ground and pulling what little clothing remained between you, your naked bodies now flush. Stephen moved down to your breast, drawing a nipple between his teeth and watching you squirm under him at the incredible sensation. 
“Please,” you mewed, an absolute wreck under him. 
He took his time, moving to the other nipple and repeating his actions until you were begging for any kind of release. 
“Needy are we?” he murmured in your ear, his voice low and so controlled, you couldn’t understand how he could stand it. Goosebumps erupted over your body, and he just smirked, continuing his exploration.  
Teasing a finger at your entrance, he looked to you for final approval before easing the digit into you. 
“Gods,” he hissed, moving the finger at an agonizingly slow speed. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes upon.”
He caught you in a kiss, speeding up his hand below, his thumb searching for the sensitive nub of nerves. When he grazed over the tender area, you nearly shot out of yourself, the sensation feeling downright sinful. 
Pulling his finger out, you let out another whimper, this one of protest at the emptiness inside of you. 
“Are you certain-?” he asked again, eyes scanning your face for any sign of hesitation or doubt. 
“I’ve never been more certain of anything,” you replied honestly. It wasn’t an exaggeration. You’d been a make up to this point, untouched and with no interest in engaging in such outrageous behavior.
Yet with him, you wished you could give more. Your body. Your soul. Your love. What did it matter anymore? He was yours, sitting before you and showing you through his loving car assess and sensations you’d never known before this moment. 
He eased himself in, giving you time to adjust to his length, the member much larger than his single finger. But Gods, did he feel incredible. 
You’d never thought so much emotion and pleasure could occur in a single moment. For this tiny hidden corner of the universe, you felt like your souls had collided and merged. 
It was a far cry from how Nat had told you it was. 
This was- you anticipated each of his movements, raising your hips to meet his as he crashed inside of you. Your brain couldn’t form coherent thoughts and when he started to coax something feral from within your core, you let him lead you through it. 
Pumping in time with strokes to your clit, you clenched your walls around him, pulling a hissed curse from the sorcerer. 
A few more pumps and a final circle around the sensitive area and you felt your orgasm crash over you. 
At first, you thought you’d done something wrong. Did you break something? How did this feel so incredible and overwhelming all at once? 
While you rode out your bliss, you felt his hips tighten, finishing with a final grunt.
You both stated at one another, eyes wide, trying to catch your breath. 
“Have you-,” you started but paused. “Like that before-?” 
It was no secret Stephen wasn’t exactly a virgin. He had his vows but they were against attachment, not sex, and sometimes, as he put it, the spirit needed to be revitalized. 
You’d called him a creep and moved on, but Gods did you understand now. 
“I don’t know what happened,” he blinked, looking thoroughly bewildered. “That’s... I’ve never- my gods, you’re incredible.”
He pulled out, dropping to the ground next to you with a huff. 
“I have a potion,” he muttered, pointing to the table above them. “Prevents pregnancy.”
“And here I thought you were devoted to me,” you poked him in the rib and he just laughed. 
“I am,” he insisted. “However, I’m not devoted enough to end up in the gallows for deflowering a princess who is betrothed to a ruthless king. My apologies, my grace.”
“Hm, I’m sure I can find someone willing to make that sacrifice for me,” you hummed. 
“And a fool he will be,” he leaned up on his elbow. “I still win the day. He would be hanged and I still get my princess.”
“Your princess?” 
“Has it been any other way?” he asked, quirking a brow. “Truly, if I’m mistaken, tell me. I don’t want to sound too over ambitious.”
You considered it briefly. Had it? 
No, you knew from the moment you spied those eyes at the ball welcoming him to the castle that he was your future. You just hadn’t realized what that meant at the time. 
There was no world, no life, where you could live without him by your side. 
The thought sobered you quickly, your upcoming nuptials springing to mind, the spell locking you in your private world, now lifted. 
“Would you have asked my father?” you asked. 
“In another life, we would have been married by now,” he answered earnestly. “I’m a fool for having hesitated and nearly missed my chance at an eternity by your side.” 
“And Brock?” you asked, the name leaving a sour taste in your mouth. Stephen’s expression darkened at mention of the man. 
“I’ll kill him before he touches you,” he vowed. “I will not yield your heart to such a monster, and I will stop this. I cannot risk you leaving my side. Not again, my love.”
You leaned forward and kissed him, soft, intimate, and gentle. Stephen wasn’t a fighter. 
Certainly he could fight, but you knew him well enough to know that violence was a last option after all other options had been tried. And here he was preparing to declare a one man war on your betrothed. 
Truly, the heavens were smiling upon you in this life.
Later that evening, when Stephen had returned you safely to your quarters, he met with Wanda at her cottage at the edge of the woods to discuss the next steps in the plan. 
When she caught sight of him, her expression shifted from confused to elated to-
“What is it?” he asked, knowing she’d gotten a read of what he’d been up to previously. 
“Do well to conceal your thoughts,” she warned, leading him inside. 
“Conceal what-?” he asked after her, stopping in his tracks when he saw Anthony sitting at her table, sipping at a large horn of water. 
Tony stood up, giving the man a once over, brows raised as he took him in. 
“You couldn’t wait until the wedding night?” he grumbled, dropping back down in his chair with a long sigh. 
8- a secret
TAG LIST (message to be added!):
@ayamenimthiriel​ @ladynothing
@im-a-bi-disaster-help @idkwhatthisislol
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meltalks · 4 years
my experience with addy / hiqey
i’ve contemplated posting my history with addy/hiqey for awhile now. my friends have encouraged me to do so, but due to her stance in the rpc i was always far too scared to do so. with all that is coming to light with her recently, not only is a huge weight off my shoulders as far as comfortably roleplaying as my escape, but knowing i’m not alone. my story with addy dates back to about september 2018. i do warn you this will be long, and i’ll try to include enough details to make it make sense while not dragging things on and on. this includes both my personal relationship with addy, as well as my experience with her in groups one where she she was an admin, and groups where i was an admin. as well as i believe we coadmined one together. i’ve put screenshots where i could, but some of this dates back to 2018 and i just don’t have access to those texts/rp accounts anymore.
a huge huge shout out to @bumkeyz for starting this avalanche, and for also supporting me one on one along with all my friends to feel safe enough to come forward. i’ll put all of my story under a read more. 
i’m going to start this by saying, my name is mel/melanie. you may have heard of me because back when addy was on rpslayed she wasn’t a big fan of me for awhile. predominantly my group the cape(?) the main isn’t up anymore so i can’t remember the exact @. i’m 21 years old, i will be 22 this month. i am married & i have a 3 year old daughter. this is information i don’t normally tell people i’m married / have a child, because well, i just feel a little judged. not because anything anyone has specifically done or said, but my own anxieties worried that people will think it’s weird to be married with a child and still in twitter rp. but it is important to my story with addy, which is why i’m letting everyone know right off the bat. 
i met addy in a group called producers. this group is from september 2018, so i’m not able to access anything right now, but am digging. i played (feel free to clown me) a g-eazy character named pierce. addy played a carlson young who’s name i can’t quite recall, and a gracie abrams named lolly. lolly & pierce became friends first & at some point we exchanged phone numbers. lolly & pierce flirted a lot, pierce was a player yada yada. eventually she ended up getting a different ship on lolly & pushed her carlson young onto pierce. pierce had a different love interest & didn’t end up going for her. this should’ve been the first negative sign/red flag. when pierce didn’t get with her character, she got very short & snarky ic and ooc. i believe both of her characters blocked me ic. even though pierce had made no ic promises to either to not be with someone else. we still maintained some level of friendship, but she was extremely weird about when i mentioned my ship. our friendship ended for a few months because of an incident that started ic between me and another character. the mun who played this character and i had bonded ooc over having been pregnant, we talked somewhat often about her dealings with her pregnancy. so i felt close enough/friendly enough with this mun that when something happened with her character & another character ic i dm’ed her to see if she was ok .long story short it went bad. i texted addy and told her that. i explained that i felt as if this mun & i were close and it was like dm’ing a friend. she held onto the fact that i shouldn’t have messaged her. when i didn’t immediately conform to her thought she kicked me out of the group. i was literally devastated. i loved that group, that character, my ship; all of it. she blocked me. though this story is 2 paragraphs long, it’s minor in the grand scheme of things. after this she smeared me on rpslayed for months until our paths crossed again in a group called glitches/glitch? we decided to squash our beef. this was december 2019.
in december 2019 we became friends again. honestly, i wish we never crossed paths. we got very close right away. she started telling me about a bad friendship she had, with someone we mutually knew from producers who i will not name since it’s not my place to put their name in this, and gained my sympathy. so much so that i ended a friendship with that person based solely on accusations that addy had told me. this is something that i can now realize i did wrong. i literally cussed this person out on the phone, solely based off things addy told me. i didn’t listen to someone who had been my friend for months, who defended me and picked me up when addy was tearing me down on rpslayed. i turned my back because addy convinced me to. she made this person seem awful. and again, i’m not naming them, but they know exactly who they are. and when thy do read this, i’m sorry.
now this is where things get out of hand. addy & i begun an intimate relationship. this is very personal, and i know some may pass judgment. but my husband was cool with it. addy also began talking to my husband, they texted. we had a groupchat. not to get into details about the relationship, but it was romantic. i am going to try and organize my thoughts. into themes.
this relationship lasted from about january ish to april romantically. i became addy’s crutch. she began going through personal issues with her family. and i started sending her money. to be frank i don’t remember how it started. i helped her with a job search, supporting her through these tough things that were going on. the money started casually i suppose. it was $10 for lunch. $25 for nails. but then it got worse. i bought her a phone. and slowly she grew more entitled to my money. asking for it. demanding it. guilting me when i didn’t give it. i lied to her and told her i lost my credit card and turned it off, but the guilt i had i told her that i could turn it on when she needed it. in screenshots i will post below she guilted me because i was sick and fell asleep before turning my card on. whether what she’s saying occured is true or not, it was just one example of how she made me feel. at one point she had my credit card on her uber, and charged nearly $400 of ubers on my credit card that i didn’t know about. she claimed it was an accident, because i let her put my card on her account under the agreement that she would turn it off. we had an agreement of what she would pay me back, some things that i got her were gifts and i didn’t want/need back. other things it was always an agreement she would pay me back. however whenever i would mention sending me a payment she had an excuse. one time even guilting me by reminding me how much better i have it than she does. all in all i spent / sent upwards of $2500/$3000 on her. only about $1500/$1800 i wanted back. i never saw a dime back, she never made good on her promises. at some point i gave up on asking.
ETA: as far as the uber situation goes, she did apologize and state that it was never on purpose when i found out that there was nearly $500 in charges. she said she thought she was charging her moms card. this shows a photo of 1 page of a 5 page statement of all the transactions put on my card by her in one month. there are only 6 of these transactions that were me. all of the ubers and venmo were her. i didn’t make her take off my card, which in hindsight was obviously a very bad decision. i just didn’t want to leave her stranded without ways to get home/where she needed to be. 
this is her demanding money. this was in the summer. at this point i was so manipulated by her/scared of her/scared of losing her that i didn’t know how to say no. in this instance i deflected with a picture of my child. screen shot.
in the screenshots here, this is where i fell asleep. i was on vacation and got extremely dehydrated in the sun. i literally felt so sick and she made me feel guilty for falling asleep. X X X 
this screenshot shows one of the times i actually asked her when she would repay me. at this point my credit card was nearly maxed out from ubers and sending her money. i was anxious about it and she made me feel bad for asking because her situation was worse than mine. this was the same day she asked me for $250 for a down payment on her car. X asking for money. X making me feel bad for asking when she’s gonna pay.
literally to this day im still in credit card debt because of this. yes i make good money, yes my husband does too. but credit card debt is hard and everyone knows it. i do fine for myself, but i don’t have hundreds extra to pay this down. 
also, i cannot locate the bank screenshot. but as recent as this february, six months since she spoke to me, she still had my card on her uber and usted it again. i can’t find the screenshot of the actual of the bank transaction because i’ve completely had to close that account for fraud and transfer my balance to a new card. but here is a screenshot from february 12 where i tell my friends i caught her doing it. X .
manipulation in groups/related to groups
orbis. i ran a group called orbis, it was a reality show group. addy was one of my friends who really wanted me to open it. all of my groups i’ve adminned i’m the lead. i just always take on that roll so i do get very busy with them on top of my real life. i work full time and i’m a mom so i spread myself thin.she made me feel really guilty for this, saying i wasn’t giving her enough time, she wasn’t anyones dog. so i posted my unfollow. then she told me i was stupid for doing that. so i deleted my unfollow. then she said that me deleting my unfollow showed that i didn’t really care how she felt. screens. X X
lumeer. very similar situation to above. only this time i left the group completely for about 3 weeks. i called my coadmin crying about what she was doing to me, sent her the psds and templates for grpahics and left fully, though i helped them out if issues arose/they needed anything. 
impulse. this was recently and this got brought to the tags. im going to copy & paste what i sent to bumkeyz as far as the story goes for what happened.
“ what happened in impulse is only one of several examples of addy being awful in groups i've adminned. this goes back to our friendship but specifically here's what happened in impulse. addy played a character named briar, the other characters involved were as mentioned in other posts loki & khalil (fai fc). one of he first days of the group khalil hooked up with both loki & briar. when the "updates" account posted about loki & khalil's hook up (we posted any and all plot drops that were sent in, it was a reality show so we consistently updated what the cameras caught), briar got upset on main. addy then messaged khalil's mun ooc and asked for the plot to be erased. essentially because she didn't like that khalil had hooked up with both her and another girl in the same day/same manor. as odd of a request as i was the khalil mun agreed to wipe it & asked that if there was anything that ever came up again that made addy uncomfortable to please not hesitate to dm. addy then softblocked khalil. which is strange. why soft block with briar's reason to dislike khalil has been wiped? that night addy posted on her personal tumblr hiqey "i forgot all fai khadra fcs are weirdos" or soemthing along that line. the khalil mun reasonably got uncomfortable with that, but was softblocked & didn't tell the main. they just ignored it since their characters weren't interacting now. for the next few days addy continued to shade khalil and loki on main, despite any ic reason for disliking them being wiped. loki then approached briar IN CHARACTER asking what was wrong/why she was shading/why they didn't like her. i don't know all the details of that conversation, but i know it ended with loki saying she was going to block briar & briar saying that was fine. bear in mind the admins had no idea any of this was happening at this point. addy then dmed the main, playing victim. after more shading of khalil, khalil's mun decided to block briar as well. addy despite wiping this plot and having 0 ic communication with khalil continued to shade the characters ic. so addy dmed the main playing innocent. asking for us to have them unblock, saying she had no idea why they blocked or what she did. as admins we had no idea why either, figured it was something ic so we dmed both muns. khalil's mun agreed after some hestiation, and asked if they had to follow her and i said no. they didn't elaborate. loki's mun however refused, & i'm glad she did because she told us what was going on. of course once we were told everyting we didn't make her unblock. up until we told addy that we were not going to make those muns unblock her, she was extremely sweet to us. she praised us on her rpt. said she loved the group. fed the main compliments. but when she didn't get her way out of us, and was essentially told on, she started causing issues on the timeline with different characters. she sent us a dm on the main telling us to "learn how to handle your group melanie" and deactivated before i could get a chance to reply. “
what i didn’t tell bumkeyz is that deejay/rpslayed played khalil. another example of addy’s manipulation is that when she saw deejay getting anons she followed deejay and texted her after several months of no communication, starting to tell her side of the story and play innocent -- not knowing that deejay was the person who was behind khalil the entire time. she made khalil out to be the bad guy, not knowing that it was deejay. after finding out deejay and i were friends, when deejay posted on rpslayed for people to follow me shortly after trying to get deejay on her side, addy blocked us both (again). 
manipulation between friends (?)
i don’t really know a great way to title this, but this is similar to the situation i mentioned with the unnamed person above -- how addy made me think that person was the worst so i would stop being friends with them. this is a few more examples of that.
the entire time i was friends with addy, she told me that deejay hated me. she told me that deejay was convinced that i was this person who tried to get her kicked out of a group. she told me that she did her very best to convince deejay that it wasn’t true, but no matter what she did deejay just hated me. nearly a year later deejay and i cross paths in a group. we started talking ooc and i mentioned this. i asked her why she thought that was me. we found out that basically, while addy was telling me she was trying to convince deejay it wasn’t me, she was telling deejay that it was me. she would also tell me personal information about deejay that i had no business knowing, whether it be real life information or just telling me the groups deejay adminned when she knew deejay didn’t want anyone knowing. 
i have found out recently that addy has recently been telling people a lie about when she came to visit me. on one evening when she visited me in june of 2019, we went to my friend’s house. we both drank, and smoked. i am someone who neither drinks nor smokes, and i got a very bad mix from it. my anxiety sky rocketed. i was crying on my friends couch practically paralyzed. i didn’t want to move. i felt sick. i felt scared. my friends were going to drive us back to my house and shortly before we were about to walk out addy said she needed to go to the hospital. my friend’s boyfriend drove her there, and when he came back they took me home. this night is very blurry for me. i remember barely being able to see straight, my friend helped me walk to and from the car. addy has told her friends that i refused to pick her up from the hospital that night, and i’ve now heard this from two of her close friends. when in reality, i was so far gone that not only was i sick and scared, but i couldn’t see straight. i had absolutely no ability to be behind a wheel. i’m not surprised she twisted this against me.
i provided a few people screenshots where addy was telling me to block them/trying to convince me that they were awful and hurting me. at the same time that addy was telling me this, she was doing the opposite to them -- to keep us apart. i believe this is some sort of power. always wanting to be everyones number one.
i don’t have a lot of screenshots for this, so i won’t go into much detail, but i can say on more than one occasion, or more than five or ten she told me who to and not to be friends with. told me to block people who had been our friends who were no longer friends with her. 
flat out manipulation.
i don’t want to go back through my texts too much honestly. it’s still a sore spot. it still sucks and it still hurts. but i think anyone and everyone involved with addy at some point or another has similar stories about the way she treats her friends. there were points where i begged. begged and begged her not to leave me. i can’t even count how many times she blocked and unblocked me. how many times she made me feel the worst and then came back. she came back because she knw i was there. and that my generosity was practically endless. i couldn’t say no to her, frankly i can’t say no to anyone. if anyone dmed me today and said hey i need $15 for a ride home. i’d probably send it. that’s just how i am. addy completely had me wrapped around her finger. to the point that i left friends who were good to me. i left my own groups i worked hard on. i nearly ended my engagement (which cannot be entirely blamed on her, but the relationship she and i had was built off lots of manipulation). i know that i could go find 100 screenshots and texts of her manipulating me but honest i just don’t want to do that to myself again. she has made me out to be the villain to anyone she can. i have had 2 different people tell me that she told them i say the n word, which is the furthest thing from the truth. i fear the things she’s said about me to people. if she can 100% make something up, what can she twist from actual arguments or issues we had? 
i know this sounds like a lot of rambling for nothing. but for nearly two years i’ve lived in fear in the rpc of addy. less so when we were friends. i’ve feared telling my side because i felt invalid. frankly even as i type this im scared. scared she’s already convinced everyone i’m awful and no one will read this or care. i just am thankful that this finally came to light. i am glad that i won’t feel scared anymore. roleplay is my one place to be free. as a mother, a full time worker, i don’t have a lot of time for hobby’s and frankly i don’t have a lot of them. i don’t draw, or read. i like to write. and i’m just thankful this can finally be lifted off me.
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takingcourage · 4 years
Face to the Sun
Pairing: Jaime x MC
Word Count: 1,000
Note:  Several weeks ago, @krishu213​ asked for a Jaime x Arden fic for day 27 of the @julychoiceschallenge​ (”sunflowers”). I love this request for several reasons: 
It’s Jaime Lewis, and writing about him is always a delight. 
I was a long-time resident of the Sunflower State, so it brings up happy memories of my midwestern roots. 
Since In Stasis, I’ve had a headcanon about sunflowers and what they mean to Jaime. Having an excuse to explore it in more depth was a real treat. : ) 
Anyway, enough rambling! Suffice it to say that writing these experimental little drabbles put a smile on my face. I hope they bring you joy as well!
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A thin layer of ice clung to the toe of Arden's shoe, though it turned to droplets by the time she arrived back at their front door. Skimming her soles across the rough fibers of the doormat, she stifled a shiver.  As she reached for the handle, she cast a woeful eye over the patch of mulch outlined by popsicle-stick stakes. Thick as the wooden chips were, they weren't enough to warm the soil below.
Checking it had become a part of her daily routine, almost without fail. Jaime still didn't know why; but for her, it was difficult to think of the spot without a smile cracking her lips. He'd obliged her whim, leaving the area blank as he drew up plans for the rest of their landscaping. Someday -- hopefully sooner rather than later -- he would understand her motives.
If only spring could feel her sense of urgency.
Opie's wet nose shocked the bare skin of Arden's forearm, and she fought to keep her grip on the packet of seeds as he traveled down to her wrist. Brushing him back with a giggle, she shifted her feet a few inches to the left. As Jaime whistled to attract the dog's attention, she slid the ruler further down the narrow trench, stopping to press in a seed every six inches.
Though she knew nature would soon take its course, she didn't want her efforts to be sporadic. Their front garden had become Jaime's pride and joy, and she'd be devastated if her surprise detracted from it in any way. She’d measured this first row carefully, making certain to leave space behind for subsequent rows in the coming weeks.  
Reaching the end of the trench, she began covering what she’d already planted. Jaime watched from the other side of the lawn, an inquisitive slant to his brow. She raised a hand for a campy wave, matching his grin as fine particles of dirt fell back to the rich, dark earth.
Arden could still remember the first time she'd heard Paula complain of having a black thumb. She'd hopped up to her toes and gazed over the fence, expecting to see a cursed pirate spot marking the woman's hand. Instead, the hand gripping the watering can appeared completely ordinary. Somewhat disappointed, Arden had slumped back against her side of the pickets to retrieve the book she'd been reading. 
Some eighteen years later, she was grateful to note that she didn't share the other woman’s affliction. Last month's sprouts had grown strong and steady, thickening to leafy stalks that seemed eager to take on the growing summer heat. Though still unrecognizable, she knew Jaime had guessed their genus nearly a week before. He'd remained quiet on the matter, but she’d noticed the particular attention he’d been giving the short, gangly rows. Though each of his plants was well cared for, not all of them reminded him of his adopted mother. 
As she watched him tend them through the window, Arden wondered if any of his construction-paper facsimiles might be in the attic with Paula’s other mementos. He’d spent that first summer making endless recreations of his new mother’s favorite blooms, brightening her kitchen in a way that real flowers never could.
Curing a finger around the thick stem, Arden gently tugged the bloom toward her nose. The flowers, still developing, had become unmistakable as the month progressed. Though the curved yellow petals held no scent, she smiled at the sensation of them tickling her nostrils. 
From several yards away, Jaime began counting down from three. She froze into place, still pretending to sniff the bloom as he captured the picture with his phone. Although she'd been photographing the plants regularly, this was the first image since they had started to dwarf her. 
She beckoned him toward her for a second pose, releasing the stalk to wrap an arm around his waist. Rising up to kiss his cheek, she collapsed into laughter when her lips could only reach his jaw. Noting her predicament with a grin, he bent a few inches lower before attempting the next shot. 
Many of their first blooms had been laid to rest at Northbridge Memorial Park, the most stunning assortment having been reserved for two late-summer bouquets. The next row had been taken to the retirement community a few miles from their house. The third and fourth rows still stood before the house, towering over the porch rail like a wall of sunshine. 
They’d deliver another set of homemade arrangements before the summer ended, replacing the faded blooms with ones that could still bring light to the quiet spaces. 
Many weeks before, Arden had researched the meaning of sunflowers over a lunch break. Among other sentiments, they stood for warmth, adoration, and affection. She didn’t know if Paula had been conscious of the symbol, though the descriptions fit her life well. Its other attributes -- loyalty, positivity, and gratitude -- still shone through clearly in her son. 
Arden formed her palm into a cup, using the fingers of her other hand to search for bits of flower that had mixed in. Dumping the plump seeds into a jar, she allowed the debris to scatter to the mulch below. She watched for a moment as the specks drifted under the golden light from above.
They hadn't planned it, but their evening of sorting had fallen on the first sunset of autumn. Jaime sat across the porch, singing below his breath as he picked through the seeds. A year and a half into marriage, she was beginning to develop an appreciation for that country music station he favored. The genre had never been her style, but her husband's renditions did hold a certain appeal.
He met her look, his lips still forming words that were almost silent. Her cheeks flushed with pleasure as she realized the tune was directed toward her. Still feeling the weight of his gaze, she separated the next handful of seeds between their three containers. Some went into the bucket for roasting, others into the one for birdseed, and the rest clattered into the plastic jar labelled next spring’s planting. 
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doof-doofblog · 3 years
"How Do You Sleep At Night?!"
Thursday 8th April 2021
Hello again folks! We're back with another episode in my attempt to catch up, of course there was not an episode on Friday evening due to the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip - but that does mean that Monday was given two episodes! (Feeling slightly stressed with the amount of episodes I need to catch up on!) Plus being back at the day job and trying to save for a house is proving a bit stressful - but I want to let you all know I am committed to sticking to this blog, I've been at it for over a year so why should I stop now?!
I'll try my very best to catch up through out the week, but my post may have to be posted late in the evening, just a heads up incase you guys think I'm not posting! Anyway, let's get right to it and focus on the matter at hand, I'm going to begin first with mentioning Bailey, it turns out that Bailey has actually won the competition she applied for with the school, but she hasn't had the heart to inform her family about the win, knowing they won't be able afford the cost of her going to her expedition.
Unfortunately, as Bailey and her Dad are out taking little Banjo out for a walk, Isaac happens to congratulate Bailey on her win, much to Mitch's surprise. As Mitch begins to question his daughter, she admits that the hotel would cost them £200 and £30 for the coach trip. Mitch tries his absolute best to persuade his daughter not to worry and informs her that he will find the money some how for her go to on her trip. But as Mitch walks away leaving Bailey alone with little Banjo, she happens to notice the flyer advertising Banjo as lost dog "Ziggy"!
As devastating as it is for her, Bailey knows that she has do to the right thing and give Banjo back to his rightful owner. She get's Bernie to help her contact the owner and they arrange to meet up in the park. Only Bernie makes up a story about finding him behind some bins - I don't know about you guys but the dog didn't seem happy to see it's owner, you'd think it would recognise it's owner by sense of smell?! Personally, I believe the dog is actually more happy living with the Taylor's, even the girl could tell that the dog had been looked after. It's then that Bailey admits that they've been looking after the dog for a couple of weeks but had no idea that he was a lost dog. As the girl takes her dog and walks away, without a second glance at Bernie, for a split second the dog looks back at Bailey and Bernie, and I don't know why but for some reason, I am hoping the dog will be reunited with the Taylor family again, I'd like to think that we haven't seen the last of this adorable pup!
The second thing I have to focus on is Sharon and the arrival of her long lost half-brother, Zack! It look as if after his very much unwelcoming arrival to the Square, Zack slept in his car overnight outside of Sharon's apartment, regardless of Sharon making it perfectly clear to him that she didn't want him around and instructed him to go home! As Zack gets out of his car he pleads for his sister just hear him out, he claims he's not here for anything and wants anything from her, he just simply wants to talk.
However, when Jay approaches acknowledging the look of Zack's car, Zack almost insults Jay, warning him not to touch his car. As much as innocent as the situation was, I think his insult to Jay was a bit uncalled for, and it also gives an insight to his character, even Sharon makes a comment to him about interreacting with the locals. But in an attempt to make it up to her, he suggests taking her for breakfast so they can at least sit down and get to know each other.
Things seem to go well it seems at first, they begin to discuss Gavin and how each of them spent their childhood, it seems that they have some kind bond when it comes to discussions about their biological Dad, even though Sharon was adopted, her memories of Gavin aren't necessarily nice ones, but neither are Zack's and unfortunately, Gavin did bring him up! It appears that they are actually getting along. But as Kheerat walks in, Sharon begins to apologise to him for missing their date, but even then Zack's attitude towards the locals still doesn't impress Sharon, especially when he claims to Kheerat that Sharon can do better than him. But whilst Sharon still tries to arrange a second date with Kheerat, Zack discreetly nicks a pair of keys from Sharon's handbag!!! Doesn't appear to be the doting new brother does he?!
Later as Sharon is alone sorting out things for the gym, Jean approaches her with a bunch of flowers as a way of an apology for causing damage to her gym equipment, but luckily Sharon gives her the good news that she was in fact insured for all the damages. As Jean breathes a sigh of relief she compliments how things are slowly coming together, but when she happens to mention Sharon getting along with brother and mentioning that she saw Zack entering her flat, Sharon is instantly on the march to find out what her brother is up to!
Clearly, Zack is looking for something, he pretty much turns her apartment upside down and he searches high and low for something. Also I have to mention how I never realised that Sharon is now staying in the apartment that Mick and Linda were briefly staying in before they returned to the Vic! It's almost like they've simply swapped properties! Eventually Sharon finds her brother searching deep in her wardrobes, calling out to him and claiming that she knows exactly what he's after. It turns out that Gavin left Sharon a box, but the funny thing is, he left Zack the key to open it - so maybe he wanted his two children to meet one day?! As they both agree that whatever lays inside the box they'll go halves on, with hope they open the old metal black box. Unfortunately all that it holds inside is papers and memories such as old birthday cards, Zack is clearly angered - was he hoping for something else? Was there something more he was hoping to get his hands on?!
As they come to terms with the fact there was nothing of value in the box, Zack begins to reminisce about his Dad, recalling about a time when he made him fairy cakes but his Dad showed no sense of pride and informed his son not to embarrass him again, Sharon begins to feel a sense of compassion for her brother. I guess it's fair to say they've never had it easy when it's come to their parents - biological or adoptive. She opens up to Zack, informing her about her son Dennis and admits that maybe it would be nice to have a brother around? It looks as if there's some mutual ground between them, could this be the start of a powerful sibling relationship?!
Meanwhile, it looks as if Kush is having deep concerns about Ruby bringing up his son, Arthur. Poor Arthur has been dragged from pillar to post, losing his Mum, moving out of his Nan's to live with his second Dad and Stepmum. As little Arthur kicks a football about on his own, Kush admits to Whitney that little Arthur has spoken about shouting accruing whilst he's been staying with Ruby and Martin. Of course Kush trusts Martin with his son, but his biggest concern is Ruby.
In an attempt to build bridges and maybe find out a bit more, Kush takes it upon himself to visit Ruby alone. I think he spoke to Ruby in a very adult and mature way, he didn't go in all guns blazing and acknowledged that it must be hard with having 3 children suddenly to look after, especially considering the loss they have both been through, it's expected that sometimes parenting can get the better of you. Parenting isn't easy, that's for sure. He does however voice his concerns for Arthur and whether he wants him to be around raised voices.
But as much as Kush is being polite and reasonable, Ruby seems to think that he's attacking her, personally, and if Martin was present he wouldn't be voicing his concerns to Ruby. But the fact is that Kush knows exactly what Ruby is capable of and states that he can fill Martin in if he was pushed far enough, but Ruby calls his bluff - knowing full well that he wouldn't, simply because of his son! Ooooo I know it's coming, but I can't wait for Ruby to get her comeuppance! What do you guys think?!
Lastly, Kat and Phil are still sneaking about, it looks as if Kat had actually spent the night at the Mitchell household. Even though she's cautious of being seen, Phil informs her that Ben and Callum are aware of their romance and are happy for them to be seeing each other. Kat seems surprised by this news, it seems that she is deeply concerned about what people would say if they were to find out. I think it's perfectly clear that both Phil and Kat aren't quite ready to go public yet.
But, if they were to go public, what would they be going public as? A couple?! Friends With Benefits? Who knows? As far as Kat is concerned, they haven't had "The chat" - and everyone knows what she means by that! Whether their fling is something casual or whether it's leading to something more serious? I mean, at first it probably was just a bit of fun, but it's seems to be escalating as time goes on. Does Kat maybe want more from Phil than just fun and a romp? Are there feelings slowly growing for each of them?!
Later on, as Kat is doing her shopping in the Minute Mart, she happens to overhear Phil on the phone booking a couple's holiday away, from the sound of it, it sounds very romantic, a sea view cabin in a glorious destination! Poor Kat, she instantly assumes that Phil is booking them an exotic get away and instantly grabs a bottle of sun lotion! As the day progresses, Kat eventually finds Phil alone in the Arches and shows off the sun lotion that she's bought, asking him to wipe some on her back. At first, Phil seems to think she's joking, but as it comes clear that Kat believes they're going on holiday together, Phil puts her straight claiming that the holiday he has booked is actually a honeymoon for Ben and Callum.
Poor Kat instantly feels completely humiliated. Is she wanting to actually enter a proper relationship with Phil or is she getting the feeling that this fling is going nowhere? Everyone knows that Phil isn't the romantic type, but of course he was doing a nice gesture his son on his fiancé. I guess it's fair to say that Phil and Kat don't want their relationship to become public, but they still want to be together - whether that means intimately, emotionally - it could mean everything. Phil actually admits that he actually does like Kat and in a attempt to make it up to her, he suggests they go for meal, just the two of them.
Kat smiles, admitting that he's not exactly Shakespeare, but she's happy to finally be going somewhere with Phil other than the bedroom. Later on in the evening as Kat and Phil go their separate ways, Kat opens her front door to find a bunch of flowers left on her wall, reading the tag on the flowers she realises they're from Phil, maybe there is a romantic side to him after all?! Only, as Whitney witnesses Kat laughing on the phone to an unknown male, gushing over the bunch of flowers, she approaches her claiming that while Kat appears to be enjoying herself, Kush's life is on the line, he's facing prison simply because of Kat! She can't seem to understand why Kat seems to have forgotten about Kush's sacrifice to save his family.  
Quite an interesting episode, once again, a lot of different things happening at once, but I'm really excited to see what happens next! I'm going to try and catch up as much as I can this week, but I want to thank you all for being incredibly patient with me! It really means the world! Thank you for your on-going support and I'll be back again very soon! Enjoy the rest of your day! Love you all xXx
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cilldaracailin · 4 years
Killer Queen
Good evening my Tumblr lovelys!
I am back (On this Sunday evening - boo Sunday evenings...) with the next part of this story!
Hope you all enjoy!
Suze xxx
P.S I completely forgot to add a little note: Draíocht is Dree-ocht (Dree rhymes with tree)
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“The more you focus on fun, the more fun you have.”
It was a wonderful cosy sleep and when Robyn woke the next morning, her own comfy pillow was under head and Taron was nowhere to be seen in the tent but she noticed that the fairy lights had been plugged out. She groaned a little as she stretched and glancing to her watch groaned even more when she saw it only near seven in the morning.
“Bloody body clock.” She moaned, her body naturally waking up as it was used to as if it was a work day.
She got to her feet, wondering where Taron was and found him sitting at the breakfast bar wearing his glasses as he sat looking at his phone, a cup in front of him.
“Hey you should be sleeping.”
“So, should you.” He answered her back.
“My body knows it is Friday and thinks I should be getting ready for work.”
“Well mine still thinks I am in New York.” He explained as she sat beside him on a stool. “Just checking out my schedule. Lyndsey emailed me some changes. I am going to be busier than I thought. A few extra photoshoots have been thrown in as well as some very early morning TV shows and a one-day trip to Australia too.” He saw the concern on Robyn’s face. “Normally the way it is. We really try to cram as much promotion in for the film as possible which is always good for the film in the long run. We want it to be successful, we need to promote it.”
“So, you now have Australia too?”
“Yep so Asia first, then a quick twenty-four hours to Australia, then the US and then back to Europe. Hey when are you in France?”
“Weekend of the twentieth of April.” Answered Robyn.
“And in Paris?”
“Me too.”
Robyn who was twirling on the stool a little stopped to look at him. “Really?”
“Yeah. We have a day of interviews but if my evening is free and I can, you want to have dinner together, if you are free too.”
“I think my conference is done by six so if we can, yes I would love to meet up.”
“If I can though it will probably have to be in my hotel room with room service though.”
“I am perfectly ok with that.”
“I would love it if it can happen.” Said Taron as he took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. “It would mean I would get to see you in two weeks and then the premier would be only four days later so we would see each other again.”
“I am definitely good with that plan if it can happen.”
“I probably won’t know until the day of though so it would be a last-minute thing.”
“I will be around Taron. Emma and I haven’t really made any plans once the conference is done. I have been to Paris before. Emma said something about going to see the Eiffel Tower but I would rather see you if I could.”
“And abandon Emma?”
“She is a big girl. She can take care of herself.”
Taron chuckled. “Ok well let’s see what happens and you should go back into the tent and get some sleep.”
“I am past the point of going back to sleep. You need to sleep more than me. You were supposed to be getting your cosy duvet sleep this weekend.”
“I will do that tonight. I will probably sleep the night through.”
“You didn’t sleep last night?”
“On and off. Just my body adjusting to being back on its normal time zone.” Robyn looked a little sad. “Don’t give me that look chicken.”
“I don’t mean too. It’s just my face.”
“That looks incredibly sad and worried.”
“Ok so let me change the subject then. What would you like to do today?”
Taron shrugged. “I don’t mind.”
“Well seeing as how sleeping is out, you up for a little adventure?”
“Shouldn’t you be resting for tonight?”
“I will be grand and now don’t you start with the looks. If I was in work, I would be run off my feet and talking constantly. At least we can do something together instead.”
“What is your adventure idea?”
“Would you like to go to the beach?”
“The beach?” He asked perking up a little. “Thought you lived miles away from the beach.”
“I do. It’s about an hour away but we are already up and I could show you the beach I went to as a kid. Not all of us have the luxury of living right beside the ocean. We could go for a walk along the ocean and they have some inside amusements we could have a go at. Maybe I could win another cwtch.”
Taron placed his hand over Robyn’s mouth. “Don’t let cwtch hear you say that.” He said seriously. “He will be devastated!”
Robyn grinned under his palm and gently moved his hand from her mouth. “Ok well maybe I could win a different stuffed plush to live in my drawer under my bed.”
“I don’t want you to be late back for your prep time for tonight.”
“Taron, it is just after seven in the morning. I think I am good for a few hours. We can get changed, in the car and be at the beach by nine. We should be back here by one, two at the latest and that is plenty of time for me to get down to the hall.”
Taron grinned. “Well if it doesn’t clash with your performance, then I would love to do that.”
By seven forty-five Taron and Robyn were in her car, on their way to the beach. They had dressed down and cosy, both choosing to put on some tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie, Robyn adding a raincoat to her outfit choice, Taron his trusty baseball cap. Normally Robyn would take Peral, her dog with her but on this occasion with their plan to hit the arcades, she left the dog in her childhood home, promising herself she would make it up to the dog with a walk once she was finished with her shows.
Robyn parked down a little lane that led straight onto the beach and when Taron questioned her choice of parking spot, she explained it was free and much quieter than trying to park in the town, even though it was very early in the morning. Just before nine, they were on the sand, walking near the ocean, Robyn filling Taron in on some stories from her childhood of spending time on the beach.
“I really wouldn’t have thought your mam would do something like that.” Taron laughed.
“She comes across as quiet but has her moments and sticking toilet roll out the car window while singing Sweet Caroline really loudly was just one. That was a good day at the beach. We had a good laugh with my cousins.”
“This is a long beach with proper sand.”
“I love the beach in Aber Taron. I told you I love any beach.”
“Aber doesn’t have sand though.”
“Doesn’t matter. Sands gets everywhere and in places it shouldn’t and I ate a lot of sand sandwiches as a kid on this beach.”
Taron chuckled. “Well I didn’t have that issue as a kid.”
“I loved coming here. It was like a proper holiday even though it was just for a day.”
“Bet the ocean was freezing though.”
Robyn quickly started to sideways walk away from Taron and the water. “And we are not going to find out how cold it is today.”
Taron followed her up the shore. “There will be no swimming today, promise.” He grabbed her hand to stop her from walking further away from him. “I promise. This is just a nice walk.”
“And get some fresh ocean air.”
He nodded. “And win some new dinosaur plushes.”
“We can try.”
“I am counting on your claw machine skills chicken.”
“Oh dear we are going to win nothing!”
Where Robyn had parked, gave them a good forty-five-minute stroll towards the more popular part of the beach and the small town called Bettystown and even with the early time of the morning, there was a good few people on the beach taking advantage of the early morning sunshine. They stuck to themselves and chit chatted as they walked mostly about Taron’s upcoming tour and crazy schedule and Robyn’s two show day on Saturday, both avoiding the subject of Taron’s flight back to London before her matinee show.
“Sorry excuse me, could I get a picture?”
Robyn and Taron stopped walking and looked to the young girl who had stepped in front of them, holding her phone in her hands, wearing a bright pink raincoat.
“I am such a fan of your work Taron.”
“Yeah sure of course.” At first Taron was completely taken back that he had been recognised and recognised on a beach in Ireland very early in the morning but being the gracious man that he was and once he pulled himself from his shock of being noticed for the first time since he had been coming to see Robyn in Ireland, stepped over to the young girl. “You mind Robyn?”
Robyn shook her head and took the phone from the girl after she had turned the camera on stood back to take the picture, Taron giving a wonderful smile as he stood beside the girl with his arm around her shoulders. Robyn snapped two pictures and handed the phone back to the girl who was grinning widely.
“Thank you so much Taron. I love Eggsy so much. I can’t wait to see the new Kingsman movie.”
Taron smiled a little. “Thank you. I think you will enjoy it.”
“And Robyn…” The girl turned to face the older woman. “Thanks for giving Taron CPR. I am glad you were there to help him.”
Robyn nodded. “Me too.”
“Well I had better go. Thanks for taking the picture with me.”
“No problem.”
“Have a nice day.” She said as she turned to walk away and her walk turned to a run and Robyn and Taron heard the slight squeals as the young girl met her friends at the sand dunes. Robyn watched as the young girls huddled together and could still hear the excited shouts that carried on the slight ocean breeze towards her. It was the first time Robyn had experienced a fan meet outside of an event with Taron and for it to be on a quiet beach in Ireland of all places as they strolled together. Thankfully the young girl was very respectful and nice and Taron was a gentleman as always, taking the picture and having a small conversation with the fan.
“So that was a surprise.” Robyn turned to look at Taron but he wasn’t beside her and further near the ocean then he had been. She took to a little jog to stand behind him and saw him taking a photo of the ocean and blue sky with hazy clouds in the background. She looked over his shoulder and realised he was taking a photo for his Instagram, typing a quick little comment to go with the photo. ‘Taking in the peace and quiet of the ocean and the beach in Ireland before the whirlwind of promotion starts for Kingsman’. Robyn read the words to herself and moved to stand in front of him. “What are you doing?”
“That photo that was just taken of me will be all over the internet in the next hour.” He watched Robyn’s face turn confused. “That girl will post it on her social media and it will be taken and spread over Twitter and Facebook and Tumblr and everyone will know I am here so in order to get there first; I am going to post a photo of the beach.”
“I am so confused Taron.”
He pressed post on his Instagram and turned his attention to Robyn. “It’s a little publicity hack. Obviously, no one knows I am in Ireland except my family and friends so by posting the picture first and making it known I am here in Ireland, it takes the suspicion as to why I am keeping it quiet from the media away. Everyone knows you are Irish so they will know from the picture that I posted that I am in Ireland with you and I would rather I was the one to share that information first before a fan does.”
“And here comes another can of worms before your tour.”
Taron sighed. “Sure, it’s not ideal but I wouldn’t change my coming here for anything. We were bound to be spotted in Ireland together at some point and I would rather it be with a fan than by a reporter.” Taron could read a little bit of worry in her eyes. “Kilcreen is still a really safe place for me Robyn. There aren’t going to be a load of reporters there waiting for when we go back to yours. We are not going to have a flock of people following us. There are many beaches here in Ireland and I made it so vague in the photo. No one will now where we are.”
“But they know where I live.”
“Only a handful and you have told me so many times that Irish people don’t care for celebrities and to honest I am not really a celebrity.”
“I have been to a red carpet event with you Taron. I think you might just be a celebrity.”
Taron chuckled. “Ok well maybe a little one but it is not how I see myself and I don’t want you to start worrying ok? I just posted the photo as a precaution. I don’t mind that people know I am in Ireland. They have seen us together so many times already and they have seen us in Aber and they need to get used to seeing us together. Everyone had been so accepting of us Robyn.” Taron stepped over and pulled her in a for a hug. “I know it is hard for you to understand but it’s the best way to deal with it. I have done it before and it’s what Lyndsey has asked me to do in these circumstances. Everything will be ok. Now please stop fretting over it and let’s enjoy our walk, our future plush dinosaur win and your show this evening.” Taron kissed her temple. “It was bound to happen at some point Robyn and she was actually really sweet. Most people don’t use their manners when they meet me, just shoving their phone in my face.” He was glad to feel her laugh a little against him. “We will be ok Robyn. I will give Lyndsey a call later if she doesn’t get to me first.” Taron gave her a squeeze. “Right show me the way to these claw machines.”
Robyn was so thankful for Taron’s calming words and hug and nodded against his chest. She trusted him and his experience with the media. “Let’s walk a bit more down the beach first and take another road out to the town.”
“Keeping away from the fans?”
“No just want to show you more of the beach.”
Taron didn’t reply knowing she was lying through her teeth and accepted her hand in his and let her lead him a little down the beach before he fell in step with her, linking his fingers through hers. He kept his conversation light, glad to hear the cheery tone return to her voice as she returned the conversation and he followed her off the beach through a road further down the beach from where they had met the girl.
“I haven’t been to these amusements since I was a kid Taron so I don’t even know what they have here. I normally just come to walk the beach.”
“Let’s just have walk around and see what we can see.”
The first place they walked into was a casino which they quickly left and made their way into the next building which was exactly what they were looking for, lots of arcade games and claw machines.
“Oh yes air hockey.” Taron cried excitedly. “You game?”
“You even need to ask me?” Robyn returned. “Let me get us some change.”
Once her pockets were full of euro coins, Taron’s too, the two settled in for an air hockey tournament, their previous worries about fans and the media forgotten as the first two games ended in a win each and there was a fierce battle for the title of air hockey champion.
“Yes!” Yelled Taron as he got the last goal in and dropping his air hockey striker down, did a little victory dance, Robyn laughing at him as he twirled in a little circle. “Oh yeah, I won! Oh yeah, I won!” He sang moving his feet and arms round and round.
“You’re a tosspot.” Chuckled Robyn as she came to stand beside him.
“And I won.”
“And I still have ultimate bragging rights rocketman.” Robyn threw his way as she walked away from him and headed for the claw machines.
Taron stopped mid dance and frowned a little. “But I won.” He repeated and followed her footsteps towards the many claw machines and as Robyn went to the right, he went to the left and had a look in the glass machines. The arcade was quiet, only an odd person milling around and he was glad that their meet with the fan had mostly been pushed to the side but he knew Robyn was still over thinking it. Taron was used to meeting random people who wanted his picture and he would never say no but if he was being honest with himself, he was a bit miffed that he had been caught in Ireland as it had really been his safe haven but he wasn’t going to think too much into it until the time came to do so. Right now, he had more important things to think about, like the rest of his day with Robyn and a chance to watch RENT again that evening and have another wonderful sleep over in the tent. He didn’t sleep much the previous night, his jet lag really setting in and no matter how hard he tried, sleep just wouldn’t come to him so he settled for watching Robyn sleep instead, making lazy circles on her waist, smiling like an idiot as she cuddled even more into him as she slept. It was one of his favourite feelings in the world, Robyn laying against him as he soaked up her warmth. Taron loved nothing more than a good cuddle and his cuddles with Robyn were becoming his favourite.
He stopped suddenly as he looked in the largest glass claw machine, his eyes opening wide. “Robyn!” He turned around quickly and saw her at the opposite end of the claw machines. He motioned to her quickly with his hand and he was glad to see her jogging over.
“What’s up?”
“Look!” He said excitedly pointing in the glass. “Look what’s in there!”
Robyn followed the direction in which his finger was pointing and her eyes opened just as wide as his did. “Oh my God!”
In the middle of all the large various plushes inside the machine was a green dinosaur that looked exactly like cwtch and the other two dinosaurs that Robyn had got for Mari and Rosie. The green dinosaur was staring at them with a big smile on its face, its fur sparkling in the lights.
“It’s cwtch!”
“No, it’s a green cwtch.” Corrected Taron. “Cwtch is in the tent in your house.”
Robyn bumped into Taron and knocked him off balance a little. “It’s still a cwtch.” She said again.
“And it is coming home with us. I am not leaving that there.” Taron’s voice was firm. “It is part of the dinosaur family and is coming with us.” Taron pulled some euros from his pocket and slotted them into the hole for the money and the claw machine sprung to life with a little song. He moved the controls so the claw was over the green dinosaur’s head and once happy, he pushed the button to make the claw go down, waiting with baited breath as the claw closed over its head.
“It’s got it! I got it!” Taron said as the claw dragged the dinosaur up.
“No it hasn’t.” Robyn said back to him, making Taron stop and stare at her with a cross frown.
“Robyn.” He scolded her but as he looked to the machine, the dinosaur fell from the claw and now lay on its side. “How did you know?”
“I just did. These machines make you think you can win easily like that but it’s not the case.”
Taron put another two euro into the slot. “I am winning this dinosaur.”
Another sixteen euro later and Taron was frustrated beyond belief. “Oh, come on!” He half shouted at the machine, his cheeks a little red with annoyance as once again the dinosaur fell down. He had moved it a little closer to the winning prize shoot but had yet to win it. “Robyn I want this dinosaur.” He turned to her as she leaned against the machine. “We need a green one for our dinosaur family. It belongs with cwtch, grá and croí and I am not leaving this one behind. Maybe I can offer to pay for it.”
“I don’t think it works like that Taron.”
“But I want it!” He whined. “I can’t leave it behind.”
Robyn smiled at him. “Want me to try?” She asked him.
“Give me one more go.” He moved his hat on his head up a little and with pure determination on his face, popped four more euros into the money slot giving him two more chances to win. He aimed the claw over the dinosaur’s head once more and groaned as it fell as soon as the claw lifted it up. “Stupid fucking jingle.” He spat at the machine. With a little bit more force than was probably necessary, Taron pushed the controls forward and moved the claw back and then to the right, positioning it right over the dinosaur’s head again.
“I got it.”
“Taron, I think you should put the claw…”
“I can do it chicken.”
Robyn closed her mouth and let him drop the claw once more over the dinosaur’s head and waited for the plush to fall and it did, Taron cursing as it dropped again. She wanted to laugh so badly as she took in his face but felt a bit sorry for him too. She could see how much winning the dinosaur meant to him and knew he was ready to go and offer as much as he wanted to the owner of the arcade to get the plush from the machine.
“Can I give you a little tip?” She said to him moving to stand right beside him.
“Sure.” He said, feeling her slip a calming hand into his, very much appreciating the gesture.
“Don’t go for his head. It is way too heavy. It will always fall out of the claw. Try and get the claw over his body and head so the weight is evenly distributed.”
“I am down to my last two euro.” He said as he showed her the remainder of the twenty euro note he had changed into coins.
“It will be all you need.”
Taron looked to her with a doubtful face.
“Trust me rocketman.” Robyn slipped her hand from his and moved to stand behind him a little, standing on her toes so she could rest her head on his left shoulder, her hands on his waist. “You are bringing this dinosaur home.”
“Ok.” Pulling some air into his lungs, Taron put the last of his money into the machine, hating the music as it played again but he ignored it and following Robyn’s advice, moved the claw to it was positioned over the head and side of the plush.
“Move it forward a teeny bit.” Robyn whispered into his ear.
“This ok?” Taron asked her.
“Looks perfect.”
With a slightly shaky hand, Taron pushed the button to lower the claw and he watched as once more the silver claw lowered over the plush and almost stabbed the dinosaur over his head and side and lifted it up into the air. His mouth dropped a little as the claw clung to the dinosaur, one of the arms of the claw right around the dinosaurs neck and although it wobbled as it moved across the top of the machine, it looked stable and steady and for once like it wasn’t going to fall. He could feel Robyn’s hands tightening on his waist as the claw moved closer to the prize shoot and as quick as it opened to pick up the plush, it dropped it over the prize shoot, the dinosaur falling into the large mirrored hole, the machine playing a different tune, the lights flashing to announce a win.
Taron spun around to face Robyn, her hands still on his waist and his eyes were bright with excitement and glee.
“You absolute genius!” He cried wrapping his arms around her waist, hugging her really tight, lifting her in the air a little, Robyn laughing as she spun her around in a quick circle. “The dinosaur is ours!”
“You would want to take him out of the prize shoot before someone else gets him.” Replied Robyn with a wink.
With urgency in his movements, Taron bent down and with a little trouble as he was in such a rush, finally got the large green dinosaur plush out and in his hands. He looked to Robyn who was smiling at him and he had a sudden thought. “You were trying to tell me do to that earlier weren’t you? To move the claw.”
Robyn chuckled. “I did try but…”
“… I wasn’t listening.”
“It’s a tough lesson to learn.” She replied. “But he is ours. Can I?”
“Of course.”
Taron handed the plush over and Robyn couldn’t quite believe she held a green cwtch in her hands. Everything was the same as the other three dinosaurs except the colour. “Do you think cwtch will be jealous when we arrive home with another one?”
Taron ignored how his stomach dropped as Robyn used the word ‘home’. “I don’t think so. He will be happy to have a new friend. You are not going to put this one in the drawer under your bed, are you?” He took the dinosaur back from her.
“Nope. He can stay with cwtch.”
“He’s a she.” Said Taron steadfastly.
“This dinosaur is a girl, not a boy.”
“And you have determined that how?” Asked Robyn as she watched him smooth the dinosaur’s fur down.
“Grá and croí represent my sisters, cwtch is me and this one, well this one is you and it’s green.”
“It’s green?” Asked Robyn.
“Green for Ireland, green for St Patrick’s Day and green for Robyn.”
Robyn grinned and went to stand beside him and looked at the dinosaur. She reached out to rub the it’s fur. “Draíocht.” She said as she ran her finger up and down the plushes head.
“Ok Robyn you are saying things I don’t understand again.”
She turned to look at him. “Draíocht. It’s the Irish for magic. It is this dinosaurs name. This girl dinosaurs name.”
Taron looked to the plush and titled his head. “Draíocht?” He repeated hoping he got the pronunciation right and when Robyn nodded, he said it again. “Draíocht. Magic.” His half smile turned to a full grin. “It’s perfect.” Taron looked to Robyn. “Perfect.”
After a few more tries at the claw machines, even Robyn failing now, they decided to end their time at the arcade and made their way back towards the beach. It was coming up towards twelve and they still had to walk back to the car and drive back to Kilcreen, making sure they were back in time for Robyn to get ready for her performance.
Taron insisted on carrying the dinosaur the whole way back to the car and as he held the dinosaur in one arm, held Robyn’s hand in his other and it was another chatty walk, filled with laughter and giggles, stories and tales and when they made it back to the car, both were feeling happy and content with their morning at the beach.
“Taron you really don’t have to do that.” Robyn watched from the driver’s seat as Taron seat belted the dinosaur into the back seat. “She is not going anywhere.”
“Can’t take too many chances chicken.” Answered Taron as he sat the dinosaur up straight before he closed the door and sat in beside her in the front of the car. “What?” He asked as he put his own seatbelt on as Robyn still stared at him.
She didn’t answer him, but started the car and did a quick U-turn and had them back on the road and heading to Kilcreen. As she drove, Taron checked in Instagram, glancing over the comments.
“Ok so what’s the damage?” Robyn asked him.
“Nothing too bad. A few mentions of your name. Most commenting on the beach.”
“Any sign of the photo yet?”
“I will leave that to Lyndsey. I will give her a call when you have headed off to get ready. Don’t worry Robyn.”
“I’m not Taron. I trust you and Lyndsey and I leave it in your very capable hands.”
The two walked back into Robyn’s home just after two and went straight into the tent for a lay down, Taron bringing the new dinosaur with him.
“Now don’t think we are side lining you because we are not but cwtch I would like you to meet draíocht.” He sat the green dinosaur in front of the blue one and while he made sure they sat up straight, Robyn took a photo of him doing so.
“I know what you are doing.” He said.
“I just need some evidence of how you have lost the plot a little Taron, that’s all.”
“Must be all that sea air.” He said, pulling his baseball cap from his head and throwing it on the couch, moved to sit beside her as she leaned against the couch. “I had a really great time at the beach. Thanks Robyn.”
“Me too. I don’t get to go there very often and I was happy to get to show you somewhere else apart from Kilcreen.” She lifted her arm and slung it around his shoulders, glad that he leaned into her as she hoped he would, moving his body a little so he could be more comfortable. “Thanks for my tent.”
“You have already thanked me for the tent.” Taron closed his eyes as Robyn started to gently scratch his head.
“Ok well thanks for giving cwtch a new friend.”
“You are mostly responsible for that.” He leaned a little more into her as her fingers deliciously grazed his scalp. Even with his hair much shorter, the sensation of Robyn’s fingers scratching his head was still as perfect as always.
“Ok well thank you for coming a day early to come and see me. I am so glad to have had this time with you and to give you an easy-going day before you get run off your feet.”
“No problem Robyn.” He chuckled. “Hair.” Robyn had taken her hand from his head when he gave his answer and he missed her soothing motions immediately.
“What hair?” She retorted but replaced her hand onto the crown of his head. “Doesn’t your head get cold?”
“That’s why I have my hats.”
Robyn rolled her eyes but continued to run her fingers over his head, hearing that wonderfully happy sigh she loved to hear from him. It had been so far what she hoped was a perfect care free day of respite for him before got so busy he didn’t know if he was coming or going. Robyn knew Taron was used to the promotion and he had a wonderful team helping him and looking after him but when she had first met Taron, she was the one doing that for him and it was just in her nature to look after people, especially those she loved and adored with all of her heart, even more so those who turned up out of the blue and gave her wonderful presents and surprises and she was learning that not all men were tosspots like Keith and some were worth every cuddle, hug and kiss. Men like Taron who snuggled a little deeper into her, his head resting just under her chin. It was harder to reach his head with his new position, so she kissed his head instead and hugged him and as always enjoyed the warmth and heat that came from him.
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
Wanderlust: Chapter One
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FBI Special Agent, Niklaus Mikaelson is sent to the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia to investigate a series of murders. When a serial killer’s most recent victim, Caroline Forbes, saves herself from a horrible fate, Klaus cannot help but begin to feel drawn to her. However, it seems that he is not the only one.
A/N: Read the prologue, that was posted earlier today, first. 
Chapter One:
FBI Special Agent Niklaus, Klaus, Mikaelson surveyed the room. It was tidy and neat; not a single thing out of place with the exception of dog toys that lingered on the floor. He bent down and picked up a plush toy pig that had seen better days before tossing it into a basket by a brick fireplace that held an assortment of other toys. He took in the decor. It was modern but cozy. She had a small grey couch, yellow pillows and a soft blue blanket that lounged on the back. Her curtains were a soft blue, contrasting against the white walls.
A pair of used trainers were placed by the door, telling Klaus that she was a runner and by the state of her shoes, an avid one. By the fact that there was not a speck of dust or hint of dog hair lingering in the home, he could conclude that she was neat and very tidy. Given the array of cleaning supplies he found in the cabinet under the kitchen sink, he could conclude that she had some OCD tendencies. That and her closet was color coded, as was the mail that was neatly organized on her desk in her spare room that she had turned into a home office. Her MacBook remained untouched and shut; a notebook she clearly used for work lingering at its side. This was not a robbery, for valuable items still remained in their place.
Her bedroom was much of the same as the rest of the house. Neat and orderly. Her clothes were all folded, and her bathroom cabinets all held some organization system that made Klaus chuckle slightly. Her bed was freshly made and given the rest of the house; he was not surprised. Her comforter was white, but a plush dusty rose-colored blanket was folded neatly across the end of the bed. The throw pillows matched not only the blanket but the lamp shades on her bedside table. Inside the tables, Klaus found nothing out of the ordinary; some hand lotion, a book that Klaus recognized as some romance novel that was all the rage at the moment, an unopened box of condoms and a few sex toys. He made a mental note to find out who her closest friend was and have them retrieve those items. There were some things a parent did not need to know about their child.
He also found a small handheld pistol and a few rounds of ammunition in a box under the table. Given who her mother was, Klaus was not surprised that she would own one; and given what he could gather from her personality, the fact that the legal documentation associated with it was located in the spare office, filed away in an easy to use filing system was also unsurprising. Pictures lingered on the walls throughout the house. Her bright blue eyes, wide smile and genuine happy demeanor haunted him.
Caroline Forbes, twenty-eight years old, travel agent and daughter of the local Sheriff had been missing for a week and a half. By the state of her pictures she appeared well traveled; several pictures having been taken at various points across the world. According to her mother, Caroline was a planner with a hint of wanderlust; she would not simply take a trip without planning something or letting someone know ahead of time. Several of the pictures included trips with her dog and there was no way she would have left him behind. With the discovery of four bodies near the town’s Falls, the Sheriff requested assistance from the FBI, for fear that the bodies were connected to her missing daughter. When the case was presented to Klaus, he could not help but agree.
In truth, Klaus was tired. He had been chasing monsters for six years and the depressing manner of his job was eating at him. The victims lingered with him, even if he caught their monsters. He did this job because he wanted to give a voice to the victims who were unceremoniously silenced. This was his job, his career and one he was good at. However, He felt so much older than thirty-six. Looking at the bright eyes of Caroline Forbes, he knew those eyes would haunt him for the rest of his life. Someone with such life should not be stamped out. Klaus felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He reached behind him and pulled out his smart phone and answered the call.
“Marcel?” Klaus answered, his British accent pouring though the phone. He placed his hand on the desk and tapped his nails against it. While being in the FBI and chasing serial predators taught Klaus to be patient, it was still something he struggled with. He wanted answers and while he was able to play the cat and mouse game serial killers typically liked to play, Klaus was losing his patience with it. He was good at his job, this he knew; he was able to see into their minds and there was a diabolical side to him that could anticipate their next move. It was a darker side of him that he hated touching; wondering if that made him a monster as well.
“Find anything useful at the house?”
“No. It appears that she was grabbed before entering the house. No forced entry or any sign that anyone outside her mother had been to the house at all.” Klaus replied, hoping that there would be something of interest that would point to who was holding Caroline. Yet, all he learned was that Caroline was an interesting woman who had a full life. He was not sure how that made him feel in the slightest. “Which means this was a planned kidnapping. He would have known when she was coming home. So, I suspect someone local.”
“Well, the autopsy reports of all four victims came back. I think we have enough to name cause of death. The most recent body indicates strangulation.”
“Thank Jesus for dental records. A couple had missing person reports as well.”
“Good. I’m leaving now. Put a pot of coffee on for me, will you?” Klaus asked, knowing that he would need the caffeine and hung up the phone. That was something at least. Klaus took one last glance around the house, ensuring that everything was put back where he found it. Even though he doubted that Caroline would ever set foot in this home again, he did not want her to worry if she did.
After locking the house up behind him, Klaus drove back to the Mystic Falls Police Station. It was small and had not been updated since at least the mid-nineties but he had not really expected anything else. It was a small town with a low crime rate and until the possibility of serial murders, Klaus had never heard of it. That was not surprising; most of the places he had been too where because of some depraved soul wreaking havoc on the innocent.
He pulled his government issued SUV into the small parking lot. When he entered the station, he was taken aback by the disarray. A desk had been completely flipped and papers were littered all across the floor; a computer lay shattered on the ground. One of the officers whose name escaped Klaus, was on the ground with his head between his knees. Several other officers were patting him on the back; unsure of what the issue was, Klaus walked by them with a curious look and entered the conference room.
Like the rest of the station, the conference room was small; smaller than his office back in D.C. It had a few windows, a small round table and just enough room for a whiteboard to be brought in. The table held several photos of the Falls and the corpses before they had been moved to the morgue; as well as some photos of the marks on the bodies once they were examined by the coroner.
“What is with the commotion?” Klaus asked, eyeing Marcel who was putting a photo of all four victims on the board. These photos were the drivers license photos of the woman when they were alive, confirming to Klaus that Marcel was able to get a photo ID on each of the women. Marcel was a tall man with dark skin and black hair. Much like Klaus, he wore jeans and a simple T-Shirt but knowing Marcel well, Klaus knew that he had a more fashionable style when not on the job.
“One of the victims was his sister. The first one.” Marcel replied, pointing to the first photo. Klaus closed his eyes and sighed. It wouldn’t be the first time Klaus had seen the devastation a loss could bring; especially one so brutal. “Her name is Victoria Donovan, better known as Vicki. Last seen about fifteen months ago but according to her skeleton remains, she was murdered roughly a year ago.”
“Missing person report?”
“No.” That made Klaus pause, he reached over and picked up Vicki’s file, flipping through it. “Apparently Vicki was a drug addict and had a tendency to take off for long periods of time. When she went missing, everyone, including her brother, assumed she went off on a bender.”
“High risk victim then.” Marcel nodded in agreement while Klaus picked up a second file. “Okay what about her, April Young?”
“The next victim.” Klaus’s eyes flickered to the second photo. She looked nothing like Vicki. Vicki appeared to be tall while April was short. Both had pale skin but different coloring. April had jet black hair while Vicki had more of an auburn color. “She is from Mystic Falls but moved out of town shortly after she graduated. Her father is the local pastor.”
“Says here she was pregnant?” That made Klaus’s stomach drop. According to the medical records, April was early along in her pregnancy and would not have been showing. Good chance that her attacker did not know about the baby when he took her. “Also, no missing person’s report for her either?”
“Yes. According to the sheriff, Pastor Young is a very religious man. When April came home for a visit about a year ago and told him of her pregnancy, they had an argument. She left and from what everyone thought, she returned back to Richmond. Due to the nature of their disagreement, he had no idea that she was missing or who the father of her baby was.”
“And she had no friends? A job? Did no one miss this young woman?” Klaus snapped; tossing the file on the table. He understood why a report would not have been made for Vicki but April? What kind of father disowned their own child because of a baby? Why would no one come forward for her?
“I feel you man. Some people just don’t have anyone I guess.” Marcel replied. “As for her father, well, he will have a lot of soul searching to do after this. I guess we will have to go and let him know. I wonder how a father can turn their own child away when she clearly needed him the most.”
Look at your own father Klaus. Look at what he did.
Klaus shook himself from his thoughts, focusing on April’s photo. He picked up her autopsy again and read. She had been dead and in the ground by the Falls for nine months. Both April and Vicki’s bodies were far too decomposed to tell an exact manner of death; Vicki was nothing more than a skeleton. If it was not for her dental records, she wouldn’t have been able to be identified. He shook his head and turned to the next photo. He paused; recognizing that face.
“Wait. She looks familiar.” Klaus stated, staring at the third woman’s photo. He picked up the file. “Andrea Star. Why do I know that name?”
“Because she was a reporter from Charleston who went missing six months ago. Made national news.” Marcel replied. “She was originally from Mystic Falls before relocating to South Carolina for college and then eventually she started her career there.” Klaus nodded, reading over her autopsy report. “She was home for Christmas six months ago. She went missing after she left for her drive back down to Charleston.”
“She was murdered three months ago.” Klaus eyes narrowed, thoughts processing in his head. “Says here that she was strangled and….ugh oh god.” Andrea, better known as Andi, had a more complete autopsy report for the simple fact that her body was more intact. He put the file down and picked up April’s again. The same thing was reported but Klaus missed it the first time. A nauseating feeling rolled in Klaus’s stomach. This went beyond murder. How he mutilated the bodies only made him more infuriated. “Jesus Christ.”
“I know.”
“Okay, and what about...” He looked to the fourth victim. “Camille O’Connell? Is she also from Mystic Falls?”
“No. Never been actually.” That took Klaus by surprise. Thus far each of the victims had been born in Mystic Falls but had left. It was a pattern that he was catching onto but with Camille, it appeared not to be the case. “She is from New Orleans, my old stomping grounds, and there is a missing person report out of Boston. According to what the Boston office faxed over, her twin brother, a Sean O’Connell was expecting her in Boston three months ago. She never showed.”
“So, maybe she made a pit stop here. Meant to fill up on gas or grab something to eat. Wrong place. Wrong time.” Klaus replied, reading over the autopsy report. It had almost identical readings to the others, but the body was fresh; only two weeks old. The autopsy was able to note that the markings on her neck also indicated strangulation. There were bruising on her wrists and her inner thighs. She had malnutrition from lack of nutrients and her hair was knotted; clumps ready to fall out. She was pale and from the autopsy, it showed that she had little to no sunlight for a long while. Her body bore signs of the same twisted mutilation as Andi’s and April’s.
“What are you thinking?” Marcel asked. Klaus looked at his partner and sat the file down on the table. He stood and looked at Caroline’s photo was on the board. Victim number five and the only body that they did not have. Missing for almost two weeks.
“Caroline. Where did she work again?”
“A travel agency out of Richmond. She was the only one who still lived in town, with the exception of Vicki.”
“They leave. That’s the connection.” Klaus muttered, eyes darting from picture to picture. “Caroline commutes forty minutes each day to her place of employment and comes back to Mystic Falls. She is also known to enjoying traveling, at least according to the photos in her home. Camille was just passing through on her way to Boston. Andi was home visiting family but lived in Charleston. April also lived out of town and only came home to tell the news of her pregnancy to her father but never intended to stay. Vicki routinely leaves town for long periods of time on a drug binge. That is how he chooses his victims.”
“Because they never stay in Mystic Falls? Could be because it would be harder to track him that way.”
“No. If that was the case, the victims would all be like Vicki. Drug addicts or prostitutes. High risk. Not well-known reporters or travel agents who is also the daughter of the town sheriff.” Klaus replied and Marcel nodded in agreement. “Caroline. I think she is alive.” He reached down and picked up a black marketer out of the silver tray. He opened the cap, putting it between his teeth, and drew a long ling. “Vicki was last seen fifteen months ago but decomposition sets her time of death around a year ago. April, last seen a year ago but decomposition puts her time of death, nine months ago. Andi went missing six months ago but her body indicates death three months ago. Camille, went missing three months ago but she died only weeks ago.”
“He holds them.” Marcel added in, looking at the timeline. “He keeps them hostage for three months before he strangles them and then mutilates their bodies. He dumps the body by the Falls and kidnaps a new victim when the opportunity arises.” Marcel pointed to Caroline. “You said that there was no forced entry in her home?” Klaus nodded. “He planned to grab Caroline. He would have known when she would arrive home from work. The rest were convenient but knew enough that they were in town with plans to leave. Except Camille, like you said. Wrong place, wrong time.” Marcel paused. “There was a break between victims. Between April and Andi.”
“Most likely because there was no one in town who was planning to leave.” Klaus looked at Caroline’s photo again. “I suppose that since she still lived in town, he had not considered her yet. He is devolving. Caroline leaves but returns. If we don’t catch him, soon enough his paranoia will start believing that everyone will leave.”
“I hope you’re wrong on that for Caroline’s sake. If he is devolving, he may kill her quicker.”
“Yeah. I know.” He continued to look at the photos, the worst-case scenario running though is head. “Did you put coffee on?” Klaus asked and Marcel nodded, looking at the board. “I’m going to talk with the Sheriff. Maybe give her some hope that her daughter is still alive.” Klaus opened the door to the conference room and walked through the station. The mess had been cleared and most of the officers were at their own desks. Like on most cases, eyes followed Klaus out of curiosity and either respect or hostility depending on the case. Here, the town was shaken to the point that they would accept help, even from a British foreigner who just happened to work for the FBI.
Klaus walked into the small kitchenette and headed towards the coffee maker. Leaning against the counter was the officer who Klaus saw lose his temper. Klaus eyed him as he poured himself a cup of coffee before grabbing another mug. He was medium height, strong build and had blonde hair with blue eyes at Klaus’s sister would kill for.
“Donovan, right?” Klaus asked and the officer nodded his head as Klaus held out his hand. The officer took it and gave a firm shake that impressed Klaus.
“Call me Matt. Everyone does.”
“Klaus Mikaelson. Look, I’m sorry about your sister but my partner and I will do everything we can to figure out what happened to her.” Matt nodded his head but said nothing; his eyes watering again, and Klaus could tell that he was doing everything he could to not break down and lose his temper again. “Tell me about her.”
“Vick?” A small smile graced his lips. “Honestly, she was a train wreck. She was a year older, but I was always the one cleaning up her messes. Always the life of the party. Then again all she did was party, drink and get high. Never willing to try rehab or anything to better her life.” Klaus listened as he brought the coffee to his lips; drinking it slowly. “I keep replaying her last days over and over in my head.”
“What do you mean?”
“We fought. She told me that she was leaving town again. I tried to convince her to stay. Maybe, I don’t know, try and get her job back at the Grill. She was adamant that she needed to leave. She had been spending time with Damon Salvatore and I guess they ended things. Although, I don’t think it was serious at all. All I know is that she took off like a bat out of hell and I never saw her again.” Matt turned and punched the fridge before gripping the counter. “Damn it. I should have looked for her, but I thought that she just took off. I thought that she would come back eventually. She always did.”
“Hey. You did nothing wrong.” Klaus reached up and placed his free hand on Matt’s shoulder; giving it a tight squeeze. “Go home. Get some rest and take some time off. If you think of anything let me know. Okay?” Matt nodded and Klaus gave him another pat on the back before picking up the second coffee mug. He left the kitchenette and headed towards the Sheriff’s office. The door was closed but then she rarely left it open. Her office had two large windows that allowed her to see out into the station but the last few days had her keeping the blinds closed. Klaus had only seen the Sheriff out of the office for a few moments each day, and that was only to take Caroline’s dog to the bathroom, and Klaus was certain she didn’t go home. “Sheriff? Its Agent Mikaelson. Can I come in?”
“Yeah, come in.” Klaus bent down slightly in order to open the door with his elbow since his hands were full. He opened the door and then pushed it closed again with his foot. He sat a cup of coffee down in front of Liz who gave him a tired smile. She was not in uniform but instead jeans and an oversized shirt. Her hair was cut short but in disarray. The bags under her eyes indicated the little sleep she got, and Klaus wondered if she had eaten in days. The dog, a brownish colored mix with long hair that was resting in the corner padded over to him. “Hey Enzo. Being a good boy?”
“He has been prancing all afternoon. I think he is looking for Caroline.” Liz stated, gripping her mug tightly. “I got him for her when he was still a puppy. They bonded instantly and she spoiled him.” Klaus nodded with a small smile, remembering the large amount of dog toys that were in her house. On that thought, Klaus reached in his back pocket and pulled out a silver key. He handed it to Liz who gave him a smile as she took the key from him. “Did it help?”
“I think so.” Klaus replied, not wanting to tell her that he didn’t find much outside of getting to know her daughter. Typically, it was not done to include a family member in an investigation, but Liz was a cop and he was certain that she had no hand in the disappearance of her daughter or the death of the other woman. “Do you know if Caroline was involved with anyone? Was she receiving any threats?”
“No. Caroline was engaged about a year ago to Tyler Lockwood.” Klaus gave Liz a blank look. “The mayor’s son.” He nodded in understand. He saw no photos of a man in her home and her closet did not indicate that someone lived with her. “But he cheated on her and she kicked him to the curb.”
“Good for her.” There was a hint of respect in his voice. Everything he learned about Caroline both impressed him and saddened him. Her photos showed a woman who was so full of life be stamped out; but he had hope that the perpetrator held his victims for weeks at a time before killing them. If that was the case, there was still time to find her alive.
“Yeah. Caroline is stubborn and said she deserved better. Tyler tried to get back together with her, but she wasn’t having it.” Liz laughed lightly. “She is not one for mincing words and called him on in the middle of the Grill, in front of his mother. Tyler stopped bothering her after that.”
“Anyone else?”
“No. Caroline and Tyler were together for a long time. She dated Damon Salvatore for a few years during high school but that ended before she graduated.” Liz’s tone was dark, and Klaus made a mental note, that was the second time he heard that man’s name in the span of a few minutes. “Caroline was a relationship kind of woman, not one for one-night stands or anything like that.” Klaus thought back to the items in her bedside table and could agree that the untouched box of condoms showed that she didn’t have guest in her bedroom often.
“What about friends?” Klaus asked, knowing that it was good to know who Caroline associated with and incase the worse happened, he would let them know in case there would be anything that Caroline would not want her mother to see. A small detail in the autopsy report flashed in his eyes and he forced down some bile; some things Liz just did not need to know. “Who was she closest with?”
“Bonnie Bennet, and Elena Gilbert.” Klaus jotted their names down. “The three are inseparable. Elena is a medical student; she is doing her residency at the teaching hospital near Whitmore and Bonnie owns the bakery in town that she took over when her mother died. When the girls where in college, Caroline would always organize some kind of trip. She loved traveling and often did so for work; or at least that was her excuse to go see some part of the world.”
“A hint of wanderlust?”
“She got it from her father.”
“Where is her father?”
“Bill died about a year after she graduated high school.” Klaus nodded, offering his condolences. “We were divorced but we got on well enough. Caroline was always close with him. I did let her stepdad know that she is missing. Stephen asked that I keep him updated. Said he will come down when she comes home. I don’t think he can be here with…. without her here.”
“I didn’t realize you had remarried.” His eyes flashed to her hand and saw that there was no ring. That caused Liz to chuckle. Klaus looked at her confused. Enzo came padding over and whimpered at the door. Liz sighed and called the dog over again. The dog obeyed but continued to look at the door.
“I wasn’t. Stephen is Bill’s widower.” That startled Klaus but he hid his surprise well. Liz eyed him and he could almost see the upturn of her lips; amused by his reaction. Klaus could tell that despite the fact that she would have had to be devastated during the divorce, telling other’s that her ex-husband was gay brought some humor to her.
“I see.” Klaus replied giving her a small smile. He took the last sip of his coffee and placed the empty mug on Liz’s desk. On the corner of the desk, he could see a picture of Caroline in what appeared to be a cheerleading uniform. She appeared at least ten years younger in this photo and by the fingerprints on the glass, Klaus could tell that Liz held it often. Klaus picked up the photo and looked down at Caroline’s smiling face. “She seems so full of light.”
“She is.”
“Liz, I’m going to be honest with you.” Liz’s breath sucked in and she glued her eyes to Klaus. She did not know this man, but she was trusting him to find her daughter; but she also wasn’t a fool. She knew the chances were slim and with the bodies surfacing, it was clear that something terrible happened to Caroline. “Based on the autopsies and the pattern of the bodies, Marcel and I believe that he holds his victims for a long period of time before he kills them. If he continues with this pattern, Caroline could still alive.”
Suddenly, it was as though a dam broke inside of Liz. Tears streamed down her face and she couldn’t stop them. Hearing that there was a possibility that her daughter was alive caused all the emotions she kept bottled up to overflow. Enzo lifted his head and placed it in Liz’s lap; his nose nudging her hand. Liz raised her hand and patted the top of his head. Klaus reached over and picked up the box of tissues that were resting on her desk and handed them to her. Liz took them gratefully. She dried her eyes and Klaus waited for her to compose herself. He was expecting it and been around enough grieving mothers to know that such news would cause the tears.
“Thank you.”
“No need to thank me.” Klaus muttered. “I don’t say this to get your hopes up. I could be very wrong, but I hope I am not.”
“Caroline is a fighter. Even when she was a little girl, she always had something to say and never let anything stop her once she put her mind to something. If she was told she couldn’t do something, she set out to prove them wrong.” Klaus chuckled at that. “If she is being held somewhere, Caroline would fight. She would do anything in her power to save herself. I raised her to take care of herself and never to give up. She’ll be okay. I have to have faith in that.”
“Why don’t you go home Liz. Get some rest.”
“No.” Liz replied. “When Caroline was little, I told her that if she ever was in trouble, that she comes here. That if she came to the police station, I would be here, and I would protect her.” Liz insisted. She reached down and scratched Enzo’s ears. “He won’t leave either. It’s like he knows.”
“Dogs are funny like that. They sense things that we can’t.” Klaus looked down at Enzo and could tell that the pup was well loved; and very loyal to Caroline. For a second, he wondered if maybe there would be a way to use Enzo to track her; use her scent or something. Maybe he would contact the field office about having K9s sent out into the woods and maybe they could pick up her scent. His focus would be to find Caroline and bring her home. “Have you eaten anything?”
“No. I-“ Liz was cut off by Enzo going wild again. He started whimpering and ran to the door, scratching at it widely. Liz called to him, but he completely ignored her. Seconds later, the office door burst open and a deputy ran through it; a wild look on his face. Enzo scampered out the door and Klaus could hear him barking incessantly at something.
“Sheriff. It’s Caroline. She is alive.” Liz bolted from her seat and was out the door before Klaus could even move. Quickly, Klaus ran out of the office and through the small station. He ran into Marcel, who was in the same mind set as him. They followed the voices and the sound of Enzo’s barking. Once they reached the lobby, Klaus took in the sight before him. Officer’s upon officers were crowded in the lobby but were giving the woman who held their attention a wide birth. Enzo was barking and jumping, trying to get her attention while Liz was slowly approaching her as though she was an injured and wild animal.
Caroline Forbes was standing in the middle of the police station, her blue eyes darting around frantically. Her breathing was labored, as though she had just run a long distance. Klaus took in her appearance. Her blonde hair was weighed down by grease, indicating that it had not been washed in days; if not longer. Twigs and leaves were stuck in her hair and her skin appeared dirty. She was barefoot and by the bloody footprints on the station’s tile floor, Klaus assumed she had run as fast as she could with no shoes on; not stopping despite the fact that her feet were being torn to shreds. Klaus noticed that she cradled her left arm to her chest and from what he could see, there was purple and yellow bruising up and down her arms.
She wore a pair of black slacks that he assumed she had on during her abduction. While they were torn, crinkled and dirty, they appeared to be the kind that a professional would wear to the office. Her white tank-top that was tucked into her pants had several tears through them and had dark brown spots that Klaus could not tell if it was dirt or blood. Her skin was very dirty, and he could see spots of dried blood that stuck to her. There appeared to be a cut on her forehead that seemed fresh, seeing that there was a small trickle of blood sliding down her face.
“Caroline, sweetie? It’s mom. Okay. I’m here.” Liz stated in a calm voice that amazed Klaus. Any other mother would have run up to their daughter and took her into her arms, no matter the condition their daughter was in. Klaus took a moment to remember that Liz was also a cop and a damn good one from what he had seen. Slowly, Liz approached Caroline with one hand outstretched. “It’s me Caroline. I’m not going to hurt you. Okay? No one is going to hurt you again.”
“Mom?” Caroline focused on Liz and her eyes narrowed. Her voice was hoarse as though she had been screaming for a long period of time. Given the situation, Klaus was willing to bet anything that she had been. “I’m okay? I made it?”
“Yeah, baby. You made it.” A look of relief flashed across Caroline’s face and tears started to fall down her cheeks. Her knees gave out and Liz caught her easily; bringing her daughter’s head to her chest. The pair sunk to the ground but did not let go of one another. Caroline let out a howl that echoed off the police station walls; sounding as though a wild animal had been injured. Caroline cried into her mother’s chest while Liz continued to rock her; kissing the top of her head in comfort. Enzo laid down beside Caroline, getting as close as possible he could to his master. Caroline, with her good hand, reached out and brought the dog to her chest the best she could and just held him close.
A/N: Thoughts????? Theories. I am really looking forward to hearing your thoughts and theories on what is going on. I am going to drop a lot of hints and clues in this story; so I welcome theories on who is the killer.
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kisnet · 4 years
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My Life Story
I was born Christo DeFlamingh on 29 April 1971 on the early hours of that Thursday morning. When I was about 4 years old when we lived in a military base as my dad was an artillery instructor in the SADF. This was our first family home after I was born. One night we had visitors over and my mom sent me to run a bath for myself. I placed the plug into the bath trap and opened the hot water tap. After a couple of minutes as alot of kids do, I got bored waiting for the bath to fill up with water. I decided to lie on top of the edge of the bath and after a couple of seconds I lost my balance and fell into the bath half filled with hot water and almost immediately I let out a blood curling scream. My mom appeared in an instant as she ran to the bathroom after my screams for help. She picked me up out of the bath and covered me with a blanket and my dad rushed me to the military hospital in Wynberg military base. I had suffered severe burns over the upper part of my body and my legs and my one foot. After a long period of time my wounds had healed and with time I was able to have the bandages removed. This was my very first encounter when I experienced trauma and was very a frightening ordeal for me at such a young age. Since I can remember, I used to have a very cheeky temper tantrum in me and if I couldn't have my way or wanted make a statement or wanted my way, I would throw a tantrum. We used to look after the neighbours' dog when they went on holiday. It was a foxterrier female named Suzi and was like having my first experience with owning and playing with my best friend. We used to play outside and I remember running as fast as I could and go through the front door after running around the house then close the door quickly after entering the house. That used to be such a rush and exciting thrill all at the same time. I remember my brother starting school in 1975 as a first grader (sub A). Until 1977 we didn't own a TV and so my dad purchased our first family black and white 📺 TV after moving into our new home / flat in Wynberg military base. In 1977 we moved from our then house to a military flat in Wynberg military base which a whole new experience and making new friends although some of our neighbours also moved to Wynberg as the old military houses from our former home was to be converted to single quarters / rooms for military staff members. We lived a total of approximately 7 years in Wynberg military base. During my stay in Wynberg I had some fun times with my friends and family as a child growing up in a military environment things are considerably different to kids who's parents would be employed in the private and civilian sector. Life felt alot safer back in those days then in the 21st century. But nevertheless those were good years in the early to mid eighties. In 1978 we had next door neighbours that lived in the flat right next door to us and they had two sons named Francois and Deon. Myself and Deon became very good friends as he was at least ten years my senior. He was like a big brother to me and we did alot of things together over the years. He later joined the military after finishing high school. He had met a beautiful girl named Alida. He loved her very much. One night late It was raining very heavily and Deon and some of his mates left the military base where he was doing his military service and came home to see his parents and as he walked past when he left I saw his face for the last time as he made his way back to the car downstairs. He smiled and waved as he walked past that night in I think it was August 1978. He was killed in a car crash when they drove back to Youngsfield military base. The accident occurred on Ottery road not far from Youngsfield Military Base. We attended his funeral as a family and I felt so shocked as I didn't quite understood what was really happening as I was only seven years old. Years later I would find his grave and then really cried my eyes out and understood and comprehend what had taken place in terms of my emotions. I had lost my best friend that was like a brother to me. I would ride on the back of his motorcycle his dad bought him when came from school and that was always such an exciting feeling for me. I miss him still up until today I never forgotten him. We were quite close and his mother new and could see he had quite an impact on my life. His death was a huge loss to his family and friends. His parents remained in their flat for many years after we had moved out. In 1982 I had changed schools as I was diagnosed with being dislexic. I was now in a complete new and different type of school as it was quite a big change and I faced numerous challenges as to try and adapt and fit in with the rest of the school and cariculum. The first three yesrs was very difficult as the class teacher was a very emitionally distructive person and turned out to be very damaging to myself as a person as it made me very feel insecure and frightened. I didn't know what it was like to have fun anymore as I was scared and felt anxious for most of that time but nevertheless I did make very good friends over the years at my new school. Feeling so emotional and vulnerable at times had me landing up in detention after school as I became despondent and I didn't know how to deal with the issues at the time. I had my friends that would keep me grounded over the years as well as my mom and dad. I would look to my friends for fun times in terms of my situation at school. I did suffer alot of mental anguish under my first teacher at the new school but over time things got better as I advanced to higher grades. In the tenth grade (std 8) 1988, I decided to drop out of school and join the military to complete my military service. My dad was adamant that I complete my military training even if decided to go back to school the following year but my mind was made up not go back to school. Again joining the military I felt it was huge change in my life and adapting to military life was not easy at first as I wasn't the type to fit in very easily with big new changes and strangers etc. By the second month things seemed easier and I felt more relaxed. I managed to get a transfer to my dad's unit back home as I initially did my basic training in Kimberly over 1000 km from home. I was very happy to be back in my hometown. Later that year I applied to Technical College Cape Town and was granted sleep-out pass which allowed me to move back home as I was compelled to live in the military base due to my military training. I started studying part at the college by attending classes at night after work two to three times a week. I was determined to get my national senior certificate but as luck would have it, I lost interest and didn't complete the following year at college. So I ceased all studies especially after I left the military service in July 1990. I found myself unemployed and looking for work for the first time at the age of 19. I found a job at a motor company where I worked as a driver for the first 8 years then as a parts manager after which I was retrenched in August 1999. In 1993 my dad fell ill with having complications with his heart and as a result he passed away three years later on April 7th, 1995. I was devastated after loosing my dad. For years I wore black mourning my dad's passing and important dates like the date of his passing and buried as well as his birthday were very sad days for me. I struggled with great difficulty processing my dad's passing. My dad didn't have any life insurance and we were forced to sell our house where I grew up in and my mom and I purchased a flat jointly just down the road from where we used to live. After being laid off in 1999, I spent three years looking for work. My mom covered all the bills for those three years and I thought I would never find employment. In late 2003 I found employment with a service station and I put in charge of their car wash. It didn't pay much but I was very greatful for the opportunity as it covered my bills and my mom could breath a bit. Money was always tight but we always made it work and it turned out to be a 23 year life full of lessons. Lots of good memories with some sad days as well. In 2000 I met a neighbour whom lived across the road from me in house. Her name was Cathy and she was 18 years my senior. I fell in love with her and she was my rock for short few years. She used to listen to all my trials and tribulations. We spent alot of time together and went out quite a number of times. I felt wanted again and she meant the world to me. In 2001 she fell ill after being hospitalised for a hip replacement and passed away shortly after. I was once again left in a state of shock but I was able to process Cathy's death much easier than my dad's passing. My brother left for Dubai late in 2003 shortly after I found employment at the Engen service station where I was in charge of the carwash. He used to send money us money which was a great help financially. As life got more expensive with time I found employment with a paper vendor and I left in 2012 to venture out on my own as an entrepreneur to start my own business and make a living for myself to try and have a better quality of life. Due to my mom's health which was also on the decline, it was the best decision to work from home for myself and my mom assisted me taking calls for the first 3 to 4 years. I later approached friends of mine whom were unemployed as the business had now grown considerably and needed help keeping up with the demand and service I was offering to clients. In 2018 the business failed due to the economy and I had closed the business and lost my staff also as a result. I continued to get the odd call for business but eventually died off completely. I found myself once again unemployed and at the mercy of debt collectors and by now my mom's health had deteriorated considerably and I could see the stress of loosing our home started taking its toll on her as well as on me as I found myself very depressed many days and didn't know how to deal with this situation. My brother had also lost his job in Dubai and came home and was living with us due to being unemployed. Things would get rather tense and stressful as money was little to speak of. We were forced to put our flat up for sale to get out of the financial predicament we found ourselves in. My business which once provided for me and my mom's needs was also up in smoke and I felt like I had also nothing left to live for any longer. In March 2019 we signed the transfer documents for the sale of the flat but before transfer would take place, my mom passed away on April 28th, 2019. I was once again dumped into absolute devastation and depression. By now I had been on anti-anxiety and anti-depressants for quite some time prescribed by my doctor to help me cope with all that was taking place in my life. It's been almost a year and a half ago since my mom passed away, the flat has been sold, I moved out and alot has happened since then. My health is also on the decline but live to fight another day every day. Each day is a challenge for me but thank God each day that I am still alive. I don't always have the physical strength to get out of bed but I do my best as each day is a new challenge. I miss my parents dearly and wish I could turn the clock back to have some more time with them. But I would never stop loving them because they brought me up in this world and I would always be thankful to God for the time I had with them on earth. God is my only real rock I can lean on as I don't have my mom or my dad to fulfill that task for me. I feel lonely many days but take each day as it comes. Right now I just fight to survive and to stay alive mentally, emotionally and financially. This blog was written by Chris DeFlamingh
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Life Slows Down
As we move into a new rhythm of life, it is great we have spring - just imagine if it was late November, getting progressively darker each day, grey cloud and rain and nothing much to do outside except force oneself to walk the dogs.  At least the days are lengthening, the sun has some warmth, the birds are singing and those in towns can actually hear them now the steady drone of traffic is lessening, and if you are fortunate enough to have a garden, there is masses to do.
Here at Beck Farm we are setting ourselves daily challenges - this weekend we have to write down 5 points on how we think the world will be by September, ie a 6 month time frame.  Then we are going to put a 10 year list in a box and in 2030 (if we are spared) we shall see if we have returned to the previous way of life or if this event has had a complete change for all of society.
We are also dealing with our usual round of daily challenges in a more relaxed fashion, and to an extent being more thorough.  Today, I finished weeding out and preparing my potager area for veg - usually a rather rushed job, today was meticulous, removing the tiniest weeds from in amongst the iris rhizomes and then finishing off by emptying 5 compost bags full of silt from the pond that we cleared out last autumn.  This is like Fenland soil - black gold - and will help I hope, to produce the best potatoes for a long while - they are going in tomorrow.  Charlottes - and a main crop - Inca Bella - couldnt resist the name!
Scout has had her op - all done yesterday and seems to have been very straightforward.  She is recovering well, now rather too keen as usual to go for a proper walk and clearly enjoying wearing either the fleece she wears if wet after shooting, or the babygro thing from the vet - she has always liked to be special!The  check up is on Wednesday, and then stitches out about a week after that all being well.  I really hope that for once it will go well as previous ops have always ended badly simply because she is a terrible patient - the minute one turns one back just for a second she somehow manages to do some ridiculous like leap not just into, but also out of the compost heap - she can still manage this even just shy of 12, or zooming out of the gate when she hears someone coming down the track!  Anyhow so far so good.  The others are much enjoying the fact that there are three of us permanently about who love doing a long evening walk.  Mr Horta is very absorbed by a young albino muntjac with its parent - normal colouring.  He has now brought the Trailcam back from the office which he and our neighbouring farmer are going to set up tomorrow.  There is also a lot of evidence of badger again on the common so it will be fun to see what they are up to.  Talking of which, after three years of barely a bunny in sight, there is a sudden increase in the numbers again.  Obviously the hemorrhagic disease over and above myxi had a devastating effect but they are bouncing back - lets hope the same will be said of Covid.
We are in an easterly airstream - so often the case here during March and April, therefore although out of the wind, it is warm, the soil temperatures will remain suppressed for a while.  I shall not make my usual mistake of sowing the beetroot and carrots etc for a while, but will sow lettuce in trays and put them in the cold frame to start off.  
After a week of setting out plants for planting, I can relax a little and just go out and about doing my garden doctoring for three clients if they still wish me to go - next week I have three to visit.  However, in the main I will most certainly have more time so my next job will be to sort out the dahlias, place canes in the borders where I want them to go, and start a few off in compost under glass. New plants are giving pleasure - Epimediums which normally dont do well here are about to flower - the wet winter obviously appealed!  New grasses are forming up well and I have put some new perennial geraniums along the fronts of the two borders where box hedging once was.  Geranium Coombland White which has a lovely leaf and G. wlassovianum - a gorgeous violet coloured flower and then foliage that takes on lovely autumn hues.
Today Miss Horta and I went up to the Jubilee Wood and removed about 100 tree and shrub guards with Jane Dykes from the village.  Jane and I were on the committee that planted 9600 trees and shrubs 8 years ago on some amenity land in the village.  It is now looking great but all the guards are getting tatty and damaged not to mention preventing some of the shrubby plants from growing properly.  More to do on that but we are slowly getting round them all!  Its getting rid of them that is the problem as they have plastic in them.  Tomorrow’s community project is to finally burn the last of the rubbish from the autumn pond project and grab another 5 or 6 bags of silt!  The pond is looking amazing and most gratifying of all, there is frog spawn!!!!  Plus the vegetation around the edge is re sprouting so in a month of so no one will ever know it even happened.
So all this busy beeing has meant that little has been done on the painting front, but my office space has been vacated by Miss Horta who has changed everything around (for the better) so I will have no excuse now, as I have a great place to draw and paint with north light, and I wont have to clear my stuff away every day.
Keep cheerful everyone, let’s hope that like our parents generation through the war we may look back on this and say it was a happy time.  We must stay creative, inventive, helpful, and upbeat.  I must end by saying that everyone in Waitrose Swaffham yesterday was being beautifully behaved, driving our trolleys with utmost care and not taking the last of anything.
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Birthdate: April 19th, 1988 ( 30 ) Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him Hometown: New York, New York Neighborhood: Upper East Side, Manhattan Occupation: Bartender Faceclaim: Jesse Lee Soffer Trigger Warnings: Death, Drug Use, Gambling, Military.
It is a fortunate rarity that stereotypes are correct, but Adam Wilde met every single one that was ever said about him. Born in 1988, Adam wasn’t the oldest, nor would he be the youngest. He fit somewhere in the middle of the Wilde family; and what a name it was for that family. He grew up knowing that they were able to skirt around the law and its interpretation. That ideology would follow him all throughout his life. As a child, he quickly learned just how to push people’s buttons and found entertainment in the reaction. He had a very good time growing up, oblivious at this point of the dealings that his father had gotten them into. He idolized his older brothers Adrian and Skyler, following them around like a puppy dog until they grew tired of him; and even then he stuck around. Getting through school, he was another ‘Wilde’ kid; in more ways than just his surname. He was rambunctious and curious about everything, finding that he did indeed love to learn, but taking instruction from an authority figure was where the problem lied. Call it upbringing, call it genetics, but either way; he struggled in school despite possessing the intelligence to succeed.
Miraculously, he made it to high school without being held back purely because of his lack of drive. Adam knew the material, and his teacher’s all knew he knew it, but there was almost nothing they could do to get him to do the work. He was far more interested in his life out of the classroom, as most teenagers were, but most teenagers didn’t have New York City as their personal playground. The Wildes were infamous, and he had grown to know just exactly what that meant. He loved it. Authority figures never seemed to warrant much respect from Adam, and no wonder; his father was a kingpin with his own underground empire. Their business dealings were almost legendary, though it was all kept very quiet. Otherwise, jail time would’ve been inevitable. Throughout high school, Adam did what he could to help out the family business. Whether that was taking shifts at the Haunted Star, pushing drugs through his school network, or overseeing some of the gambling rings they dabbled in. Gambling was his favorite. He loved the risk and reward scenario. Adam clearly had an addictive personality, but there was nothing at the time that made that problematic. He wasn’t using the drugs he was helping to push, and he had only dipped into the firearms market to take a simple pistol for his own protection. The gambling was another story. Nearly all of the money he was given by his father was tied up in one form of bet or another, and this was what he preferred, though his temper let loose whenever he lost.
Graduating, somehow, Adam was now unleashed on an unsuspecting society. He had no idea what he wanted to do with his life other than continue with what he’d done in high school. He wanted to keep the Wilde businesses successful, thus keeping his pockets flush with betting cash. The responsibility-free lifestyle couldn’t last forever. After a heated conversation with his father after losing a particularly lucrative bet, it was decided for him that he would enlist in the marine corps. Adam didn’t care one way or the other, it was another adventure and another opportunity to see things that he hadn’t before. A small part of him was a little concerned about the fact that he could die, but he had the ability to close off that possibility and ignore it completely. He was shipped off to basic training immediately, making a few friends and far too many enemies; mostly with the officers that were supervising him. A warning from his father about making something of himself was the only thing that helped him get through the brutal training. At that point, if he had showed back up at his father’s doorstep, a failed recruit, he would’ve been turned away. So he put on a mask of being the obedient soldier and carried on, making the cut and being stationed with a division in Afghanistan.
He was freshly twenty years old and ready to take on the world; literally. Adam was never quite sure who they were supposed to be fighting, but most of the time it felt like everyone in the small town they were stationed in was supposed to be an enemy. It didn’t take him long to ignore that, forming friendships with the locals and other marines stationed there alike. He was a like-able guy, especially when he put the charm on purposely. Soon enough, his instincts and old habits came back with a vengeance. Boredom and a long leash would do that. He had learned from the best and formed his own gambling den, betting on such banal things as cock fighting, the time a cow would give birth, boxing matches, and anything they could find. All good things eventually come to an end, and bad things weren’t much different. His illicit dealings had lasted an amazing three years before  his superior officers were alerted. They came down hard on him, embarrassed that something like this had gone on for years under their noses and in various locations across the bases. Dishonorably discharged, twenty three year old Adam went back to his father’s house with much more experience than either of them had expected. He had feared that his father would turn him away, the threat having rang through his mind since basic training at eighteen, but he did no such thing. He embraced his youngest son and brought him back into the family business fold with no hesitation.
Adam was home; in more ways than one. He was back doing what he was comfortable with, and what he had tried to recreate overseas. His second home was the Haunted Star, being among people that needed him. Well, they needed his family’s product or their fun to be had, but in his mind they were the same thing. He loved to be needed and relished in his role by his father and brother’s side. He thrived in a place where most did the opposite. Meeting Daphne a few years after coming back from Afghanistan was icing on the cake in his mind. She was gorgeous and there was something about her that kept drawing him in, unlike any other girl that he had met and been around. She could have easily been a one off, but something in his body wouldn’t let him let her go. What she saw in him, he wasn’t sure. He was charming, he knew that because he worked hard to be able to put on that face, but she was someone who was able to see right through him nearly all the time. She had no idea about his family’s dealings, and he intended to keep it that way, despite how appealing the idea of having some sort of Bonnie & Clyde-esque relationship was. The world was a scary place and he wanted to protect her as much as he could. Not letting her get involved with the drugs, gambling, and firearms business was something he could control.
Everything seemed to change when Adrian was killed. That wasn’t something anyone saw coming, least of all Adam. Somehow the idea that they were untouchable had permeated his mind. The world felt fragile now without Adrian Wilde in it. To say that Adam was devastated was an understatement. He had always looked up to him, following in his footsteps as a child literally and then metaphorically as an adult. He began to use the product that his family had been peddling for years, as a way to numb his mind from the ache of a missing limb; his missing brother. He was throwing himself into his hedonism, risking things that made him happy. Daphne. His quick wit. His ability to gamble smartly. And he was doing the opposite. He was losing money hand over fist because he would make bets while high and not care about the outcome at the time. Destruction is fast becoming his go to state of being, unable to cope with the shift in his family dynamic.
( + ) charismatic, loyal, sociable. ( - ) callous, deceitful, narcissistic.
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areyoureadingthis8 · 4 years
To all the tears I’ve cried in 2020
2020 What a dumpster fire eh?
I want to start off by acknowledging that we’ve ALL had a shitty year. I don’t think I’m special, I just like it when people don’t pretend to be something they are not.
I don’t know where to start and what to leave in and leave out at this point so let’s start from the beginning and you can trapse with me through the sewer that is 2020.
New Years Eve 2019- 
After a horrid couple months of our baby being sick and almost dying Matt and I treated ourselves to a night out. We started off at Little Miss Brewing and then went to The Grand, where we originally met. We enjoyed the loud music, jello shots and a midnight kiss.
New Years day we took Shiva to Lake Murray.
My coworker and I joked that there would be a plague since historically that seems to be what happens every 100 years. As Dwight from The Office  would say “I state my regret”.
There also came a day where there was an active shooter outside my work. Our building went on lockdown but for only about 15 minutes. Being in that type of situation really makes you look at things. It’s enough to say I was scared and blessed that it didn’t escalate any further then it did. Only one person died that day, I’ll let you speculate who.
You know what happens next.
Shit hit the fan. Everyone flipped the fuck out. 
At my work, once HR said okay let’s get everyone working remote and home safe people grabbed their desktop workstations off their desk and ran out of the building. It looked like a bomb went off in the office. They took it home and then called the helpdesk asking why it wouldn’t work.
The experience was rather unsettling, and one I don't care to relive.
Matt’s clinic went into disarray with yells of “coronavirus!”. For the first couple weeks they didn’t have access to any tests then later rationed 10 tests. Person number one came in, fresh back from Spain, fever, cough, shortness of breath. Matt was scared but also kind of excited. They gathered all their PPE , strapped up and went in.
Matt’s phone rang about every 5 minutes between calls from his boss, his boss’s boss, Corporate, and HR. Full on crisis mode activated. It was only a couple days before all the PPE was gone.
Depression, devastation, drinking and TikTok lol.
We still didn’t know how serious Covid was but l prefer to err on the side of caution. It’s not like we could go anywhere anyways.. Since we were both essential workers our day to day didn’t change much.  At my work we got most everyone on laptops and completely remote. I would FedEx hardware components where needed, and when things got stressful I would look out the window at the 805 at the same view I had for the last year. The cars still buzzed around doing whatever it was they were doing.  
The parks opened back up. We were able to get Shiva out again.
I still didn’t know anybody that gotten covid.
There was a lot of noise now about masks, freedom, and that covid was bullshit.
People got bored with the lockdowns and closures.
My dad is a hard conspiracy theorist so I always had it in the back of my mind that there is something else going on here.  Trying not to get too far down the rabbit hole; I had told myself “ I’ll know it for sure when I see it.” 
That day came in late May.
I was at work and then all the sudden social media blew up.
There was a police officer with his knee to a man's neck. He killed him.
My first reaction “that’s fucked up”. Then I froze. I watched the police officers' expressions.
There was nothing behind their eyes. They almost seemed amused with themselves.
Deep state got George Floyd that day. Still at my desk it was like I blinked and I saw it. I saw cities burning, cias, death, and destruction all before it happened.  
Our government publicly executed this man with the intent of starting a race war and even encouraged people to go out and protest in the middle of the so-called pandemic. 
One could only assume they wanted more people to get covid and die but that’s not what happened.  Despite the rioting and the protests, it didn’t seem to drive up the case rate.
About 3 weeks in, more people like myself who were on the fence were now convinced and ready to call our government’s bluff. You lied to us fuckers. You lied, locked us down, and destroyed our economy. You killed a man for sport.  I have no problem saying I hope every politician and elitist burns in hell for all of it. Time for the sheep to wake up.
I took to using my platform to express my disdain. Shocker, people don’t like conspiracy theorists. They can’t handle it. They prefer to live in a world where everything is peachy and their government is good. Believe me when I say it’s not like I want any of these horrible things to happen, but i think it’s important to be open and prepared for the worst. Still I’d have people comment “how sad” I am. Really? Well I think you’re sad for being so closed minded and not opening your eyes to what is right in front of you. They aren’t even hiding it, and yet you defend them.
On a lighter note, we got Shiva a stroller to get around better. 
My 40th birthday consisted of a beach trip,  take out mexican food and mojitos.
We’re now to that part of the story.
We celebrated the anniversary of Shiva throwing up all that blood with a trip to Lake Murray. We had taken her to the hospital that night expecting to have her put down but somehow fate intervened. The anomaly was never explained but Matt I believe Shiva knew she was on her way out and she wanted to prepare us.  She was trying to say “Mom, Dad, I’m going to have to leave you soon and I need to know you’ll be okay” because that’s the kind of dog she was.
The last year had not been easy though. Our schedules pretty much revolved around Shiva and her care; Matt left early in the morning for work, and I would leave closer to 9-9:30.  We took turns watching her on a house camera from our phones. Matt would get home earlier to be with her and so on. Looking at Shiva in the moment,  I could see that she wanted to be here with us but her body was failing, she was tired. 
Shiva began to have episodes of coughing and pacing at night. Her lungs were filling with fluid. The lasix and the diuretics were no longer working on her. She was officially in the danger zone, at risk for heart attack, stroke, and assfixation. 
I’m grateful I got to spend her last four days with her.
We had one last consultation. Shiva was slowly suffocating to death and there was nothing that anyone could do about it.
On that last day we pushed her on her stroller for a few hours at Liberty Station. She had steak and eggs and then one of the nicest guys I’ve had the pleasure of meeting came over and did the deed. She closed her eyes and gave us one last famous Shiva smile. 
Such an anti-climatic end to this chapter in our lives. 
Eight months later now Covid is hitting. Suspicious much? Matt’s clinic went into disarray again as he started going to the county facilities twice a week to test.
We went to Arizona for Thanksgiving; had a nice dinner , went for a hike and a walk around the lake.
More covid. I know quite a few people that have gotten sick.
No one knows what the future holds. I hope none of these theories come true but we have to be prepared for the worst .  When I get dark Matt tells me not to worry “For every beginning there is an end, and to every end there is a beginning” and that part I’m sure about. 
2020 definitely made me realize I didn't have enough appreciation for the little things before.
To steal  Pam’s last line from The Office “There’s beauty in ordinary things.”
And now it’s New Years Eve
We were outside our house , getting ready to go to Little Miss Brewing when Matt saw a loose dog running up and down our street. We gave him his space in case he runner. Matt called him over “come here boy”. He came right over. He followed us. He came inside the house without hesitation. Such a sweet dog.  I have posted in multiple groups. His picture has been shared a 100 times tonight already. Waiting to see and hear if we find the owner. Call me kookie, but I have no doubt Shiva sent him here. Whether it be just for the night so he has shelter or chance at something else.
Wishing better things for all us in 2021!
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jeremystrele · 4 years
Times Like These…With Musician And Writer Clare Bowditch
Times Like These…With Musician And Writer Clare Bowditch
Times Like These
by Sally Tabart
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Singer and author Clare Bowditch at home in Melbourne’s inner North. Photo – Sarah Collins for The Design Files.
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Clare with her husband Marty Brown, twin boys Oscar and Elijah, and daughter Asha. Photo – Sarah Collins for The Design Files.
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Clare with her sons Oscar and Elijah in the kitchen at home. Photo – Sarah Collins for The Design Files.
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Radiant Clare! Photo – Sarah Collins for The Design Files.
Beloved Australian musician, actress and author Clare Bowditch is reflective at the best of times. She is an expert at extracting gleaming kernels of truth from her life experiences – it’s what has fuelled her career as a writer and musician, after all. So it’s not surprising that she has found this period of isolation fertile ground for new ideas. And while this time has been devastating for creative Australians – many of whom fall through the cracks of JobSeeker and JobKeeper, and still have no clear path to accessing government support – Clare is confident that the work that will be produced by artists following this period of isolation and fear will be profound.
Clare has been bunkering down with her husband Marty Brown and their three high school-aged kids Oscar, Elijah and Asha in Melbourne’s inner-north. Last week, the morning after she won an Australian Book Industry Award for best new Australian writer (Clare published her autobiography, Your Own Kind of Girl, in October 2019), we spoke about the resilience of creative Australians, Clare’s outlook on the arts and entertainment industries, and her advice for artists feeling lost right now.
How are you today – and how have you been overall during COVID-19?  
Today is an interesting day. There was a lot of beauty outside when I went for my walk this morning. It’s also the morning after I won my first ever writing award. It’s really odd because normally on a day like today – it’s such an honour to be noted by your peers – but to not be able to celebrate in person with them, there’s a sense of melancholy. It’s not an easy time for any creative arts industry. The reality is we are still waiting for our government to show up and announce how it’s going to support creative Australian businesses and individuals throughout this very difficult time, where there is a lot of loss of work and a lot of people volunteering to take pay cuts just to keep things going.
There’s a good sense in my bones that all of the industries I’m part of – music, writing and publishing – will very much survive and come through this time. There’s also this real sense of concern that I’ve got inside me. I woke up in a mixed mood.
What is the root of that concern?
I’m an established artist 20 years down the road on my arts career, I’m fine. I will be able to find a new creative project to do and I have an established audience. My real concern is for emerging artists or mid-career artists who can’t play live at the moment, they can’t connect with their audiences in the same way. So many of them fall through the JobSeeker and JobKeeper cracks. So my number one concern is how can we continue to support creative ideas, creative minds, during this time?
Now the beautiful thing about being creatively inclined is that we will always make gold from straw. We know how to perform alchemy. And I think in a year from now we’ll be in quite an interesting place. And guess what? Us in the arts also know how to make a good bean stew! We know how to live on a frugal budget.
What do you think the industry is going to look like in a year?
We are enjoying the way our artists are pivoting. We’re getting to see them in different lights. But the really interesting thing for me in a year from now – we’ll have had a bunch of artists who have been isolated and had time to reflect and work on new ideas. We need that longform support because in these industries we can’t just click our fingers and create a new work in five seconds. We need time to develop that work. So at best, I think this is a time of development for many people. It certainly is for me – I’ll be taking a little bit of long service leave for the next couple of months over the winter just to work on ideas.
Were you already planning to do that, or was this spurred on by COVID-19?
I’m one of the many thousands of Australians who have been caring for a sick family member during this time of COVID. My mother has pancreatic cancer. She hasn’t been well but I just want to take some time to really enjoy life and be present for my family in a different way, and to work on some quieter projects. That’s what I’m planning to do.
I’m a natural-born introvert and I haven’t had a chance to be introverted for about 10 years! I’m looking forward to a true winter where I get to have reflection and get my head around the year that has been. I was already leaning in this direction, but this time of COVID has reminded me that you can actually do it.
What has your family’s isolation situation been like?
I live at home with my partner Marty Brown and our three children. We’ve got two boys who are doing year 8 and our eldest daughter Asha is doing year 12. We also have two Burmese cats and one dog called Charlie. So our time here at home has been homeschooling. I’ve got to say I think we have an easier time than our friends with much younger children.
There are nights when we all just shut ourselves in our bedroom and nobody can talk anymore because we’ve hit our talking limit, but it’s been precious in a way to be playing board games and card games, watching movies together, it’s been a pretty precious time with the family.
How has your work been affected?
March and April are when I make about a third of my income for the year because of events. And I got a phone call on a day in March when the restrictions were starting to be put in place where I was told that 13 of my 15 events had been completely cancelled. So there was an initial time of panic and fear, but we reshuffled some things and settled into a quiet pace. I didn’t sleep for a while when it was first announced, but like many other sensitive creative types, I felt in my gut that being glued to media updates was not going to serve me. And now I just listen to Coronacast every morning and that’s how I get my updates.
What have you been reflecting on?
For me this time, and really the last year, has been a profound reminder of how little control we have over circumstances. But how ferociously important it is that we take care with the stories we tell ourselves, and the stories we choose to believe. So not catastrophising in an already catastrophic situation is one of the lessons I’ve been reminded of again and again. And for me, this has been an important reminder of how central and important is the writing of music, writing in my diary, creative conversations with friends, the reading of books, how they have relieved my deeper worries and questions during this time. They are the things I have gone back to.
What are you feeling hopeful for?
I feel enormously encouraged by the sense of local community that has sprung up in Australia. I live in the north [of Melbourne] – and to see the way the businesses have pivoted, to be able to support them and see that sense of camaraderie and how we’ve all checked in on each other – this has given me enormous hope. But I think most of all I look forward to how we rebuild Australia. We obviously care about each other in this country otherwise we wouldn’t have done what we’ve just done. That gift of social distancing has been profoundly disruptive and really important. I guess I feel hopeful about the Australian spirit in a way, which sounds like a song from an ad, but I really do!
I think the main point is perhaps the gift of this is simplicity – we don’t actually need heaps of things to be able to access pleasure and hope in these uncertain times, and I think that’s a profound lesson.
What would you say to an artist who is afraid of what their future might look like now? 
Your future success as an artist is based on what you do with your feelings.
Last week, Clare was announced ‘New Australian Writer of the Year‘ by the Australian Book Industry Awards! Her first book, Your Own Kind Of Girl, is available from all good bookstores.
Clare and fellow creative/podcast co-host Jamila Rizvi have started a Facegroup group, Quarantine with Jam and Clare .  Join for company, community and fun online events – including a book club hosted with Readings! 
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thesassybooskter · 7 years
SOMEBODY'S BABY by Donna Alward: Review
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Somebody's Baby by Donna Alward Series: Darling VT #3 Published by St. Martin's Paperbacks Publication Date: April 4th 2017 Genres: Contemporary Romance Pages: 293 Source: Publisher Format: eARC Goodreads Buy Online: Amazon ♥ Barnes & Noble ♥ Kobo
I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Veterinarian Rory Gallagher chose a different path from his brothers, both of whom became first responders in the lovely little town of Darling, Vermont. Rory’s always had an affinity for animals–and the ladies. Known for his impressive track record in breaking hearts, Rory never meant to hurt anyone; he’s just never been in a hurry to settle down. It’s not as if he needs to pay a visit to the town’s famed Kissing Bridge to magically find love. He’ll know The One when he sees her. . .right?
Oaklee Ferguson is the kid sister of Rory’s best friend–and, even now that she’s all grown up, remains immune to the pet-doctor’s charms. When she shows up at Rory’s clinic late one night–devastated after hitting a stray dog with her car–Rory’s so-called -bedroom eyes- are the last thing on her mind. Still, his care and kindness toward the dog, and his concern for her feelings, catches Oaklee by surprise. . .and soon the two (and rescued dog makes three!) begin to share a deep connection that neither could have ever imagined. Could it be that love has been waiting for them by the bridge all along?
If there ever were a step-by-step guide for how to start a successful and lasting relationship, I imagine it would look like this: boy meets girl, they fall in love and live happily ever after, but without the baggage and hurt. Alas, there is no such thing as both Rory Gallagher and Oaklee Ferguson have learned the really hard way.
Both casualties of love gone wrong, Rory and Oaklee have reason to be wary of the emotion and have devised various methods of dealing it. For Rory, serial dating is the best way to avoid emotional entanglements and for Oaklee, keeping busy and avoiding dating is her preferred method. Until an injured dog brings them into closer contact and changes everything for them.
Rory and Oaklee have always had feelings for each other but Rory’s friendship with her older brother effectively put the kibosh on anything developing between them back in the day, but now it’s their fear of getting hurt again that stands between them and possible happiness. 
Rory and Oaklee were a really adorable couple and I enjoyed every bit of their effort to get past their heartbreak and find happiness with each other. It’s obvious that their attempts to avoid being hurt again have pretty much starved them of meaningful connections with other people and they are very lonely, no matter how exciting their lives look from the outside.
It’s like watching a baby learn to walk; you wince when they fall and cheer when they succeed and I think the author did an amazing job, getting readers invested in and rooting for Rory and Oaklee to find happiness with each other. SOMEBODY’S BABY was a real joy to read and I hope we get more stories soon, especially Hannah’s.
    About Donna Alward
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While bestselling author Donna Alward was busy studying Austen, Eliot and Shakespeare, she was also losing herself in the breathtaking stories created by romance novelists like LaVyrle Spencer, Judith McNaught, and Nora Roberts. Several years after completing her degree she decided to write a romance of her own and it was true love!
Five years and ten manuscripts later she sold her first book and launched a new career. While her heartwarming stories of love, hope, and homecoming have been translated into several languages, hit bestseller lists and won awards, her very favorite thing is when she hears from happy readers!
Donna lives on Canada’s east coast with her family which includes a husband, a couple of kids, a senior dog and two crazy cats. When she’s not writing she enjoys reading (of course!), knitting, gardening, cooking…and is a Masterpiece Theater addict.
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SOMEBODY’S BABY by Donna Alward: Review was originally published on The Sassy Bookster
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entergamingxp · 4 years
The Last of Us Part II Review — A History of Violence
June 24, 2020 11:00 AM EST
Tense, heartbreaking, and profound, The Last of Us Part II is an affecting examination of consequences and a masterful sequel by Naughty Dog.
**Editor’s Note: This review, while being largely free of major story spoilers, does mention some of The Last of Us Part II’s second half that changes the perspective of what players experience in-game. I felt this aspect of the game was important to address in order to highlight the direction of the story and tone that Naughty Dog chose with The Last of Us Part II and to better inform what to expect from the game. However, other than that, the rest of the review will try to be as vague as possible regarding some of its larger story moments and reveals to avoid spoilers.**
The ending of The Last of Us, which saw Joel raid a hospital occupied by the Fireflies in order to rescue Ellie, ultimately left players with a question–rather than a definitive statement–of whether his actions were the right ones to take. Saving Ellie’s life was a result of their growing bond, but also came with a heavy cost for the rest of humanity. More importantly, the ending cast Joel’s actions in a different light and was willing to let the player make their own judgments about what had happened and where things could go from there. The ending, more or less, put a period on an emotional story about love and compassion, while forcing players to reexamine how they ultimately felt about Joel’s actions, whether they were noble, reckless, or otherwise.
The Last of Us Part II, by comparison, changes that period to an ellipsis and forces an entirely different read on the events of the first game. Picking up from where Joel and Ellie’s story left off was never going to be an easy task, let alone trying to wrangle the complex emotions of the first game, especially in its final moments. However, calling it “Part II” feels like an appropriate extension of what Naughty Dog was trying to accomplish with this title. On that part, the studio has crafted a game that doesn’t just build off of its predecessor in every way, but puts it into a very different, challenging context.
For a multitude of reasons, The Last of Us Part II is probably one of the most complicated games that I’ve ever had to review. Like many others that loved the first game, I initially was hesitant about what a sequel to The Last of Us could add to its story, given how Joel and Ellie’s journey was told so effectively by Naughty Dog. Then there were the leaks in April that revealed several of the game’s major story beats months before its release, some of which I had (unwittingly) ended up seeing, and the resulting fallout of internet backlash and discourse about those reveals. Then there are the real-world situations surrounding it, from the ongoing effects of the coronavirus pandemic, to a current political and social climate fueled by tension, division, and hate. Though The Last of Us Part II is obviously removed from the circumstances that we’re facing right now with very different contexts, there are moments where it doesn’t feel too far off either, making the game’s similarities to the current state of our world feel even more prescient.
The polarized response to the direction of the story in The Last of Us Part II, in many ways, speaks to the strengths of its writing, performances, and its overarching themes. Initially described as a game about “hate” by director Neil Druckmann, The Last of Us Part II definitely reflects those emotions once players begin their initial quest for revenge as Ellie. But by its end, The Last of Us Part II encompasses so much more than that. Though the game often shows people as their absolute worst through violence and cruelty, its moments of humanity and levity save it from becoming the worst version of itself, in a lot of ways. Whether you’ve seen the leaks beforehand or not, The Last of Us Part II is an experience that can only be fully understood by playing through it for yourself to come to terms with what it has to say.
“The Last of Us Part II is an experience that can only be fully understood by playing through it for yourself to come to terms with what it has to say.”
There is a lot to unpack from the story that Naughty Dog tells in The Last of Us Part II, both thematically and emotionally. Sometimes that’s to a fault as the game’s story is dense and complex when taking it all in, compared to the precise, focused storytelling of the first game. Part II’s unique narrative structure twists players’ expectations at every turn, and in a lot of ways might warrant a second playthrough to fully grasp it. And as much as Part II manages to tell a captivating story over a much longer experience than the original game, it often loses grasp of the many narrative threads and themes it is trying to pull at once. But long after I’ve rolled credits on the game, seeing where Ellie’s path of vengeance winds up hasn’t left my thoughts for days, and likely won’t for some time to come.
Picking up about five years after the events of the original game, The Last of Us Part II shows what happened once Joel and Ellie reached the end of their journey across America. After reconvening with Joel’s brother Tommy in Jackson County, Wyoming, Ellie and Joel have made a life for themselves in its survivor encampment. While the Jackson community has established itself as a safe haven in the midst of the post-apocalypse, Joel and Ellie haven’t been on good terms in some time once the truth is revealed about what happened at the hospital in Salt Lake City.
After a brief introduction to the idyllic Jackson community and a few new characters that play a big part in Ellie’s life, such as Jesse and her partner Dina, the wheels of The Last of Us Part II’s story are set in motion by the arrival of a group of survivors led by Abby. After a violent confrontation with Abby and her group, Ellie is left physically and emotionally devastated by the encounter, and begins a plot to track the group to their base in Seattle, Washington to settle the score.
“There is a lot to unpack from the story that Naughty Dog tells in The Last of Us Part II, both thematically and emotionally.”
There is obviously much, much more to the plot of The Last of Us Part II than that, but it’s difficult to truly reveal what ends up provoking Ellie’s search for revenge without completely spoiling the context for the rest of the story. Even the trailers and gameplay footage since its reveal have had to dance around some major events that set-up the entire premise of the game and to hide its biggest reveals. That said, what sets The Last of Us Part II apart from what initially seems like a simple “revenge story” plot is a major perspective change that alters the course of the story dramatically, and provides a clearer picture of the “cycle of violence” that defines it as a whole and its characters.
After playing as Ellie for the first half of the game where she and Dina venture out to Seattle, a major turning point leads to a perspective change for players in the second half of the game by playing as Abby. By switching perspectives midway through the story, The Last of Us Part II not only completely recontextualizes what happens in the first half from experiencing Ellie’s point of view, but also reframes the events of the first game entirely. Gradually players uncover Abby’s role in the story, while also highlighting Part II’s larger theme of portraying flawed characters that don’t neatly fit into black-and-white moral archetypes. For all intents and purposes, Abby is the “antagonist” of the story, making it remarkable that the second half of the game is able to show her in a much deeper, more empathetic way. For a character that players are almost immediately meant to hate, Abby’s story proves just as compelling as Ellie’s, which is a testament to Naughty Dog’s writing and Laura Bailey’s performance of her character.
“Part II’s unique narrative structure twists players’ expectations at every turn, and in a lot of ways might warrant a second playthrough to fully grasp it.”
The narrative and emotional weight of The Last of Us Part II does much of the heavy lifting for what players will experience in its 20-30 hour journey, alongside its standout performances from Troy Baker, Ashley Johnson, and newcomers like Shannon Woodward. However, the devastating and enthralling story of Part II is also backed by its tense, dynamic gameplay that consistently engages players to fight for survival. While Ellie and Abby both have their own unique feel to them–Ellie being more agile compared to Abby’s more strong-armed approach to encounters–The Last of Us Part II makes a number of refinements to the series’ stealth-oriented gameplay that is incredible in motion.
This is especially compounded with the diverse range of enemies that players will encounter throughout the game, human or otherwise. The Infected–humans mutated by the cordyceps fungal outbreak–once again are a major threat, and The Last of Us Part II introduces a few new variants of the Infected alongside the infamous Clickers and Bloaters. There are also the two main human factions that players will face throughout the game, the pseudo-militarized Washington Liberation Front (colloquially known as WLF or “Wolves”) and a religious cult known as the Seraphites (or “Scars,” who unsettlingly communicate by whistling). Notably, these two factions are at odds with one another throughout the game, leading to some situations where players (as Ellie or Abby) are able to use these opposing factions against each other to their advantage.
“While the violence in Part II at first is meant to be unsettling and brutal, I can’t help but feel that it begins to lose its meaning when every encounter leads to essentially a bloodbath.”
Whether fighting off Clickers or hunting down Wolves or Seraphites, the combat and moment-to-moment gameplay of The Last of Us Part II is undoubtedly satisfying and a big improvement over the original game. But perhaps more noticeably than its predecessor, Part II delivers a much more brutal approach to combat and violence, as a means of both upping the intensity of encounters and making the player reflect on their own actions. Enemies are killed and eviscerated in far more graphic detail, and taking out an enemy will often have their companion shout their name or call out for them if they’ve gone missing.
This intention of humanizing the enemies you’re facing is undoubtedly chilling, and Naughty Dog went the extra mile in making the player feel tense and uncomfortable with the combat in Part II. However, while the violence in Part II at first is meant to be unsettling and brutal, I can’t help but feel that it begins to lose its meaning when every encounter leads to essentially a bloodbath. In the major story moments where violence is impacted on the characters we know and are meant to sympathize with, the brutality and callousness of it absolutely works and reinforces the story’s theme of violent actions having violent consequences. But when faced with a group of enemies that stand between you and the next objective to move forward in the story, killing them in cold blood begins to show the seams where Part II’s narrative ambitions run against the limitations of using horrific violence to make a point. Part II makes us feel and mourn major character deaths (of which there are many), while also leaving Ellie and Abby with a heap of bodies behind them.
“With Part II, Naughty Dog has outdone itself with some of the most meticulously crafted levels and environments that I have seen in a game.”
Much like the original game, players will have to utilize stealth and careful resource management to navigate Part II’s series of environments, which have notably been expanded from the original game. Taking a cue from the more recent Uncharted titles such as Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy, The Last of Us Part II features more extensive open areas that not only give the player flexibility in how to approach incoming enemies, but give far more room to explore, gather supplies, and witness more of the story through its world and setpieces.
With Part II, Naughty Dog has outdone itself with some of the most meticulously crafted levels and environments that I have seen in a game. This is especially the case once players reach Seattle with Ellie and Dina, which is easily one of the biggest, most impressively detailed environments that has appeared in a Naughty Dog title. From venturing through lush forests, to wandering the overgrown streets of downtown Seattle, The Last of Us Part II utilizes its spaces to an exceptional degree to make exploration and discovery not only crucial to surviving, but as a way to enhance its storytelling. Granted, these environments can be detailed to a fault; there were several points where I sometimes found myself unclear where to go next and would accidentally backtrack. But thankfully, the game will help point you in the right direction if you end up getting lost, and sometimes it’s for the better to appreciate the intricate details strewn throughout each area.
“The Last of Us Part II utilizes its spaces to an exceptional degree to make exploration and discovery not only crucial to surviving, but as a way to enhance its storytelling.”
Likewise, the signature world-building and environmental storytelling that made The Last of Us so memorable is on full display in Part II. There are ample opportunities to explore different rooms filled with their own stories of the people who once lived there. Some of them are harrowing, some of them are poignant, but they’re never uninteresting and give a huge incentive to more thoroughly explore each environment. Going off the beaten path has always been encouraged in The Last of Us, and Part II draws on the strength of its environments and subtlety to create an even more richly-defined world.
By the end of The Last of Us Part II, I came away from it experiencing some of the most powerful, emotional moments that I’ve ever seen from a video game, let alone any other story told in another medium. Naughty Dog’s long-awaited sequel has the kind of raw storytelling that comes only a few times in a generation, and the fact that the studio was able to pull this off in a follow-up to the original is a feat in and of itself. From the perspectives of Ellie and Abby, The Last of Us Part II succeeds not only as a dark and haunting story of revenge, but as an examination of consequences and redemption. While Part II sometimes falters in its delivery of extremely heavy subject matter, it also proves itself as a poignant exploration of human emotions and all their extremes, whether that is hate, love, or anything in-between.
“Naughty Dog’s long-awaited sequel has the kind of raw storytelling that comes only a few times in a generation.”
Like the journey for revenge that its main characters seek, The Last of Us Part II is often bleak, complicated, and doesn’t provide easy answers for its challenging moral questions. In a lot of ways, The Last of Us Part II will make you angry, it will upset you, and it will break your heart as much as its glimpses of warmth and humanity will lift your spirits. It is a challenging game to play at times; there were several points where I felt completely overwhelmed by what I was experiencing. But the raw emotions and storytelling heights that Naughty Dog reaches with The Last of Us Part II are worth seeing through to the end, as hard as it may be to get there.
June 24, 2020 11:00 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/06/the-last-of-us-part-ii-review-a-history-of-violence/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-last-of-us-part-ii-review-a-history-of-violence
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Canadian CH-148 Helicopter Crash: Honouring the Victims Who Lost Their Lives
By Tamara Condie
In the face of the already devastating COVID-19 pandemic, just days ago, the CAF was harrowingly tasked with organizing a special ramp ceremony for the six Armed Forces members that lost their lives on 29 April in the CH-148 Cyclone helicopter crash. The accident resulted in the death of Sub-Lieutenant Abigail Cowbrough and Captain Brenden Ian MacDonald, and the presumed death of Captain Kevin Hagen, Captain Maxime Miron-Mori, Sub-Lieutenant Matthew Pike, and Master Corporal Matthew Cousins. This tragedy has sent a wave of tribulation from coast to coast, which has bridged several Canadian communities together in pursuit of honouring the fallen. 
Sub-Lieutenant Abbigail Cowbrough — Toronto, ON: Sub-Lt. Abbigail Cowbrough has been described by both her peers and superiors as “a force of nature.” Sub-Lt. Cowbrough’s jovial personality brought everyone that came in contact with her mere delight; her father characterizes her in a Facebook post as his “bright light in life taken far too soon.” Part of Sub-Lt. Cowbrough’s lasting impression on people came from the fact that she was a jill-of-all-trades— she doubled up as a Maritime systems engineer officer and a piper for both a military and not-for-profit volunteer piping union for the Halifax Regional Fire Service. 
Although posted out East as a member of the HMCS Fredericton crew, Cowbrough was born and raised in the GTA— she spent a lot of her childhood indulging in cadet activities with RCAF 534 Raider Squadron and as a piper for the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment. There is no shortage of verbiage in circulation that commemorates Sub-Lt. Cowbrough’s vivacious persona, and it is evident that many will miss her life-loving and always-willing-to-help self. A few years ago, a beautiful mural in Downtown Peterborough (Cowbrough’s hometown) was painted of Cowbrough in a highland dancing position— it now honours her passing. 
Captain Brenden Ian MacDonald — New Glasgow, NS: Capt. Brenden Ian McDonald was recognized ubiquitously for being hardworking and determined. A yearning to fly can be traced all the way back to his childhood, as one of his former cadet instructors characterizes the young Capt. MacDonald as “exemplifying the best of the best.” This instructor, Mr. Jamie Caudle, was an eyewitness to Capt. MacDonald earning his wings on the Introduction to Aviation Course at the Regional Gliding School. While reminiscing, he attributed MacDonald to being extremely well-liked by his peers, and demonstrating remarkable intellect. 
Fast forwarding to the future, Capt. MacDonald seemed to have maintained that unwavering drive and revered persona— a plethora of friends and community members are mourning his loss, alongside his beautiful wife, Amanda, and their three children. Both of his siblings are actively serving members of the CAF as well, and a former CO of Capt. MacDonald’s describes his entire family as “brilliant,” and adds that she has “sleepless nights over this.” Although an irrefutable tragedy, a dear friend of the deceased Captain has put together a GoFundMe page, which has raised over 100 thousand dollars for Capt. MacDonald’s lamenting family.
Captain Kevin Hagen— Nanaimo, BC: Saturated in potential, Capt. Kevin Hagen’s family recollects how “amazing of a young man” he was. Capt. Hagen was born in Nanaimo, but spread his wings throughout the majority of the West coast— he graduated from the 848 Royal Roads Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron in Victoria, BC. Described as “caring and sensitive” by his father, the Captain’s family and friends will miss his selfless and loveable demeanour. Hagen had an ocean of friends, and one of his closest confidantes whom he met through cadet school, Kyrle Symons, states plainly that “everybody loved him.” 
Kevin wanted to be a pilot ever since his childhood, and he chased that dream down the runway alongside his friend Symons starting back in cadets. Watching Capt. Hagen’s pursuit of his dreams was “really exciting,” according to Symons, and he is happy he got to see his friend Capt. Hagen attain his Holy Grail in life. That being said, Hagen’s family and friends continue to mourn the premature loss of an outdoorsy, dog-loving and outstanding individual. In an interview with the CBC, his brother, Kyle, expresses how deeply he will miss Kevin’s ability to be so selflessly supportive to the family, even amidst his hectic career. 
Captain Maxine Miron-Morin— Trois Rivières, QC: Another individual who was long destined to be in the military is Capt. Maxine Miron-Morin, a former cadet with 817 J.-V.-Allard de Nicolet Squadron. His former CO, Benoît Mercier, paints Capt. Miron-Morin as a “cadet who was always able to lead by example, and remain serious while also knowing how to go out and have fun.” Capt. Miron-Morin always had a hankering to one day fly, and as a cadet, dreamed of wearing the RCAF uniform. 
Although he did eventually get around to enlisting, Capt. Miron-Morin developed a dignified educational background before doing so: he completed a degree in aeronautical engineering at the RMC in Kingston. In addition to this, Capt. Miron-Morin was a beloved husband, son, brother and friend. Many heartfelt messages have been published in honour of the young Captain— some words that have been commonly used to describe him are “compassionate, intelligent, positive, and welcoming.” A GoFundMe page has been set up in his loving memory to raise money towards building a commemoration in his hometown. 
Sub-Lieutenant Matthew Pyke— Truro, NS: Sub-Lt. Matthew Pyke’s entire career was premised around his innate ethos of honour and selflessness. In a formally issued statement, Sub-Lt. Pyke’s family attributes the circumstances of his death to “doing what he was born to do— serving others.” Matthew is remembered as being a proud member of the RCN, which was deeply rooted in a sense of duty that had driven him to achieve something greater than himself. On top of the fact that Sub-Lt. Pyke was a son, brother, and fiancé, he was an avid giver to his Nova Scotia community. 
Sub-Lt. Pyke’s resume does not end there: he also spent his spare time as a volunteer firefighter. It is irrefutable that Pyke’s designated purpose in life was putting others before himself, which is exactly what he did day in and day out. His family even notes that he loved to have fun and spread his infectious smile; however, even in times of recreation, he was always on the lookout for the well-being of his friends and family. Sub-Lt. Pyke’s family wrote their son an invaluable goodbye in a public statement: “Fair winds and following seas, our beloved sailor. We have the watch.”
Master Corporal Matthew Cousins— Guelph, ON: Master Cpl. Matthew Cousins was an airborne electronic sensor operator for the RCAF. Col. James Hawthorne was fortunate to work closely with Cousins, and salutes the Master Corporal for being an “outstanding aviator who kept his crew focused on the mission.” Cousins was a first section commander to a good friend named Mike Sammy before leaving to join the Airforce; Sammy describes his dearly departed friend as “a great man and a great soldier.” 
Master Cpl. Cousins had a loving wife, Joanne, and two children— one just graduated high school, and the other is finishing up Junior High in the fall. As a proper honouring of Cousins’ exceptional service with the CAF, a ceremony was held at Huntsville’s cenotaph on May 5th in his name. Additionally, there is currently a GoFundMe set up in memory of Matthew Cousins to support his wife and children in these trying times. W
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Dog ‘bounty hunter’ spends free time tracking lost dogs for pet owners
YORK COUNTY, Pa. — Ryan Bulson spends his nights and weekends helping pet owners find their lost dogs, and he does it for no other reason than kindness.
There’s certainly a method to Bulson’s madness. He can catch a dog in as little as a few days, but for one couple who lost their pet in York County, Pennsylvania, it felt like years before they had their dog back.
It’s been a month since Beth Ibanez and her husband decided on their new West Manheim Township home, but moving in came to an abrupt halt when their beloved 5-yearold pug Mia went missing.
“Everything was stopped,” Beth said. “We have boxes in our basement still that aren’t even undone because our whole life was on hold.”
Their time should have been spent cleaning, unpacking, decorating. Instead it was spent worrying, crying, and searching.
Mia escaped just a few days after they moved in. The backyard fence was a little too high off of the ground.
“We were definitely lost,” said Beth’s husband, Orlando. “I mean we didn’t know where else to go. Beth was upset every night. She couldn’t sleep.”
“I cried every night,” Beth said. “The kids cried. We were just devastated. I mean we’ve had her since she was like 6 months old. She is our world.”
Days turned into weeks. The family eventually turned to the Facebook group, “Find Toby,” a lost dog networking page with 60 thousand followers.
And out of nowhere came Ryan Bulson.
“I picked up the phone and called her,” Bulson said. “That initial phone call of a total stranger calling and telling you, ‘let me help you catch your dog.’”
“She’s like, ‘yeah I don’t know who this number is,’” Orlando said after Beth missed a call from Bulson. “And I was like, ‘alright I’ll give him a call,’ and I said, ‘hey whose this?’ he’s like, ‘yeah this is Ryan, I just heard about what was going on so I wanted to try and reach out and help you guys.'”
“He’s like, ‘I’m not one of those strange people out there trying to take your dog or anything like that. I’m trying to help you,’” Orlando recalled.
For the last eight years, Bulson has been catching lost dogs.
“All your local rescues all have my number,” Bulson said. “And I’ve caught several dogs for them.”
He works with Find Toby, but it’s all of his own accord and his own time. He says he usually devotes his evenings and weekends to tracking down missing, beloved pups.
“The feeling you get when you return that dog to that owner. Or you call that owner and say, ‘I have your dog,’” Bulson said. “It’s a feeling you’ll never forget.”
He’s felt it more than 30 times. In April, WPMT reported on Simba, the German shepherd who escaped from a Hanover Petco while being groomed.
“He told me the groomer had gone to the bathroom and Simba was in a kennel at the time,” Simba’s owner, Melissa Gray, said. “And somehow he jostled his way out of this kennel.”
Fast forward about a week, Simba is back home, and so is Mia. Both thanks to Bulson.
“It’s one of those scenarios that people don’t know what to do,” Bulson said. “They don’t know what to do if their dog goes missing. First thing they do is panic. And ya know, if nobody is out there giving them guidance on what to do, nothing gets done.”
It’s more than what you see in cartoons with food as bait and a stick holding up a cage.
“You’ve got to do a lot of legwork,” Bulson said. “You’ve got to know that dog’s pattern, you’ve gotta know more history on the dog, to know what style of capture you can make.”
He has a full game plan and he sticks to it.
“You would set your bait trail out the front, your main food source goes in the very back,” Bulson said. “Dog walks in, steps on this trip plate, door comes down.”
Simba, the dog who got loose from Petco, was caught in a standard-size crate.
“You put a food trail from the inside, leading outside,” Bulson said. “There again, keeping that dog’s nose on the ground.”
But Mia doesn’t like crates.
“Standard trap is not going to work,” Bulson said. “She won’t go in. So we had to go to the dog-pen trap.”
It’s a 4-feet-wide, 8-feet long, and 6-feet-tall pen equipped with a mechanism Ryan designed to remotely shut the door. Before he gets to that point, he builds a profile of the dog, starting with sightings. From there he creates a food schedule, figuring out patterns, and setting up cameras to start tracking.
“There are times where I sit here and I’ll stare at Google Earth,” Bulson said. “And I plot all of the sightings on Google Earth. You’ve gotta put yourself in the mindset of a dog. ‘What am I looking for? I’m looking for food, I’m looking for shelter, I’m looking for water.’ I could tell you where that dog was going to be and when she was going to be there.”
And sure enough, Mia was captured just 10 days after Bulson got involved.
“I saw Ryan’s name on the cellphone,” Orlando remembered. “And I was like, ‘this is it.’ He said, ‘come get her,’ and I was like, ‘Beth get the kids, let’s go!’ I mean we were out the door. The knowledge he knows, and what to do to rescue dogs it’s just amazing.”
Turns out she had been hanging around a field just a few minutes away from Beth and Orlando’s home the entire time, just like Bulson said.
“If it was one of my dogs, that was missing, I’d be the same way,” Bulson said. It’s a family member, no matter how you look at it, a pet is a family member.”
“He’s just a very smart guy,” Beth said. “Him and Sandy are an amazing team. It’s unreal. How fast they got her back. You’re in shock mode. It’s back to normal. We’re complete again.”
As for that pesky fence they fixed that was a little too high off the ground …
“It’s like Fort Knox,” Beth laughed. “She’s not getting out.”
Bulson said if a person tries to pay him he asks that they make a donation in his name to a charity of his choice.
If you ever end up finding yourself in the same position, Bulson said it’s important to note dogs usually stay between 2-3 miles of their home.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/05/10/dog-bounty-hunter-spends-free-time-tracking-lost-dogs-for-pet-owners/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/05/10/dog-bounty-hunter-spends-free-time-tracking-lost-dogs-for-pet-owners/
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