#and my household is still recovering from that little gremlin
piratefalls · 1 year
there’s been so much going on in the last like two weeks and i am so tired and it’s coming up on final exams at work and that’s going to make me more tired and i am now double tired in advance
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1-800-roflmao · 3 years
Wash Day Delight Pt. 6
Rating:  General Audiences
Fandom:  Undertale (Video Game)
Relationships:  (Papyri Harem) Papyrus (Undertale)/Reader, Papyrus (Undertale) & Reader,  Papyrus (Underfell) & Reader
Characters:  Papyrus (Undertale), Reader, Blue (US Sans), and Mentions of Other AU Skeletons
Additional Tags:  Reader Is Not Frisk (Undertale), Reader Is Not Chara (Undertale), reader is poc, Reader has curly hair,  Undertale Monsters on the Surface, Friendship, Wholesome, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, I'm Bad At Summaries, Not Beta Read, Romance if you squint, Subtext, Let Papyrus be Sassy, Edge Is The Unwilling Dad Friend, Idiots in Love, Fluff and Humor, Slice of Life, Blue Is A Little Shit, I Love Him For It
If you prefer, you can read this fic on AO3.
*Reader, it's time to learn how to be spoiled!
It had been a mad rush after confirming she would be going to the skeleton household today.  Or at least she rushed as much as she could and thankfully her muscles were loosening up the more she moved.  While she was going over to bathe and do her hair, she refused to not at least freshen up a bit.  She did just that best she could with a damp rag, some soap, and deodorant.  A quick splash of water on her face and she deemed herself fresh enough for now.  Grabbing a towel, she patted herself dry before she began her multitasking adventure to get dressed and pack her “overnight” bag.  
Eyes raking over her counter, taking in all her products, she found herself blanking on just what products she should go with today.  Usually, she had more time to choose at her leisure.  She couldn’t realistically drag everything with her.  Okay, maybe that wasn’t so true anymore considering the things she has seen the skeletons store in their inventory decks.  Just how that worked she still had no clue.  Monster tech and magic was amazing.  
“I’ll just go with what my hair needs,” she decided and looking into her mirror, she scrutinized her locks and looked for any obvious damage.  Next, she reached a hand up to feel at her curls and pulled one to see how well it sprung back.  Last, she checked her scalp and found some build up, but thankfully no dandruff patches on the skin she could see.  “Moisture and clarify it is,” she stated her final decision and quickly plucked the needed items and product.  She added her body soap, butter, and scrub as well.  
With the toiletries out the way, she dashed back out to her room and placed the bag on her bed.  Her legs burned each time she had to bend over to collect strewn clothes and her arms twinged as she chucked said garments into her hamper.  Floor cleared, she picked out her change of clothes for later--just something comfy to lounge in--and threw on something quick for now.  It didn’t match, but oh well.  Not like she’d be wearing it for long. 
She’d skipped wearing a bra.  She had no plans to wear a bra period today and that was not changing!  Running around her apartment and completing little chores, she found herself reneging on the decision.  She was going over to someone’s house.  Why did it feel rude to skip an undergarment?  Papyrus was her best friend and she was cool with the rest.  Some little voice reminded her that it was a house full of men she was going to.  Skeleton men mind you, but men nonetheless.  Foot tapping as she put away her last cleaned dish, she huffed with a little stomp of her foot before marching back into her room.
“A bralette should do,” she sighed as she dug out an acceptable compromise.  It would be enough to appease the surprising prude in her.  No sense in torturing herself when she was supposed to be relaxing.  The girls now contained, she slipped her shirt back on, and checked her phone for the time.  Time had really flown and she only had a few more minutes.  She spent those last few minutes stripping her bed and replacing the sheets, pillow covers, and comforter with a new set.  She would start a load of laundry, but horror stories of fires starting or soapy flooding from unattended machines held her back.  She’d just have to do it tomorrow.
Smoothing out the sheets and arranging her pillows one last time, she nodded in satisfaction before checking her phone once again.  Time was up.  Grabbing her bag, she left her room to wait in the living room.  Blue and Pap were quite proud of their punctuality and the two would be here any minute surely.  Minutes ticked by while she busied herself on her phone.  She’d even gotten a text back from Coffee confirming he was fine drawing a better reference for her, so long as she modeled for him.  Well, she was going over anyway, why not?  She agreed and all he sent back was a smiley face emoji.  It was somehow intimidating.  How? She had no clue.   Maybe she should have asked for details.
Her eyes wandered to the clock on her screen.  Sighing, she pushed her irritation and worry aside.  She wondered if this would become a trend.  The reasonable part of her knew the two could not always be expected to be perfect all the time.  No one is perfect.  Consistent, but not perfect.  “But would it kill them to send a text at least,” she griped as she stretched out on the couch so as to avoid pacing and working nerves.  Placing her phone down face down on the floor beside her, she settled and closed her eyes.  She focused on the sound of her house settling around her and nature just past her walls.  
She stayed like that, nearly dozing off, until a knock at her balcony door had her jolting awake and gasping as a shock of pain shot through her stiffened body.  Sitting up, she peeked over the back of the couch with squinting eyes.  She was sure she very much resembled a gremlin poking its head up at that moment.  Chuckling at the amusing image that painted, she let her expression relax as she saw her two escorts waiting to be let in. 
It took a minute to get up and open the door for them with her muscles having stiffened up.  From the look the two were giving her, she guessed it was obvious how much she was struggling.
“PAPYRUS, WHAT DID YOU AND EDGE DO TO HER?!” Blue fretted, gloved hands reaching out to steady her and take some of her weight.  His big, round eyelights were a bit wobbly as they flitted from her face to down her body.  Did she look that bad?  
“I’m fine, Blue,” she assured with a little laugh, “Just a little stiff and sore.”  He didn’t look convinced and Papyrus was looking worried now as well.  Oh no.  “Seriously, guys!  I’m fine!  Or I will be, humans just take time to recover from a hard workout like those two gave me last night,” she elaborated, hoping she wouldn’t have to go into the details about human muscles and how they work.  She just wanted her spa day to start.  Silence greeted her and she looked between the two as they shared a long look before nodding.  “Guys-!!!?”  Her question was cut off with a surprised yelp as large skeletal hands gripped her under her armpits and lifted her off the ground.  
“IT HAS BEEN DECIDED!” Papyrus declared as he carried back over to the couch and deposited her on the cushions.  “TO MAKE UP FOR AND REWARD YOU FOR LAST NIGHT, YOU WILL NOT LIFT A FINGER TODAY,” he stated it with such confidence.  She swore she saw sparkles around him.  
Dumbfounded, she could only stare as Blue piped in with just as much enthusiasm.  “YUP! WE’LL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING!” he was already moving and she could hear him rifling in her kitchen, “AND WE’LL START WITH THE CHORES THAT YOU WERE PLANNING TO DO BEFORE HEADING TO THE HOUSE.”  Chores?  They were actually going to do them for her? Seriously?  Her lips parted to assure them they really didn’t have to, but a warm mug filled with chocolatey goodness and marshmallows shoved into her hands stunned her into silence again.
“YES.  SO, JUST RELAX,” Papyrus had knelt down to be on eye level with her after taking the throw blanket from off the back of her couch and wrapping it loosely around her shoulders.  “LET US TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING.”  The words were a request, but the tone was a command.  Breaking away from his eyelights, she stared down into her mug as she thought it over.  She wasn’t used to having things done for her.  More specific, she wasn’t used to being spoiled.  She knew how to take care of herself by the time she was eight and even take care of her siblings in some cases.  
Naked phalanges entered her vision before the digits gently tipped her head back up by her chin.  Forced to look into Papyrus’s imploring sockets, she worried at her lip.  “Let Me Take Care Of You, Please?”  Oh.  Oh no.  That should be illegal.  She could feel warmth blooming in her chest and she hoped the gods would be merciful enough to not let her fluster show.   
A deep breath in and slowly let out, she offered an unsteady smile, “Okay, Papi.”  Papyrus practically lit up the room with his pleased smile.  She was doing good until someone cleared their throat and suddenly she remembered that they were not alone.  There went any hopes that she wasn’t a blushing mess.  She regretted peaking at Blue from the corner of her eye as he had quite possibly the biggest shit eating grin on his skull as he sent her waggled his brows teasingly.  She drowned her embarrassment in hot chocolate in hopes the mug was big enough to hide away her burning cheeks.
Blue must have felt merciful today as he asked for a quick rundown of what needed to be done and she filled them in.  He hummed, eyelights rolling to the ceiling, “SHOULDN’T TAKE MORE THAN AN HOUR THEN.  MAYBE LESS!”  He waved to Papyrus, urging him to get up and get started, “LET’S GET STARTED!”  Blue’s sockets seemed to curve as that teasing lilt returned, “PAPI~!” She about choked on her hot chocolate.  That little sh-!  Hiding her pout behind the mug, she sent a little glare the gremlin’s way and he just beamed innocently like he had done nothing wrong.  
The nickname had started as a play on his usual nickname “Papy” and it stuck after she found she couldn’t stop herself from pronouncing that way after one too times.  Whether Papyrus was even aware of the word play was unknown, but Blue, Cash, Mal, and Wine had made it obvious they knew what she was saying.  And all of them loved teasing her for it.  
Papyrus patting her knee brought her out of her brooding as he agreed they should get started and gave her one more firm reminder to stay put and if she needs anything, to call for them.  With that, she was left to nurse her hot chocolate as the two bustled around her home and every now and then they would ask where something was or went.  Comfortable chatter filled her small home.  At some point, Papyrus traded her empty mug  with a simple breakfast of steamed rice and a fried egg.  Something so simple somehow tasted so much better in that moment.  She ended up dozing off after that and they didn’t wake her until it was time to go.  
Blue had been the one to gently nudge her awake, “We’re All Done, Sleeping Beauty,” he teased.  An amused laugh burst past his teeth as the sleeping human swatted at his hand and tried to turn away.  All she accomplished was smooshing her face into the fabric of the couch she laid on and right in the little wet spot that had formed from her drool.  Edge had once told them that cats sometimes drool when they are very content.  If humans are anything like felines, then he was flattered she felt so comfortable around them, but he needed her to wake up.  He’d rather not move her in her sleep and have her disoriented and confused at the drastic change in scenery.
He poked a gloved phalange into her cheek firmly, “YOUR SPA DAY IS WAITING,” he urged.  She only made a disgruntled little noise, brows pinching and eyelashes twitching.  “PAPYRUS CAN’T SPOIL YOU IF YOU DON’T WAKE UP~” he goaded, voice low so his fellow skeleton didn’t hear.  Papyrus was currently finishing up folding the dressings for her bed.  She mumbled something incoherent and he blew a raspberry before finally just pinching her cheek and pulling.  That did it as her eyes flew open and she jerked to an upright position with a noticeable cringe.  Whoops.  He just offered an apologetic smile as she leveled an irritated glare his way.  
Soon enough, her glare eased and she looked around curiously, “Y’all are done already?” There was disbelief in her voice.  
“YUP,” Blue just shrugged and grinned as he straightened up.  A little magic goes a long way.  Normally, Papyrus would have been against using magic to speed through chores, but he was just as eager to start their human’s spa day.  It was honestly adorable seeing the two interact and he felt a little bad for his brother.   He had some stiff competition.  Heh… “stiff.”  He snorted at his little inside joke and found herself snorting again at the confused and concerned expression she was currently wearing.  He waved off her concern, “SO, ARE YOU READY TO GO?”
Her eyes narrowed as she lifted a brow, but didn’t dig or push him to explain.  Instead, she sighed and gestured to her abandoned bag on the floor next to her sofa.  “As ready I think,” she answered, voice a little unsure.
“DO YOU THINK YOU FORGOT SOMETHING?  I COULD GET IT FOR YOU,” he offered as he picked up her bag and set it on the couch just beside her.  He watched as she took a moment to think.  She was worrying her lip again and he clicked his teeth to get her attention.  As soon she was looking, he gestured to his mouth and she reluctantly released her abused lip.  
“Thanks, Blue,” she laughed as he just gave her a thumbs up, “but I’m honestly not sure.  I tried to cover all my bases and packed as much as I could without taking my whole house with me…”  He could feel that the bag was heavy.  Did humans need so much to take care of their hygiene?  Or was it simply because it was a special occasion?
“WHAT HAVE YOU PACKED SO FAR?” he questioned, nudging the bag curiously.
“Shampoo and conditioner obviously.  But my hair was looking a little dry so I included a hair mask.  Then I have my leave-ins, oils… stuff for bathing…” she trailed off as she listed what she could remember throwing in the bag, squinting at said object as she spoke like it could tell her what it contained.   
Meanwhile, he could feel his eyelights swelling as she continued, “GOLLIE!  AND YOU’RE STILL UNSURE IF YOU HAVE EVERYTHING?” He found himself thankful he didn’t have hair or skin.  It sounded like a lot of maintenance.  
“Well… I just didn’t want to be rude and bring too much,” she started and his sockets widened in realization as she elaborated, “Like I wouldn’t mind doing a body scrub or bringing a bath bomb.  Y’know, pamper myself a bit?”  There was a moment of silence before his eyelights formed into stars as she sent her a brilliant smile.  
“WE INVITED YOU OVER TO PAMPER YOURSELF, SILLY!” he laughed.  She was pouting as he reprimanded her goodnaturedly.  “NOW!  TELL ME WHAT ELSE YOU NEED AND I’LL GET IT,” he demanded.  A few more assurances that it was fine and she was giving him directions to said items.  Back and forth, he would retrieve an item and show it to her for approval before adding it to her bag.  On his last trip back, he nearly ran right into Papyrus who had finished putting up her now clean bed linens.  
“OOF! SORRY PAPYRUS!” he apologized as he dodged the taller skeleton and kept going.
“WHAT’S THE RUSH?” Papyrus questioned as he closed her bedroom door once they were both through and followed after the blue bolt.  
“OH! AM I RUSHING?! SORRY,” Blue gasped, forcing himself to slow down and move at a more reasonable pace.  Stopping by the couch, he showed her the last item and she nodded.  He deposited it into the bag and zipped it closed.  Lifting the bag experimentally, he found it not too heavy to carry.  At least for him, it wouldn’t be difficult. 
“Blue was helping me pack a few last minute things, Papi,” she explained after the curious look Papyrus had given them, “and that was the last one.” 
Blue laughed as Papyrus went to pick up the bag and while he seemed to lift it easily, he still made a noise in surprise at the heft.  “WOWIE! ALL OF THIS IS FOR YOUR HAIR?!” he exclaimed in amazement and soon enough, their human friend was laughing along with Blue.  In between laughs, she managed to explain that not all of it was.   Papyrus seemed to be vibrating in excitement by the end and it had the other two occupants of the room curious what had him so excited.  “HOW THOUGHTFUL OF YOU TO MAKE SURE WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO PROPERLY TAKE CARE AND PAMPER YOU THIS EVENING!” his proud  words seemed to burst from him.  
Blue could only blink at his companion before looking over to the human who was once again in a stupor.  Finally, an intelligent “Huh?” dropped from her lips.  She had looked to him for some explanation, but he just shrugged.  He wanted to see where this went.  Not getting an answer from him, she looked back to their towering, practically glowing companion.  “What do you mean, Papi?” she pressed gently, leaning towards the skeleton in question.
Without hesitation, Papyrus did not disappoint, “GOODNESS, YOU MUST BE IN WORSE SHAPE THAN I THOUGHT IF YOU FORGOT ALREADY.” His words held genuine concern and Blue managed to smother a little snort, determined to hear this out.  “I TOLD YOU THAT WE WOULD TAKE CARE OF YOU.  AND YOU AGREED TO LET US DO JUST THAT!”  
Blue’s eyelights were widening as listened and he could see the human was reacting in much the same fashion as she came to the same realization.  Making eye contact with her, he grinned and his sockets curved with how wide his smile was.  He could see the betrayal in her eyes as he chirped in, “THAT’S RIGHT.  YOU’RE NOT LIFTING A FINGER IF WE CAN HELP IT.”  She looked so overwhelmed and lost.  “GET READY TO SPOILED ROTTEN!” he finished, pointing dramatically at her and Papyrus joined in.  
For a while, she was doing a very impressive impression of a fish out of water before snapping out of it and finding her voice.  “Wait!” she held her hands up, palms out to signal mercy.  He could see the gears in head turning and once glance between the two, he could see her giving in as she slumped.  “I know better than to try and change your minds,” she laughed, lips quirked to one side in resigned amusement, “BUT.”  She held up a single finger as her lips pressed into a determined line, “I have to set boundaries.”  Her brows lifted as her head tilted, signaling them to respond.
“UNDERSTANDABLE,” Blue chimed in, placing his hands on his hips.
Their human sucked in a deep breath before letting it slowly.  “I can bathe myself,” she stated simply.  Blue wanted to laugh, but he understood why she would be worried they might take it too far.  While he was sure Papyrus wouldn’t have tried, he couldn’t say the same for some of their housemates.  Both nodded and she sighed, relaxing back against the couch.  
Papyrus was worrying his hands and Blue looked from his fidgeting hands up to his face, “SOMETHING ON YOUR MIND, PAPYRUS?”  He was ready to get going and had already shouldered her bag as he felt out a shortcut.  
“WELL, I WAS JUST WONDERING IF WE COULD STILL HELP WITH HER HAIR…” he braided his fingers to stop them from fidgeting.  How had it skipped Blue’s mind that most of the Papyri were borderline obsessed with her hair.  Sadly, they had stopped trying to get their hands in it after Cash had told them she and humans like her with curly hair don’t like their hair touched by others.  He’d said she had told him last he tried and he had heard it in gossip as well.  But all that aside, this was the opportunity of a lifetime for Papyrus he realized.  No wonder he was so hyped up.  Looking at their curly haired friend, he was surprised at the soft smile she was sending Papyrus.
“Of course, you can help me with my hair, Papi,” she assured gently and lifted a hand to play with the curl at the end of one of her braids, “What’s a spa day without a trip to the salon?” she winked.  She took a moment to click her tongue as something else occurred to her, “Plus, I don’t think my arms are to the task anyway…” she admitted.  
Blue didn’t have to look at Papyrus to know he was practically shining in joy and soon enough his companion was sweeping their human into a twirling hug.  He could hear laughter turn into a groan and Papyrus was quick to adjust his hold so he wasn’t crushing her.  Once the two had settled, Blue approached and wrapped his fingers around Papyrus’s humerus.  “TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND CLOSE YOUR EYES, BEAUTY” he instructed, chuckling as she stuck her tongue out at him before doing as told.  He would have teased her for pressing her face into Papyrus’s chest, but he needed to focus.  “HERE WE GO!” he warned, mainly for their human companion before the living room was left abandoned as they made one more trip through the void.   
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batb1tch · 5 years
It’s my boy’s birthday so here are some Jason Todd head-canons 🎉
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Probably 3rd to last (Alfred and Bruce) on the list of ‘understanding internet slang’ in the household. He died and just sort of fell behind on the times (including memes, pop culture references,etc..) I know he’s known for making snarky quips and sarcastic comments but I have no doubt his siblings would call him out on his outdated references. It’s likely it’d really piss him off too like, knowledge is really everything to this kid and here he is with a group of teenagers who are always on top of shit (Steph, Tim, Duke, even Dick) and he doesn’t know what they’re talking about the majority of the time. Can’t figure out how to use Twitter or Snapchat and he does not have the patience to learn. It’s a genuine sore spot for him regardless of the humorous side.
Has an inner city accent that will never leave him. Still pronounce “on” like “awn” and frequently drops his r’s (which Bruce acts like he hates but really he finds it endearing.) Drops his “ing”s like “nothing” is “nothin.”
Fantastic chef, learned from the best. Very good at making something out of nothing and making it last. Steph has been showing him how to can things like fruit and vegetables. She’s basically just enabled his doomsday prepping behavior.
Speaking of, if you think Bruce is bad with the backup plans (yes there is always a b c d — z) where do you think Jay got it from? Absolutely anal about planning and contingencies. Has a backup for his backups.
Has a small hoard of books hidden in an end-table back at one of his safe houses. His favorite classics (mostly gifted by Bruce.)
Loves the smell of paper.
Definitely could use them but refuses to get glasses. Babs teases him for his squinting when she gets the chance.
“Just join the club book-worm, promise it won’t ruin your badass reputation.”
Jason ~squinting~ “I’d rather die....again.”
Collects cool bookmarks.
Definitely names his guns.
Favorite meal is literally any Spanish/Mexican dish followed by a good chili dog & a coke.
Can pack away enough food to feed a horse and keep going, not even Bruce knows how he does it. Alfred acts like he’s a pain in the ass to cook for but loves feeding him anyways. “You’ll eat us out of house and home someday my dear boy, good god.”
While we’re at it, he is 100% taller and wider than Bruce. You might think it makes Bruce a bit uncomfortable when standing right next to him (I mean...it does lol) but he absolutely loves when Jay throws his weight around because the malnourished string-bean of a child that he met on the street could now powerlift a small automobile and he is so fucking proud and happy that he grew up to be big and healthy (that he managed to grow up AT ALL mind you) how could he be mad? He probably tears up at the dinner table after Jay fills his plate for 4th time that evening and still intends to stay for dessert because he loVES HIM.
His feet definitely hang off the end of his bed by like, the shins because his room only has a full compared to everyone else’s king/queen. It never got upgraded when he hit puberty (because he was dead) and then he wouldn’t let anyone change it once he came back because that’s his bed “don’t fucking touch it I still fit just fine.” (Even though he’s like 22 and there’s a dip in the mattress that could put the Grand Canyon to shame.)
Still has a picture of Catherine hidden away. Visits her grave on the anniversary and always brings her favorite flowers (Lillie’s.)
His hands get cold really easily and they’re always dry/calloused.
Snores. Loudly.
The Lazarus pit did NoT heal his autopsy scar that shit is there for life and it is big and it is ugly. He doesn’t like taking his shirt off because of it and the look on Bruce’s face when he sees it could strip wallpaper.
Stopped dying the lock of white hair on his head.
Has spring allergies that turn him into a giant snotting watery eyed whiny baby.
He’s claustrophobic and not a fan of the dark. It’s why his helmet has night vision.
(While we’re at it, that helmet has to be the equivalent of like, iron mans on the inside. Definitely has built in comms, scopes, analysis systems, navigation, etc etc. the WORKS. whICH he designed and created himself because he’s brilliant.) (Actually Roy might have helped a little but don’t tell him that.)
Has a work-in-progress bike in the cave that hasn’t been finished for over 2 years and it will never be finished because he uses it as an excuse to hangout and spend time with Bruce. Drives Steph crazy to see it sit there but she gets it.
During his first Thanksgiving with Bruce and Alfred he cried for 15 minutes before dinner (which he’s still embarrassed about to this day) and then ate until he literally puked. He hasnt missed many Thanksgivings since he died.
TERRIBLE at 1st-person-shooters and super pissed about it.
“That’s not even realistic, an HK-416 doesn’t even have a 200 round drum. It’s bonkers! It’s madness Tim!”
“Shut the fuck up Jason you haven’t even been facing the right way since we started.”
(He’ll stick to Space Invaders and Mario fuck you very much.)
Really good at piano. Bruce asked him to start playing seriously when he moved in because “learning a musical instrument teaches self -discipline and versatility” but really it’s because one day during his Robin years Jay sat down and started plinking on the keys to a song he learned at the public youth-center on the “old shitty out of tune” wood one they had and it just happened to be a song Martha used to play Bruce all the time. He wanted to hear it fill the halls again.
Gets in a screaming match with Bruce nowadays and instead of lighting up one of Penguin’s underground casinos (like he might of used to 👀) he’ll disappear for a month to cool down. You can always tell when he gets over it though because he sends the family a postcard from wherever he is in the world. (Alfred puts them all on the fridge.)
Pit symptoms used to (and occasionally still do) include horrific night terrors, black-out rage, and brief moments of hallucinations or flashbacks. He had to relive the period of time shortly after he was pulled out through graphic and warped recollections (typically after not getting enough sleep or engaging in physical altercations.) He really only started to work through this after Ducra had suggested keeping a log and writing down everything he could remember. After a time he was able to piece together the things he had experienced or done (mostly to others) and as awful and horrible as knowing may have been, he could at least start to move on.
The more time he spent with Damian after he came back the more he could remember as well. He will occasionally speak to him in Arabic & not even realize he’s doing it (which scares the pants of Dames, himself, and Bruce.)
He does feel closer to the little gremlin because of it though. Talia likely had him as a baby with her the majority of the time after he was born and Jay was recovering/training, so he spent a substantial amount of time with both of them.
Bruce bought him a kindle for Christmas one of the first years he was back and he was (and still is but don’t tell the old man that) elated.
Occasionally mumbles in his sleep, usually in a variety of languages.
He does smoke, mostly only when he gets stressed out (because everyone reams him for it otherwise.) You’d think it’s a rebellious street kid thing but it’s actually because Catherine used to smoke the same brand and the smell reminds him of her.
His shoe size is a 13.
The time shortly after he crawled out of his own grave he could see ghosts (and I’m talking straight up dead people.) He can’t recall much of this or the time spent actually deceased (even after his dunk in the pit) but even now he’ll see things move out of the corner of his eye or get cold chills or feel like he’s being watched. When he hasn’t slept for like, 4 days and is bordering on manic depressive and harmful behavior, he starts seeing them again. Constantine prob finds him real interesting.
My guess is that he did see Catherine when he died but overall ended up in some sort of purgatory-like state which he can’t recall.
When he blushes it’s the hollows of his cheeks, back of the ears and neck and all the way down the front of his chest. The autopsy scar shows up white against it.
Has those hands that no matter how many times he washes them the oil/gun cleaner doesn’t come out of the cracks. Looks like a mechanic.
Tends to wear thicker work/type clothing like carhart fireproof pants and boots. Obviously his jacket too.
Not a fan of cold weather at all. His nose and cheek get really red and he shivers (as unmanly as that is)
OCD. His apartments are spotless, weapons and ammunition categorized and logged, etc.
Had asthma as a child and sort of grew out of it but sometimes his endurance suffers as an adult because of it.
Has this particular phone case 💀
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ichorxd · 5 years
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⌠ CODY FERN, 32, MALE, HE/HIM⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, CECIL LEFEBVRE! originally hailing from BLACKTHORNE, this alum specializes in COVERT OPERATIONS (CP). when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (artistic lighting when the sunrays sneak through the curtains, a forgotten holy rosary at the back of a drawer, waking up to red sirens after a vivid nightmare, a mask seller at the end of a dark alley, ichor instead of tears).  it’s the (scorpio)’s birthday on 10/23/1988, and when they were still in school their most requested dish was GARLIC TROUT from the school’s chefs. hopefully their presence can help ease the minds of gallagher students.
abuse tw, death tw, gun tw, ptsd tw
Cecil is the oldest Lefebvre sibling... by far! While Leo and Bellamy are only separated by a year, there’s an eight and nine year gap between him and his baby siblings and far from being distant with each other, Cecil loved his gremlins more than anything else in the world.    But love had no room in the Lefebvre household.
Growing up as the first-born was never an easy task and his parents and grandfather let him know that since he was very young. Trained and educated since he was just a child to become the heir of the family and the next great assassin and spy.
                                             AND HE DID.
The harsh training and strict conditions, modeled him into everything his father and grandfather ever wanted, except for one insignificant detail: his heart. You see, even though he grew up with a gun in his hand, his mother filled him with love. She taught him kindness and games, she was a bright light shining through his father’s shadow and with her everything was peachy, even when Leo was born, but a couple of years afterwards due the command of the father, their woman had to drop most of her affection, because assassins had no use for that.
Still, even with this situation, the mother talked to Cecil and made him promise to never leave his siblings unguarded, which he promised and even against his father’s decisions, Cecil never flaked to put the face in front of the fist for Leo and Bellamy and he would sneak into their rooms to tell them bedtime stories and play games in silence with both. What a joy it was when the man wasn’t home and they could relax for a bit under the shadow of the trees.
Time goes by and while in Blackthorne, Cecil never lost communication with his family, but as soon as he is done, he has little time to spend with them or even write. The job doesn’t allow it. He works for the government and whatever organization needed him so he barely has a chance to be home. Then it happens, he receives a message that changes everything:    HIS MOTHER IS DEAD.
Cecil’s world attempts to crumble down, but while it resists, his psyche crashes down. He doesn’t even have to ask what happened, he doesn’t even wonder how, he just knows. He knows his father and his family orchestrated it. The woman probably tried to leave or some big disagreement was the last straw and they got rid of her.
It is decided, this family and its brutal traditions have to end so he starts planning it out, but the heart he never learned to control betrays him once again and he speaks a little too much to the wrong people and soon enough, another assassin gets to him.    One single shot to the heart.    But never send a regular assassin to kill someone you trained yourself, daddy. Never.
Cecil survives, reacting less than a second ahead, avoiding by millimeters the organ. He takes time to recover, he goes into hiding, taking the identity of a priest in a lost rural town in Romania; he even gets comfortable in that life; people are simple and good and this kind of life is actually rewarding, maybe... maybe he could play along, pretend he is dead and move on with his new life, but then the news ( please, give him a break ). Blackthorne is going broke, might stand another semester.
His mind go back to Leo and Bellamy and no, no more. The Lefebvre tyranny has to end and so, he packs his things and goes back into training. His moral compass is twisted, affected by younger years of brutal training, the death of his mother and solitude. The ptsd of firearms is HIGH, but he has to play pretend, just like he has all his life, because no assassin is useful when he is afraid of guns.
Blackthorne finally goes broke and most of the students are absorbed by Gallagher. That’s it. He’s going. So he applies for Gallagher thinking they might be too stupid to accept a teacher from--- oh, they did. Excellent. So he is in the spy school mostly for his siblings, decided to finish the rest of the Lefebvres and rescue Leo and Bellamy in the process.     No matter the cost.
Originally of cold and even emotionless mood, Cecil is highly-educated and unnecessarily blunt sometimes. Most likely to have vodka instead of water or coffee in his thermos bottle. Always tired and annoyed. Eyeroll master. If he teases you, he likes you. Think a bit of Aizawa in My Hero Academia if you ever watched it: strict, stern, but secretly would give his life for his students. Not as apathetic, actually will help you with extra sessions if he sees you’re struggling. Weird person, excellent mentor. Super soft for Bellamy and Leo, but not during class. Secretly cries with romance novels and animal videos. Still an assassin, it is in his genes and can get the job done when needed.
Fellow alumni he met in his travels.
Someone who knows about the Lefebvres in general (students/alumni) and how tyrant the patriarchy was.
FWB (alumni only)
Pupils (Students preferred)
Training partner(s) (students/alumni)
An ex from his high school/blackthorne days? (any gender/alumni only)
Besties from Blackthorne/Acquaintances of Leo that knew about Cecil (students/alumni).
If you think of anything else, lmk!
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musicmeisterfanatic · 7 years
The Breaking Point (Fanfic, *TRIGGER WARNING*)
Fandom: Hamilton
Features: Jamilton, *TRIGGER WARNING* self-harm, angst, feels
“Hey Dumb-ilton, you’ve been quiet for a while.”
Thomas Jefferson had been fighting with Alexander Hamilton with everything, both government and non-government related, for a while now. But a week ago, Alex had become silent. No fighting, no quips, no comebacks, nothing. Just dead silent. Thomas was glad to be without it for the first few days, but by the fourth day he was worried. Did he finally break him? Did he not care anymore? Was it getting too easy for him? 
Thomas didn’t know the reason, so he just assumed he wasn’t arguing hard enough and started to up his game, going all out on Alex. Spouting insults and making bad jokes and tripping him, all amped up. This still didn’t work. If anything, that made Thomas more worried and more angry. He decided to visit Hamilton to see what was up.
He said the short little phrase and insult, but he heard nothing as he opened the door to the Hamilton household further. It had been unlocked, so he just assumed that it was alright to enter. All the candles were unlit. The room was dark.
“Something’s......off. Shouldn’t that little gremlin be home right now?” He shuddered as a chill went up his spine.
He lit all the candles........
And he fell apart.
There were scattered papers everywhere, things were knocked over and on the floor, and everything was just a mess. In the middle of the floor was Alexander, looking lifeless and bloodied. A quill was by him, blood on the tip. It seemed Alex had slit his wrists and cut up his arms with it. The blood had spattered on the floor and a bit on the wall somehow.
“No, no, no, nO, NO! I-I didn’t mean for- I shouldn’t have- I could have- my god, Alex!” Thomas rushed to his rival’s side, in tears. 
Thomas hated the guy, but he didn’t hate him that much! He felt this was his fault, all his fault. He took it too far. Thomas didn’t think he would care this much about Alexander, but he did. And since he did, he knew how he really felt about him and what he had to do. He picked up his fellow founding father and carefully held him bridal style, rushing him to the the hospital. He was shaking. He could tell that Alex was at least breathing, but barely. He didn’t know if he would survive this.
Alexander had recovered and woke up in his house mid-morning, he jolted awake after slowly opening his eyes and realizing how long it had been. He looked down at his arms and winced.
“Oh......I actually did it, huh? I didn’t think I would........but how am I still alive?”
Another voice, one that was hardly recognizable at first because of the tone, interrupted Alex’s thoughts. “Because I wasn’t going to let you die.”
Alex glanced up. It was Thomas. Alex sneered. “Oh yeah? Why? Don’t you think I’m the scum of the Earth, don’t you wish I was dead?! Or does this benefit you in some way? Huh?! wHY WOULD YOU SAVE ME?!”
Thomas glanced down, hanging his head in guilt. “......because I care about you. I shouldn’t have said all those things. I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard.”
Alex was surprised, but he wasn’t finished yet. “Oh really?! Maybe you should have thought about that, then!”
 Thomas began to shake. “I-I know that now! Back then, I-I couldn’t think about anyone b-but myself! I-I didn’t know what I w-was doing!”
Alex got off the couch and stood up, yelling in Thomas’s face. “How could you not know?! HOW?! Did you not worry about why I was so quiet?! If someone doesn’t talk to you, you should take the hint and shut up and leave them alone!”
Thomas began to cry. “I d-didn’t think o-of that! I j-just thought I wasn’t trying h-hard enough!  I-I thought y-you felt it w-was starting to g-get too e-easy for you!”
Alex grabbed Thomas by his shirt collar, pulling him closer. His own eyes began to tear up. “TOO EASY?! Jefferson, you make my life a living hell! You ruined me! I can’t think straight because of you! You made me lose everything!”
Thomas just froze. “Alex....I.....” He took a deep breath. “I know now, and I regret it. I should have known better. I’m an idiot and everything bad you ever said about me was right. I don’t know how to run a nation, I don’t know how to pick up other people’s feelings, hell, I don’t even know how to pick up my own feelings. I didn’t know how much I cared about you, but now I do. And I want to make it up to you. I know how you hold your grudges, but......if there was any way to get you to forgive me, I would do anything. Please.... “
Alexander was speechless. What he heard was coming from the same poofy-haired asshole that destroyed him. No, this wasn’t Thomas. He didn’t know who this was. He let Thomas go. “Just.....leave me alone. I need time to think.”
Thomas sighed. “I wish I could, but I was told by someone I have to stay with you for now.”
Alex sighed as well. “Eliza?”
Thomas nodded. “Eliza.”
Alexander rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I’m taking a nap.” And with that, he flopped back on the couch and slept. He slept peacefully, somehow. He even smiled in his sleep.
Thomas had kept his promise of trying to make it up to Alexander. He sang songs for him, bought any food he wanted, tried to make him laugh, etc. Alex somehow felt better after all of this. Alex tried not to laugh, not to smile, not to do, but to no avail. Somehow, he began to get closer to the same man that he tried to keep away. Somehow........he just couldn’t say no to this.
At the end of the day, Thomas and Alex went to the park to stargaze. after laying on the ground and staring at the stars for a while, Thomas spoke.
“You know, someone once told me that stars are millions of people who’ve passed away. And the ones that seem the brightest to you are the loved ones you’ve lost.”
Alex smiled softly. “Really? Then that one up there must be Philip....” he pointed to a star.
Thomas frowned. “Philip? You’re son? What-”
Alex sighed. “He’s gone. Got shot by that cheater George Eacker. The man shot too soon and Philip didn’t have time to dodge because he was following the rules.”
Thomas gasped. “Alex.....I’m sorry I didn’t know.”
 Alex smiled. “It’s okay. I’m alright now.......He did get some revenge before he died, though. Shot the bastard several times, spouting curses and rhyming perfectly, not missing a beat. He really was my son, and I’m proud of him.”
Thomas nodded and scooched closer to the shorty. Alex gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Thomas sat up. “Wh-what?! Where did that come from?!”
Alex chuckled. “You really are clueless, aren’t you? You said you cared about me and well.....I care about you. I....” He pulled the taller man closer and looked into his eyes. “I love you. Thomas”
Thomas paused, then frowned and pushed Alex away. “You don’t deserve someone like me. Not after all I’ve put you through. What if I hurt you? I should just-” he started to get up and put his jacket back on.
Alex pulled Thomas back down by his jacket sleeve. “You won’t hurt me. You’ve apologized, you recognized all the wrong things you did and changed your ways. And I’ve forgiven you.”
Thomas shook his head. “No, Alex, I can’t, I-” he was pulled in by Alexander, who kissed him on the lips. Passionately. It shut Thomas up and he wrapped his arms around the shorter man. His eyes were teary, but they were tears of joy, not sorrow.
Alex slowly pulled away. “So?”
Thomas smiled. “I can’t go back now. I love you too.” He held the love of his life’s hand tightly. “And I’m with you until the end.”
Alex leaned against him, holding his hand back as they relaxed and viewed the stars once more. “Yeah.....” 
“Till the end.” 
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