#and she told me about her experiences and stuff🫶😭
alkibiadessuperfan · 6 months
who would have thought that seeing a friend would make everything better?
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adambja · 1 year
Yes I entered my void state in early 2023
In the past few days I stopped the coaching for 24 hours and it was back after exactly 24 hours and I am so happy I already gave my clients everything before I told them this and I really respected that some of my clients asked about what happened with me it was just a lil problem and everything went well when I went to the doctor - the thing is I just can't be solving others' issues and I have issues that's why it was paused and now everything is just perfect ;)!
I have an experiment with almost 23 people and everything is going great with coaching 🫡 the tapes are always getting updated! Many of my clients received their things some are still getting their things one by one because I am still updating it 🫡!
And in the last 24 hours everyone who wanted coaching I responded to them that they can buy anything they want from me but they better wait 7 days so I can know the results of the experiment before giving them anything because the results of this experiment will show if my clients will need a self-concept tape with the void concept tape or not even the coaching will they need that much coaching I was giving to my other clients who already bought everything
And all this will save everyone who will buy tapes/coaching from me money!
I said this before on the discord server but I will say it here again the void concept tape is 90% void concept 10% subconscious mind related and some other stuff I won't allow myself to talk about it here cause it's my SECRET SALSA 💋🫡🫶🏻
And it's working 100% even like another client told me that they entered their void state with the version before that updated one today! 🫡
I am really proud of how far i went here and everything I did here!!!
And I am so happy that I am in this loa community I will never ever ever leave so you better be ready if you can't afford my tapes or my coaching again it's your problem not mine!
You are held accountable for your own life you are held accountable for your own financial state you can change it tho but you better change it away from me if you don't match my standards - I can help you change it if you match my standards and got money for my tapes and coaching! 🫡 period
Any other words any hate for having boundaries I will block you because I mean we are in 2023 how tf don't you understand boundaries???? I mean if you don't that's why your life is fucked up - fix it - your old self will thank you later!!! It will be proud of you!!!!
One last thing you can call me adambja it's not just adam 😭😭 pls lmao
Also I go by any pronoun fr it doesn't matter they/them - she/her - he/him I am so secure that I just don't care whatever you address me by
I am here for a good time - fun and professionalism with my clients I love what I am doing so yeah period - byeee
Have a good day/night!
Mwah to you whoever you are!
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babyjakes · 9 months
I know you’re on a kinkmas grind (I’ve been loving it!) but I can’t help but think about Willa at the holidays! You may have done this before (I may have been the one to even suggest it even lol) but imagine Willa learning about the various holidays. Steve teaches her about Christmas and gets Thor to dress up like Santa. She learns about Hanukkah from Bucky and they light candles together. Idk I just love coming up with Willa fluff.
hey sweet friend, happy holidays! i was indeed very busy with kinkmas when i received this but i still wanted to give a little answer about willa's holiday season as you and a few anons sent in asks about it 🫶
note: i wanted to include willa learning about a wide variety of religions and cultures, but i'm not an expert on anything so if i got anything wrong or anything should be adjusted please let me know!! i will be so happy and grateful to learn more 💕
the end of the year is a crazy time for willa-bug, she's so busy! i didn't know bucky was jewish (and a quick google search wasn't very helpful on confirming this) but if he is, i love that!! and then yes he definitely does hanukkah stuff with her, lighting the candles and maybe she even makes him little presents for each night of hanukkah 🥺 she also wants some of the other friends (peter, thor, wanda, clint...) to come celebrate with bucky too, and bring gifts and participate in all the festivities with him!
i bet she and peter do advent calendars together, he gets her an avenger themed one and she finds him a spiderman one lol 🥺 maybe steve invites peter and wanda to stay over for the first 25 days of december and makes a big deal about them and willa getting to experience "christmas-time in a proper home" 💕 they do all sorts of traditional stuff that steve loves: baking and cooking, decorating the house, fun little crafts, putting up a christmas tree, etc. maybe the whole team comes over one night to help decorate the tree, and they all bring some ornaments to contribute so that willa and steve can have a nice selection for every year 🥺 christmas eve is super fun, she sets out cookies and milk for santa- then in the morning, steve and the kids all gather around the christmas tree and santa brought sooo many presents! (wanda and peter made sure to bring willa out to get lots for steve too ofc 🫶)
a silly little side note: willa's letter to santa is so precious 🥺 at five, she's just learning to write and can't spell yet, so she asks steve to write it out for her so she can copy it down onto her paper. the first part of the letter is just her talking to santa, asking how he is and how all the reindeer are and if he has to wear a bunch of coats in the north pole lol. she asks for a few things for herself but then she asks for a present for each of her friends too, bc thor told her that grown-ups don't write letters to santa and she wants to make sure santa knows exactly what they would like!! so if she's the only one writing to him, she's gotta put in a word for them herself 🥺 she also writes "please" after each thing so santa can see she's using her manners 😭 steve is already tearing up as he listens to her and writes it out for her in big, easy to read letters. then when he sees it written out in her own five-year-old script, he's practically clutching his heart he can't take the cuteness 😭 he definitely saves it, tucks it away somewhere safe to show her when she grows up
willa isn't ready for proper preschool but steve does bring her to an early childhood education program where parents stay and play 💕 she makes lots of friends, many who have different backgrounds that she gets to learn about! she gets to learn about ramadan and eid ul-fitr, as well as eid ul-adha from one classmate whose mom invites her and steve to come join them for iftar! another friend tells her all about chinese new year and shows pictures from the festival she went to last year with her family.
steve definitely raises her to be interested in and respectful of all other cultures and religions! he teaches her what traditions and holidays he celebrates, but also encourages her to find out what other important people in her life believe in and celebrate, and to value those things as well. maybe he gets her a big calendar to hang on the wall where they can mark all their holidays, and their friends' holidays too! so they can remember to celebrate along with them in ways they find meaningful 💕
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racetrackhigg · 8 months
disclaimer i’m basically just gonna be posting about my experience with the ppl i met (viv, brandon, ke huy quan), the other cosplayers at the convention and my costume
im posting pics of myself for the first time, so if you’re gonna be an asshole just scroll.
I MET BRANDON (blitzø’s voice actor) snd i got a signed poster! it was insane. he lost his voice so he wasn’t able to talk much but he was so fucking sweet. i cried a little bit (💀) cause i was rlly emotional and he was sososososo incredible
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we were rushed and didn’t get to talk much but she said she liked my outfit 🥹 and i complemented her on her sweater and she said “tysm!! it was so nice to meet you!” (pls ignore that i look like shit in all the following pics 💀 it was a l o n g day)
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i met ke huy quan!!! he was so sweet. we took a picture w/ him. they were rushing us to move onto the next person but he literally did not care one bit and took his time to talk to us (he did the same with everyone, it was so sweet of him) when he found out we were from argentina he told us that he really wanted to go there and film a movie so he could stay for a few months, etc. he was the sweetest person ever 😭🫶🏼
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THEY WERE ALL SOOOO SWEET and their outfits were amazing
i saw two ppl cos playing as val and vox but wasn’t able to get a picture bc we were in a rush :/
i also took pics with some helluva cosplayers that were dressed as moxie and millie from the camping episode!
also for anyone confused i wasn’t going for the show velvette bc i didn’t have anything even remotely similar (im not from the us, so i have none of my clothes here lol) and i had very little time to prepare it. i wasn’t allowed to buy anything for the costume; so it was all either made by me and my friend or stuff from home.
this is the outfit inspo:
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and this is the outfit + makeup (it was struggle cause i could only use my friends stuff and she barely had any eyeshadow😭)! i took this pic at the end so it was kinda dead by then but shh
props to my friend because she helped with the entire costume
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umeoniii · 2 years
OMG im very sorry about that ask being deleted😭😭 it was me who sent it and im ngl i forgot what i requested in there🥺 bc i have shit memory
but if i can request again for the college au, would it be okay for it to be about where hange and reader meet in college but have different majors, though they have a big mutual friend group and thats how they met, but i do remember it was hcs of reader and hange being in college together and just being a cutesy couple <33 (i think..) if im wrong then this is embarrassing but please do write what makes you comfy! i’ll love it either way 🫶🏼🫶🏼
hange meeting their lover at college hcs
okay so i feel like she'd be the outgoing nerdy person
hange was REALLY into her studies, she barley went to parties, trips, practically almost didn't have the college experience bes school was more important
she definitely majored something involving technology or science, maybe like computer science, chemistry, physics something that peaks her interests. she had very few friends, associates yeah a lot, but she wasn't like super popular and stuff. either way she's very sociable and friendly which is very good, very nice. moblit, erwin and levi would probably be her only friends and like tbh it looked odd to others. (there were definitely some rumors at once 🫣)
anyways one day she met you through a friend that you both knew. you went up to her bcs you just saw her doing her work at a table in the cafe on campus, you initiated the convo by asking where she came from, her major so on and so forth. lowkey you were slick with it too, bcs deep down you desired to know more about this mysterious hange, it was planned from the start, you even asked your friends for advice.
anyways she talked with you and ended up spiraling about endless nerdy stuff and you just admired her while she talked about it. you were lowkey intrigued. she eventually apologized, then you found the right way to get her number.
"we can continue this convo another time, here's my number" you smiled she was vv happy about it because she finally had another friend! no more of the same 3 men everyday! yay!
this was the start of something wonderful, quickly you became her best friend (sorry moblit :(. ) you guys did everything together, you visited her at her job as a lab assistant and she’d visit you at your job as a cashier at a department store. you two would go hang out at the arcade, local restaurants. she'd take you out to the beach, you'd help her study, you guys would play videos games together. literally everything, you guys were the best of friends.
everyone was literally so surprised when they saw she had another friend that she was oh so close to. they were happy for you guys though!
one day you came to terms that maybe you liked your bestfriend in more than a friendly way. and it ATE YOU UP. you didn't know if they felt the same way, you didn't know if it would screw things up. you were so scared to even look at hange :(
she noticed and got worried one day and asked you if you were alright and if you wanted to stay at her apartment and study. you obliged obvi but was still shaking in your boots. you complimented her over and over and she kept saying "aww thank you, i love you so much too” and it finally became your last straw and you told her how you felt. how you actually felt. she got really flushed and explained how she felt the same way but just didn't know how to tell u. it ended with you guys sharing a sweet somber kiss and making your relationship official! you also stayed over her apartment ;)
you guys told everyone about it, your friend groups basically combined lowkey. you guys still studied together. hange would always surprise you with dinner after a long day of classes and you guys would head straight back to her apartment to chill.
she'd take you out on sweet dates, she even goes to parties now just for you.
she literally loves u so much and wouldn’t change what college she goes to for the world.
a/n! sorry this wasn’t really in hc format or wtv, also it’s all good anon! i liked writing this one, and you guys can request as much as you guys want. i LOVE writing, im not in a creative writing class for naught ><
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lqfiles · 4 months
THE NEW PART? HELLO? HELLOOOO? Omg my heart… the tension… the grip on her wrists… bringing her closer… THE NAMES? he’s so downbad and he doesn’t even know it yet omg i know he’s gonna tell everyone to fuck off except y/n and i love that for them
like their bickering is so… idk how to explain it but i can picture it so well in my head and it feels like a conversation i would hear (and, again, it’s paced so well) in person
and ngl the fake texts where he was calling her names and she’s telling him to stop… it reminds me of when my best friend told my bf (we were friends then but we bickered a lot) what i liked being called and he wouldn’t stop calling me that name… and now we’re dating 🧍🏻‍♀️ ily i love books that just bring back happy memories 😭
the tension… you write so well and i hope you know how talented you are 🫶🏼🫶🏼 literally. like the pacing, the subtle little details about them hating each other but still wanting to irk the other is so well done, talented 🫵🏼 HOW MANY WORDS IN NCT DREAM? YEAHHHH
everything’s going so good, so well paced and you need to process that in your head
- 🫧
(bella’s napping rn after eating some cucumbers and after running around in circles)
I FEEL LIKE I SUCCEEDED LETS FREAKING GOOOOO, tbh i felt like this this chap could’ve been better ngl, originally it was 2.2k words going into much more plot but i was like “no one is reading all that..” so i had to cut some parts out and try to not pace it too quick 😭 i’m glad the conversation felt real tho, i always imagine the characters saying the dialogue in the scene, that’s how i usually work on my stuff loll. tbh haechan is already starting to be down bad because the fact that he is going out of his way to annoy her with a nickname that’s meant for ENDEARMENT already says something.. 🌝
AAAWWWW THATS SO CUTE 😭😭😭 can’t believe i just took your experience and implemented it into this fic that’s crazyyy.. the way i was planning on making the nicknames win y/n over too like she has a slight weakness for them and with her growing attraction for haechan you already know she will be weak, that’s so cute tho, i’m happy you have such a cute memories of your pre-relationship!!
every time you point those little things out i feel like ive succeeded because that’s exactly what i want people to notice >o< you just made me day bae ily i hope your day goes well and thank you for the feedback <33 say hii to bella for me once she wakes up!!!
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1d1195 · 7 months
Yeah it's not an option completely ruled out....I will always be open to company, like I said, I wanna make friends everywhere I go..but just for the sake of mental health I guess, its not something on my to do list, does that makes sense? But thank you, I really appreciate the hope, I feel like it's such a blessing to be a best friend as much as it is to have one 💓
Time...well I only hate it when I feel like I have wasted it...I really understand what you meant by not feeling old but feeling like you are short of time....in the hindsight I know logically I'm only 19, there is so much left, but then I'm like "Did I do the right things when I was 10, 13 or 16? Will I still get to experience that?" Its more based on "was this time spent purposefully, did it make an important impression". That's the main reason I wanna experience it all cause then I can have that proof of presence, if something good happened before, it will happen again, do not be worried, if something bad happened before it could happen again, do not be ungrateful.
Tiktok is banned in my country😭 I do check insta but only when its like super duper positive and stuff...most of youtube is filled with productive life style motivation vlogs....I miss physical books, I am a hoarder for them and I haven't read a novel in like 4 months my hands are itching, I am, though, finding good recommendations for after exams so if you have them, let me know...and please do take breaks I can't imagine how much mind power it takes to do maths all day everyday...kudos for that 🫠🙃
My week is already made with THAT TRADITIONAL ONE SHOT EICJIEOSJDIE...I died, they're my absolute favourite, she is such a sweetheart honestly and harry is gone gone for her...I feel like you portray Niall and Louis so amazingly its like they must be just like that irl, like a comfort pillow 🤏✨🫶
I totally get what you mean about it not being on your to do list. It's hard to set out and be like, "I'm going to find my best friend today." It doesn't really work that way. You don't want to force it. So I totally get it. I've mentioned it before on here, but even though I told you about my best friend, I don't think I'm someone's best friend. I'm always second-best. Or tied. Or something. It's hard. I know you'll find someone. It's going to be wonderful 💕
You seem way wiser than I am. I'm nearly a full decade older than you. I don't think about 10, 13, 16 year old me much more. Other than she was quite sad and lonely and she would be pretty proud of me now. It's a little freeing, so maybe that's something to look forward to as well as you age. I'm sure 30 year old me will look at 20 year old me and think she was an idiot.
Fascinating about TikTok in your country. It's probably better that you focus on positivity. I am actually very negative by nature, believe it or not (#trauma) this blog is where I'm most positive. I save all my positivity and hope for you and my other followers 💕
I am reading a TERRIBLE book right now. It's extremely traumatizing and I'm only like a third of the way through wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Idk how it was a pick of the month at the bookstore (I do, it's probs really well-written) but idk why I bought it. My goal is to read all 35 books I have had sitting on my bookshelf by the end of the year so I know that hoarder life too.
The math I do is pretty basic I think. It's teaching the kids the math that make my brain hurt hahaha
I would die for any member of 1D no questions asked, but Niall and Louis would be my best friends, I'm sure. I would do anything for them and I like to believe they're similar to how I write them irl.
Glad you liked Traditional good to know they're you're favorite! 💕💕 Sorry for the long reply, I hope you're having a good day/week!
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liliansun · 10 months
delulu anon here!! but i'm literally breaking down the first chapter
sal downplaying just how hurt she is by using humor and jeno getting heated the moment something is mentioned is peak
i think sal blames herself for ending things with him, based on how she gave the girls the run down, she knows she hurt him because we know she's aware he was trying to fix things
she's def afraid of getting hurt and i think she's a people pleaser too, so it killed her to say all of that to him knowing she was hurting him at the same time - i really do think jeno would knock some sense into her and tell her to stop thinking about everyone but herself
and you said jeno had a lot of experience with situationships, which totally fits the character btw, and i think he just didn't realize how deeply he felt for her and it just kinda hit him when she told him she loved him, and that's when he started to rethink everything
jeno also blames himself cause he knows he hurt her, too, but idt he would ever tell anyone but her just how hurt he is, cause he feels like he has to be strong and manly and stuff and i feel like he would cry but it'd be in front of sal (and babygirl would kind of be a little stunned for a sec bc jeno?? with red-rimmed eyes?? there's no way)
i think the both of them hurt each other, just like sal said - she was doing it out of defense, to protect herself because she was feeling used and unimportant, and jeno because he took his anger out on her and then temporarily ghosted her, and his choice of words don't really help when he's texting her and he's hurting and angry
i really do kinda expect jeno to tell renjun to fuck off and let him handle his relationship with sal, cause big dumb boy wants sal so bad and he wants to get her on his own (we have sal bottling up her emotions every time she sees jeno in the hall sdkjnfaskjn)
(i wanna say thank you for mentioning that it fits his character,, like the littlest things y’all say makes me feel like all the work put into the stories pays off more than it will ever be known and i appreciate it sm)
and no bc jeno is def gonna get a lil pissy when it comes to the boys and the whole thing he has w sal and it’s not just gonna end there,, he’s gonna be in a bad mood for everyone when all is too much and the build up to it will be expected ngl but in the end i promise it will be good 😭🫶 and babe you breaking down that was just so well thought out and i loved reading it from your pov 🥹
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how are you getting on in your new job drea? what’s the tea?? drop the gossipppp, and school? basically how’s life i’ve missed you 🫶🏼
HELLO MY LOVEEEEE 🥹 everything is going okay, I’m still in the learning stage with some stuff but there’s other things I’ve got down so i make myself useful where I can LMFAOWKDKS
There’s not much gossip (at least that I know about 👀) but the other day I overheard one of my coworkers talking about how one of the leads had scolded her for leaving the front to go help out in the back during a rush (the shift lead is some old white lady with an attitude) and she was like “Yeah so she told me not to do that again and I said ‘what are you gonna do, fire me?’ cause obviously they’re not.” and I was like OOP…..get her geriatric ass Margaux
As for school, I’m done with the actual field research part of my ecology class and now I’m gonna have to worry about our term project where I have to write out a grant proposal for a mock experiment and then make an entire research poster for it <3 hate that <33 and then for my scientific ethics class I have a presentation due next Monday I think so we’ll probably get the assignment this Wednesday 🥲🥲🥲
I can’t wait to finally get tf out of here in December bro LET ME OUTTTTT (I say that as if I don’t plan on going to grad school 😭)
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
hiii it's sleepover anon again :’) another long update ahahah. i was able to talk to them the day after my bday thru vid call!
they basically said that they were talking abt me bc it was just randomly brought up when they were tgt waiting for me to arrive to bff1's house on the day of the sleepover/dinner party, and they thought that me being delusional over the guy was funny.. i mean, sure yeah it is pretty funny but 1) someone *must* have brought it up bc how else would that convo even happen while they were waiting for me 😭 i don't believe it was "random".. 2) they were still laughing abt me behind my back ? i mean, yk we could've done that together lol bc i rly was silly ngl. but i said that i'm not ashamed about it even if they think i was being too much bc first of all that guy actually showed interest and he implied lots of times that he did like me sooooo it's only natural to feel that way ? 🙁 i wasn't going to not let myself not feel anything abt it bc i just wanted to have fun 😭 and even if he was sus, which we all thought at first b4 i got close to him, i stuck around w him bc he was the only person i knew in one of my classes cuz we were also classmates in the previous term.. then we got close bc we helped each other n yk stuff happened but it was also for the sake of common decency. and i rly was just fucking around to find out bc i wanted to know even tho he was sus.. and now i know and there's actual proof that he's just not it. i wasn't going to cut him off or smth without reason or proof lol i'd end up being the bad guy despite what we all thought ab him at first :// but now i do have a good enough reason that i can back up n thats why i stopped talking to him. simple as that
also bff2 alr felt bad enough bc she realized that drunk her isn't a good person so i didn't feel the need to crush her abt the stuff she said abt our other friend lmaooo.. i could've but nah she was alr depressed enough i'm just glad she's aware now. i did mention it tho and i said it was just plain mean..
but it's also quite funny to think they were making fun of me for being so head over heels when they don't even have experience 😭 they don't even know what it's like to have someone interested in them at least.. like one time when i was talking to him for like 2 whole days, bff2 once told me she was jelly of me and him bc she's never gotten to talking stage w anyone.. n then after all that they were laughing abt me like lol ok :\\
anw i just told them that i don't appreciate how they talked abt me without my presence bc whatever they said to each other was smth they could actually say to my face.. it's smth i'd laugh abt too yknow.. but they apologized tho which is good but honestly i don't rly trust them now after all that.. their insecurities spilled onto their perception of me + our other friend like yikes i don't rly want insecure friends who laugh abt me behind my back i want supportive and non-judgmental ones!! it's not even hard to be kind 😭 glad i went to that sleepover n that i went thru him tho even tho it was just bs bc i found out the truth abt my friends.. bottom line is i don't have trustworthy friends so i'm just going to keep my distance.. we r still 'friends' i don't want to cut them off but i'm just not telling them anything anymore and i'm not talking to them unless they msg to talk to me first or if i need them for smth lol
anw thats it for this whole drama thank you sm for listening omg HAHAH 😭😭💗💗 also jsyk i am one of the emoji anons haha i just didn't rly want to associate the drama w it but yes. tysm for the safe space u created on here<33 and thank you for taking ur time to always talk to us even if it's a lot to go thru one by one🥹🫶🫂❤️‍🩹
also!!! let’s go boundary queen!!! nice to know it was all bc they’re jealous.
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