#and she's like i'm still more mad at hannibal.
so i told my friend about that meta we have about hannibal trying to impregnate will throughout s1&2 and since she hasn't finished the show yet, her response to it was, and i quote, "ew".
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luna-moth-0 · 10 months
Okay so my dad is rewatching Hannibal so of course I'm rewatching it with him and we got to the episode of the Lost boys.
And you know how the woman kidnaps boys to create her own family? While investigating Will says that the woman makes sure that the boys feel like no one can love them like she does and that's basically what Hannibal does.
When Hannibal frames Will of course a part of him does it to push away the suspicions (though that's debatable) but he mostly does it to isolate Will.
Once Will is in prison no one believes him anymore, he's completely alone no matter how they say they're here for him because in the end no one sees what he sees nor believes him. So once he's lonely he gets violent (I mean he did send someone to kill Hannibal) and is completely mad
And yes Hannibal is not necessarily more there for Will than the others (even though he is the first to believe he's innocent obv) once Will gets out he's the only one who is truly unaffected by Will's time in prison and what he did back then.
Therefore, even though Will resents him he still ends up feeling like the last one there for him.
And I can go further by putting Abigail in this but that's for another time.
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So... hannibal the series has been on my mind a lot the last few days and I have some thoughts and maybe had a small epiphany lol
Sorry if this is something said/understood by everyone else. I'm always a bit late to the game
I don't remember if it's explicit in the series, but there seems to be an understood headcanon maybe, that Hannibal doesn't think of what he does as cannibalism. Further, he treats the majority of his victims flippantly and grotesquely like they are less than human. As if what he is committing is not really murder because his victims aren't fully human.
Its sociopathic/psychotic. Yeah, we get that. I get that.
Yet, we see a certain level of vulnerability in Hannibals interactions with the group of people he chooses to associate with on the regular, like Alana and sometimes Jack, but especially Will.
I've always struggled with the why of that. If Hannibal believes himself to be above humanity, at least to a certain extent, his group of friends included, then how could he be vulnerable with them. Why bother being vulnerable with your next potential meal. And even more so when he gives them an out. Like Alana. He offers her an out. To forget what she saw and turn around and even more, to live a life where she wouldn't have to live looking over her shoulder. I believe he was honest there. Mads does an incredible job of letting us know that this is a real offer. Hannibals disappointment and sadness when she refuses is visceral. But why?
Why offer at all? If Alana isn't fully human, why bother giving her an out.
And I think, hence, minor epiphany time, it's because he doesn't consider her another potential victim, at least not the way he considers the people he eats. He considers her human. Considers her an equal even. To kill her would be murder in his eyes, and it bothers him in a way his other victims don't bother him. You could even argue that at least in mizumono, he doesn't kill her. He's willing to, sure, to keep himself, to keep his found family safe, but in the end, he doesn't, at least not directly.
In comparison, he does not treat Beverly the same. He does not give her a chance to walk away. As far as we know, he doesn't say a word to her. And realistically, these two interactions are insanely similar except for how Hannibal reacts.
Both times, Hannibal has been revealed. Both times, Hannibals way of life is put in danger. Maybe even more so in mizumono because Will has betrayed him and he is literally flinging himself at a door to try and finish Jack. Yet, he gives Alana a choice that he did not make to Beverly.
It's because he considers Alana human, where Beverly is just another cut of meat. In his mind, what he does to Beverly is not murder. He would be murdering Alana and so he gives her a chance to walk away and only lashes out when she refuses.
And it's interesting too that after Mizumono, how Hannibal treats Alana is still not quite how he treats other victims. He steals the coat that offered her comfort, he reminds her every chance he gets that he will keep his promise and that she is a dead woman walking. Yet, he still listens to her. Still is willing to compromise with her when needed. She is still an equal, but he was vulnerable with her and she hurt him in response, so he hurts her in whatever way he can get away with when it's prudent and doesn't risk the life of Will.
It just... it's so... Mads is so incredible for this. The writers are so incredible for this.
I started by reading the books and watching Anthony Hopkins and my circe those things are insanely good. But Anthony Hopkins portrayal is of a man who believes himself a g-d. A boy with his Ant farm. Curious and viscous in equal measure. There is no person suit, there is no humanity in him there.
But Mads. My darling Mads. He makes Hannibal human. He forces us to remember that he is human. That Hannibal is a someone who hurts, who loves, who hates, who is petty and playful and of course is absolutely still a child with his Ant farm who at any minute can reach into his pocket and pull out a magnifying glass to set the world he enjoys watching aflame.
Thank you for sticking with me if you have, and I hope this makes some kind of lick of sense. I probably have more to say, but my break is over lol
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nhescio · 5 months
Do you think he was ever in love with Bedelia like he was in love with Will? I ask this because Bedelia says they were both the "brides of Hannibal". But Hannibal never courted her like he did with Will, Bedelia came into Hannibal's life much before Will but he never pursued her like he did with Will. Mads said he wanted a future with Will unlike with other people he hooked up with Alana, Bedelia or Anthony. He took her to Italy as a consolation prize when Will betrayed him. Even in Italy H was pining about Will all the time and telling Bedelia how much he loves Will. I know he slept with Bedelia but he probably slept with Anthony too and he slept with Alana, Hannibal is a hedonistic guy who sleeps around. For him sleeping with someone doesn't mean he is in love with them. But when Will confronts Bedelia, she pretends as if Hannibal held them in the same regard which is obviously not true. Hannibal would choose Will over her in a heart beat and even she knows it but yet she acts as if Hannibal sees them both equally. I don't understand why? 😭 Why do you think?why make herself seem like a competition when she is not?
Wow. Okay. First of all, thanks for your ask! I'm surprised you chose to send it to me, but I'm glad that you did :D
For your question, if I could only choose "yes" or "no", I lean a towards a "no", but of course, how I feel is a lot more nuanced than that. So, fair warning, this answer might be a bit long.
Personally, I read NBC's Hannibal as a completely different person than book Hannibal. (Not really that hot a take.) So since we're talking about the show, I just want to clarify that I don't see Hannibal as a psychopath/sociopath (aka still a person, but a person that happens to mentally compute the world differently). The writers and actors have mentioned again and again that their Hannibal was meant to be larger than life. He isn't someone that has the same morals as an average human because he isn't really human at all. His mindset is so divorced from that of society's that it is completely impossible for us to understand how he thinks and acts.
Because of this, I think technically, yes, Hannibal did love Bedelia. Was he "in love" with Bedelia though? No. And especially not "in love" like he was in love with Will.
I think Bedelia may have believed Hannibal letting her "see behind the veil" mind meant that she was an important person to Hannibal. Isn't that obvious to her? He even took her on his escape to Europe in place of Will! I think Hannibal really did care about Bedelia, but nowhere near the level he cared about Will.
We have to realize that everything we see on screen has to be taken with a grain of salt. There are often things hidden in the subtext- especially in a show like this. Unfortunately, that means we can never be sure of the motives of our favorite characters, but I don't see that as a negative. (This is what lets the community have their widely different "favorite headcanons" and write our delicious metas.)
I'm not going to say that this is exactly what happened or these are Bedelia's exact feelings, but I think ultimately, she overstated her relationship with Hannibal because she was looking to provoke Will. I can't be sure that Bedelia believed Hannibal loved her more than he really did (not that she fully reciprocated that love), but she definitely saw her status as something elevated. When she told Will that they were both Hannibal's brides, she was right in the fact that they both allowed to know the truth of Hannibal's motives. But, while she was given a peak in his doors (most likely because she was his pet therapist), Will was welcomed with open arms. Both she and Hannibal knew that Bedelia was in no way equal to Will, even if she pretends to be later on in her sessions with Will.
I don't completely understand why Bedelia chose this route, but maybe there were hours of Hannibal whining about Will that she had to endure that we don't know about. Bedelia is likely just using her experience with Hannibal to gloat, since she was smart enough to distance herself to not get hurt. She would be elevating herself into a position of mental superiority to Will since he came out completely changed and scarred. She was just interesting enough that Hannibal wouldn't kill her and smart enough that he wouldn't physically hurt her since she isn't completely under his thumb. (Also, by that point, Will was probably the only person she could discuss these things openly with since Hannibal was incarcerated, but I digress.) What she didn't realize though, is that Will was just as dangerous to her safety, if not more, than Hannibal. I've seen an amazing analysis on here comparing Bedelia to Gideon since both had taken roles that they didn't have the right to- Bedelia as Will and Gideon as the Ripper. This is why their "punishments" parallel each other, with both being forced to consciously consume what they know is their own human flesh.
TLDR: No, Hannibal was not in love with Bedelia like he was in love with Will. Yes, Hannibal did hold some level of love for Bedelia, just like he did for Alana (and to a lesser extent, Jack). Bedelia, probably too used to being able to squirm out of tight situations, chose to provoke Will by gloating about her clean escape instead of prioritizing her own safety. What she didn't realize was that any affection Hannibal holds towards her is nothing in comparison to his willingness to fulfil Will's whims. (Which is why they chopped off her leg to eat.) Basically, all the stars aligned (negatively in this case) and Bedelia made every wrong choice at the finish line which led to her fate at the end of the series.
Did this response completely derail from your question? Maybe, so I'm sorry about that. Anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for reading!
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toastofthetrashfire · 9 months
The Sign Episode 7 Thoughts
Showing abs is apparently necessary for good art (taking notes)
Okay but are they talking about having him paint him, make love, or kill him and make him a part of the art (they keep showing the art tools like torture tools)
That love scene was really beautiful, love the way it makes the art very visceral. The way it's framed reminds me a bit of Hannibal and the way bodies there are framed as art.
Ah so we are intentionally blurring the lines here between love making, art, and potential murder--cause the scene of him washing off the paint is pulled straight from a crime thriller. I like the contrast between the red paint and the blue lighting.
Interesting bathroom, the shot is really pretty, but logistically how do you shower without getting everything wet. The mirror is really interesting though. Practically it's a good way to make sure he gets all the paint off. But it also highlights how alone he is here, with only his own reflection to keep him company.
Yai why are you trying to stop Tharn from saving someone?
These guys are so bad at working, meanwhile Yai is telling Tharn not to get distracted from the job they're already all not doing
Oh I like the way the actor plays Mr. Montree. A lot of actors would overplay the sinister aspect to make sure the audience really gets it, but instead of any tension in his voice or body language, he comes across quite genuine and warm in his responses. We can still pick up the tension if we observe the captain and read between the lines of what he's saying. Nice!
Tharn, darling, maybe don't tip the guy off! I'm glad Yai told him that was stupid
Ah hello again Nat's abs!
Interesting that most of the guests are in black, white, or beige, but Mr. Montree is in blue and Phaya's grandma is in red. Of course those are the colors used in the painting and earlier with Art. It makes sense that Mr. Montree would stand out, but I'm curious why Phaya's grandma in particular. Will she become more important? Is she related to Mr. Montree in some way?
I'd love to know more about the artists and art they used for this episode. There's some really gorgeous pieces
Oh no a broken statue I'm getting Shadow flashbacks
Wait why would they detain Art? It was clearly an accident
Dr. Chachacha stepping up to say Art is his patient, what is this Hannibal? Dr. Chalecter over here! It's got to be an influence right? Cause I was getting similar vibes in the opening scenes too
I wonder if hysteria as a term has the same connotations as it does in Western psychiatry. Like is it still a term that's used medically? Or is it clearly outdated? If it's the later, why doesn't that raise any eyebrows? Either way it fits with his sinister role in the story and the way he riles Phaya up to cause problems and make it seem like Phaya is dangerous or hysterical. Say Art is hysterical and off his meds and you can discredit him. How much of that is Dr. Chalecter using some sort of power on people is hard to say.
Huh, even after that back and forth, I'm not quite sure what the show's perspective is here on mental illness. They aren't necessarily pushing back on the idea that it can make you dangerous, even if there's some nuance added. Though Dr. Chalecter did get in a funny burn telling Phaya: you're not mentally ill, your personality just sucks.
Okay I get that Phaya is acting like an idiot because he's scared, but my patience is a little thin. It's just not a dynamic I enjoy. I'm kind of hoping it really is Dr. Chalecter's doing.
Oooof Dr. Chalecter is over here distinguishing "normal" people vs mentally ill people. Rich and ableist! Despite the copganda the show is at least giving us evil psychiatrists.
No don't bring the charismatic psychiatrist into your police investigation! It's like the captain hasn't even seen Hannibal!
Did Kao's body get put into the art and that's why they can't find him?
Okay I guess I'm glad it wasn't portrayed as him killing out of madness or mental illness, that's a relief.
Tharn's visions are getting super convenient and helpful now. I like the touch of focusing on the clock in the flashback
Imagine being the poor cab driver. You pick up a guy with a bleeding neck and instead of going to the hospital he asks you to drop him somewhere sketchy
Why would you sit in the car to get evidence? Wouldn't that disrupt things?
These two have no chill, why are they bickering in front of everyone's salad. Also not sure why we needed a montage of the meeting.
Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty!!!
Oh Phaya's little meow to deflect, adorable!
Huh the grandma's comments about not understanding people's motivations and everyone losing their minds are troubling. Feels in line with what the episode seems to be bringing up around mental illness. Even with Tharn's response, I'm not really sure what the show is trying to say about the topic. Kind of similar to last week's take on justice.
Kitty makes the perfect transition shot!
Interesting how the final scenes between Phaya and Tharn here mirror Art and Kao but with very different endings. Both begin in spaces where Art and Phaya make and display their art. Tharn and Kao are invited into these intimate spaces. But the couple's follow opposite trajectories--one betraying that intimacy (Kao) and the other (Thar) deciding to take a leap of faith and trust in it.
Art and Kao make love in a scene that may have just been a fantasy, but, real or not, the scene has a dream-like aesthetic that is edging into nightmare. We then learn they fought and separated.
In contrast, Phaya and Tharn talk, resonate with each other emotionally and come together. They then make love. Like, Art and Kao's love scene, there's a fantastic quality, but this one stays out of nightmare territory.
The mirrors are particularly notable. We end with mirror's capturing Phaya and Tharn together, intimate. While we began with Art in his bathroom, the mirrors highlighting how alone he is.
A final thought: It has been 4 weeks since Sand has graced our screens, now we must wait at least a week more and that is a true crime!
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pumpkinfreak · 9 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time
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I watched the first three episodes of this beloved cult classic. Is this considered a cult classic? I don't know, but I do have opinions.
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Right off the bat, this guy, Will Graham, he's okay. He is a guy, I loved that little scene in the first episode with all his dogs. I wish there were more character moments like this in the proceeding two episodes. Instead, it's just a lot of him being gifted and tortured. I do like that he is introduced as being on the Autism Spectrum. Other than that kinda dull.
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Then there's this guy. I love him, I understand the hype. The second Mads Mikkelsen popped up on my screen I wanted to see more of him as Hannibal. He is instantly intriguing, so charming, completely unnerving, and yet I want to hold him gently in the moonlight.
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This bitch, right here. Freddie has my blood pressure peaking. Even her hair pisses me off, I'm saying that as a white woman with very curly hair. This lady gets up every day and painstakingly styles that hair just so it can contaminate crime scenes. She dresses like Hanna Barbara villain to manipulate people.
The actual show itself, or at least the first three episodes, is pretty good. My biggest issue at the moment is Will, I just don't find him very interesting, compared to his counterpart, Hannibal. Also, some of the acting is lackluster.
I was surprised at how sexual this show is. I went into this basically blind and assumed any posts about it was typical Tumbler horniness. I say that with all the love in the world. However, this show is deeply sexual in all the ways that make your stomach turn.
Obviously, the relationship between Hobbs and Abigail has blatant incestuous tones. He wants to eat, and use every part of girls that look like his daughter. We also have the first scene with Freddie, naked and smiling, looking over crime scene photos. Of course, there's also Hannibal watching people eat the meals he makes them. It is all so sickening and the most enthralling part of the show so far. A little peek at how sex can wrap inside an unwell mind.
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My absolute favorite part was the mushroom murders. What a way to start the second episode of a series. The makeup looked phenomenal. One was still alive. The killer being a pharmacist unlocked a new fear inside me. Such a neat concept, I cannot wait to watch more.
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collapsingchurches · 4 months
would you be willing to talk about hannibal's desire for a family, how he chooses the prospective members of that family, and what family means to him? 😘
I have been mulling over the right way to talk about this, so I'll undoubtedly reblog and add to this post, but Hannibal wants domesticity. It's something he never had. He was a baby aristocrat, and people in that kind of class don't have domesticity. He went from the castle to the orphanage to boarding school in Paris. He had no sense of genuine connection to most people -- his aunt by marriage seduced him when he was a teenager and then rejected him as inhuman because he killed people. Not exactly breakfast nook conversation.
The first moment when I realized Hannibal had this quality one might associate with family-feeling was in S1E1 when he says to Will, "Finish your breakfast." It's the way he says it. It's an intimate thing to say to a person. Not just overfamiliarity or manipulation. The kind of thing you say to your kid or maybe a spouse when they're being a wiseass but you aren't mad about it, you think it's cute.
He chose Abigail because he knew what her father was hunting, and that she was her daddy's girl. He might have been stirred to rescue her because the sight of Will soaked in adrenaline and blood and cordite was hopelessly appealing to him -- or maybe that exquisite sight was why he paused? But he left Will behind, got in the ambulance with that girl, and held her hand all the way. He slept in a shitty hospital chair with her blood still on his sleeves. A fastidious man like Hannibal. He didn't change his shirt. There was a chance that this cannibal hunter's child would be someone who could understand him, and he wasn't going to let her go.
Putting Will into the frame of mind where he had a responsibility to Abigail was, of course, a way of getting him closer to his side. He wanted the handsome prickly man too. Breakfast for everyone.
I'm up way too late but I've been writing about Hannibal stuff all day it seems, and I'll add more. Would love to hear your thoughts as well, gorgeous.
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waywardgirl75 · 2 months
Thanks for answering my ask before....
If you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask, what are your top 7 favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series) and your top 7 favorite (fictional) characters from any media ? Why do you love them all? Sorry if you've answered this questions before......
yeah no problem. and yes i think you asked this in my other acc. sorry i completely forgot about it.
my top 7 favorite media...idk if you want to know top 7 from any one of those media or top 7 including all of them. i think it's the latter one.
my top 7 favorite media is,
supernatural (tv series)
the song of achilles (book)
hannibal (tv series)
one piece (anime)
alone with you in the ether (book)
omniscient reader's viewpoint (webnovel)
link click (donghua)
and for my favorite fictional characters...
kim dokja (omniscient reader's viewpoint- webnovel)
how do i begin to describe why i love him. i just know that i do. and how i wish he was real. he has been alone his whole lifetime. the only escape from his reality was a book. reading kept him going. he is smart and cunning but also compassionate. even when his fate is realized, he doesn't want to leave anything to fate. he is ready to decide and choose his own fate. he is ready to fight the fate to reach his chosen destination. he wants to write his own story, and i think it's beautiful. idk how his story will end, but i'm sure it will be amazing.
dean winchester (supernatural-tv series)
the first character that i loved. still do. he is a part of my life. i can relate to him and can also be comforted by him. beneath his strong demeanor, dean struggles with guilt, loss, and the weight of his responsibilities. he may seem like he doesn't care for you, but believe me, no one cares more than him. he uses humor as a kind of coping mechanism for all the horrors of his life, but at the same time, he finds the joys to enjoy life too. and he can do anything for his family and even risk his life for them. i love that about him cause i'd do the same.
daenerys targaryen (game of thrones- tv series)
my queen. i'd bent the knee for her. i love her journey. from a timid, abused young woman to a powerful, self-assured queen that is marked by significant growth and transformation. she emerges stronger from every ordeal, showcasing an indomitable spirit. her actions are often driven by a strong moral compass, yet she can also be ruthless when necessary. her descent into madness and tyranny is a complex issue with various interpretations. i agree with some and disagree with some. but you can't deny that her character evokes strong emotions as well as sparking some intense debates.
sugawara koushi (haikyuu- anime)
sugamama. ah i love that chaotic man. he looks like a calm character at the beginning but the way he is as chaotic as any other teammates of his. the best things about him are his selflessness and his support to other players. he is intelligent and observant and has a kin understanding of players and plays. he never backs down to telling off his teammates and at the same time always the first one to encourage them. he's always willing to sacrifice his own gametime for kageyama. overall you cannot ask for a greater teammate and friend.
jude duarte (the folk of the air series- book/s)
one word: badass. jude is the most amazing character. you can never get used to her. she always surprises you with her choices. she isn't a flawless character. she is full of rage and anger. she is violent and crue, but somehow, you can never not love her throughout her story. she believes in equality. that is why she tries so hard to live with equal footing in the faerie realm. throughout the series, you can see that she loves power. because that was the only way to survive a human girl in the faerie realm, but at the end she finds the strength to risk letting go of her power to do what is right because of the love. jude is kind and merciful in her own way, and she actually does the right thing.
luffy (one piece- luffy)
my little child. his infectious optimism has made me see life in a different manner. his unwavering determination, loyalty, spirit of adventure and the belief that anything is possible with courage and determination is what made me love him. he taught me to dream. his journey makes me want to overcome my challenges and pursue my dream.
chuuya nakahara (bungo stray dogs- anime/ln)
this shawty is my happiness and my trauma. strom bringer gave me emotional damage. i love dazai too, but i have more affinity towards this shorty. his personality is complex with immense power. i know he has a fiery temper, but he is also the most soft, cuddly, and loyal character. he'd be so angry i called him soft and cuddly. his character development is amazing. with more responsibilities, he bacame mature and strategic (still fights like a child with dazai tho). despite being manipulated, he never stopped finding his true self.
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10 characters/10 fandoms
We're gonna go chronologically through my life because I think that's REALLY FUN (I legit couldn't choose a west wing character just know that if there's a secret 11th character is the ensemble cast of the west wing)
Artemis Fowl, Artemis Fowl
My first antihero, and we started YOUNG on that, I was reading these books premiddle school. I was obsessed with these books as a kid, and I'm still obsessed with them today. There's rumors of a third, more adult series when Artemis and Holly may get together and I will EAT THAT SHIT UP I LOVE THEM
2. Vexen, Kingdom Hearts
I Legit think this man primed me to enjoy Hux as a character. Like, I'm not kidding, I was obsessed with him as a kid. I'm 90% certain I wrote deviant art fan fic, but I have since abandoned that account so it's hard to know for sure if it ever got published. I was definitely roll playing at age, like, 13? way too young but god I loved him he was BATSHIT
3. Ianto Jones, Torchwood
Man, I can't really explain how much Ianto Jones as a character, he and Jack's kiss on screen, their relationship, and the events of the 456 changed me? It was DEEP though, I woke up the next day a different person, with much less trust in television writer's and their good intentions.
4. Desmond Miles, Assassin's Creed
We have to jump a few years to mid high school, because no joke I was on that Kingdom Hearts train for a WHILE. I love him, he was probably my first blorbo, before the term was invented. I tried to play the games after (MAJOR SPOILER) but I just couldn't do it. They didn't have the draw without him.
5. Stiles Stilinski, Teen Wolf
Now we've hit late high school, arguably my second blorbo. As a kid with ADHD, he was no joke valuable representation to me, even if it was sometimes played for laughs. I was also the least athletic kid on multiple sports teams who still tried really hard, so I got him, yknow?
6. Will Graham, Hannibal
It's legit tough for me to chose if I like the Will Graham of the books or the TV show better. (Don't ask me about the movies, I haven't seen them, and I probably won't. Movies and I have trouble. See: ADHD.) I'm not sure if he's a blorbo or just like, a regular character I like? My hannibal phase was my last 8 year ship, so the line is pretty blurred.
Now we've reached the part where I dived into a lot of fandoms at once, because I dropped out of college and kind of did a weird spiral? Idk, we've lost chronology is what I'm saying
7. Artemis Crock, Young Justice
god I cannot say enough good things about her and I also cannot express how much (MAJOR SPOILER) made me mad FOR HER. Like it was cruel specifically to her and we should talk more about that, honestly. She was definitely a blorbo, but we're still PRE blorbo as a word in my vocabulary.
8. Darcy Lewis, MCU
My first real fandom bicycle, I ship her with everyone from Loki to Agent Coulson to Natasha. As someone who often feels like the comic relief character in their own life, I appreciate her.
9. Kent Parson, OMG Check Please
My sweet, sweet disaster son. My emotionally constipated hockey boy. The reason captain america is my SECOND favorite character with a birthday on the Fourth of July. I love him, he was amazing, and also my first experience with like, really toxic fandom was being so mad when people tried to equate his canon mental health issues with a noncanon, imagined abuse?? It was wild, I ended up so distressed about it i did have to leave the fandom.
10. Armitage Hux, Star Wars
I mean you've been on my blog for like ten seconds i think it's obvious?? The others needed explanations but like YOURE HERE YOU KNOW
WAIT I FORGOT TO TAG PEOPLE SHIT @sariastrategos @gingersnappish @fallingdeeperintothispit
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tina-mairin-goldstein · 4 months
five comfort characters, five tags
I'm starting a new chain before the old ones gets too long (I also was not alerted to being tagged!). So thanks for the tag, @zeldamacgregor! Can't pick favorites, so the list is no particular order.
Newt Scamander
I was so skeptical about Fantastic Beasts when I heard about it, but then I saw the trailer, and then the movie, and was instantly hooked. He's goofy, awkward, loves animals, and doesn't care what people think. Also, bless him, he has no clue how to woe Tina, when he doesn't even have to try. I KNOW there are problems with JKR and I do NOT support her, but that can't change the fact I like Newt.
2. Tina Goldstein
Badass female Auror who does what's right, even if it costs her her job. She protected Credence and went after his abusive mom to protect him (and his sisters), and though she was a little misguided with wanting to arrest Newt, she's awesome. She was able to go toe-to-toe with Grindelwald, and I just love her.
3. Will Graham
I like him because I guess I can relate to him a little. I love his dogs and his backstory, and though he's really dark, mad, and twisted, there are still good qualities about him. He gets his job done and kept wanting to do it because it felt good to catch the monsters, even when it and illness (and Hannibal) were driving him insane.
4. Alyssa Victoria Gardner
Main character of my favorite book series, Splintered. She goes to Wonderland and learns how to be tough, plus learns that she has magic, that there's a wild dark side to her, and embraces her madness and darkness. She's a queen (literally) and fights for both her guys and her family, and isn't afraid of her powers or that dark, twisted side of her once she's embraced it.
5. Alain from Pokemon XYZ anime
I found his character really fascinating, along with the story. His companion, Mairin (like the Mairin in my url), is also here because for me they're joined. They got their own special episodes and the whole Sycamore lab staff is his family. He's older than Ash, which lends a sense of maturity to things when they're together, and got mixed up in the wrong things, because he wanted to protect those he cared about. I love reading fics about them and their family, and rewatching the episodes.
Jayfeather from Warrior Cats
Grumpy med cat who doesn't give fuck. I do not need to say more.
No-pressure tagging: @keepmeinmind-01, @creative-girl, @inastarlesssky, @pragnificent, and @ajdrawsig
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theroguequeen · 2 years
Okay so I had a night thinking about the episode. There are rumors going around that there are like 6 more minutes that where not in the leak but I don't wanna get my hopes up.
So the thing is that I think that whole episode constantly felt like things where cut. For example daemons breakdown at the beach felt like there was more of it but it was not shown, just these 30 seconds and dammit why would you cut this?
And the choking scene as well felt like there possibly was more. I had the feeling of daemon maybe kissing her angrily and when I think about it I'm pretty sure rhaenyra had some kind of smile on her lips when he let go of her but for me that was just not enough to make this scene okay.
Like there was the decision made to put this scene the way it is in the final cut and I'm a little tired of finding reasons how this could be interpreted as a a toxic but still loving moment.
Of course I can imagine this scene going differently and yes I can see them just being a toxic and overwhelmed and shutting down and daemon losing his temper, them both having blood of the dragon and liking it rough in the bedroom from time to time but fact is that all of this is just us trying to find something positive in this scene while the writers didn't give a shit about it.
This scene would have felt more real if they just fucked after this ngl but still they do not show it.
There where so many possibilities to make this whole episode different, to give the audience a fight between them but still show love and affection at the same time, but the truth is they made the episode this way because they wanted to. And the change the made with ageon accidently killing luke gives us a another taste on how they want to tell this war.
Going back to the beginning of the episode, where rhaenyra clearly is in pain and realizes something is wrong with her child and daemon not even once touching her arm or something.
Yes I know that he is in pain and in shock about viserys death but still he could just once check on her, just a little touch, a concerned look, god damn it just something. This is rhaenyra, his nyra heavy with his child and she is obviously in pain and he just stands there and that just makes me mad.
With a few little changes the whole episode and especially the choking scene would not feel so off but here we are.
And what is even more frustrating is that this was the last episode for like minimum 2 years and this is what we are left with.
The last scene where he comes to tell her about Luke's death felt more real and right then the rest, they way he takes her hand and walks with her towards the fire but even that felt like there where things cut and I don't think that even if it's right that there are some minutes missing I don't see how they will fix this.
I shipped toxic ships. I loved chuck and Blair and I love hannibal and will or daemon and elena and if this whole choking scene was done a little differently maybe I would be fine with it that's what we got and I'm disappointed.
Daemon was angry with viserys so often and not once did he get physically violent with him. And at the wedding party he grabbed rhaenyras face and the choking scene in some way had a glimpse off it but not enough to make it feel in character for me.
I'm not over this ship and I think that there is still hope but I'm still pretty done and frustrated right now.
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k-s-morgan · 2 years
Hi! I have another question about Hannibal.
Actually, I have several of them, but it's probably hard for you to answer many at once.
Where do you think Hannibal took Will after they left the Ufizzi Gallery? Hannibal took him straight to Soliato to kill him there? After all, he had everything ready there by that time. I'm just wondering what he would have done if Will hadn't pulled out the knife. Would they walk around Florence? Would Hannibal have deliberately dragged his time to be stopped?
The decision to kill Will seems to have already been made, but if Will had behaved sweetly, like a truly forgiving person, would Hannibal have killed him?
Hello again!
Yes, Hannibal definitely took Will straight to Soliato's apartment - Will was hurt as soon as they walked out of the gallery, and we can see that he was increasingly in pain, with Hannibal rushing to take care of his wound. Also, how interesting it is that Chiyoh chose to deliver a non-lethal shot? She's crept out by Will, she cares about Hannibal and sees that Will is about to attack him, yet she still decides against killing him. Because even without seeing them interact, she knows how much Hannibal must love him: Will’s appearance in Lithuania confirmed it to her.
Initially, in the script, Hannibal also had to have a knife that he had to pull out. I’m glad this didn't happen because I feel like it would be OOC. Hannibal is never the first one to attack Will - even in S1, when their relationship is at its developing vague stages, Hannibal is pushed to frame him only after Will refuses to listen and endangers him. This pattern of behavior is repeated over and over again, so I don’t see why Dolce would be different. And while he was expecting the possibility of being attacked, I doubt Hannibal would engage in a knife fight with Will, this wouldn’t be their style.
I agree with Mads, who said this:
If Will were to see and join Hannibal in Dolce, Hannibal wouldn't have attacked him. At that moment, he felt desperate.
Hannibal might have anticipated that something would go wrong with Will, preparing for his murder in advance, but I don't think he was dedicated to this idea, not at all. If Will accepted him, them, then yes, I believe they would have walked around Florence, talking and planning, at first hesitantly, then more boldly. They would have probably ended up running away together, and who knows, maybe things would have worked out for them even at that stage.
But Will pulled out the knife. I don’t think he’d have succeeded in killing Hannibal - I always read this as his half-suicidal attempt, but to Hannibal, it was another confirmation that they have no future because Will cannot accept them. He felt desperate, like Mads said - he felt like he can’t let Will go, that he needs him in any way he can have him, even if it means killing and consuming him, like he did with Misha.
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anecdotal-acorn · 2 years
So I saw Phantom on Broadway last night (10/21) and it was everything I dreamed it would be and more!!!  I have so many thoughts and I thought I'd just list them here:
Act I
- The overture is so much more exhilarating live than on any recording, it was so epic
- The Hannibal elephant was so impressive in person
- When the managers said Raoul would be in their box the dancers FREAKED OUT, especially Meg and Christine, they were so excited <3
- Emilie’s Think of Me cadenza was so clear and resonant–
- When Madame Giry came into the dressing room for Meg she YELLED at her and then did a complete 180 when she turned to Christine
- John is an exquisite Raoul!!! There was so much chemistry between him and Emilie during Little Lotte. He hugged her and then after he said her name pulled away for a second just to look at her…it was so sweet. Then when he left to get his hat he ran off the stage at a full sprint, which was so cute
- Laird had an awesome hat toss and cape twirl with so much flair and extra-ness, and his MOTN was like an out-of-body experience, especially when he said “close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar” and held the note straight-tone and past the music. Then when Christine pulled the mask off he flopped onto the floor like a sack of potatoes XD
- Meg was adorable in Notes, rifling through them at the managers’ desk trying to figure out what was going on.  Erica Wong was so charismatic it's hard to believe she isn't principal!
- Raquel’s comedic timing was impeccable, especially in Il Muto when she mimed pulling off the Serafimo skirt and hat
- Laird’s cackle when Buquet’s body came down is truly unparalleled (gave me chills)
- ALL I ASK OF YOU was sooooo precious!!!!!!! John and Emilie are a top-tier R/C pair!!! Their second kiss was so intense it turned into basically a full-on makeout session and I was LIVING for it; every Raoulstine shipper’s dream ❤️
- Laird was so sad on the angel!!! So much crying and whimpering, and he did this little quiet “no” when Raoul and Christine were singing AIAOY from offstage. But then he growled and it was so cool to see the switch in his mind and watch him put the walls back up and get mad…
- The chandelier drop was as jaw-dropping as expected
Act II
- Raoul and Christine’s Masquerade entrance was so cute, with the spotlight on them and everything
- Laird came down the stairs in the Red Death and Emilie was clinging to John with both arms around his waist
- On the topic of Masquerade, can we talk about how good John looks in the Hussar costume????  Wtf???  
- During Notes II when Piangi said “if you can call this gibberish art” he threw the score book halfway across the stage
- John’s “Christine, Christine, don't think that I don't care” was so soft I think it melted all my organs…he leaned so close to her and acted like it was just the two of them
- Emilie’s Wishing was a highlight of the night. Her belt when that key change hit was so strong I felt it in my bones
- Wandering Child was so cool because by that point I knew how strong the trio was and their voices blended together so well
- The gunshot was so scary! Even though I knew it was coming it still made me jump because it was so loud
- Piangi’s pipes were nuts in his last scene (his “your youngest believes I'm you” right before he went off in particular)
- Laird’s entrance was so cool because he closed the back curtains with so much gusto and then just stood there for a minute like he was being extra or extra nervous (or both). Then his “say you'll share with me one love one lifetime” was so quiet and sad but the “anywhere you go let me go too” got so loud in literally an instant
- Laird’s “Christine, why?” was so heartbreaking because it really seemed like he was so betrayed that she pulled off his mask in front of all those people. When she first pulled it off he didn't even scream, just stood there in disbelief, which he did AGAIN after the kiss. Emilie came on in the wedding dress sobbing “no, no, no” and broke my heart into a million little pieces. John’s “Christine, forgive me, please forgive me” was all levels of desperate and soooo good!!!! Final Lair in general was such a whirlwind and didn't feel like fifteen whole minutes whatsoever, and Laird knocked it out of the park with that final note…they were all the best. I'm so glad I got to see him and John too. It made the show so special since Laird’s not usually there and John’s leaving but I SAW THEM!!!! I still can't believe it.
So yeah. Hope you enjoyed my thoughts :D
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distopea · 1 year
5 Pieces of Fiction that Influenced You as a Writer and Why?
1 - The Departed by Martin Scorsese
I think it is probably my favorite Scorsese movie. I have watched it several times, and I can't hide that I have been profoundly influenced by it for the creation of my mafia world. I won't spoil the plot twist of the story, but it gives you good hints regarding the "harmless" looking like mafia in your neighborhood, along with the secret schemes going on and how everything can snow ball. 
I do believe that it's a very good modern representation of how the mafia has been working in the shadows and in the daylight. Plus, the performance of the actors and the scenario were right on point. It also gives a wonderful perspective regarding how it feels to be an undercover cop, or a spy for the mafia. Plus, the social "pressure" regarding your family affiliation and the expectations of crime lords because you were born in a certain neighbourhood is perfectly represented. 
2 - Journey to the End of the Night by Celine
To be honest, I was traumatized by this book when I was a teenager. It was the first time that I had faced the horror of war and how one tortured author who survived WWII could express his pain and traumatism through a vivid description of terrible events. Far from the usual heroism of the soldiers, reading this pushes you on an overly depressing journey with misery, PTSD, war crimes, cowardice and such... 
For me, this book was a life-changing one. It was an explosion of truth regarding an event that could never be fully exposed and Celine, the author, was truly so good at writing it. It sticks to you like a second skin, and it has pushed me to be more open regarding dark themes and to never underestimate the power of words whenever you wish to shamble someone through a story. 
3 - Hannibal by Brian Fuller
My favorite show, in every way possible. I have been following the show since it aired for the first time, and I was (I am) genuinely obsessed with it. I rewatch it every year. It's truly the most intimate depiction of Hannibal Lecter and his psyche, and I have also rediscovered Will Graham through the interpretation of Hugh Dancy. 
In the book, or in Red Dragon, Graham is far less complex. He's too morally good and there's no sensation of breaking point at all. In this hypnotical dance, not only crime and horror become artistically pleasant, but you support Hannibal through his journey. I can't express how much I find every dialogue and scene so intelligent, and years after the end of the show, I'm still surprised to discover new interpretations and implicit meaning. Truly a masterpiece. 
4 - The Shining by Stephen King
Yes, definitely a classic. We can't say the contrary, even if I'm a little bit lazy for picking such a well-known novel, I have my reasons for this one. It's not about the story at all, but there's something so good and addictive about watching how madness is perceived through the first person. 
What I really adore in this book is basically the inner thoughts of the character, Jack, who's slowly losing perception of what is morally acceptable and what is not. Paranoia is getting the best of his character, and all his flaws are expressed brutally, even if, as the "hero" of the book, he doesn't see what he is doing wrong. His slow change is truly impressive and definitely well written, which is quite inspiring whenever you want to write about someone who doesn't see his own troubles (just like Vex, Marlo, Diego and such...)
5 - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Alright, that's my guilty pleasure right here. Whether we talk about the movie (with Keira Knightley), or the book itself, I have watched it hundreds of times and probably read it 5. 
I believe that Jane Austen had a gift for writing bold and impressive women, and the character of Lizzie still feels incredibly modern despite being written centuries ago. She's vivid, profound, mature and yet she has such a huge capacity for self-introspection and understanding of her own flaws. Her relationship with her father has always echoed the one I have with mine and I'm in love with her boldness, her freedom of mind and speech and her everlasting quest for culture, knowledge and humanity. This book has always been inspiring for developing my characters fully, twisting them into my little snow ball until they would feel just natural and palpable... Just like Lizzie can be. 
I'm also always inspired by the people creating around me, but I special shout out to my two pals Rain and Vera for that ❤️
tagged by : @nezumivc103221 (thank you!) tagging: @cantuscorvi ; @royaletiquette ; @tximidity ; @sansloii ; @nvrcmplt and whoever wishes to do it ✨
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leiakenobi · 2 years
leiakenobi's 2022 Fic Rec (aka, AO3 Wrapped)
Happy new year to you all! I did a fun new thing in 2022 where I kept a far more detailed record of the fic I read and wrote than I ever have before. Now that the year is officially over, I wanted to share some of my favorite fics that I read, alongside some of my own fics that I’m particularly proud of. There are also a handful of stats because hey, I have the data and numbers are fun.
Fics I Read (Stats)
In 2022, I read 293 fics about 122 relationships (either platonic or romantic) across 70 different fandoms, totaling 1,286,019 words. July and December saw me reading the most (over 300k words each month), in both cases helped along by Hannibal hyperfixations, as well as the reveals for Yuletide 2022 on Christmas leading to a final end-of-the-year boost.
Surprising no one, my most read fandom was Star Wars at 42 fics, followed by Hannibal (32), Ted Lasso (25), the Marvel Cinematic Universe (18), and Our Flag Means Death and Dimension 20 tied at 13 fics each.
My ship stats are proof that am (with the occasional exception) a multi-shipper, with Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter rocketing up to the top of the list at 31 fics, followed by Trent Crimm/Ted Lasso (18), Poe Dameron/Rey (12), Blackbeard/Stede Bonnet (10), and Ziggy Berman/Nick Goode from Fear Street just barely sneaking into the top 5 with 7 fics. I also read 21 fics that had no relationship tags at all.
Considering how frequently I do peruse the authors' profiles of fics that I enjoy in search of more to read, I don't read multiple fics by the same author as much as I would expect; out of 223 authors read throughout the year, I read multiple fics by 38 people, with a truly comical drop from the top author, blackleaders, at 20 fics (lmao hi nym), to 5 authors who are tied at 4 fics each (simplyprologue, Miss_M, apacketofseeds, saturni-stellis, and postcardmystery).
But that's enough numbers. Here are some fics I read for the first time in 2022 that really moved me.
Fics I Read (Recs)
Tangled by thingswithwings Community | Annie Edison/Abed Nadir and Troy Barnes/Abed Nadir | 28,327 words | Explicit
"Do you want me to go down on you?" Abed asks, one afternoon, when they're watching My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
like petrol soaked paper and fireworks by simplyprologue The Conjuring | Ed Warren/Lorraine Warren | 5,285 words | Explicit
He’s alive, she reminds himself, the ghost of the exertion from pulling him to safety tensing her muscles. He’s alive, and she’s alive, and she is so, so mad at him. “I’m… you made me out like I was some big hero in London.” “You were,” he sputters.
and i would break my family's heart by sleepdraught Dimension 20 | Adaine Abernant & Aelwyn Abernant | 8,002 words | Teen
Her name is derived from Old Elvish. Aelwyn. Great future. In the archaic tongue, the words for future and forever are the same. Adaine’s name is also derived from Old Elvish. Second-born. In which Aelwyn Abernant puts abjurative shields up on everything, including herself, and she doesn't know what exists beneath all that when they're gone.
aqua vitae by nikomedes Dimension 20 | Sofia Bicicleta/Em | 9,324 words | Teen
“You invited me out,” Em reminds her, maybe awkwardly? It’s hard to tell when her face is literally cast in bronze. She reflects beautifully in the still pond, under the moonlight, wings pulled in close as if she’s a little chilly too. “I’d apologize for showing up late, but even the Umbral Arcana can only do so much about an angel flying over Verrazzano.” Sofia Lee, Em, and the moments in-between.
Wherever You're Going (I'm Going Your Way) by garmonbozias Fear Street | Ziggy Berman/Nick Goode | 13,583 words | Mature
Sometimes the villains win.
Such a warm commotion by whetherwoman Fire Island | Noah/Will | 8,691 words | Explicit
Everything's great and that's a problem for Noah.
Fortune Hath No Backward Bound by reserve Hannibal | Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter | 8,153 words | Explicit
“I know Francis was the dragon,” Will said, face turned into the fine fabric of Hannibal’s dress shirt. “But sometimes, here with you, living this life, I feel like I’ve accidentally run away with one.” "Left the maiden in distress behind and took the dragon for yourself, then?" Or, Hannibal and Will run away to Europe. Things go more or less as expected.
haarlem by spqr Hannibal | Will Graham/Hanibal Lecter | 6,825 words | Mature
“Hannibal,” he thinks he says. He gets told later that he doesn’t really say it at all, but that the entire police station—most of which is waiting outside in the rainy parking lot—hears his voice clattering around inside their skulls like someone standing on a roof banging pots and pans and screaming at the top of his lungs: HANNIBAL, HANNIBAL, HANNIBAL. [or: rude, exhausted telepath Will Graham]
res publica, res privata by thedevilchicken Hannibal | Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter | 2,348 words | Mature
When Hannibal puts his hands on him in public, Will knows it's for effect.
rise up with the dew by lickrish Hannibal | Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter | 10,149 words | Explicit
Will learns to relax. Hannibal yearns.
wild peaches by notbecauseofvictories Labyrinth | Jareth/Sarah Williams | 3,571 words | Teen
The morning after Sarah Williams defeats the Goblin King, she gets up and makes toast.
The Long Road by determamfidd The Lord of the Rings | Gimli/Legolas Greenleaf | 6,246 words | Teen
The world has changed. Middle-earth is no more. The Valar have departed, or they are dead. Only one remains to stir the dust of forgotten lands beneath his feet, waiting to fulfil his promise.
my hands have made some good mistakes by piratesails The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel | Lenny Bruce/Midge Maisel | 4,913 words | Teen
“Are you done for the night?” he asks. She doesn’t want to look him straight in the eyes in case he’s still got that look on him, so she goes for staring at the cigarette that’s crookedly dangling from his mouth. It’s really the worst idea she’s had since shoving her ivory skirt out of the window of that cab. “Why? Have you got some more things in your pockets you want to throw at me? Because, let me tell you, if you’re about to pull something out of there that’s going to leave a stain, I will not be held responsible for what I’ll do to you.”
but what if you kept me (i don’t dare dream) by Lacerta Moon Knight | Layla El-Faouly/Marc Spector | 5,141 words | Mature
"You said you came to Cairo on business," Layla explains when they stop at a river bank. "I figured you didn't have time to see the views." Marc thinks about the familiar landscape of the city seen from above, how he's seen the dawn and the sunset change the city with fiery colors – and smiles. Layla turns to look at him. Her face is framed by unruly curls, the night lights make her skin glow, and the warmth in her eyes sets a flame to Marc's heart. "Not views like this," he admits softly. - This is how Marc falls in love.
always 11pm somewhere by afterism Our Flag Means Death RPF | Rhys Darby/Taika Waititi | 5,870 words | Explicit
"Yeah," Taika says, his grin dirty and obvious despite the thousands of miles between them. "I've gone full LA wanker." "Proud of you," Rhys says, and then, because that's almost true, says, "Gone? You've been a wanker for decades!" Taika's dating again. Rhys couldn't be happier for him.
tannis root by arbitrarily Ready or Not | Alex Le Domas/Daniel Le Domas/Grace Le Domas | 10,190 words | Explicit
They have been married for six months. Together, they live at the Le Domas estate. Each morning she shrugs off the wrongness she wakes to, cold and close as a burial shroud. To herself she repeats the same thing Alex has told her, over and over again: Everything is fine. You are fine. You’re with family now.
Our Steps Will Always Rhyme by AnnabelleVeal Succession | Kendall Roy/Stewy Hosseini | 7,841 words | Explicit
Stewy had always been better at moderation than Kendall. Or, five times Stewy told Kendall no and one time he didn't.
L’Simchat Chaim by achoo_gesundheit Ted Lasso | Trent Crimm/Ted Lasso | 7,445 words | General Audiences
l'simchat chaim Hebrew, interjection :to the joy of living: Trent was still figuring out how that worked.
they will see us waving from such great heists by laiqualaurelote Ted Lasso | Trent Crimm/Ted Lasso | 21,110 words | Teen
"Trent Crimm, Interpol," says Trent, flashing his badge with a vindictive flair, "and I'll thank you to stop mucking up my crime scene, Mr - " "Ted Lasso, FBI," says the interloper, matching him badge for badge. Trent stares at the ID he is presented with. "How is that even a real person’s name?"
Up to Code by syllic The Way Way Back | Duncan & Owen | 5,564 words | Teen
Everything works out for everyone, because it should.
this love is glowing in the dark by pathstotread A Wrinkle in Time | Alex Murry/Kate Murry | 1,547 words | Mature
"On the night that Alex returns, after Meg has retrieved him from hell and brought him home, they all camp out in the family room, as if by some unspoken agreement that no one sleeps alone or lets Alex out of their sight." Kate and Alex, after.
Fics I Wrote (Stats)
In 2022 I wrote 128 fics about 79 relationships (either platonic or romantic) across 55 different fandoms, totaling 224,772 words. I wrote at least 10k words in every month except June.
I wrote 10 fics or more in four fandoms: Star Wars (18), Marvel Cinematic Universe (12), Dimension 20 (12), and Ted Lasso (10).
There were only a handful of relationships that I wrote more than once or twice, most significantly Trent Crimm/Ted Lasso (8) and Poe Dameron/Rey (6). I wrote 15 Reader-Insert fics across a variety of different fandoms. I also wrote 10 fics with no relationship tags.
I also got into fic exchanges this year! I found them a very exciting way to explore fandoms and ships that I might not otherwise have thought to write for; ultimately I wrote 54 fics (42% of my total fic output) as gifts in exchanges.
Picking some favorites among my own fics is hard as hell, but I managed to come up with a list of the ones that I'm particularly proud of!
Fics I Wrote (Recs)
all my worries, disintegrating The Conjuring | Ed Warren/Lorraine Warren | 2,654 words | Explicit
“What’s on your mind, hon?” That you can’t seem to stand still, she doesn’t say. That it doesn’t feel like we’re on the same page these days and a gazebo in our garden isn’t enough to change that. Lorraine knows her husband, so she starts smaller. “I’ve been thinking about the night we found the witch’s totem downstairs.”
Another First Kiss Dimension 20 | Cinderella/Rosamund du Prix | 528 words | Teen
Once upon a time, Rosamund du Prix was awoken by the kiss of a young woman with soft lips and softer skin, clad in the most glorious glass armor she had ever set eyes on.
There And Back Again Dimension 20 | Galfast Hamhead & Leiland | 2,205 words | Teen
For two years, Leiland had lain in wait. Collecting himself, refining his skills and becoming an entirely new man (so to speak) under Leiland Jr.’s leadership. And it was all leading to this moment, in which he would darken Hamhead’s doorway and finally deal her the agony which she so dearly deserved.
among many blue things The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel | Lenny Bruce/Midge Maisel | 586 words | Explicit
Midge didn’t realize she’d fallen silent until Lenny lifted up his head to blink at her from between her legs. “Y’know, I thought I was doing some good work down here, but if you wanna change it up…”
Cadential Motion Master and Commander | Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin | 1,405 words | Teen
“I’ll be frank with you, Captain, it’s a relief to finally have you in my chair. I was beginning to worry that you didn’t trust my expertise.” - Aubrey and Maturin discover that their first impressions of one another were borne out of some misunderstandings.
craving. Monty Python RPF | John Cleese/Michael Palin | 488 | Teen
Writing for this new venture – whatever the hell it was, these six of them and their daydreams – had proven to be invigorating and terrifying all at once, but through it all there was John.
if I could, I'd drown for hours Moon Knight | Marc Spector-centric | 451 words | Teen
Alcohol doesn’t hit Marc like it used to. It doesn’t simmer in his blood, it doesn’t seep into his brain and dull his senses.
pickup, pickup (a good book now) Our Flag Means Death | Blackbeard/Stede Bonnet | 401 words | General Audiences
The desolation would have been less apparent if Edward had done anything in the interim to fill up the space.
party crasher The Princess Diaries | Nicholas Devereaux/Mia Thermopolis | 597 words | General Audiences
Mia tosses and turns in her sleeping bag for the better part of an hour before concluding that she just might need to abandon her own party.
chasing the ghosts away Scream | Mark Kincaid/Sidney Prescott | 189 words | Mature
Sidney still called him Detective sometimes, after.
Patina Star Wars | Obi-Wan Kenobi/Reader | 8,781 words | Explicit
You first encounter him at twenty, when your mother receives a call from an old friend named Qui-Gon Jinn. She’s always had quite a number of old friends, cloaked figures at varying stages of haggard who come through your house for a few days at a time in search of a place to rest their heads in your isolated part of the galaxy. With them, they always bring lightsabers, small and peculiar gifts of gratitude, and fantastical stories of adventure. This old friend brings with him a queen’s handmaiden, not much younger than you. He brings news of political sabotage and an urgent request for food, water, and supplies to repair his ship.
your love is sunlight Star Wars | Poe Dameron/Reader | 2,987 words | Explicit
First thing on the agenda: Poe Dameron is going to wash his kriffing hair. Second thing on the agenda: Poe is going to find you.
lovers alone wear sunlight Succession | Gerri Kellman/Roman Roy | 1,741 words | Teen
“I’m here to see Gerri Kellman. Just say it’s her ex-boy toy.” [Roman pays Gerri a surprise visit, after.]
Be As You've Always Been Ted Lasso | Trent Crimm/Ted Lasso | 8,202 words | Explicit
“I’d like to be clear about something up front,” Trent said carefully. “I don’t expect an answer right away. In fact, I think it would be wise for you to give some thought to what Keeley is asking of you. And we can talk it over until… what’s that colourful phrase you Americans like to use?” Ted chanced a smile. “’Til the cows come home?” “That’s the one.” - Keeley asks Ted to speak at the first event she's worked since starting her own firm, but his anxiety gets in the way.
Chrysalis Ted Lasso | Ted Lasso & Jamie Tartt | 1,964 words | Teen
“I’d’ve thought you’d be out celebrating with the team,” Ted said at last. “Yeah, I was for a while. Just…” Jamie sniffed, leaning forward to examine a stain on the bar that had probably been there for decades. “Got bored, I guess.”
if the years are all gone (series) Ted Lasso | Trent Crimm/Ted Lasso | 53,722 words | Teen
Nearly two decades before Rebecca Welton hires Ted Lasso as AFC Richmond's new manager, Trent Crimm spends a semester abroad in the midwestern United States. Everything unfolds a little bit differently from there.
Once In A Lifetime (sequel to This Must Be The Place) Triple Frontier | Santiago Garcia/Reader | 12,258 words | Explicit
After circling around your attraction for hours, Santi brings you back home to wait out the snowstorm that brought you into his bar. Once there, you learn more about the lonely man who's taken a liking to you and become increasingly aware of just what you'll be missing if you walk away from him in the morning.
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pumpkinfreak · 7 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time S2E11-E13
Tumblr media
I have wandered into the mouth of madness.
I'm going to break my format of writing these posts a little bit. Im not gonna list each episode, Im just gonna rant, hopefully, I keep everything in order.
Alana is a smart woman, doing dumb girl things. She knows Will tried to Kill Hannibal, but she also knows that Will did not kill all those other people. Alana also knows that Will has borderline magic psycho-analyzing skills, and has been shouting from the rooftops that Hannibal is the Ripper. Alans still just walk around, doe-eyed, like she isn't aware of what's going on. Does Alana even need to be in this show? She kind of feels like a sexy lamp. We are at the finish line, Alana is the starting line looking for rollie-pollies. Alana goes to Jack and is like, "I think Will killed Freddie." and Jack reveals that Freddie is alive. It's all just part of the conspiracy to catch Hannibal.
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Alana finally gets a gun, at the behest of Will. THIS WOMAN DID NOT OWN A GUN ALREADY. There is a serial Killer on the loose who can turn people into trees... Alana needs to get it together. Like just maybe be more present in the situation involving the consumption of human meat.
Magot is pregnant because it only takes having unprotected sex one time. At any time of the month, ovulating or not, if you have sex you will get knocked up. Mean Girls was right. Will is very excited about it, and Hannibal makes it clear that this is a gift from him. You know because he killed Abigail...Totally killed her. She is super dead. Six feet under... It's too bad Mason finds out that Margot is pregnant because Hannibal tells him, during a therapy session. Is there not another therapist anywhere in Baltimore. So Mason fakes a car accident and has a private team of doctors remove her uterus and ovaries. PICTURED BELOW IS HANNIBAL
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What was the point of any of that! This is the most evil thing Hannibal has done. He went out of his way to give hope to two people. Margot was already a victim of horrible abuse. Will is desperate for a human connection that isn't rooted in death, and Hannibal dangled the carrot in front of them. JUST TO YOIK IT AWAY!
Will goes to Mason, who's just chilling above the Maneating pigpen, and attacks him and tells him their all being manipulated by Hannibal. Okay, It's fine, Everything is great.
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THEN WE HAVE THE LAST TWO EPISODES... If you close your eyes...and listen closely you can hear Only Time by Enya playing softly. Or maybe that's just me. This show has melted my brain.
First of all, Hannibal can catch these hands. He has the nerve to tell Magort that she can defeat her brother by surviving him. I know I would lose in a fight against this man, but I would try my hardest. Then Will meets with Jack who needs more concrete evidence regarding Hannibal. So who do they have waiting in the interrogation room?
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BEDELIA! Jack offers her plea deal to give any information in Hannibal. Basically, she tells them that Lecter is a master of persuasion and that whimsy will be his downfall. STUFF WE ALREADY KNOW. Also apparently she killed the patient who attacked her big whoop
The upside to all of this. is the scene with Hannibal and Mason, when Mason stabs the chair. This is the only time in this show I've seen Hannibal genuinely shocked. Open mouth, Flabbergasted.
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What Hannibal proceeds to do to Mason, I feel, has nothing to do with anything Mason does to Hannibal. It is for this single slight against his property. What does Mason try to do Hannibal...What do you think?
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So he has Hannibal strung up, via straightjacket, and tells Will, who is also present, to bleed Hannibal so the pigs will eat him. Will frees Hannibal, who wreaks shop, and takes Mason to Will's house. Will gets knocked out in the scuffle and finds Hannibal and Mason in his home..
Mason is out of his mind on psychedelics, that Hannibal gave him, and is slicing off his own face and feeding it to Will's dogs. someone call my mom...I want to go home. Hannibal then breaks Mason's neck and we cut to Mason, ALIVE, at home being treated by his private team of doctors. Jack is there and talks to him for a little while, and Margot assures Mason that she'll take good care of him.
Then Will tells Hannibal that after doing all of that they're going to get caught. Hannibal agrees to tell Jack... because Jack is his friend.
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The internal investigation lady comes back. Tell's Jack that everything he's doing is very illegal, and Will dismembering a body is you know not good, especially after he mounted the remains like a hunting trophy. So Jack is fired and he and Will are going to be arrested. So Jack decides to take the law into his own hands.
Now originally Jack and Will were going to catch Hannibal when he tried to murder Jack. To Hannibal He and Will are going to flee the country and start new lives togother, after he kills Jack (How did anyone read their relationship as straight? like he's all excited about Will finding a new stream to fish in when they get to where they're going, that's husband behavior. Will is sitting in his lap, in the hot tub if you catch my drift)
Alana warns Will about the FBI coming for him, and Will escapes to help Jack. Hannibal stabs Jack in the neck, and Alana shows up with no bullets. She runs from Hannibal, who is upstairs waiting for her? Who pushes Alana out of a window?
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She came out of the shadows like a wraith
...SO WILL SHOWS UP...Alana is dying on the pavement outside. Jack is bleeding out in the wine cellar, and Will finds Abigail inside. Then Hannibal stabs Will in the stomach.
Hannibal is devastated that Will would betray him. That he offered Will the gift of knowing him, and Will chose to try and take his freedom. Will is bleeding on the ground at his feet, and he calls Abigail to him and slits her throat. Then Hannibal...just leaves... he walks out into the rain. We cut to him flying back to Europe, but he's not alone, Bedeila is sitting beside him.
That's it. That's the end of season two...
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I've never been left so hallow from a show before. I'm not prepared for season three, but I will watch it. For you.
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