#and showering at night always makes me wired so . where im at currently
barbiferrari · 1 year
can NOT go to sleep as if it isn't almost 4 am
0 notes
fbfh · 4 years
Light Up the Dark - [IV] Leo x reader
genre: romance + action + enemies to lovers kinda
word count: 2k
au: none
pairing: Leo x gothy!child of eros!fem reader
requested: nah
warnings: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR HEROES OF OLYMPUS!!, normal reader being mean lol, mentions of abandonment issues, a breakup over skype call basically, reader uses  seduction powers for fun and profit, i think that’s it
summary: You pull some strings to get a hotel room and some cash, the boys get to know you a little better, and you overhear something you probably shouldn’t have.
listen to: bad liar - imagine dragons
a/n: since the reader is a daughter of Eros, the characters are aged to 18+ idk i think i forgot to put that on the other chapters lol 
also requests r open uwu
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“What do you mean she’s not coming?” Leo asks, all the bad feelings quickly overtaking him. 
“She said she wanted to sight see more, and that she’d meet us back at camp in a few days,” Jason says, trying to break the news as gently as possible, “I’m sorry, Leo.”
He bit back his heartache.
“Yeah, it’s…” 
The door creaks and their heads turn to you, exiting the front door. 
“Who’s driving?” you ask.
“Jason,” Leo replies. You open the passenger side door, gently place the coffin shaped box on the seat, and buckle it in. You can feel their inquisitive eyes on you, and you counter with a blank, resolute look of your own.
“This one’s special.” 
You notice Leo seems… off. His whole mood seems to have plummeted. Leo reminds you of a buoy. Even in the worst storms, even if he gets caught under a huge wave, he always comes back to the surface. Based on his current vibe, someone nuked the buoy. Wheels turn in your head, and you hand him the trout mailbox. 
“Could you put this in the back?” you direct your words at him, hoping the heat flushing to his cheeks would distract him from whatever made him upset. His hand brushes yours and you can almost feel his heart spasm. You make eye contact at him through your thick, dark eyelashes and he almost chokes. He agrees and you pull Jason aside. 
“What happened?” you hiss. 
“What?” he whispers back.
“What did you tell him to make him all lame?”
“Oh, uh…” he rubs the back of his neck and you shake your head, waiting for an answer, “Calypso’s… not coming back with us.”  You wait in silence for him to keep talking. 
“She said she wanted to see the world more, and she’d meet us back at camp in a few days.” You process this for a second.
“So he’s-” you catch movement out of the corner of your eye, “driving?” you ask Leo, who just came back from the trunk.
“Jason, I mean.” you clarify. He confirms, and you all get in the car - Jason up front, you and Leo in the back. You reach into your bag and hand Jason a cd that says ’fun sad angry music :)’. He stares at you through the rear view mirror. You stare back. You sip your coffee. 
“Well?” you ask, “Are you going to put it in the player or eat it?” His eyes dart to Leo’s. “She gets to choose the music,” he explains. Jason mutters in agreement and fumbles the disk into the slot. A smile spreads on your face as the music plays and he starts to drive. 
Leo watches you as you nod your head and mouth the lyrics. He can tell you love this song. You vibe to the music for a minute before glancing over at Leo. He realizes he’s been staring when you give him an expectant look.
“What.” you ask. 
“Uh, this song is really good,” interest tints your face, and he’s relieved he recovered okay, “what’s it called?” You’re a little surprised he likes it.
“Mr. Doctor Man by Palaye Royale.” You two enjoy the music in silence, Jason focused on the road and GPS directions. A minute later, your curiosity starts to get the better of you. “How far is it?” 
“Not far, a couple hours.” Leo replies.
“Is everyone there all… campfire songs and friendship bracelets? Cause I’ve never been like, a summer camp person,” your eyes flick to the side towards him for a moment, and he can tell you’re listening closely. He smiles a little. 
“So what kind of person are you?”
“I’m more of a… cult documentaries and obscure unsettling 1960’s Czech animations type.” He’d never heard the words “1960’s Czech animations” sound so hot. 
“What about you?”
He paused for a minute. Part of him was deciding how to respond, and the other part was just flattered giggling that she had asked him back. You talk for the next hour or two, Jason chiming in periodically, until he points out that it’s getting dark and you should find somewhere to stay for the night. 
“Okay,” you reply, “pull over at the next truck stop.” 
They’re a little confused, but Jason complies and pulls over at the next gas station/convenience store you come across. They watch you get out of the car without a word and walk into the store. You approach a guy near a soda display. He has on a fedora and a shirt with a kids video game logo on it. He stares at you absolutely transfixed. They can’t hear what you’re saying, but he has a dopey grin on his face and nods his head a lot. Your hand touches his arm gently, and he laughs so loudly (and nervously) they hear it from the car. 
“Do I look that dumb around her?” Leo asks. 
You tilt your head and he blushes and nods again. He hands you something and a second later, you two walk to the counter. The cashier looks up startled, and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. She stares at you for a second, then says something and fumbles with a cellphone you hand her. She hands you a paper a few seconds later. You give the guy his phone back. He walks to an ATM at the corner of the store. He walks over to you, but you’re in front of a display so they can’t see anything until you come back out. You get back in the car and hand Jason a piece of paper and a wad of cash.
“Got us a room at a Best Western like, ten minutes away. And some cash.” 
They stare at you in silence. You lean toward Jason. 
“The room is under your name, Kevin Grossman.” Leo bites back a laugh. 
You finally get to the hotel, and Jason flips on his turn signal to get into the parking lot. “Park at the Walmart over there,” you point a block or two up, “under a light.” He turns his blinker off. 
“Walmart doesn’t care if you park overnight. If someone sees our car at the parking lot of a hotel, we’re just leaving a target on our backs.” you explain. They don’t say anything. 
“You said monsters are after us, right?” 
“Yeah,” Leo said, “good thinking.” Jason agreed and you exit the car, remembering to grab the duffle bag with your clothes and other essentials. You all walk across the street to the hotel. You talk your way through checking in pretty easily. When the hostess asks to see your in app registry you hand her the printed ticket. “His phone died.” you say simply. The three of you are about to head up to your room, when you turn back to reception. You hesitate for a second, before leaning in to the receptionist.
“Can you put us as unlisted?” you ask quietly. 
“Of course,” she replies sincerely, “let me know if you need anything.”
On the way up to your room, you tell Jason and Leo that if anyone asks, you’re not here. They seem impressed. Your room has a small seating area with a couch, coffee table, coat rack, and a phone. Past the half wall are three beds, a desk, a TV, and a doorway you figure leads to the bathroom. You walk into the bathroom and touch the mirror. You notice the space between your finger and reflection, and move on. You call to Leo to turn off the lights. He and Jason share a look. You may be a little weird, and incredibly intimidating, but you haven’t steered them wrong yet. Leo hits the lights, and you said quietly, “Listen for any weird buzzing or beeping noises, and look out for any out of place lights,” you creep around the room very quietly. After a minute you turn the lights back on and look at the ceiling.
“What was that about?” Jason asks.
“Bugs,” you reply, not looking at him, “and not the fun kind,” you mutter. 
“Jason, can you reach that?” you point up at the smoke detector. He looked between you and the device on the ceiling. 
“Don’t think so.” You looked between him and Leo. Your head might hit the ceiling if you Jason gave you a boost, but you could probably access it fine with Leo’s help. 
“Leo,” you said, and he looked up from the wires he was fiddling with, “give me boost,” your gaze not leaving the smoke detector. He agrees, and you get up onto his shoulders. His hands rest just above your knees, and it takes all his focus to not burst into flames. You pop off the cover.
“This doesn’t look weird, right?” you ask him. He looks up and back at your face, hair angled down, and is reminded of the Spiderman kiss. He pushes away the thought and examines the smoke detector. 
“About as non-weird as a smoke detector can look,” he confirms, and helps you down. He’s incredibly impressed that you thought to look for bugs - even he hadn’t thought of that, and he’s a son of Hephaestus. 
“Where did you learn this stuff? The parking lot, being unlisted, checking for bugs?” You half exhale half scoff.
“When almost everyone in a five mile radius constantly wants to get in your pants, they can get… pushy… so you learn some stuff.” You grab your pajamas from your bag and head toward the bathroom. Leo and Jason meet eyes. It made more sense now, why you were always so intimidating. If he got constant unwanted attention, Leo would get pretty prickly, too. 
Once everyone had showered and gotten ready for bed, Jason pointed out someone should IM Chiron, but you were way too tired, and collectively agreed to update him in the morning. 
Right as he’s about to fall asleep, Leo feels like someone’s watching him. He opens his eyes, and sees Calypso’s face. His heart lurches. He pushes himself out of bed and sees the shimmery edges of the iris message. She opens her mouth and he holds a finger to his lips. He moves over to the couch, so he doesn’t wake the others. He sits down nervously.
“Hey, sunshine… I really miss you, what’s-” 
“Look, Leo, I… I can’t do this.” 
His stomach drops. 
He knows what’s happening. He had it coming, he knew that. He knew that this was probably inevitable. Still, that didn’t make it hurt any less. He tries to sputter out something, anything. Why, what, can he do anything to fix this, but he’s too choked up. 
“I need a break from this, from us…” she continues, “there’s so much of the world I haven’t seen yet, and you have your projects… I don’t want to hold myself back because I feel bad that you’re not with me. I want to experience everything.” He feels like he’s falling forward. His eyebrows knit and an unstoppable rush of memories of everyone who’s left him or kicked him out comes flooding back. 
“Calypso,” his voice cracks. He can’t finish the sentence. 
You wake up from the light sleep you had settled into, aware of an unfamiliar voice. You get up, throwing on the short black robe over your pajamas - despite their velvet material, the loose cami and shorts don’t provide much warmth. You tiptoe over to the seating area. Leo’s on the couch, staring at the floor. You walk up behind him and place a hand on his shoulder. 
“You okay?” you ask, your voice foggy with sleep. 
“Who-” you briefly see the unfamiliar voice is coming from a shimmery image of a pissed off girl floating in front of him, but he quickly swipes his hand through, and the image vanishes. He rubs his eyes and his hands come away damp. You stay quiet. You don’t want to make him feel worse. 
“Long day,” he mutters. He stands up and says goodnight without looking at you. You watch him get into bed, and you do the same. Even if you knew what was wrong, there wasn’t much you could do this late at night. You hope some rest makes him feel better, and tell yourself it’ll be dealt with in the morning. 
Maybe over coffee. 
You could use some coffee.
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Matter of National Emergency- Liam x MC
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Pairing: Liam x Riley
Summary: Liam and Riley are in Isolation in Valtoria...and one of them may succumbed to the almightly Tik Tok! <-- can you tell im bored? 
Word Count: 1,667
I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance! 
Tags aren’t working so I will be tagging in the comments.
Liam sighed as he entered his and rileys quarters at Valtoria, shutting the door behind him. It was just hitting seven o’clock when he returned from his last meeting. Liam and Riley loved coming to stay at Valtoria, it felt more like a home than the palace did, after they got married they stayed at the palace whilst they had some renovations at Valtoria done, they had the royal quarters basically  turned into a reasonable sized apartment.
“hey, how was your meeting?” Riley called from the en-suite, she was just coming out as Liam had walked into the bedroom, she made her way over to him, moving to her tiptoes to press a kiss against his lips.
“it was…stressful” He sighed as he placed his hands on her lower back, nuzzling his head into her shoulder
“so…what happened? What’s the decision?”
“Lockdown, as I assumed would be the result, people aren’t listening to how serious this is, they don’t understand that the more they go out, the more people are going to catch this thing and more people are going to die from it,  it’s really the only solution if people aren’t going to listen”
“I understand, so when are you announcing it”
“this evening, I’m going to shower and change then head to my office. ive sent everyone home, Bastian insists he is staying in Valtoria with us, so it’s just me, you and Bastian, he is currently setting up the camera for the live feed”
Once he showered, he dressed in a crisp white shirt and black dress pants with a blazer.
“I won’t be long my love” Liam smiled as he kissed Riley then headed out for his office.
Once Liam reached the conference room, he greeted Bastian then sat himself down at his desk across from the big camera sitting in front of the desk.
“is everything set up?”
“yes, your Majesty, you go live in just under a minute, your statement is written out for you, just in case you need it”
“thank you, Bastian,”
“alright, you go live in 10 seconds” Bastian informed him from behind the camera.
Liam quickly fixed his collar then straightened up. as soon as he seen the light change on the camera he began.
“Ladies and Gentlemen of Cordonia. This is an Emergency announcement from your King. As you all know the corona virus is sweeping the nation. last week I gave the orders to self-isolate if you are a vulnerable person, and many people did, but not all, a few days ago, I gave orders to shut all non-essential business’ and to stay home where possible but again not all listened so as your King, as your leader, I have decided that the best course of action is to go into lockdown, you must know, I hate that I have to do this but if people aren’t going to take this seriously then more people will become infected and more people will die. I am going to lay down some rules that every person in Cordonia MUST follow until further notice. Number one…you must only leave your homes if absolutely necessary, this means, if you need supplies such as food, essentials that you most definitely cannot live without! Number two, you may leave your homes for exercise, once a day for one hour! if you need medications, I have organised for all medications to be delivered to homes, if you need to see a doctor…call the helpline that is on the screen right now, you will speak to qualified nurses, if the nurse decides you should be seen in person, you will then be allowed to leave your home and attend a doctors surgery or hospital. All in all this means you should only be leaving your homes if absolutely necessary The sooner the public follow these rules, the sooner this will start to go away, I don’t want to see groups of kids walking around outside, meeting up with their friends, I don’t want to see people joining in groups for any reason what so ever. Queen Riley and myself are self-isolating along with you, we know it’s going to be hard, sitting in your homes, not able to go outside, when it’s lovely and warm or going to see your friends, but spend this time wisely, be with your family’s, spend time with your husbands, your wives, your children and your parents, time that you wouldn’t be able to spend with them if you were out working or at school, we have seen what this virus has done to other countries, please don’t let this vile virus take control, I wish you all the best, stay healthy.”
Once Liam finished, he bid Bastian goodnight then headed back to his and Riley's quarters. Once he entered, he shut the door behind him, making his way towards the kitchen where Riley was getting herself some water. Liam walked in, wrapping his arms around her from behind.
“hey, I was thinking we could go to bed and put a movie on?” she smiled sympathetically as she seen how tired he was.
“you know I think that’s the best idea ive heard all week” he smiled
The two made their way to the bedroom, they done their usual night-time routines of washing their faces, brushing their teeth and such then the two took themselves to bed. it didn’t take long before the two of them were out cold.
Liam woke to a giggle coming from beside him, he opened one of his eyes just enough to see the time on the alarm clock on his bedside table. 3:00 am. He groaned as he turned over to be blinded by the light from Riley's phone.
“what are you laughing at? Its 2am Riley.”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t sleep” she laughed as she carried on watching the video on her phone.
“are going to sleep at all tonight?”
“yeah I’m just putting it down.” Riley pressed the screen off then placed the phone on her bedside table then shuffled over to Liam, she yawned as she cuddled into his chest causing him to instinctively wrap his arms around her. “I’m sorry I woke you up” she whispered before placing a kiss to his skin.
“It’s alright, sweetie” he placed a kiss on top of her head before the two fell into a deep slumber
The next morning Liam awoke to an empty bed, he frowned at the empty space that his wife should have been in, she had no reason so be up this early as the country was currently on lockdown, they had no meetings or obligations, they would have the odd conference call but that was it. He stretched as he removed the duvet and climbed from the bed, pulling a pair of lounge pants on before heading towards out of the bedroom.
“Riley sweetie?” he called when he didn’t see her in the living room.
“I’m in the kitchen”
“Morning beautiful what are you doing up?” Liam asked as he made his way to her wrapping his arms around her from behind as she finished fixing the mugs of tea she was making.
“I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep, I hardly slept a wink all night.”
“oh really?” he asked as he nuzzled his head into the crook of Riley's neck.
“yeah, hey I’m sorry I woke you up this morning, I feel awful.” She sighed as she passed him one of the mugs of tea
“I told you this morning and I’ll tell you again now, it’s fine, don’t worry about it” he replied as he gently pressed a kiss to her lips. “I love you” he added
“I love You too” she smirked, the two made their way into the living room where they curled up on the sofa whilst catching up with the morning news on the television.
“I don’t know who pissed 2020 off but whoever was I hope karma comes around and kicks them in the ass!”
“I’ll toast to that!” Liam chuckled as he tapped his mug against Riley's.
“hey…I heard a joke on tiktok last night, when I couldn’t sleep oh my goodness…what was it again?” Riley went quiet for a minute then started laughing “oh god that was it…”
Liam smirked at how funny she found the joke; he sipped his tea as she went on to tell him.
“so little johnny’s sitting in class and the teacher says she has a math problem for him, she says, if there’s 5 birds sitting on a wire and little johnny shoots one how many’s left? So little johnny says none, the teacher says no, the answers four and johnny says no, the answers none ‘coz If I shot one the rest would fly away, the teacher says, I like the way you think.”
Liam looked at Riley confused but laughing at Riley trying to get her words out in between laughing.
“okay…” he smirked
“little johnny says, I got a question for you, if there’s three women sitting in a store eating ice cream cones and one of them is licking it, one of the is sucking it and the other is biting it, which ones married…so the th-the teacher HAHA the teacher hesitantly replies, well I guess the one sucking it and little johnny…oh my god…” just as Liam took a drink of his tea Riley finished the joke, “little johnny goes no, the one with the wedding ring, but I like the way you think.”
Liam spat his tea out as he went to laugh, he chuckled as he wiped his chin where his tea ended up.
“is that why you were laughing this morning?”
“yeah” she chuckled
“that’s hilarious”
“what times your conference call?” Riley asked him
“okay, do you want to have lunch out on the balcony before your meeting, it’s supposed to be really nice out today”
“I would love to”
By the time half 12 hit Liam and Riley had just finished their lunch and were sitting outside on the balcony, just getting some fresh air.
“y’know even though the reason the countries on lock down is bad, I’m so happy we get to spend some time together and it’s not rushed or last minute, we can just sit and be together” Liam smiled as he took Riley's hand across the table.
“I totally get it, the reason behind it is bad, but the time we’re gonna get to spend together is a blessing and we can’t take it for granted.”
When it was time for Liam to go, they both headed inside, he placed a gentle kiss on Riley's lips then headed down to his office, whilst Liam was at his conference call Riley curled up on the sofa scrolling through her phone.
It was just a short 45 minutes later that Liam returned to the apartment, Riley had fallen asleep on the sofa, with Bash, their protective corgi, curled up sleeping at her feet. Liam decided to get some paperwork out of the way whilst, Riley was sleeping.
It was just after 5 when Riley woke, she heard Liam in the kitchen, so she got up and made her way to him. when she walked in her was stood boiling the kettle to make some tea. Riley approached him from behind wrapping her arms around his torso and cuddling into his back.
“I love you Liam” she whispered tiredly
“I love you too” he smiled as he turned into her hold, placing a kiss on her lips. “do you want a cup of tea?”
“that would be great” she smiled
“did you sleep well?”
“I did! Better than last night anyway”
Once Liam made the tea, he passed Riley one of the mugs then the two sat at the kitchen table with them.
“I found another funny tik tok” Riley grinned
“alright, hit me with it” Liam smirked
“so…there’s a family with a little boy, driving behind a trash truck on the highway, suddenly a vibrator flies out and hits their windshield. To try and save their sons innocence the woman goes, oh that was a huge bug! And the little boy goes, damn mom how does a bug fly with a dick that big!”
Liam nearly choked on his drink; he slapped his hand on the table as he threw his head back laughing. “damn, who do you even follow on this thing” he laughed
 Riley climbed out of the shower, wrapping her towel around her, she dried herself off just as she went to lift the nightgown she had brought into the bathroom with her, she remembered she seen a trend of people walking out in front of their wife or husband naked to see what their reactions would be on tik tok, now of course, she wouldn’t be filming it but she knew it would be a lot of fun for the two of them, she smirked knowing what it will result in after Liam sees her. she walked out of the bathroom with her towel around her, she walked out of the bedroom and stood on the other side of the living room, Liam was sitting on the sofa with his back to her just about to finish up his call. Riley smirked as she unwrapped her towel, she slowly walked over towards the kitchen throwing the towel at Liam as she walked causing him to turn around. She smirked as she seen his face go from confused at the towel to his jaw dropping and nearly hitting the floor “damn baby” he mouthed as he watched her bare behind walking into the kitchen. She grabbed a glass of water to quench her thirst then as she turned around she seen Liam leaning over the end of the sofa so that he could see into the kitchen, Riley smirked with a wink as she headed into the room, swaying her hips as she walked past him, Liam stuck his arm out to stop her from going any further, he wrapped his arm around her legs gently pulling her closer to the sofa, he ran his hand up and down her leg.
“i-im…I’m sorry…I have to cut our conversation short” he quickly spoke into the phone. “I know but…it’s a matter of national emergency” he replied as he stood from the sofa, eyeing Riley's chest.
“ok…goodbye” he hung up then flung his phone onto the sofa with a grin on his face.
“are you ready?” he asked putting his hands on her waist as he leaned his head down, placing kisses along her jaw.
“ready for what, baby?” she sighed contently as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“for the wildest night of your life” he smirked as he reached down, hooking his arms at the back of her legs as he lifted her over his shoulder, receiving a happy squeal from her. He gently slapped her backside as he made his way to the bedroom with her.
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gotatext · 5 years
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hello, it’s swamp witch nora again…. i couldn’t stay away.... hitting u with a tiny baby boy who is also terrible (sometimes).  musical softboi who loves karl marx and hates children dying in cobalt mines to make smart phones. as is tradition, here’s the pinterest board, have a peruse. fyi sorry for those of u who have read this intro a thousand times i literally.... can never b bothred to change it n i think thats really sexy of me x
CHARLIE PLUMMER / DEMI-BOY — don’t look now, but is that rory bergström  i see? the 23 year old music student is in their junior year and he is a rochester alum. i hear they can be whimsical, impassioned, self-indulgent and nitpicky, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet he / they will make a name for themselves living in griffin street. ( nora. 24. gmt. she/her. )
bed hair from a permanent state of slumber, calloused fingertips from strumming bass into the early hours and djing into the blacklit night, self-help books thumbed once and thrown beneath your bed, battered copies of choose your own adventure books, spliffs passed half-arsed across rooftops while light pollution obscures low-hanging stars, marxist literature in stacks against your bedroom walls, a burner phone twice-shattered and a stash of replacement sim cards.
tw ocd, anxiety, drugs
half-swedish, half-british. the swedish is on his mother’s side. he’s bilingual but thinks in english. only really speaks swedish around his mother. only child, and kinda put a lot of pressure on himself to be the perfect kid when he was young, but his parents are honestly, quite decent? and just want him to have a nice life, they don’t care if he isn’t successful or rich or anything, they’re honestly rather solid. (wow imagine having nice parents, a first for all my characters, im literally this meme)
grew up in peckham, a suburb of london. growing up, his mum was a model / actress / waitress who later retrained as a speech therapist and his dad worked in her majesty’s service at buckingham palace. his dad wasn’t allowed to tell his family what his job entailed but rory suspects it’s probably very boring and just involves a lot of…. logistics n security.
was bullied a lot at school. [cole sprouse voice] he didn’t fit in and he didn’t want to fit in. unironically wore a trenchcoat to school every day of his life. spent most of his lunchtimes in the library because it was his safe space. as a result he knows…. loads of useless information because 30% of his school years were spent reading anthologies on space and the vikings etc. would be good on a game show. obsessively recorded every episode of university challenge as a child.
middle-class and lowkey quite wealthy but rarely talks about money, one of those well-off people who still wears really old shitty shoes and only spends money if they absolutely have to
virgin who can’t drive
into star wars, not into the big bang theory. feminist. can’t watch horror movies
favourite film is where the wild things are. also loves the florida project. thinks kids are the sweetest thing and can’t wait to be a dad to some
has been musical for as long as they can remember. first picked up guitar because he thought it would make this girl esther who he was in love with like him, but he just ended up falling in love with music instead.
formulated several different bands as a kid but ultimately had to give it up cos he was quite controlling and got fixated on making a certain sound so it wasn’t really fun for the others. got into electronic music because it was something he could do basically on his own and keep tweaking until he got it perfect
always drumming their fingers or strumming invisible guitar strings. tends to avoid parties bc he has quite has specific tastes when it comes to music and doesn’t like listening to r&b for eight hours while people throw up into plastic cups.
a techno connoisseur. has been making electronic music since he was about twelve.
after his parents divorce, when he was fourteen, rory & his mother moved to run-down suburban neighbourhood, pittsfield, massachussets.
big into photography. he mostly uses a canon 35mm camera, but occasionally uses disposable ones when he wants that more rustic feel.
moving to the states, their photography became more focused on suburban neighborhoods and are often quite dark and cinematic (think gregory crewsden). here are some shots of pittsfield i really like which rory has on his wall [1] [2] [3]
falls in love 12 times a day. never had a girlfriend or boyfriend. gets sweaty when someone cute looks at him. flirting?? what?? would prefer to idealise them from a distance
gender??? hm. rory don’t really know where they fit yet, sometimes he feels like a guy and sometimes they dont feel like anything at all!! slippin out of his physical form into the spirit realm! isn’t really bothered, cos they think it’s a social construct anyway. uses he/they pronouns interchangeably, but currently feels like ‘he’ is more fitting. won’t necessarily pull anyone up on it cos he knows having an identity that’s constantly…. in flux.. can be annoying for others … and doesn’t want to be a burden even tho it isn’t at all?? rory internalises guilt
everything is socially constructed. mirrors let you move through time. the whole thing’s a metaphor. he thinks he’s got free will but really he’s trapped in a maze. in a system. all he can do is consume. people think it’s a happy game. it’s not a happy game — it’s a fucking nightmare world, and the worst thing is, it’s real and we live in it!!!!
has ocd. tries to let it affect his life as little as possible, but obviously it’s incredibly hard to control a compulsive disorder. was teased for it at school when other kids started to notice. he was obsessed with the number five, would wash his hands five times, count stairs i groups of five, he could only use the corridors in one direction and always had to keep his hands busy. it manifests itself in hyper-fixations (trains when he was a child – specifically steam engines – then later he became obsessed with space and the patterns of constellations, and now he’s obsessed with synthesizers) and repetitive behaviours like counting stairs. doesn’t really affect his social life at all, he can jst get a bit locked-on n hyper-focused sometimes.
has insomnia. barely ever sleeps. finds it hard to switch off from work / writing / gaming / whatever’s preoccupying him in that moment. he’s always awake at 5am and quite often sleeps in through classes but still gets really good grades because he’s very good at his course. rarely attends classes. prefers to work independently. doesn’t really trust his tutors are intelligent enough to be teaching him, and is particularly suspicious of the lockwood tutors. a music snob tbh
occasionally deals weed n pills when strapped for cash, but only 2 ppl he knows, and on a very small scale grass-roots level!! (so its ok???) rollerskates around campus dealing cos they dnt have a car. we love to see it
aesthetics: bed hair from a permanent state of slumber, calloused fingertips from strumming bass into the early hours and drumming into blacklit night, self-help books thumbed once and thrown beneath your bed, watching vine compilations until your eyes turn square, battered copies of choose your own adventure books, spliffs passed half-arsed across rooftops while light pollution obscures low-hanging stars
likes: techno, the webpage cats on synthesizers in space, allen ginsberg, vintage gramophones,  floating points, lcd soundsystem, marijuana, soft dogs that let you pet them, late-night strolls talking about the universe, independent films, cigarettes, herbal tea, gallows humour, long showers, brown eyes, tchaikovsky, dr. seuss, constellations, photography, late night jazz, vintage game boys and girls who could rip his still-beating heart out of his chest and use it as an ashtray. dislikes:  weddings, funerals, formality, button-up shirts that people actually button-up, bananas, hot coffee, social media, people who watch and play sports, rap music – especially of the misogynistic variety, indie wankers in wire-framed glasses that play ed sheeran songs at open mic nights.
plot ! with ! me ! i’d say all the usual “exes fwb hookups spiel” but rory… has never hooked up with anyone… i feel like a deer in the headlights of love……. so give me
study buddies,
people who are also into techno and are music snobs about it,
people who love all kinds of music,
people who are in bands that maybe rory’s recorded and produced stuff for,
people he actually jams with (he plays bass and synth),
unrequited crushes!!
actually i think rory had sex w delilah in the last version of this rp so if u want a hook up plot its possible just unlikely. they’d hav 2 be the driving force i reckon cos rory doesn’t really act on impulses like desire or anythin.... jst bottles that shit up !!! but yea we could do a spicy hook up plot maybs, depending on the person
someone they met at a knitting club in freshman year and have remained friends with despite no longer going to it
people rory knows from open mic nights and gigs
library girlfriends / boyfriends that he stares at longingly while paging through leatherbound volumes
gamers !!! social recluses !!! hermits !!
people he deals weed to on his rollerskates (why r all my characters obsessed with rollerskates)
skaters. rory is really shit at skateboarding. like really shit. help the smol
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chaeunwoof · 5 years
A Muffled Confession
A story about Eunwoo and Moonbin as roommates and Eunwoo accidentally asked Moonbin to dry his hair for him
This is a Binu one shot I just finished!! I finally got myself together and finished this fic. Tbh this wasn’t the original fic I had planned, this was just smt I wanted to write as a one shot cuz I’m no where near finishing on the other fic im working on fml. please excuse my English and bad grammar cries.
When Eunwoo was young, his parents always worked until late at night. Even though they couldn’t spend a lot of time with young Eunwoo, he never complained and tried his best to take good care of himself. Eunwoo’s parents worked hard to accommodate their busy schedule to participate in small parts of Eunwoo’s childhood. His father would always make sure to get home before he goes to sleep. Often times, his father would sit down by his bed and dry his hair after he showers at night. Young Eunwoo would sit facing the wall while his dad sits behind him by the edge of his bed. It was a special moment for Eunwoo, he shares his little secrets with his father, from small pranks on his mother to relationship issues that he would wish to hide from his mother. They are private conversations because his mother would not be able to hear through the loud noise from the hair dryer. It was an intimate and sweet memory for Eunwoo. As Eunwoo grows up and his father working more hours, this activity drops rapidly and completely stops after Eunwoo had moved into the dorms as he starts training.
Eunwoo was surprised at himself when he asked Moonbin to dry his hair one night after the two of them moved into the same room as ASTRO members.
“Hey Binnie, are you free right now?” Eunwoo finds himself asking Moonbin absentminded when he walks out of the shower. Eunwoo was definitely not finding his new roommate more attractive by the days they’re living and training together. Eunwoo was definitely not feeling anything more than ‘pure friendship’ after spending 24 hours a day 7 days a week with his new roommate. Eunwoo was definitely not feeling butterflies in his stomach whenever he sees his new roommate dance in the studio. Eunwoo was having a hard time shoving his ‘over the line’ thoughts away after not having any time apart from his new roommate due to their busy schedule leading up to their debut. To be fair, Moonbin is very attractive, his dance moves are as good as a professional dancer, his voice is angelic and his personality is too dorky for anyone to dislike.
“Yes Minnie,” I’d do anything for you, Moonbin thinks to himself. “I mean I am just on my phone reading Webtoons, what do you need?” Moonbin replies as he looks up from his phone to find a freshly out of the shower Eunwoo, who’s hair is still wet and is currently drying it with a white towel, like how the main male lead does it in romance dramas. Moonbin couldn’t think straight, No one would be able to think straight after looking at Eunwoo like this, Moonbin mentally slaps himself as he tries to keep his eyes only on Eunwoo’s face.
“I’m sorry but is it okay if I ask you to…” Eunwoo suddenly finds it hard to voice his request, it is pretty embarrassing in his opinion, and he is scared that the other would not like the kind of intimacy this activity brings between the two of them.
Moonbin tilts his head and looks at Eunwoo, waiting for him to finish his sentence.
“Like if you have nothing to do…I mean you are definitely doing something right now but is it okay if I… I mean you don’t have to agree but is it okay if I ask you to… dry my hair for me? I mean if you don’t want to it is totally fine I understand this is a weird request, I’m sorry I probably shouldn’t have ask I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable I will dry it my-”
“It is totally fine Eunwoo,” Moonbin chuckles at Eunwoo’s cute reaction. “Give me a second, let me get the hair dryer.” Moonbin answers before he gets off the top bunk, leaving his Webtoon behind.
Eunwoo decides that he would sit on the ground in front of his bunk bed and allow Moonbin to sit on his bed, so it is more comfortable for both of them. To be fair, it is hard to fit two grown boys on the bottom bunk, especially the one they own in the ASTRO dorm.
Moonbin soon sits down behind Eunwoo, with the yellow minion hair dryer in hand. Eunwoo bought the minion dryer online when they were shopping for move in supplies, “It is the cutest thing in the world!” Eunwoo proclaims when the other members asked about the oddly shaped hair dryer.
As Moonbin straightens the wire and attempts to plug it into the outlet in front of Eunwoo, he couldn’t stop thinking about how close they are to each other. Let’s not make this weird and just plug it in... Moonbin you can totally do it. As Moonbin moves closer, Eunwoo unexpectedly turns his head towards Moonbin. There was a moment of complete silence. Moonbin was just very glad he was and currently is still looking straight at the outlet in front of Eunwoo, even though he can feel Eunwoo’s breath right by his neck and his gaze right on his face. Moonbin retreats to his position behind Eunwoo as soon as he plugs the hair dryer into the outlet while trying to keep a straight, he coughs lightly to drag Eunwoo out of his frozen state.
Eunwoo turns back to look at the outlet in front of him, stuttering out an apology “I am sorry I... I didn’t mean to turn, I... I just wanted to check on what you’re currently doing I… once again I am so sorry if that made you feel uncomfortable”
There���s nothing you can do to make me feel uncomfortable around you Moonbin thinks, not even if you walk out of the shower and your towel drops wait what am I thinking MOONBIN GET YOURSELF TOGETHER PLEASE
“Binnie?” Moonbin was dragged out of his thoughts when Eunwoo calls out his name while still facing forward, away from Moonbin.
“Yes Minnie, give me a second I am sorry.” Moonbin then places the hair dryer on the bed and reaches for the towel that is still on Eunwoo’s damped hair. How is someone so cute and what shampoo does he use again? Moonbin gently dries Eunwoo’s hair with the white towel before he took it off and hung it on the ladder by the bunk bed. Then he picks up the hair dryer and starts drying Eunwoo’s hair.
It was a very cute moment, Eunwoo quietly sitting on the floor blushing while Moonbin gently pushes Eunwoo’s hair around and softly shakes the hair dryer so Eunwoo’s hair doesn’t overheat from the dryer. The room is filled with nothing other than the loud noise of the hair dryer and a slight tint of lust in the air.
“Minnie?” Moonbin whispers in hope that Eunwoo wouldn’t answer. He wishes the hair dryer is loud enough to cover his voice from the other members and his own roommate. When Eunwoo did not reply, Moonbin doesn’t know if he didn’t reply because he didn’t hear him or he cannot hear him.
“Dongmin…?” When Eunwoo did not reply to Moonbin calling him by his birth name, Moonbin is certain that Eunwoo did not hear him. Eunwoo always answers when Moonbin calls him by Dongmin, they both know that the name Dongmin is only used when Moonbin desperately needs Eunwoo. However, what Moonbin did not know is that Eunwoo heard him the first time, but he thought he’d imagined it. Eunwoo had the scene of Moonbin romantically drying his hair in his mind like a movie played million times. Eunwoo had been wishing for this kind of intimacy with Moonbin when he realized he was developing feelings for the other. He was in a lot of shock and was still stuck in the idea that this whole thing a dream until Moonbin called him the second time. However he was too in awe to reply before Moonbin continues his monologue.
“do you know...”
“ah of course you don’t know because I’ve never told you…”
“I’m also hoping that you will never know...”
“I’ve always wanted to be this close to you...”
“different from being on stage and just being the soap couple in front of everyone else…”
“but ourselves in our little space and this close to each other...”
“sometimes I just wish I can call you mine…” Moonbin then panics, what if he’s going too far? But then he realizes that no one would hear him and the feeling of relieve washed over him. What Moonbin does not know is that Eunwoo’s face is heating up faster than the hair dryer in his hands.
That was the last thing Moonbin said before he retrieved to silence as he continues to work on drying Eunwoo’s hair. After what felt like an eternality to Eunwoo, he whispers “I can be yours…” It was a very low whisper, one that Moonbin thought he’d imagined it. He looks at Eunwoo’s back with confusion. He turns off the hair dryer, just to check if he heard Eunwoo saying something. Then Eunwoo turns around and looks at Moonbin in the eye, whispering another “I can be yours”, this time, Moonbin was sure he heard him right.
Eunwoo reaches for Moonbin’s hand and turns the hair dryer on even though his hair is definitely dry. Moonbin was confused, he looked at the hair dryer setting on the bed blowing hot air into the bed and then looks up to find Eunwoo’s face just an inch away from his, before he can process anything, Eunwoo’s lips landed on Moonbin’s.
The next morning, Sanha walks up to the breakfast table asking “who blew dry their hair for like 20 minutes straight last night? Wait not really… there was pause in the middle…???” JinJin then adds “yeah, so who was it? Was it Eunwoo or Moonbin? You know manager-nim is going to yell at me again for the electric bill, right?”
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
So far, how has summer been treating you? >> Pretty well, I’d say. When was the last time you had a slushie? >> I don’t remember. Is there someone you miss right now? >> No. How many pairs of sunglasses do you own? >> Like... four. I need to buy just one good not-cheap pair and be done with it. Do you prefer sticky notes or cork boards? >> I don’t have a preference, it depends on what it’s being used for.
What was the last movie you watched online? >> Crash (1996). Is there much drama going on in your life at the moment? >> There’s none. Are you graduating this year? >> --- Do you feel like doing something radically different with your hair? >> No, that’s way too much work. Are you in a relationship? >> Sure. Did you ever think your cell was vibrating when it wasn’t? >> Yeah, but that doesn’t happen to me as often as it would to someone who’s used to their phone going off a lot. The last person who added you on Facebook, did you accept or decline? >> --- Are you at all interested in America’s Next Top Model? >> Not now. What did you last take a picture of? >> I don’t remember, but I did take some video of the laser light show I got to see during the last storm that passed through. Would you like to learn another language? >> Sure, but not enough to dedicate myself to it right now. What type of earphones/headphones do you own? >> AudioTechnica bluetooth ones, and also a pair of wired Sonys as backup. Your portable musical device (mp3, iPod, etc): How old is it? >> I just use my phone, which is about a year old. Do you own a pet that most would consider different? >> No. Have you ever wanted to travel to Germany? >> Sure. When was the last time you used scissors? >> I don’t remember. What’s your favorite kind of perfume/cologne? >> I like those roll-on scents you get from street vendors in the city. The unfortunate thing about that -- besides the fact that I don’t live in a city anymore -- is that there’s no standardisation of the formula, so an “Opium” variant you get in Chicago smells markedly different than the one that you get off Etsy (which is a thing that just happened to me and it’s so annoying because the one I got in Chicago is my perfect scent). When it comes to amusement rides, do you get sick or can you handle it? >> I’m fine on many of them, but I did do the teacups at Luna Park Coney Island once about 10 years ago and it threw off my equilibrium so badly that I had to sit down for the rest of the day. Is there a movie coming out that you would like to see soon? >> It Chapter Two comes out next weekend and I’m pretty stoked about that. Do you love buying shoes? >> No. Do you bother making your bed everyday? >> No. Have you had your wisdom teeth removed yet? >> No, and I most likely won’t. Have you ever been drunk and regretted it? >> Certainly. Do you like to do anything artistic? >> I like to write. What did you last cook for yourself? >> I don’t remember. Has anyone ever called you a “pipe dreamer”? >> I don’t think so. Who was the last person to text you? >> Sparrow. Think back to your last kiss, did you enjoy it? >> I sure did. Are you even slightly addicted to applying lipgloss or lipchap? >> No, I apply lip balm a lot because my lips get dry a lot, not because I’m “addicted” to it. Do you ever make fun of your own country? >> Sure. What Internet browser do you use? >> Chrome. Do you consider yourself to be spoiled? >> No. What song are you listening to right now? >> None. Are you comfortable giving random hugs? >> No, I’m quite not-comfortable with that. Who did you last argue with? >> The last time I got into a real argument was over a year ago. Do you ever have conversations with your pets? >> --- Have you ever listened to the band Rammstein? >> Sure. Do you have any plans for tomorrow? >> No. Who is your celebrity love? >> --- Are you more a Twitter person or a Facebook person? >> I have neither and I never really liked either of them. Have you ever lost a best friend? >> --- Do you own an exercise ball? >> No. Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii? >> PC. Are you messy or organized? >> I’m more inclined towards organisation. What band / artist would you love to see live in concert? >> Meh. Are your nails painted right now? >> No. What was the craziest color you’ve ever dyed your hair? >> Purple, I guess. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? >> No. Does it snow where you live? >> Yes. Do you have any significant scars? >> Er... what makes a scar “significant”?   Who last had their arm around you? >> I don’t remember which inworlder it was. Are you feeling deprived of anything? >> Nope. Have you ever been obsessed with working out? >> No. What color is the shirt you’re wearing currently? >> Black. Are you talking to anyone on an IM right now? >> No. What did you think of the movie Avatar? >> I remember being extremely unimpressed by it. I remember watching it at Sylvia’s Place when I stayed there after returning to NYC from NOLA, and just... dunking on it the entire time. Do you collect anything? >> No. Have you ever feared the future? >> I don’t know, maybe. What was your highest mark this year in school? >> --- Can you walk in 4+ inch heels? >> Yeah, I’ve walked in 6″ heels before. Is your significant other shorter, taller or the same height as you? >> Sparrow is one or two inches taller, Can Calah is one or two inches shorter, and King Crimson is like a whole foot and a half taller. Is there a friend you would trust with your life? >> No. Have you ever been purposely ditched? >> I don’t know, maybe. Do you live in a relatively safe area? >> Yeah. What was the last alcoholic beverage you had? >> I’m drinking a sangria in a can, by Sierra Rose Winery. It’s pretty good, as I expected from them. Is there someone you know who is obsessed with Call of Duty? >> No. Have you ever looked into the mirror and hated who you saw? >> Definitely. Is there a piece of jewellry you always wear? >> Besides piercing jewelry, no. When was the last time you saw your significant other? >> I see two of them constantly and I see the third daily. What was the longest conversation you’ve had with a person? >> I don’t know, hours. How many purses do you own? >> Zero. Is there something you should be doing right now? >> No. I’m going to take a shower after this, though. Do you wish on 11:11? >> No. What’s your opinion on the Gulf oil spill? >> I know nothing of this. Is it hot in the room you’re in right now? >> No, the weather’s been... variable lately. And it’s been a lot chillier than I’d expected overall. Are you one of those people who are always rearranging the furniture? >> No. Do you listen to any music that’s really old? >> I suppose. Are you a fan of the LA Lakers? >> No. When the last time you were upset and weren’t exactly sure why? >> I don’t remember. I usually can trace my moods pretty easily. Have you ever been somewhere tropical? >> Subtropical, but not tropical. Would you consider yourself to be a chocoholic? >> Quite the opposite. Have you ever heard of Channing Tatum’s website Post The Love? >> No. Do you know anyone who’s currently pregnant? >> No. Are you a fan of mix CDs? >> I mean, now we just make playlists. But when I was younger and mixed CDs was The Thing(tm), yeah, I loved them. Has anyone ever given you their business card? >> Yeah. I once thought about making cards that just had all my social media info on it... now we have stuff like carrd.co that kinda functions in the same way. What is your dream job/career? >> I don’t have one. Do you have a friend who’s naturally a redhead? >> No. Have you ever had a one night stand? >> Yeah. Do you listen to the mainstream music or prefer to find your own? >> I listen to whatever I like, is all. What time is it now? >> 3.52p EST.  
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