#and shrug
sociallyanxiousaf · 2 years
the world is shit
it's horrible and and horrible and horrible thing after another and what the fuck can i do about it? that's right, nothing
i can go "oh don't buy from this company" oh okay, i won't . and then it's another company. and another. and another and another and another and another and my god i'm just so tired! this creator is bad, you can't enjoy their shit anymore. oh and this one to. and this one. oh she's horrible. he is too. they're kind of not the best person to exist, you shouldn't support them. but the thing is, even if i do stop supporting them, there's also a lot more people who aren't going to bother so why not just not bother along with them
capitalism or the government is never going to be dismantled or rebuilt, why bother trying to do suggest other options or trying anything about it (what is my measly voice even worth? that's right nothing. it makes no difference whatever side i'm on; especially with my dumb social anxiety making me actually just do jack shit and simply indulge in my shitty youtube which oh look is google google is bad you shouldn't use google they track your voice, history info and shit)
and i'm not even in the workforce yet, not even in post secondary, and i'm so worried about work taking my life away? and it might, but it also probably won't because i'm privileged in being white and raised middle class where my parents have raised post secondary funds for me. but what the fuck do i even want to do? i know what i want to do, that's a lie, but it won't be good enough to support me and i don't know??? if i can even do post secondary??? there's this college that sounds perfect with no written assignments and all formal and hands on and stuff what what can i even do with the fucking degree or whatever it'll provide? but i don't know if i can do i uni because i'm already shit at passing assignments in fucking highschool and i don't think i can handle it but if i end up not doing that i'll end up stuck at multiple minimum wage jobs (and even then a dumb uni degree doesn't guarantee jack shit) or, to quote my mom, "at taxes" like she does. which she complains about every day so i don't want to fucking end up there because she says it's worse than highschool and highschool already feels like shit so!!!
"don't throw away your life away like i did! i used to want to be a marine biologist but then i slacked in uni and now i'm stuck with taxes :((" - mom
"i know you want to go to that college but i would like you to go to uni because you know there's not much you can do with a certificate or whatever from that college"
"you should try this, it's ---, it's course is only so and so long, and it pays pretty good"
"what about this, this could be good-"
"i really think you should go to uni,,, you won't exactly find like-minded people at that college, and i found all my current friends through uni" (in reference to me having zero friends)(my only social life is with my family, my psychologist and this "friend" that i only really ask for notes from because we have nothing in common and i'm like a backup if their main friend isn't in school. we don't do anything outside of school)
and just atop stop stop atop sTOP STOP STOP!
just... stop.
but it can't because unfortunately spacetime doesn't fucking work like that
and the world is full of bigots and capitalistic assholes
and the only thing that really makes me happy anymore is music (spotify is horrible they barely pay their artists you shouldn't have spotify), cartoons (your favourite show has a bigoted christian scammer creator, you shouldn't indulge in that show. and your other favourite show is a disney show. disney are assholes, you shouldn't be supporting disney!) and my cat (there's nothing negative about my kitty cat. i love my kitty cat sm. actually i do have a negative side to my kitty cat. i get their food at petsmart. it's bland catfood pellet shit. ugh)
anyway my eyes hurt from crying, i'm tired, i don't care that it's only 8:00pm; night.
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People I met for a few moments that live in my head forever.
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conditioned-to-obey · 3 months
"Poor thing." (condescending) (flirting)
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Fossil of dragonfly larva or I don’t know.
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anris-resurrection · 2 months
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w̷͎̭͐̈̀h̷̖̯͗̚y̵͇̬̩̰̐͑̌̅͌ ̵͎̫̟̰͍̿͒ d̴͖̒̅̈́i̸̗̙̞̔͐̚d̷̛̟̬̥̄ ̵̳̜̔ ỹ̶͉̂̀ỏ̵̹̗͎̭ȕ̴̪ ̷̡̯̟̞̾̐̑͛̈́ d̸̺̲̞̈ǒ̵̩̮͜ͅ ̴̙̺̔͜ i̴̠̜̙̹͛t̷̨͔̜̳́͆̈́ͅ ?̶̫͌̓̌̓̌
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Why did William get FNAF springlocked? Is he stupid?
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stench-core · 1 month
sometimes I wonder if people remember that:
'tranny voice' - even shortened to 't voice' - was something that specifically targeted trans men and like, the whole brand of harassing 'transtrenders' applied to trans men as equally as it did trans women, and our king [sarcasm] kalvin garrah was the main driving force of anti-trans masculine rhetoric such as 'you can't have big boobs' 'you can't like your boobs' 'you can't wear colours' 'you can't dye your hair' 'you can't be effeminate' 'tranny voice' 'you can't have a weird name' 'you can't be disabled' 'a real trans man wouldn't say that' and so on, bolstered by mega transphobes blair white and arielle scarcella
when we're told we aren't actually targeted in any specific way when, yes actually, we were and are targeted in specific ways, but the only people who talk[ed] about it were other trans men, trans mascs, and nonbinary people who were specifically targeted by this trans medicalist rhetoric, and then trans women who stood up for us were [and still are] told that they were 'forcibly transing little girls'
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sashthesloth · 2 months
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[✔️] Use custom world state
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lilystrations · 2 months
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Hot off the press and ready for Gen Con! Initially it was just Ash and Missingno, but I wanted some extra panicked pokemon fleeing the sudden appearance. I know Wingulls weren't in the original Kanto, but they make for the perfect lil startled seabirds (sorry, pidgey).
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sboochi · 1 year
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*sips tea* it's dumb crossovers time
I guess here King Arthur was a real dude who became legend after his death (in which demons and angels might have been involved). Our heroes now have a mystery to solve, with the help of a certain sorcerer.......
Part 1 >> Next
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z4g-3us · 1 year
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i think ppl will enjoy these so im sharing the experience of studying a tbh creature in the wild.... fascinating creatur.......
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conditioned-to-obey · 4 months
"wow, you actually like this shit?" as I scroll through her disgusting horny Tumblr likes with one hand. Rubbing lazy circles on her swollen little clit with the other. Degrading her for being such a gross little girl while she mindlessly moans and humps my hand each time I send a filthy disapproving glance her way.
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magicandmundane · 2 months
Kinda Sick and Twisted of the arch dragons and their allies to put Aaravos’s prison in a sea made of his own tears in a crater that was formed by his daughter’s death
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ivegotyourbackbuddie · 2 months
I would love a classic scene of Eddie questioning if he’s straight or not, and Buck swooping in with a, “I wasn’t sure until Tommy kissed me, so maybe you just need a guy to kiss you.”
Of course, Eddie would look right at Buck and ask, “Do you know anyone offering?”
And Buck, thumb hooked in his belt, chest out, would walk up to Eddie and say, “I think I do.”
Only for Chimney to interrupt the moment and yell, “Alright! Pucker up, buttercup. They don’t call me Mr. April for nothing!”
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Abby finally meets FNAF game Michael Afton
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cherubytes · 8 months
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