#and skuld (as subject x) bequeathed them
gsunny6 · 2 years
Do you ever think of isa keeping his connection to the moon after recompleting
Also tho I still like to think leas fire affinity is a lot more solar-based than people think but only because the more literal you make the sun/moon dynamic the more feels I get
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kyzveryown · 3 years
Predictions — KHUX Finale, The End
I wanted to get this post out before the end of the month, so here it is. These are my final and last predictions for the KHUX finale. I've been following KHUX since 2018, and now that we're nearly at the finish line, I'm relieved. But I'm also skeptical about what'll transpire in the end. The last update heavily dampened my enthusiasm due to the narrative choices that were made. Nonetheless, I'm still curious about where things could possibly go.
As I've said time and again, I believe Luxu will bequeath No Name to Brain. However, whether he does or not depends on the priority of the narrative. The same applies to Skuld using the pod later on. Is it more important to surprise the audience — subverting their expectations with something completely out of leftfield? Or will it follow a logical, straightforward conclusion? With Kingdom Hearts it's usually the former which…it is what it is.
Based on what we know of Subject X, we can safely assume Skuld will be entering the pod. And by process of elimination and basic logic, we can assume Brain will receive No Name. Regardless of what happened in the last update, it's hard to say whether anything is set in stone. Will DDBT actually go into sleep mode? Or will the program collapse? Will Ephemer and the Player's hearts fall asleep? Or will their hearts perish?
There's also the question of what 'The Break' is referring to. Is it referring to RDBT, DDBT or both? RDBT will be transformed or rebuilt into Scala ad Caelum. DDBT may possibly go into sleep mode based on Brain's theory. It was established in DDD that data can't dream, but the world it exists in can. If we're to rely on that info, then it's possible 'The Break' happens in RDBT. But that'd mean RDBT would temporarily become a sleeping world which is unlikely.
The ruins of RDBT still exist underneath Scala ad Caelum. It's possible that RDBT doesn't actually 'end' like we've been led to believe, but rather the world shattered into pieces, and those pieces were reconstructed into or used as the foundation of Scala ad Caelum. Either way, 'The Break' will happen. The question is though, has 'The Break' already happened? My prediction is that 'The Break' already happened (or at the very least, by the time the four Union Leaders arrive), and Brain uses No Name to construct Scala ad Caelum over the shattered remnants of RDBT.
Luxu and 'Darkness' battle in The Ark room. Here's something to think about: what if one of the pods gets destroyed? True Dandelion and Maleficent aside, there's five pods left. Three of them (Lauriam, Elrena and Ventus) will be sent off to the future. That'll leave two pods for travel. But let's suppose one of them does get destroyed during their battle. Only one pod would be left. Now, let's switch over to DDBT. Skuld is getting in that pod. As for what'll prompt her (or force her) to use it? There are four other dark entities left in DDBT. Once Skuld arrives in RDBT, Luxu will send her off to the future.
Now let's assume two pods are destroyed. If Skuld uses the pod, then what'll happen to her? Will she still arrive in RDBT? If she does, then will she arrive in The Ark room or somewhere else? I doubt that'd happen, but it's an interesting scenario. In the KHIII Secret Reports, Luxu said that he sent 'the five' to the future. I wonder if the True Dandelion was one of them. Brain will likely stay behind, so it's possible. Anyway, I predict one of the pods in RDBT's Ark room will be destroyed during that battle.
As far as predictions go that's about it. There are some things I'd like to see though: another cutscene with the Master of Masters, Subject X reveal, a surprise Ava appearance (I miss my sweet fox girl), a connection to KHDR, or just an epilogue showing where everyone ended up. I doubt the True Dandelion will be revealed any time soon, but there's always a 0.0001% chance. It'd be crazy if the finale ends with Luxu finishing up the 'long story' he presumably told (the remaining) Foretellers. But I doubt it.
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KHUX Finale Part 2 Theories and Predictions
*Spoilers below*
About Ephemer
I get the impression from the last words between Brain and Ephemer that this will be the last time they see each other. There’s something about their farewell that is very final.
I don’t think Ephemer will give back both the Book of Prophecies and Master’s Defender. I have no clue about the keyblade, but I think Ephemer will keep the Book of Prophecies with him post-khux. We know Ephemer helps Sora during KH3, and it’s possible he used the Book of Prophecies to do that. Also Brain tells Ephemer ‘if you’re ever lost, don’t hesitate to have a look’ and ‘it’ll help you when you need it most’. These feel like advice for the long-term, and not just for whatever’s about to happen. Also, it seems kind of pointless to make a big deal out of Ephemer getting the BoP and Master’s Defender and then have him give them both back almost straight away.
For now Master’s Defender is staying with Ephemer in the data world. But Master’s Defender needs to be in the real world so that it can be passed down to Eraqus. So, either Ephemer actually manages to escape the data world, or he stays behind and Master’s Defender somehow gets brought back to the real world. I’m not sure which possibility is more likely. I think Ephemer returning to the real world is very slim possibility, but it feels weird that he would get handed a keyblade that was meant to be his only to give it back a short time later. 
It’s also possible that Ephemer will die. However, Brain’s final words to him make me think Ephemer will survive though separated from the other leaders.  
About Skuld
I honestly did not expect Skuld to stay behind, but I am delighted the writers chose to go in this direction because it 100% fits with what we know about her character. It’s also really fitting and heartwarming that Skuld, Ephemer and Player will face the end of the data world together.  
I don’t have much to say about Skuld, since we already know her eventual fate and it’s obvious that she will leave the data world at some point either via the lifeboat or some other method of travel. She has to make it out in order to become Subject X.
Her leaving the data world will probably be against her will. She will want to stay with Ephemer and Player, but something will force her to go without them. I’m not sure what. If other people are right about Ephemer deciding to give Master’s Defender back to Brain, then maybe Skuld will use the remaining pod to deliver it to him. Or it could be something else entirely.
The KH3 secret reports state that Skuld departed her homeworld with others. Which suggests that she was able to escape to the real Daybreak Town where she and four others used the pods there to flee to a new worldline.          
Another thing is what Skuld remembers post-khux. When I read the KH3 secret report written by Subject X, I got the impression that the ‘four friends and a key’ memory happened right before she and four others left for the new worldline, since it’s the last and only thing she remembers. I do like the idea of the scene in the latest khux update being the ‘four friends and a key’ memory, but I’m not sure it fits well enough. I think there could be another moment that fits better during the next update.      
About Player
Player will either go to sleep in the data world or escape to Game Central Station. I can’t see them returning to the real world.
Player might sacrifice themselves by holding off Darkness to let Skuld and everyone else escape the data world.  
About Brain, Lauriam, Ventus, Elrena and Luxu
Brain, Lauriam, Ventus and Elrena will probably arrive in the real Daybreak Town safely, likely in the aftermath of Luxu’s fight with Darkness. Should be interesting.
People have been speculating that Luxu and Darkness’ fight might destroy a pod in the real world. I don’t think this is very likely, because one of the KH3 secret reports states that Luxu observed the Five departing to a new worldline, most likely in the pods.  
Luxu will bequeath No Name to Brain. It makes sense seeing how Brain doesn’t have a keyblade now.
Brain promised Ephemer, Skuld and Player that he will come back for them. I get this really bad feeling that it will go awry somehow, and something will prevent him from rescuing all of them.
We know Lauriam, Elrena and Ventus will each use one of the lifeboats in the real Daybreak Town. I’m going to guess that Luxu will tell the gang that Strelitzia was sent to the future using one of the lifeboats. This could motivate Lauriam and Elrena into using a lifeboat to find her.
Seriously, Brain’s final words to Ephemer are really final. Like he knows that he’s probably not going to see Ephemer again. It’s also really interesting that he gives Ephemer the Book and Master’s Defender now, since it suggests that Brain thinks he might not get another chance. I think that Brain knows that this might be the last time he sees Ephemer and that’s why he acts the way he does during that moment.      
I believe that the Book of Prophecies and Master’s Defender will end up being important during the next update. How, I don’t know. Maybe they’ll play a role in Skuld, Ephemer and the Player defeating the four Darknesses that remain in the data world, or they could help the Dandelions escape the data world.
‘It’ll help you when you need it most’: It’s possible the Book of Prophecies will help Ephemer and the Dandelions in their hour of need to escape the data town before it is consumed by Darkness. 
I think there’s a strong possibility that Ephemer or the Player could sacrifice themselves to save everyone else. Think about it:
One of the KH3 secret reports states that the Five were able to escape to a new worldline but with great cost, which suggests there was some sort of sacrifice. We also know that there are four Darknesses left in the data world which Skuld, Ephemer and Player may have to confront.   
In Wreck-It-Ralph, Sugar Rush was ending because it was being eaten up by the Cybugs. All its inhabitants except Vanellope were able to escape, because Vanellope was a glitch and technically not part of the game, so she couldn’t leave it. Ralph managed to find a way to save Sugar Rush, but he had to make a heroic sacrifice in the process (he would’ve died if Vanellope hadn’t teleported to his rescue). Like Sugar Rush, Data Daybreak Town is being destroyed by Darkness. It’s possible that Ephemer will find a way to escape the data town and/or defeat Darkness, but it will involve either Ephemer or Player sacrificing themselves.
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nadziejastar · 5 years
On Subject X and Lea/Isa friendship. The writers should’ve done more to develop the concept. I think it’s cool that that young Isa/Lea wanted to save someone, but they don’t explore the idea for us to think that they were connected. They mentioned it BBS, a little, but afterwards? No clue. I do like your Kairi theory though.
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Thanks! I really like the Kairi theory, too. I have no proof or anything, but it just feels right to me. My gut tells me that since Kairi, Lea and Isa are all from Radiant Garden, the writers wouldn’t have wasted such a perfect opportunity to draw some connections there. And it just fits the story SO much better. 
In KH3, they were clearly trying to play up the idea that Lea and Isa were super close to this girl, as if she was the third member of their trio or something. And yet, if we are to go by their own descriptions…they don’t even know her. She was a traumatized amnesiac girl they met with a handful of times in the shadows. How close could they have possibly been to her? She was NOT their group’s Kairi or Aqua. They didn’t even know her name.
But his voice was still oddly low. Running into Saïx had brought out a different side of him—and that side was a little scary.
“This just doesn’t seem like you,” said Roxas.
“What do you mean?”
Roxas found he couldn’t quite put the answer into words. What can I say…? “You don’t like things to be complicated.”
That was the best he could do. It wasn’t quite right, either…but he didn’t know how to describe this.
If it actually had been Kairi, then they were simply trying to do a selfless deed for a person they had never met, expecting nothing in return for their actions. And they failed miserably, destroying their lives in the process. We know it is very in-character for Lea to want to help “stray puppies”. Despite not getting to learn much about Isa, it fits with his character based on the Reports in KH3, and also his personality based on the Bunnymoon weapon. Also, one of Saïx’s weapons is named Artemis, who was a lunar goddess and a patron of young girl children.
The fact that they never mentioned Kairi in Days would have made far more sense than Skuld, since they were never claiming to be BFF’s with her or anything. Plus, they had their own issues to worry about at that point. They weren’t trying to take over the Organization to learn about Kairi.
It would also help explain Axel’s unconditional love and empathy for Saïx. He thinks Saïx changed from a gentle and selfless boy to the messed-up freak he is all because one fateful day, they tried to help an innocent little girl who was being used as a human guinea pig. Roxas thinks that Axel is a pretty uncomplicated guy. It’s why he and Xion found it so hilarious when Axel expressed his deeper feelings that one time under the red sunset. It felt so out-of-character to them based on the facade Axel puts on. 
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The sun sank lower and lower as Axel watched, his mind wandering.
If he stared for too long, the image would burn itself into his eyes, visible even after his eyes were closed.
A phantom sun.
Someone had once told him why sunsets were red… Who was that?
But of course, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Axel is far from uncomplicated. He just keeps his true feelings close to his chest. His feelings for Isa/Saïx were incredibly complicated. I think Axel was thinking about Isa that day while he was staring into the red sunset. He was thinking that he would never see the person he loved ever again.
The person he used to be inseparable from has changed into someone totally unrecognizable to him. Someone who has forgotten all about him, long ago. But, as a small comfort, he would never have to be apart from Isa, as long as he had the memories of him. In his memory, the Isa he loved would live forever, and they would always be inseparable. And that is what put him in such a sentimental mood that day.
In KH3, Axel acts the same way he did in the Days novel. He stares into the sunset with a wistful expression on his face. And who is it that he sees at that moment? Xion. A being made from Sora’s memories of Kairi. That’s who appears, as if to comfort him and offer him hope that the heart’s connections are never truly lost. I thought Kairi and Lea’s relationship was adorable and so sweet. I just wish they had gone farther with it and included Isa, too.
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“I just…want these days to last forever,” Roxas murmured, slow and pensive. “Hanging out after the job’s done, eating ice cream, watching the sunset…”
Axel peered at his profile as he did just that. The sunset’s glow touched Roxas’s face and Xion’s with warm red.
I like how the description of Roxas and Xion’s face in the novel is so similar to what we saw in KH3 with the warm sunlight on Xion. I know Axel was thinking about Isa that day. I believe he was thinking about Isa yet again in KH3. He still feels that they are inseparable. And if Isa was still in the Organization’s clutches, then he would never be free either.
“Well, nothing lasts forever,” Axel mumbled, looking off to the side again. “Least of all for a bunch of Nobodies.”
At that, both of their expressions fell.
Seriously, you two? You’re always grinning or getting bummed out…just like real live people with hearts. Axel exhaled and gathered some words. “But, you know, hanging out every day isn’t the only thing that matters. We’ll still have one another, even if that changes.”
“Really?” Roxas perked up.
“Yeah. As long as we remember one another, we’ll never be apart. Got it memorized?”
Roxas grinned. “Who are you, and what have you done with Axel?”“
Hey! I tried, okay?” All that effort to cheer them up, and they just turned it into a punch line. Chagrined, he looked away.
Xion burst into giggles, and then, as if it was contagious, Roxas started laughing, too.“Oh, c’mon, it’s not that funny!” Axel scolded.
They paused, looked at each other, and giggled again.“I don’t know why I put up with this…”
“But, I mean…it just didn’t sound like you, Axel.” Xion could barely hold in laughter long enough to get the words out.
A wish that they could always be together—was longing for the impossible. But at least they could always remember one another.
They teased him about what he said because he never talked about his true feelings. He likes to give the impression that he’s totally carefree, so as not to be too vulnerable. They genuinely had NO idea how much he was suffering over losing Isa. I’m sure they would have felt horrible for laughing at him if they had the slightest clue what he had been through.
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Lea: Now that we’re going back, I’m worried about everything.
Kairi: Well, you don’t have to worry alone anymore, Axel.
And that’s exactly what Kairi offered to Lea. Someone to lean on finally. Plus, Kairi is an established character. If it had been revealed that the girl Lea and Isa wanted to rescue had been her all along, the audience would have far more reason to care. With Skuld, since she’s NOT an established character, (at least in this timeline) they really needed to shoe-horn her in by making her Lea and Isa’s supposed long-lost BFF, despite it being incredibly forced and not very convincing if you think about it for more than 5 seconds. With Kairi, that wouldn’t have been the case.
She already had a history with Lea through KH2 and Xion. She develops a bond with Lea and grows naturally closer to him over the course of the story. I also like that it would have given Kairi a much stronger narrative tie to her final battle with Saïx. The man who kidnapped her is actually a body-hijacked version of the guy who simply wanted to rescue her as a child. That’s really tragic. It’s as tragic as Riku realizing the darkness within him was a body-hijacked version of the special boy who bequeathed him the Keyblade all those years ago. Kairi’s reunion with Isa would have been so heartwarming. But just like with Riku learning about Terra, it never happened.
But yes, if they wanted anyone to actually care about this alleged friendship between Lea, Isa and Skuld, then they should have done a much better job actually incorporating it in the story. Of course, I would bet my next 5 paychecks that the reason they didn’t do this…is because they hadn’t thought of it back then. My guess would be that this idea came to fruition circa 2015. That’s when Nomura is on record saying that they were still unsure of where the series was headed in the future.
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There was not a single mention of this girl in the novels. Yet there were numerous hints that something was very unique about Saïx—extremely strong suggestions that he was an unwitting vessel of Xehanort. The situation with his heart is mentioned multiple times by Xigbar, it’s brought up by Namine, and even Xion says that Saïx gives off a strange aura, like how Riku does with Xehanort’s Heartless inside of him. Yet, nary a word about anything even remotely resembling “Subject X”. Nothing.
There was a strange material that enabled one to fly through the Other Sky—Gummi blocks, fallen pieces from that meteor shower. And something about women known as the Princesses of Heart. All these immensely important shards of information began to fit together in Xehanort’s mind.
“What in the world were they talking about?” said Even, who had been trying to eavesdrop.
Xehanort ignored him and continued down the stairs to the basement laboratory. He flung open the door, and the others all turned to him at once.
“Aeleus, where is the girl?” Xehanort asked.
“She’s asleep…” Aeleus pointed to the capsule room in the back.
The girl was very particular—unique among people. They had not been able to create any Heartless using her heart. Perhaps because she was too young, or perhaps…
Xehanort disappeared into the capsule room.
But there IS a mention of Kairi in that laboratory. I like how in the credits for BBS both Lea and Isa look up at the sky, like how Kairi did when her necklace glowed. Almost as if it was to hint at their future connection.
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Lea said the same lines, “Why do I always get the icky jobs,” and “I’ll always be there to bring you back,” to Xion in KH Days when he brought her back. Does he remember that?
Nomura: The nature of the being known as Xion and all memories to do with her were erased, but he would remember other things.
They obviously had a MUCH different vision for Isa’s character, even at the time that KH3D and KH2.5 came out. They were building up a far different story for his character right up until the release KH3, when they did a complete U-turn. It was incredibly jarring. The secret ending of 2.5 clearly shows Isa being taken away without his consent and the series Memorial Ultimania (released in 2014) states that he was “retrieved” after Young Xehanort was tracking him with the Recusant’s Sigil on his forehead.
The writers obviously thought that Isa was worthy of having Lea use the same words for him that he used for Roxas and Xion. Lea had a dream of Roxas telling him he made them a promise. As soon as he woke up, he went searching for someone, even putting himself at great risk by using the Door to Darkness. Well, he wasn’t looking for Roxas. Roxas was Sora’s Nobody, and Lea gave up on turning Sora back into a Nobody. That’s what his entire character arc was all about in KH2. No, he was looking for Isa.
Yet regarding KH3, here’s what Nomura said according the to the Ultimania translations from this thread:
Saïx rejoined the Organization to atone for what he did in the past. He drifted away from Axel and put Roxas through a lot because of his jealousy and displeasure, but vowed to do good for the sake of both Axel and Roxas.
I swear, the first time I read this, it put me in such a bad mood. Not only was it SO blatantly inconsistent with what we saw in the cutscenes, everything being set up by the story’s morals and themes, and everything being foreshadowed in the novels…but it also felt so…cruel and victim-blaming.
Q: Who are the thirteen researchers of darkness?
A: Thirteen seekers of darkness that share a consciousness and heart with Master Xehanort, serving as raw material for the X-Blade. In this game, they failed in their attempts to make Sora the 13th of their ranks, but who’s to become the 13th in his stead? And who are the six whose identities have not been revealed?
If Isa was indeed made a vessel as a teenager, (and it was HEAVILY implied that he was), why should he have to “atone” for anything? When someone becomes a vessel, their heart is captured by Xehanort. Or “swallowed,” to use another word used in an interview translation.
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Q: I want to ask about Terranort. When Ansem SOD and Xemnas were defeated in KH1 and 2, were both Master Xehanort and Terra revived?
A: Ordinarily, Terra should have been revived at that point, but because his body was possessed by Xehanort, his heart didn’t return, and only his body did. That body was used as the vessel for the heart of Terra (from BBS) that was called from the past.
When Xemnas was defeated, Nomura said that Terra’s heart didn’t return to his body; it was still captured and in Xehanort’s clutches. If Isa was a vessel too, then there’s no reason his heart would have returned to his body, either. They can’t have it both ways. They can’t say that Terra had no free will in Xemnas’ atrocities and then say that Isa has to “atone” for what Saïx did. Does Terra have to atone for Apprentice Xehanort and Xemas’ actions? The ultimate question is… was Isa a vessel all along, or was he not? Enough waffling on this issue. Make up your damn mind.
Also the whole concept of joining the New Organization to atone is just utter brain-dead nonsense, no matter how you spin it. How is a person supposed to do anything good when they let Xehanort capture their heart, allowing him to share a consciousness with them? Shouldn’t giving up your heart have… I dunno…consequences?
When someone loses their heart, they lose the ability to feel, to care, to have empathy. Isn’t that the entire reason Axel suffered so much? From not having a heart? He forgot how to feel or experience love. It was Roxas, Xion and Sora who made him feel like he had a heart again. Indeed, they allowed him to nurture and grow a heart again. Besides, just look how Saïx acted when he had no heart! Yet here I’m being told that Saïx is going to “atone” by giving up his heart? LOL, yeah right.
Even if you hypothetically assume he was NOT a vessel, losing his heart made Saïx a sociopathic zombie. That’s supposedly why he “drifted away” from Axel, right? How is he going to do anything altruistic in that condition? Not to mention that Saïx was so utterly miserable without a heart, that I just cannot see him giving it up as soon as he got it back, under ANY circumstances (well, maybe to save Lea). There’s also another issue: the continuity being drawn between Isa and Saïx. The writers went TOTALLY out of their way to make Saïx as villainous and nasty as possible. As a die-hard Isa fan, this is sad for me to admit. But I don’t even think his actions in KH3 made him feel like he really fit in with the rest of the cast during the ending.
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And then there’s the revelation that Saïx initially became Xehanort’s lapdog for Skuld. I’m sure she’d be very…touched…to find out that Isa sacrificed his morals, fought his friends and helped a madman usher in the apocalypse, all for her. Such a nice foundation for a healthy relationship. All for a girl he isn’t sure even existed. I won’t mince words. When Lea said to Isa that he thought this was “all for her” it made me want to throw up. That’s how revolting that idea was to me. The idea that “Isa” became “Saïx” for a girl.
That doesn’t even get into the whole Replica Program and what a goofball subplot that was. The Replica Program was not even finished when Vexen was eliminated. Now all of a sudden it can grant flesh-and-blood bodies, as soon as a heart is inserted? Yeah, okay. And Saïx knew all along that Vexen would be perfectly willing to come along and work on these replicas, too? And he also knew that Roxas and Xion could just jump out of Sora’s heart into the replicas? Whatever you say, game.  
And I must say: it was so ridiculous how Saïx is supposed to be “atoning” while he’s beating the shit out of Lea, or at least standing there watching Xemans do it. Why couldn’t Saïx and Vexen atone for their actions as, ya know…regular people? They could help the good guys defeat Xehanort and then worry about replicas. Though I still say Isa should have to atone for nothing.
But why join Xehanort and help him usher in the Apocalypse? Oh right. Because that was the only excuse the writers could come up with to justify Roxas and Xion coming back physically in the plot. The replicas were such a waste of screen-time in KH3. That whole subplot should have been dropped a long time ago. As far as I’m concerned, Isa’s character arc was sacrificed at the altar of shallow fanservice to bring back Roxas and Xion at the very end. They had no business coming back as separate characters from Kairi and Ventus, if that’s the best way Nomura could come up with to make it happen.
In order to bring them back, the following things had to happen in the story:
Isa’s entire character arc and redemption got turned into a sick joke.  
The whole fascinating concept of the Recusant’s Sigil needed to be thrown out, in order to give Saïx enough agency to “atone” and procure the replicas.
Vexen and Demyx have to act totally OOC, join up with Xehanort despite having no good reason to, then complain about getting “benched”. Because they had NO reason to be there other than the replicas.
The entire awesome and dark concept of the Seekers of Darkness being unwilling flesh puppets (”raw material”) had to be thrown in the trash.
It ruined the tension of Organization XIII’s search for the 13th vessel by making Vexen and Demyx “reserve” members
Replicas became a deus-ex-machina for Xehanort to use as his vessels.
Nobody could use common sense and question the obvious connection between Roxas and Ventus, stalling the search for Ventus and the 7 Guardians of Light.
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narwhalwrath · 6 years
Questions after Kingdom Hearts IIII (Spoilers)
Sora’s Secret Mission
Whatever Sora did in between Dream Drop Distance and Kingdom Hearts III is not really covered in-game. During the prologue Sora re-experiences his memories and slips into The Final World, where he battles a Darkside. It’s suggested later by Chirithy that his occured because sleep and death are closely linked to one another, suggesting that Sora’s time in the Dive to the Heart was linked to his time in the Realm of Sleep, which is where we last see Sora in KHDDD. There’s nothing more really put forth about what else happened while Sora was in the Realm of Sleep. It’s especially intriguing considering how Sora refers to his mission as being “secret” when Donald and Goofy ask why he was gone for so long. 
“Subject X”
Subject X is a 15 year old girl who had been found by Ansem the Wise and who had all but lost the entirety of her memory, much like Terra-Xehanort. All Subject X remembered was the Keyblade and four friends, making it likely that the identity of Subject X is either Ava - who did not appear in Kingdom Hearts III’s epilogue - or Skuld. Xehanort confirms this when he comes to the realization that Subject X likely came from another time. While staying in a cell under the laboratory within Radiant Garden, Subject X met Isa and Lea and befriended them. This was the reason why they were infiltrating Hollow Bastion (the castle) in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Eventually, Ansem puts a stop to his attempts to unlock both Xehanort’s and Subject X’s memories and Subject X is taken from her cell by Xigbar and is hidden away from Xehanort.
Cut to a year later, Xehanort’s been experimenting on denizens of Radiant Garden, Isa and Lea become apprentices under Ansem the Wise in hopes of finding out what happened to Subject X. Of course this was the point when Xehanort extracted the Hearts from Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus, and Ienzo and cast Ansem the Wise into the Realm of Darkness. Isa and Lea then become Saix and Axel a day later and the rest is history.
The Black Box
The Black Box, though mentioned, is not an integral plot point in Kingdom Hearts III. Luxord is tasked with finding the Black Box, however he is ultimately unsuccessful. He claims that there is “hope” within the Black Box, but that’s all he actually knows about it. Maleficent and Pete search for the Black Box throughout various worlds as well - though the most they find is Pandora’s Box. Maleficent eventually comes to the realization that the Black Box does not yet exist, suggesting it had to travel through time.
Now, the Black Box appears alongside Luxu following Xehanort’s defeat, with the situation being that Xehanort had relinquished No Name to Xigbar (who bears Luxu’s Heart) when he got the χ-Blade and unlocked Kingdom Hearts. This suggests that Luxu reobtaining No Name was key to the Black Box’s materialization in the present.
The Union Leaders and Luxu
Although it is unclear what exactly transpired, Luxu bequeathed his Keyblade to one of the five Union Leaders (since Eraqus is said to be a direct descendant of the first masters from the Age of Fairytales, and Brain most resembles him, it seems likely that Brain was the one to receive No Name). Luxu becomes aware that one of the Union Leaders is an imposter (having killed Strelitzia and taken her place) who seeks to function as a virus in the “program” written by the Master of Masters by moving himself and the other four Union Leaders to another worldline (Brain self-identified as a virus in the most recent KHUX update), something that is meant to be impossible for them because they are not proper masters. Even so, Luxu suggests that Maleficent could be the one responsible for this.
This to me means that Brain is “The Darkness” that Maleficent encounters in the past. Here, Maleficent attempts to overwrite her defeat and is told that the Master of Masters foresaw this and instead, Maleficent had been trapped in a Data World prepared in advance with it’s story having already been decided.
To me it seems as though he and Maleficent conspire to cross into another worldline, thus explaining how Ventus, Lauriam, Elrena, Demyx’s Somebody, and Luxord’s Somebody, and Subject X all made it to the future. My guess would be that Luxu had to leave his body in order to cross this worldline as well, so as to keep an eye on No Name, as his role dictated. Over time, Luxu would continue taking vessels until arriving at Braig, eagerly awaiting the chosen one to reenact the Keyblade War and thus initiate the completion of his role, reawakening the Lost Masters.
What happened to the Lost Masters?
So the Lost Masters = the Foretellers, who are all summoned to the Keyblade Graveyard by Luxu following Xehanort’s defeat. It’s not really clear what became of the Foretellers during the Keyblade War though. From what we see at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - a fragmentary passage - Gula (I assume) successfully summoned Kingdom Hearts, which proceeds to swallow everything, as Luxu watches from afar.
My theory is that Luxu needed Kingdom Hearts to be unlocked because the Foretellers were among what had been consumed by Kingdom Hearts, and by unlocking it, Xehanort released the Foretellers. 
Who are Demyx and Luxord’s completed selves?
Kingdom Hearts III confirms that Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, and Larxene all originally come from the Age of Fairytales, but provides absolutely nothing else to their backgrounds. We’ve already met Lauriam and Elrena for Marluxia and Larxene in KHUX, but we have yet to encounter Demyx and Luxord. We don’t even know what role Elrena and the other two will play going forward. Elrena supposedly went along with Lauriam for the ride, but how did we get from her helping Lauriam search for answers regarding Strelitzia to all of them traveling to the future? 
What happened to Sora?
After harnessing the power of waking (traversing Hearts to reach worlds) Sora chased the Lich into the depths of Darkness, where he successfully saved Kairi (who had been lost to Darkness because of Xehanort) but was buried in the Darkness of Sleep yet again. Yet, even so, Sora appears to have been sent to Shibuya, suggesting that, rather than falling to Darkness again, he’d actually died as a result of his actions and been entered into the Reaper’s Games. Even stranger is the fact that the worlds of Verum Rex and The World Ends With You appear to cross. There are just so many questions surrounding the secret ending.
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kyzveryown · 4 years
Hypothesis — KHUX End Predictions (Pt. II)
I can see Lauriam having one more interaction with Strelitzia in his dreams/memories. And of course, I want it to be heartbreaking. I want him to break then declare his revenge on 'Darkness' or The Darkness (really need a coherent name for them). Ventus is complicated. Although I feel like something is going to happen, I doubt it’s going to be monumental (such as Vanitas making an appearance). But that's just me being cautiously pessimistic.
Luxu will appear once the fighting is done. I'm not sure how this interaction is going to go down considering none of the Union Leaders knows who he is. So, it's likely they won't trust him. It'll be interesting to see how he'll convince them to abandon DDBT and the Dandelions. Although, that's assuming they're all conscious and unscathed when he appears, and I don't think that's likely. I can see Brain beng the only one standing when he appears since he's the only that'd actually listen to Luxu given his interaction with 'Darkness'.
Ephemer is going to die — probably by sacrificing himself to save either the Player or Skuld. As for the Player, they'll remain in DDBT with their Chirithy as it shatters. Luxu will bequeath No Name to Brain and instruct him on what he needs to do. This will be after he sends the other four to the future from RDBT. It could be before though.
Friendly reminder: there's only five pods left on The Ark; Maleficent took one and one was destroyed. The pods don't immediately go to the future either — they go to The Ark in RDBT and from there Luxu will send the others (Lauriam, Elrena, Skuld and Ventus) to the future. Brain will remain behind in RDBT but that's assuming he actually gets No Name.
I think there will be an epilogue for the story. I imagine it'd follow-up on what happened after Ventus, Lauriam, Elrena and Skuld arrived in the future. In KHIII's Ultimania, Nomura did mention he'd like to show how Xehanort and Ventus met at some point. The epilogue would be the perfect place to show it. As for Lauriam and Elrena? I don't know. You can say that they were victims of Ansem the Wise's experiments, but considering Ventus's arrival four years prior to BBS's story and Skuld's (highly likely Subject X) arrival sometime after, it's hard to pinpoint when and where they arrived.
And speaking of Skuld and Subject X, we should get a confirmation on that. Nomura is notorious for introducing concepts and characters without any context or explanation (i.e., Yozora, Verum Rex and the White/Silver Coats). If there is an epilogue, we'll probably see her unconscious in the courtyard for Radiant Garden — that is, unless Nomura decides to hold Subject X hostage for the next 2-3 years (which is, sadly, the more likely possibility). I also expect some kind of connection to KHDR, whether that be through Brain or someone/something else.
And that's it. The end is almost here. I'm going to miss talking about KHUX's story. April can't get here fast enough.
Oh and one more small, tiny, insignificant thing: PLEASE TELL US WHERE AVA IS!!!
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kyzveryown · 3 years
Predictions — KHUX Finale, The End [Recap]
This post is just a recap of my predictions regarding KHUX's finale (and some extra stuff). I wanted to do another one of these posts before the final update dropped. This'll be the last Predictions post for KHUX, and later I'll be writing my last Observations post for it. So, I decided to add a bit more to my initial predictions. I've got to say, as much as I'm looking forward to the end, the reality that the story is over is setting in. This is it — the end of the beginning. So, for one last time here are my predictions:
As I've said time and again, Luxu bequeaths No Name to Brain. And despite the last update's faux deflection tactics, I still believe Skuld will take the last pod. My worst fear is her not getting in that pod because people figured out Skuld might possibly be Subject X. I don't want our expectations subverted. I don't want some contrived surprise. If it's right there in our faces and we can see it, then just let it be.
On to Ephemer and the Player. I still think they'll both sacrifice themselves. I know there are people holding on to what was said about them being saved, but that was way too convenient. From my perspective, that was meant to implant a false sense of hope in people wanting a sunshine and rainbows ending (could still happen though...). Based on the teaser pictures, it looks like things won't go down that way. I still think DDBT will collapse. As for the Dandelions? I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see.
Strelitzia. I truly don't care about her anymore. Even so, I still think she'll show up in some capacity. I still believe 'The Break' happened already. I expect by the time the others get there, RDBT will have been destroyed and flooded. I think Brain is the only one who'll get out of his pod. I suspect that pod in the teaser belongs to him. 'The Break' most likely happens after the Luxu and "Darkness" battle. Whether it was the result of it? I can’t say. Aside from some parallels with Ragnarök, I don’t have a clear idea how RDBT gets destroyed. For those that don’t know about Ragnarök, here’s a short summary:
"After a series of events; bloodstained wars, deaths of gods and other figures, numerous natural disasters, and the submersion of the world in water, the world resurfaces anew. The surviving gods return, and the world is repopulated by two human survivors."
And now the four Dark Entities. I do think Ephemer, Skuld and the Player will be confronted by them. And it’s highly likely a battle will ensue. This could possibly be the final boss. If it is, then it’ll probably be like Zack’s final stance in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. I’d love to see Ephemer forcing Skuld into the pod, or her reluctantly leaving in tears as Ephemer screams for her to go. And the gut punch? Ephemer taking a page from Emet Selch saying some variation of “Remember us” just as she leaves. All right, I’m having too much fun. That’ll never happen. Not in this series lol.
Anyway, I think the Dark Entities will escape DDBT’s collapse (if that happens). Remember that last story update for KHDR? As for how they’ll escape, I don’t know. They could hide inside of Skuld’s heart, but I doubt it. I know Brain will get the Master Defender back. The Book of Prophecies is up in the air though. That’s pretty much it. I’m running out of time, so this is it. I hope we all love this ending. KHUX truly is one of the best KH stories. It’ll be missed.
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kyzveryown · 4 years
Hypothesis — KHUX End Predictions (CONDENSED)
Kingdom Hearts: Union Cross has been goingon for almost six years (eight if you include [χchi]) and it's finally ending. It's been a long and arduous journey — one that people either loved or hated. That said, like all things, it has to end. And so, this is my semi-final Hypothesis post detailing what I think could happen in the ending. Everything is subjective. If you disagree with some of it or all of it, that's fine. It's all in fun. That said, let's vibe.
When the Player comes back from plot hostage world Game Central Station, I think they're going to find the Brain, Skuld and Ephemer completely wiped out. I don't see them defeating 'Darkness' (not without the Player). The glitches will escalate to a point where DDBT literally crashes and shuts down ('the Break'). But since The Darkness is involved, I doubt the glitches will be the only cause. There's still the Heartless Code thing that was offhandedly mentioned.
For those that are anticipating a Demyx or Luxord 'somebody' appearance, keep your expectations either at zero or close to zero. I don't think either of them will show up. Given what's happening in DDBT, Elrena will appear likely in search of the Union Leaders to figure out what's happening. I can see Lauriam having one more interaction with Strelitzia in his dreams/memories. Ventus is complicated. Although I feel like something is going to happen, I doubt it’s going to be monumental (such as Vanitas making an appearance).
Lauriam (with Elrena) will abandon the Union Leaders. It's understandable that he'd feel betrayed by them. They hid his sister's death from him and Strelitzia was murdered because of Ventus. Yes – 'Darkness' misinterpreted Ventus's desire for power, so technically her death wasn't directly his fault, but he is the reason she was killed. They betrayed his trust and his friendship. Why would he stay with them?
Luxu will appear once the fighting is done. I'm not sure how this interaction is going to go down considering none of the Union Leaders knows who he is. So, it's likely they won't trust him. Although, that's assuming they're all conscious and unscathed when he appears, and I don't think that's likely. Ephemer is going to die — probably by sacrificing himself. As for the Player, they'll remain in DDBT with their Chirithy as it shatters. Luxu will bequeath No Name to Brain and instruct him on what he needs to do.
I think there will be an epilogue for the story. I imagine it'd follow-up on what happened after Ventus, Lauriam, Elrena and Skuld arrived in the future. Nomura did mention he'd like to show how Xehanort and Ventus met. Skuld is likely going to be Subject X, but we still need confirmation on that. Lastly, I expect some kind of connection to KHDR.
And that's it. The end is almost here. I'm going to miss talking about KHUX's story. April can't get here fast enough. You can read the original two-part version of this post here:
Part 1 | Part 2
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