#keyblade headcanons
gsunny6 · 2 years
Do you ever think of isa keeping his connection to the moon after recompleting
Also tho I still like to think leas fire affinity is a lot more solar-based than people think but only because the more literal you make the sun/moon dynamic the more feels I get
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nomiyakazehaya · 3 months
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i keep waking up at unholy hours, so i'm projecting on xiggy, sorry not sorry
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hexxter · 1 month
My player/keykid in missing link
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Me personally my least favorite color is red but lore is lore and if they have to get red outfit it is this what it is.
Some headcanon stuff for the outfit choice -
..They have the same lore as player just adding some juice in and there cause design wise there is nothing canonically mentioned ^^
Cause authority figures encouraging the keyblade war they subconsciously anti authority in any way but also can understand when it’s reasonable (still get the anti itching though).
Nept insisted them to change clothes = get them annoyed and they want to do the opposite of what they were told to. But they also can’t really say no to the people who took them in so they just wear the uniform jacket on over the clothes they already have.
The hair hoop was item they got later on making it themselves cause its felt like something that could help with their memories (which is an item that they had in their khux design that live in my head rent free, they got it cause its spiky to avoid head pats).
Symbol in the shirt is heart and wing, to reference their magic wings they would almost always use in their first life. They probably can have them again but they can’t remember right now.
Spark “birth mark” on their face they got from their heart reincarnation.
They still didn’t figure out they can change their appearance by will, or they would probably wake up with different hair every day just to mess with people.
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localcryptideli · 7 months
You know sometimes I think that the reason I stopped being on the sokai ship online is that the reasons why I think the ship is nice are so separate and different from how I see most people interpreting the characters and wanting the ship to be that it just loses all appeal to me.
#it's about vulnerability and peace to me okay#It's about sora being unwilling to leave kairi behind where she is a bit slower than the rest of the group#it's something I could absolutely project headcanons on disability on#it's about kairi signifying home and peace and stability#where sora's world became incredibly chaotic#it's about being accepted as who you are not what you can or cannot do#and sora being appreciated because of who he is beyond the keyblade#and kairi's life being valued even if she is not a big strong warrior#it's about the drama of kairi clinging to a past sora desperately wants to have again but cannot go back to#and kairi having the POTENTIAL to relate to that struggle due to her own past#it's about both having the experience of being left behind#and both being kind at heart and clinging to normalcy where they can#it's about being selfish about it too and not recognizing the ways in which the other grew#stubbornly clinging to the way they knew each other because the leap of change is scary albeit necessary in the long run#and stepping on each other's toes because of this because they don't recognize their goals and personalities shifted#that's what's yummy to me#whereas with soriku I am very aligned to fandom interpretation hence why I am waaay more intense about it here#but yeah I... don't want kairi to be a super goddess girlboss that saves sora that's not why she is appealing to me#as someone who struggles with not shining for skills and being left behind I treasure the fact that she is narratively important#and treasured by her friends - but still not super OP and the best of the best and a perfect flawless problem solver and hero#I enjoy that she is weaker and her best friend would STILL risk it all to see her safe - she is not disposable or an afterthought#and she matters because of who she is and the friendship she brings not because of what she can bring to the team of keyblade wielders#i need to find a tag for personal updates
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bramblequeen · 1 year
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I think Kairi should be allowed to have a Tinkaton, as a treat. And a giant hammer to match her.
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iiguess · 1 year
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OOC. So. The idea of Sam being able to take on the forms of her alternative selves from universes where she existed at one point may or may not have been spiraling in my head recently.
Just? Her discovering that she could do that by accident one day, maybe after something messes with her watch/phone? Finding out the consequences of using that feature if she stays in one form for too long? The deterioration and replacement of her memory ( and possibly her own existence ) with the memories of the versions of her that once lived??
It’s one heck of a thing to think about, that’s for sure.
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evanescentide · 1 year
“You deserved better.”
for those who’ve been hurt ✿ (still accepting!)
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✿ After a long day of training, Xion decided to surprise Riku with some ice-cream as they sat on top of the Mysterious Tower. He'd seemed a little hesitant to accept at first, but she'd insisted.
"It tastes better shared with a friend."
And, well, she would still rather make an ordinary moment special than wait around for a special moment that may or may not occur.
She didn't say that part out loud, but moments like this always felt a little heavier with Riku anyhow. He was quieter than her other friends, more melancholic --- just one more reason she wanted to give him moments like this, too.
But as the first stars begin to twinkle overhead, Riku sighs quietly. She turns to him, concerned. "You deserved better," he says, and... well, it seems his thoughts have been straying to the same old things, too.
She laughs quietly as she reaches up to swipe her bangs out of her face. She hopes Riku can't tell she also used the gesture to dry the corners of her eyes.
"I know. But... back then, the odds really were stacked against me. I... You... we all did everything we could, Riku. I have no regrets."
They fall into a silence again, but she knows him well enough to know he must still feel guilty --- so, before he can sink too far into that dark place she reaches out to pat him on the shoulder.
"Don't blame yourself, either," she chides him. "Besides... Things are better now. That's... good enough for me."
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blitz-heart · 1 year
Kairi's been quiet, today, having asked Aqua if she could take the day off from training to just... take a break. She rarely, if even at all, asks for training breaks; Aqua typically assigns them, instead. But she'd asked for today off, in particular, for the plain and simple reason of:
Today was her birthday. However, she hasn't ever bothered to tell Aqua, Terra, or Ventus just exactly when her birthday is, so the day came and went without a fuss, without a celebration, without... anything, really. And that's okay. With her being away from home, and without having Sora and Riku here with her, or Kenji and Aika, unlike her other birthdays in the past (at least the ones she can remember) this one didn't quite feel... right this time around.
She took a walk around the Land of Departure by herself today, exploring on her own in some of the outer, more secluded areas Ventus has shown her — thinking back on all the times she'd gone exploring in different areas Riku and Sora had shown her on the Islands while the three of them were growing up, and thinking to herself that this is slightly similar, yes... but it's also different.
That seems to be the case for a few things, here, actually. For example:
There's a small unattended garden that, in having been left uncared for over the years, has now overgrown with weeds that have risen up in the place of whatever was planted, originally — whether it was flowers, or vegetables — to twist about and choke it out. How vastly different it looks from the garden Aika has planted back home, on the Islands — that garden has no weeds, but is full of flowers and insects. Full of what a garden should be full of. There's a stream that flows a little ways off near the castle, and the gentle sound of its running water is a much softer difference from the sound of crashing waves that Kairi had gotten so used to over the years. It's only a little similar in the sense that yes, it's water that doesn't stand still, just like the ocean, but it's also really not the same, at all.
Kairi's been stubbornly refusing to acknowledge it to herself until now, but...
She misses home, every bit as much as she misses some people.
After her walk, she'd retreated to her room for several hours to just keep to herself. She's been sitting and repeatedly flipping through either the pages of a sailor's journal she'd found and bought on her fourteenth birthday roughly four years ago now, today, or the pages of a sketchbook that contains drawings of Destiny Islands' native plants and flowers – the latter also having been a birthday gift at the time. They're two of the few items she'd brought with her when she came here from the Islands in the first place to begin her training with Aqua — the sailor's journal, to serve as a testament for and reminder of the sea back home; the sketchbook, so that she can look back whenever she wishes on some of the flowers she and Aika might have planted and grown together in their shared garden.
Either way they're both pieces of home, so to speak, and just having them with her today of all days, when Kairi's not celebrating her own birthday... while it's a reminder of what she left behind, it's also a reminder of what she gets to live for; it's a reminder of what she, Sora, and Riku will get to go back to when Sora is returned to them.
She closes the cover of the sailor's journal and sets it back on top of her dresser for now, tears forming in her eyes but not yet falling. When she the lifts one of the seashells she'd brought with her from the Islands and holds it to her ear... she can almost, almost, hear the sound of the ocean. She can almost hear the sound of home.
It's enough to make her cry, her tears finally falling here in the privacy of her bedroom in the Land of Departure — away from the Islands, away from her friends, away from her family... away from all else she loves, and has held dear to her heart for the majority of her life.
"Happy birthday, Kairi," she whispers to herself, her words choked with emotion.
Happy birthday, indeed.
It feels so lonely.
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nonovyabuisness · 1 year
It’s 11pm and my brain decided to come up with headcanons again. So,without further ado…
Here are the Twisted Wonderland characters I think would be likely to have a Keyblade (before overblots and not in a specific order).
1. Kalim, the similarities between him and Sora are undeniable. A pure, kind, naive heart.
2. Trey, the diligent helper that does his best to help everyone even if it’s arguably not the best outcome.
3. Silver, one of the purest and least problematic student in NRC (as far as I’m aware ) plus his possible relation to Aurora (a princess of light) helps.
4. Jack, this puppy is a mix between Aeleus and Riku. He believes in fairness and hard work above all and he is so loyal to his friends it’s endearing.
5. Deuce, similar case as Jack.
6. Sebek, as much as I dislike him I have to admit that he would be worthy of a Keyblade. His loyalty to Malleus and to the cause he serves as his vassal grants him a spot even if he overreacts.
7. Ace, Riku 2.0 without the maturity.
8. Epel, his stubbornness and drive gets him a spot and he remains pretty chill too.
9. Lilia, an old Keyblade master. You can’t convince me otherwise.
10. Chenya, mischievous little cat man that tries to lighten the mood and tends to help people in his own peculiar way.
11. Neige, literally teen male version of Snow White.
While post-overblot Riddle, Jamil and maybe Vil can be worthy. Ortho doesn’t because he’s not exactly human ( Mickey counts as human despite his appearance) also because he can be a little sh-t (Ignihyde chapter).
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Good night !
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“Memories from before the war “
Lauriam, Elrena, Ludor and Dyem 7 days before the Keyblade War.
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aethergate · 1 year
🤡 - Sora 🎢 - Figment 🎨 - Marluxia 🌙 - Bendy ❣️ - Gaster 🍽️ - Pinocchio (LEAVE YOUR GRUEL ERA, MY SON)
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
I'd say a lot of the times he's like.. trying to avoid a topic and then Donald and Goofy call him out on it, even if it's something small. Like for example, sometimes he'll think about him and Kairi and Donald and Goofy will point it out and he'll get real embarrassed about it. I think anyone would be embarrassed about it, but like.. he doesn't really get embarrassed about much else? He kind of takes all his goofs in stride and fully embraces it rather then getting embarrassed.
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
Oh yeah, he LOVES amusement parks, a good bit why being that he y'know. Lives in one. But also he just loves seeing how much joy the thrill of it can generate. As for actually riding them he enjoys them just about as he enjoys anything else. Also journey into imagination sweep he stands his brand strongly.
🎨 - What’s their favorite color?
Not all that surprising, pink! Blue is a second, but not close. Everything else he feels pretty neutral about, except yellow. Fuck the color yellow.
🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like?
Awful. Literally the worst. Guy hardly sleeps ever because he gets awful, super vivid nightmares, and whenever he does sleep, he gets waken up by something as simple as someone walking past his door. He hardly ever sleeps just in general.
❣️ - What are their love languages?
That's a good question, actually... Physical Touch is a good one just because like. He kind of hates how he is physically.. and also he hasn't really felt proper touch in like, years. Many of them. Many. That and probably words of affirmation as well as quality time - honestly mostly anything that involves really assuring him that he's like.. here, with the person. His issues <3.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
HIS GRUEL!!! HE LIKES HIS GRUEL!!! But seriously I think he enjoys savory foods and then sweet, and like.... I don't know if he's branched out enough food wise to really have a favorite? He probably really likes pies, and he gets those with Snow, so there's that for currently speaking! A lot of the foods he probably branched out with and tried were on pleasure island so he can't really count anything there as a favorite even though he liked a lot of it.
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gsunny6 · 2 years
New list based off the new headcanons! Magic affinities and sources time, expect some babbling, to be added to as I come up with something that works and listed in no particular order.
Aqua: water and ice magic, sourced from magical bodies of water, with a particularly strong link to the many glacial and spring-fed lakes in the LoD. Was cut off when she fell to the RoD, and the realm consistently manipulated her until she re-established a link with its ocean.
Terra: earth and gravity (and dark) magic, sourced from the coniferous trees and mountains themselves. Aqua locking the LoD as Castle Oblivion prevented it from fully falling to darkness, helping maintain his link so that lingering will and his overshadowed heart could last over 10 years under siege.
Ventus: wind and light magic, his wind magic was and always will be sourced from convection the four winds, but even he’s not sure where the light magic is sourced from its Kingdom Hearts magic but shhhh. Thankfully wind magic is extremely adaptive and is users are extremely capable of reestablishing a link, and the only thing than can cut a link to Kingdom Hearts is Kingdom Hearts itself.
Lea: fire magic, originally drawn from radiant gardens young host star, although this connection was weakened when it fell, he managed to reestablish and similar link with twilight towns cooler and dimmer sun, and was ultimately able to stay relatively sane compared to the other apprentices do to being in the field often enough to do so.
Isa: no one (except Lea) is actually entirely sure what his magic affinity actually is, just that he’s linked to the moon and is very good at converting it to physical strength. However being cut off from the RGs moon and establishing a new link with the Xemnas extremely unstable fabricated Kingdom Hearts and eventually getting the Recusant’s etched onto his face likely significantly weakened his own emotional and mental stability. reestablishing a link with an actual moon with a stable and consistent cycle will be important for his recovery from going through the recompletion process twice.
Lauriam and strelitzia were both significantly connected to the plants that grew in Daybreak Town, as well as each other (as siblings tend to be) and they’re magic reflects this. They are both extremely valued for their skills at healing magic, but they’re plant-based offensive magic is not to be underestimated, especially in a team. Lauriam being is master of wrapping you in woody, hard to break vines and brambles, while Strelitzia sicks nettles and ivy and other poisonous plants on you. Loosing his sister, having his connection to daybreak town severed via time travel, and being somehow nobodied before he could reestablish link with a new world (because all worlds arose from Daybreak) likely drove him mad
Elrena as we know uses thunder magic, but thunder magic is actually produced by combining water and wind magic, one of many base affinity sets referred to as storm magic. Elrena was originally drawn from the winds and sea of daybreak town, and like Lauriam, was significantly damaged from having that link broken and losing their heart.
Magic scholars and non magic bearing physicists will likely tell you that electricity, gravity, and magnet are all fundamentally the same thing.
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xbrokenreflection · 2 years
Ryu’s Keyblade
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WELL, here’s a post I once thought I’d never make, but looking back at past threads I’ve done and stuff from Kingdom Hearts 3 has made me realize...
Ryu will eventually manifest a Keyblade of his own.
Soul Eater is already a proto-Keyblade, a weapon that is meant to shift and transform along with it’s wielder. For Riku, it became Way to the Dawn. 
But it would go a different way for Ryu. He embraces the dark, is content to walk the “twilit road” because he knows it is not inherently evil.
So his Soul Eater would transform into Nightfall:
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I based it’s appearance off of Soul Eater, the Keyblade of Heart, and Rejection of Fate... but it has a whole, complete heart in it’s design.
Just like Ryu.
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dawnled · 4 months
tag post #1 ( ooc tags ) !
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goldensunset · 4 months
daybreak town kids having weird biology is a very important headcanon to me. like in my mind i think all keyblade wielders are sort of like human but slightly to the left tbh. but i firmly believe that there was something in the water in daybreak town. like they can eat things that are now/elsewhere considered poisonous. those wings on that kid’s back are non-functional but absolutely real. yeah that guy lost a leg but a new one grew back don’t worry about it. yeah that girl has a dexterous tail. there was increased human biodiversity back in the age of fairy tales before the world fell apart do you get what i’m saying
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trashytoastboi · 2 months
🦅Dracule Mihawk Masterlist🦅
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🦅 Headcanons: Confessing to F! Crush who is afraid of love
🦅 Headcanons: Shanks, Mihawk x S/O Who cannot fight or handle weapons
🦅 Headcanons: Corazon, Zoro, Mihawk x Royal! Reader – Working as their bodyguard
🦅 Fluff Alphabet: I, F, C
🦅 Headcanons: Shanks, Benn, Mihawk x S/O Who tends to isolate themselves when they feel they’re becoming a burden
🦅 Headcanons: Benn, Crocodile, Mihawk x Warm-hearted F! S/O
🦅 Headcanons: Modern AU! Shanks, Benn, Mihawk 
🦅 Scenario: Fairy Tale AU! Mihawk x F! Reader
🦅 Headcanons: Mihawk, Marco – Random headcanons with F! S/O 
🦅 Scenario: Shanks and Mihawk with F! Crewmate – Competing for her attention
🦅 Scenario: Mihawk x F! S/O - #15. I can’t think straight with you
🦅 Headcanons: Doflamingo, Crocodile, Mihawk - #16. Don’t give me space, that’s the last thing I want from you. 
🦅 Short Scenario: Mihawk x F! S/O - #11. Making the other laugh
🦅 NSFW Headcanons: Ace, Zoro, Mihawk, Sabo, Law – Reacting to S/O being brought to tears of pleasure 
🦅 Headcanons: Mihawk, Smoker, Corazon (+ Child Law) and Katakuri – with F! Keyblade wielder
🦅 NSFW Headcanons: Benn, Law, Ace, Mihawk x Virgin! S/O 
🦅 Headcanons: Male! Keyblade Wielder! Training with Zoro under Mihawk, reuniting in Dressrosa and being invited to the crew by Luffy
🦅 NSFW Headcanons: Mihawk, Marco x Shy! S/O who has a size kink
🦅 NSFW Headcanons: Dom! Law, Dom! Mihawk, Dom! Katakuri x Sub! F! S/O – In subspace
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