#and so many others winnix fics
evidenceof · 5 months
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Winnix Country, I'll take you there.
Winnix fic recs finally! I clawed through pages 1-61 on AO3 and then scoured through Dreamwidth because I just need this ship injected into my brain.
Just so we're all aligned, I'm very much into "Classic" Winnix. And while generally I do still read AUs, much of what I keep close are the ones that are entrenched in, before, and after the war. Still enjoy a bit of the supernatural though. So please forgive the lack of non-WWII AUs. :') Ok onward.
Note: All links in blue are restricted to logged-in AO3 users! So hopefully you have an account so you can read some gold.
5+1 tag
The Way I Wear Your Hat by Muccamukk - I will consume anything Mucca writes and live in it for at least two weeks.
Let Me Be Close by armyofbees - So tooth achingly sweet, tender in post-war. Nix combing Dick's hair? I'm so.
I'm Alright Now You're Here by @stopstopstopit - A.k.a. Dick and Nix going, "Was I truly that blind???" about each other and everyone in Easy Company saying, "Yeah." So good, so, so fun. Giggled like a maniac all throughout.
Before the World Begins by rilla (@flomps)- The first time I read this, I cried. Then again the second, third, fourth, etc. Lew and Dick meet in NY before Benning, before everything, and it's under very different circumstances. I love the characterization of Nix and Dick in this so much and the gentleness in the midst of all the smut. A TALENT!
Lancaster County by rachelelpillo - Technically not pre-war because this is an AU where it happens without them. It's bittersweet, but emphasis on the sweet. Teenage Dick and Nix and a whole summertime of falling in love.
Bicostal by dancinguniverse - I am a sucker for anything that starts at OCS. I love this and the telegrams and letters tucked within it.
Bird Wedding by rachelelpillo - The way she writes anything really sounds like a summer day to me. This one is very understated and just wonderful if you want something that leaves you smiling. (Highly recommend you go through her work, last she posted was in 2010. :') )
And at Your Touch, I Burn by Muccamukk- CHRIST. A SICK!FIC. God I love this for so many reasons, one of them being just the incredible way Mucca describes the field exercise, the crawl and length of it. And Dick getting sick. Nix doing what he does. It's wonderful. It's perfect.
Vampire Overhead! by joissant - There's a little Vampire!Nix AU for you. In the midst of Bastogne and hunger, there is this and it's fucking fantastic.
love divine, all loves excelling by @flanneryoconnorfanfiction - The way my heart soared all throughout this fic. Religion, for many reasons is often the point of friction for Dick, and this one turns it over its head. It's reverent and (so) joyful and honestly, probably what God should feel like. There are not enough kudos-es in the world.
Head Trip by @ezlebe - Two lines from this fic ring in my head daily, that's how much I loved every bit of it. And I mean who isn't a sucker for Operation Varsity-adjacent fics? Harry's in this so it's automatically just extra wonderful for me. I LOVE!! I absolutely love.
Like a Bird on the Wire by semperama - Them coming home without an established relationship is always a trope enjoy. Blanche Nixon is here being cheeky, and Dick is all smiley, Lewis is stressed the fuck out. It all makes for a wonderful get-together.
More than a Team by @mercurygray - I love reading about Ann Winters and I love seeing Nix and Dick navigate those familial relationships after the war. This is short and so, so sweet. Every bit as wonderful as the ice cream.
thyme and rosemary by @oatflatwhite - Yet another one where Ann Winters makes a wonderful cameo. Dick is trying not to be miserable and he keeps writing all these unsent letters to Lew. Featuring the cutest kitten ever.
What Things We Have Heard Together by joissant (4 works) - Quite possibly required reading for Winnix enthusiasts. Feels like such a gift to be able to thread through so many points in their relationship and everyone else tangled in their orbit.
Winnix from the POV of other people Oh my god I love outsiders-looking in fics of the two of them.
Transcript by Corvid Cordelia - LISTEN. If you love Easy Company, you love Winnix, Webgott, Spierton, etc, they're all here. It's such a treat for people who fell in love with everyone's personalities in BoB.
Women in Conversation by shiveringpinkala - Ann Winters tries to surprise her brother and it doesn't go quite as planned. Blanche is in this too so it makes it extra delightful. Love this fic.
Entendre by @thrillingdetectivetales - Harry Welsh has no fucking clue what Buck Compton is implying about Winters and Nixon but he's gonna find out. Again, I love Harry Welsh with all of me.
A special mention to String Quartet No. 14 by @oatflatwhite for a HS AU that had me kicking my feet and smiling all the way to the very last word.
If you have similar favorites, PLEASE LET'S TALK ABOUT THEM. There's still a lot I'd like to re-read and revisit so this will highly likely be updated in the future. I'd love to hear your favorites too. <3
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newcathedrals · 6 months
can i ask you a dumb question how do you classify a 'classic' winnix fic i am so curious
I am so glad someone asked! I am so passionate about the “classic” style of winnix. “Classic” doesn’t refer to when the fic was written (it doesn’t matter if it’s old or not) or its popularity (it doesn’t have to be super popular). It's not a super common term or anything, but I found a pattern in many winnix fics bc I read so much and started thinking of these elements as part of a "genre."
Here are the musts of a “classic winnix” fic:
Not an AU. events line up closely to the progression of the events in the series, no huge divergences. diehard writers even line events up with the real Dick Winter’s book/other Band of Brothers books
If the plot includes time immediately post-war, it often takes place in NJ and involves Dick working at Nixon Nitration
Kathy, Nix’s sister, Nix’s father, and Dick’s family members are part of the plot if there’s any post-war plot
Lewis’s alcoholism is an issue in the plot and in Dick and Nix’s relationship. Nix struggles with some sort of mental health issue: alcoholism, depression, self-worth issues, etc
Nix and Dick both have issues related to their sexuality because of the homophobia of the period. Even if one or both of them have fully accepted themselves, this was a process they had to go through. Almost always, Dick has spiritually reconciled his sexual attraction with his Christianity. Internalized homophobia and societal homophobia are issues that they have to face. 
There are other elements that are definitely not “required” but are super common in the “classic” winnix fic style. Most of the classic style fics will have a few of these elements:
Depending how long the post-war plot of the fic is, Dick and Nix almost always end up farming in the end. Chicken farming, grain farming, and producing animal feed are popular choices. If they end up farming, they always end up in rural Pennsylvania 
Stanhope Nixon is an antagonist and blocks Dick and Nix’s ultimate goals of happiness and peace. He’s an alcoholic, and “gave” Nix the disease through childhood trauma, or even just genetics
Nix struggles to be a father to his daughter, and struggles with this issue. 
Harry and Kitty are Nix and Dick’s closest friends that remain from their time in the war. They’re not explicitly homophobic and accept Dick and Lew as a couple (especially if they’re not outwardly affectionate in front of Kitty and Harry)
Lewis often does not feel deserving of Dick and struggles to accept Dick’s love. Sometimes he thinks that Dick should move on from him and marry a woman, and that he stands in the way of Dick’s “true” happiness and progress in life. Dick has to convince Nix that he’s the one for him, and that making a life with Lewis would make him happiest. 
Bastogne foxhole activities (iykyk)
Some writers pay attention to the speech patterns and slang of the time, and incorporate 1940s language into their writing 
I never get enough of this style! Even though the fics within this “genre” have so many similarities with each other, each writer also brings something new to the style and plot. The longer fics within the classic style also feel the most reminiscent of published novels. Maybe I’ll make a list of my favorites in the classic style (although many are in both of my winnix fic rec posts). The peak of classic winnix is the “What Things We Have Heard Together” series by joissant in my opinion. Some other greats are Fiorediloto’s "The Earth Below My Feet" series and the shorter “Give Me Light, Give Me Life” by an orphan account. But I also find more fics that fit into the "classic" style every day!
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gorgeousundertow · 3 months
for the hbowar ask game, a, f, i, l, o, v, w (unrelated to the ask game: xoxoxoxo)
a. okay he's not underrated because I think people definitely like him but here's the thing I would smash Patterson like a hammer
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f. ranking the shows oh no i'm so sorry everyone but i did not like...
4. The Pacific. I'm just being honest right now. I liked certain parts and certain characters A LOT but it all felt too disjointed and there were too many through lines and it was (this sounds bad bc war and trauma and tragedy but hey I watch tv for entertainment) depressing. I didn't like a war show bc war is depressing, I know how ridiculous that sound.
3. Masters of the Air. Not anywhere near as depressing, but much more disjointed. I couldn't track or find a connection with most of the characters. It felt like too much telling and not enough showing about what I should care about and I want to seeeeee these things.
2. Generation Kill is probably my second-favorite, but I think about it all the time (and by all the time I really do literally mean all. the. time.) so I have to wonder if that's inaccurate? But you guys. It's so fucking good don't take this slight rank of #2 to mean anything besides it's so fucking good and I love it.
Band of Brothers, because it was my first love. Because winnix. Because gorgeous cinematography. Because Liebgott's jugular. Because "Doing fine, Bill, thanks for asking." Because Dick Winters shaving. Because Nixon's suspenders. Because F Company got lost again. Because Joe Toye's brass knuckles.
i. wheeee the fun one!
@ep6bastogne Babe. But not just sweet thoughtful funny Babe although yes that but also sobbing for Julian Babe devastated eyes meeting Gene's in Hagenau Babe.
@screwby Ray ur just Ray-Ray. A sweet chaotic gremlin of such a good and emotionally available friend who is also more down to talk dick than anybody I know.
@lamialamia You give me Snafu vibes but hear me out. It's not tossing rocks in brain puddles Snaf, but Peer Into My Eyes to Check for Disease But Also For the Flirt Snaf.
@blood-mocha-latte I don't know you as well but you started this whole thing and should get as much Being Perceived as you deserve for all that effort. You've got the Very Excited and Delighted attitude of Luz Talking Through The Movie, but also Snug as a Bug nurturing Luz. I'm not even saying this because of Luztoye week, this is just what I'm getting.
l. hbowar does seem a lot less hectic. I've never really participated in other fandoms, but I've lurked around the edges of Good Omens and BBC Sherlock and. well.
o. okay i'm bout to get slapped but. i don't really get luztoye. Obviously I was there for "Just give me a goddamn drink" and several other key scenes but...I don't know!!! Obviously the textual clues are there and they are not subtle, I just don't quite get how the two personalities mesh. Excited to read more fics until I do get it *hides*
v. snippet:
“Nate’s already made contact,” Ray argued. “Go on, homes, bring her a drink, make small talk, compliment her shoes. Whatever, dude. See what you can get out of her.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Brad said.
Nate frowned. “You don’t think she’d be interested?”
Brad looked over to where Lara stood sipping her wine and pretending she wasn’t watching Nate’s every move. “I didn’t say that.”
Ray barked out a laugh. “Dude, I was listening in. She wants your tongue in her mouth, like, yesterday.”
Nate grinned widely and turned to make his way back over to Lara. Brad thought it would probably feel really good to punch something. 
“You okay there, Big Gay Brad?”
“Shut up, Ray.”
“Don’t worry, he can’t hear us. This is a special private channel just for you and me. You know, you could just tell him. You could walk right up to him and say, ‘Nate, your soulful green eyes and air of heroic tragedy give me a hard on like I’m a thirteen-year-old boy watching his cousin bounce naked on a trampoline. I want to suck all your pain and suffering right out through your dickhole.’”
w. What hbowar url I should have instead of my Fully Unrelated and Inscrutable url is an excellent question! Problem is Lenora/@screwby already stole the best one.
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ronsenthal · 8 months
🪖 HBOWAR Fandom Q/A 🪖
Thanks @sharkboyandlavalieb, @ronald-speirs and @footprintsinthesxnd for the tags!!
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Name/ Alias:
Jess / Jeska / whatever you want really I just don't like my full name
Brazil, zil, zil
Which of the series have you seen - BOB, P, GK, MOTA:
All of them!!! BoB is a long term relatioship while I finished both TP and GK last year and I'm really looking forward to more MoTA
Use an emoji or ONE word to describe your favourite character in an hbowar miniseries:
Ultimate ship (if any):
Has to be winnix
Favourite fic (yes I made this q&a just to get fic recs):
SHIIIIT I have tons of fav fics and I list all of them on my #fic recs but I'll list some of the ones I'm always re-reading x Better This Way series by @blurredcolour x Kinky Ron Series: Part 1 and 2 by @@footprintsinthesxnd x In The Bleak Mid-winter by @blurredcolour x He definitely doesn’t hate me by @brassknucklespeirs x Meine Liebe by @mads-nixon x Ares and Athena and the prequels Evaded by Hypnos by @softguarnere x Guiding Light by @holdingforgeneralhugs
What are some ways you interact in the fandom?:
I'm a all-in-one mess because I reblog stuff, create some content like fics, gifs and edits and I try to spread positiviy and love around like giving feedback and sending random love to my mutuals
Favourite colour:
Always changing but somehow blue always comes back to me (rn it's green)
Current favourite song:
I would say Common People by Pulp because it's always blasting on my headphones lately
What would you say if I held up a can of peaches?:
I would stare you down with my amazing thick eyebrows and tell you It's a can of peaches, sir
Complete this sentence: “Where the hell is ___ company?!”
Other accounts or socials?:
Only this one here but if anyone want my other socials just send me a message
List one other fandom member (mutual or a follower you admire) for some appreciation:
I'll tag more than one because I can't just pick one right? - @ronald-speirs my partner in crime and the other half of ron's last brain cell, really awesome, sweet and precious - @ewipandora my love, my Lew and the one who is contantly making me smile and deserves the world!!! - @easycompanys talented, sweet and lovely, we exchange so many ideas and tips for creations I love our mutual admiration society - @basilone another fellow creator that I admire so much and I'm so happy to exchange ideas, feedback and tips here and there - @sweetxvanixlla my schatzi, truly one of the sweetest and most special souls you'll ever find, her talent and sensibility it's insane - @mutantmanifesto the talent is insane and matches the sweet and precious personality, love everytime we have our convos
no pressure!!! @blurredcolour @ewipandora @easycompanys @mutantmanifesto @panzershrike-pretz @georgieluz and everyone else who wants to :)
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footprintsinthesxnd · 8 months
Tagged by: Thanks for the tag @sharkboyandlavalieb
Name / Alias: Jess or Jessie
Country: England
Which of the series have you seen - BOB, P, GK, MOTA:
All of them. Very excited for the rest of Masters of the Air
Use an emoji or ONE word to describe your favourite character in an hbowar miniseries:
BoB: ✂️
Pacific: 🐶
GenKill: 🎶
MOTA: ✉️
Ultimate ship (if any): I’ve gotta go for Winnix. They’re my original boys although Buck and Bucky are a close second.
Favourite fic: I can’t pick one so I’m gonna list a few
- ‘Epiphany’ series by @mads-nixon it’s a series between Lewis Nixon x Y/n and please get your tissues ready before reading it because Mads has broken me many times.
- ‘Come Away With Me’ by @malarkgirlypop. Kate knows i have a ridiculous obsession with Gene Roe and she fed that obsession.
- ‘This is for You’ by @malarkgirlypop because there is not enough Webster fics out there and this one absolutely made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
- ‘Change Partners’ by @ronsparky. We get Speirs dancing, what more could a girl want.
- ‘Doing Alright’ by @holdingforgeneralhugs. I love this fic so much and I’ve read it so many times. We love Lew and a cute dog.
- ‘You Matter Too’ by @softguarnere this is very fluffy, lovely Lipton fic. Another one that I’ve read multiple times.
There are so many fics that I love so I could list way more too 😂
What are some ways you interact in the fandom?:
I make fics and moodboards so I mainly interact with people through comments and reblogs through that. I also interact with others in their own comment sections of other users fics and art etc. And also through hbowar discord chats.
Favourite colour: Blue
Current favourite song: Does the Masters of the Air theme song count because that has been on loop 😂 I’m very obsessed with the ‘D-Day Darlings album at the moment and my favourite song is ‘Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer’
What would you say if I held up a can of peaches?:
It’s a can of peaches, Sir!
Complete this sentence: "Where the hell is __ company?!"
Other accounts or socials?:
This is my main account which was originally multifandom but let’s be honest it’s HBOwar now 😂
My only other account is my Top Gun account which I’m trying to be more active on @callsignspitfire
List one other fandom member (mutual or a follower you admire) for some appreciation:
@major-mads for being the best collab buddy and putting up with my ramblings about Gale Cleven. I can’t tell you home much our collab means to me Mads and I love our OCs so so much. I feel like they are canon at this point 😂 she’s the Bucky to my Buck
Tags: @major-mads @malarkgirlypop @georgieluz @ronsparky @samwinchesterslostshoe @liebgottsjumpwings @l13bg0tt @bucky32557038ww2 @hesbuckcompton-baby @iceman-kazansky @coco-bean-1218
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latibvles · 2 months
Sending something for your weekend yapping 😉 For When Does A War End, what has been your favorite relationship to write? And were there any surprises in a ship that you didn't quite see coming?
[WDAWE : DIRECTOR'S CUT] — Hi Killy!! This is a fun question <3 No clue if it’s a cop out, but my favorite relationships to write have been the ones between the girls themselves. When I was transferring everything to AO3, I was actually quite surprised at how many of them lacked a “main ship” (with a few exceptions, of course) but I was actually quite happy with it!
I think I enjoy it so much, because there’s something small that connects each member of the crew to one another. I could break all of them down but that’s an essay in its own right (so please, take this as an invitation to ask me about any specific crewmate/crewmate dynamic. I’ve thought about it). As an example I’ll just state how Inez and Jo are both middle children, and this has led to them feeling somewhat invisible at home — and this aspect of their lives is specific to their dynamic and how they interact. Another one I’ve talked about a little is June and Viv’s explosive anger — how they both understand that natural instinct to bite at what harms you.
It’s little things like that, that I felt really breathed life into the dynamics themselves. It really helped me write Points on a Map, because I knew why certain people would be grouped together, or interacting in certain ways. It even boils all the way down to who, in their narration, calls Viv and Willie “Viv and Willie” or “Savorre and Neumann.” I am also a big fan of female friendship in fic, and it’s one of my favorite things to write. I think one of the biggest compliments I got was being told Willie & Viv did read like Winnix or Clegan: two opposing personalities that just jive together; which sparked a lot of joy, because it was what I’d been aiming for.
The ship that snuck up on me, without a doubt, was Inez and Alex. I knew that Inez was one of the ones struggling quite a bit after the war — that her story doesn’t end when she goes home. I knew I wanted some “clouded vision” foreshadowing through her cracked glasses in the Stalag. I didn’t know how quickly I’d become obsessed with Alex and Inez and “maybe we didn’t fall in love during the war, but we’re falling in love now.” June & Benny were actually the first ship I wrote (so I knew about them from the jump), and then it was Willie/Brady, Viv/Bucky, Jo/Rosie. Inez and Alex pretty much completely snuck up on me, because I just… really enjoyed that visual of them always next to each other. The mapmakers. Of course they’d find each other at the end. And I got one of my most cinematic pieces out of their little post-war romance, so there were wins all around on that front.
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pfctipper · 3 months
14 and 23
ah thank you for asking! <3
14 that one thing you see in fics all the time
ah there's so many fun things that get borrowed from the show and pop up in so many fics! 'going my way', paris being a key Winnix event, luz being luz. i will never get sick of any of them
however i do read mostly mature/explicit fic and one thing i see a lot is just... unrealistic sex for two men who haven't washed in weeks in a freezing foxhole in the middle of wwii. which is not a slight but just throws me off a bit!
23 ship you've unwillingly come around to
not so much unwillingly but i didn't really consider luztoye or toye/malark and then after a while of seeing other people write/ship them i was like hmm. i can see the vision.
(oh and not unwillingly so much as blindsided, but malark/paddy mayne from sas rogue heroes lives rent free in my mind now after that series by @bobparkhurst)
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grumpy-liebgott · 8 months
HBOWar Fandom Q/A
Thank you for the tag @sharkboyandlavalieb <33
Name/Alias: Zowie
Country: I'm not comfortable with sharing that, but I can say that I'm from Asia
Which of the series have you seen - BOB, P, GK, MOTA:
I've watched Band of Brothers a few times, The Pacific once (but I'm going to rewatch it soon), and currently watching Generation Kill!
Use an emoji or ONE word to describe your favourite character in an hbowar miniseries: 🍫 and 📻 (that's two characters btw)
Ultimate ship (if any): webgott andddddd winnix
Favourite fic:
make it up as we go along by Anonymous
I read this fic when I just got into BoB, and it's SO GOOD.
What are some ways you interact in the fandom: I like, comment and reblog other people's posts, creations and fics. I wanna write but I'm lazy and afraid to start.
Favourite colour: blue!
Current favourite song: there's so many, but I'm gonna say Sparks by Coldplay, and Do Me a Favour by Arctic Monkeys.
What would you say if I held up a can of peaches?: "It's a can of peaches, sir"
Complete this sentence: "Where the hell is ___ company?!" FOX
Other accounts or socials?: I don't have any
List one other fandom member (mutual or follower you admire) for some appreciation: @blood-mocha-latte just because I absolutely ADORE her works (fics and edits)
@mutantmanifesto for her beautiful and amazing art
@staud because I love love love her edits
Tags: @blueberry-ovaries @whollyjoly @panzershrike-pretz @cajunmerriell @mutantmanifesto @blood-mocha-latte @staud and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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oatflatwhite · 5 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @redbelles @clusterbuck and @buckactuallys <3
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
119 lmao
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
um like so many lol. lately it's been masters of the air but my other two big/consistent ones are band of brothers and 9-1-1
4. top five fics by kudos
no morning fears, no mountains to climb (911)
the handyman can ('cause he fixes it with love) (911)
'cause i like the sense of falling (she-ra)
how to peel oranges (911)
75 best knitting puns that will have you hooked (911)
5. do you respond to comments?
yes i try to!! the only ones i don't really respond to are where the comment is just like. an emoji lol.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
well my ongoing series what took you so long? is all pretty fucking angsty right now lol
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
soooo many. love a happy ending. my cheesiest stuff is probably the fic i put together from a bunch of buddie kiss prompts a couple years ago, to keep still holy (your kiss upon my mouth)
8. do you get hate on fics?
no, but then again my fics are locked to registered users only, so
9. do you write smut?
occasionally! don't know how good i am at it but i try
10. craziest crossover:
nothing much really on my ao3 lmao. have some old stuff back in the ff.net days lol. actually i just looked the only crossover i really have published is a baberoe high school au (The Art of Perseverance) with band of brothers and the pacific characters. which isn't that crazy lol.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
um, kinda. there was a shadowhunters one that was really similar to one i had published but i worked it out with the author lol
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah a couple! it's a very humbling feeling
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no. in high school i wrote a hunger games oc fic with my friend's oc and we planned out all the characters/deaths together but i wrote it solo after that lol. she clocked in at almost 40k woof
14. all time favorite ship?
i can't read suddenly.gif < stealing that from meg lmao!!!!! it's probably winnix though. baberoe and clegan my beloveds too. and god. theonsa. *drowns myself*
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
To the Harbormaster... girl i'm so sorry
16. what are your writing strengths?
description and characterisation 100%. i think my dialogue is pretty good too
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
lmao same meg, plot. i'm trying to write an original work for uni and it's goddamn struggle street let me tell
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
listen yeah i've done it. i would do it differently now than i did when i was 17 lol. i think yeah prev if you're a native speaker or know someone who is who can go over it for you... then sure. but also, you can just work around it by saying "he said in french" or whatever. nora sakavic does it all the time
19. first fandom you wrote in?
DELTORA QUEST! lief/jasmine babes <3
20. favorite fic you've written?
hm. i like a lot of the hbo war stuff i've written but i think this has to go to my heartstopper uni nick fic go ask for joy division. it took so much out of me. there is so much of me in that fic. fuck. also same kind of goes for my steddie/ronance future fic my future's in hand. i feel like i write best when it flays me open inside <3
i'm not sure who hasn't been tagged! but ping @ww2yaoi @raylangivins @anachilles @rosiethals and @newcathedrals if you guys want <3
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lewis-winters · 7 months
22, 25, and 40 for Winnix? - Nathan
22. What reminds each of their partner?
Nix sees anything or anyone ginger and he's like a puppy like Oh!! Dick!! Richard!! I must tell my favorite red head that I saw another red head today!! be it a fox or a red panda or somebody else or, hell, Nix will be reading Anne of Green Gables and calling Dick carrots for weeks because he thinks he's funny. And also ice cream. He'll see an ice cream shop and wonder if maybe they'll let him buy a pint and some ice so he can bring it home to Dick. Sometimes, he'll hear a joke that's just the right amount of dry that he'll remember Dick instantly, and vow to tell him, because maybe he'd get a good laugh out of it.
Dick, on the other hand, has a myriad of things that remind him of Lew. Chocolate, because it's the color of Lew's eyes. A tie in a particular material, because Lew loves the texture. This particular color, because that's the most prevalent color in Lew's wardrobe. This song, because every time it came on the radio, Lew would turn the volume up and listen to it all the way through. He hums it sometimes. The cold, because it reminds him of their time in Bastogne. The smell of whiskey. The smell of nicotine. So many things!
25. Do they have any hobbies they share?
Hmmmm... I dunno, ya know? They're the kind of couple to value their alone time away from each other? It's my headcanon that Lew went back into model ship building as a hobby, that later turned into miniature making/tiny doll making. Dick thinks this hobby is adorable, but I don't think he himself participates in it.
Similarly, Dick, in my mind, has old man hobbies. He fishes. He bird watches. He would be the kind to whittle, but maybe not as much, since he does a lot of repairs around their farm house so I think he'd look at any kind of wordworking as more an extension of his typical job than a relaxing hobby. I do think, at one point, he learns how to knit! He's not good at it, but Lew wears his shoddy creations anyway.
40. Who has an insatiable appetite? And what does the other do to help?
They're BOTH absolutely insatiable. Dick, with his all American, Central Pennsylvanian stomach that loves anything dairy or fried in pork fat; and Lew, who grew up eating gormand and the finest dishes his family private chef has to offer? Please, they're growing boys. They must eat!
But neither of them know how to cook, so there WAS a period in time where they just ate out a lot. But after leaving New Jersey for the farmhouse, they had less options to eat out and had to learn to fend for themselves. Author BristlingBassoon in one of their fics on ao3 (oh please read their fics, guys, they're so good) has this really sweet image of Dick collecting sears catalogues and trying out the recipes there. I think he'd do that, then Lew would be interested in it too and start trying the recipes on the back of boxes and cans?
Oh, look at that, I just answered the last question. Cooking. I think they both take up cooking as a hobby together.
Obligatory OTP Asks
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jump-wings · 8 months
Thank you very much for tagging me @ronald-speirs
Thank you to for tagging me ıt was fun to do
Name/ Alias:
Lexie ‘Lex’
France (but currently in Greece)
Which of the series have you seen - BOB, TP, GK, MOTA:
First I watched TP and  two year after BOB, now waiting for MOTA every friday!
Use an emoji or ONE word to describe your favourite character in an hbowar miniseries:
Ultimate ship (if any):
Winnix. They are meant for each other :)
Favourite fic (yes I made this q&a just to get fic recs):
Actually I don’t read so many fics. There are many talented and creative fic writers.
What are some ways you interact in the fandom?:
Reblog on Tumblr, I joined several Discord Servers, admire stuff others created for fandom, write couple of fanfics and create couple of OC.
Favourite colour:
Yellow and dark blue
Current favourite song:
While searching for a writing idea I found that song  
Lucienne Boyer - Parlez-Moi D'Amour (1930)
What would you say if I held up a can of peaches?:
Probably trying to hide my smile before my CO see it.
Complete this sentence: “Where the hell is ___ company?!”
Fox is the correct answer. But I want to add ‘’EASY COMPANY (FOR JUST ME)’’ :)
Other accounts or socials?:
My main blog is jump-wings on Tumblr. I also use Pinterest.
List one other fandom member (mutual or a follower you admire) for some appreciation:
I am really lucky that this fandom is first fandom I joined and I met so many nice and sweet people. Unfortunately I am extremely shy person I couldn’t interact with others much but I love my mutuals!
Tagging: (No pressure!) @saturnwisteria @theflyingfin @thoughts-of-caly @1waveshortofashipwreck @the-cinnamontography-is-amazing
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whollyjoly · 10 months
For the ask game: 1, 9, 10 and 21, please??
May the Lads stay with ya >:]
ZIM ZAM my dear!
1 - what is your fav part about being in the fandom?
i answered this in a long and rambley and sappy way here, sorry its so long but im feeling WAYS about THINGS okay 😅
9 - a ship that you can't get enough of?
FUCK that is!! so hard!! but im gonna have to go for two because i honestly cant choose
Winnix the og bob ship for me. married behavior. i asked my bf who he thinks people ship from bob and this was literally the first thing out of his mouth with the words "well, obviously". like the absolute goddamn devotion to literally follow each other across multiple oceans if the other asked?? we'll go to chicago i'll take you there?? goin my way?? ron damian tom decisions were made and i just want to talk
Baberoe this ship absolutely has a stranglehold on me. i remember rewatching bastogne for the first time after a few years and was like...wait a second...this is so soft?? its the gazes and the yearning and the caretaking (babe making sure doc eats, doc searching for babe just to give him some chocolate after julian and the soft way he says perfect when babe eats some) and they make my heart MELT. im pretty sure most of my wips are baberoe related and i am not in the least ashamed
10 - an oc that you can't get enough of?
...okay so this is where i admit that i havent been as good as i should be about reading everyones ocs?? oc fic is super new to me, so ive been trying my best!! but i did just start reading @coco-bean-1218's series with claire and i am loving it so far!!
21 - what quote from the show you find yourself quoting in real life all the time?
ohhhhh so many?? but i do find myself saying "shoulda been born earlier nix" a lot if im feeling particularly Done With Shit, and every time my computer is being slow i'll say "what is the godDAMN HOLDUP" 🤣
thank YOU my dear sister web for stopping by!! zim zam, and let the lads look favorably upon you!!
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newcathedrals · 8 months
my favorite long winnix fics
As a Band of Brothers fan for 7+ years, I've read ALL of these at least two or three times. If I made a list of my favorite 20 fics from any fandom, all of these would be included. This list is not in a particular order, and I added one honorable mention because I don't think it counts as "long" but it's one of the best!
Post-War Dreaming by Muccamukk: 45k, series. Dick struggles to readjust to civilian life, and Nix decides to help him open a chicken hatchery to get him back on his feet. They were in a relationship during the war in this one, then broke up, and then got back together post-war. tw for depression, alcoholism (but not intense), and obviously period-typical homophobia. I love so many scenes in this series, and it's a softer version of Nix that is not quite his personality in some of the other fics on this list, which I love (I also love super intense Nix).
The Earth Below My Feet by fiorediloto: 175.7k, series. follows Dick and Nix through the entire war. Their relationship is definitely complicated here, especially at the beginning, but that's a core reason as to why I love it so much. Incredibly detailed. tw for a LOT of period-typical homophobia and pretty extreme alcoholism.
What things we have heard together by jouissant: 115.3k, series. I'm not picking favorites, but if I could only read one fanfic for the rest of my life (from any fandom) I'd choose this series. Like many great works of art, this series reframed how I think about love itself. If you read one Band of Brothers fic and no others, I'd recommend this series. tw for serious alcoholism
The Two-Body Problem by dancinguniverse: 32.6k. The only modern AU fic on this list, but that's because its the best. Nix is a astronomy researcher in Chicago, Dick is his best friend, etc. I love space/space-related fiction, so this is definitely one of my favorites of all time.
Honorable mention:
Give me light, give me life by an orphan account :(: 16.3k, so it really shouldn't be on a list of long fics, but. It includes my favorite QUOTE from any fic ever, and you'll know it when you see it (hint: a time, not a place). I've always wondered why this fic was orphaned, but I'm just so thankful that the author didn't delete it outright. when I make a list of short winnix fics, I'll probably include this one as well just because I love it so much. tw for PTSD and alcohol.
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gorgeousundertow · 7 months
Tagged by @lamialamia
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
423,658. Hoo boy.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fundamentally People (Good Omens (TV) Kudos: 782 
The Most Dangerous Thing is to Love (Sherlock (TV) Kudos: 283 
S2.7: 49:07: A De-Montage (Bridgerton (TV) Kudos: 279 
The Opposite of Undercurrent (Sherlock (TV) Kudos: 275 
The Force of The Interaction (Sherlock (TV) Kudos: 238 
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes and sometimes almost immediately after I get them and frequently I stop and reread them and read them aloud and tell everyone they were the best part of my day.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I write exclusively happy endings, because I have a pathlogical need for a happy ending, and every fic I've written happened because I wanted it to exist so I could read it. That said, maybe From This Day To The Ending of The World? Because...it's still a little complicated? (Not really though, it's still A Happy Ending TM)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Uh. They're all really happy. But I think Fundamentally People was the sweetest.
Do you write crossovers?
Haven't yet!
Have you received hate on a fic?
No, never have (thank heavens)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ohhhhh yes. Looking at my fandoms, it's often the "oh no, what's happening I seem to be very attracted to you, what can that possibly mean? NOTHING AT ALL CLEARLY except we should do that more but never ever talk about and certainly not talk about FEELINGS." Sometimes it's that. Sometimes it's "ohholygodwecanbonebecauseyoulovemetoowhew." One time it was "We are in love and married but Victorian Repression so we don't quuiiiiiite know how to do sex?"
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Or they're in process, anyway...
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No! It would be very fun to try, though!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Johnlock Winnix Ineffable Husbands Brad/Nate Why would you ask someone to choose between their best beloveds?
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I'm pretty good about finishing, actually. I have some ideas kicking around that I might never get to, but I don't have anything I've genuinely started that I've left undone.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm very good at dialogue, and decent at pacing (current fic-in-progress notwithstanding grrr). I think I capture voice pretty well.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not always great at setting a scene. I tend to rush through, and I feel like I'm capable of quite lovely writing, but I'm impatient and skip over it. I'm not always great about plotting - I long to write something heavily plotted and gripping, and then I'm like...crickets.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Whelp, as somebody with one (1) language skill, I'm not great at it. On occasion, I've needed to use another language--Russian and German have come up recently, I've called upon Good Old Google Translate which is obviously not ideal, but I checked in with a couple of friends when I wasn't sure it was correct. One time I intentionally used Bad French (it was for Aziraphale, who is supposed to be bad at French, and a French-speaking reader was very upset. I explained why I did it, and it was fine, but it was pretty funny).
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
My very first fanfic was for Twelfth Night because I am a Giant Nerd.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I'm in the midst of a Gen Kill fic, so that's on its way. I want to write IronStrange! And Webgott!
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I'm very proud of From This Day To The Ending of The World. It was a new form of storytelling that I'd always wanted to try, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I'm also really pleased with The Most Dangerous Thing is to Love because it did exactly what I wanted it to do (i.e., it was the fic I wanted to read).
Wheeee tagging @jenkil @latibvles @basilone and anyone else who feels like it!
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disastrouscanasta · 5 months
Sleepover weekend - Top 5 hbo war & mota ships. And what you love about each one.
top… five?? that’s gonna be difficult but here goes nothing
#5 - clegan
okay. okay. i have many thoughts concerning them. they’re tragic but in a much different way to most hbowar ships, and that’s because of gale’s love for marge. their whole dynamic is complicated, while also being simply a love story, and i like that about them. i would read a 100k relationship study fic, so if anyone’s got one, let me know
#4 - sledgefu
unfortunately i haven’t read much, and i haven’t written any sledgefu, but DAMN, that’s one hell of a dynamic. but I like the development of their relationship from the start to, well, the end
#3 - speirton
sometimes i’m in the mood for freak4freak
#2 - webgott
i thought that webgott in my #2 ships ranking was going to be a temporary thing but alas. i love their back and forth. i am a dynamics guy. immovable object vs unstoppable force ass mfs
#1 - luztoye
they are everything to me. luztoye is the only major BoB ship that doesn’t make it through the war together, they’re also the only ones aside from winnix who could have plausibly been an item before D-Day and before their deployment. this is Important to me because of the implications. not only did luz and toye seek each other out before the Horrors, but they have to seek each other out after the Horrors. it’s about the wanting and the persistence and doing it for the sake of their connection and for nothing else
anywho, thanks for the ask :)
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youcalledmebabe · 4 months
3,8,11,14,15 for the writer asks :)
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Friends to lovers for sure! I need my characters to have a strong friendship before things get romantic. I also love to include pop culture of the era—movies, music, celebrities, books. It’s fun to use what I already know (I’m a huuuge pop culture buff) and to do more research. I finally got to name drop JFK in an upcoming fic and it’s very exciting to me and me alone.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
This was so fun to think about. So many! I’ve been thinking about cruel summer and webgott. A sexy but seemingly doomed summer romance where you fall in love even though you’re not supposed to? Is that not what happened to webgott in Austria (in the hearts and minds of me and the other citizens of webgott nation?) I’d also love to read a moon song inspired webgott fic. where are my fellow infidelity fans at
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
I guess I’m pretty partial to webgott and baberoe for reading and writing! I enjoy reading and writing from both perspectives of each ship. I like the friction in webgott’s dynamic; all the reasons why it doesn’t work on paper and yet still does. My ex and I also had the same age gap as them… but we don’t have time to unpack all of that. I like baberoe because I like friends to lovers and tenderness with some religious themes thrown in. I read a little bit of winnix and luztoye. Interestingly I’m much more partial to Nix POV in winnix fics and I’m not sure why. I think I find him more compelling than Dick. I like the luztoye themes of figuring out how to move forward together (and separately) after a major trauma.
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
This just happened to me! I’m really uninterested in like alpha/omega stuff. Not my thing at all. But one of my favorite authors wrote a webgott fic (everybody wants to rule the world) where there was some of that dynamic and it was the only one I hadn’t read. Her interpretation of webgott is like god-tier basically canon to me and so I was like okay sure why not. I gave it a chance and it was really good! I’m eagerly awaiting an update. But I don’t think I’d read that trope by anybody else haha.
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
I’m working on a grey’s anatomy inspired baberoe AU so that by default! But I have a soft spot for the Anastasia webgott AU… and trust me it will be coming.
Thanks for the ask!!
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