#and stalk r/relationshipadvice
talesfrommedinastation · 10 months
OC Prompt: r/amitheasshole
I saw this the other day, and while I can't find the original prompt, I had so much fun writing this from Sjael's Drummer's perspective! I love Reddit, lol
Taken from this chapter from Far Past the Ring:
AITA for being scientifically accurate?
I’m (F27) a postdoctoral scholar in chemical engineering, and am currently conducting research in the field. I’m looking at new places for potential colonization, as well as trying to figure out if this soil is garbage or not (hint, it’s not great, not bad). 
While I’ve been conducting research, I’ve been sort of seeing this guy (M,30’s? He hasn’t exactly stated). Let’s call him ‘Ryan’, because he looks like his name would be Ryan and he’d work in accounting, trust me on this one. 
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(Look at that man and tell me he doesn't look like he'd get excited over an audit. TELL ME.)
He’s camping with his family (M 30’s, M 30’s, and F13, all his siblings) nearby. Ryan is awesome–just amazing. I’ve never met anyone as wonderful as him before. He’s so smart, honest, devoted to his family, and a great listener. The man knows everything about machines and computers, but if you’re confused about something, he doesn’t treat you like an idiot. If my papa was alive, he’d be all over Ryan like white on rice. 
So, Ryan and I hooked up for the first time last night. He is on the spectrum, but man, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who communicates as quickly and efficiently as he does. His post coital mood was to ask all about my vanilla orchid–I mean, who does that? The man is inquisitive as well as bright and kind. I’m really falling for him.
Well, I wanted to impress him, so after we had sex, I made a huge helping of mushroom pho from scratch, and invited his family over for dinner. Ryan even helped me cook, he’s such a sweetie. 
Now, his siblings look nothing like him–Ryan is very pale, with light hair, and slender, while his sister is very tan, short, but with bright blond hair. His brothers are his opposites, they’re tan like their sister, one has long dark hair, and the other one is huge and bald. You wouldn’t even think they’re siblings. I figured they all had different fathers, it happens, I don’t judge.  
At any rate, I found out the armies in this region are completely staffed by clone soldiers, and I brought this up at dinner, and pointed out how ridiculous it was. It sounds stupid, right? After all, how inefficient is a clone army?
If you wanted to get rid of them, wouldn’t you just genetically modify a disease after studying the clones, and then drop in within their encampments? Boom. War done in less then two weeks, no one could come up with a vaccine that quick. Almost every war has been won, in a weird way, by biological reasons, rather than battles. 
I thought Ryan–the smartest, most rational guy I’ve ever hooked up with–would agree with me. 
Nope! Ryan was infuriated with me. Stopped eating his pho, and just lectured me on how incorrect and rude I was being. Pointed out how the science allows for deviance within clones, and didn’t I as a Ph.D know any better? 
Then a bomb was dropped–turns out Ryan is a clone! He's a veteran of that army! And so are his siblings! 
I wanted to just sink into my soup, I was so embarrassed. His brother and sister tried to cheer me up afterwards, but Ryan was silent for the rest of dinner, and didn’t even say goodbye to me when they went back to their campsite. 
I like Ryan a lot, but I’m pretty sure I ruined my chances with him forever because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.
AITA? It is the truth, clones generally have higher rates of close immune systems, after all, that’s how we studied medicine and effects for many years. But Ryan’s correct too, and I really upset him, just as we were getting close too. Ugh, what do I do?
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