#and stu? there’s no way he isn’t repressed either.
shackledaces · 1 year
to my friend who told me that, “judging by their body language, stuilly probably weren’t even in a relationship when they died”… congratulations, I’m now brainrotting on that.
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spiraling-voids · 7 months
A lot of you liked my idea rant about Hatchetfield characters, well, I got more
More things I thought of for Hatchetfield characters
I like to assume that the eltric gods can’t do anything outside of Hatchetfeild. Like Bill Cipher in Gravity Falls, there is a barrier around Hatchetfield that prevents them. I can go on about this idea but that would make this idea go on longer than the others
Pete and Steph could’ve chosen to not watch Max and Grace. . .but there was definitely a part of them that was curious on how that worked
Pete and Steph definitely hear the LiB voices every now and then due to the fact they wanted Steph to kill Pete out of the three giving up what they cherish
I’m a huge sucker for ghosts that have the  injuries they received when they died, so imagine Max having a big ol’ bloody hole though his stomach cause he died with wood planks through the stomach. Stage wise, that’s probably a bit difficult to move around in. But story wise, he could-
So, let’s say that Steph and Pete would find each other in every timeline, imagine how shattered Steph would be the moment she found out that everything is messed up when everyone is singing and thinks she can exit the school with Pete until she hears him sing along
After Max died all the nerds were definitely still tense and cautious when things were changing because of how long they were getting bullied, sure they were happy but that’s a huge change in literately a day-
Officer Bailey was definitely a theater kid but due to careers not careering, he became a cop
Mark Chasity is a closeted or repressed Bi, with how that man acts the way he does, he is not straight…either that or he’s a theater kid or both
The two guys in TGWDLM were not Greg and Stu, instead just two random people and Professor was too deep into his musical and his memories to realize that
Richie or Pete could’ve fallen and become vengeful ghosts like Max but their targets would be different. Again, could go on but this idea would be long
If Paul 23 and Android Emma didn’t reveal they were the real Paul and Emma, they would both definitely catch on that the other isn’t completely human….well Paul would definitely notice stuff while Android Emma could probably scan him to find out he isn’t human
Alice definitely sneaks out to go to Hatchetfield, and neither of her parents knows cause she got cool excuses
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the-unconquered-queen · 11 months
I’ve been thinking about a Blades modern college AU a lot lately and I kinda wanna share my HCs of what I’d see everyone doing
(they’d be aged down just a little bit for this one and we’re gonna do a bit of mental gymnastics to believe they’d be at the same place and everything and finally I don’t think the modern AU lives the writers suggested are in-character, so this does not follow that)
Aerin & Baldur: The easiest one for me. In a modern AU I still usually see them being princes so both of them are sent to uni to get political science degrees, but Aerin, who is a massive nerd and also looks forward to the peace and quiet once Baldur graduates, double majors in chemistry, too. As a bonus note, Aerin spends a lot of time in the library studying for his classes, but Baldur (who I cannot reason being an academic underperformer in a modern AU since he does have all eyes on him and a reputation to maintain) is more the kind of student who seemingly does no studying whatsoever but still manages to do reasonably well in his classes. It pisses Aerin off to no end. Also, in no universe is Aerin working at Starbucks if you try to keep the adaptation close to canon because either he's super rich with no reason to work for $14 an hour OR he's in prison for plotting an assassination, no in-between.
Imtura: Maybe she’s also a princess in a modern AU, or at least she’s the daughter of a diplomat or someone with a prominent government position, like a president or PM. She’s also expected to study something that helps her follow in her mother’s footsteps, but she says fuck that and does as she pleases. Goes for something like kinesthetics and also takes up a bunch of sports.
Tyril: Sure, he could be a noble, but I’m also fond of the HC that he’s the heir of a major company, so I could see him being a business major. Possibly takes on a minor that lets him study poetry, too. He also seems like someone who'd even go on to do a Master's, Naturally, he’s a star student even though he ends up deciding that taking over the family business isn’t quite the future he wants.
Mal: Most likely the one that does not actually go to college. Will tell anyone it’s a scam. Makes me wonder if in a modern AU he’d be a tech wiz, since in the 21st century stealing is less about physical theft and more about hacking and scams, which obviously he only pulls on rich people and assholes. Someone bothering you? Hit him up and your problem’s all taken care of. But I really like the idea that a little farther down the line he enrolls in college to study social work, because Mal is still Mal and he still wants to help kids in need.
Nia: Without a doubt she is a theology major. She was raised in a very religious community so she’s always been steered in that direction, even though her views evolve and she does a lot of personal growth as she meets a lot of different people while she’s at college, she still views her faith as a key aspect of her and wants to share it with others the right way. I could also see her taking some first aid classes on the side or in her free time, not because she ever means to practice medicine or anything, but just because she thinks it’s important knowledge. Also, sorry to everyone who thinks she'd be a super preppy influencer, but Nia is def more along the lines of a repressed Mormon kid so irl she can be kind of hard to stomach for some people even though she is incredibly sweet.
Kade: You KNOW this man is a humanities major, maybe without focusing on a specific one so he can study literature, poetry, music, and everything he likes under that umbrella, even though he does lean toward literature. Is currently the only person who can compete with Aerin on most hours spent in the library (they probably both know all the librarians by name and each has to get shooed out at closing time). If he has any of those professors who insist their own interpretation of a piece is the only valid one, then Kade’s about to become their least favorite student because he WILL debate them any day.
MC: MC’s a fun one because everyone can HC something that fits their MC’s personality, either based on the story or just what they would like to see MC doing in the modern world, but some potential majors I’m fond of for a modern MC are zoology (beastmaster), chemistry (alchemy), linguistics (MC can be fluent in at least two animal languages in the book, you can’t tell me they wouldn't be brilliant as a linguist), anything in the medical field (medicine/healing), social work if they want to work with Mal, or even something to become an international diplomat down the line (diplomacy).
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okay okay this is like fuck marry kill only it's
who do you think fits best as a vampire, a werewolf, or an undead revenant zombie thing
out of stu macher, tiffany valentine, and pinhead
Ohhh this is actually a really interesting question. It got me thinkin about thematic relevance and character shit hrmmmmm 🤔
Okay so obviously, Stu would be a werewolf. Cuz on one hand, he seems like a largely harmless absolute weirdo goofball of a guy. The type of dude you hit up to get stoned and watch horror movies or stupidass comedies with (I assume idk I’ve never done the devil’s lettuce). But then WOOPSIE he also secretly kills people!! Quite savagely actually!! And he thinks it’s all sorts of fucked up sadistic fun, no matter how much he tries to “I’m very sensitive to peer pressure 🥺🥺🥺” his way outta this. So yknow, that fits the whole two sidesism of lycanthropy and how it can represent the releasing of a more violent repressed self.
Now, I could see both Tiffany and Pinhead as vampires. But if I can only choose one of them, I’d have to say Pinhead. I mean, the seductive sensual danger of a Cenobite goes hand in hand with the seductive sensual danger of the vampire. Both represent lust and death intermingled, both were once human but have since lost their humanity to that lust and death. Hell, both are portrayed as extremely pale and dressed in black, too! I think it’s a good fit, as much as the idea of vampire!Tiffany has me frothing at the mouth.
So that leaves revenant for Tiffany. Which actually fits pretty well too! A revenant can be either a returning spirit or a reanimated corpse that haunts the living. And isn’t that exactly what Chucky did to Tiffany? Killed her out of spite and cruelty, then brought her spirit back to trap it in a doll and make them a twisted reimagining of Bonnie and Clyde. And Tiffany’s been stuck roaming the earth since, wreaking havoc as a revenant would, regardless of the form she’s stuck in. And don’t get me wrong, she’s enjoyed doing so. But still - she didn't get a hand in any of it. She was killed and reanimated at the behest of a guy with a fuckin hocus pocus handbook.
That got kinda long but I hope this was a sufficient enough answer!! sdhjgsjsdhjs
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queen--kenobi · 4 years
Reblog this if you want readers to come into your ask box and ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story, section of a story, or set of lines.
Or, send in a ⭐star⭐  to have the author select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!
I’m going to do a different story/section for each star kdhgfddff
⭐: For Triple Trouble, I’m super excited for the ending honestly? I have Plans for Billy and Stu that are just. Oof. Let’s just say that even if you don’t like them, you’ll feel super sorry for them. It’s going to be really bad for them. Let’s just say that Jed is very through when it comes to ruining people’s lives. But, to be fair, it isn’t like Jed does it by himself hehehe I honestly love what I have planned because you should be able to track the shift in morality once it’s done
⭐: For Honor Among Criminals, Okay. So. I’ve got one scene coming up that I want to talk about, but. I really liked the scene with Boba coming back and how that turned out! Because for all that Boba was an absolute asshole for doing what he did, he did and still does care. He just isn’t good at expressing it verbally. He honestly was doing what he thought best. But it also doesn’t excuse his actions because you can’t make a call like that for someone else without talking to them about it? 
I also like that scene because it sort of sets up why reader needs both of them? Like it’s not just holding onto to the past. Because ultimately, Boba did make the right choice. Where he went wrong was not talking to the reader during that time. Din would have talked to the reader about it and had open communication, but he might not have made the choice to do that until it was almost too late, if that makes sense? Like Din talks through things way more than Boba does, but he’s also somehow represses his emotions at the same time. I feel like I’ve done a good job of setting them up to where they will compliment each other. Din is the one who will talk about all of the logical options, but Boba is the one who will point out that it’s either now or never and a decision has to be made.
TL;DR: Both Boba and Din need each other in HAC, so it’s not just a poly relationship focused on one person. Whoops hope that doesn’t give away too much
⭐: I wanna talk about Rainbow in the Dark, which is an Ash post-apocalyptic soul-mate AU! Namely I want to talk about the title shfghj I’ve had a general idea like this one before, but I’m going to refine it. I just- I was listening to “Rainbow in the Dark” by Dio, and I had the idea for this story already in place. But it hit me while I was listening to it because older Ash is associated with “Stormbringer” by Deep Purple at the end of the series.
But I want to play off that “lone wolf” schtick Ash had going on at the beginning of the series and do something different with it? Because the ending felt like it was going back to that idea, but like. For me, the idea of soulmates doesn’t necessarily mean that the two of you are similar or w/e. It more means that your crazy balances out their crazy. Like when Deadpool talks about the weird jigsaw pieces. And like. Both are associated with storms, but both need something that the other has so their crazy edges fit together. 
I hope that makes sense? It’s one of those things I can better explain once I have something written I can point to
TBH for all three of the stars, my TL;DR: 10s don’t marry 2s. Which in my family basically means that every person’s Issues fits with the other person’s/people’s
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My Thoughts on the Season 7 Spoilers By awayforthelads
I will be dissecting the spoilers from Season 7 by awayforthelads, with some gripes and other thoughts. (Yes I believe it. It sounds like classic D&D.) Spoilers will be in bold, my commentary unbolded.
1. Bran crosses the Wall, meets with Edd. Sam and Bran figure out Jon's heritage. He is apparently a legitimised Targaryen named "Aegon".- This makes it seem that to D&D, the only purpose of the Bran and Sam plots are to discover that Jon is secretly the rightful king. It is essentially praise for our Lord and Savior Jon Snow! They have their own stories, their own discoveries to make! Not everything rotates around Jon Snow! And I just hate general hymns to how awesome Gary Stus are in general.
2. "Sansa wants to give the lands of those who betrayed Jon to those who supported him, but Jon (in first episode) refused to hold the children of the Karstark and Umber families responsible for the actions of their fathers. This doesn't please Lyanna Mormont (or Sansa) but Jon basically just tells her to deal with it - he doesn't plan to rule the North the way it always has been."- First of all, I find it annoying that Jon Snow is being inconsistent with violence. After his resurrection, he killed the leaders of the mutiny against him. Next of all, Sansa is right here. If Jon is going to be King in the North, he needs to make an example of those who betrayed him. The Umbers in particular should have tried to raise the North for Rickon. The Karstarks can be forgiven, but not the Umbers. Considering that ruling by love didn’t do jack for House Stark (unlike in the books), it seems like the Lannister method of ruling by fear should be at least tried.
3. "At the end of Episode One, Dany and her fleet land at Dragonstone. Nobody says anything. She walks up the steps to the keep, and we follow her through the building until she reaches Stannis' old War Room. She looks out the window at the land ahead that used to belong to her family. She picks up one of the chess-like pieces on the table and looks at Tyrion, who has followed her up. She says one line: "Shall we begin?" End of Episode"- I am probably the only person on Tumblr who wanted Daenerys to stop off in Volantis before going to Westeros, but I think her time in Essos is essential for her journey from idealistic hero to destructive conqueror. What’s more, her relationship with the Red Priests is a really important character thread that needs to be addressed.
4. Dany and Jon meet. Dany demands he bend the knee, which he refuses. Evidently, he discusses the WWs, but she doesn't believe him. Tyrion insists that Jon isn't crazy. Dany respects Jon immediately, Jon to Dany maybe not as much?- I think Dany is being made more foreboding this season, less of a hero. But again, important parts of her journey are being cut out. Her time in Essos (and her alliance with Victarion Greyjoy) are important parts of that. She’s not just evil because.
5.  Gendry's in Kings Landing making weapons, and he is found by Davos.- I personally like that Arya and Gendry are probably going to get together. But I don’t like how they’re presenting him. For one, Gendry is in King’s Landing? Where there is a bounty on his head? Really? I know I am going on a tangent here, but I think he should have shown up in Season 6, specifically when Arya was stabbed almost to death by the Waif. Have him find her and nurse her back to health. The explanation will be he was picked up by a Braavosi ship, and he has lived in Braavos as a blacksmith ever since. That would be fun for the Gendrya shippers like myself. (Although I don’t think it’s happening in the books.)
6. Sansa sentences Littlefinger to death, which Arya carries out. Arya uses Walder Frey's face to hold a banquet and poison his sons. Makes sure the women are dismissed, first. Will happen in the first couple episodes.- My problem here is D&D seem to have a love of violent actions by their female characters. (calling it “feminism”) Examples include Dany burning the Khals, Arya murdering Walder Frey, Sansa feeding Ramsay to his dogs...
However, they make sure that these actions have no consequences or real punch. (i.e.: sending away the Frey women. There is also an assumption here that all Frey women took no part in the Red Wedding and all Frey men planned it. Olyvar, Alesander, Perwyn. Who are they?) Thus, these scenes feel like fan-service, violence for the sake of butts in the seats. They have no message, unlike Martin. We also never question the morality of the cast.
7. The Wall falls at the end of the episode. The Night King attacks the Wall with the reanimated Viserion. He now breathes blue flame.- This is legitimately cool. But D&D have a history of making cool scenes that don’t have good context or character development. Like Michael Bay.
8. Euron kills 2 of the Sand Snakes, imprisons Ellaria and makes her watch as Tyene dies a slow death from poison. Euron's fleet destroys Yara's and he takes her prisoner. Theon abandons her, jumps overboard and is rescued by some Iron Born. Jamie travels to Highgarden and Olenna drinks poison. The claim is this happens when the Lannister armies sack High Garden. She admits to having killed Joffrey, and Jamie allows her to drink the poison. Jamie returns to King's Landing in time for the dragonpit meeting.- This all seems to be shooing off the Dornish and the Tyrells. This smacks of lazy writing trying to get rid of other plot points, rather than wrapping them up in a tapestry as Martin does.
9.  Littlefinger tries to play Arya and Sansa against each other, using the letter Sansa wrote to Robb (at the behest of Cersei and Littlefinger) to swear fealty to Joffrey. Sansa figures out she's being played with Bran's help.- Because God forbid Sansa achieve anything on her own. God forbid she be her own character and a vital part of the team, rather than a pretty field for Jon to plow at the end of this.
10.  There will be a flashback scene to Rhaegar and Lyanna's wedding. Sam and Bran figure out Jon's heritage. He is apparently a legitimised Targaryen named "Aegon".- Of course Jon Snow is perfect in every way. He’s not even a bastard! Never mind that this ignores the running theme that feudal social structures (including hating bastards) are stupid and repressive. This is honestly as offensive as the old trope:
Hero: Oh, I can’t marry my love because I’m black/Jewish/Romani!
Other Person: But you were white the whole time!
Hero: Oh. Okay then.
I would call this show “bad fan fiction.” But fan fiction is honest about what it is. Even with bad fan fiction, they tell you this is not canon, and half the fun is seeing what the author thinks would be affected by the changes they impose, or how they think certain characters would go together. Fan fiction is by nature, an author expressing him/herself creatively.
This show lies by presenting itself as an “adaptation” of A Song of Ice and Fire. The books are a series with strong themes of moral nuance, our sick obsession with militarism and violence, and the undervaluing of femininity. The show might as well be directed by Michael Bay, because as of Season 5, the villains are cartoons, violence is not only common, but fun, and every woman either has to flash her tits every five minutes or act like a man! And worst of all, it is expressed in such a cliche fashion no one can call it creative! It is just a creatively bankrupt tale told for money, and it makes me sick.
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