#tgwdlm greg
spiraling-voids · 4 months
A lot of you liked my idea rant about Hatchetfield characters, well, I got more
More things I thought of for Hatchetfield characters
I like to assume that the eltric gods can’t do anything outside of Hatchetfeild. Like Bill Cipher in Gravity Falls, there is a barrier around Hatchetfield that prevents them. I can go on about this idea but that would make this idea go on longer than the others
Pete and Steph could’ve chosen to not watch Max and Grace. . .but there was definitely a part of them that was curious on how that worked
Pete and Steph definitely hear the LiB voices every now and then due to the fact they wanted Steph to kill Pete out of the three giving up what they cherish
I’m a huge sucker for ghosts that have the  injuries they received when they died, so imagine Max having a big ol’ bloody hole though his stomach cause he died with wood planks through the stomach. Stage wise, that’s probably a bit difficult to move around in. But story wise, he could-
So, let’s say that Steph and Pete would find each other in every timeline, imagine how shattered Steph would be the moment she found out that everything is messed up when everyone is singing and thinks she can exit the school with Pete until she hears him sing along
After Max died all the nerds were definitely still tense and cautious when things were changing because of how long they were getting bullied, sure they were happy but that’s a huge change in literately a day-
Officer Bailey was definitely a theater kid but due to careers not careering, he became a cop
Mark Chasity is a closeted or repressed Bi, with how that man acts the way he does, he is not straight…either that or he’s a theater kid or both
The two guys in TGWDLM were not Greg and Stu, instead just two random people and Professor was too deep into his musical and his memories to realize that
Richie or Pete could’ve fallen and become vengeful ghosts like Max but their targets would be different. Again, could go on but this idea would be long
If Paul 23 and Android Emma didn’t reveal they were the real Paul and Emma, they would both definitely catch on that the other isn’t completely human….well Paul would definitely notice stuff while Android Emma could probably scan him to find out he isn’t human
Alice definitely sneaks out to go to Hatchetfield, and neither of her parents knows cause she got cool excuses
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nerdyblog8 · 2 days
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Also I couldn't include Roman(?) Murry bc of Gary&Linda
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honeyspawn · 5 months
I was re-watching tgwdlm while drawing, and I noticed something I hadn't really thought about that deeply before.
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So Paul gets attacked by "Greg" right, and he drags him away. Ted ditches them, AND takes Paul's gun. And when Paul comes back to see that PEIP got infected he quickly says:
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So that means Emma SINGLEHANDEDLY took out AT LEAST one infected COMPLETELY UNARMED??? And that's assuming that "Stu" wasn't there too??? Why do we not talk about this more, holy shit Emma is a badass, wtf?
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itsdefinitely · 4 months
💙 favorite character from tgwdlm and why 💚 favorite character from Black Friday and why 🤓 favorite character from npmd and why 🧡 least favorite character from tgwdlm and why ❤️ least favorite character from Black Friday and why
(favorite npmd character)
i'm a ted guy at heart. i love paul and emma and bill and charlotte and everyone, but i'm a sucker for the depressed comic relief. it used to be hidgens, but i have Evolved since then
it would be wiggly but. wilbur cross. i definitely have a type when it comes to favorite characters (joey richter and/or an asshole)
least favorite tgwdlm character?? uh... greg?? i don't know if that really counts, so out of those with a speaking role, rod and rachel. because they're from clivesdale
chris kringle from black friday. he's a parody, sure, but i still don't like him. something about him being a centuries old spirit and then masquerading as a teenager. the only funny thing about him (to me) was the campy way he talked
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wardback · 4 months
In tgwdlm during show stopping number, infected Greg and Stu show up to sing with Hidgens BUT we learn in Workin' Boys that Hidgens' irl college chums are dead which means pokey can infected people who have died ages ago
This knowledge means in theory we could have seen Ted interact with an infected Jenny
And it wouldve ripped my heart out and put it back in upside down
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I'm reading a lot of things about Hidge's sexuality canon wise. So taking account on what Nick and Matt Lang said (as much as I remember it without rewatching the video proof lol) my argument on why the canon sexuality of Prof. Henry Hidgens is that he is bisexual and Objectumsexual.
Well I think canon wise he is not polyamorous. I can accept that (i have no problem with him being poly canon wise. I am not anti-poly, just faithful with canon) but I remember Nick Lang or even Matt did not specify it. They said, within along the lines/paraphrasing: Henry loves his six boy friends, they are special to him, but Chad IS the apple of his eye. The last sentence they meant romantically.
So why bisexual and not gay? To make it clear, I have no problem with him being gay. I'm willing to be corrected. But since I'm arguing that he's bisexual, well let me start. Of course we haven't seen Hidge talk about or falling in love with specific women characters in the saga so far, however he did say in TGWDLM " Alexa, I love you like every woman flesh and bone", so there ya go. If he can find a woman that is subordinate to him like Alexa and Siri, then he can have a relationship with a woman. Come to think of it, i think he loves Chad the most because I hypothesize Chad always goes along with his plans/ideas. Yes I believe if I were to analyze his relationship personality, he wants to be the dominant in the relationship. He's very controlling and spirals when he doesn't get his way. Which why this is a good segway to...
And with the mention of two famous AI virtual assistants, I think it's enough to say that Hidge has objectophilia. More so in NMT episode Time Bastard where he shared his sexual rendezvous with either one of them to Ted and implied how he did it (some imagination and a little elbow grease or any lube lol). Not to mention that he talks to Alexa and Siri like they're humans. Fun fact, I read somewhere that people who have this sexual orientation cant handle keeping a relationship with another human because they're too controlling hence having a relationship with an object is easier because it has no thoughts, no opinions to consider. Also, this can also be a result of a trauma. Him losing his friends, especially Chad, during a lightning strike attack did not just lead him to isolation and practicing survival instincts, but also drove him to loving objects instead cause at least they won't experience terrible human deaths. Here is the source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/sex-and-relationships/decoding-objectophilia-5-reasons-why-people-fall-in-love-with-objects/story-LMvWWzhs257dD47yxNGC9H.html UPDATE: these facts are more connected to the character that is Prof Henry Hidgens whose personality reflects the generalizing views of the orientation better. Real life Objectums are a lot more complicated than that and can act against stereotypes/generalization. Thanks @fork-bork for reminding me.
Also further explanation:  ur friends can be ur life partners (hence there are old people living with friends in their twilight years) and some people like calling their friends as boyfriends or girlfriends. Hidge is just comfortable with his sexuality and closeness with his friends that he can call his male friends as his boyfriends. I think that's just Jeff's word play and humor going on as he wrote the song. And according to the song "it takes balls": Steve was a priest, Leighton was in a relationship with a person named Gary, and Greg was seeing/dating Steve's mom. Plus all of the boys, sans Chad and Henry, were attracted to females while at college based on their locker room talk acted by the Workin Girls cast.
I'm not like Unhidge Hidge, so tell me about ur thoughts/opinions/rebuttals as long as ur taking account of what I wrote here. Especially proof from the Langs with ur rebuttal. Of course in head canon or fan fic world, anything is free reins and you can experiment with Hidge's sexuality there. Just make sure to specify if it's canon or head canon so to avoid confusion and arguments.
I have the urge to check my HHP Working Boys screen recordings where Nick and Matt discussed Henry's relationship with the boys if it's poly or not. Update 2: Okay I watched it and Nick just says that Chad is his favorite so get out of that as you wish. But since the boys did their locker room talk about girls without Henry and Chad, I don't think the boys were making out with each other unless maybe just Henry and Chad if it's not unreciprocated from Henry's side.
I can understand if most fans think Henry is gay and not bi since Nick and Matt have not given more concrete proof of his attraction to human females. My only arguments with him being bi is that he loves and has done sexual acts with Alexa and Siri, AI virtual assistants with female names and voices. (NMT episode: Time Bastard).
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dawningfairytale · 6 months
i think that mark chasity was mark, the workin' boy, and workin' boy greg (jeff's character who wore the letterman jacket in tgwdlm) is max's dad. why? why not.
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pastriibunz · 8 months
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hi there!!! im pastriibunz! you might know me from the ask blog, @beaniibunzz i ran with my friends, chillibeanos and local-soda-can!
you might also know me for writing The Kai Who Didn’t Like Musicals (TKWDLM), an OC insert fanfic written like a script for TGWDLM!
but more on that later, i wanna talk about ME >:]
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Basic Info About Me:
☆ i think am aroace! 
☆ i use she/her pronouns!
☆ i have ADD! My friends keep saying i have undiagnosed autism-
☆ i do theater and i was in voice/singing lessons!
☆ i will be Kai Drew’s VA in TKWDLM: Voiced, as well as any other projects she needs a voice in!
☆ my best friends are @chillibeanos, @local-soda-can, and @evnt777!
☆ i like to draw and write!
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And that’s me! i was kinda scrambling for things to add, so forgive me if it’s boring. But, i just wanted to get through it so i could get to the fun part. now onto my blog!! :D
i have a lot to say about this silly little blog!!!
note: my ask box is always open! fill it up with whatever your heart desires!
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Things To Note:
★ I was grounded for a month, I’m back, but not without restrictions. I have 3 hours of screen time on weekdays, and 5 hours on weekends. This is subject to change.
★ Mutuals, please use the tag ‘#pastrii don’t look’ for posts with: anything very overtly sexual that isn’t written in a comedic tone. I am a sex repulsed asexual, and that type of content is very icky for me. :< [contents subject to change]
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Content You Should Expect From Me:
★ my art, both silly doodles and full pieces!
★ fanfics/drabbles, mostly angst
★ my brain dumpy thoughts i thought were funny
★ oc insert content
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notice how that last bullet point is bolded and italicized?
yeah that’s cause it’s super important
practically all the content on this blog will be about my OC: KAI DREW!
now, who is Kai Drew?
and why the hell is she in a shit ton of random fandoms?
well, Kai Drew is the little goober who’s managed to weasel her way into my brain, and 5 years later, she’s STILL. HERE.
she’s also on tumblr as @shxwstxpper!
she has her own silly little lore (to summarize: adoption, accidental mass murder, is god, and then shes inserted into various fandoms im into) that is super long and silly!!! maybe one day ill write about it. who knows!
so expect lots (if not all) of my content to surround around Kai!
speaking of my content…
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Important Tags:
⛤ #kai drew 
⛤ #tkwdlm
⛤ #the kai who didn’t like musicals
⛤ #black kaiday
⛤ #bk
⛤ #npmk
⛤ #nerdy prudes must kai
⛤ #the kai drew and bean power hour
⛤ #kai drew and bean power hour
⛤ #kai drewniverse
⛤ #kai in hatchetfield
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Kai Drewniverse Related Fandoms:
✰ Bendy And The Ink Machine
✰ Doki Doki Literature Club
✰ Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
✰ Clover 2020
✰ My Hero Academia
✰ South Park
✰ Welcome Home
✰ The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
✰ Peggy Suave
✰ The Kai Drew And Bean Power Hour!
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Non Kai Drewniverse Fandoms:
⛥ Ride The Cyclone
⛥ Chad Chad (Chadlings)
⛥ Danny Gonzalez (Greg)
⛥ Psych
⛥ Drew Gooden (Little Stinkers)
⛥ Kurtis Conner (Kurtistown)
⛥ Jarvis Johnson (Unnamed Fanbase)
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Important Links:
✩ TKWDLM Masterpost!
✩ Character.AI’s I Made!
✩ Blog Boundaries: Do’s and Don’ts!
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and that’s all for now! be sure to stick around to see where Kai’s silly little adventures take her next!
bye bye! :]
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celestetcetera · 7 months
Here’s my count of what exactly each tgwdlm actor does, because I like sorting information and was curious. Each track is named after their most prominent character (imo).
Paul track
1 character: Paul
2 songs (2 lead, 0 ensemble/group): Let It Out, Inevitable
Emma track
5 characters: Emma, Smoking Teen #1, Donna Daggit*, Pedestrian #4, The Hatchetfield Bee/Alice’s Friend
4 songs (1 lead, 3 ensemble/group): The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, La Dee Dah Dah Day, Cup of Roasted Coffee, Not Your Seed
Ted track
7 characters: Ted, Homeless Man, Smoking Teen #2, Dan Reynolds*, Beanies’s Patron #1, Soldier #1, Rod*
6 songs (1 lead, 5 ensemble/group): The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, La Dee Dah Dah Day, Cup of Poisoned Coffee, America is Great Again, Let It Out, Inevitable
Bill track
5 characters: Bill, Pedestrian #1, Beanie’s Patron #3, “Stu”, Soldier #4
7 songs (0 lead, 7 ensemble/group): The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, La Dee Dah Dah Day, Cup of Poisoned Coffee, Show Stoppin’ Number, America is Great Again, Let It Out, Inevitable
Sam track
6 characters: Mr. Davidson, Sam, Barry Swift/Man in a Hurry, Pedestrian #2, General McNamara, “Greg”
11 songs (5 lead, 6 ensemble/group): The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, La Dee Dah Dah Day, What Do You Want Paul?, Show Me Your Hands, Tied Up My Heart, Join Us (And Die), Show Stoppin’ Number, America is Great Again, Let Him Come, Let It Out, Inevitable
Charlotte track
6 characters: Charlotte, Nora, Deb, Pedestrian #3, Soldier #3, Colonel Schaffer
10 songs (3 lead, 7 ensemble/group): The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, La Dee Dah Dah Day, Cup of Roasted Coffee, Cup of Poisoned Coffee, Join Us (And Die), Not Your Seed, America is Great Again, Let Him Come, Let It Out, Inevitable
Alice track
7 characters: Melissa, Zoey, Harmony Jones/Greenpeace Girl, Alice, Cop #2, Soldier #2, Nurse
9 songs (4 lead, 5 ensemble/group): The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, La Dee Dah Dah Day, Cup of Roasted Coffee, Cup of Poisoned Coffee, Show Me Your Hands, Not Your Seed, America is Great Again, Let It Out, Inevitable
Hidgins track
6 characters: Professor Hidgins, Peter Spankoffski/Hot Chocolate Boy, Beanie’s Patron #2, Cop #1, Soldier #5
9 songs (1 lead, 8 ensemble/group): The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, La Dee Dah Dah Day, Cup of Poisoned Coffee, Show Me Your Hands, Show Stoppin’ Number, America is Great Again, Let Him Come, Let It Out, Inevitable
* role is prerecorded
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lnich · 7 months
I was rewatching tgwdlm and when I got to Show Stopping Number and "Stu" and "Greg" came out it really hit me for the first time . . . ever since the lightning strike, Hidgens' whole life has been haunted by his dead friends. There are the events of SSN and Workin Boys, of course, but also the fact that he's dedicated his life to writing and producing a musical about a world where they didn't die?? They must be on his mind all the time.
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cloudyscollections · 7 months
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you cant just leave me with that
JHSKDFHJKSDFJK ok reasonable.
ive seen your pokey x paul and i understand and support your dreams but unfortunately. i have a pokey ship that im attached to that is objectively Worse.
ok let me explain: i watched workin boys with my boyf when it dropped. after we watched npmd. and despite knowing nothing about what workin boys was gonna be going in, we both had the SAME ASSUMPTION:
we both assumed the Boys were pokey-possessed (im p sure on the livestream it just said they were ghosts???? or something??? i dont know)
AND we BOTH thought the twist was gonna be that ""Chad"" is POKEY
which COULD have really interesting lore implications. it could imply a couple interesting things! it could imply that stu, mark, steve, leighton, and hidgens were like. in a cult of some kind, that all worshipped pokey, and talked about him in code by calling him "chad".......or. the much funnier alternative. pokey is just a part of the workin boys polycule JHKSDLFHJKLSDFHJKL FOR NO REASON.
then that idea completely spiraled out of control and then we had brilliant ideas such as "pokey was jealous of the other boys taking all of hidgens attention so he smited him with the Foresight Beam to see what would happen" and "chad actually rejected hidgens when he asked him out so pokey apothosized chad and accepted for him bc he thought henry deserved it and then just dated him like normal and hidgens just doesnt notice that ""chad"" has bright blue eyes and likes singing a lot more than he used to"
we (me n my boyf) just love this dynamic for some reason,,,???? its gotten a little unhinged. pokey is just utterly obsessed with this man for no reason. he sees him as a kindred spirit. the Foresight Lightning Beam was supposed to be a gift but it can more closely be equated to a scientist zapping a mouse as positive reinforcement so they can watch what will happen. its how they knew and apothosized the corpses of greg and stu so fast (since we know know that at least stu IS probably the guy hidgens recognized as such in tgwdlm, since hes both played by corey; obv greg had to be recast but my point stands). pokey inadvertently helped create workin boys and thats how the hive knew the coreography and words in tgwdlm because they have been WAITING for an opportunity to sing and dance with their favorite boy!!!!!!
we were joking but it became Not A Joke so fast. ive drawn fanart.
so. pokey x hidgens is real to me. we call it pidgens :)
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You know what I want
I want professor hidgens from the guy who didn’t like musicals to have his day with Greg and Steve and Stu and Mark and Leighton and Chad like he rightfully deserves.
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violetheart77 · 2 years
Wish someone would look at me the way that not-Greg and not-Stu look at Hidgens 😔
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req’d by @captainswan618
you know some days it really does feel like business calls and I’m up to my ass in shit
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