#and supposedly Aries aren't
ofsnarkandmagic · 5 months
romantic gestures
bold what applies to your muse. italicize if there's potential / it depends. cross if never applies.
Holding hands · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoelaces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photo booth · sharing a taxi / Uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favourite artist / sports team /other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favourite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to their flat · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("I love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a film · granting them the last bite (from meal)
Tagged by: @runningracingdancingchasing
Tagging: YOU!
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soulc-hilde · 1 month
01. The Crown
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Pairing: Josh Fatu / Jey Uso x Ezmeralda Bey / Aries
Synopsis: Devoted to her craft and her family, WWE Superstar Ezmeralda has a library of accolades accomplished on her own and by the side of her family like never before. As she leads the Women's Revolution to glory, romance seems to find her at the most unexpected moment... in the ring.
Warning(s): SFW, OC is a black woman, swearing, WWE-canon violence, Non-scripted fights, body shaming, body insecurities, WWE's consistant misogyny is blatant until later chapters, etc.
Cross-posted: Wattpad
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"Howdy, howdy, the name's Ezmeralda Bey a.k.a Aries. I am 1/3 of the tag team, the Three Sins with my twin older brothers – Ezra and Ezekiel, also known as Hubris and Nemesis. My career, unlike the other women of the roster, consists of me breaking down and conflicting havoc amongst both the men and women divisions."
"I've won the Intercontinental title, the tag team titles, the U.S title, the Divas, and even the WWE Championship title. To some, they don't like it because it's either I'm trying too hard to replace Chyna – who was one of my trainers by the way – or it's supposedly impossible for me as a 5'2, nearly 210-pound woman to take down a man. I find it hilarious because well, that's all I did growing up was fighting. Regardless your size, your age, your gender – you piss me off, I'm coming for you. As a matter of fact, all my siblings are like this." 
A split screen appears. On the left was a montage of all the Divas from the past and the present while on the right was a montage of Ezmeralda and her appearance both on and off camera. It made note that the woman fancied a darker, tomboy image rather than dresses and heels.
Her cloud of dark brown curls was always either pulled into a puff, braided, or let loose and constantly switched between matching the theme of her outfit and staying natural. Her makeup appearance was dark consisting of black lip liner and clear gloss combo paired with a smoky eye and exaggerated eyeliner.
When it came to her physical appearance, she was thicker than others as her little pudge happily poked out and thrived. Despite the obvious thickness of skin that surrounded her, she carried a balanced amount of muscle that took the spotlight whenever she flexed or had to toss someone on their head.
Although, she wasn't the most model-esque woman on the roster, she was a living example of destruction and beauty intertwined. And she'd be damned and if someone would try to make her feel insecure.
"I am a member of one of the royal WWE families known as the Woods-Bey family. Our family of wrestlers consists of so many blood relatives and even those who aren't blood, but they were trained by my family and adopted some of our moves. My mother, who hails from this family, is known as Titan and the former frenemy of Chyna whereas my father is known as Lycon." 
"I'm not gonna lie, because of my abilities as well as being in a faction with my brothers, I do get a lot more screen time than the regular Divas. I never had to kiss ass for it to happen or anything, but it's just my family legacy. That's my story, you know? My brothers and I are one of the top faces of the company."
Just days until Wrestlemania and no matter where Ezmeralda was to go, chaos seems to follow as Superstars and Divas race from one location to another while roadies unload equipment for testing and designers correct any mistakes before things get out of order. 
For someone new to the scene, they'd feel lost and overwhelmed, but for the Bey triplets, this was a part of their childhood. Their stomping grounds. 
Meeting with their friends in the hotel's gym, the triplets set out to search for them. As they enter, Jon and Josh instantly meet their eyes and wave them inside. As they step closer to the Fatu twins, a wild pairing of Trinity and Ariane come around the corner. Paying the girls no mind, Ezmeralda takes her turn at greeting the boys. Her and Josh nestled in each other's arms. 
"I'm not the most social person in the world, I'm really big on protecting my peace whereas my brothers do all the talking and so forth. However, if I could count how many of my co-workers are my personal friends, it'd take just about four fingers – and that's not including my brothers."
"The Fatu twins and I go back to their FCW days where my brothers and I were their mentors. Jon is like the extra brother, I didn't need, whereas Josh is a bit complicated."
"How you doin' mama?" Josh asks as the two take a set of treadmills right beside each other. 
Ezmeralda shrugs, "not too bad. I'm a bit nervous for Wrestlemania, the boys and I have been going over our intro and outfits for days now." 
He raises his eyebrows with interest, "ooh, do tell me more." She giggles, shaking her head, "no, sir. It's a surprise, I can't be blowing the surprise out the water and all." 
"Since we headin' your family's way for it, you thinking about inviting them?" 
She clicks her tongue in thought, "I mean, I personally don't try and force them to come unless it's something really pivotal in like the storyline or a title match, but you know them – they hard headed as hell, can't tell them fools nothin'."
He kisses his teeth, gently smacking her on the arm. "Girl, you gone stop talkin' about my mama." 
She pauses, eyes widen in disbelief, "about your who now? Cause I ain't mention not a word about Mama T." 
He side eyes her, "you heard what I said. Mama Kala ain't hard headed nor is she a fool."
"She my mama, not yours." He scoffs, "man, not yet. Just you wait cause when I snatch you up and put a ring on it, she gone be my mama, too. Which makes me her spy." 
Ezmeralda stops the treadmill mid-walk, allowing herself to comically slide backwards. "Her spy!? Ah, gotta blast." 
She jumps off, running around the gym. Josh laughs, chasing her through the gym while Jon and her brothers watch with knowing smiles. 
"Since Josh and I became friends, him and his bad ass older brother have always called my parents Mama Kala and Papa E whereas my brothers and I have called their parents, Mama T and Papa Sol. However, for the past year or two when this tension between Josh and I developed, he's been adding on things like how he's gonna marry me this or I'm his lady and he's my man that or whatever." 
She tries to shrug off the obvious effect his affections had on her.
"I wouldn't mind allowing Mr. Fatu to take me on a lil' date and impress me; however, at the same time, I don't want that interfering with work. Like, I can and will be going head-to-head with him and his brother. Our characters have this rivalry going on where really, it's just this unforeseen chemistry we all have with each other. Besides, I'm not good at being vulnerable and letting myself be open – I've always been that way. Why you think I'm 31 and single?"
"Y'all it's Wrestlemania and it's the Deadliest of 'em all, the Three Sins versus The Shield, let's go baby!" She screams, clapping her hands.
The triplets dress in green and black colored outfits. Ezekiel and Ezra wear their pair of wrestling pants designed with asymmetrical patterns and evergreen colored wrestling shoes. 
Ezmeralda wears a dual-colored glitter bralette with straps wrapping around her torso and a pair of matching two-toned shorts with fishnets and matching kneepads with evergreen custom sneakers. They walk for the Guerilla, prepared for their match against The Shield.
They stay behind the curtain as the first notes of 'Animal I've Become' by Three Days Grace plays as the pre-chorus hits, they walk out as their green pyro goes off as the crowd roars with excitement, self-made posters sailing through the stadium of over 70,000 fans. This was their moment and Ezmeralda's step closer to a Woman's Revolution, creating history like no other. 
The six-man tag match starts off with Ezmeralda and her friend and former protege, Joseph, as the two powerhouses go back and forth, tossing each other around. Minutes pass with a series of tags, pin breakups, and kickouts as all six bodies lay draped from the ring to the apron. 
The crowd went as far as doing a 'This is Awesome' chant as Ezmeralda and Joe kept exchanging spears and Samoan drops. After a while, it was time for the match to end as Jonathan pins Ezekiel while Ezmeralda and Ezra lay wasted ring-side.
"It's Wrestlemania, baby!" Ezmeralda cheers in the palms of her hands.
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
Hey, so uh, weird question, do you know the zodiac cusp dates and the exact days when zodiacs change from one zodiac to another? Like for example, the day(s) when it changes from Scorpio to Sagittarius? I've googled it before but the dates aren't always the same and I don't trust that. Also traditional dates (excluding Ophiuchus) instead of the supposedly "actual" (including Ophiuchus) ones please?
(and on the subject of "legitimate" zodiac dates I personally think either or not one set of dates or the other is the "actual" dates is up to interpretation)
Thank you so much!
-🫀 anon
Hello! Well, considering the astrology signs are dicted by the position of the constellations and the position of the sun during equinox. As Wikipedia puts it
By definition, Aries starts at the First Point of Aries which is the location of the Sun at the March equinox. The precise date of the Equinox varies from year to year but is always between 19 March and 21 March. The consequence is the start date of Aries and therefore the start date of all the other signs can change slightly from year to year.
So what this mean is that Wikipedia has a list of approximate dates but you have to check which day is the Spring Equinox to actually know whith precision.
This year's spring equinox is March 20th.
So the correct dates for 2023 with the 12 Zodiac system is
Aquarius: January 20 - February 17
Piscis: February 18 - March 19
Aries: March 20 - April 19
Taurus: April 20 - Mar 20
Gemini: May 21 - Jun 20
Cancer: Jun 21 - July 22
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Vergo: August 23rd - September 22
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Capricorn: December 22 - January 20
(The website I took this from. It has also the specific hours if you're curious.)
For people who don't know why this was difficult and confusing for anon — Despite what some might think Zodiac Signs are used in Astronomy. Not in the same Astrology uses them but for actual calculations as they actually represent constellations and where the sun is relation to the earth.
So what happened was that NASA said that with the start of this year they would no longer use the 12 Zodiac system because it technically doesn't make sense scientifically. The constellations change with time at this point we should have another sign in place.
This constellation/sign is Ophiuchus.
For curiosity's sake this is how the horoscope dates look like if you include this sign (in 2023):
Capricorn: Jan 20 - Feb 16
Aquarius: Feb 16 – March 11
Pisces: March 11 – April 18
Aries: April 18 – May 13
Taurus: May 13 – June 21
Gemini: June 21 – July 20
Cancer: July 20 – Aug 10
Leo: Aug 10 – Sept 16
Virgo: Sept 16 – Oct 30
Libra: Oct 30 – Nov 23
Scorpio: Nov 23 – Nov 29
Ophiuchus: Nov 29 – Dec 17
Sagittarius: Dec 17 – Jan 20
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Hi happy (almost) new year!! 🤍 So I’m just now starting to get into Vedic astrology, & I noticed that in my Vedic chart, I have a Pisces stellium in the 8th house (sun, Venus & Mercury), but in my tropical/Westen chart, I don’t have any stelliums - (I have my sun & Venus in Aries in the 8th, but no stellium) - do you know why that is? & should I classify myself as having a stellium if it only shows up in one of the charts? If you answer this, thank you!!!
Happy, healthy and hella fine one new year to you!
Yes, Vedic astrology is cool. I noticed a lot of people who are into astrology report that when they discover their own Vedic natal chart it makes EVEN MORE sense for them than western. Though, it really depends on the person. To me my Vedic Pisces Moon always made more, more sense than western Aries Moon in my own natal chart. I think I always felt a bit naive, innocent, yet an old soul who experienced a lot in life (like a Pisces Moon) than an Aries Moon. But since I also have a strong passion for astrology, Pisces Moon would make so much more sense lol.
Yeah, yeah it's a completely different natal chart. You don't have a stellium in western/tropical, but you do in vedic, because in vedic you have to look at it like it's own chart, there aren't any comparisons with western. Western natal chart has its own planet positions and placements and Vedic natal chart has its own. So don't mix the two or you don't combined these two. Because both are exclusively unique, they don't mix.
No no no, you DEFINITELY have a stellium in the vedic chart, that's for sure. But let's say if you follow western astrology, because you also live in the western part of the world, then your natal chart doesn't really have a stellium.
I mean often people want stelliums in their chart, supposedly making their chart more "special", but it's not always JUST positives. Sometimes, a stellium can bring too much emphasis, focus on one particular field to the point of being overwhelmed by it. So it's not always JUST beneficial to the native. It CAN have its downsides as well.
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istumpysk · 3 years
I believe I just discovered new funny statistics... but aren't the same people who say "Sansa should be ahead of Bran and Rickon in succession if they survive because feminism" usually also part of the crowd who say "FAegon, claiming to be Rh8egar's son, should be ahead of Daene*ys in succession because the law says men first"?
In both of these cases, Sansa and Aegon are the eldest regardless of what’s between their legs. I think the Dornish have it right.
them: status quo? we love status quo! feminine girls good! know your place! conform! bow to the highborn femininity! "unfit" girls bad!!!
I had a stroke reading that.
also them: status quo "men first" who? sansa should be heir ahead of all bc feminism uwu
Sansa is the eldest living Stark. If Jon was secretly made “Jon Stark” by Robb… well, then she’s the second, but then there’s the whole kerfuffle about this only happening because Sansa was forced to marry a Lannister. Robb could’ve did this before if he loved and trusted Jon so much.
P.S. If we actually believed girls should “know their place” 🤮 I think we’d support the marriage to Lord Tyri+n and be mad about her refusing to consummate it (which, incidentally, a lot of Sansa antis do). 🤮
Also the same folks who want QITN Sansa over Bran and Rickon but then accuse Ary@ fans who speculate on Ary* as leader in the North of wanting all her siblings dead....
Well don’t they? Many of them post or like metas in which younger sister kills Sansa, so what am I to make of that? I’ll say it again: Sansa is older than her younger brothers (and sister).
Also if Jon gets Winterfell over Sansa, it’s sexism. He should be excluded because he’s a bastard and classism is ok 😂
Robb was desperate when he supposedly made Jon his heir. If Jon’s his heir, Robb only made it so because hostage Sansa was forcibly married to Tyri*n, who was going to impregnate her to claim Winterfell for himself. Plus, Jon isn’t really Ned’s son. If or when that ever comes up, that’s going to present issues. (Luckily, that could be smoothed over by marrying his heiress cousin, lol).
Ughhh, some of them even go as far as to say that Sansa should get Winterfell over Bran not only because ~feminism~ but also because my boy Bran is "broken"( I hate that word and I hate even more how the tv show promoted it) and probably won't be able to have kids due to his disability. Because sexism is a bad, bad thing and they have to smash patriarchy but ableism is totally fine in their book. Yikes!
Bran is, again, the younger living sibling, regardless of sex. He’s gonna be King in another way. Whatever’s going on in his pants has literally never crossed my mind.
Haaaa, wowzers. I commend you for even attempting a rebuttal to that mess.
I have so many questions. How old is the person who wrote this? Where can we find this group of fictional Sansa fans making these arguments? Does this person even logic?
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cosmictulips · 3 years
Hi 💕 👋
Congratulations on 500 followers. I wish you nothing but continous abundance in your life.🥺🫂💞
My initials are BLM 🥰 or you can just call me bubu.
My 2 questions are:
What will my relationship with my future partner be like and how is their personality?
Thank you so much for your time and energy ❤.
Sending love your way! ☺
Hello friend =D thank you for being here . I love... your nickname lol.
So let's see
I'm gonna work backwards here lol. this person comes to me as someone who is kind of defensive. they are still learning their trade. they are cautious, detail oriented and someone who is very... smart. they think before they move. which is interesting given how fiery this person is.
this person isn't afraid to fight. literally and metaphorically. they are probably huge humanitarians and have ...had a rough past. they often feel like the world is against them. but in more recent times, they've kind reeled it back. they've found their place or where at least, they have finally found good company.
they give leo or aries mars vibes haha. someone quick to say something but means well. don't be intimidated by this person. they really do mean well. they are just... going through a lot and are unpacking whatever the heck happened in their past. they are such a strong leader too.
Now as for your relationship.
it's definitely something neither of you are going to be used to. equal parts sexual and emotional. equal parts of you both being romantic and chasing after goals. both being independent but so madly in love.
the trick with this relationship is that you two may only seek perfection or only seek within a certain perspective. and that's where you two divides. this person is going to be more masculine and you're probably going to be more feminine. I don't mean to say this in gender roles.
I just mean energetically, this person comes off as fire and you come off as water. make sense? You are more intuitive, and they are more instinct. now there obviously may be some intermingling, like how they think before they act. but they are still learning to do that. make sense?
you two are like yin and yang. you complete where the other lacks. you teach where the other is weakest. and that may make things tricky sometimes but there's so much love here you both aren't going to pay it a lot of attention.
it may also seem like this person is going to be hard to keep. they're not. they just need someone to keep them grounded lol. they are just going to want to give you everything that you want. so be careful with that. right? you may complain one day about how you can't grow roses and then the next morning they surprise you with roses for your garden.
boredom may be a thing here but I'm not sure why I'm picking up on that. maybe life will just seem boring together because you both are just so dynamic lmao. YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE THOUGH. something is telling me that other people are going to think you two are more similar than you are.
it's kind of hard to describe but I'll give you an example to end this lmao. I almost matched with a guy that supposedly had 99 percent...compatibility on a dating app right. I go and I look around and we're on two opposite ends of the political spectrum. we agree on almost everything except politics and religion. two very big things. lol.
I'm not saying you two will be that extreme but it may be something similar. you both have similar ways of thinking but there's something that keeps you both on your toes.
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I feel like a Pisces and an Aries would make a cute couple and I want my OCs to have these horoscopes but supposedly Pisces and Aries aren't supposed to get along. What do you think; do you think this is the case?
I am an Aries and my closest IRL friend is a Pisces, we have fun, we help each other out, I listen to her and try to help her as much and she is the same, we get along pretty well when it comes to our everyday, I understand why we don’t really get along and with all Pisces I’ve known, I’ve had Love/Hate relationship (didnt really mean love love) I’ve had the dirtiest fights and arguments with them, and I consider Pisces to be as stubborn as Aries when it comes to protecting their opinion, because you will not break their belief unless you prove it wrong with facts. Pisces and Aries have a lot of things in common, but if they are developed enough I’m pretty sure they can learn from each other (this honestly goes to every sign pair) Also I think they would definitely be a cute couple, so go aheaaaaaaaaad give your oc’s these signs, why the heck not? :) 
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autistic-google · 8 years
Iiaat to think lying is Bad™ and Wrong™ and avoid it at all costs? Also, when I was little, I didn't figure out lying on my own. My little brother, who is over four years younger than me, had to teach me that you can say things that aren't true.
That’s an autism thing, yeah. Supposedly it’s fairly common? I don’t personally experience it so I can’t really tell you much about it.
-mod Ari
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