danrifics · 10 months
you all pestered me for it and here it is. the closeness analysis/ theory.
now if you didn't see I basically had this theory that the closer to BIG and COTY we get in the DAPG timeline the closer dan and phil sit to each other. Dan made a comment about how them playing Heartthrob being like a gay soft launch and that got me thinking of some other ways they could have done it and one of those being the idea that as time goes on you get less and less strict and worrisome about what others think of you and so they end up gravitating closer and closer.
This post will be under a see more cos its probably gonna be long af.
I will be splitting it into stages.
2014 -15
2016 - 17
sorry the screenshots arent clickable to make bigger tumblr only allows for 30 on a post so i had to group them together!
(i will not be covering horror games apart from in the revival stage and i will also not be talking much about gamingmas 2023)
2014 - 15
now when i initially went to collect my evidence, i was suddenly worried maybe i kinda had things wrong because i feel like in Donkey Kong Country (the first dapg video, see screenshot below) they're sat pretty close but honestly when we get to how they sit a lot later on you'll see that this is actually pretty far apart
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now here are some screenshots for the inital look at at the end of them we'll talk (this will be the layout for most of this post i think)
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now of course this is only a selection of those year's videos if i screenshotted them all i fear this post would never end. now these first 2 years are a good mix of at desk videos on sofa videos. i noticed from some other videos not show here that in sofa videos they rend to sit a lot closer to each other than they do at the desk, this is kinda funny to me cos really they definitely have room for a wider frame on the couch if they wanted to sit like normal people.
2016 - 17
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2016 and the start of 2017 feel like a mixed bag of how close together they are but i did notice that the more into 2017 we got the more they seemed to be shoulder to shoulder! these also started to wean out sofa sitting games (not 100% gone yet but almost). now if you're wondering why i've kept this screenshot apart its cos this is the last one in the first london apartment.
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and honestly from here on out is where i believe the "soft launching" begins!
so lets finish 2017 and see if im right!
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just had to single out this screenshot for a sec:
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in case anyone wondered that is the face dan made during dream daddy when phil reads "we were roommates for a while too"
anyway moving on
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watching these videos definitely feels like something changed btw, while they still arent as close as we'll start seeing them sit, i definitely noticed more often they were shoulder to shoulder. but like a new room has definitely changed the vibe a little bit between them, and now we can move on to the next and final year of pre hiatus dapg, where things as you will see immediately start to change.
like i said... immediately we are met with this, i would also like to let everyone know that 2018 is my favourite era of pre hiatus dapg
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lets see what the rest of this year will bring
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now i'm splitting 2018 up into parts because i need to do a whole talk about the tour situations so for now lets look at the above screenshots, now its very obvious that they are sitting so much closer to each other which i think is really funny considering how big that room is and often in this section of videos there is a lot of room either side of them so they literally do not need to be that close.
now lets talk about the tour bus. this is how close they're sitting
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thats for sure a 1 person seat yet they've both forced themselves on even tho the sofa literally behind them would have been perfectly fine to sit on, and they cant give me "this is the only place to set up the camera" babe its really not theres a whole surface behind you.
okay thank you for listening to this, moving on to the final part of 2018!
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(the last 2 screenshots are out of order oops)
idk about you but yeah i think they are definetly a lot closer than they were way back in 2014. i really dont have a lot to say other than that, and i have definetly proven my theory so now we've established that lets have a brief look at post hiatus dapg!
Now this is gonna be really brief its just a summary of where we are post BIG/COTY and post hiatus (things my brain still cant quite believe is real)
now here are the revival moments i wanna give a mention!
firstly sims season ep 3 when dan moves his chair away from phil and their wheels are literally locked together, pushing phil's chair too
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heres dan looking into the monitor and then moving closer to phil <3
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and finally
hand hold
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thanks for reading all this and sorry if it didnt live up to the hype lmao
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in honor of me starting my 2947829184th glee rewatch i wanted to post a light analysis of finn hudson vs mike wheeler that i was reminded i wrote down in a time i was (sadly) much more convinced of a byler endgame than i am now,, cuz i kinda had a point
here she is:
i would love for someone to do an analysis of byler vs kurt hummel and finn hudson (would like to interject here to say someone should definitely do this and do it better with like actually siting stuff) like how a show (also explicitly about outsiders) purposefully creates an unrequited gay man to straight dynamic and how entirely different that is from how stranger things sets up mike and wills dynamic.
i mean they’re completely different shows and glee is a satire so it might be hard to compare them 1 to 1 because glee doesn’t tend to give that much weight to any relationship in its like first twoish seasons but i think its a good example for how it would be so easy to just make mike so obviously straight and not at all into will (it wouldn’t even have to be about el, with finn its not about quin or rachel, its just that hes not into men and is into women) and they’re choosing not to, they are choosing to lean into that dynamic and (this is important for this comparison) NOT in a brotherly way, not in a familial way, their relationship is never once compared to that (mike and el’s is but thats not entirely relevant here). In glee kurt liking finn is much more about his identity than it is about a romantic relationship with finn, they explore their relationship in depth in seasons 1 and 2 (and never again we dont have to talk about it yes i am bitter) but it is never not once implied that kurt’s feelings could be reciprocated, no lingering shots on finn’s face while hes watching kurt, nothing flirty, finn shuts him down multiple times, finn knows kurt likes him, its not used as a big reveal because that is NOT WHAT IS PLOT RELEVANT!!
what is relevant is kurt coming out to his dad and kurt’s overall identity and learning to stick up for himself and finn helping him do that in a BROTHERLY way (by the end of season 2 their parents are married and they are literal step brothers, there is no way to misconstrue their relationship) if wills feelings for mike were not reciprocated or at least impactful on their relationship there is no reason to make the audience anticipate mikes reaction to them, to save them for a reveal with an incredibly plot relevant lie that has to be uncovered, this has to alter their relationship in some way and literally what purpose would it serve if it was just a rejection?? why would you wait to reveal that if its only purpose is then essentially will’s identity? if the point of season 4 was to build back up mike and wills friendship, why not use that is something they have to overcome in the beginning of that season? why save it as a reveal? the actors have harped on the fact that mike doesn’t know about wills feelings so when they are rebuilding their friendship this is at least not a factor for him. (back to glee) when finn and kurt were building their relationship as brothers and friends, kurt’s romantic feelings were acknowledged as something they had to work through, they were not saved as a big aha moment because they wouldn’t have changed things. bottom line is that the reveal of wills feelings will change the nature of mike and wills relationship and there is no reason (besides like a villain origin story? thats all i can think of. cuz his arch isn’t about figuring out he doesn’t need romance or that he has the love of his family and boys arent important, he doesn’t have romance and the entirety of seasons 1 and 2 were about how much his family love him and the whole boys are stupid thing is for el) for that shift to be in the form of a rejection
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crouteann · 5 months
For the thing u the logged a couple days ago 📖 💥💌…… Finn :)
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FINNNNN! ill do baby finn for obvious reasons.
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what’s their favorite genre?
finn LOVES reading. hes a big nerd and just loves absorbing information like a sponge. if we have to exclude nonfiction— finn literally dedicated the entire beginning of his life to research and found a lot of fulfillment from it lmao— he would enjoy drama and mystery novels set in the time when draconic society was prevalent and he would be really normal about it (turning to fallon pointing at the book like “these details arent right btw. they dont have words for that and they wouldnt have used beds like people do. its like they didnt even do their research!”)
💥 COLLISION - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
i think in the beginning finn struggles with grief the most. it consumes him and blinds him to anything but finding some resolution for it, leading to self destructive behavior.
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
young adult finn likes love letters :) theyre really new to him, and he gets excited about the attention. this will never backfire im sure. the love letters he leaves for his partner are short and sweet, they see eachother pretty often. probably mostly for arranging to see eachother discreetly and including some mushy sentiment lol
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Here it is everyone!
Cult Leader! Otis Driftwood x Nephilim! Reader.
(Nephilim reader is Gender Neutral! And I decided that the reader was found and raised by Captain Spaulding. Now they are 25.)
Warnings: Violence, murder, cursing, cult activities, human sacrifice, heavy kissing, implied 18+ activities (there might be a part two where they do some ritual fucking but I dunno yet.)
You've been living with Captain Spaulding since you were 15. Now you're 25 and helping your best friend Otis (much to your dad's chagrin.) with his cult work. Tonight you're helping prepare for another sacrifice, you really arent sure what it's for but you love the rituals and watching Otis do his thing. Tonight he offers for you to help with more than just prepping the victim, tonight he asks you to join in the ritual.
You agreed and help, not knowing that this ritual would end with you showing off your true self.
You'd been in Ruggsville for almost 11 years, and known the Firefly family for almost 5 of those years. (Spaulding wanted to keep you from them until he was sure you could handle yourself. You ended up accidentally meeting Otis a few days after your 21st birthday.)
In those 5 years you've known the Firefly family you became very close to your best friend Otis. When around the rest of his family he could be pretty rough and cold, but never toward you, you were different, you were.... well... You!
You weren't repulsed by his art, you didn't even flinch when he tried to gross you out, and you dutifully helped him with his rituals. Truthfully, he really liked how you prepared the victims and cleaned the altar before and after the sacrifices, taking your time, making sure that there were no traces left of the sacrifice. Otis also liked it when you watched him preform the rituals and sacrifices, like you were one of his congregation, your pretty eyes watching his every move...
He wished you were part of his congregation, he could take you as his soul mate, keeping you by his side as he preforms his rituals.
But you weren't....
And he needed to stop thinking like that. He is a strong and powerful leader, he can't think like that. Though, a leader always needs a second in command....
There was another ritual tonight and Otis had called you over to prepare the sacrifice, a job you loved to do.
Now you sat infront of a brunette woman who was bound to a chair and gagged to keep her quiet. You were using a rag and a bowl of water to wipe away the sweat and dirt from her face and neck. She looked mortified, which made you let out a soft chuckle. You knew you'd have to do this one more time before the ritual but it was always good to get the caked on dirt off a good while before hand.
"There we go, gotta get ya lookin' all nice for tonight. You're gunna help with somethin', big." You say softly, setting the bowl down on the table, lazily tossing the rag down next to it. It was about time for you to go and clean the large stone altar that sat a good bit into the Firefly family's extensive farmland. You ran into baby on your way out to the barn to get the supplies you needed, her excited smile made you chuckle. "Hey there, Y/N! Where ya headed?" She asked, of course she knew that it was a ritual night, but she always asked questions like that, despite already knowing the answer. "Headin' to the barn to grab a bucket and brush so I can clean up the altar for tonight." You answer as she sits down in the chair you were just in, beginning to poke at the victim. Baby let out a giggle, rolling her eyes at you. "Seriously, Moose! You ain't even part of his group! But you put in more work than most of those lazy ass members!" She really did love that nickname huh?
(You hadn't grown up with Baby, but you'd treated eachother as family since the two of you met. The nickname Moose came from a fight you two had gotten into, she ran at you, attempting to bodyslam you, but somehow you didn't move from your spot. She commented on how you had the strength of a moose... and the nickname Moose stuck.)
Baby also loved teasing you about your willingness to help Otis, even though you never even bothered to ask what his religion was about. She always thought it was pretty stupid that you would help Otis with ritual preparations when most of his followers wouldn't lift a finger to help.
"You know I like helping him, he's my friend. I don't mind doing the work, it's fun." You tell her as you make your way to the door. She laughs. "Yeah, scrubbing blood from that big ass stone altar is soooo 'fun'." She calls after you.
You ignored her, walking out the back door and down the splintering wooden steps off the back porch. The sun was almost behind the trees, but was still making the outside almost unbearably hot. You quickly made your way to the barn, grabbing the metal bucket and scrub brush, being sure to close the barn door when you leave.
After using the outside faucet to fill up the bucket you carried it out to the altar, humming to yourself as you walked.
You stopped humming when you saw the state of the altar. It was coated in dirt, most likely from the recent dust storm. This was gunna take a lot more time than you thought....
Shrugging, you sat the bucket down and dipped the brush into the water, beginning to scrub down the altar. You had to scrub pretty hard to remove the dirt but you finally managed to get it to come off.
You were almost done cleaning the altar when you heard footsteps approaching you from behind. "Damn, Y/N, I have no idea how you always manage to get that altar lookin' so clean." Otis's voice rang out from behind you, the compliment causing you to smile. "Anything is possible with a bit of work." You respond, getting up from your kneeling position, turning to face him. Otis let out a short laugh "Well you do a damn good job! Actually, I wanted to ask ya somethin', if you don't mind, that is."
You nodded, setting the brush down. "Go for it."
Otis sauntered over to the altar, running his fingers across it. "I was thinkin', maybe, you could help me out a bit more with tonight's ritual?" He asked, keeping his eyes off you. You tilted your head slightly, placing your hands on the altar. "What do you need me to help with?" You asked curiously.
Otis cleared his throat "actually, I was hoping you'd join me at tonight's ritual." This is the first time you've ever seen your best friend nervous, usually he was strong and so sure of himself. You think for a moment before responding. "I'd love to, I've seen you preform them a lot, and if I'm being honest, a small bit of me has always wanted to join in." You chuckle.
Otis smiled an almost unnoticeable smile when he heard you say that, His heart skipping a beat. He'd never been more excited for a ritual than right now.
Night fell and Otis prepared himself for the ritual. You and Rufus moved the still gagged victim from the chair to the altar, tieing her down, leaving her body bare aside from a single stained sheet that covered her torso. Rufus left you to cover the victim in oils, like you'd done with all of the previous victims, the potent smell of lavender, patchouli, and sandalwood filling your nostrils.
Everything was ready, just as the congregation began to arrive, ready to witness Otis's ritual. You quickly move away from the altar, keeping a good distance as you usually did. Clouds had rolled in, covering the the sky in darkness, you hoped that it wouldn't rain during the burning part of the ritual but there was no telling.
In the blink of an eye Otis was standing at the altar wearing the red ritual garb, his painted face illuminated by the soft glow from the lantern that sat at the head of the altar. (The torches that were around the altar didn't offer much light.) His congregation began to chant loudly, waiting for the ritual to begin. Otis let the chanting go on for a minute before raising his arms, causing the chanting to stop all at once leaving nothing but the sound of cicadas and the crackling of the fire from the torches. He glances around, looking over his congregation before beginning to speak.
(I apologize ahead of time for the poorly translated latin.)
"Grata omnia!" {Welcome all}
"Gratias ago tibi magnifico domino!" {Thank you, great lord.} The congregation responded in unison.
"Tonight's sacrifice is an offering to our great leader! May he continue to care for us!" Otis said, his voice strong. The congregation cheered until he raised his arms to quiet them once again. He continued to speak. "We also have a guest joinin' us tonight." He motioned for you to approach the altar.
You hesitated for a second before nervously approaching the altar, stopping when you were at his side. You felt out of place there, with Otis wearing his ritual garb and his congregation all wearing their black cloaks, you wearing your usual attire made you feel like the one odd piece in a puzzle.
He gave you a reassuring smile before introducing you to his congregation, who all seemed to adore you. It all felt so different, you were use to watching from far out if the way, and now you were standing next to Otis infront of his congregation, about to preform a ritual. He opened the book he always read from, beginning to read from it. You couldn't understand anything past the Latin greeting the congregation used so his words left you completely lost.
The wind began to blow as he read, several members whispering to others about the wind being a sign that their leader was among them. You were too busy listening to Otis's amazing voice as he read, each sentence like the roar of a lion... loud, strong, and full of pride!
Once he got to the end he unsheathed his ritual daggar, the razor sharp blade glistened in the lantern light. He held the hilt with both hands, slowly raising the shining blade above his head.
"A morte est potestas!" {There is power from death.}
Down came the blade, plunging into the victim's throat with ease. The congregation cheered as blood poured from the fresh wound. He pulled the blade out and sat is off to the side, picking up the steel goblet from the altar, allowing the blood to drip from the altar into the cup. Once Otis was satisfied with the amount of blood in the goblet he lifted it to his lips, and taking a drink. He then turned to you and offered you the goblet, a gesture that elicited quite a few gasps from his congregation. You hesitated, looking at him with a worried look. "I don't know if I should..." you say softly, feeling even more nervous because of all the eyes on you. Otis shrugged slightly, giving you another barely noticeable smile. "You don't have to, just thought you'd like to give it a try."
There was absolutely no way you could say no to that man. Absolutely no way. You did a pretty good job of hiding your feeling for him (almost as good as he is at hiding his feelings for you.) But every time you looked at that man's face or heard his voice you knew you'd do absolutely anything he asked you to (and vice versa.)
You took the goblet from him, slowly lifting it to your lips. You parted your lips, allowing the metallic tasting liquid to slide down your throat. It wasn't all that pleasant but it did get a genuine smile from Otis.
Drinking that blood may have been a mistake.
A large gust of wind blew past like a freight train, blowing out Otis's lantern and all of the torches around the altar, plunging the world around you into complete darkness.
You started to feel different... you didn't feel like your usual self, no, you actually felt... better?
You felt Otis's hand on your arm as the wind picked up, and thunder roared, then a bolt of lightning flashed, lighting up the world for a second.
Gasps and screams could be heard as the congregation were able to see what was standing beside their leader.
Even Otis let out a surprised noise upon seeing you.... the tattered and skeletal wings protruding from your back, the short obsidian horns coming from your upper forehead, and the glowing gold eye. (yes, only one eye, the other is your natural eye color)
Another bold of lightning flashed, lighting up the world once again, just long enough for you to see the shock and fear in your best friend's eyes.... as well as your own reflection.... that's why everyone was so shocked. It wasn't the lightning that scared them, it was you! You began to panic, pulling your arm out of Otis's grasp (though he wasn't holding you tightly, he was mostly just assuring you that he was still there.) You bolted toward the barn, the lightning lighting your way every few seconds. Once inside you curled up in the corner, burying your face in your hands as you hyperventilate.
It took Otis a minute to process what he had seen, the feeling of you pulling away from him bringing him back to reality. He turned to his congregation, raising his arms to get them to quiet down, and thankfully they do.
"Burn the sacrifice! Don't wait for me!" He ordered, grabbing his lantern before quickly following you to the barn. He entered the barn slowly, relighting his lantern once out of the wind. "Y/n..." He said softly, kneeling down beside you.
"I'm sorry Otis... I-I didn't know this would happen... I didn't mean to ruin your ritual...." You whimpered softly, afraid that he'd never want your help again.
"Ya didn't ruin it, Y/n... the storm did." Otis said, trying to calm you down. You just shake your head "I should have just told you out right... I'm a nephilim... the bastard child of a demon and a human..."
Otis let out a chuckle "Yeah? And that's supposed to change how I feel about ya?" He asked, getting up to hand the lantern from a hook that hung from the rafters of the barn. You snap your head to look at him, not sure if you heard him correctly. "I'm sure you don't wanna be friends with a nephilim..." you say, slowly rising to your feet, keeping your eyes on him. Otis rolls his eyes "I mean, you're right on that one, I don't want to be friends with a nephilim." He says, turning back to you.
Your heart dropped.....
"I-I understand..." You say, your voice close to breaking.
Otis shakes his head "Ya didn't let me finish, quit ya jumpin' there little rabbit." He chuckled softly, stepping closer to you. "I don't want to be friends with a nephilim..." He got closer to you, so close his chest was inches away from touching yours and you could feel his breath on you. He grabbed your shoulders gently, leaning down to ghost his lips over yours. "I wanna be with you..." He said, his voice so soft and low it sounded like a cat purr. Your heart felt as if it could beat out of your chest, you'd wanted this so bad for so long....
"I've wanted to tell you that for so long..." You say breathlessly. Hearing you say that drove Otis crazy, his mind unable to think clearly. He took in a shakey breath before pulling you into a very passionate kiss, his hands moving from your shoulders down to your waist. Your arms shot up around his neck, the feeling of his lips on yours giving you the feeling of fireworks (which you didn't think was real until this moment.)
This kiss quickly turned into a rough and messy make-out session that leaves you both breathless. Otis occasionally leaving a few stray kisses on your neck.
By the time the two of you broke apart his face paint was a mess and you were covered in it. The sight of eachother made you both laugh.
You both were glad you agreed to join in the ritual. Otis promising there are a lot more intimate rituals the two of you can do together. If you want to continue doing rituals with him, that is.
I tried haha. I'm verrryyyy rusty and I'm sorry, I hope this was okay though.
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isabelguerra · 10 months
realizing that one of the reasons ive stayed so close to the wizjo plotline is that as soon as i begin to leave it im Immediately confronted with jkrs 5000 weird fucked up types of bigotry thats so ingrained in the worldbuilding its nearly impossible to rewrite. i think about the whole ‘guerras are a pureblood family’ aspect i wrote in 2015 and as someone with way more education now its like, oh great, its functionally unimaginable to maneuver the world without that base foundation of wizard racism. its so damn bad.
hp is such a shit story that its only draw for people is that its the largest IP for wizardry in pop culture. the fantasy element is so unbelievably basic that as soon as you inspect it as fantasy it falls apart, yet the story itself is blatantly unappealing without the addition of magic. the biggest draw is being ‘wizard boarding school’ but its such a bastardization of the boarding school genre AND fantasy genre that only those who arent attached to it while very young or arent well versed in either genres would be able to tell. its a slice of life chosen one story dressed up as boarding school fantasy. boarding school is just a setting to group the characters together under a common excuse. Dead Poets Society teaches its students that the traditional structured are to be questioned; Discworld teaches us that the true school of magic is cleverness, and that cant be pinned to a location, but must be experienced and learned from the world around you. hogwarts is a big old castle that ultimately doesnt DO anything. doesnt MEAN anything. learning magic, and to be- or what it means to be- a good wizard barely even PLAYS INTO the character’s journey as anything more than another weapon. Discworld teaches that magic is dangerous and shouldnt be used wantonly because it can hurt people and be abused, it’s forces outside our control, it’s geometry, the Witch vs Wizard mentality Pratchett writes are entirely different schools of thought! That’s so cool! HP takes the wizard boarding school setting and its barely even TOUCHES on LEARNING magic. its all ‘this is the world youre in now, battle it off, learn and overcome it. defeat it’. you IDIOT. are you here to LEARN? magic is a WONDER, mystical and jingly, rather than a responsibility. the classes are barely ever focused on, and the ones who ARE excited to learn magic are just seen as nerds worthy of ridicule. whats the point of setting your story in a fucking WIZARD SCHOOL. you MORON. mock and belittle the story setting you wrote and the characters who love it. fucking embarrassing. embarrassing, pathetic excuse for literature
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paceplace · 3 months
while im obv glad that the plushies exist and i wouldve bought them w/o the goals in place i still can't help but be a little disappointed in how they went about the stretch goals even if i Get why they did it this way this time around
like, dont get me wrong: i def acknowledge the fact that they weren't expecting buck sales to blow up the way they did and they were likely under pressure to come up with rewards that were better than the ones they already came up with AND make milestones that, while difficult to reach they were not entirely unrealistic (remember: the original milestones for the campaign were 200/300/350/400/500 all of which were met within 21 minutes of release and when we surpassed that the new goals were 1000/1500/2000 because we hit 1k sales within 5 hours of release. these are some pretty insane numbers for a character from a fan project) they def had their work cut out for them back then and so to prevent putting too much on their plates again they gave out less rewards/bigger milestones.
this is something i'm completely fine with as, above all else, i'd rather the people on the team not overexert themselves. my issue is they made the milestones too big and haven't rly said anything about it. i reckon they assumed that people would buy flint + graham due to their popularity, but overlooked the considerable amount of people who could only afford to get one as well people who just... can't get them at all whether it's due to the cost or them living in unsafe/unsupportive environments (the pride capes arent optional). if i were to be in charge behind setting the milestones w/ these factors in mind i would've adjusted the numbers so that it would've been 750/1500/2250/3000 -- decently challenging, yet still manageable.
where we're at rn it took us 27 days to reach 2k sales and by the looks of it we're probably not going to reach 2.5k. i don't know if they're going to address the fact they overshot their goals, or give out one or both of the rewards as pity, or do either of those things but even so i would hope this wouldn't discourage them from launching similar campaigns of other characters and that the outcome of this campaign will be used to help them plan out better milestones-- people have been vocal about their support + safety concerns for this campaign and some have even donated to the trevor project themselves. i'm happy that these plushies are real, i look forward to when they come home, but at the same time can't help but feel some level disappointment since the bar was set too high to begin with and no matter how you twist it getting a nameplate and a few stickers out of it is pretty underwhelming
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apple-pecan · 5 months
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (2001)
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jak, the vaugely anime-esque boy with no personality, and his way more personable best friend and sidekick daxter, sneak onto misty island for the epic lulz. one thing leads to another and daxter is accidentally knocked into some dark ooze and TFed into an ottsel, an otter weasel hybrid. finding him to be way too marketable now, jak and daxter embark on a quest to change him back to normal. that's all the story yer gettin, so time to make like mario and collect as many power stars cells as humanly possible.
while on paper this would be a bog standard 3d platformer collectathon game, there's a few things that set it apart. the big thing is you're not jumping into paintings or portals to go to different stages or something; rather, the entire world is interconnected, making this one of the first open world games so to speak. and the cool thing is there's hardly any load times! there is a drawback to this though; you have to leave each area the way you came in, and if you're not used to the level layout for each area it can take a while to find your way back. i know the last time i played this game years ago i got stuck on snowy mountain and got too infuriated to keep playing. not this time~!
missions range from "find the power cell somewhere in the stage" to "help out an NPC and they'll give you a power cell" or even "pay an npc with precursor orbs and they'll give you a power cell" and maybe sometimes you'll be like "find 7 red coins scoutflies and get a power cell" and there's the odd mission where it's all like "lick daxter's feet and he'll give you nothing in return also you have to get mouthwash now." okay i made that one up. or did i... ANYWAY, you'll be doing a lot of different things to get these power cells and it's all pretty fun and engaging. gotta catch em all!
the controls are pretty solid for the most part, although sometimes i ran into issues where jak just wouldnt double jump for some reason or wouldnt grab onto ledges. other than that though the movement was fun and i liked spinning around breaking crates. wait am i talking about crash bandicoot or... well, they ARE by the same developer. one other thing i had an issue was the health collectables. you only have three hit points, with no stat upgrades whatsoever to increase it. this wouldn't be that much of an issue if it didn't take 50 whole green eco orbs to replenish ONE hit point. for the record, most enemies just drop 3 or 4, and a lot of stages arent exactly brimming with enemies sometimes. so just dont get hit as much as possible. i feel like if they halved the amount of eco orbs to replenish your health this wouldve been mitigated somewhat.
there are also vehicle sections, where you ride a zoomer (no, not that kind of zoomer) to try and get from one "hub" area to the next. these make your controller vibrate like fucking crazy and whenever one finally ends i feel all weird and tingly. i dont know if this is a good or bad thing but hey it's worth mentioning.
the story is not really existent after the beginning of the game up until you near the end, which is fine for a game like this. i quite liked the ending where jak and daxter find some mystical energy that can defeat the bad guys but it could also change daxter back to normal, so he has to decide if he wants to either become unmarketable again or save the world from destruction. guess what happens. the music fits the game, its basically more subdued crash bandicoot music. not something i'd particularly listen to outside of the game but it does add to the lighthearted mood of the game. graphics are honestly still kind of amazing to this day; the characters look like living cartoons and the different environments are breathtaking. i love the shot when you first leave the green sage's hut and see sandover village sprawl before you; can't even imagine how amazing this must've looked back in 2001.
all in all, this is a solid, fun collectathon, a great first (and ultimately last) attempt at the genre by naughty dog. yeah, thats right, they never did anything like this again. a few months before this game came out, a little game known as grand theft auto iii came out and permanently changed gaming forever. it had all the open environments like this but with more gameplay variety besides jump here and collect stuff. more importantly you could steal peoples cars and shoot people in the face. so naughty dog took one look at this and said "this is just what our mascot platformer series NEEDS!" so in jak 2 you can ALSO steal peoples cars and shoot people in the face. and then they decided to cut the cartoony middle man entirely and make uncharted and the last of us, which use photorealistic graphics instead, and get rid of the open world shit and make it so it's JUST shooting people in the face. oh well, it was fun while it lasted!
NOTE: i like how for both crash and jak, the last games in both series naughty dog would make are racing games. im sure its been brought up before but it's still funny to me. now when are they gonna make the last of us kart racing game already..........
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paperbagsandwich · 6 months
previous anon again!
Honestly what you said about toyhouse is a mood. I'm the same I thought oo this will be great and useful then I just forget to pot anything or any of my ocs on it!
Its still awesome that you have ocs with different fav foods! I give all my ocs fav foods because it gives a lil bit of extra life to a character! Plus its fun to see what fits!
im a sucker for cottagecore but if you are into a different aesthetic please share (only if you are comfortable to) what it is!!
Gosh i love seeing all those fun and cool monster designs!! They are so lovely and fun and I adore the shapes and how ypu draw the weight on the different styles of anatomy each monster form has!! (I adore big monsters, like i love it when they are gruff and intimidating but they look so soft and cuddly!! Im also a lil bit a fan of body horror monsters...but my top two are werewolves and harpies, harpies that arent just basic human body with wings but like Sophie's dream from howls moving castle like monsters and giant bird body with clawed thumbs on the end of the wings. I have my own werewolf oc and harpy ocs and they just make me v happy.)
Sorry this was so lengthy!!
Yeah, I procrastinate HARD when I have to write information for my characters even though I LOVE sharing stuff about them with my friends.
I don't know why that's the case? Like my brain completely forgets what I had of them. And there's also the fear of not getting to every character/every version of a character.
Plus there's the fact that I don't really have a concrete story about them because I have so many AUs I've come with them!! 😭😭
There's so much HFKSHSKSGS
Yeah, I really love those type of details because it really does bring so much out of a character and it makes them feel real.
I love to give my characters small facts, like Darnell is good at playing the trumpet, Roslyn [and also Darnell] is good at singing, Roslyn was the one that got Darnell to be affectionate because in the beginning of their relationship, he wasn't really a touching type, he was more of action, but now he loves to hug and kiss his girlfriend and being extra sappy!!
Things like that is what I get too attached to with my characters!!! 😭😭💕💕💕💕
My type of aesthetic is more of time period. Mostly things from 50s-80s. Those type of stuff are very pleasing because the style and color, they're just so fun looking and there's so much you can do with a setting that takes place there.
Like I made a Rockabilly AU about monsters vs Greasers and I had so much fun writing that with my friends and I should really get back to that.
I also love the Western aesthetic too. It's that Texan in me, I can not help it... plus you can do so much with that concept... for adding fucking monsters in it, bapy, WWWOOOOO--
But yey, I LOVE big hulking monsters so much, they're so much fun to draw!!!
And, AAAAAAAAAAHHH, I LOVE HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE SO MUCH!!! It inspired Darnell's bird form design!!!
and while the other two doodles of him aren't really harpies [I called it his centaur form], I really do love the vibe of harpies too!!!
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Also, I would LOVE to hear about your werewolf and harpy OCs if that's okay with you, of course!!!
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sea-of-monster-s · 1 year
Sea Of Monsters: The Crews Beginning
Chapter 1: A Shimer Among The Waves
 It was another sunrise at EnvLuck island, it's not the biggest island there is but it has a pretty large population of creatures and humans that hate each other in every way. The island is also the hotspot for every pirate there is. EnvLuck has large rocky mountains, lush forests where humans usually live in small villages, far away from the "monsters", the mountains are usually occupied by the largest, most dangerous monsters there are. The shoreline has many ports and buildings on it, there are usually a lot of merchants from far away selling or trading a lot of amazing items. The Island itself is surrounded by a large kelp forest, in the ocean there are also the most hated and feared creatures. The sea creatures are considered the most unknown and evil monsters there are, not only are they tricky and can tear thru ships like butter, they know all the secrets of the old past. They don't know that almost all of them are in deep slumber, but how would they know that?
 Our story begins not on land but underwater, just as the kelp forest ends. Hire is a little village of sea creatures. They arent big feared monsters but normal sized creatures, they call themselves "Sea People" but that's far from the truth. Their appearance is odd, they have pretty big eyes that glow cyan when surrounded by darkness, they are also able to see in the dark. They have a short nose and sharp teeth that they use to hunt for smaller fish,their scales are lighter blue color and they are really shiny when light shines on them when they are wet. They have long, dark blue strands of hair, their hair isn't like our hair, it's slimy and really durable, their gills are on their neck and fins are on their back and arms. They also have a long beautiful tail that they use to swim faster, their feet and fingers are webbed to serve the same purpose as the tail. They also have sharp little claws with little hooks at the end of each of them, they use them for all sorts of stuff like cutting, deboning, hunting, even crafting and decorating at some occasions. Their village is a pretty average one,the villagers live inside gigant coral houses, the corals have many holes in them and are hollow inside. This makes it so the sea people can dig a nice little home for them, the villagers live off fruits that the kelp forest provides, and also every month they go hunting for a big sea monster to feast upon.
The creature that we're gonna start with is named Suzie, she is almost like any other young sea person, but her instincts are somewhat sharper than everyone else. She wakes up and begins her day by checking herself in the mirror, she then gets dressed in some shirts that are made from algae and uncovers the blings to get room, the view from her window almost covers the hole village and a small part of the kelp forest, the light from the sun started to shine down on to the coral structures, and barely breaking thru the kelp forests thick above part.
-Suzie!- Her mother yelled from the kitchen -Your Breakfast is ready!-
Suzie stormed out of her room, happily swimming towards the kitchen, when she arrived she greeted her and sat down at the table
-So what have you prepared mother?-
-You'll see, just give it a few minutes to cool down, by the time being let's set the table- 
 Suzie began to wonder what her mother cooked, because there was no smell or anything. As soon as she sat down her mother cooked Suzie's favorite meal, a big prawn. Suzie was really happy and eat it whole in no time
-Suzie- her mother spoke
-you know that today is a special day- Suzie was a bit confused but remembered that today was the end of the month, witch ment the big hunt was coming -yeah, today is the big hunt-
-that's correct! And you know what else?-
She was even more confused but then she realized something, she is finally old enough to go on one! -YOUR SAYING I CAN FINALLY GO ON ONE?!-
-Yes you can!-
She jumped up from that information, she was so excited that she could scream all day, but that feeling was stopped by a ceiling. After that situation they both swam out at begone their daily duties, today is a big day after all, they went into the kelp forest to collect kelp, so it's gonna be used to craft a big net to catch the sea monster in, Suzie collected it really fast, which meant she could go anywhere she wanted, just like that she swam dipped into the kelp forest, when she was at the end of it she swap up and searched for her favorite spot to lay on and enjoy the sunny day, a lonely rock near the EnvLuck island, once she found it she quickly got on it and started looking around, above the waves. It was a nice cloudy day on the surface, the creatures on the island were not much active at the docs, the pirate ships were readying to depart the port to venture on the great sea of unknown. Suzie's scales were losing their shimer, but she kept her guils wet so she can breathe easier, she can breathe the normal air but she's slowly getting used to it, that's why she's coming here after all. 
-Howdy there Creature!-
 A sudden voice snapped Suzie back to reality from admiring the peaceful scenery of the waves, she looked over from where the voice was coming from. It was the old man Wally. He is a fisher man with a small but strong wooden boat, he comes from time to time to Suzie to have a chit chat about the sea and the islands. Wally wasn't so friendly at first, when he saw Suzie for the first time he was scared but also curious, then Suzie started to act friendly towards him and their friendship grew, Suzie teached him how to look for good fishing spots, and Wally toth her human language.
-hi there Wally!, How you've been?-
-pretty good, today's fishing trip didn't gone as well as i expected but i'll survive, and how your day going?-
-today nothing interesting happens for now, but tonight i'm going to my first monster hunt!-
-monster hunting your saying? Once in my young years I saw them, cursed creatures. But good for you I bet that y'all are going for the big one, ey?-
-Yeah, and i think about bringing you the skull of it after we had our feast-
-you'd really do this for me? I feel honored-
-yeah the skull is pretty useless for us, so you can have it-
-well alright thanks! I'll be going now, stay safe creature-
-bye, Wally!-
 It was time for Suzie to go back, she's been out of the water for a while now, and she needs to help the others prepare for the big night. She went back into the water bringing her skales much needed hydration that caused them to shine again, she swam back into the forest and acted like nothing happened, the sea people started to prepare the giant net and a lot of weapons for the night.
 The sun was finishing to set and thus begoun the preparation, since it was Suzie's first time she didn't get a spear but was there just to watch, she didn't knew that yet but she went anyway, she always wanted to witness hunting but she didn't knew that she wont feel it
-Alright Suzie- Her mother sead -are you ready-
-yes mother, i am!- Suzie sead happily
 The sea people began to swim deep in the kelp forest, they swam for a while but they suddenly stopped. The leader of the group gave out a silent call for the group to take positions, Suzie was not sure what was happening, but her mother told her that Suzie is going to love it. When the group left to their positions Suzie finally saw the monster, it was a giant squid like creature.
 Suddenly the leader screamed loudly and the battle began, Suzie tried to join in but she was stopped by her mother. She really wanted to go but she couldn't. She was really disappointed by her mother, she always told Suzie that she would kill one the first time she could go hunting. She started to tear up and swam away from there, her mother tried to stop her, but Suzie shoved her away and continued to swim. She stopped when she got to the loney stone. She sat at the bottom and cried, she didn't know what she did wrong, well she knew that she did everything right but why wouldn't her own mother let her have fun on her first ever hunt day.
 Suzie calmed down a bit, but she now feeled ashamed to go back. Because she felt like her mother would be mad at her because of her actions, at that moment she felt like her whole world had fallen down and wouldn't be rebuilt. but suddenly she saw a glowing light above her, she swam away from it, but it slowly descended down until it hit the bottom. Suzie carefully approached it and it was a necklace with a beautiful cyan crystal, the crystal was glowing the same color as her eyes. Suzie took the necklace and started swimming upwards to return it, but she saw nothing, it was a stormy night and no ship or boat could've dropped it. Leaving her no choice but to take it.
 Suzie decided to sleep near the village inside the kelp forest, so that she will feel safer there. She slowly swam back, still admiring the mysterious necklace. She saw the village lights, she could see that they were having fun, and feasting on the giant creature. She felt like she didn't belong there anymore finally she laid down on the sandy floor and slowly drifted to sleep.
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canarypost · 9 months
pjo ep4. pacing is weird. it felt way too short which is weird bc the chimera and the arch was a MASSIVE thing in the book but at least they kept the ending w the naiad and him learning to breathe underwater. the scene of the three and echidna talking in the train was wayyy too long i was so bored. the fight scene w percy at the top of the arch was super fast i've noticed there is little to no actual action in this show like i wanted the cgi to go all out in the fight scenes but the minotaur fight was super super super dark and there was ZERO music which. wtf. and the clarisse fight was pretty good but this chimera scene was extremely lackluster like stop fucking talking. the chimera looked weird too i don't think there was enough color on it to differentiate the lion/goat/scorpion parts and it would've been really great to get a wide shot of the full form chimera + echidna so itd be really threatening. and there wasnt a lot of lore dropped w them either at least not like there was w medusa which is weird bc i thought they would've been setting a precedent w medusa and making every monster they encounter on their journey help us understand both greek mythology esp for people who havent read the books AND percy and his relationship w his parents. im hoping we get to see gabe being more of a dick on the news after this episode bc i really wanna see him more violent. make us hate him more yk. bc rn he's just pathetic.
but most importantly i've seen this thing go on with the entire show so far and it's that no one fucking talks like real people least of all the golden trio. stop saying "mother" and "father" no one fucking says that least of all these kids of single parents many of whom would rather pour chiron's horse shit into the campfire than show their godly parents the tiniest modicum of respect. no one has interjections like "um" "uh" or "like," no one says "bro" or "dude" not even between percy and grover which is completely absurd like i cannot understate how much it bothers me that we're only told that percy and grover have been friends for years bc if i didn't know better i'd say they've known each other as long as percy and annabeth have. not to mention annabeth's "she [thalia] fought valiantly" in ep3 which is so utterly bonkers annabeth isn't some kinda "old soul" she's a kid with neglectfully abusive parents (which we arent even shown the affects of!! she has to tell it to percy directly for some reason!!! this show has a massive problem with telling instead of showing) who's passionate about architecture and her godly parent. she's just a really fuckin smart kid. now that im typing it all out it's really not as big of a deal to me as the others but it's just fucking weird. but ig if u look at it from some specific angles it's in character. but whatever. i still love her to death for that candy scene in the gas station last episode
but going back to the dialogue thing percy and grover being dumb preteen boy best friends and calling each other "dude" and "bro" 1. shows us instead of just tells us that they've been friends for a long time, 2. has annabeth roll her eyes a bunch (a notable character trait) and shows us she's a little stuck up but more lonely than anything else, and then 3. gives the opportunity to endear percy and grover to annabeth so to not just grow the relationship between all three (golden trio!!! so important) but also the percy/annabeth slow burn AND the healing of the past grover/annabeth relationship which both of them are so so so guilty about. idk i think i need more one-on-one grover/annabeth scenes yet considering we haven't had A SINGLE ONE
last negative thing but the pool flashback at the beginning felt extremely ooc for sally. like i know how important it is for percy to learn to swim esp since he literally doesn't know who his dad is but she was being such a dick!!!! first of all ur kid is clearly more stressed out about swimming than u r about him NOT swimming and second of all it is totally unnecessary to be doing this in PUBLIC swim lessons. like u can see sally looking around at all the other parent/kid pairs like sorry ur worried about how u look to the fucking pool pta but ur kid is fucking terrified. give it another goddamn day give the kid a break. the real sally would never sally jackson i love you i love you i love you
what i DID like about this episode was the opening shot underwater, it reminded me a lot of the movie and controversial opinion but the show could actually use being quite a bit more like the movie bc it was actually pretty good even if it didnt follow the story whatsoever. i liked the shot of the centaurs on the train and i thought i also remembered that from the movie but i think i just remembered seeing the shot in my head when i was reading the book which is actually really impressive. the three getting into real world trouble w the cops is very accurate, percy sitting in the fountain while grover and annabeth splash him was funny, and i ESPECIALLY loved percy pulling a fast one on annabeth at the top of the arch i think it really shows off his self sacrificing nature imo better than him rushing the minotaur in ep1 bc we know his character better by now and we're more emotionally invested. and i really loved that they kept percy's way of learning he could breathe underwater + the naiad from poseidon
actually im not done being neg i really wish they would've kept "isn't that a kind of anteater?" and "prove your bloodline" which would lead to percy purposefully jumping off the arch instead of falling. idk it feels like we're slowwwlllyyy growing to see percy being percy bc im gonna be honest. rn he doesn't have much of a personality. where is persassy. bc i cant fuckin see him
anyway it was a fun episode if a bit slow. it had it's moments. im excited for waterland and the tunnel of looooove next week though :33
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wallspikes · 2 years
Chapter 3
OK this ones a long chapter. almost 6k words. its to make up for the fact that I took over a year to post this sorry. i'm still trying to come up with a name for this! but i'm kicking around some ideas and I'm getting closer. anyway i don't think there's really any warnings for this chapter that arent like. hugely common in other borrower writings! tw bug death...?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Sunday, June 7th
11:43 P.M.
For certain this time, Weld was clean out of food. 
The borrower lay stagnant in his nest, staring up at the dirt ceiling, watching the day pass as the sun crossed the sky, and the rays of light passed through the slats of his burrow’s hatch. He fidgeted with a piece of cloth he’d pulled from the pile he lay on, catching the corners of his nails on the loose threads he’d already managed to coax from the weave of the fabric. 
He was hungry. The day before, he’d misjudged how much food he had left — one or two of the blueberries had gone too soft, and the quarter portion of the grasshopper wasn’t even enough to ration out into two meals — and after the trip had gone… sour… he hadn’t gotten the opportunity to take a detour to the blueberry bush to get a bit extra, nor would he have trusted himself to climb the thing either way, not with the state he was in at the time. He’d gone home empty-handed, and now he lay here with an equally empty stomach. It rumbled, as if to remind him. Weld grimaced.
The fabric in his hands started to unravel, and he subconsciously brought the remains to his mouth to chew on its frayed edges. He hadn’t properly chewed on anything in a couple of days and his teeth had started to ache in its absence — plus, it helped keep his mind off of how empty his stomach was, and kept his teeth clean.
He didn’t want to leave the house, not after what happened, but he had no choice. It was either he toughened up and took the trip, or he’d starve in his burrow and let the bugs and mice pick at his remains with no means to fight them off — one outcome seemed marginally better than the other. So, he’d wait for the sun to set and the rumbling of the footsteps and bicycle tires on the slats of the boardwalk to begin to die down, and hope he wouldn’t have to suffer another visit from the giant stranger on a night trip. 
Weld shivered. He was always afraid of humans, or, a better assessment would be to say he was afraid of strangers, no matter their size. The fact that the human that had settled their weight over him, blocking out the evening sun, was big enough to pick him up and cradle him in their palm only added to his fear, leaving him petrified rather than in the state of awkward shyness he would tend to feel around the other borrowers he had met when he was a child. He was just more likely to meet a strange human than a strange borrower. 
It wasn’t humans that scared him — he’d lived among them for twenty-five years now, he had seen them laugh, love each other, cry on one another’s shoulders, as he had with his family — they were just people, plain and simple. People on a different scale living a different life that he’d never truly understand, and the same goes for him. What did scare him was the uncertainty of it all, the lack of knowledge or control — the idea that he, in the end, had no say in whatever they decided to do, human or borrower. 
He wasn’t afraid of the stories shared by borrowers for centuries, meant to humble and knock brave, young borrowers down a peg. His parents never really bought into those — though, they’d tell them from time to time — rather they’d bring their sons to watch arguments, and eventually fights, that the patrons of the mechanic’s shop would have with its employees. Watching two humans go toe-to-toe in real-time, or a frustrated mechanic fling furniture and tools around the garage in fits of rage were always more effective methods of intimidation — their terrific shows of strength always put Weld and his brother, Hal, on edge. But, on the other hand, he’d seen the same of borrowers. Not the strength, but the merciless fighting, or the obnoxious bouts of frustration, seemingly over nothing. In the end, who was he to judge a human if he knew nothing about them?
That wasn’t to say he wouldn’t mind if the human that had spotted him decided to come around for another trip. He’d mind that very much. One human always meant more humans, and he didn’t know if that was something he was going to be able to handle. Weld could run from one, hide himself away until it all blew over, but more than one would put his life on lockdown.
Chewing on his bedsheets wasn’t enough. The ache was still there, and his nerves only made it worse. Weld reached from his nest, plucking a flower stem from the bundle near his front hatch. He gnawed on its end, mouth flooding with the bitter taste of the water that leaked from the stem. His stomach rumbled again. He was getting impatient.
By the time he pulled himself from his thoughts, the bustling of humans finding their way home after an evening of friendly revelry quieted to the familiar drone of the night. Weld took pause, realizing the time, reddening a bit at how long he’d been entranced by his memories. Looking down at his hands, the flower stem had been rendered to a limp, mushy mess, covered in bite marks and shredded fiber, staining his palms a bright green. He grimaced and tossed the refuse at the foot of the ladder — he’d bring that out later.
The borrower stood, raising his hands above his head in a long, satisfying stretch, accompanied by a tired whine as he lowered himself back to his nest to wrap his feet and pull on his boots, slipping on his shirt in his typically clumsy manner — finally, poking his head from the neck of his shirt, he forced his hair to lay flat. He gave his gear a thorough once-over, making sure nothing was out of place, no ropes were frayed, canteens were full… he sighed. No food, and no hook. He’d forgotten about his hook. His grapple would have to do. Hopefully, he wouldn’t run into anything too big.
Swinging his backpack over his shoulders and shoving its latching button through the loose eye-hole of the worn leather strap, the sand-colored cloak was next to follow, draping over his shoulders and wavering with each slight movement of his body. The disguise had done him well for the past couple of years of his life — better to hide the stark-red cotton of his shirt — blending into the sand at a moment's notice if need be. Maybe it wouldn’t work quite well enough for the finely-tuned eye of a human, but maybe he would get lucky. He hadn’t exactly had the confidence in the garment enough to put it to the test.
Weld opened the hatch just enough to peek out and scan the area, then shoved his nose up into the little gap to smell out the area, too — nothing around but plants. A relief, but maybe a bit disappointing, he thought as he completed the climb up the rickety bamboo ladder, past the hatch of his burrow and onto the solid ground outside. No suspicious smells meant no special dinner, though he supposed that was a good thing — he was out a hook, after all.
Without big-game hunting gear, his first order of business would be to find an ant. Preferably, one of the big, black ones that measured up the size of his hand, though, the finger-sized red ones would do just fine. He could skewer it through the middle and suspend it on a thread as bait, hoping the rest of the hill would do as they always did and return to pick up their dead, falling victim to the borrower’s little trap he’d created a few human-feet from his doorstep — a deep pit, about his height, lined with discarded vinyl from the bottoms of surfboards and slickened with bicycle oil, a grass-woven net pinned over the top fitted with holes just wide enough for an ant to easily squeeze through on its way in, but struggle to find its bearing through on its way out. 
He was proud of his trap, and even prouder of how successful it tended to be. His catches would make for good soups, slowly boiled over a low flame with stalks and flowers of dandelion, or seared in his beer bottle cap pan until it sizzled with a dark char. Or, in a pinch, Weld wasn’t above sinking his teeth into the hard shell of an ant, chewing through the crunchy exterior to the sour, almost zesty taste of its innards — a flavor the borrower was rather fond of. 
He pushed through the heavy brambles of bamboo and weeds atop the dunes, skulking along the plants as he listened for any too-loud movement that never came. He’d hoped his trusty trap at the base of his residence and dune would have dinner secure within an hour or so — given the circumstances he even found a few ants, or even just one, chittering to themselves at this time of night. 
With no bait suspended from the line, the weaved trap was empty, just as he suspected. Weld sighed, but turned his head to his next destination. The boardwalk, another few paces away, was sure to hold something living beneath it. The borrower wasn’t picky. He’d eat whatever managed to stumble into his path, granted it wouldn’t kill him — there was no food that Weld couldn’t tolerate enough to starve.
He ran his hand along the salt-dried beams of the boardwalk, and stared past the wooden slats at the stars. He liked this time of night. Just late enough for most of the humans to have found their way home, and the air could stretch into the silence, as if to take a much-needed breather from the noise of the day. 
If he could stand here forever and not worry about the ever-growing ache that tugged at his stomach and grew in his teeth, Weld would commit himself to watching the stars and listening to the distant crash of waves against the shore, or learning to cook more than just his mother’s ant soup and bottlecap-charred bugs. 
But he couldn’t. His stomach grumbled again, and he was pulled from his thoughts by the buzzing of wings — short bursts of flight that disturbed the weeds and kicked up grains of sand. A beetle, Weld determined. One of the green-brown ones with the oil-slick patterning and the little pair of antennae that reached out above its eyes. 
He turned on a heel, planting his feet in the loose sand to find a firm footing as he listened for the next intermittent buzz of the beetle. As soon as it came, Weld sprung into a dash towards a patch of moving bramble where the beetle must’ve just landed, thankful he’d already taken off his boots and tied them to his backpack by their laces — he’d learned quickly enough that it was harder to run when his boots sunk into the sand. When he broke past the weeds, there was another flurry of movement from his dinner, the iridescent bug lifting its antenna from its lazy probing around in the sand to flick its head in his direction, and rev up its wings for another burst of flight.
Weld was on it before its transparent wings could flit from beneath its exoskeleton. He pressed closed its elytra, his hands on either side of its bucking body as it clacked its mandible at him, alarmed. He supplemented a hand with a foot against one of its flanks as he reached quickly for his grapple, and wrapped the hook and rope around its belly — past wriggling legs and sharp claws, restraining its wings tightly to its abdomen so all it could do was buzz. Weld bent the beetle’s neck, and with his two longest teeth, pried the exoskeleton from its head until its legs no longer kicked.
He smiled to himself as he held the beetle to his chest. It was fairly small, and couldn't have been larger than his own forearm, including his hand. He could make it last a few meals if he tried; he plucked its spindly legs from its body and wrapped it in a blade of nearby crabgrass before stuffing it into his backpack. 
The beetle would make an easy roast. He could cook it over an open flame and scoop its congealed flesh right from its exoskeleton, and hope he had some extra left over for later. The little bit of meat in its legs could boil down to a broth, given he could find some herbs to toss in with them. Weld’s stomach eagerly rumbled. He thought he remembered where some chickweed and wild onions grew. Weld pushed a little deeper into the weeds, his search for an ant forgotten in hopes of something better.
Footsteps fell a few paces down the boardwalk, each step deliberately slow, rolling from heel to toe as the perpetrator did their very best to be as quiet as possible, despite their size. Weld froze. He slowly pivoted his head in hopes to get a glance at whoever had just approached, but the sickly feeling in his stomach practically told him all he needed to know — they stood just inches away from where he’d first been discovered by the human, shining a light into the gully where he had lay vulnerable. For all the weeds in the way of his vision, Weld couldn’t say for sure who the human was — until a familiar voice called out. “Hello?”
Weld bolted, the dune grass in his path a dead giveaway of his location, but he didn’t care. It was already too late — there was a heavy thump into the sand behind him, and the creaking and cracking of weeds and branches snapping underfoot as the human followed hot on his heels. He felt his heart choke him as it leapt into his throat, the adrenaline coursing through his veins, the bile burning in his stomach. 
And then the dunes gave way to a wavering wall of green webbing and a bar of metal, all in one seemingly effortless motion.
Weld watched the netting fall around him, tangling up in the weeds and the dune grass in seconds — trapping him in the lush landscape with no way of exit. For a moment, he could feel his heart stop, as the aluminum handle dropped to the sand and two heavy footsteps landed just in front of him, two hands coming down quickly at their side. One was wrapped in bandages Weld realized as the human leaned on their forearms and stared down at the fruits of their capture with stars in their eyes.
Weld scrambled to find purchase beneath the rim of the net, digging at the sand to find it only forced his prison deeper into the ground. The human’s hands cleared a few of the weeds they had trapped alongside him, and curiously peered past the netting. The borrower didn’t hear the first few words that came out of the human’s mouth — rather, he didn’t process them. The buzzing of his ears seemed to drown out the frantic blabbering of the giant that loomed above him, their eyes making the skin on the back of his neck burn an itching heat. Weld backed away, gripping the metal rim as the human’s words slowly became apparent over his heaving breaths.
They’d straightened up by now, gesturing wildly in the flashlight’s glow, tugging at the bandages until they unraveled to reveal the swollen bite mark Weld had left on their hand from yesterday. “—kinda why I came out here,” Weld began to understand the human’s rambling, “Well… it wasn’t at first, but then the bump wasn’t gone in the— it doesn’t matter. You were cool, I wanted to know if I was insane, yada yada yada. That’s… uh… that was the main reason I wanted to come back out.”
Weld conspicuously tugged at the netting behind his back, rarely taking his eyes off of the wound. Looking at the tender, red skin of the human’s hand, Weld almost tasted the coppery blood on his tongue, and felt the warmth of their skin. The sensation made him gag.
“This bite isn’t gonna kill me, right?” The human suddenly questioned, panic in their voice, “‘Cause, it’s, like, not going away, man. And I don’t wanna have to go to the hospital and tell them that some little guy bit me. ‘Cause, that gets you in trouble, and it probably makes me look crazy…”
Weld realized, with some matter of satisfaction, that the events of the day before had been putting the human through their own bout of distress — though, he couldn’t help but wonder if he should’ve let up on his bite a bit earlier. He never thought it would cause that much of a reaction on a human, of all things.
“Are you sure you don’t have venom or anything?” they nervously itched at the spot, “Nothing that, uh, limits my life expectancy to forty-eight hours, or something?”
The borrower froze as the human went silent, waiting in earnest for an answer — one of the affirmative, that Weld was non-venomous, and the reaction they were having was completely harmless. But he couldn’t simply speak to clear the air about the bite — the borrower rules may not have been a proper part of his upbringing, but ‘no talking to humans’ meant no talking to humans, whether it was a borrower’s rule or his father’s rule.
He spared a glance down at the human’s hand, clasped in their other palm as they held it at their chest. He steadied his breath, which had turned into ragged panting throughout the conversation, and anxiously tangled his hand up in the net even further. To the human, he responded with a curt nod.
They paused. Sat back on their heels. Straightened their jaw and shifted their eyes. “Um…” they started, a slight quiver in their voice, “Is that a nod, like, ‘yes, I do have venom’? Or…?”
Weld quickly shook his head, lifting a corner of his lip while he did so to bear a set of sharp fangs, trying to communicate to the worried human that his teeth had no method of releasing venom as snakes did. Just pure, unadulterated bone. 
The human stared for a moment, then heaved forward with a heavy sigh, their body deflating until they rested on their forearms in the sand. “Thank god, dude,” they ran their fingers through their hair, “These bites were, like, super freaking me out.”
The borrower jumped to his feet, scrambling back to cradle himself in the netting — anything to get away from the human.
“Here, look, let me let you out,” the human perked up, propping the flashlight up against their backpack before slowly digging their hands beneath the metal rim, “I’m sorry about the net. I was, uh, debating bringing the thing last night, but then I worried I wouldn’t be able to talk to you… kinda harsh, though.”
Weld could feel the netting being lifted away, letting the relief of an exit wash over him — before he felt a sharp pull at his arm as the man’s former prison reached out of range. In all of his incessant worrying at the cords of the net, tugging at individual fibers in the meager hopes he could unravel them enough to tear a large enough hole to slip out through, Weld had found his arm twisted up in the human’s artificial webbing, like self-afflicted handcuffs. 
Strung up by his wrist, Weld couldn’t help the strangled yelp that escaped past his lips as his feet briefly left the ground. He reached for his grapple, hoping the little, sharpened hook would be enough to slash through the netting that kept him suspended — but the hurried movement only exacerbated the borrower’s struggle, the rope tightening until the skin around the area pinched white. 
“Ah!” the human exclaimed, gently lowering the net back to the sand, though with the forethought to place the lot of it off to the side enough so as not to keep the borrower beneath it, “Sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t see you were so… stuck!”
Weld had yet to speak, hesitantly sparing a glance up at the human who had now leaned to loom over him with worried eyes. He sawed at his bonds, the barbs of his grapple catching on the netting at each push-and-pull, only forming little knots from the fibers each point loosened. Dread made his efforts more frantic as his plan continued to fail, and the matted knots of green nylon around his wrist only grew larger. 
The borrower slumped to the ground, defeated, and he could feel the burning prick of frustrated tears finally come to his eyes — they fell before he could blink them away, a few rolling down his cheeks and catching in the thick of his beard. Weld watched the shadow of the human encroach overhead, and one of those massive hands slowly inched towards his webbed arm. 
“Hey, alright,” the human spoke softly, and taking the chance of a distraction, slipped a hand behind the borrower, “Stop squirming for a minute, I’m gonna try to untangle this thing. But you got yourself pretty stuck, so, uh, it might take a while.”
Weld felt those fingers on his back again like he had the day before, and his body fell frighteningly still. He could feel the cushion of fresh medical wraps around the human’s palm, and the incessant warmth that, as always, started through them. But, more pressing was the sudden pressure on either side of his wrist as an enormous index finger and thumb caught it in a pinch.
The human heaved a sigh of relief at Weld’s stillness, and shifted their hand to gently hold his atop the pad of a fingertip. “Good! This is— okay,” they took a deep breath as they leaned forward, and started to gently tug on the first nylon knot, shifting the excess of the net off of the borrower, “Sorry, I know I got you into this. With the… net and everything. But, uh, I’m gonna get you out of it! So please, just relax… and trust me…”
Weld held his tongue between his teeth. He watched with wide eyes every move the human made, his back beginning to ache as he refused to lean against their hand, though glad to no longer be surrounded by the green netting. Every part of him was stiff as a board, agonizingly tense with adrenaline for the unpredictability of the giant stranger — who, for right now, had held him gently in their palms the last two times they had met, though he never knew how quickly that could change. The warmth was overbearing, a stifling heat as if the human held the very air around themself in an atmosphere of their own, and he couldn’t stop the other half of his brain from reminding him how these stories usually ended. 
He hated that feeling, that fear that he was going to be hurt; Weld knew nothing about the stranger besides that they were human, and something told him he couldn’t judge the content of their heart based solely on that. But he couldn’t help that his nerves buzzed every time the human touched him or stared at him for too long — it was just… instinct. 
His breath caught tightly in his throat as he stared past the human’s glasses and into dark-brown eyes, their gaze too focused on the borrower’s predicament to notice his intense studying. Two fingers gently tugged on his wrist with a strength he couldn’t even begin to comprehend. Weld decided, despite his unfamiliarity with the human’s values, he didn’t like being held very much.
“My name’s Gio,” the human started, after a brief pause to clear their throat, “Uh, I don’t think I’ve actually said that yet… I’ve done all this to you and I haven’t even given you my name yet, ha— but, I guess, there it is.”
They pulled each nylon thread across his skin — back, forward, tight, loose — until the fibers left red lines in a cuff around his wrist. Weld couldn’t help but stare them right in the face as they continued their work, watching for something to change in their expression of tongue-biting focus. 
The human, or ’Gio’, as Weld had learned, caught the little, staring eyes of the borrower, and quickly lowered them back to the sand with an awkward laugh — all attempts to ignore the absurdity of the situation, despite having been the one to cause it. Weld’s breath hitched every time one of their fingers reached from the palm at his back and encroached within his personal space to graze curiously against his body. But, he never could unfreeze himself from his spot — not so long as the human still kept his wrist in a gentle pinch. 
“You don’t happen to have a name…” the human started, daring to steal a glance at the borrower, “Do you?”
Weld held their gaze, regardless of that burning sensation at the nape of his neck that made his stomach turn. He nervously tugged at his trapped wrist, and his expression twisted to a hunted grimace. Everything felt terribly wrong, sitting captured in a giant’s hand and being asked questions so casually, like nothing was the issue — yet something in him, past the bile that rose in his throat and the sickly look on his face, wanted to nod. The answer was short, small. Just one, nearly imperceptible movement — up and down. 
But even the smallest movement was enough for Gio. The human’s smile cracked from ear to ear — to Weld, a painfully toothy sight that filled the whole of his vision, and sent a prickling heat through each strand of wiry fur across his back. They stared for a moment longer, just enough for Weld to realize he couldn’t take it for another second as he began to tug on his entrapped arm again. “I figured you did,” they exclaimed, voice hushed, turning back to the work at hand, “Everyone has a name. My real name is Giorgio. Most people call me Gio — you could, too, if you want… I actually prefer it — but my mom still calls me Giorgio.” 
The netting tugged roughly on the borrower’s arm, and Weld responded with a sharp grimace. Gio lightly hissed, and mumbled an apology. “Um… I don’t think I’m gonna be able to untangle you like this,” they admitted, sheepishly raising their gaze from Weld’s surely-by-now welt-covered hand, and the borrower decided he didn’t like where this was going. The human reached one hand away and patted at their backpack, until they pulled out a folded-up knife, “But I could cut you out of it…?”
Weld was weighing his options as he stared at the utility knife in Gio’s hand, luckily still hidden away in its metal frame. But, as he stared at the handle of a folded blade that nearly sized him up, from what he could tell, Weld considered which option made the sickness in his stomach settle the quickest — continued manhandling by a giant, or the cold sting of a blade against his skin, for just a moment? He paused, as if to consider something again… then his free hand grabbed hold of the netting and tugged on it with a pointed stare at Gio.
The human cocked their head. “What? The net?” They tightened their grip on the knife, then their face lit up in realization, “Oh! Yeah, the net! I’m gonna cut the net! Not— not your arm!”
Weld drew his body away from his arm, sticking the offending limb in its tangled mess as far from himself as he could before giving a stiff, hesitant nod to the human that loomed above him. They opened the knife with a sharp click — Weld’s hair stood on end, and he grimaced as he hung his head low, refusing to watch as the human lowered the tool to level with the delicate limb that he held out of the net as a hopeful sacrifice. Both of the human’s hands fell heavily around him — the air becoming humid and hot as the cool metal connected with his skin, lodging itself beneath the tangle of the net while Weld pitifully pressed his back against the soft palm surrounding him, a watering eye squinting open with morbid curiosity to watch the scene before him.
The pocket blade — a bit dull near the ends and scratched from whatever business — sawed at the net, the serrated bit at its center catching the filaments of the green webbing and doing most of the human’s dirty work, back and forth until Weld could almost begin to feel a line of raw, red skin form on his arm where the back end of the knife had left an irritated scrape. A few of the cords snapped, Weld noted with a soft gasp, and he could begin to wiggle his arm free — but the powerful pinch on his forearm convinced him to do otherwise. 
“Just a little more…” Gio promised, and Weld forced both his eyes open to stare at the human who, just for a moment, went back to their tongue-biting face of focus before they decided to speak again, “I am actually really sorry for, y’know, getting you into all this…” they murmured, not taking their eyes off the work at hand as another few pieces snapped, “Is there any way I can make it up to you? Help you out a bit?”
Weld thought back to the scarcity of his shelves lining the storeroom of his burrow — the driving factor behind this trip in the first place — and furrowed his brow. He didn’t much like the idea of taking food from a strange human, especially not after they’d caught him in a net and he’d sunken his teeth into their skin just the day before, but the risk of starving was even less savory, and the offer was staring him right in the face. He wiped his eyes of their watering tears.
Gio brought their knife through the last cord of nylon, and the borrower was pulling his arm free and standing to reel a few steps away from the human before they could even give the go-ahead, “You… beat me to it!” They sighed, sitting back on their heels, and stowed the pocket knife in its place in their backpack, “Um. I guess that’s a big, hard ‘no’ on the help thing, then, yeah?”
The borrower paused, weighing his options once more before hesitantly raising his hands to mime the gesture of biting a piece of food — grasping the air in front of himself and lifting it to his mouth, taking an exaggerated chomp out of the imaginary meal.
Gio cocked their head, and squinted a bit at the sudden display. “…What?”
Weld mimed the action again, this time more insistent.
“Oh!” Gio tapped their head, “Watermelon.”
He had to try a different avenue. Weld pointed at the human’s backpack, just off to their side, and took a cautious step towards Gio’s shoe.
“My backpack?” Gio glanced at it, “There’s not much in it. Kinda just, like, the typical stuff; water bottle, bug spray, pocket knife, a snack, my house keys—“
Gio was distracted by the pantomime borrower whose superstition was proven right. He brought his hands to his face at double speed, and this time the human copied him.
It clicked. “Food!” Gio exclaimed, “You want food!”
Weld couldn’t help his relieved sigh, and the slight smile that cracked along his lips, if only for a second. He nodded. 
The human’s eyes glimmered with excitement as they quickly rummaged around in their backpack, barely taking an eye off the borrower. “You smiled!” They laughed, “Just barely, but— but you did! Here, look—“
A loose fist was swung down in front of him, grasping a peeled-open bar of food that Weld only slightly recognized — the families on the boardwalk beside his home would carry them along, and the men at the mechanics would pack them for their lunches. Weld jumped at the sudden approach, but leaned in after a second when the sickly-sweet scent overwhelmed his senses. It reminded him of honeysuckle.
“It’s a granola bar. It’s got, like, ah…” Gio pulled back the packaging a bit, ”…peanuts, oats, and chocolate. I think they’re pretty good. So, dig in!”
Weld inched forward, eyeing the bar and the fist that held it, then plucked a whole peanut out of the sticky sugar with both of his hands. He gave the human a lopsided grin. 
“Do you want more?” They asked, shrugging, “If not, I’ll probably just eat the rest. No use wasting it.”
The peanut was set aside in the sand in the face of a better goal. Weld reached out for more, trying this time to break off a chunk of the bar much bigger than last time — about the length of his forearm, both across and long. The grains that messily crumbled into his hands he quickly brought to his mouth, while the rest was stored away in his pack. He turned his attention, again, to the peanut, its sticky coating covered in grains of sand, but easily picked off despite it all. Weld gnawed at the sweet snack, finding a spot he felt comfortable enough planting his feet to pause to eat, although he was charged to dash at a moment's notice.
The human smiled, seemingly satisfied that the borrower hadn’t fled the second he’d gotten his hands on what he’d wanted. They splayed a leg out in front of them — slowly, enough warning for the borrower to step carefully out of the way of the massive action, and another forewarning as the other leg followed — until they were sitting just a few feet across from the little redhead. They took a bite of the remaining granola bar, tapped once on the device sitting idly in their lap, and shrugged.
Weld got the feeling this night was going to last longer than he had once hoped.
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chloeinletters · 2 years
Hello! I'm wondering if you'd be willing to answer a couple of my questions regarding writing. I've been feeling so stuck recently since I've had to drop out of school for financial reasons :( P.S. I admire you and your writing so much <3
Do you consider your main genre of writing to be creative non-fiction? We have similar writing styles, but I've been unable to classify what I've been putting on the page.
What advice do you have for someone who wants to start freelancing with no article writing or blog experience? What kind of projects should I be looking for and how should I create a portfolio with nothing to show?
Thank you!
I'm sorry you had to drop out. That environment is irreplaceable but I hope you know it's not impossible to grow as a writer without it! It's just different! and I mean that in a good way. Most of my growth happened outside of school. I know it doesn't make it all better, but I wanted you to know that I had an unconventional journey as well. I dropped out for a year for mental health reasons and it took me six years to complete my degree. So you're not alone! Anyway to answer you questions.
I consider it creative nonfiction yes. Everything I write unless specified or obvious speculation is stuff that has happened to me. My mind doesn't really work to create fiction truthfully! Every creative writing class we had to do it in I was like banging my head against a wall.
My advice would be to write a few articles or pieces for your own personal blog so you have a bit of a portfolio. when I was taking courses my teachers were saying list everything when you begin. Like it doesn't matter if its your own personal blog or whatever just list it. If they check the owner of the blog they check but then you at least have something on a resume that says hey I have XYZ experience. Do not hold back on your experience. I also had someone write out my resume with me after I graduated and we started by listing like every possible accolade I could think of. Do that for yourself too you'd be surprised what you've already accomplished even if it seems to you insignificant.
Go to Chill subs and make an account. This is like the best possible resource I wish I had it when I first began. Its a database of like genuine publications that arent just going to have your stuff sitting in their submission database for 3 years. it's user-submitted and suggested and runs on donations. But it's phenomenal if you want to begin following and finding literary mags, zines, or websites taking submissions. You can sort it by prestige of the publication if it's intimidating to submit somewhere "big" they have like up-and-coming to Paris review level. There are a lot of filters its just great. That is the one thing I would truly take away from this. USE CHILL SUBS!
What to look for is an interesting question. Look for the projects that excite you. Often literary pubs will give a theme. Notice which ones get the gears turning for you. If you were to write something right now what theme would entice you? Love? Friendship? growing up? What stories do you like to read the most and what do they all have in common? Lean into those things and write as much as you want about what you uncover. tell the same story three times three new and different ways. There are people who have made careers out of writing about friendship. You do not need to venture anywhere you don't desire to go. Personally, I love writing about love and mundanity. The everyday is so boring to some people but to me its beautiful and I write about it anyway. it took a few years for me to realize this and to feel good about doing what I wished, but it's worth it. Any anxiety that I have about writing the same thing over and over is remedied by the fact that stories set in the more we tell them. They get better and more poignant.
Best of luck to you. You can do this. You already have everything you need to do it.
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
here are my thoughts on the new episode!!! this time im actually writing them out in real time. ive been so so excited for this one
- no normal fact damn. thats okay though will i support
- oh god are they doing this w their comedy personas.
- i love how tori didnt even get an introduction to scam it was just like oh yeah theres a guy here named scam likely
- LINK JUST SHOWING GARFIELD ON HIS PHONE lincoln li wilson bless ur soul
- somehow the audio quality of link being on a microphone extra loud makes this so funny
- istg the moment hermie has a line im gonna scream and jump up and down
- i literally forgot that disney movies have anime remakes now in dndads i was so confused for a sec WAIT TORI DOESNT KNOW THIS OMFG IMAGINE HER CONFUSION
- honestly though i think taylor opening up like this through comedy makes sense
- link is so supportive of taylor awwww
- i think its so funny and ironic how scary is the only one who doesnt drop lore about her family in her set
- "im sensitive about that :[" MY LITTLE GUYYYYY NO
- will campos is carrying this entire episode
- hermies up now i am so fucking scared. this episode is NOT going the direction i thought it would omfg (not complaining at all im just in shock)
- *applauds hermie along w tori* (I CANT BELIEVE ANTHONY IS DOING THIS W JOKER MAKEUP)
- thanks for the existential crisis/aging/suicide jokes hermie i really needed that on my bday 😅😅 /s
- "im saying were all thinking about how i would be better off dead" IM KILLING MYSELFFFF
- nobody hmu ever again /j i am never going to stop thinking about the fact that hermie is canonically suicidal
- i had to take a big ol break just to process that shit. fuck. this is somehow making me even more insane hermie brained wtf
- "u dont like me, u idiot" 😦
- will campos really holding on strong for us. normal is gonna fix hermie if its the last thing he does ig
- NICKYS BACK i wasnt expecting him this episode yippee
- im being so serious guys when i say i think this may be my fave episode of the whole season so far it is boggling my mind and smashing my heart to pieces and im loving it
- "u can be polygamous in space" there are so many good lines this episode
- i also love whenever freddie talks about sciencey mathy stuff that i dont understand
holy fucking shit. what a rollercoaster. so yeah guys i think that was my fave episode of the season wow. what a bday gift to me. herman unworthy is just like me fr. i am going to take an eternity to recover from this.
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wirtsroom · 1 year
a digital circus review but its kind of long and complainy lmfao
tldr: i wish it was good but i didnt like it, may hold hope for the future episodes
okay so. ive been semi following digital circus for a while cuz like. i like gooseworx' stuff! shes got a good flow, sense of style, yadda yadda. and same goes for kevins stuff too!! when they released the mini trailers i was intrigued!
but like. the pilot is. okay how do i start this
the plot: i know its just the pilot, but its really showing its cards way too early and completely unsubtle. its supposed to be all "ahhh ur in the pc scary!" but its so hamfisted in its existential delivery we cant even begin to immerse in the world. like. we have an interesting premise of being in an environment akin to early pc games for kids! theres a whole fun circus! but rarely in the episode do we go for a romp in those ideas, rather we are all just "oh no were all crazy here. mwahahahah" and thats BORINGGGGG. the pacing feels also way to fast for us to truly be unsettled. bam, youre here, the clowns evil, youre in the backrooms or whatever, done. it goes too fast and shows too many ideas at once to be honest.
the characters: theyre standard as far as 00s inspired characters go. they all fit a certain trope in modern psychological horror and nothing is left to the imagination really. jax is your bitchboy tumblr fave, pomni is the fish out of water, ragatha has to be the Nice One, zooble is. well she was there. the fucking chess piece guy was there to allude to viewers the horrors or whatevr and then the comedy face character is just for comic relief. while again this IS a pilot, i have no idea how these characters will be you know. interesting to the plot. like jax is going to just be the depressed self aware guy i can see that but is there anything else he can give? do we have interesting connections to these characters? will any of them have thematic pieces for their designs? I dont know i want them to hit but they feel kind of surface level with little allusion.
the aesthetic: sorry im kind of a cunt for this THEY ARE NOOOT USING THE SETTING TO ITS MAXIMUM POTENTIAL!!!!! THE WHOLE PC GAME THING IS JUST SET DRESSING AND LITTLE ELSE!!!! LIKE "OHHH ARENT YOU SCARED BC THIS IS THE HAPPY PLACE WHEN ITS EVIL?" LIKE COME ON!!! WHERES THE JANK! WHERES THE WEIRD PUZZLE GAMES! DOES NOBODY HERE ASIDE FROM THE RINGMASTER DO ANYTHING? WHY IS IT SO HUGE? and also the animation is. kind of now clashing witht the style. Like not really- obviously all the directors on the animation aspect ARE talented, have industry level experience, but its smooth and modern approach sort of makes the setting even less connected. and in some cases the intentional breakage can be really good!!! but it feels too polished, too clean for its chosen period.
an aside?: i dont know see cuz it has a good idea! horror set within my moms old pc, but it doesnt want to even test out a twist or anything. Everyone here is trapped, everyone is crazy, theres liminal spaces, its all stuff i come to expect with an analog themed horror series, and its horror is very minimal. it has no grip on anything, it just wnats to make you feel sad for pomni and go Oh no isnt it scary? Awww nooo scary void wahh! Like it feels almost on the nose, too empty and too big to really utilize it. also im salty theyre selling 40 dollar tshirts for a pilot like. come on
but yeah i didnt. i dont know as i try to remember it now i cant think of anything that stood out. sure it was pretty looking but nothing horrific is staying with me at all. and AGAIN it IS just a pilot!!!!! things can change!!! i might be wrong!!!! but i dont see any horror in the stuff they are providing me bc it feels too safe
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lethalbreadkills · 2 years
so much zonic. these are all minorly incoherent buuuut yeah. reading forward please remember almost all of this is based on a roleplay me n my friends have been working on for a while now :)
regular ass no zone
pretty much the no zone is the multiverse prison- with cops to match. their zone (the universes) runs parallel to all other zones, so yeah they walk on walls its fun
HOWEVER the no zone is. well. its fucked up. dystopian cyberpunk future setting, with extreme technological advances and surprisingly enough /s, mass amounts of corruption. most of the content we see revolves around the no zone prison, which is where multiversal delinquents and criminals are kept. zonic is one of the highest ranking officers, and elite zone cop, and he watching all of the zones on tiny screens in a large room. he spends his life watching the lives of other sonics, seeing what he can never have. hes canonically 17 btw. just thought that was important to note.
one of the biggest issues we see in the comics is the warden (zobotnik) being a magnum cunt as per usual. hes the source of the corruption we see in comic, preferring violent methods of rehabilitation of the prisoners that generally dont actually work. theres a small program in place run by the therapist, zouge, to try and change the way rehabilitation is handled, actually trying to help the prisoners instead of torturing them and going yeah that works. at least in the universe me oat and jove have going, zouge is quite literally being blackmailed into continuing to work there with her life, with her having many cybernetic augmentations due to what would have been a fatal injury. zonic has depression. zouge also has depression. fun fact the no zone canonically clips scourges quills down to a very unhealthy length and theres not enough room in zonics uniform for him to have proper quills so he also has trimmed quills. theyre trimmed in the actual worst way possible (an electric razor) and thus dont grow back properly. more on that later anyways the only reason hedgehogs are even allowed to have quills as long as they do (which is still far too short) is because zonic straight up had an anxiety attack in the middle of a mission
(not fun)
also blackmail is a common thing, with zobotnik using plenty to keep ZONIC working as well, seeing as hes been working there SINCE he was nine (this is extremely illegal but no one gives a shit soooo :// oh well), with a big one being shit like "what would your father think?" (zules was an elite zone cop and died in action), and also the fact that due to beginning working when he was a child, he has no fucking clue what his rights are and thus works... whenever they tell him to. which is usually. he has no fucking friends and the closest he has is literally watching other sonics lives and getting attached to them as characters but not as people. because. he just,, watches their lives and interferes when shit gets too fucked. not good
scary current(ish) stuff
CURRENTLY in the roleplay (and im only explaining this so that the next section makes more sense.
currently, zonic has been fired (due to him using the favt he is a child (among many other reasons lmao) to get zobotnik out of power. it worked, but now hes out of a job bc...of his own reasoning. hes a child.) and is living in the prime zone for a bit. scourge has already been manipulated by mephiles (before and during getting KIDNAPPED) and then after as well) and offers to talk to mephiles so that he has a job to do
(zonic has gone so long being told what to do he longer knows how to function without it, so he readily agrees, happy to be obedient once again)(its kind of a coping mechanism. he has Issues)
so he and scourge are both helping mephiles whilst being manipulated by him. they arent aware.
of course this all comes to a head and goes way fucking wrong- but. well. thats a story for another time.
mephiles goes into hiding. zonic has been further trained into such obedience he struggles to function, attempting multiple times to run back to mephiles (it doesnt work)
which leads is toooo~
an alt route.
SO BASICALLY basically zonic goes to eggman yknow. and like,, what eggman *wouldnt* be happy with a sonic whos willing to do whatever he says? evem without the speed (which he gets taught how to control and use :)) he was actually combat trained, so he can fuck people up. and hes willing to do whatever eggman says.
and well, eggman doesnt really know about thw other zones and shit but this is a kid that looks and sounds exactly like sonoc aside from shorter quills and scars, so ots not hard to tell that *spmethings* up with him
orbot and cubot are. far more concerned about him mentally like theres so much wrong woth this kid. also hes short as hell. thats not important to this you just need to know that. but slowly hes learning to use his speed, and because. why not. we cant have a naked eggion (ignore all the naked eggions theyre not important) (mostly to hide his identity because lets be honest ots SUPER FUCKING OBVIOUS) he gwts a uniform. and upon trying out the gloves, the fact that his bracelet is the only thing keeping him.... upright, at least for them. adhering their gravitational pull, is found out. pretty much confirming that theres something wrong about zonic. they take a bit- experimenting woth technology to make the transition between the two easier. granted, it took a while, and zonic did not feel good (switchign pretty much made him fall face first into the floor)(or wall, depending) which was pretty finny
so yeah he had a migraine for a while bit it happens yknow
hes also got a longer mechanical tail (attaches to his actual tail) to help with keeping balance while running as well as general assistance, acting like nines tails from prime :)
hes also concerned orbot n cubot (and eggman but to a more minor extent) by vaguely talking about stuff from the past. comments like "this is the best job ive wver had :)" and "im glad you let me keep my quills. theyve never been this long before"(which likely does catch eggman off guard at least because. theyre still super short at this time) and readily agreeing to spy on his friends for eggman because thats what hes spent his entire life doing and he doesnt realize its wrong. stuff that kids shouldnt be saying or doing lol.
also the fact zonic accidentally tells eggman theres other universes when hes extremely delirious from staying up for nearly three days and having to desperately go "hey hey dont do whatever youre planning on dking because you will literally reset REALITY again and thats not very cool"
(then these replies from my wonderful boyfriend who helped me by . knowing eggman far better than i LMAO)
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zonic doesnt quite.. have motives? at least, not in that way. hes not really out to hurt people (yet). he's just.. desperate. he's gone his entire life under someones control, and not being so scares him. and he cant go back to mephiles, so eggman is the familiar middle ground. im not sure if desperation for the familiar counts as a motive, but thats what hes got. and then he stays because, well, it's better than every other job hes had.
IM NOT.. sure how that would work out? purely for the fact that like, the sonic team,, isnt really friends. theyre more aquaintences. zonic doesnt really... have friends. and he likely tries to keep his familial relations a secret, as much as he can at least. because he literally ran away for this. the spying only happened after a WHILE because zonic had been dead online for like. months. and upon learning he talked to them he was (initially) upset before realizing zonic could spy on them- at least i believe thats what was said lol. and zonics not going to try and get eggman to change his mind on friendship, cause to be quite honest, he ,, doesnt consider them friends. because hes not allowed friends. zobotnik sure as hell didnt want him having any considering how he was isolated. so.
AND I ACTUALLY LOVE THE ZONIC METAL THING? because also a big part of zonic is literally that he had to spend his life watching all of the sonics live lives he could never even *dream* of having. and now that he has the ability, he thinks thats his only option. be the name. hes not sonic, but he has to be. scourge is the only sonic to have denied his name and hes... well. its scourge. this is making less sense the longer i ramble aaaaa sorry lmao metals thing may have backfired tho because zonics going on a villain arc after this LMAO
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GOIGGE. okay chat i think thats enough 4 now lol. ggihrhhrerrerr bye bye
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roughentumble · 2 years
hoooo boy, nightmare on elm street 5 is a DOOZY. the sets and scene transitions and special effects are all fun and wild, even when they dont hit the mark you can see the amount of love and effort that went into them, and theyre truly inventive. and a depth of narrative was never what the movies brought to the table, so there's no real way for the writing to go down with every film or for them to degrade all that much-- while at the same time, they avoid having a dearth of value like friday the 13th. it's a series that maintains pretty well from entry to entry, in a way that more plot-heavy horror often trips on.
but at the same time, this film brings with it the most ANNOYING side character in the entirety of the franchise(as ive seen so far, anyway), along with messaging around birth and pregnancy that just left me floundering. the scene where she literally talks to her baby currently growing inside her and then wakes up and goes "i cant have an abortion, i met him! he thinks and dreams and i was in there with him, he's a part of me!" the idea that a fetus that small has a heartbeat and dreams...
on their own they arent Evil Ideas or whatever, but theyre so often used as anti-abortion rhetoric that it sours the film. mind you, i dont have a problem with her keeping the baby. just... the movie feels Fucking Weird about it.
i dont even dislike the idea of a fetus's "dreams" being the vector that freddy krueger uses to enter the world! i think that's kind of interesting, and it poses some unique challanges for the characters. i just...... im not big on pregnancy horror to begin with, and somethin about this movie just did Not hit right. i wish i'd watched it somewhere other than in the car, i mightve watched it more closely and been able to come up with a more salient analysis on what felt so Weird about it, but here we are.
Definitely A Movie.
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