#and thank you!!! I spent all day running to uhaul and packing boxes haha
prince-liest · 1 month
hope you're having a great day! saw your posting about radiostatic week and was curious if you're planning to write for all the prompts or just the ones that really scratch your brain?
That actually wasn't for radiostatic week! Unfortunately none of the prompts for that week caught my eye, plus I learned about it relatively short notice. After being in approximately thirty fucktillion (read: more like three or four dozen) zines and getting sick of the process, I've actually made a rule for myself to not write things for scheduled events if it runs a risk of turning the writing-of into a chore for me, haha. But I have written a little radiostatic something for both prompts of Day 2 of Hellaverse Kink Week, and the piece I'm contemplating writing, if I do write it, will be more radiostatic for the "dirty talk" prompt of Day 4 of Bottom Alastor Week. If I'm motivated to finish the appledust sequel in time, that'll be for Day 6 of the Hellaverse Kink Week as well!
I really like the kink week prompts! They feel, like, very much in the spirit of properly kinky prompt selections!
All of that said, I'm really fucking excited to get fed next week when radiostatic week actually runs, hahaha. I know @spoondrifts has some GOOD SHIT cooking for what might be literally every single fucking day of it?? Absolutely wild, I cannot WAIT.
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