#and that AU in which nico brings luke back from life
yonemurishiroku · 2 years
You’re Percy Jackson and the kid who once had a crush on you brings back from the death the guy who you once had a crush on.
I mean. That’d certainly be an experience of a life time.
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seaweedbraens · 2 months
Hold up so you're telling me that Hazel and Nico no more. Leo gone. Jason dead. Judging from the quote you posted Piper also dead. Frank probably dead too. Only Annabeth, Percy, Grover and Reyna probably left. And I am still concerned about Annabeth. And I am also curious about whether the hero of the prophecy changes or something in which case Percy is also in danger. GIRL LET ME BREATHE THIS IS TOO MUCH ANGST I LOVE YOU BUT WHAT- 😭😭
also I am curious about whether Percy will accept the offer of godhood in this au because
A) The kids of the minor god already have been accepted and given importance to. So that wish would kind of be fruitless.
B) Most of his friends and Sally is dead. So not a lot to tether him to mortal world.
C) Now that he has a free wish he could also ask the gods to idk make Annabeth a goddess as well removing his last tether to mortal world.
But if that's not the plan then I am curious about what would he do with the possibly available wish...
(yk Percy ask the gods to bring everyone who died in their name back to life :) or maybe ask them to change Vani's mind and make her bring back everyone :D)
Anyways love all your works so dam much thank you sm for giving us these gems 🩷
everyone's dead, that's the story
putting the rest under read more because it contains spoilers (but not really)
so! interesting thought and i think i address some of WHY percy's still rejecting godhood (because he is definitely still rejecting godhood) in the fic itself, but lemme hit each of your points.
a) the kids of the minor gods have been accepted by DEMIGODS, not the GODS - they don't have bunkers or anything like that dedicated to them. luke & co are still very valid in that there are still lots of demigods who havent been claimed, have never met/seen/heard from their parents. they are very much correct to be anti-god.
on the other hand, the opinion of the demigods of the bunkers (i.e annabeth & co) is that yes the gods suck, but the titans suck WORSE (lmfaoooo). they very much intend to call out the gods for being absent asf, but if the titans win, ALL demigods (including the ones in their own army) will be killed, because demigods around means the gods' blood lives on, and so do the gods (in whatever form). the titans winning means they all lose.
b) the way you've killed everyone off is sending me fdghjkzldsf but let's see!
c) i think that it just feels ooc in general for percy to accept godhood - it's an interesting concept for sure but i think his refusal of it is just. what makes percy PERCY, y'know. he isn't interested in lavish gifts or the possibility of eternal youth. in fact, i think he sees over the course of this story (and canon) that living forever can just as easily make you stagnant in your emotions and mindset, and he's never wanted that for himself (or annabeth). also, he's seen hazel suffer, and so he'd never ask for her (or anyone) to be brought back. the dead stay dead (mostly).
basically - percy is going to reject godhood because the future remains in the hands of DEMIGODS, not just the gods! i've tried to drive it home in the fic that demigods and gods need each other and it isn't a one-way street. demigods are what keeps the flame of the west burning, and percy 100% sees the value in that.
thank you for reading, and i really liked the question! i am much too set in my ways to ever change the fic, but you genuinely made a good case!!
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witchhazelevesque · 2 years
AU where Thalia and Luke find Leo as well as Annabeth. 
Annabeth and Leo, traumatized besties. They get to be Annoying Children together. 
Hephaestus is still a dead beat, and doesn't claim Leo.
He ends up in the Hermes cabin, even though he's pretty sure where he's meant to go.
But this makes it easier to hide his fire. 
He still sneaks into the forge to tinker and Beckendorf takes him under his wing.
It's not unheard of for the children of other gods to be interested and good with machines, but Charles is pretty sure Leo is his brother.
But the kid isn't saying saying anything for a reason, is staying in a crowded cabin for a reason, and Beckendorf has a guess.
He leaves it alone and just looks out for the kid.
Luke and Annabeth don't know about his fire. At least, he didn't tell them.
The closest he came to was when the cyclops was after them and he asked if fire could hurt them and Grover told him that they were immune.
Leo slumped, because that was his only way to help his friends.
He either never visits Thalia's tree or is there all the time, but only when no one else is around.
He like. Doesn’t get Annabeth’s longing for a quest. He doesn’t want anything to do with the dangers of demigod life.
They’re best friends but this causes the worst arguments between them and after one, Leo runs from camp.
Annabeth thinks that she’ll have to be allowed a quest to look for Leo, but that doesn’t happen.
They originally aren’t going to look for him, figure a satyr will likely find him, but Beckendorf pushes for one.
He eventually finds Leo and Leo doesn’t want to come back. He tries to give the older demigod the slip but Beckendorf just keeps finding him and it stirs up a lot of Emotions(tm) for Leo.
Eventually Leo snaps and breaks down for the first time in years and his brother holds him asks him to come home. Leo relents.
Annabeth doesn’t know how to apologize when Leo comes home, and Leo doesn’t know how to ask for one or give his own. But from what he’s seen of actual siblings around camp, siblings usually don’t make big productions out of saying sorry, and he guesses that can work for him and Annabeth too.
He manages to keep his fire powers a secret for years and then Percy Jackson shows up with his water powers and Leo scratches the back of his neck and thinks “Damn, I can’t afford a narrative foil.”
Leo was never as close to Luke as he was with Thalia so his betrayal doesn’t hit him quite as hard, and he’s better able to see him for who he is.
Cue years of Annabeth and Leo growing apart as she gets wrapped up in all of the quests.
Things between them are tense when Thalia comes back to life. None of their relationships are what they used to be, but Leo is so happy his friend is back, and feels such a pang of grief for his mom that he can’t breathe.
He bites his tongue but wishes he could bring the Fleece to the ashes of her shop and revive her too. When Annabeth goes missing, and the Hunters of Artemis go on a quest to find her, Leo is ready to sneak after them, but runs into Percy, who says he’s planning on doing the same thing.
Then Nico di Angelo finds them both and this just isn’t going to work.
He asks them both to stay, because they don’t have any experience with quests. Percy was just trying to be logical but he accidentally hits on Leo’s feelings of inferiority, because it’s true, there’s nothing Leo can do out there to help Annabeth, except his fire, which only ever hurts people.
Suddenly Percy’s got two people he doesn’t know well asking him to bring back their loved ones.
He pulls Leo aside and asks him to keep an eye on Nico. Leo is not in favor of this idea because 1) should a twelve year old be watching a ten year old (irony oh irony), 2) Nico is annoying and reminds Leo too much of himself, though he doesn’t yet recognize that’s what’s bothering him about the other boy and 3) Leo is. Bad with people. He is bad with emotions. He should not be left with a kid he doesn’t know who is feeling Big Emotions while Leo is also feeling Big Emotions.
But he eventually agrees.
It’s bad for a while. Leo doesn’t know what he’s doing. The older campers are helpful but Leo doesn’t let them do everything because he gave his word and he’s going to keep it. Leo and Percy made a deal, and he isn’t going back on it.
It’s not fun though because Nico is chafing at being given a babysitter. He eventually blows up because he’s been under so much stress and Leo remembers how he did the same thing once and how Beckendorf stayed with him through it.
So that’s what he does.
When Nico’s calmer, they talk about how they’re both worried and tell each other about their sisters, though Nico seems a bit sour about hearing about Annabeth’s adventures with Percy.
And it’s better from there.
Until Percy and Annabeth come back to camp.
Leo isn’t there for what ever happens, knows that Nico’s run off and… Chiron seems fine with that?
Leo isn’t though, and taking another page from his older brother’s book, he goes to find Nico.
Leo’s no good at goodbyes, and after just getting Annabeth back, and learning that Thalia is taking a different path that means they’ll only see her a few times before they die and she goes on living-
Well, he can’t bring himself to say anything in person. He leaves a note for Beckendorf, knowing he’ll understand and tell the others.
Kronos forces somehow learns about his fire and use that to try to convince him to join their side. How the gods cursed him with this awful power and then just left him without any acknowledgment. That they must have something terrible planned for him, that’s the only reason they want heroes in the first place.
How his father, god of fire, stood by while his mother died in a fire and did nothing.
That one gets to Leo.
But he’s got a mission, and doesn’t have time for the problems the titans have with the gods or the gods with the titans or whatever. He can’t change big, lofty stuff like that, is no child of prophecy but he can pay forward the kindness shown to him in the past.
That's what he can do.
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sc0tters · 5 months
amber may i suggest for your daily au thought: how are all the guys drunk? which ones are so far gone and reject our girls screaming they have a gf that they love
I saw this and now can’t get over it, so here are todays daily au thoughts! I’ve just gone with the ones that are safe because there’s like another 16 more and I don’t have space in my brain for all of them 😭
Ryan and Ava
Ryan had these long conversations about things like why the world spins and what that means for life as it is.
Will and Bailey
Will likes to tell people that he loves Bailey and how much she means for him “you meet my Bails?”
Rutger and Emmy
Rutger doesn’t like to be away from Emmy any more than he needs to be but sometimes he forgets that she is her “you aren’t my girlfriend where is my girlfriend.” “Rutger I’m your girlfriend.”
Seamus and Liana
Seamus also dislikes being away from Liana but with her he just gets clingy…
Jimmy and Tate
They literally drink together, like when she has one drink he has one too so they get drunk together and then just sit together
Mark and Abigail
Mark just wants Abigail and all of Abigail. This man is kissing her shoulder and he just wants her to know that he loves her.
Gavin and Marisa
Marisa just looks so hot when Gavin is drunk so he just wants her attention
Nico and Bianca
This man is a BABY when he’s drunk so all he wants is for Bianca to take care of him.
Matthew and Lilah
Matthew forgets he has a girlfriend. But not in a bad way, he just sees Lilah and goes “do I know you?” “You look like a girl I know.”
Luke and Allie
Luke first time getting drunk with her was on his birthday and as she helped him back into the apartment he told her he loved her. And he does that all the time when he’s drunk.
Quinn and Rouge
Quinn turns to a nervous mess around Rouge, even once they’re dating “you know you’re so pretty?” “I don’t know how I did so well getting you.”
Cole and Parker
Cole just tells people how hot Parker is because he gets to see her in these tight outfits “you know all of that is mine!”
Jeremy and Adelia
Jeremy just kisses her constantly wanting attention 24/7
Matt and Sydney
Matt and Sydney start singing at the top of their lungs as they laugh getting close together as he keeps his hand around her waist.
Sidney and Camille
Sidney doesn’t really get drunk but he just wants her to sit on his lap
Gabe and Jamie
Gabe just kisses and squeezes her cheeks as he clings to her
Elias and Gracie
Elias just wants Gracie “have you see my Gracie?” He’d whine the moment she would get lost on the way to the bar or bathroom
Trevor and Blair
Trevor brings up the whole “would you love me if I was a worm.” Every five minutes and it’s enough to make her want to kill him
Jake and Charlotte
Jake doesn’t really get drunk because Charlotte is such a light weight and he doesn’t want anything happening to her.
Mason and Amelia
Mason gets dancy as he gets ahold of Amelia wanting her right up against him.
Mat and Maddie
Mat just wants Maddie, anything he can do to get her in his arms and all of a sudden he is a happy happy man.
Jacob and Emma
Jacob ends up wanting her to take care of him much because she does that with the boys on the team.
Adam and Sabrina
Adam just wants a hug when he is drunk because he gets sleepy as wants to know Sabrina loves him
The Philly Throuple
Cam and Jamie don’t handle liquor well so Buzz is always felt taking care of her boys.
Oliver and Thea
Oliver tells her how she is his favourite person in the world
Ryan and Codie
Ryan just wants cuddles, her fingers through his hair as his head is on her chest.
Jack and Mila
Because Mila doesn’t drink yet Jack is the drunk one in the couple and he’s straight up running his fingers through her hair as he tells her how pretty she is.
Timo and Julie
Timo just wants attention from Julie and he straight up sits on her.
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fanficlibraryposts · 3 years
Percy Jackson Fic Recs
 who even cares about reputation? by rubiesanddiamonds
She decides she really likes his laugh. And his voice. And his general aura. A lot. 
*punk!percy and girly!annabeth*
what’s a god to a nonbeliever? by Almas
It’s not that he’s “hung up on The Menace” as Dionysus so delicately put it. It’s just that it’s a bad idea. Awful, really. Percy Jackson’s got off-limits stamped across his pretty little forehead. If Zeus had sent Dionysus to that demigod camp over a nymph, then Poseidon would certainly toss him into Tartarus if he went near his son. 
*on hiatus*
To Make a Legend by WardofWinters (QoLife)
Percy was having a normal day at the beach, until he decided to try to waterbend like Katara from his favorite show.Problem is, he succeeds. Now he has to figure out how to waterbend, and keep the normal people from finding out they have a waterbender in their midst.Finding out he's actually a child of Poseidon will probably explain a few things. (Used to be named Avatar: The Legend of Percy)
*Is a series, should have at least have basic Avatar: The Last Airbender knowledge*
Silver Screen by herecomesthepun
in which Annabeth is a YouTuber with a penchant for Harry Potter sweaters and Percy is a rockstar who falls in love with the clumsy web star presenting his award. Percabeth, AU.
Of Gods and Men by plottingalong
The order of things are changing. Old rules are shifting, old gods awakening. Percy Jackson must come to terms with his own mortality, or rather, the lack of it. 
And I will swallow my pride (In hopes of a final goodbye) by IzzyMRDB
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." ~Robert Frost
Rhea thought the fight was over when she handed Luke that blade. The war she fought for others was over. She was wrong. Now a thousand miles and a thousand years from home, all alone with just the ghost of a curse to accompany her in her travels, she will only fight for the wars she chooses.
"I promise." It tastes like a lie, but I know I’ll do my best to fulfill it. How am I to make the gods listen when they don’t even know who I am?
Hold Tight and Pretend It’s a Plan by Rynna_Aurelia
Olympus has fallen. The second Gigantomachy has ended far differently than the first, and in Gaea's triumph, the world has been torn apart. But the Fates have seen what ends their failed meddling brought Western Civilization, look on at the dead—and undo what should never have happened the only way they possibly can. Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, is returned to his twelve-year-old self, memories intact and determined to save everyone he can. But he is not alone. The Moirai underestimated the strength of the Lord of Time when stealing his power, and there is something about this particular demigod brat that intrigues him. . .
 Perseus Jackson came roaring to life with a violent gasp, green eyes wild. After a moment of panicked flailing and struggling to breathe, his fear-filled gaze settled upon a girl with blonde hair and stormy grey eyes, her face stern and unimpressed.
 "You drool in your sleep."
Trading Tomorrow by Darkmagyk, loosingletters
Percy Jackson arrives at Camp Half-Blood bruised and bleeding, with the knowledge that he's the son of a god and his mother is dead. His little display with the Minotaur has caught the attention of the camp. But he’s not sure it is good attention, yet. Only the Hermes Cabin's not-quite Co-counselor Theseus, ‘call me Theo,’ doesn't treat him like a fascinating zoo exhibit. Which would be a relief, except he looks exactly like Percy: same green eyes, same trouble making smile, same black hair. The only differences are the fact that Theo is six years older, covered in battle scars, and the black tattoo on his arm. A trident and the letters SPQR.
Theo is eighteen, powerful, and unclaimed. And his resemblance to Percy could set a dangerous precedent.
*pretty much everything by Darkmagyk is amazing*
i could be your hero by sundaysabotage
“I just don’t get it,” he huffs to Will as they put up holiday decorations in the unusually quiet infirmary, “they talk to me like I’m supposed to know stuff. Like I’m the new Percy or something.” Nico expects Will to laugh at this, shrug off his concerns as unfounded and tell him he’s being over-dramatic like usual. He is wrong.
“Okay, babe, don’t take this the wrong way. But, you kind of are the new Percy.”
___ Based on a tumblr post I made about Nico being the obvious choice as Camp Half-Blood's unofficial leader when Percy leaves for college. (only no one bothers to tell Nico that)
*some solangelo and Nico being Tired(TM) for you*
Were I That Burning Star by californianNostalgia
 An old panic gripped me—the breathless fear of being forgotten, being lost. Would anyone remember me when I was gone? Would someone think to lay a flower down on my grave and say some fond nothings like, “Was a pretty cool guy, that Lester,” while wiping off a single dramatic tear rolling down their cheek? Oh, who was I kidding. So what if no one remembered? There wasn’t much I was proud to be remembered by anyway.
After defeating Python and bringing down Nero, Phoebus Apollo reclaims his godhood. He is glorious once more. But for some reason, he can't quite make himself go back to how things were before.
(A Character Study of Various Gods, including but not limited to: Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Dionysus, and maybe Zeus)
* absolutely beautiful, very philosophical, made me see the gods in a completely different way*
PJO Fic Rec Part 2
Disclaimer: The fanfiction above were not written by me for I am not nearly as creative. However, I am an avid reader and movie buff so these are some of my favorite fanfiction within the fandom. I politely ask that you read the tags attached the fanfiction beforehand so that you know what you are getting yourself into, there may be crossovers. If you don’t like it then don’t read it. In addition, I ask that there be no bashing, the fics are based on my preferences and what I like. Lastly, if there are any specific genre or fandom of fics you want me to get into let me know through my ask box.
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selene-borealis · 2 years
Selene’s Fic Recs
I’ve debated making a fic rec list since I read...a lot of fanfiction, so here you go. I’ve organized it by fandom, starting with the oldest fandoms I’ve read (unfortunately, Harry Potter is the oldest). Each fic has a short description by me, a rating, and link. Will also be pinning this/updating it in the future. Hope y’all have fun looking at all the fics!:
(Note: If you do not want your story being on my rec list for any reason, please message me either here or on FFN and I will remove it!)
Harry Potter: The Firebird Trilogy, Book 1, Book 2, & Book 3 by Darth Marrs (FFN): A serious, mature AU of Harry Potter that is vastly different from the canon we know. Harry/Harem. 10/10, fandom-defining story that will make you cry. Harry Potter and the Four Founders by Darth Marrs (FFN): Harry is the heir of the four founders. Harry/Harem, 9/10. (The rest of the stories in the series are also good, but imo they do not compare to the original, so there’s that.) Genius Fratris by a lonelysock (FFN, but is also on AO3): A WBWL story where Harry is older than in canon. No bashing of the Potters, with realistic depictions of family life and how being older affects Harry’s personality and willingness to fight Voldemort. Still currently a WIP. 9/10. Blood and Chocolate by Lady Lemon Drop (FFN): Harry finds out he is becoming a vampire at the end of OotP. Some changes are made to canon, like Sirius surviving, the timeline is a little wonky...and it’s abandoned. But, it’s a Harry/Ginny story I give a 9/10. Vanteeria Domestica by andrea_readwolf (AO3): A creature!Harry AU meets a Harry/Harem!AU, with beautiful relationship dynamics that do a good job at reflecting how complex it is to be in a poly relationship. Harry/Harem, 9/10. Forget-Me-Not by Lomonaaeren (FFN, but is also on AO3): Dumbledore accidentally casts a forgetfulness spell a little too powerful on Harry, leading to him basically being ignored by everyone. Harry/Theodore Nott, 9/10. The Commoner Queen by Pilargirl (FFN): A royalty AU where Harry is the prince of magical Britain and Ginny Weasley has caught his eye. Harry/Ginny, 9/10. The Bonds of Blood by Darth Marrs (FFN): A Harry/Ginny soulbond story that takes a serious look at what a soulbond would really look like between two children. Harry/Ginny. 8/10.
PJO: From Amidst the Darkness and At the End of the Tunnel by Mrs.PercyJackson3 (FFN): A mortal AU where Poseidon only finds out about Percy after a car crash kills Sally and leaves Percy blind. 10/10 the traces of life with you by shadowtraveled (AO3): God!Percy falls in love with Luke, four times over. Lukercy, 10/10, ship-defining story. Maybe I was sent to bring you home by percy in panties (AO3): Another Lukercy, ship-defining story featuring reincarnation, 10/10. The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by midnightinjapan (FFN): Nico’s social-avoidance tendencies come back to haunt him. Percy/Nico, 9/10.
Twilight: The Movement of the Earth and The Fire of the Sun by audreyii-fic (FFN): In which Jacob imprints on Bella in New Moon. 10/10, this is a fandom-defining duology and should be read by everyone if they’re a fan of Twilight. All the Ways You Know Me by FlamingMaple (FFN): Jacob and Bella get together in New Moon, except Jacob is killed by Victoria and Bella is left to raise their baby, who she is still pregnant with. Enter Edward back onto the scene. Edward/Bella, 9/10.
Teen Wolf: To Accidentally Be by mylegsaremine (AO3): Scott and Isaac get together...except, neither of them have been told that beta, male werewolves can get pregnant, and they haven’t exactly been practicing safe sex. Like, at all. Mpreg ensues. 10/10, was one of the first fics I read for this fandom. A Pox on Hope by spqr (AO3): Fem!Stiles gets bitten by a vampire while trying to investigate a case and decides to call up Peter to help. Peter/Stiles, 10/10. Keep It Together by ravingrevolution (AO3): Stiles needs the Pack’s help after someone steals something from him. Derek/Stiles, 9/10. a collapsing star with tunnel vision by CerinityKS (AO3): Theo is dying...and has feelings for Scott. Naturally, this means he isn’t going to tell Scott either of those things. Sceo, 8/10. Calling a Spade a Spade by RhysLahey (AO3): Isaac comes back to Beacon Hills. The Princess Bride references ensue. Scisaac, 8/10.
Star Trek (AOS): Strange Courage by Joules Mer (AO3): A Bones/Kirk AU series that begins post-ST:ID, then involves into something more. Does have mpreg in it, but not in the way you’d usually expect. 10/10. the sum of a man by phalangine (AO3): Kirk is ordered to get married by the brass, so he does...to Bones. The marriage isn’t real, until it is. 10/10, had me rolling in bed laughing when I first read it. Warning Labels (are meant to be ignored) and Find Me in the Ashes by drmcbones (AO3): A Bones/Kirk soulmate AU where neither of them really want to have a soulmate, yet find out they are each other’s anyways. Extremely good, 9/10. Fly Me to the Moon by Horolojium (AO3): Bones tries to deny his feelings for Kirk while the standard shenanigans occur on the Enterprise, with interesting effects. Bones/Kirk. 9/10.
MCU: The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle (AO3): Ben and May get divorced before Peter’s parents die, leading to Peter going into foster care after Ben dies with...not so great results. Irondad/spiderson. 10/10, one of my favorites of all time. Pretty Maids Universe by Finny3120 (AO3): A bio irondad/spiderson AU where Tony is siblings with May and raises Peter...and also falls in love with Steve. The portrayals of grief, slow burn, and etc. are some of the best I have ever seen in fanfiction, 10/10, another favorite of all time. built from scraps by peterstank (AO3): Peter survives the Snap instead of Tony, then finds out that Tony is his biological father. Bio irondad/spiderson, enough feels to make even veteran readers of fanfiction cry. 9/10 Silent Screams and Surprising Saviors by normalisoverrated (AO3): A fem!Penny becomes selectively mute after meeting Skip as a kid, but is able to speak as Spider-Woman. Unfortunately/fortunately for her, it does not take long for the Avengers to connect the dots between the two anyways after she gets an internship at Stark Industries. Irondad/spiderdaughter. 9/10 Intern Spider by Emily_F6 (AO3): A fem!Penny becomes an intern at Stark Industries, while still trying to keep her identity as Spidergirl a secret. Irondad/spiderdaughter. 9/10 Revelations by Anonymous (AO3): An Infinity War AU where Thanos doesn’t Snap and everyone survives, leading to Peter and Tony circling around each other in a slow burn. Starker. 10/10
X-Men Movies: The Way Back by Baamon5evr (AO3): A post-First Class AU where Charles finds out he’s pregnant with Erik’s child after the Beach Divorce. And, as the title suggests, follows the events leading to him and Erik getting back together again. Cherik, 9/10, read it in like 4 hours because it was just that good! An Earlier Heaven by Regann (AO3): Another post-First Class mpreg Cherik AU, except in this one Charles becomes pregnant with Jean. A very sweet story, and since it was written before DoFP nobody dies! 9/10, very very good!
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thebigqueer · 3 years
Ok, here we go. Dark!Bianca idea. Shortly after the events in the desert, a severely injured Bianca is found by agents of the Titans who were shadowing the quest party off-page. She is brought back to Titan HQ and is convinced to join their crusade against the gods while her friends and family think she's dead. Jump ahead to BotL, instead of Kelli the Empousa, it is a mysterious masked assassin who attacks Percy and Rachel at Goode. The events mostly play out unchanged until Geryon's (1/8)
ranch, where instead of Bianca, it is the ghost of Maria di Angelo who is revealed to be sending Iris messages to Percy about Nico, while also strongly hinting that Bianca's still alive. Jump ahead to Mt St. Helens, Percy fights the assassin again, and during his stint on Ogygia, Percy begins to put two and two together after the assassin demonstrated skills similar to the Hunters. At Antaeus' Arena, the assassin is finally unmasked to reveal a still-alive but scarred Bianca, replacing (2/8)
Ethan Nakamura as the demigod enforcer. Percy is convinced that Bianca is being mind-controlled and goes to Mt Tam to rescue her as well as stop Kronos. However, when he confronts her, Bianca reveals that she's operating of her own free will, feeling vengeful against the gods for robbing her of her life and having pledged her loyalty to her new Titan master. Kronos intends to make Bianca the prophesy kid, promising her the free will she craves so badly as well as promising not to hurt (3/8)
Nico. Going into the Last Olympian, Percy and Nico are both determined to convince Bianca that she's making a mistake, and this time Nico's duplicity is not to simply learn about his mother but to try and summon her spirit to get through to Bianca. At the same time, Kronos gradually starts treating Bianca as less of an ally and more of a tool, and the Titans' actions cause her to have doubts even though she dosen't know what else to do. It all comes to a head in the final battle.(4/8)
Nico returns from the Underworld by himself early, giving Hades an ultimatum to come and fight or hide. Just before the final attack, Kronos sends Bianca to infiltrate Olympus to disable the magic defenses, but Nico arrives to intercept her and make one last bid to save her. They fight, with both begging the other to stand down even as they slug it out. Finally, just as Percy arrives to chase Kronos, the battered siblings' duel ends when Nico gives another ultimatum. He throws down his (5/8)
sword and gives Bianca, now reduced to fear and frustration-induced tears, the choice between perusing her grudge and allowing herself to continue being Kronos’s slave or doing the right thing. Finally able to make a legitimate choice of her own, Bianca chooses to turn her back on the Titans. She still ends up wounded, but unlike Ethan in canon, Nico manages to save his sister while Percy and Kronos have their final battle. After everything ends, Percy petitions for Bianca’s pardon along (6/8)
with the rest of his list, though Bianca turns it down, realizing the harm she almost caused to the person she loved more than anybody else. She is given a reduced sentence in service to her father, and though she does not properly forgive any of the gods that hurt her, she does recognize that the spite and anger she felt would only lead to more death. Nico gets to visit her occasionally, and she starts a road to redemption that Luke never got the chance to take. In HoO, Bianca is (7/8)
more of a background character, but it is she that finds Hazel in Asphodel and alerts Nico to her. Overall, dark!Bianca is an anti-villain who’s affiliation with Kronos is clearly drawn from her pain and grief over the gods’ interference in her life, but her saving grace is her brother. Nico manages to pull her out of the darkness and save her from becoming the same monster Luke became. What do you think? (bear in mind, this is my rough draft) (8/8)
Okay, WOW. Anon, I am actually going to start a petition to make you the new Percy Jackson author because that was such an interesting plot to read.
First of all, I love that you replaced Bianca with Ethan. As interesting as he was in the series, and as much as I loved his character, after reading through your rough draft, I feel like Bianca would have been a much better character to use throughout PJO. Her arc could have been expanded upon and completed thoroughly, and it could have made a lot of sense. Ethan felt more like a representation of "demigods turned to the other side," which I get is the point, but I loved the way you used Bianca because with your plot, her character could have been used so well to properly show how easily the Titan army manipulated kids.
Furthermore, I feel like your plot with Bianca could have been a much better way to use her character throughout the series. From my interpretation, in canon she seemed more like a stand-in tool just to enhance Nico's own character arc and his motives, but your plot for her would have actually given her some kind of foundation and an actual arc for her to go through. You've given her such an interesting character and I think it really provides more justice to what she could have been.
I also love the way that not only did you give her a better arc, but you also enhanced Nico's own arc and the plot, too. Her death in the books seemed more symbolic to him and a turning point in his character, but with her character in your AU, it's both important to Nico and Bianca. You've given her an actual character, and you've set up such an interesting conflict between Nico and Bianca.
Additionally, I love the divide you've created between them. I think that - based on what we know about her in the books - as much as she loves her brother, Bianca also feels very limited with him because of how she's been forced to grow up and be his savior. She understands that he's only a child, though, which I think could also play into her own hatred for the gods - they've not only destroyed her family, but now they're forcing her to take the role of an adult when she's a mere child, too? She was never angry at Nico - she was only ever mad with the gods.
Maybe that's something that Nico also feels bad about, and maybe he tells her about it when they're standing each other down. Maybe she lets him know that she never hated him or felt that he was bringing her down.
Also, I want to add that I adore the way you put them on opposite sides. It sets up such an interesting dynamic to their relationship because here you have two people who love each other so much, but they're on two different sides of a large war. They're both too stubborn to go onto each other's sides, and Nico knows Bianca's only going to get herself into more danger. I just love the potential that has for both of their characters.
I know Percy had a large fear about Nico being another kid to join Kronos' army, so I bet Bianca being on his team would have left Percy incredibly terrified for Nico, too, because he knew how much Nico loved Bianca. Would he have been nervous for Nico's ability to change his mind? Nico knows he'd never join Kronos, but would Percy have known?
And, knowing that Bianca's now on the Kronos side, how would Percy react? Because he felt pretty guilty about her death in TTC, right? Would he feel guilty that she's on the other side now, too? Would he try to reason with her, only to push her further away? I'd love to see how Percy would deal with knowing that Bianca - an important child of the Big Three - would react to her being there. He was already nervous about Nico joining sides, but having Bianca there would have really scared him.
And the part about Bianca finding Hazel instead of Nico? That was mind-blowing. I love everything about that situation because now that introduces Hazel into the narrative of Nico and Bianca's story. My question for you would be how does Hazel's character change now? How does she fit in with Nico and Bianca? Because in Heroes of Olympus she's clearly very insecure about her relationship with Nico and how he views her, but if she actually knew Bianca, how would she feel? Would she feel more left out (knowing that Bianca and Nico have known each other much longer and have a stronger connection with each other)? Would she be distrustful? And how would the three of them adapt to this additional family member? I have high hopes that by the end they would all love each other very much, but I'm just really curious into how Hazel's addition would influence the dynamic of all three.
And, essentially, it all ends into a somewhat win-win situation. Bianca's still living; Nico's got two new sisters; Hazel now has a new family.
I think this is such an interesting concept, and I'd love to read it. If you ever post it anywhere, please do share the link! This was such an intriguing plot to go through and, again, I think this could have been a much better use of Bianca's character.
Thank you so much for sharing it with me.
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
headcanon dump; clary fray
okay, i headcanon’d that clary read the pjo series, and that rachel is the character she loves the most because she also identifies / see’s a lot of herself within rachel in a lot of ways. but, this is also just in, she also likes nico, especially after she reads the ‘outting’ scene, and how she rereads that after she herself was put in a similar situation. she rereads it and cries her eyes out once again.
clary is the type to crush easy
once again it’s their ANGEL BLOOD connection that draws clary out of her dark trances NOT LOVE
clary is totally a musical nerd. she loves them. she is the gay artist into theatre but didn’t want to go into theatre
the order in which i feel clary would come out & to who:
simon & jace (&seelie court) out of force, everyone assumes she kissed jace and simon and jace keep clary’s secret until she is ready because they saw how hard it was for in the court, because she wasn;t ready
her mother ( if she is alive au’s ) / luke
alec, magnus & izzy around the same time
maia a little later
everyone else, when needed
clary’s life force being tied to johnathan’s didn’t fully sink into her until she tried to kill him. normally, she wouldn’t mind herself dying in the process - she just was in shock that, she was truly the reason johnathan was breathing again, and that he will continue to do so so long as she does.
because who wouldn’t be in shock from when you go and stab someone else, you get the exact injury?
clary? totally a fan of the pjo books. she loved rachel dare, she saw a lot of herself in the mortal girl thrown into a world unknown. even more when she finds herself thrown into a world unknown.
For all of Clary’s life, she has believed herself to be mundane. That things like werewolves, vampires and angels were all myths. The only thing she struggled with was finding herself in the sense of who she liked in a way of dating. She thought she had to date men, as that was what was always shown on TV & in books. Basically it was all around. So, she tried to date guys, nothing ever really clicking. Then things with happened when she turned eighteen. Her identity as a mundane ripped from her, and she saw a shot at a heterosexual relationship with Jace. But that got shattered, and she started to wonder. She adjusted to being a shadowhunter easy enough, and she was still figuring out her sexual identity. The Seelie court is when she was forced to be open about it. She was force to look hard at it. Forced to tell her boyfriend and best friend in front of the Seelie Court that she doesn’t like guys that way. That was her truth deep inside. A part of herself was revealed in a way that it shouldn’t have been.
clary was practically paralysed by the fall, and if simon hadn’t gotten there in time - an iratze or warlock magic wouldn’t have fixed it. it would have been permanent. but this isn’t to say she doesn’t still suffer from pains. the iratze could only heal so much, and she suffers from pains in her back from time to time. it will flare up and she won’t tell anyone because an iratze couldn’t heal the pain. an iratze an only do so much - and will only fix new problems. there will be days where she can’t move at all, or her fighting is way off due to the pain in her back and neck.
as stated in my psa about the shadowhunter divergent i have, i do accept season one’s cl@ce as being there, as well as cl!mon. but i headcanon her as lesbian. yes this is true. i headcanon her as having experienced compulsive heterosexuality, trying to convince herself that she can be attracted to men. but ultimately, when faced with the seelie queen - she is forced to accept this truth, that she does not like males like that.
she didn’t want to do it then and there, because at the time she was still dating simon. she didn’t want to publicly humiliate her best friend - but she had too. she didn’t like that she had to come out that way, because no one should be forced out. but once she is comfortable with her sexuality, she lets people know. luke, izzy & alec being the first few after the court. then maia when she admits a crush on the girl.
clary, remembering every bully who ever bullied simon? you bet! her coming across them once she’s become a shadowhunter and giving them a beating ( verbal or physical )
because i have found it missing;  clary has her septum pierced, and got it at sixteen - simon, so far is the only one who knows as she tends to keep it up
as an artist (or wannabe artist), clary having her phone sitting away from her and not in her pocket while standing is WRONG, she would have it in her pocket and if she was sitting down, that is when her phone would be at her side. the only reason i see her having her phone on the table, way from her; is if she had bluetooth headphones
fun fact: everyone thinks that clary games because of simon, but truly if anyone got the other onto gaming , it was the other way around. she loved the games because she loved the art form, and wanted to play.
if you don’t think that simon was the first person clary told about her sexuality, you’re wrong. he is her best friend, and the person she trust the most (which is why he’s the only one to know about her septum piercing). and it wasn’t a few more months after telling simon that she told her mother and luke.
clary and simon totally dressed up as ginny and harry one year for halloween
another canon divergence: clary does not even suggest the angel idea, instead actually assist jace, because she knows it was hard for him to even think he needed help, let alone ask/seek out help
she is the kind of person, who when feeling attacked will attack back. wither this is verbal or physical (example the first scene in 1x05 with Alec, he was tearing her down, so she fought back)
clary is as big pop culture nerd, she loves it all, she just doesn’t show it like simon does.
clary doesn’t drink (alcohol) anymore, she did when she was younger and with simon when they raided his mother’s supply (and some of her mothers). but, after seeing the damage that elaine’s had done to simon and rebecca, she swore to herself to never get like that. so, she also swore to never drink again, so she could never end up like that.
clary has a scar on her right arm, from when she fell out of a tree. she was trying to climb the highest. jocelyn didn’t realise her daughter was doing this, until she fell out of the tree
clary didn’t bring back jace because she loved him romantically, but because she cared for him and because alec cared for him, because izzy cared for him, because the people she got close to in the shadowworld care about him. and because she felt that if jace were to die in the field, it shouldn’t be by the hands of their father (bc remember jace calls valentine his father)
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kingburu · 4 years
Hades!Jason was/is probably the biggest struggle in dearly departed because compared to Nico he is not as well developed in canon; so his core here is his sense of duty, need to protect people, and his selflessness. The fun part of this though is when @ariihen and I were spitballing about Jason, we joked he’d be a lot like Steven Universe! A sweet kid with a lot of expectations thrown upon him but not really understanding what that means until it starts to scare him. He’s especially similar to Steven Universe from Future all the way to the “I’m a monster” because people view him in such a certain way and you can see it eating at him.
I actually have a hard time wrapping my head around godswap aus to begin with because I feel like there are changes to characters based on the circumstances they’ve grown up in and who their godly parent is, and the entire concept launched from me admitting I didn’t enjoy them too much because i view them as being too OOC (fun fact: siamo nei guai has three chapters of a sequel written but I stopped writing it back then because Pluto!nico’s core and his new environment were hard for me to marry in my head; maybe some day I’ll get back to it).
But! I really wanted Jason (and Nico) to still feel very much like themselves instead of “Jason would do this because Nico did this in canon,” which is why we went to Russia instead of Portugal right away. I think I found a sweet spot in Jason’s character in the following ways:
Canon Jason never wanted to be a hero. He talks about how he’s used to eyes on him as a “prince in waiting” and specifically how he tried to avoid it by taking all of the mundane quests and joined the Fifth Cohort/made friends with the “least popular” people (such a Troy Bolton reaction but ok rick lol; not to mention he apparently made this assessment at the age of 3) and was raised by wolves at the age of two. He also tried to weigh both sides of an argument to be an effective leader as well
Thus, Hades!Jason didn’t want to be the leader. Since he’s the only Greek big three kid, everyone already treats him like the chosen one for the prophecy and he latched onto Bianca because if she’s the hero he doesn’t have to be. And of course, monsters are probably one of his core changes; they were kind to him at the age of 2 and brought him to CHB, and he’s always in an exasperated battle of good monsters and bad monsters (this is supposed to reflect his need to see both sides)
My favorite change from canon Jason and hades!Jason is where his leadership got him. I think in a way both are willing to do what’s needed for a quest and are very pragmatic (to the point canon Jason voted against Nico in MOA and then realized how shitty that sounded and apologized), but he also has a lot of faith in his comrades (in HOH, hazel is very surprised at how sure he is that she’ll master the mist, Jason is already trying to befriend Nico before they find Favonius, and when Frank is antsy in the house of hades, Jason makes a point to stop everything and ask if frank is okay.) I think Hades!Jason also has that instinct, which is why he vibe checks Leo, Nico, Percy, and Hazel. I really didn’t want him to feel like a carbon copy of Nico’s situation while also trying to maintain the integrity of being a child of hades, ergo he’s willing to push himself into the River Styx and get the curse to help win a war but since the curse enhances demigod abilities, it ended up with him going a bit too far; so he’s making himself very accountable for this and still feels like this “selfish” of himself choosing not to fight.
And then the biggest change is the fact Jason doesn’t have someone in canon like Luke, and this was just a side effect of trying to create a set up for the Cupid scene—and boy howdy, am I happy with the results! I think it actually works to show how willing Jason is to put his feelings aside though, since he does a similar thing in TBM about piper breaking up with him for the sake of the quest!
This hasn’t been pressed upon too much yet, but hades!Jason also feels more compelled to uphold the rules of life and death more than nico (aka why he never tried to bring Bianca back to life and other than a gentle nudging about Luke, didn’t ask for him to come back to life either), so he goes into a high moral struggle over there.
The funny part is, Hades never held a grudge because of Zeus killing his lover, so dd!hades is a lot more chill and just wants to love on a boy
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dyde21 · 5 years
Lone Wolf 1: The Meeting
So I reread the amazing the amazing werewolf!AU HERE by @somethingmorecreative1 that @percyyoulittleshit reblogged recently and it honestly filled me with inspiration for my own sort of werewolf AU. I have a lot of ideas for this AU already honestly. Warning, a bit angsty in this chapter. A short part one!
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Annabeth sighed and tried to reign in her frustration. “Are you seriously telling me we have no idea where this rogue is?” She said, her voice steely and even. 
Piper squirmed slightly under the gaze of her alpha. It was clear the frustration wasn’t directed at her, she was just the messenger, but she could tell Annabeth’s temper was flaring up. 
Piper nodded, taking a deep breath. “Will and Nico both haven’t seen him recently.”
Annabeth dropped her head into her hands. “I assume he hasn’t just… left?” 
Piper shook her head out of habit. “They found two dead deer, and a hiker reported a large ‘bear like creature.’ Yesterday.” 
Annabeth leaned back in her office chair, annoyed. “So he’s somewhere where our best trackers can’t find him, yet close enough that he’s able to hunt recklessly in our area and risk exposing us. I don’t know if he’s cocky or stupid or both.”
Piper shrugged. “He’s probably just desperate.” 
Looking out the window, Annabeth knew her beta was probably right. It was true werewolves could survive by just hunting animals in their animal form, but most of them just preferred to eat normal, human meals. If he was hunting regularly, it meant he couldn’t. Which meant he was probably a loner who wandered into their territory. 
But he hadn’t even bothered to introduce himself, which was customary. They wouldn’t have had any of these problems if he had just stopped by. They could have talked, and sent him on his way, or even invited him to the pack. 
But no, this idiot had to play a dangerous game of hide and go seek which could wind up with all of them dead. 
“Annabeth?” Piper asked after a moment, jolting her from her thoughts. She realized she hadn’t actually said anything in a few minutes, leaving her best friend hanging. “Fine. Just let me know if we get any useful information. If you can find willing people, add another shift to patrols just looking for him. I want this resolved before someone gets hurt.” Annabeth really tried to avoid giving direct orders if she could help it. Her title of Alpha was undisputed, and they knew she could snap them in line if needed, but as long as they knew that it was fine for Annabeth. She took pride in a well behaved pack rather than one under martial law like many others. 
Piper nodded, moving towards the door before pausing. “You look awful.” 
Annabeth growled at her slightly, before she felt a slightly sweaty curl fall in front of her face from her messy bun and realized Piper wasn’t actually wrong. Letting out an annoyed huff, she just turned her attention back to her laptop. “I know.” She resigned.
“Get some rest.” Piper ordered, but knew that she shouldn’t press Annabeth any further at the moment. 
Childishly Annabeth just stuck her tongue out at the girl as she closed the door. She was exhausted, but it was hardly her fault. There were not one, but two business deals she was in the middle of negotiations for. Her territory was being harassed by some lone wolf that could either be in need of aid, or a rampaging danger to her pack, and the last threat of luke was still echoing in her head. She really wanted to get drunk, but her stupid genes made her body burn out the alochol short of incredibly amounts which made it not really worth it, poor coping mechanisms aside.
Deciding to work for a bit, she hoped following her usual routine would help ease the tension before she ended up snapping at some poor pack member that didn’t deserve it.
Luckily, the right playlist on spotify and a solid project did help her focus, even if her gaze drifted out the window once or twice towards the forest where the pain in her ass was hiding somewhere. 
Things were fine. That’s at least what Annabeth had been telling herself. The business deals had gone rather well, and the stranger hadn’t made himself known recently which meant he had hopefully moved on. Things were finally looking up and Annabeth was glad to be catching a break. She knew the life of an Alpha was always a difficult one, but it was times like these that she enjoyed sitting back and appreci-
“He’s back.” Piper said frantically, blasting into her office, holding her arm with a cloth. The smell of blood hit Annabeth’s nose and she shot to her feet, feeling the inner wolf snarling at attention. 
Who had hurt her Beta?
Annabeth was about to move the cloth when Piper stepped back, glaring at her. “Oh calm down.”
“What happened? Is it Luke?” Annabeth snapped, her anger unrestrained. 
Piper just leveled her gaze at her Alpha, having been with her for so long she wasn’t fazed by the girl’s outbursts much anymore. 
“No. It’s the stranger. I met him.”
Annabeth’s eyes widened. “And he attacked you? Call Clarisse and Beckendorf. We’re going hunting. Now.” She ordered. 
Piper shook her head. “Wait, it’s not what you think.”
“I don’t care. He hurt you. That’s a death sentence-”
“ANNABETH!” Piper snapped, making the blonde pause. The annoyance her pride was feeding her was outweighed by the shock. Her friend rarely raised her voice at her. At least outside of a joking manner.
“What?” She asked, eyes narrowing. 
Piper flinched back slightly, realizing she was still talking to her Alpha. 
I think… he’s scared.” She started.
Annabeth paused, rage being replaced with a mild curiosity. “What?” She repeated, less harshly. 
“I could smell him hunting nearby so I tracked him down. He was finishing off a deer when I got there. Annabeth… he didn’t look good. He was thin, and his eyes looked wild. I tried to calm him down and talk to him but he panicked and attacked me. Once he saw when he did he ran away instead of trying to fight.”
Annabeth digested the information, still staring at her friends arm. 
Piper rolled her eyes, sighing out of frustration. “Oh relax. It was just a cut. It’s pretty much healed already.” She said, moving the cloth to show her that the wound had in fact closed and was starting to fade.
“He might leave now. If he ran after attacking you, it’s clear he wasn’t looking for a fight. The best chance he would have had would be you alone yet he didn’t try to kill you. He might get spooked and move on.”
Piper nodded. “Maybe. But there’s no much free space to hunt around us. Reyna’s pack is just to the west of us, and all other directions are sparse in hunting areas.” Piper paused, looking down. “Annabeth… I’m worried. He really didn’t look good.”
Running a hand through her hair, Annabeth sighed. “We can’t afford to be kind hearted now. He attacked you and could bring more trouble. We need to protect the pack, and some rogue wolf is a threat. He needs to leave, for his sake. I won’t let him hurt anyone else.” Annabeth said, ignoring her own heart yearning to help a wolf that was desperate and alone. She had too many lives in her hands to naively follow her whims.
Piper nodded, but was clearly unhappy with her decision. Annabeth sighed but didn’t have much of a choice. “Piper.” She ordered, making her friend look up. 
“You are not allowed to run off and do something stupid to try and ‘help him’”. She said, making it clear it was an order.
Piper glared at her, but nodded. “Fine.” She muttered, mildly annoyed her plan had already been found out. 
Annabeth walked over, resting a hand on Piper’s arm. “I know you mean well. You’re the best of us all. But the pack… I can’t afford to lose you. It’s too dangerous.”
Piper just sighed nodding. “May I go?”
Annabeth nodded. “I’ll be back soon. Just have a little more work.”
Piper nodded, before leaving. 
Leaning back in her chair, Annabeth hated how complicated her life had gotten because of some desperate wolf. She really wished he would just move on and find help somewhere. She was too worried about the stability her pack was lucky with to introduce some foreign element into it. 
Finishing a little more work Annabeth decided to call it early to head back. She needed to clear her head.
Running through the forest the massive wolf let out a bark, and the wolves trailing behind her split off into their own paths. 
This wasn’t really an official hunt as much as a social outing. Keeping the pack together and letting them blow off steam. She wasn’t too worried about keeping them in line right now, and they would all be close enough in case anyone got in trouble. 
Admittedly she was a bit nervous about that rogue wolf still, but it had been a week since there had been any trace of him so hopefully he had moved on. 
Piper was the last at her side, but with a quick nudge of her head, Piper too went off to run on her own, maybe hunting down a deer. Annabeth wasn’t particularly hungry yet, so she just lowered to a gentle trot through the forest, keeping her ears and nose open for any sense of danger. She was content enjoying the quiet night and letting them have their fun. The run had been enough stress relief for her. 
Annabeth had just laid down on a massive tree stump when she heard the howl. It was Will’s. And… it was about an intruder. But it didn’t sound like the usual danger one. Instantly Annabeth realized their “friend” must have been back. Pushing herself, Annabeth sprinted as fast as she could towards the source of the howl. Piper was at her side in moments, and soon they caught up to Will. The large wolf pointed towards one direction, and Annabeth caught the scent. Sending Piper to the left and Will to the right, Annabeth headed straight towards it. 
It was time to put an end to their strange game of hide and seek, one way or another. 
Annabeth was the first one to catch up to it. 
The massive black wolf was running from her, but it seemed… slow. Like it should have been much faster than it was able to run. 
The second she got close enough it whipped around, growling intensely, but backing up slightly. Annabeth let out a howl, letting the others know to stay close but not join her yet. 
Standing tall, Annabeth approached it, demanding all the respect an Alpha deserved. It just backed up more, clearly looking for a way to escape. It turned left, as if to run, but Piper emerged from the bushes, head low and growling a clear warning. The wolf backed up a little more, only to be met with Will emerging on the other side. It snarled at all of them, before looking directly at Annabeth. The more Annabeth looked at it, the more she could tell Piper was right. It looked bad. It’s ribs were way too visible, it’s fur was matted, and it’s eyes were darting around like it was way too anxious. Understandable given the circumstances, but it didn’t seem to have any sort of composure.
Piper whined at her once, a plea for compassion. Sighing, Annabeth hated how easily she was influenced by her friend. 
Moving a bit closer to piper, she shifted back to human. Piper was close enough to protect her if the beast tried anything, but this would be her only chance to parley with it. And it’s only chance to survive the night. 
“My name is Annabeth, this is my territory and I’m the Alpha. Now who the hell are you and why have you been causing a ruckus.”
The wolf paused, clearly debating it’s options. A dangerous growl from piper made it clear trying to get a quick attack off at Annabeth was not an option, and Will mirrored him closely, blocking off any routes he could try to run. 
Seemingly out of options, the wolf lowered his head slightly, before he shifted back into a young man. He looked to be about Annabeth’s age, but he looked bad.
“I’m Percy.” He responded. 
Percy was in old, torn and dirty jeans, a stained shirt and a blue flannel. His hair was matted and he had the start of a beard. It was clear he wasn’t well fed from his overall frame, though it was hard to tell just how bad. 
“I’m just trying to survive.” He added. 
“By being obvious about hunting deer and being seen by humans? You’re lucky you aren’t dead.”
Percy let out a hollow laugh. “Some luck I have.” He muttered. 
“Why didn’t you try and find me when you got here? Why avoid us?” She pressed on, taking a step forward. 
“Cause I’m not going to bend my knee to some entitled asshole just so you can kill me the second I turn away.”
Both Piper and Will let out a growl at the insult. Annabeth’s eyes narrowed, but she kept herself in check. For as tough as his words were, it almost sounded like he wasn’t talking about her. He was trying to sound all tough and defiant, but it was clear he was just desperate.
Annabeth stared at him, thinking. “You have three options. One, behave and we’ll let you stick around and you can try and find a life here.” 
He scoffed at the idea, looking at them like he was disgusted to be around them. 
“Two. You can try and take us out, but I think you know that isn’t a good idea.” She threatened, a growl in her voice. This time Percy didn’t respond, just lowering his head slightly. It was clear he wasn’t actually looking for a fight despite his tough words. 
“Three. You can leave and try your luck somewhere else. But I don’t think you’ll get very far with your attitude.” She explained, crossing her arms. 
He just stared at her, his eyes cold as if he was trying to read her but Annabeth wasn’t phased.
She paused, loosening the tension in her shoulders slightly. “We don’t want to be your enemies. If you’re willing to give us a chance, we can help you.” She offered honestly. 
This seemed to disarm the boy slightly as his aggressive demeanor dropped. 
His eyes were searching hers for something, it was almost like a mask fell away. Instead of a dangerous rogue wolf, he was just a scared, packless boy trying to survive and Annabeth felt her heart hurt.
Next to her Piper shifted to human, raising her hands in peace. “I want to help you. We can get you food and shelter, but we need you to behave if we’re going to.” 
The boy took a step towards them, seemingly subconsciously. It was clear Piper’s words were working. 
“We can’t have someone dangerous around, but we want to help you.” 
At the word dangerous his walls shot back up as he tensed and stepped back. “I don’t believe you.”
There was a tense pause in the air, before a loud stick snapped to their right. Looking over, they saw Will, still as a wolf, looking started as he had accidentally stepped on one while circling. When they looked back Percy had already taken off running, shifting mid stride as he tore away from them. Will started to run but Annabeth called him off. “Let him go. We told him what we had to. It’s up to him now.” The large wolf trotted to her side, and Annabeth absentmindedly began petting the side of his large neck. “I just hope he makes the right choice.”
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy it and if there’s interest I may add more to it. I have quite a few more ideas planned for it. If you appreciate my writing, consider checking out my art commissions HERE or checking out my art twitter HERE I really do like writing, but I’ve been trying really really hard lately to get my commissions up and running and the less I have to stress about that the more I can just write. I’ll continue this AU anyway, but I’d appreciate taking a look at least! I can throw in an immediate prompt fill with any commission. =P Either way, self promotion aside, I hope you enjoyed it and let me know if you want more!
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bookworlders · 5 years
the wedding date - chapter 5
percabeth fake dating!au part 5!!!
part 1 
Cabin 3 was unrecognizable from when they had arrived the night before. Annabeth’s suitcase had erupted and her makeup and hair appliances now littered every flat surface. Thankfully, Percy had vacated their room to hangout with Frank and Leo so she could ready in private.
It had been awhile since she’d gotten dolled up to this extent, curling her hair, a full face of makeup, and heels. Annabeth hadn’t gotten this glammed up since Piper and Thalia moved away.
Annabeth went out with Rachel occasionally, but it was always to some hipster dive bar in the Village where a flannel and jeans would suffice. Sometimes, if Annabeth was going straight from work to meet Rachel, she’d even try to make herself look worse coming from a day at the office to fit in with Rachel’s grungier friends.
It was nice to take time to do her hair and mix-and-match and pick out an outfit that matched with the bachelorette party sashes Leo had acquired for them. Getting ready was especially relaxing after she had taken the best shower of her life. It was a much needed hot, relaxing session after the day they had all just had.
After brunch, all of the wedding guests had returned to their rooms to change, and rest up for an afternoon of camp activities.
Annabeth set down her curling iron, and shook her arm out, sore from their first activity after brunch — archery. Annabeth had never been spectacular at it in camp, and the years removed their camp training days had made her worse. Not as terrible as Percy, though. Annabeth spent the morning laughing at the cute face he made while he aimed for the targets.
Annabeth finished curling her hair, and got to work concealing a scratch on her arm.
After archery, a group had taken an excursion to the training arena to spar.
“Who’s next?” Annabeth asked, eyes sparkling as she swiped sweat from her brow. She held out her hand and helped Jason up.
“Hades, Annabeth,” Jason muttered, sheathing his golden gladius, “Can’t even give me a break on my wedding weekend?”
Annabeth grinned, “I was already going easy on you, Grace.” She looked around for her next opponent. Piper, Hazel, and a group had gone to the stables to groom the horses. Leo sat, bruised, physically and his ego, on the sidelines nursing a scrape on his arm. Frank messed with the straw poking out of one of sparring dummies, and refused to make eye contact with her. “Come on!”
“I’ll have a go,” piped Percy, standing up from the bench where he’d been sitting with Nico watching Reyna and Thalia spar across the arena.
Annabeth shot him a look, “Really Percy? It’s alright. These guys are just babies.”
Percy stood directly in front of her, “No, for real, I’ll spar with you.”
“Percy, no it’s okay,” Annabeth sheathed her knife in the holster of thigh, “We’ve all trained to sword fight since we were kids at this camp, it’s—”
“You scared?” Percy said, his wagging eyebrow challenging her.
Annabeth gaze darkened, “Alright, then.” She unsheathed her knife, “Pick your weapon.”
Percy picked up a bronze sword from the chest Chiron had brought out to the sparring area, swinging it back and forth testing its’ weight, “You alright with those little knives, Chase?” He stood in front of her.
Annabeth unsheathed another, “Perfect with them. They let me get closer to my opponent.” She stood directly in front of him. Thalia and Reyna had paused their spar to watch.
Percy grinned, “Rules?”
Annabeth twirled the knife in her left hand, using them to point to the markings on the straw covered sparring arena, “First person to step out of the boundaries.”
“Not to the death?” Percy grinned at her.
Annabeth smirked back, “Ready, Jackson?”
The two faced each other within the ring and fell into a fighting stance. Annabeth beckoned him with her hand to make the first move. Percy made the first strike, and Annabeth parried him with a basic block, but Percy struck again, this time disarming Annabeth. Her knife cluttered to the ground. Annabeth raised an eyebrow, her face failing to conceal the shock.
“Jason, I think she really was going easy on you,” Percy said, sweeping up her knife and tossing it back to her. “Don’t you dare go easy on me, Chase. Let’s call that a warm-up round.”
Annabeth’s expression was unreadable, “Fine, let’s go again.” This time, Annabeth made the first move, which Percy smoothly blocked.
Suddenly, they were dancing. The clang of bronze against bronze and the whip of blades flying through the air filled the training arena. Every strike from another was met by a perfectly in sync parry. They fought as if choreographed, his body occupying the space hers was in seconds before being interrupted by the clang of metal. Annabeth didn’t know if she was fighting against Percy or with him. He seemed to know exactly what her next move would be.
Annabeth’s muscles burned in a way she hadn’t felt since her camp days — the exertion required of an equally adept opponent. No one had matched her combat skill like this since, well since Luke, who had taught her to fight in the first place. Fighting with Percy was a dance, and she didn’t want the song to end.
Annabeth knew that she wouldn’t be able to outpower Percy, not due to her own strength or skill, but because she was three rounds of sparring in and he was fresh. His technique was a little rough around the edges, but his natural skill was apparent. Annabeth noticed this in his stance, and they way his arms extended when he swung his blade at her.
She would have to end this round with strategy. He had caught her off guard with his skill when he disarmed her in the first round when she was going easy on him, but now she truly was exerting herself. Percy was having fun, too much to stop or give in. She could tell from the way he almost had her disarmed a couple times, but also eased up just in time for her to inter his saber with one of her knives. How dare he go easy on her now, Annabeth thought as she swung her blade as his throat.
Clang! Percy blocked it. She saw him grin and couldn’t help a smile from spreading across her face.
But she had a plan. Percy swung his sword at her, and Annabeth resisted the urge to block, just for a second, but that was all it took. Percy’s arm faltered, just for a second, when she didn’t move from his attack. The tip of the blade grazed her arm. That second hesitation was all Annabeth needed to get close enough to shove Percy off balance and take a step out of boundaries.
Jason and the others whooped and cheered from the sidelines.
“That’s what you get for going easy on me, Jackson,” Annabeth said, holding out her hand.
Percy shook it, and didn’t let go, “Believe me, I wasn’t.”
“Where’d you learn to fight like that?”
“I’m an actor. Years of stage combat classes.”
Annabeth finished concealing the scratch on her arm, and began tidying up her mess of makeup and clothes around the cabin.
After a couple more rounds that afternoon (Percy and Jason fighting round after round until eventually calling a tie), they left to meet up with the stable group in the woods for a game of capture the flag — bridesmaids and dates against groomsmen and dates. Annabeth’s team won, of course. “I always have a plan,” Annabeth said with a wink. That plan had just so happened to involve Percy as bait and a distraction while Annabeth claimed Jason’s flag right from under his nose.
A walk through the strawberry fields in the afternoon had allowed Percy to bond with her camp friends. They all seemed to love him, and she did as well the more she got to know him. Percy was charming and funny and retorted back to her witty remarks with clever jibes at her that made her laugh. They hung back from the group on the walk and Percy told her about his mom, Sally, who raised him as a single parent and faithfully supported his acting career, and his stepdad Paul, who was an English teacher.
Annabeth justified it as informing Percy on the need-to-knows of being her fake boyfriend, but the sun and the smell of strawberries had her spilling tales of her stepmom and the rough years with her dad and the move from Virginia to San Francisco that made her summers at camp the best times of her childhood.
When they had returned from the strawberry fields, Jason and the groomsmen had invited Percy for a couple of beers down by the lake. Annabeth said goodbye to him with a kiss on the cheek to get ready for Piper’s bachelorette party.
That had been an hour or two ago before Annabeth had taken the best shower of her life, and washed away the grime and sweat of the day. It had been an amazing first day of Piper and Jason’s wedding weekend, participating in her favorite camp activities and getting to know Percy — bringing him as her date was a great idea from the looks of today.
Annabeth looked in the mirror hanging against the wall next to the door of Cabin 3 and adjust the bridesmaid sash over the short black dress she wore. Piper had no idea what was coming for her for her bachelorette party.
sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoyed xx
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