#and that cats dont live forever
oatbugs · 2 years
@ myself in last july/august
#youre not dead . also youre better and trying to get better even more than before . you arent going to be alone forever or at least#you wont get to be alone for much longer . you make friends you love you kiss a boy when youre drunk you kind of fall in love with your#mathematician friend you meet very clever people including an economist who is very good at everything including perfumes and#the card game speed and seeing you . you link arms with people you sign a contract for renting a house you play the violin you have your#first exam in a week (almost 11 months for you) and its neuroscience and by the way youre kind of good at neuroscience and youre kind of#good at philosophy . you love your degree you have breakdowns about maths you bleach your hair you go to an alt j concert tonight you kiss#your cat you want to kiss your friends hand you refer to elsewhere as home you pull all nighters and you take#a spontaneous trip to everywhere and you get almost crushed by an avalanche and you go inside a train underwater and you might live in#venice for a bit and you get a job that has paid you 0 so far and you stroke your friends hair and barely get better at cooking but much#better at cleaning and you start taking care of your skin . you learn about manifolds and you have a failed crush who teaches you an#awful lot about pharmacy and humans and chemicals but not a lot about love . and each day you accept the risk of love and often you#experience the stab of grief (evidence that you are a feeling loving caring thing) and each day you thank yourself#for loving philosophy and maths and neuroscience and AI (except everything else is philosophy really and everythin else is maths really)#you have black swan moments and black bear moments and more than anything i dont want to tell you that it will get better because i know#you secretly wanted to give anyone who ever said that a sucker punch . i want to thank you for choosing to live despite despite despite#(you preached for the world but i know you wanted to die) (thank you for looking at that dangerous thing and finding the reflections#of light on it beautiful enough to live another day and another and another and another.)
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starburns · 2 years
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thunderousnipples · 2 years
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sunnixsunshine · 3 years
I'm thinking of doing commissions this summer to raise money for an ipad. I already have 100$ saved back from my half of the stimulus so all I'd need to raise up more is at least 200-300$ more(for the two I was and continue to look at), which shouldn't take long if I can manage to find a job after I've moved into a more secure neighborhood or move back home where I feel safer to walk through at night.
#i also wanna wait for numbers to go down#my biggest concerns are my own given certain places' stance on transgender individuals(i dont have to tell them but if--#--the chance arises that i choose what name is on my name tag id prefer sam and ppl might ask cuz yknow)#so i wanna feel safe while feeling comfortable bc i dont want my depression to come back FULL force im okay with it coming sporatically rn#and i also wanna make sure my family is okay especially my dad where his copd has gotten worse (due to vaping; told him so)#and for my mom as something is going on medically with her that we're waiting for the results for rn#and then theres myself but fuck it at this point i dont care im just in a stage in life where i just wanna do shit and not care#i want the ipad so i can better my art and make a freelance career of it while also working and then raise up money to move out b4 they can#try and deem me incompetent and then end up living with my parents forever#i do wanna learn how to cope with my disabilities and adhd so i can be self efficient i really do#and i honestly think learning how to deal with my anxiety is a good first step#and probably a risky move as ive just figured out that what i experience in certain circumstances IS over stimulation#and im still trying to learn all my trigger#probably not a good idea to just expose myself to the things that are mentally tolling and sometimes causes me to harm#without talking about anxiety meds to help that transition better#but whatever i dont even have a doctor rn and have no idea if i ever will so eh#ill go balls first and make sure i can safely have an anxiety attack in the breakroom or something#i have learned how to suppress them when i dont have my coping mechs with me such as my mawmaw's blankie or this#icecream cat beanie bag toy#ill be fine as long as i can eventually let it all out in private#not art
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funshinebf · 3 years
i try not to vent on here too much cause i dont like worrying people but lately i have not been doing good
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fuck-kirk · 3 years
So sorry to hear about your ferret :( I know how hard that is
Thanks I appreciate it! It really sucks...I also lost my bearded dragon this year to old age...losing pets is awful
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silvershoe · 3 years
one of my eyes is more sunken than the other
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amorphousea · 3 years
you know what i don’t actively desire or understand partnership, yet sometimes when i’m flaring up, now that i’m not as afraid to ask for help. i just wish someone was holding me, wrapped in blankets, just someone there so i don’t have to go through this constant pain alone. no sympathy or pity, or anything really, just a kiss on my forehead and a simple reminder that i’m allowed to suffer, that i withstand so much. just a hand in mind, and a gentle reminder that i have everything i need within myself but i deserve to be vulnerable and seen. even if just a moment.
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grantihare · 3 years
gonna do a silly little vent v quickly in the tags dont mind me!
#just need to cry into the void for a sec#i am okay! just a little sad dont worry#cw animal death#heres a really long tag so hopefully nobody who doesnt wanna read this sees it accidentally#okay i think im good#it is. so weird how the littlest thing can make me so upset abt my old cat#she lived to over 20! totally healthy until that last ~month when she started slowing down#she had a good long life and thats nothing for me to cry about#she didnt lose any functions she didnt suffer she just laid down and went peacefully#and i saw someone with a cat with her name and the cat looked just like her so i was like 'hi our cats were twins w the same name'#'can u post a couple more pics bc hes adorable'#and i was Fine until one picture where their cat was looking up while being pet and i just lost it#she used to do that with me all the time and it looked so much like her and now i cant stop crying lmao#its been over 7 years#maybe even 8 fuck i dont remember the date she died#but god!! nearly a decade and im still just weeping like a baby over it#i miss her so much#she was such a good girl#they had her since before i was born id had her all my life#she was older than me forever but now im older than her and ig thats hitting me now#and it hurts a lot more than i thought it would haha#id give anything to just have her curl up on me one more time#she was so lovey#i miss her#anyway ive uh#ive downgraded from sobbing to just being hiccup-y and sniffling so i think writing it helped#i think ill be alright in a couple#shit#i just wish i could pet her again#shut up david
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loveisbraveandwild · 5 years
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Taylor Swift Movie Soundtracks + Favorite Lyrics
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athenadcvell · 5 years
Let’s make this a strict parent’s thread
Ok, everyone with strict parents. I’m boutta top y’all. And let’s all suffer together, so reblog with your own wild rules you have to follow
Fellin bored, so I’m boutta flex and just go ahead and hand my parents the most controlling and manipulative strictest parents of all time award
I have never been allowed to go to anyone’s house unless they were family
That literally means that growing up, if I was even invited to a birthday party, my parents would not let me go
Not one of my friends have ever been allowed to come over
Up until Sophomore year, I had never hung out after school with my friends
I maybe ever went to one birthday party, for, like, an hour
My dad gave me his old tablet when I was 12. He put restrictions so I could not access any web browser, the app store, or download games intended for children 12 and up
I was twelve 
We have an alarm on our door. Not a system generated alarm that notifies police if there is an intruder. Nope. An alarm. You open the door or window? Alarm
I’m not allowed to open my windows and have my door locked. And no, I have not been caught smoking before, or sneaking out. My room is on the third level
I am not allowed to have my phone or laptop in my room, ever
I am not allowed to wear leggings
I am not allowed to wear shorts
I am not allowed to wear tank tops
I can’t wear ripped jeans or crop tops
I can not wear short dresses or skirts without wearing leggings underneath them (which is why I stopped wearing them all together)
I can’t leave the house wearing a shirt that shows my shoulders
I have never been allowed to date, or even hang out with guys
My mom says she’s fine with my hanging out with boys, but one time, one of my guy friends dropped me off home after school (there were two other girls visible in the car) and my mom thought he looked like a ‘drug dealer’. I ended up getting grounded for a week
I was not allowed to wear makeup until I was 14
I literally do not have a curfew. Meaning, that I can be out of the house for maybe two or three hours before my mom drags my ass back in. God forbid I ask to stay out past 7
I can’t hang out two weeks in a row. I asked my mom once if I could hang out with my friends on Friday, and she said I was abusing her generosity because she had let me hang out with friends the Friday before
I literally can not even sit on our front porch because apparently I look like a ‘prostitute’
My mom makes me roll up my pads/tampons in toilet paper before throwing them in the trash bc the ‘men of the house’ don’t need to see that
the only one who cares is my misogynistic fuck of a father. I’ve asked my brother. He couldn’t give a shit
I can’t even say the word period out loud without getting yelled at
My phone and laptop both have internet restrictions on them, cause apparently, a fucking high schooler can’t be trusted on google
I literally have like 5 different VPN’s and Proxy’s downloaded on my computer
At 9, my WiFi cuts off. I’m the only one in the house who has to go through that
If I want an adrenaline rush, I go and ask my mom if I can hang out/ buy something. Get’s the heart beating real quick
Also works if I wanna be reminded of all the reasons why I’m such a failure and let down
I can’t spread my legs open wide while sitting down without my dad getting angry and yelling at me
On more than one occasion, my father has forced me to sit in the trunk of our car bc I did something to piss him off. The drive can range anywhere from 15 min to 3 hours. The first time he did this I was 9
Tbh this has started to become more of ‘reasons why my parents are such shitty people’ rather than ‘reasons why my parents are super strict’
There’s more, but Imma stop now. 
If you got strict parents, add yours! Even if your parents are stricter, or not as strict as mine, it actually rlly helps to know that you’re not the only one in a wildly unfair and controlling household
P.S: Yes. I have broken almost every single one of these rules more than once. And yes. I have gotten in trouble. Trust me, I got the scars to prove it.
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was-there-ever · 5 years
in case you dont live forever ✨
[YouTube Link]
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cornflowercanine · 3 years
i was talking a8t this w my friend a 8it ago 8ut one of my 8iggest issues with warrior cats is how repetitive it is, and i f33l like a HUGE HUGE part of that, like, the main overarching part of that, is that warrior cats doesnt take its unique and genuinely interesting and charming universe and writes stories with it, it writes the same story, over, and over, and over again. here you have this young unexperienced warrior cat faced with a ~new shocking~ situ8ion that they have to team up with a num8er of cats from other clans in secret to solve, the clans go MAN I H8 THE OTHER CLANS FOR CLIM8ING TR33S AND EATING FISH AND FOR EXISTING, the protagonist cats go this is stupid, the clans almost die, the clans go okay youre right and 8and together and end up not dying, the pro8lem is solved, the clans go awwww that was fun too 8ad i have to murder all my friends over chasing prey just over our 8order line in 2 months :((( the end and its fun the first, may8e second, may8e even third time you read it, 8ut after a certain point its just tiring and frustr8ing to read what you know is going to happen, all the while they manage to shoehorn in a8leism, 10000 8order patrol fights, Female Chars Are Killed For Literally No Good Reason, several overly depressing side stories youre expected to forget (or at least youd assume so cause the situ8ion is completely dropped 8y the next chapter or so) like some cat having still8orns or a cat getting eaten 8y a fox or what the fuck have you. and this is frustr8ing to me 8E. CAUSE. alongside 8eing charming and having a captiv8ing universe and little kitty societies, it would ALSO 8e tolera8le past one series (if that) to read! it is fun to read a8t these little groups of feral kitties that have kitty doctors and kitty hunting and kitty point of view and just!! cats!!! coping with 8eing feral cats!!!! and we KNOW they can do things that arent just Generic Storyline for the 8th time now, we have a side story of a LEADER realizing just how flawed and unhelpful the warrior code and the clans 8eing as seper8ed as they are is in practice to the point he cannot cope and 8ecomes a KITTYPET and gets a rule named after him, we have mapleshade.....mapleshade (which YES it is the same old same old ‘warrior code 8ad oh well what can ya do!!’ 8ut it’s taken to such an extreme it 8ecomes interesting and diff from whats done in Everything Else in the series), we have The Entire Fucking tri8e of rushing water, thats a group that exists with their own life and their own religion and their own struggles and their own history that despite what the authors think can in fact have as much depth as thunderclan, we have fucking Rock the 8ald immortal omniscient cat that is AT THE A8SOLUTE MINIMUM a8out 70-90 human years old, 8ut we just..... k33p getting Firestar; 8ut With More Rel8ionship Drama over. and over. and over
#clove rambles#long post#ME; UGH I H8 THE MAIN SERIES 8OOKS -PLANS TO READ DOTC ANYWAY-#also note on mapleshades thing 8c she unfortun8ly 8ecomes another 'minor 8ut really frustr8ing/saddening plot sidetrack youre SUPPOSED-#-to just forget even though its really fucking sad/frustr8ing' l8r in the 8ooks#8ut i think IN MAPLESHADES VENGENCE her story is different from everything else in warriors 8c shes not going#oh nooooo my half clan rel8ionship. im so sad im grieving now#and shes not going oh this guy looked at me funny im gonna kill him and then get angry when ppl get angry at me#she goes ok literally every single part of this situ8ion a8solutely sucks so instead of 8eing sad whiny woman#or woman whos entire personality is 'hehe strong!' i am just going to kill a8solutely everyine 8ECAUSE of my dead 8a8ies#and its just. i really really really like mapleshade yeah 8ut i do think more side chars should 8e like her#not in that they should. murder everyone i dont want warriors to 8ecome homestuck; 2!#oh w8 that joke isnt funny anymore. homestuck; 3!#i mean in that they should just? have? development? and motiv8ions that fuel their actions?#even if its a p 8rushed over 'my 8a8ies died due to shitty laws over half clan rel8ionships and now i wanna kill everyone i d33m-#-responsi8le for this; also; i LOVE 8eing a cat demon in cat hell'#and fuck. a rock super edition/novella (idk difference sorry) would 8e so interesting holy fuck.#i wanna read a 8ook that just increasingly fills you with dread at the thought of immortality#i wanna read a 8ook thats just hehe my names rock im gonna 8e a sharpclaw one day :3c!!!!#and then as he gets older and older and older its just him 8eing face to face with unwillingly living for forever#ROCK PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR GRAPHIC NOVEL <333 /hj#anyway im going to 8ed
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sarah-theswiftie · 4 years
But do you ever just chill and listen to Taylor’s singles? 💟
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kieranculkingirl · 4 years
going home feels so weird now college rly just be changin everything
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macroglossus · 5 years
like .... im glad im working full time absolutely and i understand that i need the money to move out n shit . but . i am so tired 
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