#and that includes meeting people who don't give a sh*t about you
writers-vlogx · 2 years
Rafa x male reader
ohhh rafa would be a fucking mess if he found himself crushing and obsessing over another man
(Rafa is a Latino man in the 80s, and he is also involved in one of the most violent businesses that exist, he is not the best dealing with liking your own sex)i can see rafa going throw a rollercoaster of emotions while feeding his obsession , yeah he doesn't understand why he wants you but hell he is not gonna let that get in his way
rafa is usually very upfront about what he wants but this is new as fuck for him so i can see him trying to persue you in an akwardly defensive way,you would need to make some moves towards him
hear me once he wrapped his head about being into men he
would kneel for you, my man can't fight how in love he is.
I see him shutting down any kind of hateful comment you get "haber pinches pendejos que vergas dijeron" he would not let anyone, including felix, give him shit he is ready to shoot anyone in the face if they disrespect you
Imagine Rafael caro quintero finding out he's gay
Okay mf's strap in because I could and will write multiple parts if I have too, also side note and I mean it, you have any idea you want me to create? Send it! I don't care how weird or stupid, funny, sad scary you might think it is send it to me! Because when I get requests like these I know that people want to see the same content I want to write, it was something I never planned to post because I thought no one wanted to see it, just goes to show if you communicate with me I'll answer back so PLEASE don't be shy, we need more representation everywhere!!
I am so sorry that was suppose to be short but now for what yall are REALLY here for
Rafael caro quintero liking men? Oh the poor man is confused, like these are the 80's and he's in the most fucking dangerous business to just wake up one day and realize "oh sh*t I like men"
He meets you through the cartel of course, working with you always leaves him feeling something...strange, he thought he just liked who you were, after all you were funny, nice company and you could get the job well done
He thought that was it for a long time, I mean you were a great business partner and a great friend too, you would always listen to him when he had any sort of problem, and would stop him from GETTING into a problem more times than he could have counted. You were always up to drink but always stopped him whether he liked it or not so he could still be coherent enough to not be absolutely wasted, and on the rare occasion he was? You always made sure he got home safe, either sending him home or taking him yourself
When he needed a place to stay your doors were always open and when he fucked up really bad, like the type of bad you don't come back from? Somehow you always found it in yourself to let him back in
You were a best friend to him, someone he could truly rely on no matter what, so why did he still feel so sad everytime you had to leave? Or angry when you wouldn't contact him for days, and absolutely enraged when he saw girls trying to hit on you at social events?
He thought he was just watching out for you, for the longest time he made the excuses of "es que quiero lo mejor para ti compadre" or "No guey es que créeme que me lo vas a agradecer luego" and "Yo sabré quien es bueno para ti, porque aquí no hay nada más que pinches zorras"
He always had a weird warm feeling in his chest when you would place your hand on his shoulder, or when you hugged him after a favor or a really tough time and god the things he did so that he could feel that touch again
I think the changing point in his feelings would hit him like a train...nah nah more like a yacht because man when he does, he just...absolutely looses his mind like I'm talking physically you can see him age like 20 years
The point of no return happened in a very drastic way and unexpected too, like I can see him just finding out about a new girl who your "messing" around with and just absolutely exploding with rage and betrayal
Let's say your over at his house, you guys are alone a couple of beers in the table and the music playing in the background when you start talking about this really pretty girl your seeing lately, nothing to serious but it's the way you talk about her and how pretty her smile is and how perfect she looks he can just feel the anger bubbling up inside him because when he sees the smile in your face he just can't stand it.
you should be talking about him that way telling HIM how handsome he is, how much you love him, and he can't stand it anymore he feels like if he sits for just one more minute he's gonna die
So he yells out something he didn't mean to say, something that only he knew. The things he wish he could say to you "Pues ya guey ya esta bueno!" No rafa shut up " "Ya no chinges guey!" No don't say anything you'll regret "No necesito estar escuchando tanta chingadera de tu parte" Shut the fuck up now don't go any further he felt so angry he grabbed at your neck slowly tightening it as he kept talking
And then it stops, all of his anger turns into dread, because he realized what he said to you honestly it would shock you, to find that he felt about you that way and it would take a lot of talking, and feeling vulnerable emotions for yall to work it out
But when he has wrapped his head around the whole ordeal and he's finally established what yall are, no one and I mean absolutely no one disrespects yall
When he first comes to Felix and explains it, he leaves very clear the fact that he will not take bullshit from anyone. Not even Felix, he talks and makes his point very clear, absolutely no one is brave enough to say anything, those that do end up dead within seconds.
His love for you however would be so gentle, having been through so much, and living with such a dangerous life he's happy to have found someone who he can rely on, and honestly if he finds that anyone said anything to you, oh he's looking for blood.
You can have the man at the palm of your hand, but please remember he's been through so much, he really needs someone who will be ever so gentle with him, and will deal with all the shit he brings along with him. It's not easy especially while being gay but your love for each other and the fact that yall are in one if not the most dangerous fields ever makes yall unstoppable. A little extra story- Rafa almost killed Felix the day he decided to call you the F slur as a "joke"
Like just imagine angry rafa being like "FELIX HIJO DE TU CHINGADA MADRE AHORA SI YA VALISTE VERGA CABRON" also "NO SE TE VUELVA A OCCURIR DECIRLE HACI A EL OH ESTA VEZ SI TE MATO GUEY" and let me tell you he never made such mistake again, when I tell you rafa is dangerous I MEAN IT.
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its-moopoint · 1 year
While shippers keep track of CT's and S's lives everything they distort is factual correct. No games played as they want followers to believe.
- Spotting C/T & baby is normal and usually people respect her privacy - - C didn't hint anything, she posted a thank you for SOC invite - - Lauren Lyle interviewer mentioned his connection to OL through his good friend T who is married to CB - - Not the first time cast members acknowledge SC aren't together - - CT not doing an IFTA pap walk but attending together as a married couple - - C was happy to be out attending The Fratellis - - CB cut hair for a new movie just like she did for FvF - - CB only mentions T if asked - - CB attending play in NY could also have had another professional reason - - CB can be tagged by friends as normal people do.
SH is doing his own thing completely separate from CB.
ES #realfairy wrote:
Droughlander isn't over …
Droughlander isn't over …
Since February, when the wrap was announced, we've been thinking about some possible mischief that could happen until this season of Droughlander is over.
It was a joke between friends, but looking at the number of hits, I think these 'hunches' could be written about here.
1 - A discreet fan spots C 'with her family' but doesn't publish photos in the name of privacy ✔️
2 - Sam is seen in the background of random photo/video that suspiciously gets posted to tumblr ✔️
3 - Pap walks with a blonde
4 - Cait hints she's in city X, Sam hints he's on the other side of the world ✔️
5 - Sam does another super expensive meeting for fan ✔️
6 - New Russian video
7 - Interview with random cast member who mentions Caitriona Balfe's husband ✔️
8 - Totally out of the blue random cast member reveals that Sam and Cait ARE NOT a couple ✔️
9 - Cait does pap walk with T at IFTA - in case of a win, there will be a special thank you ✔️
10 - Deux Moi releases note of Sam's sighting with 'a blonde' ✔️
11 - Cait publishes some innuendo about The Fratellis ✔️
12 - Sam appears in a fan photo in a completely unexpected location ✔️
13 - Cait cuts her hair again ✔️
14 - New change in Sam, Priyanka and Celine Dion's film ✔️
15 - Cait gives an interview and the article mentions her husband
16 - PapWalk for Just Jared ✔️
17 - Cait dedicates the new batch of gin to her husband
18 - Monika Askmit does another podcast badmouthing Sam
19 - Cait attends a fashion/cinema/arts event and T appears in the background of the post-event photos
20 - A fight breaks out in the fandon and shippers are thrown into the fire ✔️
21 - Sam appears like an old bloke in the background of a party photo/video
22 - ONE MORE of Sam's 'exes' gets married ✔️
23 - Sam and Cait do ZERO OL promo events together
24 - Sam turns up at a stadium with Sophie or Alex N, OR Marina, or Nico, or Cirdan ✔️
25 - Sam posts a shirtless photo ✔️
26 - Sam appears on a talk show and claims to be single once again ✔️
27 - The Nic couple do something completely over-the-top, drawing the attention of the entire fandon to themselves ✔️
28 - Several models/influencers are pointed out as the new flavor of summer, with the expected insinuations on social media ✔️
29 - BONUS: Cody Kennedy follows Sam and he follows her back (Cody deactivates his IG) ✔️
30 - BONUS: Victoria L (ex Heughan) posts selfie on a beach in Fife, with friends and family - including Sam and Chrissie Heughan, sparking a HUGE row in the fandon ✔️
31 - BONUS: Cait (after a sighting of the happy family in Glasgow) is spotted at a theatre in NY, while Sam, also in the US, was missing ✔️
32 - BONUS Damage containment: Cait appears in a random place with T ✔️
33 - BONUS: Cleveden appears on estate agent's website, put up for sale ✔️
34 - BONUS: Cait and Sam's recordings end at almost the same time and both disappear for a week, then appear out of nowhere in different places around the world ✔️
35 - BONUS: weekly rounds of "Look here, don't look there" ✔️
36 - BONUS: Anna Modler, as well as getting married, is pregnant ✔️
37 - BONUS: Cait is tagged by a friend, watching an Irish football match while Sam is obviously in another part of the world ✔️
38 - BONUS: Graham and Garance launch a drinks company and a big row breaks out in the fandon ✔️
Some things didn't happen, other things happened more than once, overlapping or combining with each other … but some really unexpected things have happened …
It's been fun and it doesn't have to be much more than that.
Anyway, Droughlander isn't over. We'll see how many more items are ticked off this list, or what else might happen …
Sep 1st, 2023
To sum her piece of bullshit up, they are celebrating not knowing where C has been and pretending in their delusion that she was with S but never seen either while he's broadcast his every move.
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liviavanrouge · 2 years
Royal Gathering
Malleus: *Grins, talking with other royals*
Farena: It's an honor to be invited, we thank you, king of the night
Malleus: Livia prepared the guest list, do not thank me
Amara: I hear Princess Livia is an exceptional girl, is it true she's saved over a hundred children and returned them to their parents
Malleus: Yes, she's also convinced others to swear eternal loyalty to the Draconia family, Including the were-people
Farena: *Looks over at Livia stunned* That's amazing...
Livia: *Smiles, chatting away with Sarah*
Sarah: Princess, Malleus told me to tell you that you should go talk with the other heirs to kingdoms
Livia: I see, I shall do that *Turns and walks away, people staring at her and whispering as she walked past*
Livia: *Opens the doors and Bows to the royal heirs* I am Crowned Princess Livia Garcia Vanrouge, future queen of thr Valley of Thorns and the most precious person to Malleus Draconia
Cheka: Livia!
Livia: Cheka, my how you've grown! You look so handsome now!
Cheka: *Laughs, looking proud*
???: I am Prince Claude, this is my younger brother Prince Harry
???: I am Princess Marlene, it is a great honor to meet you, over there is Prince Izack, Prince Kena, Princess Gardena and Prince Dale, it's our greatest pleasure to greet thr famous Crowned Princess
Livia: It's my pleasure as well
Kena: Sh-Shelby don't, rumors has it that she's the most important person to Malleus alongside the queen
???: You're being very rude to her highness
Livia: *Smiles, several near bear sized dogs appearing growling at Shelby*
Shelby: *Screams, stepping back* T-THOSE ARE WERE-PEOPLE! THEY'RE WERE-DOGS!
Brownie: Disrespect her highness again and they'll be an accident...
Livia: That's enough, all of you, we don't threaten guests!
Sarah: *Shifts human, her ears drooping* We apologize Princess, we just don't wanna loose the one person who is giving us a chance instead of trying to execute us
Claude: It's wrong for people to try and Execute were-people, they're just like Beastmen, only they can shift into the animal they're born as..
Dale: I agree with Claude, I'll try to persuade my father to respect these poor people more
Gardena: Same here!
Livia: I think you should leave, you're ruining the peace
Shelby: *Freezes, her eyes wide in terror*
Silver and Sebek: *Stares from the shadows, their eyes glowing dangerously, hands on their swords*
Shelby: I'm sorry...I'll be quiet
Livia: Thank you, now lets have a great tea party
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mydearnoe · 2 years
Amusement Park Battle
This is talked about a lot, but I'm still gonna mention it.
Noe was given the choice of saving Dominique by drinking Vanitas's blood, or refusing to do that (because he knows Vanitas doesn't want that) and letting Dominique die (a choice no one should have to make btw). We know that Noe cares for Dominique a lot, they grew up together. But he had to stop and consider that Vanitas would not let him drink his blood, he immediately tried to find a different option (getting Vantias to give Mikhail the information himself) knowing that Vanitas isn't comfortable with Noe drinking his blood.
"I will never set you free" First of all, this ties back to one of their previous conversations. You can't have a romance without flashbacks to previous interactions, that's one of the most important rules. Noe knows that Vanitas wants to be 'free', meaning he wants to be alone. By promising that he will never set him free, he's telling him that he'll never leave Vanitas alone. "I'll never leave you" or "I'll always be here" (first of all that's so sweet regardless of whether or not it's a ship omg they're so cute) is basically what he was saying.
Vanitas wasn't able to kill Noe, if it had been anyone else I'm willing to bet that he would've killed them. And someone else could've knocked some sense into him, but no. It was Noe. I WONDER WHY. Seriously this ship has to be canon it's literally so perfect.
That ferris wheel fell (srsly tho as if there wasn't enough sh*t happening), and guess who got Vanitas out of the way (I know I'm probably grasping at straws at this point but still it's the little signs that are rly revealing sometimes).
Vanitas knew he would have to die eventually. He knew it was the only option, he knew he didn't have a choice. The only choice he did have was who would kill him. It's not like his options were limited, there's Jeanne, Dominique, Dante, Johann, Roland, Mikhail (obviously not). But out of all those people (including Jeanne, 'the one he loves') he chose Noe. If you're going to die one day, you would choose someone you trust completely and you know would make the right call in times of need. Vanitas could've chosen anyone, but he chose Noe. Not only that, he refused to meet his eyes while saying it. He knew Noe's reaction would be heartbreaking (that part doesn't have anything to do with the ship, I just felt the need to point it out).
In conclusion, during the show (especially the amusement park arc), there were so many opportunities for the creators to add to the Vanijeanne development. So many times when Vanitas needed help and could've relied on Jeanne instead of Noe. I don't think they would pass up this many chances to add to a romance unless they were building to something else.
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crisalidaseason · 3 years
Modern au! AOT headcanons because I said so.
This is a reader insert, don't like don't read! Reader isn't specified in any aspect.
Also completely SFW and I can't really identify any triggering content but let me know if you find something
Today's episode: You recently met the group and is slowly getting to know everybody. They invited you to a get together at Eren's house and you find out that playing videogames with a large group of people can be really chaotic!
First of all, Eren is late for his own get together because he was too busy trying to pick a snack in the grocery store. Naturally, you're all alone with Armin and Mikasa (because of course they have access to Eren's house) and it's quite nice, they're both really welcoming.
Sasha, the one who actually introduced you to the group, arrives right after with food for a lifetime (you don't know how a broke college girl is able to buy so many snacks). Finally, Jean, Connie and Eren arrive with another abnormal amount of food.
This is your first time meeting them all together and it's very, very noisy. Eren and Jean are naturally loud and constantly bantering. Connie and Sasha making popcorn and setting the snacks while gossiping loudly about some professor. Armin and Mikasa choosing an enormous amount of games, movies and tv shows to entertain yourselves.
After everything is set, everyone decides on playing games, specifically those where you can just beat the sh*t out of your friends.
First of all, everyone is voting about not letting Armin play (because he beats everyone and wins everything) but in the end that little manipulator promises to be easy on everyone else (a big fat lie!) .
Second, Eren is trying not to murder Connie for choosing his favorite controller (Eren, the man-child).
Third, there's not enough controllers and everyone wants to play first. You all spend 20 minutes trying to make a fair agreement and you can hear somebody say "Why is Sasha playing before me if she hasn't even finished eating" or "Are you sure we can't just exclude Armin?" or "I don't care if Eren is the owner of the house, he should play in the second round"
Mikasa ends up shutting everyone up and chooses the players herself (she includes you in the first round because she's a sweetheart). Nobody questions her because...well, have you seen Mikasa? That woman is as intimidating as she is beautiful.
First round: Sasha is really good and doesn't even pay attention to the screen! Mikasa is a natural at everything she learns, Connie is average but always forgets to use the special powers or combos (also he is probably high at this point, you're not gonna tell me he ain't a stoner, a cool one)
The second round is the worst! Eren and Jean? Fighting every single time. Eren probably gives up in the middle of the battle because Jean is winning (Jean is really good but only when going against Eren). Armin completely humiliates both of them though, but funny enough he has lost twice to Sasha!
If you are experienced with videogames, they're going to try and destroy you, probably by putting you to fight against Armin. You decide...Can you defeat him? Because I sure can't.
If you never played or doesn't play much videogames, they would be sweet and go easy on you. Mikasa and Sasha would probably guide and even help you win a match. DON'T count on Jean and Connie because they're horrible teachers, Armin would teach you but also use this as an opportunity to beat you multiple times and make it seem like a teaching lesson.
In the end, you all have fun and you feel more accepted and welcomed in this chaotic and weird group of people.
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takiartepa · 3 years
⚠ WARNING, long angry fan vent ⚠
-This is exclusively personal. If you don't like it, please go your way. I'm not gonna discuss this if you don't share my opinion. As I said, is a VENT, I'm being incredibly SUBJECTIVE-
There's a "thesis" on the Internet that suggests that the monogamy, marrying, and forming a family of Apollo and Midnighter were made to convey a social idea. I was like "WTF happens to you?" when I found it.
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Do you have something against a stable couple? What's YOUR PROBLEM? Are you meaning we don't deserve a happily married gay couple only because you think is something of a "homonormativity"?
It's almost the only married gay couple of men I know until now in comics that (at least in Wildstorm) started together, and end up together HAPPY (until DC took them up).
A truth here is that Wildstorm suppressed a lot of Midnighter and Apollo's relationship to don't "scare" their ph0bic lectors 🙄 but, only because of that they don't have the right to be married and HAPPY?? and love each other and ONLY each other?
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Maybe you need to meet people inside the fandom that despise what DC did with the couple in Midnighter modern run (me included). Does it say SOMETHING to you? 🙄 It felt like a betrayal to the whole history of the character. To his essence.
What's worst, we still have Apollo with a lack of development.
The thesis criticizes "h0mophobia" moments. Do you took a moment to understand the tone of Wildstorm comics? They were meant to be a rude sh*t. That was the point. These comics are full of questionable things that are not shown to you to be comfortable with them. They are not meant for people that are sensible and feel attacked personally by these themes.
Midnighter and Apollo aren't a couple in a good context for them, and that's their truth. And you see them fighting that and winning anyways! That's inspiring. Their fight people who are bad, and also the people that disrespect them. They exist and fight, they are superheroes 'cause of that.
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The positivity over diversity may be one of the only things that improved in the change Wildstorm/DC, but we are still waiting for things that we had before and now, we still not. For example, the chemistry, the physical contact, the romantic moments that DC still lacks, and I don't get why. They were fast to BROKE THEM UP but, the love?
I don't know. I will not even read that thesis fully because I got so angry when I saw it applauded Midnighter's modern run decisions. It's realistic? Yes. And so far more friendly with the LGBT+ community. But it's friendly with Midnighter story?
NO. And double NO because Apollo is the one that suffers it all. Apollo is the side character. Apollo is the one painted as the problem. Apollo is shown as a drama queen and Midnighter as a character with a problem about "k1ll or not" when the essence of this couple is that they do it if it's needed. That made them even more unique than compared with, for example, Superbat (and Midpollo is CANON ❤).
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That didn't happen in Wildstorm comics. DC has the opportunity of giving us all the development Wildstorm didn't have the time to, and it's not doing it: giving both characters an interesting past about why they got the powers or were transformed into living weapons.
We gained and we lost a lot.
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The author of the thesis seems to convey being a married happy couple with family is a 'wrong' stereotype for homosexuals, but go having one-night-stands everywhere is good? Maybe we need to remember the "All Gays Are Promiscuous" trope and the damage it does (although in Wildstorm, all the couples, gay or not, had a very active s3x life, shown or implied, and I personally love the erotism in shipping... but I said, SHIPPING, a DEFINED COUPLE).
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*The "no homo" Midpollo 😂 that was so fun*
My asexuality is very DISGUSTED with this sh*t. I have nothing against people that prefers one way of life or another (monogamy, polygamy, one defined couple, open relationships, etc), but monogamy, the concept I HAVE of it (not the "social" one) is not the devil. And in comics, where a stable couple is almost a miracle, some of us want it to keep stable for one time.
LET THEM BE. Let our ship BE in PEACE and keep making us believe in love.
And if you want to read Midnighter and Apollo, whether you like it or not, it's a truth they are born from comics with hard and complicated subjects. If you don't want to read them, it's your right and I fully understand you.
But don't come here saying DC is doing it ALL better, because that's NOT true. The origins are the origins, and without them, we will not even have this wonderful couple existing and breaking the heteronormativity since 1998.
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ceoofanticatradora · 4 years
We need more anti C//A who are Adora stans (like you seem to be) so that people can understand that C///A is bad for Adora. Heck C//A is bad for Catra too, but the shippers don't seem to realize it. If Catra had been able to let Adora go maybe she could have healed instead of her festering and the abuse may have ended instead of escalated.
Hello Dear, welcome on my Blog and a big thank you for your message! Firstly I wanna apologize that this response is reaching you more than three full days, almost four later. Just real life getting into the way of my online presence (at least I got my A-Levels admission!) but I assure you that replying to you was on my To Do List the entire time. And while I could've typed something quick, I thought you deserved a full length response just as much as the person before you received. That goes for anyone really to ask/write me anything in the future.
Adora is a character that has flaws, her own interests, things she struggles with/is insecure about etc. but she also still works on being better (up to Season 5). This makes her relatable, fleshed out and overall three dimensional. Overall for me that makes Adora very likeable. Which is funny because when I first watched the show I thought of her as too goofy and felt like she as a character was overall just flat. Her character design did not speak to me either, the ponytail with the weird hair poof and these pointy shoulders of her jacket just really were not my taste. Isn't it amazing how perceptions can change?
As you can guess from that description I did not always stan Adora and she's probably still not my favorite character but over the almost two years I've been in this fandom I've grown rather fond of her. Other important characters to me are Kyle (a very relatable comfort character of mine, he learned to stand up for himself and others and I support that, f*ck Season 5 for barely acknowledging his existence), Lonnie (apart from treating Kyle badly (which I really do NOT support or excuse) I really love her, man, some women just do me like that, I mean she really stood up to Catra like that), Entrapta (I'm autistic too! It's great to have some representation, seeing the ableism/treatment she experiences in the show is not so much though), Seahawk (I don't even know why, I have some issues with his behavior towards Mermista at times but overall I love this dork), Scorpia (she reminds me of myself so much and I really wanna give her hugs, I'm so glad she chose to no longer let Catra treat her like that even though I will be forever salty she just immediately forgave her), Peekablue (I can explain this even less than Seahawk, especially since it was not even really him in the end but his existence somehow helped me cope with Season 5, without him I probably would've left this fandom ... and also my favorite color is blue) and Double Trouble (now there's enough people already critcizing how they're not exactly great Non-binary representation but this dramatic lizard will forever be in my heart, that reality check they gave Catra, basically slapping her in the face with facts was satisfying as h*ck, also I like lizards overall).
Now there's plenty of characters I like, dislike (or even hate) or am simply indifferent about but after all this is not a tier list but me talking about Adora, Catra and Catradora. Adora started off as this girl that was so sure what she was doing is right but once she was taught differently she was willing to leave everything she knew (except Catra, because she valued her despite everything) behind. And not only that, she broke out of the abuse cycle that Catra tried so hard to keep upright. And that is exactly what makes Adora such a good role model. She teaches children (or people) that:
Your past doesn't define what/who you are or what/who you can become
-> Adora used to be a Horde soldier and did not know where she came from, but nonetheless she found herself a family and became a hero that saved thousands of people
You can always change your mind and start a new life if you feel disappointed in what you are doing/who you are as a person
-> Basically the exact same point, Adora started a new life as she saw what the Horde really was and changed her mind about who to fight for
You deserve love too, be it platonic or romantic (or se*ual???) (If you're aro and/or ace just ignore the part that does not work for you)
-> While Adora for various reasons thought her only use was to please others and meet their needs and expectations (mostly due to Shadow Weaver and Catra) she learned to accept that she too deserves love and validation (if the love aspect would not have been focused on it being romantic love so she could smooch Catra in the finale this would've been a billion times better because she got love from her friends that showed her her real value)
You can walk away from something/someone, that does not make you egoistic/selfish
-> Adora walked away from the Horde, after Catra stubbornly refused to come with her despite many offers (basically Catra broke the promise, not Adora) from her too and that did not make her a "traitor" or "selfish", h*ck, Adora in the end did this for a bigger purpose too, even if part of it was her not wanting to live with such wrong morals
Your opinions, feelings etc. about a person/something can change and that is perfectly fine and valid, being able to change is part of what makes someone human
-> Adora's views on many things changed throughout the show: The Horde and the Rebellion, the First Ones, Catra, being She-Ra, herself, her priorities and so on ... she actually makes use of her brain, which is why Catra saying "Don't you ge it?" or calling her an idiot and dumb never sat right with me, she's a realistic character for shifting with her thoughts, feelings etc. and sometimes just does not fully think things through
You don't have to let other people treat you like sh*t (just because they have some issues they never worked through does not give them any right to let it out on you)
-> This point is obviously centered mostly around Catra and her abusing Adora almost every chance she gets, which is why Adora standing up for herself and not letting Catra blame her for her own decisions and mistakes is so important, "You made your choice, now live with it" is one of the most powerful lines throughout all the five Seasons
Now I'm sure there is still more to Adora's character than what I just listed and unfortunately almost all the points basically got pushed aside, well, Adora as a character got pushed aside in Season 5. All her growth, the things that made me love her, see her as great role model for so many people robbed of their value for the sake of making everything revolve around Catra. That brings me to her and how you are absolutely right that Catradora is harmful to both characters. Of course Adora is affected most by it in the end but Catra too is obviously suffering under the fandoms obsession and just the overall idea of them being romantically involved.
Just like with Adora the stans make almost everything about Catra over her relationship with Adora. She too can barely exist outside of it and if she wasn't the fan favorite she'd most likely would too be mostly in Fanarts that include Adora and not just her (if you google "Catra Fanart" most content is still Catra and Catra only but here and there Catradora still peaks through). But for whatever reason the fandom still views her more as her own person as the other ones? Catrouble and Scorptra Shippers might actually still get less hate than Glimmadora Shippers (I'm not denying they don't get any, they most certaintly do) which is just plain hypocricy and favorism. Kinda like the: A woman needs to be loyal to her husband and her husband only but if the husband wants to be active with other women that is perfectly fine because "that is just how men are" or how i like to call it ... sexism. Now in this case they are both women so it's not sexism but yo do get my point.
But much more importantly, Catra has an unhealthy obsession with Adora. Signs of that are for example:
Constantly talking about Adora, even when said person is not around (to Shadow Weaver, Scorpia etc.)
Obsessing over having control over Adora like in that one Episode "Are you kidding? I finally got control over Adora, I'm not giving that up!"
Building her entire character and her actions around Adora "We need to take Adora down", "Adora left me", "I'd rather see the whole world end than see you win!", also shown in Season 5 where she states she does save Glimmer only for Adora and not for Glimmer or to do the right thing
Getting aggressive or very emotional over Adora like clawing the wall, having nightmares etc. (destructive behavior towards herself and others)
Having no or barely any characteristics outside of her relationship with Adora like, we don't know her interests or likes and dislikes outside of being evil, obsessed with Adora, being abused by Shadow Weaver ...
Trying to force Adora to meet her needs and expectations regardless of Adora's owns
Sacrificing her oppurtunity to be happy in the Crimson Waste for the sake of her Adora obsession and being better than her at all costs
So yes, you were very right with saying that not putting Catra in a relationship with Adora would've benefited both characters. Catra could've learned to exist on her own, develop interests and a life outside of Adora. Learn to accept herself and eventually come to terms with her childhood abuse. She could've been free and not "the abusive cat girl that ended up with the person she unhealthily obsessed over to the point of no return" she kinda is now. Even if we ignore the whole "dating your long term abuser" part from Adora's side and "being rewarded" for horrible behavior, Catra alone is not giving a good example to people watching. As much as I dislike Catra, disdain her even, an ending where she is dependent on Adora, unable to stand on her own two legs after she led armies in war is not what I would wish for her, even with a decent redemption arc (that she did not get).
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themme-bonez · 2 years
mandatory dump
Unfortunately TW: SH mention, drug mention, Sxcide mention, probably more
I just moved to a new town and don't know ANYONE but my very introverted older sibling. I'm really struggling with feeling unworthy of new friends and hopefully a girlfriend. I know I'm a good person, but I'm a gf who comes with severe mental issues that include voice hearing and a lifetime of SH scars. Also no money and college dropout. I know that finding community will help, especially since I'm genuinely extroverted. I've been biking around town just going places and trying to meet people and it finally paid off. A college girl working at spencers was really interested in me so we talked and there was chemistry. I actually got her number, although she's 19 so too young for me. But still, I must have made a friend at least.
I feel like I should be excited, but to be honest it's just making my head so loud. The last girl I fell in love with I still talk to as friends, but she OD'd in my arms and tbh just never recovered from all that. she also after that stole pills from me so the trust issues stacked up. I also just barely healed from the 4 long years i spent with an abusive boyfriend who denied that i was gay and hit me and all that. Doesn't take a therapist to guess my relationship with my parents is g r e a t /s. I just don't have a base even for what normal dating should be, let alone the shadow art that is lesbian dating. normal love even. platonic, romantic, familiar, sexual, agape.
I'm trying to stop deriving "pleasure" dark places like restrictive eating, SH, and comphet sex. This has been really helping me get to the point I'm at where I at least feel worthy enough to try finding genuine pleasure. I'm a crying wreck though when I don't have those negative pillars, so that tanks my confidence again. I'm on a rollercoaster of emotions about this whole thing.
I know I'm smart and I can find someone that won't hurt me, it's just. so. scary. like reaching out into void and trusting all the people saying "none of that was love, you deserved better". Like how do I know you're not just luring me into another worse because so far that's all there has been. that sounds dumb and childish, but really i just wonder how to trust those with pure intentions for me.
I just want to feel like I can own my sexuality and make budding romances with women that make me feel seen and fulfilled. The hard part is that the closer I get the more I feel like I'm making a mistake by trying to go out and find people to bring close to me. Am I right to hold back due to my mental health as to not cause myself and others more pain? Or, am I right to try to find love despite my overwhelming and often disgusting flaws? I really don't know. I'm not sure I could survive one more person I love using me.
The risks of love have never paid of for me, but I'm a femme 4 femme taurus who just can't seem to give up on my dream of romance. I want to shed all this bullshit weighing me down and live my barbie princess and the pauper but gay fantasy.
Wish me luck, tumblr gays. Hopefully my romantic pursuits start to fucking lighten up a bit.
0 notes
there’s glitter on the floor after the party...
*About 9 days ago, on May 22nd, 2018, I had just arrived home from your Seattle show at CenturyLink Field. It was 4am and I couldn’t sleep. I had so much on my mind and was still on a high from your show. So, in the early hours of the morning, after my friends had long gone to bed, I began to write. I’ve revised my original note quite a bit since then. I’ve also had the opportunity to do some additional reflecting since tour, and I have some thoughts. So, I guess this is the end-result of a mash-up of 4AM overly-emotional rambling, combined with well thought-out, fully coherent, mature writing. I feel like I really over-explained this. I could have been a lot less-awkward in setting this up. Let's just get into it:
[SO. I just got home from your Seattle show. It's 4 am and I can't sleep. This was my 6th tour, and I made what seems like an infinite amount of unforgettable memories with a group of incredible people I call my ‘Swiftie Fam” (the name needs work...). There's Cecil (my long-time, Canadian Swiftie friend, you’ll see him in earlier posts), Wanda (Cecil’s wife), Kaeden (7. Cecil & Wanda’s son. Major Swiftie. His first concert!), and finally the beautiful Maile (a recent addition to the fam, and now a life-long friend!).  It’s hard to explain in words, but we all have developed a connection that’s special and unique because of what we experienced together. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to stand by my side tonight. We danced, laughed, and cried together… I don’t think I’ve ever felt more understood. These people ‘get’ me.
Not surprisingly, I screamed every single lyric at the top of my lungs and subsequently lost my voice almost IMMEDATIELY. With that in mind, I suppose a more accurate description would be: I wasn’t so much singing, as I was gasping for the remainder of the show. I literally danced with until I was out of breath. I cried (ok, SOBBED) all of my make-up off (a Long Live/NYD mash-up… are you kidding me?! I FEEL ATTACKED). 
By the end of the night, I resembled a pathetic, overly-emotional, glittery, drowned rat.
and I was living my absolute best life.
Also, I was REALLY proud of our outfits this time around! I think we did a decent job of recreating your Direct TV commercial, with my rainbow two-piece, and Cecil’s interpretation of Olivia Benson dressed as a Caticorn (I can’t say I ever thought I’d use that in a sentence). It consisted of around 8-10 hours total of gluing, painting, and hand-sewing, leading up to the show. Everything turned out awesome, way better than expected. Totally worth the man hours! Wanda hand-made matching these adorable matching t-shirts for her and little Kaden (Big Rep & Little Rep), and Maile constructed a beautiful MASTERPIECE from the mountain LYWMMD outfit- it was freakin’ incredible and HOT!
There was something a bit different about this tour for a couple of reasons:
[The fans.] I freaking adore this fan culture. I’ve never met a Swiftie who wasn’t ridiculously friendly, welcoming, and super relatable. The vibe was so positive. I’ve never smiled, waved and taken pictures with so many random strangers in my life. It felt as if we were literally in a different world that day. It felt like home.
[YOU!.]  We need to talk about this major GLO UP you’ve got going on, honey. You exude SO much confidence and you're just pure sunshine. When I think about the way you’ve carried yourself these past couple of years through all of the BS drama, I can’t help but feel damn proud. You’ve successfully converted pain into art, into music. Real music, that’s poignant, raw, and just BAD ASS. Your lyrics continue to foster a special connection you maintain with the audience...a connection that often times breathes life into brokenness.
I felt like the luckiest girl in the entire world tonight. 
This may have been my best concert experience ever, which is actually pretty ironic because:
Unlike Red, I wasn’t in the Pit
I didn’t have VIP seating, like 1989
You weren’t close enough for any potential high fives, waves, or eye contact like I experienced at Speak Now at B-Stage
We were not chosen for Rep Room (or T-Party, Club Red, or Loft 89)
…But, it was OK. It was way more than OK. It was truly a dream.
Listen: Something I've always deeply admired about you is that you make it a priority to maintain a personal relationship with the fans.  It’s clear you want to meet as many of us as possible, and you make a conscious effort to do so. You get to know us as individuals and you CARE, and that means everything us and makes such an impact. I mean, you invite us into your HOME for crying out loud, you walk through massive crowds and give high-fives, you lurk our Instagrams and Tumblrs and interact on social media, and you always make a notable effort to meet as many of us as possible at tour.
However, this can sometimes turn into a bit of a "Catch 22" situation for people. The downside, is that it’s honestly SUPER easy to fall into the “trap” of being consumed with the possibility of meeting you after your shows. Due to the fact that the “selection” process is both intentional, yet also random. To be transparent, it's quite difficult to not obsess with the idea of ‘trying’ to get chosen. I witness this behavior so often, in others and in myself just as much, if not more. Selfishly, I often feel not only jealous, but UPSET when I see photos/read experiences of other fans meeting you. I sometimes feel like the only one who hasn’t yet gotten the opportunity.  It can quickly turn into a mind-game if you're not careful, which has the potential to become toxic if we allow the idea of meeting you to rule supreme over what it's actually about...which is the MUSIC. And, this amazing show you put on for us night after night. And somewhat understandably so, I've witnessed the obsession with being chosen to meet you become a main focus point for a lot of us (including myself a bit!). It's pretty stressful, and can easily dampen or cheapen the concert experience, if you're not careful. As dramatic as this probably sounds, Tumblr (and social media) can be brutal within this fandom, and dare I say ‘cut-throat’ at times. It's easy to get upset watching (what seems like) literally EVERYONE get that opportunity, except you. 
That said, I had a wake-up call/mini-epiphany recently, which manifested while driving home from your show at Midnight on May 22nd with my friends, feeling so amazing and so grateful for what I just experienced…but also a little guilty because I feel like I’ve spent way too much time worrying about the possibility of meeting at you when you come to Seattle, how to get the attention of Taylor Nation, where to find Mama Swift, getting that guitar pick from Papa Swift, and this time was no different. Granted, my intentions are 100% pure and it’s only because you’ve meant so freakin much to me for so many years, and it's almost as if my life won’t be complete until I finally get to tell you in person. That said, there is certainty a valuable lesson to be learned here. I am confident that you and I will come face-to-face one day (hopefully with my Swifie fam!). The stars will align at the exactly the right time, and I will have my moment with you, and it will be SO worth the wait. You can't "force" stuff like this, you know? The privilege of meeting you is almost ‘sacred’ in a sense. At least in my opinion. Anyway, my point is: I refuse to a continue to attempt to “create fate” by attempting to "earn" my worthiness in fandom. It’s not productive, it's not healthy, and it’s not cute.
Alright, this is getting out of hand. I need to wrap this up. 🤣 I’m not sure whether or not you’ve seen any of my throwback photo-posts I posted the week leading up to the show. They definitely explain a lot more about me, and my history being a fan. Either way, I must reiterate how grateful I am to have you in my life, and that support you 100% and will always be here. The amount of hope, joy and comfort you've given me over the past 10+ years is insurmountable, and I'll never be able to repay you for that. And I mean that in the most sincere way. Not a lot of things make me as happy as you make me (especially lately). This experience was the ‘boost’ I needed, I think. And like I said, the relationship I have with my friends/Swiftie Fam is invaluable, and I look forward to making memories with them at your shows in the future. You’ve brought the most random group of people together and created a bond that’s unique, unconditional and unbreakable, and I think that’s so cool.
This was A LOT longer than I originally intended it to be. This escalated quickly. Haha. Thanks for listening. 💗
Don’t read the last page…]
Love you, T
[photos]:  1) The whole crew: Cecil, Wanda, Kaeden, Maile and myself at our seats. 2) Kaeden the night before the show. SO EXCITED!! 3) Testing out the Caticorn onesie w/ Cecil 4) Cecil and myself FULLY DECKED and ready to go. 5) Wanda and Kaeden: Big Rep & Lil’ Rep! 6) the girls! Maile, Wanda and Me pre-show 7) Us at the end of the show! And yes, that’s me in the middle..in disbelief, exhausted, sweaty, and a physical and emotional wreck (see also: ‘drowned rat’ description above). 8) All of us after the show literally in a hotel lobby (and glitter on the floor after the party!), waiting for traffic to die down before we headed home.
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