#and that makes it one of the best games ever made amen
jeewrites · 4 months
Hold Fast | Ch. 1 Will Squat for Dinner
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Series Master List
Inspo: In an IG reel @ tashabraziliano asks a guy at the gym to play a game where if she squats him he has to buy her dinner at Nando’s.
Rating: M for this one shot, but this blog is 18+ MDNI
A/N: Thank you to @bloviating-vy for being my beta and my write or die! Grateful to everyone who voted in my poll and @katareyoudrilling for encouraging me to post. In the Hold Fast AU all the guys make it back from S. America, additional details TBD if this ends up being a series
Word Count: ~4.0k
Tags: no y/n, gymbff!Benny, alcohol, swearing, reader is a powerlifting girlie described as short, Tom is alive unfortunately (we hate Tom), alcohol, brief body insecurity and Frankie being down on himself, Tom owns a bar, Pope owns a gym, alternating POV with one brief Benny POV
next chapter >>
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The first time you went to train at Pope's Gym, Benny wouldn’t stop talking your ear off during your workout. When you finally got a word in edgewise, you made a bet with him that if you could squat him, he would shut the fuck up and let you finish your workout in peace. To his amazement, not only did you squat him, you repped him 3 times before setting him down to raucous applause. You’d been gym besties ever since. It didn’t hurt that he was nice to look at with his dirty blonde hair and penchant to go sans shirt so he could flaunt his abs as frequently as possible. Plus, his big golden retriever energy never failed to brighten your day.
Benny liked to tease you about the gym you used to go to that had vanity lighting, a smoothie bar, and chilled eucalyptus-scented towels. While Pope's had the most lifting platforms of any gym in town, you were adjusting to the lack of central A/C and other amenities you were used to. Pope’s was housed in a large warehouse space, bare metallic bones, with multiple commercial rolling doors instead of a proper HVAC system. Besides the rows upon rows of platforms, a selection of assault bikes and ergs lined one wall of the gym, while a section of accessory machines collected dust in the corner.
You learned which platforms got the most airflow depending on which rolling door was open and which ones the massive fans covered best. You had made the switch because you had outgrown your old gym which catered to the general public. The bougie public, Benny liked to remind you. You had started lifting heavy and wanted to lift heavier, so you found yourself signing up at Pope's after Pope himself had given you the tour around the space. You learned that Pope had started the gym after coming back from Colombia wanting to promote health and strength in the community while getting into better shape himself. Looking at the peach shape of his ass you could bounce anything off of, you knew Pope had been putting the work in.
Benny worked the front desk at Pope's between training and fighting MMA. His older and blonder brother Will would come by to work out, but he was often leaving when you were arriving so you didn't know him well beyond a friendly wave. Plus, it seemed like Benny used the majority of the word quota between the Miller brothers. Pope's grew on you and you got to know the regulars who trained the same time you did; enough that you gave them cute identifying nicknames in your head (often without knowing their actual names) and worried about them when they missed more than a session or two.
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Benny was surprised to see you walk into Pope's one night an hour before closing since you always trained in the mornings. You had given him a short head nod instead of your usual big smile before stalking to a platform and slamming your bag down.
"Yooooo, everything ok?" he asks as he walks over.
"Does it look like I'm okay," you huff, aggressively wrestling your knee sleeves on. Glancing at him, you immediately apologize when he hesitates and takes a step back.
"Sorry, Benny. I'll be a lot better after I pick up some heavy things and put them down."
"Might help if you want to talk about it?" he ventures leaning against the barbell.
You finish tying your squat shoes before looking at him again with dejected eyes and sighing.
"I just went on a crappy date with a guy from one of those dating apps," you sigh again. "He spent the whole time talking about himself and how much he works out. Then he had the fucking audacity to question me when he asked how much I could lift."
"Fucking asshole!" Benny feels himself getting steamed.
"He just stormed out of the restaurant and left me with the bill when I refused to change my answer," you shrug, but Benny sees your jaw tick. "Apparently, I squat and deadlift more than he does and he couldn't date someone who could do that." You roll your eyes and huff.
"WTF! What a total loser. You don't need a guy like that who doesn't appreciate you," Benny replies incensed. He sees your face fall for a moment, eyes downcast and tight.
"I just — I've been trying to put myself out there again and it sucks," you mumble, cheeks flush with embarrassment. "It's also been kinda lonely since I moved here, and I guess I could just use more friends, too."
"Yeah, my gym friend! We don't do anything outside of this hot, sweaty box Benny," you remind him with a small smile and playful shove to get him off your barbell.
Benny decides this is completely unacceptable and immediately remedies this by inviting you to the next hangout with him and his ex-Delta Force friends at Redfly's, a local bar nearby. "You know Pope and Will already," he reassures, "Tom's the owner of the bar and he's an asshole, but he's our asshole. And there's Catfish — we call him Fish for short. We've been trying to get him to come work out here, but he's been busy with his new pilot job for the hospital. And he shares custody of his 3-year-old daughter with his ex."
He could see your brain turning over all the information he was throwing at you. You don't seem to react either way to the news that Fish has an ex and a daughter. As you adjust the bar height you respond, "You sure? Don't want to crash a regular thing that you have with your guys."
"Nah, it'll be great! They'll love you!" Benny's determined to get you to come.
You hand him your phone. "Well... okay. Text me the details?"
With your phone in hand, Benny puts his number in to text himself and then convinces you to show him your dating profile. Between sets of squats you both take turns swiping on possible matches, Benny teasing you on your picks. Ever observant, Benny notices your preference for profiles with tall, brown-haired, brown-eyed candidates. As you work through your next set, Benny sneaks his phone out and immediately texts Fish.
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Redfly's was what you expected for a bar run by an ex-delta force asshole. Dimly lit, buncha mismatched tables and chairs, lots of dark grain wood, and an air of neglect despite being quite clean. It was mostly empty except for a few grizzled guys who screamed regulars, nursing beers at the bar. Lots of beers on tap, but not so much for cocktail options. Not that you were a big drinker anyway. If anything, all the training made you an extremely cheap date. But damn, if you were going to drink, you wanted it to be a solid cocktail.
"THERE SHE IS!" Benny bounds over to you before grabbing your hand and dragging you over to the table in the corner. He introduces you to Tom who was standing by the table chatting with the guys. Tom gives a half-hearted greeting before stalking off back to the bar. Pope gives you a big smile and hug, "Good to see you hermosa, don't mind Tom. That was downright friendly for him." You snort as you settle into your seat next to Pope. Will also greets you with a small wave and an offer to pour you a beer from the pitcher.
"That's okay, I'm not much of a beer drinker." You wince, wrinkling your nose.
"I thought you said she was cool," Pope teases Benny who rolls his eyes and looks at you with faux betrayal.
"How about I buy shots for the table? Would that make me cool?" you smirk, getting up to go to the bar.
"Only if I get one too," says a warm, baritone voice from behind you. A tall, handsome man slides into the last vacant seat across from yours. Soft brown curls threaten to escape the Standard Oil cap nestled on his head. The warmest brown eyes smile at you as he holds your surprised gaze. "Hi, I'm Fish. Sorry, 'm late."
You want to trace the golden skin stretched deliciously along the column of his neck. Run your fingers through those curls that look so, so incredibly soft. And the strong curve of his nose... You snap out of your reverie before you respond with your name. "Better get those shots then," you say, trying not to trip over your unexpectedly shaky legs. Holy shit, why the fuck didn't Benny mention his friend Fish was gorgeous?
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When Benny bugged him to come to the Friday night hangout at Redfly’s, Frankie hadn’t given it a second thought. The exuberant text from Benny, “You coming this week right? Got someone from Pope’s coming to meet you guys!!!” had two too many exclamation points for his taste. He figured Benny had a new lifting partner he wanted the guys to meet and his attendance had been pretty spotty between the new EMS pilot gig and balancing shared custody with Vanessa.
So when he walked into Redfly’s and overheard you say “… shots for the table?” He just assumed Tom had finally hired some help in the form of a very cute new waitress.
It wasn’t until he asked the guys when Tom hired you, eyes not leaving your form as you walked away, did he realize the absolute error in his assumption. “That’s my friend from the gym, Fish. SHE’s from Pope’s,” Benny rolled his eyes.
“C’mon hermano, you know Tom’s too cheap to hire help and too much of a pendejo for help to stick around,” Pope added.
Frankie pulled his cap low over his eyes and slid down his seat. He could feel himself flush. Fuck, he thought. Just made an ass out of myself demanding a shot from a total stranger.
You had frozen for a moment after he introduced himself before offering your name with a bit of a grimace. He thought you were gorgeous though and smelled incredible, fresh and citrusy with hints of something sweet and floral that lingered even after you had walked away.
“So, whaddya think, Fish?” Benny prods. "She’s smart, pretty, super strong, and a total sweetheart. Should ask her out."
Frankie flushes a deeper red. “S’outta my league Benny.”
“Aw, c’mon Fish, you gotta get back out there,” Benny persists. "Made it easy for you too. I happen to know you’re exactly her type."
“What, she into out of shape, 40-year-old, divorced, single dads with a toddler?” Fish grumbles. He hadn’t dressed particularly well tonight either, just his usual worn khakis and old faded navy t-shirt. Hadn’t suspected Benny was going to try to set him up tonight, although with Benny you never knew what you were getting yourself into.
“Might’ve mentioned summa that to her. She didn’t even blink, Fish. You got a shot and you should take it.”
Frankie finally tears his eyes away from you. You had just said something that made Tom smile ever so briefly and he wanted to know what you said. Frankie didn’t even realize Tom smiled anymore.
He sees Pope giving Benny that look that said Pope knew Frankie was indeed interested in you, but needed some extra encouragement and to get out of his head. How a single look conveyed all of that spoke to the years and shit they’d all been through together.
“Gonna help her bring over the drinks,” Benny says, popping out of his chair before Frankie could tell him to keep his big mouth shut.
He lifts his cap and runs his fingers through his hair. He hadn’t even tried to comb his fucking hair before coming out tonight. He slides the cap back on hoping it catches the more unruly curls.
“You’re a total catch, Fish,” Pope says, pouring him a beer. “Don’t count yourself out before even shooting your shot.”
“Could just be a coffee date. Don’t overthink it,” Will seconds.
Frankie takes a big pull of his beer. Easy for these two to say. Both Pope and Will worked out regularly at the gym and had the physiques to show for it. As much as Frankie had insisted everyone needed to get back on their game when they got back from Colombia, he was the only one out of the five of them who hadn't.
At least it didn’t feel like it with his achy back and bad knees. Sure, he had finally gotten his pilot’s license reinstated and now shared custody of his daughter. But he was self-conscious of his soft stomach, especially next to Benny whose abs were definitely the example given in the dictionary next to “rock-hard.” What did he have to offer you besides a mountain of baggage and PTSD? Maybe if he just kept his mouth shut everything would be fine and he’d survive tonight without embarrassing himself.
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At this point, you are willing to brave Tom the asshole to collect yourself before sitting across from Frankie and his big brown eyes again. Tom raises an eyebrow when you order six shots ("One's for you asshole," you say to Tom with a teasing glare) and ask if he could make an Aviation. You swear he gives you the faintest smile before grumbling about ridiculous froufrou cocktails, but he wasn't born yesterday and yes he could make you one.
Benny sidles up to you at the bar as you wait for Tom to finish making your drink, offering to help you carry the drinks back to the table. "You doing ok? You seem nervous," Benny observes as you tap your fingers on the bar.
"Why didn't you warn me Fish is fucking hot?" you pointedly whisper back.
Benny grins at you as he leans back on his elbows against the bar, "Fucking knew it. Totally thought he'd be your type, girlie."
"You trying to set us up??" you glare at him.
Benny shrugs with exaggerated innocence. "Maaaaybe."
You huff, "Does he know that? Am I even his type?" You cringe inwardly at your insecurity.
"Well considering he hasn't taken his eyes off you since you left the table makes me think you are," Benny smirks. The smug look stays on his face.
For once you're glad you took more than five minutes to put yourself together before walking out the door. You picked a pair of jeans that hugged your curves and a fitted top with a very complementary neckline. Black-heeled booties gave you a few inches and made your legs look longer than they were. Worth the hassle of walking in at least for one night. The lightest dusting of make-up, mostly eyeliner and glossy lip balm, highlights your facial features.
"So maybe I should shoot my shot then, hmm?" you wink at Benny with a knowing smile.
"If you're thinking what I'm thinking…," Benny grins thinking back on the day you two met.
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"That's very purple," Fish observes as you and Benny set down the drinks for the table.
"It's an Aviation. You might like it considering you're a pilot, mmh?" you respond with a smile. Okay, you've collected yourself. Sort of. Let's see if you remember how this flirting thing goes.
"What are we taking shots to celebrate?" Pope asks.
"How about to new, strong, friends?" you quip.
"I'll cheers to that!" Benny raises his glass.
Conversation is light and fun with the guys. You marvel at their connection and closeness as they teased and talked like people who have been through some shit together over the years. You convince Fish to try the Aviation to which he declares it a "very fancy purple" and keeps sneaking sips much to your amusement. They fold you into their conversation, asking about your training, and what competitions you might try this season. They praise Pope about how the gym has flourished and rib him about his ever-revolving door of beautiful women.
"What about you, Fish? You thinking about getting back out there and dating?" Benny asks before flicking his eyes over to you. You remind yourself to thank Benny profusely for being the best wingman ever.
"'Dunno. Not sure where to even start," Frankie mumbles into his beer, casting his eyes down.
"I have an idea," you give Frankie your best coy smile.
"Yeah?" he breathes looking up at you. Those damn brown eyes.
"I have a game for you," you offer before taking a breath. “If I squat you, you get to buy me dinner.” Your heart is thrumming in your chest and you feel your cheeks flush, but damnit, you were going to shoot your fucking shot. "But if I can rep you, I want the whole nine yards. Pick me up at my place, flowers, dinner and dessert."
"You — you think you can squat me?" Fish looks a bit surprised, "I— it's, it's not that I don't think you can. But 'm... A lot bigger than you... 'm out of shape." His ears pink at the last part as he cups one hand over the back of his neck.
"I know I can. Do we have a deal?" you smile at him with encouragement and extend your hand across the table. Fish hesitates, but you try not to assume why.
"Jesus, Fish, if you don't take her up on it, I will," Pope winks at you.
Fish glances between you and Pope for a brief moment.
He reaches out and shakes your hand. "Okay, deal." You try not to get distracted by the way his large hand engulfs yours.
"Let's go, brown eyes," you tell him as you stand up from your chair and whip your hair up into a high ponytail.
"You're going to do this in heels?" Fish asks as he gets up from his chair with a grunt. Christ, he's so tall. And broad. You shrug and look up at him through your lashes, “I mean, Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.”
You move so you stand with your side towards his front.
“I'm going to put my hand here,” you gesture to his right inner thigh just above the knee. "Is that okay?"
"Alright, you ready?"
He nods.
You carefully slump him over your shoulders in a fireman's carry, gripping tightly to his upper arm and thigh. You can feel the warmth of his body pressed deliciously across your shoulders. He's so warm.
You brace.
Benny's out of his seat, whooping and hollering. Pope's leaning forward, elbows on his knees, clapping, "Let's go, let's go!" Will's grinning and shaking his head in amusement. The regulars at the bar sneak glances over in your direction.
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Frankie catches himself remarking on the particular shade of purple out loud when you return to the table with Benny bearing shots and a suspiciously purple beverage. He realizes after you respond and the dazzling smile you give him that you’re flirting with him. He thinks?? He’s so out of practice. God, he’d do anything for you to smile at him like that again.
When you slide your drink over to him to try he surprises himself by taking a sip. He’s even more surprised that he likes it. Crisp juniper dances across his tongue followed by a delicate floral sweetness and a touch of citrus with a spiced cardamom and anise finish. This very purple drink tastes the way you smell. And the giggle you give him when he calls it a “very fancy purple” blooms warmth through him, settling low in his core. He can only think about how he can elicit that sound from you again.
Which is how he misses Benny asking him if he’s thinking about getting back out there and dating. Fucking Benny and his goddamn big mouth.
But then you’re smiling at him again, telling him, single-dad, divorcee Francisco Morales, you have an idea. He’s looking at you and he can barely breathe as your eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint and your plush, glossy lips propose a game.
For a moment he’s confused. Did you not want to go out to dinner with him? Because if he’s honest, he doesn’t think you could squat him. He’s so much bigger than you. And he’s pretty sure if he tried, he could put you in his pocket. But then you’re brimming with confidence and extending your hand out to strike a deal.
It’s when Pope — fucking Pope — threatens to play your game in his place that Frankie is engulfing your delicate hand in his large one. You surprise him with a firm handshake and it’s then that he can feel the callouses across your palm. Callouses from many, many reps with the barbell.
Frankie finds himself towering over you, realizing you’re about to try and squat him in heeled booties. He vaguely hears you ask for consent to touch his inner thigh just above his knee before he finds himself suspended horizontally in the air across a set of firm shoulders, anchored by two small hands. He can feel when you brace, feel your entire core expand. The muscles across your shoulders and back flex underneath your fitted top. And suddenly he’s moving up and down, steadily with control.
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You end up squatting Fish five times before setting him back down gently with a breathless giggle. He's towering over you again and you just want to press yourself into his broad chest and envelope yourself in the smell of his body wash.
"Dinner?" you smirk up at him.
"Wow, yeah, dinner on me," Fish flushes, impressed and a little dazed.
"It's a date then," you quip, poking him in the rib before you sit back down at the table. You notice his brown eyes spark with realization at your comment.
Will, Benny, and Pope all high-five you. Cheeks still pink, Fish pulls his chair around to sit closer to you. Tom wanders back over to the table grumbling that Redfly's isn't that kind of establishment with theatrics like you just pulled. But he also sets down an Aviation along with another pitcher of beer before returning to the bar.
"He's just jealous you didn't try to squat him," Benny laughs. You giggle in response as the conversation around the table picks back up.
Feeling Fish's gaze on you, you slide your cocktail over to him. A frisson of electricity shoots up your entire arm when his fingers brush against yours as he takes your cocktail glass.
You tilt your head towards him, your eyes meeting his warm brown ones, and whisper, "By the way, my favorite flowers are dahlias."
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Frankie lost count by the time you repped him the third time. Just awed by you having the strength to carry him like this. He decides to just enjoy the rest of the ride.
When you set him back upright he almost melts into a puddle at the breathless giggle you let out. He catalogs that sound in his mind. He wants to brush back the hairs that have escaped your ponytail and he already misses your touch, wants to close the space between your bodies somehow without being creepy.
He gets lost in your eyes when you gaze up at him, he’s definitely over a head taller than you, and ask, “Dinner?”
Frankie is pretty sure he responds in the affirmative, still a bit dazed and very impressed.
It’s when you confirm it’s a date that his brain fritzes, reboots, and takes a minute to come back online. He blinks several times at the realization. He has a date. With you.
next chapter>>
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Notes: Dahlias symbolize elegance, creativity, positivity, and growth. It also represents inner strength, likely due to the plant's ability to tolerate harsh conditions.
"Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.” — Ann Richards
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🙏🏽 Thank you so much for reading my first fic! I'm bad at tumblr and new to tags/warnings/fan fics in general, so if I missed something please let me know.
I am open to constructive feedback but please be gentle with this baby powerlifting writer, yeah? I might be able to squat you, but I'm a big ol' softie.
Aaand I'm thinking about expanding on these characters and making Hold Fast into a series if anyone would want to read it. I may or may not already have a Frankie POV at Pope's Gym where he gets to see reader in her element. 👀
Taglist: @katareyoudrilling @christinamadsen @rebel-held
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bradshawssugarbaby · 4 months
What's Your Country Song? (TGM Mixtape Series)
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When you're rolling down a two-lane highway and you turn your radio on, tell me which one hits you, baby, yeah, what's your country song?
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-> a collection of works I've made based off of different country songs for the TGM universe.
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Neon Moon -> You're drowning your sorrows after calling off your engagement on Valentine's Day in a Mexican restaurant in San Diego. Alongside you, Bradley Bradshaw sits at the bar, going through a similar situation.
Remind Me ✿ -> Bradley Bradshaw is one hell of an aviator. He's one of the best at what he does. You only wish the same could be said of his performance as your husband.
All-American Girl -> Bradley's every part the doting dad to your daughter Tatum, but after talking to some of the other wives on base in your mom's group, you're worried he may be hiding his true feelings about fatherhood.
Hurricane --> Bradley's regretted breaking off his relationship with you for months, but when he sees you walking into the country club after his round of golf, he knows he has to fix things.
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Cowboy Casanova ✿ -> Jake always refers to himself as a cowboy. Today, you've decided to test just how far that goes.
Heads Carolina, Tails California -> When you and your friends hear Jake Seresin's beach football mixtape, you can't help but join in the game.
God, Your Mama and Me -> Coronado's picturesque beaches have been a special, integral part of your relationship with Jake, and they're about to become a whole lot more important.
Beer Never Broke My Heart -> Jake's never been lucky in love, and as a result of past failures and heartbreaks, he's resolved to not fall in love anymore. That is, until he meets one of Bob's friends.
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Robert "Bob" Floyd
Forever and Ever, Amen -> Deployments are hard for you. They're even harder for Bob. He reassures you he's never going to stop loving you though.
High On Lovin' You ✿ -> Bob's been taking on the doting dad role since the birth of your daughter, but lately, you've been finding yourself more and more attracted to how he cares for her. All The Pretty Girls -> Home for a long overdue visit, Bob is dreading seeing his family again. He doesn't fit in and he'd rather just be at home. Just as he's planning his escape, he sees you.
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Beau "Cyclone" Simpson
Do I? -> Beau knows he's not the most attentive husband, but when he forgets his son Dylan's baseball tournament, he makes it his mission to make it up to you both. ✿ - denotes smut/18+ content.
credit to @mamachasesmayhem for the banner + @firefly-graphics for the divider 🤍
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mumms-the-word · 22 days
Dani & Gale's Wedding
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Not to answer my own prompt list but I'm obsessed with them and I already have a bunch of this planned so LET'S FRICKIN' GO
Don't worry. Not only is it all under the cut for your sanity and convenience, but I'm making it a thread so you (and I) don't get overwhelmed. Plus it gives me more content throughout the week as I have another busy week ahead <3
But first, a quick summary!
Dani and Gale get married in a garden/park in Baldur's Gate in what can be described as a "relatively modest affair" (Gale's words) or "the best damn garden party this city has ever seen" (Dani's words). They were surrounded by family, friends, and former allies, as many as they could convince to join them, but the ceremony and reception were far from elaborate. Dani and Gale incorporated both Baldurian and Waterdhavian traditions, like Baldurian bard dances and Waterdhavian wedding rings, but ultimately they skipped out on a lot of traditions because they just wanted to have a fun ceremony/reception surrounded by their favorite people. They both were more interested in a ceremony that reflected love and commitment, and a bangin' reception where everyone was well-fed, well-entertained, and well-loved. Their wedding also ends up being like the bard-iest wedding ever because Dani knows so many bards and insists on using so many of their traditions (which I made up and are not actual dnd lore).
Details under the cut!
Before the Wedding
Wedding, or something else?
Dani had always considered marriage one of those idealistic things that only happen to madly in love people, or else it was a political arrangement. Her mother never married and her sort-of-foster-dad/mentor never remarried after his wife died, and she didn't expect to ever fall into a long-term romantic relationship. Gale changed all of that and the moment he proposed she realized she wanted nothing more in the world than to be his wife and officially become part of his family.
Gale proposed to Dani, obviously! I've dabbled with the idea that maybe they had a different proposal than the one shown in the game, but I find that it works really well for them. I like the idea of them waking up the next morning after saving the city, and he says those lines, "I understand your purpose lies here, but I fear if I return to Waterdeep alone, my heart would remain here with you. And so, if you're at all amenable to the idea, I thought I could, perhaps, stay. There might even be room for two Dekarioses in Baldur's Gate?"
I love that it's a little informal, that he doesn't have a ring to give her, that all he's asking is that maybe there could be the two of them, a new clan of Dekarioses there in Baldur's Gate. Dani doesn't need all the bells and whistles, she just wants family all around her. So a sweet, informal proposal in the middle of an Elfsong Tavern room, well, it suits her just fine.
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Bachelor/Bachelorette parties?
Dani absolutely has a hen do/bachelorette because her foster sister, Liara, positively insists. But it's less of a hen do and more like a party for Dani, her mom, and her Merry Rovers to celebrate together before she officially gets married, so it's not girls-only or anything. Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Astarion, and even Jahiera join for parts of it, and Dani desperately wishes Karlach and Wyll could be there, but otherwise it's a fun night of drinking, games, stories, and music for Dani and her bard family.
Gale gets a somewhat less chaotic stag do, which he probably prefers. If Wyll were around, Gale would have had a much wilder time (you know Wyll would be dragging Gale out for a traditional pub crawl like any former bachelor's best friend would do), but since he's not, he simply goes out for some drinks, planning on a relatively quiet night...until Shadowheart and Astarion find him and drag him over to join the Merry Rovers and Dani, officially turning their separate stag/hen dos into a mutual "celebrating the last days the two of us are not married" kind of event. Fun for all!
Pre-Ceremony Events
Gale does formally ask Maeva, Dani's mother, for her blessing, but it's mostly out of a sense of tradition. Maeva just laughs and says her blessing is only worth so much when Dani has such an independent streak, but she gives it willingly. Brann happens to also be there, and though he sometimes insists he doesn't have any "real" family ties to Dani (a lie that no one believes because he's basically her adopted/foster dad), he offers to bless their marriage too, if only as one bard to another. It's difficult to say who gets more teary-eyed during Brann's blessing, between the four of them in the room.
Dani also goes to meet Morena before the wedding, spending a few days in Waterdeep. She asks her and Tara if they're all right with her marrying Gale and she's a completely nervous wreck about it because she's convinced she won't measure up to Morena's standards, but she needn't worry. Morena is delighted with her (though a little sad that they're going to be living in Baldur's Gate and not Waterdeep).
It’s also customary (in my head) in both Waterdeep and Baldur’s Gate to send a letter, poem, or song to each other the night before the wedding (often hiring a bard to do so, so that everyone in the street can hear the declarations of love). Dani goes to stay with her mother for three days prior to the wedding so they can finish alterations on her dress, while Gale stays in his and Dani’s new home in the Lower City. Just as Gale is sitting in their upstairs bedroom, penning this romantic, elegant, beautiful poem to send to Dani using a mirror image of himself, she shows up outside his window in the street below with her fiddle, serenading him with a love song that is both sweet and cheeky, romantic and raunchy.
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Gale is caught between a tiny bit of burning embarrassment (the whole street can hear her singing about, well, some specific physical features of his) and an even more burning desire to pull her upstairs and have his way with her, but she ends her song with a wink and a little blown kiss and then disappears (handy invisibility spell). Gale returns to his desk and resolves to edit his poem to be a bit more spicy before sending an illusion of himself to stand outside her mother’s house and recite it for all the world to hear. Dani thinks it’s the funniest and loveliest thing ever.
Part 2 coming soon!
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
You said that you don’t like Jonerys, but do you see it happening in the books? Do you see them actually falling in love?
there is nothing about their personalities that has ever lead me to believe they’d be capable of tolerating each other for more than 10 minutes before a slap fight started. nor do i think jon will be amenable to making any more alliances with targaryens after aegon vi dies, especially with the North in such peril due to the others. that + sansa’s distrust of The Great Game & the people who play it + arya spending half her storyline in a city that hated valyria & it’s legacy of slavery + bran telling br he can take his borg hivemind and shove it all leads me to believe that the starks are gonna be petty at best & actively hostile to the iron throne at worst by the time dany lands.
and by the time dany lands…we’ll have the burning in vaes dothrak, which is likely to be a huge moral turning point for her bc as george said, her being unburnt was a once in a lifetime magic event. she’s likely ordering drogon to burn the khals which is so much different - and more villainous! - than just lighting a torch & watching the place go up in flame. we’ll have “to go west you must go east” which is going to involve her sacking a city with the dothraki. we’ll have the battle of fire in meereen & a team up with a greyjoy which just spells disaster. then she lands in westeros with an army made up of dothraki screamers, unsullied slaves, and headed by jorah fucking mormont and a greyjoy. i’m not even sure when she has the time to meet jon let alone get dicked down by him!
(part of my “snowspear is real” trutherism is that i think dany in the show was given like half of aegon vi’s plot. considering arianne is going to meet them at storm’s end, which is a hop, skip, and jump away from dragonstone, it makes way more sense to me that the main targ the starklings would be dealing with is aegon. i also think that jon finding out he’s lyanna & rhaegar’s as he’s dealing with rhaegar’s trueborn son & has completely thrown his lot in with the north is gonna hit way more emotionally than jon finding out he fucked his aunt. george does a lot with romance, this is true, but the main relationships in this series? they’re siblings! they’re parents & children! cersei & robert are haunted by the ghost of lyanna but lyanna has always been a stand in for robert’s love for NED. cat & ned’s relationship is doomed before it even starts by LYANNA and JON, not by a former lover! all three lannister kids wonder how their lives would have turned out if their mother had lived!! it’s about ~these ties that bind us~ it’s about the human heart in conflict with itself! i just don’t see how you pass up two unknown half brothers meeting & clashing & then finding out they’re related in favor of…a very predictable, very boring romance between your fire & ice coded mains).
tldr i still generally feel no bc i’ve never thought they’d get along very well, plus there’s no time, but i’m pretty ready to eat my words on that one and cringe my way through a sex scene between them.
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iamnotawomanimagod · 2 months
Did you finish The Tortured Poet's Department? I'm not a swiftie but I'm seeing a lot of mixed reactions.
I did, finally.
There's parts I liked and parts I really disliked. This is going to be a criticism-heavy review, so please scroll on if you don't want me harshing your vibe
First and foremost: Taylor Swift is one of the most popular singer/songwriters of all time. She's "earned" the right to do whatever she wants (not that anyone should really have to do that.) And there is undue pressure on artists, especially female artists, to reinvent themselves every era and bring something totally new to the table. And it's totally fine that Taylor didn't want to play that game. Any of my criticisms aren't going to take away the fact that she's a literal billionaire, selling out huge stadium shows worldwide, and will go down in history for all the work she's already released and the incredibly passionate fanbase she's gathered.
And I think that confidence, while earned, is a huge core of the problem with this album.
Someone needed to say "no" to her. Someone needed to be like "hey, glad you got that out of your system, maybe it doesn't belong on this album though." I feel there is a good album in here, a cohesive and complete piece of work, but there's about 15 songs too many (spread across both sides of the double album.)
My top three complaints are this:
1 - Too long, too much (this includes the lyrics which I'll touch on in a minute)
2 - Doesn't feel like an "album" but a collection of songs
3 - Too reminiscent of aspects of her previous sounds but not in a good way
Too Long, Too Much
I am a pretty casual fan and was already feeling the Taylor Swift Fatigue before TTPD was even announced, so when I woke up to discover 15 more songs than there was the night before, my heart literally dropped and I just felt exhausted. That feeling carried over into my listening and I found myself making edits to her lyrics like "that line would've been more impactful if it ended there" or "that's a bad metaphor and an unnecessary addition."
Like, she needed an editor. She needed someone to go through and make the lyrics less long-winded, and she needed someone to strike about half the songs. I made it through the whole album but I definitely won't be listening that way ever again. That's in part because...
It Doesn't Feel Like An Album
Walk with me on this one. I will cede the point that not every album has to be a beautifully flowing body of work to be "good." I'm okay with an album that plays with a lot of different genres - I think Halsey's Manic is a great example of that working. And if I squint, I can see the overall "theme" Taylor was going for, even if it feels poorly realized. It's one big poetry reading where everyone is heartbroken and no one knows how to strike unnecessary lines lol. It's clearly meant to be indulgent and pretentious and a little cringeworthy. And if you're a huge Taylor Swift fan and/or a big fan of poetry you're probably having the time of your life right now.
But I truly believe you could have hit shuffle on TTPD and put the tracklist in a different order and it'd feel the same - because right now it feels confusing, disjointed, and a little haphazard.
And I have to admit, I vastly prefer an album that sounds best when played in order. Even Manic has a section that works best when listened to in a row, and it tells a cohesive story. A good, strong album should be able to do both - have great songs that stand alone while also being a complete work when you put them all together.
Cowboy Carter by Beyonce did an incredible job with this - none of those songs sound the same, she plays in all sorts of (primarily country influenced) genres, most of the songs are great to shuffle in a playlist - but they all also flow together so thoughtfully and in such a satisfying way. Each song was placed with intention and care, so when you reach "Amen" you feel like you just went on a journey with a complete beginning, middle and end.
I can't think of a single moment on TTPD where that happened, where I had any "aha! very clever" moment in the production or even the lyricism. It just doesn't feel like it goes together, except under the very loose heading of "poetry reading after heartbreak."
Which is fine, I guess? But that also loops back around to "too much" because at some point it was just like... girl, make your point. Were you trying to make a point?
And maybe she wasn't! But that feels lazy for someone of her prestige, and it definitely makes me like the album a whole lot less.
Sounds Too Similar to Past Works
One of the things that I adore about Halsey's work is that none of her albums sound the same. While you can definitely pick up on certain patterns, it's not usually possible to say "this song sounds like it should have been on [previous album.]" Every album has its own distinct sound, aesthetic, and theme.
Granted, Halsey has had four studio albums, Taylor has had eleven. I'm not asking Taylor to re-invent the wheel. (I'm actually not asking her to do anything at all lmao, just expressing my viewpoint.) At the same time, like....Beyonce has eight studio albums, thirteen if you count her work with Destiny's Child, has been in the game even longer than Taylor, and is STILL finding ways to challenge herself and make her music even better.
Anyway, there were SO many songs on this album where I thought "this could've been on Midnights/Lover/Reputation/Etc." It's starting to really feel like Taylor just keeps repeating herself, especially from a sound/production perspective.
I guess she primarily works with two producers, Jack Antonoff and Aaron Dessner, and I can mostly blame the former for the songs with production that I hate. It'd be cool to see her branch out and work with someone else for her next projects, though. After a nice long break. Because it doesn't feel like there's anything really fresh or novel coming from these pairings anymore.
And again, there doesn't have to be innovation. Taylor's done a lot of innovating in pop music (by standing on the shoulders of giants, but still.) Maybe she's done with that. That does mean that I'm kind of done with her though, lmao. (Somehow, I think she'll survive.)
I really didn't like Midnights. I think there are more songs I like on TTPD, but that's in part because there's 31 songs to choose from lmao. I just personally want something more interesting. I like it when the artists I follow really push themselves and rise to the challenge of finding new ways to express themselves.
This kind of brings me to my fourth big complaint, which is that this album feels like it's going to be the most rewarding to the people who are the most invested in Taylor's personal life. Taylor's always written really diaristic and true-to-life lyrics, but this album in particular felt like it was especially "designed" to be a sort of "figure out which guy THIS one is about" easter egg hunt and like. Yucky.
It probably wasn't actually designed that way, this is more of a fandom issue than a Taylor issue. But like..... is it? Doesn't she make more money, sell more tickets, and remain in the spotlight longer when people obsess about her love life? Doesn't this album invite that obsession by being about nothing BUT her past lovers? Some of my favorite songs by her are the ones that have absolutely nothing to do with love or her love life. I feel like this one really lacked any of those.
And on a petty, catty note - it's embarrassing how many of these songs appear to be about Matty Healy lmfao. Like he must be somethin' else to inspire not only these tracks but many of Halsey's songs on Badlands as well. Tattooed golden retriever, indeed.
AND AND.... the fact that she's still writing songs about Kim Kardashian in the year 2024 is insane. Making it as obvious as she did by capitalizing Kim's name in the title is embarrassing and juvenile. I'm not saying that Kim's part in that whole fiasco wasn't wrong, and I certainly don't like Kim, but goddamn. That shit went down in 2016. Please move on. (Unfortunately it's one of the songs I like, but we'll see how long that remains true every time I see the title and remember who it's about.)
Anyway. Those are my big complaints. Here's the songs I actually enjoyed:
Florida!!!, Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?, I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can), I Can Do It With a Broken Heart, The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, The Black Dog, I Hate It Here, thanK you aIMee, The Prophecy, Cassandra, and The Bolter.
I don't know how many of these songs will actually stick with me, I think my top three are WAOLOM, ICDIWABH, and The Black Dog.
there are a handful of moments I really liked, some lyrics that I found really good and clever. I might write those up in a separate post at some point. but suffice to say, TTPD is not going to be my album of the year and might not even crack my top five.
Thanks for asking anon! Hope you enjoyed my overly long rant.
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zsphoenix · 1 year
It's been forever and 1 times since I last wrote fanfiction. Here is a little bit of a come back. Hopefully I can make this in 3 parts.
Sterek, university professor/student Au!
Part one
The first time that they saw each other, they were crossing a bridge going on opposite ways. Their eyes met, they recognized each other; Derek waved his hand while talking to a colleague that walked along beside him, Stiles smiled and said "Hey, professor!".
That was the first time they saw each other in person, though. They met a year and a half before, during class.
It was 2020, Stiles was starting his second year as a Master student. He had chosen professor Hale's class because he was interested in folklore and magic, and the professor specialized in urban myths.
Due to the pandemic, all classes were online, so Stiles was following more lectures than recommended -but oh, how he was happy to do so! So much content! Knowledge for ages!
He opened the zoom app and prepared for the class. Slowly but surely he and his colleagues started to be accepted into the conference room, where the professor's camera was turned to the side and Stiles could only see half his arm, with sound off. As soon as everyone was connected, prof. Hale appeared on screen, turned on the audio and smiled.
Stiles' brain stopped working.
He blinked a couple of times, watching one of the most gorgeous people he's ever seen -including Lydia AND Jackson- speak about the semester ahead. Those green eyes were hypnotic, and better yet, he could listen to the man speak forever -he had such a nice voice... but quick enough he got his head back into the game and started taking notes about the class. He was considering asking professor Hale to be his Thesis Advisor, therefore he had to do his best and Be Present in class. And maybe impress him a little on the way wouldn't hurt.
The semester passed fast, but time seemed to stop during Magic and Floklore classes. Stiles got the attention of professor Hale, as he wanted, by making controversial remarks that made the professor reflect and exchange ideas with the students. After the fourth class, professor Hale started to invite Stiles to reflect upon the lecture's topic of the day, and they often exchanged smiles. Once or twice they even joked around in front of the other students, for prof.Hale's late mortification.
Derek liked Mr. Stilinski.
He liked how he held himself -very confident even when his point of view was a questionable one, and he was amenable to discussing different perspectives. It was important for someone that studied mythology to have an open mind.
He enjoyed their exchanges in class, mostly because so many students were quiet and teaching through zoom was depressing. He missed being in the classroom, full of new blood.
It didn't hurt that Mr. Stilinski was handsome to top off his brain. He had luminous eyes and a mouth that had been plaguing Derek's dreams for almost a month. His salvation was near, though, because soon exams would come and go -hopefully Stiles would take them on the first round- and then he wouldn't have to worry or avoid (very, very hard) fantasizing about him.
As predicted, exams happened.
Stiles studied a lot. He was confident that while professor Hale liked him, he wouldn't make it any easier for him.
And he was right.
Professor Hale gave him a 9.5/10. Probably because Stiles didn't mention the article professor Hale had written.
Oh well, it's not a bad grade! Now all Stiles has to do is prepare his research topic for next month.
"Hello, Mr. Stilinski, tell me everything", Derek said to the student on the other side of the zoom call. The young man gave him a small smile and moved on his chair.
"So, I was wondering what do you think of rural legends and their influence in urban myths as a research topic. Is it feasible?"
Derek touched his beard, thinking.
"Well it depend on which legends you want to use. You'd have to chose samples in order to be able to compare them, the way you speak about it is a bit broad".
Stiles kept moving in his chair, side to side, biting his lips. He nodded.
"Cool, I'll find a few samples".
They stared at each other for a moment. Derek had a suspicion of why this was coming up.
"Is that all?" Is not that Derek wanted to be rude. He just likes to be direct. Besides, those lips were A Problem for him. At the hair? It looks like someone passed their fingers through them and tugged. Did Mr. Stilinski got out of bed directly to the call?
"Eeh, I was wondering if you'd like to be my thesis advisor?"
There it is.
Think, Hale, think!
Derek breathed deeply.
"I could be, if you think your topic will be this one". He shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant. He wouldn't abandon a student just because he wanted to taste his lips, fingers on his hair.
"Yes, I'm sure. I have been handling legends in urban areas all my life, coming from Beacon Hills and-"
Beacon Hills? What a coincidence....
He must never know.
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maybebabyplease · 2 years
5!! for the siken ask game <3
(siken ask game)
hi froggie!!! of course :) here you go!
5. monsters are always hungry, darling.
Sirius never wakes up first. That’s James, up with the sun, excited about every new day. Sometimes James pokes Sirius awake, or Peter, but never Remus. Remus managed to master a wandless stinging hex in second year, one of the most impressive things Sirius has ever seen. Twelve-year-old Remus, stretched out under his covers like taffy, made James yelp every morning for a week until James learned his lesson. Now Remus can do the hex nearly asleep, but no one ever tries to wake him except Sirius. Remus never hexes Sirius.
Remus dresses slowly, relying on Sirius to find his tie and his vest and his left sock. Sirius sometimes hides something of Remus’, a jumper or a shoe or, once, a wand, so he has an excuse to help look. They walk down to breakfast together, in step with each other even though Sirius has to lengthen his strides to make it so.
The mornings come with nausea and the sour taste of anxiety; his mother isn’t at this table but she’s been at so many others that he can’t quite forget her. Sirius butters toast and chokes it down and avoids looking at his brother doing the same thing three tables away. Instead he focuses on watching Remus eat. Remus never seems to eat as much as he wants to, so Sirius waits until he goes to talk to Lily or Marlene about some homework assignment and then piles extra sausages on Remus’ plate before he turns back around.
Lunchtime usually finds Remus in the library, and even Sirius can’t drag him away from his books. His hair sticks up at the back and his tongue pokes out of his mouth and if Sirius listens, he can hear his stomach growl just a little. Madam Pince has given Sirius thirteen detentions this semester alone for trailing crumbs when he sneaks in pastries. It’s worth it for the little half-smile Remus gives him before turning back to whatever book he’s buried in.
And then Sirius kills time before dinner, spelling James’ hair blue in Transfiguration or shooting tripping jinxes at his brother’s idiot friends in the hallways or napping through his free study period, just outside the Arithmancy classroom so he’s there to meet Remus when class lets out. They walk back down to dinner and Sirius lengthens his strides again, thinks about the way bodies can hurt and break and stitch back together, about what a person needs to feel full and sated and whole.
Remus gets distracted during dinner. To be fair, Sirius does as well, staring at the way Remus holds his fork and knife until James kicks him under the table and talks his ear off about Quidditch plays. Sirius still keeps track of everything Remus puts in his mouth, though, and resolutely doesn’t think about tongues and thumbs and bottom lips. He doesn’t think about the way spit looks when it connects two people. He finishes his dinner, helps boost Peter so he can ride up the stairs on James’ shoulders, laughs as they both fall down and into Remus’ soft cushioning charm.
Most evenings, Sirius has detention, from Pince or McGonagall or Slughorn. Sirius scrubs cauldrons and mops floors and wonders if he’s building muscle from all this manual labor. He wonders if there’s a good way to ask your best friend to check if you’re getting stronger. He wonders what it would be like to hold someone down, and then to hold them close. Sirius aches a little on his walk back to Gryffindor, but he swings by the kitchens and coaxes the house-elves into giving him a whole spread of snacks to bring back to his friends. He saves the best ones for Remus and hoards them away so they can eat them together at bedtime.
Sirius sits in Remus’ bed and gets crumbs everywhere, which makes Remus mad but also amenable when Sirius suggests moving into his own bed instead. Remus talks until he falls asleep, right there in Sirius’ bed, one hand under his cheek on the pillow. Sirius lies next to him, watching him sleep. He stays awake thinking about what it really means to be a monster, and about whatever lives inside him that’s so, so hungry.
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achitka · 1 year
Doors (Chapter 37) If Only...
If Only...
Summary: I don't usually spend time within a story - retelling it. It seems it was mildly necessary...and people say I ramble. Oh I do but off we go. To the mountains with wine and fog. Only one plot bit left to wrap up. Go me.
Siendo el Milagro - Being the Miracle was an alternate title...let me know if think it better than the one I chose.
If Only...
Mariano Guzman was listening to Señor Aguilar when Dolores began speaking to him. He was no longer startled by Dolores randomly talking to him in this way. In fact, he saw it as just one more way to spend time with her. She asked him to come to Mirabel’s room. Bubo did not appear to be taking the realization of Tuli’s condition upon her arrival well at all, and he was gonna need a friend. She said the look on his face made her think he was planning to do something dire.
Mariano had seen the child who walked through the courtyard and assumed it was Camilo. Dolores said that once Camilo chose a form that was new to him, he would remain in that form for as long as possible, so he could not be startled out of it. But if that was how Tuli looked when she was found, he certainly could not fault Bubo for being angry. Having no siblings or cousins, Mariano was at a bit of a loss in this area. He waited for Señor Aguilar to finish, then excused himself and headed up to Mirabel’s room and stopped just outside the door.
Bubo was sitting very still in an overstuffed chair with a rat in his lap. He was watching something on the floor and those long fingers of his were tapping up a storm, and Mariano thought, Oh, he’s furious. While he’d never known Bubo to be quick to anger, it was obvious from his dark expression, he meant to do great harm to Santiago. Tuli and Mirabel were kneeling on the floor reciting the rosary, and Mariano moved away so as not to disturb them and quietly added his voice to the prayers. He realized he needed a better game plan than just teasing Bubo about Issa. He would do his best for him, though.
He spoke the final Amen and was about to go in when Dolores told him to stay where he was for a moment. Mariano did and heard Mirabel say, “Casita, where is Tío Bruno?” there was an answering clatter and Mirabel said, “Tuli, can you take Fura to my Tío? He’s in Antonio’s room. You can wait there until we need you.”
Tuli must have nodded because Mariano did not hear a response, and shortly after that Tuli ran out of the room with her tiny passenger. She did not notice him as she was very focused on getting her charge to where they needed to be.
“If you’ll excuse me.” He heard Bubo say, and just as quickly he heard Mirabel say, “Bubo, please wait. There’s something I need to say to you.”
Mariano moved to where he could see them but stayed in the hall. Mirabel’s tone was not much different than the one her Abuela used when she wanted to make sure she had your full attention. But with Mirabel, it was softer, as if in hopes that her words would land more gently.
“What is it you need, Mirabel?” Bubo asked, there was an edge of impatience and almost a challenge in that statement, that was as close to being condescending that Mariano had ever heard from him.
Mirabel was not put off, if anything she looked more determined as she adjusted her glasses and said, matching his tone, “First, I need for you to calm down before you go off to do whatever nonsense is going through your head.”
“I’m sorry, excuse me?” Bubo asked, but it wasn’t really a question, to Mariano it was more of a ‘how dare you’ sort of thing.
Mirabel took a deep breath and answered in a much calmer, but firm voice, “No, I will not excuse you and more importantly, I really need you to not do that, Bubo.”
Bubo cocked an eyebrow at her change of attitude and, though his jaw was set, he asked in a politer voice, “And why is that?”
“Because you made a promise, Bubo. Tuli’s doing her best, but your prima is terrified right now, and once the others come back she’s going to need you to be here.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I think you do; right now, you’re angry enough to want to hurt Santiago, and I don’t blame you. I’m not thrilled with that person either, but Bubo, that’s not what’s needed. Tuli told me you promised her you wouldn’t leave her alone… again.” That small pause made Bubo flinch slightly. Mirabel may be young, but she was not pulling any punches. “Tuli needs her family,” Mirabel continued, “and maybe you should consider of all the places she could have ended up, why she landed here. Where you are. She needs you, not an avenger.”
Bubo did not reply, but no longer looked angry. He was thoughtful and seemed to see Mirabel in a different light. Still, Mariano knew what that calculating look on his friend’s face meant. He’d only ever seen that expression when his friend was fed up with whatever someone was saying, and it rubbed him the wrong way. That usually led to an argument, then… Mariano’s eyes drifted up when he heard the tiles above the door shift. Casita was not the most patient entity, and would act directly if it thought for half a second Bubo was a threat to any of the Madrigals. But with Mirabel, it most definitely would and with less provocation. And from what Dolores had told him, Casita would not be gentle.
Hopefully, Bubo was not about to say something really dumb. But angry people often say foolish things. When he heard the tiles shift again, Mariano decided he’d best do something more than watch it happen, so he stepped through the doorway. This had two effects, first, Bubo and Mirabel looked away from one another. Second, his large frame effectively blocked the door as Mariano smiled at Dolores. Bubo then turned to glower at him and asked, “Here to offer more clever remarks, Mariano?”
Well, at least he was aiming it at him and not Mirabel. Mariano continued to smile as he lifted his hands and replied, “Who me? No no no no, of course not. Just came up to check on Dolores. To see if she was hungry…” he said as he looked at Dolores and asked, “Are you okay, mi vida? Can I get you anything?”
Dolores, who had been ignored during the exchange, nodded and said, “I’m doing pretty good so far, but could you please get me something to drink,” she paused as she was listening to something, then added, “and maybe a snack.”
Mariano nodded, and then he turned and asked Mirabel, “Anything I can get for you, Mirabel?”
Mirabel seemed thankful for the distraction and replied, “The same, please.”
“Okay,” Mariano said and turned to Bubo and asked in the way you do when you’re not really asking, “How about you come with me, going to need some help,” Mariano indicated that Bubo should precede him and though Bubo’s eyes narrowed briefly, he nodded to Mirabel and then Dolores and walked out the door. Mariano also nodded and pulled the door closed behind him.
As they were walking toward the stairs, Mariano purposefully took the long way around and Bubo paused as they were passing Isabela’s door. Bubo looked back at Mirabel’s room, then returned his attention to Isabela’s. Mariano wondered what he was thinking and realized he hadn’t really looked at Isabela’s door before now. He noticed along the bottom were butterflies that alternately glowed a deep blue, then would shimmer golden. You wouldn’t see the change, it only happened when you blinked. Kinda weird but neat. He’d have to take time to examine the others.
Isabela herself also looked so different from the woman he thought he knew. Once Mariano agreed to propose to her, he found, that try though he may, he had never actually gotten Isabela to show any kind of interest in a relationship. They would date and even marry, but as for the rest. He felt a bit of regret for harassing Bubo, or perhaps he was just a tiny bit jealous. It really was a good thing that proposal dinner had gone wrong, he thought and looked across the courtyard, seeing Dolores’s door. A very good thing.
Bubo had moved away from the door to the rail, and he was watching but not seeing the activity in the courtyard. He did not seem to be looking at anything in particular and was silent for a few minutes as he stood there, gently tapping the wood.
“Is something wrong, my friend?”
“No,” Bubo said, but Mariano noted the anger that was evident in his voice before was gone. “I was just wondering,” Bubo said as he turned toward Mariano. He pushed up his glasses and waved at Isabela’s door. “When I asked you earlier if Issa was… like that all the time, you said no. So, my question is this; was that before or after the proposal dinner when Issa broke your nose?” Mariano barked a laugh and smiled. Then Bubo added, “Just need to know if I’m taking my life into my own hands by pursuing this.”
Mariano let out another laugh, and he again clapped Bubo on the back, "She actually broke it twice, but who's counting?"
“You need to stop doing that," Bubo said and twisted his neck, "you’re going to throw my back out.”
“Sorry, old habit. But honestly, your guess is as good as mine, amigo. Ours was an arranged relationship, that neither of us asked for, so there was a lot of awkwardness. Nothing like I have with Dolores now. Besides, Isabela wants to get to know you, Bubo. So, I’ll leave it to you to figure that out. Still, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you heard about that. The gossip network in the Encanto has always been quite lively. Dolores tells me it’s even more so since that meeting today. It appears you are now the Encanto’s most eligible bachelor,” Mariano said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you can expect some random attentions from women who believe they should have whatever Isabela thinks is interesting. If only to try and keep that thing out of her reach,” Mariano chuckled as he again started moving toward the stairs.
“That’s insanity.”
“I agree, and I am thankful I no longer hold that dubious title,” Mariano said.
“Oh, Dios Mio. How did this get so complicated?”
“It’s only ever as complicated as you want it to be, Bubo. You should consider, you almost got into an argument with Mirabel, and an argument with her means an argument with Casita. All because you wanted to go find Santiago and… give him a good talking to.”
“I wasn’t planning to talk.”
“And Mirabel knew that, why do you think she dropped Fura in your lap? It wasn’t because she thought you wanted a better look at her. She did it, so you wouldn’t leave. Make no mistake, this house is as alive as anyone in the Encanto, and if Mirabel wanted you to stay, there would be no leaving. She was giving you a choice because she sees that you are a far better man than most, Bubo."
"I just didn't want to harm something that Tuli cares for, that's all. Though I suppose I should thank you for your intervention, Mariano. Still, why would it matter to her if I did?” Bubo asked as they turned the last corner toward the kitchen, “These people hardly know me at all.”
“It would matter, Bubo. Especially to Mirabel, since Abuela Alma put Tuli into her care. But even before that, Tuli’s plight caught the attention of the Heavens, maybe even the same ones that saved Abuela Alma all those years ago. I, personally, believe those Angels sent her the Madrigals. Your family has been touched by the miracle that permeates this place. I know you feel it too. It’s peaceful here, and that makes people want to stay. Didn’t you tell me six months ago that this town was too sleepy for you and that you were going to go back to Bogotá? Yet somehow you ended up watching a river for the last three?”
Bubo didn’t answer as they entered the kitchen. Mariano smiled when they saw two trays with juice, crackers and cheese on them sitting on the counter and said, “Gracias Casita.” There was an answering clatter of countertop tiles as Mariano picked up the first and handed it to Bubo. He retrieved the second, and they headed back to the stairs. When they reached the top, Mariano stopped and said as he used his tray to point toward Antonio’s room, “I guess, my friend, what it comes down to is this; Do you truly believe Mirabel was wrong to say what she did or is your sudden desire for revenge so great that Tuli has become secondary to that desire.”
Bubo was now looking in the direction of Antonio’s room. “Go find your prima, Bubo,” Mariano said and gave him a nudge in that direction, “The others should be back soon.”
Mirabel watched the men leave but turned away from the door because she could not bear to look at it and felt a moment of extreme anxiety as she plopped onto the sofa. When her gaze fell on the tiny lights and faces moving around on the map of the Encanto, Mirabel sighed. So many people to try and look after, and at that moment she did not feel up to the task. She was worried about her family up on that mountain. Worried about the women and children being stalked by Santiago. Now she added to that, the worry that Bubo would, in fact, do what he planned and somehow, she knew that would devastate Tuli. She stared at the rosary she was still holding and began once again to recite the joyful mysteries. Pausing after each decade, she rubbed the butterfly shaped beads between each before moving on. Each time stopping and saying an extra prayer for everyone’s safe return. The Miraculous medal was also in the shape of a butterfly, and she kissed it.
If only she could just will it to be so. If only she could do more than sit around and wait. If only…
Bruno was lying in a hammock with Fura perched in his hair while he read a book to Antonio and Tuli. It was a rousing adventure story of Buz the honeybee. It followed her life as she first wakes up from her cell, her first flight with her sister Hum, and how they learn to fulfill their roles as bees in the colony. The story was interrupted when Chipsi let out a loud chirp near the door. This was echoed by her pups, and Antonio looked down to where Parce was lounging beneath them. Antonio nodded to Parce, who got up from under the hammock and headed toward the door.
Tuli watched the jaguar leave and looked at Antonio. Her expression was a determined one, and Bruno wondered what they were up to. Antonio laid back and tapped his arm. Tuli laid back as well and Bruno finished reading the story. When Fura suddenly popped up and squeaked, Tuli smiled and scrambled out of the hammock when she saw Bubo was there with a tray of juice and cheese. He set it on the small table nearby, but Tuli ignored the tray and wrapped her arms around her cousin, giving him a hug. She grabbed his arm, and Bubo used his other hand to straighten her flower crown. Antonio did go to the table and grabbed a piece of cheese and popped it into his mouth.
He drank some juice as he grabbed a small fist full of cheese and a few crackers, which he brought to Bubo, saying it was for Fura. He dropped the contents into Bubo’s free hand and pulled at Tuli, then said, “See, I told ya he’d come. You worry too much. Come on, you promised and there’s something I want to show you.”
Tuli scrunched her face at him and stuck out her tongue. She looked up at Bubo. He nodded and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll be here when you get back.” She let out an almost imperceptible sigh as she gave his arm a hug, then followed Antonio. Antonio was waving for her to come deeper into the tree, and Bubo watched Tuli as she disappeared around a corner. Bubo chuckled to himself as he looked at the cheese and crackers in his hand.
“She’s a good kid,” Bruno said as he got out of the hammock and took some of the food.
“She is. I have to thank you and your family for being so kind to her,” Bubo said as he put the crackers back on the tray, then added, “and patient with me.”
When Bruno first met Señor Márquez, he was not at all sure he liked him. He was a bit more rigid and proper than Bruno cared for. Such people tended to be closed-minded at best. Bubo was not from around here, but Bruno realized that as the day went on, Bubo was being pulled closer to their family. First by his mother. Then Mirabel, can’t forget Issa, and it was all because one little girl needed help. Rigid or no, Bubo was a good person at his core, something you don’t always find.
Bruno had not told anyone which one of the dozen or so requests he’d accepted. He reached into a pocket he’d sewn into his ruana and pulled out a slightly crumpled envelope that contained a short note. Bubo stared at it, knowing what was written there. It was a request to find out if the author's cousin was doing well back in Bogotá. “I'm guessing you forgot about this.” Bruno said as he held it up. “You should know I only accepted this one request, and that was well before the meeting. Still interested, Señor Márquez?”
Bubo looked back toward the tree, they could hear the echoes of the kid’s laughter up there and Bubo turned back to Bruno and shook his head, “No. I already have my answer, and though I am still concerned about meeting my Tío tomorrow, I think I’ll just wait and see how it goes.”
“Glad to hear you say that Bubo,” Bruno said and smiled as he returned the envelope to his pocket and sat on the floor. Once he handed off a piece of the cheese and a cracker to Fura, he noticed the other rats now congregating around him. There were two new rats among the pile, and wondered if they were the ones that told Tuli about this place. “So, what changed your mind?” Bruno asked as he doled out more snacks to the rats.
Bubo sat down as well and replied, “This has had to have been one of the strangest days of my entire life. A roller coaster of so many unexpectedly good things. You know, when I made that request, it was on a whim, since I was still considering leaving here, I told myself it was to go back to school. But I've had a more or less constant worry about Tuli. Watching the river gave me time to sort some things out, and I was going to tell your mother after the meeting that I would be going back once someone else could be found to lead that group.”
“Did you tell her?” Bruno asked.
“No, when I saw your sketches at the meeting, there was no doubt in my mind that my Tío was one of the people shown, but then your mother brought up Paola, and I thought maybe it was a coincidence. It couldn't be Tuli. That's why I asked to see if you had any sketches of that child. I was not completely sure they were my cousin. During lunch, I was sitting by myself trying to decide the best way to ask you some more questions. Then Mirabel sat with me... then Isabela was there, and I got very… distracted."
Bruno felt the urge to remind Bubo that Isabela was his sobrina but restrained himself. This was getting interesting; He didn’t often get the chance to hear what people from outside the family thought of the goings-on in such a non-critical light. Bruno nodded and Bubo continued, “So, after the people stopped drifting toward Mirabel, I thought I saw Tuli with her. Then Isabela started to... wobble even more, and you requested my help bringing her back to Casita. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you only asked for my help, so you could ask me if I knew who Paola was. I mean it did solve one of my difficulties, but that’s ridiculous, so when you told me that you knew about Paola’s situation and that it wasn’t a problem, my brain just stopped working at that point. People generally do not respond as your family has to Tuli’s way of seeing herself. I needed to think things through again, so I went to talk to Mariano. He’s actually been a good friend to me since I got here, and I, of course, drank a lot of wine.”
“You didn’t seem particularly drunk, Bubo.”
“I ate a ridiculous amount of rice and beans, so by the time I ended up here, I was just a little lightheaded. I don’t know what was in the coffee your sister made, but I felt fine after that, and look,” he said holding up his hands, “All the damage I did to my hands when I was bug hunting by the river was healed as well,” Bubo paused, “But you would know that since she is your sister, sorry. Oh, dear God, I am rambling now, aren’t I.”
“You’re fine Bubo, please continue,” Bruno said and realized he was out of cheese. Bubo noticed and lifted the tray and set it on the floor and said, “I was not sure what I was going to say to my cousin, but when I finally saw her as she sees herself. It was quite the revelation for me that something as simple as acceptance would do so much for her. That left me a little off balance, which only got worse when Isabela asked me to go out with her tomorrow…”
“Well, there’s something I hadn’t heard about.” Bruno said but was not surprised to hear that happened. It looked like Isabela was taking a sledgehammer to that pedestal his mother had put her on. Bubo gave himself a shake and continued.
“Believe me, it was never something I thought would happen. Mariano, however, thought it quite hilarious. Anyway, just when I was sure nothing else could happen that would surprise me, you dropped off Fura and left me alone with all those women. When I heard Tuli’s story, I was ready to go out and, as Mariano put it, ‘give Santiago a good talking to’. Mirabel, however, had trapped me in a chair with Fura, so I couldn't just go out and commit murder while she was praying with Tuli.”
“Actual murder?” Bruno asked.
“Obviously, that did not happen, but as angry as I was, I seriously thought about it. Your sobrina is a very convincing person, and she reminded me what my priorities should be... I am starting to wonder if I am doomed. You know, there are some folks in this town who say chaos follows the Madrigals. I am now leaning toward agreement with that.” Bubo finished and leaned back against the wall; the poor guy looked exhausted. That was a lot to happen in less than 24 hours.
Bruno had listened and nodded where he thought was appropriate, and was doing his best not to bust out laughing. He was gonna need to write this all down. Be the perfect scenario for a novella. Just the right amount of drama and suspense. Chaos and his family were definitely one in the same, but he was curious about one thing and asked, “Bubo, what’s a roller coaster?”
“Oh, ummm, it's a mechanical ride that takes you up and down hills at great speed.”
“Really?” Bruno asked and Bubo nodded. “I think I saw one of those once… I would like to try that. Oh, one other thing...” Bruno said and pulled out the small radio and handed it to Bubo. "What are the chances you can get this to work?"
Bubo took the radio and switched it on. Only static came from the device and Bubo asked, “You’re not getting a signal. Where did you get this?”
“Bogotá,” Bruno added when he saw the look on Bubo’s face, “It’s complicated and has to do with the magic-”
(… “Tío, can you come to Mira’s room? …) there was a short pause and Dolores added (… Quickly, please ...)
“Bubo, I gotta go, can you keep an eye on the kids for me?”
“Of course, is something wrong?”
“I hope not,” Bruno said as he set Fura next to him. “You lot stay put,” he admonished to the rats that were all watching him. Bruno then turned and ran to the door.
Pepa looked at Julieta as she took the small cup of wine from her. There was already a base of mist swirling about their feet, so definitely no more wine. Dolores was giving them directions, go straight, go left here. Stop before you go off the cliff. That little scare caused the fog to thicken rapidly, and Julieta, still holding the cup, drank the rest of the wine. Everyone stopped when they heard the sound of a child’s voice calling out. “Tía, where are you?”
“Don’t move. I’ll come to you,” A woman responded, probably Doris.
It was hard to orientate on them, so Pepa whispered, “Dolores, how far away are they?”
(… probably no more than fifty meters to the left …)
Pepa almost jumped out of her skin when Issa walked along each of them, running a hand gently across their waists. She looked down to see a slender vine rope secure itself around her. Pepa remembered Issa would do this with Mirabel and Camilo to keep them from wandering off when she had charge of them. Camilo would try to shape change out of it, but Issa could shrink or grow these vines to her needs. Eventually, Camilo just gave up trying to escape his prima. Luisa was at the front of the line and could just see over the fog.
“Pepa,” her mother whispered, “is there any way to thin this out?”
“Probably, but we never got that far with the experiment this afternoon.” Pepa whispered back.
“This is going to make finding the exit a bit of a problem,” Julieta added.
Pepa was a little surprised that her mother only nodded and withheld any remarks about her being foolish. A dog’s bark silenced everyone, and they could hear the dog getting closer. Well, nothing to do now but wait for it to find them. The fog was now getting very thick, she could only see an arm’s length away. The dog overshot them at full speed and ran beneath Issa’s vine. Pepa realized it had a lead and Julieta, who noticed the same, pulled the vine tight at the same time, just as Doris came barreling through.
Doris, also running full speed, hit the vine, flipped and hit the ground hard enough that she lost consciousness and that set the dog loose. Pepa was weirdly not concerned about the dog, but instead let out a laugh, and the fog dwindled somewhat. Well, that mystery was solved as she could see further down the line to Luisa. Isabela let the vine melt away and everyone gathered around the fallen woman.
Doris was a taller than average woman with long twists in her hair that were tied back with a bit of rope. Her clothes were somewhat strange to them, but not unrecognizable. The dog returned, but only growled until they moved away from Doris. The pooch laid down next to her but was watching them, and every so often it would stare off toward the cliff, but otherwise it did not move from its station.
Pepa noticed her mother was looking at something in the distance and asked, “What do you see, Mamá?”
Her mother didn’t answer but began walking in that direction. “Oi Mamá,” Julieta said, “Pepi, Issa, stay with Doris and keep her here. Tie her up if you have to, but be gentle, Issa. Luisa, you come with me.” then both started off after their mother.
“So, tell me Issa,” Pepa said, stepping closer to her. They sat on the ground near the unconscious woman and Pepa asked, “Did my eyes deceive me or were you asking Señor Márquez out on a date?”
“I ummm…” Isabela paused when Pepa elbowed her. She let out a small laugh and said, “Yeah, I did.”
“He’s so tiny,” Pepa said, then realized it was the wrong thing to say when Isabela frowned as she looked away and said, “I guess, Tía.”
Pepa put an arm around Isabela and said, “I’m sorry. I was just teasing, Corazón. He seems like a good person, and Tuli clearly loves him.”
“I guess, I just want to get to know him better, you know... as me, not as Señorita Perfecta. He never met her, and I don’t want him to. When I overheard him talking to Mirabel, and he said he ‘wasn’t good enough for someone like me’ It made me want to show him who that someone actually is. It doesn’t hurt that the things he knows about are interesting to me. I also really like his accent… Does that sound kinda creepy?”
“No, mi vida, that sounds absolutely wonderful.”
The dog let out a small whine as Doris groaned. The dog began licking her face and Doris laughed a little and said, “Bruno, stop it.” Pepa let out an involuntary snort, and Doris focused on her and her sobrina. She immediately tried to scramble away from them, but before she was on her feet, Issa loosely wrapped her up in some vines and Pepa said, “We’re not here to hurt you Doris. Not you, Inez, or the children with you.”
“How do you know my name,” she snapped, “Who are you people?”
“My name is Pepa Madrigal, and this is my sobrina Isabela. We came because someone you know asked us to help you find our village.”
That set her back and she asked, “Who?”
“You know them as Fernando.”
“Fernando is alive?”
“Yes, we found them yesterday, but you should know that Fernando’s name is actually Tuli, and she is currently safe in our home.”
“You’re lying, Fernando is a boy.”
Again, Pepa’s answer caught Doris completely off guard, and she just stared at them. So Pepa continued, “They are who they are, Doris. But if not for her, we wouldn’t have known about you or the problem that is the smuggler named Santiago. He is not far away, and he is looking for Tuli, and that’s why we’re here now. To get you off this mountain before he catches up with you.”
“If what you're saying is true, then untie me. I need to get back to my family.”
Pepa looked over to Issa, who shrugged, and Doris looked mildly confused as the vines shriveled then faded away and asked, “How did you do that?”
“That’s complicated,” Pepa said. “I’ll explain later.” Doris almost looked like she would bolt, but she looked back to where Inez and the others waited. She nodded, then picked up the dog’s lead and started in the direction her mother had taken earlier.
A few somethings small and colorful flitted past, and Issa said, “Oh look, butterflies. I wonder if they’re hungry,” and began to leave a trail of various flowers behind her. Doris’s eyes were wide, but she just sighed and continued forward.
The fog continued to dissipate or rather Pepa pulled a wind down the mountain that pushed it toward the cliff’s edge and Isabela leaned in and said, “Dang, Tía, maybe you should drink wine more often.”
Alma smiled as the fog began to dissipate. Pepa’s growth in using her Gift was something Alma never expected. She was looking in the direction that Doris had come from and thought she saw a line of something that was alternately golden then would wink out of sight. It appeared to be making its way closer to the old oak tree. Intrigued, she started toward it. Pepa said something, but Alma’s curiosity pulled her forward and she did not respond. As she got closer, she realized Julieta and Luisa were with her now, and all three watched the fluttering colorful line as it danced above the children’s heads. The woman with them could only be Inez, and she was smiling as she watched them play. Her long hair was braided in a way similar to Doris’s but with a distinctly blonde tint to it that made her darker skin stand out.
She started when she noticed them watching her, and she placed herself between them and the children and asked, “Who are you? What do you want?” The children, alerted to possible danger, stopped playing and immediately formed a small group behind her. While they looked concerned, the children seemed more curious than frightened as the one closest to her asked, “Inni, maybe they’re friends of Fernando.”
Alma resisted the urge to move forward. She wanted and needed Julieta to be the leader in this situation. Alma was realizing she needed to take a few more steps back if any sort of transition was going to happen smoothly. The townsfolk especially looked to Julieta, and Alma touched Julieta’s elbow, indicating she wanted her to handle this. Julieta looked surprised but nodded and went a little ahead of them and said, “Hola Inez, my name is Julieta Madrigal, and this,” she said as she indicated behind her, “Is my daughter Luisa and her Abuela Alma. We’ve come to help. We understand you helped someone who recently came to our village.” Inez did not answer, she just stared. So, Julieta added, “Do you know little Fernando?”
Inez took a small step forward and asked, “He is well then?”
Julieta smiled and nodded as she said, “Yes, she is safe, and her name is actually Tuli.”
“Her? Fernando is a girl?” Inez asked, but Julieta did not get to answer as the dog ran up and quietly stopped at her feet. Everyone turned and the butterflies that had landed, scattered. Alma was pleased to see Pepa and Isabela were walking toward them with Doris, who was not looking at all angry.
The children behind Inez let up a cheer, and Inez waved a hand to shush them. The butterflies had not dispersed, but instead began to land on the children. Luisa, who was quietly standing beside Alma, let out a gasp. Julieta and Alma turned to see several of the creatures had landed on her as well.
Doris immediately went over and hugged Inez as the kids surrounded her, the dog intermittently barking and jumping. Everything stopped when there was a blood-curdling scream, followed quickly by a second from lower on the mountain. Pepa’s fog immediately sprung back to life, but this time it formed a wall around the group instead of enveloping them.
“Impressive, Pepi,” Julieta said looking at the wall of fog and winced when there was another scream.
Silence reigned and Alma asked “Dolores, someone was screaming, do you know what’s happening?”
(… I think Santiago might be… dead… his light just winked out …)
“Are you certain, Dolores?” Alma asked.
(… No. That’s never happened before… hang on, I’m gonna talk to Camilo …)
“What did she say, Mamá?”
“That the smuggler might be dead. She said his light went out.”
“Is everyone else alright?” Pepa asked and then immediately relaxed and said, “Oh, thank goodness.”
“Okay, it’s time we got off the mountain,” Julieta said and walked over to Doris and Inez. She spoke to them briefly, handed off the basket of treats and returned to their little group. Alma was again watching the butterflies as they started to settle back on everyone who was there. It was odd, to say the least.
Pretending to run afoul of Santiago was actually easier than Camilo expected. With Dolores constantly telling him how far, how close and what direction the smuggler was. It was really more like a game of ‘Let’s Play in the Woods’ and Camilo was an expert at that one. He’d purposely stumbled onto the game trail in front of Santiago in Tuli’s shape. The look of avarice on the old man’s face made him want to wretch, so Camilo bolted toward the clearing he knew was ahead. Santiago immediately gave chase, cackling as he ran.
Camilo ran along the game trail as he blew the whistle Antonio gave him three times, just like his little brother had told him. The whistle made no sound that he could hear, but Dolores assured him it was working just fine. He stopped to catch his breath and waited a whole minute before he repeated the process. After a few more minutes, he arrived at the place his father told him he should stand. Once in position, he shouted and cried out again like he was hurt but using only Tuli’s voice. He glanced up and saw the fog that his mother had made was still higher up the slope but had started spilling over like a fluffy avalanche. He blew the whistle one more time before he put it away.
When he heard the sound of footsteps, he cried out again, just to make sure that rat bastard came the right way. When the old man leapt out at him from the bushes, Santiago said, “I told ye, ye’d be back. Ain’t no one but old Santiago gonna keep you Paola me boy. No one wants a twisted little thing like you.” Camilo backed up to stay just out of reach of that creepy bastard and said in Tuli’s voice, “I’m not afraid of you.”
“Is that so? Well, ye should be,” and Santiago lunged forward. His foot hit the trigger, and he was caught by one leg upside down. He bounced two or three times until the branch the rope was secured to broke with a loud crack and the old man hit the ground headfirst, pretty hard. Camilo scrambled back and up the tree, and a sound above him made him look up. There was a jaguar perched above him, and Camilo hoped it was Parce. As if sensing his worry, the jaguar chuffed at him, and Camilo relaxed just a little. The big cat came a little lower and just as Santiago was getting up from the ground, the jaguar dropped out of the tree on top of the old man.
Santiago let out a loud grunt and several curse words, thinking it was Paola that had dropped on him. When he was unable to shift the weight from his back, and Parce let out a satisfied growl, Santiago froze when he realized there was a jaguar on him. Parce slowly lowered his head, nose right next to Santiago's eye, and licked his face. Santiago let out a terrified scream, but Parce, made himself comfortable and again licked the side of Santiago’s face. This inspired even more screaming as his father, Tío, and the abuelos came out of hiding. All four were reluctant to interfere, so they watched as Santiago continued to struggle, then quite suddenly, he went stiff and then... completely limp.
Camilo wondered if perhaps Santiago was playing dead in hopes that the big cat would get off him, but Parce just stopped licking and put his head down when a blue and red butterfly landed in the grass nearby. Minutes stretched until Dolores asked, (… Camilo, Abuela says someone was screaming. Santiago’s light just went out. What is happening? ...) she sounded a bit frantic.
Camilo shifted back to himself and said, “Don’t know. Heart attack, maybe?”
(… Oh …)
Camilo looked up the hill and there appeared to be a new wall of fog up there. His mother was getting good at that. Dolores must have conveyed what she knew to the others as they came closer. Parce did not move from his chosen position until his father asked Parce to move aside. The jaguar did, and several yellow butterflies took flight when the jaguar got up. His father checked for either breathing or a heartbeat. Having found neither, he got up and said, “He’s dead, all right.”
“It’s too bad we didn’t bring a shovel,” his Abuelo Juan Pedro said.
Camilo started when a butterfly landed gently on his nose, and he asked, “Where did all these butterflies come from?”
Dolores removed her hands from the map, sat back and sighed. Thank goodness that was over with, she thought. “Hey, Mirabel, looks like everyone is okay and headed back. Isn’t that wonderful?” Mirabel, who was sitting in the center of the sofa, did not respond and Dolores thought, ‘That’s odd.’ “Mira?” still no answer. A little nervous, Dolores touched her Tío Bruno’s face on the map and said, “Tío, can you come to Mira’s room…” Mirabel still hadn’t moved at all, so Dolores added, “Quickly, please.”
Dolores knelt in front of her prima and realized Mirabel was holding her glasses in one hand and the Rosary in the other. Her eyes were closed, and her heart was beating normally. She looked like she was sleeping. She touched Mirabel’s arm, thinking she might be cold. But she was warm, but not like she had a fever, and Dolores felt a tingle. She realized what she was feeling was the same warm tingle she’d felt when she opened her door again.
She looked at Mirabel’s door and realized the smaller butterfly was no longer stationed above the lower hand. It was suspended above the smaller tree, but was larger. It changed color each time she blinked, and Dolores started when the door opened and her Tío Bruno came in.
“What’s happening, Dolores?”
Dolores just pointed to the door and Bruno closed it, and Bruno reached out a hand and gently touched a flower on the smaller tree. The flowers were now all in full bloom, and Mirabel mumbled something when he pulled his hand away. “Casita?” There was no response from the house, and Bruno came and sat on the floor next to Dolores.
“Call me crazy, but I think Mira’s not here,” he said as he pointed at Mirabel. “She’s there.” and pointed at the door.
Bruno noticed the Rosary in Mirabel's left hand. She had the Miraculous medal pinched between her thumb and palm, and Bruno wondered, 'Where have you gone, Mirabel?'
Luisa was delighted with all the butterflies that intermittently landed and took off. It was almost like they were trying to protect her. Doris and Inez had their heads together while her Abuela, Mamá and her Tía were speaking nearby, and Luisa looked at Isabela. Her sister was growing flowers for the butterflies, and Luisa went over to her and said, “You might want to take it easy on that, unless you want to pass out again.”
Isabela frowned and nodded, “Good point,” she said and sighed. “They’re just so pretty.”
Doris approached their mother and said, “You say Fernan … I mean, Tuli wanted you to bring us to your village. Can I expect that the children will remain with me?”
“Of course,” her mother said.
“Then please lead the way.”
Her mother looked at the wall of fog and said, “Pepa? Is the clear area starting to shrink?”
Her Tía said a little nervously, “I’m not sure how to make that stop,” she said and waved a hand at the fog, “I made the fog, but the clear space… I am not sure that I am responsible for that.”
Luisa noticed the butterflies were no longer landing on people but were instead flying in a thick line above them as if waiting for something to happen. A small cluster of them came to her then and pulled her attention to the right.
“Mamá?” Luisa said tentatively.
“Yes Luisa?”
“This is gonna sound crazy, but I think we need to follow the butterflies.”
Her mother looked up and was surprised by the sheer number of them and nodded. She turned to Isabela and said, “Issa, I want you to link everyone like you did before. Luisa, you’ll be in front. Doris, can you all get in a line, it appears we’re going to need to be creative to get past this fog and I don’t want to risk losing anyone, so my daughter Issa will be linking us all together.
Doris nodded and herded her group into a line, with Inez at the front and herself at the rear of her group. Isabela then went down the line and once everyone was secured, Luisa looked up and said, “Lead the way, Mira.”
The butterflies responded by dancing above her head, and Luisa knew she wasn’t wrong. She didn’t know how Mira was doing this, but she was certain it was her little sister trying to help. The butterflies circled down the line and Luisa started forward.
The group was not moving quickly, but the butterflies continued to fly just above them, and Luisa was relieved when she finally broke free of the wall of fog. She continued forward until everyone was out and her mother turned and said, “Up ahead is a path that leads to our home. When you walk onto it, you’re going to feel very cold for a moment, but it really only lasts for a moment. Just keep moving forward.”
Luisa noted the butterflies were fewer and only enough of them were there to outline where they needed to go. “Is everyone ready?” Luisa asked.
There was a lot of nodding and her mother said as she touched Luisa’s arm, “Take us home, mija.”
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I wanna try the matchup thing! Ok, im a girl, short light brown hair, i like drawing, music, sweets and reading(your stuff mostly). And teddybears. I almost forgot them how dare i- anyway, im not sure what else to add so imma rattle off a few things. Im an introvert, favourite colors are purple and blue (mb green and yellow alongside those), i preffer baggy clother bc im a rather hairy girl, i have like maybe 3 true friends, and all my life i preffered the villians instead of the heroes, can you blame me tho? Im not sure what else to put here, and im also pretty sure there is enought stuff. No need to rush and have a good day! Love your posts! 🧸❤️
(Glad you enjoy my stuff! It may be a tiny bit short for the matchup but I tried my best to stretch it out some! Hope you like it!)
Match-Up #24
-I match you with Jin Bubaigawara-
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-I feel as though you two had a special connection when you'd met each other and that you manages to grow close under a short period of time. It takes a lot of patience and time to be with somebody like Twice but I truly believe you stuck it out and held on even when things began to get rough occasionally. You'd probably met by accident (something along the lines of accidentally running into someone at a train station and connecting over a little thing like the sunset). Ever since then, you two have been in each others heart always. He probably ended up moving in with you when the time came since you insisted he get out of that cramped and moldy apartment he was festering in for so long. Besides, the rent and amenities was better in your part of the city compared to him. The day that he finished moving his stuff in, he felt a huge sense of pride wash over him. It was that special moment where you two got to share in coming together with each other. He gifted you a special bear he'd had customized himself for the occasion. After learning how much you liked bears he ended up making it his tradition. They've started being called the 'January Bear' since he'd get you one every year you two made it through dating (the first of January). Speaking of bears, he's taken to calling you a nickname according to it. Aside from this, you get a lot of joy out of being with this man. It's never really a dull moment with him around. It's like having more than one person in the house, especially when you catch him having full arguments and conversations with himself. Sometimes it's not all breezy and you have to support him when he's having a break down. It's probably the first time you'd seen a man like him cry so remember to be patient and not judge him during his rough times. Other than that, he's pretty much an all around fun guy to be with. He's loud, sometimes annoying, and very clingy when he feels like you're leaving the house for too long again. Who knows which of his halves is so attached to you but also…who cares? It's all love at the end of the day after all! He likes to be involved in your interest whether that's trying to draw with you or listening to your playlists and showing you his as well. He sneaks you sweets all the time, often hiding them around the house as a cute game to play with you when you try to find them. he may have to stop it though, considering one day you both lost a sweet and couldn't find it until a week later when the ants came. He's attracted to you in every kind of way. He loves your baggy outfits, and doesn't mind if you're hairy in any way. In his words "You're human aren't you? Humans have hair." He thinks it's cute you own a good deal of stuff that's correlating to your favorite colors and he tries to help build up on that by getting you more stuff as well. He can't wait for the day you introduce him to your friends! He's already introduced you to his. He knew he could trust you considering your stance on the villains point of view and whatnot. I think he mostly cherishes how much you see him as not another mess that isn't worth society cleaning up. He knows you see him as a person, a human…and as the man you love the most. To him, there's nothing worth more than that!
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sandyyy0708-blog · 2 years
Shin protection is needed within children's football items
Among a lot of Entire world Mug Little league Tops have you ever discovered your own or a? How about thinking of black one of several German group, which in turn inside the semi-finals? Remember cristiano ronaldo shoes what's available for could be attached in to the country wide team, next genuine absolutely no dialogue, but also for are fascinated with african american anyone next if your specific 1 in the by now thrice little league winners.
 Three or more) Find the design and style that you'd like. Tend not to nicely, think of the functional part of boot buying simply by invoice discounting inside relevance, functionality, and comfort. Think also of getting kinds well suited for the latest fashion. If you opt for one of your preferred colors or even that's donned from your idol. Airborne dirt and dust choices by which to select.
 Not a variety of us all determine what to expect when you're out perform a good on the net sport. So it is often best if you carry three groups of shoes or boots. Nubbies pertaining to inside or tough area, lawn pertaining to all-natural grass and also Mudders with regard to colorless subjects. Its always finest going for walks area of and then decide what footwear set on.
 Shin protection is needed within children's football items the other associated with thrilling exercise methods avoid harm. Throughout football scarpe da calcio magista a lot of the actions was a student in feet. Idea proposed that different jobs have to place a different form of lower leg shelter. Let me provide the info, nevertheless, you by yourself and also newborn can decide what best with regard to.
 It's game is made up of being one particular inside the most intriguing, significant and interesting video games inside world. You can inquire an associated along with men even. Almost certainly, tastes the group about the games are generally adult men. Almost all viewers do not brain hanging out throughout football however definitely they're enjoying themselves observing the players do their particular factor. Any time several in the spectators ended up inquired about the video game tactics they reckoned about this, several declared that it can be fairly and also colorful sport that it is really interesting. Using game titles comparable to these, absolutely the particular improve regarding androgenic hormone or testosterone can be throughout a high.
 Depending on in which game will be enjoyed, kids may need outdoor or indoor little league sneakers. You will find there's main alteration in exactly how shoes are made for different floors.
 There are numerous kinds have proven to be versions which will gamer take advantage of. This specific generally is dependent within just floor the place online game receiving performed. Is obviously real the actual indoor or even futsal shoe a lot more largely employed in indoor venture. Their own style is similar to those of cheap soccer cleats shoes. They'll have silicone on the flat workiing surace so certainly, there is better traction in in house amenities. Tastes indoor establishments manufactured involving specific materials because a result, they cook a shoe that cannot split it up.
 The particular characteristic of those patterns is that they modify once the temperature patterns alter, when was crucial that you try to keep from coronary heart which youthful players shouldn't start using them prior to attaining experience. Carrying them out and about . could assist the participant inside making sure they're buying concern little league footwear for nice final results and better functionality.
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privocorp3 · 2 months
Riding the Mortgage Wave: Uncovering the Latest Ripples in the Housing Market
The housing market has been constantly evolving and adapting to the ever-changing needs and preferences of homebuyers and sellers alike. In recent years, we’ve witnessed a series of seismic shifts that have reshaped the way we approach homeownership, from the rise of flexible financing options to the digital mortgage revolution. Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on an exciting journey, uncovering the latest ripples that are making waves in this fascinating arena.
1. The Rise of Flexible Financing Options:
Gone are the days when traditional mortgages were the only game in town. The housing market has embraced a newfound flexibility, catering to the diverse needs of modern homebuyers. Non-qualified mortgages (non-QM) have emerged as a game-changer, offering alternative lending options for borrowers who may not fit the mold of traditional underwriting guidelines. This has opened up doors for self-employed individuals, gig workers, and those with complex financial situations, allowing them to pursue their dream of homeownership.
Mortgage lenders have recognized the importance of adaptability, introducing a range of innovative products that cater to different lifestyles and financial circumstances. From interest-only mortgages to adjustable-rate mortgages, the options are endless, empowering homebuyers to find the financing solution that best suits their unique needs and goals.
2. The Digital Mortgage Revolution:
In the age of technology, the housing market has embraced the digital revolution with open arms. The process of securing a mortgage has undergone a remarkable transformation, with online platforms and mobile applications streamlining the entire experience. Gone are the days of endless paperwork and tedious back-and-forth communication. Today, mortgage lenders offer seamless digital experiences, allowing homebuyers to apply, upload documents, and track the progress of their applications from the comfort of their homes or on-the-go.
This digital shift has not only made the mortgage process more convenient but has also fostered transparency and accessibility. Homebuyers can now easily compare rates, fees, and loan terms across multiple lenders, empowering them to make informed decisions that align with their financial goals.
3. Shifts in Homebuyer Priorities:
As the housing market continues to evolve, so too do the priorities and preferences of homebuyers. While location and square footage remain important considerations, we’re witnessing a growing emphasis on factors such as energy efficiency, smart home technologies, and community amenities. Sustainability and eco-friendly living have become buzzwords, with homebuyers actively seeking properties that align with their values and contribute to a greener future.
Additionally, the rise of remote work and the desire for work-life balance have reshaped the housing market. Homebuyers are now seeking properties that offer dedicated home office spaces, outdoor living areas, and proximity to recreational facilities – elements that were once considered luxuries but are now essential for many.
4. Navigating Tight Inventory and Rising Prices:
Despite the myriad of opportunities and innovations, the housing market is not without its challenges. One of the most significant hurdles facing homebuyers is the persistent issue of tight inventory and rising prices. As demand continues to outpace supply in many markets, finding an affordable and desirable property has become increasingly difficult.
In response, mortgage lenders and non-QM lenders have stepped up to the plate, offering creative solutions to help homebuyers navigate these challenges. From down payment assistance programs to low-interest rate options, these lenders are actively working to make homeownership more accessible and attainable for a broader range of individuals.
5. The Emergence of Alternative Lending Options:
As the housing market continues to evolve, so too do the financing options available to homebuyers. Traditional banks and mortgage lenders are no longer the only players in the game. Alternative lending platforms, such as peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding, have gained significant traction, offering innovative and often more accessible financing solutions.
These alternative lending options have disrupted the status quo, challenging the traditional lending models and providing homebuyers with a wider range of choices. From streamlined application processes to more flexible underwriting criteria, these platforms are reshaping the mortgage landscape, catering to the diverse needs of today’s homebuyers.
6. The Influence of Macroeconomic Trends:
While the housing market is a microcosm of its own, it is inextricably linked to broader macroeconomic trends and factors. Interest rates, inflation, and overall economic conditions play a significant role in shaping the trajectory of the housing market. As these variables fluctuate, mortgage lenders and non-QM lenders must adapt their strategies and offerings to remain competitive and meet the ever-changing demands of the market.
For instance, during periods of economic uncertainty or volatility, we may see a surge in demand for adjustable-rate mortgages or interest-only mortgages, as homebuyers seek to minimize their upfront costs and mitigate risk. Conversely, periods of economic growth and stability may lead to an increased appetite for fixed-rate mortgages and larger down payments, as homebuyers prioritize long-term stability and wealth-building.
As we navigate the ebbs and flows of the dynamic housing market,  one thing remains certain: the mortgage industry and its lenders, both traditional and non-QM, will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the homeownership dreams of countless individuals.
Whether it’s embracing digital disruption, offering flexible financing options, or responding to shifts in homebuyer priorities, the housing market is a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the human spirit. So, hold on tight, because the mortgage wave shows no signs of slowing down, and the ripples it creates will continue to shape the way we buy, sell, and finance our homes for years to come.
To know more: https://privocorp.com/blog/riding-the-mortgage-wave-uncovering-the-latest-ripples-in-the-housing-market/
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crowncoachaus · 4 months
How to Plan a Memorable Group Trip with Bus Charter Services?
Large family gatherings are always a joyous occasion, filled with laughter, memories, and of course, plenty of planning. Whether it's a family reunion, a wedding, or a holiday celebration, one of the biggest logistical challenges is figuring out how everyone will get to the event.
Bus rental might not be the first option that comes to mind, but it's a solution that offers numerous benefits, especially for larger families.
In this blog post, we'll explore why bus rental Melbourne service makes perfect sense for large family gatherings and how it can simplify the transportation aspect of your event planning.
Convenience for Everyone Involved
One of the primary reasons bus rental is ideal for large family gatherings is the convenience it offers for everyone involved.
Coordinating multiple cars or relying on public transportation can be a logistical nightmare, especially when you have family members coming from different locations.
With a bus rental, every one can meet at a central location and travel together, eliminating the need for multiple pick-up points and reducing the risk of anyone getting lost along the way.
Cost-Effective Solution
When you consider the cost of fuel, parking fees, and potential tolls associated with individual cars, bus services Melbourne  service can actually be a cost-effective solution for large family gatherings.
By pooling resources and splitting the cost among all the passengers, you can significantly reduce the overall transportation expenses.
Additionally, many bus rental companies offer competitive rates and discounts for group bookings, making it an even more budget-friendly option.
Stress-Free Travel Experience
Travelling with a large group can be stressful, especially if you're trying to navigate unfamiliar roads or coordinate caravan-style driving. With a bus rental, you can leave the driving to a professional, experienced driver who knows the best routes to your destination.
This allows everyone to relax and enjoy the journey without worrying about traffic, directions, or parking.
Safety and Comfort
Safety is always a top priority, especially when travelling with family members of all ages. Bus rental companies adhere to strict safety regulations and maintain their vehicles to ensure a comfortable and secure travel experience.
Modern bus rentals are equipped with amenities such as comfortable seating, air conditioning, and onboard restrooms, ensuring that everyone stays comfortable throughout the journey.
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Environmental Benefits
In today's environmentally conscious world, reducing carbon emissions and minimising our carbon footprint is more important than ever. Bus rental offers an eco-friendly transportation option for large family gatherings by consolidating multiple trips into a single vehicle.
This not only reduces the number of vehicles on the road but also helps to lower overall emissions and promote sustainable travel practices.
Flexibility and Customisation
Another advantage of bus rental for large family gatherings is the flexibility and customisation it offers. Whether you need a shuttle service to transport guests between venues or a full-sized coach for a long-distance trip, bus rental Melbourne companies can accommodate a variety of needs and preferences.
You can choose the size and type of vehicle that best suits your group size and itinerary, ensuring a tailor-made transportation solution for your event.
Memorable Experience
Last but not least, travelling together on a bus rental can enhance the overall experience of your family gathering. Sharing stories, playing games, and enjoying each other's company during the journey can create lasting memories that will be cherished for years to come.
It's not just about getting from point A to point B; it's about the journey itself and the bonds that are strengthened along the way.
In conclusion, bus rental is a practical, cost-effective, and convenient transportation solution for large family gatherings.
Whether you're planning a reunion, a wedding, or a holiday celebration, consider bus rental to simplify the logistics and enhance the overall experience for everyone involved. From safety and comfort to flexibility and customisation, bus rental Melbourne service offers numerous benefits that make it the perfect choice for your next family event.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!
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leonbloder · 5 months
Oh, Grow Up!
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Have you ever had a moment when you were dealing with a difficult person, and you said to yourself, "I wish they would just grow up!"?
I was at my son's basketball game the other night and made the mistake of sitting near some of the parents from the opposing team.  
The guy sitting behind me would not stop chirping at the refs, shouting in my ear, and saying awful things about the kids on my son's team.  At one point, he focused his ire on one of our players, shouting derogatory things about him at the top of his lungs. 
As fate would have it, the boy's mom was sitting not far away, and she came over to confront the man.  "That's my son you're talking about," she said to him calmly.  "Maybe you need to remember that they're just kids playing a game." 
What ensued was a lot of blustering from the unruly guy, whose wife actually stepped in and pushed him farther down the bleacher away from the other woman. 
He kept at it after she returned to her seat, mouthing off about her and how he had the right to say what he wanted. 
At that point, I stood up, turned around, and gave the guy the sternest and most baleful glare I could muster.  We locked eyes, and he fell silent.  
Then, I quietly moved to another part of the gym.  
I thought a lot about that encounter afterward.  I also had some repenting to do for my own blabbermouth at my son's athletic events in the past.  I also realized that simply enjoying the game and watching the kids play was a joy.  
It had nothing to do with me.  My playing days have long ceased to exist.  
I also thought about that guy and how his refusal to act like an adult kept him from truly enjoying the moment and ruined it for everyone else around him.  
The whole experience brought to mind a quote I wrote down from G.K. Chesterton, a 19th-century theologian and writer: 
The human race, to which so many of my readers belong, has been playing at games from the beginning, and will probably do it till the end, which is a nuisance for the few people who grow up.  
There are probably more than a few of us who read that quote and then offer a resounding "Amen!" We can all think of people in our lives, political or public figures, that we wish would stop playing games and grow up. 
I also thought about how the moment at the basketball game could have gone down.  The blustering guy got rebuked for his behavior, for sure.  But it was done quietly, first by the boy's mom and then (in a very small way) by me.  
I'm sure she thought long and hard about what to say to the guy and probably didn't say all of the things she was thinking.  Instead, she calmly pointed out the truth of the situation.  
And instead of telling the dude what I thought of him and his incessant blathering, I could make a point without saying a word.  I no longer needed to be around him because he was stealing my joy. 
Maybe he learned something.  Maybe he had a moment or two afterward when he repented.  Or maybe his wife had words with him in the car.  It could be that he learned nothing.  
What I'm advocating for here is a kind of restraint when interacting with difficult people.  This doesn't mean we should let injustice happen or not step in when people are harmed.  
It simply means that we don't always need to be in control or dominate every situation, and (as stated in an ancient Hebrew proverb) "a soft answer turns away anger." 
Fr. Richard Rohr once wrote: 
One has to wonder, do we really want people to grow, or do we just want to be in control of the moment? 
It seems that if we want folks to learn to grow, practicing restraint and using wisdom in our responses to the difficult people in the world will go a long way toward helping them to do so. 
God knows we all need that kind of restraint and wisdom in our lives, and we also could use it from others when we're not at our best.  
May it be so, and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen. 
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ledenews · 7 months
The Changing Face of a Hometown - In Photos - Vol. 3
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The Wheeling Nailers have called Wheeling's event center for so long, the team was known as the Thunderbirds and Wesbanco Arena was called the Wheeling Civic Center. But that was in 1991, more than 30 years ago, and now the hockey team is the longest-tenured in the ECHL with the most - over 60 now - players ever to advance to the NHL. The team plays 36 home games each year and advanced to the Kelly Cup Finals during the 2015-16 season. One of the team's best players back then was forward Derek Army, the same man who is the head coach today. Army believes in a feast-but-physical team, and that's what he assembled to begin this season. Transactions - a big part of being the Double-A affiliate of the Pittsburgh Penguins - often take Wheeling's best players to the AHL with the Wilkes-Barre Baby Penguins, but that's part of the art, Army will tell you - when it comes to the "Nailers Way." The arena itself has gone through many changes since 2015 when the City of Wheeling upgraded the facility's facade, replaced its seats, replaced the suspended scoreboard with a video-version upgrade, and upgraded the sound system. Before former executive director of the Greater Wheeling Sports & Entertainment Authority - Denny Magruder - retired in October 2022 after 36.5 years of service with the City, he supervised the replacement of the ice-making system in the floor of the arena. Most recently, the Blue Line Lounge was constricted on the event center's main floor, and a new kitchen is nearing completion and soon will be used by the employees of the Generations Club and by the arena's catering crews. Those upgrades, plus the implementation of a "Co-Pro" program developed by Magruder and City Manager Bob Herron have allowed the Authority's new executive director Kelly Tucker to contribute funds to promoters to book additional dates in the arena and in the Capitol Theatre. Last weekend was a perfect example of how live entertainment has increased with seven total shows at both venues, including a near-sell-out for Ice Nine Kills at Wesbanco Arena this past weekend. The Nailers' in-game entertainment staff has upped its game the last couple of seasons inside Wesbanco Arena, beginning at the very start of each game. The lobby of Wesbanco Arena now features promotional banners for the longest-tenured team in the ECHL. The Nailers have several uniform combinations for this season's 2023-24 schedule. Each season, though, the team wears a few jerseys for promotional evenings, and then they raffle them off to benefit local charities. A few different walls inside Wesbanco Arena are covered with plaques honoring several current and former Wheeling residents as members of the City's Hall of Fame. One of the capital improvements made inside the arena is the Blue Line Lounge, a bar located on the main floor that offers all options. Officials with Wesbanco Arena have added a few different amenities, including rink-side seating near the Blue Line Lounge. Along with the Wheeling Hall of Fame, the OVAC Hall has displays throughout the building to honor some of the greatest athletes in Ohio Valley history. The "Chuck a Puck" contest has been an intermission feature for several years, and it's sponsored by the Appliance Connection in Moundsville. Read the full article
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Looking To Buy or Sell Your Home? Contact West USA Realty of Prescott Today!
When it comes to finding the right brokerage to meet your real estate needs, it's crucial to partner with a team that not only understands the local market but also possesses the experience and expertise to guide you through the intricacies of buying or selling property. If you're contemplating a change in your real estate endeavors this year, consider reaching out to West USA Realty of Prescott. We're here to help you make the transition to a new brokerage a seamless and successful one.
Why West USA Realty of Prescott Stands Out
At West USA Realty of Prescott, we pride ourselves on being a cut above the rest. Our team of dedicated professionals has been serving the Prescott area for years, and our track record speaks volumes. Here's why you should consider us for your real estate needs:
Local Expertise: Our in-depth knowledge of the Prescott real estate market is unparalleled. We understand the nuances of this unique area, from the picturesque landscapes to the local amenities and communities. This expertise enables us to provide you with insightful guidance tailored to your specific needs.
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Dedication to Client Satisfaction: Our commitment to our clients is unwavering. Your goals become our goals, and we work tirelessly to achieve them. Whether you're buying your dream home or selling a property, we are here to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.
Cutting-Edge Technology: In the digital age, technology plays a crucial role in real estate. West USA Realty of Prescott leverages the latest tools and platforms to provide you with a seamless experience. From online listings to virtual tours, we stay at the forefront of industry advancements.
A Full-Service Brokerage
Choosing West USA Realty of Prescott means gaining access to a full spectrum of real estate services. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, an experienced investor, or a seller looking to maximize your property's exposure, we've got you covered:
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Seller Services
Market Analysis: We conduct a thorough analysis of your property to determine its market value and create a winning pricing strategy.
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Contact West USA Realty of Prescott Today
If you're ready to take the next step in your real estate journey, don't hesitate to reach out to West USA Realty of Prescott. Whether you're buying, selling, or investing, our team is here to guide you with professionalism, dedication, and a commitment to your success. Visit our website at www.westusaofprescott.com to explore our listings and learn more about our services. You can also call us at 928-777-8331 to speak directly with one of our experienced agents. Your real estate goals are within reach, and West USA Realty of Prescott is here to make them a reality.
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listproperties7 · 10 months
Exploring the Finest Properties for Rent and Sale in Minneapolis through a Premier Real Estate Listing Website
The real estate landscape in the United States is as diverse as the nation itself, with each city boasting its unique charm and property market. Minneapolis, known as the "City of Lakes," is no exception. If you're in search of the best properties for rent and sale in Minneapolis, you're in for a treat. Thanks to the convenience of modern technology, finding your dream property has never been easier, thanks to top-tier real estate listing websites that provide a comprehensive platform to explore the market. In this article, we delve into how these platforms are changing the real estate game and how they're helping individuals discover the best properties in Minneapolis and beyond.
Real Estate Listing Website in the United States
The emergence of real estate listing websites in the United States has revolutionized the way people search for properties. These platforms offer a one-stop solution for individuals looking to buy or rent homes, apartments, condos, and commercial spaces. With a user-friendly interface and powerful search filters, these websites have simplified the process of finding properties that match specific criteria. Whether you're a first-time buyer, a seasoned investor, or someone looking to rent a cozy apartment, these real estate platforms cater to everyone.
When it comes to finding the best properties for rent and sale in Minneapolis, these listing websites truly shine. A quick search using keywords like "Best Properties for Rent and Sale in Minneapolis" reveals a plethora of options that cater to various budgets and preferences. These websites are equipped with advanced algorithms that narrow down properties based on location, price, size, and amenities. With high-quality images, detailed property descriptions, and virtual tours, you can virtually walk through properties without leaving your home.
Best Properties for Rent and Sale in Minneapolis
Minneapolis, with its vibrant neighborhoods and dynamic housing market, offers a wide array of properties for both rent and sale. From the modern high-rises in the bustling downtown area to the charming historic homes nestled in quieter districts, the city has something for everyone. Whether you're interested in the bustling urban lifestyle or a more serene suburban environment, Minneapolis doesn't disappoint.
For those seeking rental properties, Minneapolis provides an eclectic selection. From trendy apartments with state-of-the-art facilities to cozy single-family homes with spacious yards, the rental market caters to various preferences. Whether you're a young professional looking for a stylish loft or a family in search of a comfortable home, you can find options that align with your needs.
On the other hand, the real estate market in Minneapolis offers enticing opportunities for potential buyers. The city's diverse neighborhoods present a spectrum of choices. From upscale condos with stunning skyline views to elegant townhouses that seamlessly blend historic charm with modern amenities, the choices are boundless. The listings on these real estate websites include comprehensive details about each property, enabling buyers to make informed decisions without the need for countless site visits.
The advent Real estate listing website in united States has transformed the way people approach property searches. In Minneapolis, a city known for its rich cultural scene and picturesque lakes, these platforms have made finding the best properties for rent and sale more convenient than ever. Whether you're searching for your next home or looking to invest in real estate, these websites provide a valuable resource to explore listings, gather information, and make well-informed decisions.
So, if you're on the hunt for the "Best Properties for Rent and Sale in Minneapolis," harness the power of modern technology and dive into the realm of online real estate listings. With user-friendly interfaces, advanced search filters, and a wealth of property information at your fingertips, you're sure to discover the perfect property that aligns with your aspirations and lifestyle in this vibrant Midwestern city.
Posted by:  Rahul Gupta
Date: 25/Aug/2023
Social media links:- https://www.youtube.com/@ListPropertiesUSA
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