#and that thing had so many melodramatic stories about royalty told in it
isfjmel-phleg · 8 months
The museum people are interested in my stuff but also want to know a) if they can use any of my dolls "in cases that cover topics that might be considered a little more negative" (??? what did my poor innocent dolls do wrong?) and b) if I want to participate in an "oral history" that will be played along with the exhibit, in which they would ask me questions about what the doll means to me, how she has impacted/affected/inspired me, etc.
And I'm not sure if I can help them much with that, because...I was a kid and I liked the pretty dolls. That's about it. It was not deep. I was not deep.
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late-to-the-fandom · 2 years
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Hallow's End Ember Court is fancy dress. There's some confusion about who's who. There's no prizes for guessing, but I'd still love to know if you do! Rated G for Happy Hallow's End Drabble. Read here on Ao3 for triggers and tags
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"I confess, I am rather shocked," said the Maw Walker, her expressionless face belying her words. "I didn't expect Revendreth to embrace Hallow's End so readily."
"Oh, we Venthyr welcome any excuse for celebration!" exclaimed Duke Theotar. The candlelight emanating from the enormous carved pumpkins behind the Duke threw the shadow of his exuberant gesticulation across the uneven ground. "And any excuse for fancy dress!"
The "Mad" Duke fixed his comically large hat more securely atop his carefully arranged hair, and the Maw Walker smiled fondly. The expression cracked the perfect up-turned lines of painted black stitches that extended past her lips.
Renathal, watching, took another sip of tea. He was still deciding how he felt about her whole ensemble.
Costume courts were a beloved tradition in Revendreth, but they were usually an excuse to comport oneself as a dashing hero or specimen of exquisite beauty. Impressions of the Master were always popular, as a prime example of both*; although, Renathal noticed, with a critical glance around the courtyard, none of the Ember Court guests had been so bold. But apart from this obvious missing fixture, today's court contained the usual assortment of regally attired royalty and armored warriors customary to any Revendreth fancy dress event.
None whatsoever had chosen a disguise as unsettling as the Maw Walker's, with its eerily realistic stitches crisscrossing the planes of her exposed flesh. And it was causing a visible stir among the guests, many of whom stared openly at her whenever they passed Theotar's shaded tea corner.
"We seem to have quite a bit of lore in common," commented the Maw Walker, joining Renathal in surveying the rest of the courtyard over the rim of her undrunk tea. "I believe I recognise many of the costumes. Including yours."
She ran an appraising eye over the Dark Prince's uncharacteristic black clothes. Renathal, momentarily distracted, swept his cape out with a melodramatic flourish that made Maw Walker laugh behind her cup.
"So, you are familiar with the story?" said Renathal smugly.
"Yes, it was very popular at one time. Someone even set it to music, I think, although I never saw it performed. And .... I confess, I can't remember your character's name."
"Really? But he is the protagonist!" declared Renathal in mock offense. "The brilliant musician who, in spite of his disfigurement, wins the heart of the realm's most talented ingenue, and spends his mortal life together with her creating the music of the night!"
It was a well-practiced little soliloquy. Renathal had worn this costume - or a more elaborate version - many times before. Behind him, the Duke had the good grace to applaud appreciatively.
The Maw Walker blinked.
"Are you sure that's how it ends?" she asked.
"Quite sure," sniffed Renathal. "The story is a personal favourite of mine. I have read it many times." He sipped thoughtfully at his tea before venturing, "Why do you ask?"
"I've just .... never heard it told that way."
"How have you heard it?"
"Well..." The Maw Walker wet her lips in hesitation. "I thought .... the masked man - whoever you are - kidnapped the girl. And then she was rescued by her true love and left the masked man to die in a fire."
There was a gasp and a splash of liquid from behind them as Theotar fumbled the milk jug.
"Surely not!" he cried, his pinched face even more ashen than usual.
Renathal, too, looked shocked.
"I am afraid you must be mistaken," he said firmly, adjusting his white half-mask to sit better on his face. "He would never have done such a thing, I am certain. He was the hero of the story, after all."
"Perhaps I'm thinking of a different tale, then," the Maw Walker conceded. She glanced quickly around at the Duke for a change of topic. "But I'm sure I know who you are. I would recognise the top hat anywhere."
"Well, I should hope, he is quite the well-known figure," said Theotar, dabbing spilled milk from his bare chest with a white handkerchief. "The wise counselor who, through his clear wit and good sense, helped the little lost girl Alex find her way back to her own realm." He deposited the handkerchief onto Gubbins' tray and smiled. "After treating her to a delicious tea, of course."
The Maw Walker tilted her head, brow now furrowed. An unusual show of confusion on her typically blank face.
"I don't think that's right either," she said, shaking her head. "The girl's name wasn't Alex. And your character wasn't wise, he was -"
Renathal interrupted before the Maw Walker could finish.
"If it is a story, then how can it be right or wrong?" 
"Because it didn't happen that way!"
"It didn't happen at all," Renathal countered. "They are stories. How can one depiction of a fantasy be more or less right than another?"
The Maw Walker opened her mouth to argue further, paused, then closed it abruptly. Her eyes glazed over in thought, and she brought her teacup to her lips vaguely. Renathal watched her fight back a grimace at the taste.
"I suppose you have a point," the Maw Walker said finally. She gave Renathal a deep nod as if conceding victory, her loose and oddly coloured hair swinging forward across her face.
"Of course!" said Theotar, approaching with the sugar bowl. "Why, there are as many interpretations of stories as there are souls who tell them! And you must tell us your versions in full, sometime."
The Maw Walker smiled - that warm, affectionate smile she saved for the 'Mad' Duke - and dutifully bent her knees so the smaller Venthyr could stir sugar into her cup.
"I think your versions sound better, to be honest."
Privately, Renathal agreed, but thought it bad manners to say so out loud. Instead, he indicated the Maw Walker's ragged dress with a wave of his hand.
"But who are you supposed to be? I am afraid I do not recognise your ..." He searched for an appropriate word. "Attire."
"Oh, let me guess!" said Theotar excitedly. He thrust the sugar bowl at the waiting Gubbins, then stepped back to take in the full effect of the Maw Walker's disguise. "You are ... a Maldraxxus abomination?"
"What? No!" The Maw Walker tugged self-consciously at her patch-work dress. "I am -" She paused for a moment, then continued more firmly. "I am the brave and intelligent heroine of an old, beloved story, whose advice to her realm's leader was immediately heard and obeyed, and through which she managed to stop her realm from invading several others."
Her little speech did not have quite the effortless delivery of Renathal's, but Theotar still made a point of clapping politely.
"Oh, well done!"
The Maw Walker accepted his praise with a self-mocking curtsey. 
"And will your hair return to normal once court is over, or is it ... red for the foreseeable future?" Renathal inquired as casually as he could manage.
"It's just an illusion," assured the Maw Walker. "Unless you'd like me to keep it like this longer?"
She caught Renathal's eye and gave a small wink. 
"I think I prefer its natural shade," murmured Renathal. He hadn't meant the words to come out so low, not while anyone else was present, but he did enjoy watching the Maw Walker eyes darken. 
"Ah, just look at us," said Theotar fondly, stepping between his two dear friends and cutting neatly through the developing tension. "Three exceptional heroes! Exquisite examples of lives well lived and happily ended!"
The Maw Walker smiled wistfully. "On Hallow's End, at least."
* Shout out to my mate @shipping-through-eternity for inspiring this particular little head canon and letting me use it!
Read Part 12: Keys for All Occasions: Cicatrix | Visit the Masterpost
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