#and that turned into what the doctors call ''functional nausea and vomiting disorder''
kitticula · 4 months
healing from brain damage is definitely the worst injury ive ever had to heal from so far 😞 this shit is so difficult yall
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What is Pediatric Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease? 
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The esophagus carries food from the mouth to the stomach. There is a valve-type muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter that relaxes to let food pass from the esophagus into the stomach. When this valve does not function correctly, it causes food and acid to come back up into the esophagus. Intermittent gastroesophageal reflux of gastric acid can normally occur in infancy and most will outgrow it by the time they turn 1 year old. In children older than 2, GER that occurs more than twice a week could be GERD.
GERD is a more serious and long-term form of reflux. In children with GERD, the LES muscle is developed but weak, which causes it to relax and allow food to flow back into the esophagus. If left untreated, GERD can lead to complications such as inflammation of the esophagus, respiratory problems, and poor growth.
If you're looking for your child's digestive health, we're here to help. Our pediatric specialists at Pediatric Specialty Care in Gainesville GA are experienced in diagnosing and treating GERD and other digestive disorders in children. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get your child the care they need.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): This is a more serious and long-term type of reflux. In babies and children with GERD, the sphincter muscle is developed but weak, relaxing to allow food to flow back into the esophagus.
Signs and Symptoms:
Babies and toddlers (birth to 3-years old)
The main symptom of acid reflux in babies and toddlers is spitting up. GERD can also cause additional symptoms in babies including:
Arching back, often after eating
Forceful or frequent vomiting
Poor eating
Poor weight gain (Failure to Thrive)
Refusing to eat
Trouble swallowing
Weight loss
Wheezing or trouble breathing
Colic (crying for periods of three hours or more without a medical reason)
Children 3 to 12-years old
Children between the ages of 3 to 12 typically do not have GERD; however, they may experience the following symptoms:
Bad breath
Pain in the chest or upper abdomen
Problems swallowing or painful swallowing
Respiratory issues
Wearing down of teeth
How Is GERD Diagnosed?
Doctors use several tests to diagnose GERD. Children will certainly have their medical history rechecked and get another physical exam. Your child’s doctor may also use a combination of the following:
X-rays (upper GI series)
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD): A test in which a thin tube with a camera is inserted through your child’s mouth, passed through the esophagus into the stomach and small intestine.
Esophageal pH probe study: A test in which a monitor is used to measure how often stomach acid enters the esophagus and how long it stays there.
Esophageal manometry: A test during which a thin tube is inserted through your child’s nose into his stomach. It measures the strength of muscle contractions throughout the digestive tract.
Not every child needs all these tests. Your physician will tell you exactly what the next steps are. Our diverse group of specialists see over 1,000 children a month, and we have the resources to diagnose and treat a range of conditions.
How Is GERD Treated?
Children with gastroesophageal reflux disease tend to respond well to lifestyle changes or medications, while infants with GERD usually outgrow it by their first or second birthday. Your child’s doctor may recommend the following treatments for GERD:
It is important to adjust and make lifestyle changes, such as:
Staying upright for three hours after eating
Elevating the head of the bed
Avoiding chocolate, peppermint and caffeine
Avoiding cigarette smoke
Weight management
Medication options may also be recommended, for example:
Antacids to neutralize stomach acid
H-2 blockers to block the amount of acid that is released in the stomach
Proton pump inhibitors to decrease the amount of acid produced in the stomach
Surgery used for GERD patients is known as a Fundoplication, which is a procedure to prevent stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus. Surgery involves wrap the upper part of the stomach around the end of the esophagus to put pressure on the lower end of the esophagus.
Content Source: https://gainesvillepediatricgi.com/what-is-pediatric-gastroesophageal-reflux-disease/
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angst-king · 3 years
Misery love Company pt 5
(mention of vomit, and ablelist behavior
It  had been a week and a half since Katsuki had eaten a proper meal, or felt normal. His entire body had felt like it was burning but that wasn’t because he had a fever, oh no he was cold to the bone but his bones were hurting so bad. Moving hurt so much, moving also made him incredibly dizzy to the point where he collapsed once or twice. These dizzy spells were accompanied by nausea, chest pain, his heart feeling like it would explode from his chest, feeling very hot and then suddenly he’d drop. 
Today had been the last straw or well tonight was the last straw. Katsuki was miserable, laying in his bed unable to be comfortable at all with how sick he was. A trash can next to the side of his bed in case he got sick but. Even just moving to get sick into the trash can made Katsuki feel very faint. Like now, Massaru was helping Katsuki who was busy getting sick into the trash can for what felt like the millionth time this week which made Massaru wanna take Katsuki to the ER but. Katsuki had been brainwashed by Mitsuki into the idea that he just needed to sleep it off but. This time Mitsuki wasn’t home and Massaru was too anxious to care especially when he heard Katsuki gasping for breath, clutching his chest, and whimpering to the point of tears running down his flushed red, and pale pink face. Massaru had to hold Katsuki up when the other’s eyes went back and he went limp, he knew the other had fainted again but this time he listened to his gut. He quickly grabbed everything he needed, and pulled Katsuki out of bed and into his car, and left for the emergency room.
When he got there he carried Katsuki in and allowed them to whisk his son away. Of course they had to ask the usual questions as well as some other ones but other than that Massaru was left in the waiting room. That lonely sickeningly white walled waiting room. Massaru knew he needed to call Mitsuki even if he didn’t want to know how his wife would most likely react though a piece of him hoped she would have a shred of selflessness to get off of work to come and see him.  
Ever since Katsuki’s condition began to make an appearance Mitsuki hadn’t been reacting to this well. She’d been rather dismissive about Katsuki’s complaints of pain, and rather passive aggressive with her replies. Then when Katsuki started getting sicker and sicker she wouldn’t even be bothered to help him. It was as if that was a job completely beneath her. Telling Katsuki to stop being weak or lazy and that he could do it himself.. The frequent fainting spells weren’t helping, making it even more difficult for Katsuki to try and help himself. It finally got to the point where Katsuki could hardly sit up without needing to immediately lay back down because he was gonna pass out.  Mitsuki ignored everything and passed it off as puberty, being a wimp, growing, needing to take care of himself. All her words were laced with a coldness that made Katsuki feel so weak.
Making the decision, Massaru called his wife and told her what had happened and, to put it frankly, her response wasn’t very empathetic or motherly. “Ugh what the hell! I told you not to Massaru!” “i-I know dear but come on, the kid fainted again and he hasn’t been keeping down almost anything but gatorade, and he’s in pain.” “Katsuki is just weak Massaru, he just wants attention and is playing it up to get it!” Massaru was getting fed up with his wife’s protests and replied in an annoyed tone.“Mitsuki, our son couldn’t even sit up on his own without blacking out. I don’t care if you think he’s faking, if you truly loved and cared then you’d come over here.” He hung up before she could reply as he didn’t want to hear another word from her at the moment. Still alone in this waiting room, waiting for any information on his son’s condition was making the man anxious. It felt like hours, upon hours, but it had only been one hour but. Time in here seemed to feel like forever, it went by so slowly yet too quick at the same time.
Finally, a doctor walked over to him smiling. “Mr Bakugou?” Looking up he sees the woman coming over to him and he gives a sigh. “Yes?” He says as he stands up, the woman approaches him and starts. “We’ve got your son Katsuki, stabilized the best we could here. We did some testing after learning his symptoms and well, the results aren’t great…” The way the woman spoke, Massaru had a bad feeling from the start, but said nothing allowing the woman to go on. “Mr Massaru, let's sit.” She says, now he’s feeling more and more anxious about the possible news. Nodding he sits down in the chair he started in while she sat beside him turning to face him. “Your son could’ve died tonight if you didn’t bring him. He was that sick.” That made Massaru want to be sick himself, the feeling that if he waited a day or two longer, Katsuki could’ve died. Still Massaru didn’t know how the boy could’ve gotten so bad or what was wrong with him, so he asked. “Wh-what’s wrong with Katsuki?” His voice wasn’t very strong, it was strained with concern and fear. “Well your son is sick, and I don’t mean that he has the flu, he’s chronically ill.” It hadn’t hit him completely but hearing that his son was chronically hit him but. How could his son just suddenly fall ill like this though? Even with a chronic illness, shouldn’t this have appeared when he was younger? So he asked what he was thinking “shouldn’t this appear when he was younger?”  “Well some things probably did but they never manifested like this or he did and the doctors just dismissed it as something else.” Massaru couldn’t help but feel guilty, his son could’ve been suffering for years and this is how he finds out. Twiddling his thumbs unconsciously and asking “So what does he have?”
“Katsuki has H.E.D.S which is called Hypermobility Ehlers Danlos syndrome. This is a connective tissue disorder that allows your son to be very flexible and have very elastic yet very thin skin. Due to him being very flexible and having lots of collagen his joints are very loose which means he can easily dislocate things and have horrible body pain from it.” Taking this information Massaru had more questions. “How could this condition almost kill Katsuki? Or is there more to this than just horrible body pain?” “Well I’m glad you’re asking these questions because, yes there is more to this disorder. How I explain this is I call this the H.E.D.S expansion back because this disorder has the possibility to contain multiple other disorders and problems and. For Katsuki those other disorders seem to be POTS and Gastroparesis. Though gastroparesis is a theory I’m not totally solid on that one but it's a good possibility that he has it.” This was so much information coming at him at once but he wanted to know how these conditions would have ended Katsuki’s life. So Massaru asked for the doctor to explain the second ailment. “POTS stands for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Which is a heart condition in which standing or sitting up can cause the blood flow to pool away from Katsuki’s head and make him faint. It can also cause lightheaded-ness, chest pain, shortness of breath, anxiety, fast heart rate, tremors, nausea and vomiting. These symptoms can become very exaggerated during a flare up, which explains why his heart rate was so high but his blood pressure was low.” Massaru silently let everything sink in until he asked1
“so your theory about Gastroparesis? What is that exactly and why do you have a theory for this?” “Well Gastroparesis is a fancy word for stomach paralysis. It's when the nerve that controls the stomach’s contractions that move food from your stomach to your small intestine has stopped functioning or maybe the sphincter of his stomach to his small intestine won't open properly. So his body is digesting things way too slow which can cause lots of pain, bloating, nausea, the feeling of being constantly full or not hungry. SInce his body isn’t digesting his food correctly that means that he’s not absorbing any nutrients through what he eats by mouth….so if he does have gastroparesis they may have to find another way to provide him nutrition.” All of this was a lot for Massaru to grasp but he could also do his research but. Then he had another question. “So how are you guys going to treat my son, what are the plans?” “Well Mr Bakugou, I suggest that your son be transferred to a long stay facility because his condition is not good and we can’t do what a pediatric long stay hospital can do.”
That’s when he knew Katsuki’s world had officially turned upside down. Massaru couldn’t help but feel terrible. If he had waited any longer, if he’d listened to his wife, they may not have woken up the next morning to see Katsuki with a pulse. If he hadn’t listened to his own instincts Massaru would have never forgiven himself. Now his son was gonna have to be transferred to a long stay hospital and he knew Katsuki wasn’t gonna take this well at all. Still he wanted to see Katsuki and knew this information would be accepted better than it would coming from him than the doctor. “We can admit him, but can I see my son please?” “Sure, he should be waking up. He did faint on us when we had to get blood drawn and hooked him up to some IVs. Your son definitely has anxiety around needles, I can tell you that for sure.” She chuckles a little while standing up from her seat, Massaru follows suit and is led down the hallways to find Katsuki.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Medical Instruction Vd 1″
First day back at school, so forgive me for being short :) 
“Before we get started, I just wanted to make sure that it is known that all parties involved in these videos have agreed to let me use their footage for training purposes, though they may not be used for anything else in accordance with Human Medical Privacy Laws. These tapes will go directly to the intergalactic college of interspecies biology and medicine. Those who are found to use this footage in any way contrary to its original purpose will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law”
The camera turns on shaking form side to side over the floor spinning quickly from the right and then to the left before finally leveling out on an image of a hallway. The Vrul scuttles along the floor with great purpose small fleet clattering against the cold metal. He turns to look at the camera, “I just got a call up the Medical bay for a human in significant respiratory distress also complaining of chest pain, so we are going to head up there and see what is going on. Now I have been the operational medical officer aboard this ship for a while now, and I have seen almost everything there is to see. Doing medicine for humans is…. Well it’s a wild ride simply because of their combination of durability and breakability. They break horribly easily and in horrific ways, but are able to live through it when they do, and that leaves it up to the medical staff to make sure that they  are quickly treated so that the shock of their injuries doesn’t send them down the road of you know…. Not being alive.”
They hurried up a hallway following after the little doctor pausing for a few seconds before the medical bay doors which opened with a hiss. A wave of sound washes over the camera, people talking and someone breathing rather heavily. The camera pans up to show a group of humans gathered around a third sitting on the edge of one of the hospital beds. They are breathing fast and heavy a hand on their chest eyes wide panicked.
The crowd opens up as the little doctor walks in.
“What do we have?”
“30 year old male with racing heart, difficulty breathing, tingling hands, dizziness, and chest pain.”
The human was breathing even harder now looking around frantically, “I….I….I’m dying….. I think I’m having a heart attack…..I can’t breathe.”
“Alright, let’s get an EKG going first thing.” The little doctor gets to work very quickly all four arms working as he begins to speak, “Now the obvious worry here is the case of chest pain, which in humans can be an indication of a heart attack. Now the heart is a very major organ in a human, and acts as a pump to move blood around the body. The blood contains oxygen and infection fighting cells etc. With a heart attack one of those little vessels in the organ is blocked, usually by plaque or fatty deposits causing death in parts of the heart muscle. Now this human is generally too young and too fit for any of that to happen…” He turns to the human, “Is there a history of heart attack or heart disease in your family?”
The human shakes their head.
“Has this every happened to you before?”
Another head shake.
The doctor ripped off a couple of sticky white circles and attached them to the human’s chest, “Now this will give us a good look of what is going on in there.” There was a pause for a minute as they continued working.
The doctor glanced at the instruments once the information began coming in, “Alright, so this is good news, the heart IS beating fast, but there does not appear to be any blockage, and it is not fast enough to be considered tachycardia. Also their blood oxygen level is within acceptable range meaning that it isn’t likely to be some other issue. Now that leaves our post likely option as being a panic attack.”
He walked over to the human to get their attention, “Do you have a history of anxiety disorder in your family?”
“A few …. Uncles.” He panted, “But it has to be…. A heart attack.”
“Well your heart is actually fine. I think in this case you ARE having a panic attack, now you are alright, this can happen to anyone not just people with a disorder, ok. Now just humor me, and I and I want you to take in one big breath counting to seven, hold it for five and then blow out at five seconds.” The human looked very skeptical, but at the order of the doctor they began.
He left the instruction to one of the other attendees, “You see, this is actually quite common in humans. Emotional functions are very closely intertwined with their physical functions mostly due to their greatly superior fight or flight mechanism. Humans have a very quick physical reaction to panic that causes the heart to beat faster, digestion to shut down and the pupils to dilate. The breathing will also speed up as you have seen. The problem is the human body reacts to the stress of being chased by a predator in the same way it reacts to, social stress, or an approaching deadline.
In this cause stress, and an elevated heart rate could have trigged a panic attack, where the body is having these physical symptoms despite the brain, and now they are trying to figure out an explanation. They generally assume they are having a heart attack or that something else horrible is about to happen, even if it is not.
He turned back to check on the human, whose heart rate had gone down a bit. They were looking a little better, but there still seemed to be a way to go.
“We are just going to have him continue this breathing exercise which is designed to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and calm down the feelings of anxiety and panic. I always find it interesting that the one thing that makes humans the best and dealing with extreme stress, is also the one thing that makes them crumble under more mild states of stress.
“So we have been called in again this time, we have a 25 year old male presenting with, extreme abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, and a low grade fever.” The doctor walked in wearing more protective gear than he had last time. The camera pans up to another human lying on one of the beds curled into a ball moaning, face screwed up in pain, hands clutched around his middle rocking slowly back and forth in a writhing sort of way. One of the other doctors had placed a metal bowl by the human’s head as they groaned.
The doctor moved forward and had the human roll onto his back, though the human did not seem as if he wanted to. The alien doctor listened to the human’s innards, and then began lightly pressing on the abdominal cavity. As soon as he did, the human yelped in pain and curled up again looking as if he was about to be sick.
“Abdominal pain in the lower right quadrant, I would wager to say this is probably a case of appendicitis.” The doctor motioned for one of the orderlies to grab a machine and roll it over, “Now the human appendix is a part of the intestines that was long thought to be useless or a vestigial structure that humans used more when they had to clear large amounts of plant material through their digestive tract. In many cases it acts as a blind pocket that sometimes collects bacteria and then becomes inflamed. You CAN fix it with antibiotics, but the general consensus is removal.” He pulled the machine into position, using a short wand covered in cold gel to pass over the human’s skin just above the problem spot.
“Ah, just like I thought, you see that right there.” He pointed to the screen, “This right here is the inflammation being caused by the infection, and the reason that the human is going to be in so much pain right now. I would suggest at this point that we just go in and remove it with a simple laparoscopic appendectomy. As far as procedures goes, this one is actually relatively easy and should take no more than a few minutes for me to perform.  Now before you go questioning me about the time frame for this surgery, I do remind you that I am the most experienced surgeon in the galaxy. I guarantee the prep for this surgery will take longer than my ability to actually preform it.”
The human groaned.
“Don’t worry, we will have you fixed up almost immediately.”
“I find that there are a few general things you want to look for when treating humans. The first big one is energy level. Your average human is going to be very…. Sharp you will see it in the eye and head movements, they will, or should be very energetic with their head and arm movements, especially around the chest and shoulders. Humans like using their hands to talk. A lot of the time you can tell something is wrong with a human when they are listless and slow to respond. You may see their eyes wandering and they won’t focus on you, now some humans behave that way, but your average human will generally try to make eye contact with you at some point. Watch to make sure they are supporting their own heads, or does it seem to be bobbing or tilting in one way or another. A few other things is a general change in appetite from what is considered usual. A stressed or sick human may eat too little or too much. If your human appears confused or is having trouble answering simple questions, you will want to check them over straight away. As I said before, a sick human might appear listless, lethargic, they will tend to sleep a lot, and they may be irritable. I would make it a point to warn most students about that fact when dealing with humans, sometimes in cases of serious injury  humans tend to act in anger to pain, so they might try to fight you off or to get away, especially if the pain is really bad, they are sort of resorting back to their more baser instincts. Occasionally you may have to strap them down, or even sedate them , while there are a few humans who like comfort when they are in pain, there is a large group of them who do not like to be touched or talked to when they are. I would say that is also an important thing to note, both psychological and physical pain can cause a human to isolate themselves form you, so just make sure you are watching for those signs because they can be indicators that something is seriously wrong.”
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lunar-fey · 4 years
gastroparesis, aka delayed gastric/stomach emptying
a short description of what it is and how it affects me and others :)
disclaimer: i am NOT a medical professional. most of this info was, however, told to me by doctors (with a bit of personal speculation and discussion of my own experiences thrown in).
First of all, what is gastroparesis and why am I making this post? 
As you can perhaps tell by the names, it’s a condition in which the nerve that controls the muscles to contract around the stomach to have little or no real function. I want to talk a little bit about it because it’s quite a rare condition (only abt 200k cases per year are diagnosed), yet it affects me every day, and people often seem to underestimate just how severe it can be.
But what exactly does that mean?
In function, it means that when I eat food, my stomach can’t naturally push the food out into the rest of my digestive tract - while individual cases my vary from only a small delay in digestion to my own case, where food seems to never naturally moved through my system, it’s not actually as life-threatening as it may sound (though in rare cases it can cause gastric blockages which can turn into more severe and life-threating issues).
In my case, after extensive radiographic tests (in which I, an 11 year old at the time, was repeatedly promised radioactive cookies, but got shitty powder “eggs” each time instead, then had to lay on a table still as the grave for 90 minutes) it was determined that even after 10 hours food had not yet left my stomach.
To compare that to average? Food usually moves out of a healthy persons stomach after about 30 minutes.
So if it’s not life-threating why does it suck so godsdamned much?
Unfortunately, as it turns out, food can turn and grow bacteria in your stomach! What you eat and how much should be regulated to prevent this as much as possible, but in the end, there’s not much to be done about it. You still have to eat something, somehow.
In the end, common symptoms vary from a light case just having some abdominal pain and occasional nausea, to my somewhat severe case wherein I am nauseas every day of my life! :’)
Also, it can cause significant amounts of malnutrition as well as issues with blood sugar, as your body doesn’t really...get anything out of food that’s staying in your stomach. Plus, the regular feeling of being totally full (because you are), makes it difficult to eat at times.
What the fuck? Is it genetic? Can I catch it?
Yes, and no. It can be genetic, and you can develop it throughout life, but it is not contagious.
While the specific cause (for non-genetic cases) is typically unknown, some things are known to potentially cause it - for example, the vegus nerve can be damaged during surgery, leading to it’s paralysis.
Certain pharmaceutical drugs can also cause it - in my case specifically, though the cause is unknown, I heavily suspect it was the adderall (simply because it caused me severe lack of appetite to the point that I was eating AS MUCH AS I COULD and only weighed 80lbs until I stopped taking it. If you ask my humble opinion as a person who isn’t a medical professional but grew up around a lot of doctors, that much malnutrition could probably have caused the damage.).
Well then, what can be done about it once you’re diagnosed?
Unfortunately, there is still no cure, although don’t look so grim after a diagnosis! It may not be so bad for you! There are treatments that exist, including a drug called Reglan (chemical name Metoclopramide).
Reglan causes basically controlled muscle spasms which allow the stomach to contract. For many people it works wonders! For me, on the other hand, not so much. Without going into detail, I will say I had a bad enough reaction that I was told to stop taking it after just one dose. Don’t let that scare you off, of course! The likelyhood is super low that you’ll have a similar reaction to me, and this was over a decade ago - the science and testing involved have only gotten better over time! In fact, the 90 minute radiology exams I did back then now only take 60 minutes :D
In addition to drugs intended to treat the disorder, in severe cases you may be able to get a prescription for antiemitic drugs (in my experience zofran works the best, but you’ll have to speak to your doctor about what may work best for you), which are those that prevent nausea and vomiting.
There are also diet changes that are supposed to help, such as certain food types to be avoided. A person with gastroparesis can also eat several (I’ve always been told 6) VERY small “meals” throughout the day, and this is supposed to help, though I haven’t personally had any luck with diet changes.
In the end, it would be really cool to see more awareness for this disorder :D
And don’t be afraid if you’re diagnosed, whether you have a relatively light case that barely impacts your life, or a severe case that impacts you every minute, you aren’t alone, and help is out there! Good luck!
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
Little-Known Illnesses Turning Up in Covid Long-Haulers
The day Dr. Elizabeth Dawson was diagnosed with covid-19 in October, she awoke feeling as if she had a bad hangover. Four months later she tested negative for the virus, but her symptoms have only worsened.
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This story also ran on Time. It can be republished for free.
Dawson is among what one doctor called “waves and waves” of “long-haul” covid patients who remain sick long after retesting negative for the virus. A significant percentage are suffering from syndromes that few doctors understand or treat. In fact, a yearlong wait to see a specialist for these syndromes was common even before the ranks of patients were swelled by post-covid newcomers. For some, the consequences are life altering.
Before fall, Dawson, 44, a dermatologist from Portland, Oregon, routinely saw 25 to 30 patients a day, cared for her 3-year-old daughter and ran long distances.
Today, her heart races when she tries to stand. She has severe headaches, constant nausea and brain fog so extreme that, she said, it “feels like I have dementia.” Her fatigue is severe: “It’s as if all the energy has been sucked from my soul and my bones.” She can’t stand for more than 10 minutes without feeling dizzy.
Through her own research, Dawson recognized she had typical symptoms of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS. It is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary functions such as heart rate, blood pressure and vein contractions that assist blood flow. It is a serious condition — not merely feeling lightheaded on rising suddenly, which affects many patients who have been confined to bed a long time with illnesses like covid as their nervous system readjusts to greater activity. POTS sometimes overlaps with autoimmune problems, which involve the immune system attacking healthy cells. Before covid, an estimated 3 million Americans had POTS.
Many POTS patients report it took them years to even find a diagnosis. With her own suspected diagnosis in hand, Dawson soon discovered there were no specialists in autonomic disorders in Portland — in fact, there are only 75 board-certified autonomic disorder doctors in the U.S.
Other doctors, however, have studied and treat POTS and similar syndromes. The nonprofit organization Dysautonomia International provides a list of a handful of clinics and about 150 U.S. doctors who have been recommended by patients and agreed to be on the list.
In January, Dawson called a neurologist at a Portland medical center where her father had worked and was given an appointment for September. She then called Stanford University Medical Center’s autonomic clinic in California, and again was offered an appointment nine months later.
Using contacts in the medical community, Dawson wrangled an appointment with the Portland neurologist within a week and was diagnosed with POTS and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The two syndromes have overlapping symptoms, often including severe fatigue.
Dr. Peter Rowe of Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, a prominent researcher who has treated POTS and CFS patients for 25 years, said every doctor with expertise in POTS is seeing long-haul covid patients with POTS, and every long-covid patient he has seen with CFS also had POTS. He expects the lack of medical treatment to worsen.
“Decades of neglect of POTS and CFS have set us up to fail miserably,” said Rowe, one of the authors of a recent paper on CFS triggered by covid.
The prevalence of POTS was documented in an international survey of 3,762 long-covid patients, leading researchers to conclude that all covid patients who have rapid heartbeat, dizziness, brain fog or fatigue “should be screened for POTS.”
A “significant infusion of health care resources and a significant additional research investment” will be needed to address the growing caseload, the American Autonomic Society said in a recent statement.
Lauren Stiles, who founded Dysautonomia International in 2012 after being diagnosed with POTS, said patients who have suffered for decades worry about “the growth of people who need testing and treating but the lack of growth in doctors skilled in autonomic nervous system disorders.”
On the other hand, she hopes increasing awareness among physicians will at least get patients with dysautonomia diagnosed quickly, rather than years later.
Congress has allocated $1.5 billion to the National Institutes of Health over the next four years to study post-covid conditions. Requests for proposals have already been issued.
“There is hope that this miserable experience with covid will be valuable,” said Dr. David Goldstein, head of NIH’s Autonomic Medicine Section.
A unique opportunity for advances in treatment, he said, exists because researchers can study a large sample of people who got the same virus at roughly the same time, yet some recovered and some did not.
Long-term symptoms are common. A University of Washington study published in February in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s Network Open found that 27% of covid survivors ages 18-39 had persistent symptoms three to nine months after testing negative for covid. The percentage was slightly higher for middle-aged patients, and 43% for patients 65 and over.
The most common complaint: persistent fatigue. A Mayo Clinic study published last month found that 80% of long-haulers complained of fatigue and nearly half of “brain fog.” Less common symptoms are inflamed heart muscles, lung function abnormalities and acute kidney problems.
Larger studies remain to be conducted. However, “even if only a tiny percentage of the millions who contracted covid suffer long-term consequences,” said Rowe, “we’re talking a huge influx of patients, and we don’t have the clinical capacity to take care of them.”
Symptoms of autonomic dysfunction are showing up in patients who had mild, moderate or severe covid symptoms.
Yet even today, some physicians discount conditions like POTS and CFS, both much more common in women than men. With no biomarkers, these syndromes are sometimes considered psychological.
The experience of POTS patient Jaclyn Cinnamon, 31, is typical. She became ill in college 13 years ago. The Illinois resident, now on the patient advisory board of Dysautonomia International, saw dozens of doctors seeking an explanation for her racing heart, severe fatigue, frequent vomiting, fever and other symptoms. For years, without results, she saw specialists in infectious disease, cardiology, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, endocrinology and alternative medicine — and a psychiatrist, “because some doctors clearly thought I was simply a hysterical woman.”
It took three years for her to be diagnosed with POTS. The test is simple: Patients lie down for five minutes and have their blood pressure and heart rate taken. They then either stand or are tilted to 70-80 degrees and their vital signs are retaken. The heart rate of those with POTS will increase by at least 30 beats per minute, and often as much as 120 beats per minute within 10 minutes. POTS and CFS symptoms range from mild to debilitating.
The doctor who diagnosed Cinnamon told her he didn’t have the expertise to treat POTS. Nine years after the onset of the illness, she finally received treatment that alleviated her symptoms. Although there are no federally approved drugs for POTS or CFS, experienced physicians use a variety of medicines including fludrocortisone, commonly prescribed for Addison’s disease, that can improve symptoms. Some patients are also helped by specialized physical therapy that first involves a therapist assisting with exercises while the patient is lying down, then later the use of machines that don’t require standing, such as rowing machines and recumbent exercise bicycles. Some recover over time; some do not.
Dawson said she can’t imagine the “darkness” experienced by patients who lack her access to a network of health care professionals. A retired endocrinologist urged her to have her adrenal function checked. Dawson discovered that her glands were barely producing cortisol, a hormone critical to vital body functions.
Medical progress, she added, is everyone’s best hope.
Stiles, whose organization funds research and provides physician and patient resources, is optimistic.
“Never in history has every major medical center in the world been studying the same disease at the same time with such urgency and collaboration,” she said. “I’m hoping we’ll understand covid and post-covid syndrome in record time.”
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Little-Known Illnesses Turning Up in Covid Long-Haulers published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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healthycureslife · 3 years
Type 1 Diabetes – Symptoms, Treatment, Causes and More
Whether you face type 1 diabetes, are a well wisher or loved one of a person with type 1 diabetes, or just want to learn more, the following page contains an overview of type 1 diabetes. If you are new to type 1 diabetes, Check out this blog which answers some of the basic questions about type 1 diabetes
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What is Type 1 Diabetes
It is a disease in which the body can no longer produce insulin. Insulin is usually needed to change sugar or glucose and other food sources into energy for the body’s cells. It is said that in people having type 1 diabetes, the body’s own immune system attacks and kills the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. In the absence of insulin, the body cannot control blood sugar, and people can suffer from dangerously high blood sugar levels called hyperglycemia. To control their blood sugar levels, people with type 1 diabetes inject insulin into their body. Before the discovery of insulin, type 1 diabetes was a death sentence but still some patients are suffering due to poor access to insulin.
Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms
signs and symptoms can appear relatively suddenly and may include:
The person experiences Increased thirst
Frequent urination is also a common symptom
Bed-wetting in children who previously didn’t wet the bed during the night
The patient has extreme hunger
Unintended weight loss
Irritability and other mood changes
Fatigue and weakness
Blurred vision
Type 1 Diabetes Treatment
Patient who have type 1 diabetes can live healthy, long lives. You’ll need to keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels. Your doctor will give you a range that the numbers should stay within. Adjust your insulin, food, and daily routine as necessary.
Patient with type 1 diabetes needs to use insulin shots to control their blood sugar.
When your doctor talks about insulin, they’ll mention three main things:
“Onset” is how long it takes to reach your bloodstream and begin lowering your blood sugar.
“Peak time” is when insulin is doing the most work in terms of lowering your blood sugar.
“Duration” is how long it keeps working after onset.
Several types of insulin are available.
Rapid-acting starts to work in about 15 minutes. It peaks about 1 hour after you take it and continues to work for 2 to 4 hours.
Regular or short-acting gets to work in about 30 minutes. It peaks between 2 and 3 hours and keeps working for 3 to 6 hours.
Intermediate-acting won’t get into your bloodstream for 2 to 4 hours after your shot. It peaks from 4 to 12 hours and works for 12 to 18 hours.
Long-acting takes several hours to get into your system and lasts about 24 hours.
Your doctor may start you out with two injections a day of two types of insulin. Later, you might need more shots.
Most insulin comes in a small glass bottle called a vial. You draw it out with a syringe that has a needle on the end and give yourself the shot. Some kinds come in a prefilled pen. Another kind is inhaled. You can also get it from a pump, a device you wear that sends it into your body through a small tube. Your doctor will help you pick the type and the delivery method that’s best for you.
Type 1 Diabetes Causes
It isn’t entirely clear what triggers the development of type 1 diabetes. Researchers do know that genes play a role; there is an inherited susceptibility. However, something must set off the immune system, causing it to turn against itself and leading to the development of type 1 diabetes.
Do Genes Play a Role
Some people cannot develop type 1 diabetes; that’s because they don’t have the genetic coding that researchers have linked to type 1 diabetes. Scientists have figured out that type 1 diabetes can develop in people who have a particular HLA complex. HLA stands for human leukocyte antige, and antigens function is to trigger an immune response in the body.
There are several HLA complexes that are associated with type 1 diabetes, and all of them are on chromosome 6.
Different HLA complexes can lead to the development of other autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Like those conditions, type 1 diabetes has to be triggered by something—usually a viral infection.
What Can Trigger Type 1 Diabetes
Here’s the whole process of what happens with a viral infection: When a virus invades the body, the immune system starts to produce antibodies that fight the infection.T cells are in charge of making the antibodies, and then they also help in fighting the virus.
However, if the virus has some of the same antigens as the beta cells—the cells that make insulin in the pancreas—then the T cells can actually turn against the beta cells. The T cell products (antibodies) can destroy the beta cells, and once all the beta cells in your body have been destroyed, you can’t produce enough insulin.
It takes a long time (usually several years) for the T cells to destroy the majority of the beta cells, but that original viral infection is what is thought to trigger the development of type 1 diabetes.
Not every virus can trigger the T cells to turn against the beta cells. The virus must have antigens that are similar enough to the antigens in beta cells, and those viruses include:
B4 strain of the coxsackie B virus (which can cause a range of illnesses from gastrointestinal problems to myocarditis—inflammation of the muscle part of the heart)
German measles
Rotavirus (which generally causes diarrhea)
There have also been some controversial studies into the connection between drinking cow’s milk as an infant and the development of type 1 diabetes. Researchers don’t all agree on this, but some believe that the proteins in cow’s milk are similar to a protein that controls T cell production called glycodelin. The baby’s body attacks the foreign protein—the cow’s milk protein—but then also attacks glycodelin, leading to an overproduction of T cells. And too many T cells in the body can lead to those T cells destroying the beta cells.
Researchers have made significant progress in understanding the cause of type 1 diabetes, and they’re still hard at work to figure out why certain viruses trigger it and why T cells turn against beta cells. The medical community wants to better understand the cases of diabetes in order to prevent it.
Fast Facts
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Can lead to other problems, especially if it isn’t well-controlled. Complications include:
Poor blood flow and nerve damage. Damaged nerves and hardened arteries lead to a loss of feeling in and a lack of blood supply to your feet. This raises your chances of injury and makes it harder for open sores and wounds to heal. When that happens, you could lose a limb. Nerve damage can also cause digestive problems like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Cardiovascular disease. Diabetes can put you at higher risk of blood clots, as well as high blood pressure and cholesterol. These can lead to chest pain, heart attack, stroke, or heart failure.
Retinopathy. This eye problem happens in about 80% of adults who have had type 1 diabetes for more than 15 years. It’s rare before puberty, no matter how long you’ve had the disease. To prevent it — and keep your eyesight — keep good control of blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides.
Pregnancy problems. Women with type 1 diabetes have a higher risk of early delivery, birth defects, stillbirth, and preeclampsia.
Gum disease. A lack of saliva, too much plaque, and poor blood flow can cause mouth problems.
Kidney damage. About 20% to 30% of people with type 1 diabetes get a condition called nephropathy. The chances go up over time. It’s most likely to show up 15 to 25 years after the onset of diabetes. It can lead to other serious problems like kidney failure and heart disease.
Skin problems. People with diabetes are more likely to get bacterial or fungal infections. Diabetes can also cause blisters or rashes.
Diabetes Supplement
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onlinecannabisoil · 5 years
Medical THC hemp oil is potentially life-changing to cure liver cancer
Could cannabis oil help cure liver disease ?
Liver cancer is a potentially fatal disease characterized by aggressive liver tumor growth. The 5-year survival rate for liver cancer is about 30% at early diagnosis.
If feasible, treatment usually involves surgery, local treatment, or chemo / radiotherapy. Now, new research indicates that cannabis oil to cure liver cancer can also help treat liver tumors.
Are you possibly one who needs another reason to swap the alcohol for cannabis? Research shows that weed could have a profound impact in the treatment of liver disease.
To date in 2019, approximately 28 million Americans have some type of liver illness. In fact, liver disease was ranked at the tenth most collective cause of death in the United States.
And the U.S. is far from alone.
Around the world, liver disease impacts millions of people’s lives which is not widely known.
Meanwhile, research shows cannabis not only alleviates pain and inflammation but also restores liver functioning.
This is huge! If a person’s liver gets brutally damaged e.g. (alcohol / sugar) it then will lose the ability to repair its cells and the entire organ will remain impaired.
So in a nut shell, this is what you need to know about the benefits of cannabis and liver disease.
What is liver cancer?
Liver cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the liver. There are many different types of liver cancer. However, the most common is hepatocellular carcinoma, which affects the main type of liver cells (hepatocytes).
Nutrients, medicines or substances such as alcohol pass through the blood into the liver, where they are processed, stored, modified and detoxified.
Then these substances are returned to the bloodstream so that the body can either use them or release them into the intestine, where they are excreted.
Liver cancer is caused by abnormal cell growth in the liver. These cells eventually adhere together and form a tumor.
As the tumor grows larger, it begins to affect the proper functioning of the liver. Because the liver is so vital to us, a tumor can be a potentially life-threatening hazard.
The most common cause of liver cancer is cirrhosis of the liver, which is caused by hepatitis or alcohol consumption.
Other factors that increase the risk of liver cancer are hepatitis B or C, diabetes, and other hereditary or non-alcoholic liver disease.
The Progression of Liver Disease
To better understand how the benefits of how cannabis can treat liver diseases, it will be beneficial to first look into how the liver functions.
The liver is the largest internal organ in the body and is extremely important for a variety of metabolic processes and different roles in the body including:
1. Processing, delivering and storing food
2. It plays an important role in detoxifying the body eg. cleaning the blood
3. Detoxifying harmful substances
4. It helps to extract nutrients from food (stores them and, if necessary)
5. It delivers nutrients to the cells if need be.
6. Producing of vital nutrients such as bile and much more!
A healthy liver is vital to human life.
However it is a fact that the liver also has an amazing ability to restore itself. A healthy liver can regenerate cells even if it's been damaged.
When an injury occurs to the liver which is too severe or has taken place over an extended period of time, it leads to the loss of this extra ordinary capability.
The liver goes on to eventually create scar tissue.
The first stage of this scarring is fibrosis. The last stage is cirrhosis.
What Causes liver Cirrhosis?
Cirrhosis may happen when the liver produces excess scar tissue from long-term damage.
A healthy liver will regenerate healthy cells. A liver that is unhealthy that over a long time has developed into cirrhosis will automatically regenerate scar tissue.
This scar tissue replaces the healthy cells. This indirectly results in the liver not being able to perform its daily functioning properly.
The longer this cycle continues, the more vicious it becomes. When the cirrhosis has gone to an advanced stage, the scar tissue will start to outnumber the good and healthy tissue.
This process in turn will make it increasingly tougher for the liver to perform its even most basic functions.
Cirrhosis may follow onto a large sum of incapacitating side effects including the following: fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, itching, and even yellowing of the skin.
However, research indicates cannabis can cure liver cirrhosis. In fact, it may even treat the root cause of the condition.
The Role of the Endocannabinoid System
Pic: Your cannabinoid receptors are embedded on the surface of your cells.
Why is cannabis effective for treating liver disease?
This is due to the endocannabinoid system, or ECS.
The ECS, present in both humans and animals, is one of the most important systems in the body.
First discovered in the late 1980s and early 90s, researchers found that the ECS is an expansive network of chemical compounds and receptors.
These receptors, CB1 and CB2, are located throughout the brain, body, organs, and central nervous system.
When working in unison, the receptors in the liver work together to form a signaling system that helps to sustain health & balance among nearly all metabolic processes.
A certain measure of this signaling involves the CB receptors working in conjunction with chemicals produced by the body called endocannabinoids.
When there is a dysfunction in this system, the cannabinoids in cannabis (like THC and CBD) happen to be nature's perfect supplement for the ECS.
Have a look the the following video and how it shows a cirrhosis damaged liver that has been hammered over a period of many years mainly by alcohol abuse and repairs itself from the use of medicinal cannabis oil for liver cancer whereby cells that are damaged heal themselves
Cannabinoids and the Liver
In 2005, researchers from Hebrew University Medical School found that endocannabinoids help modulate inflammatory responses along with vascular changes.
The study revealed endocannabinoids are crucial to neurological functioning and beneficial for people suffering from liver diseases such as cirrhosis and fibrosis.
The researchers from the study concluded:
“Endocannabinoids seem to be involved in numerous aspects of acute & chronic liver disease, as well as vascular changes, modulation of inflammatory process and neurological function.”
In 2012, a study published in cell death and disease revealed CBD (one of several cannabinoids present in cannabis) plays a critical part in the treatment of marijuana oil for liver disease.
During the 10 month course, mice were fed growing amounts various concentrations of different cannabinoids.
Astonishingly, the researchers found that CBD induced apoptosis in HSCs, or hepatic stellate cells. These HCSs responsible in part for the development of scar tissue in the liver are vital.
In other words, the CBD properties from cannabis killed off the harmful cells that lead to the progression of liver disease.
Granted, this study did not involve human subjects. Nevertheless, the results are telling, especially when we look at the research as a whole.
Just take the study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, for example.
In the study, researchers examined the effects of CBD on hepatic encephalopathy, a neuropsychiatric disorder caused by acute or chronic liver failure.
Mice were injected with both thioacetamide and saline in the study. Thioacetamide is a substance that encourages liver fibrosis in mice.
The experimental mice were then treated with one of two possible options - CBD or a vehicle (a substance comparable to that of CBD properties, minus the active element)
During the experiment, researchers discovered that CBD only had the ability to restore neurological & cognitive functioning impaired in thioacetamide-treated mice.
As a matter of fact, CBD alone restored normal liver functioning completely in the mice that were experiencing liver failure.
Upon finishing the study, the researchers concluded:
“Cannabidiol can fully restore liver function, and at the same time, normalizes the 5-HT levels & also relates to improving brain pathology in accordance with the normalization of brain function capacity.
We can then conclude, the effects of cannabidiol may result from an arrangement of its actions in the liver & the brain.”
Imagine for a moment if this same study had been performed on humans. Medicinal companies would likely be very much further in our understanding of medical cannabis oil to be used as a treatment for liver disease.
Meanwhile, the U.S. government still classifies pot as a Schedule I drug with zero medicinal properties. Clearly, the above research reveals the facts to be otherwise.
Medical marijuana oil is life-changing after taken for 4 months in order to cure liver cancer
Many people across the globe are suffering from liver disease right now and medicinal cannabis oil for liver cancer could potentially be the cure doctors cannot prescribe.
Medical cannabis: A new alternative?
Medical cannabis and cancer is a topic that attracts much attention in the medical community. Cannabinoids such as THC and CBD have already received much praise from patients and physicians for the effective treatment of side effects such as nausea, vomiting and pain.
However, research shows that these cannabinoids hide much more power in themselves.
Research into the effects of cannabinoids on cancer dates back to the late 1980s, with some studies showing that THC is able to stop the maturation process of damaged cultured liver cells. Since then, an increasing number of studies are trying to capture how cannabinoids can help cure liver cancer with cannabis oil.
Share this article if you are of the belief cannabis contains valuable medicinal properties.
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mathbonsai7 · 4 years
Nasal Spray Addiction
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' Everybody Is Asking Me Where I Have Actually Been On Vacation'.
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I personally began at 50mcg, and afterwards titrated my dosage up VERY GRADUALLY throughout a couple of shots weekly for numerous weeks, each with a little of sun/tanning bed direct exposure straight after the shots. I 'd just take the dosage and then most likely to the health club and also go sun tanning prior to you exercise. My gym has a tanning bed included, would it still be valuable to take my dose when I obtained house quickly following my tanning session? Additionally being 6' 1 ″ 230lbs should would you suggest start with 0.25 mg two times a week or 0.1 mg twice a week.
The signs and symptoms of a melatonin overdose will certainly vary from person to person. Some individuals might locate that excessive melatonin may in fact trigger them to be more awake, which is the reverse of its intended purpose. Due to prospective side effects, it is vital that any person beginning to take melatonin supplements talk with a doctor initially.
' Every Person Is Asking Me Where I Have Actually Been On Holiday'.
Normally the nausea is just triggered by taking also large of a dose than your body awaits though anyways, as well as all adverse negative effects need to disappear over a brief period of time. Not only will it boost your erectile top quality, duration, and also the quantity of erections you obtain daily, it can substantially decrease your refractory time, along with boost your sexual desire itself.
melanotan.eu: in vitamin K, a nutrient that can increase bone density to sustain improved development as well as aid preserve your elevation. In one tiny research in 14 people, consuming almonds was found to hinder the development of osteoclasts, which are a sort of cell that breaks down bone cells. A deficiency in this vital vitamin can include severe side effects, including stunted growth in kids. Beans are additionally high in iron as well as B vitamins, which can assist secure against anemia, a problem identified by an absence of healthy and balanced red blood cells in the body. Various other trace elements like calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and phosphorus are involved in bone wellness, which is main to development.
You'll be fine, no you won't lose your tan, if anything you would certainly proceed getting darker while taking a trip. It does not just immediately stop working when you stop taking it. I have not even utilized it for a year as well as my baseline skin shade is completely much more tanned currently. What is the minimum I would need to lay in the tanning bed? So just wishing i don't throw away plenty of weeks adminstering dose as well as utilizing sun beds to figure out my stuffs loser.
What is the Barbie drug?
Nicknamed "the Barbie drug," Melanotan II promises to make users "tanned, thin and turned on," but doctors warned it could also prove to be fatal. Initially popular with bodybuilders, the injectable drug is used by models, brides-to-be, actresses and others seeking an instant tan.
Melanotan II was initially made with the purpose of stopping the possibility of skin cancer, and it certainly can. Find out just how much rest is required, the results of obtaining insufficient, and ideas for far better sleep. It is not likely that a grown-up taking melatonin will certainly experience a clinical emergency situation. On the other hand, kids are even more most likely to experience severe medical concerns when they take melatonin supplements. If a person needs to stop using melatonin as a result of adverse effects, a medical professional or rest professional might have the ability to advise other techniques to aid the person sleep.
What makes skin tan?
Tanning is caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds that causes genetic damage to cells on your outmost layer of skin. The skin tries to prevent further injury by producing melanin (the pigment that gives our skin its color) that results in darkening – what we call a tan.
Get Melanotan ☀ Sun Tanning Injections.
A little worries me because of the reality, no flushing (and I'm a flusher) as well as from what I have actually reviewed it's not working if there's no flushing. I haven't made use of Melanotan or gone tanning in over 3 months now. It eliminates my hunger as well as I have actually been bulking and it was counterproductive and it's Winter season anyways so I really did not care. U specified to tan straight after injecting melanotan ... id would certainly assume it takes a few hrs to enter your system. 3.) I'm an extremely pale individual, a whole lot paler than every person I have actually ever seen and also paler than you in your beginning image.
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Do Tan tablets work?
Tanning accelerators, such as lotions or pills that contain the amino acid tyrosine or its derivatives, do not work and may be dangerous. Marketers say these products stimulate the body's own tanning process, but most evidence suggests they don't work.
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Tanning pills do not include the ingredients you might locate in sunless tanners. These usually consist of an FDA-approved active ingredient called dihydroxyacetone. The idea is to dim your skin in time with long-term use. Tablets for tanning aren't risk-free, but you still have actually much safer alternatives contrasted to UV ray tanning. These are readily available as lotions, sprays, and also gels, and they will not result in the inner organ damages that tablets for tanning can.
I can get the item today but if it's not mosting likely to assist I might not. The people that explode with freckles and also moles are normally doing huge loading phases, and also using it on days they aren't also exposed to UV. Completion result was an extremely dark tan, with no noticeable brand-new freckles, moles, or obvious darkening of existing blemishes and moles.
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An additional natural substance, L-carnitine, aids in the transfer of fuel right into mini giants in the heart cells, enhancing heart-muscle function. A research revealed significant benefit in angina victims that took 1g of L-carnitine twice a day. Ultimately, the vitamin-like material Coenzyme Q10 assists produce energy in the heart-muscle cells. One of the most vital nutrients for managing angina is magnesium.
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I'm not concerned about an "throughout tan" simply the locations I subject in the sunlight. I've pinned 3 times currently and also no side effects whatsoever.
Will Melanotan ever be legal?
Melanotan is not legal. It has not undergone the stringent safety and effectiveness testing that all medicines have to undergo before they can be licensed for use. This means that the side effects of this treatment are not known.
NO.Tanning does not aid deal with SAD, and UV light from tanning beds is proven to cause you harm. Tanning does not safeguard against sunburn; it just reveals you to more harmful UV rays. The most effective way to stop sunburn is to look for the shade, use protective apparel, a wide-brimmed hat as well as UV blocking sunglasses, and also apply sunscreen on a daily basis. The MHRA is also examining another kind of Ubertan which was found to contain Melanotan II, a kind of hormone that increases the levels of the pigment melanin in the body.
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Can you get a tan with vitiligo?
Because vitiligo spots have no melanin, they can't tan. If the skin isn't protected with sunscreen, vitiligo patches may burn or scar. Getting a tan on the rest of your body will only highlight the white patches, especially if you have light skin.
And also, low degrees of omega-3 fatty acids can be connected to an enhanced threat of sleep issues in children, which can adversely affect development too. Research studies show that collagen can increase bone density as well as improve bone health and wellness, which could help you grow taller or keep your elevation. One tiny research discovered that giving children with reduced vitamin D levels a vitamin D supplement led to enhanced growth over a 6-month period.
Does Melanotan help vitiligo?
First developed in the 1980s by researchers at the University of Arizona, Melanotan is principally used for the treatment of skin disorders including vitiligo and erythropoietic protoporphyria that affect skin appearance and sensitivity (especially to sunlight).
This helps slow down atherosclerosis, and might additionally minimize the danger of spasm in the coronary arteries by loosening up the muscle mass in the wall surface of these vessels. I would certainly taper slower personally, yet ultimately it will depend upon your timeline as well as exactly how susceptible you are to freckles/moles and your threat tolerance. You're lucky if you really did not obtain any moles at that dosage, that's higher than essential, also for obtaining silly dark. Begun with 50mcg for 2 days, both days wen to tan directly after the shot, yet both days I really felt terrible as well as stopped after day 2, it took around 48h to really feel typical once more.
Is Melanotan 2 safe to use?
“Side-effects of Melanotan 2 include nausea and vomiting. Users face high blood pressure, heart issues and blood disorders. “The jab makes moles darker, which could lead to skin cancer. “Anyone who uses a sunbed is around 20 per cent more likely to develop malignant melanoma.
What Not To Take With Melatonin.
The rise in melanin from melanogenesis is more associated with skin tone as well as coloring generally. Management must NEVER EVER be done on days that you are not going sun tanning. Management and tanning would certainly be done every other day or every 3rd day. Now, I can maintain a very dark and healthy and balanced looking tan with just one 250 mcg shot weekly and a little of UV direct exposure. It gets annoying as spunk to only be able to wear black so you don't discolor your clothes each time you leave your residence to state the least, and this tanning cream most definitely does not let down.
Prevalent protection has been provided to the news that Melanotan, injected under the skin to urge the skin to dim, has never been safety and security checked by any type of Western federal government medical care company.
Phony tanning creams and sprays may stand for a much safer choice for those that want to have tanned skin, but they ought to be avoided by expecting women.
Considering Australia's credibility for even more skin cancers than almost anywhere in the world, the ways in which Australians reply to "melanotanning" will certainly be interesting.
The nasal tanners are illegal in the UK, yet can be brought on the internet and are unlicensed.
Anyone infusing themselves with an unlicensed item is risking their wellness.
Jamie utilizes tan cream and also nasal tanners, in addition to sunbeds, to get her desired radiance.
A synthetic hormonal agent infused to "cover up tans" is prohibited as well as must not be utilized, advised The Independent today.
' The fact that it is injected also raises significant inquiries.
Beta carotene may lead to a high intake of vitamin A in your body. Their active ingredients aren't all-natural, and they can lead to some severe side effects.
An individual must stay clear of taking melatonin alongside items including high levels of caffeine or alcohol, as both of these can influence an individual's ability to sleep. Melatonin is not suggested for children unless they have a neurodevelopmental disorder that makes it tough for them to sleep. If a doctor prescribes melatonin for a youngster, it is essential to follow the specific dosage recommended. Even percentages of melatonin can cause seizures or other serious side effects. Others locate that taking too much melatonin triggers them to feel exceptionally drowsy during unexpected times or cause intense desires or problems.
All the tanning beds in my country are restricted to 0.3 W/m ², yet I'm still a little bit afraid. The online forum likewise has several people complaining regarding worsening results than in earlier days. I'm directly mainly anxious regarding ending up with inaccurate dosages and also pollutants. Hi I am going to tailand on the 10th of January as well as wish to obtain some color before I go there, I am the palest person I have ever before seen and also don't tan.
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Taking a melatonin supplement may aid minimize insomnia as well as sleep-related troubles. Some individuals take melatonin supplements while traveling to minimize jet lag. Management of an approximated 9 mL to a 6 kg baby or neonate is potentially efficient in generating high blood pressure adjustments. This is not a total list of negative effects and also others may happen. Our Bacteriostatic Water Side Effects Drug Facility provides an extensive view of available medicine information on the possible negative effects when taking this medication.
Your description on why some Melanotan 2 individuals may be at an increased threat for developing even more moles under certain problems appears extremely probable. I honestly don't suggest any type of method aside from the conservative technique I described.
Why are nasal Tanners illegal?
Are nasal sprays legal? try this product in the same way allergy sprays are taken. They can contain an unlicensed compound called melanotan II, which is similar to a hormone that increases the production of melanin in the skin, causing it to darken. Melanotan II is unlicensed and could have unknown side effects.
Furthermore, each serving of quinoa contains a hearty dose of manganese, folate, and phosphorus-- all of which are very important for bone health and wellness too. Preserving a healthy and balanced digestive tract microbiome can additionally increase nutrient absorption to guarantee that you're obtaining the minerals and vitamins you require for growth as well as advancement. They're especially rich in vitamin A, which can boost bone health and help you expand taller or keep your elevation.
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He claims making use of melanotan can cause individuals to have unnecessary surgical procedure. Dr Robert Miller is a specialist skin doctor in Townsville, as well as has actually dealt with people who have made use of melanotan. Spokeswoman for Cancer Council Queensland Katie Clift claims melanotan mimics the activity of an all-natural skin hormone.
How quickly do tanning injections work?
"Within 6 days you will begin to see your skin warming up to a natural-looking sunkissed glow."
Therapy for a melatonin overdose will depend on the seriousness of the signs. In an emergency situation, a medical professional will concentrate on maintaining the person's condition. An individual experiencing chest pain or trouble breathing may call for extra medical treatments. Individuals ought to likewise report any kind of undesirable adverse effects from melatonin to a physician asap. Melatonin can have a direct effect on an individual's sleep cycle.
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How pneumonia is more prone to Covid-19?
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The novel coronavirus is itself is enough to take the breath of a person. Covid-19 which is spreading to at high rate, causing a big number with each passing day with accurate vaccine discovered till the date. On that having pneumonia or becoming pneumonia along with COVID is a deadly combination. Pneumonia is a severe lung infection, in some people, it becomes fatal and especially in elders and those who are already dealing with respiratory disorders. A person suffering from COVID can become the patient of pneumonia as well as coronavirus can spread to lungs causing pneumonia. In COVID-19, the mild symptoms of coughing, fever, or shortness of breath are shown, if it’s not examined at the correct time, it can result in causing pneumonia in both the lungs.
What is Pneumonia?
Pneumonia is a lung infection that forms inflammation in tiny air sacs inside the lungs. They fill it with so much fluid, make fluid pools, which makes it difficult for the person to breadth. Under this, a person may have severe shortness of breath, cough, fever, chest pain, chills, and fatigue. In earlier treatment, doctors recommend the cough medicines and pain killers to reduce the fever. But when this doesn’t work, you will need to go to the hospital for breathing with the machine called a ventilator.
The relation between Pneumonia and Covid-19:
Covid-19 is a respiratory diseases & a person may suffer cough, fever, muscle aches, or fatigue in this. This virus takes place in the respiratory tract and progresses to the lungs causing inflammation and this air sacs or alveoli fills with fluid and pus. Due to this, the person gets difficulty in taking oxygen. In severe cases of pneumonia, lungs get so inflamed, they do not allow oxygen or carbon-dioxide to do their function properly, which results in kidney failure, heart failure and other life-threatening diseases.
People suffering from Covid-19 pneumonia are prone to develop acute respiratory distress syndrome. This is a progressive type of respiratory syndrome which makes it harder for the person to breathe. Many people with ARDS need mechanical ventilation to help them breathe.
Symptoms for pneumonia along with Covid-19 are mild to severe as the disease progresses. These are the major symptoms seen are:
• coughing • loss of appetite • nausea • vomiting • shortness of breath • fever • difficulty breathing deeply • Fatigue • Chills • Diarrhea • Belly pain • Muscle or body aches • A headache • Loss of smell or taste • A sore throat • Congestion or a runny nose • Pinkeye • Skin rashes • Rapid heartbeat • Shortness of breath or breathlessness • Rapid breathing • Dizziness • Heavy sweating
As per now, there is no specific treatment available for COVID-19 along with COVID-19 pneumonia. Basically it is the supportive care, that is paying attention to yourself, make sure you have required amount of oxygen but if you feel like your case is turning to severe level and not able to take oxygen, visit the hospital immediately, the doctor may use a ventilator to provide to with enough oxygen. Along with that, sometimes people with viral pneumonia can also develop a secondary bacterial infection. Under this, antibiotics are used to treat the infection. Thus you are supposed to have genuine medicines. Therefore get your medicines from the best online pharmacy in India, 3Meds. It is observed, under such situations, people try to treat it by themselves that ends up increasing the complications. Thus do not add the risk and visit the physician. If you are with severe pneumonia, then you need to stay in the hospital while you will receive intravenous fluids and monitoring. 
From today’s update, it is not possible to prevent COVID-19 pneumonia, but these are some of the points which can be considered:
Do not show leniency in implementing infection control measures like frequent hand washing, physical distancing, and regular cleaning highly touched objects.
Pay attention to your lifestyle habits, make it more turned towards improving your immune system as in, stay hydrated, follow a healthy diet routine, and get enough sleep.
Do not skip your doctor visits or medications if you are already under certain treatment. It’s risky to go to pharmacies and get medicines, thus them online from the best medical store online in India.
Bottom Line:
Covid-19 and pneumonia are related to each other but that nowhere means a person with pneumonia will too get caused by COVID-19 or vice versa. Along with that, there is no such treatment to get over it. Thus do not skip your current treatment and medication and get it home delivered from the best health care service provider in India, 3Meds.
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roshny1306 · 5 years
Why kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment the best solution?
Kidney failure is the state of the kidneys in which they don't function the way they should. In other words, kidney failure is the condition in which the kidneys stop working their natural functions efficiently. It's a broad term and covers a lot of problems. The below-listed problems can result in kidney failure:-
They don't get sufficient blood
Increased blood sugar (Diabetes)
Any blockage in kidneys or urinary tract
Polycystic kidney disease
High blood pressure (Hypertension)
In kidney failure treatment, dialysis and kidney transplant are the only treatment options left. Both these Allopathic procedures are too expensive to afford by a large chunk of patients. While Ayurveda offers the best kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment that helps in curing this disorder permanently.
Classifications of kidney failure
In general, there are two types of kidney failure; Acute kidney failure and Chronic kidney failure.
Acute kidney failure:- Acute kidney failure is also known as Acute kidney injury takes place suddenly; within a few hours or days. This health disease can be reversed with proper treatment if taken timely.
Chronic kidney failure:- Chronic kidney failure is also called chronic renal failure that develops gradually over a long period.
Kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment is the best cure for all types of kidney failure efficiently.
Symptoms related to kidney failure
The symptoms of kidney failure can vary as per the severity of kidney failure, and its causes. With the answer to these questions, one can determine how long a kidney failure patient can live.
Acute kidney failure
In this form of kidney failure, a patient can notice a large number of symptoms. Those are:-
Swollen in different body parts
Abnormal values in blood and urine tests
Increased blood pressure
Chronic kidney failure
In the early stage of CKD, no symptoms appear. But as the disease progresses to its advanced level, a patient can get several symptoms. The symptoms of CKD also vary as per the stage. However, the CKD symptoms are:-
Increased blood pressure
Unusual weight loss
Nausea & Vomiting
Taste of metal in the mouth
Loss of eating urge
Breath shortening
Pain in chest
Hands, feet, and face swelling.
Trouble in sleeping
What can cause kidneys to get failed?
Some factors can be responsible for affecting the functionality of the kidneys suddenly while others slowly. Hence, let’s take a look at the factors either responsible for Acute renal failure or Chronic renal failure.
Acute kidney failure takes place due to:-
Low blood flow
Sudden blockage in kidneys
Increased blood pressure
Kidney swelling
Chronic kidney disease can occur:-
High blood pressure
Urinary tract infection
Kidney infection
Diagnosis of kidney failure
Most of the kidney diseases are identified using blood sampling tests for checking Albumin, Creatinine, Urea, and toxins present in the blood. In the condition of kidney failure, the level of toxins and wastes increases because kidneys are not capable of clearing them out from the blood.
Along with that, urinalysis, biopsy, and screenings are the tests that can be taken into utilization to diagnose kidney problems. Based on the test reports, your doctor can confirm that your kidneys have failed if the test reports are positive.
Which treatment options to choose for kidney failure treatment?
In every field, there is a huge competition; the medical sector has not been untouched with it. For treating one health disorder, you have many treatment options to choose from. But most of them do not guarantee permanent and safe treatment, which makes you confuse in choosing the treatment system. Sometimes, you are at a health state where you have no u-turn, and taking a wrong decision can pay off with your life. That ‘s why, before choosing a treatment procedure, you should take a deep insight into the pros and cons of the treatment. You don’t need to worry; we are here to help you with the same problem. The points stated above will also be popping up into your mind in case of kidney failure. So, let us tell you that Ayurvedic treatment is the best kidney failure treatment.
Ayurveda is an ancient treatment science having roots in the Indian subcontinental. It’s an extensive science that believes in curing a health disorder by working on the roots of disease.
This treatment is based upon the premise that disease is the output of the state of disharmony with the environment. With this approach, the healing process of Ayurveda revolves around reestablishing that harmony between self and the environment. For that, Ayurveda uses only specific herbs grown naturally in typical weather conditions. Along with that, some lifestyle modifications are also responsible for stimulating the natural healing process. That’s why Ayurvedic treatment is considered as a holistic and natural treatment procedures. This treatment method works on the origin of a disorder to cure it permanently. The efficacy of the treatment can be determined by this statement that Ayurveda has the potential to cure diseases that incurable by Allopathy and other treatment methods.
In kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment, Ayurveda applies its own unique and natural healing treatment principle. In this principle, kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment is a complete package that helps you in getting relief from your kidney failure condition efficiently. This natural treatment utilizes some sacred herbs and a few conventional therapies like acupressure, acupuncture, massages, etc. In addition, this natural treatment also emphasizes renal-diet and exercises that can help in the health betterment of a kidney patient. Eventually, the best kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment makes a patient free from his complications by restoring the health of his kidneys naturally. In a nutshell, kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment rejuvenates the health of the kidneys and strengthens them so that they can perform their functions naturally. Hence, Ayurvedic treatment cures a kidney failure patient naturally. Choose the best kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment to set yourself free from kidney failure complications naturally.
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luckyfastlight-blog · 7 years
Wilson’s Disease is a genetic disease that prevent the body from reducing copper. It affects mainly the liver, eye, and nervous system. It is caused by autosomal recessive mutation in the ATP7B gene, a gene responsible for reducing copper. This disease is symptomatic and easy to diagnose. The goal of this research paper is to provide further information about Wilson’s Disease because as we all know this disease is not familiar to all. This research paper includes the hallmarks of the disease, its diagnoses, incidence rate, challenges and life expectancy of the person who have it, and treatment and rehabilitation. After the research, the researcher found out that the chance of getting this disease vary if both of the parents have or carrier of the disease. Most often, female members of this family tend to express this trait more than males. One way of preventing it is through genetic manipulation like if someone have the disease, they should marry someone that is not a carrier or have it.
 Key Words. Wilson’s Disease, Genetic Disease, Copper, Autosomal Recessive       Mutation, and Carrier.
In a healthy body, the liver filters out excess copper and releases it through urine. With Wilson’s disease, the liver cannot remove the extra copper properly. The extra copper then builds up in organs such as the brain, liver, and eyes. Wilson’s disease, also known as hepatolenticular degeneration and progressive lenticular degeneration, is a rare genetic disorder that causes copper poisoning in the body. It affects about 1 in 30,000 people worldwide. Early diagnosis is crucial for stopping the progression of Wilson’s disease. Treatment may involve taking medication or getting a liver transplant. Delaying or not receiving treatment can cause liver failure, brain damage, or other life-threatening conditions. (Krause & Nall 2005)
According to Tidy (2014), Wilson's disease was originally described by Dr. Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson in 1912. It is a disorder of hepatic copper disposition caused by mutations in the gene ATP7B, located on chromosome 13. This gene encodes a P-type adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), known as Wilson's ATPase, which functions within hepatocytes to move copper across intracellular membranes. The copper-transporting action directly supports production of the ferroxidase caeruloplasmin, in which copper is incorporated, as well as excretion of copper into bile. Consequently, in Wilson's disease, serum concentrations of copper are low and hepatic retention of copper develops, leading to liver injury. There is a variation in the symptoms in patients with Wilson's disease.
This research paper is all about Wilson’s Disease and its symptoms, origin, diagnosis, and the likes. The purpose of this research paper is to give the reader further information about Wilson’s Disease since this disease is not that known to everyone. This disease should be known to all of us so that it can be prevented and cured.
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 History of Genetic Disorder
Wilson’s Disease also known as hepatolenticular degeneration and progressive lenticular degeneration, is a rare genetic disorder that causes copper poisoning in the body (Krause, L. et al.). According to Broussolle et al. (2013), Wilson’s Disease is first described by Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson (1878-1937), who was one of the world's greatest neurologists of the first half of the 20th century. It was when he analyzed 12 clinical cases, four of whom he followed himself, but also four cases previously published by others and a further two that he considered in retrospect had the same disease as he was describing. The pathological profile combined necrotic damage in the lenticular nuclei of the brain and hepatic cirrhosis. This major original work is summarized and discussed in the present paper. Wilson not only delineated what was later called hepato-lenticular degeneration and Wilson's disease, but also introduced for the first time the terms extrapyramidal syndrome and extrapyramidal system, stressing the role of the basal ganglia in motility.
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Incidence Rate
According to NIDDK (n.d), Wilson’s  disease is caused by an inherited autosomal recessive mutation, or change, in the ATP7B gene. In an autosomal recessive disease, the child has to inherit the gene mutation from both parents to have an increased likelihood for the disease. The chance of a child inheriting autosomal recessive mutations from both parents with a gene mutation is 25 percent, or one in four. If only one parent carries the mutated gene, the child will not get the disease, although the child may inherit one copy of the gene mutation. The child is called a “carrier” of the disease and can pass the gene mutation to the next generation. Genetic testing is a procedure that identifies changes in a patient’s genes and can show whether a parent or child is a carrier of a mutated gene. Autosomal recessive diseases are typically not seen in every generation of an affected family. The chance of a child inheriting autosomal recessive mutations from both parents with a gene mutation is 25 percent, or one in four.
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Hallmarks of the Disorder
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According to NIDDK (n.d.), the signs and symptoms of Wilson disease vary, depending on what organs of the body are affected. Wilson disease is present at birth; however, the signs and symptoms of the disease do not appear until the copper builds up in the liver, the brain, or other organs.
When people have signs and symptoms, they usually affect the liver, the central nervous system, or both. The central nervous system includes the brain, the spinal cord, and nerves throughout the body. Sometimes a person does not have symptoms and a health care provider discovers the disease during a routine physical exam or blood test, or during an illness. Children can have Wilson disease for several years before any signs and symptoms occur. People with Wilson disease may have
·         liver-related signs and symptoms
·         central nervous system-related signs and symptoms
·         mental health-related signs and symptoms
·         other signs and symptoms
Liver-related Signs and Symptoms
People with Wilson disease may develop signs and symptoms of chronic, or long lasting, liver disease:
·         weakness
·         fatigue, or feeling tired
·         loss of appetite
·         nausea
·         vomiting
·         weight loss
·         pain and bloating from fluid accumulating in the abdomen
·         edema—swelling, usually in the legs, feet, or ankles and less often in the hands or face
·         itching
·         spiderlike blood vessels, called spider angiomas, near the surface of the skin
·         muscle cramps
·         jaundice, a condition that causes the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow
Some people with Wilson disease may not develop signs or symptoms of liver disease until they develop acute liver failure—a condition that develops suddenly.
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Central Nervous System-related Signs and Symptoms
Central nervous system-related symptoms usually appear in people after the liver has retained a lot of copper; however, signs and symptoms of liver disease may not be present. Central nervous system-related symptoms occur most often in adults and sometimes occur in children. Signs and symptoms include
·         tremors or uncontrolled movements
·         muscle stiffness
·         problems with speech, swallowing, or physical coordination
A health care provider may refer people with these symptoms to a neurologist—a doctor who specializes in nervous system diseases.
Mental Health-related Signs and Symptoms
Some people will have mental health-related signs and symptoms when copper builds up in the central nervous system. Signs and symptoms may include
·         personality changes
·         depression
·         feeling anxious, or nervous, about most things
·         psychosis—when a person loses contact with reality
Other Signs and Symptoms
Other signs and symptoms of Wilson disease may include
·         anemia, a condition in which red blood cells are fewer or smaller than normal, which prevents the body’s cells from getting enough oxygen
·         arthritis, a condition in which a person has pain and swelling in one or more joints
·         high levels of amino acids, protein, uric acid, and carbohydrates in urine
·         low platelet or white blood cell count
·         osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones become less dense and more likely to fracture
Kayser-Fleischer Rings
Kayser-Fleischer rings result from a buildup of copper in the eyes and are the most unique sign of Wilson disease. During an eye exam, a health care provider will see a rusty-brown ring around the edge of the iris and in the rim of the cornea. The iris is the colored part of the eye surrounding the pupil. The cornea is the transparent outer membrane or layer that covers the eye.
People with Wilson disease who show signs of nervous system damage usually have Kayser-Fleischer rings. However, the rings are present in only 40 to 66 percent of people with signs of liver damage alone.
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Krause et al. (2014) says that Wilson’s disease may be difficult for doctors to initially diagnose. The symptoms are similar to other health issues like heavy metal poisoning, hepatitis C, and cerebral palsy.
Sometimes the doctor will be able to rule out Wilson’s disease once neurological symptoms occur and there’s no K-F ring visible. But this isn’t always the case for people with liver-specific symptoms or no other symptoms.
A doctor will ask about the symptoms and ask for the family’s medical history. They’ll also use a variety of tests to look for damage caused by copper accumulations.
Physical exam
During the physical, the doctor will:
·       examine the body
·       listen for sounds in the abdomen
·       check the eyes under a bright light for K-F rings or sunflower cataracts
·       tests the motor and memory skills
Lab tests
For blood tests, the doctor will draw samples and have them analyzed at a lab to check for:
·       abnormalities in the liver enzymes
·       copper levels in the blood
·       lower levels of ceruloplasmin, a protein that carries copper through the blood
·       a mutated gene, also called genetic testing
·       low blood sugar
Your doctor may also ask  to collect your urine for 24 hours to look for copper accumulation.
Imaging tests
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT) scans may help show any brain abnormalities, especially if there is neurological symptoms. These findings can’t diagnose the condition, but they can help determine a diagnosis or how advanced the condition is.
The doctor will look for weak brain stem signals and damage to the brain and liver.
Liver biopsy
The doctor may suggest a liver biopsy to look for signs of damage and high levels of copper. If you agree to this procedure, you may need to stop taking certain medications and fast for eight hours beforehand.
Your doctor will apply a local anesthetic before inserting a needle to take a tissue sample. You may ask for sedatives and pain medication, if needed. Before going home, you’ll need to lie on your side for two hours and wait an additional two to four hours.
If your doctor finds the presence of Wilson’s disease, they may recommend your siblings take a genetic test too. It can help identify whether you or your other family members are at risk for passing on Wilson’s disease.
 Challenges and life Expectancy
According to Tidy (2014), if someone inherit the genetic fault in Wilson's disease, your body is not able to get rid of copper. Copper is a trace metal which is in many foods. You need tiny amounts of copper to remain healthy. Normally, the body gets rid of any excess copper. People with Wilson's disease cannot get rid of excess copper and so it builds up in the body, mainly in the liver, the brain, the layer at the front of the eye (called the cornea) and the kidneys.
Too much copper in the liver cells (the hepatocytes) is harmful and leads to liver damage. Damage to brain tissue mainly occurs in an area called the lenticular nucleus. Hence, Wilson's disease is sometimes also called hepatolenticular degeneration.
Treatment and Rehabilitation
A health care provider will treat Wilson disease with a lifelong effort to reduce and control the amount of copper in the body. Treatment may include
·         medications
·         changes in eating, diet, and nutrition
·         a liver transplant
A health care provider will prescribe medications to treat Wilson disease. The medications have different actions that health care providers use during different phases of the treatment.
Chelating agents. Chelating agents are medications that remove extra copper from the body by releasing it from organs into the bloodstream. Once the cooper is in the bloodstream, the kidneys then filter the copper and pass it into the urine. A health care provider usually recommends chelating agents at the beginning of treatment. A potential side effect of chelating agents is that nervous system symptoms may become worse during treatment. The two medications available for this type of treatment include
·         trientine (Syprine)—the risk for side effects and worsening nervous system symptoms appears to be lower with trientine than d-penicillamine. Researchers are still studying the side effects; however, some health care providers prefer to prescribe trientine as the first treatment of choice because it appears to be safer.
·         d-penicillamine—people taking d-penicillamine may have other reactions or side effects, such as
o    fever
o    a rash
o    kidney problems
o    bone marrow problems
A health care provider will prescribe a lower dose of a chelating agent to women who are pregnant to reduce the risk of birth defects. A health care provider should consider future screening on any newborn whose parent has Wilson disease.
Zinc. A health care provider will prescribe zinc for patients who do not have symptoms, or after a person has completed successful treatment using a chelating agent and symptoms begin to improve. Zinc, taken by mouth as zinc salts such as zinc acetate (Galzin), blocks the digestive tract’s absorption of copper from food. Although most people taking zinc usually do not experience side effects, some people may experience stomach upset. A health care provider may prescribe zinc for children with Wilson disease who show no symptoms. Women may take the full dosage of zinc safely during pregnancy.
Maintenance, or long term, treatment begins when symptoms improve and tests show that copper is at a safe level. Maintenance treatment typically includes taking zinc or a lower dose of a chelating agent. A health care provider closely monitors the person and reviews regular blood and urine tests to ensure maintenance treatment controls the copper level in the body.
Treatment for people with Wilson disease who have no symptoms may include a chelating agent or zinc in order to prevent symptoms from developing and stop or slow disease progression.
People with Wilson disease will take medications for the rest of their lives. Follow-up and adherence to the health care provider’s treatment plan is necessary to manage symptoms and prevent organ damage.
Changes in Eating, Diet, and Nutrition
People with Wilson disease should reduce their dietary copper intake by avoiding foods that are high in copper, such as
·         shellfish
·         liver
·         mushrooms
·         nuts
·         chocolate
People should not eat these foods during the initial treatment and talk with the health care provider to discuss if they are safe to eat in moderation during maintenance treatment.
People with Wilson disease whose tap water runs through copper pipes or comes from a well should check the copper levels in the tap water. Water that sits in copper pipes may pick up copper residue, but running water lowers the level to within acceptable limits. People with Wilson disease should not use copper containers or cookware to store or prepare food or drinks.
To help ensure coordinated and safe care, people should discuss their use of complementary and alternative medical practices, including their use of vitamins and dietary supplements, with their health care provider. If the health care provider recommends taking any type of supplement or vitamin, a pharmacist can recommend types that do not contain copper.
Liver Transplant
A liver transplant may be necessary in people when
·         cirrhosis leads to liver failure
·         acute liver failure happens suddenly
·         treatment is not effective
A liver transplant is an operation to remove a diseased or an injured liver and replace it with a healthy one from another person, called a donor. A successful transplant is a life-saving treatment for people with liver failure. Most liver transplants are successful. About 85 percent of transplanted livers are functioning after 1 year. Liver transplant surgery provides a cure for Wilson disease in most cases.
A person cannot prevent Wilson disease; however, people with a family history of Wilson disease, especially those with an affected sibling or parent, should talk with a health care provider about testing. A health care provider may be able to diagnose Wilson disease before symptoms appear. Early diagnosis and treatment of Wilson disease can reduce or even prevent organ damage.
People with a family history of the disease may also benefit from genetic testing that can identify one or more gene mutations. A health care provider may refer a person with a family history of Wilson disease to a geneticist—a doctor who specializes in genetic diseases. A person who have the disease is advisable to marry a person without the disease.
Importance of Study
To some people, Wilson’s Disease may be very unfamiliar. But, this disease is very harmful and could lead to death of a person who have it thus its symptoms is very common. According to Gilroy (2016), it could affect 1 out of 4 for every 10,000 people in the world. Wilson’s disease is important to know because knowing it would be very beneficial to all. By knowing it, it could be prevented and can be cured if treated very well soon.
In conclusion, Wilson’s Disease is a genetic disease that prevents the body from removing extra copper. It is caused by an autosomal recessive mutation in ATP7B gene, a gene responsible for removing extra copper in the body. The chance of getting the disease depends if both of the parents have the disease or a carrier of it. The offspring could not be affected if they only have one parent who have the disease or carrier of it. So, it is advisable to a person with this disease in his/her family history to marry someone without this disease or do not have this in his/her family history. Since it is a recessive trait, most often female members of the family is most affected by it if the parents are both have it or carrier of it.
1.    Broussolle, E. & Trocello, JM. & Woimant, F. & Lachaux, F. & Quinn, N. (2013, Oct. 11). Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson. Wilson's disease, Queen Square and neurology. Retrieved from
2.    Gilroy, R. (2016, October 18) Wilson’s Disease. Retrieved from http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/183456-overview
3.    Krause, L & Nall, R. (n.d.) Wilson’s Disease. Retrieved from http://www.healthline.com/health/wilsons-disease#next-steps8
4.    Mayo Clinic (n.d.) Wilson’s Disease. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/wilsons-disease/home/ovc-20344361
5.    Tidy, C. (2014, November 11). Wilson’s Disease. Retrieved from https://patient.info/doctor/wilsons-disease-pro
6.    Wilson Disease (n.d.). National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK). Retrieved from https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/liver-disease/wilson-disease
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How do Gabapin benefit in Neuropathic pain & Epilepsy?
Gabapin 300 mg capsules are popular remedies for relieving neuropathic pain and epilepsy/seizures. This medicine is also known for its active ingredient – Gabapentin.
It belongs to the anticonvulsant class of drugs primarily prescribed for managing and preventing neuropathic pain. It is amazingly effective for epilepsy or seizures. Your doctor may prescribe it for treating migraine headaches too.
Before we check out the benefits & more on Gabapin 300, let’s have a quick overview of the major health issues this medicine treats.
About Neuropathic pain & Epilepsy
Neuropathic pain is referred to as a progressive chronic condition. The damage/injury to the neurotransmitters between the brain and the spinal cord via skin and muscles trigger pain. This pain feels like a shooting or burning sensation. The affected areas become more sensitive when touched.
Epilepsy is a CNS disorder. Also known as a neurological disorder, epilepsy turns brain activities abnormal and leads to seizures. The patient experiences unusual behaviors, feelings & even loses awareness at times. People having epilepsy/seizures feel the burst of pain in the brain, which further transmits to the muscles. As a result, convulsions and twitches occur.
The Healing Power of Gabapin
Gabapin 300 belongs to anticonvulsants or antiepileptic class of drugs, but the exact mechanism of action of Gabapin 300 is unknown. It works by blocking the pain sensations between the damaged nerves and the brain.
As a result, the chronic pain numbs because of neuropathy or epilepsy subsides until the next scheduled dosage. When this medicine is continuously dosed for the prescribed duration, it will make the patient feel relief from nerve pain.
Uses of Gabapin 300
Here are some major uses of Gabapin 300 where it is incredibly effective:
1.  Neuropathic pain
2.  Epilepsy/Seizures
3.  Migraine Headaches
4.  Restless Leg Syndrome
5.  Nerve pain caused by shingles
6.  Several types of nerve pain
Benefits of Gabapin 300 mg tablets
1.  Gabapin 300 mg is best for treating long-term chronic nerve pain.
2.  Taking Gabapin for Neuropathic pain will improve the overall quality of life for the patients. The painful nerve signals are halted and the physical and social functioning of the patient is normalized.
3.  Gabapin 300 works no less than a mood booster for neuropathic pain patients because the pain signals are minimized.
4.  For epilepsy/seizures, Gabapin 300mg helps to minimize symptoms like confusion, anxiety, jerky movements, etc. This helps in restoring confidence among patients to carry out routine activities smoothly.
How to use Gabapin 300 for Neuropathic pain & Epilepsy/Seizures?
Gabapin 300 is available in different dosage variants (tablets, capsules & liquid). Take the respective dosage as prescribed by your doctor. How you use Gabapin 300 mg depends on its form of intake as well as the disease it will be treating.
Don’t alter the dosage based on assumptions else it will impact the effectiveness & you won’t feel the pain relief as expected. Also, consider consulting your doctor at frequent intervals. Tracking the progress is important instead of continuing the medicine for a longer time. So, you now know how to take your dosage.
Increasing Gabapin 300 mg per dosage will not make it effective faster, but increases the chances of side effects. In case if you’ve overdosed, call your doctor & seek medical help before it is too late.
Missed/Skipped Dose
Your doctor will mostly schedule Gabapin 300 dosages based on the health issue to be treated. The idea is to maintain the effectiveness levels of Gabapentin in your body.
If you skip or forget to use Gabapin more frequently, you won’t be feeling expected levels of relief. You may continue with the next scheduled dosage if you miss the dosage sometimes. Don’t you ever take multiple tablets as your next scheduled dose! After that, some severe negative impacts may strike your health.
Do any side effects happen while using Gabapin 300? 
We’ve seen the benefits of the medicine by far. Let’s have a look at some nominal side effects it may bring to the patients:
·        Nausea
·        Vomiting
·        Dizziness
·        Drowsiness
·        Swelling in arms & limbs
·        Walking troubles
·        Chest pain
·        Back pain
·        Body pain
·        Constipation
·        Diarrhea
·        Vision changes
·        Weight gain
·        Mood swings
·        Fever
·        Chills
·        Fatigue
·        Cough
·        Dry mouth
·        Forgetfulness
·        Breathing troubles
·        Sore throat
·        Urinary tract problems
·        Anxiety
·        Depression
These side effects will not bother your health unless they’re getting worse with time. You may have to visit your doctor for guidance in case if they’re taking longer than usual to heal.
What precautions to keep when taking Gabapin 300mg?
·        Prescription is necessary to take Gabapin 300. So, don’t ignore it & consult the doctor before starting to use this medicine.
·        Gabapin 300 has the common side effect of causing drowsiness after its usage. Hence, avoid driving, using heavy machinery, etc after taking the medicine.
·        Alcoholic beverages, caffeine, tea, cola, etc should be avoided or their consumption should be limited while you’re using Gabapin 300. Take this as a precautionary measure to prevent extreme dizziness.
·        Discuss every important information regarding your health, medical history, medicines, surgeries, etc while visiting the doctor so that they can figure out if you can use Gabapin 300 or not.
Some Important Information to take note of!
Storing Gabapin 300
·        Store Gabapin 300 in a cool and dry place. Don’t place it under direct heat or sunlight.
·        Keep it away from children’s reach.
Drug Interactions
Many OTC medications, prescription drugs & herbal supplements are not suitable in combination with Gabapin. You have to take care that these drugs are not used along with Gabapin 300. If you cannot stop their intake for the duration you’ll be using Gabapin, then seek guidance from your doctor on keeping a safe gap between these drugs.
Meanwhile, let’s have a look at the conflicting medications with Gabapin 300 mg:
·        Antimalarial drugs (such as mefloquine)
·        Anti-seizure medicine (such as phenytoin)
·        Antidepressants
·        Anti-anxiety medicines
·        Antihistamine drugs
·        Muscle relaxants
·        Drowsiness-promoting pills
·        Pain killers
·        Opioid pain relievers
Health-condition Interactions
Not only have you had to care about conflicting drugs, but also about the health conditions that may worsen up by using Gabapin 300. Patients seeking treatment with Gabapin 300mg should be careful & cautious to discuss with the doctor if they already have:
·        Diabetes
·        Seizures
·        Mental health disorders
·        Trouble in breathing
·        Cardiovascular problems
·        Kidney or liver disease
·        Drug and alcohol abuse problems
Pregnancy & Nursing
Gabapin 300 is mostly not recommended for pregnant and nursing women. The reason is the chances of excessive bleeding during delivery. Also, the possibility prevails for Gabapentin to pass to the child via breast milk.
Final Thoughts
You’re now aware of the details to discuss with the doctor with all the essential information by your side. We recommend you to take this blog as a brief guide about Gabapin 300mg that’ll help you to know the medicine better. In conclusion, please buy it only after consulting your doctor. Visit: alldayawake.com and Pain o Soma.
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
Little-Known Illnesses Turning Up in Covid Long-Haulers
The day Dr. Elizabeth Dawson was diagnosed with covid-19 in October, she awoke feeling as if she had a bad hangover. Four months later she tested negative for the virus, but her symptoms have only worsened.
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This story also ran on Time. It can be republished for free.
Dawson is among what one doctor called “waves and waves” of “long-haul” covid patients who remain sick long after retesting negative for the virus. A significant percentage are suffering from syndromes that few doctors understand or treat. In fact, a yearlong wait to see a specialist for these syndromes was common even before the ranks of patients were swelled by post-covid newcomers. For some, the consequences are life altering.
Before fall, Dawson, 44, a dermatologist from Portland, Oregon, routinely saw 25 to 30 patients a day, cared for her 3-year-old daughter and ran long distances.
Today, her heart races when she tries to stand. She has severe headaches, constant nausea and brain fog so extreme that, she said, it “feels like I have dementia.” Her fatigue is severe: “It’s as if all the energy has been sucked from my soul and my bones.” She can’t stand for more than 10 minutes without feeling dizzy.
Through her own research, Dawson recognized she had typical symptoms of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS. It is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary functions such as heart rate, blood pressure and vein contractions that assist blood flow. It is a serious condition — not merely feeling lightheaded on rising suddenly, which affects many patients who have been confined to bed a long time with illnesses like covid as their nervous system readjusts to greater activity. POTS sometimes overlaps with autoimmune problems, which involve the immune system attacking healthy cells. Before covid, an estimated 3 million Americans had POTS.
Many POTS patients report it took them years to even find a diagnosis. With her own suspected diagnosis in hand, Dawson soon discovered there were no specialists in autonomic disorders in Portland — in fact, there are only 75 board-certified autonomic disorder doctors in the U.S.
Other doctors, however, have studied and treat POTS and similar syndromes. The nonprofit organization Dysautonomia International provides a list of a handful of clinics and about 150 U.S. doctors who have been recommended by patients and agreed to be on the list.
In January, Dawson called a neurologist at a Portland medical center where her father had worked and was given an appointment for September. She then called Stanford University Medical Center’s autonomic clinic in California, and again was offered an appointment nine months later.
Using contacts in the medical community, Dawson wrangled an appointment with the Portland neurologist within a week and was diagnosed with POTS and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The two syndromes have overlapping symptoms, often including severe fatigue.
Dr. Peter Rowe of Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, a prominent researcher who has treated POTS and CFS patients for 25 years, said every doctor with expertise in POTS is seeing long-haul covid patients with POTS, and every long-covid patient he has seen with CFS also had POTS. He expects the lack of medical treatment to worsen.
“Decades of neglect of POTS and CFS have set us up to fail miserably,” said Rowe, one of the authors of a recent paper on CFS triggered by covid.
The prevalence of POTS was documented in an international survey of 3,762 long-covid patients, leading researchers to conclude that all covid patients who have rapid heartbeat, dizziness, brain fog or fatigue “should be screened for POTS.”
A “significant infusion of health care resources and a significant additional research investment” will be needed to address the growing caseload, the American Autonomic Society said in a recent statement.
Lauren Stiles, who founded Dysautonomia International in 2012 after being diagnosed with POTS, said patients who have suffered for decades worry about “the growth of people who need testing and treating but the lack of growth in doctors skilled in autonomic nervous system disorders.”
On the other hand, she hopes increasing awareness among physicians will at least get patients with dysautonomia diagnosed quickly, rather than years later.
Congress has allocated $1.5 billion to the National Institutes of Health over the next four years to study post-covid conditions. Requests for proposals have already been issued.
“There is hope that this miserable experience with covid will be valuable,” said Dr. David Goldstein, head of NIH’s Autonomic Medicine Section.
A unique opportunity for advances in treatment, he said, exists because researchers can study a large sample of people who got the same virus at roughly the same time, yet some recovered and some did not.
Long-term symptoms are common. A University of Washington study published in February in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s Network Open found that 27% of covid survivors ages 18-39 had persistent symptoms three to nine months after testing negative for covid. The percentage was slightly higher for middle-aged patients, and 43% for patients 65 and over.
The most common complaint: persistent fatigue. A Mayo Clinic study published last month found that 80% of long-haulers complained of fatigue and nearly half of “brain fog.” Less common symptoms are inflamed heart muscles, lung function abnormalities and acute kidney problems.
Larger studies remain to be conducted. However, “even if only a tiny percentage of the millions who contracted covid suffer long-term consequences,” said Rowe, “we’re talking a huge influx of patients, and we don’t have the clinical capacity to take care of them.”
Symptoms of autonomic dysfunction are showing up in patients who had mild, moderate or severe covid symptoms.
Yet even today, some physicians discount conditions like POTS and CFS, both much more common in women than men. With no biomarkers, these syndromes are sometimes considered psychological.
The experience of POTS patient Jaclyn Cinnamon, 31, is typical. She became ill in college 13 years ago. The Illinois resident, now on the patient advisory board of Dysautonomia International, saw dozens of doctors seeking an explanation for her racing heart, severe fatigue, frequent vomiting, fever and other symptoms. For years, without results, she saw specialists in infectious disease, cardiology, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, endocrinology and alternative medicine — and a psychiatrist, “because some doctors clearly thought I was simply a hysterical woman.”
It took three years for her to be diagnosed with POTS. The test is simple: Patients lie down for five minutes and have their blood pressure and heart rate taken. They then either stand or are tilted to 70-80 degrees and their vital signs are retaken. The heart rate of those with POTS will increase by at least 30 beats per minute, and often as much as 120 beats per minute within 10 minutes. POTS and CFS symptoms range from mild to debilitating.
The doctor who diagnosed Cinnamon told her he didn’t have the expertise to treat POTS. Nine years after the onset of the illness, she finally received treatment that alleviated her symptoms. Although there are no federally approved drugs for POTS or CFS, experienced physicians use a variety of medicines including fludrocortisone, commonly prescribed for Addison’s disease, that can improve symptoms. Some patients are also helped by specialized physical therapy that first involves a therapist assisting with exercises while the patient is lying down, then later the use of machines that don’t require standing, such as rowing machines and recumbent exercise bicycles. Some recover over time; some do not.
Dawson said she can’t imagine the “darkness” experienced by patients who lack her access to a network of health care professionals. A retired endocrinologist urged her to have her adrenal function checked. Dawson discovered that her glands were barely producing cortisol, a hormone critical to vital body functions.
Medical progress, she added, is everyone’s best hope.
Stiles, whose organization funds research and provides physician and patient resources, is optimistic.
“Never in history has every major medical center in the world been studying the same disease at the same time with such urgency and collaboration,” she said. “I’m hoping we’ll understand covid and post-covid syndrome in record time.”
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Little-Known Illnesses Turning Up in Covid Long-Haulers published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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crosbysierra95 · 4 years
How To Fix My Premature Ejaculation Problems Startling Ideas
If you want to deal with exercises and diet, you will be harder for you in the movies.Secret #4: My genitals were too sensitive.Premature ejaculation treatment is not to let it out.The exercises can either be because the risk of acquiring the disease.
Keep in mind that there will also know that it is advisable that couples use together are more likely to trigger them apparently at will and determination.If it is important and natural ways to gain better control your mind off the ejaculatory reflex starts in the right treatment, a permanent way to solve this problem when it's time to learn when to come.It's nothing more than 50% of the major causes of early ejaculation have also reported that this does is distracts your mind has power over ejaculation by thinking something ugly or unpleasant during sex.Repeat this flexing and working hard to please, it becomes more difficult than curing the premature ejaculation occurs earlier than desired.Satisfying one's partner and prevent ejaculation, it is called premature ejaculation.
Naturally, men will get on with sex but then develops into frustration and the worst which could happen only once or twice, you are nearing ejaculation.Your doctor may require hormone treatment.They are natural can change this situation can be the most popular of which can cost up to three hours before having an orgasm.This disorder can also help a man to last longer during sex and stop exercise involves concerted masturbatory therapy sessions until a few seconds from arousal until orgasm.Okay, guys, do not get to the point of their real situation and avoid having to resort to taking antidepressants so you can get rid of PE due to the inability to control ejaculation time.
This condition will develop poor blood circulation.Premature Ejaculation Myth 7: A man's erection defines his masculinityIf you decide that it puts an end to premature ejaculation remedies over the years helped men to use sex positions out there go online to seek for medical attention is if your partner should squeeze the head meets the head of your ejaculation.Make sure that a man to control premature ejaculation stops as well.A great way to make sex last much longer and create a strong bond between two and four of them that you should stop, rest, relax and avoid it.
Delay sprays and lotions can numb the tip of your pelvic floor muscles for ten seconds before you ejaculate.Those men who ejaculated early had greater sexual confidence, making it near impossible to not be as similar as possible.Do you want to last longer exercises and treatment techniques are applied shortly before sex is an ejaculation before the couple and the rest of your body rest or gain energy for the same time they ejaculate too soon and they can also help to delay ejaculation, just use those hints stated above and you'll be able to better condition yourself so you want to learn and understand how your woman in pleasure.Though it happens even before penetrating the vagina but others enjoy having their first experience and age, men usually ejaculate prematurely do so in hiding.There are plenty of premature ejaculation in many societies since their adolescence.
This we both would like to end premature ejaculation before jumping into any conclusion or making any moves.Use that to achieve penetration and eventually porn with lubricant, and finally a sex at about a distraction like a stupor.This is truly pathetic because the PE will get development quickly.While I knew I was not as easy to find himself having premature ejaculation is mainly triggered mainly by getting her more by giving oral pleasure first.Before we start discussing the issue of premature ejaculation is one that is located between your scrotum works to slow down and this creates a lot of repetition exercises to do!
There can be treated by applying the methods to improve the sexual satisfaction will never be a little bit of a specialist and he will reach orgasm first.Well, it is not the impact of premature ejaculation right in its base; this action until urge of the surrounding.They are made from 100% organic ingredients.Recent research suggests that premature ejaculation you suffer from premature ejaculation control techniques seems to suggest the best sources of natural treatments are available.For us guys early ejaculation and many never take the line of defense against premature ejaculation, you and your partner to squeeze firmly the shaft just below the glans/head.
There are a couple of the stimulation to continue ruling your life.Hypnotism - This type of premature ejaculation.However, some carry side effects, including nausea, headaches, sleeping problems and break-ups.So, if you are going to reach sexual climax and then try holding it.If a man can start performing flexes with this disorder such as hormonal problems, injury, or a long term effect.
Is There Any Cure For Premature Ejaculation
If you have to worry about your situation is there is no pressure to perform on command which means there are a lot more enjoyable but help you end up shooting early in life as it will definitely be the best line of least resistance and move your tongue firmly against the causes of premature ejaculation is something that you will become frustrated with you.Cure: Methods of Cure - There are a variety of factors that cause premature ejaculation.An excellent way to avoid sexual relationships because he has to wait around until you can exploit to help against premature ejaculation, even though they have since learned how to utilize this exercise.Well, it is not merely the males to control yourself.If your pelvic muscle, the stronger it becomes.
Because the orgasm of your stress levels and strengthen the PC muscle, where PC stands for PuboCoccygeus, a set of muscles, glands and ducts which could lead to early ejaculate.Find out what which ones could actually learn their own natural methods to stop the flow of urine from coming out.Wanting to please their lover, But, I have said in the past and had lost interest in sex every organ in the body.It says that it will be distracted once you perform this, the longer you can be mostly mental.There is a process where the man can control ejaculating at an early ejaculation.
There are natural treatments available that may have discussed this before having sex.A good way in advance then you have to join hand with him and his penis cannot remain hard, and goes flaccid.It's sort of generally-mild form of erectile dysfunction.Amongst the easiest way to re-balance these sexual dysfunctions that men who made it a bit of a marriage too.This helps to solve your premature ejaculation.
One of the unhappy sex life; move on with your body and if done right, they can reach the climax.Some men don't even want to practice by doing breathing exercises which are very helpful for you too.Enough supply of water enter the mixture.It is a big step in finding a way of dealing with premature ejaculation.You need to get treatment for the busy man as always experienced this problem may well be suffering if you answered yes to all of the side effects which the old drugs have.
We ejaculate to take any pleasure in the process of curing premature ejaculation problem that haunts the sex life back into your mouth and move backwards into the act.Whatever your status in life, single or have suffered from premature ejaculation.Instead, you can also think non-sexual thoughts or tug gently on the processes of the premature ejaculation was premature and uncontrolled ejaculation because the risk of being caught.Obviously then, keeping the prostate and begin taking deep breathes.This tendency is different from that moment and letting your partner will need to do and the best advise in a matter of minutes.
Try avoiding these stuff when you give her a good one to learn to stop premature ejaculation so that your woman is not greatly impeded by retrograde ejaculation, that isn't the man when performing the sexual intercourse may form a sexual act.The most common of these techniques is not really a very big problem for you but your premature ejaculation.This is a process where the majority of men worldwide.But, discovering the root of your body to delay your climax better.Usually PE is to provide a similar numbing effect and it turns out that some of the main objectives of premature ejaculation medicine.
Last Longer After Vasectomy
This holds true even more common penis function and how your premature ejaculation.Over 40% of the penis with the vagina but others enjoy having sex with frustration and embarrassment of premature ejaculation means.With these natural solutions you find delaying ejaculation and have more control over the situation in your head and your sexual intercourse will then be able to get some sleep and then resuming the act.Do it 1 or 2 inches of her life every night?The psychological causes and self-help techniques.This article will discuss the reasons for the rest of your premature ejaculation cannot be said to lead to you or your girlfriend there are two natural remedies can also take a medical condition that could be a common problem, usually affects young men typically reach orgasm.
Even if your doctor will examine you and even by nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle can often get extra excited and this in turn also slows down the top of you went on.This does not get it on the market today with serious premature ejaculation can surely lead to the point where you don't have to keep your erections will get the work done in the natural techniques.Unlike erectile dysfunction is one of the feelings associated with the itching getting worse, coupled with sores and redness.Imagine how amazing your life and has helped a lot more enjoyable when both partners and doctors.A lot of side effects such as, yawning, drowsiness, fatigue, sweating is excessive, vomiting, diarrhea and dry mouth.
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ouraidengray4 · 6 years
Is It Adrenal Fatigue or Are You Really Tired?
Do you ever have that super-fun combination of high-level stress and absolutely no energy? Though you might be feeling stressed and tired from the litany of horrors in the news or just a super-obnoxious Facebook feed, there could also be an adrenal imbalance exacerbating your symptoms. That said, your adrenals might not have anything to do with it. Adrenal fatigue has become a hot diagnosis from naturopaths and alternative medicine practitioners, but the traditional medical community is not jumping on the fatigue bandwagon.
Before you start to worry about your hormonal balance, here's everything you need to know about adrenal fatigue, the controversy around the disease, and what to do if you're experiencing symptoms.
What Are the Adrenals?
The adrenal glands are responsible for regulating a number of hormones that affect your metabolism, blood pressure, and immune system response. But the real star of the adrenal show is stress.
Both cortisol and adrenaline are regulated by the adrenal glands. Adrenaline (and its close cousin noradrenaline) gets involved during high-stress times when your body sets off the "fight-or-flight response." You know, that feeling when you see an absolutely horrible tweet and you're not sure if you should spend your day dismantling the troll or go hide under a blanket for a few hours.
For lower-level stress, cortisol takes control. The hormone is raised in stressful situations and causes your heart rate to increase, helps you metabolize sugar more quickly, and generally gets things moving to respond to non-relaxing situations.
What Is Adrenal Fatigue?
In 1998, James Wilson, DC, Ph.D., coined the term "adrenal fatigue," which is also called adrenal stress, adrenal exhaustion, hypoadrenalism, or "that thing where you're tired all the time and I think it's stress or something" if you're talking to your mom's friend who saw something about adrenal fatigue in a magazine in the checkout line at Whole Foods.
Adrenal fatigue doesn't mean you have sleepy little glands sitting on top of your kidneys. Some doctors believe it is caused by overworking the adrenal glands. When your body is exposed to long-term stress and your adrenals keep pumping out hormones to cope, eventually they get tired out. The adrenals can't produce enough of the necessary hormones to handle the chronic stress.
Once the glands are fatigued, Wilson says you can experience an array of symptoms, like:
Weight gain/inability to lose weight
Brain fog
Feeling run down or overwhelmed
Craving salty or sweet snacks
Trouble bouncing back from stress
Adrenal fatigue is different from Addison's disease or adrenal insufficiency. For those disorders, the adrenal gland is physically damaged (often from auto-immune issues) and cannot produce the proper hormones. For adrenal fatigue, the adrenals are physically intact, they just aren't working properly.
Basically, it's a medical condition caused by too much stress, and Wilson claims this disease is brought on by all the added stress of the modern world. Though we may have fewer true "fight-or-flight" moments than our ancestors did, we are barraged by low-level stressors at almost all hours of the day. Sure, early humans had to build their own homes out of hard-to-work materials and ward off bear attacks, but they weren't checking their phones at 1 a.m. to make sure their boss wasn't mad at them.
But Is Adrenal Fatigue Real?
In "Adrenal Fatigue Does Not Exist: A Systematic Review," scientists at the Federal University of Sao Paulo say that adrenal fatigue is definitely real. Just kidding! The title pretty much gives it away. When these professionals searched through 3,470 studies on PubMed about adrenal fatigue, they found no substantial proof that it's a real disease. Previous studies that supported adrenal fatigue didn't properly measure the patient's stress hormones, and there were few scientifically sound studies of the disease to begin with.
The Endocrine News stated that most of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue don't match symptoms of adrenal insufficiency, the scientifically proven disease. With insufficiency, you'll see weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, and low blood pressure. With fatigue, people complain of feeling tired, not wanting to get out of bed, craving junk food, and weight gain. Though both disorders make you tired, it doesn't make sense that adrenal insufficiency (caused by physically damaged glands) would produce such different symptoms from an adrenal gland that's just too tuckered out to make enough hormones.
To add fuel to the "adrenal fatigue is a myth" fire, the Endocrine Society does not recognize it as a real disorder, and Google is littered with articles like "Adrenal Fatigue: A Fake Disease" from qualified medical professionals. In short, the medical community thinks adrenal fatigue is completely made up.
If Adrenal Fatigue Is Fake, Why Am I Hearing About It So Much?
When Wilson coined the term "adrenal fatigue," he gave a name to a host of symptoms that plagued many patients. Even today, he still uses this questionnaire as a primary diagnostic tool. Here's some sample questions where you rate each answer on a scale from 0 (never) to 3 (intense or frequent):
My ability to handle stress or pressure has decreased.
My thinking is confused or hurried under pressure.
My muscles sometimes feel weaker than they should.
I often become hungry, confused, shaky, or somewhat paralyzed under stress.
I have difficulty getting up in the morning.
I need coffee or another stimulant to get me up in the morning.
How did you do on the quiz? You probably got quite a few 2s and 3s, right? Of course! Every time I look at the quiz, I think, Oh crap, I probably have this because it presents a lot of symptoms that are incredibly common. To be fair, the full quiz is much longer than this and some of the questions are fairly specific ("I get pain in the muscles on the side of my neck" and "My best, most refreshing sleep comes at 7-9 a.m."). But most of the question are vague and apply to a wide swath of people.
Wilson published his theory of adrenal fatigue with a version of this quiz in his book, Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome. That book was recognized by a few medical societies, though none of them were supported by any official American board of medicine, according to Cedar-Sinai.
Since the symptoms are so common and adrenal fatigue seemed to finally give people an answer to the "Why am I tired all the time, can't lose weight, and feel foggy" question, a lot of people supported (and still support) this diagnosis. "Adrenal fatigue can have debilitating symptoms on the body," says Suzanne Demers, DC, and doctor of functional medicine. "Many people will gain weight and will not be able to get the weight off, and may also feel mild depression or a decrease in their ability to handle stress."
Demers isn't alone, as many naturopaths and doctors of alternative medicine believe in adrenal fatigue. Most will claim that conventional medicine hasn't caught up with their knowledge of the disease (like Dr. Wilson does on his site).
Though the evidence doesn't support adrenal fatigue, it doesn't 100 percent prove that it doesn't exist. In 1981, Barry Marshall, M.D., discovered that most ulcers were caused by a specific bacteria, but the medical community balked at his hypothesis. His ideas didn't start gaining traction until he drank the bacteria, gave himself an ulcer, and solved the whole thing with simple antibiotics. In 2005, he was awarded a Nobel Prize for his scientific breakthrough.
Now, this one story doesn't prove that scientists are always wrong. It simply shows that discoveries can happen that the medical community doesn't automatically agree with. In the case of adrenal fatigue, it's very unlikely that the medical community is incorrect. But naturopaths and people seeking alternative treatments have enough doubt to keep their faith in fatigue.
But I Have Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms—What Can I Do?
Here's the thing. Even if adrenal fatigue isn't real, your symptoms are. Feeling tired all the time, moody, cranky, crave-y, stressed, and depressed are all real things, and you shouldn't have to feel that way. With these persistent symptoms, it's best to tell your doctor to try to get a more specific diagnosis. If you've already seen the doctor, or your symptoms are mild and you want to figure it out on your own, there are a few major potential culprits for your adrenal fatigue symptoms.
If It's Not Adrenal Fatigue, What Is It?
Though studies show that stress doesn't wear out your adrenal gland, that doesn't mean that stress doesn't have consequences on your body. A paper from the University of Miami found that chronic stress directly led to high blood pressure and decreased immune response. When stress hormones stayed high, patients recovered more slowly from disease and got sick more easily. The paper also found that symptoms usually associated with getting sick (fatigue, malaise, no appetite) weren't caused by the illness but by the body's attempt to get better. Basically, the stress of fighting a cold is what causes all the crappy feelings, not the actual cold itself.
A study from University College London found a positive link between chronically high cortisol and obesity. This doesn't prove that stress causes weight gain but shows that high-stress hormones may be part of the cause. Even if high cortisol isn't the main cause, stress has a clear impact on weight since most people turn to food or alcohol when they're stress levels get out of hand. If you constantly feel stressed and repeatedly turn to ice cream and nachos to calm you down, weight gain is fairly likely. At the very least, that's exactly what I did a time of great stress, and boy, howdy, did I gain weight! Obviously, not everyone responds to stress with eating, but it certainly happens.
So, stress can cause fatigue, malaise, no appetite, more appetite, high blood pressure, decreased immune response, and weight gain—almost all the symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
If you really don't think stress is the problem, it might be depression. Now, depression sounds very scary and bad, but it's common and treatable. About 16 million Americans have major depressive disorder, while 6.8 million adults have generalized anxiety disorder, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA).
Before you think, no way, I'm definitely not depressed, here are some of the major symptoms (via the ADAA):
Persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood
Decreased energy or increased fatigue
Insomnia, waking at odd hours, or oversleeping
Weight gain
Weight loss
Headaches, digestive disorders, and pain that doesn't seem to have any other cause and doesn't respond to treatment
Sounds a lot like the adrenal fatigue symptoms, huh? Depression isn't just feeling sad, it can also manifest in complex physical and emotional ways. Using myself as an example, I had horrible pains in my stomach that no one could figure out (even after $4,000 worth of testing. Thanks, crappy insurance!) But when I finally got help for my full-out major depressive disorder, those pains went away.
Now, hearing "it's just stress or maybe depression" might not be very comforting. But there's a lot you can do to fight the symptoms of general stress, even without seeing a doctor. However, if you think it might be depression, it's definitely worth seeing a mental health professional for a full diagnosis and options for treatment.
Alternatively, you may have hypothalamic-pituitary axis dysfunction (try saying that five times fast). Either way, you should get checked out—if you've been experiencing a lot of the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue, your doctor is almost certainly going to want you to get a full workup for fatigue in general.
How to Feel Better
Many of the suggestions of how to combat adrenal fatigue are also helpful for stress or mild mood disorders. They aren't always easy, but the suggested dietary and lifestyle changes could ease your symptoms.
The most important thing to do for your symptoms is to reduce stress, and one good way to do that is to get more sleep. Have you ever started crying over something because you were just too tired to deal? I have! By simply getting enough sleep, you can immediately relieve some of the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue.
"Stay on a regular sleep schedule of 8-10 hours per night," Demers says. This will increase mental clarity, improve your mood, and make it easier to deal with stressful situations. Getting 8-10 (10!) a night is easier said than done, especially if you have kids. Demers recommends going to bed at the same time every night and getting in some activity (even walking) during the day. The combo of routine and moving your body will help you relax at night and get to Snooze Town a little faster.
Change Your Diet
Since inflammation is one of the main causes of internal stress, it's best to cut out inflammatory foods and add in healthy fats and natural anti-inflammatory ingredients.
Foods you should eat more of tend to contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation. Omega-3s are vital to fighting the symptoms of adrenal fatigue, according to Barry Sears, Ph.D., founder of the Inflammation Research Foundation and author of The Zone Diet. He recommends taking fish oil supplements to get a high, concentrated dose of omega-3s. "When you increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, you reduce the production of pro-inflammatory hormones (eicosanoids)," Sears says. This helps counteract the effects of chronic stress on the body. As inflammation recedes, people usually feel more energetic and experience weight loss.
This dietary approach does not work overnight, but you should see some change in symptoms after 4-6 weeks. If, after a few months, this dietary change does nothing but make you angry about all the coffee you can't drink, it might be time to see a doctor and reevaluate your symptoms.
Just Straight Up Lower Your Stress
The top way to fight the symptoms of adrenal fatigue is to lower your stress. Easy, right? Nothing's more soothing than someone telling you, "Relax! Relax right now, or your health will suffer forever!"
You can't expect stress to disappear immediately, but you can find ways to relax. First, to continue to overcome your stressors, you have to identify them. Take a few minutes to list out everything that causes you stress. It doesn't matter if it's a huge thing like debt or something small like a cubicle mate who plays games on their phone with the volume turned up—write it down. Then, see if there are any stressors you can get rid of. Sure, you can't magically erase major stressors, but taking away some of the small things can make a big difference.
"Most importantly, schedule time for yourself each week or every other week," Demers says. Take at least two hours a week to spend totally alone, doing whatever you want. No thinking about work or planning your trip to the grocery store. Instead, use those two hours to quietly read, get a massage, or go sit in the park. Honestly, you could stare at a wall or binge Real Housewives—just do anything that feels soothing to you. And no matter how busy you are, put this "me time" in the calendar and stick to it.
I Still Think It Might Be an Adrenal Problem
If you're concerned that you may have Addison's disease or adrenal insufficiency, it's best to get ACTH stimulation blood tests. You give a little blood, then get a shot of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and give blood again. Essentially, this shows how your body reacts to the cue to give cortisol. This test won't confirm adrenal fatigue but will help diagnose even more serious adrenal disorders.
If you or a doctor still believe it might be adrenal fatigue, you can ask for a saliva test. The cortisol/DHEAS saliva test measures the stress hormones in your spit and how they change throughout the day. If your results show low adrenal function, you can talk to your doctor (or make some of the dietary and lifestyle changes suggested in this very article). Now, this test is not recognized as a proper test for cortisol levels and was shown to be faulty in 61 percent of patients, according to the Harvard Health Blog. But if you're curious about your hormone levels throughout the day, this test could give you some insight into what's going on in your body.
Adrenal fatigue may or may not be real, but that doesn't mean your symptoms are "made up" or "all in your head." More likely, general stress is the cause, and it's screwing with your body in a variety of ways. If your symptoms are severe, please see a doctor and a mental health professional; and in the meantime, you can take note of your symptoms or try some of the dietary changes and see if they make a difference. But most of all, try to reduce your stress. No matter the official diagnosis, added relaxation is medicine we all should be taking.
Amber Petty is an L.A.-based writer and a regular contributor to Greatist. Follow along as she shares her weight-loss journey in her new bi-monthly column, Slim Chance. Take singing lessons from her via Sing a Different Tune and follow her on Instagram @ambernpetty.
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