#and that was why 2022 was so rough idk if we all knew about that lore
livvyofthelake · 6 months
the further out i get from graduating the more i genuinely think like. what the fuck was that.
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the-capt0r-system · 1 year
Hi Tumblr. We've been on here forever (ballpit veteran) but never explored the tags we're using for this post, because we didn't know we were supposed to. Chronologically "30" but formally diagnosed with DID 3/2023. We knew of dissociation and knew that's what we were doing, but thought we were just doing it occasionally as a symptom of depression/anxiety and AUDHD. Had a really rough winter 2022 putting up with continued abuse from an ex and family, though, so one of my alters, the meanest but strongest one, decided to front (we like calling it "driving") for longer than usual and kinda went off on almost everyone we still know, about what little our youngest remembers about why we're like this. Luckily we were in therapy this time so my doctor caught what was going on.
We thought there were just two of us, the mean one and the one with the "real name," but we didn't know what the term "fictive" was. "I've" been a "creative writer" with at this point at least a hundred different OCs since we were idk 7 ish? We had/have computers on computers full of alters we can't remember fully. When we used to write fan ficiton we went the fuck in and daydreamed about our 'verses to a point that it got in the way of work and socializing and shit. So anyway we're unsure how many we are/have been, how distinct we are from each other, or what we're all named/aged at the moment, besides 3 of us. One of us with a name may have a subsystem, but we just discovered that term today, so we'll see
Here to learn. It'd be awesome if you felt like boosting this so we can find more system blogs to follow.
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dausy · 2 years
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Ive posted this to IG and twitter before. Again, art for just fillers sake. Kinda an art vs artist version 2022 but not all of these were done this year.
I mentioned on IG that this year started off really rough. We got hit at the same time with both my husbands dad passing away and our cat at the same time. It was a rough January. I then lost both grandmothers. We did do some cool things. Disney at easter time was a lot of fun. We did the new ratatouille ride, husband got to do Rise of the Resistance for the first time but unfortunately the new GotG ride wasnt open yet. I also got to see my first ever Cirque du Soleil show and saw Alannis Morrisette in concert. I also got really lucky with art companies sending me lots of art freebies. Its been so cool. I never thought Id ever be worthy of art freebies.
Now ofcourse we are just hanging out in our hotel. Housing said theyd hopefully have our house ready next week. Im so ready to be moved in and buy new stuff for our home. Our apartment we had a mantle over a fireplace for our tv and now I think we need to go buy a tv stand. I dont know why thats exciting but it is. I also tossed all our old shower curtains so now Im going to retheme the bathrooms 8D
Ofcourse having my art space back would be nice. Its hard to create outside a comfy spot.
As for the area..now Ive lived in the southwest before but I think my dog is missing the grass. Shes having a hard time using the bathroom with her little feet and decorative rocks. We've yet to track down a dog park just yet but shes overdue for a game of fetch.
My first impression was how huge this city was. Like I knew it was large based on population but like idk..guess I thought people would build up? Everything is like single story accross a vast flat land. Its so weird to see houses go that far back. I am so far enjoying the amenities. Alot of the neighborhoods are definitely screaming border city ghetto. Ive yet to wander into the higher class neighborhoods yet but even amongst the ghetto looking houses they have so many amentities in one place. I havent seen a super target in years and I went in one today 8D and we've gone indoor rock climbing twice so far. I got dutch bros coffee (Im never going back but Ive never been to one before!!!). And they have a disney store here! A DISNEY STORE. I THOUGHT THEY WERE ALL DEAD! They had simba/nala plushies and I put them back 8(
What Im most excited for is one of the 3 rock gyms is 5 mins from my house and free to me. The major regular gym is accross the street. The army post here is the fanciest Ive ever seen. Theres a starbucks down the street too. So honestly if I could find remote work I never need to leave post really.
Anywho I applied for a couple jobs. Im still a bit overwhelmed and its really hard to job search and fill out apps on a phone/ipad. Much easier on a desktop. And its obviously very much so like a foreign country. I have heard more Spanish here than English which is also..making..job hunting interesting.
But Im not going to worry for now.
I am going to make another tumblr post later probably about other things Ive accomplished this year but this ones long enough.
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yoonieper · 1 month
Some of these asks are making me cackle. Director dominate jungkook 😭😭 LMFAO. That’s a good one but I do agree. He has yet to experience things romantically and sexually. He’s suffered in his loveless marriage for too long 😔 Picking himself back up will be hard but I know he has good people around to support him, he just needs to let them in. Weren’t his parents also in an arranged marriage? They probably are stuck on the idea that they’ll eventually learn to live with each other without being in love and poor jungkook is a hopeless romantic. I know his brother was originally supposed to take over his current position hmmm they don’t seem too close since we haven’t had any scenes where they call to catch up etc. I know jungkook didn’t mind taking the position at the company but maybe it’s because that’s the only life he really knew, following and doing what his parents wanted of him. I do hope his parents help him out and see how much damage has done on their son. Y/n really is the light in his life so I hope he holds onto her and I hope she doesn’t give up on him. Their relationship is so special and vulnerable.
And I am on team who believes yuri has been cheating since day 1. That girl hasn’t put any effort in and expects everything to be handed to her on a silver platter. Why does she enjoy torturing jungkook so much? If she doesn’t know why she married or is still putting up with him why doesn’t she bring up leaving him and divorce? Why continue to stay if he “annoys” her so much? I need her to experience karma, she’s such an icky character 🥴 Y/n is much more classy, smart, confident, and beautiful than she is. I want jungkook to smile more and I want him to seek out Namjoon so I can finally swoon over Dr. Joon in glasses (he’s my bias if you couldn’t tell hehe).
Q: Since you have the chapters written out already, have you changed anything significant in the plot or added different scenes to the chapters? I know a writer’s mind is always changing once new ideas pop up so I wanted to see what your thought process looks like.
I won’t comment too much about most of this since all will be revealed in due time, but AHHH this was fun to read, I love long speculative post like this! Also jsksjsksksks with Dr. Joon, I’m excited too 🙂‍↕️
But to answer your question something MAJOR changed when I was still writing these chapters. I can’t really talk about it now because it deals with things in the future upcoming chapters but there was one important element to the story that I was indecisive about that became cemented once I moved closer and closer to it. Again I can’t talk about it right now but after the end of this arc I can kinda get into it! Oooo, I think I can say that I started writing the prologue back in 2020, and there was some changes to it over the years but it relatively stayed mostly the same, however I actually had two different drafts for part 1 that I originally started soon after! For the longest time I couldn’t figure out how I wanted to structure this story. I managed to get a couple k in then I was like sumn about it feels off before it was I think the end of 2022 that I finally decided to scrape it and change the structure entirely. Once again I can’t get into the details cause it would spoil the story completely but trust I will come back to this!
I can answer your question a little better with some changes to scenes! So typically how I write is I do very VERY rough first drafts to start with. I try and work in as many details as I can but if it’s not coming to me at the time I move on. Once the first draft is complete I then enter into the editing stage of what I call “putting meat on its bones” and working on the details I missed out on. Idk why but I find it easier to come up with those details when I don’t have the burden of finishing the story/chapter. This usually involves just adding the little details that make the story a little more lifelike. Then we move onto more traditional editing where I get into the grammar and making sure it actually reads well. I’ve been editing these initially chapters of For the Birds for over a year, but I’m only now having betas read through the chapters and give their feedback. Based on their comments sometimes I’ll make more drastic changes to scenes and sometimes add whole additional scenes, usually based off the notion that I just couldn’t figure out what a scene was missing based on my own editing and with more options it’s easier to manifest that discontentment into changes I can make. Part 3 is a great example! That whole scene with late night meeting between Y/n and Jk ended up getting like 3k added to it by the time I was publishing because I wasn’t very happy with how it lead into the smut and my betas gave some very helpful advice that lead to 3k being added to the scene. Oooo and I can give a more recent example but in part 4 that convo between Jk and Yoongi had some small but notable changes to Yoongi’s advice he ultimately gave Jungkook that ultimately worked out better to what I wanted! OOO and something a bit more specific but that part in part 4 with Y/n detailing what happened in the days leading up to when Jk and her talk again wasn’t there a few days beforehand so thank you to the betas for the help 😌🫶🏽 It’s typically things like this that end up getting changed and added. Editing for me usually takes forever but I find it one of the most fun stages! Some of these changes are big, some are some but noteworthy, but usually if I’m not happy with I’m changing something. This arc especially went through what I would say the most changes as I was a little less sure of how I wanted it to be exactly told starting out, but I have a storyboard now detailing the most notable details of the future arcs and chapter planned far out so I think things like that will happen a lot less now! The story has certainly evolved since I really got into writing it but once again I’ll discuss more of those details later!
Hoped this answered your question anon and sorry I didn’t expect this to become so long 😭~
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bisluthq · 2 months
You're missing one death here (that sounds wrong to type ngl). He had one death in 2021, his uncle was in 2022 and his granny - sister of his uncle, was in 2023 after the breakup. As if everything that was happening wasn't tough enough. It must have been around September or something, cause I remember reading about the funeral in early October. But I imagine she was probably sick and not doing well, even prior. And apparently he, his father and brothers carried the coffin and all. Someone said there was a video of that, hence why they knew but tbh that wasn't really something I felt like I wanted to fact check on. The few times we saw him he looked definately quite rough in late 2023, so probably not doing well. He has only looking positively better this year.
damn that’s a lot of deaths. Extra rough that they all made it through COVID and then died so soon after. And also yeah I mean idk about the other death you mention but the other two were proper old and so were obviously quite sick for a while.
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