#and that's an intersting theory!! but I'm not convinced
adhd-merlin · 1 year
I've read the Will post you reblogged, it's all very sweet, but: Merlin himself has said that the years before he came in Camelot were the loneliest years of his life. His mother, Will, the entire village of people not hostile to magic were less dear to him that his destiny service to Camelot. So, no: relationship with Will is secondary to him, there ficwriters are right writing them in such manner. This passage about loneliness was probably created by the writers to emphasize Arthur & Merlin's unusual kind of friendship, like they only have each other, but in fact it devaluated Will for Merlin and the knights for Arthur.
Hi anon! Cool glasses.
Yeah, I haven't analysed that post that deeply, I just thought there were some interesting points in there (as someone who's never given much thought to Will). And for the record, sometimes I might agree with 90% of a meta post and go "eh, I don't know" about the rest — I might still reblog it, because it's still food for thought, and I'm okay with not agreeing 100% with everyone all of the time. (Unless I think they are blatantly wrong about the remaining 10%). People can interpret things differently and that's alright. That's what makes things interesting!
That said.
Merlin himself has said that the years before he came in Camelot were the loneliest years of his life.
This passage about loneliness was probably created by the writers to emphasize Arthur & Merlin's unusual kind of friendship (...) but in fact it devaluated Will for Merlin
Merlin was always lonely. He might have been less lonely in Camelot than he was in Ealdor, just by virtue of being around more people and feeling like he was working towards a bigger purpose, but he was lonely. He is so lonely it's heartbreaking.
It's... lonely. To be more powerful than any man you know, and have to live like a shadow. To be special, and have to pretend you're a fool.
It's a loneliness born out of having to hide his true nature and, at the same time, being unable to befriend those he could be open with about his magic, people like him — Morgana and Mordred, of course, but occasionally also the Baddie of the Week — because fate and prophecies have set them on opposing sides. It's tragic.*
(Colin Morgan himself briefly touches upon Merlin's loneliness in his commentary to Ep 5x02, when he says "there's a sense of loneliness in all the magical characters, I think. [...] All united in the loneliness.")
So, personally, I don't think Merlin talking about his loneliness says anything negative or even especially significant about the quality of his friendship with Will. Merlin was (and remains) lonely because of his nature and of his circumstances. It's not really anything to do with Will.
His mother, Will, the entire village of people not hostile to magic were less dear to him that his destiny service to Camelot
Just because magic isn't banned in Cenred's kingdom, it doesn't mean that the people there are less hostile to magic. If people in Ealdor were tolerant towards magic, Merlin wouldn't have had to hide it the whole time he was there. He might not have been burnt at the stake for it, but it's very much implied he would've been (at the very least) viewed with mistrust or even ostracised by the other villagers.
And I don't believe S1 Merlin considered his mother less important than his destiny. He tries to bargain his life for hers in 1x13. (Even in 2x09 he is ready to give up his destiny to run away with Freya. Also almost killed Arthur, btw. And yes, in my book that is pretty much a murder attempt).
I assume you're saying that because he initially refused to use magic to defend his village? But like I said, Ealdor was only slightly less hostile to sorcerers than Camelot, and Arthur was right there. It wasn't just a matter of what was more important to Merlin, it was a matter of his own survival too. S1 Arthur wasn't ready to hear about Merlin's magic. He literally lectures Merlin about magic being dangerous while he's watching his childhood friend burn on a funeral pyre (dick move, by the way). The man who died saving his life. So that didn't leave Merlin with much choice, despite what Will's rebuke implies.
In the end he does use magic, and he's almost discovered — he only gets away with it because Will takes the blame. So his reluctance in using magic to defend his village wasn't completely unfounded.
Was Will more important than Arthur to S1 Merlin, or even equally important? I suppose that's a matter of interpretation.
The author wrote:
I feel that Merlin’s relationship with Will is something that is important to him, and something that he has never considered to be secondary or less important than the relationships he built in Camelot.
IMO, Will was clearly a dear friend to Merlin, regardless of his comment about feeling lonely in Ealdor. And I don't know if Merlin's relationship with Will was as important to him as the relationships he built in Camelot (in which I include people other than Arthur, like Gaius and Gwen), but it clearly was important.
Will was literally the only person who knew about Merlin's magic, other than his mother, before he met Gaius. The only person he didn't have to hide his true nature from. That's got to count for something.
And as much as Merlin cared about Arthur, he never had that with him. It was, tragically, a very one-sided relationship, until almost the very end.
I think you might still argue that Merlin's relationship with Arthur was more important — if you were so inclined — because of the whole destiny thing and how it gave Merlin a sense of purpose. But based on the friendship alone? Very one-sided, like I said. And I don't think Merlin was significantly less lonely around Arthur.
Sorry, I've just rambled on.
*I'm 100% sure I wrote a short meta post (well, random thoughts) about this because it's something I've thought about so much. And now I can't find it. Why do I even tag posts when I can't find anything half of the time!!
ETA: found it
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neunhofferart · 4 months
Not sure if there's anything official- based only on a vaguely similar shape and location and seemingly supported by the map pictures released by Dreamworks TV recently, would Yaz's island be Frank Island in Yellowstone National Park? Only for JWE2 building reference purposes 😁
It's possible it was used for some visual inspiration, but I think the EXACT location in Wyoming was probably meant to be a little vague, as a fictional location.
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meandmyechoes · 10 months
pre-36 lil essay.
oh boy. finally. waiting two weeks is kill me.
but not really. i've wanted a break since, everything and it's kinda nice to not have to fret for the thrill last sunday. there was an annual fair i go every year since I was a child so I looked forward to that.
However, the week after that (this week) was bad ToT. I have no motivation to do anything even though I'm well-rested and fed physically. I had so much (reports) to do and don't want to do anything at all. The wait to Friday 5pm has never been so hard especially since they released the "Finished" announcement early on Tuesday.
Since two weeks have passed, I've read every theory without thinking too hard about it. I've learnt my lesson not to overthink King-Oh. One thing I want to point out though, it'd be a shame if Himeno isn't the co-star of her Retainers arc. The most convincing theory I've seen is the silver-hair guy is actually Himeno wearing Sebastian's real face. That would give Erica room to show off while keeping Himeno active in her story. Sebastian could stay by fake!Himeno/Kamejim side and corroborate with Himeno. The intersting part would be the flashback of how the two first met.
About Himeno's marriage contract. I'm not surprised she has one. I watched my fair share of court drama worldwide I know the first thing you graduate from being an heir is to produce an heir of your own. I know that's not within Nitiasa's jurisdiction but that's a very practical question! If not how they are going to do a Return V-cine! Haha but I hadn't expect them to really address it. For all we know, the Ikemen having a contract with Himeno is only his word. That would be further unreliable if it really was Himeno in speical makeup. I'm not too stressed about it. Toei will never make himerita canon but Takamina sure enjoys giving Rita girlfriends. The episode might just end on a typical girl's power move.
Just skimmed Rita's animage interview. phew 38 is confirmed to be Gokkan's Retainers arc. That means 37 is Kaguragi and KMH directing is simply the two might be more important. Maybe he's just filling in because YMG is on Rider now. Let's not scare ourselves.
FINE. 2 weeks? I can wait.
Ritamoru round though. Really scared. I have no loyalty to either ships I just eat whatever canon or not gives me. But I think fundamentally Himeno and Morfonia means different things to Rita. I like Himerita but I also voted for Ritamoru in the poll because I want to see Rita taking initiative. (If Rita-sama ends up one foot two boat "i pretend i do not see") I remember before 16 I was firm ritamoru lol.
What I meant is, OH MY GOD I'M SO SCARED WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO COOK UP FOR RITAMORU. BY GOD Kamihoriuchi. What did Takamina wrote in the script that made Yuzuki train like she can't feel her muscles anymore. Did they film that on Yuzuki's birthay.
I'm so scared because ep35 got me hard and I don't even ship wblue. I grew to like Yanma entirely because of how he is written and portrayed (i.e. it's more rational than falling for Rita at first sight and recgonition of the self). and bro… ep35 was so so good and that's JUST Katou directing in a very adaequate, typical way (positive).
I'm scared to even think about it. I had my ritamoru childhood rival origins way back that's been disproved by 16. They will answer Moru's question of why she is chosen unanswered in 16. I think ep38 is definitely going to be Rita trying to pass Moru the Ice Seal. (Guessing) but she ran away and Rita has to go find her, cue flashbacks.
(i wrote this 2am last night)
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
do you think there's a possibility of fintan being sophie's bio dad? if he is, how do you think sophie would react?
i think of the theories I've heard so far (most of which I don't remember), this is my favorite!
at least, my favorite in terms of the drama factors. Imagine. The moonlark, created to save the world from itself, to bring about change, turns out to be the biological daughter of the feral pyrokinetic trying to kill the government out of spite. This man has killed people she cared about. This man is the opposite of everything she stands for in terms of goals and morals (i was just talking about how they're similar character wise, too). It would be devastating if it were true
she'd have to look at his face and know that he did all the reprehensible things and that they were related by flesh and blood, that as much as she hates him she has a connection to him. I think she'd be pissed about it, similar to how she was with Oralie. At least at first. Just disbelief and rage because seriously? Him? out of everyone in the world, it had to be him? but it would fade away and she'd just be devastated, numb, and disappointed. Maybe even ashamed. How embarrassing would it be to find out you were fighting your biological father and he was right in from of you this whole time. And he's also actively working against you
however, i unfortunately don't think he's her dad, mainly for one reason: Forkle specifically said they ensured she wouldn't manifest as a pyrokinetic. Their reasoning was that they were already making her life a lot harder than an ordinary elf's. She would have multiple really strong abilities and stand out, they weren't going to give her a forbidden ability on top of that.
Fintan being her father gives Sophie enough of a chance at becoming a pyrokinetic that I can't see the Black Swan doing that. They actively avoided that ability.
but who knows! maybe shannon will pull a hehe that thing about going out of their way to make sure she wouldn't be a pyrokinetic was actually a misdirection! they just rearranged her DNA and took out the arson parts! fintan has been her father this whole time because he, too, wants a change in the world and is curious to see what she will bring to the table.
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nialltlynch · 4 years
You said we could ask you random asks, I love your thoughts about the dreamer trilogy so I want to ask you if you have any theories?do you think being at the barns is going to affect Jordan and Matthew (if it does) since they are at a place full of dream energy?How do you think the Mór o corra/Niall lynch copy thing is gonna go down/went down, how do you think it’ll affect the bros relationship going forward? Do you think Hennessy WILL dream up that last copy of herself (surviving hopefully!)?
i don't know that the barns would have an affect on jordan and matthew per se. the only thing i can think off hand is that they probably wouldn't have their weird dreamer trances there (or not as often). i do think the location of the barns plays an important part in the dreamer-dream connection. i'm not convinced that aurora would have stayed awake as long as she did had she not been at the barns for some reason when niall died. there's also something about metal or reflective surfaces right? she would touch them and get a sudden jolt of awareness or something? idk i think metal and i think swords which leads me to believe that vexed to nightmare and from chaos might be important to waking dreams. which honestly is completely off point and nothing but baseless conjecture whoops sorry!
i'm trying to assume the niall/mor business isn't as gross or weird as it currently looks...but it's so hard! niall was such a dick and mor honestly doesn't seem much better. like ok yeah she's in a girl boss murder mafia but idk. seems sus. what i want from mor + the new fenian is essentially just a declan-centric revenge fantasy that concisely addresses his trauma so declan can like. move on. i foresee a lot of complicated feelings getting dug up and declan having problems extricating himself from his parents orbit in ways that will eventually lead to his destruction. same for ronan honestly but probably in the opposite direction, as per usual. matthew is the intersting one here. he's a little unpredictable because we just don't know in. i am so excited for his POV and his interactions with mor.
i get so caught up in the euphoria of hennessy dreaming up a sword that i forget she's cursed lmaoooo i go back and forth on this because first! i am not manifesting hennessy dying. if she's going to dream that final copy, she's going to do it without killing herself somehow. but then that leaves the issue of having another girl with her face and her past and her trauma. it wouldn't be narratively satisfying. or she could get so good at dreaming that she's no longer in danger of dreaming a copy thus nullifying the danger. this is plausible but this also isn't all that narratively satisfying. so the only other option is hennessy dreaming a copy and dying which is not only unsatisfying but a massive pile of bullshit so i just choose not to think of it. for now, i think she dreams the copy without dying and the copy is handwaved like all the other ones ):
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a-heaven · 3 years
More than anything all I want to how is how or why Iwao killed his best friend. Or maybe he was framed? I want more to know more regarding the circumstances of the supposed murder.
idk why, but I'm starting to think that iwao is one of those nice dads who turn out to be absolute assholes in the end, so I'm sorta convinced that he did it because he's evil. Not sure if u know abt this or not but I've seen people on the forums suggest that yuanda zhu is THE ONE who killed sunming and then blamed it on iwao for some reason...I don't believe the theory, but I think it's intersting
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