#and thats how he finds out he's red/green colorblind
juliart-107 · 1 year
you know what, these ideas have been plaguing me for long enough. here's some hcs of charlie: the hero and sneeg: the hero from these genloss swap ideas and what goes through their head in their final moments
this is rambling time, so apologies if it makes half sense
what if i told you that glhero!charlie's goggles block out the color green, rendering him colorblind and seeing in red hues both in reality and whenever he tried to visualize something. in his final moments, he is finally able to remember the color green. the color of traffic lights, emeralds, fruit, and nature. his life outside. he remembers a person sitting among green, lush grass. he remembers her eyes; green, too. and when the audience decides he's no longer useful, a toy they have gotten tired of, he tries to think of as much green as possible in a desperate attempt to capture that idea of individuality that has been stolen from him for so long. he holds on to that color, to those familiar eyes, to that person who's name is just on the tip on his tongue ("it's similar to the word green, right? gre—thats not right. c'mon charlie, think. you don't have much left, what was her name? you have to remember her, you have to.") as the metal digs into his ribcage. stubbornly, he refuses to give showfall the satisfaction of completely bleaching his mind. he dies with the color green, the color of grace's eyes, in his mind and no one can take that away from him.
you know what else? glhero!sneeg's in-ear tech constantly bombards him with white noise to stop him from acting out of line. when he wakes, that sound has finally stopped, but is replaced with hetch monologuing and, just to mess with him, an obnoxiously loud clock ticking in the room. he begs for the peace of a quiet death. he is able to move his arms so he plugs his ears and for the first time his brain is silent. thats when he realizes, wow, now he can hear what his voice sounds like. he has never truly recognized his own voice, it never felt like it was his own. for some reason, he can only find himself repeating the word "hannah" over and over again, the name coming to him easily like he used to say it out of habit. then, in his head, a memory of a familiar voice, louder than any previous ringing or static, calls a name he assumes that is his—his subconscious flooding with past moments with hannah faster than he can comprehend. as the walls close in he thinks about how no one will mutter his real name again. he thinks about other sounds he will never hear again as well. car horns, dogs barking, laughter, whispered promises... a baby's cry.
anyway, can you tell i slept well? /s
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(edit: also, while ive mostly been on twitter, i feel like tumblr is more rambling-friendly, so i may do more waffling about headcannons because the brain rot is strong and i now have a place i can dump it somewhere lmao)
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transxfiles · 2 years
"why does shaggy wear a red shirt in the 80s scooby doo cartoons what was the point" he's red green colorblind leave the man be
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actualbird · 3 years
what if artem was red-green colorblind (the post that started out as a joke but turned emotional)
wc: 858
red-green color blindness (also known as deuteranopia) is more common in men than it is for women thanks to chromosomes and stuff. artem wing is such a stickler for detail and i think it would be very funny if he had NO IDEA he was red-green colorblind for basically all 29 years of his current life
for easy reference, heres how the colors look like
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artem just assumed the world was mostly shades of browns. and in his defense, it's not like he does much that has to do with distinguishing color. canon has shown us that apparently hes shit at art and an art teacher even told him as a child that he had no talent for coloring (and hey, CAN I TALK TO THAT TEACHER?? I HAVE SOME WORDS ABOUT WHAT YOU SHOULDNT BE FUCKING TELLING KIDS, JESUS...) but yeah. law school doesnt have a colorblindness test to go through, strawberries and tomatoes are brown and artem can tell whether theyre good for cooking by firmness alone, purple doesnt exist at all (anguished marius noises!!!) and thats why artem assumes "roses are red, violets are blue" is like that.
and artem has read articles about color!!! the articles that are like "theres no true color actually, everybody sees certain color differently. what is red for one person may not be red for another" so he chalks up to people calling things "red" or "green" as a manifestation of human diversity. and sometimes celestine tilts her head when she sees artem NEVER using red pens (artem is like hmm brown doesnt seem to be a good color for correcting mistakes? seems too aggressive. he'd rather use the, uh, "green" pens which he sees as a light brown)
and the way he finds out that hes colorblind is when hes trying to be romantic flirty. he and mc are on a date and hes so happy in a soft and gentle way that feels like his favorite color, the color of shores on the beach, the color that reminds him of peace and relaxation, the color of her eyes. and he's compelled to tell her this. so he does
artem: your brown eyes are very beautiful :')
mc: aww, thank you :') but my eyes are green
artem: wh
mc: uh. artem. what color are luke's eyes?
artem: darker. brown.
mc: his eyes are red. artem, i think you might be colorblind
artem's whole WORLD has been shaken LMAO. mc pulls up a quick colorblindness test on her phone for artem to take and he gets steadily more lowkey distressed as he has SO MUCH DIFFICULTY seeing the numbers hidden in the color blobs. DAVIS chimes in with "Mr. Wing! You seem to have deuteranopia! This is more common in men due to chromosomal---" but hes barely listening because hes SO EMBARRASSED
and mc is a little amused but she asks him if shes upset because shes Too Good for this world and artem is like "no im fine really im just. sorry. about not knowing what color your eyes actually are."
and mc is bewildered at how THATS what hes focusing on. hes a disaster of a man and she assures him that she does not mind, shes just flattered he thinks shes beautiful. and the blush that colors her face is a faint dusting of the color he loves so much.
so honestly, he doesnt care so much about his colorblindness. it doesnt stop him from doing anything and his...Very Important Friend isnt bothered by it either.
(and then once marius finds out---and AFTER marius gets over the fact that artem sees his own GORGEOUS VIOLET EYES AS DARK BLUE, hes offended, he is VIOLET PURPLE INDIGO!!!---marius' new favorite pass time is bringing him color swatches and annoying the ever loving fuck outta the poor man
marius: hey artem, what color is this
artem: you know i dont know the right answer
marius: cmon pleeeeaaaseeee just tryyyyy
artem: ...cream
marius: hey that one was actually pretty close! it's lime
artem: thats nowhere near close)
(vyn is largely unaffected. he mostly wears earthy tones anyway and his eyes are gold, which artem can see correctly. vyn is like "NO" tho when artem is at vyn's garden and he's looking at vyn's rose bushes like "oh you did a good job with these, the brown is very vibrant." but vyn knows a compliment from artem when he sees it, so he lets it slide)
(luke doesnt care about the colorblindness too but he does think about making artem those glasses that can adjust for colorblindness, if ever artem wants to see colors like how the rest of them do. luke really loves the green of mc's eyes, he'd love to share that with artem if artem wanted to see)
(artem just kinda shrugs and goes on with life normally. he doesnt need to see color like everybody else does.
...some moments though he does let himself think back to mc's eyes. the sands of a peaceful beach. he could stay in that color forever, if she'd let him.
it seems like a nice color to make a home in)
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gelatinous-cubicle · 4 years
A lot of people seem to think Hazel was one of Amilia's experiments in making a new Ulrich that she abandoned but that misses a few details. In episode one we start off with a musical car that was dropped near the apex mall car, what is the musical about? empathy. Why put a car focusing on empathy right in range of a car filled with murderou raiders? To teach them! Immediately after we get a turtle car that takes them right next to the car we meet Hazel. After they meet her they go into the ballroom car and learn to dance, but who hasnt taken a single class, yet already seems to know alot about dancing? Hazel. She was made specifically for this car. She was made specifically for the sequence of cars that they are traveling through. They travel through a car where they are forced to confront the Cat, forced to confront Simon's past. They are forced to to go through a car where they have to work with a denizen. How would any other passenger get through that car unless they had an animal companion to help them? An animal companion that also just so happened to be red/green colorblind? It wasnt made for just any passenger it was made for Yuba. Everything was planned. Everything except the same thing that surprised us all. Simon. THATS what caused Hazel to transform, the plan went wrong. If Tuba continued further as planned Hazel wouldn't have destabilized the way she did. This is not to say Hazel is stuck like this, I predict that Grace will try to hide the fact Hazel isnt human cause of course Simon will kill Hazel without a second thought if he finds out. Grace's number will continue to go down until it eventually gets lower than Simon's leading to a power struggle in the apex as Simon will claim Grace has gone soft, but won't be able to rule the apex cause he is utter garbage at kids. Simon and the apex's redemption is spotty and I'm unsure if Simon can end up reaching zero at all. But I am sure that the apex as we know it is already as good as over
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sp00ks-odyssey · 4 years
Day 7 NOW KISS!!
WARNING!! Lots and lots of fluff, intense smooching, insecure thoughts, bit of depression, sad things, and uhh......whatever else I forgot
Last one guys....then it’s over (´ . .̫ . `)
Ink was acting off I have tried to hang out with him but he would suddenly make a portal and leave not even talking to me, I became the cuddly one trying to cuddle him and gain his attention craving physical contact but he refused and would push me away, Ink would be in his room or gone at night so I slept alone, I got lonely and sad and wondered what was happening........
I roamed around Underswap looking at the scenery, I got bored while Ink, Dream and Blue went to help another Au that morning and I needed time to myself, Blue said I could visit his world whenever I wanted to cause his brother was there and would help if I needed anything, Ink agreed to this sadly randomly kicking me out of the house to go visit Underswap whenever he came home early after an Au rescue. I squinted confused at a tree I was passing, it was green but now it looked grey, I blinked and shook my head seeing it was green again.
A portal suddenly opened a few steps away stopping me in my tracks, Dream and Blue came running out looking worried. 
I walked into Ink's living room where Dream sent me through the portal he made to see Ink sitting there with an empty look, blank white eyes and staring at the wall: 
He hadn't had his paints I knew he hadn't, I walked over flinching a little as he rudely shoved his satchel at me and told me to get rid of the viles, I looked at the satchel noticing all his bottles were full and he didn't drink any of them, the colors still swirling around in their containers. I frowned walking up to him and tried giving him one to drink but he shoved it away.
"I said get rid of them!!" He shouted as I backed up fearfully:
I don't wanna get rid of them, he needs them to feel something..............
"Why won't you just take them?? Please!!" I pleaded desperately for the fifth time trying to get him to take even just one bottle, he just sat there on the couch not moving looking at me with an emotionless expression. I tried forcing it in his mouth but he moved his head away not opening his mouth so I could give him the paint. 
I became desperate and frustrated this was not the Ink I knew, we had moments like this before when he forgot to take them but this time I knew he hadn't taken them for a few days on purpose:
What is he trying to prove by not taking these?? Is this why he was acting off??
 My newly healed but still damaged soul shuddered a little at the thought that he was gonna refuse his viels and soon he would just be an empty shell. I desperately tried to figure out why he was doing this: Dream and Blue said nothing about why just that they needed my help cause he was acting off and not able to help them save any Au in this state. He looked at me not moving at all, I slowly put the viel back in the satchel and looked up at him with sad eyes.
 "You really won't take them will you?" I asked hearing my own sad voice, he just kept looking at me with those empty eyes. I was upset that he chose to do this and just sat there next to him on the couch, 
I looked up at him and he looked down at me with no emotion in his eyes and no hint of the smile I knew he always had. My thoughts started getting the best of me messing up my attempts to get him to take them:
I am so useless!! Not even I can give him the emotions he needs, I told myself I wasn't the one for him, he would be better off without me, he can't feel anyways so he would not even miss me if I just left him here, I knew my soul was too weak, he fixed my soul but it needs more time I can't save a soul-less person if I can't even keep my own soul alive even after it's been healed. What was I thinking? I can't save someone who has no soul if I can't even save my own soul,
Sitting in the house watching him look at me emotionless, and remembering how he always kept pushing me away the last few days made my soul shudder again and I heard the all too familiar crack, I flinched but looking at him he didn't bat an eye socket, it was just too much for me, too sad to see.
I closed my eyes shaking my head and looked down at the viles on the satchel determined to get him to drink one just one, I froze: Every vile I was looking at was just grey.
Where are the colors!!?? 
I looked up to see everything in the room black and white and I freaked out:
Why is this happening?!! Why can't I see any colors??!! Am I becoming colorblind!!? How is that possible??? 
I snapped out of my rant feeling breathing on me and looked up seeing Ink looking at me, he was really close to my face and I backed up a little kinda freaked out. 
"Your soul made that crack noise again” He said with no emotion or concern in his voice, 
He actually heard that??
"It did?? Huh...how many times?" I asked,
"Four times" He said, I sighed sadly and looked at the grey viles,
"Well, I am just frustrated" I muttered, 
"Why" He asked though I knew he didn't really care: How could he? He had no emotions.
"You need to take these” I said ignoring his question and looking at him desperately,
"WHY NOT!!" 
"I don't need them”
"YEAH YOU DO!!!"  
"Not anymore”
"Well.....why not just take one? At least one?” I asked looking down hesitantly,
"Ummm how about this one??" I said picking up a random one,
"It's the yellow one, you need to be happy right?" I looked at him hoping I had the yellow one, he looked at me a lot longer than he had before and forced an emotionless chuckle out.
"That is the red one" I blushed looking down at the one I picked,
"Oh! Heh, I knew that uhhh is this the yellow one?" I asked myself picking up another grey one, 
"Thats the blue one" He said,
"I can't tell which ones which!!" I freaked finally losing it, I threw the satchel at him and he caught it without any effort,
"I CAN'T SEE THE COLORS!! ANY COLORS!! WHAT'S GOING ON!!??? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!!!?? what's wrong with me....what's wrong with me" I slowed my ranting whispering more to me then to Ink rocking back and forth on the couch, he continued to look at me and then back at the satchel and then back at me.
"I can't see the colors, I'm colorblind!! I don't know why or how but I am, I'm worthless now......I've always been worthless this just makes it even more so.....I guess it's for the best then huh?? I'm not worth your time and I won't be able to see the beautiful colors of the sunsets and....." I kept muttering to myself. 
I felt a pull and looked up to see Ink using his magic to take out my soul, his emotionless eyes widened as he looked at the soul: It was fully grey, the grey was darkening and becoming black again, pooling out of it was the last of my soul's color, I watched the grey color drip down and vanish like magic,he put back my soul before looking at me and trying to frown.
“Don't try, you can't feel any sympathy for me" I muttered looking down. 
I racked my brain for anything I can say or do that could at least try to help him:
Maybe I can do what those cheesy Disney movies do and give him a kiss? HAHAH!!! That wouldn't do anything!! Well.....maybe it could work......It would be our first kiss since we've been dating though....what if I ruin it???
I looked over at Ink and crept forward as he looked down at the satchel in his gloved hands ignoring me,
Bad idea!! Maybe I shouldn't.......
I kept creeping over until I was right next to him: 
No turning back now I guess......let's hope this dumb plan works it's all I got.
I hesitated once more before grabbing his face and he looked up at me, I pressed my lips to his boney ones, he did nothing just sat there looking up at me as I closed my eyes and tried to send all my emotions and problems and desperation to get him to understand into the kiss but I felt nothing coming from him: There was nothing.
I broke away and sighed sadly getting up and sitting on the other side of the couch far away from him:
Nope! Did not work, man I'm gonna have to tell Disney that happy true love's first kiss don't work darn....does that mean he does not love me? That I'm not the one for him??? I must of ruined it like I ruined everything.......
I looked down feeling a few tears come out of my eyes, I felt his bony finger wipe them from my cheeks and I looked up at him.
"Why are you crying" 
"It's fine, it's nothing don't worry about me I'm trying to help you out, I will handle my problems later, alone, I will just hold it in like I have been doing the past few weeks"
He was gonna say something but I quickly wiped my tears, hearing my soul crack again from holding in my emotions before getting up quickly.
"I'm gonna go find Dream and Blue so I can tell both of them I can't see colors anymore and then see if I can get help to see colors again or if it's permanent or something” I started walking past Ink and to the door, I felt him grab my arm and pull me backwards and I fell on my back on the couch making a squeaking noise of surprise. 
I looked up at Ink who was on top of me his hands were on either side of my head pinning me there, he was looking down at me with an emotionless look.
"Uhhh.......hi?" I said chuckling a little trying to make it less awkward, he kept looking down at me and I blushed looking around, 
"Uhhhhh, it's very uhh.....grey in here hahah......” I tried to think of something else to say but he kept staring, I got scared. 
"I'm sorry about kissing you!! Don't be angry I thought it would work you know, cause it worked in Disney but I was wrong please don't be angry I-” I stopped ranting feeling his boney finger wipe my cheeks and I realized I was crying again. 
"Why are you sad”
"I can't help you with the viles, you can't feel emotions, I just lost the last bit of colors in my soul and now I can't see anything but grey and black and white and I kissed you cause I thought you actually liked me too, you know cause we've been dating for a while but I ruined it and.....I found out you don't actually love me and we aren't soul mates" I whispered the last part,
I kept my head down looking at his white shirt,he kept wiping the tears as I struggled to stop my damn crying. 
"Man am I so emotional” I mumbled to myself half joking, Ink stopped wiping my tears and looked at me as I continued.
"I mean seriously I got so much emotional garbage yet none of my freaking emotions can help you, I knew it would not work, I knew you did not love me and I'm so stupid at thinking you did, that you asked me out cause you actually felt anything for me....You can't feel you can't actually 'love' me. I was right! I can't save anyone if I can't save myself" More tears flew down my cheek and I wiped them furiously trying not to brush my hands on his chest which was dangerously close to me. 
"Damn it stop crying!! You emotional baby!!" I hollered to myself trying to hold it in. 
Ink suddenly lifted me up so I was sitting in his lap resting on my knees, his arms were around me in a sorta emotionless hug as he patted my back.
I suddenly lost it and started bawling and gripping his shirt letting it all out, the emotional garbage of anger, regret, sadness, grief, heartbroken and loneliness from having to hold it all in all the time pooled out of my tears as I cried. Ink just sat there letting me cry it all out not trying to comfort me.
 I kept crying for a few more minutes until I pushed Ink away backing out of his lap and onto the couch cushion, he let go his arms going back to his sides, I wiped my eyes which were probably red from crying but I won't be able to see it. I chuckled darkly looking away. 
"What's wrong"
"I just remembered I can't see colors so I won't be able to see my red eyes from all that crying" I chuckled again sounding as empty as him.
He kept looking at me not even cracking a smile at my joke and I sighed feeling a little better. 
"Thanks for letting me cry on you, you can't feel anything and you weren't able to actually help but I'm happy you let me”
"It's better than holding it in until your alone, that's not a healthy thing to do and that's probably why your soul is damaged that much" Ink said 
"I'm used to being alone, I have been holding it in for a while after you stopped hanging out with me, Blue and Dream and you would leave and then I'd cry it out by myself" I muttered darkly, I looked up only to flinch as Ink was really close for comfort, again. 
"Uhhh....." I said backing up until my back hit the armrest of the couch. 
"Why have you not told us or asked for help," He asked crawling closer, I looked down at his satchel that fell on the floor.
"Sorry” I mumbled looking down sadly, I couldn't think of anything else to say. 
"You wanna know why I stopped taking them?" He asked, I looked up to his voice but flinched at how close he got while I was not focused, he now had me pinned to the armrest of the couch his arms once again locking me in from moving straddling me in between his legs.
"Why?” I asked confused, Why is he so close? 
He reached out to touch my cheek, I flinched thinking he was gonna hit me but he started stroking my cheek before leaning in to whisper in my ear. 
"-I wanted to see if this would work" 
"If what worked?" I asked confused. 
"......This" He said and slammed his boney lips against mine rather roughly, the minute that happened though I gasped as the color suddenly appeared back in my eyesight and I could see everything in color again, he continued to kiss me wrapping his arms around me as I did the same still a little confused, I noticed a rainbow swirl around us locking us in place and keeping us from moving away from each other.
He continued to kiss me getting rougher and more aggressive but I really did not care as I closed my eyes and relaxed kissing him back, his boney lips parted and I felt his rainbow tongue exploring inside my mouth, I just kissed him back confused out of my mind. 
After a good few long minutes or was it hours, of us basically making out he pulled away panting and I opened my eyes feeling breathless noticing his boney lips were cracked and bruised from all that but my lips were aching which meant mine were probably in the same condition, he looked down at me with half lidded emotionless eyes before he yelled out and fell off the couch clutching his chest and groaning in pain.
"INK! ARE YOU OKAY!?" I yelled getting up and trying to grab him but he started laughing, yelling in victory. I froze confused. 
"IT WORKED!! YES!!!" He leapt up off the ground and grabbed me giving me a really tight hug and I hugged back confused.
"What worked?? What happened?" I asked bewildered as he put me back down and smiled I noticed his eyes changing colors and shapes again. 
"Did you drink the paint when you fell?” I asked confused tilting my head. He laughed and hugged me again.
"No silly! I was hoping if I expressed my real feelings to you without the viles the strange things that pained my chest and the emotions I was getting from being around you would work and I would have this!!" He used a grabbing motion against himself and a rainbow upside down soul appeared, I looked at it in wonder.
"It's so pretty" I said speechless staring at it in wonder watching the colors swirl around and he laughed putting it back. 
"I can feel without paints now!! All thanks to you!” I looked up at him feeling happy for him but looked down confused and a little sad.
"What's wrong?" He asked sitting next to me on the couch.
"Was that all you wanted from me? Was to get a soul? And now you have one your gonna leave me like everyone else does when they get what they want from me?" 
He chuckled making a grabbing motion at me and my soul came out the cracks and damaged were gone and my soul trait had returned showing that I too got......better? 
He put it back smiling at his discovery and started giving me another hug but I flinched away making him frown, 
"What were we talking about?” He asked looking around confused, he perked up probably remembering what I said and what we were talking about and started waving his hands in front of him.
"No! I would never do that! I wanted to discover these new feelings I had without my paints but I lost emotions and I almost forgot what I was trying to do and.....what was I saying??" He stuck out his tongue and looked at his scarf scratching his skull.
"You mentioned Disney earlier right??" I knew he was confused and forgetting what he said but I just looked at him feeling hurt that he only used me for getting his soul, it was kinda selfish of him but I felt selfish as well.....He got a soul he looks so happy, why can't I be happy for him? 
"You kissing me snapped me out of my emotionless state a little bit and managed to allow me to do what I was gonna do before I became an empty shell......" He was still talking but I wasn't listening still in my own thoughts and looking down at where his satchel lay. He lifted my chin up so I could meet his gaze, his eyes full of concern and understanding.
"Dream and Blue were in on this, that's why I left all the time and ignored you, it pained me harshly but I had to do it, I made Dream bring you here and leave us alone for a few hours so I could finally understand how much you mean to me, you gave me back something I thought was lost forever, my soul and I love you for that"
I flinched at the L word staring into his gaze as he smiled kindly,
"You are my soulmate Stitches why would I leave after I got my soul back from the very person I want to be with forever? I have not done all this just to use you and then leave believe me I would never use you and toss you away I refuse to do that, I love you and I will do everything I can to protect you and keep your soul from breaking again like I've promised many times before.......if you will help me with my new soul and how to understand my new emotions, right now the only emotion I feel is love for you Ma Fleur and it's gonna be overwhelming for me once I start feeling the rest, so will you help me with the overwhelming emotions to soon come?”
I nodded speechless but he got the message and knew my answer, he smiled giving me another hug, this one a little bit lighter than the others but I tightened it making him laugh a little and tighten the hug as well.
"I forget that you have not had physical contact in a while that's my fault" He muttered into my hair chuckling as I huffed an agreement not letting go. 
"We should go see where Dream and Blue went and tell them what happened" He said half caring about the idea. 
"m not letting go" I muttered into his chest and he chuckled, 
"Alright then I will just carry you there” I yelpt a little as he picked me up me still clinging onto him like a Koala and started walking out the door.
"And to think this was our first kiss since we've been dating huh Ma Fleur? I'm gonna let your Disney attempted one slide and say mine was the first one, your's never happened"
I giggled a little too emotionally tired to respond, he laughed at my reaction holding me tight both our souls glowing and beating at the same time.
done.......  @selfshipperapproved  here is the last one
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thanatos-nightshade · 4 years
Im going to write masayou soulmate aus and no one can stop me but at the same time im not the best writer so maybe ill just toss my ideas out here for now. Void write this down because im gonna have to come back to these.
This is a long post im sorry
First au will be the colorblind one where you see color once you make eye contact with your soulmate for the first time. However, platonic soulmates exist thus causing more confusion. One thing that helps is that the effect romantic soulmates have is much stronger while platonic soulmates tend to just help with vibrancy or seeing some colors. (Im just winging it here because honestly masahinashiyou are def soulmates).
Anyways, this is how its gonna go: youji and masaomi meet in the usual i saved your life way we're stuck together except both can see colors pretty darn well now. For youji it was kinda a brief explosion of color followed by dimming except for the colors red, gold, and purple. Its similar for masaomi except the vibrancy is slower to come for him but it starts with blues and metallics. Masaomi naturally has to keep this under wraps because he needs to know who exactly this guy is and what type of person he is and he also doesnt believe himself to be a romantic of any sort. Is he capable of being romantic yes of course but will he ever do anything like that now? Not unless the person had earned his respect and seemed worthy.
Oh no this could be a multi chaptered thing
Anyways this sort of goes along with his slow burn sort of thing whereas youji is kind of just that type of person to help out masaomi without needing proof to accept that masaomi is an important person in his life (the cult really watered down the whole soulmate thing because theyre homophobes so its just "important person in your life" for them). The colors also represent his "oh no hes attractive" side of youji who secretly has it pretty damn bad for masaomi.
They both stick with each other because they both recognize that theyre going to be important to each other (though currently only masaomi has an inkling as to how important they are/will be to each other since his vision is not terrible and that brief explosion of colors was no mistake, he simply isnt/wasnt ready to trust youji fully and also the universe was giving him a challenge and a choice which he will not back down from thank you very much) and youji wont realize what the colors and vibrancy mean until he meets hinami and shiori who are more than welcome to discuss those with him.
What happens when shiori and hinami meet them? For shiori and hinami, the world becomes more focused when theyre by each other and small details and colors pop out more. This is especially true for hinamis side since shiori brings clearer perspectives and other points of views to the table. For shioris side hinami brings out the brighter lighter and softer colors of the world that one might miss. Masaomi brings out the bolder colors and youji stabilizes the "image" and brings both color types into balance. For youji hinami brings all the colors into focus and its breath taking but also for the most part the colors were already there. However light seems to hit everything he sees now and wow you mean light causes different shades of things? Shiori doesnt seem to change much but he does notice that certain colors look more saturated or that he can see certain textures now and differentiate between certain shades. Especially in the blues, purples, and greens, hinami works mostly with the warmer colors. For masaomi he hinami doesnt change much for him although he does realize how he remembers the details of people and earthy tones more easily after meeting her. Shiori balances out the saturation and brings forth the colors that refused to come out before or simply just needed a push to come forward. Of course shiori also comes with pushes towards youji.
Oh goodness this is so long. All this detail is unnecessary but its here. It ends with them all agreeing to OT4 after hinami and shiori wrestle feeling talk and misunderstandings out of masaomi and youji. Youji totally thinks masaomi is an unrequited/not reciprocated love after all and/or JUST FRIENDS. But really masaomi is like "of course im going to be with youji forever thats been decided since i was 18. And shiori will be there too but she was a more recent addition to my life. I guess hinami can come too" but hes just been quietly planning this and thought that everyone else was on his level and knew already. And it ends happily ever after (except eventually shiori and hinami die and masaomi and youji drift apart but then they come back and kasamatsu comes across pictures of all of them and asks about what happened and does some snooping and finds out his dad and masaomi were soulmates and has to work with kise to get them together again but kise mostly just wants to do it so he can get more alone time with senpai but then akashi interrupts and furihata is a romantic and is all for it and also cites the manga a lot for help and youji is embarassed because his son is insisting and pulls out the "this is what mom would want" card and they talk about hinami and shioris deaths and what that means for them and their feelings and masaomi FINALLY admits to how he didnt like living without youji and youji admits that he wished masaomi was around for more of his familys life even tho masaomi cringes because babies and kids but does admit that had masaomi been around they would probably be much greater than they are now NOT THAT THEYRE BAD OR ANYTHING JUST LIKE OK HE'LL SHUT UP NOW but that youji could somehow make kids look appealing. In a sense. AND THEN it finally ends happily ever after omg.
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