#and thats the plot of nitro
nightmare8-420 · 8 months
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silentoathprincess · 11 days
i love dmmd but i have seen you reblog about other nitro chiral games, how would you rate them? like which game do you like the most and so on, I've only played dmmd and i love it but seeing your posts makes me want to play those too!! love your blog
thank you anon thats so nice!!! ill try to keep this shortish bc otherwise i WILL infodump forever. and ill try not to spoil anything
dmmd is definitely my favorite! it is kind of an outlier compared to the other n+c games tho. it has a lot more comedic moments and the bright cyberpunk aesthetic is pretty different than the usual nitty gritty nitro chiral vibes. if you havent played reconnect you totally should! it adds so much to the characters (msg me if you cant find a copy online) and im forever trying to get my hands on the mizuki recode route lmao
togainu no chi and slow damage are about even for me. slow damage is the most recent one and might have the best story that n+c has ever written. its the only one without any supernatural elements but i think it makes up for it with compelling plot. its VERY dark but i think that makes getting to the end and figuring out all the mystery of the game v exciting. i DO wish the routes felt more...equal? like theres very clearly a true route and its very clearly the best of the bunch lmao. also give me an ikuina route pls hes sooo unwell <3
tnc is the first n+c game and its showing its age a little (i kinda love the early 2000s emo vibes tho). i think the premise for it is really intriguing! theres some killer world building and really fantastic bad ends (if you're into that sort of thing). the character personalities dont quite hit the same levels of intrigue as dmmd for me but theres not a single one i dislike. theres an extra character in the re-release tnc true blood too but ive never been able to get a copy
i'll be so honest, i did not like sweet pool at ALL when i first played it. theres some fantastic fanart out there thats actually swayed me back around to liking it more but like. i didnt know what i was getting into and i definitely should have read a summary first. i thought the thing about youji shitting meat was a running joke. i was not prepared for it to be like baby meat fetuses and cult omegaverse stuff. i like omegaverse but i wish i had been more prepared. its a low tier game for me tbh
i havent finished lamento yet! it took me years to get it working lmaooo im still in the common route. right now i'd probably put it between tnc/slow damage and sweet pool. its definitely better than sweet pool but its not hitting tnc/slow damage levels for me yet. i like the catboys tho catboys catboys catboys
per usual with n+c games id recommend checking out a warnings guide first just to be safe but let me know if you play any of them or which ones you like! i hope this helped!
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bunycube · 2 years
hello!! i have a question: i recently replayed dmmd (as well as an obscure bl vn from the 90s) and rediscovered my love for VN titles. now i see you post a lot about other titles like slow damage and... pool...? would you recommend those? and how/where could one find them??
thank you so much in advance!! i hope you have a beautiful day
ohh sweet pool, lamento: beyond the void, togainu no chi and slow damage are other bl visual novels from nitro+chiral (same developers as dmmd!)
they all have pretty diff worlds n stories n chars but since same writer i thinkk theres a lot of common elements, so if u liked one of them ur likely to enjoy the rest....some are darker/lighter than others tho so it depends on ur personal preference? i personally enjoyed all of them except togainu no chi but ik ppl who liked it hmm. id definitely recommend checking out the other chiral games! sweet pool n slow damage r prob my favs so if ur ok w looking at disturbing content and bl thats not as..romancey. (like i feel both of those r p plot heavy tho i def mean that as a compliment hsfhdh) do check them out <33
sweet pool, togainu no chi can be bought on both steam and jast usa website tho i recommend jast ESPECIALLY for sweet pool since steam straight up jut. cuts out entire important scenes l. lamento can be downloaded from a tutorial somewhereits a lot of work but i think its worth it 😭 i think theres one on lamentoresources still, the one i used got taken down :( . slow damage is on jast usa's site!
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skyartworkzzz · 3 years
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Recently made a new au based on Pirates of the Caribbean, so its pretty much "royalty vs pirates" kind of concept <3
Frisk (aka Friese, her real name here) is the princess of a kingdom thats going through a supply crisis, and due to the lack of knowledge about what lies overseas, her family decided to pay a group of pirates to temporarily help them until they have enough resources. Among the pirates, theres the brothers Sans and Papyrus, the captains and the ones responsible for the deal with the kingdom as well. Sans, however, eventually befriends Frisk and they get closer until an unexpected event takes place...
Im still working on some stuff bout the story but thats the main plot for now, it might change as well depending on the ideas I have in the future x'D Ill also design some other characters for this au....eventually-
ANYWAYS hope yall like it <3
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jazzmandd · 2 years
Kingdom hearts 4 Predictions.
Having recently beaten Kingdom hearts 3 after a very long lull since buying the game day 1, I’ve been thinking and thunking about what worlds are going to show up in Kingdom hearts 4.
I am an old man driven by madness that is of the anime boy and Ducks and Dogs who fight shadow blobs in the Princess worlds. This is all based on speculation, where the series currently sits and where I personally feel they’re gonna go. I can be entirely wrong or entirely right on these guesses, but if it’s a 100% success rate: Pikmin 4 is real, Banjo-Kazooie remake is happening and Crash Bandicoot Nitro fueled racing will be on PC.
Here’s what I think is gonna happen.
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Star Wars
I think this one is gonna be the most obvious selection, if the Kingdom hearts 4 trailer is to go by with the shots of supposedly ‘Endor’ and the robot mech foot.
I’m not too sure if the world would be a play by play of Episode 6 or not, but it’s likely to involve a fight with Darth Vader at some point.
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Moana seems like a natural fit for a Kingdom hearts world, easily workable allies with Moana and Maui, unique locales, natural fit for bosses such as the giant crab or the volcano god at the end and could probably fill the niche of pirate’y world that seems to crop up in all the mainline games (as much as I like Treasure planet, I think Normua would want to go for a world thats easier to adapt with already existing CG for).
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Alice in Wonderland
Here’s a weird one, but hear me out!
Sora in KH4 is going to begin in Quadratum a world based off a video game called Verum Rex, which was in the Toy Story world in 3, its a location rested in un-reality it’s basically Sora’s ‘after life’ after the events in KH3 and yes this sounds really stupid.
The point is this world is going to be acting as a hub for Sora according to Normua and considering the whole ‘un-reality’ of it all, I think this is going to be backdoor entrance to making worlds based off live action properties, especially for anything previously visited in the games before.
Alice in Wonderland I think is the most natural fit to showcase the difference between the Cartoon Disney Wonderland and the Live action attempt, especially since the world itself in Kingdom hearts 1 was kind of....Empty? The live action movie probably has more to work with, a possible jabberwocky boss, Mad hatter being a team mate, and I think it would be fun to have a scene with Sora utterly confused at someone who looks like Jack Sparrow but isn’t in a world thats supposed to be Alice in Wonderland but very different.
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Frozen 2
As much as I utterly hated this world in KH3, I think there’s going to be at least one returning world from it and it’s going to be this. Nomura loved Frozen, It’s likely going to be “the movie plot” ism just like the first one but at least we won’t be climbing up and down a mountain this time. Right?
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Inside Out
I can’t see Kingdom hearts 4 not having any Pixar content going forward with the series, whether it’s a returning world like Toy Story, or something new, I think Inside Out is the most interesting idea the series would use.
“But Jazz, how can Inside out be a world when its inside a persons head” Don’t ask me, these games has several different worlds based off London and France.
I think the most likely thing is it takes place inside Sora’s head, you could have the different emotions talk about Sora’s past, and that you don’t need to be a happy go-lucky hero all the time, Dream eaters could be involved again, and you could possibly have locations based off places Sora’s been before all mish mashed together. 
Considering how many times Sora and Co have been in those ‘Dive to the heart’ Stained glass areas usually at the start of the games, how could you not finally explore what the hell those are?
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Another very popular Pixar movie, and also dealing with the same themes Sora is going through right now. Sora and Miguel are both characters that wind up in some sort of After life world, and both likely want to return to the world of the living, this could be yet another world to bring back the Dream eaters since the spirit animals everyone has are a great analogue. 
My only contention with this being a world is the plot. Both Pixar worlds in KH3 were basically original stories, I’m not sure if Coco would really do the ‘the movie plot’ ism like a lot of Disney worlds do, This is probably my least confident pick to see show up in KH4, especially when there's some like Incredibles or Soul that deserve it more. 
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Finally to cap it all off (I’m assuming Kingdom hearts 4 will keep the 7 world structure) The Angelina Jolie Maleficent.
What better way to also showcase the un-reality worlds then Sora teaming up a different version of a character who is currently a villain? What happens if you have the Cartoon Maleficent and the live action one show up face to face? You also get another chance to expand a previous world (From Birth by sleep) to include more locales, the castle, the forest, the fairy tale knoll maybe even deal with the weird Maleficents bird species place from the sequel.
I very much doubt these will be all the worlds in KH4, there could be less or more worlds then these 7, the minigame world (Pooh bear?) could return or be different, and frankly if it were up to be Atlantis and Treasure planet would be there.
But considering how Sora is going to be in this weird new not tokyo location and Donald and Goofy are presumably visiting worlds with after lifes (Hercules and possibly Pirates?) I wouldn’t be surprised by some of the thematic connections some of these have.
Thanks for listing to my TED talk.
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roleplayfinder · 5 years
hey! i'm 15, any pronouns, n pansexual if thats important :) i'm looking for someone to roleplay harry potter with, specifically the ship wolfstar (sirius black and remus lupin). it'll be a 1x1 ship, and i normally roleplay on discord but my nitro is ending so just send me a dm here and i'll tell you my discord user in the case it hasnt changed and etc. i don't have a basic plot in mind yet, although i am a literate roleplayer who loves slow burn. :)
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god-hunter · 7 years
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Secret Empire #0
This was the big one folks.  A giant sized 0 issue, which apparently wasn’t even the first one you were supposed to read.
There are 3 other prelude issues to this, which I won’t bother collecting.  One from U.S Avengers, where it seems Captain America shook things up with Roberto DaCosta.  Another in the Thunderbolts book, I think.  And finally his own Captain America: Steve Rogers book, where he finally revealed his outward villainy, apparently.
...Before I go any further, I should mention to anyone not in the know, that since the Pleasant Hill event ended and Steve Rogers triumphantly returned with his youth, Nick Spencer left us with a nasty cliff-hanger.  And that was the fact that, Kobik (the cosmic diety that brought him back) was being manipulated by Red Skull.
This only spelled bad news for Cap, as Spencer spent an entire year setting up the idea that Steve was never a genuine American Hero, but really a Secret Hydra Agent, deep deep undercover for years.  [Come on, man.  Really!?]
Now.. this is old news.  People hated Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 the world over.  Then others saw through the whole ploy when they stayed on for Steve Rogers #2.  Since then, I think Marvel audiences have been split between hating on this entire plot thread, and others finding it downright brilliant.
I... have avoided it like the plague.  Brian Bendis had the chance during Civil War II to hint at us that Cap wasn’t being genuine, or secretly harboring evil thoughts or whatever, and he didn't.  He left Spencer to his devices, who handled a pretty well written Epilogue to Civil War II.
That very same epilogue hinted at what’s to come right here in Secret Empire.  Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter were in power once again.  And this time, as Top Cop, he was going to make sure he was going to follow through with his “true” mission.
[Give me a break man.  He’s obviously gonna break out of this.  But in the meantime, Marvel audiences are beyond frustrated at the straight up blasphemy and downright betrayal that Spencer has created for the Captain America fanbase.]  And I think that’s a fair Pre-Assessment.
As for this issue.  It was really well written.  It’s very dense.  There’s a lot going on.  And some of it is a bit much.  And I was definitely left feeling bummed out by the end of it.  Steve Rogers is definitely breaking my heart a little bit, here.  But I’d also like to think I understand where Spencer is going with this.  And I can only hope that he’s going to deliver a major redeeming factor somewhere down the line, towards the end of all this.
In the mean time.  Let the Secret Empire begin.
Warning.  This was a very long issue, and I don’t want to leave a single detail out.  So the rest of this review may be tl;dr.  I’ll do my best to move the points along though.
We start with a “Flashback” from 1945 in Japan where Captain America secretly reported to his Hydra boss, Kraken.  [Already, I’m not in love.]
Along with Kraken is what I thought was Sir Isaac Newton from the Sorcerers Supreme book, but I could be wrong.  Anyway, they tell him that the Allies are about to use a ‘Cosmic Cube’ to rewrite reality itself.  And not to believe them when he falls into their will.  {To make us believe that all those years as an Avenger, he was somehow being manipulated.}
Through some really nice visuals, we see Cap’s heroic history unfold, even though he now believes that it was in-genuine.  That is to say, he believes his “true mission” is to betray them.
After that strange flashback, we’re treated to an interesting Character Page.
This book is going to host Steve Rogers & Sharon Carter at S.H.I.E.L.D. Command [obviously], both Ironheart AND Iron Man in Michigan..
The Ultimates and other cosmic favorites like Hyperion and the new Quasar, (which was kind of nice to see.)  The Guardians of the Galaxy minus Drax will be around.
At New York City, we get to see the Defenders in action for the first time, which is pretty exciting.  I’m no stranger to Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Daredevil, but to see them finally get the Team Treatment and recognition since Bendis wrapped up New Avengers vol. 2, is really nice.  Also with them is Spider-Woman, Doctor Strange, Cloak and Dagger.  The Uncanny Avengers will also be featured in this book, which I enjoy.  [Guess I’ll be collecting those tie ins.]  Did I mention The Wasp is there too?  Janet Van Dyne.  Not the new one.
And of course this event wouldn’t be complete without some Hydra Forces such as Baron Zemo and his Army of Evil.
Now...  Before I continue, I noticed a significant lack of ‘Actual’ Avengers.  ...is Waid staying out of this??  Does Spencer not care about them??
What of Clint Barton?  Won’t he have something to say about an evil Cap in Power?
Well.  We’ll see I guess.  I’m getting ahead of myself here.  Apparently Captain America: Sam Wilson explained his absence from this event already.  =/
Once we finally get into the issue, I’m already confused.  I’ve already missed something.  There are apparently 3 red dots on the trouble map, which S.H.I.E.L.D. has failed to stop for months, and now it feels like the end is nigh.
[Also, I’m completely thrown off by her old appearance in this issue, meanwhile in Infamous Iron Man, she’s totally young and fresh looking.  I could’ve sworn she looked the same in CWII’s epilogue as well.]
Well, anyway, we get to see Captain Marvel, the Ultimates and other Cosmic friends take action in space against the Chitauri.
[You would think Al Ewing would set some of this up for Ultimates 2 tie-ins, but he definitely has some other pointless things going on in his pocket of the universe.]
As the Ultimates fight in space, Ironheart, and apparently Tony’s mobile armored A.I. is able to fully work alongside her.  [As if Tony was never in a coma or something..  Hah!]
I have no idea what they’re doing.  I wish I could say what they’re analyzing.  But outside, New York is burning.
This is where we find that The Defenders are up against Nitro, who has nothing but vengeance on his mind since Pleasant Hill, which happened more than a year ago at this point.  [Where was this before?]
“Know that it is their sins you die for now!”
The action is pretty awesome on the ground and in space as Sharon worries with a pensive Steve from the Helicarrier.  The panels are scattered and frantic, although aligned neatly along the page.
Narrations build things up in past tense.
“This is how we were betrayed.”  The mysterious story continues to unfold.
Apparently in space, the new Quasar dies, or we are lead to believe that, as a huge alien swallows her whole.
From the Helicarrier, Cap commands, “We need that shield!”
[THATS what Riri and Tony A.I are working on!!]
{I have a weird theory that Tony’s A.I. slacked on getting the shield up in time, but I have little-to-nothing to back up that theory.}
In New York, Jessica Jones definitely saves the Defenders from getting blown up by Nitro, who just suicide bombed the area.
It almost seems as if something fatal happened to her, but we find that is not the case the next time we see them.
Cutting further to the chase, Riri and Tony A.I get the shield up, but in the process Steve basically locks the Ultimates out of Earth.
The Unity Squad touches down by the Defenders, where Rogue mentions something about guessing they’re Avengers again.
[I know this team got rocked recently, but I forget why.  Do they know that Steve is Hydra..?  Or just don’t trust him??  I gotta read up on them again.]
For a minute it looks like they all won.  [But as I said.  Steve locked the Ultimates out of Earth and, he makes this betrayal apparent soon after.]
He even allowed his own Hellicarrier to be brought down by Hydra Agents who invade the place.
They all arrive before Steve and Sharon and aim their guns at her.  He orders them not to shoot and to stand down, which confuses Sharon.
...This thing gets all over the place after that.  With Carol and the Ultimates finding out that they’re officially screwed and left for dead as more and more Chitauri waves come for them, we’re given an interesting caption.  “Stage One. Alpha Flight Space Station.”
Then we see that Zemo is outside of New York on a speedboat with Blackoutm as he holds the Darkholde book.  [Ah come on man.  That’s just pandering to casual S.H.I.E.L.D. TV fans...]
Zemo and/or Blackout initiate Stage Two, which is putting New York City in darkness, isolating it via a Darkforce Dimension.
We see Doctor Strange try to stop it, but it is unknown to us at this time if it did anything.
Then, we get to see our ‘Actual’ Avengers, the Champions and Spider-man move into action, as everyone starts to notice that something is up.
Tony A.I. calls “All Avengers” into action.
“If you can hear this, your services are required immediately-- We are under attack....  This is threat level red, Defcon Infinity Stuff here, people--  We need you to get to Washington D.C.!!!”
On the last page, we see Hellicarriers hover above the White House and a caption read, “Stage Three. Washington D.C. Objective: Hydra takeover. Mission: Underway.”
-To Be Continued!-
So yes.  A lot is going on.
And the end was very exciting.
But what the Hell am I reading Spencer??
And why did Marvel think this was the direction we needed to take???
Now.  I’m not gonna complain until I get more of a feel for what’s going on here.
So far this is definitely different.
But, I feel like Marvel is definitely throwing all of the wrenches in the cogs at this point, because they’ve promised apparently that this will be the Last Event for a while.  Thank God.
[I never thought I’d say that, because I love events.  It’s what got me into collecting in the first place.  But at this point, it’s clear that they’re a cash grab and not a story enhancer.  And not for nothing, but none of these Universe-changing events hold any weight when we know they’re just gonna get changed again in 3 months.]
So yeah.  In that regard, I am looking forward to wherever this event goes.
Because if Marvel inevitably hits the Reset Button again?  It’d be nice to see them stick to a plan this time...  And maybe.. Stop with the damn New #1′s.
...Until Secret Empire #1!
[This issue definitely felt like a #1...]
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nightmare8-420 · 8 months
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all the context you need is looking right at you, jerryfromnissan /lh
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