#and the Baby Moondancer pose!!
heckyeahponyscans · 2 years
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Prototype pics from HQC1C’s instagram! 
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mylittlestaubies · 14 days
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Baby Moondancer, G1, 1984, Hong Kong, German Variant
Baby Glory Pose
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ponyguru · 4 months
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Pony dye results: yellow edition! This batch comes from April 16/17 (2024, so just about a month ago), and like… I’m trying to be cool about it. I know they turned out nicely, I like the colors overall! But I was specifically trying to get a brighter teal to match the HQG1C ponies. And leaving them in the teal bath was potentially going to make them darker, like the two Baby Moondancers with hair. So I thought, if I add yellow, it’ll be teal but more bright! And instead it kinda became green. I also left a couple of the baby Glory poses un-yellowed, because I was afraid I might prefer the color at the end of it, without the yellow. And of course I threw in some blanks, so I wouldn’t waste any of the dye! But I was kind of disappointed when the baby Glory group came out, so I washed them and set them aside, and didn’t take photos for a while. Dye is tricky! She is a fickle mistress! 😵‍💫 The ones I purposefully made green turned out really nicely at least! I just need to find the positive, but I hope you guys can commiserate! 💖
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charmsponies · 10 months
Some Rambly Thoughts About Custom G1 Ponies…
Okay sorry in advance: Rereading some of these thoughts I am a little bit mean tonight. but i do not care lol I am ranting for fun.
I am A little annoyed at those types of people who criticize anyone who makes MLP G1 customs because they think its immoral to customize a vintage toy since they arent made anymore (….you could say the same thing about like, g4 since thats over now, but okay).
It is perfectly fine, and even good, to customize a vintage toy at times.
Most customizers are smart and will seek out “bait” (damaged) ponies to customize. If they’re already broken or damaged, customizing it is like giving it a new life, even if theyre not restoring it to be exactly how it is before. In fact: Sometimes it may be cheaper to customize a pony than restore it!
For example: The pony I made my extraterra custom of was Moondancer. She had cut hair and no cutiemark, her glitter for her cutiemark had completely faded away. Now, ive restored a moondancer before so I actually have everything i would need to have fixed her, but like. lets say i wasn’t a restorationist who had all the materials: I would have to pay for each of the hair colors I need (about 15 bucks when you factor in shipping) and then another 15-20 bucks to buy the rehairing tool and needles and then 5 bucks on quality glue and a few more bucks on zipties to retail her and then id have to buy glitter. I personally buy biodegradeable glitter but the kind i get is a little expensive especially since i have to get it shipped from overseas so im paying like 20 more bucks- Moondancer is one of the most common ponies and typically sells for around 15 bucks total o-o. Not that I don’t see value in restoring common ponies (I will restore at least 1 of every pony so that I can add her to my collection, no matter how damaged) but like. Most people don’t wanna throw all their money away to do that for a cheap common pony when they COULD put their money into those same supplies (hair, tools, paint, ect) and have fun making a cool new unique piece of artwork.
2. Even if the pony isn’t damaged: Is it your toy? Is that YOUR toy that the person customized? No? It was their Own Toy That They Paid For With Their Own Money? then shut the fuck up its not your business what they do with their toys 😭 Yeah it would hurt my heart if someones out there buying expensive rare ass ponies just to customize them when there are cheaper alternatives to certain poses (like if someone customized a night glider when they could have just used like, posey or someone for the pose) but its not my business because its not my toy and I accept that people can do whatever the fuck they want with their own property.
And anyways, most customizers DO care about vintage toys and will seek out the more common ponies with the poses they need, I don’t think anyone who is truly invested in the pony fandom uses ultra rare ponies for their customs UNLESS theyre already damaged, in which case I just see it as giving it new life. Also, customizers utilize projects like the HQG1C project or Basic Funs ponies, so you dont Have to use vintage toys to actually make a g1 custom anymore.
but I also dont think people should be shamed for using vintage bases. It can be convenient if you have bait ponies laying around. Especially since sometimes there Is No Good Alternative. like for example: I would love to make a custom of my pony design for Gregory Fnaf, but I would need a kinda rarer hard to get pose (the baby brother ponies with the molded hooves). I personally won’t make any customs unless i can find a damaged one, but if i COULD find a damaged vintage baby boy i would absolutely use it because whats the alternative when some poses are just flat out rare :(
Also to the people who just hate vintage customs in general: Sorry but youre boring. You dont like fun new designs in the g1 style? You want everything to be made with current toys? My autism makes me think about ponies 90% of the time, and for 99% of the time im thinking about ponies, i forget g4 and g5 even exist because im so focused on the older gens. Not everyone cares about the new stuff. You dont like the older gens or people using their creativity to make art relating to the older vintage gens? Youre boring as hell, sorry
Final thing I wanna say: this rant is inspired by many posts complaining about customs but the one that made me the most mad was someone complaining about G1 customs and then finishing their post with “and you could TELL that it was their first time making a custom like that :/ “
Fucking excuse you? Customs are an art form, plain and simple. And everyone has to start somewhere. do you think my first ever custom pony was any good? (for anyone curious its not one ive posted on this blog, it was a fakie) hell no I made many mistakes! But you shouldnt shame or insult people for their art, we all start somewhere and frankly you’re just mean.
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
I like all these hypothetical "what if" type of situations in relation to hotd, so here's a big one: what if all four of Alicent's children were girls? What would they be like, what would be their relationship to each other and their mother, and how would the political situation around them be different?
I feel like Alicent and Rhaenyra could have been able to reconcile much sooner in this scenario, since Alicent's daughters wouldn't pose a threat to Rhaenyra's claim. The only thing that could go wrong between them would be Rhaenyra lying about having sex, but Alicent wouldn't have to worry about Rhaenyra killing her kids - unless Rhaenyra starts passing her bastard children as trueborn, and if people start looking to Alicent's firstborn daughter to replace Rhaenyra. There will also probably be some form of the Jace/Helaena betrothal offer present as well, but the context would so wildly different that I'm not sure what Alicent would do.
This is another question that has been staring at me for a long time! Sorry! 😭
I do think that you're right re: reconciliation. If all of Alicent's children are daughters, then Rhaenyra is still first in line, no matter what. And they wouldn't be so primed to see each other as rivals, though I imagine Alicent would be feeling the pressure to keep having children until she produced a son. Otto would definitely be pushing for it, at least. I don't know how how many more times she would have had to sleep with Viserys so as to feel like she was "doing her duty". ☠
But, say no son ever came, there are still so many variables to consider. The truth is that Rhaenyra also just plainly made a lot of mistakes and dug her own grave; it's not just the presence of a brother that discredited her. Alicent might have forgiven her for lying about having sex, but for sending her father away? I don't know, maybe if Rhaenyra stepped up to replace him as a support system around Alicent and her daughters.
Then there's the bastard situation. I'm not inclined to believe Alicent would look favourably at Rhaenyra flaunting the law by having no less than three bastards and placing them in line of succession. Then there is Daemon - would she keep away from him and not marry him? If she marries him and gives him trueborn sons, we simply move the Dance of the Dragons down a generation. Would Alicent agree to marry Helaena to Jace knowing he's a bastard that could be challenged by his trueborn brother Aegon? I'd think this could be a valid point of contention for them.
However, IF Rhaenyra has legitimate children with Laenor or, at the very least, produces Velaryon-looking children that no one can identify as bastards, then I believe Alicent would be willing to betroth all of her daughters to Rhaenyra's sons. Even Otto would be pressed to agree, because this is the only way he can viably get one of his girls on the throne again (what a girl dad he is!).
Or, you know, Rhaenyra could just take her country-wide suitor auditions seriously and marry a man she genuinely likes and can have babies with. Then she wouldn't have to force herself to have children with Laenor or to resort to subterfuge and her sons could definitely marry Alicent's daughters.
In this last situation, though, you leave House Velaryon aggrieved, nowhere near the throne and with 5 available dragons (Meleys, Seasmoke, Caraxes, Vhagar and Moondancer). Presuming that female!Aemond aka AEMMA (:P) claims Vhagar as before, they would still number 5 with the later addition of Morning. Let's pretend Laenor doesn't father any children at all. Daemon can definitely take another wife and produce more dragon-riders for this Velaryon faction and you'd still have another Dance germinating.
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amberfyresponies · 4 years
Gen 3 pony want list
Year 4 Pegasus Ponies
Daisy May Morning Monarch Twinkle Bloom Twirlerina Windy Wisp
Year 5 Pegasus Ponies
Aurora Mist Star Catcher (acquired) Twilight Pink
Year 4 Unicorn Ponies
Whistle Wishes
Year 5 Unicorn Ponies
Garden Wishes (acquired) Sunrise Song
Year 6 Unicorn Ponies
Sweetie Belle
 I didn’t put years on these because I’m not nearly as picky about which year for which pony if they were released more than once. i just want 1 (one) of any pony that was released multiple times, the pose doesn’t matter nearly as much to me.
Rainbow Dash (III) Moondancer Kimono Fluttershy Winter Snow Silver Rain Tropical Surprise Midnight Dream Fancy Free Coconut Cream Sweet Sparkle Winter Minty 2008 (Minty VII) Meadowbrook Wysteria V (?) Comet Tail Crowning Glory Denim Blue Desert Rose Scootaloo Snowflake Bowtie Cotton Candy Cupcake Lickity-split
Baby Ponies 
Baby Keen Bean Baby Dance Around
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mexicanmlp · 7 years
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Today... 5 years ago... (courtesy of FB memmories):
I used to have Mexican ponies...  120 adults and 35 babies, with MOC Baby Cotton, Newborn Twins Rat & Tat, and Mexican Water Color Baby Sea Ponies Salty, Spray and Surfy. Along with all the playsets (included a Beauty Salon x2!), and only missing the following Auriken ponies:
Prince Ruby (Princess Dawn)
Pinwheel (yellow-haired). 
Ignoring all Lili Ledy ponies that at the time I have not a single one of...
Nowadays, 5 years later...  Let’s do a fast count of my Mexican army! (Including proving pics, ignore poor dismayed ponies... really need to clean and rearrange them =X). I’ll only mention the pony name, not variants (Lili Ledy/Auriken, eye color, symbol disposition, hair variants, and factory errors, but I list apart alternate Sundae Best and alt. pose Blossom, adult and baby).
Now, I have a big total of (approximately): 573 Mexican ponies!!
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Adult ponies: 441
Blossom: 42 (in the pic, the ones in the upper right corner, minus one) are Nirvanas: France, Macau and Greece, including the mini UK one =3
Minty: 28
Blue Belle: 18
Butterscotch: 18
Cotton Candy: 30
Snuzzle: 21
Peachy: 16
Banana Surprise: 13
Swirly Whirly: 9
Peppermint Crunch: 11
Applejack: 17
Starshine: 16
Cherries Jubilee: 11
Posey: 10
Skydancer: 24
Bowtie: 28
Prince Ruby: 6
Prince Sapphire: 11
Prince Emerald: 8
Alt. Swirly Whirly: 8
Alt. Peppermint Crunch: 6
Alt. Banana Surprise: 4
Pinwheel: 10
Star Flower: 19
Twilight: 14
Moondancer: 7
Twilight / Starflower / Perfume Puff pony: 9
Alt. pose Blossom: 7
Medley: 13
Firefly: 7
Babies: 101
Newborn twins:
Pegasus: 11 pairs (plus 2 extra pink babies)
Unicorns: 7 pairs
Pegasus Baby Blossom: 9
Baby North Star: 5
Baby Blossom: 16
Baby Moondancer: 7
Baby Surprise: 8
Baby Quackers: 11
Baby Cotton: 7
Rehairs: 13
Swirly Whirly: 3
Cotton Candy: 1
Baby Surprise: 2
Baby Cotton: 1
Baby Pegasus Blossom: 1
Prince Sapphire: 1
Starflower: 1
Bowtie: 1
Cherries Jubilee: 2 (...something happened that I didn’t include them in the pics!) (Left both in the other side of the bookshelf xD)
(Included but not Mexican, a Newborn Baby Twin Nibbles, she’s only missing her tail... since a looooooooong time ago... same with almost all my rehairs xD)
In need to rehair: 6
Blue Belle: 1
Baby Blossom: 1
Twilight / Starflower / Perfume Puff pony: 1
Butterscotch: 1
Cherries Jubilee: 1
Blossom: 1
New/MOC/MIB/in box or just card: 12
Watercolor Baby Sea Ponies: 
Salty: 2
Surfy: 2
Spray: 3
Newborn Twins Rat & Tat: 1
Baby Cotton: 1
Baby North Star: 1
Almost MIB Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe (alt. Peppermint Crunch).
I sold my extra Beauty Salon, but got my almost MIB Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe =3
And... still waiting for way more Mexicans... and still missing Lili Ledy ponies -.-
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
Hair: Wasabi // Susan Mesh Hair @ The Vintage Fair
Skin: . MILA . Kayla Skin (Genus) @VANITY EVENT 
Head: Genus Project – Baby Face
Collar: Elle Boutique – Janis Choker @ The Vintage Fair
Tattoo: ..:: INKer ::.. Esareme Girl Tattoo @ The Vintage Fair
Outfit: -:zk:- Marina Top,Short&Shoes @COSMO
Nails: Moondance Boutique Janet Basic Nail Applier @Vintage Fair 2019
Pose: SEmotion Female Bento Modeling poses Set 62
Kayla published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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heckyeahponyscans · 3 years
Who is your favorite pony (any gen)?  GO!
Mine is a tie between G1 Moondancer and Baby Moondancer.  
Baby Moondancer was my most played with pony as a kid, so in that sense she was my favorite.  
Moondancer was my very first pony. She was a birthday gift from my grandma; I know a lot of people don’t like Moondancer’s pose, but to me it is perfect for her big mom / grandma energy.
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