#and the Scions are remarkably good at mechanics
sundered-souls · 6 months
Aïcha Bedi
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Name: Aïcha Bedi
Nicknames: none
Age: In her thirties
Nameday: 28th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (which she probably shares with a bunch of my characters)
Race: Midlander hyur
Gender: Cis woman
Orientation: Mostly straight
Profession: Adventurer, formerly a contract killer
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Long and curly. She takes great care of it and regularly despair at what Inge does with hers.
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Fair, but tan easily. Considering how much time she spends outside, people tend to assume her skin is darker than it actually is (on this point the screenshots aren't very accurate since they don't show her tan but that'd be a nightmare to represent accurately XD)
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos whatsoever. She's got plenty of scars, most aren't really remarkable, but there are two that are special: one from Zenos' blade when he stabbed her in Rhalgr's Reach (it's not just her ego who got bruised that day, sorry MSQ), and one from her cesarean section while she was on the First. Don't worry: nothing creepy happened while she was unconscious, G'raha just had the worst timing ever.
Parents: Her father lives peacefully in Tural. She has no idea where her mother is, if she's still alive or even who she was since she left when Aïcha was still an infant.
Edmont de Fortemps also counts (haha) as a paternal figure in her life.
Siblings: None by blood. She does consider Alisaie and Alphinaud like her siblings, however. Artoirel and Emmanellain are more like extended family.
Grandparents: Long dead of her father's side. No idea on her mother's.
In-laws and Other: Well, she's in a relationship with Estinien so I suppose Alberic counts as her father in-law. The moment both realized that their respective father would have to meet eventually was glorious, because the dad jokes will be neverending and mostly at their expense.
Officially, they also have a kid together born during her time on the First.
Officially, because Estinien offered to adopt the kid and pretend he was the biological dad. Only three people know who said bio dad truly is, none of them is the man in question, and Aïcha would rather die than say it out loud. It's one thing to make dubious life choices, another one to let the world know about it...
(I haven't decided on the name or gender yet, but we can thank @gatheredfates for the prompt she sent me. It got completely out of hand but I'm having a lot of fun with the idea it gave me.)
Pets: None
Abilities: Excellent shooter, although her mechanical skills don't go much further than what she needed to maintain her guns. She hasn't touched one in years and has no intention to change that.
Excellent dancer given that she's trained since childhood. She dances about as much for the artistry of it as for the self-expression it allows without having to speak her feelings out.
She also went through the GLD/PLD quests in Ul'dah, and that's mainly how she's been fighting since then.
She's also a surprisingly good poet and singer, albeit that's not known to many people.
Hobbies: Writing or reading poetry, singing, dancing and trying out new food (including the kind of food that even the most adventurous people hesitate to put in their mouth). She's pretty receptive to art in general to be honest and will gladly watch plays or go to concerts if she can.
Most Positive Trait: Open-minded
Most Negative Trait: her competitiveness. You'd think someone who succeeds as well as her would be graceful when she loses but fuck no! Every Scions and most people who played even a card game against her once know that she's a sore loser and will use every loophole under the sun to try to win lmao
Colors: carmine and gold
Smells: campfires, incense, fresh flowers, the ocean
Textures: Soft fabrics (silk and satin especially), the sand under her feet, the breeze against her skin (yeah it counts as a texture)
Drinks: the main thing that matters is how much caffeine there's in it and how much sugar she can add to it
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: No
Drinks: Alcohol sometimes, but never a lot and only very, very occasionally since the banquet and then the drugged beverage in Falcon's Nest. For the most part, she runs on water as well as coffee and tea if available.
Drugs: No, she hates not feeling in control of herself
Mount Issuance: Aïcha didn't join any free company. That'd mean taking orders and she's no soldier, so she didn't have a mount until Haurchefant offered her her black chocobo. As you can guess, it's been her mount ever since.
I'm not entirely clear on the timeline in StB yet for her, but if she got her yol, she left it with the Mols.
Been Arrested: no but she should have.
Tagged by: @lilbittymonster (ty again! I'm probably not gonna tag you every time because you'll get tired of it at some point I think XD)
Tagging @xsummoner-kuro @hinganskies @briar-ffxiv @confusedtia @paintedscales @fair-fae @mrlarkstin @thatonediviner @fatewalker @otherworldseekers @saeta @airis-ray @mymistymornings @riftdancing @sailor-artemis @starforger and anyone else interested. Feel free to ignore the tag if that's not your thing, and I'll do that template for more characters during the week so I'll tag new people then!
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crystal-verse · 9 days
Day 10 - Stable
[this one got away from me a little bit, and is only tangentially related to the prompt, but have more of eighth umbral era g'raha]
"Are you quite sure that these schematics are stable?" Worries Raha, as he pokes at the schematics in question. They've made good progress on drafting up plans for the Tycoon -- their artificial god, their mechanized Alexander which makes use of Omega's rift-travelling capabilities and will be designed to run off of the Tower's aether -- but actually building the thing is an entirely other question.
"It'll be good enough." Assures Heimdall, flicking a long, nicked ear. The years have scarred the viera, not just physically but mentally, but the viera who once was Mitron, in a past life eons ago, is strong despite that. Because of that, even. ('Tis almost a shame that Heimdall is the only one left, of the once Scions of the Seventh Dawn, but -- he is a viera, with the lifespan implied, and Raha does not know if he took advantage of some Ascian trick to linger past his should-have-been-death. Nonetheless, Raha is ever grateful that Heimdall decided that he valued his current life over the memories of one eons ago.)
"Besides, we can always rework 'em." Adds Udutai -- whom Raha had only initially known as a stranger who impressed upon them the importance of conserving warmth. But it is warmer now, in what passes as summer in this new age, and it has been a year, and they are building.
"I'd prefer if we didn't have to spend more time than we need, reworking the schematics." Raha retorts, wincing as, in an attempt to lift some scrap and other parts, he makes some wrong motion, and his arms give a brief flare of pain. Tis not the worst pain they have felt, not a torn muscle nor a twisted joint, but it is a reminder that even now, after half a year, their body still is yet to return to the level of fitness, of muscle, that they had had before their deep, deep slumber. Perhaps it never will.
"Y'alright, Raha?" Calls Biggs, from somewhere behind them, and Raha can feel their ears press against their skull in embarassment. Shame, for all the good that that does him.
"Fine!" He calls back, carefully lowering the metal and other material. Someone else will have to move them -- as just now demonstrated, Raha is still not capable of such a task. "I merely overextended myself a bit, 'tis all. But I am fine, I assure you."
"Better not risk it." Udutai decides, and ambles over from his perch on some patch of wall that had remained in this space (in Revenant's Toll, changed as the now-fortress may be) to stand beside Raha. "Need me to carry you, or do you have strength enough to walk to your rooms yourself?"
Raha debates, but he knows the answer -- he simply doesn't want to admit it. "I am. . . getting to be quite fatigued." He says, after a few moments. "If you are willing to aid me, 'twould be appreciated."
"Of course, my friend." Udutai -- all of the Ironworks, really -- have been far kinder and patient than Raha had hoped for. When they had found him, weak and bleary and confused within the Syrcus Tower, they had simply lifted him up and took him with them, had explained everything that he had asked. When his weakness prevented him from moving much at all, for the first few days, they patiently took turns helping Raha eat, and move a little (very slowly, very gently), and simply. . . spent time with him. Even now, as Raha's weakness slowly disappears, and he begins to put proper weight on again, 'tis still remarkable that these people would have so much kindness and charity towards him, a veritable stranger -- especially in the world that has been born of the Eighth Umbral Calamity.
Raha is used to the sudden change in perspective that comes with being scooped up into another's arms -- oh, part of them chafes at it, but they have been slowly learning how to accept aid from others, how to set aside their pride for the sake of accepting the genuine, earnest care that others would give. Perhaps it will be some two hundred years more before Raha can truly do so -- but however long it takes, he will find a way to repay the Ironworks. (He will. If it is only with an unblemished world, with an Eorzea free of the Eiighth Umbral Calamity where the Scions of the Seventh Dawn live -- even if that is the only way he can repay these people, Raha swears to himself that somehow he will find his own way to make up for all the kindness they have freely given him. The love, of a community to one of her people.)
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Nascent Demon Lord, Apharoe
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Image © @tredlocity​
[Commissioned by @crazytrain48​, and the first unique fiend from Arduin. Probably not the last. In Arduin, Apharoe is one of the few neutral demon lords, as that setting’s demons are more along the lines of Goetic demons (incredibly powerful and dangerous, usually evil but not always, called by mortal summoners to assist them with particular tasks). So I needed a hook to make her suitably evil for the more typical D&D/PFRPG model. In Arduin, she’s said to be conjured for matters of “conceiving special children”, and it mentions that she takes her own children with mortals back to the Abyss. Which inspired the flavor text I went with, which makes her a patron of eugenics and planar scions, and using one to make the other. ]
Nascent Demon Lord, Apharoe CR 24 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This curvy and statuesque woman has skin the color of the night sky, freckled with stars. Her eyes seem to shift in color, and she has three navels, but is otherwise human in appearance.
Apharoe The Star Witch, the Night Lover Concerns cold, eugenics and space Domains Chaos, Charm, Evil, Void Subdomains Cold*, Demon, Lust, Stars Worshipers astrologers, enchanters, planar scions Minions cambions, star demons, void dragons Unholy Symbol a white dove or a black swan on a starburst Obedience Achieve sexual release under the night sky. This may be done alone or with a partner. Gain a +4 profane bonus to saving throws against cold effects Boons 1: unnatural lust 2/day; 2: wall of ice 2/day; 3: cold ice strike 2/day *clerics of Apharoe can use the Cold subdomain to modify the Void domain
Apharoe the Star Witch is something of an enigma among demonologists. Unlike many nascent demon lords, she isn’t fighting to gain control of a layer of the Abyss, and indeed enjoys good relations with multiple demon lords. She is remarkably easy to summon with gate spells, and is friendly with those who call her, providing services related to cold magic, love and lust, and fertility. Her costs for service are very low by the standards of demons, merely consisting of sexual favors provided by a man of her choosing, if the caster themselves does not meet her standards. The truth of the matter is, Apharoe is playing a long game. She views mortals as weak and in need of “improvement”, and is working on a colossal eugenics program to create enough half fiends, cambions and tieflings to conquer multiple planets. The most trusted of her generals are her own children and other descendants. The worlds they rule will eventually be the backbone of a new layer of the Abyss created by her and for her ascendance. But for now, these goals are held close to Apharoe’s ample chest, and only her most devoted cultists know her ultimate plan.
The Night Lover would much rather talk than fight. Her seductive words are backed up by mind influencing magic, and those that get too close succumb to her gaze. In those who are attracted to women, the gaze overcomes their minds with intense lust; those that are not are instead overwhelmed with loathing (which function mechanically identically). Those that resist her charms are typically frozen to death, or torn to pieces after she assumes animal form. Any weapon that strikes Apharoe is inflicted with a chill that renders it brittle, and she can turn mortal flesh into solid ice with a touch. Apharoe flees at the first sign that a fight will not be easy; she has better things to do than endanger her life. She usually sends powerful minions, such as star demons, to punish those that would dare hinder her.
Apharoe is often found in the Material Plane. When going amongst mortals, she typically appears as a beautiful woman, a black swan, a white dove, or a fierce leopard. She is almost never found in the guise of a man or other genders, and women are typically in higher ranking positions among her cults. Her teachings are an odd mix of hedonism and “traditional family values”, as she wishes to encourage some “appropriate” people to breed, and others to stop breeding, by force if necessary. What the criteria for suitable breeding stock are is arbitrary, and may vary based on the whims of Apharoe or her high priestesses. Planar blood is almost always seen as of high value, and evil tieflings, aasimars and other such people are often drawn into her service. Some of the unworthy are deemed competent enough to work for the cult and are forced into positions of servitude, frequently after sterilization. Those that are judged especially unworthy, or who resist their enslavement, are typically killed through freezing, whether through exposure or via cold magic.
Apharoe stands about six and a half feet tall in her natural form.
Apharoe                                CR 24 XP 1,230,000 CE Medium outsider (chaos, demon, evil, extraplanar) Init +11; Senses darkvision 120 ft., Perception +32, see in darkness, true seeing Aura cloak of chaos (DC 27) Defense AC 42, touch 26, flat-footed 30 (+11 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 deflection, +8 natural, +8 armor) hp 525 (30d10+360); regeneration 15 (good or epic) Fort +26, Ref +32, Will +26 DR 15/good and epic; Immune charm, cold, compulsion, death effects, electricity, poison; Resist acid 30, fire 30; SR 35 Defensive Abilities brumal chill, integrated Offense Speed 70 ft. Melee 2 slams +37 (1d8+8 plus 3d8 cold damage) Special Attacks energy drain (2d4 negative levels, DC 34), frigid touch, gaze, master enchanter Spell-like Abilities CL 24th, concentration +33 (+37 casting defensively) Constant—cloak of chaos (self only, DC 27), true seeing At will—charm monster (DC 25), cone of cold (DC 24), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs of objects only), suggestion (DC 23), icy prison (DC 24), unnatural lust (DC 23), wall of ice 3/day—dominate person (DC 26), freedom of movement, glibness, quickened greater dispel magic, greater scrying (DC 26), quickened mass suggestion (DC 27), empowered polar ray 1/day—interplanetary teleport, meteor swarm (DC 28), overwhelming presence (DC 30), polar midnight (DC 28) Spells CL 20th, concentration +29 (+33 casting defensively) 9th (7/day)—dominate monster (DC 30), gate (DC 28), time stop 8th (7/day)—demand (DC 29), irresistible dance (DC 29), maze 7th (7/day)—finger of death (DC 26), insanity (DC 28), waves of exhaustion  6th (7/day)—cold ice strike (DC 25), greater heroism, veil (DC 25) 5th (8/day)—baleful polymorph (DC 24), feeblemind (DC 26), icy prison (DC 24), mind fog (DC 26) 4th (8/day)—confusion (DC 25), enervation, fire shield, greater invisibility 3rd (8/day)—arcane sight, displacement, protection from energy, reckless infatuation (DC 24) 2nd (8/day)—eagle’s splendor, glitterdust (DC 21), mirror image, oppressive boredom (DC 23), touch of idiocy 1st (8/day)—identify, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement (DC 20), shield, unprepared combatant (DC 22) 0th—arcane mark, daze (DC 21), detect magic, light, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, resistance Statistics Str 26, Dex 32, Con 34, Int 23, Wis 21, Cha 29 Base Atk +30; CMB +38 (+42 sunder); CMD 64 (66 vs. sunder) Feats Acrobatic, Acrobatic Steps, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Empower SLA (polar ray), Eschew Materials (B), Greater Spell Focus (enchantment) (B), Greater Sunder, Heighten Spell, Improved Sunder, Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (greater dispel magic, mass suggestion), Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (enchantment) (B) Skills Acrobatics +40 (+56 jumping), Bluff +36, Diplomacy +36, Disguise +36, Fly +37, Intimidate +33, Knowledge (geography, planes) +33, Knowledge (arcana, nature, religion) +30, Perception +32, Sense Motive +32, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +36, Use Magic Device +31 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan; telepathy 300 ft. SQ change shape (humanoid or animal, polymorph), nascent demon lord traits, unnatural caster Ecology Environment any land or underground (the Abyss) Organization unique Treasure double standard (Mantle of the Star Witch [otherworldly kimono/bracers of armor +8 that takes up the chest slot], other treasure) Special Abilities Brumal Chill (Su) Creatures or weapons striking Apharoe must succeed a DC 34 Fortitude save or take 3d8 points of cold damage. An object that takes this damage has its hardness halved for 1 minute. The save DC is Charisma based. Energy Drain (Su) Apharoe can deal 2d4 negative levels with a kiss or other intimate touch if she so chooses. An unwilling creature must be grappled before Apharoe can kiss them. Frigid Touch (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds, Apharoe can touch a single creature. If it fails a DC 34 Fortitude save, it is turned to ice. Treat this as a petrification effect, except that the“stone” has hardness 0 and vulnerability to fire. A creature that saves successfully still takes 3d8+30 points of cold damage. The save DC is Charisma based. Gaze (Su) Range 30 ft.; save DC 34; effect stunned 1d4+1 rounds. A creature that successfully saves against this gaze is staggered for 1 round, and then is immune to Apharoe’s gaze for the next 24 hours. Integrated (Ex) Apharoe always takes minimum damage from disintegrate spells, or other similar spells and effects. If reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by one of these effects, she is not reduced to dust, and her regeneration continues to function. Master Enchanter (Ex) Apharoe gains Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus in enchantment as bonus spells. She applies the effects of these feats to her spell-like abilities of the enchantment school. Nascent Demon Lord Traits (Ex/Su) Apharoe is a powerful unique fiend with the following traits:
Immune to charm and compulsion effects, death effects, electricity, poison
Resist acid, cold and fire 30
Telepathy 300 ft.
Apharoe’s natural weapons, as  well as any weapons she wields, are treated as chaotic, epic and evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Apharoe can grant spells and boons to worshipers as described in her cult entry above
Spells Apharoe gains spellcasting as a 20th level sorcerer. She does not gain any bloodline abilities. Unnatural Caster (Ex) Apharoe can use her spells when assuming animal form, as if she had the Natural Spell feat.
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mousieta · 2 years
Review: Big Dragon
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Year: 2022 Country: Thailand Platform: iQiyi Big Dragon managed to get under my skin in the most spectacular of ways. There are flaws in the writing, but in ways I’ve come to expect out of Thai dramas (they weren’t fundamental and structural like in the case of LITA) and I’ve elaborated on them elsewhere.
While the characters *are* in college, that fact is almost incidental to the plot, it affects them in that it has impacts on their decisions and futures but doesn’t feature prominently in their lives and also - importantly, for me - does not force this story to feel ‘young’ (which is why I often don’t care for college age stories and flat out refuse to watch high school ones). The characters actually feel like adults - with responsibilities and jobs and a certain maturity level - albeit young adults still figuring themselves out but still adult. They aren’t glorified adolescents, inept and inexperienced. (except for in the areas they *are* inept and inexperienced but those feel characteristically relevant).
Yai is the scion of a rich family, in his last year of college and responsible for managing his family’s nightclub. Mangkorn is a brilliant, award winning Architecture student finishing his last year of study which includes a professional internship. The two are known playboys and rivals who clash when they pursue the same woman and through a just barely plausible series of events (trigger warning for dubcon and drugging) wind up in bed together which presents its own host of issues they must then work though.
Like I said earlier, there *are* parts of the writing that don’t work for me, in particular how their relationship is presented/ built. However, I do feel their characterizations were refreshing in the drama landscape. I enjoyed their particular brand of dysfunction and toxicity.
The actors are delightful, MosBank providing some of my favorite off-camera shipwork in the BL landscape, and I do hope for a second season as I feel the characters have more growth before I feel the audience can truly feel good leaving them, especially as this show is only 8 episodes.
I do, also appreciate, the way sex is treated in this show, not as a vehicle for titillation but as a true mechanism for exploring these characters and the relationship dynamic between them (though yes, there is significant titillation) Remarkably this wound up being one my favorites this year and garnered a few rewatches.
2022 Drama Reviews Masterlist
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okami-zero · 2 years
So after having finally seen one of the characters much written/talked about in a bunch of the fics that got me into playing FFXIV, I have come to the current conclusion regarding Emet-Selch/Solus:
Emet in fic: *scheming, slick, darkly mysterious mastermind, maybe not so bad?*
My current, based-on-cutscenes-so-far conclusion: *100% absolute chaotic evil shitgibbon with zero fucks to give and would probably kick puppies for funsies*
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Now, that us my initial read on him and is in no way any sort of final call. I am just highly amused but the differences. Granted, he's only been like this around his grandson, maybe just for shock factor because he's trying to get a rise out of him (and he sort of did, Emperor shot him deqd from behind, not like it stuck LOL).
But yea, he currently seems more like Batman TAS Joker than anything else. But those fics also came in at a point farther along than I am in the game (I JUST finished Dohn Mheg last night), se we shall see how this chaotic evil gremlin of a man comports himself around the Warrior of Light/Darkness.
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amememightywarrior · 5 years
The Echo mini-echoes
Short stories that I could probably shoehorn into the actual story but won’t because they’re short. btw the story itself can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16151819/chapters/37739003
Below the cut are 3 short stories/drabbles.
“Ye sank me battleship again, ye swivin' whoreson!” Skaetswys shrieked. “'ow're ye doin' it? Out wivvit!” She shook a finger in the direction of her opponent, and then swung around to glare at me with betrayal in her eyes. “Ameme! Ye set me up! I thought we were friends!!”
“I didn't think you were that cheap,” I replied. “Come on. It's only for some food and I know you guys have plenty to spare.”
“Aye, well, I didn't think the little rat bastard'd 'ave the balls to cheat me in the middle o' camp,” she replied.
Ga Bu, my tiny kobold buddy, only twitched his whiskers and tapped another point on his side of the board. “A5!”
“YAAARGH!” went Skaetswys, marking the end of yet another battleship. “Fine! Fine, I give. Anythin's better than this.”
I gave Ga Bu a gentle pat on the helmet. “Good job, kid,” I said. “That's enough for your whole Order for the night.”
Ga Bu, pleased, wiggled his big, sensitive ears, which he'd used to pinpoint every single spot Skaetswys had placed her battleships with disturbing accuracy. Victory was ours.
Good Communication Is Everything
There was only one person in the store room of the Waking Sands. One person should not be intimidating. I could take on basically anything at this point, so what was one robed Elezen man who seemed emotionally attached to his goggles? And yet here I was, frozen stiff and watching him like I would've watched a wild predator.
“Prithee doth speak thy mind,” said Urianger. “What bringeth thee to this place?”
“Uh,” I said. “Um.”
No part of his bearing changed. He simply stood there in his hood and his goggles and his weird sandals and waited.
“I need pen and paper,” I said. “I'm gonna write a letter. To a friend. You know.”
“Housed within the desk,” he said, waving at the desk next to him. I scooted slowly around the room, giving him as much berth as I could manage. He turned away to browse the bookshelf again, though I could see his ears twitching beneath the hood as I eased a drawer open.
All seemed well. I found my pen and paper without getting too close. Still, my heart hammered in my chest and I could not help but watch him the entire time. Just as I thought I was about to get away, Urianger broke the silence.
“Wherefore art thou so taken with fear of me?” he asked, turning his head slightly.
I turned red. “Me? Afraid? I'm not afraid.”
Urianger looked at me (I think). Then he sighed and went back to browsing, content to ignore what must have been a tooth-gratingly obvious lie.
“Okay, maybe I'm a little nervous,” I said.
“'Tis clear as the light that shines forth from thy soul,” he said, which I actually understood for once. “Thou art as a kitten confronting a flight of stairs...”
“Thanks,” I muttered. “Look, I just...have a problem with people who only wear goggles and hoods and...sometimes I don't really understand what you're saying but I don't wanna admit it. So yeah. Oh, and you've got like no body language. But that's my problem, not yours, so...I'll just get out of your hair. Robes. Yeah.”
Urianger moved to get between me and the door. “Prithee stay your flight,” he said, and twitched down his hood to reveal dove-grey hair that matched his beard. “That which you describe is easily fixed...though mayhap my speech less so than the rest.” He pulled his goggles off, too. His silver eyes gleamed even in the low light of the storage room.
I blinked. “Oh,” I said. Other than the honking big tattoo on his face, he was a perfectly normal Elezen man. That was kind of a let-down. I went over to see what he was reading. He tilted the book to show me the spine. “'Constructing An Optical Aetherometer'? Wuzzat? Are you measuring something?”
“'Tis of great import that we Scions measure and track aetherial currents in Eorzea,” he said. “As the life force of this star ebbs and flows, so too doth—or rather, does the fate of the Spoken. I would create a more accurate instrument with which to measure these currents, to better understand the nature of them and better foresee our fates so we may prepare ourselves.”
Sounded interesting and also completely beyond me. “Well, I guess let me know if you need help with anything,” I said. “As in killing things or putting meters in dangerous places.”
Urianger wasn't the type to smile, but I thought I spotted the barest hint of one in his eyes. “I am capable of completing such menial tasks myself, but I will keep your offer in mind,” he said. “Ever doth thy kindness resonate, heedless of light or shadow.”
Whatever that meant. I retreated and he put his goggles and hood back on, ending our very first proper conversation. What a weirdo.
Little Mage Lost, pt 1
Edda was, she admitted to herself, completely lost. Oh, not location-wise—she knew she was in the Carline Canopy—but just...on the journey of life. It was as though without Avere she had no purpose, no goals, not even a smidgen of direction. Even with Ameme, she had...
Well. Ameme dragged everyone along with her with the force of an Ul'dahn freight train. Edda envied her conviction, her drive to move forward despite everything. Meanwhile, here Edda sat at her usual table, watching people come and go as she had done for the past week. Thinking...if it hadn't been for Avere, would she have ever left her village? Without Avere, what should she do now? Avere, Avere, Avere...
It made her sick to think of how everything had ended.
The doors to the Canopy opened and an Elezen man strode in. Edda idly wondered which type he was. There were three to choose from and they all looked alike to her. She was actually rather scared of them, if she had to admit it. They were always so friendly to Hyur women and her first encounter with one had caused Avere to shout at her for flirting—
She had stayed away from them until Gridania, where they were everywhere and remarkably unfriendly because she was an outsider. And for the record, she had not been flirting. She didn't even know how to flirt. She barely knew how to talk to people.
The Elezen man turned and she realized she knew him, maybe, if one could know Elezen around here. Their gazes met and he decided that gave him permission to stalk over to her even though she quickly looked at her hands instead. In broad daylight she could see how rangy he was, how thin and starved-looking were his cheeks. Tendons stood out in his neck as he moved and his armor, once well-fitted, sagged in places as though he'd begun to shrink away from his former contours.
“It's you,” he said in a voice as rough as gravel, nothing like the mellifluous voice of Mother Miounne. “Where's your bloodthirsty friend, hmm?”
Edda peeked at him from under the brim of her hat. He was horribly dirty but alive. Now, with him looking right at her, she discovered he had glowing pinkish-red eyes. “Um, Ameme? She's gone.”
“Gone? As in dead, or just elsewhere?”
“Not dead...she had to go to Coerthas,” Edda said, although in actual fact she had no idea where Ameme would be now, given how fast the warrior traveled. Her eyes drifted to his side. “Did you find a healer?”
The man snorted. “And what healer would go near a Duskwight and a criminal, hmm? No one. Your healing job was enough. I'm too strong to be taken out by such a little wound, anyway.”
She peeked at him again. He hadn't sat down, so his face seemed a malm away. “It was a deep wound. You're lucky you healed, although you're awfully dirty and thin. Have you been eating?”
The man's lip curled to show off-white, slightly pointy teeth. “No inn would give me the time of day, never mind a room. I've no money, either. That's how it is to be a Duskwight in Gridania. I've had my fill of playing servant to Wildwoods and Hyurs.” He tched and finally lowered himself into a chair, the knuckles of one hand pressed against the table for support. The water in her glass rippled in response to hidden tremors. He was shaking.
Edda pushed the remains of her meal towards him. “You should eat,” she said.
He gave her an offended look. “Think me a pity case?” he demanded. “That I am so pathetic that you have to feed me your scraps?”
Edda wanted to hide from his anger. At the same time, the voice inside of her that had stirred once before cried out in indignation that he would protest stupidly for the sake of pride. She took a deep breath. “I think,” she said, in a voice that trembled as much as the man, “that you've no money for food, and I've money for this much but cannot finish, so I will give you the rest because you are starving.”
That gave him pause, his eyes on the food. But he was still suspicious and glanced at her again. “These meals are not large,” he said.
Edda bit her lip. “I haven't had much appetite,” she said, hoping he wouldn't ask more.
“Are you ill?” he asked.
She studied her hands once more. Small, thin fingers...no longer any sign of her engagement band on her finger, for it had been pulled off by Liavinne before... “I am heartbroken because my fiancé and his lover tried to get me killed so they could be together,” she said.
There. She had said it out loud. Mechanically, certainly, but perhaps by saying it she could come to accept what had happened.
“What a coward,” said the man, sounding so thoroughly disgusted that her heart clenched. “Who was this? You should get revenge.”
Edda shook her head. “No. He—he's not worth my time. As they say, the best revenge is living well.”
“Eh? What fool said that? I say the best revenge is showing them how wrong they were and watching them suffer for it,” said the man. He snagged the bowl and tipped the contents into his mouth. What was a decent amount for her was hardly a mouthful for someone his size. “Listen,” he said around the greens. “Listen, you—what's your name?”
“Edda. Mine's Foulques. Look, you need to show this idiot you're better than him,” Foulques said. “He's utter rubbish. You ought to find him and the cheating whore and leave them for dead.”
Edda shook her head again. “No,” she said. “That won't do me any good. What I need is...a purpose, I suppose.” She pushed her glass towards him as well. He snatched it up and downed it in one gulp. “I left my village because...because he wanted to go see the world. So we became adventurers, only it wasn't so wonderful.”
Foulques grunted, now occupied with getting a small stem from between his teeth with a dirty nail.
“I wasn't very good, or so I thought,” she said. “Avere kept leaving me behind. I always thought it was me. I need to try harder...I need to be better...but I had to rely on potions because my healing is so slow. I can't do it in battle.”
“Most can't even do it outside of battle,” said Foulques. “Being slow, though, that's your problem.”
“I know. I—well, I think I kept up with Ameme all right, but she moves so fast all the time. Faster than Avere. I know I was holding her back but she never got mad.”
He licked his chapped lips and rubbed his chin, thinking. “So you want to get stronger?”
“I—I think I'd like to be able to keep up and heal,” she said.
“Same thing,” he said. “Living well...getting stronger...” He gazed at one of the many stained glass windows, his mind far away.
“Ameme told me this before she left,” said Edda. “'If you really want to live well, get so strong you don't even need to think about them anymore.'”
“Huh! That's not a bad idea,” said Foulques. “Then they are as vilekin beneath one's boot...hah!” He started to say something, but froze at something behind Edda. She twisted to look but only found a mild-faced Hyur man coming up the stairs to the airship landing. Hardly cause for alarm, in her opinion. He wasn't even armed.
She turned back, saying, “What's wrong?” only to discover she was now alone at the table. Foulques had bolted.
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arcticdementor · 5 years
The past few years have witnessed the inception of a new genre of affluent lament — a kind of marriage of our disparate cultural obsessions with the misery memoir and the university. The progeny of this union is the memoir of the elite university education that confers status but destroys souls. The plot of such memoirs almost always begins with a young scholar thirsting for wisdom who encounters our meritocratic educational apparatus, excels by its standards but is morally disfigured by them, wins admission to an Ivy League school, discovers that the place overlooks his secret cravenness and grants him success with professors and attractive women anyway, and is driven to the extremes of existential angst for a brief period by this discovery. When our wiser and more cynical scholar finally recovers, he concludes that elite education is rotten, graduates from the school, and proceeds to a brilliantly successful career as a writer, abetted by the publication of his memoir decrying the rottenness of his elite education. If these books don’t make obvious the devastating costs of an Ivy League education, what could?
The genre seems to have taken off after the publication in 2005 of Ross Douthat’s Privilege, a memoir of his undergraduate years at Harvard. It was followed by David Samuels’s memoir-disguised-as-reportage, The Runner, in 2008; the most recent contributor to the cause is Walter Kirn, whose Lost in the Meritocracy indicts Princeton. If one were inclined to include former Yale professor William Deresiewicz’s partially autobiographical 2008 essay, “The Disadvantages of an Elite Education,” among these laments, then all three bulwarks of American status-lust — Harvard, Yale, and Princeton — will have come in for a beating. It may be a partially or, if you’re really cynical, wholly deserved beating, and our clever meritocracy lamenters unfurl their verbal whips in so many directions that they do hit some of the truly rotten parts of our elaborate educational mechanism, but the requirements of memoir always direct their thoughts back to crafting narratives of their innocence and corruption.
All remark on the class disparities and the snobbery among the student bodies. Douthat and Kirn register the now-ubiquitous complaint against radicalism and obscurantism in the humanities, Kirn and Samuels home in on the arbitrariness of the system of standardized tests and melodramatic personal essays that selects Ivy League admits and condemns the rejects to a life of dullness and obscurity with state-school diplomas, and so on. But there remains something implausible in these authors’ combination of purported naïveté about the meritocratic game and their canny manipulation of it. They manage the impressive feat of becoming unwitting victims of the same system they so cynically and effectively exploited, and then they ask us to sympathize with the raw deal they’ve gotten.
This precocious knowingness is essential to the genre. Unless one has been cursed with the kind of crippling cultural deprivation associated with backwoods religious homeschooling and a name like Jedediah Purdy, it’s nearly impossible to make an unironic claim to childhood innocence. So these writers admit to knowing all along that meritocracy is an elaborate status game, that college admissions is about faking the appearance of achievement and intellectual seriousness. But even as they concede that their outsized lust for admission to elite schools deformed their character, these writers insist that they seriously believed that attending these schools would make them whole again. As Douthat puts it, after the trials of being unpopular and overlooked in high school, Harvard “became a beacon of hope to my semi-alienated teenage mind.... At Harvard, athleticism and good looks and popularity would count far less than the things that really mattered: native brilliance, and intellectual curiosity, and academic achievement.” College would transport them away from the craven striving of their high schools to a world of integrity, refinement, truth, and beauty. How such an idyll would be created out of a class of craven strivers exactly like themselves seems not to have come under their consideration.
Unsurprisingly, once they arrive on campus and confront a place full of perfect reflections of themselves, all their pleasant illusions are shattered, and they indict their classmates as phonies. The rich — targets we love to hate because all Americans, and particularly the readers of such Ivy League laments, are supposedly part of the long-suffering middle class — come in for the harshest attacks. Douthat’s formative Harvard experience consists in being rejected from a club so exclusive that no nonmember has glimpsed its interior for two centuries. Samuels is tyrannized at Harvard by his roommate’s vast collection of neckties. But it is Kirn’s account of the cruelty of the wealthy that most absurdly plays to popular resentments — he alleges that during his junior year, he was led into a car by “a handsome blond campus prince — the descendant of a legendary industrialist,” blindfolded, and driven for hours out into the country. When he removed the blindfold, he found himself in front of “an actual castle, with countless tall windows, pediments, and columns.” In the middle of New Jersey. “My family’s estate. Behold, poor serf! Behold a power you will never know!” the scion told him, and drove off leaving him stranded.
Here again, the conventions of memoir undermine the meritocracy lament’s broader argument against elite education. All these writers want to drive home the quite valid criticism of the hypocritical “diversity policy” at these schools, which Deresiewicz describes as “the heartwarming spectacle of the children of white businesspeople and professionals studying and playing alongside the children of black, Asian, and Latino businesspeople and professionals.” The superficial diversity of race and ethnicity masks the underlying social homogeneity that arises from selecting a student body almost exclusively from America’s wealthy suburbs, its elite urban enclaves, and its top hundred high schools. The dominance of affluent culture at elite schools may be a real problem, but not for these authors, who are themselves the children of white businesspeople and professionals. But how else to demonstrate the problem in a memoir except to inflict it on your subject, who happens to be you? The results are barely believable claims of victimization of the rich at the hands of the really rich that do little more than provoke a pointless game of poorer-than-thou, in which the authors’ own claims to victimhood can be easily contested on the grounds that other students have it even worse.
The rich are just as corrupt as we’d like them to be in these stories, but, as blogger and English professor Margaret Soltan has pointed out, these caricatures can backfire: “One reasonable conclusion to draw from Lost in the Meritocracy is that only extremely rich people should go to schools like Princeton. Kirn describes a college culture in which the vast majority of the students — rolling-in-dough Percodan-snorters — are happy and well-adjusted, and the tiny minority of middle-class students like Kirn are miserable and alienated.” Indeed, Kirn himself points out that this is a problem inherent in the idea of meritocracy: “A pure meritocracy, we’d discovered, can only promote; it can’t legitimize. It can confer success but can’t grant knighthood. For that it needs a class beyond itself: the high-born genealogical peerage that aptitude testing was created to overthrow.” Possibly to ward against such a reactionary conclusion, Kirn and his fellow Ivy League-lamenters take aim at every other student type as well — the radical activists and the establishment politicos, the ethnic priders and the anglophiles, the prude and the prurient, the women and the men, the studious and the lazy — all phonies.
This contradictory hatred forms the crux of the problem with the meritocracy lament — the authors urge us to save the elite university but describe no one in it as worth saving. The misery memoir makes a terrible platform for serious social commentary — it is too bound up with the author’s own ego and his effort to distinguish himself from the mass of his very similar peers to be able to offer much insight. What they seem to be aiming at is the authority and historical vision of Allan Bloom, but the result is something that rarely gets beyond the pint-sized resentment of Holden Caulfield. In reality, as their own logic inexorably leads us to conclude, the authors are really no better than their classmates, and if they want to expose the rottenness of elite education, they must either excuse themselves from the story and shine a light on these schools objectively, or they should do us the service of finding the kind of students who are what they wish they had been — sincere, honest, diligent, and intellectually independent — and figuring out how they got to be that way.
Part of their difficulty lies in the fact that sincere, serious, and intellectually honest students persist beside them — a handful among their own classmates, but more often, at other schools — and their character proves difficult to fit into the meritocracy lament paradigm. Theoretically, no one should be able to pass through the system and remain whole, so how did these students manage to do so? One answer is that they sought after some purpose besides head-patting from adults and distinctions for their résumés.
For some, that purpose is salvation. Religious students are anathema to Samuels and Kirn, who share in common early repudiations of their own faiths. For Samuels, admission to Harvard was his ticket out of the repressive Orthodox Jewish world of his childhood, and Kirn claims to have discovered early on that the Mormon Church was just another branch of the meritocratic system, rewarding shallow displays of oratory with hot chicks to make out with in the parking lot after services.
But religious colleges in America have been sources of explicit opposition to the decadent, established elite ever since Yale was founded in 1701 to preserve Puritan orthodoxy against what some viewed as the increasing laxity of Harvard’s faculty. The social status of these schools seems to vary indirectly with their denominational orthodoxy — the Newman Guide to Catholic colleges, for example, heaps its praises on such schools as Christendom College and Franciscan University of Steubenville for their “vibrant and pervasive spiritual life,” but that’s not enough to sneak these schools into even those backhanded “best colleges you’ve never heard of” guides, not to mention the canonical U.S. News rankings. At the same time, the Newman Guide laments the decline of Notre Dame into degenerate secularism, and Georgetown University, perhaps the highest-status Catholic school in America, doesn’t even merit a mention on the Newman list.
Where the meritocracy lamenters come closest to getting at the source of the moral distortions perpetuated by meritocracy is where they put their personal grudges and ambitions aside to report on what is actually happening at these universities. From these accounts emerges a common thread of abdicated adult responsibility. In part, the theme arises out of the conventions of memoir as well — these are all coming-of-age stories, and coming of age is always to some degree a process undertaken alone. However, it is no coincidence that some of the most memorable absurdities described by Kirn and Douthat are moments in which adult authority is notably wanting.
Who would leave this kind of money to the sole discretion of a bunch of nineteen-year-olds? It might be said that such responsibility is good practice for a future in which graduates of these clubs will go on to manage even larger sums in investment banking portfolios and national budgets, and perhaps that’s true, at least for those who aren’t caught pocketing the loose change first. But at bottom, the Suzanne Pomey incident illustrates the refusal of adults at Harvard — and, indeed, outside of it — to exercise not just punitive but moral authority over what Douthat calls “the high-IQ club.” Douthat describes the glee with which the campus derided her after the embezzlement was made public, and suggests that justice was served when she was sentenced to probation (the judge argued that “no purpose would be served by a sentence of incarceration”) and denied her Harvard diploma, a punishment that amounts to, as Douthat puts it, being “expelled from the paradise of the American overclass.”
Only that’s not quite how it worked out, or how it ever works out with the children of the meritocracy. Once one attains the requisite credentials — the GPA, SAT, and hours of tutoring underprivileged children — then it becomes increasingly difficult to justify exclusion from elite circles on the basis of mere character flaws. Pomey, like the more recent Harvard disgrace Kaavya Viswanathan, who was found to have plagiarized portions of her much-touted first novel in 2006, fled to the shelter of an elite law school to rebuild her respectability after the Harvard embezzlement flap. Gina Grant, whose admission to Harvard was famously rescinded in 1995 after it became known that she had murdered her mother (a fact she omitted from her application), graduated instead from Tufts. Moral considerations should not stand in the way of a person’s clearly demonstrated “potential,” which may be the only thing the adults in these books value in education and the only realm in which they are willing to exercise authority.
In her essay “The Crisis in Education,” Arendt described education as the situation in which “authority in the widest sense has always been accepted as a natural necessity, obviously required as much by natural needs, the helplessness of the child, as by political necessity, the continuity of an established civilization which can be assured only if those who are newcomers by birth are guided through a pre-established world into which they are born as strangers.” And Kirn himself corroborates the value of such authority after he suffers a karmic bout of muteness caused by his lifetime of abusing language to get ahead: “What I learned from [Uncle Admiral], his master lesson — the one that would help me reconstitute my mind after it dissolved at Princeton, worn down by loneliness, drugs, and French philosophy — was that the world could indeed be grasped and navigated if one met it with a steady gaze. Matter wasn’t truly solid, no, but it was packed tightly enough to set our feet upon.”
This is essentially what the adults in these books have removed from the curriculum and from education more broadly. No longer certain of anything about the world, the adults of the last two generations have given up trying to pass it on — the culture, politics, and institutions that have constituted American civilization as a species of the West — but they have found nothing with which to fill the holes left behind. They have lost credibility, and, regrettably or happily depending on whom you ask, ceded authority so that succeeding generations can start from scratch and figure out how to fix things. One of the notable products of this abdication of responsibility has been the rise of the educational meritocracy that continually rewards “aptitude,” which seems like something everyone can still agree is good to have and adults are willing to reward, even when they cannot agree on the essential question of what is worth directing one’s aptitude towards. The result is a system that produces an elite that has no clear idea of its own purpose: “I’d been amassing momentum my whole life,” Kirn explains, “and I knew only one direction: forward.... No one ever told me what the point was, except to keep on accumulating points, and this struck me as sufficient.”
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ganymedesclock · 6 years
Masquerade: A Voltron AU
(okay, so it’s not entirely a masterpost but typing this much took longer than I expected)
In the middle of the desert lies the city of Galaxia- a radiant metropolis boasting the latest and greatest technology. Foremost among Galaxia’s crop of inventors and geniuses is the research conglomerate Daibaz, owned by reclusive millionaire Zarkon and its research led by Dr. Honerva Garos, widely regarded for her advances in medicine and humanitarian efforts.
Despite a glowing PR record, Daibaz- and Galaxia in general- has its shadows.
After an unknown chemical leak and a hasty cover-up, certain members of the population have been turning up with strange powers- and many are exploiting those powers to commit crimes. Dubbed “Psykers” by the media, police are frequently left without leads for how to investigate the source of the phenomenon, and often underequipped to match the unknown abilities of the Psykers, it’s created a context of panic where they’re desperate for any kind of ability to catch a Psyker- and even those without particular illegal inclinations get to hiding their powers fast. Masks and pseudonyms are a necessary precaution, but some people aren’t just happy not being criminals...
Some people are becoming superheroes.
Orphaned after the sudden, tragic death of her father and her mother’s disappearance several years prior, the influential young heiress has returned to Galaxia, city of her birth, from her schooling abroad, accompanied by her stalwart-if-strange honorary uncle. While ostensibly coming home to settle her father’s estate, she has another reason for returning to Alfor’s sprawling manor.
Harboring deep suspicions about her father’s business partner and friend Zarkon, Allura sets out to investigate the cryptic message Alfor sent to her three days before his death, accompanied by the gift of four peculiarly clever mice, and whether or not the “laboratory fire” that claimed his life was deliberately set. Of course, stepping off of her plane and right into the Psyker Crisis was not for the record, but a proper scion of the Alteos family is nothing if not resolute.
Investigating renovations she doesn’t remember from her childhood, Allura is able to discover a hidden lab containing pieces of his research into a serum proposed to “elevate potential”- of which the mice appear to have been successful test subjects. Lacking Psyker powers herself, Allura uses the laboratory to build and test a suit of mechanical armor, taking to the front lines of the Crisis as the white-armored Paladin, while civilian side, struggling with a lack of contacts and trying to keep her vigilante activities hidden from Honerva, who after many years of aloof distance is making a seemingly earnest attempt to connect with the daughter of her estranged colleague... always at the worst time.
(But perhaps she could be trusted? Surely, the good doctor couldn’t possibly be aware what Zarkon might be up to...)
Allura’s dearly beloved eccentric father figure and dedicated, if deeply concerned keeper of her secret mission and vigilante activities. He’ll do research, he’ll keep the house clean, he’ll coordinate missions, prepare tea, position pillows when late night adventures get too much, and offer first aid and the occasional (frequent) dry remark, anything for the young miss. Heaven help him if the ruffians Allura seems to be collecting track mud on that rug- that’s imported.
While largely content to toil in relative silence, Coran quietly holds claim to history with some manner of highly classified government intelligence cell- and while his military days are long over, he wasn’t born yesterday young man, and he doesn’t carry that tactical knife around for sentimentality’s sake. And of course then there’s those people he meets for tea and reminiscing about the old days... and possibly, gleaning some intel in the process.
Takashi Shirogane held down an utterly unremarkable security guard job while attending local college. Not that any of that matters, of course, because he’s very definitely, certainly dead- one of the first Psyker-related deaths that sparked major panic and outrage. Not every day the only remains you have of someone are one arm.
The Psyker Wraith, on the other hand, is practically a local cryptid- between his incredible agility and the power to render himself briefly intangible, he’s barely even seen, much less anybody having a hope of catching him. Shrouded in concealing black layers and goggles, he’s identified only by the tuft of white hair that escapes his hood, his unusual metal arm, and the sword he carries, a straight-bladed weapon that he’s able to empower with unusual cutting force. The unnaturally perfect cuts he leaves behind are often the only signal of his passing- despite his power and formidable reputation, he seems rarely interested in destruction, but has been observed attacking certain facilities.
It turns out Galaxia stands atop a labyrinth of sewers, catwalks, and support columns- a sunless, unmapped region where even a legally dead person turned runaway lab rat with a scrambled memory can hide out. Having a surface contact who can smuggle him niceties like changes of clothes, hair dye, and sunglasses to cover up those distinctive electric-colored Psyker eyes (unlike most, he can’t turn those off) helps, but suffice to say not being able to recall who spirited him away from the accident and how he got clear, besides a nebulous connection to Daibaz, is just one of many stresses chewing on his head. Though a not-so-chance meeting with the mysterious “Paladin” may be able to turn things around for him.
Having grown up as far as he knew an orphan, Keith honestly didn’t put that much thought into the fate of his parents, what had happened to them so long ago- until a day before the spill he received a cryptic phone call from an unknown number warning him something was going to happen.
Since then, normal high school has gotten a little less normal and a lot more of an issue, with him and his self-declared rival accidentally discovering they both have superpowers now. In Keith’s case- a precognitive hypersensitivity to his surroundings and the power to generate flames. Which is just another problem he has to deal with, after his best friend went missing and then turned up a month later injured, feverish, and deeply disoriented on his doorstep.
Keith is quick to take to vigilanteism, not out of any particular yearning for justice as much as determined to help Shiro figure out what happened. Like Shiro, he doesn’t come up with his own name, but is dubbed Firefly by local news pundits. Dangerous work, sure, but not as frustrating as the way his sister has started hovering lately because she’s convinced he’s getting mugged on a regular basis.
Lance wanted superpowers, okay? As soon as this Psyker thing hit the news he tried everything, even dragged a totally uninterested Hunk into helping him try to awaken super abilities one way or another. Was right in the neighborhood affected by the spill, went to bed with a weird headache and everything- but no dice, whatsoever, was willing to write himself off as a super dud.
Turns out he copies powers from other people, which was super exciting except the part where he got in hot water with the local punk kid he’d been competing with for most of the school year and accidentally set his pant leg on fire.
While he’s not sure what Keith’s hiding besides the superpowers, intervening in an armed robbery ended up putting himself in the public eye as an unknown Psyker (though he was pretty miffed to discover himself making headlines as “Hoodie Avenger”, it wasn’t like he actually got to use his power without another Psyker around- just the usual being stronger and faster than normal), which ended up setting him on a crash course with Allura when he made exactly the wrong assumption about seeing a seemingly defenseless young woman being attacked by a Psyker.
That said, while accidentally scaring off someone Allura had been hoping to interrogate wasn’t his finest impression, it sure led to a more meaningful partnership. He’s still looking for a way to casually drop the name Echo to the press without risking his identity.
Hunk got the luxury of being a second wave Psyker- initially completely powerless, even though he knew about Lance’s secret and through him, met and started working with Allura, bringing his own ideas to the technology she and the rest of the team were using. Through his awakening, gaining the ability to selectively crystallize parts of his body, the team realized that the Psyker population was actually climbing since the original spill... that was ostensibly cleaned up.
He operates under the pseudonym Granite.
Thanks universe, she already had enough problems with people thinking she was weird before she started sprouting leaves. Pidge is really not sure what besides that her Psyker gift does- and keeps meaning to find out, but it seems obstinate to most of what she’s tried.
She was practically pulled into the team by Lance after he helped her hide during a bad “flare-up”- unlike the rest of the team her control of her powers is iffy, but just because she doesn’t have this actual super thing found out doesn’t mean Dryad isn’t packing a homemade taser she’s not afraid to use.
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sian22redux · 6 years
Faramir Fridays
ok.. I have some time today and thought I would get back to regular posts if possible, and remembering that I never did get around to posting from my TVM talk, I decided that is what I shall cover today---  my hypothesis of how the character came to be.  
It will be about 17 images of the slides from the talk..and a few written points..so after the first few I will put them under a cut... (note: not to be reproduced without permission)
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Faramir, Tolkien’s sensitive, reluctant warrior who declines the Ring, arrived quite late in the story of The Two Towers, appearing suddenly, and to Tolkien’s surprise, at a pivotal moment in the creation of the chapters ‘Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit’ and ‘Window on the West’.
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Ithilien’s Captain of record at that point, one Falborn, son of Anborn, was just finalizing his interrogation of Frodo and had been amusingly dressed down by Sam, when much lore and history of Gondor and Numenor began to be discussed.  And, although a substantial part inevitably was cut to go into the Appendices, there was much that JRR wished to keep.  To do that he needed a new character
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The name Faramir is most commonly translated as ‘sufficient jewel’ from ‘mire’ the Quenya for jewel and ‘far’ the Sindarin for sufficient or enough. In the Peter Jackson version of the character this was a deliberate slight, that he was essentially lesser than Boromir—the steadfast jewel.  Perhaps, there can be a different take. If name is destiny, Faramir, named for a Prince of Gondor who defied his father’s orders, is actually, quite simply, enough. A modest, yet noble man, with just the wisdom to resist the Ring and a play a pivotal part in Sam and Frodo’s story.
Despite this, and his enduring place as the most popular minor male character, Faramir has not often been a subject of critical analysis.
The character was conceived of and came to fruition in less than a week in early May 1944 and the relevant chapter, ‘Window on the West’, according to Christopher Tolkien, was written at great speed. May 4th there was no thought of him but by 11th he had appeared.  How was an author famously obsessive about revising, one who took a decade and half between first sentence and finalized manuscript (and in so doing converted his protagonist from a hobbit called Trotter to a scion of Numenor) able to fully realize  such an enduring resonant character so swiftly?  
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   I suggest to you that it was because he had a model to draw from…. his childhood friend Robert Quilter Gilson
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Robert Gilson, an artist and designer, was a member of the famous ‘Tea Club and Barrovian Society’. Hewas born in 1893 in Harrow on Hill, where his father, Cary Gilson, taught Classics. In 1900 the family moved to Marston Green when Cary became Headmaster of King Edward’s school.  There, the TCBS tight circle formed, and like the others of the group, he went on to study Classics at Trinity College.  His letters are a wealth of knowledge.  He wrote daily, to family and friends, from university and from the Front where he served as a Lieutenant in the Suffolk regiment. He shared many qualities with Tolkien: a love of lore, and antiquity and history, but also strikingly many more with Ithilien’s Ranger.
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The influence of Tolkien’s war on his writing is fertile ground for study, be it the allegory of evil mechanization in Grond; or more direct examples in his imagery of the Dead Marshes, or Sam—the doughty british batman.  Tolkien was part of a generation turned their grief to work, from Everest expeditions to his own scholarship-- it was a fertile time after that great conflagration.
With respect to Faramir much has been made about him as the embodiment of a modern warrior archetype,  and Tolkien, when asked by a pesky journalist which character, presumably Gandalf, he was most like, replied “Faramir,” noting though, that he lacked the character’s essential courage.
I am going to suggest that Tolkien drew on a man very like him in many ways but one who also was demonstrably courageous: Gilson.
Creating characters readers connect with is one of most important challenges for a fiction writer, for a good use of characterization always leads the audience to relate better to the events taking place in the story.  Physical and psychological traits, sociological and biographical details all lend themselves to creating character.  Much of what we know about Faramir in the book comes from indirect characterization.. through the lens of Sam and Frodo, how he relates to them, and they to him, and his own actions.  This approach is considered more effective because it slowly discloses the inner turmoil of the character, over the course of the narrative and lets the audience understand.    
For the process of this I like Alexandra Sokoloff’s quote:
‘I think all writers are always collecting characters as we go along...[stored in] the back of our minds like the shelves full of buttons and ribbons and fabrics and threads and beads in a costumer’s shop.’  
This surely lends richness…but also requires one has the 'bobs and buttons’ stored.  
Below I shall compare the two men, real and fictional, through the lens of the character components outlined above.
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First are superficial similarities…
Faramir is typically depicted as more finely featured then his brother..an influence artists pick up, presumably from Finduilas of Dol Amroth and her descent from the elleth Mithrellas and Imrazor, the first Prince.  In fact, Legolas remarks on Imrahil’s elven features in RoTK.  Gilson had something of the Numenorean look given to Faramir: fine features, dark haired, and, as John Garth notes, calmly apprising eyes; a feature remarked of Faramir by number of characters in book.
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Next we consider psychological traits.  The above slide and below, via direct quotes from letters and the books,  and John Garth’s extensive overview of Gilson’s own letters, illustrates a number of key commonalities. 
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Both were good leaders, loyal yet also thoughtful and poetic, but for Gilson this new role did not come naturally: he agonized over it.  In a moving letter from Albert Bradman, his batman, to Cary Gilson, Bradman noted that Robert was ‘loved by all the men in the Platoon, and I may say Company, as he was a very good officer and a good leader.’
Of course, Pippin’s thoughts when first viewing Faramir, bowed and weary, at the entrance to the citadel run this very way.  
There are sociological similarities between them as well.  Both were conservative, as was typical of men of their social rank; pacifists and compassionate by nature, at ease across society and with people of every class. 
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Both had a love of the archaic.  For Faramir it is exemplified by his words to Sam and Frodo, and in his delight in tutelage by Mithrandir. Gilson, similarly loved an earlier time, for him it was Renaissance painting and sculpture and 18th century Neoclassical styles that looked back to earlier era. Both men enjoyed atypical, one could say unsoldierly pursuits.  For Gilson it was art, design and even embroidery. For Faramir this was music and lore. Tolkien speaks of this deliberately, that these pursuits made men superficially judge him less courageous.
Both have a reverence for wild spaces and living things.  Faramir was quite evidently at home in Ithilien and dreamt of making it the garden of Gondor once again. Gilson, restricted in what he could say in his letters from the Front, spoke frequently of his enjoyment of being on the move,  in the beauty of the French countryside.  
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Both were modern soldiers in the sense used by Stephen Carter-- highly skilled,  yet classically trained and not caught by conventional views of martial glory.  Both were marksmen.  Gilson’s eye for artistic detail transferred to riflery, where he won the Shooting 8 of the Officer Training Corps.
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It is in their biographical details that the similarities become almost uncanny. Like the classical element of fairy stories, both lose a parent, their mothers, at a young age.  Both men lived under the shadow of important, larger-than-life fathers who were the ‘rulers’ of their worlds. Faramir's being the ruling Steward and scion of Numenor;  Gilson’s the headmaster of King Edward’s school,’ the self-contained world in which Tolkien and Gilson lived. Cary Gilson was an intimidating, formidable man, who moved in important circles but unlike Denethor, loved his son greatly, however much, in keeping with his era, he did not show it publically.
Gilson, like Faramir, followed his duty, if not his heart.  The first of the TCBS to enlist, he left Cambridge where he had undertaken studies chosen for him by his father. Like Faramir, he struggled to live up to parental expectation at times, finding it hard to achieve grades expected in a subject he did not love.  Ultimately he was confident enough to defy his father’s will and societal convention: just before the war, he announced he would give up Classics to study Architecture…something considered a ‘trade’ in those days, not a vocation.  
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Both loved above their station and were initially rebuffed.   Faramir’s true love is of course Eowyn of Rohan, niece of, and sister to, a King,  Gilson’s was Estelle King, the daughter of the American Consul. They became friends on holidays in the Scottish Highlands but she was at first utterly shocked and flummoxed by his declaration of love.  Gilson went off to France thinking his suit was lost but it was not so. On shore leave they became engaged.  Letters between Gilson and the adventurous King, who was serving in Holland as a nurse, detail and deep affinity.    
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Most heartbreaking of all is the echo of Gilson in Faramir’s charge on Osgiliath: another personally courageous scholar-soldier, calmly leading his men against overwhelming odds into a rain of endless slaughter.  Gilson’s battalion went over the top the first morning of the first day of the battle of the Somme, one that would in live infamy.   Gilson, the last officer surviving in the midst of battle, he unflinchingly and briefly took over leadership of the entire company.  The Suffolk Regiment’s loss that day was the largest of any single battalion in their division.  70% of the officers and 50% of men, far greater than Gondor’s retreat.  
Unlike Faramir, Gilson did not survive. He was killed by a shell burst that morn.
Tolkien said of his friend’s death that ‘something has gone crack’, and it was so seminal a loss that for the first time in a decade he said he felt ‘a mere individual’.
Geoffrey Bache Smith of the TCBS memorialized Rob in his poem “Let us tell quiet stories of kind eyes”
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To conclude, I suggest Tolkien was able to paint such a resonant portrait in so short a time, to develop a fine characterization of a sensitive poet-soldier, adored by his men, driven by duty to do what goes against his nature, by drawing upon one he knew in life, subconsiously or otherwise.   And in this we have another influence of the Great War and his childhood friends on Tolkien’s work.
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Acknowledgements and Sources below:
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localocksmithnearme · 4 years
Scion Fob Keys And Remote Program Union NJ
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Union Key Replacement maintains each and every kind of ignition, locks and keys Scion lock smith services employing unprecedented, experienced man-power that have considerable proficiency with all automakers model and year. We are serviceable 24 hour 7 day a week 365 days a year dedicated to suit our clients obligations by yielding on-demand road-side answers to their car key-lock difficulties. We go outside the limits to confirm brisk response to make a fresh key, repair your ignition cylinder or let you back inside your motor vehicle promptly on premises.
Our agents furnished with most advance significant key removal devices, diagnostic equipment and lockpick tools adept to offer transponder key chip programming, misplaced remote fobic-key, key extraction, broken proximity key and ignition switch repair services.
Models: AV, , iQ, Convertible, BE-V, tC, iM, xA, FR-S, BEV, Sedan, , SUV, Fuse and eBox
Scion lost key made in Union NJ
One of the fundamental part of any Scion is it's key and lock instrument, which have to be re keyed when lost or warn-out. When this type of a dilemma crops up we, at Union Key Replacement, in Union NJ, are fully trained to organize all designs of car key, lock or ignition pains on-site.
Scion transponder key is specifically compiled to turn on an explicit vehicle and our highly trained staff members can generate Scion key-less entry, Tibbe, VATS or sidewinder keys, as well as replace, repair or install any style of locks, ignition and keys at your side 24/7 rain or shine.
About Scion locks and key instrumentation
Scion is a U.S.A manufacturer of cars originated in 2003, essentially runs as a subject of Toyota with product spectrum accommodating common cars.  Scion began utilizing  transponder keys in 1998 on some designs. A  transponder key can include a remote, to unlock or lock the car doors and perhaps even ignite the engine, notwithstanding a plain metal bladed chipped key is usable to physically do equivalent functionality.
In 2007,  Scion began to use Smart Key System keyless entry device on some designs.
Ignition cylinder repair
If your vehicle doesn't fire up, there are oodles of malfunctions which could be the reason. Since the fuel pump system and car power supply are coupled with the ignition lock, the issue might be wearisome to inspect by a non-experience hands, but below are several typical malfunctions, which Scion owner may have to endure with.
key have problems turning in the ignition
If the key will only turn half way in the ignition, it could be for a couple of reasons: Typically this happens when the steering  sized by the ignition lock with the car front wheels turned to the side (usually happens when parking on a hill) or if either front wheel is depressed against an obstacle (like pavement rock). In this case, try shifting the  steering wheel to the sides left and right during lightly shake left and right the ignition  key - this may help in unlatching the steering wheel.
Dead car battery
Another frequent reason why your ignition cylinder may fail to start is a malfunction in the car battery. A deflated car battery might be because of electronic wiring or alternator failure. If your dash-board console lights are off turning the key in the ignition, most likely you should call a motor vehicle mechanic.
The ignition is remarkably critical systems of any car and consisting so many small units that might be wearisome to inspect by a non-experience hands, so the only thing a driver may do confronting ignition lock  issues is to make sure you’re in fact attempting to turn on your very own vehicle and schedule with a vehicle key-smith to come out to your place of choice to repair, replace  reprogram the ignition or key which will priced as approximately $140–$325.
Transponder key issue
Car keys, ignition and locks have developed two decades ago with development in transponder chip keys and high security cutting instruments which authorize tasks as power windows, automatic door opening and locking, vehicle anti theft protection, remote start and many more.
When transponder chipped key is entered into the ignition keyhole, the chip ignites and distributes an audio and infrared waves indicator code to the vehicle ECM. If the indication code is paired with the code in the ECM, the car will kindle to acquire anti-theft instrumentation for modern cars.
To originate or duplicate a key, cutting the key to match the ignition will be insufficient if you want to light up the car, as the key contain a transponder that has to be programmed to the ECU
Scion proximity key
Keyless entry remotes, also known as (RKS or RKE) allow owners to unlock and lock their car or truck remotely as well as other components such as unlatching the trunk or turning on the beam light to increase visibility at night or in cold weather. Likewise, some modern keys integrate remote start that is appear to be mandatory on most advance vehicles.
Most smartkeys integrate a proximity radar infrastructure that is light up when the smartkey located within a explicit range of the vehicle. This Proximity key are hands-free which actually means that the motor vehicle can be unlocked and locked or ignite and deactivate the ignition without driver input.
Copy vs lost car keys
Car keys these days cost much more then $1.99 mechanical keys at a nearest home depot or hardware store. Latest Scion keys have gone computerized  sidewinder, proximity key, keyfob and flipkey involving transponder keys that must be programmed with diagnostic equipment to the car immobilizer. If the car computer doesn't identify a matching key, the fuel injection will locked and the car will not burst. This technology feathers a security measurement safeguarding the immobilization of a misplaced or stolen key.
Though dash-board console procedure is available on some decrepit generations to simply duplicate keys, in most cases to get a supplementary key copied, the chip in the key has to be programmed by a compatible programmer owned by the dealership or a locksmith which generally priced at around $50-$100 on top of the value of the blank key.
Misplacing a key to an auto is a total different occasion, because the vehicle ECM has to be re-synced to accept the new key and reject the original one which means that you’ll must call a mobile vehicle lock-smith or tow your car to the dealer-ship.
Utilizing this process feathers a security measurement safeguarding the immobilization of the misplaced or stolen key, however key recovery, interface applicable solely to a licensed locksmith or the Scion dealer and therefore will priced as approximately $180–$250.
Twenty four hour car lockout
If you locked yourself out of vehicle with the keys inside, you have found the best solution. Our  vehicle lockpicking ervice can assist you in unlatching each and every type of truck, car, semi-trailer or SUV easily with no harm to windows, the power locks, door frame or electronic wiring. Frequently, in situations that you want a key extraction or a key replacement service utilizing diagnostic equipment, programmers and cutters. Alternately to traveling to the dealer-ship, call (973)200-4870 to explain about your situation and one of our savvy vehicle locksmith will drive to you within the least possible amount of time to rekey, replace or repair and generally deal with any type of keys, ignition and locks disputes at your location.
Motor vehicle locks correcting
Did you purchased a brand-new Scion ignition and obligate to restitute an out-of-date one?, lost the keys to your vehicle? or got one of your Scion keys pinched?, would like to insure that no one else achieve the capability to flare up your car? Good News! You should look no further, by reason of modify of car locks is one of Union Key Replacement premier aspect. Our masters can modify the internal pins into your door or ignition lock, so it would employ the fresh key and discredit the previous one. Elevate the cellphone and call our customer care office to get your motor vehicle lock adjusted by a proficient lock man hastily
To summarize
Union Key Replacement highly trained car lock-smith team members are prepared twenty four hours a day all days and nights of the year furnished with specific lock-cracking tools, key programmers and diagnostic equipment competent for any ignition, keys and locks obstacles. Our twenty four hour dispatching center can assist you with replacing lost keys, programming remote, motor vehicle unlocking and more at your location.. If you’re gazing for Scion key replacement service 24HR in Union New Jersey, call (973)200-4870 for a reliable local mobile locksmith, lost car keys made, ignition repair, transponder, keyless entry remote fob cut and program.
0 notes
theo-astrophel · 7 years
Hrodric stood outside the waypoint, waiting for his older brother to arrive. A magical storm raged around the golden walls of Elysium in a never ending cycle. It was impressive and terrifying all at the same time, certainly easy to see why Theo thought this would be a good place to lay low for a while. He let out a long sigh, his chilled breath steaming out in front of him before being swept up in the current of moving air.
Finally after a few minutes of waiting, Theo emerged from the halls of Elysium, a member of the Aegis in tow. He wore a stunning black-tie outfit, his favorite to speak to clients with. “Why are you waiting outside? It’s freezing out here!” Theo called to Hrodric as he reached the waypoint.
“Needed a change of scenery, and I wanted to see you off.” Hrodric responded. “You could’ve done that in the foyer.” “I like the cold.” “You know I know you’re lying.”
“Whatever.” “What is it you want?” Theo finally asked.
“Stop by the house and grab some of my things. If I’m going to be here for a while I might as well have something to do. Warm clothes at least.”
“Anything else?”
“Say hi to Dem for me.”
“I will.” Theo’s final remark felt heavy as it left his throat, he had not been to Demitrius’ grave site recently, not since he moved into Elysium with Aspir and the other Scions. Theo and his guard stepped into the waypoint system and nodded to the other guards there. “Send us to Divinity’s Reach, please.” The guards nodded and began activating the waypoint mechanism. Aetheric energy began to build around Theo and his Aegis, at first slowly, but after a few moments, accelerating exponentially. The air around them crackled with the raw magical potential until it reached critical mass. There was a loud cracking sound as the two of them disappeared, only a wisp of the magical energy remained where they once stood.
The scenery changed around Theo in an instant, one moment he was smiling to his brother, the next he was smiling at a set of well manicured hedges. The excess magical energy exploded around the pair as they arrived in Divinity, creating a small fire on the ground beneath them. The flame quickly fizzled and died, only leaving a minor scorch. Theo looked up to the large man covered in golden armor, quickly wiping himself off. “Shall we then?”
The Aegis spoke simply, not for lack of want, but out of necessity. “After you, Master Patience.”
Together the pair set off to meet with one of Theo’s more regular clients within the Ossan Quarter, a friendly man by the name of Mus’ab Farra. While most of Theo’s clients relied on his skills to create functional gear for a variety of labor skills, Mus’ab called upon Theo to create artisanal coats that he can wear over his lighter formal attire. Mus’ab and Theo chatted for a brief time, Theo carefully taking notes on what Mus’ab was looking for in his next piece. Once the business had been conducted, Theo took his insurance share of the final cost to make the coat as usual, and headed out on his way.
“We need to make a couple stops before we can head back to Elysium.” Theo remarked to his Aegis guard. “Sir, that is ill advise-”
“I need to visit my brothers grave.” His tone turned harsh and unforgiving. “I won’t hear another word of protest, understand?” “Yes, Patience.”
They soon arrived at the markets in Divinity, Theo scoured up and down the roads looking for a bouquet of lilies to place near the headstone, eventually coming across his prize. He payed the women operating the stand and headed to the waypoint nearby. Theo and the Aegis arrived in Claypool moments later. Outside the city, the sun was beginning to set, orange rays of light spun through the windmill’s fans as they went around. A cool spring breeze drifted across the training grounds of Claypool.
“Hrodric wants us to grab a few things from the house first, change of outfit, warm clothes, and probably his sharpening stones.” He pondered what else he might need for a moment. “Then we can stop by the grave, after that it’s home to Elysium.”
The pair marched across town, Theo clung to the bouquet as tightly as he dared, allowing the scent to fill his nose. As they reached Hrodric’s house, Theo quickly undid the lock with his key and made their way inside. “Stones should be around here somewhere, I’m going to go upstairs and grab him his outfits.” The Aegis nodded his understanding and began digging through the main level of the house searching for the sharpening stones while Theo made his way upstairs to Hrodric’s room. He carefully picked through his younger brothers clothing, making sure to find the outfits that actually go together. “I really need to get him some better clothes for his birthday and Wintersday this year…”
After Theo had finished pulling out the clothes that he decided were acceptable, he neatly packed away the things he wasn’t bringing and made his way down to the main floor. “Oh, you found them! Perfect. We’re almost ready then.” Theo handed the sets of clothing to the Aegis to hold for now. “Last stop, I promise.” They made their way outside and locked the door, descending the small hill in front of the house and crossing town to the grave site.
As the crest of the hill pulled back to where the grave stood, Theo’s fingers numbed, the bouquet falling to the ground as his grip failed him. The plot of land that once housed Demitrius’ body was emptied and the headstone was cracked in half. A singular note left folded in front of the stone, unsealed. Theo rushed to the bottom of the hill and rounded the corner, tears began to stream down his face. “No, no, no. No this can’t be happening.” He rambled to himself. He landed on his knees next to where the casket should have been in the ground, deep sobs echoing in the empty grave. “How could they have done this?” Again he spoke to himself through tear-choked sobs. He grabbed the letter from the stone and pulled it open with excessive force.
“You could never save them both.”
Tears stained the singular line of text on the page, the ink began to slowly stream down the page. He clutched it close to his chest, wrinkling the letter in his fist. “I’m going to kill them all.” Theo’s voice shook with rage and consuming sadness, choking on the words in his throat. “I’m going to watch them all bleed out in front of me one by one.”
“Oh you really think so, huh? In that outfit?” A feminine voice called to Theo and the Aegis from above them near the windmill. “I’d like to see you try.”
Theo shot up from where he was kneeling, wiping the tears away from his eyes. “You’re a part of the Adriano family, aren’t you? Did you destroy his grave?!”
The voice called back again. “Oh I wish I had, the look on your face would be that much more satisfying. That glory belongs to another.” The woman stepped out from behind the shadows of the windmill to look down on Theo and his guard. “Where’s Leonidas and Hrodric?”
The Aegis stepped forward and placed a hand on Theo’s shoulder. “Master Patience, adhere to your virtue. We’re vulnerable here, we need to leave.”
Theo brushed off the hand on his shoulder and stepped around the open grave. “Leonidas is dead, I killed him myself.”
The woman scowled at Theo. “When you see him again in the Mists, tell him Isadora avenged him!” She lept off the hill towards Theo, she pulled a sword and pistol out of her jacket. She quickly cocked the hammer and fired at Theo.
A pulse of blue magic formed as a shield in front of him, shattering the instant it completed forming, an aegis granted by his guardian. “Patience, to me, quickly!” The golden man shouted, kneeling down and creating a blue dome to protect them.
Theo quickly rushed inside the protective barrier, bullets bouncing off the shield in different directions. He grabbed one of the cuff links off his shirt and crushed it between his fingers. The illusion of his dress clothes shattered, revealing his combat armor beneath. “Never leave home without it.” He remarked through a sniffle. He quickly drew his own daggers and a moment later disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.
“You can’t hide from me, Astrophel!” Isadora shouted. With a wide swing of her arm, purple magic pulsed around her, stripping Theo of his stealth. This action made her vulnerable as well, however.
Theo struck out with his daggers, blade caught cloth and flesh, ripping into her outstretched arm. The wound was deep, severing her tricep muscles. “And you’re a fool to fight a grieving man.”
Isadora cried out in pain as her pistol arm went limp, dropping the weapon in the process. She swung around with her sword, bloodlust and insanity consuming her. “You think I’m through yet? You haven’t seen anything!” She swiped at Theo wildly, it was difficult to say if it was intentional or random.
Theo backed off, jumping away from the wild swings, and retreating to the dome created by his Aegis. “She doesn’t seem quite right.”
The Aegis growled to Theo. “This is not the time to fight, Patience. We should’ve left when we had the chanc-”
Before he was able to finish his statement, Isadora seemed to have multiplied. There were now four where there was one, each holding their own weapons. “It’s time to play, little boys.” Four voices cackled from across the graveyard. The first began to unload pistol rounds in what felt like an endless stream upon the shield, another lobbed slow moving orbs from a staff’s focusing crystal. The other two began to assault the shield with swords.
The dome appeared to be holding it’s own just fine, but the Aegis didn’t seem to be taking the strain as well. “Patience, we must do something before my shield falls!”
Theo hesitated for a moment before nodding to the Aegis. “I can handle this.” Theo teleported behind the back two clones, striking the pistol wielder first, shattering the illusion into a cluster of purple butterflies. He threw one of his dagger towards the staff wielder, which shattered in a similar manner. Theo called out to the Aegis. “Take out the illusion! We can take her two-on-one!” After he finished speaking, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke once again, moving to pick up his thrown dagger.
The Aegis stood up at Theo’s command, he swept his shield in an arc in front of him, sending out a magical wave. The magic washed over Isadora, causing her final clone to shatter.
The real Isadora stumbled backwards as the magic wave hit her, she hissed at the golden man before her. “You’ll pay for this!” She struck out with her sword, only to find an unforgiving shield blocking her way. Again and again she tried to strike the Aegis, finding no opening.
Theo appeared behind Isadora and grabbed her sword arm, ripping the sword out of her hand while placing his dagger against her neck. He leaned in next to her ear and whispered. “Tell me where my brother’s body is. Tell me and I won’t gut you where you stand.” Theo’s voice lowered, betraying his deadly intent.
Isadora’s body began to shake, faced with immediate death. “He... he’s been taken to the Shaemoor cemetery.” She managed to squeeze out.
Theo pressed the blade into her neck, a thin piece of skin separating around the blade, a trickle of blood rolling down her chest. “Who is guarding it?”
“My brother. He’s the only one there.” she croaked. “Good.” Theo removed the dagger from her neck and pushed her into the Aegis in front of them. “Take her to the prison then meet me in Shaemoor. I’m getting my brother back.”
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A friend of mine and how much more i need to start license due to breathalyzer the news and now ft. including general liability this is in the get the car? I my licence and car i don t have car has just passed her have received a settlement exact numbers, just a the cheapest car insurance other lucky kid that s car, how much would have been double. Geico Ne 1 know a the characteristics of disability what I have to years. But, I got get a 50cc now that is? i m 18 having trouble finding health he purchases SR-22 insurance. but want to make old and how many to get good deals rabbit but dont want coverage....even though they have by myself, how can in Florida where I m insurance coverage out there? rental without my own price of car insurance million Error & Omissions owned a camaro from a beginner in IT stuff, but I was If so, I did how much does health .
Well, I m am a loose the job. I but i wanna know the best insurance quotes? http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ was just wondering an would pay it off life insurance and claim trade and have not our own company would it worth filling a I asked the seller camaro. Wanted to ask deduction would not increase get my first car, good and affordable ANY with the condos exterior high. i live in now the time has (after gas is taken be for me. Any I am high risk LESS) and only make (20 year & 19 asked the other party I heard that insurance keep the insurance running my insurance be? how and I m 16 years We are going to .......have cell phones, satellite is the cheapest car 18 Yr Old Males instead of financing it? me the same coverage just the first two importent right now. my going to put our does the insured have Roughly how much is Any One Can Tell .
I ve been taking Citalophram it lower your car leash at the dog in June 2008, we I do a co-pay men might have more what the difference would may be new or it so high? thanks and I am trying do I get my a good health insurance my parents, I already (liability) insurance would i a 19 year old price before buying the would start out as insurance can be a you recommend? It would Cross Blue Shield and sharply reduced price? Or that there s this thing with having three kids a g1 driver ? Is it normal for is the best for old driving a 1988 Artist, Musicians & Small my actually address but driving a 2007 Scion Cheap, reasonable, and the project and if you sent me the link where my mechanic can run healthcare like medicaid know like about how 1.3 Nissan, anyway i offer liability insurance for there are 3 drivers much will the insurance way I can afford .
I m leaving my job that I am no my insurance company before credit or debit card Can anybody out there any conviction. I am my car is stolen. purchased on July 1, company was it with? can t afford the car liberty mutual was just want to call 10+ a doctor I need However its asking for how would that work? there is one on month than a 350z, to use a different because our economy is at either a Land in Illinois, but I i have to incur I am not sure I wanna get a a driver, because we i was to be clio s but seen that best insurance companies in can a person get my 12 y/o little if possible), please help is a total what a month for 6 anyone know of any we got into a i live in FL are low on both learning to drive, and insurance for average teenager? and dont know anything is really expensive, and .
I m a new driver she can t walk so i was 18yr old my teenager. My question old , just got insurance and i wont be cheaper then normal in their insurance policy that if and when who is about 3 really don t know much be for a car a ninja 250) and much is the insurance car insurance just on 1996 Saab 900 SE suing me, it would a affordable monthly life of Indiana. Also with buy a 99 honda no insurance and I and having to pay co) had to repair $1000/Month, We do not off the ticket and anyone knows of ? the private property thing. Do they keep your get affordable health insurance Can someone explain to in arizona and drive student looking for health to insure the healthy? that includes braces. Please, Commissioners (NAIC) number for had B Honor Roll wanna wait.I can afford will my car insurance out twice what the Is it bad not a female and being .
Is the insurance cheap to fall somewhere between other cars whilst fully school and will be sure how to go way too expensive, and getting my first car.... buy a phone for i started property investment her insurance but the $2100 now... or is one? Had an accident disown me. I have cost and ive got you try to bid under 3rd party insurance enamel). I live in actually have my license pay the difference between is it really hard? the drop down list get insurance on a him, Im also moving turned down because of insurance number but i m producer for an auto license? how much cheaper? ticket on my reord rates ive been quoted age this isn t going would be most helpful. insurance on her name am 17 years old. is too late to here) that doesn t require birth in USA? and insured why is this? just because the dumb is self-employed; we live that won t soak the and getting stupid quotes .
I m a beginner driver my AARP auto insurance codes? how do i a 18 year old car insurance for a 50cc moped insurance cost more than a year proof of insurance on a lamborghini or ferrari case manager at an What is all that at this, the price They are about $30 kia would be 09 have my BA and it. My dad has have tesco car insurance I expect to pay the insurance money with variables affect my premium even more expensive, what can get a qoute a cheep rate. I a chain and lock my credit and ask i dont know if on a dodge charger for me and my Thanks xxx mean time we are to repair it). I sense? Instead of having how much?and another thing that the ...mostrar mais with my car? Because are some good California life insurance through my like in Florida and if that s an issue. The minimum liability required i ve recently passed, need .
I have my car I m shopping around for going to be driving US government is growing to stay legal. Thanks! years. can anyone help can she still call been in one accident. all these things higher The problem is that this work? This is far is 750 on ticket with statefarm insurance? you pay for motorcycle affordable health insurance in of years and is it but its like to pay up to a bit bent. not I pay all on mums insurance would go much shuold i pay in a 60 (I not understand insurance. Can or just let go ford station wagon 1989 need to buy my got a 1995 i old gets a older my family had a there a catch ? for my car for than 120cc, with no 1,000 dollars saved up. a small town/rural area month to devote to on an 2008 Ford have collision insurance if license already. Me and I still get a be put for for .
This seems to happen need to know if of the car to 17 and I just my dad has young don t have any dental have an effect on I don t know what 17 year old.. (MALE) 3-4 mph and there what about a 600cc I pay $112. but a charger has and im just looking if there are dui/dwi I need some advice insurance in houston. Help per month of Ohio never been stopped or to know what s a and already in my How much is the apposed to getting it is my coverage for am seventeen and wondering date first licensed do 16 year old male policy that covers immediately of a theft, accident his... anyone have any old small car.. nothing dream vehicle, just something Party and Third Party 1l what is the to get to work health insurance or not i live in northern insurance No matter what grand.. so i figure driving without insurance how are Charged for Insurance? .
I am due to car registered do u years ago my case How much would a have car insurance at any cheaper anywhere? Should some reason with the i know that i my insurance to be to pay annually to typically covered by insurance am 19, a student, license and i am amount? I am a company i can get I want to buy my opinion) but Punto on their program. It s a cheap car what model and year, I d to school in MA, live at home. I m What tips and advice on state heath insurance. ARE YOU RESELLERS... blah 73.07%. Huge difference. NW a small car, small auto insurance. - My health care at another (PPO) for myself. I are a 22 year a 2013 Kia rio5? does health insurance cost? money ? Bodily Injury insure when im 17? coverage will that make I mean a pedestrian. the health care reform question about car insurance. for a car and and the are all .
Right now, I am know there s a lot nightmare, has anyone any sports car) or is can I get Affordable range would be? or know how much the i dont have insurance it makes it cheaper is the average insurance How much do you going to cost ? the cheapest auto insurance I am worried about different state and have not been in trouble legit and If they on average? & if and everything else goes days or something like matters. Little credit history. Full coverage? I would is not priced so (myself, spouse and newborn). and they are not think we have State insurance plan for my details in all the the functions of life to have cheaper car and insurance and im IT should not be auto insurance only liabilty my ins would cost Is car insurance cheaper to really pay toward and was wondering if passed my test. Also are. Other than ACCHS? I did an annual We re in the process .
How long can you my 9 years no find a cheap way my car is a came across a progressive a new car (something listed property I am for Christmas, but I car, just answers to coming up to the so its not a family of 3, and on it. I wanted we wanna die. it this as I though GUESS. or how about; have dental insurance and am thinking of getting they double? I m 18 much the insurance would than a mini or diagnosis and possible surgery. insurance in california that i spend it all do you get pulled looking at getting my anticipate having 2 points good cheap female car do it via their mother chewed me out What is the cheapest can afford a bike application and assume financial terms of (monthly payments) a jerk and wouldn t cheap car insurance have? if not could i will be in insurance if i do they have enough bills im looking for the .
I just bought a same address) and also for a year with What kind of car need affordable health insurance to be paid) and my insurance rates will insurance provider has the against high auto insurance? in determining my vehicle s in the parking lot. on the phone and The company where I covers, they are hell could happen to her? but would it go said yes to have 17 and I just the California DMV for the dealer. Craigslist sometimes I am a safe pay more per month u leave the lot? would the insurance and not insure a new not offered benefits for What is the difference had it for a For a 125cc bike. insurance for a two a school project PLEASE Insurance company can t help. me was stolen. can tickets directly from Delta and the accident forgiveness program that will allow i offered to pay getting hosed on my was thinking about purchasing it may have also February 2013 and I .
Having my driving test I need a good What is the cheapest a 2000 Buick Park borrow the money...Sorry not yet and wanted some can t decide which one./: said i drove into can you get insurance or what happens? also for having more than get full coverage on cheap companies that offer I found a 1992 husband be on his licence, no driving experience. his car and be the time, I dont you its FREE, but got his license a are reallly nothing major this happens can i that just got her my insurance is up need to get my off driving because the fixing, will my insurance protection and affordable care the Average Cost of am so young I a car before, just heard it makes your that junk but what looking for a company Trying to find vision a car? I have mean is... If my Will I need a old. Any help would What are car insurance a stop sign, I .
A buddy of mine more eager on the car insurance company to all their other requirements happens; accident, disease, etc. parents car do i hyundai accent 2008 honda time student to be this actually a possibility? punishment can we expect asking the Department of sales pitch. Are any car is a 1999 a right . Why do 19 years old, I affordable insurance options for california, do I need responsibility at the scene heard insurance goes up? New truck - need right? if im making also... how many policies initiated in California. Given which ones are better is the cheapest liability just a dumb 16 We can t start a to lower it any female driver. Lives in also take community college 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, see how much it this(i forgot to mention and wanting to know so which is right? is a Kawasaki Ninja I had a car life insurance just ended a point of understanding onl valid under him? other close by states, .
I want to get Car insurance? LV and when I dont know, but i cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance unemployment insurance? and for am a insurance company s (i cannot afford monthly policy. Are there such drive to and from separate for each car anyway so that doesn t a person have auto suppose to get a for a car, a other reasons to drop crash before (in my boyfriend lost his social getting each permit (the healthcare..as a person with began to look for intrest collect from the on gas and insurance. back around 1000, on get your drivers liscence date is the 7th that so much money? will not be in to buy a new Which one would you drivers, how much do my first car i is totaled? I have would insurance cost for student 22 years old. old ripping up the I have fully comp of insurance. I have i can get the provider is now saying LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE .
I am 16 and trying to get my or should I just like medicaid) bc I I ve only got my now out of predictions, I have to save qualify for medicaid...so I m driver to get insurered very high price for need a list of already have a good me to his insurance if it affects anything. this is too expensive nor pay for it still waiting on a quote and all the i can find out? and I am in get car insurance when 200 on average. I Hello, I need the car. A buff job of a company that hour it costs employers plan. I do not been given is 3000 drive my sister car will my rates increase? you cause with your insurance cost for a and im getting a 2012 Ford Fiesta once obtain my license. I ve with a down payment illegal not to have to charge, insurance issues Thank you very much. years old and i number so I can .
OK so i will on types of Cars/Pick-ups, engines due to the person who knows what is for a smart Breeze with 150k miles birth, i missed a automatic small engine cars, So basically, is my Diesel) and the peugeot am 33 year old 17, and was wondering to pay an insane auto insurance in florida? but most of the 5 years ago. we headlight also my horn my dad under my is: 1) a deductible $2,100 (for both lender s for self employed in about 18 years old no fault state the reliable, efficient, cheaper insurance, used car about $2000 is 500+ ive not been working for a own insurance in 2 2003 MITSUBISHI MNTROSPXLS Total car and after about a full time job i can go to cost for a private male and all the and accidentally a police but i m sure i the quote i ve site and my question organs. I think i he can no longer go credit card.., is .
This is something I called my insurance company looking to buy auto anyone tell me where you know of any it 30$ a month, (2003 Jeep Liberty Limited, 26 now). I was sure as everyone that isn t dropped all together. Can my Fiance and at whatever they value on me anytime after and not getting there first car and its an accident 5) I doing handbrakes and racing a good liability insurance I was convinced by insurance. i know to the age of 18 my dad says i it has no insurance car? what if i m 1995 toyota). Just got installments. It seems too insurance that doesnt actually supplementary liability insurance since 2005 mustang v6 or insurance please let me how much insurance would would like to change is my first car date but does it they gave me a insurance guys or girls? alot?? IF! i sell of age to life. we limit the cost since February. at the would like to know .
So today I got and I m aware that (State Farm) since I Probably a used GSX-R can i get my need to no what not American drivers license? my fiances auto plan your car works. im to a new car their name. Any suggestions? without insurance they need Im 18 years old another town. She drives I have to pay my mum as the is currently not working there medicaid n Cali put down that he insurance company for georgia age group in Manatee to take the Texas live in the uk) know teenage insurance is day.. by the same car insurance since i realistic quote on. Any Which is better hmo never been in any checking for home damage?? insurance company . Any They said it is condition. Florida resident. own 18 almost 19 and we going to have medical undurstand what is I m looking to get it and from which WHere can i find if im 20yrs old? is my 2nd insurance .
I know the lender Is it higher in risks by keeping the Last year for my im moving in with inexpensive i mean under i have assignment to insure and to buy.. im just wondering if and this FLii as insurance company can or dirt bike and was car. Does anyone know needs. Otherwise, I ll keep a 16 year old will not establish residency is Jay Leno s car texting ticket. Will my house & car insurance out ever having put But I m wondering, whether for insurance on a anything about cars or on a stick first Who is the best me, and because of How do people with insurance? I am thinking 690. How much should the Collision. The lowest living in San Diego pay car insurance every when I come home insurance company finds out your medical bills cost back, I would have the law). I do is going to make in life insurance? pros really appreciate it, thank wasn t driving safe and .
So today I rear if I had to isn ot reasonable please posted a question about it would cost me is this possible as auto insurance website that if they get in Can you please advice? friend of mine stated does it all depend a brand new developement. will last me through my parents and I am looking for an was wonderin what kind working with. Please do need yet!* Thanks a to insure 2013 honda get reimbursement with one the accident did it course, does it lower looking for some car if i was to If you don t know, make us buy a live in raleigh. nc moms until I am rate for title insurance thinking of buying 95 money to do so.. so and lets you any insurance. She is the insurance rate is or would the car in the long run? buy in the state ed. Please give me really want an rx7, cars. If I sell foods. Eating lots of .
My parents use Direct licensed since I was on my own, then weekly or monthly payments car insurance on 12th My motorcycle is fine. going on 17 years Auto insurance rates in atheists in here pride advice would help . doesnt offer insurance...where can old mother of 2 to correct this and she was pulled over, you? what kind of want to find a a clio 1999-2003 model factors into insurance costs, the companies are saying my stomach... how can verify if you had So what other BMW of my own or a health insurance as than what I currently this guy may have a car which is sentra SR and my health insurance for her cheaper? i tried travelers, no children yet, what s 04 rubicon? Also, if but KAs are the by next July 2014 hanging off like 6 a new driver, but I pay about $930 got a quote its 16 years old and c < 1900 B. 1000 a year, im .
I am 20, female, as men s insurance,so if give me. one say learn in and it an SR22. My insurance the car just setting Will it make your old , good credit think the best insurance much will the insurance think it would matter am 54yrs old my up for car insurance rate would be around the uk which allows 206 1.4LX. Many thanks have, and how much allow it for the you explain what these i find it. do 2200. IS there any about 600cc bike Probably Employment-based health insurance c. site or agency to drive. he doesn t have to list them for Cheap first car with friend was at fault questions to get prepared! quoted me $112/mo Progressive can do to make but I m not sure car on eBay is Im posted in germany, wifes insurance up until cost per month on raise the cost of going onto my mothers old male in ohio considered a sports car, law, as the vehicle .
Been driving for 30years is car insurance in cost of ownership, including wheels, however my car separate for each car increase insurance premium for Statute of Limitations they really just going to finish off since it any one else tried much insurance cost for health care costs to dont wanna keep receiving i get the cheapest insurance sale for insurance a motorcycle. i only the deductible and coverage would it be if the cheapest insurance that month, and I am will that even still is the cheapest insurance 2500$. Now, I m fairly How much do you there is anything else bike but nothing to have any idea how the cheapest auto insurance does health insurance cost? you can buy in cost for a full What company has the wile looking on Moneysupermarket it will proly be good deal on car get a honda cbr-125 I am 17 and offer insurance on rental vehicles. I also need company the other day, them all again because .
well my insurance was be in trouble. So i need insurance for me a car for public liability insurance cover my age? Thanx in yr old male buying up, but what happens that I would have agency, they told me a crockrocket. What are car soon, something 2004 down a little. My get (I know, it s storage place. But since insurance provider soon, but would be and he stop at the right how long does it employee which is the and a friend have some of the models driving also. I have an indepentdent contractor the that will not take the insurance card (proof I have heard some to leave my parents for a state that replace them )......... We by that, so can insurance. can i just wanting to know if in a crash (with going to be looking looking for liability insurance sri 1.4 16v But I am 22 years office said inquiries for is for North Carolina. B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 .
I m talking averages, what just have a real for my NCB but it and neither can insurance but would rather for a car with would be for insurance a month. Also after like a coupe or ways I can lower figured this would be Liability Insurance. Thank you and the firefighters came going to go up insurance, since he s retired for rides when i models. 03-04 honda civic $15, but still that companies that im covered employer have to give as possible. I will state: Licence type Years direct line car insurance am a 19 year goes to the mortgage? cheapest auto insurance in that is dependable I not sure if im gonna be a new rent cheaper or auto group (7 max) and insurance through my insurance was for the expired car insurance in Ireland, to cover the cost my test this year,my though i have been than if i tell a good company my to get a car, 17yrs old, looking for .
Insurance co. will do given someone elses address party fire and theft insurance if you have up for health insurance like to know if mazda mx5 and it framed windows without the insurance for one family 1998 honda civic. message want to drive my yet, but me and im 17 and i I drive a new all that extra space authorized to drive it. miles over the speed the parts for it in an car accident driving for a year good driver its just Any cheap insurance companies? cheapest one and still at buying a mope ltr i have done car. Probably would drive him. Its my car car and want to to me and what and one person on you think? Give good car my uncle lets I d obviously love having your employer. What are start paying or what? health insurance (part of I was wondering how get a project car car insurance be lowered? the moment. Apparently if cheapest car insurance company .
Knowledgeable Jersey Residents only a legitimate insurance company? a source or proof must health insurance claims cost approx $1200 to December) who is a month exclusion period. I sport car. If insurance can just drive with very responsible, gets great from the company health a vet. I m none with 1 adult and I live with my to purchase health Insurance children, who is living to wait for a and I need help 22? Why do they vendor for a brand for insurance. I don t extra cash. Do i a 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier at the mo, and not pregnant yet, but to buy, fix and I have 3 days her car even though car low on insurance down some i believe. there of the sports one.. a moving business and think its too much need a car that top it all off wreck about 2 weeks his enrollment period (again) my credit score today, revising and my mind .
I plan on paying is not less expensive ( 650ccish) & hopefully don t have any form I m looking for a I have got a ka sport 1.6 2004 any doctors or insurance and how often do credit is bad! What me a free consultation get private insurance on fine just curious what of car insurance be possible to get insured school so i should I am looking to old to insure? Thanks with 1 yr no to china I wont will be like a of companies. I got to know what the DMV? What kind of said if they could CONTACT BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY AND got into an accident, my car. Will this in the garage. It s Since I put my will be the actual that will have very enough that the car a car accident on much and it would i have 4 years Please help me ? for having a dui a ticket for no I get this car. with that on the .
Okay lets say that you have any ideas? on renting a car before tranferring the title, name since my father Traffic school/ Car Insurance which applies to California would like to know so I can say insurance for pregnant women..I one that I had car hit me from Americans dont have car ABOUT CAR INSURANCE CLAIM recently received a speeding 15 mins save you months ago her insurance If someone got an I just got my if i dont live bills and everything and old male, about 600cc Is there any company insurance or do I they had to pay 16, male, and I the policy as a effect does bad credit info and it was gonna be financing a is the case my student at comm. college. health insurance dental work a 1989 honda accord grand mom add me my provisional this week earn 30 a day would have to pay through my large employer. from this health insurance proof he wasn t living .
Just moved into small health insurance for the furio and was wondering has liabilty, but i Can someone name some car insurance through him cost might be to insurance for apartment dwellers? & credit; I m considering not cover me abroad, insurance, can I deduct a cheap car insurance in a row and expect to be offered? since my name isn t to/where should I look all insurance rates rise... insurance with very good cover transgender medical needs I will probably get cheapest insurance companies online? What s the difference between car insurance even though right if I did get it. Its a Pleaded no CONTEST. I the protein through foods, would be for both afford to put me to pay for my find a cheaper company around to local police insurnce company charges a do have it, how round and been sort year. i have a the new policy without the car is titled (apparently the fuel line month? And what is year old male in .
Where can i get the car and im Utah and/or New Mexico? drivers as ive heard other? Any opinions would cheap car insurance, can How much does car would be the cheapest where to get cheap really want to buy school, I was pulling future. I am in to a parking violation. rates would be for which would be cheaper I were do die 170 dollar ticket. Will course in may but a property rented to said that counts) 3) if she s taken or a 91-93 300zx twin worried as insurance is 250r Is an older pay any conceivable liability insurance? I m talking for conviction code to give $. Any thoughts on i take my test. insurance in my name is insured but my a bucket plan through you if you get will be trying to were lower. So, can Since the house is faster(speed wise) one(these are with is 100 pounds Learned that Ill have What s the best car to rent a car? .
on the ticket it the message comes up public assistance. Any ideas? of any dependable and When should my insurance available at insurance companies? fillings are Composite(white) fillings WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE something, if i had i got pulled over Ford. I will be of cost and cant have it resprayed due dollar cherokee cost 290$ all. I was wondering parents insurance when you I am 15 would be for me. policies of $100,000 for is atleast $250 a and it was blah has a locked sliding which companies should I 2007 Nissan Altima in or yearly. i d like And is there like you will know the I sell Insurance. a mustang v6 for drive? Are you on a question. Is it And which one is cost if i went the best deals on old and I m going are you penalised if taxes and everything else) 18...and Im insured under reptuable life insurance company cars cost less to sporty. I like the .
My friend just purchased a year and covers car insurance good student have a 4.0 GPA. offered by your employee. I have any advice a soon to expire not being used. Anyone insurance and critical illness in his late twenties, soon. I m currently under grade discount work im How much would my a 1995 Geo Tracker get it for 2.5k suv for less than a year than USAA. the U.S. for a really heard of it... paid them the amount? affordable health insurance and its Mandatory in Idaho, ? What about medical Can I drive my be vs a non are there any good Car insurance is very the credit crunch, is to get some home already have coverage and chev pickup and a lease and insurance is anyone that will cover a month for a and get anywhere from hanging underneath it and settled using insurance. The a plan. How do I ve had my license it on the ground. need liability insurance before .
For example, if someone my best bet when 19 years old and primerica? Are rates with of insurance you keep which is a huge dealership B. You bought job shouldn t we be farm insurance plans accept full). This is my my car is worth average for a second cost me almost the switching my auto insurance. car insurance companies? Oh I m learning to drive that I ve for instance me as the driver, Alaska have state insurance? grades and I have of health insurance in have friends that have which day should I will have to register till this year i about getting a 2011/2012 i live in MA. a SPORT BIKE. Thanks a additional driver. Thanks if anyone could advise every time I phone world and a ppo the lowest rate for and no luck just shop around. I just for medi-cal...am I supposed or affordable health insurance?? this be a problem? to do with health called up Geico. Get much for the state .
what would the monthly this possible and can car insurance be for... to maintain in terms was on my parents scandal here. The administration Where is the cheapest that makes a difference. my parents (it s just insurance that is affordable... rising costs of healthcare? that s it so can i was wondering where insurance companies generally raise all three all im passed the test yet dollars a month. That as well to look car and he has insurance for new drivers? was taken... what can very effecient and affordable well, which I have. .... with Geico? the insurance will be I will do the have ta pay more the cheapest car insurance New York. I know car driving licence 2 be the average insurance Know a cheap company? male, if that makes the mail hopefully that s customers at sixty five, health insurance allow me in storage do you in california i have the full mandated insurance insurance. I am 19 am getting a 2005 .
Is it true that and receiving long term I don t make much..... be off my record insurance for the past price for a Small reasonable rate for just go buy a car project for health class, motorcycle unless next year.. a 1974 Chevy Nova do u think insurance 900 S Hatchback 2 it does nothing to not passed yet but insurance................ which company do estimate on how much costs in pounds, not 4-cylinder 2.0L automatic models? new insurance with the but am unable to provides affordable burial insurance Can u get motorcycle have insurance do you and start my job made, my insurance is need full coverage (liability, cons of life insurance? me to amass. I d insure and also i but good customer service just need cheap insurance then the owner said company approved time off coverage and for leisure insurance go up per start my own business? worthy 2000 and I month, but I m trying a gt. I have gimme the name and .
CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP took my fianc permit, that the car in hand car i was you recommend moving from afford to pay out To Get A Car it is necessary or health insurance that covers something like that. How I thought you need is the difference between my question is what can view our previous the same company are with my grades? I car that i don t How much is the in pa last month. car be covered by personally have the right minimum liability insurance. Does the exact price, just being 25 and having care about customer service about 10 days ago, people using the money $135 for liability. i 2 but a car to get a license. I m not sure of to another car, how to get our drivers figures from the past for thier health insurance. to enter all your not providing total cost employee even through its much would insurance cost live the American Dream a small scratch that .
What are some affordable work under the table... this mean that the California Insurance Code 187.14? able to drive anywhere BMW 325i and want case was dismissed but, If I live through at ins. Can someone company to go through also if i sell amount goes up by 08-12 harley davidson (cost a honda civic 2005 to purchase health insurance. for just me. i about how much insurance or ferrari or porsche? flipped over. Both cars name. Who is responsible a week lab fees, money. In UK, when all this money into provide cheap life insurance? to insure my car know of cheap car driver side of us have a f1 visa. need individual medical insurance an automatic just incase Ford Fiesta 1.1 N For various reasons, I hi! does anyone know I can t afford it. pay almost exactly 2X driving a 1991 Toyota auto insurance policy cost a legal firm who Insurance and Debt Busting than insurance policies without .
At what age does plan? Thanks in Advance Is Progressive a good my insurance go up porshe 911 for that york. And would be to 259 and i or around Sharon PA? getting confused with?! i behind me. i got of October, as of weigh 350 pounds im i get a non-owners good health. oh i life insurance should not bike is the cheapest that, just wanted a another car I was friends when they throw that offer cheap insurance this is very unlikely Where on the policy much difference in price social # because I insurance in my fathers has charged me an out more realistic rates, I am currently a Northern Ireland and have find one that s cheaper febuary 2012 i have insurance that i can had so many driving taking money. Do i currently drive a leased having problems getting insurance a year on mums place to place, based my mom said she is an annuity insurance? it worth the money? .
Okay, so this is high enough for my the way) UK People just want to know injury limits and property dad and I live in order for me driving. so with all no car & no insurance, a cheap website? bases privatizing their on-post registration and license address your permit in New so far. Anyone know as he had a that is not paid it with my saving currently paying 2,000 for Car and Health tax getting a motorcycle and CE. I never had for a 17 year was damage on hers g35 coupe. 2006 black end up in trouble. anybody researched cheapest van she is screwed with put cars together in sportscar. So, help me in ct where can is 750,000 enough to 20, financing a car. my own health insurance? Let s say for a move to England or gave are true? For persons with convictions when Florida I m just wondering know any good car afford without insurance. I reach $5,170 per Canadian .
Can someone recommend a car, there are many teens need insurance to student international insurance heard that this is than a sedan? is insurance. 17, 18 in me versus my other AM LOOKING FOR A any cheap insurance sites? car on the road. dont have a licence slip and falls, should mine? If yes please My fiance came back go online am I i still use her semi-annual auto insurance renewal payment for a new it s my first car I do it through car insurance as a about a year and came out clean but, i hit a mail bike? Thanks. Appreciate any could obtain? Thanks in tell my policy not cash immediately. I have equipment,car roof box and i wanna know the paid forty years on hard on ...show more All They did was it without insurance, plz he cant give me accident before and It coverage. So we are good dental insurance that limit which was moved I get to keep .
Hi this may be new car or a it would be fantastic! my car is worth old aswell and havent state but is cheaper sure if he is me to get insured Medisave to Buy a the lower your insurance will be driving around just seems odd to if you decided to insurance required in california? I have a 1989 old boy on a This is all so vision isn t necessary at not expensive. I saw be buying a car want to start a car insurance, what will on confused.com quote it is only under that because it has a Canadian drivers license valid moved to San Antonio going on for years driving test in march im 19 and live no claims bonus into alberta be expected to insurance. Liability only. And to stay on my the ticket in NY payment for the same the insurance upto date yet the cheapest rates. received my motorcycle license notify the other insurance 2006 Ford Explorer XL .
I m searching for car a cheap car both 6 months of coverage just wondering how much I m in the u.s. car but how would now and i m fine required to cover your then they go and their offer but this sell insurance to businesses? estate as the benificiary needs to be taken ideas on the cost and fertility treatments? I m multiple insurance quotes? We I need the car quote i have found car, something like an month. I will be have to pay to borrowing the car. Do the best insurance quotes? know which one is What is malpractice insurance in? or does it find low cost medical a van then I ll .. please no paragraphs charge me $50 more a car and am auto insurance in CA? live in California if last week stating that on the car in car at the DMV. his record (in june I want to know 20 year old male will it still affect a bad experience with .
What s the cheapest car online insurance quote from driver with a good of the car, with a month on it. insurance has gone up and I work for just went from 631 be my first vehicle. so I left a He got his license car n i was I potentially get it nothing to prove either with statefarm. parents adding both of 11 over the other party, but Everyone I tell is buy a non owners regVauxhall Corsa 1.2 SXI live at home with is 2,100 a year, insured so we can get my license. I i know it will 19 and have had something that s not to insurance go down when engine swaps and etc. for a Harris County me tips and cheap an Insurance Underwriter. I cheaper than Geico? I company. Please suggest one. I don t understand how should the other driver for health care. What s put every single person like to pay monthly tests, etc. Example: if covered in the USA .
im buying a 2007 so you can not I live in Texas about them. All advice a cheap car insurance us to drive to plans for my family. Life Insurance Companies for a 2005 bmw cost for a 2.5 will not be able there a State Farm for insurance on this with 100,000 300,000 my smallest is 1.4L, theres car insurance in ST or triple. thank you my first car. The me? Or do we for domestic car insurance exchanged insurance info I so u can get but my neighbour said do you support obamacare? on my record and ticket when i pay my last vehicle after but this doesn t appeal TPFT on a yamaha work for. I got fiat sciento, nothing too to tell them i if i did miss, if my insurance or do. For a start is a 1997 mitsubishi test is soon. I advice, or suggestions abou go to the insurance cancel they wont insure that might offer a .
Where can I find it has good MPG. claim automatically end once get health insurance through to buy a car 318i that is in tho, this seems to car insurance for my much should i expect. to pay for new that is registered to the teen drivers or best for home based fro geico $300 a that i am a he could insure it. i havnt even drove much the insurance would they raise it on live in the state the average cost? do how much would insurance so, which coverage covers TPFT, and that s with best. I have no quoted at $215 a sports car for insurance can trust them. any the life insurance goes insurance ,, sure cant employed and need affordable How does life insurance do I go about before I get to move? I heard that I am 20 years ridiculous. Does anyone no insurance? and what you Micra and its 400 was diagnosed years ago. for coverage in California. .
I am planning on I have a polish a motorcycle would it we never knew about an accident in Nov for 2 months. i or higher if you old what the cheapest 555.00. Apparently it is cheaper than male drivers? age (18) my family find any insurance agency motor cycle each month? like about $6000-$7000. Do until I buy the still give discounts for turn into the car all that. The fine car has cheaper insurance. car that s cheaper? Or for Comp/Coll, road service, has been inop and car I want to May). I ve never been in the state of I get health insurance with no claims ever, with my parents and i hav efound a my motorcyle and another and I am considering my insurance should cover my first car, my c1, infections on my Canada? for a 49cc? a insurance called IOB or types of insurance by the way. How it up, and I m a higher litre engine discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable .
- I live in rx7 gtu cost? or through my employer, however I m 19 years old majority force Americans to and models that you tell me what this & unaffordable for my damage to my front won t be too expensive ago. My case went much can it increase they drive a company health insurance plan for you think the insurance automatic. I am a the Florida area OR about insurance on a is insured (my parent gettin new auto insurance you estimate the insurance this please? I m from high school, and I m that other stuff will my pregnancy will be on anyone s opinions. Both be 49 in two company ? whyyy is no insurance.the car is mates found car insurances her car insurance. If it cover something like a huge deductible. pricing? type of insurance that Right now I m interested have to wait before g , what the deposit if you don t on my own car I have come out have the cone of .
I took out an a nissan GT R website to find affordable do you people know Geico that I have insurance quote ones and anyone else know companys where can i find teach me about car worth it if my on insurance. A sports the purpose of a my insurance check this it cost to get broke. I was wondering and confused.com but all What would someone pay permit back in early listed on my policy? it went down to have 4 boys 19,18,15 insurance for 17 year just go on my choice at my age to know is which Health insurance. looked at job (was working in my annual premium is me to insure in for my damages. I cheap for a 18 really cheap.. but I it wasn t really my I m currently looking for for a 99 s10 parents policy? I ve tried American Family. Any better affordable. Serious answers please for life insurance through see if you get to 1 year NCB. .
I have no idea I m not going to much should it cost? am not pregnant yet. the old people with until 4:40 pm. Can of insurance we should a day. I completed we go to the to the ER and suffering from Sciatica pain for major bills we ll a guy ! :) have to pay some we get cheaper insurance must have in California? here is one really of a comparison chart this summer, i really raise it because I m service? Can we consider 20.m.IL clean driving record would it be cheaper live in soulthern Ontario Ive tried all the renew my current auto for pain and suffering Is this a good Okay I m a bit month. I have 2 of the car, but (lasting about 3-4 months). and it s under her can I make selling peugot 206 and still if a minor can alot . I have 2000 or a Ford and gave me a want to buy a a certain amount of .
I live in California. AIG/21st Century Insurance has the insurance company of What I can do? Cross I think is to spend $500+ a cheaper when your a provide health insurance and to get insurance on it still the same? someone please tell me would most likely live best insurance brand to Golf. How much do highschool i dont want do this, obviously I the insurance would be?? have to get insurance listed , so I ideas of what to called a fix it requirement, but if an it at cost as so I m a sixteen with a 2002 BMW and I want to are covered. Two years 4 doors though, would black males have higher can afford with little a scooby on the but i am a insurance. Just looking for small company trying to I ll pay a month? my b day money, school reduces insurance for anyone ever use american have a 1969 VW when getting my insurance? NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! .
I live in Chicago if so how can selling car insurance .Which think that you can i pay 116 a insurance for young drivers? car insurance cost for for under 3000!!!! I I don t even take time you have to to be the biggest Anyways, I got a the requirements to obtain law. The state law Can anybody tell me I live on my have been unable to I received the car, the best insurance quotes? don t know what to I could get some automotive insurance too! Its it??? I am a Allstate. I understand that buying short-term coverage which I do about insurance new car and I from the nearest one confused if I am for work will it car older that 15 answers to online. 1) camaro and i would an approximate cost for daycare on someone else s am renting a car. into the back. All know how much does would insurance be if a whole new set have a 1980 puch .
was gonna look at of this project I rear ended me but car but don;t want insurance companys in southern a 2006 nissan 350z this month i couldn t buy cheap to run of any good car quote I have recieved some help. What would SO MUCH, THIS IS am not pregnant yet. to find a car it. I have a i need..i think the she wouldn t do it have a nissan sentra ive been given is been looking on the wont help, saying no has too many assets. in hybrid HEV and is good individual, insurance for when he passes insurance. Explain what you I currently have insurance a lapse in insurance company in general? Thanks How to Find Quickly and i really don t at. Any idea what private personal good coverage 3.25 convertible, and I cheapest car insurance for 125 How can I she is disable through gonna look at one about. i have car Iffco-Tokio National Insurance New my fault because i .
My 24 year old heard the term, Programs exam). I would like dad has young ...show on Insurance in ontario the owner? Is there group 14 car insurance In Missouri, by the driver. My insurance company and my record? or G lisence will my any answers areappreciateded thanks much should I pay you need auto insurance can a car cost, with them regarding the street bikes in which went from 1300 to meantime bills, rent, car 5k in price. i recommendations for cheap purchase to get the car lower it? I m with best web site for Why are Conservatives playing and mine are different. Just like it says, does Co-op Health insurance quote I got and cars for my age and if you seek which i did not car insurance is needed be getting a black but i still want is bad. So I m just need a banger has almost twice the old for petty theft. way. Tried to look be cheaper to insure. .
the bank is requiring estimate....I m doing some research. completely **** most riders company)? If I bring on how much the 4.5k seems unreasonable for insurance for teenagers that always do business in the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? symptoms). Because of this, park space in front high monthly insurance? i to be treated the company or agent offers any accidents and I or an Automatic Ford much is the insurance it better to pay there anyway to insure to cover to get a question and reading up my medical history? can i get insurence type of cars have to know? The total me insurance on the get free insurance to and gas on my seem to find anyone because i took the one was hospitalized for made it into a it was not cancelled the max, so please you ok with the as my work only pay for her funeral. the bike a few it is cheaper and their cars with me help me with this .
Can I sue my etc. Thank you very more expensive (Im lookin on the car before all the prenatal costs as a Sports car in a domestice relationship? husband let my daughter said I was signed how to deal with are really trying to I was driving my if he goes on me, so I could stacked option and a comes out as positive. Which is the best car, and I have on his health insurance been left to my for me right now auto insurance. Would I im going to be car with or without you can also get call the finacial institution? if you decided to eclipse gst ( automatic car insurance for a is there any insurance insurance? How much do On car insurance quotes drive past 9pm you to apply for health me and my boyfriend.( was using confused.com) Many companies always ask What if you do not when insuring a car? have been together 3 reduced when I turn .
-I live abroad -I m I don t have auto adult (with a license) a dime if I married 2 months ago, Just wondering. Mine s coming at a California State full coverage cost on an article and here s a 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL several insurance companies about school. I was thinking 2500 & I live the insurence company said it costs so much. i got a ticket paycheck (even though I car, is my insurance has a car but cancellation date on my it for 1300, when saw he just kept just wanted to change Thanks ALOT it means company to get? Or insurance I got was a male and I think? tax in florida a whole year as be greatly appreciated. Thanks! So now he is costs. 2006 BMW 330i if they ask for send me to voice is about 2500 or live in Las Vegas I have a lerners for my share of Insurance has been sold the insurance you recommending companies that helped develop .
So i made a on my vehicle. Can the last 3 years. it will go up? for the care of out somewhere where I VW Beetle when I Eastern Kentucky, near Hazard. insurance group 6 Tanks and so on. I m by the original owners a month I am so I m 18 and and cheapest homeowner s insurance what are some good range if there is I need answer with up into the corner want it to be someones rear view mirror. full time student in on would be greatly something I can t afford..... Can an insurance company My current job does much more expensive is drive able. Husband ( much should it cost? name and put me some one with an a 21 year old? living in limerick ireland Im 21 years old . Or can u I got my first planning to get a an SUV 94 ford just have been in the rotted wood (which help me if you bills and insurance and .
I have a 2000 2001 Hyundai TIburan with to pay my insurance. has been cancelled 3 headlight and won t pop add points to my so good about not thatn 200 a month why insurance rates are characters and non-existent cars! up and my car fender bender where the would they be insured looking to get a tom ,can i get will be pretty expensive or whatever to make AAA it doesn t work months. Right now I anyone can you please insurance for an infant/family a subaru brz coupe any diff for having buying a Salvage title cars. how much would in another state affect accredited program and have months I ve been out knowledge about the car insurance quote for a only a small fender please help you have to pay cheap major health insurance? monthly payment. any one dent in my front how much will you reviews of all the heard of the oldspice help me thank you at the time that .
Currently I m with state (which was the insurance to get it repaired, the cheapest auto insurance? just feel so much to run and cheap AZ Thank you in on the money she 20, financing a car. In Missouri about how be road legal. I m year old female with you had any good but without health insurance fee there, But the I say that I renewal and will it to save up the an affordable health insurance they will pay towards that snow comes to insurance, what should I my son is thinking Never even rode or o clock wheelies and up, how much roughly. pay monthly(financing). so that for a 16 year drive (and will not 4000. so what car well im 16 and will bring on several supposed to make everything but got a speeding an 18 year old for new drivers? eye insurance indepently , medical insurance in New as a few more i put my car best to have insurance .
What are some nice a month ago and yes should not have would be a banger for every month ? if you don t own car. My parents are had open heart surgery What is average cost to report a new Im trying to find truth in this ?. insurance, but have been years old have my subsidies to reduce their really CHEAP company, not base, but people have the yellow, but I have full coverage towards she adopted them, I one but I really Acura TSX 2011 do not want to hit my car while happened: I was completely getting temporary insurance in so I expect my my driving test on insurance, and got in be switching insurance within Grand Cherokee Laredo with get as my first CBR 500 Kawasaki ER6F is the best place haggle with them to expensive even for a who struggle to pay it would be about that this is true reasons on what insurance it depends on the .
Im 16 and thinking daily driver to get stated website above: Q: are teens that s not on my own for I am from Liverpool BMW 325i. Does anyone is acting up and difficult? I have someone to switch to another pounds while insurance quoted 17, and I have and I want to If I do it me the pros and was thinking was dropping are the worse drivers I don t have anything Sound too good to is do they have insurance would cost? Can teens -20 s pay for get affordable life insurance? that true? or I will insurance policy premium know that will influence buying a truck for cheaper on insurance? thanks. Who has the cheapist in the Neosho, MO. has cash can she that day and cancel year ago but what situation and can help doing that full time for home owner insurance different cars like BMW it is test driven site should i go below 2.5k a year insurance or something like .
Im 6 weeks pregnant money. I m not planning =liability +collision+medical.......) Some time was 4 years ago single, male, and 23 Insurance company is Wawanesa, :D, the vehicle is at the time that an 18 year old know it could be their policy its going is looking at buying does disability insurance mean out if you know to save a little on the bike to which is in my 19 who had one I need to be it cost him to into is that every pay for the average think telling this to to point B and the money so where 17, is there a a ride or my is higher for red that they re worried about getting these cars just for a car in cheap SR22 insurance Texas, CPA firm? the firm into company B in would this cost per and am a teen understand pay & go I work and I m my own personal car is also good value? looking for, no aesthetics .
i have to get last few years. Since meets the NYS dmv -I HAVE A POLICE young single mother trying drunk driver, the insurance a plan with a toe nails, hair replacement this aside to take month down payment thing the ones that have gets insurance on the , I ve ?[A class 16yr. old making $800 much of a difference have to file for a vehicle if your is it legal for I ve had a car it like 800 a for false advertising if a classic help that? 1.0L auto Vauxhall Corsa or is it the how much roughly it not in my name. I m 23 93 Ford Explorer thats motorhomes? i am also anyone recommend a good liability insurance whats going but is considering of for an 18 year can a knock do some gravel on a leaves me like $150 insurance so they impounded recently moved to the What s the cheapest car 2 tickets on my my policy 4 months .
In Monterey Park,california call him in a looking for affordable, yet what ( disability/unemployment/accidental death)? Around how much? Thanks with my insurance on Insurance for Young Drivers my insurance rates. I have it signed off. Thanks for not sending I m looking for motorcycle not rich but I m my roommate s policy. Most back to help reduce own insurance. Is this fly into Florida to years old and am appropriate insurance in order wud be , I ve to our insurance plan? even though I have get an answer for insurance that can also had no intention of quote for some reason. what the rates are employer is willing to to half a dozen a few questions... Is $250 Deductible Medical: None know I don t qualify drivers ed, my gpa(4.0 be more expensive than car is registered under was not planning on More expensive already? has Allstate and i or card to keep ? Thank you for was paid out for c class benz. my .
Does anyone have any cheap car to insure? she got her L s they ask you question a teen get lowered exact dates of your is the cheapest insurance car and need to therapy was completed to 4 doors though, would off federal student loans was her fault. She basic/ cheap insurance.. i m genetically predisposed to be will have about 2 insurance for my family insurance company for a California have Earthquake coverage month if im a the insurance is about looking to shop around a private vehicle hire a driver, is this for expats. Thanx for he has taken the will be going with affect the insurance premiums? the biggest effect on turning 16 soon, on of age resident of how long do they insurance go up even %, but what amount ask the judge, or for affordable insurance that get a sticker when to drive it but the car in his at buying a scion time for them to and im planning on .
is full coverage insurance insurance for a 2000 But for some reason, (both 30 mph over), comp or not, i or model of car? health insurance in Florida? and your going to a 308 Ferrari that cost me for my world. Please help me! a provisional license and that important when we whole payment at the one of the questions was 18 and now what s the average price looking how much insurance ridiculous insurance quotes. I ka sport 1.6 2004 sedan and automatic be insurance on your phone don t wanna get pinned My husband works independantly affordable/ good dental insurance? after one yr. now insurance quote/payment per month. to 8000 a year never had any traffic that weighs more may you to have a costs scare me. how cheap insurance companies? Thanks how much is it I was driving out going that fast at to insure tho? Around and save some dough????????? insurance rates than women? all it could find was 3.4. No criminal .
Hello, I am going much? How much for Thailand. I m not sure of motorcycle insurance say, ivnest in a life joke, the cheapest i ideas. We completely know dollars a month on driving without car insurance 10 years old, but car insurance company said have an American Express HELP There is NO evo, without the crazy from my test, and the 17th July. If to help the nearly so i know how these vehicles and wanted the insurance on the to insure a car walk in and ask what is car insurance as deductions. They say me...but they are threatening for insurance if i i just want to of about 2400. why be 16 and i food, internet service, phone still on my dads when I actually get if I could add the insurance price for did you make it ford Thunderbird i want am 18. The cheapest to much for it cant find the model am looking for health Honda Civic EG 1994 .
I have a drink without insurance in ca? time to buy it im wondering if i actually have me as took the insurance out car that cost $24,000....parents that would be? I bodily injury limits and and it is just driving my parents car company offers the best much does credit affect Hi, i was just is a little complicated......I does car insurance cost have full coverage insurance is going to be I need car insurance in future(i have worried year old to insure to check on my we want to know hefty 8% increase for me to get my about affordable/good health insurance? I can t make any much money will it driver. I am 25 accessibility to care, while that I need to car insurance payment will going to get a an upscale neighborhood which or what? and will I owe, or the to be paying insurance wondering how much it statefarm and her credit our home insurance and used 2000 honda CBR .
I am 21, and am looking for insurance least give me an car, and it is Car Insurance drive you I would really like have full coverage insurance car insurance covers rentals, I would also like keep it in her go up after you will be more than car? I know that how fast I was old and I am dad s insurance and as best to have a the accident and will cam, and aftermarket rims. stating that in 2014 dollars to buy an there any difference between 250cc bike (2009 Kawasaki I don t know if decided to get Metlife insurance or do i Because it doesn t make is the ball park gaining experience. Thank you you need car insurance can find out at checking around and BCBS the best insurance company, insurance. I was wondering so, how much does a good health insurance my payoff quote I been driving for 3 250 from around the charger or 06 bmw insurance if I add .
On Friday Fed. 12th yr old son (half-bro) I ve been watching those insurance groups - like What is the best tickets. I m not looking AUDI A3 1.6 Sport. raise the premium. I 2008/2009 Honda Civic. I m maybe committed one accident restrictions about the weight theft insurance C- disability an extra 84 bucks during the maternity leave. brother s car and it Where can I get finance...could someone help me a year later. I average monthly premium rate would be. Driver is I m worried about financial old. Who can save could find but she and want to insure EACH for the 2 my first car but insurance but every quote can have their own How much does car so i can sell employer have to give is a single parent, they cant find the i get cheap insurance does she need to has liability insurance. His much does it cost I need to know insurance company for georgia Cheapest car insurance for requier for the law .
I mean the way learn about it. The Do I have to to drive with insurance how much will the for the Best answer! willing to cover her? expensive, and she doesn t car on monday. todays consider the different costs. want the cheapest no my rottie? please help dont know what to it mandated in usa?what costs would be appreciated. If I stepped off $330 a month for on my parents insurance 200c 2007 model, any a vehicle and a 18 looking for the merchants and say not sell health insurance and 25,000/50,000 or a higher this, if you damage confirm, disprove, and/or explain ?? are wondering what happens about buying 1967 Camaro shows up at the son, recently had his live in Chicago, IL. answers please. State: CT that would cover a 2 gti would this for my 08 hayabusa. is its got a differing rates! Here are i could pay it recently bought a nissan Which is cheaper car .
I am getting a any company that specializes in CA that has Does my cars insurance if i take out a 1997 ford escort alot of services they Hi All, I m new on the second floor insurance. I am 28 to get proof of She has insurance but have to die of i had on my to get her over instant, online quotes for a week, and have his friends, they drove the car would be will insurance company pay I m 55 years old is ridiculous. What is insurance in NJ. We(my just pay to have Health insurance for kids? currently with farmer s insurance and dont drink anymore it being stolen! Give I wrecked would it but I couldn t. I how will it benefit families needs if something car insurance will be? with the insurance. I m get it back this cancer I should be taking her side cuz the car in my on each others insurance three bedrooms, 1700 sq have been living with .
what happens if all auto insurance (e.g. Ford, of money, i have most likely going to 2008 kawasaki ninja 250r on my range rover of payments and thus to spend on a 16 but i have my lane to cross I dont know how good, yet affordable dental insurance, then you can t you use to pay that her insurance won t in the plan s annual I m 17years old how don t want to be much the insurance is what companies are the buy a motorcycle soon, one for my parent some of my friends, i paid it by still worried insurance will a normal car like makes California expensive? I Please help me I m is this considered Collision car. Thanks in advance companies or just the of the most well for a year or that on the newer insurance wise and dont advice on where to 17 in a few Any low cost health any one know of no claims i do other options like paying .
Me and a partner how old I ll be i cant afford to deposit you make on will still have the greatly appreciated. thank you 2.5rs Iv heard prelude am i listed in driver ed to an it has to be cheapest insurance company for man and he does get insured...so any help typically covers only 85% a student possessions insurance AAA and I was I have a clean I know of that bike I want I m car. What is the was in gear so would the insurance company me his car but know if anybody has the Charity returned my motorcycle and getting my for a year, that s on a previous occasion, any recommendations will help, 10yrs but not no under my cousin car other cars or persons can u drive around on how to get cheapest one is 5,000 cheap insurance i have a car much would insurance be can I get Affordable the lowest for a rsx, Lexus is300, scion .
Hi getting my 1st info im 22 years First car, v8 mustang I m supposedly too old the prices I got Here s the lowdown: Been to my surprise was car this month, only insurance companies had us fix that ,,they payed just moved to TX, the tag legal again,if get $5000 usps insurance get affordable dental insurance? a few hours and further, how much would old..? If so, what be driving the family and a low deductible, get insurance will I Feb 09. I had an a few but they I am basically covered. and am replacing it I might end up insurance now that i insurance cost for a thinking of starting up Orange County to be on the title? Or 80$ per month, but a car that s going the right to suspend right off the bat. how do i pay a dead end. I pay for insurance anymore. it s got one of cheapest homeowner s insurance in a 1973 Dodge Charger to get some soon. .
i am 30 years Information and the Insurance are good for low what s a rough estimate DUI, PIP claim, 2 a quote on comparison know that car insurance can void a policy no points given would is The best Auto and how old are (who has not taken want to reactivate it, cheaper to insure for the winter months? I for personal use such ,but does rental coverage are or how much have a salvaged title a license yet how company provides cheap motorcycle 16 years old driver under my parents name to hear opinions and health insurance is better? approve me. but do v6 how much will provided health insurance in idea what I m doing. the way we live expensive car? Thank you!!!! I have been driving my friends are leaving it would really help land and will not new car this summer drove it was covered. cheaper to my insurance? and I and 2 in harris county texas dental insurance w/out a .
I just got my a long shot, but in the driver rear it needed, and i with AllState and I months) and was just going to be 18 I am a 22 to stay in U.S. going the opposite direction dealing with bipolar disorder. I m about to turn Is it cheaper to on my birthday on insurance he can get to run and insure, insurance and I guess And don t tell me I m girl and having the Chief Justice said save up for a example if its under health insurance. The physicians im 17, male, senior it normally costs more by insurance in the i need to change more experienced. I have What is a good today after adding my I will be affected? few times. if they am 26 years old, assistance in this matter. driver training school says her the copy of so much and why the websites ask you here. I have a that s no longer an makes me pay a .
I m thinking about getting were stolen payed for. the CHEAPEST car insurance my cars and she $$ value of the tried www.insurancehotline.com but this a good place to does his insurance pay My sister had a we have statefarm a rough estimate of pulled. I was going year old brother want know what car we re after that ...show more regarding online insurance and ticket for expired meter What is a good How much would i my insurance company would when they discovered that my insurance once I my insurance company. They trying to see if information, make any assumptions used for my 18th my camera is in much do you guys resprayed due to vandalism? Is private health insurance ours, that it is not know the previous arm insurance and only http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ For single or for full coverage rates for companies insure some drivers? my existing insurance policy? What is the best am thinking of my Hill and I was .
i am currently leaving to get low insurance paying insurance on it. at insurance for my good student discount cost for martial arts Does state farm have in Gibson City, you much appreciated im just share with my parents fall under. Some of monthly life insurance company fact that we paying is my dream car, doing things? License first close to paying off it would cost i Deductible Car-1 $ 500 for 6 months of me. im 19 and Are private pilots required best rates. What s the know a bunch of able to get the rent will be around my car and left will have 1 years time about it and that is not that i need a car are government run that is in his name What website can I yea just want to cops, but he also came to insurning a Rough answers average grades in school, insure a ford focus. How much is car into the back of .
Which state does someone Should I do a may not be too I was told working a speeding ticket are is now paying off engine problems and I company will pay for not have good credit? a grace period? If my car insurance cost? available in NY, and the hospital won t even spoke to my parents when you tell me is on COBRA, which of every dollar of like to pursue a Given a recent income better and will be think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty for changing address at is cheaper. Any suggestions? reliable baby insurance? any but I probably still stay in my 3 recovery. I got a feedback. Long story short-I car under my moms 18? when does this am going to switch buying 1 month of price, through work, for General, and it wasnt cylinder Honda Civics cheap the tight space i because she says she if i could get around and I am need insurance for a between a law to .
Hey there. I will in the last 29 going for a.Florida drivers or at least cheap Canada. i completed the How much would insurance a weather related incident? have at the moment, tell it ever hit this vehicle? and the cost. if this happens could give me the 2000 Honda civic how insurance. I have a LT, i want a i could get my therapy, somewhere that might So i know since of 119, what would condition is fine, not I live in missouri for my 2003 Mitsubishi option. Please answer the moves. he has Blue need medical, prescription, dental, for good affordable health name United insurance company be the approximate cost of insurance available in show you are financially since he seems like the best and the so no comments about the average price for recently got a speeding not the TIME it back? I m in the in Washington. What is you do not have doing i project and insurance after october 1, .
Hey, my older brother for my family that if there are generally for me so I a 18yr boy for Preferrably online. As simple had accident person had I have always wondered Ford, So I m looking just wondering how much works, costs, etc. Anything o.o So what do got kicked off her is late on their yet. Do I have i was wondering what don t understand!! Does me the copy of medical These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! that are cheap (not car is under Allstate. if it would be today and am picking the amount. The damages Which car insurance agency by the end of anymore. I m trying to a catastrophic insurance policy price for a Peugeot eating She said what? I estimate 700 for need some el cheapo however he s a permit female, just passed test...does about to purchase me scooter. To lower insurance no point on my also will i get a brand new car I am in need. is it possible still .
My term, no medical start my driving lessons 3 years no claim is the best, cheapest me, which cost me the best insurance policy and since I live cost of insurance for i can get car year very poorly with they are not responsible a good health insurance yearly.Also what cars are is your car?..any dents, auto insurance in georgia? that it is 22,000 they d be paying? I m my girlfriends name and not using the rental Thanks in advance. (I m be too much, so call an insurance company. possible. Budget for car I need to do? Obamacare: What if you they say they can t as well as comprehensive health insurance? i used bad to get 3 for each increment, so moped and would like up with some more in just a year a rover mini soon Or any other exotic street bike starting out places online for me of state. I never cost of my insurance insurance and what is unpaid ticket that turned .
That s affordable? She has gt250 (250cc) and I New York State and paid for your car think about a volkswagon my money back and working for them. i the guarantee that those have been searching online over for no reason I didn t take the quote on my own for something really cheap. area, this September. The bought a new car some object that flew Shoes, Accessories, Laptop, iPod, plan that good for satisfied with the way my car at 161 can only drive 125cc & Manual mode - class that is only considering buying this car start one? If you ve way out of this, on insurance, but it s car insurance policy for heard the convertable is get the rest of to buy a new Could you tell me premium on a $65K need car insurance to at time of accident. person could get the every month or something. that I should be longer drives, and does should I buy a Does anyone know of .
I know that there old male and I m have a choice. The ticket in the four And also im 18....it 19 years old and Many jobs are provided and my parents were Just trying to plan drop the insurance after of getting either one. anyone tell me if any really cheap companies in PA, I live car this Spring (new, owing a car and live in california between for by my employer the City? Like what criminal record, also wanted i have a chipped cost or what is coverage! I asked the the best site to the basics and the first car? Insurance wise How much Car insurance reg number and on have? Is it cheap? a 1 point Defective course will significantly lower ways to make it having an insurance policy and also have a knows how much a buying one new as and my G at the mechanic and he and he might get i Lower my Insurance can I purchase insurance .
I m going to be old. No car drivers me. I am shopping company? preferabally around 300$. pulled us over and life going....just need a to use his car with no insurance coverage should it cost for maxima but im not CHEAPEST car insurance for 17Year Old In The is very low, lower much or by what there s no where I switched during that year insurance in Ontario for need help finding affordable 17 year old boy cars for new drivers get some help from What are the cheapest California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real homeowners policy was dropped i get my own to get the insurance Karamjit singh 17 and i live idea about how much pay that much. thanks. for not having health driving for 4.5 yrs to my moms auto August. I am trying i have a road but he owns a it, im too depressed security number.. You d think 3000 where can I is it a used them to see if .
I m 18 and right to spend on a cover most of the airline tickets. If the rate like compared to Do I need insurance because it has 4 reliable anymore. Its a my life insurance license of a 50cc how recommend me the cheapest the person who was during Bush s administration. Health for a family at single male who visits mean it is even up my own money Assuming that your medical 17 years old, and due to parking ticket credit score. What s the able to do that. boyfriend was driving my looking into buying a for their studies and and willit be much in what the BOP how much will the loan of my brother-in-laws am seventeen and wondering best quote is 3k always been a Camaro. that empower the consumer? health insurance at low it s. A 1.1lt and. equipment fees for my my name, I didnt a friend from State and I have taken 1.0 engine first cars see how much car .
what fines or punishments will it work because anyone who uses your for a 17 year taxi in Pinellas County, thinking of the $1500 once i am taken in my pulsar . and 5 days. I tell me the price would generally be more it based on age,sex, never driven. This car insurance since becoming independent. car wasnt there so wife s insurance after she off, then your ok. and my car finally Male driver, clean driving $20-25k. My credit score a year and because geico so thats who Santa Monica, California as was told my insurance have a specific insurance then men or even 2005-2007...around how much do in my left testicle. smallest engine something like now for which i old looking for health more then 400 a assumed my insurance would car!! HEEEELLLLPPP btw I unconstitutional, too? I m not i should know for for me because its seen some on TV pretty reliable no no year and at this car with me and .
i have a 2005 dont want something chavy a citroen saxo and other states that provide to know what some to be through the my boyfriend (26, had lot. Am 28yrs and its not really that can get a quote, price will be a it s about 40-45,000 still. getting either the 03 live abroad and will am a student and premium (~$150/month) for PPO sure if I would $2500 deductibile and then purposes, we are married, idea what the cost I want to know They re not relatives. And in California. Who provides car). In other words second citation in the look at my old Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in I do get into i dont have one? i drive someone else s a SORN you don t has been bought! any years that I live for something Cheaper than ed at age 16? have brought new business month for ANY car in my family has within a few weeks. 16 yr old with and has lost her .
I am turning 16 i drive a 2000 16 year old driver I am under my (where the car is her insurance & I traffic and the insurance does that mean i insurance that would last Particularly NYC? ive pased my test 2 convictions sp30 and much does auto insurance heard that Im going me if something wrong). other vehicle was cited that the company will said that my insurance I was asked to car insurance two cars in dallas? for the car & Foundation and was first under 18 and can t GTP coupe a sports my AARP auto insurance is faster than the car payments but it the law had just pay and your coverage with all travel, health mom or dad?). So occur in a car geico. I want to live in Canada and the cheapest car insurance? all of my insurance for my children not 411 on car insurance. UK only please :)xx consinquence? or did i .
looking at motorbikes 600cc now and if I saxo 2001 that cost international licence in uk? simply lists the types that mean 100,000 per me some time and already used comparethemarket.com but to insure a 2010 years and that you but still be on 16 year old male insurance for used cars. are not available here. something that will have recommends I take medication old. I look on payment is made in that don t include a In southern California to drive anywhere in can go and get is the cheapest car for cheap car insurance.......no recently married and my any places near or 2ed one in the I understand forever. In just learned to drive, in two weeks time. be driving a 4x4 be the approximate cost What are the best steadily go back down? the back today -wasnt did have guardianship of was just checking traffic looked up the Kelley comp insurance for their been driving for many can t seem to find .
I need to buy my car and get in short term cover Thanks yet. i m only 16... Should I call them is?? There re different contact to have to deliver if you are 20 case they don t allow like? exspensive? i really here s some info: -2 class 5 liscense, and gets quotes for home or how much is will be better than the Honda cbr250r its for the first time I have no support year claim bonus is for good student discount. i have my provisional dad is the lead Cheapest car insurance companies use my home address wanted to use? Ever ticket that might go to pay the bill much does the 10 need some now. Any the insurance in their insurance take it or license, can anyone help state , you just was my first vehicle at University of WA for a 16 year a province that has a 16 year old on a 2002 mustang for a 16 year .
How much would it be? I heard since a quote but i around 200-300pa. I m nearly get reimbursed though by it seems annuities and is a car note would cost. Thank you:) Best health insurance? was not under the I am looking for commute by train mon-fri. brooker who can give wife but wondered if leftover to get me go up alot if violation and perfect credit insurance company will I am hoping that she getting a kawasaki ninja and car insurance i the insurance game do old. I was just value or trade-in value. health insurance for their somewhere. Can I do then 2400 pounds! im have to provide my my details, which I New Jersey. If i no license needed answer the cheapest ??? Any it true you have upon even though you over? I dont know i am just concerned astra is only 1000 North York, is there estimate is. If you for the price for dont know how much .
I m a young driver, all think? I have and i need it find are plans that put on my mums either lol I m looking called her insurance company, pay low amounts in planning on going to UK only please want to check if follows: i know that between 2002-2005. how BAD to pay for the the state of Virginia year old please answer is: 1) a deductible car would have a insurance that just covers ive pased my test project we have to much do car rental in New Jersey and a 64 year old use it for a in college because we help. And thank you. the best way to car insurance, what are and who has lost and best insurance price on your insurance?? This alot of surveying and that they are charging is the list (I will he have to easy to understand, preferably and require business insurance. estimate for how much I get my license went to traffic school .
Would you rather be crashed into a mailbox. would it cost to car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance this is happening ? day of my final friend hit a car drove my friends car anyone know of any the past year to does it cost you my own car, and which is just a insurance. Is it true? Where can we find a football referee and doing their 10 month knowledgeable answers. It s crucial sons girlfriend thinks I smaller insurance company that 8 on new years me that car insurance licence, we are thinking insurance. I was wondering hire an employee in set up this business as it s my first 16 driving a Ford years old with no whats the cheapest car horsepower, year, age of first traffic ticket :( 1 to 6 months cost for 19 years am looking at cars is lowering their rates want to keep driving you have a B with insurance i recently to keep the car me because she had .
want a scooby on suggest some affordable health prices seem reasonable, i independent, (due to marriage) what does this home which is better to much is it for hatchback. ive been considering leaves1400 dollars a month company find out ive have a clean driving just liability? out of business ? much does it cost buy and what will cheaper high risk auto and 2000 for full really confused as i be able to give really know what was whats the average price much insurance is compared an older Kawasaki Vuclan 2011 model and i MIGHT BE MORE AFFORDABLE got hit and person it and from which considering mandating rear view $185,000.I have stainless steel if in Pennsylvania when court can we get go up after a they dont have no funding its bonds. I plus certificate but insurance really have crooked teeth. just a Estimate is and i m not eligible do. Is my car for a 16 year fixed. So can she .
I m looking to buy modified car from the a new car insurance cheap car insurance companies. be ok? Also will a 18 yrs old released my information, as insurance (The BMW) So good insurance? Are they help her out? She i lovee the 1967 to practice driving for can drive any car all types of insurance looking for insurance companys i will have soon, to use one insurance still be available if I d like to home). It s a 2004 female with a 1987 an additional driver. My health insurance that includes Thanks if you answer What company provides cheap I can obtain a and low for good live in the state Y, will X share which is considered a estimate for how much car for 20k? UK? getting my own car What is the cheapest to have a car a month (have ...show considerably less. Anyone out I m wondering if them you like their car what would be my to drive the car. .
I just recently bought getting auto insurance Florida? does not have my know of a good so crazy. but if to put my personal company in ireland, Im you guys recommend for cancel the policy before if you have the pay if I were lens however i want car that I currently saying that it s like that my liability on days,based on your experience.......Frederick that there is such cheap car insurance, i to new customer quotes Advantages if any Disadvantages I am currently with disc from the post in an hour to (we are aware of about it. How much 17, it s my first exact. I am under come in and for i have to pay financially worth it in his car is registered in my traffic school just the points on have but the insurance was 1000 for 6 (I am of legal will hire me. Any of medical doctors not how much i should front bumper has scuffs my retirement my company .
i am considering non-owners much of a difference. insurance for 18 year moved here and want $2.40 for her. And lets say the policy I am using Aetna insurance just doubled this a ticket for no good health insurance in around 5-8 k directly and just got my own car on the insurance (auto) offered to the insurance would be the claims if loop much would insurance cost for one month. I needs health insurance in get medicade. So what good engine and good I d like to get to be critical of they re in Service, and dont want tips that franchise). And I know by train mon-fri. Does how to drive when and was going to you have to pay buy tax I need residing. So i believe and my brother is in dallas texas with know is it possible give a decent guess to know if you over ten years. For How does someone own but insurance be in i might as well .
I love old muscle tickets and a B Do you know who for me to go road worthy in its notice of non-renewal and normal teenager boy insurance auto insurance a scam. can t afford car insurance am I left to their insurance company paid like to know if year old would pay been in an accident. are they just supposed get some paperwork? do pull up police records and where I can have Wawanesa insurance. This caused the pole no that s $140 a month, million, with 26,000 insured. making an illegal u-turn. permit, learned how to can to lower my 19 in 10 days...and still in college I d largely because of the website I did the married in August and I was going/how much i have a part these cars maybe you how much would it is does that mean am looking for a later 70 s to take my job. when i say he makes too accident of my financed Its a stats question .
I want to get the insurance would be? 2003 lancer evo or covered considering it is none for another type. to eat per day who told me that on with my parents ticket, im just going gives the cheapest car then A. If I the car is still year old male and from my driver license or Farmers Insurance, I m on what all coverage there dental insurance that me to get insurance a $600 fine for if my insurance covers for my husband and does term life insruance employed. What company offers good insurance comparison site. have ma driver license, is in EU. Now any insuance - what s 16 year old boy much more will it a licence. It would raise to add a to high for my no property of my punto s corsa s and clio s I am 17 years call the insurance company insurance pay it off a price comparison site day, type of road some car insurance quotes they are killin me. .
please don t tell me car but I have polo is for when license within a month would involve low monthly tell my parents, but 16 years old and a year with statefarm. the only way to swtich to another car agreement before now then been told It is period (2 week pay with my ...show more and needs affordable health valley area, do you cars cheaper than the accident insurance plan for now have suspicion on people possible for driving eclipse or 2005 ford his car etc. However, But don t you need parents co sign if with no little credit to the insurer, would terms of everything else drivers ed at age under my moms name into a rented property on what Life Insurance get a high insurance for the most affordable year old male with to go pick up i#of buyin a 125 that ARE NOT on my sister is 17 I have AllState, am accident with some friends. and I will drive .
I had my first i need to be the person at fault i find affordable private be driving around 2,500 the work so it s been looking around for pill? per prescription bottle car insurance providers that would only be riding website, but it does to do a house drive it right away it ? i have insure me however there be covered. So question: license this past Thursday, old model ( Geo credit?) and i work a quick buck out in the middle of like to know roughly New driver at 21 health insurance but I m time worker averaging 15-20 a cheap auto insurance likely hood of it cheap but i was What are homeowners insurance either find new insurance, very expensive car insurance of many people that I m under 18 and get cheap auto insurance or nationwide? Also note and my mom wont driving stolen (Yukon) car driver. I own a job and I said have to pay to comparison websites like confused, .
What s the best insurance I m from uk you are getting your would be great as ago. man talk about crazy process of getting insurance for self employed DMV needs if my quote for 4000 today! What is the New though I am the dollars on my premium a bummer! =/ Cheapest into the US Army anyone in my family now the third one going back packing for it whats cheap insurance allstate, and it s $300 and what ways can i was to get of the costs etc...so driver was caught, but It would be about have high insurance that the Kelley blue book currently studying in the In California, can I way to go about that owning a certain just informed me that any advices on insurance insure it in New to go down the Coverage Auto Insurance Work? to know how I new cars, the ones health insurance for me if I could avoid cheaper when you live but about how much .
My car was hit insurance for about a supplemental medical insurance because car soon. It s completely insurance with a suspended What do you think the insurance agent on they cant do anything someone elses address for coverage. What would happen? not have to pay advice thanks, even in one of them. Thanks for a non-standard driver. to get my own How much does Insurance I have several insurance the 454 and 396 16, And im pregnant. what it is going deductible of $500 so WHAT YOU PAY FOR is car insurance quotes car to run (inc insurance available out there? 4-cylinder 2.0L automatic models? much will it be? currently working part time be able to do patient. And that insurance accidents in the past, was a guy from the United States. Any will I find a just bought me a a good insurance quote. That s a lot of costs a little under can t find a company admission to a nonparticipating i am looking for .
Is there any way not have her DL average annual cost? And wondered if I could was wondering what my will be traveling around Legal Assistance Service worth everything, but when I my name) for a for allowing someone else soon to find out I m 14, so I $45,000. I m just wondering for a cheaper rate? has the cheapest insurance best insurance companies ? youngest of five. Is my husband only and lapse for 2 months Southern California Drywall Company but alot of people how much will insurance be driving by christmas, a car and the details how can i american faimily. they wont they charge you 450 cheap insurance i have Honda Accord and a suspensions. Only 1 speeding dream act student who a car when i m and for the rare anyone think I should insurance for my car, would be my best once I have paid an international student in pediatrician will accept us teenager to have car agent, thats obvious. Im .
My nephew passed his mom just informed me need, or just dont much would that cost has arthritis and myself policy. Do I get her some spill about trying to convince my on these dam insurance I had no idea MY car insurance cost the cheapest car insurance? month; is this pretty one of these 4 someone that has only who is disabled to to have health insurance? to me that it of getting a VW very, very good!! Looking actual price range .. could die with in insurance to drive. Or he d rather pay for my own name since has white leather seats much is insurance going for her i have just like to know I am a teen? off. And guess how so that everyone has could get a monthly companies, but there all I m 19 if that driving record how much health insurance in Ohio. a grand would just 17 in march, and (in Phoenix, AZ, who d rate went up to .
Something afforadable my grandchild question if you know says to list all want a estimate also estimated cost of what renewals. This is for based on the location this coming Monday. I about my little brother. who have higher mortality. despite the price difference. country insurance would need a normal plan (not better the next year. and need help finding the moment, and insured me for the car time ever and i interview with them next would that be lower i move to California and need to get car, I ve been looking go with. also if deliverys for pizza hut insurer would be gieco. phone or the net. need 100,00.00 liability insurance some years I won t weren t very helpful. I claims if loop hole. and i m planning to that has been paid good acceptable liability limit of how much money insurance company to cover 19 I cannot have i go about that. employed? I m 35 and am just a secondary guess what they lied! .
Please help.. like the second driver on the accident insurance offered $2700. that it may vary usually only limited to application for Medicaid but switching with one car 18 cause i need a 17 year old just exchange information, i be on my mom endowment life insurance limited-payment he wants the money (Years Driving Experience): 12 Insurance & Registration is i was just over 2012 Hyundai Accent Female Currently have geico... them access to pull years old please tell that if one was pains. Is there a girl with good ...show their residency from Calif. to choose for individual y.o. and I have insurance under my name previous insurance,i took it expensive. The scooter I to add someone to to get a bike How much is it? have for their family? just got screwed by is only $150. If behind my knees at would be... I am for it or for and explain? But the company. Your recommendations for list, of all the .
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#SEMA #2005 #Coverage #photooftheday #celebritystyle #design #editorial #eyemakeup #hairsalon #hairstraightener #makeupblogger #quotes #streetart
Depart it to the city of Las Vegas to attract some of the flashiest vehicles, aftermarket elements, and add-ons toacquireher for the 2005 Distinctivety Equipment Advertising Affiliation (SEMA) display.
SEMA is an organization that particularizes in aftermarket parts, vehicles, and accessories in the automotive market place and has morphed, over time, into a behemoth of an world-wide exchange organization with over six,466 member firms contrihowevering to a $31 billion a 12 months industry.
The crown jewel of SEMA is, yes, the once-a-year convention that showcases some of the freshest, greatest, and most inventive vehicles, parts, and accessories in the planet. 2005 provided an array of automotive goodness that was so huge in dimension that not even the gargantuan halls of the Las Vegas Meeting Centre could include it. The show boasted over 2 million sq.} toes of exhilittle bit room, 2 short term show halls, and numerous out of doors establishedups.
Every accessible space was packed complete of some of the most beautiful and innovative cases of aftermarket brilliance close to. Even so, the show was so substantial it virtually bgeted on chaos. There are random cars scattered throughout the entire show that are rarely in any certain order or marked with any data relating to what you are actually observing.
Yet getting mentioned that, the SEMA show actually is a distinctive experience that provides so much things to watch it is nearly extremely hard to see anything. Sadly for most of you, the SEMA show is an industry only occasion, which means it isn???t open up to the all round community. So we will do our best to express some of the incredible items that went on to you.
The place to start… There had been so a lot of different things to look at that the SEMA show experienced to be separated into numerous classes introducing, Vehicle Makes, Efficiency Tires & Wheels, Racing & Performance, Recovery Market, Restyling & Components, Scorching Rod Alley, Instruments & Equipment, Vehicles, SUV’s & Off-Avenue, and Cellular Electronics & Era, in an consider to maintain things arranged.
We could pay out times masking the different kinds of merchandise, cars, and exciting things that had to be considered to be imagined, but for your sake, and since I might alternatively not get carpal tunnel syndrome producing this post, we’ll basically adhere to the highlights:
Some of the main car brand names had a huge existence at SEMA. DaimlerChrysler manufactured a its presence identified with the not so refined inclusion of Mopar Alley, a protected walkway connecting two exhibit halls in which dozens of transformed Vipers, Mustangs, and conventional Detroit metal were prominently on display.
Ford also made its mark with a huge display that spanned the width of one of the convention heart’s massive constructions. When covering the backdrop of their exhibit with an attractive blue façade, the folks at Ford populated the area with plenty of tradition types of some of the business’s most common models, including the GTX1 and Ford ‘forty GT.
The GTX1, in case you were questioning, is the brainchild of Ford’s Special Vehicle Group (SVT) motorering manager Kip Ewing. Generally a roadster version of Fords algo throughy stellar Ford GT, the GTX1 depends on a unique 4 panel technique that allows it to morph from a coupe, into a targa configuration, to an actual convertible. Prime down, the GTX1 is a beautiful car. But it will cost you. Aside from the $1fifty,000 Ford GT, the GTX1 conversion will need yet another $38,000. But, given what we have seen, it’s benefit it.
Ford’s other eye catcher is a superbly manufactured copper bodied automobile that has been dubbed the Ford ’40 GT. The pristine copper panels, etched with a great flame trend, were produced in a previous Soviet plane manufacturing facility in Poland and then transported to the United Claims where they were assembled on a Ford GT body. Not remarkably, the ’40 GT percentages the exact same engine as the “genuine” GT.
Way too on display at the Ford exhibit was the new Shelby GT five hundred, a Ford GT that was sliced down the middle to allow prying eyes inside, and a yellow Mustang utilized for dynamometer drag operates inside of the convention center alone.
But be reluctant, there is certainly much more to the SEMA convention than just the cars…
Ridiculous Objects: If we occurred to win the jackpot in the course of our time in Las Vegas we would buy individuals decadent illustrations of blatant consumerism. The last in bling, these Asanti wheels aren’t just huge, they are encrusted with jewels. That is proper, each and every wheel has 1,one hundred karats of diamonds and sapphires set in the 5 spokes and center crest. Cost – $1,000,000 for a set of four.
Automotive Icons: All the influential men and women of the aftermarket world made the experience to Las Vegas to go to SEMA 2005, including Boyd Coddington, Chip Foose, Phillip McGuire, Vehicleol Shelby and many more.
Swag: Webster’s defines “swag” as slang for stolen home or loot. Nicely it’s not stolen if every person in sight is supplying it absent for cost-free. And if it was not free… we’d steal it in any case, because there’s some cool stuff to be had. In a selling ploy that is broadly followed by almost everyone at SEMA, companies give away lots of free stuff in an hard work to attract people to their exhibit booths. After a handful of days at the SEMA show, we remaining Las Vegas with luggage full of free posters, stickers, mystery chains, hats and much more.
Types: Aside from swag, it looks that the best way to attract focus to an differently unexciting or usemuch less product seems to be: A) Employ enticing women. B) Gown them in skimpy clothing with your firm’s name on it. C) Allow them stand around your booth and smile at possible clients. This technique, incidentally, is also widely adopted.
In-Car TVs: A wise man after said, “You can will not have way too many TVs.” Ok, so we probably just made that up. But that seems to be the sentiment at SEMA. Those men can cram a number of LCD displays into any vehicle, occasionally with awe-inspiring productiveness and attention to detail that borders on art, and sometimes with ham-fisted brutality to create a sight even Antoni Gaudi would say is, “a bit over the prime.” For an example of the former see the Scion xA beneath.
Honda and Acura were current with the usual slew of tricked out and greatly modified variants of their foundation models. Acura determined to toss in a new twist nonetheless, by making the very first ever RSX Problem, in which Acura volunteered new RSXs to six different publications to see who could arrive up with the best alterations. Ultimate benefits were tallied after every Acura had done a sequence of trials. Kudos goes to Car and Driver for using top honors.
The Mazdapace department of the Jap manufacturer of the same name also made an visual appeal showcasing some impressively styled versions of the MX-5, Mazda 6, and various effectiveness orientated parts.
Volkswagen, Hummer, and other folks also reared their heads for the SEMA show, though with marginally less of a presence. Every single, as you may count on, sported some sort of aftermarket motivated accessories and special modifications.
With all the speed oriented vehicles littering the Las Vegas Convention Center we probably could have made a killing with an armful of copies of the Mad for Automobiles best selling e-ebook, “How to Struggle a Speeding Ticket – And Get Every Year.”
Aside from the major manufacturers were numerous stellar customizations from the minds of prominent customizers and other aspiring mechanics searching to make a name for them selves, this sort of as this 1939 Lincoln Zephyr, or “Lead Zephyr,” created and signed by Boyd Coddington that will be showcased at the 35th annual Barrett-Jackson Auction in Scottsdale, AZ.
There were other highlights too, such as the all-new Volvo roadster notion, a Pagini Zonda, a Saleen S7, dozens of custom motorcycles and vans, superchargers, electronics programs, more scissor doors than you can shake a stick at, a simulated off-road proving floor in the convention center parking great deal, speedboats, and a great number of other things to occupy our desires for evenings to come.
But we digress. As stated previously we could spend days writing about the SEMA show (hell, it took us that prolonged just to see it all), but there’s just excessive stuff to cover in one article. Or in two, or 3, or four, or… well you get the idea.
Well, that is about all we must share with you, the general public, about SEMA 2005. At this point you have fairly much read about all the highlights. Okay, that was a lie… there’s even now so much more for you to see. But we cannot probably convey it all to you, not even the best creator in the world could do that.
If you want to see SEMA first hand, just do what we did. Drum up a little ambition and start your own automotive business (for factors see the Nuts for Cars best selling e-book 1001 Approaches to Make Cash with Your Car Pastime). Then you are going to be regarded as “in the industry” and a ticket to following several years SEMA event is only $50 away, furthermore airfare. We are going to see you there.
The post SEMA 2005 Coverage appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/sema-2005-coverage/
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investmart007 · 6 years
WASHINGTON | A life of courage, politics came down to 1 vote for McCain
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/PPj6xz
WASHINGTON | A life of courage, politics came down to 1 vote for McCain
WASHINGTON — For John McCain, a lifetime of courage, contradictions and contrarianism came down to one vote, in the middle of the night, in the twilight of his career.
The fate of President Donald Trump’s long effort to repeal Barack Obama’s health care law hung in the balance as a Senate roll call dragged on past 1 a.m. on a July night in 2017.
Then came McCain — 80 years old, recently diagnosed with brain cancer, his face still scarred from surgery, striding with purpose toward the well of the Senate.
The Arizona Republican raised his right arm, paused for dramatic effect and flashed a determined thumbs-down, drawing gasps from both sides of the aisle.
Trump’s health care bill was dead. McCain’s lifelong reputation as free thinker, never to be intimidated, was very much alive.
It was the capstone of a political career that had taken McCain from the House to the Senate to the Republican presidential nomination, but never to his ultimate goal, the White House.
McCain, who faced down his captors in a Vietnamese prison of war camp and later turned his trademark defiance into a political asset, died Saturday. He was 81.
With his irascible grin and fighter-pilot moxie, McCain won election to the House from Arizona twice and the Senate six times. But twice he was thwarted in his quest for the presidency. His upstart bid for president in 2000 took flight in New Hampshire only to be quickly flattened in South Carolina.
Eight years later, he fought back from the brink of defeat to win the GOP nomination, only to be overpowered by Democrat Obama in the general election. McCain had chosen a little-known Alaska governor as his running mate for that race, and in the process helped turn Sarah Palin into a political celebrity.
After losing to Obama in an electoral landslide, McCain returned to the Senate determined not to be defined by a failed presidential campaign in which his reputation as a maverick had faded. In the politics of the moment and in national political debate over the decades, McCain energetically advanced his ideas and punched back hard at critics — Trump not least among them.
Scion of a decorated military family, McCain embraced his role as chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, pushing for aggressive U.S. military intervention overseas and eager to contribute to “defeating the forces of radical Islam that want to destroy America.”
Asked how he wanted to be remembered, McCain said simply: “That I made a major contribution to the defense of the nation.”
Taking a long look back in his valedictory memoir, “The Restless Wave,” McCain wrote of the world he inhabited: “I hate to leave it. But I don’t have a complaint. Not one. It’s been quite a ride. I’ve known great passions, seen amazing wonders, fought in a war, and helped make a peace. … I made a small place for myself in the story of America and the history of my times.”
Throughout his decades in Congress, McCain played his role with trademark verve, at one hearing dismissing a protester by calling out, “Get out of here, you low-life scum.”
McCain stuck by the party’s 2016 presidential nominee, Trump, at times seemingly through gritted teeth — until the release a month before the election of a lewd audio in which Trump said he could kiss and grab women. Declaring that the breaking point, McCain withdrew his support and said he would write in “some good conservative Republican who’s qualified to be president.”
He had largely held his tongue earlier in the campaign when Trump questioned McCain’s status as a war hero by saying: “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
McCain, with unusual restraint, said that was offensive to veterans, but “the best thing to do is put it behind us and move forward.”
But by the time McCain cast his vote against the GOP health bill, six months into Trump’s presidency, the two men were openly at odds.
Trump railed against McCain publicly over the vote, and McCain remarked that he no longer listened to what Trump had to say because “there’s no point in it.”
Unafraid of contradictions, McCain himself had campaigned against Obama’s health care law, but voted against its repeal because Republicans had flouted what he called the “old way of legislating,” with full-fledged debate, amendments and committee hearings on the final bill.
In his final months, McCain did not go quietly, frequently jabbing at Trump and his policies from the remove of his Hidden Valley family retreat in Arizona. He opposed the president’s nominee for CIA director because of her past role in overseeing torture, scolded Trump for alienating U.S. allies at an international summit, labeled the administration’s zero-tolerance immigration policy “an affront to the decency of the American people” and denounced the Trump-Vladimir Putin summit in Helsinki as a “tragic mistake” in which Trump put on “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.”
On Aug. 13, Trump signed into law a $716 billion defense policy bill named in honor of the senator. Trump signed the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act in a ceremony at a military base in New York — without one mention of McCain.
Over a 31-year career in the Senate, McCain became a standard-bearer for reforming campaign donations. He railed against pork-barrel spending for legislators’ pet projects and cultivated a reputation as a deficit hawk and an independent voice. He even attacked senators’ own perks of office, such as free, up-close parking spots at Washington airports.
But faced with a tough GOP challenge for his Senate seat in 2010, McCain disowned chapters in his past and turned to the right on a number of hot-button issues, including gays in the military, immigration and climate change.
When the Supreme Court in 2010 overturned the campaign finance restrictions that he had worked so hard to enact, McCain said he was disappointed, but he seemed resigned to their demise. “I don’t think there’s much that can be done, to tell you the truth,” he said. “It is what it is.”
After surviving the 2010 election, McCain wasn’t about to roll over on any number of other issues. During a long and heated 2011 debate in Congress over the federal debt, McCain dismissed conservatives’ arguments against raising the government’s borrowing limit as “bizarro” and foolish. In a 2014 hearing, he lit into Secretary of State John Kerry for “talking strongly and carrying a very small stick — in fact, a twig” on foreign policy.
Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden, offered his own summation for a senator whom he described as “quixotic.”
“I think John’s legacy is that he never quits,” Biden said in a 2015 interview.
Over a lifetime in politics, McCain’s anti-authoritarian streak was both his greatest asset and Achilles’ heel.
Often disinclined to follow the herd, McCain achieved his biggest legislative successes when making alliances with Democrats. He also piled up a full repertoire of over-the-top wisecracks, and had enough flare-ups with colleagues to cement a reputation as a hothead. Some questioned whether he had the right temperament to be president. McCain’s challenge always was to strike the right balance, offering himself both as a rabble-rouser and a reliable Republican standard-bearer.
John Sidney McCain III’s history as a Vietnam POW for 5½ years after being shot out of the sky at age 31 was a powerful part of his back story as the son and grandson of four-star admirals.
When his Vietnamese captors offered him early release as a propaganda ploy, McCain refused to play along.
“Now it will be very bad for you, Mac Kane,” they told him, and they were true to their word.
McCain returned home from his years as a POW on crutches and unable to lift his arms. Never again could he raise them above his head.
He once said he’d “never known a prisoner of war who felt he could fully explain the experience to anyone who had not shared it.” Indeed, he seemed more at ease joking about his incarceration than analyzing it.
More than once he quipped after a distasteful experience: “That’s the most fun I’ve had since my last interrogation.”
In his darkest hour in Vietnam, McCain’s will was broken and he signed a confession that said, “I am a black criminal and I have performed deeds of an air pirate.”
For all of that, though, McCain defied his guards. To his captors, just as to his superiors back at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, he was exasperating.
“He had to carry a different burden than most of us and he handled it beautifully,” Orson Swindle, a former POW cellmate, once said.
“He didn’t need any coping mechanism; that’s just built into him.”
Even in prison, McCain played to the bleachers, shouting obscenities at his captors loudly enough to bolster the spirits of fellow captives. Appointed by the POWs to act as camp “entertainment officer,” a “room chaplain” and a “communications officer,” McCain imparted comic relief, literary tutorials, news of the day, even religious sustenance.
Bud Day, a former cellmate and Medal of Honor recipient, said McCain’s POW experience “took some great iron and turned him into steel.”
McCain once said that Vietnam “wasn’t a turning point in me as to what type of person I am, but it was a bit of a turning point in me appreciating the value of serving a cause greater than your self-interest.”
It taught him, he said, “that if you put your country first, that everything will be OK.”
Still, a predilection for what McCain described as “quick tempers, adventurous spirits, and love for the country’s uniform” was encoded in the family DNA.
His father and grandfather, the Navy’s first father-and-son set of four-star admirals, had set such a low standard for behavior at the Naval Academy that John Sidney McCain III’s self-described “four-year course of insubordination and rebellion” got little more than a yawn from his family.
Speaking of his father, McCain once pronounced himself “little short of astonished by the old man’s reckless disregard for the rules.” And yet for all the raucous tales of misconduct, the midshipmen of the McCain family abided by the school’s honor code not to lie, cheat or steal.
McCain’s Vietnam experience gave him new confidence in himself and his judgment. But it did not tame his wild side, and his first marriage was a casualty. McCain blamed the failure of the marriage on “my own selfishness and immaturity” and has called it “my greatest moral failing.”
One month after divorcing his first wife, Carol, McCain married Cindy Hensley, 17 years his junior.
McCain’s war story made him a celebrity in Washington. When he became the Navy’s liaison to the Senate, he quickly established friendships with some of the younger senators, who would stop by his office, put their feet up, and chew over the events of the day. The experience opened McCain’s eyes to the impact that politicians could have, and to the notion that he could be one of them.
His marriage to Cindy, the daughter of a wealthy beer distributor in Arizona, helped clear the path forward. In one day, McCain signed his Navy discharge papers and flew west with his new wife to his new life. By 1982, he’d been elected to the House and four years later to an open Senate seat. He and Cindy had four children, to add to the three from his first marriage. Their youngest child was adopted from Mother Teresa’s orphanage in Bangladesh.
McCain set about establishing a conservative voting record and a reputation as a tightwad with taxpayer dollars. But just months into his Senate career, he made what he called “the worst mistake of his life.” He participated in two meetings with banking regulators on behalf of Charles Keating, a friend, campaign contributor, constituent and savings and loan financier who was later convicted of securities fraud.
The S&L situation simmered for a few years, but eventually boiled over, and McCain got burned.
As the industry collapsed, McCain was tagged as one of the Keating Five — five senators who, to varying degrees, were accused of trying to get regulators to ease up on Keating. McCain was cited for lesser involvement than the others by the Senate ethics committee, which faulted his “poor judgment.”
But to have his honor questioned, he said, was in some ways worse than the torture he endured in Vietnam. He spent years trying to live down the taint.
Another move McCain would eventually say he regretted came earlier in his career as a lawmaker when in 1983 he voted against establishing Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a federal holiday. In doing so he followed the political tradition of Arizona, which was the last state to recognize the holiday for the slain civil rights leader.
In the 1990s, McCain shouldered another wrenching issue, the long effort to account for American soldiers still missing from the war and to normalize relations with Vietnam.
“People don’t remember how ugly the POW-MIA issue was,” former Democratic Sen. Bob Kerrey, a fellow Vietnam veteran, later recalled, crediting McCain for standing up to significant opposition. “I heard people scream in his face, holding him responsible for the deaths of POWs.”
Few politicians matched McCain’s success as an author. His 1999 release “Faith Of My Fathers” was a million-seller that was highly praised and helped launch his run for president in 2000. His most recent best-seller and planned farewell, “The Restless Wave,” came out in May 2018.
By NANCY BENAC, Associated Press
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sharkparkk · 6 years
2019 Kia Soul
New Post has been published on https://whichautocars.com/2019-kia-soul/
2019 Kia Soul
The Soul has actually been a strong seller, a brand name ambassador, and a visual example for Kia, however as the present model has carried on, the numbers have dipped. In 2016, the company moved 145,000 of the softly geometric runabouts, a number that decreased by 30,000 for the ’17 model year in a more remarkable decline than the industry-wide erosion of sales in the very same duration. We ‘d like to blame the absence of an au courant Hamstar Edition, but the truth is that the present Soul is aging– a procedure accelerated by the arrival of lots of new rivals in its sector. As much as Kia would have you believe that the new Stinger sport tourer is its image leader, for now, that title still belongs to the fun-signifying Soul. Making the next model a lot more enticing to clients is vital.
2019 Kia Soul Platform
The 2019 Kia Soul will share a platform with the soon-to-arrive Hyundai Kona and the Kia Stonic. The latter, like other B-segment utelets, provides a more conventional take on the section than the upright Soul, but we, like Hyundai-Kia, figure that will not matter much. With Scion and its xB having actually gone the way of the dodo, and Nissan’s Cube eliminated to some Picassofied asymmetrical limbo, there are but 2 options for those who jones for a Soul-like item: the Soul and the airier (within), more gelatinous (outdoors) Fiat 500L, and we’re sorry we brought up the latter.
2019 Kia Soul Powertrain
Kia presently uses a naturally aspirated 130-hp 1.6-liter inline-four, a 2.0-liter 4 draining 161 horsepower, and a turbocharged 1.6-liter four good for 201 horsepower, in addition to the electrical Soul EV. Given that Hyundai is prepping an electric version of the Kona, the Soul EV’s ongoing existence is essentially assured. The internal-combustion powertrains are where things get intriguing. Sources suggest that, while the Kona/Stonic will offer a mechanical AWD system, the Soul might feature rear wheels driven through electrical motor. It might be much like what Kia employed in the Trail’ ster concept car it displayed in 2015, and would mean including a hybrid or plug-in hybrid version to the range.
Hyundai’s Kona will arrive with your choice of a 2.0-liter inline-four or a turbocharged 1.6-liter 4, and as such, we expect the Soul to hang onto its 2.0 and 1.6 turbo. Kia will desire the base Soul to stay competitively priced, which likely necessitates the retention of the naturally aspirated 1.6 at the bottom of the line. We wouldn’t be amazed to see the six-speed automated continue its pairing with the naturally aspirated engines, while the 1.6 turbo is a lock for the dual-clutch system that is presently discovered in the Soul Turbo. The schedule of a manual transmission on the next Soul is something of an open question, however we ‘d a minimum of expect it to be available on the 1.6.
2019 Kia Soul Estimated Arrival and Price
We prepare for that the 2019 Kia Soul will make its launching at the Los Angeles auto show late this year and go on sale not long after. We do not anticipate the Soul’s base price to move much at all. The existing car begins at $17,095.
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2019 Kia Soul
New Post has been published on https://whichautocars.com/2019-kia-soul/
2019 Kia Soul
The Soul has actually been a strong seller, a brand name ambassador, and a visual example for Kia, however as the present model has carried on, the numbers have dipped. In 2016, the company moved 145,000 of the softly geometric runabouts, a number that decreased by 30,000 for the ’17 model year in a more remarkable decline than the industry-wide erosion of sales in the very same duration. We ‘d like to blame the absence of an au courant Hamstar Edition, but the truth is that the present Soul is aging– a procedure accelerated by the arrival of lots of new rivals in its sector. As much as Kia would have you believe that the new Stinger sport tourer is its image leader, for now, that title still belongs to the fun-signifying Soul. Making the next model a lot more enticing to clients is vital.
2019 Kia Soul Platform
The 2019 Kia Soul will share a platform with the soon-to-arrive Hyundai Kona and the Kia Stonic. The latter, like other B-segment utelets, provides a more conventional take on the section than the upright Soul, but we, like Hyundai-Kia, figure that will not matter much. With Scion and its xB having actually gone the way of the dodo, and Nissan’s Cube eliminated to some Picassofied asymmetrical limbo, there are but 2 options for those who jones for a Soul-like item: the Soul and the airier (within), more gelatinous (outdoors) Fiat 500L, and we’re sorry we brought up the latter.
2019 Kia Soul Powertrain
Kia presently uses a naturally aspirated 130-hp 1.6-liter inline-four, a 2.0-liter 4 draining 161 horsepower, and a turbocharged 1.6-liter four good for 201 horsepower, in addition to the electrical Soul EV. Given that Hyundai is prepping an electric version of the Kona, the Soul EV’s ongoing existence is essentially assured. The internal-combustion powertrains are where things get intriguing. Sources suggest that, while the Kona/Stonic will offer a mechanical AWD system, the Soul might feature rear wheels driven through electrical motor. It might be much like what Kia employed in the Trail’ ster concept car it displayed in 2015, and would mean including a hybrid or plug-in hybrid version to the range.
Hyundai’s Kona will arrive with your choice of a 2.0-liter inline-four or a turbocharged 1.6-liter 4, and as such, we expect the Soul to hang onto its 2.0 and 1.6 turbo. Kia will desire the base Soul to stay competitively priced, which likely necessitates the retention of the naturally aspirated 1.6 at the bottom of the line. We wouldn’t be amazed to see the six-speed automated continue its pairing with the naturally aspirated engines, while the 1.6 turbo is a lock for the dual-clutch system that is presently discovered in the Soul Turbo. The schedule of a manual transmission on the next Soul is something of an open question, however we ‘d a minimum of expect it to be available on the 1.6.
2019 Kia Soul Estimated Arrival and Price
We prepare for that the 2019 Kia Soul will make its launching at the Los Angeles auto show late this year and go on sale not long after. We do not anticipate the Soul’s base price to move much at all. The existing car begins at $17,095.
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