#and the Yigas are just there for funsies
cawcawbak · 1 year
I'm just passing by to say that it's not because you criticize Rauru & co (or the plot) that means you excuse Ganondorf's behavior.
Yes, everyone knows that Ganondorf is Evil, and everything that isn't a monster or a Yiga is Good.
From what I've understood, the main problem is the storytelling, not the story itself.
All the characters are literally one-dimensional. Everyone is Good (especially Rauru and his family) but Ganondorf, who's the worst evil man ever.
That's why the Zonai/Rauru&co feel so fake and imperialist because the story looks like it was written by a propagandist who wanted to depict Hyrule as the Perfect And Greatest Kingdom ever and those who dare to stand up to them are crazy old shit like Ganondorf (or fools like the Yigas).
Before yelling at me, obviously the story doesn't say that (at least not explicitly) and maybe that wasn't the writers' intention, but it feels like this nonetheless. That's the problem when you write something purely black and white (and that your audience has a more developed brain than that of a 10 yo).
I guess I'm from the team who's pissed off about the plot of the game but still like the gameplay
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dutifulsilence · 5 months
For funsies, here is one tip to get each of my muses to fall in love with yours:
LINK ; cook his favorite meal, just to show you care about him enough to learn what it is. Bonus points if you know why it's his favorite food.
ZELDA (@hyliagenesiia) ; Hold her when she's having nightmares and help her ease out of them.
GANON (@desertforged) ; help him go against Fate, whether that is turning away from Power or defeating Hyrule.
SOOGA (@unseeingyiga) ; bring him books - he loves to read, but the resources of the Yiga don't really afford them a lot of books.
ASTOR (@propheticalamity ) ; give him your orb.
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zarvasace · 1 year
I've been writing bits and pieces of a Four Swords BotW AU, just for funsies, and man I love Shadow in this latest lil fic. :D
Despite everything else on his to-do list (try apple pie with his own taste buds rather than half-remembered ones, eat a fish sandwich, explore the castle library, overthrow Vaati, get his ears pierced, take control of the Yiga for himself), triumphing over the Hero would always be the highest priority. 
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thebleedingeffect · 2 years
Debating making yiga!link a thing in my au or not cause I'm struggling with making a normal backstory for him but what if..... I made the Yiga scary....... just for funsies
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sooga sitting between kohga legs while hes on his throne, with his cock on sooga mouth not letting him touch his master OR himself
You are SO big brained, salsa. I love your ideas, I love your art, you are a blessing to this fucking blog, send any fucking requests your ass wants.
The Yiga clan loved to gather information. Having said that, it also made them quite notorious for spreading MIS information. As in, you’d constantly catch the members spreading rumors with one another. Only true and honest facts were given to Kohga himself, but amongst each other, their imagination went wild. Not that Kohga didn’t hear every single one. He may seem lazy to some, but Kohga was ever listening, and this new rumor REALLY got under his skin. The rumor that Sooga and him were together, and that Sooga was top. He didn’t mind everyone shipping them in the slightest, but the idea of HIM being in charge? He was so insulted, so OFFENDED. He just had to prove them wrong. Kohga got himself comfy in his favorite seat, sighing in content.
“Alright, I need my appreciation time, and Sooga here, now.”
Kohga hated the idea of royalty, but damn did he enjoy being treated like a royal. Blademasters, foot soldiers, AND Sooga appeared before him, as if by magic. The foot soldiers brought him his usual treats; bananas, freshly shaved ice with all types of nice syrups, and even sauteed nuts. Lovely spread, honestly. Kohga looked through his options, and motioned towards the plate of nuts. He helped himself to a small handful, and as he nibbled his treats, he motioned to Sooga.
“So, have you heard the new rumors?”
“Please specify, my lord. The foot soldiers do enjoy muttering amongst themselves.”
Kohga wiped the crumbs off his stomach (with the soldiers looking enviously as he did so. Some of these guys were just absolute perverts), and shook his head.
“Nope. The rumor that YOU’RE the one fucking ME.”
The members next to them tried not to giggle, clearly finding it funny. But not Sooga. Sooga cleared his throat, making the soldiers silence themselves. He gave a light bow of his head.
“I apologize that such a rumor dishonors you, Master Kohga. I could trace where these lyng roots lie, and punish them accordingly.”
“No need, Sooga. I found them already.”
Sooga (as well as the other members) cocked their heads, clearly curious. Kohga helped himself to a bite of shaved ice, before wiping his mouth (where it would have been anyway) with the back of his hand. He sighed as he locked eyes with Sooga.
“Don’t play dumb, Sooga.”
“I...beg your pardon?”
“YOU started it!”
Kohga stood up, and pointed a finger in accusation at him. Sooga gave a shake of his head.
“Master Kohga, I would do no such thing! I would only speak honest truths in your ho-”
Kohga held his hand up, silencing him. He gestured for Sooga to get down, and he obeyed, getting on one knee, and putting his head down. The proper form of a Yiga apology. Kohga sat back down on his chair, trying to act upset. The rumor being spread around was the fact part, but he knew Sooga wouldn’t ever start something like that. He was too noble, too focused on the cause to busy himself with rumors. But this made things so much more fun.
“I CAN’T believe you, Sooga. I expected more from you. I don’t mind the idea of you saying we fuck, because we do, and I’m not ashamed to admit that. But the idea of you saying that YOU’RE in charge of me? That’s just insulting.”
Of course Sooga wouldn’t say anything in his own defense. One, Kohga was stubborn, and two, Sooga would never talk his way out of a punishment. Kohga opened his legs wide open, and snapped his fingers. He was fed a piece of a banana, and as he chewed, he pretended to be deep in thought. Sooga lightly cleared his throat.
“I beg for your forgiveness, but I will accept your fury.”
He knew he’d say something like that. Such a good, good boy, his Sooga. Sooga grumbled, before patting his knee. Sooga crawled forward, stopping right in front of Kohga’s lap.
“Good. Because you ARE going to get punished, Sooga. Give me your mouth.”
There was a mumble of confusion amongst the members, but Sooga knew exactly what he meant. Sooga adjusted his face mask, showing just the mouth part of his face. Everyone gave a light gasp, as if Kohga had stripped down completely naked right in front of them. It was considered shameful to show ANY part of your face, and even showing a piece of your chin was like your pants falling down. Kohga held onto his chin, lightly brushing his thumb against his bottom lip. He had seen his face, but he had NEVER touched it. Aside from a little scar on his lip, Sooga’s features were very soft, very pleasant to touch.
“You understand, I’m not punishing you for funsies. You’re my right hand, so you need to be a step above everyone. You messing up is NOT accepted here, at all.”
“I understand fully, my Master.”
Even watching his lips move was hot. Even watching his tongue help him form words did something to Kohga. He had a good, sharp chin to boot, and Kohga couldn’t help but feel at the little spot of hair growing at his chin. Sooga was a VERY handsome man, almost as good looking as yours truly. Almost. Kohga reached down, and un did a part of his uniform, pulling his cock out. To say he had everyone’s eyes was NO exaggeration. Even members that were just passing by doing their daily duties moved just a bit slower to get a good look. Kohga’s cock was different from Sooga’s; shorter, but VERY thick. It didn’t have as much of a curve to it as Sooga’s either, but he DID share the bunch of black pubic hair (though his was more plentiful, as well as more curly). Either way, he could tell everyone was drooling behind their masks, just wishing they could get a taste. Kohga made Sooga look up at him.
“Now, you’re going to put me in your mouth. You aren’t going to suck, and I’m not gonna skull fuck you. You’re just gonna sit there, mouth full of cock, and not move. Understand?”
“I-I mean I would- I’m not, that is to say-”
Kohga liked watching this usually confident man be brought so low. Kohga rolled his eyes, and pushed his head forward, groaning in satisfaction as he stuffed himself fully into that mouth. Kohga gave himself a minute to get used to the feeling, before relaxing in his seat.
“There we go. Now, who here thinks Sooga is in charge?”
Everyone shook their heads no. Good. Kohga snapped his fingers, and another banana was fed to him. This was the life. 
“Master Kohga?”
One of the Blade masters chimed in. Aka, the ones that just LOVED kissing his ass. Kohga chuckled, loving the idea of another big, strong man being overly flirty with him. Kohga held the Blade Master’s chin in his hand, watching him nearly melt.
“I just...wanted to say, I’m sorry on Sooga’s behalf. You deserve far better than someone so close to you starting such a rumor.”
“Sooga HAS been bad hasn’t he? And here he is, still trying.”
Kohga felt him try to move. He was trying to actually suck him off. While it was cute, it wasn’t what he asked for. And even worse, he DARED to rub at himself. Kohga lightly patted the Blade master’s cheek.
“Do me a favor, help me out with his hands.”
He nodded, seeming to understand perfectly well what he wanted. Grabbing some rope, he practically yanked Sooga’s hands behind his back, and tied them together firmly. Kohga gave Sooga’s cheek a bit of a firm pat, chuckling to himself.
“I wasn’t gonna do that, but you were touching yourself. This wasn’t supposed to be fun. This is punishment, Sooga. You sit there, and you do nothing. Look at me with that mouth full of cock, and tell me you understand.”
That's what he loved about Sooga. He can understand him just by looking right at his face. One of the foot soldiers took another careful step forward, offering him more snacks. Kohga happily let himself be fed and treated, and when you paired that with the endless praises and glances he was getting from many of the clan members, he could tell it was getting to Sooga. His breath was getting hotter, his look was getting hazy, and he kept groaning against his cock. And did Kohga make it worse? Absolutely. In between the constant praises he was getting from his soldiers, Kohga kept petting his head, and making quite a public display with his compliments.
“Who’s a pretty boy?”, “Who’s a good boy?”, and Sooga’s favorite, “Who’s MY boy?”
Each question, each stroke of his head made Sooga tremble something fierce. It felt incredible, but it was killing him. He was being treated like he was owned by Kohga, right in front of everyone. Mouth visible, hands tied, he should be ashamed. But he was honored. Master Kohga chose HIS mouth to have his cock in, HIS head to pet and fond over. One of the foot soldiers (who had previosly been giggling and feeding Kohga his favorite fruit) looked underneath Sooga, and lightly whistled.
“Master Kohga, he’s leaking all over the floor.”
Kohga seemed to find that amusing, lightly smacking his cheek. Even THAT made him throb.
“Sooga, you wanna cum don’t you?”
Sooga nodded, careful not to move too much, less he invoke more of his fury. Kohga ran his fingers across his scalp, and he could tell Sooga got quite the goosebumps.
“Well, you’re not going to. No one is gonna cum today, because no one earned it. I won’t even cum in your throat, and I know you want that.”
Kohga didn’t know how long he sat there. He just knew that Sooga waited patiently, being his own little cock warmer, while he was being fed and loved. Combine that with the shame Sooga was made to bear, was it any wonder his mind lost itself to lust? Kohga eventually decided that he had enough, and slowly pulled Sooga off of his dick. Sooga’s tongue hung out of his mouth like a mutt, and slobber stained not only his lap, but Sooga’s uniform. Kohga watched the hot breath make bouts of steam in the cold night air, and damn was that something tasty. Kohga leaned down a bit to Sooga, not caring how much everyone was staring at his own half hard cock.
“I want you to remember something. I want you to remember how I taste, and I want you to remember I’M in charge of you.”
Sooga gave a faint, almost tired nod. Sooga was a big, hunky slut, and Kohga adored that about him. Kohga leaned back, and gestured to himself.
“Tuck me away, Sooga.”
Sooga was clearly in mourning, but he obeyed, fingers lightly fumbling. Kohga chuckled, giving a light shake of his head.
“You’ve done okay. But we can do better. You’re going to stand there, and let everyone see how hard you get for me. Understand?”
“C-completely, my M-master.”
“Oh, and Sooga, one more thing, before I take my nap.”
Kohga’s hand clamped around his throat, giving it a nice, firm squeeze, just where he knew he liked it. And he lowered his voice, making sure Sooga didn’t miss a single beat.
“I love you, Sooga.”
He knew from the way his body quivered, knew the way he swore, that he just came. Kohga chuckled, letting him go, before turning to his side, and falling asleep to the tune of everyone muttering absolute adoration for him.
Sooga was REALLY a good boy.
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