#and the commander and 21o could come along
squeaky-potat · 1 year
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If they ever got to be on the surface…
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meetthetank · 5 years
Peccatum Chapter 16: Child of the Sea
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence Category: F/M Fandom: NieR: Automata (Video Game) Relationships: 2B/9S (NieR: Automata), Jackass/The Commander (NieR: Automata) Characters: 2B (NieR: Automata), 9S (NieR: Automata), 6O (NieR: Automata), 21O, Jackass (NieR: Automata), The Commander (NieR: Automata) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe, genre typical violence, long fic, Slow Burn, War, Chapter 13 is rated E
A thick fog rolls into the harbor as White and her army silently load onto the seven ships resting in the harbor. The sun barely cresting over the horizon provides little light for 9S, 2B, and the others as they file on. 9S expected an excited fanfare of grateful townsfolk praying for their success, but only silence fills the air where their cheers would have been. Occasionally White or Jackass bark orders, their harsh voices cutting through the fog and echoing into the darkness followed by a short “Yes M’am!” moments later.
9S shudders at the salty, deathly still air. They’re on a waterfront, waterfronts are supposed to be windy. Now the only wind comes from the bodies of other soldiers brushing past him. Not even their flags or sails flutter. He doesn’t claim to be a superstitious sailor but he can’t imagine a windless morning is anything but an ill omen.
His gaze turns to 2B, who for the first time looks confused and uncertain. He wants nothing more than to go to her and tell her it will all be okay, but she’d simply see right through his empty platitudes. She sits on a barrel as everyone rushes around her, her shoulders tense and eyes watching the sea as if it holds an unseen truth.
All of a sudden, 2B meets 9S’ eyes with a shocked expression and hastily beckons him over.
“What?” he asks in a quiet voice so as not to disturb the silence, “What’s wrong?”
2B points to the water’s surface, “Look…”
Looking at the water, at first all he sees is the murky depths and the first rays of light reflecting off. However, something disrupts the gentle waves. A fish floating on its side with its milky eye staring into oblivion bobs along with the waves. Confusion makes him look back at 2B with a raised eyebrow. A dead fish is nothing new. It’s a harbor, of course: there will be a dead fish every now and then.
Then, upon returning his gaze to the water, he sees a second fish, this one having a distinctly paler color than the other.
And then another with steam rising off of it.
Suddenly he realizes the water is full of them. An entire pile of them bunched up against the docks and the ships, and more floating in from out at sea. And it’s not just the quantity, but the fact that the ones being carried inland by the currents look as if they’ve been cooked.
“What in the gods’ names…”
“Oi!” Jackass’ voice jolts him and everyone within earshot out of their nervous musings. The Lieutenant standing on the brace of her massive cannon, “File in, all of you!”
Every soldier and scout (and 2B) dutifully line up in front of Jackass who hops down to the docks to speak to her charges.
“Listen…” she says, an uncharacteristic heaviness in her voice, “I’m not going to sugarcoat this...Some of us are going to die...A lot of us are going to die.”
9S didn’t think that it could get any quieter, but as everyone casts their eyes down and reflects on their mortality the world falls still.
“I know a number of you don’t think this is going to work. A lot of you think it’s a crapshoot idea, and you’d be right. But…” Jackass levels her gaze at the dejected soldiers, “Regardless of what plan we come up with, we would only have one shot to kill this thing or send it running with its tail between its legs. I expect each of you to perform as if this plan has a hundred percent chance of success. Am I clear?”
“Yes ma'am,” the soldiers respond in unison, but barely above a whisper.
Her dour tone shocks 9S. Normally, Jackass would demand they shout their affirmations loud enough to wake the gods themselves, but this time she simply grimaces and returns to her final check on her weapon.
Despite the chill in the air, 9S begins to sweat. Perhaps it’s just the fog and the high humidity but he can’t help attributing it to his nerves. He stills his shivering body by wrapping his arms around himself and takes deep even breaths.
11S suddenly claps him on the shoulder, “Come on, let’s get to our stations.”
9S jumps a little, jolted out of his musings by his friend, “Right...yeah,” he mutters and follows after his friend onto one of the two attack ships.
There’s hesitation in his steps. All of the ships are dangerous to be on, 9S knows that, but he’s keenly aware of the unique dangers the guarding ships face. They’re the front lines: they’ll encounter Grun and whatever else may lurk nearby. They have harpoons, archers, even catapults loaded with heavy iron slugs and barrels of flammable oil, but there’s a real chance that it’s all for nothing. If these weapons don’t work, if the cannon doesn’t work, then they’ll be the first to die. He can’t help but resent the scouts that got assigned to the cannon ships, but even then there’s the chance that something goes wrong with the cannon itself. Just the thought of something going wrong with a weapon that big and that volatile makes him worry for 2B, who was assigned to the cannon ships.
White’s voice cuts through the fog, commanding the sails and anchors to be raised. It was time, whether they were ready or not.
The ship 9S stands on is the first one to leave the harbor, followed closely by the other. Both are almost completely silent. The soldiers look at each other with grim, fearful expressions as they disappear into the fog. A mage tasked with casting a basic wind spell grumbles about being stuck on a “fodder ship” because of the weather. 9S shudders at the thought of being stuck on a boat meant to sink, but he pushes that line of thought aside for his own sanity.
As the ship glides through the water, every creak and groan makes 9S jump as every noise brings the terror of what might have caused it. Of course, it’s always the shifting of the wood or the waves. He tries to busy himself by prepping the harpoon lines and checking catapults, but more often than not he finds himself gazing back into the fog and wondering what 2B is doing. At least on a cannon ship, she’s in a much safer position than him. Probably.
Having little to no nautical experience, 9S is unsure how far they’ve sailed. It must be a ways from shore, since the waves have gotten more intense. Each one makes the bow of the ship keel upward before it plunges back down. The constant shifting of the floor beneath him makes his stomach churn in time with the sea. If he focuses on the stagnant clouds that hang overhead it lessens the nausea, as does counting the shadows of seabirds that fly overhead.
...There’s a lot of seabirds…
A massive flock of what looks like hundreds of them swarms over something in the ocean not too far off. It’s difficult to see through the fog, but he can make out a large white shape bobbing in the waves. A bird sometimes swoops down to the object and back again, like they do when feeding.
“Must be picking off the dead fish…,” 9S mutters to himself. Or maybe the demon had already died.
If only they were so lucky.
A geyser of steam erupts from the center of the mass, scattering the birds in every direction. A large number of them flew over the ships, scattering stray feathers and screeching as they did. What concerned 9S, and others nearby, were the larger birds that clustered together near the mass. They flew in a regimented, circular formation similar to vultures. The way they flew was different than seabirds as well; they almost looked like bats with how rapidly they beat their wings. Several archers nock arrows and take aim at the flying creatures as a precaution.
“I don’t think they see us yet…” an archer whispers.
9S can feel his heart beating so fast he almost thought it had stopped. Even though he doesn’t have a bow in his hands, his arms shake as if he’s holding an arrow at the ready. Each breath trembles in his throat, and he’s painfully aware of every twitch he makes. He swears he can even feel his bones grinding against each other. A bead of sweat rolls down his cheek and it feels like a torrential downpour. He swallows the lump in his throat and tightens his hold on his harpoon, as if that would do any good. Tremors run through his legs so he widens his stance just a bit to accommodate for his shakey balance.
And then he realizes…
His legs weren’t shaking. The ship was.
The ocean explodes in front of the other attack ship. Steam and fog obscure the ensuing carnage from 9S’ sight, but he still hears the horrible shrieking of wood being torn to pieces. Through the seafoam, he sees soldiers being thrown, or perhaps leaping, from the wreckage. Two curved tusks as long as the ship itself pierce through the hull and out of the deck. Deep blue lights alight the sea and cast a shadow of a creature far larger than he could possibly imagine.
9S can only stare, mouth agape, as the sea demon’s form rises from the churning sea. The ship, which looks more like a child’s toy rather than a vessel of war, clings to the demon’s tusks as it is lifted out of the water. Pieces of wood and metal fall to the waters below, along with the soldiers that leap to their doom. Some of them cling to the planks of wood while others struggle to keep their heads above water. A low rumble shakes 9S to his core, a sound so deep and deafening that it could have only come from Grun. A webbed paw rises from the churning ocean and scrapes the crumbling ship from its tusks. In a matter of seconds, the massive warship is reduced to piles of driftwood and canvas floating in a roiling ocean.
9S can only stand and watch as the soldiers around him snap out of their dazes to loose their arrows and throw harpoons at the monster, only for them to bounce harmlessly off of Grun’s thick hide. Some crewmen throw lines of rope out to the drowning soldiers. A few manage to be pulled on deck, but their rescuers recoil back at the sight of their blistering skin. What isn’t seared red is bubbling with horrific burns and boils, only worsened by the soldiers clawing at their skin. Their fingernails tear open their flesh, which doesn’t bleed but sloughs off in molten chunks. Bile burns at the back of 9S’ throat, and it takes all his willpower to not vomit...
“...S! Hey, snap out of it!!”
32S’ voice snaps 9S out of his stupor, along with a firm grip shaking his shoulders.
“Come on!” 32S shouts, shoving a bow and a quiver of arrows into 9S’ hands.
In the back of his mind, 9S can’t help but see the futility of this. There’s no way their arrows can pierce Grun’s hide, not even from their strongest archers. They fire anyway, and just as expected the arrows bounce harmlessly off the demon’s thick plated hide. Some arrows find purchase in softer parts of its body, but they barely elicit a wince from Grun. Still, it appears to be enough to irritate the demon. It lets out a horrible grunting sound and begins to wade towards their ship. As horrifying as that is, it’s just according to plan. All they have to do is keep Grun’s attention and draw it into position.
Chaos surrounds 9S like a raging storm. The sky is filled with small demons, the ones that 9S mistook for seabirds, that swoop down on thin, leathery wings to slash at the soldiers with the razor blades on the end of their wings. They fall to the deck with arrows lodged in their tiny bodies, their multiple blood red eyes fading to black, but an equal number of soldiers clutch their throats and eyes in agony, blood seeping through their fingers. Larger demons with the blob like shape of jellyfish and a faint yellow aura hover in the air just above the hoard of razorwings. Tentacles tipped with barbs that drip a golden venom descend into the bedlam below, and into the ocean as well, and sting the distracted soldiers. Their bodies seize immediately, leaving them helpless to stop the tentacles from wrapping around them and lifting them up to the demon’s amorphous bodies.
With his bow, 9S shoots frantically at the razorwing demons, and with his sword he slashes the tentacles apart as he sees them descend. He’s dimly aware of Grun releasing a geyser of boiling seawater from its nostrils as its deep blue eyes focus on the ship beside it. Dread pulls at his stomach as he watches Grun ponderously turn its head towards their ship.
9S races towards the helmsman who desperately tries to defend himself from the demonic assault, “It’s coming!” he shouts, but his voice is drowned out by the screams, “We need to move!”
But no sooner did the helmsman spare a glance at 9S did the spear of an amorphous demon pierce through his back and burst from his chest. Blood trickles out of his mouth as he quietly gasps for air, but the powerful venom prevents him from even crying for help. Another tentacle descends from the floating demon and coils around the helmsman’s neck and begins to pull him upwards.
Panic surges through 9S’ veins. He lunges forward, drawing the shortsword strapped to his waist and clumsily slashing at the demon’s tentacles, but each strike fails to connect with the fleshy tendril. The demon draws its prey higher and higher into the air, and 9S can only look on in horror as the helmsman’s face is frozen in twisted agony as he disappears into the gelatinous body of the floating demon. 9S fumbles for his bow but by the time he sloppily notches an arrow the demon vanishes into the thick overcast clouds.
“Nines! Get down!!”
Something slams into 9S’ back and knocks him to the deck, then suddenly is lifted away. He scrambles across the wood and spins around to see 32S struggling against a barbed tentacle. It writhes against 32S’ efforts to hold it back mere inches from his throat.
“Get...Off!!” he grunts as he fights a losing battle, “9S, help!”
Sword in hand, 9S leaps to his feet. With one powerful strike the blade severs the venom tipped barb from the tendril in a splash of thick, pale blood. 32S looks shaken for a moment but quickly recovers from his brush with death.
“You okay?!” 9S shouts over the chaos. He puts a clammy hand on 32S’ shoulder to help steady him.
“Yeah!” 32S shouts, breathing heavily, “I don’t think it got me, but don’t worry about that now! We’re gonna get torn to pieces if Grun hits us!”
“But the helmsman got-”
A deafening bellow nearly splits 9S’ head in two. The hot, rancid breath of Grun rushes over the ship as it roars. Globs of its boiling saliva slam into the ship with the force of a hurricane, searing those unfortunate enough to be hit. More of the flying demons descend into the chaos. The bat-like ones distract the soldiers while the floating ones silently paralyze and abduct their victims.
Soldiers slam into 9S over and over as they clamor to obtain more weapons and avoid the demon’s attacks. The shouting of men and shrieking of demons meld together into one awful sound that makes his chest tighten.
 Z….Y…..X…..Fuck Fuck Fuck We’re going to die…
His feet catch on the paralyzed body of an archer and he falls to the deck, knocking the breath out of his chest. He flails his limbs as he tries to right himself, but all he manages to do is drag himself across the deck. A number of soldiers trample his back and legs as they step on him to escape whatever pursues them. He struggles to take in enough air to even scream out in pain.
A thin pair of hands pull him up by the shoulders far too fast. 9S’ world spins sickeningly and it’s all he can do to keep the bile in his throat from rising too much.
“Th-....32S?” 9S mutters, barely recognizing the boy next to him.
“We gotta move! We can’t stay still for- Augh!!”
Suddenly the boy next to him stiffens and goes silent, save for a long, raspy breath. Twisting himself around, 9S comes face to face with the frozen body of 32S. A large barbed tentacle sinks into the flesh of his shoulder, leaving a wound that seeps blood and venom.
“No!! Get off of him!!”
He reaches for 32S only to be knocked to the ground by a panicked soldier. With a surge of panicked energy he pushes himself up, his arms flailing out to balance himself. Just as 9S finds his feet and draws his sword once more, 32S’ body is lifted into the air. Several tendrils coil around his neck and under his arms. 9S slashes a tentacle away, only for it to be replaced moments later. Through the tears rapidly clouding his vision, he stares helplessly into the frozen, but still panic-stricken eyes of 32S.
“Help...HELP! SOMEONE!” 9S’ voice breaks through the chaos, “SOMEONE HELP HIM!”
But nobody came.
More and more soldiers slam into him one after the other, knocking him around the ship in a daze. Occasionally he looks back to the sky, searching for 32S, but it’s impossible to tell which of the poor unfortunates being carried into the clouds is his friend.
His desperation quickly festers into rage. 9S rips a bow and quiver of arrows out of a paralyzed archer’s hands. He aims and fires at anything that looks demon-like, shouting curses and challenges at whatever flies past him.
“COME ON! FIGHT ME, YOU HELLSPAWN!” he roars, throwing the empty quiver skyward before darting away to find more ammunition.
But no sooner does his attention shift to one of the countless bodies littering the deck does a deafening bellow rock his body with such force that he flies backward, slamming into the wooden floor. A sharp pain splits across his chest and warm liquid seeps through his undershirt.
9S hisses through clenched teeth, trying to make sense of his world through his pain-addled mind. Just as he starts to find his balance and rise to his feet, a great ivory tusk ruptures the deck from below, splitting the entire ship in two.
9S desperately digs his fingers into the splintering wood as the deck rises unnaturally with the demon. Grun lifts its massive head out of the water with both halves of the ship impaled on the end of its tusks. As the broken ship is hoisted above the ocean, 9S’ fingers scramble against the deck for purchase, but he slides down further and further the more he struggles. Sparing a glance down, he watches in horror at the boiling ocean that swallows those unfortunate enough to fall beneath the waves. He kicks his feet beneath him, trying to slow his descent but to no avail. His fingernails peel away from his skin as his grip falters, the stinging pain becomes too much to bear. Exhaustion compels him to let go, but his primal survival instinct keeps his grip locked onto the wood.
The ship, along with 9S, is lifted further and further into the air. The only thing between 9S and the churning, boiling sea is a dizzying free fall. He squeezes his eyes shut and holds on as tight as he can as the baleful blue light of Grun’s eyes intensifies.
Wind and sea spray whips around him, side-effects of the great demon shaking its massive head to dislodge pieces of the ship from its tusks. Despite his efforts, his body slams against the piece of wood he clings to. Each impact loosens his grip further and further.
No no no no!!!
Hot tears prick the corners of his eyes, his entire body weight now supported by only the tips of his fingers. His muscles ache, his split stitching burns in the salty air. The screams of soldiers boiling alive below him somehow are more deafening than the splintering wood and the roaring sea.
It all seems so hopeless...If he pulls himself up somehow he’s still dangerously close to Grun. If he lets himself go, then…
At least it would end quickly. From this height, if he fell head first, his neck would snap on impact with the water, killing him instantly. A dark thought creeps into the forefront of his mind. He failed his friends...He failed his Commander...He deserves to fall with them.
9S takes a deep, shuddering breath, and let’s go…
Though he shuts his eyes as tight as he can, the same primal fear that kept him locked to that piece of wood now makes his eyes fly open as he tumbles through the air. Fear pulls a scream from his lungs and his limbs flail wildly, trying to grab onto something to stop his descent. Fear is no stranger to him, but the sheer hopeless terror he feels as he plummets to his death far outweighs any of them.
Time seems to slow around him, despite the speed at which he falls. Visions of his past are dredged from his mind in a baffling trip through his childhood and early adulthood. He sees brief glimpses of his biological parents, his mother’s kindly yet stern smile and his father’s great sweeping antlers. He sees 21O and the first time he saw Jackass and White when he was very young. He sees the first time he held a sword, rode a horse, the times where 21O, White, Jackass, and himself had moments like a normal family would. And then, suddenly, he sees 2B. Her feathers and hair as white as snow, her sharp blue eyes, and her hidden kindness. She takes up his entire mind, and all he can do is lament that he didn’t get to say goodbye.
Suddenly, a great streak of white rushes at 9S and something grabs him right out of the sky. The great force slamming into and digging multiple sharp things into his skin knocks the wind out of him and rattles his head.
“NO!! Let go of me!!” he screams and thrashes his arms around.
A familiar squawk precedes his captor faltering in its flight, quickly readjusting its grip. Craning his neck to an uncomfortable degree, he sees thick grey belly plating jutting out of a mess of white feathers. A pitch-black eye glances down for a split second before looking ahead. Its wings struggle to hold both of them aloft, beating furiously against the wind to keep them in the air.
“2B!” 9S sobs, clinging to her scaled legs with what little strength he has left. She spares a quick chirp but no more, as she’s more focused on not plummeting to their doom.
Though 2B seems somewhat more comfortable flying on the ocean air currents, she’s still noticeably unsteady due to 9S’ added weight. She struggles to keep herself at a steady level between carrying him, the lack of wind, and avoiding the demons that rush to other ships. Several plumes of colored smoke arise from the three ships that guard the one that holds Jackass’ massive weapon, drawing the flying demons away from the wreckages.
Just as the cannon ships come into view, 2B’s talons release their grip on his body, letting him fall at the feet of several soldiers. As his body hits the deck that same sharp pain from before rips across his chest.
“Sit him up!” a female voice commands the soldiers surrounding him.
Before 9S can even regain his thoughts, several hands force him to sit upright, putting further strain on his broken stitching. 6O’s blonde hair and glowing green tattoos are the only things he can make out while he tries to reorient himself. Soon, a warm sensation spreads across his chest as his wounds quickly pull themselves together. They still ache and burn, but they’re closed and that’s about all he can ask for, given the circumstances.
“Can you stand?” 6O asks, but doesn’t wait for 9S’ response before taking his hand and pulling him to his feet.
A great gust of wind signals 2B’s return to the deck of the ship, landing next to 9S. Thick dark blood coats her beak and stains her feathers. She tosses the fleshy corpse of a tentacled demon onto the deck and shakes her body, scattering blood and seawater onto those nearby.
“9S! Get up here, now!” Jackass shouts, a twinge of furious desperation in her voice.
Obediently, 9S scrambles up to his superior officer, who barks orders at 801S and 11S. They dutifully recite the status of the great weapon, which, barring the actual ignition, is ready to fire its almost two-ton payload.
“What the fuck happened?!” she bellows the moment 9S is within arm’s length.
“I don’t know!” 9S shouts, “Did we know about the demon swarms?!”
“Of course not! How the fuck could we have known?! We couldn’t get out to sea to do any fucking recon!”
Jackass shoves a cannon mechanism into place with a metallic thud in an impressive show of strength, “Keep the gods damned fuse dry, 11S!” she shouts, slamming something else into place shortly after.
9S begins to offer his assistance to his Lieutenant, but Grun’s mournful screams echo across the sea, making him and Jackass double over in pain. Something rattles around in his head, a single word slamming into his skull over and over till it feels like his head will burst.
“Fuck!” Jackass swears through gritted teeth.
“M…” 9S mutters, the word in his head forcing its way out, “Mot...Mother…”
The language is not his own, but it comes to him so naturally to him that for a moment he wonders if he learned it first. He feels everyone’s eyes on him, he can feel their horror at the strange language he used. Jackass holds something of recognition in her eyes, but it is hidden behind a strange glint. 2B’s feathers stand on end, making her seem much larger than she is. A low hiss emanates from her throat as her cold black eyes bore into him.
“Mother...It’s calling for its mother.” 9S clarifies.
No one, not even himself knows what he’s talking about. Grun is a demon, why would it be calling for a mother? Demons don’t have mothers...Do they?
Before anyone can ask what 9S means (though Jackass looks down at him with quiet understanding) Grun raises one of its arms and slams it down onto the bow of the nearest ship. Just like the two before, the ship crumples like a piece of brittle parchment under the mighty weight of the demon. Soldiers whose faces he can’t make out from this distance are launched into the ocean to be boiled alive, while the lucky ones cling to whatever bits of wood they can reach.
“FUCK!” Jackass bellows, slamming her fist into the side of the cannon, “We need to fucking improvise now! We need to-...”
Something in the sky catches her eye. 9S can almost hear the gears in her head turning as something in her expression changes. There’s the tiniest twinge of hope in her electric blue eyes.
Jackass raises a finger, pointed to something in the air just behind 9S, “Call her down.”
9S’ head immediately whips around to where she was pointing to see 2B sink her talons into the soft flesh of an amorphous demon that flew too close to the ship. Its soft, jelly-like body falls to the deck with a sickening splat, spilling dark blood across the wood. Whatever Jackass’ plan is, it involves 2B, and 9S hesitates. Not because he’s suddenly feeling rebellious, but because if he does then that means 2B would be the guinea pig in whatever Jackass has cooked up. The last thing he wants to do is put 2B in danger, but…
He could always tell her to run, but knowing her hard-headedness, she would refuse. He whistles, loud and sharp, then waves his arms above his head to get 2B’s attention. She descends back to the ship like a clumsy sea bird with yet another demon in her beak which she discards in the same way as before.
“You can carry him, right?” Jackass says to 2B, not caring about whether or not she can actually respond.
2B’s dark eyes glance down at 9S, quietly sizing him up, then dips her head in a nod.
“What are you-” 9S tries to ask what in the world Jackass could be planning but shuts up the moment the Lieutenant shoves a bundle of barbed javelins into his arms.
“You’re gonna ride her.”
“I’m gonna WHAT?!” 9S shouts. Even 2B looks shocked. She rears her head back and lets out a low hiss. Even her feathers seem to puff out in indignation.
“You’re gonna take those harpoons, ride on her back up to Grun, and stick them in its eyes. Get it to chase you. Then, you’re gonna lead it right into the cannon, and we’re gonna put two tons of white-hot metal down its gullet.”
“You…” 9S stares at her, mouth agape, “You can’t be serious!!”
“If you’ve got a better idea, I’m all ears!”
9S has seen and been subjected to many of Jackass’ insane plans over the years, some more dangerous than others, but this puts all of those schemes to shame. The more he focuses on one incredibly risky part, the more horrifically dangerous possibilities surface. 2B isn’t as graceful over the ocean as she is over land even without his extra weight and the weight of the harpoons, there’s no guarantee Grun would chase them even if they did manage to get close to it. Not to mention the slim chance Jackass’ cannon would even work! Everything about this plan is insane and they would be insane to even consider going through with it.
And yet 9S can’t think of a better idea.
“...2B, can-...Is this okay?” he asks the dragon beside him.
She regards 9S with those obsidian eyes that betray no emotion he can comprehend. Slowly, 2B bows her head and presses her beak to 9S’ chest in a strange display of affection. He places his hand on her snout, running his fingers gently through the small feathers there. As simple as the gesture is, it relaxes him. It’s as if he’s holding her hand and she squeezes it in return. Somehow, it bolsters his courage. Together, they can see this through.
“Alright, let’s go.”
While Jackass leaps up to the steering and begins forcing both ships into position at once, 9S awkwardly straddles 2B. He sits himself just behind her shoulders, his thighs clamped around her back and hands gripping the feathers of her neck. 2B shifts beneath him as she adjusts to his weight, stretching her wings out once he finds a somewhat comfortable spot.
“I’ll give you a signal when the shot is lined up. The moment you see it, you fly straight up. Or bank to the side. I don’t really care,” Jackass grunts, “Just so long as you’re out of the way of the cannon.”
2B beats her wings a few times, her eyes focused on the sky above while 9S counts the thundering beats of his heart. She takes a few hesitant steps to test how she carries 9S’ weight, then all of a sudden 2B breaks into a run across the deck of the ship. 9S yelps and wraps his arms around her neck, pulling on her feathers. With a few furious beats of her wings, 2B takes to the skies, albeit clumsily. A scream of terror and elated yelps bubble in his throat, especially when 2B wavers and has to correct herself, making 9S shake even more than he already was. How the hell was he supposed to throw a javelin if he couldn’t let go of 2B’s feathers?!
The baleful blue lights of Grun’s eyes illuminate 2B’s stark white feathers, and one seems to follow them as they rapidly approach. A few flying demons try to impede their progress, but 2B avoids them with sickening dips and ascents. 9S watches in horror as Grun turns its head to the sky, all of its numerous eyes focusing on 2B as she circles above it. A trembling hand reaches for one of his harpoons. He doesn’t want to let go of his death grip on her feathers, but the panic and fear drive him to act without thinking.
Grun’s eyes alone dwarf him and 2B, and staring into them is like staring into an orb of pure energy. 9S launches a harpoon directly at one of them, only for it to fall far short of its target and splash harmlessly into the water below. A puff of scalding gas rushes at them from Grun’s nostrils, or at least what 9S assumes to be its nostrils, which 2B narrowly avoids by folding her wings and diving straight down. He throws himself flat onto her back, fingers scrabbling to hook into her scales.
Just before they hit the water, 2B pulls up and begins furiously beating her wings once more to take back their altitude. Again, 9S’ stomach drops as they return to dizzying heights and he has to fight not to vomit. Once 2B levels out near its eyes again, 9S grabs another harpoon and launches it without hesitation. This time it makes contact, piercing through the thin membrane separating the swirling energy from the outside world. A bit of blue smoke surges out of the breach, but then trickles to a slow, steady stream within moments.
“2B!” 9S yells over the wind, “There!”
He points to the eye he punctured and slaps her neck in the same direction. With a high pitched squawk, she banks hard to the right and dives straight at Grun’s wounded eye. 9S doesn’t have time to reach for another harpoon, 2B sinks her talons and beak into the soft membrane. 9S has to hold on for dear life, both from the awkward angle at which 2B clings and from the pained howls of Grun shaking its whole body. 2B tears through the eye like the skin of a grape, and the more she rips apart, the more of the blue energy seeps out, until there is nothing left but an empty socket and tattered flesh.
2B soars back into the sky and begins another circuit around Grun, who reels in pain and wildly swings its huge arms to swat at its assailant. All the while, 9S launches harpoon after harpoon into the countless pools of energy that serve as Grun’s eyes. Some of them hit their mark, but most fall into the ocean or bounce off of its thick hide. As they pass one of the large eyes at the center of its head, 9S readies his last harpoon.
Something surges through him as he throws the harpoon, a strange, unearthly energy. It courses through his muscles as they coil and release, and the moment he lets go of the harpoon his vision flashes a bright golden light. Like a bolt of lightning, the harpoon slams into Grun’s eye, and it recoils backward as if it had been hit with a mountain. It roars and swats at 2B, the wind alone almost sending her spiraling into the ocean. 9S clutches onto her, but even as he looks certain death in the eye for the briefest of moments, a crazed smile spreads across his face.
“I think we made him mad!” 9S yelps once 2B steadies herself.
For good measure, 2B flies just out of Grun’s reach once more. With another bellow, the demon lowers itself into the ocean. Only the top of its head and a number of tentacles on its back are above the water as it begins to chase 2B at an alarming speed. 9S presses his whole body down against her back, both to reduce the wind on his face and to better hold on. 2B races just out of Grun’s grasp, barely above the surface of the water. With his head pressed against her neck, 9S can hear the thundering of her heart and realizes just how hard she’s exerting herself to keep up the speed and keep herself from touching the ocean. She weaves in between the razor-winged demons that try to stop them with such precise movements that it feels as if she hardly moves.
9S cracks his eyes open to watch the rapidly approaching silhouette of the two cannon ships. Somehow, he has no idea how, Jackass managed to steer both ships by herself into position. He thinks he sees them bob and waver in a concerning way, but despite his better judgment he trusts Jackass to make it work. If it doesn’t…
If it doesn’t work, Grun will destroy both ships and that would be the end of that…
The ship draws closer and closer. 9S can make out the shape of the cannon and even the onlooking soldiers. Yet still no signal from Jackass. He has no idea what he’s supposed to be looking for, but knowing his Lieutenant it would be...well, visible to say the least.
They’re within a dangerous distance from the ship when the bright flash of Jackass’ ignition hammer bathes the deck in a bright orange for a split second.
“NOW!!” 9S shouts, pulling up on 2B’s feathers.
On his word, 2B soars straight up into the sky. The higher they go, the tighter 9S holds on to her, and at one stomach-churning moment, he feels his grip slipping, only for that same strange power to surge through him again.
A blinding flash of electric blue light stuns 9S, even with his eyes shut tightly, and a deafening thunderous explosion immediately follows. The air around them shakes, causing 2B to falter and drop for a moment.
“Was that…?”
As 2B begins to descend in a much more controlled and smooth manner, 9S looks down at the steaming, mutilated body of Grun floating just in front of the cannon ships. The entire top of its head is gone, exposing countless teeth and an impossibly long tongue. Blood gushes from its open throat and oozes into the ocean like thick globs of oil. Slowly, the ocean begins to consume it, but not before the stench of a fast decomposing corpse begins to set in, even at their height. The corpse twitches hideously, scattering charred pieces of demonic flesh into the ocean.
“We...We did it?!” 9S exclaims, burying his nose in his scarf.
“HOLY SHIT, THAT WORKED?!” Jackass bellows for all of Vigo to hear.
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akaluan · 7 years
ally-spirit replied to your post “ally-spirit replied to your post: ally-spirit replied to your post: ...”
If I'm such an enabler, why do you shower me with GIFTS
(*squawks* GIFTS?! FINE~ HAVE ANOTHER! This wouldn’t shut up in my brain last night while I was trying to sleep. Enabler-chan. XD)
(Viewpoint switch: 9S, set at the very beginning when 9S and 2B find the Karakura crew)
The first sign of something wrong was also the most obvious.
A bright flare of light, followed by a shockwave, knocked 9S on his ass and sent 2B tumbling right off the peak of the dune she had been running along and slamming into his side. Both of them went rolling down the side of the dune and ended up sprawled in a tangle of limbs in the slack between two high dunes.
9S groaned and pressed a hand against his visor, trying to clear out the visual distortions left behind by whatever had happened. A quick internal reset sorted out most of the problem, but it looked like his visor had taken some damage that would need to be handled back at the resistance camp.
“Operator 21O to 9S, report. The Bunker registered a large magnitude EMP wave coming from near your location.”
“9S to 21O, it was more than just an EMP wave,” 9S responded, glancing to the side to where his Pod was displaying the transmission from the Bunker. He grunted as 2B pulled herself free and kneed him in the side in the process, then shook his head and continued his report. “The event started with a flash of light like an explosion, followed by a shockwave strong enough to send 2B and I flying.”
“Minor glitches in my visor,” 9S said, then glanced over at 2B, who nodded in agreement. “And to 2B’s as well. Otherwise no damage that I couldn’t fix with a quick reset. We fell into a trough between dunes, which probably helped.”
“Orders from the Commander are that both of you are to head towards the epicenter of the event and investigate.”
“Got it.”
“Operator 21O out.”
The holographic screen flickered out of existence, and his Pod immediately spoke up to say, “Mission objective marked on map. Suggestion: approach with caution.”
“Yeah, yeah.” 9S accepted 2B’s hand and pulled himself to his feet, brushing as much of the sand from his body as he could. The minute he could, he was definitely going to take a bath, screw androids not needing one. After all this sand and grit and wind, a bath would feel glorious. If he never saw the desert again, he’d be thrilled,
2B led the way, traveling along the side of the dunes instead of putting herself in silhouette across the top, wending their way closer to the source.
9S kept his attention on the information given by his visor and Pod, trusting 2B to keep him safe despite moving through enemy territory and being a lot more exposed than a scanner-type would prefer. “There’s a cluster of machines gathering around the source. Something seems to be killing them, though -- I keep losing signals, even though more continue to arrive.”
He glanced up from the data when 2B made a shocked sound, then frowned and crept up to her side to peer over the peak of the dune as well, giving voice to his own shock at the sight.
Five human figures fought side by side, completely devastating the oncoming hoard of machines. They were a diverse collection -- a swordsman, two pugilists, an archer of all things (The Bunker didn’t produce archer models!), and another woman who stood in the center of the group and threw around shields to defend her comrades. What’s more, they were doing impossible things, like standing on air or moving faster than his sensor could easily keep up.
“9S, are those..?”
“They’re not androids,” 9S confirmed, voice shaking and fingers trembling as his logic circuits did their best to deny the conclusion that was slowing dawning on him. “I’m not picking up either black box OR machine signatures off of them. They’re either stealthed enough that I can’t find them, or...”
“Or they’re humans,” 2B breathed, voice heavy with disbelief and shock and a fragment of the same desperate hope that was starting to bloom in 9S’ own chest.
They exchanged a glance. Stood. And with unspoken agreement, brought their weapons to bear and charged into the fray.
An android’s main purpose was protection of humans.
They would not chance failing in that purpose.
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floralharjuku · 8 years
I have a fic request! I noticed after Ending B 9S gets really protective of 2B and tries to stand in front of her a few times during the assault mission. When you go in his room during the credits, he talks in a gentle voice, while showering 2B with power up items, money, and tells her to be careful. So, I have this headcanon that they had sex after Ending B and that's why he was acting like that toward her. Would you be willing to write another lewd fanfic of these two again? Thank you!
(Once again, I’m doing the dirty and this time I’m like, fuck it, I’m sin mother and this ship is mine to steer. No real attention was put on the “how” in this one, however. Androids have genitals now; deal with it.)
-Tumblr formatting legend: * = italics -
Her gloved fingers brushed along the side of his face, judging the reality of his existence by this simple set of light movements of leather against artificial skin. Her knuckles curled as they ran over his cheek, a finger tracing his chin and, after a moment of slight hesitation, following the shape of his lips. His shaking breath parted the plump skin, his cheeks lightly dusted with blush pink.
She realized that this moment was something he didn’t expect and wasn’t something she had planned. It was born of a spontaneous desire to assure that it really was him and not another formatted version she needed to learn to love again.
“2…B?” He finally ventured when her fingers finally came to rest against the shell of his neck. She looked down but only saw the blackness of his visor, not the deep, dark blue eyes his model type was equipped with. His voice caught, embarrassed.
“Yes?” She prodded. 9S adverted his gaze even though he couldn’t see her eyes behind her visor. She raised an eyebrow, inviting him to voice his thoughts.
“…I…um,” he took her hand in his own. He gripped her smaller, delicate yet deadly fist in his own as if debating allowing her to fight this internal war with him.
N-not now.*
“Thanks.” He gave her a soft smile, a smile she could could see past with no assistance.
She wasn’t going to push him, not now anyways. This wasn’t the time, time that was running short. At any moment, Command would give an order that would possibly divide them and she would never get this opportunity again.
So she ignored it and gently separated their hands, moving hers to press against his chest before leaning forward and bringing their lips together. The cool and firm skin yielded against hers, warm breath mixing as they each tested the boundaries of what they could do behind the closed door of the room the Resistance had given them. She felt the steady hum of his systems underneath her palms, growing in confidence with each beat before tugging that the buttons of his coat. 9S froze and swallowed, unsure of how he should react or use his hands as they rested uselessly at his sides.
He didn’t have to wait for long before his chest was exposed to her hands, which tugged urgently at his skintight undershirt. Her tongue pushed against his lips, looking for any sign of entry into his mouth as one hand slid up his back and entwined itself in his hair, nails pressing on his scalp.
She felt her pulse rate spike as they gave into the simpleminded desire coursing through their systems, blood pounding in her ears. A combat model, she shouldn’t feel this nervousness. Yes, she was bold and confident but that was in a situation where breaking the other person was perfectly acceptable and the desired goal. 9S wasn’t a person she wanted to hurt, even accidentally.
Gently, she pushed against him, causing him to rest on the bed, her palms on either side of his head. Their lips had came unglued during the transit; 2B panted, a small trail of saliva of unsure origin slicking the skin as she stared down at him. His cheeks and ears had become a shade of red that could only be described as “adorable”, his mouth just as lewdly askew as hers.
She stared down at him, attempting to gage his reaction to what had transpired before. Everything about him urged her on, begging her to keep going, including the obvious stiffness in his pants that was growing harder as movement aroused them both.
Still…she reached behind his head and undid the knot of his visor, pulling the obscuring black fabric from his eyes while doing the same to herself. His eyes, despite being artificial optics with wires and no soul behind them, were the most expressive part of him. One look into them told her everything and sealed the consent she needed.
Granted, she doubted that what she saw behind the thick veil of lust and desire was that look in his eyes she knew and feared. It was that look that was always followed by a swift betrayal in the form of a sword through his chest. He knew something and he wanted to tell her, but he was still searching for the right time and that wasn’t now, thank the God she still believed had abandoned her.
His coat and undershirt were urgently pulled off to silence her own thoughts on that terrifying subject. He couldn’t speak those words if his mouth was occupied with hers, his hands flush against her backside.
She could feel her own body heat rising, the fabric of her undergarments and clothes becoming too tight and heavy for her to bear. It felt similar to a buildup of reactor heat before the inevitable self destruction, her neither regions throbbing with sweltering, wet need.
“9S.” She separated their lips to gaze into his eyes again. He took the hint surprisingly well, but she didn’t doubt the label of “high end” attached to his model type. His logic systems worked far and above hers, able to solve these kind complexities when his own sheepishness finally died. He undid the near invisible buttons right at the side of her chest, the black fabric of her shirt coming loose before falling from her shoulders and arms and onto the ground. His thumbs trailed over her bare skin, tugging at the edges of her leotard to get to more of that smooth flesh he just wanted to feel*.
He visibly twitched when he felt her palm slide along his crotch, fingers grazing his member. One dragged against the damp tip, playing with him mercilessly as he panted uselessly against her mouth. “Ah…a…2B.” She cupped her hand around his length, the leather of her glove smooth and molding to his skin.
They moved against each other, losing clothing and inhibition. Underneath all the layers was bare skin, soft, peachy and a layer of untouched sensitivity. Other loosely regulated YoRHa members spoke in not-so-hushed tones about doing this very selfsame thing all the time around the Bunker, but 9S himself had never been privy to the practice. The way 2B moved for them though, her hands firmly planted on either side of his head and hips hovering above his crotch, broadcasted experience he couldn’t match. A tiny, jealous part of him wondered who else had the undeniable honor of witnessing her lewd and bare, the part also wondering what happened to them. He hadn’t even been inside her and he knew she felt as breathtaking as she looked when her eyes were low and her cheeks red with the effort of restrained sounds.
Keeping the theme of control firmly in her hands, she lowered herself onto him, hissing as she twisted the sheet in her fingers. His systems flushed with heat, his back arching at the sudden but welcome feeling that rushed through his nervous systems.
Who could possibly give this feeling up? After a moment, her hips began to rock against his before they became full thrusts, rapid exhales leaving their mouths in synchronized shallow breaths of air. What kind of idiot would let her go?
She had done this before. With him. Of course, he doesn’t remember, but she knows where he’s weak, the spots he didn’t like to be touched and the way he moved.
He hadn’t changed. They hadn’t wiped him away…and for that, she’s glad. It’s a small consolation prize for the suffering she will soon bring down onto him, pleasure before pain.
She wondered if it was worth it.
Inside, she was capable of burning him alive, smothering him in the greatest way possible with crushing, dominating force. Her slick muscles held him firm, wet, hot and…shit, he’s burning and his blood is boiling in his veins.*
He pushed against the bed, going against her weight to sit up with her in his lap, her head on his shoulder. She followed his lead, wrapping her legs around his back, tightly holding him flush to her. Fuck, it felt too good.* Her head throbbed, processors firing in overdrive as it all began to dull into one feeling of never wanting to stop*. If she didn’t stop…if they never stopped…
“Ngh…ah…ah.” His tongue fought a losing but heated battle with hers, warm saliva trailing down her lips. 9S moaned as she curved her back to allow for deeper penetration and closer contact between them. N-no way he was going to live through this. The way she rode him so desperately, so hungry for him and…well shit she was heavier than him and she wasn’t being gentle. If he broke his new body though, it was a hell of a way to go.
*Man, 21O is gonna be pissed…“how did you break your body again?” “I got fucked by a combat android and I learned that being on the bottom is dangerous to my health yet really awesome.”*
No way in hell he was going to tell anyone about this.
“Don't…don't…” She licked her lips and gasped for words. “Stop…thinking.”
*Just do me one favor please*, she wanted to beg. *Don’t do this to me again.*
Her nails dug into his skin, trails of red left in her wake. The pain was nothing compared to the all consuming pleasure, a mere inconvenience in the face of something he needed if he was going to be strong and…was he really going to tell her? He trusted her with his life, but his own mind was in shambles with what he had learned from digging where he had no right. Was he really going to doom her to the same fate? Was that fair?
“Stop thinking,” that’s what she had demanded.
Losing himself in her, in the feelings she drew out of him, was far better than the truth.
They had been called back to the Bunker and separated by circumstance, preparing the mission that would hopefully end the war. Adam and Eve had been destroyed, leaving the machine network venerable.
This was their chance, and yet *their chance had past. She came to his room one last time, the air heavy with knowledge and tension. His skin still smelled of her, his chest marked by thin cuts. It was fresh, the feeling still raw in his mind.
What could he say…? He was pathetic when it came to her. All he could do was give her a gift and words heavy with barely repressed affection and love.
Maybe…maybe when this fight was over, they could run from YoRHa no matter the outcome. They could escape together, become rouges and relocate where Command could never find them. He could research machines and she could fish and…and…
Was it…selfish? Was this what she wanted? Did she still want war or did she want the same peace he did? Was he only doing this for himself?
He had no time to answer. The mission came first.
Her hand lingered on his shoulder, as if she wanted to say something else, do something else, but nothing came to her.
“…Be careful, 9S.”
There it was, the frigid love he so hated. He wanted more warmth, more heat, more of the genuine person she was, not the soldier façade she put up.
“You too…2B.”
He would tell her. No matter the outcome, she deserved the truth.
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xsparklingravenx · 7 years
hypothetically, if the androids DID discover a living human, what do you think their reactions would be?
It’s an interesting question! I think there could be two different kinds of reactions depending on if we’re talking pre Route A/B or post, so I’ll put in a read more to avoid spoilers for anyone!
SO I think in the case of Pre Route A/B, wherein 9S doesn’t know that humanity is extinct, I think he and would be incredibly amazed and in awe while 2B would be quietly stunned. 9S’s scanner programming would kick in and he’d be asking questions a mile a minute, trying to gather as much intel as he could while 2B would watch and listen intently. 21O and 6O would probably come in the comms and be a bit “!!!!! COMMANDER” and there would be a lot of fascinated questions about how this person survived, or what they had been doing.
HOWEVER in the case of Route C, I think 9S would react far more bitterly, while A2 would want to protect this human. 9S knows humanity is extinct, knows their fight is for nothing, and 2B has already been killed. I think he’d still be interested, but his internal conflict would make it much more difficult for him to accept the revelation that there was a living human there and alive. 
The reason I think A2 would want to protect them and preserve them is her actions in Ending C where she is still trying to protect the moon servers. Her programming wants her to still assist and help, and she would go along with that I think. She might be bitter too, but to a lesser extent than 9S.
I hope that covers it somewhat! It’s a super interesting concept, and I’m sorry I couldn’t work it into a real fic!
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meeraan · 7 years
NieR: Automata Overview (I guess?)
This post will contain spoilers about NieR: Automata as I will be explaining the story, the characters and what happens in the game.
Let me start things off by saying I LOVED NieR: Automata. It was such a thrilling experience for me, it contained so many things I love about Japanese based stories. It has fun side characters, a solid set of main characters, and an absolutely bonkers story. I’ll try to develop on these things later on, but first, the world! The world of NieR: Automata is set in the year 11945, in a world where humanity has been put onto the edge of extinction from an alien race that brought with them an army of Machines with one motive, Destroy the Enemy. The humans were crushed, and the last remaining humans left earth, and settled on the moon, because why not.Where we play is an undisclosed ruins of a city that’s been long destroyed. We don’t know how long for, but it’s pretty destroyed. We play as Androids, human-like robots created by humans to fight back the Machine forces. The android base of the force YoRHa, a team the humans made to combat the machines, is just in between the moon and earth. It’s refered to the bunker, and has all the Android units, as well as the Operators and the Commander. The map on earth we play on is separated into segments: The City Ruins, which is the centre of the city, where most things take place, The Desert, I huge desert created next to the city as well of on some of the city, The Amusement Park, a big ol’ amusement park run by passive machines, The Forest Zone, a forest run by a kingdom of medieval styled machines, and The Flooded City, and area of the city... that makes the city a coastal one, I guess. The future is wild. Each of these zones have a vast number of side quests and hidden secrets that rewards your exploration. 
Next, the playable characters. You play as 3 androids at different plays through the game. The game has a total of 3 routes (A, B and C) with the 3 androids, as well as 2 extra story endings. Everyone knows who 2B is, she’s used as advertisement of the game, but has no real impact to the true ending of the game. She dies just as the real meat of the game goes on, and she is replaced with an rouge android called A2 (who is a much more well rounded an established character once you unlock some of her backstory elements). 9S is a character who becomes very interesting once the story picks up during route C. Although androids are not suppose to bring emotions to their work, his and 2Bs interactions during the route A and B causes him to fall in love with 2B. I honestly do not think their relationship is forced, as you see what each of them go through together, as a team. The death of 2B makes 9S determined to wipe out every last machine, as well as the person who murdered 2B, A2. What 9S doesn’t know, is that she was infected with a virus that destroys androids, and she asked A2 to kill her, and look after 9S. This creates an interesting dynamic between A2 and 9S, and the last fight of the game, you can chose to be either 9S or A2, and fight to the death. I won’t go into the ending too much as there’s a lot that needs explaining, that I can’t explain. All in all, 2B was there to sell copies, 9S and A2 are the two main characters of this game.
The side characters are interesting as well. Let’s start with the operators assigned to 2B and 9S during their operations on earth. 2B is a serious character who does her job, and does it well. She likes to keep things formal and to the rules. Her operator, 6O, is a lovable goofball. She’s awkward and cute, she talks about her personal life with 2B, how 6O’s crush turned her down and how she was so upset and come to 2B for advise. She hints constantly that she wants to see earth, and see it’s beauty, until 2B decides she’ll be nice and send her over some picture taken by 2B. 6O is too pure and we never learn her fate.. 9S’s operator is the opposite. 21O is much like 2B, and 9S’s is much like 6O. Although 21O is very serious, later in the story we find out her sensitive side, and how she longed for people to call her family. In route C we find out the virus outbreak that caused 2B to turn evil, as well as everyone else, has taken her find, and we’re forced to kill her, as 9S. The fight was very touching and broke my heart a little, as her dying words were “all I wanted was a family...”. NOW LETS TALK ABOUT PASCAL. Pascal is the leader of a village of machines that have broken away from the network that connects the machines, and are now good! Free to think of their own, the village have lived in peace and harmony with androids and the opposing machines. Pascal is a sweet machine who just wants peace in this world of war. When we reach the village for the first time everyone is holding out white flags, offering peace. Pascal puts all his time and effort in educating the villages children, and making sure relations with the androids stay strong. I will not spoil what happens to Pascal and the village as I genuinely think that you need to experience it yourself. It was the first time in a long time that a video game has made me cry. The next and final character is Anemone. She is the leader of the Android resistance that stay on earth permanently. Her back story ties in with A2′s, as they used to be part of a team. Once again, I won’t go too much into it as there’s a lot to cover. She’s cool, but is only really interesting when interacting with A2.
Now, to try and summarise the story that’ll make sense... 2B and 9S are sent on various missions to destroy Goliath-Class machines - major treats to The Android Resistance and YoRHa. Along the way, the encounter a human-like machine, created in front of them named Adam. They defeat Adam, and from the body of Adam, comes Eve! See the reference? These two become the antagonist for route A/B. They reveal later that the alien race that the androids have been trying to find and destroy have been dead for hundreds of years, killed by the machines. When 2B and 9S make their way into the Forest Zone, they storm the castle to fight the king of these machine knights, only to be greeted with a Machine Baby, in a cot. A2, out of nowhere, comes in and kills the baby king, before fighting 2B and 9S. She leaves, 2B and 9S bested. Who was that mysterious android? Fast forward, past another Goliath-Class machine, 9S has been sent rocketing to half way across the map due to the fight and 2B must find him. She finds a mysterious elevator that takes her to a place named the Copied City. Here, we find Adam, with 9S’s body on a make shift crucifix, and 2B must kill Adam to save him. RIP Adam, 9S is save, woohoo. Except Eve is pissed, like super pissed. He loved his brother and only saw revenge as an option. Fast Forward again, and we’re at the fight with Eve. Mustering all the power he has, he beats 2B and 9S to a pulp, but 9S, using his hacking ability (that I never explained he could do, sorry), hacked into Eve, and destroyed him. Bur doing so exposed him to the machine network, and he was infected with the virus. Much to 2B’s misfortune, she kills 9S, there and then. This is where I have a problem with the story. Because he was connected to the machine network, he could project himself into any of the other machine life forms, why? No clue. But he’s find now, and not infected! Wohoo! But oh boy, that was only half the story. Route C is when the madness starts, the entire bunker is infected with this virus, 2B and 9S have to fight their fellow androids to escape the Bunker, and when they land back to earth, the machines are back, and stronger than before. 2B is then infected by the virus, and finds a place to kill herself. She’s greeted by A2, and A2 agrees to kill her. But 9S sees A2 kill 2B, and thinks A2 killed her for no reason....... and that’s where I’ll leave it. I will not be able to do route C’s story justice by trying to explain what was going through Yoko Taro’s head. It get’s mind fucky, and it’s amazing.
Endings. You know how I said there were 3 routes and 2 extra endings (making that 5 story endings). Well there are 26 ‘endings’ to the game. All the other endings are silly and fun way the game could have ended. For example: What would happen if an android ate a fish? They die, horribly. That’s an ending. What happens if instead of helping 9S when he was captured by Adam, you just walked away? That’s an ending. Killed everyone in Pascals Village? Ending. Self destruct in the Bunker? Ending. There are so many fun way to end the game. It’s a nice touch.
There are so many more things I could talk about. A2′s and Anemone’s backstory. A character named Emil, who was in the first NieR game. One of the story endings to do with the endings credits. The very concept of existence and the meaning of one’s life portrayed by machines created by an alien race. The Gestalt program. The Machine King. SO MUCH. This game has so much story and has such an established lore before the events of the game, it’s amazing. I loved NieR: Automata, and I hope we get some DLC, and maybe after a couple years a new addition to the NieR franchise.
0 notes
Context: Been researching NieR: Automata a lot and I came upon a really good concept art of formal clothing for the 2B and 9S Androids. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2673645 Thus a bit of a story formulated in my mind. ---------
“Gifts are such a useless ritual.” said 2B coldly.
“Wow, okay. Where’d THAT come from?” “It’s rude to give a person something without their permission. What if they don’t want it?”
“Heh...’ 9S says under his breath. ‘I hope you won’t hate me for this.” He says grinning to himself. 9S stares at the black box in front of him. Ah yes, the Black Box. Symbolic for the usage during YoRHa missions, only to be used in dire situations, along with another android’s black box, upon contact with one another would create a large scale explosion within the local area, wiping out enemy machine lifeforms and completing the missions issued by Command. But, it wasn’t that type of Black Box. No, what was in front of him was a black pendant box. Inside, a necklace. Forged from white gold, glistening to the chandelier lights above. There’s a charm in the middle of the necklace, a small clear cube lined with more white gold. Within the chambers of the cube, contained a bright diamond. Of course, to 9S, the composition and the materials, doesn’t really mean anything to him, for all he knew was Humans from the Old World cherished these items. Though, it may not make entirely much sense to him, he knew one thing; it was pretty. And hopefully 2B will think so too. He closed the box and proceeded to put it in his tailcoat’s inner pocket. In the distance, he hears to what appears to be “ballroom” music. In the hallway, he double checks himself and puts on his black visor. As he’s about to set off for the ballroom, he hears the clacking of heels in the other direction. “Oh. 9S. You’re here.”
He turns around to find. “2...2B.”
There she was, 2B. In a beautiful black dress befitting her perfectly. Along with an added flower of the Lunar Tear attached to her hairband that she always wore. Elegant and beautiful couldn’t even compare to what he saw in front of him. Yes. In front of him was...His comrade, his “friend” although 2B’ll never admit that, but more importantly, his- “Gah! My pulse rate is rising! What’s going on!? ... Huh, it seems to have normalized. How odd...” he thought to himself. After countless missions and adventures together, 9S even being a scanner model, still could not fully grasp what “love” was. After a brief moment, he relaxed and maintained his previous composure. “Wow 2B, you look...beautiful tonight.” he says as he walks closer to her. “Just, tonight?” she said coldly to tease. “Wha- I mean, no! You’re always beautiful! I mean... It’s not...” “Whatever.” a cold as ice retort.
“GAAHHH 2B!” a panicked 9S says trying to rescue the situation.
She gives a soft sigh and smiles. Her eyes relax under her visor. She reaches out for 9S’ face and caresses his cheek. 9S freezes in place. “Ah...” Without missing a beat. She ruffles his hair slightly. A small giggle emerges from her mouth.
“Aw 2B! I tried really hard to style it!” “Oh? Who were you trying to impress?” “That’s- Ah-” 9S stopped. Dead in his tracks. 2B snickers to herself. “Commander is waiting, we shouldn’t be late.”
“Yeah yeah...”
“One affirmation will suffice.”
“OH for the love of...Fine. Yeah.”
2B set of first in front of 9S. Then suddenly 9S remembered something. He remembered reading up on some old data from when Humans existed about being a “gentleman” and entering a “masquerade” as a pair. 
“2B, wait!” 9S shouted.
“Hm? What is it?”
He quickly walked to meet at her side. He bent is arm to form a triangle. He gestured at her. Only to confusion. “What? What do you want me to do?”
“Oh uh, put your right hand in between my arm. I read up on some data from the Old World and this is how we’re supposed to enter one of these “masquerades” as...” his speech slows to a halt. “As what?” “As..a-a pair.”
A second pause.
2B smirks and calmly puts her hand on 9S’ arm.  “Alright. Let’s go.”
Realizing 2B actually complying to this. 9S fidgets slightly and then proceeds to walk side by side with 2B down the hallway. The ballroom music grows louder with each step.
9S can’t shake this uneasy feeling from him. It was the feeling of being nervous. Feelings aren’t something an android can really comprehend, especially when you have 2B barking “feelings are prohibited” all the time. But nonetheless he pressed on. Soon enough, a large white door to the left of them is wide open, with two YoRHa units also in black dresses look at the two androids. “Welcome to the YoRHa Ball. May you please identify yourselves?” asked Unit 14D. “Unit 2B.” “Unit 9S.” “Identity confirmed. Please enjoy your night you two!” said Unit 17D playfully. “We will.” said 2B.
The two androids entered the large ballroom, illuminated in bright, white lighting. A large chandelier dangles within the middle of the ballroom high above the room. In front, was the ballroom dance floor. The floor was a dark brown, mahogany wood. You could see a couple of androids dancing around happily. Past the dance floor was two large curved staircases. They were covered in red carpeting. At the very top stood the Commander. She stood there dawning a stunning white dress par to her body type. 9S always thought of her as a slave driver since all she told him was one commander after another, but tonight he saw her as a beautiful woman.
“Oh is it the Commander who you’re trying to seduce?”
“2B! Would you stop it with the-”
“Negative. Unit 9S is currently searching for the affection of Unit-” “POD!” he screams at his robotic Pod companion 153, cutting him off.  9S sighs deeply. “Pod 153, I order you to halt any communications to myself or any other units concerning my current status, for the remainder of the night. Just please enjoy the night... Come on, the machine lifeform threat is gone, let’s just relax a bit, right?”
“Affirmative.” On cue, Pod 153 leaves and rejoins the other pods who are conversing in a nearby corner.
“Come on. We’re here to enjoy the night aren’t we?” 2B said cheerily. Which is always odd for him to hear. He’s used to the cold, authoritative tone of 2B, which is always something he liked, but this tone, was different. Though he liked it a lot.
She gave her hand a little pulse, reminding 9S that it was still there, as she looked in another direction.
He smiled. “Yeah. Let’s go.” He put his other hand over hers and proceeded to walk towards where they set down sentimental hors d'oeuvre trays and drink bowls. --------
“9S. What’s all this?”
“Oh, the Humans would tend to get hungry during events like this, so usually there would be light foods and drinks displayed out like this.” “I see.” “Wanna try one, 2B?”
“We androids have no need for things like this.”
“Oh come on. Just a small one. Plus this gives us a good chance to test our taste receptors that got installed.”
“Tch...” 2B reluctantly picks a small circle cracker. It’s smeared with a cheese topped with smoked salmon and small sprig of dill. She turns to 9S.
“Aren’t you going to try one too?”
“Huh? Oh uhhh I guess so. “ he picks one up as well.
“Bottoms up.” he says.
The two both put the small piece of food in their mouths and practice the method that humans performed known as chewing. The consumption of the food now completed. The two reflect on what just transpired. 
“That tasted...” 9S said still trying to process.
“Good...” 2B said quietly.
“Yeah... I gotta give it to the Research & Development team... They did amazing with the taste receptors!”
2B slowly reached for another piece of food and consumed it. 
“Liking it 2B?” asked 9S.
“It’s...quite nice. This will be useful data for the R&D team to-”
“Oh come on. Just admit it, you like it.” 
“I...yes. I like it.”
“Hehe. Now was that so hard? Oh, maybe I can learn how they make it some day, I heard there’s data in these storage units called ‘cook books’, that might have the recipe for them.”
2B grins. “Sure.”
“Really? You promise?” 9S asked excitedly.
The music stops.
“Attention all YoRHa Units! This is your Commander speaking!” 
Without missing a beat, all units turn around and walk towards the dance floor to assume formation. The clacking of heels resonate throughout the ballroom.
“On this day. We celebrate the destruction of the hostile enemy lifeforms known as machines. It was thanks to your efforts that we have reclaimed the Seas, the Skies, the Land! Though it is no secret now, that the Aliens and Mankind no longer exist. However, that does not mean we stop fighting. We will continue to fight to protect ourselves, and the ones around us. A new age of peace has dawned upon us. There are still machines out there, but they too seek peace. I believe we can interact with them safely, and together we can create a new world. One where we can all be free! Now, go. Enjoy tonight’s festivities. GLORY TO ALL!” A synced salute from all androids. “GLORY TO ALL!”
The Commander walks away from the railing as the music resumes itself. 
“Huh even when celebrating the Commander still sounds like a total slave driver...” 9S says depressingly.
“Orders are orders.”
“Yeah yeah...”
“So 9S, what do you want to do?”
“Huh? I-”
The music changes from an upbeat ballroom to a slower tune. 
Realizing this. He takes a deep breath. 
“2B, would you care for a dance?”
Taken a back, she hesitates formulating a response.
“Dance? But I don’t know how to dance.”
“It’s alright. I read up on some old data and there were some instructions how to do a few dances. Here let’s try.”
Being calm, 9S offers 2B his hand. She’s hesitant at first, but agrees and puts her hand in his. They slowly walk towards the center of the ballroom. As they walk, some of the androids take notice and start whispering to one another. One of the androids to notice was Unit 21O, 9S’ operator. She had quite the affinity towards 9S and to see him with 2B like that, made her pulse rate rise and mental state deteriorate slightly. She was hurt. She wanted to be with 9S so badly. She was alone, she wanted a family, with him. But alas, such is the cruel way love works. She tears up a bit before leaving her group quickly. 
“Hey 21O where are you going?” asked Unit 6O, 2B’s operator.
“I...I just need to run and fix my NFCS really quick, I’ll be back.” “Oh 21O...I know what heartbreak feels like too...” said 6O to herself. 6O turns to see 2B and 9S in the center of the dance floor. Eyes wide open, her hands clasped together in excitement. Bless her pure heartedness. 
“9S, this is embarrassing...”
“It’ll be just for a bit I promise. Now just put your arms like mine.” He moves his arms up into position.
“Like...this?” she asks.
“Yeah. Now hold onto my hands.” She complied and held his hands.
“Good, now just follow my lead alright?” he said softly. For once he was in the commander’s seat.
“Alright.” she responded softly.
They begin to move along the dance floor in a way similar to a waltz. Staying on beat with the music (for reference, idk maybe play Vauged Hope Cold Rain in the background). At first their movements were well, robotic, but soon enough their moves became more fluid, to a point where it felt natural. The other androids continued to watch onward, as there were just 9S and 2B on the dance floor. Whispers of them being together were spreading like wildfire.
“Hey 2B, you alright?”
“Yeah. I am.”
“Have you enjoyed tonight so far?”
“I have.”
“That’s good. Hey can I ask you something?”
“What is it?”
“Will you ever call me Nines?”
“9S works fine.” she says in a playful tone.
“Heh... you’re so cold, you know that?”
“Oh hey 2B, I read that one of the dancers would lean on the other, while the other one leans backwards, it’s supposed to be---”
“Like this?”
Without letting him finish, 2B dips onto 9S and instinctively raises his arm. 9S leans back on cue, a smile cracking from his face. He rises from the dip.
“Ah, usually the guy does it...”
“Oh. I see.”
She giggles. Something rarer than a blue moon.
9S smiles. 
“Man... I don’t want this to end... 2B. There’s so much I want to tell you but I...”
The song slowly comes to an end. The two slowly stop and break hold.
“Aww.. It’s over?” 9S pouted.
“There’ll be other dances you know.”
“What? You mean-”
“Come on let’s get a bit of fresh air.” 2B walks ahead towards a large glass door leading to a gigantic oval balcony.
“Whoa whoa, 2B wait up!”
As 9S tries to catch up with her, girlish screams can be heard in the distance from the other androids. 
“Go get her 9S.” whispers the Commander under her breath.
A clear night sky, with a crescent moon high above. It would be considered a late time for Humans ~1:00 A.M. but androids don’t rest for days at time. And they only rest because of maintenance.
“2B!” 9S said finally catching up to her. He paused. Stared.
There she stood. Her arm on the balcony railing. She leaned on it sideways while looking towards the moon. The outside lanterns illuminated her skin, accentuating her pale skin.
She turned toward him. 
“It seems like you’ve enjoyed the night so far.”
“Yeah I have. It feels like we’re really living.” he says as he slowly walks beside her.
He rests his back against the railing and looks at 2B.
“Hey...2B.” he said hesitantly.
“Hm?” “I know we’ve talked about this before... and I know you’re not exactly fond of these... but...”
“What is it 9S?” she asked a little bit more sternly.
“Well... I kind of got you a gift.”
“You what?”
“I got you something.”
9S slowly reaches for his tailcoat pocket to bring out a black rectangular box.
“Here. It’s for you.”
“A black box? You know we already have-”
“Ah- why don’t you open it?” he moves his hand closer to her.
She slowly opens the small box with her hand. Once uncovered, the shimmering of white gold glistens from the lights nearby. There lied the pendant. 
She lifted the necklace from the box and looked at it closely.
“But how did you...”
“I asked Pascal to give me a hand. I really owe him one.”
“I love it.” 2B says softly.
“May I put it on you 2B?” 9S asks.
She smiles and nods. 9S gently takes the necklace and slowly puts it around her neck. A small click can be heard locking the necklace in place. He takes a step back.
“You look beautiful 2B.”
She pauses as if hesitant to respond.
“Thank you Nin---” “Alert. Unit 2B’s vital signals have changed. 2B’s pulse rate has risen to an irregular le-” “POD! SHUT UP!”
“Pffffff---” 9S snickers. “You shut up too!” 2B retorts. “Pod 042 I order you to halt all communications to me or any other units concerning my current status, for the remainder of the night.”
“Affirmative.” Pod 042 responds coldly, like a robot should and floats off back to the party. 2B heaves a huge sigh of relief.
“Soooo, what was that all about hmmm?” teases 9S.
“Why you...”
“Hey hey, whoaaa let’s take it easy here. No need to get angry.”
9S snickers to himself before straightening himself up.
“So... do you like it?”
“Yeah. I really do.” 2B says quietly.
“Heh. That’s good.” 9S says slightly saddened. He clenches his fist lightly. 
“Well... I suppose we should back to the party huh?” He slowly gets off the balcony and begins to walk back to the ballroom.
“The Commander will start to wonder if we ditched YoR...huh?” 
His hand was grabbed. A grip hard enough to not let him move. For a combat model like 2B, this was easy, and there’s no way a scanner model can beat a combat model in sheer strength.
Not saying a word. She comes closer, slowly loosening her grip on him. They’re staring at each other now. 2B slowly brings her hand up to caress 9S’ cheek. Her face slowly leans in. Closer and closer...
“Whoa is she actually going to--”
Lips. The gentle touch of her lips touched his. A kiss. A meaning of love and affection. Her forehead lightly touched his. Their hands now holding each other’s shoulders. This, this was bliss.
She slowly moved towards his ear and whispered.
“Thank you, Nines.”  before moving back and laying another quick kiss on him.
She lets go of him before turning around walks back into the ballroom to meet the many screams of her fellow androids who were watching all of that go down through the clear glass windows.
9S still standing there dazed, finally came back to reality. 
“Wait... did she call me Nines? W-WAIT 2B COME BACK! DOES THIS MEAN WE-”
                                                                                                       The End.
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