#and the divide between gender roles is what gets those kink of people going
coinfl1p · 5 months
spent so fucking long convincing myself i must actually like girls cuz i think steriotypically "feminine" clothing pretty and then i rememebr we just made rhat shit up. a skirt means nothing heels mean nothing theyre just material in shapes we put on our body
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amysubmits · 5 years
Can you expand on what you mean by the difference between “traditional” and D/s? Are you referring to traditional gender roles? I’ve always struggled with TGRs. I don’t like the concept of there being expectations about my behavior or relationship because of the gender I was born with. Thoughts?
Can you expand on what you mean by the difference between “traditional” and D/s? Are you referring to traditional gender roles?
I think that’s part of what I’ve been exploring, actually? Is how I don’t really know what I mean! Haha. So this is going to be all over the place, apologies in advance. 
But first, 100% agree that the idea of ‘you have to do X in your relationship because you’re a woman’ is beyond yicky. That isn’t what I mean at all. 
I don’t think “traditional relationships” or “being traditional” necessarily are entirely traditional gender role based but there’s a lot of overlap for sure. I guess when I think of traditional relationships they are sort of ‘head of household’ based, with one person who clearly ‘wears the pants’ and one who doesn’t, but different from ‘typical’ D/s in the sense that it’s more of a general agreement or understanding, and not a highly negotiated, protocol-based thing. Sort of a 1950′s relationship style...but all of this is by choice, of people who want marriages or relationships that look this way...not the ‘all relationships should be this way’ crap. 
I’ve always sort of browsed traditional and TGR blogs because there are threads of things that I can relate to really deeply. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom someday, and having enjoyed the concept, at least, of having partner who was the sole provider while I focused more on the house, of cooking well and having it ready for him when he gets home from work, of wearing dresses and doing my hair, etc. Realistically those are just things I fit in when I can, I wear leggings most days, I don’t cook nearly as from scratch or thoroughly as I wish I did, etc. So those things aren’t the norm for us, but I find a lot of happiness in them when I’m able to do them and I feel it connects to my submission in some way because I feel more submissive when I’m able to make time for those things. But it’s not a kink thing like the “doll” or bimbo type stuff? I just feel calm and happy, emotionally small and light, when I embrace those things. I think it’s hard for any modern people to have that much time to prioritize it that way, honestly. But it feels good to me (and CD) and I’d like to create a life where it happens more often. 
I also want to point out...I don’t think it’s objectively feminine to wash the dishes, or objectively masculine to go to a 9 to 5 job.  Or whatever else. I think femininity and masculinity are super subjective. What makes me feel feminine can be totally different from what seems feminine to someone else and both are equally valid. All I mean by referring to this relationship style as traditional or including traditional gender roles is just that traditionally, these were the roles based on gender and they happen to appeal to me. 
Anyway. So my bigger point is just, some aspects of traditional relationships and TGR speak to my heart a lo. And in the ‘regular’ D/s side of things there are some sort of big pieces that I lack. I feel like people are speaking a language my heart just doesn’t speak when I read about how they love high protocol, for example. Or the thrill they get from amping up protocol during a scene. Even kneeling, or collars, or how they love saying ‘Sir’ so much that they feel sad when they are in public and have to use their Dominants given name. Those just aren’t things that have ever been a big part of what makes my submission tick, I guess. I definitely need some level of DD (specific rules and consequences for those rules) but with that exception, I think I could be fine without many other ‘specifics’ as far as rituals or protocols, as long as we have clearly defined responsibilities or “roles” and that those make it clear to both of us that he ‘in charge’ in that HoH “wearing the pants” way, and that i’m not, I don’t really care about the details all that much. I find way more comfort and clarity from knowing that our relationship responsibilities are divided in a certain way, than knowing that I would from knowing I had to phrase things a certain way when replying to an instruction, for example. In a couple of cases, I’ve even had people tell me that they are surprised how “vanilla” we are because in their mind D/s IS protocol and all that ^ other stuff, so a relationship without rituals and protocol just...is not D/s. So ‘our way’ isn’t very D/s, maybe our rules and the kink are, but the rest they more or less dismiss as vanilla when in my view most of our day to day D/s is the other stuff. Which is fine, I get that everyone defines things differently and all that, and what we call our relationship doesn’t impact how it works or why we like it so it doesn’t actually matter. I just find it interesting to consider various views, I guess. And because some portion of me relates to traditional blogs, and because it’s some of the stuff that others dismiss as vanilla...it’s made me wonder if some portion fo what I view as D/s would really be more ‘traditional’ in others minds? 
And yet part of me does hesitate from using those terms or identifying that way, too. I thought the same thing early on, but I think it’s unfortunate that many assume that if you are embracing a traditional relationship or TGR (or both) that you necessarily think that it should be forced on everyone from their sex at birth. There are others (far less, but they exist) that believe it should be a choice and who are accepting of people of all genders, sexualities, etc and that’s definitely my view.  But because most of that community does seem to push it as a ‘how every person should be’ thing and that concept is really yucky ot me, it makes me not want to associate with it in a way. But then another part of me thinks about how that maybe isn’t so different from the general D/s community. It’s not most, but there are plenty in the D/s world who make D/s out to be an anti-feminist thing, for example. But I wouldn’t let that stop me from identifying as a feminist submissive. So I don’t know if it makes sense to avoid TGR or traditional just because some who use it do so share beliefs that I strongly disagree with. 
Um. Sorry for this mess. Hope it makes some sort of sense somehow. :) 
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moscarific · 5 years
Yuletide Letter 2019!
Dear Holiday Hero,
It's Yuletide time again, and I'm happy you're here on this journey with me, you beautiful stranger! I’m a gold star Yuletide participant: I’ve signed up every year, and written at least one story every year, since the challenge began. That’s great news for you, because over the years, I’ve learned that the best Yuletide gifts are the ones that weren’t quite what I had expected, and also that gifts are satisfying and joyful for me as long as it’s clear that the author put effort and care into them. Basically, as long as you avoid my Do Not Wants and run spellcheck, I’m going to be over the moon with excitement at whatever you write for me.
My biggest non-obvious DNW is babyfic. No pregnancy, no babies, no little kids. I’m also a grumpy Jew, so I’d prefer not to receive stories with strong Christmas themes. The “five things” format is not my favorite. Please don't center your story around ships that I did not ask for.
But I like a lot more things than I dislike! Unless the Yulegoat arrives late, I’ll be reading this on the train to Chinatown for my traditional family dim sum, so please do make me laugh out loud on the L. Or make me uncomfortably aroused on the L. (Porn is optional, obviously, but: oral sex, eroticized hands, exhibitionism, shower sex, gender play.) I like experimental structures and styles, as well as more standard ones, and I am fine with whatever POV and tense you choose. If you are the kind of person who does multimedia or interactive fiction, or just clever footnotes, I am all for that. All of my requests this year have strong and distinct voices, and I would love to receive a story that embraces their sound and feel. I like stories that stick close to canon or present interesting "what if" canon divergences, and I also like superhero and In Space AUs. When I've provided gen options, I promise I want those just as much as the ships - they're not just "gen outs," but stories I very much want to read.
I tend to write the fic I want to see in the world, so you’ll get a good sense of me by browsing my AO3 account. My AO3 bookmarks are a recs list, and therefore a great way to see what kinds of fic appeal to me and make me happy.
Here are the individual requests from my sign-up, with a little more detail added here and there. I've divided each request into three sections: things I do not want, things I very much want, and ideas for things I'd love to read in the fandom.
Wayfarers Series - Becky Chambers: Rosemary Harper, Sissix Seshkethet, Dr. Chef
Do not want:
Shipping Rosemary or Sissix with people other than each other, death of characters who are not dead in canon.
Very much want: To read fic set in this universe! I ship Rosemary/Sissix very hard and would love some hot cross-species femslash porn. Canon-consistent depictions of humans as weird aliens. Worldbuilding.
Ideas: I will be equally happy with sexy shippy fic about Rosemary and Sissix (with a line or two for Dr. Chef), or with fic centered around Dr. Chef that puts the other two requested characters in smaller roles. Or a story with all three of them having an adventure or solving a problem together! I love the xenophilia aspects of Rosemary and Sissix's relationship, so explore Sissix's affection for, or exasperation with, Rosemary's alienness. Show Rosemary bringing Sissix into an aspect of human culture that Sissix hadn’t encountered before - perhaps something uniquely Martian - or take us on a more in-depth tour of Aandrisk culture. Alternatively, write me a story focused on Dr. Chef: give me more insight into his earlier life, or send him on a culinary adventure. I’ve read all three novels, so references or character cameos are fine. This is a fandom where it's okay to make me sad, and where I'd prefer a touch of angst, hardship, or grief to lighthearted fluff.
Delicious World (Video Game): Frank Truffaut, Felix "Monet" Wilson
Do not want:
Fic centered around Emily/Patrick or Emily/Jean-Paul (background mentions are okay if you must). AUs outside the general setting or premise of canon (so, like, no In Space for this one).
Very much want: Sappy, shippy, porny Frank/Monet fic. Competence kink. Loving and detailed descriptions of food and cooking. For people who do not play this kind of game to watch the cut scenes on YouTube - you can pick up the canon in a couple of hours.
Ideas: Is there anything more Yuletide than nominating the casual time-management game I play on my phone? Especially since this one blew my mind with its sweet, believable m/m romance. Please give me the AU where they stay together and make their relationship work while the contest continues, or the one where they encounter each other again after the contest ends and get back together. Mostly, I am sad that the game narrative has split them up and want them to be together making crepes forever. I'd be more than content with domestic fluff, just to spend more time with Frank and Monet's relationship. Or go the other direction and give them more plot than canon would: send them on the run from an underground restaurant crime cabal, or have Frank save Monet from deranged paparazzi. Send them to parts of the world that the game hasn’t traveled to yet - it’s mostly been North America and Europe so far.  I very much enjoy the best friendship between Frank and Emily, and would be happy to see her play sidekick to Frank for once. 
For the People (TV 2018): Jay Simmons, Seth Oliver, Tina Krissman
Do not want:
If you write Jay/Seth, then I DNW fic set before Jay and Seth were roommates, or focus on their prior romantic relationships. For RL/job related reasons, court cases related to the US education system, both because they will make me sad and because I will not be able to turn off my nitpick brain.
Very much want: Romantic and/or angsty roommates-to-lovers Jay/Seth. A fun role for Tina, whether she's the protagonist or just gets a few choice lines in. Well-researched, plausible legal scenarios as plot. Love letters to New York City.
Ideas: There are two ways to go with this that would make me equally happy. The first is Tina character building, because she is one of my television heroes and never had enough to do on the show. "This Is America" is my favorite episode of the series, and anything in that vein, with Tina as the hero, would please me to no end. I'm an angry American progressive, so feel free to engage with my politics (or not, if that's uncomfortable/unfamiliar). Backstory would also be great, especially if it's Young Tina Saves the World. Talk about race, gender, and immigration. Let her be the soothing, fearless mouthpiece about the scary stuff. Or just send her on a relaxing vacation, "Captain's Holiday" style.
The other way to go is to give me Jay/Seth romance and/or porn. They're roommates and adversaries who are clearly also boyfriends. And now the show is canceled, so we can pretend that's where the showrunners were going with it! Jay's parents canonically love Seth, and I would enjoy a sweet story about Seth's growing relationship with them, and Jay's mixed feelings about it. Or give me a court case where they're directly opposing each other, especially one they're both passionate and both kind of right about. If you want, tell some or all of the story from Tina's POV, or do an epistolary/"found documents" structure.
Crooked Media RPF: Ira Madison III, Louis Virtel
Do not want:
For RL/job related reasons, centering stories around political discussion related to the US education system. Major roles for Crooked-Media-adjacent people, such as spouses, who are not public figures (mentions are fine). Stories formatted as a script or transcript of a podcast.
Very much want: Silly, sexy Ira/Louis with a friends-to-lovers or frenemies-to-lovers vibe. Canon-consistent engagement with progressive US politics.
Ideas: Oh, just write me something fun, and I'll love it. Tell about the wacky or apocalyptic event that makes these two cross the line into sex/romance. Or show them in a secret long-term relationship and tell about the wacky or apocalyptic event that makes them go public. Show how they're adjusting to Aida, or tell it from her POV and show how she's adjusting to their relationship (or non-relationship that turns into a relationship, or long history of FWB hookups). Show what happens when they land the Beyonce interview of their dreams. Or throw them into a fandom trope (sharing a bed? sex pollen? aliens made them do it?) and have them respond with their signature wit.
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trans-advice · 7 years
I am having an internal debate and conflict about changing my sex on my documents, biologically I was born femalr its my gender that is not female and sex and gender are not the same and I having trouble defending this to others because do they have a point? i will always have my biological make up of a female
While a lot of people deny the existence of transgender people, it doesn’t mean they’re right. I am going to divide this post into 3 sections: #1 vocabulary lessons, #2 discussion about sexuality, #3 links explaining how physiological sex isn’t as tidy/discrete as people say it is,
Also I Do understand the difference between sex & gender. I learned it in 8th grade & I was yay in validation when i did & i used similar language “sex is male but my gender is female”. Point being, the sex versus gender distinction is liberation & I’m glad you’re aware of it. (Hugs or salutes, whatever you prefer.)
#1 vocabulary lessons
Now that being said gender is pretty broad, so the specific term is gender identity. There’s also:“gender roles” basically it refers to division of work & double standards, basically it’s about the pervasiveness/manifestations of sexism“gender attribution” (or “perceived gender”) which refers to what people say your gender is AKA what you pass as,“Gender expression” which refers to your behaviors & mannerisms & other nonverbal communicators like clothing, and how they get attributed & fit into gender roles.If you ever heard of “butch” & “femme” those basically come from people trying to fit lesbian/wlw couples into a heteronormative/straight model of relationships. (Therefore, these terms when used properly say that these gender-binary codings are actually inappropriate.) “Butch” means masculine aligning & “femme” means feminine aligning.
For sex it refers to anatomy & physiology.
#2 about sexuality & how people talk about it:
Sexuality is totally different from gender. Sexuality is more like an eHarmony survey & discussion of fantasies & things you like in a person. However because society doesn’t want to go through 200 questions, we tend to focus on the attributed gender &or gender identity of who we love/have sex with etc.
Usually since physiological sex correlates to attributed gender & gender identity, people who deny transgender people exist would probably define that gender based grammar of sexuality as being based on physiological sex.
An example of a parallel discourse to gender expansionism in sexuality is kink discourse. I get somewhat disturbed by the topics in the education materials, but those are not my kinks. But yeah, discussions about Consent & communication & how to properly do things are pretty cool, but it does require educating yourself. But yeah, that’s the LGB side of the LGBTQIA coalition.
Basically sexuality is what you look for in partners, while gender identity is how you understand yourself.
#3 links for further reading & comments about
http://murphysoutlaw.tumblr.com/post/156363590861/gender-and-how-we-talk-about-it(Explains how there are several definitions of gender & how they must be clarified in order for us to communicate effectively.)
http://www.theplaidzebra.com/science-finally-supports-that-we-are-all-born-as-blank-slates-and-gender-is-merely-a-construct/(Discusses that brains don’t have as much of a dimorphism as generally consensused. Also mentions the antique/ancient “one sex” model of gender that says like women were just men with backwards pensises. Granted, the one-sex model is not entirely accurate, but I think it’s actually more accurate since private parts developed from the same stuff but get placed & formed differently & a lot of human sex dimorphism isn’t as dramatically different like it is in other species. CW: genitalia discussion: Like the testes & ovaries are the same root. Scrotum & labia are the same root. The 2 holes of the vagina that aren’t the anus fuse during the development of males, except for i think 3 in 1000 or 500. The prostate is the g-spot.
https://www.glsen.org/blog/6-ways-i-make-my-science-class-lgbtq-inclusive-trans-teacher(Describes how sex anatomy starts out the same & therefore gives gender neutral terms for stuff. This is kind of huge I think)
https://trans-advice.tumblr.com/post/159422880475/the-future-now-boom-science-follow(Discusses how genetics doesn’t fully fit with what we call sex characteristics being. Also discusses how different species can develop their sexes differently)
https://trans-advice.tumblr.com/post/152687957726/emo420-emo420-enderkevin13-i-want-someone (This is long, but it cites academic research, it tells about gender constructions in different cultures, goes into biological stuff, it’s a great post: a classic!)
https://sgaprivilege.tumblr.com/post/154928776786/sonoanthony-hatingongodot (A classic. Gives other gender systems throughout history. Basically shows how people claim science until it doesn’t suit them. Gives hope for finding sources & touches upon people claiming “fake news” all the time.)
http://kiriamaya.tumblr.com/post/128707247524/i-have-a-penis-for-now-but-my-sex-is-not-male (Argues the only reason why we have sex is because (our) society uses gender. Basically that sex is an extension of Gender instead of gender being an extension of sex. I think it’s kind of accurate, but it’s kind of advanced/unhelpful for people who don’t even recognize a difference between sex & gender. Granted, our society’s use of gender’s rooted in lack of birth control, but that doesn’t make it any less social.)
https://trans-advice.tumblr.com/post/153092781587/sex-is-the-same-thing-as-gender-and-it-is (This post is kind of confusing actually, but it’s a good one because it helps give insight to the evolving discourse regarding gender. It discusses how sex is made to fit gender. Granted, trans deniers who call themselves feminists (aka TERFs) say that sex is based on reproduction & perceived reproductive roles, but that in itself is still a social construction & a chosen grammar, similar to how grammar of sexuality got changed from how sperm was used to perceived gender (Discusses how if you call a body parts male or female instead of what body parts they are that it’s gender assignment not sex/reproductive physiology. Like calling a penis a male body part is gender. Technically it goes on to say how penises vary & such (the gender-neutral term is “phallus”).
https://trans-advice.tumblr.com/post/160086635255/dan-whites-got-an-issue-in-2017-science (Brief tweet mentioning how stuff is sprectrums, & the categories are made up. Think of like how “black & white” thinking is really more like grayscale so many kinds of gray. Evolution of species & languages works the same way)
https://stevia333activism.tumblr.com/post/160654062034/featherinmycapandcheese-if-i-say-hatred-of (Argues how the gender binary is racist. Explains racism is a bias of results. So like quinoa is racist because it favors feeding gringos & starving brown Venezuelans because gringos have more money. It describes indigenous peoples having nonbinary gender systems. Granted, indigenous peoples have claimed white people are appropriating nonbinary identities, but it’s discourse from 2016.)
https://stevia333.tumblr.com/post/153233156213/lets-unpack-special-snowflakes People tend to call non-binary people “special snowflakes” or even “trendgender” which is offensive because it reduces atypicality & even disabilities into fame or atrention seeking demonizations. It’s messed up.
https://trans-advice.tumblr.com/post/158930333484/the-invention-of-heterosexualityThis is a classic staple that describes how straight versus gay is a recent invention. Like remember how I went into how way back in the day sexuality was based on where sperm went? Basically this article goes into how that changed. If people be like disgusted that we don’t “fit” into this or whatever, the inventedness of heteronormativity is a good thing to comfort & empower you & heck even throw at them. Basically if we changed in the 1930s about how we talk about sex then we can do so again & we can so about gender.
Good luck, peace & loveEve
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barbecuedphoenix · 7 years
Crack! Headcanon: Orientation Switch
What happens if Eldarya isn’t a romance RPG targeted at a specific consumer group, and the creators re-rolled the dice for deciding the sexual orientation of the main LIs?
>_> Well, it’s still going to be like a lunatic’s asylum. Just a bit more colorful.
Warning: Below the break, you’ll find rainbow paint on your favorite characters and crack relationships galore. Get your freak on first if you want to read ahead. ;)
Nevra: The Swinger
Nevra has known from a young age (in vampire years) that it’s not only girls he’s attracted to. And once upon a time, he concealed this fact by passing himself off as an (extremely) healthy heterosexual. Because within his conservative clan, where status is currency and reputation means everything, a romance between men is considered an irresponsible and fruitless dalliance. At best. And the participants better shape up soon if they wish to stay in the family.
It wasn’t until he and Karenn moved to cosmopolitan El for work that it finally dawned on Nevra that here, he doesn’t have to give a damn about what his clan thinks. In fact, returning home is optional. And once Karenn was on board with the idea that they would stay in El for good, the makeover began. Nevra is a proud, fiery man with a raging sex drive, and after decades of following the rules imposed on him, he was ready to reprogram the whole game. And have the time of his life doing it. 
Within a few years, he sets new standards of what a swinging bisexual looks like in El: dressing to the nines in tight pants and a muscle shirt that shows off his assets to all eyes, and openly pursuing both female and male partners. And to many people’s consternation, he has no shortage of admirers from across the gender and sexuality spectrum. Which he will casually remind others about. It’s good to be the king.
It’s not all fun and games for this stud though. One reason why he has a reputation for bouncing across relationships is because many longer-term partners, even in El, find it hard to accept that he’s equally partial to men as to women. Over the past several years, Nevra has been through many strange scenes in which his partners insist he’s either a.) actually gay, b.) actually straight, or c.) bound to leave them for someone of the opposite gender. The real answer, in Nevra’s opinion, is d.) sex is sex, but a connection is what clinches the deal. And he can forge a connection on either side of the gender divide, which just makes life more interesting.
Unfortunately, few people share his level of open-mindedness. And since Nevra dislikes ongoing drama in a relationship, he has developed a very simple method of ‘screening for major mistakes’ after his first night with someone new: if his partner keeps throwing a hissy-fit at his jokes about getting checked out by the opposite gender, then they’ll go their separate ways very soon. He won’t put out if they won’t trust him.
Ezarel: The Reluctant Husband      
There’s one joke that Ezarel likes to make about himself that isn’t a lie: he’s perfectly fine without sex. For as long as he can remember, he has never been turned on by naked specimens of any gender. And receiving a kiss or cuddle from others tends to inspire a restraining order rather than raging desire. Seriously, how rude can people get?
Throughout his tender adolescent years, Ezarel loved to exploit his ice cube-cool to show-up his randier male peers. Like walking up to female lab partners with perilous cleavages in view, and telling them with the driest face that they had been blatantly mispronouncing a name for the past several minutes, but he’ll give them a quick lesson to keep them from embarrassing themselves in the future; they can thank him later. General result: every one of his peers hated him on some level, but their primary weapons of innuendo, sex appeal, and sexual put-downs all failed against him. Ezarel was untouchable, literally. And he would tell them with a smug grin that he was simply the evolved one of their generation.
The fun came to end when Ezarel hit his early twenties (in elven years) and finally researched the persistent phenomenon of his ‘inner monk’. At first, he breathed a huge sigh of relief at knowing that he isn’t socially or hormonally impaired, and that his sexuality simply rests on the tamest end of the spectrum. Then he started swearing at how that’s not about to fix his problems for the immediate future. Because as a noble at the prime of his life, he has certain, unavoidable duties to fulfill: like carrying on the family line. Fantastic: now sex is going to be his nightly chore for the next few years at least. The gods have a terrible sense of humor.
So nowadays, Ezarel is more low-key on flaunting his asexuality: it’s a mixed blessing for him. While he’s safely immune to the battle of the sexes, and has no shortage jokes of being one rung up the evolutionary ladder, he just can’t feel the same excitement as some when ‘performing as a husband’ (he’s only left with supreme awkwardness). Worse still, even close acquaintances are prone to misinterpreting what they see as his ‘frigidity’. Like how his asexuality equates to an inability to love. Each time, Ezarel will be quick to correct them: he does have a heart, thank you very much, whereas some people with full libidos are proven to have no empathy. And there is such a phenomenon as non-sexual affection. They’ll all find out when they pass middle age.  
Valkyon: One Foot Out of the Closet
Valkyon never grew up with an adult role-model to take cues from, or who would have furnished him with a road-map on where his ‘urges’ should take him. So it wasn’t until he was in his late teens that he started to realize he has less common tastes than the norm. As in, his eyes are saved quite strictly for fellow men. That was also when Valkyon realized the one benefit of his self-sufficient upbringing: it’s up to him alone to decide how to react to this news. And he reacted with his usual calm, no-nonsense logic: his sexuality is just another harmless quirk of his mental programming; an occurrence of nature that has no bearing on his reproductive capacity or cognitive health. Many species of Familiars too see their share of homosexual relations, with no ill effects on individuals or the species itself. So reacting negatively will be like cursing himself for hitting six feet in height at sixteen: nonsensical.  
Unfortunately, there seems to be a number of nonsensical figures for most of Valkyon’s life. Several of the oldest scars that crisscross his body came from incidents when neighbors, colleagues, and barracks-mates heard about his preferred type of bed partner, and took offense. Though this should be said: the fact that Valkyon is the one left standing every time proves that they’re definitely not that smart. And to his chagrin, each time he survives only seems to worsen his reputation. Now that is just paradoxical. 
It wasn’t until several months after moving to El that Valkyon started to notice the total reduction in the number of sharp glares and sharper whispers at his back. And that it correlated with the number of same-sex couples openly walking on the street and ordering drinks for each other at bars. So. It seems he might not need to walk around in as much armor here on a regular day. Maybe.  
Despite the more tolerant environment in El and his legendary thick skin, those rough early years left their mark (internally) on Valkyon. Nowadays, he still flash-freezes discussions on his private life, avoids dating, and finds it hard to drop the poker face and physician’s mindset he perfected when looking at a naked body, male or female. Valkyon knows who he is and sees no reason to apologize for it, but he just can’t be sure that there isn’t another idiot somewhere nearby, waiting to pay him unusual scrutiny for his preferences. And has relatives ready to fill his mail box with hospital bills in three weeks’ time.  
But. If there’s one bit of progress he’s making on coming out in El, it’s this: he doesn’t wear shirts anymore.
It’s getting some good reactions.
Nevra & Valkyon
Not many people know that they are in fact an item. Valkyon makes absolutely no reaction when Nevra turns his charms on every other pretty face that walks into the building. But little do outsiders know that this is a mutually-beneficial fit: Valkyon doesn’t have a jealous bone in his body and hates attracting attention on his private life, while Nevra is both protective of Valkyon and has a cuckolding kink can’t resist strutting before other people, his lover included. So they’ll keep up this con before the public eye to deflect attention on their relationship… until people notice that they share the exact same mailing address. For the last few years.
There’s no question that Nevra will occupy the more dominant role in this relationship. He’s the more experienced man by far when it comes to sex, romance, and the nitty-gritty of social and emotional maneuvering. Not to mention that he’s at least three times the bossy extrovert Valkyon is. Where does it say that it’s the big, burly guys who should top anyway…? Fortunately, cool-as-a-cucumber Valkyon is perfectly all right with taking the back seat. It’s just not his style to waltz his partner into the bedroom or arrange candlelit dates. And the back seat is the best place to catch his high-flying lover whenever life knocks all the hot air out of him.
Nevra & Ezarel  
It takes a while for Nevra to understand that Ezarel’s toxic sarcasm and ‘untouched, and uncaring’ persona isn’t just a front. And his initial reaction is this: what a tragedy! How can any adult live without sex?! The elf’s counter-reaction is this: I’m the evolved one.
Fortunately, Nevra learns quickly to keep his hands to himself, Ezarel stops threatening to sue him, and they settle for a purely cerebral/emotional connection instead. And that’s when the sparks finally begin to fly: for all their differences, they’re evenly matched when it comes to snark.
Foreplay for them now consists of a friendly argument, a lightning-round volley of wisecracks, and ending with one of them declaring that he hates the other. With no small smile. And sometimes, if Ezarel is in the right mood, he’ll let Nevra spoon him on the couch while he reads. Until the vampire stirs from his nap, gives him a squeeze, and starts joking about how enticing he smells. Which is when the former learns again just how sharp elven elbows are.  
It comes as a surprise to no one that Nevra is the ‘Romantic One’ of the pair: always willing to initiate joke advances and more serious invitations to visit new places or try new activities, when he’s not smoothing over arguments that fall a little past the friendly line. Ezarel, naturally, is the ‘Skeptical Object of Desire’: never without a pithy quip or quirky joke to deflect Nevra’s advances. Though now and again, he succumbs to little shows of affection: like smiling at Nevra when he falls asleep on the couch before squirming out of his arms. And then painting a moustache on his face.
Ezarel & Valkyon
It’s not going to happen.
Valkyon is a resilient guy and not someone who enjoys placing demands on his partner, but he does have a few standards all the same. Like 1.) his beau has to be someone who doesn’t spend his waking life on the run from his feelings and personal problems. And 2.) he has to work out regularly. Valkyon may have a decent platonic history with Ezarel, but he draws the line on being the elf’s lover and babysitter around the clock. Man up, Ez, for crying out loud.
Ezarel in turn is happy to dodge the crossbow bolt that comes with the idea of dating Valkyon. Sure, he’s a solid friend, a non-volatile target for his pranks, and actually one of the formative influences of his (now infamous) sense of humor. But the man still acts like he’s made of clockwork most hours of the day. Who’ll wind up to begin each morning with a blunt fifteen-word lecture on why it’s a good idea to grow up and exercise regularly. Who does Valkyon think he is? His father? Uh, wait a minute…  
So, they’ll be happy just to meet up for drinks every weekend or so. With Nevra sitting in between them as a referee and convenient social buffer. Keeping that vampire in their gang is good for something.  
I had too much fun writing this. Happy Pride Month 2017, dear readers. ;)
As always, read, enjoy (hopefully), and review. Any feedback is well appreciated by my inbox.
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