#and the lil singer is very determined but not as reckless as the their so she helps teach them to fucking slow down sometimes
thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
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Sometimes I think about them. Your honour I would like to say: I care them very much thank you
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tempestsoul · 5 years
                hi  lovelies  !  i  cannot  even  begin  to  describe  the  excitement  i  have  for  this  rp  !  i'm  bri  and  this  is  sua,  my  beautiful  mermaid  !  underneath  the  cut  i've  prepared  a  few  lil'  tidbits  about  my  precious   merchild  !  if  you  want  to  plot  with  my  lil'  baby,  please  give  this  post  a  like  or  send  me  an  im  !
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♡ so, sua is the epitome of the urban legends about merfolk.. you know, the myths about sirens that use their enchanting voices to seduce humans. of course, merfolk can't actually seduce humans with their voices... but sua sure as hell tries. she finds humans to be fascinating, interesting, & foolish creatures, and she finds great joy in toying with them. she's the type of mermaid to flash a human a glimpse of her tail late at night before disappering underwater, just to watch them panic afterwards.
♡ that's what brought her to surface, to lunehaven. her thirst for adventure & a closer look at humans and their world. of course, she can no longer return to the sea. she harbors some regrets about leaving her family behind, but she's curious and oh-so-stubborn, so she pretends as if she doesn't care — as if she doesn't even think about the life she left behind. but deep down, she hurts. because of the exile her family and friends have shown her, she can be a bit untrusting when it comes to others — never quite opening up about her life under the sea to anyone.
♡ on top of being incredibly stubborn, she's also incredibly reckless. she loves taking risks and doing things she knows she shouldn't be doing — like exposing her tail to humans. she likes causing trouble and ruffling feathers, and she'll flirt with everyone. she likes making others flustered, and she loves attention, so she's probably hit on your muse at least three times before. she's a bit of heartbreaker, too. she gets bored easily, and likes to 'play the field', so to speak. while she means well, she can be a bit insensitive to others' feelings — but she craves attention, so she doesn't really know how to stop... nor does she know how to commit to one person. i'd love some plots where she's broken your muse's heart, or where they have a no-strings-attached type of relationship.
♡ she loves trying new things and she's determined to try almost everything possible on earth. i think she'd be rather new to lunehaven, hence her immense interest in learning about humans ? honestly, she's printed off a typical human's bucket list and is determined to try everything on it. humans truly fascinate her, and she wants to try everything they love so much. someone who's equally as interested in doing regular shemgular human stuff would make a great friend and partner-in-crime for sua !
♡ she's a singer at nightingale, and when she's not working she probably spends her nights there anyway. she's a social butterfly and i can very easily see her stationing herself at the bar, waiting for someone to chat to or flirt with. she loves to talk about anything and everything... especially interesting things she's just learned about humans.. she babbles a lot about her curiosities about humans nd things she finds interesting ! she's actually quite excitable nd passionate about it.
♡ i think i'm forgetting some details, so pls don't be afraid to pick my brain in the ims about sua if u wish to plot !
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dolphin-enthusiast · 5 years
Matchup? Thanks. I'm a short, straight, cis, white, female from America. I'm a lil bit chunky, well, half of it's chub and the other half is muscle. I enjoy going to the gym and working out, it's pretty great. I started going to lose weight because I used to be obese but I decided to make the change I wanted to see in myself. Yeah, I lost 60 pounds. I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm very confident in myself and show myself a lot of self care because I used to have a lot of self-esteem issues. 🐉
"But now I'm proud of the young woman I've become. I'm 23 and a half and in college. I'm trying to become a clinical psychologist. When I was a kid I wanted to be a psychologist because I have (and have had) ADHD, depression, anxiety, and chronic insomnia. I work at Starbucks, my favorite thing is drawing things on customer's cups, they think it's really cool. I enjoy art, but I still love psychology the most. It's my favorite thing. Most days, I'm a generally nice person. 🐉
I'm laid back and willing to go with the flow. Other days I'm a McGremlin with Mean Hoe Fries on the side. When I don't get along with people, I tend to try to ignore them, but my fuse is shorter than I am. And I am really short. I get aggressive and it is NOT a pleasant sight. When I was in middle school I slapped a kid and told him to tell his mother she was a beautiful woman because he was telling me and a few of our shared friends (he was an acquaintance, my beat friend was his friend) 🐉
how he called his mom a bitch and I slapped him and told him to apologize. I've always respected people who earned it. Even then, I still respect people's lives, but there are some people that only get the bare minimum of my respect. Those tough single moms have all of my respect tho... Another thing about me is that I prefer having male friends than female friends. Why? Some girls like to cause drama. I have a lot of guy friends because I have a really Tom-boyish personality. I love running. 🐉
I do it a lot. I did track in highschool and I still enjoy watching it on the Olympics. I also enjoy martial arts, karate, judo, jujitsu, taekwondo, boxing, and kung fu. I do all of those please help I have a martial arts addiction. I am obsessed about learning. It's amazing. I enjoy learning about new cultures and trying new things. I love books too. I'm currently reading a really good detective one at the moment. I also love the TV show Sherlock, with Benedict Cumberbatch. 🐉
I always try to be the best human I can be??? I'm very bold. Oh! I'm an ENTP Gemini, but did you know, some scientists believe that the MBTI test might be faulty- 🅱️lz don't listen to me I'm annoying. Anyway, my friends describe me as: laid back but energetic at the same time, smart but also lacking in common sense, reckless, brave, caring, hardworking and ready to fight for the people I care about. I guess I would say I'm like that. 🐉
I describe myself as: ambiverted, fun-loving, and indecisive. In a partner, I look for someone who can make me smile, someone who will have my back while I have his. Ya know? Mutual trust and communication, any kind, is valued in a relationship to me. Whether it's sign language, talking, or leaving notes, I need communication to know what he wants. My favorite animals are cats. My favorite color is red. My favorite shows are JoJo and Sherlock. My favorite book is probably the Lord of the Rings.
My favorite band/singer are Lord Huron and Hozier. My favorite character in Sherlock is the man himself because of how blunt and straightforward he is. My favorite JoJo character is Iggy, not because I am a dog person I am a cat person, but because he has an attitude and when I'm grumpy I understand hating everyone. I like rainy weather, but only when I'm inside. I enjoy children, but I will decimate brats with my viper tongue if needed. 🐉 (last time I forgot the dragon!)
My favorite foods are fried chicken and chicken fried steak. Who do you match me with Father Morgyorgy? Pt. 1, 2, or 3 plz."
I match you with...
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Where do I even begin...your vibes and overall energy instantly attracted him to you. The fact that you're so fun loving and have a strong sense of justice made him be absolutely smitten. He l o v e s energetic people that aren't afraid to stand their ground and that also stand up for others when needed. The fact that you're willing to kill for those that are close to you is something that he can also relate to. When you told him about the efforts that you made to lose weight he was extremely proud of you and told you that you're always beautiful no matter what of course. He's only glad that you're now happy with yourself though.
Just like you he is usually a go with the flow person and is normally chill but he also has his more meaner days and a rather short temper (and much like you when he does pop off for real then it's fucking O N.) While he is a very determined and hardworking person he too can be reckless and lack common sense sometimes. As for what you look in a partner don't worry for he will ALWAYS have your back and will never fail at making you smile. Mutual trust is included too since it's like you two have a language of your own and understand eachother at all times.
He really LOVES your tomboyish personality and actually admires the reasons behind you wanting to become a psychologist. The fact that you also practice so many martial arts is pretty damn amazing to him and he'd often be joking around that you could easily yeet him over your shoulder or immobilize him in two moves.
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iimuchakk · 6 years
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Seven seas babies AU
This AU is because I wanted all the generals to still be alive and love each other! I cant draw so writing will hopefully be good enough~ there are also references in three of the children’s names, one a fandom two historical. One you’ll get easily the other two I doubt, so if you do round of applause for you
Hinahoho’s babies xxx
Kikiriku is around 28 now, but of course he’ll always be his dad’s bouncy baby boy~
He’s tall, like d a m n he takes after his mother in stature 
A tad reckless, but very nurturing 
Absolutely no common sense, if you tell him the cookies are in the top shelf he’ll still look in the bottom and complain he cant find them
Tries so hard to become the man his dad’ wants him to be, even though Hinahoho has made it clear he’ll support him no matter what
Still manages to accidentally crush Ja’far in hugs
Spend’s a lot of his time in Sindria with aunt Pipirika away from his dad and siblings, but visits as many times as possible
Catori and Aponi are Hinahoho’s twin daughters, both 26.
Defiantly not identical 
Catori is a tall powerful women, favored to become the next tribe leader
Aponi still struggles tying her shoe laces and is the imuchakk version of a mouse, though is very smart
both really spoilt
dads away on a business trip? remember to bring something back for us!
uncle sin is selling some new merchandise? does that come in a yellow?
Bidzill and Bodaway are another pair of twins Rurumu blessed Hinahoho with, 25 years old, and too identical for anyone’s liking.
“Hey Boda- oh sorry Bidzill-”
Impossible to tell apart 
They even act the same, both really mischevious
Only Hinahoho really knows the difference
He says its his parental instincts
He gave them both “matching” broaches but in reality they have slightly different cuts so he knows whose who
Last but no means least Ahanu
Black sheep of the family
Literally never smiles
Equivalent of a 23 year old eskimo emo
Constantly calls his dad old just because he’s over 50 and sometimes hurts his back
Likes swimming, swimming calms him
Ja’far’s babies xxx
Sometime’s Ja’far wishes he never had a child
loves Rabi to bits but he acts like he’s 4 but in reality he’s 16
It’s like having another Sinbad, except this time he actually HAS to love him
Rabi likes magic, wants to be a magician, cant be a magician, settles for magic tricks
magic tricks he uses on his dad
magic tricks that get him in trouble
Sinbad and his mom are so supportive
He has about five different top hats and the palace garden is now filled with rabbits
secretly now hates being a magician
but cant back out now since uncle sin has spent to much money on him
o o p s
looks nothing like his father apart from being covered in freckles
his skin’s tan, his hairs ginger, his eyes actually have life
craves his fathers attention but he’s always busy working
secretly wants to become an advisor like his dad so he can spend more time with him
smokes but no one needs to k n o w t h a t
Sinbads babies xxx
Sadiq is very much a troubled child
illegitimate son of his idiot father
had a hard life
mother abandoned him when he was young
found Sinbad and the others when he was 13
has been living in the castle for 3 years now
Rabi is constantly following him
“No I dont want to see you pull a rabbit from a hat-”
takes a deep interest in Ja’far who unlike Sinbad has no qualms with disciplining him
skilled sword fighter, but foot work needs work
Sinbad always offers to help him but Sadiq never let’s him
Sinbad tries so hard
but it never seems to work
far from being a ladies man
thinks when you find a women you should commit yourself
tries to hard trying to find that woman
commits himself to quickly
boi gets heart break a lot
Kikiriku gives him ice cream
Masrur’s babies xxx
Two wives come in handy
especially when you love family as much as Masrur does
especially when they kick ass better then Masrur does
Sadi’s 18, likes naps like her father, hard working liker her mother Razol
excellent warrior
very smiley
jokes a lot
literally falls asleep standing
has a major sweet tooth
terrible babysitter
once she was playfully throwing Domonic up, and he never came back down
Angelou is 18 to, but born to Masrur’s second wife Rehema
he’s a lot like his father, apart from the fact he never sleeps
lost two fingers off of his left hand from when he was 10 and decided to go looking for a fight
found a fight
lost his fingers
it was a traumatizing time for him but his family helped him through it
has grown up a lot since then
very protective older brother, dosent want what happened to him to happen to the others
Ruby is 17, was Razol’s second born
very jealous of her older sister, acts as if she dosent like her family
they all see through it
grumpy guts, will make anything tiny into a big deal
always tries to start a fight
is always carried off by Angelou, who see’s himself in her
Domonic is Rzaol’s third child, 14 years old, Rehema stopped having children after complications in Angelou’s birth
just wants to explore
is conflicted between becoming part of the fanalis corps or a dancer
keeps his passion for dancing secret, since he thinks his family will want to abandon him
Lo’lo is the only one who knows he likes to dance
covers for him so he can sneak out to go meet his dancing group
Sharrkans babies xxx
Only has the one baby who he’s constantly cradling!
wanted more but his wife died in childbirth
despite the two not being in love, just best friends, he was still devastated
called his son Ozymandias like his wife wanted
he hates the name though and shortens it to Oz whenever he talks to him
Yamariha agrees it’s a terrible name when she visited, but admits the babies cute, acted like a second mom
When Sharrkan questions something Ozymandias does he only ever gets gargles in reply
Ozymandias loves snakes, a bit to much
they’re all scared of him since he constantly tries to hold them, but ends up strangling them
no baby has ever drooled more, Sharrkan has to constantly change his bib
he cries if Sharrkan leaves the room to
being an evil dad, Sharrkan sometimes pretends to disappear and has a little giggle
spoils Ozymandias as an apology
Oz has a wooden toy snake he teethes on,
the toy snake had half a head in the first day of having it
Pisti’s babies xxx
Pisti has no babies
Pisti looks after Tir, her nephew, like he’s her son
Her 42 year old sister Pheme who was Tir’s mother died in a flight accident defending the kingdom, Pisti made a vow to protect him
Pisti wants her own baby as well
she’s trying to find the right man
cannot for the life of her find the right man
has lived in Sindria so long she wants a man who can sweep her off of her feet
not under them
is determined for Tir to grow up brave and fair
Tir is already obsessed with animals
thinks he can fly like a bird
dont tell him he cant
you’ll only make him cry
Pisti dresses Tir in feathers to add to his illusion
plus she knows when he’s older she wont be able to make him look this stupid ever again
Tir is 100% a pervert
Spartos’ babies xxx
Both very religious
Elizabeth is 16 and boi oh boi did puberty hit her well
very curvy, very beautiful
very big problem for the men of her family
spartos cries daily
many suitors try to win her affection
however she is very determined to stay chaste and pure until she marries
very much a relief for the men of her family
Elizabeth is smart and strong willed like her mother
has her father’s hair and eyes
believes world peace can only be followed by world war
strives to bring people together through music
very talented and very promising singer
Mystras jr is named of course after Mystras
people like to call him junior
wants to become a sasan knight
knows how important it is to become a sasan knight
will not stop until he becomes a sasan knight
very skilled fighter for his age
very protective over his sister
loves his sister more then anything and enjoys listening to her sing
he’s adamant that when he’s knight king he will create her the most extravagant theater where she can sing all the songs she wants
really not bothered about women himself
to busy bothering trying to take care of himself
wants to be independant
he cant cook or clean his own clothes
water and soap? on clothes? that’s what the maids do? well that must be easy!
Que explosion
Drakon’s babies xxx
Only had one after what happened to Spyro
boys only 12 and he considers himself a monster
one side of him looks like his mother
brown hair
big beautiful eyes
and the other half looks like his father
covered in scales with claws and sharp pointy teeth
he’s sometimes to scared to look at himself in the mirror
wears shawl and masks a lot
saher tells him he’s beautiful but he dosent listen
blames his father and is ashamed of himself for doing so
plus side he has fire abilities
incredibly skilled fighter since he spends a lot of his time in isolation trying to hide from the world
shy as anything, very mature for his age
Rabi is constantly dragging him to parties along with Sadiq
himself and Sadiq run off whenever they can
gets along surprisingly well with Sadiq
his hair is so long
likes his man buns
dont make fun of his man buns
he’ll get angry if you make fun of his man buns
you won’t like it when he’s angry cause he gets an ugly vein in his forehead 
e w w w w w
Yamraiha’s babies xxx
also has no babies
but shes expecting!
has been for 3 months exactly!
has a cute lil baby bump
already getting very canky
she wants pickles! get her pickles!
if she’s ever practicing magic the baby will kick like mad
Yamraiha thinks it’s because they really like it
or at least she hopes that’s the reason
that is the reason right?
cries a lot and just wants snuggles’
is always contacting the other generals because she complains she misses Sindria and that she wants the baby to meet them all
is the whole reason Sinbad comes up with the idea for them to have a family reunion in Sindria!
yay! family meet baby bump!
refuses to say who the father is
her kingdom is a very accepting place after she took over, so she wants to keep the magnostadt father a secret for now
feels bad if she gives him to much responsibility all at once
plus she enjoys having complete control over the kingdom
Hinahoho is 52, had Kikiriku (28) when he was 24, twin girls (26) when he was 26, twin boys (25) when he was 27 and Ahanu (23) when he was 29
Ja’far is 46, and had Rabi (16) when he was 30
Sinbad is 50, had Sadiq (16) when he was 29
Masrur is 41, had Sadi (18) at 23 and had Angelou (18) at 23 also, Ruby (17) at 24 and Domonic (14) at 27
Sharrkan is 42, had Ozymandias (4 months old) at 42
Pisti is 39, Tir’s ( 4 years old ) mother Pheme was 38 when she had him
Spartos 43, had Elizabeth (16) at 27 and Mystras (14) at 29
Drakon is 50, had Spyro (12) at 38
Yamraiha is 44, currently expecting
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