#what i’m saying is very platonic relationship that is mutually beneficial for everyone
thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
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Sometimes I think about them. Your honour I would like to say: I care them very much thank you
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bisluthq · 3 years
k@ylors made me overlook the fact that taylor and karlie had a genuine friendship.
platonic breakups can hurt too. and you can see karlie's betrayal left an impact on taylor when you listen to songs like ittg and mtr.
Yeah I think that’s what a lot of Kays miss. Like I say I mean I really relate to what I think happened with them, minus the Masters era betrayal and even tho I’m very gay the situation I’m referring to here was PURELY platonic. But this isn’t about me let’s talk Karlie and Tay lol.
Like Karlie and Taylor were encouraged to meet by mutuals and even like stylists and shit, they did, and they clicked - and went like 0 to 100. They legit had shit in common: they’d both started working really young, they were both badly bullied as kids, their parents struggled with cancer, they were both in a weird space re food and gymming and bodies and stuff, and they were both fun girls. There were always kinda issues tbh: I think Karlie envied Tay’s fame and charisma and Taylor envied Karlie’s steady relationship and like what I think seemed to her like a more effortlessly “perfect” body and fashion cred.
They legit dug each other and enjoyed promoting this awesome friendship because it was also mutually beneficial - Taylor was like “look I’m a cool model!” and Karlie was like “look I’m a real celeb!”
And then like shit started fracturing and I think they weren’t supportive enough of one another and were actually a bad fit. Karlie’s need for attention and clout and pathological need to be on good terms with everyone wouldn’t vibe with Tay, and Tay’s messiness of the time period was problematic for Karlie imo.
So they like drifted and fell out and were on “somebody that I used to know” terms until Karlie betrayed Taylor and Tay found out in 2019 and now Tay has bad blood with her 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
I’ve wrote about them a lot more on this tag babe.
It’s actually legit relatable and the songs make a lot of sense for it imo.
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flyswhumpcenter · 6 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card!
This story was written to respond to a request made by @antimondes (for some reason it won’t tag you, thank you Tumblr for being a dysfunctional piece of shit)! It was a very wild ride (waaaaaay too wild) and it has 75% chances to be out of character shit, but I hope you’ll like it nonetheless! It was still very fun to experiment with Tenn for the first time. I hope you don’t mind me setting it in my Takanashi Residence AU!
Bitter Words and Sour Tears
Summary:  The tensions between Tamaki and Tenn expended to the entire Takanashi Residence, taking their toll on siblings and their links between them. Iori just happens to be there with an outside view, and as a man of secrets.
Fandom: IDOLiSH7 Ship: Iori/Tenn (can be read as platonic)
Wordcount: 2K words
Event organized by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version available here.
They had always been kind of distant, even they were linked through Riku Nanase, before that one event. It was more of a professional relationship in a way: it was a mutual, doubtful respect. They didn’t trust each other very much: while they knew the other wouldn’t try to harm them, it still felt like a chore to be around each other.
The thing was: Kujou was Nanase’s twin brother. As soon as they found each other again after a few years of outside shenanigans, including Kujou getting adopted by another family and becoming an idol, he had come to the residence much more frequently.
 To be fair, Iori was always overly suspicious of visitors coming to the residence, especially if they came around this often. The perks of being part of such a tight-knit colocation was that everybody knew everybody, including the related strangers. How many times had he seen Yotsuba’s little sister too? Apparently, she lived with the Kujous too.
After a while, however, he had come to appreciate these two siblings coming over to the residence, despite the tension between Kujou and Yotsuba over Aya. He always felt like he needed to be near them in case a fight exploded between the two of them, knowing Yotsuba’s impulsive nature and Kujou’s dry and cold demeanour around anyone who wasn’t his twin brother.
 Watching Tenn Kujou be around Nanase was a way to make him empathize even more with his own big brother. Through the pink eyes of the professional singer, he could see Mitsuki’s instincts: the concern, the empathy, the thoughts and the speaking patterns of the older sibling.  It was almost a social commentary from him, at times: he stood there, nearby, ears wide opened and eyes looking at the scene.
As far as he knew, Kujou had thought for the longest time that Mitsuki was the younger brother and Iori was the older brother, a common misconception solely based on height. However, as soon as Mitsuki spoke about hom, Kujou had seemed to instantly understand he was facing someone with a deep common point with him. Ever since, he had noticed somewhat of a vitriolic complicity, a rivalry in who was the best big brother. Kind of childish, but it proved Kujou wasn’t just a very advanced android Nanase was calling his brother.
 After a couple months of seeing the weekly visits from the siblings, Iori threw his own shot at getting to know them. The topic he had in mind to come up to Kujou with was as obvious as it could possibly get: as the residence’s unofficial medical help (who was officially Nanase, but if Nanase got an attack, he couldn’t really help anyone else with their health couldn’t he?), he wanted some advice on how to monitor Nanase’s asthma better. Who else was better than the latter’s own brother to ask on the topic?
Kujou stared at him until he dropped the question. Upon that point, the older twin seemed to barely be able to retain the actual kindness he had for his sibling: he would explain in great details how to deal with every single symptom the best way possible, how to make his younger twin more comfortable when these happened, how to tell if an attack was about to happen, how to make the residence better for Nanase…
And then it delved into an impossibly long list of things the residence was faulty at being and providing, including the amount of house dust and how the room placements made it so Nanase’s room was too far from the entrance door in case he had to go to the hospital in a hurry. It was long enough for Iori himself, the man called ���the Nit-pick Guy” by his classmates, to think it was nit-picking.
 Talking about Kujou was fascinating. The latter was always rich in information despite his career of being a J-pop singer with legions of fangirls at his feet. He’d usually say the residence was a good place to avoid paparazzi and obnoxious, voyeur journalists. Not only was it where his little brother was living surrounded by his friends: it was also fairly unknown and drown in the urban landscape, making it a place where people starving for private information would never even try finding said information in.
They sympathized over Nanase in general, how he was a ray of sunshine with heavy health issues which needed to be cared for, but it didn’t stop there. Speaking to the other revealed they weren’t that different: a similar frank speech style, an unordinary amount of talents and skills and, last but not least, a will to help and protect the people they cared about. This was the most relatable part they could find in each other, the click that made Iori think “we could be more than acquaintances”.
 Alas, the tranquillity of these visits stopped dead in its tracks on one fateful day. It all started with the tensions around Aya: Yotsuba and Kujou disagreed heavily on whether she should have been allowed to visit her brother on her own or if she had to be accompanied by Kujou. The other inhabitants of the residence didn’t dare stepping in, fearing it would backfire on them.
It escalated to Yotsuba throwing a violent fit, a fit only stopped by Aya telling her brother not to hit her other brother. In the end, it got broken off by Osaka and Nikaido, but it had been a close call. Ever since, Yotstuba and Kujou had been forbidden to be near each other unless someone was next to them.
 This was, however, only the beginning of a snowball effect: people were always weary whenever the Kujous visited because of this incident. Even Mitsuki had grown somewhat distant, just in case it’d be considered taking sides to remain with one or the other when Kujou was around.
Only Nanase didn’t mind, always happy to see his brother visit him, but the visits also became rarer and rarer as a result of the growing tensions. Once a week became once every two weeks, which in turn became once a month. This was obviously saddening Nanase and Yotsuba, but as far as Iori knew, it also had taken a toll on the visitors.
 He was reading a report for college when someone knocked at his door. He had been a bit unaware of his surroundings because of his approaching exams, so the noise slightly took him aback. In fact, he had been so surprised, he had gotten up to open the door instead of just saying “yes” to this unknown visitor. He could beneficiate from a break anyway.
His surprised turned astonishment when he opened the door to Tenn Kujou’s saddened frown, shining eyes and arms wrapped around himself.
 “Mind if I come in, Izumi…?”
Concern washing all over him, Iori replied with his heart.
“Not at all. Please come in”, he gestured as he closed the door behind them.
 Almost like a robot, Kujou sat down on the bed, looking down on the ground. It was kind of an awkward silence between the two of them: Iori didn’t really know what to say, since he didn’t know what had caused Kujou to seem so depressed. So, huh… He’d just have to pop the uncomfortable question.
“What’s wrong?” he asked as he sat down on the bed, around ten centimetres away from him.
There was no response for a few, lead-heavy moments. Just silence and the beginning of a weep.
“Do you… mind me venting for a bit…? I don’t want to burden Riku with this… you’re the closest second option I have right now…”
“Go ahead. I’ll keep it a secret if you want it to be so.”
 Kujou slightly rose his head, but not high enough for his bang not to hide half of his face.
“I may have strained Yotsuba and Aya’s relationship because of my tense links with him…”
Iori didn’t say anything back. He just listened like he’d listen to Mitsuki venting, to Nanase’s thoughts and to Takanashi’s ideas for the residence, with a wise ear open for suggestions and reassuring words to be told.
“I’m only noticing now how much this has impacted Riku and Aya. I should have thought everything out more before the situation got this way…”
Kujou sniffed slightly before resuming.
“I’m aware this got out of hand because I couldn’t control myself around Yotsuba. It’s all my fault if I have to see Aya so afraid to ask me if we can go see her brother and if Riku is so sad whenever I visit. It’s become bittersweet for everyone involved… I’m sorry.”
 Despite how calm his words and speech were, Iori could notice the ugly tears rearing their face in Kujou’s eyes. He was this close to crying.
“Until I find a way to fix everything with Yotsuba, it’ll stay that way… Don’t tell anyone, Izumi, it’ll just make things worse because Riku and Aya will start themselves himself too…”
“I did say I was going to keep this secret if you wanted.”
“Thank you for listening… You… are a man of confidence…”
 The singer’s cold and aloof demeanour suddenly broke down as he started to let his sorrow come out, crying between his hands, weeping filling the room with a damp atmosphere, as if rain had started to fall against the windows.
Kind of unable to do much, Iori immediately thought back to what his brother would do whenever he was sad. It was going to be awkward, but he leaned closer to Kujou and opened his arms, slowly wrapping them around the other man in the room.
 Instead of the rejection he expected, Kujou threw himself in his arms, almost trying lean against his chest, as he let himself express the concerns and guilt he must had had accumulated for the past weeks. This was going to stay in this room until the truth was ready to come out, so he remained silent.
Time seemed to have slowed down by half during this time. It was all silent, but he felt the strange and unfamiliar warmth of someone crying in his chest. It wasn’t what he had expected to see Kujou doing today, perhaps he was expecting nothing more than being the recipient of all the defaults of the residence again, but he didn’t mind. If it meant helping someone out, especially someone who seemed dear to a fellow resident and friend, he would serve as a shelter for a day.
 Kujou was crying silently, even if he could tell so by how damp his shirt had become. The older boy was barely letting anything out, yet it was painfully clear how hurt he was by everything he thought was his fault. In this silence, all he could hope for was for the situation to get better.
After what felt like minutes, Kujou rose his head again, eyes red and trails on his face. He slowly got out of the improvised embrace, cheeks reddened by what seemed to be both crying and embarrassment of the sudden turn of events. To be fair, Iori was embarrassed too by how bad his instincts were. Perhaps not the best potential big brother around.
 “Izumi… You’re an analytical genius, right?” he then asked.
“I am. Why so?”
“What do you think the best course of action is?”
“Find a way to peacefully patch things up with Yotsuba. This will ease tensions between you two.”
“That’s what I thought… Thank you for listening. How much do I owe you?”
“An apology to Yotsuba. I’ll try to get him to understand it’ll only be better if he makes an effort in return.”
“Got it.”
 Kujou got up from the bed and silently exited the room, closing the door behind him again. He had taken back his stance as a singer: perhaps he was already thinking on his apology.
No matter what, feeling useful and comforting for someone was nice.
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logh-icebergs · 7 years
Episode 18: The Lippstadt Conspiracy
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April 797/488. Now that Reinhard’s pick for Kaiser has taken the throne, the oppositional Braunschweig and Littenheim assemble a motley crew of disgruntled nobles to overthrow him and take down Reinhard in the process. Obviously, this goes poorly for them. Before that happens, Hilda takes the initiative to arrange an alliance with Reinhard, firmly positioning herself as the only remotely intelligent noble not already in his admiralty. Braunschweig appoints veteran admiral Merkatz to lead his anti-Reinhard charge; Ferner (unsuccessfully) takes matters into his own hands; and Reinhard, having gotten the jump on Braunschweig, struts around extremely pleased with himself. Annerose, meanwhile, gazes sadly at nothing in particular, and I think Reuental and Mittermeyer are too busy arresting treasonous nobles to go on a date. Oh well.
A few episodes ago, Rebecca introduced some of the less prominent—though still important—characters in the Alliance. Well, the time has come to do the same for the Empire! Episode 18 has some politically important plot stuff, and finally (finally!) properly introduces Hilda, but in terms of hidden meaning below the surface, there’s not much to speak of. So without further ado, I present to you a Who’s Who of some of the Empire’s many side characters (and Hilda)!
Hildegard von Mariendorf
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I’ve mentioned Hilda a couple times before, but there wasn’t really any reason to until now, beyond the fact that she’s my favorite character and I love her. Now, we get to spend some much-anticipated quality time with the galaxy’s best and brightest lesbian. I’ll get more into the queerness of Hilda later on, when it’s discussed more directly; for now, let’s take our cue from the show and focus on what she does rather than who she is.
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Hilda is the smartest person in every room, especially when that room is a bar full of Imperial aristocrats.
When we first meet Hilda in episode 18, she’s eavesdropping on a bunch of nobles gossiping in a bar about who they plan to support in the upcoming battle for supremacy between Reinhard and Braunschweig et al. Hilda, of course, has already made up her mind, which we see in a flashback to a very recent conversation she had with her father on the subject.
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Unlike all the other dads in LoGH, Hilda’s dad, Franz von Mariendorf, is not a piece of shit. He takes his daughter seriously, respects her political opinions, and has no qualms about ceding his family power to her.
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The uniquely positive nature of Hilda’s relationship with her dad, like other contrasts and comparisons in the LoGH universe, draws attention to the intentionality of the creative team’s choice to show us so many bad fathers. I’ll be talking about this a LOT more later, so keep it in the back of your mind.
Hilda has (correctly) realized that betting on Reinhard is so safe it can hardly be called a bet, and with her father’s blessing, she arranges to meet with Reinhard himself to discuss terms of a mutually beneficial alliance. Her frankness and obvious political acumen impress Reinhard, who takes an immediate liking to her, accepts her proposal (even agreeing to give it to her in writing, when she pushes him on it), and then leaves to go start the civil war that she predicted.
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Did you somehow miss that Hilda is super driven and intense? Her expression here should clear up any remaining doubts.
The most striking aspect of this scene, though, isn’t the political maneuvering—it’s the introduction of the dynamic between Reinhard and Hilda, one of the most interesting relationships in the whole show. Almost right away, Reinhard is caught off guard not by Hilda’s boldness, but by how much he obviously likes her. His invitation for her to dine with him sometime in the future is the first time we’ve ever seen Reinhard take the social initiative with anyone other than Kircheis.
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Fun fact, though: The first word that Reinhard ever says to Hilda is actually none other than, you guessed it, “Kircheis.”
As we’ve discussed at length before, relying on heteronormative shortcuts will get you nowhere in LoGH: The mood of this scene, despite containing within it a man and a woman, is as businesslike as Hilda’s uncompromising tone throughout; Reinhard’s interest is, of course, platonic. I love them.
Ernest Mecklinger
As I’ve said, Reinhard/Kircheis and Reuental/Mittermeyer are the two Great Romances of LoGH, so among Reinhard and his admiralty and for the purposes of a queer reading of this show, I’ve been focusing primarily on those four. But the rest of Reinhard’s admiralty is worth talking about too! I’m not going to go through all of them yet, because honestly very few of them make an impression at this point, but I’d like to spotlight a couple (no, not an actual couple, for once) of the more prominent less-prominent admirals who have been adding background color and texture for a while now.
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(From “My Conquest.”)
First up, Ernest Mecklinger! Canonically, I think he’s the only one of Reinhard’s admirals who has hobbies beyond “war” and “drinking.” They include: painting, general consumption of the arts, and presumably waxing his mustache. Mecklinger can usually be counted on to be level-headed and generous; he chooses his words carefully, and later on we’ll see scenes in which the only way to describe how he acts is Like A Sweetheart. In the novels, we are told that Mecklinger is nicknamed the “Artist-Admiral” because of how cultured and well-rounded he is.
Fritz Josef Bittenfeld
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(From episode 16.)
On the complete opposite end of the spectrum is Bittenfeld, the short-tempered, bombastic commander of the Black Lancers (basically picture the intensity and camaraderie of the Rosen Ritter, except a fleet instead of an infantry unit, and without the long history of defection and betrayal). Bittenfeld has already been the recipient of one slap on the wrist—that would have been a lot more severe if not for Kircheis’s intervention—and frequently gets into trouble for rushing into dangerous situations before he’s fully thought them through, both on and off the battlefield.
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Look, I did my best to sum up the differences between Bittenfeld and Mecklinger but I honestly don’t know why I bothered when this one exchange captures them so perfectly.
Anton Ferner
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Here to answer the eternal question of “What if Oberstein, but hot?” is Anton Ferner, an Imperial cop who is loyal to whomever he dubs most able to make use of his loyalty. Like Oberstein, Ferner views himself less as someone with ambitions of his own and more as a tool to be wielded by someone more powerful. Also like Oberstein, Ferner has an unsettling air about him, made only slightly less so by the fact that he doesn’t habitually remove his eyeballs (that we know of).
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You may remember Ferner from back in episode 9, when he sardonically refused to fire on the suicidally destructive Klopstock because a statue of Rudolph von Goldenbaum stood in his way.
However, whereas Oberstein has an overarching philanthropic goal that drives his utilitarian machinations, Ferner’s only motivation seems to be the joy he derives from serving someone he has deemed worthy. And here we get to the main difference between Ferner and Oberstein (other than their respective levels of hotness): Ferner can, in fact, feel joy! Or amusement, anyway.
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Ferner is constantly smirking when he’s been bested in some way; he absolutely gets off on other people being powerful and talented, but again, we’re not here to kinkshame.
After Ferner ignores Braunschweig’s orders, attempts to assassinate Reinhard on his own, and is summarily defeated, he surrenders to Reinhard and offers him his loyalty. Reinhard, never one to scoff at potential no matter how it ends up in front of him, accepts and, appropriately, gives him to Oberstein as a pet.
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I’ll bet you thought I was kidding.
Oberstein and Ferner, the creepiest utilitarian weirdos in the galaxy, have found each other at last! I’m sure they’ll get along great; Ferner, at least, will probably think Oberstein’s removable-eyeball trick is hilarious.  
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And we must never ever forget that Ferner, according to Matsuri Okuda’s original character designs, started life as a rejected Reuental concept. Which may explain why I think he’s so beautiful.
Otto von Braunschweig (and Ansbach)
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Have you noticed that nobody on Reinhard’s team—not even anyone of noble birth—has that awful George-Washington-style aristocrat hair? Even Mecklinger, who keeps his hair long, doesn’t wear it in a ponytail with an enormous bow. My point is that Braunschweig’s hairstyle, which is hideous, is also a good indicator that he is evil, or at least regressive. And whereas there’s an abundance of nuance when it comes to whether the Empire or the Alliance is morally “better,” everyone can agree on one thing: The Imperial nobles are bad. And Braunschweig, as their leader, is the most bad.
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Another way to tell Braunschweig is evil is that he frequently does things like imply that if celebrated admirals don’t do his bidding, he’ll have their young daughters killed.
Braunschweig—who is the late Kaiser Friedrich IV’s son-in-law, by the way—is actually too unambiguously evil to be interesting on his own. The only thing that holds my attention about him beyond the fact that I want to cut off his ponytail is the fact that he is one half of yet another pair of men. And his loyal retainer and counterpart, Ansbach, is in turn only interesting insofar as parallels are set up between his relationship to Braunschweig and Kircheis’s relationship to Reinhard, particularly (so far at least) in episode 9:
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Remember this? The similarities between Ansbach and Kircheis’s frenzied searches for Braunschweig and Reinhard, respectively, are too striking to be anything but intentional.
Like I said in my episode 9 post, though, there’s no reason as of yet to think that the relationship between Braunschweig and Ansbach is romantic; even if that’s what the parallels point to, they’re one-sided at this stage, so if Ansbach’s feelings of devotion do cross over into romantic territory, it’s unlikely that they’re reciprocated. Sorry, Ansbach.
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Incidentally, Ansbach doesn’t have a last name. Or he doesn’t have a first name. In any case, he only has one name, and it’s Ansbach. Also, if I didn’t hate him so much, I’d be worried about his skin. He looks like he could use several glasses of water, maybe applied directly to his face.
Willibald Joachim von Merkatz (and Schneider)
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Merkatz was actually voted the class of 447’s Most Expressive Eyebrows at military academy. Wow!
Merkatz, a very accomplished and grizzled admiral who has been griping about Reinhard and his youth since episode 1, will spend more time in the spotlight later, but I wanted to mention him now for a couple reasons: First of all, his eyebrows are incredible and I can’t stop watching him move them. I honestly don’t know what he’s saying most of the time because I’m too focused on his eyebrows. I’m simultaneously impressed and scared. Second of all, we can go ahead and add Merkatz to the growing stack of (male) characters who are one half of a defined (male) pair.
Merkatz’s counterpart, Bernhard von Schneider, is a young officer who spends most of his screentime in episode 18 with his jaw on the floor while Merkatz explains to him the concept of nuance.
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Or maybe he’s just mesmerized by Merkatz’s eyebrows. Same, Schneider. Same.
Anyway, keep an eye on these two, and by these two, I mean Merkatz’s eyebrows. I’d also recommend maybe paying attention to Merkatz himself, and Schneider too, because there will be a lot more to say about them down the line.
Stray Tidbits
I really enjoy how ostentatious literally everything to come into contact with the Imperial nobility is; like how are Reinhard and Kircheis's ships less flashy than something? How?
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I am being personally victimized by the fact that this guy’s monocle doesn’t actually fall out. 
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intotheblackhq · 5 years
( Maxence Danet-Fauvel, 25, male ) Word around the quadrant is that (BOWIE RIESLING) is originally from (TYPHON), but has been on the Terminus for (SIX MONTHS). If you’re in a pinch, he is a talented (INVENTOR). Is that why he’s a (MECHANIC)? Anyway, everyone says he is (+PATIENT) and (+ADAPTIVE), but don’t get on his bad side because he’s (-DEVIOUS) and (-OVERCRITICAL).  Oh shoot, don’t look now! He has his (HEAVILY MODIFIED GAUSS GUN) out! (ooc: rory, 22, cst, they/them, n/a) 
—-> Name: Typhon 
—-> Located On: Bowie was lucky enough to be born in Alpha Sector on Typhon. 
—-> Brief Description: Typhon is a moderately sized and largely uncomfortable planet. Its surface is dry and harsh and just about uninhabitable. As a result, those who live on the planet do so solely beneath the surface. Alpha Sector is the Capital city of sorts and is the original settlement, but as the population grew, more Sectors were birthed- Beta, Gamma, and so on, all connected via underground roads. The planet has become a technological hub of sorts, with a society that revolves around engineering, tirelessly birthing new technology and working to improve that which already exists. It’s not the most self- sufficient place in the galaxy, but they are certainly more than rich enough to trade for offworld supplies.
—-> Important History:
I like the idea that Typhon is a planet that has, in times past, remained neutral in political affairs outside those within their own infrastructure. Their goal in the past has strictly been to bring their people to the next level, so to speak: Improving technology and lives along with it. Androids, cybernetic enhancement, likely dabbling with or creating teleporters if this is a canon that allows for it, etc., etc. Though I feel they would have been a worthy foe if they’d ever taken part in a significant dispute, through the ages, they’ve tried damn hard to keep their hands clean. It’s easy to see how their neutrality could be troublesome, though, considering the current state of things… but at the end of the day, if push came to shove, they’d do whatever it took to keep everything they’ve built from being destroyed. 
The fact that Typhon tries to keep themselves free of becoming entangled in offworld affairs doesn’t mean they don’t have a political structure of their own. Each of Typhon’s Sectors (the smallest of which is still home to upwards of 8,000 inhabitants) has a Council and a Mayor. Alpha Sector is home to the planet’s Chancellor. The current Chancellor is Bowie’s mother. The previous Chancellor was Bowie’s father. 
Seven years ago there was an uprising. It was quelled, of course, but not without devastating loss incurred. Bowie’s father, the former Chancellor Riesling, was just one of many who did not make it out alive. During the aftermath, his mother- the current Chancellor Riesling- was elected. Ever since then, things have been quiet, or so it would seem. Who knows what hushed, rebellious plans might be traded amongst the planet’s citizens?
—-> Headcanons: 
In the heat of that uprising seven years ago, Bowie’s mother had him shipped offworld. It wasn’t an easy decision, nor was it one she took lightly, but this was not the same planet he’d been born on, not anymore. He’d always been bright, and though she knew he could have been a valuable asset to the planet- both intelligent and creative- his safety was more important to her than what he might have potentially had to contribute, and with the way the tide was turning on Typhon, she thought he’d be better off somewhere else. Luckily, Bowie had always been independent and good at improvising. He hasn’t lived a luxurious life these past few years, but his talent in repairing things (or creating them, if he can get his hands on the right materials) was enough to get by until he landed his job as a mechanic on board The Terminus. He’s good at problem solving, and he’s good in a pinch- he thinks fast and he moves fast and he’s not afraid to tackle big or scary problems head- on. He’d been raised having access to experiment with his home planet’s most sophisticated technology, after all- you’ve gotta have brains if you don’t wanna get blown to bits, right? 
Unfortunately, he’s not as great with people as he is with machinery. He doesn’t mean to be an ass, but he doesn’t waste time tiptoeing around… which is to say he’s unapologetically blunt and can be quite indelicate in conversation. Tact isn’t a talent of his, and he’s not very interested in dealing with heavy emotions, whether they belong to him or anyone else. He’s not very good at forming strong connections with people, relationships that extend beyond the surface, and he’s not a very good listener. If he’s just supposed to be empathizing, not trying to solve a problem or fix something, he’ll probably zone out. If you want someone to drink and play cards with, though, sure, he’d be down for that.
A common misconception is that being blunt means he’s, well, honest. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone, but he’s not necessarily interested in being an upstanding individual, either. If theft, shady business or a white lie here and there helps him get what he wants, he doesn’t see the harm in it. He’s not rebellious, exactly, because he’s not invested in breaking the rules any more than he is in following them. He’s very much someone who will step out of line if and when it suits him. Low- key, of course… no sense getting in trouble. He’s not incapable of subtlety, and if people happen to assume otherwise because of how he seems to navigate social situations with all the grace of a bull in a china shop, well… that’s just an added layer of protection for him, isn’t it?
—-> Key Relationships:
Favorite Test Subject: This person gets access to cool shit that other people don’t, Bowie gets help having his prototypes field tested. It’s mutually beneficial, right? Well, as long as the prototype doesn’t blow up in their face… These days, I’d think his personal projects mainly consist of weapons (lightsaber inspired shit, anyone?! no?) but depending on which character(s) take on this role, we can discuss what sort of technology they’re helping him test. It would have to be someone he’s got some level of trust for, because he wouldn’t take a chance on someone he was worried would sell out or steal his tech or someone he wasn’t confident would be responsible with it. Could easily overlap with “Keep your friends close…”
Keep your friends close…: Someone who has managed to (or manages to- I’m not opposed to writing out their friendship from the start) form up a close, uncomplicated bond with Bowie, despite his previously mentioned general lack of social skills. Could easily be called ‘ride or die’ or ‘best friends.’ I’m just a sucker for those close platonic bonds that stay rock solid despite whatever other chaos is going around, despite whatever tests it. I’d really like to see him get close to someone like that, even though he likes to tell himself it doesn’t matter one way or another whether he has friends or not.  
…And your frenemies closer: In contrast, someone that Bowie actively just can’t stand who loathes him in return. Someone who has his hackles raising enough to try and raise theirs in return. They got off on the wrong foot, and that easily could have been due to something Bowie said or did when they first met. Either way, petty insults thrown at each other, sarcastic barbs, I’m here for all of it. 
—-> Wanted Connections: N/A!
—-> How Did You Find Us: Through the tags here on tumblr! I think #new rp? Or maybe the sci fi rp tag? 
—-> Anything Else: Here’s a Pinterest board I started for him! I know you guys are very collaborative and you don’t seem to be restrictive as far as creativity goes, but if there’s anything at all you’d like to be adjusted please let me know! :)
Tumblr media
About time you showed up, BOWIE RIESLING, we were just about to take off without you. Stow your gear and make sure you send in your account and finish off the checklist within the next 24 hours, or else we might have to dump you out the nearest airlock. MAXENCE DANET-FAUVEL has now been claimed. Oh yeah, did I forget to say welcome aboard? 
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izzyovercoffee · 7 years
Do you have any ships in the clone wars/repcom fandom?
TBH I have a really… really long list of ships. I’m one of those people that could potentially ship anyone/everyone given enough time to come up with at least vaguely acceptable reasoning. 
I mean … I’m the one behind the ship of Mereel and The Stars so I don’t … uh, have a whole lot of requirements for shipping.
My lines are: Everyone is an Adult at time of ship; and any potentially coercive relationships are written with a very clear, honest presentation and understanding of that coercive nature (zero tolerance policy for romanticizing abuse).
Fair warning, though: I do have clone/clone ships, too, and I know that makes people uncomfortable — hence the warning. And for the record, any of the below ships? I don’t expect anyone else to ship it, and I don’t generally expect people to be down w/ it or write it, either. B’)
I also … have Mereel listed kind of a lot in here. He just has so much love to give, okay. B’)
and under a cut bc damn this got long
Republic Commando: 
Mereel and the Stars
Stars. Ka’ra. Ruling Council of Fallen Leaders. 
When Mand’alore die, it’s said they ascend to the stars. Is that where it ends, really, or do they become something more, something greater than they were in life? And if they do — do they interact with the people?
Do they keep favorites? Do they adore and adulate their champions?
And how difficult, exactly, is that relationship for the mortal who can’t quite reach out and touch the one he loves most?
Ordo and Besany
like honestly my OTP for the longest time lmao 
I never finished my ‘Are These For Me?’ 30 drabbles for them … but maybe one day. One day.
Fi and Ordo
Boy meets Boy. Boy compliments Boy’s skirt. Boy hugs other Boy so hard they hit the floor.
#true love
Besany, Fi, Ordo
Besany is the type of person who is so kind, and so considerate, and so understanding. And Fi … he needs that. He needs it just as much as Ordo needs it, and as they need each other, and Besany. 
Some might not find a closed polytriad “normal,” but if it works for them, then it shouldn’t be anyone else’s business. 
Darman and Etain 
My heart constantly breaks for them. They deserved so much better than what they got, and it kills me.
And their relationship was so … so good. So good, in the beginning. Tragic, what Kal did to them.
Atin and Laseema
They were lucky in that they weren’t Kal’s favorites, and so were able to fly mostly under the radar and out of his attention. Kal still held a lot of … really unhealthy financial control over them, but … I genuinely feel that Atin and Laseema could relate deeply on several levels.
They have… compatible demons, for lack of a better term. They balance each other. And Laseema was always an interesting character I wish we could learn more of — and her friendships with the rest of the clan. After all, she seemed to be the one in active communication with everyone. 
Niner and Boss
Listen … I love this ship. I feel like there’s a lot of UST going on whenever they’re onscreen, and it’s an interesting sort of dichotomy that goes on between them — two sergeants of two squads whose trainers viciously hated each other during training days. 
There’s a competitiveness there that can’t really be quashed, but there’s also an understanding that exists between them that’s unique to their experiences.
Jaing and Kom’rk
This is one of those incredibly obscure, controversial ships. 
Full disclosure: this is a pretty fucked up ship, and it’s mostly from the perspective of “wow, that’s kinda fucked up.” I don’t expect anyone else to ship it, and I don’t generally expect people to be down w/ it or write it, either. If they do, the fucked-up part needs to be recognized and recognizable, however obliquely, or it just doesn’t work. 
They’re two very damaged people, there’s no use shying away from that. 
I fell into this ship by total accident, going through all the nulls’ tags on ao3 years ago and stumbled on one fic, and like … since then, I haven’t really been able to climb out this hole.  
Corr, Ruusan, and Jilka
I am not a fan of Corr and Jilka, alone.
That said … I am a fan of Corr and Ruusan, of Jilka and Ruusan, and … of the potential dynamics of this poly combination, with the given that Jilka and Corr remain platonic as opposed to romantic. 
It just feels more … balanced? Also Rev @thesummerstorms and Gena @cassiansfuzzyjacket explain it way better than I do.
RepComm crack!ships:
these are very, very clearly not-canon and not to ever be taken as canon (by me, at least?) but damn. they’re nice to think about, and try to come up with ways in which it might work.
Etain and Mereel
But more seriously … Mereel was there every day for Etain during a very, very difficult time (the months after her almost-miscarriage). Of all the characters in the series during the course of the series, after Etain and Darman, Etain and Mereel spend the most unobstructed alone time together (about three months?) — and we would never know because, lol, the pacing and timeline of the series is not really presented in a way that makes that noticeable.
Mereel also does something with Etain he doesn’t do with anyone else, ever, that we see in the series: admit vulnerability. He’s genuinely vulnerable with her, in a way that he is not with anyone else. That means something — especially given the context that he doesn’t open up with anyone else, not his brothers, and never Kal. 
Someone that Mereel can be genuinely vulnerable with? That he must trust, implicitly, to share that vulnerability? 
And then you have Etain, who is isolated after the mess of pregnancy news blows up. She’s someone who doesn’t have anyone she can trust, or depend on, who isn’t looking to use her in some way — or someone that she can be equally open and honest with — in those months … right up until Mereel (and Rav), when she’s evac’d to Kyrimorut.
And when she is, she’s treated like a whole person. Not someone who’s just a vessel for a potential, not someone to be used or leveraged for misogynistic reasons. A genuine, whole, person who is highly intelligent, highly capable — and treated as an actual equal. She was not given that respect since the conclusion of Hard Contact (except, briefly, when hunting with Vau).
The whole situation, as terrible as it all is, allows for the foundation of genuine, real, trust to form between them.
There’s a lot of … well, there’s a lot of potential there. A lot of room for complications and conflicted feelings and angst — UST and one-sided pining and mixed signals and confusion and just raw feeling — and it’s all things that don’t necessarily need to be resolved negatively (or right away, or at all), that don’t have to end in heartbreak, that can be just as it is: complicated feelings that begin during a difficult time and, given room to grow, become something else or something more many, many years down the line.
Mereel and Boss
Don’t even look at me.
So this ship came as a result of SW RP (bc of course it did) and, tbh, they have a lot of … difficult commonalities and clashes of personality. Boss is a difficult man with a lot on his shoulders — a lot of responsibility, a lot of stress, just … a lot. And Mereel? Mereel is someone good at managing stress — out of necessity, and practice, and effort.
And the thing with Mereel is he’s fun, he’s easy, and he demands nothing. Boss doesn’t need to take care of him, because Mereel can take care of himself — and sometimes Mereel can take care of Boss, whether he likes it, or not (or likes to say he doesn’t when he does).
Boss certainly needs someone like that, especially after long days and hard nights with other people always needing him, depending on him. It’s good, it’s necessary, to have someone for whom he can truly relax and let his guard down around — that he can trust implicitly, and be allowed to be vulnerable, to have his ugly parts exposed, and still be loved unconditionally, because that’s just what Mereel’s best at doing.
Parja and Mereel
This also came as a result of SW RP, and mostly takes place in an AU where … Parja and Fi’s relationship inevitably crumbles, and they split — but they split amicably, and remain friends. Parja remains a mechanic and never is forced to give up her shop because of (poor misogynistic writing and) Kal. 
Mereel and Parja and Bardan are all particularly good friends and get up to all kinds of nonsense and pranks, and prank wars.
And … sometimes, late nights spent tinkering on separate projects in the same space, late nights working on the same projects, late nights spent together — and sometimes Mereel can’t quite come clean that he needs someone, that well after the conclusion of the war he needs physical contact in order to sleep.
And after the end of what Parja put too much stock and energy into what she hoped would be a sure future, a sure thing — maybe it hurts too much to sleep alone, but it’s too much of a risk to fill that empty space with romance when she’s not ready. Why not someone she trusts, that she knows would never, not ever, not in a million years, ever cross that boundary — someone who would never violate that trust, never take the invitation to share her bed as anything more than just that: a mutually beneficial way to get some rest.
Sometimes feelings happen. Gradually, and slow, and sneaks up on even the most vigilant. After a while, it becomes expected. After a while, it becomes wanted. After a while, they become needed.
other ships I’ve fallen into that I don’t have time/want to explain:
Fixer/peace of mind
Uthan/Mij (but way more hostile on Uthan’s part)
Walon/his star-crossed princess (literally, a real thing. I can’t get over how this is an actual thing)
Clone Wars:
admittedly, it’s been a while since I watched the series all the way through, but … repeating the warning for clone/clone bc that’s a thing in here, and the explanations are shorter bc, again, it’s been a while.
Marshal Commander Cody and Captain Rex
Their personalities mesh so well together, and honestly they’re just … so compatible ??? They also work so well together, went through training together … if there’s anyone Rex can really trust implicitly, it’s Cody.
Their friendship grows over the series and expanded (Legends) materials, and just … it works, in the way they need it to work.
Echo and Fives
Just punch me right in the chest.
really any combination from Domino Squad
because we all need tragedy in our hearts
General Aayla Secura and Commander Bly
You know … for the most part, I’m a little leery on ships like this where there’s a clear and obvious potential for really serious coercion. Most Clone/Jedi-who-are-their-direct-superiors tend to fall into this category.
but I’m just a sucker for Bly-post-war angst, for the conflict of fraternizing with a superior, with trying to navigate that Aayla really did have his life in her hands, and then the conflict of navigating those feelings surrounding killing her at the end of the war.
I’m a terrible person.
Duchess Satine Kryze and Obi-wan Kenobi
let me just like … repeat the above. My one thing about this is that I hate how Satine was killed off for Kenobi-man-pain, and generally only want to know stories that you know … fix-it, lmao, or give her a more respectable death that was written with better care to her character and her arc
Ventress and Obi-wan Kenobi
All of that flirting went fuck and nowhere. What a hugely missed opportunity — especially when Ventress was trying to work towards being better, or making a life for herself, turn over a new leaf or whatever.
I mean, we all know she hangs out in the kind of tapcafs Kenobi loves to get drunk in, let’s be honest with ourselves.
clone wars crack!ships :
I’m sorry in advance lmao
Captain Rex and Lieutenant Mereel
“What the hell.” Listen.
“Did this come out of SW RP?” HOW DID YOU GUESS.
Much like the other ships with Mereel, it’s all contingent on … Mereel operating as a free agent — a solo operator. Mereel pulling strings and favors across the GAR to make things just a little bit easier for Rex, for clearing up or speeding up administrative bull shit so that Rex can focus on getting what he needs for his men in a reasonable amount of time — or free up some time for himself.
And with the way Mereel’s … operations tend to go, paths sometimes cross that didn’t before. 
Anyway, who doesn’t like camping?
Quinlan Voss and Obi-wan Kenobi
Listen … they have a kind of fun playfully antagonistic thing going on. I don’t know if I could ever seriously ship it, mostly bc everyone who falls in love with either of them straight up die, so we come to a “unstoppable force vs immovable object” impasse if this ship ever actually came to fruition.
that and fandom can be kinda … gross w/ this ship sometimes so I’ve been avoiding it lately for that reason.
Senator Padme Amidala and Duchess Satine Kryze
how can anyone watch the episodes where they’re together and not see how good they are together. and like, the men in their lives, cause their deaths. so why not just … leave their men for each other?
Everyone wins.
not exactly clone wars honorable mention:
Ahsoka Tano and Kaeden Larte
I ship it so hard. if only !!! if only they didn’t meet when they did, when Ahsoka wasn’t as wounded, still, from the fallout of the end of The Clone Wars. and all of that tragedy. i just.
I just !!! ugh. they’re so good together.
aaand I think that’s all of them, or at least all that I can remember off the top of my head for now.
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marching-man-blog · 7 years
★ fill in the questions as if you are being interviewed for an article and you were your muse.
TAGGED BY: @nastoychivost love u mittens <3
TAGGING: @self-engineered​ @velichie​ @avereforza​ @pearlsacrossmycollarbones​ @kriegisms​ @sssevgilim​ @nulemti​ @dulcifluous​ @musikleiter​ @landforces​ @theblackeagle​ @damnprussia​ @removethewallinourhearts​ @budaespest @welpenblick @lilli-of-the-mountain @abovetheyoungrhine and anyone else who wants to do it!
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?   Ludwig Beilschmidt.
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME? …I’m fairly sure this is classified information, but since you already seem aware, Bundesrepublik Deutschland or in English, the Federal Republic of Germany. 
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? Assuming this isn’t intended as some sort of philosophical question, I’m called that because I embody Germany.
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? Accelerated healing and immortality, I suppose. I’m decent in combat.
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? Yes, I do. For the sake of simplicity, I have a brother and a few cousins.
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Yes, I have three dogs. Blackie is a dachshund, Berlitz is a hovawart, and Aster is a German shepherd.
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. Disorder. Chaos. Inefficiency, in general. It makes everyone’s lives unpleasant unnecessarily.
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? I enjoy hiking, reading, baking – nothing particularly noteworthy. Things involving peace and quiet are almost always preferable though sometimes social drinking can be… beneficial.
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? Excuse me? I’m a nation personification which I don’t believe is really classified as any sort of animal…
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. I tend to be blunt and harsher than necessary. It makes social interaction difficult. People say I’m stubborn as well.
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? Yes, I look up to my older brother, Gilbert ( @self-engineered ). He’s been a constant in my life ever since I was born which I’m very thankful for. Others include Liechtenstein ( @lilli-of-the-mountain​ & @abovetheyoungrhine​ ) and Eliza ( @budaespest​ ) who have both been admirable, strong people in my life for as long as I’ve known them… I suppose we can include Rome. That, however, is another story entirely.
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? Excuse me? No – er, pass – Well, men… I prefer men.
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? No, I don’t.
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? I don’t believe that’s possible, considering my situation, but the concept is nice.
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS? I… don’t believe so? Do my dogs count?
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? Er... pass. I believe that’s too personal.
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? I stray towards button downs and pants on a casual day. Perhaps, a jacket, if necessary.
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? Not romantically, but platonically, my family, of course, and my friends.
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? Assuming you mean social class, middle. Perhaps, upper middle.
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? I’m not sure of the precise number...? Less than the average amount though, I would assume.
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? Pie is delicious when done right though I prefer cake.
29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE? I like the familiarity of my own home, but the alps are a pleasant place to spend one’s time in.
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? What? No – Perhaps. That’s not – that’s not appropriate to voice aloud. 
31. WHAT’S YOUR BRA SIZE? Excuse me? No-- No, I don’t wear… bras. You must be confused.
32. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? I don’t mind either way. Both can be horrible or very pleasant, depending on the area its in.
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? I… suppose I prefer extroverts, judging by my track record. Smilers? Smiling is good… I like individuals who are able to express themselves. Otherwise, I don’t really mind as long as it’s a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship? 
34. ANY FETISHES? Excuse me? No, no, of course not. That’s. I– No.
35. TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? Pass. Pass, a definitive pass. That’s highly personal and inappropriate to discuss outside of the bedroom.
36. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? I enjoy camping if that’s what you’re asking.
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j-derioux · 7 years
DID + ‘infidelity’
Okay. So. I’ve seen the issue of monogamy and polyamory pop up a few different times since I’ve found myself in the DID scene. I have a lot of different thoughts on this, and I’m sure other people will, too. Those thoughts will likely vary GREATLY depending on where individuals are with their own journey and relationships, so please... Once discussion starts (if it does) be very respectful of each other. Don’t be a passive aggressive little shit. Tumblrites seem to like doing that. (oh christ I just went against my own request, now you just KNOW people are gonna get worked up)
I would really like to hear some other peoples’ thoughts on infidelity and DID. More specifically, lets say someone’s host is in a relationship with someone. It’s a long term, serious, and thus far monogamous relationship. 
Then we have host’s alter. We’ll call them Suzy / Sean / Snicks, y’all can decide if you want the imaginary person in this example to be a man, woman, or whatever else. Doesn’t matter. What matters is that Snicks does not share the same intimate and romantic feelings as the host. Snicks loves SO, but more in the way that friends love each other. Snicks is also aware that SO is in a relationship with Host, and that by extension they are, in a way, in a relationship with Snicks as well.
So I guess my question is- if Snicks is aware of the relationship that SO has with Host, would it count as infidelity if Snicks had the urge to pursue something intimate with another person that’s not SO? How does this work when our alters ARE us and are NOT us at the same time?
I’ve heard that a lot of systems result to non-monogamy. But if the SO is uncomfortable, hurt, and/or feels abandoned by this or is just NOT okay with having an open relationship of any sort--- what’s to be done? Is it cheating if Snicks continues with the knowledge that this behavior is damaging to Host’s partner and quite possibly to Host as well?
Before anyone gets up in arms and makes a bunch of incorrect assumptions about me / others, lemme just say... I get it. The lady in us fucking adores our husband so goddamn much. Head over fucking heels. Me? It’s kind of like a very deep, intimate, platonic love for him. I care for him more deeply than I can express, he’s my best friend-- but I don’t feel the same smitten way that the lady does. In fact- typically I like women and ‘softer’ types of presenting people. Not a fan of masculine men myself. So! I guess you could say that he’s the lady’s husband and my best friend and partner throughout life.
All that having been said- I (the man) have never once considered seeking intimacy outside of the husband. He’s expressed that this would hurt him and that he isn’t okay with nonmonogamy. And that’s fine- he’s allowed to have boundaries and limitations. Polyamory isn’t for everyone. I know that seeking something like this would greatly hurt him and that’s the last thing I want to do since I care about him so much. Plus, the lady would be really fucking pissed if I fucked up her marriage. With this level of awareness between us, with just the KNOWLEDGE that I would be causing pain to someone I care about if I sought intimacy or sex elsewhere... That’s enough for me. I’m okay with being frustrated and seeing all these different types of effeminate people that I’ll never become outrageously emotionally / spiritually close with.
So I don’t understand it when people use alters almost as an ‘excuse’ to ‘sample’ other flavors of people and dynamics... At least, that’s the way it comes across, because they almost always inevitably seem to get bored and move past it. It seems like a lot of times people will try this as a loophole whenever they’re bored in their current relationship or just want something to spice up their lives or some shit. And for whatever reason they don’t try that with the person right next to them- I’m not talking just sex. I’m talking about talking. Communicating, being there for them, etc. And then the excuses pile in about how it wasn’t actually them that did it, etc etc.... 
It’s okay for relationships to change. It’s okay to fall out of love with people after being with them for years. Time passes and people change. Sometimes one person changes and the other doesn’t. But for the love of fucking christ-- if you’re just unhappy in your current relationship or something like that, don’t blame it on your DID. Buck up and do the right thing and TALK about what’s going on and see if the two of you as people that care deeply for one another can come up with a mutually beneficial solution. And if it really is that you just don’t have chemistry or a desire to live life together as a unit anymore... Do the respectful, loving, and compassionate thing and put an end to a relationship.
It’s okay for relationships to end. People come and go from our lives. Some are here for a day, a chance encounter at the grocery store, and others are here for years. Sometimes it’s hard to let pieces go, but if hanging on and clinging to them has become unhealthy, something needs to change. Saying, ‘it’s just my DID it wasn’t even me you can’t be mad,’ is a cheap cop-out to avoid responsibility. 
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