#and the newer comics literally make him target the same kind of people
yvtro · 2 years
Very much feels like a lot of people are ignoring Jason’s foundation. Like I think it’s important to pay attention to the later Robin runs for him. Felipe is actually I think an interesting place to start w Jason because it shows a wealthy, connected, powerful man assaulting multiple women, getting away with it, mocking those victims, causing one to kill herself, and there’s nothing Batman or the police or Bruce himself can do about it. That’s what Jason sees and I don’t think the comics touched on it as much as they should but I think it’s pretty clear that a lot of Jason’s motivation comes from seeing that. How do you say “don’t kill, they’ll get there justice from the criminal justice system” when the powerful won’t. And I really don’t see how “don’t deal to children” and controlling the supply is like. Anti-poor people? He has a different stance on crime, esp things like drug crimes, than bruce, who isn’t even from Gotham and is a billionaire CEO who had one shitty day in crime alley that apparently defined his entire existence. If you wanna talk abt shitty characterizations given the background of the characters, it seems crazy to start w Jason and not Bruce, who thinks he knows best and doesn’t do what he can with his resources to fix Gotham.
okay, first of all: i talk about jason and not about bruce because jason is my favourite character. i have plenty of thoughts about bruce re: classism that i could talk about, if asked – but i don't spend much time writing about it, simply because it's not something that gives me a dopamine hit. but if you're curious about my thoughts on bruce – ask me, and i will talk. but since here you're focusing mostly on jason, i will explain my thought process a bit further.
i do think that felipe's storyline is extremely important when it comes to jason's development of his own moral code. but i also think that people forget that what jay focused in this situation was 1. the victim 2.as you said, the fact that the wealthy and connected can get away with their crimes. thus, i think the most reasonable course for jason would to become extremely wary of that power imbalance and the way it corrupts people. but what happens with jason in utrh is not that: jason might say that he is after people who will find their way out of prison easily, but in reality his killing seems completely indiscriminate. his moral code is made into a joke. post utrh there are issues where he kills random goons (the anarky/batcat wedding storyline, for example), blames lower class people for engaging with crime (batman urban legends, if i'm not wrong; "a thief will always be a thief" or something along these lines, said by a man who stole to survive as a kid no less).
i'm not against jason killing per se; if he was a robin hood kind of figure, traveling around and dealing with those in power, if he even became a sort of revolutionary, i would be delighted. but he doesn't become any of these things in his comics. what he does is assuming the power himself and becoming an authoritarian figure. and i think, re: drugs, for example: someone whose mother died of OD should be socially aware enough to know that policing drugs doesn't really help the communities any, right? what helps with drug abuse is healthcare and prevention work, not creating arbitrary laws and targeting dealers at the lowest level of a drug business ladder. "how is controlling the drug supply anti-poor people" well, do you think, realistically, people in the community would have any trust in the person who controls the drug supply?
so, tldr, i think it's specifically the positon of power that i have an issue with. it isolates him from the people, it makes their issues into an abstract that he no longer has ways of relating to. it alienates the victims further. and it strips jason off his sensitivity.
since you mentioned bruce, i will say it creates an ironic situation where there's a 1% character who has more compassion towards petty criminals than a person who comes from that background. jason's answer to bruce's attempt at fixing the system is strikingly similar in some ways because they both conform to regular, uncritical perception of crime, retribution and rehabilitation. they both still work within that system, it's just that jason is more unhinged about it. and i don't know, i think jay should be more aware of the ways society pressures people to commit crimes, but also about how acts that are labeled criminal often aren't even inherently immoral but rather target marginalised groups. but no, the way he's written is just: head empty. crime bad.
i will finish this answer here before i get deep into strain theory, but i hope it makes my stance on it more clear.
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I have two suggestions for the Gray Ghost AU.
1: Wes Weston is no longer under suspicion of being a Ghost. Now, he is under suspicion of being the Phantom Hunter. He is athletic, fits the build, is on record as saying he wants to fight Ghosts, and has access to the tech (just BS a connection to the GiW or Axiom). The difference this makes in his regular life is mostly null... except for the fact that Ghosts now keep targeting him for retribution attacks. Danny goes out of his way to obscure his identity from everyone, meaning Wes is seen as them catching Phantom Hunter off guard. I imagine him trying to pin it on Danny but because he so clearly disdains his parent's work, literally no one believes him.
2: The idea of Danny getting his hands on an Ectoplasm enhanced suit like the Technus upgrade Val got to her suit, most likely given by Maddie as a way to bond with Danny (and further prep him for a transformation into a Halfa). Except given his preexisting contamination (his mum is half Ghost) and Maddie messing with the suit, he ends up with the suit now fusing to him more thoroughly. After reading too many Iron Man comics, I picture something like his Bleeding Edge armour. It is basically stored mostly in his body, and he can augment it with extra technology. This would probably be a win scenario for Maddie because this puts Danny even further into Halfa territory. This also makes things more tragic with Val. Because not only has Maddie betrayed Danny to experiment on him, but because it means Val failed to stop this happening to someone she cares about. Also, this opens up a new opportunity for one of the Clones: one who is now a more pronounced cyborg made with a prototype of the suit Maddie gave to Danny, maybe he looks like the Terminator or something. For extra irony, he's the nicest one and likes gardening or something. I know this can be taken further, but I'm not able to focus on it more due to exhaustion.
Also, your idea is great, and thank you for sharing it with us and letting us all throw our suggestions at you. Thanks for all the good content.
no thank you! this stuff is always way more fun and interesting when it's collaborated! most of these ideas wouldn't exist without other people's suggestions, even the initial prompt! ✨
also @everystarstorm this will answer your ask too ~ y'all sharing a braincell today haha
1. omg yes YES yes this is perfect absolutely 100%
Wes just cannot catch a break in ANY universe (the concept of Walter Weston working for Vlad has been a Thing so we can keep that around here since Vlad works at Axion and that can be the connection, maybe Walter is just the paperwork guy or the company's legal attorney)
I also had a suggestion from @burns-art-account that Valerie gets her own version of a Wes, but like since the name Wes initially came from a joke about Sam's name being misread upside down, we could do the same with one of Val's friends, like Star could be Jets or Jeqs, or something like that
although I think this person would be less open and vocal about Valerie since her popularity would make it impossible to point a finger at without being laughed at by the whole school (I mean just look at Wes, his target is just some nerdy kid and he's still a laughingstock), so this character could be a little more subtle in trying to get evidence to out Val, it would make a pretty funny running gag if every time she got a chance to photograph Val transforming or capture some kind of evidence, something always gets in the way at the last moment, like a bird flying in front of the camera or something
2. I want to keep Danny getting the suit from Technus because I'd want this universe's version of that episode to still happen because it was a great episode between these two and it could still work with the switch around
but Maddie really would have to change course with her portal plan because this whole thing could actually make that more difficult for Maddie, all of her calculations weren't made with a highly ecto-contaminated person in mind, this would mean she would have to readjust the portal's design between Danny and the rest of her family, or actually just throw that plan away in favour of working with this new angle
she could realise that her kids HAVE picked up some traits from her because yeah a normal human shouldn't be able to do that to ghost tech
the idea that Maddie does add to his arsenal is good, once she figures out that any tech he uses gets absorbed into his suit she starts making more weaponry that's super compatible with him, possibly even making stuff that will purposely contaminate him further to bring him closer to being like a halfa (this would be a pretty huge step in Maddie's villain development because now she's resorted to experimenting on her own son, she's losing sight of why she's doing all this in the first place) it would be really cool to see Maddie gradually losing her maternal motherly nature to the cold calculating scientist
like her warmth used to feel at least somewhat genuine deep down but now it just feels like a part she's playing, slimy and sinister, she was always manipulative but she had a real genuine care for her family underneath, she thought she was doing the right thing, but that love and care is slipping away into just doing whatever it takes to get what she wants, to complete her experiment
also I was thinking about the cloning ep being set kinda earlier in this universe, so that would have happened pre-upgrade, but the idea of there being a cyborg clone made later is super cool, and then we could get a clone centric episode where the other clones try to convince this newer more dangerous clone to join their family, and yes him becoming the sweetest, nicest clone is *mwah* perfection
that ep could pave the way and maybe even foreshadow Maddie's eventual experimentations on Danny himself
and the repercussions on Val oooooof, she would feel so guilty, she would feel so much like she let him down and she couldn't save him from becoming something he never wanted to be and now it's getting to a point where it'll be too late for him to get back to normal
and since we've established in a previous post that Vlad knows about Danny, he could even play as Danny's one guiding light, warning him that if he keeps doing this he won't be able to turn back, and his interactions with Danny could give us some insight to what's going on in Danny's head, he's trying so hard to point Danny away from all this while his own mother is more subtly encouraging him and pushing him in the other direction, like a shoulder angel/shoulder devil kinda thing
these are some great ideas thank you for sharing! ❤️❤️
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colethewolf · 7 years
Ah, I see Jeff Davis hasn’t changed one bit over the years. Are you curious to see his true colors? If you haven’t already gotten a glimpse...
Now, I’ve spoken a lot about my feelings towards Jeff Davis & the way he has treated his cast members, the fans, and especially the Sterek fandom. This video interview from San Diego Comic Con, where he calls out a Geekiary writer, simply because they don’t sing his praise, but rather, point out Jeff’s continuous queerbaiting attempts & mistreatment of fandom, is another glimpse into the kind of person Jeff Davis is.
The video starts with each of the interviewers at the roundtable introducing which website or blog they come from. When an interviewer from Geekiary states when they’re from, Jeff immediately jumps into some poorly rehearsed, overacted, and dramatic (much like Teen Wolf’s acting) response, where he ponders for a moment, & then calls out one of the writers at Geekiary (Farid).
Now, if you don’t already know. Farid writes for Geekiary & doesn’t hold back when it comes down to calling out Teen Wolf for the large and insulting missteps that the show takes, as well as he speaks out against mistreatment of fans & the huge queerbaiting issue within the show. And because Jeff Davis has never been one to stomach hearing the uncensored, non-sugar coated truth about his failure as a showrunner, his failure as a writer, and his failure with Teen Wolf, you can bet that Jeff Davis took this SDCC interview to rear his bitterly lopsided & vindictive head.
In the video, he completely blindsides the available Geekiary interviewer by questioning her about Farid & asks (starts at 0:15) : “why does he still write about the show? Like, what show is he watching?”. And while the interviewer is clearly & audibly uncomfortable with Jeff unprofessionally questioning her about the articles of somebody else, he continues on with the interviews.
It’s probably important to tell you guys that Teen Wolf has actually had a large history of complaining about negative reviews, about negative reception from fans, and about the embarrassing loss of viewers per episode from season to season. I honestly don’t even know how many times they’ve come out to say that fans just aren’t giving the show a chance & that they’re not watching the show correctly & that they should stop watching if they don’t like something in the show & that the show is actually getting over 8 million views per episode....okay.
So, the interview goes on. Yet towards the end, Jeff clearly isn’t done. Before he gets up from his chair to leave the table, he turns to the Geekiary interviewer and says (around the 6:20 mark) : “Tell Farid hello from me personally. It’s because he’s a Sterek fan, right? I hope all this Sterek dreams come true.”
I mean, this attitude & the clear, noticeable, radiating bitterness & vindictive nature of Jeff Davis isn’t new to me. I experienced it first hand, alongside the rest of the Sterek fandom four years ago during season 3B. Of course, I’m not personally surprised, but I feel it’s important to keep reminding you of the kind of person that Jeff Davis actually is. His hatred towards Sterek & Sterek fans continues. He hasn’t changed.
Jeff Davis is cowardice personified. He specifically took the moment to call out Farid, negative responses towards his show, and Sterek (yet again) because Farid wasn’t sitting in front of him. Plus, he knew that he could blindside that poor interviewer by targeting her. But we know he’s a coward. We know he runs & hides away from where fans get direct access to tell him how we actually feel. 
For example, Jeff Davis isn’t on Twitter anymore. He hasn’t been for years. Although, he used to have a twitter. He used to talk to fans. He used to bait Sterek all the time via his twitter. But he deleted it after fans called him out for racism. Mainly regarding his decision to cast a black woman in the role of Kali, when Kali was originally supposed to be of Indian decent. Of course, it’s wrong to have somebody play a character of a race that they are not. But Jeff Davis didn’t like hearing it. 
Additionally, he was promptly called out for the fact that both Isaac & Erica received minor backstories during their season. With Isaac coming from an abusive household & Erica suffering from her epilepsy/ transforming into somebody that gets noticed. Yet, Boyd received little to no backstory whatsoever. Jeff was called out for it on Twitter, but couldn’t deal with that either.
Jeff also used to do Q&A’s on Tumblr, but stopped doing them once he realized that people wanted to question him about ridiculous writing, about baiting, about Sterek, and about other things that he couldn’t bear to be questioned about. So he left Tumblr & actually had one of the TWPR people take the blame for certain Jeff-related issues.
As I said, cowardice runs deep within this man. And of course, his bitterness & hatred towards Sterek & Sterek fans remains prominent, as detailed with this interview. Especially the last part, where he equates Farid’s necessary & enlightening critiques to being nothing more about Sterek-- demeaning them & essentially chalking them up to bitter rants from a shipper. When in actuality, Jeff’s queerbaiting, his abusive treatment of Sterek fans, and his no-homo’d treatment of Sterek within the show is something incredibly important to critique. 
Especially when it’s 2017.
Now, I’ve made countless posts before about Jeff Davis’ feelings towards Sterek. It’s simple. He hates it. He hates the fact that he couldn’t get away with destroying it in his show after baiting it & using it for views. He hates that he wasn’t the one to come up with the idea. He hates that his show got cancelled & ultimately failed, whilst Sterek continues to thrive within a community & fandom that doesn’t give two shits about Jeff Davis & his canon disaster. 
There are some newer Sterek fans that didn’t live through the horrendous Anti-Sterek era during season 3B, and there are some fans that still hang onto the hope that Jeff Davis will reward us with Sterek becoming endgame in this final season. If anything, THIS new interview with Jeff & his incredibly embarrassing performance as a Teen Wolf-style villain towards Stereks should tell you everything that you need to know. 
Jeff Davis does NOT care about Sterek. He doesn’t care about the fans. He decided to use Sterek one last time to promo the final season & he plans to use it even more to get ratings for his last season as incentive for whatever podcast mess he wants to do after the show ends. But other than that, he will disappoint you. Jeff is going to do everything in his power to destroy Sterek & make you feel like shit. Don’t give him what he wants. Don’t buy into his transparent trickery. Don’t think he cares about fans.
This is what Jeff Davis does.
Instead, continue to thrive within the Sterek fandom. As fans, we’ve created this home for Sterek fans to enjoy. Look at all of the wonderful material that we create. The fanfiction, the fanart, the manips, the gifsets, the ideas, the grand total of fanwork that has literally made Sterek one of the most popular & beloved ships of this time. We don’t need Jeff. 
Let Jeff continue to hate the ship. You know that he’s seething inside regarding the fate of this show, meanwhile, Stereks continue to make Sterek fanwork & everybody else is looking at Jeff Davis & his show w/ genuine laughter on their faces. 
I mean, seriously. Jeff Davis did everything he could to destroy Sterek within the show. He no-homo’d both Stiles & Derek (at the same time, might I say). He kept those characters apart. He didn’t let Dylan & Hoechlin work together. He refused to do any of the scenes that Dylan & Hoechlin proposed to Jeff. And look at where Jeff ended up....his show failed, Dylan & Hoechlin left, nobody is watching, and he has had to resort to using Sterek for views. 
Just like Criminal Minds, just like his Let the Right One In, & just like Teen Wolf. Jeff Davis has gotten himself fucked over. So much that his only path for a career is to hope for a TW podcast series....plus....his hopes that MTV will do a TW reboot in the coming years & give Jeff Davis the opportunity to be the showrunner....it’s not happening. 
In closing, 
Don’t allow yourself to get fooled for even a second to convince yourself that Jeff Davis is a good person. He’s not. He doesn’t care about you. He doesn’t care about fans. And he especially doesn’t care about Sterek. He cares about money, ratings, & getting his revenge on all the people that get to laugh at his failure. That’s why he targeted that Geekiary interviewer. 
He knew that if Farid had been the one sitting there, he wouldn’t have opened his mouth. It’s just like how he doesn’t have a Twitter or Tumblr anymore, because he knows he couldn’t handle getting directly bombarded with critiques from displeased fans. And also, he knows deep down inside that he fucked himself over by fucking Stereks over...which of course, leaves him the only option to pretend as if he’s perfectly fine.   
So play it safe, Stereks. Don’t fall for nonsense. Don’t fall into whatever tricks Jeff will try to play in 6B. Remember that all of the Sterek you saw in the trailer was icing. It was purposely put there to entice you into watching, so you’d end up falling into the lower levels of whatever rotten, shitty mess Jeff is trying to cover up. Because you know he’s going to probably bait Sterek in the beginning of 6B, only to disappoint in the finale...
And remember, don’t let yourself get bullied by anybody for being a Sterek shipper. We’re strong. This fandom has gone through a lot of shit, but we’ve managed to create something so beautiful for ourselves. We’ve won & Jeff Davis will watch from his sinking show. He’ll be vindictive & bitter for the rest of his days, because he knows that fucking over Stereks was the absolute WORST decision that he made with his show. 
Stay strong. Stay safe. Keep shipping. Sterek is Eternal.
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radramblog · 3 years
Every Mono-Black Commander Part 1: Oh right, old magic design
A while back, I did a couple of articles regarding every single (at the time) Boros legend available to helm one’s commander deck. It was a long, slow process, but it’s a color combination I care about a lot, so I think it was worth the while.
I kinda felt like doing this again, so I was wondering what colours would be best to do this about. And it turns out the colour combo I care about the most after Boros is…mono-black. I mean, I have 2 mono-black decks at time of writing with a third half-built, so it stands to reason that I’m clearly an expert in this field.
Now…this might be a mistake. This might take a while. Because as it turns out, there are almost 3 times as many B commanders as RW ones. But, we’ll figure it out as we go. This is: Every Mono Black Commander. Part one. Of I don’t know how many. Once again I’m not including the partners because that’ll take too long, but to be fair, it’ll be a hot minute until we get there.
Baron Sengir (12 decks, 88th most played)
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Oh right. Homelands. Part of the upside with doing Boros last was that I got to skip this entire phase of Magic’s design, since Enemy colour pairs weren’t allowed to have cards until, like, Apocalypse. There wasn’t a Boros commander until Ravnica, so the cards I was talking about were at least functional.
Baron Sengir is an old, old classic at this point. The original Vampire tribal commander, it’s an 8-mana flyer with two basically shite abilities and has been pretty heavily outdone by, among other things, himself. But, he’s still Baron fucking Sengir, so you can’t help but appreciate him. Just read that flavour text, it’s so unbelievably edgy but still so cool.
 Grandmother Sengir (4 decks, N/A)
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For some reason, EDHREC doesn’t list anything below a card we’ll get to later on the list, so I don’t know how Grandmother Sengir stacks up against such powerful competition. Look, she’s an overcosted creature with a bad ability, I know I love jank but this is just uninteresting. Next.
(Also if she’s part of the Sengir family why is she a Human not a Vampire?)
 Ihsan’s Shade (32 decks, 69th most played)
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If I had to guess, Ihsan’s Shade has such a nice position on account of its reprint at Uncommon in Masters 25, letting it be one of the 15 commanders available for the colour identity in Pauper commander- though most of those are fairly new cards, so for a while the Shade was probably one of the better options. And that’s just sad. But hey, still dodges White removal and most of Red’s, so eh. He’s the only Legendary Shade (barring changelings), so I guess he’s got that going for him if you want to build that deck.
 Irini Sengir (6 decks, 102nd most played)
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Legendary Creature- Vampire Dwarf is a fun typeline, but that’s about the best Irini has going for her. I guess she’s a Black card that messes with Enchantress, so if you’re really struggling with like, 4 Estrid decks in your meta, why not. Or just play a deck with Fracturing Gust.
 Veldrane of Sengir (9 decks, 94th most played)
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…holy shit this card is just awful, isn’t it? Looking at what’s below it on the decks list, some of these cards are a lot more interesting and I have no idea why you’d play this idiot over any of those. I’d rather build Irini, man.
Aight are there any other Sengirs I should know about? No? Good, thank fuck.
 Purraj of Urborg (3 decks, N/A)
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Well we’re through Homelands, but it’s still early Magic design. Purraj at least does A Thing, where she gets bigger if you cast black spells. I can actually envision a decklist built around Purraj in a way that I couldn’t with half of these Sengir dorks. She’s still comically underpowered, and I of course understand why people wouldn’t build her, but you could do something here.
 Shauku, Endbringer (16 decks, 83rd most played)
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Shauku is the first of these cards that is like, actually kickass. It’s kind of unfortunate that she’s been overshadowed somewhat by similar murder commanders, but she’s still the original. Not only that, but she exiles things too, which is honestly a pretty decent effect in the zone. Shame about that drawback, though, because you’d love to attack with your big flier. Oh well, guess you have to keep exiling things.
Oh right, 7 mana. Yeah ok fair enough moving on.
Spirit of the Night (16 decks, 82nd most played)
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Spirit of the Night has the same number of decks as commander as Shauku, but I assume its slightly higher because more people are playing it in the 99? Either way, here’s your first Big Daddy Demon to ramp out. 9 mana, huh? It’s one of the first Keyword Soup cards, and it’s art is absolutely phenomenal- gotta be one of the genuinely scariest pieces of art from that era of Magic, maybe all eras- but it is kinda let down a bit by the statline. Legitimately, if this card had 1 more power (and therefore could 3HKO people with commander damage) it would see so much more play.
 Gallowbraid (5 decks, 106th most played, the bottom of the list)
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This is the card I mentioned earlier, the lowest thing that EDHREC has deigned to put on its list. I can see why people wouldn’t want to run it, though. Not only is it basically a French vanilla creature, it also actively hurts you for playing it. No one likes cumulative upkeep, and I cannot imagine wanting it on your Commander. This thing isn’t worth the skin it’s made of, apparently.
 Morinfen (11 decks, 92nd most played)
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It’s Gallowbraid but it traded the Trample and a point of toughness for Flying, making it substantially better and yet still completely useless. Next.
 Commander Greven il-Vec (4 decks, N/A)
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I’m… actually surprised to see Greven below Gallowbraid, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the case a couple years ago. Don’t ask me why I remember these things. Considering, however, that his only real claim to fame is his story presence, and people who like him now have a better card with his face on it, I guess it isn’t much surprise his numbers would drop off a bit. He’s at least got some flavour, I guess, considering he’s apparently a very outlived-your-usefulness kinda leader, but that’s not going to make up for being yet another overpriced card with a downside and a mediocre evasive ability.
 Crovax the Cursed (7 decks, 97th most played)
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Hey look, they spent an entire line of text on this guy making sure you know he’s a Vampire because Summon Legend Vampire was to complex a technology for 1998. Wait, 1998? I thought Stronghold was way older than that, huh. Regardless, like a bunch of these cards so far, Crovax pretty much just a dude, except he has to eat other dudes to stay relevant. Can’t relate, frankly.
 Cao Cao, Lord of Wei (33 decks, 66th most played)
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Oh fuck, we left the Homelands zone and ended up in the Portal: 3 Kingdoms zone. For the unaware, P3K was the third “starter” set Magic released, this time targeted towards the Asian market- hence the whole set is a reference to the famous historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.  Considering the book in question, a lot of these cards were probably real people at some point, which just makes me feel weird.
Anyway, Cao Cao is actually one of the more interesting ones. He’s the first Discard commander on this list so far, and tapping to Mind Rot is actually pretty solid. Cao Cao walked so Tinybones could run. He’s also one of the less expensive ones, owing to having been reprinted in From the Vault: Legends, but the price tag he commands is still comical for the card you’re getting. It’s fine.
 Cao Ren, Wei Commander (5 decks, 105th most played)
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Oh horsemanship. Literally just flying but for the historical fiction set where things aren’t allowed to fly. Cao Ren is literally just a draft common, man. I’m not paying $200 to put a draft common in my deck.
 Sima Yi, Wei Field Marshal (5 decks, 104th most played)
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Sigh. Wait, this might have been the biggest Human creature in Magic for a while, that it’s this random old strategist is kinda hilarious.
 Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed (77 decks, 53rd most played)
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Wait, this guy is the most played so far? Xiahou Dun? I mean, I know he was in the MTGO cube for a bit, but really?
Ok alright fine. He’s probably the least bad of the P3K commanders (at least in black) because he can replace himself with a card or just swing in, his stats aren’t completely unreasonable. But still, this is silly, there are some genuinely bonkers cards that are seeing less play than Xiahou. What am I missing here? I just don’t know.
 Xun Yu, Wei Advisor (2 decks, N/A)
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I distinctly remember once looking at the total commanders on EDHREC with no decks. I don’t remember if I saw this guy. I do remember actually being able to see the bottom of the list, so what the hell man maybe I want to build Zuo Ci.
…someone has actually built Zuo Ci, now, huh. Anyway point is Xun Yu is both bad and boring so next.
 Zhang He, Wei General (3 decks, N/A)
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…he’s better than Xun Yu, at least? He’s still a hundred-ish dollar bad card, but you know. Technically speaking, you could do worse.
 Zhang Liao, Hero of Hefei (1 deck, N/A)
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While a lot of P3K cards are just reflavoured vanilla magic cards, in this case they decided to just take flying off Abyssal Specter and…not put Horsemanship back on it. Shoutout to the one guy apparently playing this deck, but I’ve got to ask why.
I don’t know if there even are any 0-deck commanders left at this point. I should look into that…
 Ascendant Evincar (34 decks, 65th most played)
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Finally free of P3K, we’re closing off today with yet another meh card that has been overshadowed by newer ones, great. Shrinking your opponents stuff down one is a super good effect in limited, not so much in Commander- two, of course, is nuts, Elesh Norn is a very good card, but -1/-1 just isn’t worth your time most of the time. And you can’t even really abuse it on your own stuff. I guess he’s aight with Heartless Summoning? I’m really grasping at straws here!
 Okay, so, that’s the first 20. Sick. Now at this pace, I’ll be done after another….5 articles? Holy shit, I forgot how many bad magic cards WOTC has put out, didn’t I…
Next time (whenever I continue this series), we enter a substantially more interesting, if longer, zone- the Kamigawa Zone. Ta-ta for now.
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