#and the omegadads too actually
soullessduck13 · 1 year
Okay I have a LOT of thoughts. I finished all of the teens as cats (just the pcs) and will be explaining most of my thoughts i had during designing them. Idk how many other people in the dndads fandom used to be warrior cats kids but if you were, this post is made for you specifically.
Remember these are very stylized cats and their genetics will not work like real cat’s genetics do. As long as you keep that in mind we cool. Also all of the teens are apprentices and this is gonna be a long post so buckle in
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Ok so Scary was arguably the easiest design for me, I struggled a bit with the stripes but I ended up really liking how they turned out. A lot of her fur look very sharp and pointy but actually have rounded edges bc she tries really hard to be edgy lol
I considered giving her black fur and markings but I liked the idea of her being a very muted brown so it looked like she has that type of fur, but really doesn’t. The skull stripes are just for fun, and the purple eye is a nod to how common she is designed with purple, and also the mix of love and fear. The marking over her eye is to represent eyeshadow if that makes sense?
I imagine her being in Riverclan, I was thinking Shadowclan at first but I really like the idea of this edgy and brooding teenager knowing Shadowclan is just that, but she’s not in that clan. Also, Riverclan is surrounded by water and guess which family is connected to water? That’s right, the Stamplers. Even though she is in Riverclan, she’s not originally from the clans. She and her mother were traveling loners and came across the clans, and Veronica met a Riverclan cat and decided they should join. Scary and Terry (still trying to come up with a warrior name) used to have the same name but Scary hated that so she changed hers to Scary.
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Lincoln was a bit more difficult and I wasn’t sure really what to do with him? But I knew I wanted his fur to be brown and if he was just standing he’d be very tall and kinda lanky. He has the shortest fur out of everyone and is easily the fastest, and the only one who can keep up is Scary. Most of the stripes are nods to the fact he is a soccer player. The face stripes being face paint, the hind legs being socks and those leg shields soccer players wear that I have no idea what they’re called in english. The tail is also kinda like the socks I guess? Yeah. It’s what inspired the leg ones at least. The eyes are different colors because I liked the idea of including something to represent yellow and red cards. The red one is actually just a really bright amber that looks red.
He is in windclan, but was found by Grant and Marco as a kit on the edge of the territory. He was barely one moon and they very quickly decided they need to take care of him, but they couldn’t stay in the clan to do so. So, the two left their respective clans and raised him, but when he was older (still apprentice age) they let him join Windclan. So now he’s there. As for his name? I have not figured one out. At least not a prefix, but I think it would be really funny if his future suffix is kick
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Taylor…. Taylor was such a struggle oh my god. Everything but the pose at least. I wanted to include black because I thought it’d fit him more?? But I didn’t know what to do for markings or if I should’ve even included markins and for a while I was considering making him a black and white cat but I didn’t like how that looked. Then I tried making him an albino cat because I gave him redish eyes (hinting at his demon heritage in canon) but I was like no. This is not Taylor. so I made him a fully black cat which I think is the look I like best?? Yeah.. Now for the markings. The biggest one is there because I wanted to include his jacket, and the ones on the hind legs are for boots and the tail one is just to blend it all in. The ears and head fur is kinda like his hair.
Okay so he’s in Thunderclan bc he should get to have his main character syndrome still and Thunderclan is my least favourite clan (mostly a joke) and I think all of the other Close-Foster-Freeman are also in Thunderclan, or at least they were before they died or left. Idk his family is so weird because of the whole timeline shift and I have no clue how to make that happen in a warriors au. So. Some help would be appreciated. His name is Bay because it sounds like Tay which.. Taylor. Yeah. I could go with his warrior name being Bayswift but. I think that is a bit on the nose?? Another option his having his suffix being infront of his prefix and then it could be Rapidbay
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Normal was. Not really a struggle? Mostly with his body markings. I knew I wanted him to have an undertone of blue because of Teeny and blue being Love. Also why his eyes are very bright blue. The head markings were the easiest because it looks like he has a mask or helmet of some sort, and he has a lot more rounded features than everyone else. the body markings are also kind of like he’s wearing something? If that makes any sense at all. I also think he would look more like Rebecca than Lark and Sparrow, at least color wise, because then nobody would know who is actually his dad. And even if he did look like them, they are identical. Idk I just think it would be interesting if Hero looked like Lark and Sparrow and Normal like Rebecca because of the whole chosen thing and all. They are from different litters btw, but they were both the only ones from their respective litters.
Now if you’ve been keeping track you’d know he is in Shadowclan, and that is because opposite from Scary I think the idea of him being in this dark and brooding clan is hilarious because he is soo cheery and happy all the time and almost all of the cats in the clan dislike it. His mentor is (was) Tony Pepperoni. He is the only one with a mentor so far. I think he’s not really considered a part of the clan, because both Lark and Sparrow were originally born in Windclan and switched to Shadowclan, Sparrow for Rebecca and Lark for Sparrow. I think Rebecca would’ve joined the clan when she was a fully grown cat but still considered young in warriors terms, so around 20 moons which in real life is almost 2 years. So, he’s only a fourth clan cat. Now for his name I am not sure (again) but I think his suffix would be mask and his prefix.. maybe I’ll just google the most basic warrior cats prefix and take that one
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theeeveetamer · 1 year
Since today is mother's day, some HC of the children celebrating their mom/omegadad or whatever
I actually have a Diafred Mother’s Day thing I’m working on! But I got the idea two days ago and there is no way it will be totally done by today (I’ll probably post a WIP later. There’s also going to be a companion Father’s Day piece for Diamant!)
I think Takumi always gets flowers. In canonverse Leo always sits down with the kiddos and helps them make a bouquet using Brynhildr. It’s kind of a yearly tradition for them to all get together in secret the day before and pore through books on flowers and try to put together the perfect bouquet. And I’m thinking since they’re made with magic they either last a very long time or they don’t expire (but if they do Leo always preserves them for Takumi too)
I think Dimitri is a big quality time kind of guy, so on Mother’s Day they just spend the entire day together. In the canonverse I think it’s the one day he takes off from his work/duties completely guilt free. In a modern AU they’d probably do outings in the form of little mini-vacations? Like they’ll all go to the beach (Dimitri would like going in May because it wouldn’t be too hot out yet).
Felix would probably get breakfast in bed and a nice dinner with his family and then the rest of the day would be like a relaxation day for him. In modern AU they’d probably send him to the spa or something and he’s complain about it the entire time (but secretly he loves it)
Alfred is extra AF. Not only do they spend the whole day together, he packs the schedule full so they’re basically doing something together every minute of the day from waking up to going to bed at night. It annoys the kiddos a bit when they’re younger (especially when they’re teens) but it’s one of those things they look back on fondly when they’re older. In canonverse, one time he made them all sit for a portrait at 4 am and they’re all grumpy/asleep/half asleep and it’s literally his favorite portrait of all of them together ever
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