#which was like a big red eye on the sky for most of season 2 up to this point
clockwayswrites · 2 years
Specter of Starlight - Part 2
Part 1 Mind the CW at the top. (which together will = chapter 1 ones it goes up up on ao3)
WC: 1068
He looked around the roof assessing the scene again, then at the other person.
They were leaning casually on the gargoyle now, unconcerned about the height. The new pose did cause them to throw one leg over on the roof side of the ledge, though, and Tim felt the bundle of nerves inside him unwind just slightly.
“Odd place to be then.”
“Maybe. I find height comforting. I’m Danny,” they said.
Tim was a little startled at being given a name so easily.
Danny gave him a lopsided smile. “Not that it’s not obvious who you are, but usually one guy tells another guy their name, they get a name back. There are social motions to go through here. There are expectations.”
Tim tilted his head at that, fighting back a smile. “Are social motions still in place when we’re sitting on a roof at—” His eyes darted to the hud feed inside his lenses. “—three twenty-two in the morning?”
“Hum,” Danny seemed to be actually thinking about that as he picked absently at the fang of the grinning gargoyle. “I suppose we’re exempt from most. In my defense, I think I lost track of time.”
“While star gazing.”
“Cloud gazing. I think we covered that already.”
“Red Robin, then, if we’re pretending to be normal,” Tim acquiesced.
“’Normal’ says the guy in the bird suit. Wait, I’m sorry, that makes you sound like a furry. Not that furries aren’t delightful people, but don’t really think you are one.”
It took some effort not to laugh, but he finally gave into the smile. “No, just a vigilante.”
“Got to say, that’s probably a pretty big step down from furry, sure you want to admit that?”
He was being teased. He was being teased by a random guy on the edge of a roof at three in the morning. This wasn’t at all what Tim expected but he would take it.
“You’re lucky Batman isn’t around to hear you slander the good vigilante name like that.” Mostly because Bruce was dealing with Justice League business. Really, right then, Tim was the only Bat who would be in this particular area to notice Danny (other than Oracle’s all seeing eye, but this high up didn’t have a lot of cameras).
“Okay, but seriously,” Danny said, spreading his hands, “Batman is way more furry adjacent than you. He’s got the wings—”
“It’s a cape.”
“—and the ears.” Danny brought his hands up, holding a single finger up on either side of his head. He gave them a little wiggle.
Tim wasn’t able to help the snort of laughter that time. “I’ll let you bring that reasoning up to him yourself.”
“No thanks, I don’t really want to have a run in with the Batman.”
“But I’m fine to have a run in with?” Tim wasn’t really offended, he knew he wasn’t nearly as terrifying as Batman. Or Red Hood. Or the latest Robin. Not to mention the girls… Okay, so he wasn’t the scariest Bat by far, alright?
“I’m not minding your company so far. Besides, you’re way cuter than Batman.”
He could feel the heat of the sudden blush on his cheeks. Hopefully the the dark night would hide it.
From Danny’s smirk he guess it didn’t.
Tim cleared his throat and grappled for a topic. “So were you hoping to see any particular stars?”
“I mean,” Danny let his head tilt back over the gargoyle, exposing the long line of his neck as he looked back up at the sky. “That always depends on the time of the year.”
If Tim was a less composed person he would have rolled his eyes. “Yes, well, what on this specific March night would you have been looking for?”
Danny’s gaze jerked back down to blink at Tim, but he couldn’t gather what for. Did Danny really think Tim didn’t know something as basic as the constellations changing with seasons?
No, Danny seemed to take a notice breath (why was it so noticeable suddenly) and relaxed again.
“Well, for March, we’d be seeing Orion,” Danny said, returning his gaze to the sky as if they could see anything. “He’s pretty easy to spot even in cities, because of how bright his starts are and his belt. His belt isn’t the brightest stars in Orion, but since they line up people have been spotting them for ages.
“In ancient Arabic they were Al Nijād, also the belt, but in modern they refer to them as scales, which is what the Chinese maybe called them too. They’re also sometimes called the three sisters or the three kings. There’s three stars on it, all pretty bright. Well, we call them three stars, but two of them are actually star systems— shit, sorry, I’m just ranting at you now.”
“No,” Tim said quickly. He hated the way Danny was curling into himself now. “It’s interesting. What do you mean they’re not three stars?”
Tim felt like he was being judged as Danny’s eyes swept over him. Judged and expected to be found wanting. How many times had people dismissed Danny when he was talking about this?
Tim must have passed because Danny started talking again. Slowly, at first, as if he was waiting for Tim to change his mind. “Well… see, the left most star, Alnitak, is a triple, maybe quadruple star system. We’ve known it was a double start since early eighteen something something— I’m not so great with remembering the dates— but then we found another star with the primary later which is super cool. And the right most star Mintaka is also multiple stars and one of them has a unusual metal abundance which is also really cool.
“Now the middle star, Alnilam, is a massive blue super giant. And I mean like, forty times the size of our sun massive. It’s the, twenty-seventh or twenty-ninth or somewhere there brightest start in the sky but even then, it’s only the forth brightest start in the Orion constellation. Like I said, super noticeable. Most people think Betelgeuse is the brightest because that’s one of the larges stars visible to the naked eye. If you thought Alnilam was big at forty times our sun’s size, Betelgeuse is over twelve hundred times bigger…”
A soft smile gracing his lips, Tim shifted to be more comfortable and hear all about Betelgeuse and Rigel and the other bits of starlight that made up Orion.
AN: Well, this decided it really wanted to be written, like now (now being 4am). But to be fair, I did rewrite two scenes of the next chapter of lbfd first. (And seriously, no shade on furries, they really are a wonderful community and the best cons to vend at.) Hopefully not too many mistakes, fresh migraine hell over here.
I hope Danny nerding out about the stars there at the end wasn't too dry? I don't know if I need to trim it down? Fun (?) facts, Orion is my fav constellation and my brother actually helped study the metallic content of starts because he's crazy smart. Anways, I love Danny being able to completely change the mood on Tim just by being his delightful, dumpster fire self. You all stay delightful too, darlings!
bby tag list: @michealawithana | @skulld3mort-1fan | @legowerewolf | @tsukihimeyfan | @bahfev | @lehana37 | @ghostreblogging | @quirky-gardener
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Cats!record of ragnarok x saiki sister!reader:
I thought of doing this as the season two is coming out a day before my birthday (season 2= 26, my birthday=27) and i wanted to do a post about it because i thought it was a funny coincidence on the release date of the season 2.
Anyway hope you like it, this might be short as i kinda rushed this as the post that i was previously making didn’t feel right in draft and i didn’t get the idea until later to do this.
Warning: noob author, female reader, and possibly others.
Character: humanity fighters (at least some of them)
You’re the sister of kusuo saiki, specifically the oldest of the two of you, and like your younger brother you have psychic powers. You’re a young adult that live that lives a few doors down as per request from your parents, though mostly by kusuo as he knows that if you moved further away then y’all’s parents would sob and become over dramatic from that so all of you planned to have you live a few doors down from them when the previous owners moved.
But anyway, you had acquired a job at a pet shop and daycare place, where people can drop off their pets, and people could adopt pets, or shop for their pets all in one. Plus you get to hang out with many animals even if your powers sometimes interfere with the jobs.
Your powers are more in control than kusuo’s as you had more experience with them than he does but you do make sure to help him keep them contained enough to live a almost normal life plus you two learn new things while helping each other so that’s always fun when that happened and with the fact you learn more about your powers together. Though there are some powers that kusuo doesn’t have.
Now on one day at your work some of your workmates had rescue a big group of stray cats, usually you can understand all animals, sept for incests, but with theses cats you didn’t hear a single one of their thoughts which was weird and a little intriguing, so you decided to adopt them as you have plenty of room and you kinda got lonely even though your family comes and visit you most of the time.
There were 9 cats in all, two female while the rest of 7 being all male. The youngest female cat has lilac fur and aqua green eyes. The oldest of the female has midnight blue fur and emerald green eyes. The first male cat you noticed of the group of cats has platinum blonde fur and sky blue eloquent eyes. The second male cat has a scar on his right cheek and long black fur, he has dark eyes, so dark eyes that you couldn’t tell the exact color of it. The next male cat has dark brown fur and brown eyes. The fifth one looked to be older than the other four with silver fur and what looks to be a mustache and heterochromatic eyes, the left silver like his fur color and the right a deep red and he had a monocle for that eye too. The sixth one has dark brown white highlights fur and like the second male cat his eyes was too dark to actually tell what color it is. The seventh male cat has light green fur with black on some parts of his body and a bindi on his forehead , he has sharper fangs that comes out of his mouth unlike the second male cat that also had sharp teeth as well. The eight male cat has dark black fur, he also has a blindfold so you couldn’t tell his eye color at the moment but he seems to have something akin to tattoos on his face like the second one does.
You hadn’t told your parents and brothers yet as you were busy with getting necessities for them and for you so it was a surprise to them when they came and visited, though sadly since your mom is allergic to cats she can’t get around them to pet them but she still gave them attention. Kusuo kept his distance from them but questioned on why he couldn’t read their minds like the both of you could which you gave shrug and told him you couldn’t either and you didn’t know.
Brunhilde, goll, Adam, Lu bu, sasaki, jack, Buddha, and qin was not expecting to meet you and be adopted by you when they were turned into cats and got thrown into this modern world, some of them are somewhat surprised by how unnatural the color of hair along with you brothers.
When they had found out about your powers it was when goll had somehow got on top a very high place in the house and you had gotten a vision of her getting hurt so you quickly teleported to her to safely catch her which happened all in front of the group of cats.
You didn’t know why you had explained your powered to them but you felt like you should for some reason, so you did.
The group was shocked about this but since most had powers as well it wasn’t that big of a shock either.
(A/n: hoped ya’ll like it!! I didn’t really know what else to put so I’ll just leave it here. Well, since i don’t know what else to put i guess that’s it, hope ya’ll have an wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
(27th day me: it’s my birthday now!!! 🤩😁🎉🎊🎂🥳🎁
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curatedbyhatto · 2 years
one song every day - vol IV
What’s up? Another month has come to an end, and once again I forgot to upload some days and I'm now delayed. Getting up to date and not apologizing for it is my favorite activity atm. The playlist on Spotycrap is of course, at the bottom.
vol IV spans from November 10th to December 11th, 2022
1. a favorite song you discovered from a TV show: Big White Elephant by In-Flight Safety - They have great music. Thanks The Office US for this amazing song. It appears on Episode 12, Season 8, at around 18:56, when Robert California looks at everybody and realizes that the party he's bought the house for is right in front of him, maybe just not as crazy. All the music on this episode is pretty good, actually.
2. a song that motivates you: CTRL by Technoboy, Tuneboy and DJ Isaac - Whether it's the main drop, or the reverse bass one, this song has everything to motivate me and just go wild. I really like hardstyle like this
3. a song to listen to while working: The Look by Metronomy - What a great band, thanks internet for showing me a masterpiece
4. a song perfect when it's raining: Her Life by Two Feet - Some would consider the song sexy, but what I hear are the pizzicati on the violin, much like raindrops
5. a song that makes you dance: Nadie Sabe Bailar by Entrelineas - Ironic that the song is called 'Nobody knows how to dance" and the music video is exactly the opposite, people dancing, not so well but dancing still. Also ironic that it makes you move
6. a song from your childhood: Run Away With Me by Carly Rae Jepsen - Remember that vine? Yesh.
7. a song while working out: Taste the Night by Going Deeper ft. Ryan Konline on vocals - Whenever you see me skating at La Sabana, this one is on my playlist
8. a song that soothes you: The Space In Between by Jan Blomqvist - There is something to this tune that I can't describe other than like a fresh, cold sip of water in a hot sunny day.
9. a song without words: Sirius by The Alan Parsons Project - Playing this song without 'Eye in the Sky' right after, should be a punishable offense
10. a song that puts you to tears: Gravity by Sara Bareilles - This right here is really personal, but people who know me in depth know that's really hard for me to cry, even if I'm sad, and a lot of times I just wanna cry and it just doesn't happen, and it sucks arse big time. I'm not even ashamed of crying, I just can't. Gravity makes really no difference, but it's the closest I can get.
11. a song you will play on your wedding: As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese - Thanks clem turner, because thanks to his covers I was introduced to Matt Maltese and his amazing music
12. a hit song from the year you were born: Otherside by Red Hot Chili Peppers - One of the first rock bands that I listened to by myself, instead of my mum showing me the music. For more info on that, take a look at this post
13. a classic song you like: Mars from The Planets composed by Gustav Holst - I don't know what they were referring to with 'classical' but my understanding was classical music so, yes. One of my favorite pieces of music
14. a song while commuting: Toro by Liily - Liily is amazing. Other rock band that I really really love. I may actually cover them on #curatedbyhatto: the music some day
15. a popular song from a different country: No Voy en Tren by Charly García - Argentinian rock is without a doubt one of the most important parts of latinamerican music. On a funny note, I heard this song for the first time when it was covered by another musician when I was watching Yo soy Betty, la fea
16. a song for a creative boost: As the World Caves in (Wuki remix) which at the same time is a cover from Sarah Cothran - Well, this song is so good that it appears twice on this list. What can I say?
17. a song that makes you confident: Sax Things by Sunday Noise and Lena Glish - A masterpiece that I discovered thanks to blanc. If you're into tech house, you should him out.
18. a song that's on repeat: Did I Make You Up? by half•alive - half•alive was my most listened to artist this year on spotify. No surprise they were, but surprising it wasn't twenty øne piløts, tbh. They're still two of my three fav bands alongside Pierce the Veil
19. a song by a local artist: Marte by Sábado Santo - Seeing them live was a one of a kind experience. Check them out
20. a song you sing in the car: MANTRA by Bring Me The Horizon - I don't have a car but I remember singing this song with a friend when we were in his car
21. a song that puts you to sleep: truce by twenty øne piløts - Soothing. Perfect. Soft. Tyler and Josh. That was a rhyme, nice
22. a song that reminds you of your friends: Flamingo by Kero Kero Bonito - My friends are a bunch of golden retriever (like me) or chihuahua energy folks, and I think this song sums up the constant, neverending chaos we represent, and the fun that we have
23. a song for a road trip: My Own by Chris Lorenzo - Imagine the car starts going through an empty highway when the beat drops. You get it now?
24. the #1 song on the day you were born: Bent by Matchbox Twenty - The guy's voice reminds me of another vocalist but I can't wuite put my finger on it
25. a song that makes you sentimental: Lullabies by Yuna - I discovered the Adventure Club remix first, then the original version, and with that I was into the world of triphop and I could never come out. I didn't want to, anyway
26. a song you love singing along to: The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls - Tell me, with a straight face, that you can resist singing this every time you listen to it. You can't, I know, I can't either, I have to sing it. Oh, I also discovered this song by accident when looking for blink-182, about 12 years ago
27. a song by your favorite boy band: Big Time Rush by Big Time Rush - Not that creative of me to chose this one but I really loved the TV show and their music
28. a favorite song you learned from a movie: Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield - It appears on "The Ugly Truth" when Abby and Colin go to the river, on a car. Great album by Natasha, as well
29. a song by your favorite solo artist: Take A Chance by Oliver Heldens - It was hard to chose one and in the future I would probably change it, but for now, this one will do
30. a song from your first concert: take 2 sugars by The Loser's Service - Another great Costarican band
you can find the playlist here and if you wanna take the challenge too, here's the pic:
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deyondwashere · 2 years
Let’s talk Graves (Part 1/3)
Calm down goth kids, I’m not talking about literal graves, I’m talking about one of my OC’s, Graves.
(Purple text means that it has a chance to be changed and or deleted)
Okay so a bit of history for you, Graves used to be one of my most problematic characters. For a long time he was just a concept, fun fact he was actually supposed to be a girl at some point but I changed it last minute. Before I tell you what his original concept was, go ahead and buckle up because god was it a ride.
Graves is an Amilian. Amilians often have unusual hair color so his is sort of like a dull purple. He has massive eye bags from working late and black marking around his face because of his species (More on that in Those Red Butterflies)
I would describe his body type as sorta frail, but not Disney channel typical nerd frail. I mean, he’s in a Villain organization he can’t exactly he weak, especially since he’s part of the big 3.
His style is basically just “goth theatre kid.” In my rough drafts, he’s wearing black head to toe with a buttoned up shirt and a white sailor scarf. So yeah, pretty theatre kid. Also, he has a small masquerade plague doctor shaped mask that he keeps on his forehead. When he performs surgery he puts it on and looks low key terrifying.
Those Red Butterflies
Butterflies play a important part within his character, whenever you see a red butterfly you’re mind as a viewer should immediately go to him. Here’s a bit of world building for you, there are 2 worlds that are important to the universe, and as far as I’m concerned there isn’t any others. Neither of them really know about each other, but select people from both worlds know about the other. Before I tell you the names of these 2 worlds, please remember
1. I made these when I was 12.
2.My excuse is that the humans are the ones who named the other, but it’s not actually what they calls themselves
3.What do they call themselves you ask? Uhm…
4.Yes I know it’s obvious, yes I know it’s cringe, but you know what chances are it’s probably not gonna change so deal with it. If DC gets to name a big city “metropolis” and a small city “smallville” AND A SUPERHERO NAMED “SUPERMAN”…then I’m allowed to do this.
Anyway they’re called amilians and they live in the amilian world.Ok now I know how absolutely stupid that name is. And yes, they’re basically just humanoid creatures with animal ears. Am I going to keep that name? Yes. Am I going to change the name of their world? probably. Am I ashamed of myself? No comment. Also the other world is basically just earth, I never explicitly state that it’s earth but there’s humans on there with cultures that are on earth so…
Back to the butterflies, the butterflies came from the amilian world, and have since been an invasive species on earth. If you’ve ever watched hunter x hunter, think of it like those butterflies in the first season. They search for blood. On battlefields they would fill the sky like a dark storm cloud and dead bodies would just be a cluster of red. If you’re ever in the forest and you start seeing a lot of red butterflies, run in the opposite direction. These butterflies will also come after you if you have a open wound, even if it’s just a cat scratch. They don’t really do any real harm, but do you really want a butterfly drinking your blood for breakfast? Graves absolutely hates those butterflies. Sometimes he finds them intruiging but those butterflies love to follow him around because he reeks of death. They’re just a general nuisance to him. These butterflies will also follow around the people he has revived.
The Lab
Graves is a scientist. “The Lab” gets mentioned multiple times in the series. The 4 main characters of Crystals grew up there- but 2 of which do not remember their time there. Graves worked there, he was about 14…and probably one of the best workers there. He works as a surgeon and researcher, he really did love all the excitements they did on the kids though. That’s why he worked there, that was his first experience with the transformation. He has made it abundantly clear that if he ever got the opportunity for something more exciting and or benefiting for him he would turn on the transformation in a heartbeat. More on his morals later.
Once upon a time, I wanted to add immortality to the world of Crystals, however, having a character who's only power is to make people immortal is kind of boring (no offense). And so, I decided to add another trait onto him. He brings people back from the dead. Actually, that's his base power. All he can do is bring them back from the dead. However, he cannot reverse the cause. So if he brought back someone who was shot in the heart, without fixing the damage through surgery and or magic, they would just die again moments later. Thus, he gets his sister to help out for a deal.
You might be wondering, how the fuck does someone who brings people back from the dead make someone immortal. Ah well you see, I have absolutely no idea. He's a scientist, he figured out how to manifest his power to do that I don't know don't ask me I only wrote this guy man. Anyway, another question I had was "How is this guy making people immortal if he can't even heal them?!" Well lucky for me I have an answer for that. You know how in a video game you have a save slot and then when you mess up and or die you just restart there? Yeah that's basically what he does. In simple terms he has a "save file" of their body and then once they die then they respawn at their anchor point in about 24 hours. Honestly I'm not the best at stuff like this so I don't really think too hard about the science and facts about stuff so...
Immortality is still a fairly new thing, only 2 people are actually immortal so far. And even so, immortality doesn't work like how you think it would in this universe. I'm pretty sure immortality is usually just "the person can't die," well in my case, they can and very much will die in the most gruesome of gruesome ways. Ok, maybe not to that extreme but you get the point. As stated, when someone dies they will spend 24 hours technically dead before coming back to life at their anchor point.
Role in story…coming soon
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thatcoyperson · 11 months
CRIMSON SMP - Season 6 / S5
Been a little while since I posted one of these. Basically we had a really boring session 3 and I missed session 4, so here we are with session 5! As always if you want more context make sure to check out the first post about this.
Life count, pairings, and summaries are below the cut as always.
TTheTinkerer [He/It] + Vinrhin [He/She] - 1 Life RensRelay [He/Him] + Kenophbia [He/Him] - 2 Lives SteviaStevie [They/He] + Delphiez [She/Her] - 2 Lives ThatCoyGamer [He/Ae] + MaxAnthrax [He/Him] - 2 Lives Necromanttic [He/Him] + SkyIHigh [He/Him] - 2 Lives Casp_Shield [It/It's] + TheToySoldier [He/It] - 2 Lives Fizztic [He/Him] + SwiftSneaking [She/Her] - 3 Lives P3bbs [Any] + Zoimbiez [He/Him] - 3 Lives
Going to start off with a brier summary of the deaths that happened in session 4 and then get into todays summary.
For session 4 we had two deaths: Stevie and Meg, as well as Vin and Jonah. Stevie and Meg died via Stevie getting blown up by a creeper while trying to lead cows to their house, and Vin and Jonah killed each other for full diamond gear. Maven offered the first pair to kill themselves a full set of armor each, and they got it. Apparently it was a big thing and I missed it.
Now onto todays summary!
I started off the session alone at my base, before going to meet up with a lot of people including Max. The most that came out of that meeting with people was I asked Max if he'd want to get silly with it later in the session. I didn't say what I was planning at the time, but I was going to ask him if he wanted to fling people around with fishing rods later on and see if anyone dies. This matters for later. Trust me.
We all went back to mine and Max's base and Stevie reminded me of the Trail we found in session 1 a whole month later, and we agreed that now was a better time than ever to go explore it. We split away from the major group and went to find it again.
The trail was a lot bigger than we were expecting, and as we were mining the group grew to I think 7 people. Me and Stevie obviously, as well as Till, Tango, Sky, Meg, and Millie all joining at some point. Even with all of that, it still took us about 30 minutes, but we got out of there with some fun loot like armor trims and pottery shards so it was worth it.
Once we got out, Stevie and I divided up the loot between the two of us and then shared what we didn't want or had doubles of with the rest of the group who came along.
Now a good few people from the group at the start were still at my house, most notably Keno, Ren, Vin, Jonah, Maven, and then Millie and Sky from the trail raid. Tango and Till stuck around for a short while but left quickly once I got up onto a pillar and started launching people into the air with a fishing rod. Because why not.
I will admit that even though I was yellow I was doing it with a bit of intent to kill but it was mostly harmless. I was mainly flinging up Maven and Jonah at first, and from a decently safe distance - not high enough to kill yet. I launched Sky a few times as well as Keno and Ren once before deciding that I wanted to pillar up higher to see how low I could put people.
I launched up Vin, who fell to two hearts with Feather Falling on his boots, which probably should have confirmed that this was. Y'know. Deadly, but I'm stupid.
Maven came up to join me as well and we launched Jonah absolutely flying into the air, and he was caught by Vin at the bottom with some water. We did it again, same thing happened. Maven hopped down at this point.
I launched Jonah again, he landed in the water once again. I launched him one more time.
I punched him when he was at my eye level.
He missed the water and died. [I have a clip of this here if you'd like to watch it happen its really fucking funny]
As funny as that death was, we had our first red names of the server and I was responsible, and it was my own sort-of ally. AND BOY DID I FEEL GUILTY FOR IT.
I got down from the tower at that point, because I had in fact fucked around and found out, and got interrogated by half the server about what just happened since my name was in the death message (TTheTinkerer was doomed to fall by ThatCoyGamer).
I dealt with the ramification of my actions for a bit (getting threatened by Vin and told that the only reason I wasn't dead was cause Max was my soulmate) and not long after, Ren and Keno died to Maven.
Apparently what happened was Keno and Maven had a plan to duel and have Keno lose to get at Ren for being a bad soulmate. Because yes they have issues. It was a whole thing where Keno was free from him now bla bla bla I don't really know their whole thing. Its sure something though!
And then once again not long after that, Vin and Jonah started threatening Till, since it was one of the only green names left at the time. With a bit of encouragement from me, the two of them attacked and killed Till, with Jonah landing the final blow.
Sky and I chased after them as they fought but lost them at some point, and Sky ran off on his own find them after Till died so he could collect his stuff. I ended up meeting up with Jonah and Vin shortly after, and we went to Till's place to return some of its things.
From Till's, Sky showed me to his house where I learnt he has a very easy to trap house. So that'll be fun later when I'm on red.
Nothing much more of note happened in the session, Max showed me to a sugarcane farm he had set up and I added a chest with all my valuables down there so that I didn't get stolen from when I eventually die and fall to red. Cause I have a sharpness 2 axe and in no world do I wanna lose that.
But was still a pretty eventful session! Lots of fun, very excited to see what happens next :]
Full recordings of the sessions are posted on my youtube [ThatCoyGamer], including this one which'll be up soon!
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styledeficit · 2 years
12 December - 17 December weeknotes
Monday 12 December
Wake up to yesterday’s snow. Leave before the sun is up, but it doesn’t matter because the snow makes the most of what little light there is. The woods are black and white. I snap a photo and when I share it later, wonder if people think I’ve used a filter to make it monochrome. I did not.
The path between the fields is perfect; untouched snow rests gently on barbed wire. It’s even on the power cables which glow white against a flat, grey sky.
I think about T and assume he’s working. Once – this year or last – I caught him alone in a field, sizing up a tree. It’s a good tree, actually, although I prefer one further up. Embarrassed, he confessed he’d taken a photo of it in every season, and said he was thinking of getting some prints made for the wall. He waited for me to take the piss. I did not.
I hope he’s managed to get a good picture in the snow.
In the evening we have the band social: a concert for friends and family. Half the band are stuck in the snow and half the audience too. We still manage to make a racket, and the Vicar still plays the massive church organ loud enough to shake the rafters. He’s not in the band, just happy to join in. He helps the kids in the audience light the huge Christmas tree, and switches on a large, glowing inflatable dinosaur. 
Tuesday 13 December
No walk. Publish last week’s weeknotes and start work early.
We watch ‘The English’ in the evening, the BBC series. I can’t stop thinking about when Americans got their accents. Should the ones that do have American accents have them at the time the series is set? 
Let me google that for you:
“According to a linguist at the Smithsonian, Americans began putting their own spin on English pronunciations just one generation after the colonists started arriving in the New World. An entire ocean away from their former homeland, they became increasingly isolated from “England English” speakers.”
Yeah, maybe not yet. Also, the filming is so self conscious. ‘Look at this shot!’ It shouts. ‘It’s beautiful isn’t it?!’. 
Wednesday 14 December
Minus 2 degrees.
The snow is revealing the neighbourhood secrets and alliances. 
There are two semi-detached houses opposite ours. One seems to have great roof insulation and the other does not. One side of the roof is perfectly clear up to a very straight line down the centre. The other is snow-laden. 
On the way to the wood people have cleared the pavement; neighbours helping neighbours. Except the ones that haven’t. 
The wood is extraordinary. Black and white again, but for the red paths running through it. The snow has melted underfoot, exposing the bright autumn leaves underneath. And they crunch under your feet – not because they’re dry, just frozen. 
There’s the strangest sound too: the silent birds hopping between branches are sending showers of shivering, frozen snow. 
Thursday 15 December
Can’t decide where to walk or what to wear. It’s minus 4 degrees out. In the end I head towards the silent wood, and follow the tractor tyres through the fields. One of the big old trees stands broken in silhouette. The branches on one side must’ve all come down in the snow. Put up the hood on my hoodie and plunge my already freezing gloved-hands deep in my coat pockets.
The sky is clear (moon’s still up, and the sun is coming) and all the planes are easy to track. I watch two head north in perfect sync until one veers sharply off like it’s suddenly remembered it left the gas on.
Think about far too many things on the walk back. The world is indeed beautiful, but I am also furious.
Friday 16 December
Went to post Christmas cards. Get to postbox, no cards. Where are cards? Not in the empty pocket of the bag, that’s for sure. Not at home, not dropped on the street. A mystery. Later, after asking neighbours to keep an eye out, unzip other pocket of the bag - the one I never use: cards.
Saturday 17 December
The sun rose at 7:59am this morning. Instead of knitting a temperature blanket, maybe I should make one that charts the rise of the sun? I’ve tracked it for most of the year anyway.
Also: train strike.
0 notes
ofsweetness · 2 years
ricky bowen thoughts- bc he’s my son even if mostly s1 and s2 and my au future type stuff
a) no ricky liking gina plot. he doesn’t have feelings for her. i refuse to follow this. sorry not sorry. i don’t vibe with it nor the way it was executed. he could’ve had a really meaningful story this season following where he was left off in season 2, then he didn’t. my ricky’s plot in season 3 is either one where he stays home- goes on the trip with lily, etc. she helps him work through his family stuff. or if he goes to camp, his plot would also be largely focused on his working through his family drama- his dad and miss jenn, that sort of thing. it also relates into his breakup with nini that he was trying to avoid dealing with processing. he let her go so she could fly away and chase her dreams unattached- he wasn’t ready but she needed him to be. lily also can go to camp for this all, i have a lily on my sideblog @sheactress that plays into this stuff. they break up during camp. he already knew about the harness. it was just a matter of this isn’t right... but- their relationship helps both characters grow and evolve and handle the bigger stuff in their life while being a welcome distraction too. 
b) “nini’s here?” and his big wide eyes when he says it- that’s... that’s my canon ricky we know and love. her getting him the lottery ticket marks her as giving him his ticket to adulthood- which he says to big red he’s not sure he’s ready to take on just yet. nini is going into the future there at the end of the season- so when he’s ready to do so, he can meet her again too. when he’s ready. he has to deal with everything he feels about his home life and find his purpose before he can truly grow up... but he has to leave home and embrace the unknown to complete his story from season 1, and in my mind the best way for him to do that with my sense of him is to send him to la. more in the next part.
c) if we’re wanting to follow season 3′s premise, we can- just not his arc bc i think they could’ve done more with him... the frozen doc and his role as kristoff gets him noticed and is for all intents and purposes his ‘big break’. he perhaps goes to east high one last semester before moving to southern california. in this case he goes to la halfway through the school year to do a musical at the hollywood bowl. idk which musical- we can maybe think a bit more about this. maybe it’s a new project- maybe mamma mia- he’d play sky.
d) my main verse for ricky is probably going to be that post- season 3 / post east high ricky... living in la, after finishing up at the hollywood bowl. working on music because that’s his lifelong passion, his biggest most consistent interest and gift in the show... maybe he continues doing some acting too since he’s discovered he really does have an interest in it. part of him wants to go out to new york and try broadway and maybe in a few years he does once he’s built up his resume a little more. 
but his biggest passion is music- writing songs, playing them, etc. he achieves a pretty solid degree of success in his own right as a performer music-wise, but what he really gets into is writing and producing, which he finds he’s actually quite good at. he does this for a lot of other artists, which is what brings him an amazing level of success. he gets into a lot of deals on charm at first, but he really does prove himself skills-wise. he can put his money where his mouth is, and that’s why he has a lasting presence. he will put out his own stuff occasionally, but that’s passion, not business for him. ‘a song can mean everything’ is his big thing. 
he doesn’t track down nini right away when he comes to southern california. he doesn’t think that’s fair to her. he does always congratulate her on her achievements, but he’s sort of determined at this point that even if he loves her, and he’ll probably always love her, he needs to let her live her life. and for his part- he needs to live his. if the universe deems to bring them back together, he knows it’ll be hopefully the last time he has to prove himself to her. he’s far more capable of giving her what she’d need from a relationship, and of receiving what he needs from a partner too. whether that’s with her, or someone else. part of that is thanks to his experience with lily, part of it from what came after it. also just- life. living for himself... has taught him how to be stronger. genuinely handling his home stuff allows him to have his relationships more stable as well. 
0 notes
amiedala · 4 years
Something More (the mandalorian x reader)
Rated: Explicit (not this chapter, but future chapters will be)
Warnings: light descriptions of violence
Summary: Meeting the Mandalorian was like colliding into the rest of your life at a moment’s notice. Like oh, there you are. It was both jarring and familiar at the same time, like stepping into a minute with no intentions and stepping out of it in deja-vu. You had always been told you made too much out of everything, that you blew up every circumstance to fit some kind of grand destiny, some huge significance. If anyone asked, you’d swear up and down this was different. It was different. The Mandalorian sweeping you off your feet and out of your back alley haunts and narrow escapes was something kismet. Something cosmic. Something more.
Or, a slow burn love story across the stars featuring you, Din, and your little green baby. With love, angst, lust, and everything in between following you across the galaxy.*this deviates from canon for the most part, the plot begins at the very end of season 1 and will deviate for about half of season 2! there is LOTS planned for this (i already have 19k words written & will be posting regularly) so i hope you all enjoy!! <3 muah*
this is 1000000% completely inspired by the incredible behemoth SUPREME Mandalorian fic Rough Day by our lord & savior @no-droids but it will have its entire own plot & more of a slowburn in both love & smut, specifically for suffering long haul romance lovers like myself!
i already have 19k words written & will be ATTEMPTING to post updates regularly (and if i get excited about getting new chapters up, they might come early. i'm gonna try to post Saturday evenings every week, extenuating circumstances notwithstanding <3
hope you enjoy!!! more to come VERY SOON!!!
Meeting the Mandalorian was like colliding into the rest of your life at a moment’s notice. Like oh, there you are. It was both jarring and familiar at the same time, like stepping into a minute with no intentions and stepping out of it in deja-vu. You had always been told you made too much out of everything, that you blew up every circumstance to fit some kind of grand destiny, some huge significance. If anyone asked, you’d swear up and down this was different. It was different. The Mandalorian sweeping you off your feet and out of your back alley haunts and narrow escapes was something kismet. Something cosmic. Something more.
You met him on Nevarro. You weren’t even supposed to be there. You were supposed to be back in the Mid Rim by that point, long gone from your last mission gone sour. Your ship had broken down and you narrowly escaped a crash landing, and you’d hiked for hours through the unyielding lava fields for the closest town, with nothing but a handful of credits and the clothes on your back. Somehow, miraculously, you were able to grab the last of your water and your mother’s necklace from where it was hanging on the dashboard before the magma had bubbled up and claimed the better half of the old X-wing before you could go back in for more.
“Dank ferrik,” you seethed, and the curse felt alien under your tongue. There was no one out here to hear it but yourself, the lava, and the sulfuric air, anyways, so you grumbled out a few more before the ship fully sank into the magma in front of you.
The ship itself wasn’t a big loss—you’d only gotten it because it was the cheapest after you lost your own to that smuggler, but being stranded on a planet that was so aggressive towards any sort of survival wasn’t the best circumstance in the galaxy. But here you were, stuck, unmoored, anchorless, on a planet not known for anything except its rivers of lava and a bounty hunters’ guild you’d heard about and tried your best to stay away from. That town was the only landmark you had, though, so you begrudgingly trekked across Nevarro’s molten surface in search for any form of civilization.
The sky had started to slip off into darkness, and the small flecks of the other Outer Rim planets glistened lightyears away from where you were hiking when you stumbled over something and nearly fell into what you assumed was a dormant vat of lava. It was only when you scrambled away from the hot pocket of ground that you realized it was a stormtrooper helmet. A stormtrooper helmet with a head still in it. You gasped and skittered away, pushing off the heels of your hands to get upward as fast as you can, not even registering the heat eating through the skin of your palms. You didn’t have a weapon—the old blaster you’d carried for the last few years had been eaten up with the X-Wing—and as your eyes adjusted to a collection of white armor and bodies on the ground, you kicked yourself from not prioritizing the gun over getting out unscathed.
You didn’t scare easy. You grew up on a slowly abandoned Rebel base back on Yavin, and even after your parents’ deaths, you were surrounded by a legion of people who took care of you and taught you how to fight. Really, you were good at getting out of sticky situations that looked too dire to survive—take the crash landing an hour back for example—but you had a giant blind spot of earnestness to believe the people you went into business with were being sincere. That’s how the ship had crashed in the first place, you exchanged a repair of your original starship with providing Alderaanian liquor to a smuggler and his droid back on Dantooine who had both cut and run with it before fully repairing the vitally broken control panel. It was a rookie mistake, which you definitely weren’t, but he had just seemed so earnest in his need for the alcohol, and your fatal flaw was that you always trusted people who needed help. Even to your own detriment.
It had been your downfall back home, and at least twice when you were adventuring through the Outer Rim, and when you narrowly escaped a Deveronian when you had first started out on your own, because you were too close to a scumbag in friend’s clothing who fumbled the bag and left you for dead. He even stole your ship, then, and you had to make a series of sordid deals to get off Polis Massa, let alone find a place where you could crash safely for weeks before you could work up enough credits to get the X-Wing, which was, quite ceremoniously, dead now.
You shivered with the realization that you might be in danger, too. There were so many bodies scattered across this ridge and the next, and a handful of crashed TIE fighters. The sight of them didn’t strike fear into you—they never really had, you were raised in the Alliance and you could outfly the Empire since you were six years old—but they made you feel uneasy. Nevarro didn’t have a Rebel base, and you had never met someone in the Alliance who was from the planet. With the obvious show of Imperial affiliation and the bounty hunters’ guild, Nevarro was seedy enough that it kept you on edge as you walked, hopefully towards a town with people who didn’t want anything more from you than an easy job.
It must have been near dawn when you finally made it to the edge of the town. It was at best shot to all hell and at worst absolutely obliterated. Your heart sank. There were more dead suits of white armor scattered across the dirt and sand. There were helmets on pikes that looked far too fresh. Your hand twitched near your thigh where your blaster was usually strapped. All of this was a bad idea. You shouldn’t have left the blaster in the ship. If you were really playing the game of regrets, though, you never should have helped the smuggler. You should have paid the fifteen more credits to get the X-Wing fixed on Tatooine instead. You should have stayed on Yavin after your parents died and shouldn’t have been so earnest to make it on your own and—
“Hey.” The voice came from behind you, and you whipped around so fast your hair fell from where the clasp had been hanging on to nothing but a prayer since your crash landing. You shook it away from your face, eyes squinted at the figure that seemed to materialize behind you. “Where are you from, pretty thing?”
“Coruscant,” you lied through your teeth. The name of the planet you’ve been trying to avoid for years burns a hole through your belly.
“You don’t belong in a place like this.” He stepped into the light, and he wasn’t human. You didn’t know what he was, exactly, but his tone made your skin crawl. You held your ground.
“You’re right. I don’t. I’m looking for a mechanic.”
“I’m a mechanic.” Like hell he was. You clenched your jaw, trying to look menacing. The grease and sweat from the hike there was smeared on your face, your pants had gotten ripped while climbing out of the crash. You didn’t like how his eyes fixated hungrily on the flesh of your exposed thigh, and you had to shake the thought away while you walked into a voice much more brazen than your own.
“Do you know how to fix an X-Wing?” You stepped forward, and the Rebel insignia on your necklace glinted in the low light. Around these parts, after the fall of the Empire, you’ve heard Rebels strike fear into the local folk. Suddenly, the guy took a step backward, and you reveled in your menace for a split second before you realized someone was standing behind you.
He didn’t speak again before he took off. You stuttered, the sudden appearance of the figure behind you catching in your chest, and it rose to a cut off yelp when a red blast knocked the one who had hit on you off his feet, spiraling over a stormtrooper body, falling to the rocky floor. Dead. He was dead. You spun, praying that your heart hammering in your chest was just leftover adrenaline and not a signifier of a new threat.
Standing behind you, outfitted entirely in silver reflective armor, was a Mandalorian. “Nevarro doesn’t have mechanics.”
You squinted. You were completely taken aback by his presence, his hulking realness, but suddenly his statement overpowered your revelry. “I find that hard to believe.”
“That X-Wing crashed out there is yours.” It isn’t a question. His voice is deep, a baritone that spreads warmth even blocked by the modulator in his helmet. You’d only heard of Mandalorians in stories, legends, around the campfires growing up. You didn’t expect one to ever materialize in anything other than myth, let alone stand in front of you, electric.
You nod. Did he follow you all the way to town?
“You aren’t looking for a mechanic.” His voice is so sure, so big. Your world spins on its axis, the feeling foreign and familiar all at once. He had spoken three sentences to you, and already, you felt that dizzy, magnetic pull that you tried to convince yourself was there much more often than it was.
“I…” You trail off, staring up at his visor. He seems larger than life, much larger than you, at least, and for some reason, the hugeness is cutting off all of your words before they can fully form. “No. I need a way off this planet, though.”
“Can you fly?”
You balk at his question, annoyed—obviously, you could fly—and then remember the only track record you have in the Mandalorian’s eyes is your ship, crash landed and then immediately swallowed by lava. “I’m a pilot. A runner. I’ve been flying since I was six years old.”
He takes a minute, completely silent. The noise of the scattered stormtrooper bodies around you suddenly seems deafening. You aren’t scared of him. You think. Your heart is still hammering, but it’s nothing like the fear that rushed through you when the alien talked to you a few minutes ago. It’s different—not adrenaline, exactly, and not fear. You place the feeling when it washes over you again, warm and unexpected—Excitement.
“Okay.” He moves, and you startle. You didn’t realize the conversation was over.
“Uh,” you stammer, “Do you… do you need a pilot?”
“No,” he says, over his shoulder. His strides are long. You step forward, almost pulled after him, then stuttered to a stop. “But I might be your only ride out of here.”
“Oh,” you manage, and then follow him. The dim light spreads over the horizon as you walk, stunned into silence by his own, trying to mimic his step, his quiet. It doesn’t happen. You’re clunking along beside him, the noise made even louder by the silence in his gait. “I’m not picky, where we go, you know—I was heading away from the Outer Rim, so I’m in no rush to get back there, but—I mean, I’m thankful that you’re taking me anywhere—”
“I can’t pay you. But you don’t have to pay me, either.”
You blink, feet stuttering to a near stop, buffering before you remember to keep following him. “I’m sorry?”
“You can fly, right?”
You blink, eyes darting up to the back of his helmet. It might just be the modulator, but there’s no air in his voice, no struggle to cross the hard, hot terrain. It’s impressive. “I can, but you thought you didn’t need a pilot—?”
“You were a rebel.” His voice is curt. Quick.
Your eyebrows furrow, looking down at the insignia on your necklace and then back up at him. There’s a dry breeze over the molten moors, and his cape catches in the wind. It flutters. It’s the first sign of something gentle about him. It’s the memory you take with you for months later, savoring it for when he’s leaving you on the ship while he goes and catches his bounties, one by one. You cling to it in the long lapses of time where he doesn’t offer you anything but silence. You’ll hold onto it, a butterfly of a memory, for weeks—until he offers you something softer, something warmer. Something real.
You don’t know that in the moment, though. Right now, he’s asked a question, and you’re struggling to answer it honestly. “I was.”
“You don’t scare easily.”
It’s like he’s putting together these impossible puzzle pieces of your life. How is he guessing this? He’s known you for maybe ten whole minutes. It swells in your chest, a thunderbird of a thing, and you don’t know why.
“I’d like to think so,” you manage, as he tilts his helmet back to search you for your answer. Your breath hitches in your throat at the thought of his eyes on you, and you wonder what color they are. Maker. Where did that come from?
A ship seems to materialize out of nowhere, but it seems more likely that you were so caught up in the mystery of the Mandalorian and keeping your gaze locked on him that his ship was in the periphery of your vision. You follow him, still confused, up the descended gangplank. Sitting in the middle of the ship is a tiny green baby, with eyes ten times the size of its nose, with peach fuzz lazily dusting the top of its head. It’s holding a tiny silver ball in its three-fingered hands, looking up at the Mandalorian with outstretched arms.
You watch, in stunned silence, as the giant hulking silver figure crouches down to pick up the baby, meeting its little coos with soft words right back. It’s as soft as his cape fluttering in the wind, an unexpected, fleeting feeling of warmth. You don’t know what to do with yourself. The warm breeze buffets the small of your back, ruffles your loose hair. You just stand there, entirely enamored with this tiny green baby in the Mandalorian’s arms, speechless.
“You don’t scare easily,” the Mandalorian repeats.
You shake your head. “Nope.”
He holds the baby up to you. “How about now?”
You blink, confused. “Am I supposed to be scared of it?”
You take a tentative step forward, gaze flickering between the two of them, wondering what would have happened if you had crash landed literally anywhere else, at literally any other time. Something big and ceremonious swells somewhere deep in your chest.
“I’m not scared,” you finally say, and when your eyes find his visor again, you hope he knows you mean you’re not scared of either of them. You could be—most people with common sense are struck with fear at the sight of meeting a Mandalorian, especially one associated with such a widespread bounty hunters’ guild—but fear just keeps getting pushed away as the seconds pass. A small voice in the back of your head whispers that this is another mistake of being too trustful, but the larger half of you knows how to handle yourself if you find trouble. Besides, he has a tiny alien kid, and something tells you the Mandalorian wouldn’t put the baby in a situation that he deemed unsafe. As the door zips shut behind you, you step forward into the ship—into the place you’ll eventually make your home—heart still hammering on and on, thrumming as the three of you lift off of Nevarro’s surface and into the stars.
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high-lady-of-earth · 4 years
Warrior Heart
Chapter 1
Riven x Light Fairy Reader
Plot: After the ending of Winx Saga season 1, the reader must navigate the rest of her second year in the shifting school environment. She wants to learn how to fight and defend herself.
Chapter 2
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It had been a month since Alfea had been taken over by Rosalind. Headmistress Dowling was still missing and Headmaster Silva had been arrested. Professor Harvey was still teaching, but you could tell that he was on thin ice with Rosalind. Andreas of Eraklyon, Sky’s father, had taken over Silva’s role of training the specialists.
You were an air fairy in your second year. Your powers, which allowed you to manipulate the density of air particles, were firmly within your control and you had been one of Headmistress Dowling’s prodigies.
In your first year, you had roomed with Stella and Rikki. You were there when Stella had lost control of her powers and accidentally blinded Rikki, who was sent away by Queen Luna. After that incident, you had lost one of your best friends and the other began to pull away from you. You watched from afar as Stella’s life at Alfea began to fall apart. Her magic was irreparably damaged. You knew Stella felt incompetent next to you, who had been labeled by Dowling to be the “most talented fairy of your generation”. You tried not to use your powers near Stella, but you still could still feel her resentment, even though you weren’t a mind fairy.
Now, Stella was rooming with first years and you were alone. You had mended your friendship over the summer, especially after she had broken up with Sky. Her new roommates became your friends, even though you lived alone. If you were being honest, it was actually kinda nice to have a room all to yourself.
But now, things were taking a darker turn. Stella’s mother was currently residing in the school, and no one liked her. Queen Luna was cruel, especially to Stella. She doted on you because you were a powerful fairy, but you wished she didn’t. It made Stella feel even more inadequate when she didn’t receive the same attention from her own mother.
Bloom was Rosalind’s protege. She did everything Rosalind ordered, without asking any questions. Bloom and the other girls felt like Aisha had betrayed the rest of them and you honestly just wanted to graduate without anymore drama after your fourth year.
Sky was more of a mystery. You couldn’t tell how he felt about his father’s return. You knew that even though Sky might be happy to see his father, he would never forgive Andreas for Silva’s arrest and subsequent absence. Sky seemed to be dating Bloom though, after another breakup with Stella. He mostly kept to himself, only really hanging out with Bloom. Sky also wasn’t talking to Riven.
Riven and Dane turned out to be Beatrix’s lackeys. They followed her every step and worshipped the ground she walked on. You were disgusted by how much Riven had changed. Before this year, he had been arrogant, but now he was just a straight up asshole.
The specialist presence on campus has increased immensely. Rosalind cited the burned ones as the reason for more security. You couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable whenever you walked to class, the stares of the guards like needles in your skin. You also hated how vulnerable they made you feel. The older specialists were a constant reminder that you were defenseless and you hated that feeling. That was why you were currently at the specialists training field at ten pm, trying to smash a dummy.
You had seen the specialists do it when they were training. They would punch the dummy and it would fall. It couldn’t be that difficult. Ok well, unfortunately it was. You had tried to punch the dummy at least six times already, and it seemed like it was doing more damage to you based on the state of your knuckles.
You put your arms back into position and struck out, this time pushing more strength into your blow. Your fist collided with the center of the target on the dummy and it fell backwards a little bit. You let out a small squeal of excitement at the first amount of progress you had made.
“Why are you so excited? You only made the dummy move a fraction of an inch and it took you eight tries.” Said a voice behind you.
You whirled around to see a person standing behind you, their identity obscured by the darkness. It didn’t matter that it was dark. You knew by the cocky voice exactly who it was.
“It was six tries and no one asked your opinion, Riven.” You replied.
“Well, I wanted to give it anyway. And here’s another one: you’re punches are shit.” He said. You rolled your eyes. It didn’t matter that your punches were shit, you didn’t like being told by him.
“What are you doing out here? Running from your homicidal bitch of a girlfriend?” You said tauntingly.
“1) she’s not my girlfriend. 2) I could ask you the same question, Y/n.”
“So, you were running from Beatrix.”
“No, I was talking a walk, but your pathetic excuse for a punch ruined it.”
“You could just leave then. The dorms are back that way.” You said, pointing to the specialist hall.
“I’m just leaving now. Here’s a free tip: widen your stance and use your core.” Riven said as he walked off. You turned around and did as he suggested, widening the distance between your two feet. Then, you brought your arm back and swung while tightening your core. Your fist hit the dummy and it sailed backwards and hit the ground. You let out a triumphant cry of joy and walked back to your room.
When you woke up the next morning, the first thing you noticed was your knuckles. They were red and raw. If any of your friends saw your hands, they wouldn’t stop asking questions. You put on a sweater which was just a hint too big and pulled the sleeves over your hands.
You walked to your first class, which was taught by Rosalind. Her teaching style was way different from Headmistress Dowling’s. Instead of sitting at desks, you were told to stand around the edge of the room. All of the desks had been removed from the classroom and a table small table had been set up in the middle of the open space. On it were three bowls that contained water, dirt, and sticks.
“Good morning, class. Today, we will be learning how to use our magic without the guidance of our hands.” Rosalind said. The class chittered with excitement. This was the most exciting lesson for second years.
“We’re going to be doing things a little differently. Headmistress Dowling taught you useless magic. I will be teaching you how to use it offensively and we will practice on each other.” Rosalind continued. Someone spoke up.
“I thought we weren’t supposed to use our magic on other students!” Your classmate said.
“Using your magic on each other is the only way to hone your skills. This new rule will be put into place effective immediately.” Rosalind replied.
You watched as Rosalind called up two of your classmates. One was an earth fairy and the other was a water fairy. Rosalind proceeded to teach them how to draw on their magic without using their hands. Headmistress Dowling and already taught you this, so you zoned out. Instead of watching the two fairies in the center try to battle it out, you thought about last night.
You were surprised that Riven had helped you. A part of his first year self had come through and you were pleasantly happy about it. It was good to know that he wasn’t just Beatrix’s lap dog.
“Y/n and Fiora, you’re up next.” Rosalind said. You rolled your eyes. Fairy parents were so unoriginal with names for their children. Of course Fiora was a fire fairy.
You stepped into the center of the room. You reached out with your mind and the air around you condensed, becoming a thick shield. It was invisible, so no one could tell that you had already armed yourself.
“Y/n, are you ready?” Fiora said. She was holding a bunch of the sticks you had seen in one of the bowls. Well, it seemed like her plan was to torch the stick and throw it at you, just like the three other fire fairies had done in the last few rounds. How unoriginal, you thought. You were honestly bored of this already.
You nodded and reached out with your mind once again. Fiora’s eyes lit up as she used her powers and stared at the sticks, but nothing happened. She knit her eyebrows in concentration. The concentration turned to confusion when the sticks turned black.
“What are you doing?” Fiora said to you. Everyone was now staring at you intensely. Honestly, it was really simple. Fire needed oxygen to light, so you had removed the oxygen in the air from around your the sticks, creating a little bubble around them. Fiora was just heating them up to the point where they charred. You tell she was growing frustrated and angry so you drew your powers back from her.
What you didn’t expect, thought, was for her to launch two fireballs at you. You had still kept the shield of air up around you, so they hit the barrier and fizzled out. Fiora launched fireball after fireball at you and she began sweating. She was wearing herself out, but you weren’t even fazed. You wanted to end this, so you reached out with your power and formed a hand with the air in front of Fiora. You used the hand to push her towards the edge of the room.
Rosalind began clapping while the other students stared at you in awe.
“Now that is a perfect example of offensive mental magic!” Rosalind exclaimed.
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Hi!! I hope you liked the first chapter of this:) I will be posting the next chapter in a couple of days.
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thefreakishmuffin · 3 years
The Owl House season 2 analysis: Eda and the Owlbeast
(May not have as many screenshots in this one, so I apologize in advance for the long walls of text. I’m getting the pics I can from google).
Alright everybody, strap in, because this is gonna be a pretty long read, as this is the part of the episode that hit me the hardest. And I mean that in the absolute best way possible. But son of a gun, just when I think The Owl House can’t depict the struggles of mental illness and trauma any better, they top that bar and go above and beyond. Dana Terrace and the rest of the crew, you’re doing amazing!
So let’s start off with Eda. After losing Raine and getting an inside view from them about the Emperor’s plan for the Day of Unity, Eda has started to work herself to the brink of exhaustion, feeling like she has to protect those around her. In an attempt to help Eda relax and get some sleep, Hooty makes her cookies spiked with sleeping nettles, which apparently gives you heightened and eerily vivid dreams. And here is where we get to what I feel is the most intense part of the entire episode.
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Part of the reason Eda’s been avoiding sleep is so that she won’t have to come face to face with the Owlbeast again. But now, she decides to confront the Owlbeast herself. She states that the Owlbeast is the reason she ran away from home, and the reason she never got close to anyone. She decides that now’s the time that she’s gonna be the one to haunt the beast that has always haunted her. She seems very vengeful here, with a kind of rage in her eyes.
However, when she’s about to head down the hall, the dream transitions Eda back to her old room from when she was young, and finds herself transformed into her teenage self as well. We see here that she’s at home with her family, and it’s here that we see her father for the first time. It’s here that she runs up and hugs her father. This shows that she does indeed love her father very much, and has been missing him all this time. Her father even calls her by the cute nickname of ‘pumpkin’. This shows that the two of them have - or at least have had - a loving father-daughter relationship.
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Unfortunately, things start to go south when Eda’s father, who we learn is named Dell, pulls out a little party favor for his kids before heading out to the Mandible. The sudden loud noise appears to scare the Owlbeast inside of Eda, triggering her to go into her Owlbeast form. This causes the Owlbeast - which I interpret as Eda herself, as she is reliving traumatic flashbacks - to attack her father causing severe damage to his right eye.
Now this could be very well be why Eda was so uncomfortable when Lilith spoke of reconnecting with their father. Eda feels terrible about what happened, and is nervous about seeing their father again after the incident. She is burdened with guilt for what happened. However, she tries to tell herself that it wasn’t her fault, but rather the fault of the Owlbeast inside of her. 
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The dream transitions to another scene later in her life, about her mid-twenties, where she was dating Raine. But this isn’t a happy memory, as here Raine accuses Eda of lying to them about her curse, and how they feel as if they don’t know her anymore. It’s here that Raine admits to Eda that they are joining the Bard Coven, and that they are breaking up. The emotional devastation of this moment activates Eda’s curse. Raine asks Eda if she’s okay, to which Eda pushes Raine away and states that she’s okay. Raine, unable to help despite still loving Eda, takes their leave, knowing that Eda will never let them really help her. Present day Eda pleads with her past self to let Raine help them, to which her past self insists that everything is fine and that she’s okay.
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This, to me at least, is a very big metaphor for mental illness, and how it can push those you love away simply by refusing their help. Eda, not wanting to hurt or burden anyone with her problems, constantly tells everyone she’s fine. By not letting others help her, she’s hurting herself in the process. And in turn is pushing away those who genuinely want to help her, but they don’t know what to do if she won't tell the what’s going on. The Owlbeast is making it a point for force Eda to relive some of the moments of her life where the Owlbeast curse affected her relationships with others the most. 
Eda then attacks the Owlbeast when it shows up again, repeatedly blaming the creature for ruining her life and making her miserable. But then Eda turns into her Owlbeast form herself, and is ensnared by a mysterious figure in a cloak decorated with celestial patterns, and where its face should be is dark with a crescent moon - or perhaps an eclipse. The figure then states, “Don’t bother beast, you can’t run away anymore. It’s over.” With a menacing laugh.
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I’ll be honest, I don’t know totally what to make of this being. But I assume it has something to do with the Day of Unity, given all the celestial bodies and eclipse symbolism that the two have in common. Is this perhaps the being that created the spell that cursed Eda? Does this mean that this curse will play a vital role in the Day of Unity? I honestly don’t know. I’m kinda stuck on this one. This scene felt very ambiguous to me.
Eda takes off in flight, only to fall into the sea with her figure becoming the scroll that possessed the spell that cursed her in the first place. the scroll gets picked up by a passerby, and is presumably taken to the night market. We then have a sad Eda sitting on the banks of an ocean, with the smaller version of the Owlbeast trying to get away from her. But there is a red string connecting them. This could be the ‘red string of fate’. It originates in Chinese folklore, but the idea is that the string connects two destined soulmates. Now, I don’t think the Owlbeast is a soulmate to Eda, but this does sow that the two of them are definitely tied together. 
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And it’s here that it finally hits Eda; just as she is haunted by the Owlbeast, the Owlbeast is haunted by her as well. She now tries to show kindness to the shrunken Owlbeast as it climbs up onto the shore, exhausted from trying to be free from her. And then one of Eda’s potions washes up on shore. And Eda does something amazing here. She accepts the reality that the two of them are stuck together, regardless of whether they like or not. And that the potion is the only reason the two of them can see each other and communicate face to face. Eda then says, “If we can’t learn to accept each other, this nightmare will never end.”
Eda asks for a temporary truce, to which the Owlbeast agrees by drinking some of the potion from Eda’s hand and resting on her lap, seemingly in a moment of peace. the sky changes color to a beautiful, rainbow-like scene, to which Eda states, “I’ve never had a dream this pretty.” And then she finally wakes up.
This whole scene was symbolic of someone accepting a mental illness. A piece of themselves that they resent and wish they could live without. As someone who suffers from a few mental illnesses myself, this part of the episode really spoke to me. Eda is accepting the reality of her curse, but is doing her best to try and not to resent it, now accepting that it’s a part of her. And I think she’s even coming to the understanding here that, even though the Owlbeast has blame for pushing Eda’s loved ones away, she shares just as much blame as well for never allowing those she loved to help her.
This particular part of the episode highlights just how important it is to allow others to help you when you are suffering. You are not a burden to someone who unconditionally loves you and is willing to do everything in their power to help you, no matter what. Just earlier she was saying that she needs to protect those she loves the most from the Emperor’s plans. Now that Eda is once again surrounded by people who love her, she is no longer going to try and push them away. But instead, she’s decided she’s going to protect them no matter what.
Eda wakes up from her dream to find that she can now transform into a new form she has complete control over. One that we’ll call her Harpy form from now on. This, I believe, is now a version of her Owlbeast form that she can control. This can even be a metaphor for someone fully accepting themselves with their mental illness and, in a way, “transforming” themselves into their best self.
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whereisten · 4 years
A Yangyang fic that’s part of our Halloween Series! 
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Summary: After a falling out with your friends, you wander into a forest and find a mysterious mansion with an even more mysterious inhabitant, Yangyang. 
Pairing: rich boy!Yangyang x female reader 
Genre: romance, fluff, fantasy, mystery, suspense, drama
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: Violence
(A/N): hey y’all! So the timing for posting this story worked out so well because it’s Yangyang’s birthday (in America!) :D Anyway, this is our second story for our Halloween Series for NCT 2020 and we hope you enjoy!  I’m so excited to be writing for one of my biases. I know my writing needs a lot of work but I hope you guys enjoy it. Yangyang is precious. Stan Yangyang, y’all. Shoutout to Krys for inspiring me everyday and for proofreading my story! You are my rock!
It was October 10, the day in which your small town came together for a big bonfire to celebrate the fall season. Your town of Celestial was known for celebrating something every week but the atmosphere was always special at this time of the year. Classes ended for the week and your friends were excited to go to a party in the woods.
Unfortunately for you, you were abandoned off the side of the road after having a falling out with your friends Dowoon and Sana for blowing off the mayor’s son’s party. You’d recently been rebuffed by him in the senior hallway. Your rejection was followed by your classmates mocking you all day long. You wouldn’t be caught dead at Peter’s party. And you were especially in no mood to put up with your friends’ preference for a good party over their recently spurned friend’s feelings.
You said screw them but they would probably end up screwing each other anyway. They were platonic but their drunken hookups always said otherwise. So sometimes you felt like a third wheel. Which was also why you didn’t want to go. You wanted a new experience this spooky season. And you were probably getting one now that you were 2 miles outside of town. Damn your pride. Dowoon and Sana insisted you get back in the car but the driver, the school quarterback, quickly drove them off. What a sense of community, you thought.
It was freezing in Celestial at this time of year so you were layered up, saving your pair of ruby red mittens for last. The overcast sky appeared to promise snowfall. If not for tonight, the snow would surely fall tomorrow
You knew this area well enough to walk back into town but as you took a few steps forward, you noticed smoke in the distance. Like it was coming from a chimney.
That was odd, you thought. Who lived on this side of town?
As you walked in the direction of the smoke, you moved past the dense evergreen trees and before you knew it, you stumbled upon a mansion out of an old-time movie. Dating back to at most the 1800s. The mansion was a Renaissance chateau, big and domineering. Something that could’ve made Celestial a tourist destination like Asheville had with the Biltmore Estate.
How was it possible that anyone could live here, you thought. Surely, this would be the talk of the town if anyone knew. And if it was off-limits, it would’ve certainly kept the town on their toes.
The mansion was quiet and there was no trace of movement or inhabitants. Then again, it was large so you could be incorrect. The chateau’s main entrance was big and made of the most pristine marble. The only thing missing was a moat. There were several fountains in the entrance. The water froze due to the colder weather. You didn’t understand how you could keep moving forward. You didn’t know this place. You didn’t know who could be inside. But you found yourself taking steps up to the massive double doors. Your hand moved to the doorknob and turned it over. The door creaked open and without a second thought, you walked in.
The door slammed shut behind you but you weren’t afraid. In fact, you were mesmerized by the atmosphere of the mansion. From the outside the mansion looked preserved like a fine piece of art in a high-surveillance museum: cold and unwelcoming and way out of your price range. But on the inside, it felt...warm and bright. It felt like home. It smelled of cinnamon and freshly baked bread.
You walked through the entryway and found everything illuminated by candle light. There was no indication of light from the outside. It was almost as if the real goings-on were hidden from the outside world.  
There were shoes at the entrance. You took your boots off to not track dirt into the residence. Winter coats were hung up on the coat rack. You hang your coat up as well. There was a half-full cup of tea that was beside the sofa of the sitting room. You admired the interior: the expansive first floor library, the dining room table that sat seven, the pristine kitchen area, the music room...
As you stood in the doorway of the music room, you heard the sounds of a violin playing a somber but sweet melody. Rather than grow alarmed, you longed to find the source, thinking that whatever it was could only bring you joy.
The music room was massive, with a skylight in the shape of a spade on the ceiling. The sunset colors of the sky never looked more stunning than they did at that moment.  A grand piano lay at the center. You longed to touch it but something inside you warned you against it. Instruments of all kinds were splayed across the area. But there was no violin in sight.
When you turned around to continue exploring the mansion, that was when you found the source of the music.
A boy about your age stood before you with his violin rested against his collarbone. He continued to play as he smiled knowingly at you. He had straight brown hair that nearly fell into his warm brown eyes. He donned a black tuxedo that was more regal than modern. His eyes crinkled as he watched you, delighted to meet such a beautiful stranger.
You nearly jumped at his presence. “Who…are you?”
Quirking an eyebrow, he replied as he continued playing, “I should be asking you that. You’ve broken into our home.”
“Our?” You asked.
He shook his head. “What brings you here, miss?”
You knew you’d been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to  but you couldn’t help it. This place called out to you and you’d hoped you could stay longer. But it looked like your time was up. You lamely said, “I…need to borrow your phone.”
He shook his head. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re referring to. What’s this ‘phone’ you speak of?” His refined voice was not like that of the locals. He sounded well-traveled, worldly. But definitely from a long time ago. 
The more you spoke to this young man, the more you realized that he didn’t sound like he lived in the same century as you.
You frowned. “You don’t know what a phone is? Come on, you’re kidding, aren’t you?”
He halted from playing and gave you a look. “Tell me. What is a phone?”
“…It’s a device that lets you speak to someone who isn’t with you…” You attempted an explanation that was as eloquent as possible, thinking that if you spoke in a more refined tone, he would get what you were saying. Where on earth could this boy have been from to not know what a phone is? He really sounded like someone from a century past.
“Like a medium?” He asked as he set his violin down in its case. He put his hands in his pockets as he walked slowly back to you. Your breathing stalled as his face was mere inches from yours. He was indeed very handsome. His high cheekbones. His glorious tan skin. A pearly white set of teeth. His legs were dangerously long as he faced you.
Your face warmed up and you hoped he couldn’t tell. You backed away as you locked your eyes on the piano instead. “No…It’s like if I were two miles away from here and you needed to get a hold of me, you could use a phone to contact me on another phone. It’s an electronic device.”
He nodded. “Oh, I’ve heard of those…My family and I could not acquire them, unfortunately.” His expression became sad, longing.
Hearing his defeated voice, you turned to him. “Oh, I’m sorry. Why is that?”
He looked at you, defeated. “I’d rather not say, miss…”
“Y/n,” you answered.
“Y/n,” he replied, liking the sound of your name.
“It’s okay,” you replied, “I should probably go…I’ve overstayed my welcome, sir….Your name?”
“Yangyang,” he answered, anticipating the sound of his name off of your lips.
“Yangyang…Would it be possible to get a ride back into town? I can pay you for your trouble.”
He smiled apologetically. “My sincerest apologies but I’ve no means to take you.”
“Oh…” It was all you could say.
You felt a small pang of worry at the pit of your stomach, especially now that night had fallen. Perhaps, you could make your way back into town if Yangyang offered you a torch. He would have that much, at the very least.
“It’s dangerous to go out on your own at this time of night, y/n…” He said, quietly. It was a little eerie that he read your mind at that moment.
“I know. I’m such a fool…I couldn’t borrow my father’s phone for the night so I have no way of calling anyone…I…just couldn’t help myself when I walked in here…” You said as you looked around the music room. “It was like…”
“Something pulled you in,” he finished.
“Yes, exactly.”
Yangyang began, “I know it’s out of turn for me to say this but I can offer you a room to stay in for the night…Then, you can make your way back into town in the morning.”
You were beyond lucky your parents weren’t home for the weekend. Otherwise, they’d be worried sick. But even so…How could you say yes to a total stranger? Even if you were only a few miles out of town, you didn’t know Yangyang. You didn’t know what his intentions could be.
Another part of you told you to trust him. Because what would you do in the woods at night? You couldn’t account for the wolves or the other creatures of the night. You didn’t know who else could linger in the woods.
As far as you could tell, Yangyang was an odd but attractive guy. And if he was offering a separate space for you to sleep in, then you should take it.
There was a snowstorm in a matter of minutes when Yangyang escorted you upstairs. How odd for it to be snowing in early October, you thought. You rejoiced over how your jerk of a crush's party was a bust. You wondered if Sana and Dowoon made it home safely. You wondered if they worried about you now. After they left you in the middle of the road.
Maybe you should stop being friends with them. You felt like you were more disappointed in them with each passing week. You wondered when they would do something for you. It always seemed to fall on you to pick them up from parties and cover for them when their parents called your house when they went to a 21+ club. You just wanted a simple night in to watch a movie and share ghost stories. Maybe they didn’t want to do those things anymore.
You wouldn’t say they grew up but maybe...the three of you just grew apart.
You pushed thoughts of them to the back of your mind as Yangyang stood in front of an ornate door, decorated with flower engravings, painted in several colors. The initials at the bottom were “W.T.”.
Yangyang pulled a set of keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door for you. He handed the set of golden keys to you. “These are yours for the duration of your stay. You can trust no one will come in...Unless it be your wish, y/n.”
He dropped the keys into your hands. “Thank you,” you whispered.
Yangyang smiled. “You are welcome. Supper will be ready in an hour. I’ll come for you when it is time.”
You couldn’t look at him for too long without your eyes burning. He was too radiant. Too beautiful. Almost otherworldly. You looked down at your socks as you entered the room. You shut it gently behind you.
You locked the door from the inside, trusting that Yangyang gave you the only set. You took a sigh of relief as you took in the bedroom.
This had to be a mistake, you thought.
This had to be the master room. It felt like you were in a 19th century penthouse suite, if such a thing had existed. Your room for the night started with a fireplace and a sitting area. When you walked past it, you entered the study area that was bigger than the first floor of your house. You had a massive walk-in closet filled with gowns and shoes of every color. You even had a room full of fine jewelry on display, including tiaras studded with diamonds. Your mouth remained open as you walked through the “bedroom”.
You shouldn’t have access to any of these things. For they must have belonged to someone. Why would Yangyang let you sleep in here?
Lastly, as your heart couldn’t take anymore, the bedroom was plush and luxurious. The carpet embraced the soles of your feet. After resisting the urge to touch everything else in the bedroom, you allowed yourself to sit on the king-sized bed.
Sleeping in this bed would’ve compensated for all of the all-nighters you’ve pulled in your life. It was a shame you wouldn’t be able to sleep that night, though.
You were many things. Naive, innocent, studious, and quite impulsive at times. But you weren’t about to fall asleep in a stranger’s home.
Half an hour passed as you washed up and warmed up by the fireplace.
Yangyang knocked at your door. You thought it odd that he would be escorting you down himself. Shouldn’t he have servants, living in a place like this?
You opened the door and Yangyang stared at you in shock.
“What?” You frowned. You looked exactly the same as you did when you first met him, he realized.
“Were none of the gowns to your liking?” Yangyang asked, genuinely confused.
You did a double take. “What? Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly...Those aren’t mine. I don’t want to take advantage of your hospitality. No more than I already have.”
Yangyang was stunned at your decision. He thought you would have tried on all of the dresses in the past half hour and don the diamond tiara with golden accents...But no...The suite he’d given you was relatively untouched. You were certainly a woman of your word. You would’ve looked stunning in the red sleeveless dress, he thought. He snapped out of it and said, “No matter. You had the option...That’s why I gave you this room. Everything within these mansion walls is at your disposal.”
You laughed. “You’ve done more than enough for me so don’t worry. Now...can we go eat? I really can’t turn down a meal.” You hadn’t eaten since breakfast.
Yangyang laughed at your candor. “Of course.”
As you walked down the grand wooden staircase, you could hear more people in the house. You heard chairs being pulled, laughter, clinking of glasses, and the piano being played.
You turned to Yangyang. “Who...”
Yangyang replied, “My brothers will be joining us for supper.”
“Oh,” you said, surprised. When you entered, you were shocked enough that Yangyang was there. Who knew more people resided here? Up until now, it was so quiet that you could probably hear a pin drop.
That, and Yangyang’s violin. Which you longed to hear again.
You felt quite underdressed upon meeting Yangyang’s brothers in the dining room, which boasted a lot of paintings and miniature statues to the men who stood before you. There was another grand piano in the dining area, where one of Yangyang’s brothers sat and played a lively piece. Three of the brothers were laughing about an anecdote that the tallest of the group told. The final two men sat as...to your surprise, servants finished setting the dining table, lighting the flames of the candles in the center. The servants’ dresses had turned up collars with plain neckties. Yangyang’s brothers all donned suits of dark reds, blues, and grays. They looked like members of a royal family.
At the sight of you, the music stopped and all of the men started moving towards you and Yangyang.
“Yangyang, an introduction is in order,” the pianist asked as he got up from his seat.
“Brothers, this is y/n. She is staying with us before she returns to town in the morning,” Yangyang said, the humor in his voice when he spoke with you vanished. He moved closer to you, you noticed.
The pianist asked for your hand and kissed it. “Enchanted to meet you, y/n. I am Wei Kun, the oldest of the Wei children.”
You coughed, a little shocked at how forward Kun was. It was a culture shock to you. Most boys thought they were too damn special to ever make eye contact with you.
You shook hands with the other brothers. They were all very happy to see you. But you couldn’t quite place what kind of joy it was so you remained on your toes.
“Please, sit,” Winwin said as he led you to the seat right next to the head of the table. Kun sat down at the head of the table and smiled at you. The rest of the brothers joined you.
The servants began to bring out the drinks and the first course. Ten was about to sit next to you when Yangyang immediately claimed the seat.
“Calm down, brother,” Ten said, “It won’t do you harm to let her sit beside someone other than you.”
Yangyang remained in his seat. “She is my guest.”
Ten chuckled as he sat across from you. “So y/n, what brings you to this neck of the woods?”
A servant poured a glass of water for you. “Thank you,” you replied and tried to meet her eyes.
The servant quickly turned away and headed to the kitchen, you assumed. That was odd.
“Well,” you continued, “My friends and I were going to a party in the woods. We got into a fight and I got out of the car that was on the road not too far from here…”
“A car?” Xiaojun frowned, his bold eyebrows furrowed. He took a bite of his salad.
So these men didn’t know phones or cars... “Oh...Well, they’re these machines that can transport people from place to place…”
“Like a carriage?” Yangyang offered.
“Ah.” The rest of the boys said in realization.
You nodded as you drank your water, “Yes, but it runs on gasoline.”
The boys were amazed at your tales about modern technology. You went into as much detail as you could about phones and cars. The boys were an odd bunch. It was almost as if they never left this house.
Although it seemed like that, they told you tales of their travels to Asia, South America, and Europe. They told you about their cultural expeditions and their visits to the natural wonders of the world. Ten, the painter of the family, motioned to the paintings you’d seen earlier. They were paintings of places like Machu Picchu, the Colosseum, and the Parthenon. They were paintings of the places they visited. They were so vivid and lifelike. Ten was an incredible painter. Talent ran in the family, that was a sure thing. You were as much in awe of their tales. You were thankful the spotlight wasn’t on you like you’d expected, being the sole stranger of this household.
You enjoyed the salad, the tomato soup, the roasted duck, and the dessert, which happened to be your favorite: strawberry shortcake.
“Would you care for another slice?” Yangyang asked in a whisper as the other boys talked. He noticed your face come alive at the first bite of the cake.
You nearly choked on the last bite of your slice. You must have looked gluttonous to him. You should’ve eaten slower, you thought. You must have not been very ladylike at that moment. You shook your head. “That’s alright. Thank you. Everything was delicious.”
Yangyang looked at you once again in confusion. You clearly wanted another slice so why weren’t you asking for it, he asked himself. “Very well…” He murmured.
Lucas got up from the table. “Well, Yangyang, the boys and I will retire early...Although we wish you would let us be in y/n’s company…”
Yangyang quickly replied, “Good evening, brothers.”
They all pouted but wished you a good evening.
You laughed. “Your brothers are a lot of fun.”
Yangyang scoffed. “That’s one word for them. The minute they caught wind that I had a visitor, they insisted on joining us for dinner. I am so sorry, y/n. You must have been overwhelmed.”
You shook your head. “It’s nice to know that it isn’t just you in this house.”
Yangyang was stunned at your words. You were so...kind. Thinking of others, always. Thinking of him, basically a total stranger. You were as kind as you were trusting. It made his heart ache.
He pulled your seat back for you. He offered his arm. “Are you tired?”
Exhausted, actually. But once again, you were in a stranger’s house. And now that you knew he wasn’t alone, you wanted to be more on guard.
“Nope...I am wide awake.” You smiled as you took his arm. He was warm to the touch. The electricity ran between both of you.
Yangyang laughed. “What would you like to do, y/n?”
“I’d like to hear you play,” you said.
He was shocked at your honesty. He liked when you expressed yourself honestly most of all.
It was the truth, you thought. Frankly, it was part of your ruse to stay up as late as possible but if Yangyang could keep you entertained, it would certainly help a lot.
And truly, you could listen to his violin for hours.
Back in the music room, you sat on the couch, serving as Yangyang’s audience. He loosened his tie and took off his jacket, setting it aside on a chair. He rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt.
He warmed up his hands and fingers for a few minutes before he tuned the strings of his violin. His fingers were so elegant and slender. The veins of his arms protruded as he flexed his hands. He looked so focused and determined and just unbelievably beautiful. The violin was an extension of his heavenly hands. This was the most attractive he’d ever been. You bit your lip.
You told yourself to calm down, for he was a complete stranger.
Sure, up until this point, he gave you the bedroom of your dreams. A dinner that nearly brought you to tears from the flavor and comfort it gave you. And he was playing his beloved instrument for you...But you couldn’t get attached so quickly.
He couldn’t meet your gaze because the look in your eyes made him feel something he wasn’t prepared to acknowledge. Time had slipped quickly and his heart was deceiving him when it shouldn’t have.
“So...what will you be playing first?” You asked. How many songs could you get out of him before you both retired to your rooms?
Yangyang grinned excitedly. “An original I’ve been working on...I finished composing it today.”
“Really? Today?” You asked.
He gave you the knowing smile he had the moment you met him. “You helped me finish it.”
“Is that so? Well, I’m ready when you are.” You smiled, about to kick your legs up like an overly excited schoolgirl.
“The piece is called ‘Found’,” Yangyang said as he positioned his bow against the strings and began.
Yangyang was truly an otherworldly being, especially under the skylight. The snowstorm was long gone and only the moonlight shone down on him. His skin illuminated like porcelain. His sculpted face tilted as he immersed himself in his song.
You realized the song was the piece he played when you entered the music room the first time. The song was somber at first. The notes were low and left you feeling down. Yangyang’s face was so melancholic at the start of the song. However, as he continued, the notes became lighter and freer, picking up towards the end, signifying hope. Your heart swayed with each three-note chord he played.
You weren’t entirely sure of the story behind the song but meeting you must not have been a low point of his day.
You clapped for Yangyang. “I loved it! It’s...too beautiful to be called merely beautiful...You are so talented.”
Yangyang’s cheeks were now a rosy pink. He bowed for you. “Thank you.”
You laughed giddily. You wished you could’ve recorded this performance, you longed to keep it with you for the rest of your life.
Yangyang continued playing his original pieces. He was truly gifted in his craft. His compositions were nothing to sneeze at. He should be a world-famous musician with all of the work he’d done.
As he played, he would meet your eyes and give you a little smile. You could watch him for hours. He could play for you for hours.
You two were in this perfect little bubble, then. Reality didn’t take effect. It was divine.
Yangyang’s hands grew tired and after his last song, he sat beside you.
“You look sleepy, y/n,” he noted, “Did my performance actually bore you?” He mocked taking offense.
You fought a yawn but couldn’t let it escape you so turned away from him. You lifted a finger and told him to wait.
You let out a yawn, trying not to be noisy. Yes, you were tired. A long day at school, a falling out with your friends, and an evening at the Wei Mansion did its number on you.
You faced Yangyang again. “I’m wide awake.”
Yangyang lifted an eyebrow in skepticism. “Perhaps you would like  something to drink?”
You nodded. “Something warm...Would hot cocoa be possible?”
“Absolutely. It’s a staple at this household this time of year,” he said.
He offered his hand to you and you took it. Both of you were taken aback by how immediate you were to hold hands but neither of you let go as Yangyang led you into the kitchen.
In the kitchen, he tended to you. The servants were nowhere in sight. The mansion felt like it had when you first came in: empty.
It felt like you two were the only people in this house, a world in itself.
He poured you a cup of cocoa he made and you were in love. The cocoa tasted amazing. You drank it slowly, savoring every sip.
You shivered a little from the cold that creeped into the mansion. Yangyang left for a moment and returned with a blanket. He wrapped it around you.
It was plush and made of the softest material you could ever imagine. If you snuggled too much against it, you would fall asleep right then and there.
But your energy started picking up again...It must have been the cocoa.
“We can go into the library...I’ll start up the fire.” Yangyang offered as he drank his cup of cocoa.
It seemed Yangyang was eager to stay awake with you, you thought.
“Aren’t you tired?” You asked.
He looked up from his cup. “What?”
“You don’t have to force yourself to stay up with me. I’m the one who can’t sleep.”
Yangyang knew you were keeping yourself awake on purpose. He knew you didn’t completely trust him or this house. Slowly, however, you opened yourself up to him and he was quite fond of you. He wanted to be by your side for the night. He didn’t know why exactly but he just did.
He met your gaze. “I hope it is not too forward of me to say this...But I want to remain at your side.”
You looked down, flattered at his words. Then, you mustered your courage and met his unwavering stare. “Okay.”
The truth was, you felt safer with Yangyang. And you couldn’t lie to yourself: you liked him. He was kind, attentive, charming, and a wonderful musician. The moment you met him made you forget all of your troubles...if only for a moment.
You two walked into the dome-shaped library. It was bigger than any commercial bookstore. You wondered how old the family’s collection was.
Yangyang started the fire at the fireplace by the reading couches. He motioned for you to take a seat.
You sat down and nearly sank into the couch. It was so comfortable. You were living in the lap of luxury.
“Y/n, are you alright?” Yangyang asked.
You laughed. “Yeah...why?”
“Your eyes rolled to the back of your head,” he said, smiling confusedly.
You laughed again. “It’s because this couch is the most comfortable thing I’ve ever sat on.”
Yangyang smiled and shook his head. “The simplest things please you.”
“Nothing about this house is simple,” you said.
He shook his head, smiling at you and picked up a book off of the shelf. He scanned the title and the summary. “What do you like to read, y/n?”
You answered, “Horror.”
Yangyang’s eyes widened. “Really?”
You nodded. “Yes. I like the suspense and the kinds of creatures the writers come up with.”
Yangyang was wrong to assume you were a romance kind of girl. He’d hoped to woo you with some Shakespeare. He took it in stride and put the book he had back on the shelf. He took a rolling step ladder and positioned it farther away from you. He got up on the steps and picked up another book off the shelf.
“It’s called ‘The Mysterious Mansion’,” he said, biting back a laugh.
“How fitting,” you said, laughing.
You and Yangyang shared a couch as you took turns reading to each other. The story was dark and twisted but got your heart racing.
Well, maybe Yangyang’s being so close to you may have had something to do with it.
The hours pass and you finish off the last page. Yangyang leaned against the other end of the couch and simply watched you. He loved the sound of your voice and the way it cracked.
He gave you a glass of water to relax your voice. He loved how your eyes scanned word for word. The crease between your eyes as you interpreted the author’s words. But you kept on reading aloud. He’d read “The Mysterious Mansion’ several times but this time was his favorite reread.
You could hear Yangyang talk forever when you heard him read the passages. His voice was soothing and full of wonder. The grin on his face right before he read a twist to the story. The crinkle of his nose when he laughed at your reactions. He’d become a friend.
A friend you wanted to kiss.
This was the most fun you’d ever had. This cold October night with this enchanting young man. You kinda wished it would never end but you were still resolved to...Stay...awake…
Your eyes grew heavy and you curled yourself against the couch. You pulled the blanket tighter around you.
Yangyang realized you were drifting. He quickly moved over to you and shook you awake.
You two had stayed up all night and it was nearing daybreak. And he had to move fast.
“Y/n!” He yelled to wake you up.
You grumbled. “What?”
“Please wake up. You need to leave right now,” Yangyang demanded.
You rubbed your eyes and snapped out of it. How the hell did you almost fall asleep, you fool, you thought to yourself. The alarm in Yangyang’s voice also was a cause for concern. “What’s wrong?” You asked.
He shook his head rampantly. “There’s no time to explain. Do you have everything?”
You nodded. “I have to get my coat and boots at the entrance.”
Yangyang grabbed your hand and you both ran towards the entrance. You put your coat and boots on. Yangyang did the same and he nearly dragged you out the door. You quickly moved down the staircase and set foot on the dewy grass. Yangyang kept his foot on the last step of the staircase.
The sky overhead was mostly black but shades of oranges, pinks, and red were breathing through. Dawn was imminent.
That was when you realized you had no mittens. You’d left them in the bedroom.
Yangyang noticed your bare hands. He pulled off his royal blue mittens and slipped them onto your hands.
“You don’t have to-“ You started.
“I want you to have them. A fair trade. Yours for mine?” He smiled.
He squeezed your hands before he let them go.
“Thank you...for tonight, Yangyang,” you said. Even though it was through the weather and the night that you had no other choice, you had a magical night with a boy who was so wonderful, he must’ve been out of a classic novel. He’d treated you like a friend and listened to you: about what you wanted to do and what you liked. You’d wished you could’ve gotten to know him more but you appreciated that he listened to you attentively.
You were sad the night had ended but you’d succeeded in staying up nearly the whole night at least. You were meant to leave now. You’d overstayed your welcome and you needed to get home. That was the most important thing.
Yangyang moved closer to you and moved some hair away from your face. He touched your cheek with the back of his hand. Once again, you both did something with no thought.
You got up on the staircase and kissed him. He pulled you in to deepen the kiss. He picked you up off the ground as he continuously took your breath away.
But as quickly as this piece of utter bliss started, it quickly ended.
He let you go and set you down on the grass. “Goodbye, y/n.”
“Goodbye, Yangyang.” As you walked into the forest, you turned back once more and watched as Yangyang stood there, his face unreadable.
You waved at him and his expression softened as he waved back.
You laughed as you turned back now and kept on moving. The path to the main road took a little longer than expected because it was still dark. However, the sun rose before you knew it and you were able to see the main road again.
And you were shocked to find several people on the main road. Cop cars were parked off the side of the road. A news reporter for Channel 23 News could be heard saying.
“It is Day 8 into the search for y/n y/l/n. She was last seen on this road, Road 116 by her friends and has not returned home. If you have seen y/n or have any information that can help our police force find her, please call the number on the screen: 1-800-RES-CUES. Again, that’s 1-800-RES-CUES.”
Dowoon and Sana were being interviewed by another news station.
Dowoon was on the brink of tears, his eyes stained red. “This is all our fault.”
Choking on her tear, Sana continued, “We shouldn’t have left her on the road...We thought she went home...We were so stupid…”
What the hell was going on?
You walked into the road and several people turn to you in shock. They gasped and screamed your name.
Your parents broke out of the crowd of people that has accumulated. “Y/n!” They both yell.
They run up to you and wrap their arms around you, weeping hysterically.
Your mom yelled, “Y/n, where have you been? My baby!”
Your dad held your face in his hands, “What happened to you? Are you alright?”
You were shocked at their reaction. “What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys were in New York until tomorrow.”
Your parents, not letting you go, gave each other a meaningful look.
Your mom’s eyebrows furrowed. “Tomorrow? Y/n, we came back a week ago.”
You laughed in disbelief. “No, you guys left Friday morning, yesterday morning.”
Your dad shook his head. “Y/n, you’ve been missing for a week now.”
You laughed again. “No...You guys are messing with me.”
But then you looked around at all of the worried looks on the people’s faces. The police officers came right over. You even saw Dowoon and Sana sobbing not too far from Sana’s car.
“You guys...I stayed in a mansion not too far from here for the night because of the snow…”
“What mansion? What snow?” Your parents asked in unison.
You darted your eyes to everyone else and whispered to them. “Come with me.”
“Y/n, we need to get you home…” Your mom pleaded.
You shook your head. “I need to show you where I was and that I wasn’t in danger.”
“Y/n, we should tell the police-” Your father offered.
“No!” You snapped. “Please trust me. He didn’t do anything to me. He’s my friend.”
At the mention of “he”, your parents were up in arms and motioned for the police to come over.
“We will go with you, y/n…” Your mom said.
She meant that they’ll go with you if you have a police escort.
You shook your head and led the party to the mansion. You couldn’t believe this. Missing for seven days? That was impossible. You’d only been gone for the night. How could anyone have known you’d been gone? Your parents were away.
Once you got out of the forest to the Wei mansion, you saw that there was no mansion. Only an abandoned cabin.
“Is this where you were detained, y/n?” Police Officer A asked.
“I was not detained. This isn’t the mansion I-”
“A mansion?” Everyone looked at you skeptically.
You entered the cabin, knowing that everything you believed in was slipping through your fingers. Tears quickly ran down your cheeks. The cabin was shabby, the furniture inside covered in dust. It had been unlived in for quite some time.
“Y/n!” Your parents yelled.
The police rushed in after you and Police Officer B held you back. “Let me go!” You demanded.
“It’s dangerous.”
The police officers searched the entire cabin three times over and came up with nothing. “There is no trace of anyone having been here for years,” Police Officer A said.
Well, of course not, this wasn’t the mansion that you stayed at.
Clearly, the more time passed, the more concerned everyone looked. It was possible you heard the words “rehab” and “therapy” and “mental break” thrown around.
You had to calm down. You knew you weren’t crazy. You knew it because you wore Yangyang’s gloves.
Where is he? Where were his brothers? Where was the Wei mansion?
Police Officer B released you and you browsed the area. Your parents trailed behind you. You entered one of the bedrooms, encased in dust. You sneezed and found a chest with a lock on it. The chest was engraved with the letter “W” at the center. 
You recognized the engraving. It was the same handwriting from the bedroom door in the Wei Mansion. Your bedroom door...The keys.
You remembered you still had them in your pocket. It was a long shot but you pulled them out. You placed the key inside of the lock and opened the chest.
You found seven porcelain dolls. The dolls were more sophisticated than any doll sold at the local stores. They were almost lifelike. The way their eyes and lips were drawn. Each doll bared a striking resemblance to the Wei brothers. You could see them all: Kun, Ten, Winwin, Lucas, Xiaojun, Hendery, and…
The last doll was definitely Yangyang. The doll held a toy violin and wore…
Your ruby red mittens.
Yangyang sat in the music room alone, holding on tightly to your red mittens.
Hendery charged into the room. His brothers trailed behind. “You fool! Why did you let her go?”
Yangyang shrugged. “I’ve had it.”
“What are you talking about?” Xiaojun demanded. “You were smitten with her. She was clearly enamored with you.”
Kun laughed. “It’s because he’s in love with her.”
All of the boys looked at their oldest brother, confused. Yangyang avoided their stares.
“You changed your mind,” Kun murmured.
Yangyang sighed, “She was not like-”
Winwin rolled his eyes. “Please do not give us the story of ‘she was not like other girls’. She seduced you and you let her go. You fell for her game. She outsmarted you.”
Yangyang snapped. “Do not test me, brother.”
Ten interjected. “Okay, okay, everyone needs to calm down...We are just curious...Why? She could have stayed here with us forever...With you forever.”
Yangyang didn’t want to speak to them. Every moment that passed, he missed you more. “She did not wear the jewels or the dresses...She left everything untouched. She did not come to us because she sought material possessions. She wanted a friend…”
Lucas laughed. “How pathetic.”
Yangyang groaned. “You lot would not understand…”
“Do not act like you are better than us, little brother,” Kun began condescendingly.
“I am not-”
“You think you’re better than us because you let a prisoner go this time, do you not? Well, let me bring you back to reality. Our spirits are confined into those tacky porcelain dolls...So what do we do to ease ourselves? We bring people into this realm to reside with us. Materialistic, selfish, and vain people. Y/n is no different from the rest of them.”
“Shut up,” Yangyang muttered.
The rest of the boys were stunned to silence but Kun heard him clearly. “Repeat that, Yangyang. You know the consequences.”
Yangyang got up and shoved your mittens in his pockets. “Shut up, Kun.”
Kun smiled and laughed. The other boys faked laughter so as not to upset Kun even more. His smile quickly faded as he punched Yangyang to the ground.
Kun gave Yangyang a harsh beating and the rest of the brothers watched. No one dared to step in and upset Kun even further. Yangyang couldn’t blame his brothers. Besides, he wanted this. He wanted to feel a pain other than the pain of missing you. 
He may have been damned for the rest of eternity but he was thankful to have met you. You proved to him that not everyone could be consumed by the deadly sins, as he and his brothers had. You were an angel that gave you a moment of compassion, of affection. And for that he would always be thankful.
Come back tomorrow the third installment in our Halloween Series! :) 
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nopoodles · 2 years
OC Associations Tag
Tagged by the ever amazing @emelkae(minor, tiny, tiddley almost-spoilers for Merry Arlan: Breaking The Curse. Just friend/relationship stuff, not plot-breaking stuff but if you're against anything spoiler adjacent you may want to skip this post)
Also I'm sorry this took me so long to do - t'was surprisingly challenging.
Rules: Describe your OCs as
Dawn: Lord Tellyn Smeeten - that painful instant the sun first peeks over the horizon, the way it colours the sky gentle pinks and blues despite the pain of having to adjust to a new, bright, unyielding light.
Noon: Gergorio Valencia - bright, shining and warm. Gergorio welcomes anyone in, he's a calm comfort but disorientatingly persistent. Occasionally too much, especially if you have a headache.
Dusk: Liorellion Folcs - "The Shields at the bottom of the stage glowed with a gentle silver light; it shimmered on Lior's hair and the silver sequins on xyr costume" - Merry Arlan: Breaking The Curse
Night: Colonel Kalik - secrets shared in the darkness of night are always the most precious. The way you can bare your soul outside the expectations of daylight.
Friend: Gergorio - "Gergorio’s endless ability to make new friends reared its head once again." - Book 2 Guardian Cadet Series
Lover: Kalik - "Only the touch of Kalik's warm hand where it had woven its way into my hair kept me from ending up in the Moon Prince's Realm." - Merry Arlan: Breaking The Curse
Ex: PT - "I'll tell you now, Arlan. Inter-Guardian relationships don't work. I've been there." - Merry Arlan: Breaking The Curse
Enemy: Cadet Aionda Manth - "Manth had decided I was a target for some reason." - Merry Arlan: Breaking The Curse
Spring: Kitty Hughes - warmth blooms and flowers and food begin to grow. "He wore a delicate green tunic that offset the green in his hazel eyes, like whole forests full of hidden life set into his pale face." - Merry Arlan: Breaking The Curse
Summer: Lior - "A fluttering red sleeve caught my attention. Lior's hand blurred as xe waved at me, practically glowing in the late morning sunlight." - Merry Arlan: Breaking The Curse
Autumn: Kalik -
"The sun hadn't even risen yet, street lights casting eerie blue and orange glows over the street depending on their magical or fire-based means of operation.
'Here.' He held out a paper bag and silver coloured travel mug." - Merry Arlan: Breaking The Curse
Winter: Merry - "Ice blue eyes, platinum hair that shifted blue in the right lighting, pale skin. He would find an undercurrent of blue that wasn't there, since I wasn't flushed pink to dispute it" - Merry Arlan: Breaking The Curse
Tornado: Commander Jonathan Whitclé - "Did anything come out of Commander Whitclé's office uncrinkled?" - Book 2 Guardian Cadet Series
Wildfire: Queen Kariella - okay, so Kariella is from the second book, she's the Queen of the free Elven people's. I don't want to give too much away but she's a Red Elf and a fire mage. She's passionate and strong and pretty unstoppable.
Earthquake: Kitty - you never really see the potential for anger in Kitty, he's caring and sweet, he gets caught up in projects too easily and sucks at taking care of himself unless someone reminds him that he needs to eat. When I was discussing this tag with my wife she said "Earthquake? Kitty? Are you sure?" But underneath all his sweet, soft, caring, Kitty would tear the world down if someone hurts his loved ones. And you'd never see it coming.
Tsunami: Professor Sorenson - Sorenson doesn't get as much page time as I'd like. She's a big ideas woman, and she likes things done her way. She will absolutely sweep you up in her skirt-tails and bring you along for the ride.
Mountain: Kitty - not to be too literal, but he's from the White Cliffs, which are mountains.
Forest: Merry - deep, dark, mysterious, and if you go too far in you'll find something dangerous.
Ocean: Captain Etta Amaranth - Etta could have her own series and yet she never makes it to the page, at least not in person. She's a Wind Mage, which is very useful if you want to be a pirate. She's also the most mysterious member of the cast (like I said, she never appears on the page and is only talked about). She was the transportation that moved Merry from who she was, into the possibility of becoming Merry Arlan in the first place.
Desert: Jhoto Folcs - Jhoto is a complex woman. She has a lot of easily lifted walls surrounding her (and Lior) for protection. She has no qualms about lifting those walls, either, regardless of how close she might have once been to the person now on the other side. But she has a weakness for her exes - all of them. The mirage of water in the desert that just makes everyone else more parched since she'll let those people back in and reinforce extra walls for everyone else when she inevitably gets hurt.
Tagging: oh gosh who to tag? You if you want to do it :)
But also no pressure tags @cherrybombfangirlwrites @avrablake @athenixrose @asher-orion-writes
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Alright, so- Inspired by my awesome friend @undertheknightwing who created this AMAZING list of Dad!Dick Grayson headcanons (go check it out!!!) I decided to write down the mess I have in my own head into this giant ball of fluff, humor and angst.
So let me present you:
The Graysonfam List of Headcanons and Analysis
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It's a looong ass list of my headcanons, mixed with an analysis of some scenes, looking into the motives and behavior of the characters. It's in more or less chronological order and divides into groups: season 1 (+2x01), the time jump, season 2, season 3 hopes/predictions and future. If you want me to turn any of these into fics or you feel like you could do something with it, just let me know. And now... ENJOY!
The first time Dick thinks of Gar and Rachel as his kids happens during the events of 1x08 and 1x10. It's pure instinct and it doesn't come to him until much later when he realizes that not only he thought of them this way but he actually meant it.
When he and Donna start translating Kory's notes and it becomes clear that Rachel might still be in trouble, he's immediately on his feet, asking Donna for the keys to her car and ordering her to take the books with her, so they could continue on the way. He's acting fast, ignoring Donna's questions because there's no time for explanation, my daughter is in danger. He almost says it out loud - almost. 
When Donna tells him the danger clearly comes from Kory, he wants to deny it. Kory adores these kids just as much as he does, she would never hurt them. But he puts his feet on the gas anyway, breaking every speed limit possible, because if one hair falls from Gar's and Rachel's heads, he will burn the world to find the person responsible, even if it's Kory (especially if it's Kory)
When they get there the first thing he sees is Gar being thrown in the air, and his mind short circuits to only one thing: Gar, my boy, my son. Is he okay? Thankfully Donna takes care of the rest so he's free to take care of the boy. He pulls him up, holding him tight by the shoulders and makes sure he's okay, but the words 'my son' are still circling his mind.
Speaking of Donna - when Dick starts telling her about Rachel the first time, she wants to cry from happiness. Over these past five years all she saw in Dick's eyes was pain and suffering. A storm of bottled up emotions, raging monsters of anger ready to get out. His body looked weighed down, as if he was Atlas holding the world on his shoulders. And now he's talking about this little girl who threw a brick at a cop car in Detroit and his eyes start to shine as if they were stars in the night sky. His smile grows when he brags about how smart and witty she is, how she's more intelligent than she gives herself credit for, how similar the two of them are. He talks about her bravery and her big heart and he sounds so damn proud Donna's heart is about to burst out of her chest. "I thought I couldn't do it." he tells her. "I fucked up so many times. But she had awakened something in me. I just can't describe it." She can but she doesn't say it - he needs to get to it on his own. (Over a year later, when the girl who turned her brother's world upside down tries to guide her back to the light through the darkness of afterlife, Donna finally says "I always knew he'd be a great father someday. You have no idea how much he loves you." "He told you that?" Rachel asks quietly, trying to hold back her tears. Donna looks at her and smiles. "He didn't have to. I saw it in his eyes.")
Then Dick gets to the part about finding Rachel's mother and suddenly something changes. He's trying to seem like he's happy for her, he says he's glad everything ended well and now Rachel can start a new life but Donna sees right through his facade. He thinks he can't be a part of this new life and it's killing him.
Which brings me to something very important I've noticed a long time ago - Angela's presence makes Dick hold himself back. That's why he decided to leave - Rachel had her mother back, a guardian who could take care of her from now on so he wasn't needed anymore. His job was done. But at this point he's already too attached to just leave like that and when he learns that danger isn't over he comes back immediately. But when he gets there he's met with a wall. Angela is very territorial (we all know why but Dick didn't know that) and Rachel is too overwhelmed by everything but let's be real - if Angela wasn't there Dick would be hovering over Rachel like crazy. But he doesn't. Why? Because he thinks it's not his place to do so. It's easier to go after Kory than to just be standing there awkwardly, wanting to help and comfort but not being able to.
He remembers everything Trigon put him through - every fucking detail. There is some stuff from the vision he wants to laugh at - Him and Dawn? Married? Maybe once upon a time he entertained that thought but he abandoned it long ago. There are things he's actually grateful for - seeing Gar and Rachel as they could be in the future, grown up, in college, happy. That's the one thing he doesn't want to forget. And Johnny - he doesn't want to forget Johnny either. 
His mind was sort of awake, in two places at once, even though he didn't have any control over his body. He remembers chasing the kids around the house, Gar screaming "Real life horror movie!" as he and Rachel tried to run away from him. He remembers Rachel pleading with him when the others were beating the poor boy. He wanted to respond, wanted to let her know he can hear her but he couldn't do anything. He watched helplessly as his own hand pulled Gar up and finished what others started. He screamed and shouted but it was in vain. And then he cried and howled like a wolf watching as Trigon ripped Rachel's heart from her chest and crushed it in his hand, then placed the red gemstone in her forehead. He remembers her dark eyes and evil smirk. He remembers thinking it was over, feeling heartbroken and defeated. He gave up, let the darkness swallow him whole. He didn't want to see more, it was easier locking himself up in this vision because he knew Bruce laying dead in rubble wasn't real. And then she came to him. Back straight and head held high, piercing blue eyes locked on him. He remembers his tone when he spoke to her, taunting and dangerous but it didn't scare her. "We're supposed to save each other" she told him and he wanted to cry but Trigon had him wrap his fingers around her throat and choke her - another thing he would never do. He would never lay a damn finger on her and Trigon was well aware of that. But Rachel knew that too. And she wasn't scared. 
He remembers the circus she brought him into. Empty stage, broken chairs scattered everywhere. He never wanted to come back here. And even though his body stood there motionless he was trashing inside, wanting to get out of here but more importantly wanting to get her out of here. Seeing Rachel on that platform, ready to jump, it was too much. He couldn't lose her, like he lost his parents. He didn't catch them but he sure as hell was going to catch her. So when she fell - he snapped. Got the control back, his muscles acted on memory and he jumped. He flew like he used to and wrapped his fingers around her wrists, holding her tight. He caught her. He would always catch her.
When they wake up all he wants to do is hold her. Relief almost sends him to his knees. But then Gar walks in, all bloody and bruised and all that relief turns into freezing agony and guilt. I did this, he thinks. It's my fault. But there is no time for apologies or explanation, Trigon is still there. Letting Rachel go deal with him on her own is hard but Dick knows she could do it - and she did. Seeing her walking out of that fog is one of the most beautiful views he saw in his life. And when he finally takes her into his arms he doesn't let go until Kory basically rips her out of his embrace.
He wants Kory to go with them. Kids need her. His idea of giving Gar and Rachel a new life included her. Included both of them, taking care of the kids together. Things between them are tangled and complicated but one thing that is neither of those things is their attachment to these two. But Kory just got her memories back, she has her own issues to deal with, she needs time and space - and he respects that, so do Gar and Rachel. But Dick would be lying if he said he didn't notice their disappointment.
The first day of their roadtrip across the country is quiet - mostly because they are all so goddamn tired. Dick pulls up to a motel before dark, deciding that the more sleep they get the better. They pick two rooms next to each other, Jason and Gar in one, he and Rachel in the other. Rachel immediately vanishes in the bathroom, so Dick has time to sit down and think (as if he wasn't doing it the entire day while driving). An idea is shaping in his head, memories of a beloved city in sunny California come to the surface of his mind and he knows this is where he wants to take the kids. But he has to make a stop at Gotham first, he needs to talk to Bruce and most importantly return Jason home. Rachel walks out of the bathroom in fresh clothes Donna left for her and crawls into bed without a word. He takes his time to tuck her in, then sits down on the edge of her bed. She's beyond exhausted, but she's safe, she's with him, everything will be alright. He will never let anyone take her away from him again. And when he's watching her fall asleep, holding her hand in his, three words come to his mind, words he's not ready to say aloud yet but he knows them to be true. I love you.
Physical affection is something I think the show is pretty good at showing but I still crave to see more. It's clear that Dick struggles to be affectionate, whether that be through words or touch. And he doesn't even realize he's actually very good at it. Why? Because whenever he does it, he's acting on instinct. The biggest proof? All his hugs with Rachel in s1. Boy had no idea what to do, it was written on his face, but his arms went up nonetheless. He didn't freeze, he didn't push her away, but reacted accordingly. The hugs in 1x02 and 1x04 are the only ones he initiated on his own, but he still wasn't sure if he's doing it right. As the show went on he slowly eased into it, but was still taken by surprise when it happened (1x08, the first hug in 2x01). By the end of 2x01 he seems to be pretty comfortable with it but I think it's during the time jump when he really starts to understand the importance and power of physical affection and how these kids really need it. The pat he gave Gar on the shoulder in 2x03 or their hug in 2x09 felt really natural, same as the goodbye hug with Rachel in 2x13. All three of them got comfortable with each other during those first three months in SF. Which leads me to…
Cuddle sessions. Yes, this is definitely a thing at Titans Tower (*cough*Grayson*cough*household*cough). It starts that first night when Dick, Rachel, Gar and Jason gather on the couch to watch a movie. Rachel lays down and rests her head on Dick's thigh while Gar settles comfortably on his other side. Dick has no idea when it happened but he freezes for a moment when he realizes his hand is on Rachel's head, fingers carding through her hair. The girl seems to be asleep already but stirs when he stops and asks him to continue, so he does. Soon after that Gar's head lands on his shoulder as the boy starts nodding off. The sudden contact wakes him up and he pulls away awkwardly, apologizing but Dick tells him it's okay so Gar leans back against him. The feeling of having the two of them so close brings a sense of calm to Dick and soon he falls asleep as well. He wakes up in the morning with the two teenagers basically laying on top of him and Jason standing over them with a smirk and a phone in his hand.
After that it sort of becomes a thing and not just during movies. Whenever Dick sits down on the couch, whether to work or to simply relax, Gar or Rachel (or both) would find him and snuggle to him, at first hesitantly, but with more confidence as the time passes and they get comfortable with it. After three months of living together all Dick has to do is pat the spot next to him for them to jump on the couch and cuddle up, tho Rachel is the one who does it most often and with no hesitation.
Dick very quickly starts understanding how important it is for them so he starts returning the favor. A good job pat on the shoulder during training, a kiss dropped on the top of the head during breakfast, a comforting shoulder rub when they aren't feeling well, emotionally or physically. Gar loves when Dick ruffles his hair, he even leans into it sometimes, while Rachel's favorite things are forehead kisses and tucking her hair behind her ear (but neither of them would ever say that out loud)
Words are as important as gestures, which brings us to affectionate pet names. It feels normal and almost ordinary when it comes from a woman - Rachel has been called 'honey' by Melisa and 'sweetheart' by Dawn but she wasn't phased by it. But when Dick calls her 'honey' for the first time, she nearly drops her coffee mug. It comes out so naturally and he doesn't even realize he said it, but it takes her breath away and she needs a moment to collect herself. With Gar it's usually 'Bud', 'Buddy', or 'Tiger Boy' spoken affectionately and he's always beaming with happiness when he hears Dick saying that.
One night, shortly after Trigon, Rachel slips into his bedroom in the middle of the night, saying she can't sleep. The memories are too vivid, too real. Her lips are trembling and she looks like she's about to fall apart and that's all it takes for Dick to sit up, open his arms for her and with full awareness and conviction say "come here, baby girl". She falls asleep snuggled to his bare chest and Dick feels his throat getting dangerously tight. He'd seen many times, mostly on TV, images of parents holding their babies to their bare skin - something about creating a bond through skin-to-skin contact. He was never able to wrap his head around this concept, but now, as he feels Rachel's cheek pressed to his heart, her hand closed in his resting on his stomach, the understanding hits him like a speeding train, pushing a tear or two out of his eyes. It's something indescribable, feels profound and almost sacred. The love he feels in this moment is overwhelming.
Gar has nightmares too, he usually wakes up screaming. It scares Dick at first, how he reacts, because the boy pulls away, wide eyed and shaking, and doesn't want to be touched. Guilt overwhelms Dick because he's sure it's because of him, because of what he did to Gar while being under Trigon's control. He tries to apologize and Gar accepts it but explains to him that his nightmares are not Dick's fault and they are not even about that (Dick can feel the boy is lying for both of their sakes but lets him anyway). It takes a few tries and lots of pleading and building trust but one night Gar finally falls into Dick's arms, sobbing into his shoulder. He pulls the boy close, runs his fingers through his hair just like Gar likes it and whispers "it's okay, my little boy." over and over again until Gar's body goes limp in his hold and he can put him back to sleep. Neither of them mentions it in the morning, but Gar gives him a look full of gratitude, filling his heart with warmth.
One evening during their first week in SF they organise a 'bonding night' - Gar's idea. There's take out and board games and staying up all night, talking. At some point one of them suggests sharing any hidden talents (besides superpowers of course) and details no one knows about them. Jason admits to being a theatre nerd ("it's thespian you idiots!") and proves it by flawlessly rapping verses from Hamilton. Gar thanks to travelling with his parents can fluently speak few African languages, he also shares that during his time at the Doom Manor Rita taught him the basics of playing piano. When it's Dick's turn he gets up from the couch and vanishes for a few minutes, but eventually comes back with a guitar, saying he had learned to play during his circus days, but hadn't done it in a while so he might be a little rusty. He plays a few cords, trying to spark his memory and when the notes finally come to him, a beautiful melody fills the room (I always imagine it's Viva la Vida by Coldplay). And suddenly this melody is joined by an angelic voice - Rachel closes her eyes and starts singing quietly, recognizing the song. She only opens her eyes when she's finished and finds the three of them looking at her in absolute awe, Dick's eyes seem to be a bit watery. She gets a bit embarrassed and says it's nothing but they start cheering and clapping anyway. Gar asks her where did she learn to sing like that and she admits she used to sing in a church choir when she was little, but had to quit after her powers started showing. The night ends with a little jam session and lots of laughing.
Gar and Rachel grew up on golden era of Disney Channel shows (Jason knows them too but he'd rather be tortured than ever admit that) and once the news is out Dick is forced to sit through the entire run of Wizards of Waverly Place. But watching Rachel flawlessly impersonate the main character Alex, knowing every line word for word makes him grin like a madman and laugh so hard his stomach hurts and tears roll down his cheeks. He pulls her to him and she falls on him in a fit of uncontrollable giggles while Gar and Jason give her a standing ovation.
While hanging out together is important, Dick also makes sure he gets to spend some time with each of them separately. With Jason it's mostly through training - the boy isn't very keen on spending one-on-one quality time outside of the gym, but prides himself to be Dick's right hand man during lessons, having more experience over the other two. With Gar it's video games most of the time - Dick learned to play specifically for him and actually started paying attention to gaming lore. But it's not just that - Gar has a talent to anything tied to technology so they spend a lot of time together in the tech room where the boy learns to operate the Tower system. It brings both of them a lot of joy. Rachel, as the only girl in their little family, often needs some time away from the boys, so Dick takes her on walks in the mornings or a drive around the city, shows her his favorite coffee shop which soon becomes their favorite spot. They talk about everything and nothing, because conversations were the thing that brought them so close in the first place, and it just feels good. 
Rachel also loves spending time with him in the tech room - but not like Gar, she's not learning to run it (although she picked up a thing or two) but she's simply there to keep Dick company while he works (can he even call that work if he hasn't been officially working as a detective for quite a while now? Not to mention his resignation has been sent to Detroit the day they arrived in SF). She brings him coffee or snacks, stands behind his chair with her arms around his neck, observing whatever he's doing (and asking lots of questions) or simply sits in the other swiveling chair, drawing in her sketchbook or turning around so many times Dick starts to worry she's gonna get dizzy. He asks her one time if she's not bored sitting here with him but she just shrugs and says she'd rather be here than anywhere else and his heart grows tenfold as he smiles at her
So remember how Rachel lost control and attacked Jason in 2x03? And how Jason shouted "Stay away from me you fucking freak!" right in her face? And how Dick walks in like 3 seconds later asking if everything's okay and the tension is HIGH??? Well, he might have not seen what happened, but he definitely HEARD the full thing, he was within the hearing range. The fact that he didn't attack Jason immediately is really impressive, if this was s1!Dick - Jason would be on the floor right now, probably with a swollen eye and few broken bones. But here Dick is trying to play it smart and investigate. If it wasn't for dr Light he would probably get to the bottom of this and had a conversation with both Jason and Rachel. I'm thinking of writing a one-shot AU where he actually does it (mostly thanks to Gar who is a terrible liar when caught of guard)
When the last cab drives away and the Tower becomes empty, save for him, Gar and that boy in the infirmary, Dick does not leave to meet with Adeline immediately - he goes to Rachel's room and starts scrubbing it clean from all the crosses painted all over the place. His eyes are burning, the bile in his throat is the size of a tennis ball but he doesn't allow himself to cry. At some point Gar joins him and wordlessly starts helping him. It takes them a little over an hour and when it's done they both drop down on her bed, sitting shoulder to shoulder. "She'll be back." Gar tells him. "I'm not so sure." Dick replies, not looking at the boy. Gar puts a hand on his shoulder. "She will. You just wanted to protect us. Deep down she knows that, she's just angry." Dick knows Gar's reasoning is valid, but looking at his own reflection in the broken mirror he can't help but think that in the long run Rachel will be better off without him. They will all be better off without him.
It's not until his first night in prison that Dick starts to regret his decision to cast himself away. He wakes up in the middle of the night with tears in his eyes, his mind still reeling from dreams of Gar and Rachel seven years in the future. They were adults, happy and independent - that's good, right? That's what he always wanted for them. But his tears start to fall when it comes to him, hitting him like a wrecking ball, that spending 7 years behind bars means he won't be able to see them grow up. Something like a panic attack comes next and he is barely able to pull himself out of it. He's suddenly overwhelmed by questions. My kids… will they be okay? Is Kory back at the Tower or is Gar still alone? What is he gonna do when that strange boy wakes up? Was there any food in the fridge when I left? I left Gar some money, but still… God, and Rachel! She has never been on a plane before, what if she gets scared and her powers start acting out? What if she gets night terrors again? Will Donna know what to do? His head is spinning, these thoughts are suffocating him. Only a breathing exercise Bruce had taught him years ago is able to help, but it takes longer than usual. Dick doesn't sleep for the rest of the night.
He's not sure how but when Dick sees a bird in a window of his cell, he knows it's no ordinary bird. It's a raven. It's her. He gets up on his feet despite his knees being weak and wobbly and he smiles, grins like an idiot as he calls out to her. Because it has to be her, right? But all hope leaves him when the creature flies up again with a croak and disappears from his sight, leaving him alone. Dick drops to his knees, feeling more exhausted than ever and curls on the floor, his body shaking from shivers. No one is coming. He brought it on himself. He is forgotten already. But then he hears quiet tapping and something nudges his hand. He opens one eye only to look right into a ruby red one. The bird is here, inside, right in front of his face. It flaps its wings and its feathers turns into dark smoke for a moment. "Rachel…" He breathes out, holding to his last shreds of consciousness. The raven lowers its head, snuggling it to his forehead and before Dick passes out again he hears three words said by this quiet, angelic voice he loves so much: Don't give up.
When they bring Donna back to the Tower and lay her down in the infirmary Dick feels empty and overflowed at the same time. He goes to strip off his new suit and change into something more comfortable but it's a struggle when his hands are shaking so much. He goes back to infirmary and passes by Dawn in the doorway, who walks out of the room with Donna's Wonder Girl belt in hand, not even lifting her eyes up at him. He closes the door and sits down, taking Donna's hand in his but he is able to sit there for only ten minutes before the feeling of her hand growing cold in his makes him want to run away. He makes his way back to his room but takes a step back when he notices two colorful heads in the training room. Gar and Rachel are sitting on one of the benches with their backs to him, talking quietly. Gar is hunched over and Rachel has her arm around him and her head on his shoulder. The sight makes Dick's throat tight. He walks up to them quietly and they only notice him when he's standing in front of them. They simultaneously lift their heads up, showing him their red, swollen from crying eyes and his heart can't take it anymore. He falls to his knees in front of them. "I'm here." he whispers as he takes their hands in his. "I'm right here." he whispers again and his voice breaks. Suddenly two sets of arms are wrapped around him when both Gar and Rachel throw themselves at him, sobbing into his shoulders. He holds them tight, kisses their heads and lets his own tears fall into their hair as he keeps promising them he is not leaving them ever again. 
First few weeks without Donna and Rachel are absolute torture. Grief is normal, he's been through it before, it's nothing new (maybe more painful and guilt-ridden than he ever experienced). But not having Rachel around and how it impacts him on day-to-day basis after spending every day with her for the past few months is something totally new and unexpected and Dick is pretty sure he's never felt like this before. He's overprotective to the point of being overbearing and Gar points that out to him numerous times. He keeps making her breakfast, forgetting she's not gonna show up in the kitchen when the clock strikes 9 am. He keeps looking into her room like he's expecting to find her there. He constantly checks his phone as if she were able to call from Themyscira, where there's no signal, let alone phones. "Is it what sending your kid out to college feels like?" Hank asks him one evening and Dick almost chokes on his beer. Gar laughs so hard he falls off his chair. 
Rachel does everything she can to not cry in front of Dick when they say goodbye to each other but the moment the plane is in the air, she breaks. It was one of the hardest decisions she ever had to make and seeing Dick so broken definitely didn't help. But she has to at least try to bring Donna back, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself otherwise. So she gets herself together and keeps telling herself to be brave. For Dick. For Donna. For her family.
Gar becomes the center of family's attention and he can't say he doesn't love it. That spot always belonged to Rachel after all, but he was never jealous, nor he resented her for that. She totally deserved it and she can take the spot back when she returns (but he's never gonna let her get away with not saying goodbye to him). He's the 'A-Student' now during training, Dick is putting some extra work to make sure he learns as much as he can. Kory helps him a lot with the trauma CADMUS gave him and works with him on the development of his powers. He tries turning into other animals and after a month of struggling he finally turns into a mouse. Kory walks with him sitting on his shoulder around the whole Tower like the proudest mama in the galaxy and Dick's beaming with pride for the entire week. 
After Dick's off-hand comment that Rachel is missing on so much Gar starts to record vlogs on his phone about what's happening at the Titans Tower so Rachel can watch it and catch up when she's back. The material he gets is pure gold and even when others beg him to delete it, he refuses saying this is too good to be destroyed. 
The day before Rachel's first attempt at resurrection she uses a freshly learned trick to come to Dick in his dream. They meet on the beach she's currently on, meditating. Seeing him for the first time in three months makes her want to cry but she promised herself to be strong so he wouldn't worry and she holds her tears at bay. She falls into his arms with the brightest smile and burrows her face in his chest. He's holding her tight, asking if everything is okay and she nods, not quite trusting her voice at the moment. "I can't keep you here for long, but I needed to see you." she tells him. She's not sharing any details about her plan, the less he knows the better, but he begs her to be careful and stop if it turns out to be too much for her. Dick pulls her to him one last time before she has to serve the connection and presses his lips to her forehead. "I love you." he whispers and she closes her eyes, hugging him tighter. "Come home soon." "I love you, too. And I will."
To find Donna's soul Rachel needs to go to The Underworld, which is a dark, scary place (well, for the most part). The search is difficult and the journey ahead of her is long. On her way she meets other people, souls who sometimes want to help her, sometimes otherwise. She sees Adamson and all the people who were after her, drowning in a river of fire, calling for help. One hand grabs her by the ankle and Rachel looks down right into the hollow eyes of her birth mother. She struggles to set herself free from Angela's hold but eventually the creepy hand lets go of her and Rachel runs away. Not all the meetings are painful though. She gets to see Melisa again - she tells her about Dick and Gar and Kory and everything that happened. "I found him, mom. I found the boy from the circus." she says and they both start to cry. Melisa tells her how proud she is and lets her continue her journey. But the most surprising meeting happens right before the end. Rachel knows their faces only from her dream and the blurry videos she found online. But the resemblance to Dick is undeniable - he has his mother's eyes, his father's hair. Mary Grayson takes her into her arms with tears in her eyes, saying how happy she is to finally meet her. They chat for a while, laugh and cry together like they've known each other their whole lives. "He's so lucky to have you." John tells her. "Tell him we're proud of him." Mary asks her when she is about to leave. "And come back to him in one piece." Rachel nods, holding back tears. "I will, I promise." 
When Rachel arrives at Wayne Manor it's already dark outside. A black car pulls in the driveway. Dick, Kory and Gar are waiting by the main entrance and when the car stops they approach it and Dick opens the door. Rachel is sleeping in the backseat with her head falling on her shoulder and the view is so beautiful and adorable that Dick stops for a moment to just look at her with a dreamy smile on his face. He lifts his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and leans in whispering "welcome back, sweetheart". She smiles without opening her eyes and instantly lifts her arms to wrap them around his neck. They both laugh as he pulls her out the car. She steps away from him for a moment to hug Gar and Kory but sticks herself back to his side immediately after. Gar takes her bag and the car drives away while the 4 of them head towards the door.
She failed (or at least she thinks she failed) and that first night back she cries her eyes out into Dick's chest, apologizing over and over again. "It's okay, honey." he tells her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Remember what I told you back at the airport? No matter how strong we are, we-" "We can't always change the world." she finishes for him and smiles through her tears. "I know. I've had those words in the back of my head every day." They lay in silence for the next few minutes, Dick's hand slowly stroking Rachel's hair. She hesitates a bit but then starts telling him about meeting his parents. He smiles at her through tears. "I'm so proud of you." he whispers. "You've grown so much. You're so strong. Going away was a good decision, it gave you skills and experience you wouldn't have gotten here. But now I'm just glad I have you back. I was worried sick." Rachel smiles into his chest. "I'm not going anywhere again."
As happy as Dick is to have her back, some part of him wishes Rachel stayed longer on Themyscira. Everything that's happening in Gotham is making him consider sending her and Gar away to some place safe and hidden, The Justice League has a lot of those. But his kids are Titans - they both remind him of that. "You didn't train us to hide." she tells him. "We can handle this." Gar adds. And Dick believes them. And he's so proud his heart can barely take it.
Donna's return comes as a shock to everyone - Hank brings her to the Wayne Manor one day, saying they bumped into each other at some restaurant in the city. "How-" Rachel asks with eyes opened wide in disbelief. Donna smiles at her. "I don't know. I got lost, but… I found my way back somehow." Dick slowly walks up to her, his eyes welling up with tears. "But the spell-" "It worked." Donna explains. "It just needed more time." After that he sweeps her into his arms and extends his hand to Rachel to pull her in as well. He holds them both as close as he can, kissing their heads and swears to himself to never lose either of them again.
Thoughts about adoption appear in Dick's mind more or less when he brings Gar and Rachel to San Francisco, but they are more of an abstract dream than something that could be real. But as the time goes on those thoughts become more and more solidified and are too big to be ignored. He finally decides to talk to someone about it and that someone is Dawn, mostly because they've had this kind of conversation before. "It's a big responsibility - taking her in. But taking care of a kid is complicated, you know that better than anyone." These words stay with him every day, that's why he goes to her. He struggles to say what he wants to say but she understands and hugs him with tears in her eyes saying she knew he'd do it sooner or later and that she couldn't be happier for him. She helps him with paperwork and prepares him for meetings. He breaks the news to the kids the moment everything is ready. They're suspicious of the 'gifts' he hands them since it's neither's birthday today and there's no holiday. They share a curious glance as they rip off the shiny gift paper to reveal two folders of documents (while Dick almost dies from anticipation and nerves). Gar is the first one to react - his lips slowly stretch into the biggest grin imaginable. "For real? Are you serious? This is real stuff?" his voice grows louder and more excited with each following question and Dick can't help but laugh. Rachel stays quiet though. She stares at the papers in her hands with her brows furrowed. Seconds pass and she's not moving. It's like she's not even breathing. "Rachel?" Kory asks quietly, taking a step her way. And then the floodgates open. Rachel's face twists into a grimace as she starts sobbing uncontrollably. She covers her mouth with her hand to muffle it but there's no use. Dick walks up to her, terrified he did something wrong but then she throws herself into his arms, repeating "thank you" and "I love you" over and over again. Dick pulls Gar to him as well and hugs them both. "You're my kids." He whispers to them. "I love you more than anything in the world. And nothing will ever change that." By the time of Rachel's 16th birthday she and Gar are officially Graysons.
Dick and Kory get married the following year. It's a glamorous but small ceremony with reception held at the Wayne Manor. For the months leading to the big day the kids (with the help of the entire team and few other people) prepare something very special - and the idea comes from Uncle Clay. Turns out Clay, as the closest friend of Dick's parents, owns a small storage unit where he keeps some of the stuff from the circus, including personal things - like a box of journals of Mary Grayson, who had been writing them since she was a child. Clay tells Gar and Rachel a story about how Mary used to write poetry which then she turned into songs and sometimes performed them at the circus. He even still has some of her stage outfits. The three of them get the idea that Gar and Rachel should look through tapes with her performances and pick one song to sing together at the wedding - and that's what they do. They find a beautiful ballad where Clay accompanied Mary on the piano (he teaches Gar how to play it) and in secret the team prepares the whole show. The performance happens during the Bride and Groom's first dance. Gar enters the stage in a tuxedo, says a few words and starts playing. Dick and Kory start dancing slowly but stop for a moment when he starts singing the first verse. They have no idea what's coming next. Rachel, in Mary's dress stands in the crowd surrounding the couple. Hank comes to stand behind her and secretly puts a microphone in her hand. She comes in for the second verse of the song and that's when Dick and Kory stop dancing completely, too surprised to move. They watch in absolute awe as Rachel joins her brother on stage and they finish the song together. When Dick realizes he actually remembers this song from his childhood and that the dress Rachel is wearing belonged to his mother he breaks down in tears. After the song is over the kids join their parents on the dancefloor for a bone-crushing group hug (and to help you imagine this even better this is the song I imagine them singing)
The day Rachel and Gar get their college acceptance letters is one of the most stressful days in their lives. They're in the Tower's kitchen, both holding the envelopes in their hands, afraid to open them. "What are you guys waiting for? Open it!" Kory encourages them. They agree to do it on three. Dick holds his breath, gripping tight his wife's hand. The kids read the letters, fully focused. There's a stretching moment of silence, and then… "I got in!" "Me too!" A lot of screaming and laughing and jumping around happens afterwards, but even in the chaos of all of that Dick can feel a burning knot tightening in his stomach.
And I thought sending Rachel to Themyscira was hard, Dick thinks when they drop Gar and Rachel off at college on their first day. Thankfully it's the same college, but it's in Chicago and it's still half a country away from home. He's not sure how many times he checked already if they have everything they need, if they haven't forgotten to pack something, if they are absolutely sure they know their schedule and so on. Kory, standing next to him with her hands on her growing belly, laughs at him fussing over them. Gar and Rachel just smile and nod, seeing how stressed he is. Yes, Dad, we're sure we have everything. Yes, we checked. Of course we'll call. Yes, Dad. Okay, Dad - and so on. At some point they all start laughing at the ridiculousness of it all but suddenly Dick is getting choked up. His two little birds are leaving the nest and he should be handling it better than he does. Seeing him clearlyon the edge of falling apart Gar and Rachel give him a tight hug. "I'm sorry." he says. "I'm just trying to let you go a little. Let you grow up." "It's that hard?" Rachel asks him and he looks at her - tall, beautiful, confident, brave and smart. Perfect. But he also still sees that little kid he met in Detroit. "It can't be that hard." Gar adds and for a moment when Dick looks at him he thinks he's seeing double - the young, handsome and courageous man who is standing in front of him now and that overexcited cheerful kid who joined them on their little road trip. "It's impossible." Dick tells them, pulling them back into another hug. "It's fucking impossible." Soon they have to go or they will be late for their classes and Dick and Kory are left alone on the campus. "They'll be okay." his wife tells him. He has to swallow down a bile in his throat and push back some tears before answering. "I know."
Oh and remember Dick's old silver Porsche? The one he traded for a minivan? Yeah, he got it back (don't ask him how). Rachel owns it now. Graduation present. And don't worry about Gar, he's got his car too. Grandpa Bruce got him his dream ride.
Woah... This turned out WAAAAAAAAAY longer than I thought it would be. If you made it this far (and even if you didn't) I hope you enjoyed.
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Side By Side [Ethan x MC]
Hey there, ya lovely people!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and got to celebrate the season of giving with your family and friends. To end this year properly, I’m back with a bit of writing :)
I’m not gonna lie, the two months before the holidays were really rough and I had to sort so much shit out. It just kept me from most things I love doing in my free time, including talking with my friends and writing. That’s why this one took me a while to finish.
(Nevermind the fact that I rewrote this fic like two times, but that’s a story for another day)
I’ll most likely take a break from OH oneshots for a while (unless inspiration strikes me), but I am still working on stuff, inluding one or two AUs and fics for some other fandoms. I hope a breather to get my muse back on track is alright with you all ;)
I wish you all a safe journey into the next year - let’s pray it’ll be a better one <3
As always, I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Please enjoy!
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Summary: Big steps in a relationship are always difficult - this one is no exception.
Warnings: Just some light teasing and a bit of language - this is mostly cheesy fluff <3 (I know, I’m surprised as well)
Note: MC of the fic is Annabelle Dawson. I created the header myself, hope it’s pleasing to the eye :) This is set a few months after the end of Book 2.
Taglist:  @perriewinklenerdie @andromedasinclaire @radlovedreamer @amillionmoonsred @hopelessromantic1352 @cordoniaqueensworld @paisleylovergirl  @fangirlingmum @bucket-harrington @lu-ciq @fairyrink @princess-geek @cyb3r-kat​ @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lady-kato @queenof1000days @sunflowergirl05 @jlpplays1 @tacohead13 @the-soot-sprite  @chasingrobbie @padfoot0415 @desiree-0816 @togetherwearerapture @thisperfectmemory @furiouscloddonutpeanut @tabootheunicorn @rookie-ramsey @theroseduelist @drakewalkerfantasy @lapisreviewsstuff @jooous @aworldoffandoms @edgiestwinter @inlovewithrebels @topsyturvy-dream @cerisesayeed-ramsey @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @marywitchjane @adrianrainesworld @zodiacsign1 @silverlitskies @trappedinfandoms @sherlockedmcu @drethanramslay @awhmilkywey @htgawparksandrec @theeccentricbibliophile @mvalentine @desmaranj @schnitzelbutterfingers @colourmeshy @mal-volaris @kaavyaethanramsey @riverrune @honeyandsunfl0wers @humanpokemon @ethandaddyramsey @lilyvalentine @mrsdrakewalkerblog @openheart12 @bellcat2010 @datynasuha  @caseyvalentineramsey @ethxnrxmsey @squishywizardhq @custaroonie @beckaroo @colossalpainintheass @takemyopenheart @justanotherrookie @honeyandsunfl0wers @maurine07  @grandnachoconnoisseur @dr-ramseys-rookie @myusualnerdyself @mrs-raleighcarrera @akshara16 @wingedhairstylemusicweasel​ @alookseeblog​
Song: If You Love Her by Forest Blakk
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Ethan tried very hard to not look like he was running – and was failing spectacularly.
Some of his colleagues had to dodge out of his way as he strode through the hallways, white coat fluttering behind him, hands stuffed into the pockets. Slipping into the stairwell, the attending took two steps at a time, reaching the bottom floor quickly.
The atrium was packed, lit by the bright gray sky beyond the ceiling windows - reminding him that he was supposed to be busy in his office right now. Christmas was just around the corner, and after Edenbrook’s reopening, the paperwork had simply piled up, barely giving him time to bring some distance between him and his desk.
He dreaded going back already - but there was something he had to take care of first. Something that felt pivotal for his motivation right now.
Turning his head, Ethan let his eyes wander through the spacious room, from the stairs to the entrance and back again. Finally, he spotted a mess of golden locks, tucked into the usual practical ponytail.
She was with her friends, Trinh and Varma, already dressed in her day-to-day clothes, the strap of her bag slung over one shoulder. The two other women gave her a hug, shooing her along.
Ethan couldn’t help but feel silly when her bell-like, resounding laugh made his heart lurch in his chest, lifting his mood immediately.
Anna turned on her heels with one last wave and headed towards the doors, tucking up her scarf and the lapels of her jacket to ward off the oncoming cold. He waited until her friends went back to their conversation before following her, maneuvering through the crowd and catching up with the younger doctor in the light snowdrift outside.
His hand on her shoulder coaxed a tiny yelp from her, hazel eyes looking up at him with a gratified sort of wonder.
"Ethan? What-"
The older doctor cut Anna off by directing her against the wall framing the entrance, cupping her chin and gently tilting it up for easier access. The kiss was rougher than he would have liked, muscle memory taking over as he nipped on the corner of her mouth.
His former intern, however, didn’t seem to mind, parting her lips with a soft sigh.
Sliding his hands to the back of her jaw, he drew Anna closer, the sugary taste of her dissipating the rest of his stress. He smiled when she grew boneless against him, delicate fingers twirling his tie.
Eventually, they had to come up for oxygen, both drawing away with barely audible hums. Anna’s thoroughly addled expression filled him with an odd pride, her lashes fluttering against her reddened cheeks.
"Is it my birthday?“ she breathed. "Did I accidentally invent the cure for cancer? There must be something I did to deserve this."
"Actually, I just... wanted to wish you a good day," Ethan murmured, tucking a lock behind her ear. "We barely saw each other the past few days. I feel like I can’t catch a break at the moment."
Tenderness seeped into her gaze, liquefying the color to a point where he wanted to drown in it and never come out again.
"Did this help?"
He chuckled. "More than you know."
"Well, feel free to do that anyti-"
Ethan jumped away from her, whirling around.
This is what you get for leaving your office, a perfidious voice nagged at the very back of his tumbling thoughts.
The tip of his ears flushed hot and he had to force himself to not look away from the woman standing a few feet from them, a grin plastered on her face.
"Hi, gran," Anna offered weakly, pushing herself off the wall. "You, um, you remember Doctor Ramsey?"
Greta Dawson gave them both an impish wink. "Hard to forget this one, right?" She looked between the two for a moment. "You don’t call him 'doctor' usually though, do you? Not that I’m one to judge."
Ethan rubbed the flushed back of his neck, desperately trying to find his dignity among the thick snowflakes swirling from the sky.
He had met Anna’s pint-sized grandmother a little over a year ago, after assisting in an operation that had ultimately saved her life. She was a cheeky, terrifying force of nature, intimidating in a very specific way. Mostly because meeting her had felt substantial – even then. Greta was the only relative Anna had left and as such, the older doctor didn’t want to make a bad impression.
Which he probably just did. Wonderful.
Straightening his shoulders and clearing his throat, he offered his palm. "It’s nice to see you again, Greta." The old woman chortled, taking his hand and giving it a firm shake. "Likewise, Doctor Dreamy.“
Next to him, Anna groaned, burying her face against his chest. "Please take me back to work." Despite his still burning ears, Ethan frowned down at her. "Absolutely not. You worked the longest shifts this week." The blonde answered his frown with one of her own. "Traitor."
Her pout was distracting and painfully cute, his Adam’s apple bobbing at the sight. "Go," he urged after a moment of indulgence. "Spend some time with your family.“ The jig was already up, so he leaned down to press another gentle kiss to her lips, this one far more modest than he would have liked. "I’ll see you on Monday."
"I have a better idea," Greta interrupted cheerfully, twiddling her fingers at the two doctors. "How about you join our dinner tomorrow?" Opening and closing her mouth, Anna glanced at Ethan while shuffling her feet. "I mean I... I like that thought. We're making lasagna?"
There was that coyness of hers again, making him wonder if she really didn’t know how utterly charming she was – and that there were very few things that he wouldn't do for her.
"I like that thought too,“ he said, his voice quiet but certain, giving her arm a reassuring squeeze.  “Call me when you get home?“
"I will." Anna brushed her thumb along his scruffy jaw, smiling hesitantly.
"Have fun, Rookie." His blues flicked over to her grandmother, who was watching their exchange with obvious curiosity. "And, ah, you too, Greta."
The old woman winked once again. "We’ll see you tomorrow, Ethan."
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Anna stared into the mirror, grimacing at the smudge of mascara, just below her left eye. Sighing, she slipped the tiny brush back into the silver tube, exchanging it for q-tip to correct the mistake.
Her fingers were still shaky.
Wiping the black from her skin, she tried not to think about the man waiting for her in the kitchen – a hard thing to do when there were reminders of him all around her.
Her toothbrush rested next to his in a tall cup on the spacious sink.
Her towel occupied a shelf next to the shower.
His cologne and her perfume both permeated the air.
Reminders of him – reminders of them. All things she never would have thought possible half a year ago. Usually, the sight of shared commitment was a beautiful, giddiness-inducing facet of their relationship for her. Tonight, she couldn't help but wonder if Ethan was feeling smothered by it all.
Dinner with her grandmother was a step Anna hadn't even considered until she had caught them red-handed yesterday. Greta knew about Ethan, knew about the chaotic circumstances that had brought them together at last, but she had never expressed the wish to meet him in an official capacity.
Just one of the many firsts that he had been a part of.
Taking a deep breath, the young doctor tossed the q-tip into the trash bin, smoothing her hands along the burgundy fabric of her casual dress and her black tights – a last effort to calm herself.
The hallway outside of the bathroom was much cooler, making Anna shiver as she made her way to the kitchen.
Ethan was leaning against the island, his crisp white oxford peeking through his unbuttoned coat. Tapping away on his phone, he uncrossed his legs, dark slacks rustling quietly. He looked a little bit unreal in the dim light. An apparition, summoned by the farthest reaches of her mind.
“You're staring,” he informed her, finally looking up and interrupting her ogling.
Anna tried her hardest not to appear embarrassed, but her traitorous face heated at the comment anyway.
“You look nice,” she muttered, casting her gaze to the ceiling for a moment before meeting his once again.
Ethan chuckled, pushing himself off the island and crossing the distance between them. “You just stole my line.” His eyes swept over the dress, the blue heavy and eager. “Though 'nice' seems very much insufficient.” Stopping a few inches away from her, he pressed a lingering kiss to Anna's cheekbone. “You're stunning.”
The warmth in his voice broke her heart just a little. Anna wrapped her arms around his waist, letting his scent wash over her. Ethan stilled, one of his hands finding the back of her neck and weaving through the loose golden curls there. He didn't say anything right away, granting this moment of respite.
“You're nervous, aren't you.”
Perceptive as ever.
She released a long breath and traced the pattern of his coat. “Not because of the dinner itself.” Lifting her head, she studied his face before pressing on. “I'm just wondering if you're alright. We've really picked up the pace.”
Surprised, Ethan raised his brows. “Are you asking me if I have cold feet?”
“I... suppose I am.”
“Anna.” There was a note of gentle admonishment in his voice, urging her to listen. “You're here every second weekend. Yesterday, I practically begged you to come over, because we're barely seeing each other at work. Does that sound like I'm questioning my decision to be with you?” His lips brushed her temple. “I'll admit that your grandmother terrifies me. But that doesn't mean I don't want to get to know her better.”
“Well, now I feel silly,” she murmured sheepishly.
Ethan huffed out a soft laugh, tickling the shell of her ear. “Maybe I like that about you.” He pulled away, eyes crinkling at the corners. “You and your busy brain.” Lacing their fingers for a brief moment, he nodded his head towards the door. “Ready to go?”
“As ready as I'll ever be,” Anna sighed, letting him help her put on her jacket and lead her out of the apartment.
The drive to her grandmother's place felt far too short.
Her leg wiggled every time they passed another green light, forcing Ethan to rest his palm on it to soothe her. He did so wordlessly, keeping it there until he shut off the motor and offering it to her when they walked up the stairs to the second floor of the apartment complex. She took it, ever grateful for his quiet support.
The blonde fumbled with her set of keys when they reached the door, almost dropping them when it opened on it's own, revealing a her apron-clad grandmother.
“Gran,” she chastised, letting the old woman pull her into a hug. “Were you waiting by the door?”
“Nonsense, dear,” Greta sniffed, rubbing her back with a little too much enthusiasm.
Anna could practically hear the lie in her affronted tone, masking her pained sigh with a small cough. “Right. A preposterous notion.”
“Just as preposterous as denying me this view for past few months.” Her grandmother gestured over to Ethan, who had watched their exchange with a subdued smile. “The women in our family did always have an eye for the finer things in life, I must say,” she mused. “Come in, you two.”
Anna couldn't help but swallow as she watched Ethan hang up his coat and enter her childhood home. The furniture, the décor and even the comforting smell of chamomile and laundry detergent was the same, reminding her of days past.
With him in the middle of it all, it felt like two separate dimensions colliding and forming something she couldn't quite name. He looked both out of place and like he belonged as they followed Greta into the kitchen.
Handing her grandmother the expensive bottle of Château Monbrison the young doctor had chosen from his wine stash a few hours ago, Ethan rubbed the side of neck. “Anna told me this is your favorite. Thank you again for the invitation.”
Greta regarded him with amusement. “That's a very sweet gesture, Ethan. Tell me, how good is your cooking?”
“I -” At a loss for words, he looked over at Anna.
“He's great,” she affirmed hastily, flushing at her choice of defense. “I mean his cooking. It's great. Very good.”
“Wonderful. How about you help me prepare the rest of the lasagna then, my boy?” Her grandmother patted Anna's shoulder. “Could you be a dear and set the table? I've already left the plates in the dining room.”
“Snowbell.” Greta brushed a lock out of her granddaughters face. “Don't worry. You'll get him back without even one hair out of place.”
On her way out of the kitchen, Anna caught Ethan's gaze, the two doctors exchanging a small, equally nervous smile before they were separated.
In the quiet of the dining room, the blonde took a shaky breath, trying to sort her thoughts as she moved plates, glasses and silverware around.
She should have expected this.
Anna trusted and loved her grandmother, dearly, but she could be a bit much at times. Then again, she had never taken such an interest in any of her partners. In Canada, she had been too far away to truly introduce her first long-term boyfriend and once she had finally returned to Boston, the relationship was already over.
And Michael – well. Nothing good had come of being with him.
Ethan was the most complicated man she had ever met by far – but he was her future. The thought strengthened every day she spend with him, every time she looked into his eyes and every time he held her close.
It was far too soon to tell him, however.
And that was exactly why she was nervous about the prospect of her Greta and Ethan alone together.
“You've been holding that fork for quite a while now.”
Startled out of her musings, Anna turned around, almost stumbling into the older doctor. He caught her by the elbows, gently prying the silverware from her fingers and setting it down.
“You're done already?” she wondered, blinking at him.
Ethan chuckled. “It's been a little over ten minutes. Lost in thought again?”
“...Can you blame me?”
“No,” he admitted. “But it wasn't as bad as you probably imagined. You're supposed to show me your room, by the way. Something about it being the prelude to embarrassing baby pictures.”
The blonde groaned, hooking her arm around his and pulling him back into the hallway. “Fine. But you better be gentle. It hasn't been renovated since I was sixteen.”
“I thought you liked it when I'm not gentle,” Ethan teased, earning himself a smack to his chest when they entered the room on the far end.
Closing the battered wood behind them, Anna watched nervously as he moved to the middle of the room, his height dwarfing the old furniture to ridiculous proportions.
His gaze wandered over the walls, the faded teal plastered over by posters and photographs. Taking a few steps closer to the scratched up vanity next to her bed, the older doctor plucked a picture from the frame of the mirror.
She fought to urge to take it from him, mashing her lips together.
Her twenty-year-old self in this particular photo looked like a textbook nerd, much shorter locks braided into two pigtails and clutching her acceptance letter for Boston's med school, while she and Greta grinned at the camera.
Ethan reattached the picture with another chuckle. Then, his gaze fell on her nightstand - and on the book sitting on it.
More specifically, his book.
The unassuming cover was well worn, some of the pages dog-eared. Picking it up, he thumbed through it, raising a brow at Anna.
"What?" she asked a bit too forcefully, cheeks burning.
His mouth twitched, eventually losing the fight against the complacent expression overtaking his features.
"Someone’s a fan," he hummed. "Want to me to sign this one too?"
"That depends," the blonde huffed, crossing her arms. "Do I need to undertake another ridiculous task before you do it?“
Grinning, Ethan tossed the book back and crooked a finger at her. "How about you come over here and kiss me, Rookie? You can decide after if that’s asking too much."
"You’re ridiculous," she murmured, walking up to him hesitantly and slipping her hands around his neck with a pout. Something utterly triumphant twinkled in his deep blues as he craned his head down, meeting her in the middle.
The kiss was soft, slow and warm, tasting faintly of toothpaste. Ethan wrapped his arms around Anna’s waist, lifting her from her tiptoes and setting her down on the bed, his lips never leaving hers.
There was a comfort in his body covering her own, the pleasant buzz of it all coaxing a faint moan from her throat.
Eventually, they had to come up for air, Ethan’s nose nuzzling her cheek.
"You know, you're the first guy to make out with me on this bed," she said thoughtfully and brushed her knuckles over his jaw, enjoying the texture of his beard against her skin.
The attending pushed himself onto one elbow, his free fingers mapping the curve of her hip. "I'm not sure how much more information my ego can take. I'm this close to begging for mercy."
"Oh my god." Anna pulled him back to her by his hair, their laughter mingling until they were breathless once more.
Eventually, Ethan rolled off to the side, facing the younger doctor on the mattress. It was oddly soothing, having him share the tiny bed with her. A peaceful little bubble, after the start of what was bound to be an eventful afternoon.
It gave her courage to ask the question sitting at the forefront of her mind.
“What did you and my grandmother talk about?”
Ethan's jaw tensed for a brief second, his palm lifting to find her face.
“She told me about the state you were in the week after I had left for the Amazon.” His calloused thumb drew a half circle. “And to be more careful with your heart this time around.”
“Or she'll put you six-feet-under?” Anna questioned weakly.
“No.” He gave a slight shake of his head. “No, she asked me while offering me a glass of wine. She's just worried, princess. And she has every right to be.”
“I can't ever take back what I did, Anna,” he sighed. “We both know that. You forgive me so easily every time I mess up and I shouldn't take it for granted. Even your endless patience will run out eventually.”
“You're worth it. You always were.”
Hazel and blue connected, both achingly soft.
“So are you.”
Unspoken words, unspoken emotions, enriched by the dim light falling through pale curtains, drowning the space in silence and contentment.
“Should we get back?” Anna murmured, careful not to disturb the tender moment with her voice. “My grandmother is probably waiting for us.”
“In a minute.” Forehead tipping down to meet hers, Ethan dragged her close, breathing her in. “In a minute, sweetheart.”
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A/N: So cheesy. Was a lot of fun to write though :3
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shinydelirium · 4 years
Kiro’s R&S: Lonely (Season 2 Chapters, 2-5) Translation [CN]
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This is a translation from Kiro’s R&S for Season 2, Chapters 2-5. Just to let everyone know, I do not know any Chinese but I have taken an interest in learning it because of this game. Therefore, I’m learning the language as I go. Everything has been done using Google Translate so do expect some errors and mistranslations. I’ve tried my best to make it flow well. Also, shout out to @link4eva for walking me through this process. I’m not gonna hide the fact that I hate technology and technology hates me so this is my first time posting something so monstrous, lol. Without further ado, please enjoy! 
***Some context before reading. The events of this R&S takes place towards the end of Season 1 when an impending comet is about to hit Earth. MC spends what little time she has left with the guys until she is summoned to some unknown place and gets set back in time.***
Even if the world fusion collapses, it cannot stop a firm heart.
[Chapter 1]
*Click, click*
The sound of the gear turning stopped again and behind the door that was slowly opened, a calm voice sounded.
“She has gone.”
Drifting light spots lingered in the endless darkness and the stairs slowly retreated to its origin. Everything seems to have not happened and it seems to be silently waiting for some tomorrow to come.  
“The future is far away, but it will come.”
Helios didn’t speak, but stood still, looking towards the end of the stairs.
“Are you scared?”
The person in the dark tempted again, and he smiled after listening.
“No matter how difficult it is, she will definitely find a way so that everyone can meet tomorrow. What is there to be afraid of?”
At the end of the speech, his voice became very soft, containing some fear hidden in his heart.
The girl’s face slowly appeared in front of Helios’ eyes. He suddenly remembered that in the world of Eternal Winter, she kept approaching bravely, gritted her teeth to face all the unknowns, remembering every moment she had illuminated. He always believed that she would be able to make the most correct choice and let the doomsday meet the future. It’s just...
There was a seemingly silent laugh from the darkness. Helios released the palm he had just unintentionally clenched, and turned to look at the scattered light spots, “I just want to know one thing.” His hand gently lifted. The light spot swayed at his fingertips, like stars hanging in the dark, losing their orbit. “That uncontrollable future is the future of this world?”
The distant voice seemed to sigh, “What do you think the world is like?”
Helios did not speak.
“The countless choices of mankind have gathered into all nets of the world. It is infinitely extended and leads to the future.” He paused. “But the future will end. This is countless civilizations relying on the destruction, over and over. The conclusion drawn again. Although it is moving forward slowly, it seems to return to a certain point of origin.”
“Destruction.” Helios raised his head and said this word in disbelief.
“This world should have stopped today, but a possibility has arisen.” While Helios was still speculating on the deep meaning behind this, the voice did not stop. “This possibility gives her the ability to choose the most correct one. The path leads the world to a distant place beyond truth and common sense.”
Helios frowned slightly and caught the core part of the words in an instant. “You mean, there will be even more incredible changes in the future?”
“This is not a question I can answer.”  
The sound of the gear turning sounded again, and the person’s voice seemed a little tired, and finally slowly disappeared in the darkness, like the last hint.
“This world has completed its choice, and it will not stay. It will continue to move forward to witness the arrival of tomorrow, no matter what posture or form this tomorrow is presented to humanity...It belongs to the tomorrow of this world, and you...” The voice faintly revealed the meaning of expectation and scrutiny, “Tomorrow you will naturally be the same as her, you will be the way you crossed from today to tomorrow.”
[Chapter 2]
From the dome of the hall, one can see the lights of comets approaching from the sky. The people around the round table appear to be extremely silent. They all looked at Helios who walked in, seeming to be waiting for his final answer.
“It’s too early to prepare for the end.” Helios walked to the front of the main seat, but did not sit down. He gently propped his hands on the round table, and there seemed to be sparks jumping in his eyes. “Everything went according to the original plan. In time, we have a lot to do.” When everyone dispersed, Helios stood alone in the hall, looking to the sky through the dome, and muttered, “It seems that the secret that I can’t tell you is still valuable.”
No one can be seen on the street where the end is coming, not to mention such remote alleys. At the end, there is only the rustle of stray cats eating garbage.
Kiro pressed the brim of his hat, turning around in the scattered alleys in a familiar way, until a faint yellow light slowly hit his eyes. A little “Mondlicht” was written on the side of the door, like the spell of an ancient magician. He glanced at the end of the sky one last time, took a deep breath, and opened the door with firm eyes.
The man standing behind the bar didn’t seem to be surprised by the visitor who appeared suddenly. He gracefully wiped the wine glasses and greeted Kiro with a smile. Kiro quietly looked around and sat at the bar expertly.
“The end is two hours away. Do you want something to drink?” The man smiled and shook the wine bottle in his hand.
“It’s almost the end and you’re still opening the shop?” Kiro put his hat on the bar, ignoring the man’s invitation.  
“My life creed is, I’d rather stand earning money and die than to lie down bored.” The man seemed to be indifferent to Kiro’s refusal, still mastering the bottle with skillful control.
“I’m not here to drink.”
“You have tried so many times, don’t you ever give up?”
Kiro’s eyes flashed with a hint of anger but only for a moment. He slowly smiled.
“I have no reason to give up.”  
The man neatly put down the cup in his hand and took a breath: “Well, since you’re so insistent, I won’t stop you. The name is Drey.” ***Don’t know if this will be the name used for this character in EN server but it’s what Google Translate gave me, so we’ll go with it***
He put the wine in front of Kiro, the bright red liquid filled the man’s eyes with a smile, but seemed a little ruthless and indifferent.  
“Thank you for the business and support.”
[Chapter 3]
Kiro found Drey a month ago. Seeing Drey again, he still couldn’t control the urge to retch inside. Kiro sat on the sofa, clenched his palms fiercely, and like a constant trance in his heart, forced himself to give priority to the task at hand. In a daze, he saw the girl standing under the soft light and shadow, her face radiating with warm light. She reached out to him and called his name. “You are the best Kiro in the world.”
The slight pain in the palm of his hand slowly pierced all consciousness along his fingertips. He barely raised his eyes and calmly looked at the man Drey, who was standing not far from him, the first assistant of the experiment.  
Many years have passed since that distant and dark memory. He was also much older. Drey threw himself down in front of Kiro in a panic, “Please, don’t kill me...!!!”  
Kiro looked coldly at the man who was kneeling in front of him, his whole body shaking. “If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn’t have let you escape that time.”
Trembling, he took the box thrown by Kiro and saw the glinting “S” on it. He was so scared that he almost dropped it to the ground.  
“How did you get this? No, you don’t need to answer me...” Drey shook his head and firmly gripped the box in his hand. He realized that Kiro who was cooperating with him now is no longer the advanced experiment: number 3684. Drey looked down at the box in his hand, “What do want me to do? Could it be...!!!”
Kiro knew from a long time ago that Drey was the person who knew his body data the best during that experiment, and naturally had enough ability to be the first assistant. “This is impossible!”
“I’m not here to listen to your nonsense.” Kiro interrupted him coldly, “You just have to work for me, right Dr. Drey “the current boss?”
Drey rubbed the box in his hand, gritted his teeth and finally let out a sigh of relief, “...I see, can the operating table on floor B4 be used?”
Even in the colorful laboratory covered with floral wallpaper, Kiro still had a serious mental rebuke. It took him a lot of effort to force himself to lie down on the experimental table. Since then, he can’t remember how many times he vomited and how many tubes of medicine he took.  
Drey frowned, “I said it’s going to be difficult for you to become stronger.” He lowered his head. “Your experimental success is not universal. Considering the collective interference of many micro-factors, your body may not be able to withstand the second experiment. The experiment made your genes, under the catalysis of a special substance, form their own unique irregular structure, which is absolutely different from ordinary people.” He pursed his mouth and paused, his expression stricken, and looked at Kiro. “And we are not sure whether this reaction will continue, and all the side effects can’t be estimated. Why should you take such a big risk!?! You are fully capable now...”
“It’s okay, let’s just get there first today.” Kiro wiped the blood from his mouth, barely propped himself up and sat on the experimental table. The night fog filled him countless times, tying him into the abyss in the dark night. There are countless ferocious and scrutinizing gazes. He is standing in the bloody prison, but now, he is no longer afraid.  
“I said that you aren’t too tired to go home and eat dessert?” Since Kiro accidentally missed the dessert date, this person always used it to tease him from time to time. Kiro didn’t answer him. He walked around the store several times, slowing down his trembling footsteps, “Is it natural?” ***Don’t really understand what's going here in this scene, lol***
The boss nodded, “It’s okay. You guys finished so early today?”
“It’s because there is a special performance today.” Kiro put on his hat, blocking most of his face, “It’s very important.”
Kiro walked towards floor B4 step by step. When he arrived at the entrance of the laboratory, Drey was already there waiting for him. “We’ve tried numerous times and if you continue like this, your body may...”  
“It’s fine.” He unwaveringly interrupted Drey’s unfinished words. “There has been progress last time, hasn’t there? Let’s keep going.”
Kiro’s footsteps towards the laboratory were extremely firm. The whole world seemed to be only a piece of endless white, with the girl’s back at the end. He kept ordering himself to run towards her. This has always been the case. Although there is not much time to download this voice, he will never give up even if it is the end.  
[Chapter 4]
When Kiro opened his eyes again, he knew that he had won the bet. Even if he didn’t have the strength to lift a finger, he raised a satisfied and happy smile for the first time. He couldn’t remember how long he laid until he could finally and slowly prop up his arm to support himself. He sat on the operating table panting and wanted to pull out the infusion affixed to his arm in disgust.  
“it’s better not to pull that one out.”
Kiro raised his eyes in warning. The boss leaned against the door holding a hot cup of coffee along with a smile that has remained unchanged for years. Kiro blinked and tilted his head, “The time...”
“Don’t worry. It seems that the comet hasn’t hit yet.” The man stretched out his index finger and pulled Drey over who happened to be passing by and came back to check the situation. “Look at him.”
Kiro breathed a sigh of relief and covered his head with a bit of pain. Drey hurried over and said, “You’ve just woke up now, don’t be so anxious. You need to be observed again.”
Kiro snorted coldly. With a sound, the microcomputer he had been carrying around suddenly rang. He grabbed his head and pulled off the infusion from his body. He stood, limping hurriedly and almost fell to the ground due to the excessive movement.
“You can’t move right now!” Drey stopped him in a rush.
“Let go!” Kiro waved Drey’s hand away, reluctantly pressing it against the wall. He turned on the computer, tapping the keyboard intermittently with stiff fingers, looking at the screen with a heavy expression. “You guys leave.”
“You can’t use your abilities now!” Drey still insisted on explaining to Kiro, “We are not yet sure about their stability. Your current body is too weak. If you use your enhanced abilities immediately, you will...”
“Get out.” Kiro’s voice did not have a hint of warmth or room for argument.  
“But your body...!!!”
“Excuse me.” The man drinking coffee beside him smiled and shook the syringe that came out of nowhere. “You will not be charged for the gift.” Kiro stretched out his pinhole arm without hesitation, “Thank you.”
Kiro recovered some strength after the drug injection. He leaned in the corner of the laboratory and gently closed his eyes.  
“.....If I said I might know a way, would you believe me?”
“It’s okay, you’re already amazing and you’re still my superhero!”
“Will you leave again this time too...?”
“I believe that no matter who you are, you will not change...”
“No matter what decision you make, I’ll support it.”
“All this time, you have always been illuminating me.”
He can always hear her voice. Kiro gently opened his eyes and saw himself in the mirror. He raised his mouth unconsciously, without a trace of hesitation. Since this world will not end, no matter what happens, it will become the future of tomorrow. He has to be prepared for this unknown future.  
The golden light in the pupils of his eyes danced in the mirror but at this time, it was like a gentle and powerful blessing, giving strength to those who can cross all obstacles to reach hope. Even if it may be temporarily silent in time because of the drastically changing world, one day it will become a milestone to guide the future, pointing to the end in its heart, and meeting the long-awaited person.
“I command you to always be the one and only brightly shining Kiro--to be brave and to keep getting stronger.”
“I command you to never forget her.”
“She is MC, your Miss Chips.”
“She is your most favorite person.”
The golden light diffused through the pupils into every nerve ending and blood, melting into the grand and brilliant white snow at the end of the world to form the final agreement. The world was slowly shrouded by the seemingly gentle but unbreakable water mist. It was born from the bright white light and permeated the earth, extending in countless directions. On the note-filled recording paper in the notebook, the notes on the staff seemed to be placed upside down, disappearing one by one on the paper. And all this is just a moment.  
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jtrokujo · 4 years
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔑𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔚𝔢 𝔐𝔢𝔱
✩。: * • .───── ❁ ❁ ─────. • * :。 ✩
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word count: 1.6k
It is evening.
But even though it's the spring season it is still fresh, but still cool.
However, it goes without saying that spring has just started.
There's a prom today, or better said now, and of course I don't have a partner.
But I don't care, why do I need someone for a dance?
In general, I haven't been a big fan of it since the beginning of the school year, I don't know why myself.
With my (color) dress and a mug with a full drink, I made my way outside.
I immediately sat down on the stairs that were in my perspective, even if it is cool I prefer to stay there instead of being lonely with my classmates again.
Out of nowhere, I was an outsider, I was never mean, I was respectful of everyone, things that a nice person does.
Or rather jujuzist.
There was still someone in my class who is a jujucist, because of my sense of smell I was able to find out, otherwise I would probably never have found out.
Although I still have 2 skills, I rarely use them because they can do more harm than the opposite.
Thought manipulation and manipulation of reality.
It's actually pretty cool and I would be lying if I said changing reality would be boring, but I'm sure a lot of people think of one thing or the other.
For example, I cannot erase the existence of someone or an animal.
Does that mean I can neither revoke extinct animals nor let animals become extinct, again should I?
I had a little hamster when I was little, she was cute and quite fluffy because of her weight.
After that day from school, I came home with joy.
Everything was good, I got a good grade, played hide and seek with some of my old friends and happened to have enough money to buy sweets on the way home.
I still remembered the tearing of my heart that no one could hear.
Because my hamster passed away.
Like I've been pushed into nowhere, into nothing.
I was lonely, even though I had family and friends, she was different, I didn't know exactly what, but I think it would be better not to know anything like that.
Grinning sadly, I drank the strange drink from my mug and looked up at the moon until someone broke the pleasant silence "Yo!"
I turn around, jerking in shock, the jujuzist, what's his name again?
Yes, I, (Y / N) (L / N), have forgotten the names of the most popular boys from my school, but I don't care that I would marry him.
The funny thing was that he always wore this blindfold, I seriously wonder if he's blind.
"May I keep you company?" he asked immediately, but he did not wait for my answer but sat right next to me.
The only thing I know right now is that he's a little weird, I don't know why, he's pretty big and a little close, too close.
I can even feel his breathing.
As uncomfortable as I feel, I just try to ignore him, because apparently he doesn't feel like having a little chat, which is why I just sit down until tonight comes to an end.
"What's your name?" the white-haired asked me, shattering all my hopes, sighing softly, I answered him "My name is (Y / N) and yours?" "Gojo."
Immediately the silence returned.
Gojo sat down in a more comfortable pose, through this pose there was finally a distance between us, but our legs touched.
I'm not that kind of girl who'd go mad about little things like that.
I'd rather go back inside instead of spending my last day of school sitting down with a classmate in silence and looking at the sky.
After a few minutes I got up and was already on my way when the voice of Gojo rang out behind me "(Y / N), wait!"
I turned around in amazement and saw that he was coming towards me and I automatically looked up because of his size.
"Yes?" I asked immediately and looked at him in amazement, only where should I look?
I can't see his eyes through his blindfold, and besides, what for?
However, this is not my business.
"Would you like to dance with me?" he asked out of nowhere.
"I beg your pardon?" surprised by this sudden question, I was glad to be able to answer normally.
"If you want to dance with me." giggled my counterpart and immediately reached out his hand with slightly pink cheeks - which luckily he could hardly see due to his blindfold - I took his hand.
Due to the loud volume that could play in the sports hall as well as hear the music, it was a bit slow, but still suitable for the mood.
He quickly put my empty cup down a little far away from us and began to guide me.
After a certain point, he turned me around so that my back was touching his abdominal muscles.
Either he just dances a little differently from the others or he does it on purpose.
Now my cheeks turned red like a tomato.
His soft lips found their way to my ear and whispered, "You're not a bad dancer, (Y / N)."
The tall man fastened both of his classmate's hands with one hand and pulled down his black blindfold with the other.
Immediately afterwards he turned her back into a normal pose so that she can move around while dancing.
That was interrupted by his eyes.
While (Y / N) tends to dance with his mouth open, Gojo prefers to grin and continues to lead (Y / N).
When the song was over, the two youngsters had stopped dancing and looked at each other rather lovingly.
A few seconds later he put his blindfold back on where they were before and the conversation continued. "What do you want to do after graduation?"
"I have no idea what about you?"
The white-haired man proudly said, "I'm going to be a teacher at a school where I teach jujuzists."
The joy is clearly written on his lips and it makes me happy to see him happy even though I have known him for about 10 minutes.
"Why are you not coming?"
"I am-“
Out of shock, which was more of an irony, he took a deep breath and acted like a drama queen. "But I guess I know you're a Jujuzist."
"But how?" I asked puzzled, still stay normal.
Gojo told me that it didn't matter and offered me one more time if I would like to work with him at a school.
I mean, I have no particular career aspirations, I am a Jujuzist, I like to help everyone as best I can and I can probably improve and improve my skills.
"Yes, of course." I answered him dearly, you the silence came back again, but this was a little different from the previous one.
Gojo sat down where he was sitting before and knocked his hand next to him, hoping that I would keep him company, but I mean why not?
I sat down next to him in silence and immediately laid my head on his shoulder and looked at the moon.
Today is a special day at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School.
Rather said for the students, because today the classes compete against classes.
I just hope no one would overdo it, but since I found out that someone was eating Sukuna's fingers, I've given up.
Luckily it hadn't eaten such a psycho, well, this person would probably have died by like Itadori had luck by his side.
However, I kept an eye on Gakuganji's students.
Because one of them had languished one of my students, but if I should find out that one of his students, or even all of them, one of my students is only a hair too crumbly I break every bone of Gakuganji.
But back to reality right now, all the teachers are in the room looking at the monitor.
While Gojo now and then tries to be in a conversation with someone from this room, the others prefer to ignore him.
But I can't hold it against them and even though I'm his girlfriend, I love heart, right?
Almost an hour has passed, but I can feel an uneasy feeling, I appreciated a look out of the window.
Immediately I turned around and said "We have to get out quickly, our students will probably be attacked!"
Gojo got up amusingly, of course with his comments, but it was Gakuganji, not Iori, who got the stupid comments.
We ran out as fast as we could, the so-called 'shield' leaned on the ground, but as much as I accelerated my pace I was apparently not fast enough.
Surprised, Gojo touched the 'sign', but immediately let go.
There was a small bruise on the palm of his hand, but as well as I know him and his abilities it will go as quickly as possible.
But in contrast to Gojo, Iori can go through half her arm right away.
"Is that an 'Anti-Gojo Satoru Shield'? Gojo asked us, to which I replied," Would be possible. "
The two teachers decided to watch the spectacle inside.
Gojo held my wrist, just like he did at prom, "Gojo, I have to go." "I know, but please take care of yourself."
I tiptoed a kiss on his cheek and walked away.
"You're not either, Gojo Satoru!" Suddenly a stranger yelled at me out of nowhere, well that could be something.
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