#and the one character i bonded w so strongly having such a huge part of her dismissed like that feels bad man
cunninghamchrissie · 2 years
let characters w chronic issues not be magically healed through the power of love challenge
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buried-stars · 3 years
for the character thing how about uhh akechi, mizuki, and trucy ✌️
ily <3 putting this under a cut for length; also spoilers for p5, aitsf, and aa4
First impression: "why does everyone like this guy lol"
Impression now: I UNDERSTAND WHY EVERYONE LIKES THIS GUY and i am crying. so hard. all the time.
Favourite moment: im a pretty big fan of his new confidant in royal honestly. made it so chef's kiss. and 11/20 always hits different
Idea for a story: i already wrote in the ashes of everything
Unpopular opinion: uhhhhhhh while obviously he's not some kind of innocent soft boy he's still redeemable and deserves a chance to SURVIVE AND FACE THE CONSEQUNCES OF HIS ACTIONS AND ALSO HEAL?????
Favourite relationship: i don't like any romantic pairings with him but i'm a huge fan of his potential friendships w the other thieves (esp ann haru and futaba), and with sojiro, dad to all.
Favourite headcanon: i have so many. like im actually scrambling to pickmy favourite one bc there are so many i like. but okay okay my fave one is that he actually rly enjoyed being a phantom thief and was trying to reach out to them for help in november ("it is even possible that he is being controlled by someone") without outright telling them about shido
First impression: oh daughter?
Impression now: OH DAUGHTER (sobbing uncontrollably)
Favourite moment: as IF i could pick anything besides psyncing in the captain, the best part of ai: the somnium files. IT HAS TO BE YOU DATE
Idea for a story: hee hee im already working on a mizuki centric fic where she bonds with pewter and absolutely nothing sad happens in it :)
Unpopular opinion: i honestly dont Know if there are unpopular mizuki opinions since aitsf has like ten fans and eight of them are me in a trenchcoat.
Favourite (PLATONIC) relationship: date is her DAD and i will not accept anything else. but also i love seeing her interact with iris and hitomi and aiba. a fambly :>
Favourite headcanon: she's a baby lesbian and will end up getting a buzzcut in a year or so and scaring the shit out of date who just woke up her hair all over the bathroom floor
First impression: "huh who's this kid. HEY SINCE WHEN DOES PHOENIX HAVE A DAUGHTER???"
Impression now: DAUGHTER DAUGHTER DAUGHTER DAUGHTER currently has the award for my favourite character of all time
Favourite moment: girl took herself hostage in a court of law and didnt get caught. absolutely queen shit
Idea for a story: atroquinine au already exists
Unpopular opinion: i dont know what the unpopular trucy opinions are and at this point im too afraid to ask
Favourite relationship: she gets paired with pearl and jinxie a lot which is cute but these days i dont feel too strongly about those? family wise though how could i say anything besides her and phoenix :} that's the good shit. her and apollo are also wonderful with how they play off each other
Favourite headcanon: she actually figured out that she and apollo are siblings way before phoenix told them and just kept it to herself for shits and giggles
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destiny-smasher · 6 years
Had a chat with someone I’ll keep anonymous (though I did ask permission to post this) regarding concerns with BtS, thought they had some good thoughts and worries I wanted to share. A lot of folks have found that spaces like Reddit, Facebook, or even here on Tumblr have become unsafe places to openly discuss criticisms and worries over what’s a very complicated situation. (I’ve edited out a few bits to make this more rational for public viewing)
Me: [regarding 20 minutes of footage that got posted recently from Episode 3] I'll avoid the preview and just wait to experience it myself next week, but it's good to know it's out there so I can try to avoid seeing stuff. XXX: I'm right there with you, my biggest fear actually is that what was said (I think it was in that leaked interview) about hints that will be dropped for Rachel's future character development will be entirely twisted. As in, they'll make up excuses for why Rachel would decide to hide her relationships from Chloe and straight up lie to her. I'm scared Rachel will be victimized to justify her later action. I don't see her as a monster or a demon, but she deliberately made wrong decisions and it's part of her characters arc that her wrong decisions lead to her death. I don't want that part of Rachel to be taken away with excuses. And I'm worried about some things I heard might be in the episode like even more intense moments between them. Not only because they're underage but because it doesn't do their relationship justice and why Chloe called Rachel an angel. We only have these 3 days to received an explanation for why their bond was so special and so far it's nothing more than a teenage crush and physical attraction and one broken girl latching to another who is in search of a companion. Amberprice deserved a lot more depth than what was shown so far. I can't explain why, but with Max and Chloe everything was different. We knew they were bonded since childhood, Max went through torture to save Chloe and Chloe became thes best she could have ever been, just for Max. With Rachel Chloe is literally encouraged to ditch her entire life without a stable future.
Me: That’s a huge element of what frustrates me w/this prequel: we’re getting underage, unhealthy queer romance portrayed so openly, which could be great if the characters were original, we didn’t already know what happened, OR there was more time passing and more focus on that relationship and it’s gray areas. XXX: Now I'm not part of the LGBT community, but basically most of my friends I made through LiS are and we all agree, this prequel is mostly SE trying to be appealing to the young generation of queer teenagers who came into the LiS fandom after the first game. SE knew about the acceptance for LGBT representation in LiS so they literally upped the gay to get even more into that niche. That's why BtS is pure fanservice for me for the most part and I'm convinced Dontnod isn't impressed with how this thing is being handled. Don't get me wrong, I love the representation queer people get with this franchise but especially young people jump on it and like you said get an entirely wrong picture of what teenage love is and how complex it can be. I think Deck Nine did do a great job trying to show areas of Rachel's character that are questionable to say the least (think of her drugging Victoria), but the young folk only have eyes for how gay and important the gay in this game is. Love is love, that's what I strongly believe in. And love can fucking hurt you, especially when you're Chloe broken Price. A bit more of that would have been nice, Chloe is so fragile yet she completely goes with everything Rachel commands. It's hard to say where exactly the problem is, SEs marketing is beyond good and evil, Deck Nine was walking a fine line trying to please the community but also make their own thing, they took the more aggressive approach compared to Dontnod. And the community itself is doing its job at ruining things, just think of how stupid this entire Amberprice Legion story is and how people now demonize Max and praise Rachel as a goddess. XXX [continued]: And one more thing that I personally really have a problem with. We were never told anything about Rachel's sexuality, but D9 basically made her canonically bisexual (and to most of the younger audience even lesbian which leads to a denial of her later actions by many). I don't know much about same sex love but from the original game I never got the impression Rachel reciprocated Chloe's feelings and Chloe was madly in love but it was one-sided all the time. Now with the end of BtS I don't think we'll be presented a definite answer to that question and I'm not a fan of it. Because it still leaves that space for speculation that Rachel only ever used Frank for drugs and Jefferson to leave Arcadia. The devs wouldn't have confirmed her letter was about Mark if she didn't have feelings for him.Sorry for writing so much, it just feels like a relief.
Thanks to this person for sharing your thoughts. And if there’s anyone reading this who is an AmberPrice fan or is loving BtS, please don’t feel like we’re trying to rain on your parade, we’re just expressing our thoughts and worries about this.
If you’re looking for further concerns and frustrations, I’d direct you to TomorrowHeart’s curiouscat posts here...and here, more insightful concerns expressed.
As always, I am very supportive of Deck Nine and have enjoyed a lot of what they’ve made, but I am still frustrated and confused as to why this project exists in the first place. I’ll be sure to deliver some analysis on the good and bad of Episode 3 after it launches, as I already have written on Episode 1 and Episode 2.
There’s a lot of good here but I think this is a much more delicate situation than “just a video game” and I feel like the people in positions of power maybe don’t quite grasp that -- or, they might, and are taking advantage.
Either way, I hope the next two episodes turn out well and SE will finally leave this story alone before milking it completely dry.
If you want the queer following, create a new story with new characters and OWN IT even more openly, give us a POSITIVE ending.
Or, I dunno, maybe just don’t try targeting queer teens as a demographic to sell a product to and just TELL STORIES you care about, personally? (I’m speaking in general here, not even just to SE)
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sage-nebula · 7 years
I was talking with @ryttu3k earlier about how I imagine that, whenever I write Pokémon fic, a lot of the products and series that we have in our world exist in their world too, only with the names changed so as to a.) avoid copyright, and b.) suit the world that they live in. (The exception to this is Nintendo games, since we have canonical evidence that Nintendo consoles exist as-is in canon, and Mario is mentioned by name when checking the SNES in the first gen games.) A few examples of the different series / bands / products / et cetera that I’ve come up with and referenced in my Pokémon fics over the years are:
My Little Ponyta: Friendship is Magic
FaceSpace (later changed to FateBook because a social media site known as FaceSpace actually exists now)
Captain Unova
Assassin’s Deed: Sisterhood
Grass-types vs. Zombies
Robot Rapidash Attack
The Liepard King (later changed to The Pyroar King when Gen VI was revealed)
Doctor What
And so on and so forth. When I was driving home tonight, though, I realized something else, and that something else was---
So sometimes, I don’t have to change the titles of the movies / shows / what have you, even if the subject would change. So for instance, The Fox and the Hound could still be The Fox and the Hound, only in the Pokéworld Tod would be a vulpix and Copper would be a growlithe. (And Ash Ketchum, age five, would cry for at least an hour before Delia could calm him down at how emotionally devastating that movie is.) So with that in mind, it’s entirely possible that the Dreamworks Dragons movies exist in-universe too, and that they’re even still titled How to Train Your Dragon, given that there are dragons in the pokéworld. It’s just that, well, the dragons in-series would be replaced with dragons (as in the species, not just the type) from the pokéworld.
With that said, consider:
There’s no equivalent to a night fury in Pokémon (yet >_>), so consider that perhaps, in the first movie, Toothless is a charizard instead. All the human characters are the same, the plot of the movie is the same, and so likewise, the plot of the second movie is the same as well. The first movie is released, it’s a big hit, everyone loves it, it becomes Lizardon’s favorite movie and Alan likes it a lot as well. (He, as you can imagine, very strongly understands Hiccup’s feelings regarding Toothless.) Everyone’s happy.
But then . . .
The second movie comes out. Perhaps the second movie is made after the events of canon, releasing maybe a couple years later. And when the second movie comes out---well, if you’ve seen it, you know. In our version of the movie, when Toothless leaps over Hiccup to shield him from the bewilderbeast’s attack, the ice broken when Toothless goes into his “alpha mode” and breaks it. His scales are still black, but he has bright blue glowing streaks. He gained this form specifically to protect Hiccup, as pointed out by Valka. Many (including myself) have joked that he mega evolved.
So, in the pokéworld version of the movie . . . what if he did?
Maybe it wouldn’t be explicitly stated to be mega evolution in terms of the movie, but in this version, when charizard!Toothless dives in to save Hiccup, he ends up breaking the ice by being Mega Charizard X. That’s how he challenges Kyurem (I imagine Kyurem would be the bewilderbeast here---it makes sense) for the position of alpha. And it’s glorious and amazing and perhaps, in terms of narrative, a sort of artistic license taken if there were no stones and it wasn’t purposeful---but regardless, they very clearly animated a Mega ‘Zard X, there’s no doubt about it.
And that’s great and wonderful and Alan and Lizardon feel even more emotional about this movie than the first (for obvious reasons), but---
As it happens, the producer and director et all gave interviews about this movie. And in one interview they reveal that they actually went with the decision to have charizard!Toothless mega evolve after seeing footage of Alan and Lizardon during the League / Flare arc and feeling inspired by their bond. Specifically, there’s that scene during the final battle that’s only on screen for a split second where there’s this huge blast and Lizardon---while mega evolved---is shielding Alan with his wing. And perhaps, somehow, Jessie and James had managed to capture that (not realistic, perhaps, but w/e), and the director / producer saw that, and were inspired, and did it. When they reveal this they laugh a bit awkwardly because by this point Alan is probably already Champion of Kalos, but hey! Even more reason to be inspired, right? Especially since he does still have Lizardon.
Alan and Lizardon are kind of floored when they hear this, but perhaps Manon is hanging out with them at the time, and she excitedly starts swatting his side (not enough to hurt, of course, just enough to get his attention / show her excitement) and says, “They made a movie about you!!”
“They did not make a movie about me,” Alan says.
Manon flails her hand at the screen. “Yeah, they---they just said they did! They made a movie about you and Lizardon! That’s amazing, Alan!”
“The movie is not about me and Lizardon, it’s about something completely different---”
“It’s not---!”
“That one part was just inspired by us.”
“Oh come on!” Manon says. “They totally made a movie about you! That’s so cool! I wonder how I can get them to make a movie about me and Hari-san. That would be cool, wouldn’t it, Hari-san?”
“Rima!” Hari-san agrees.
Alan probably gives up arguing that the movie is about him and Lizardon at that point (even though it isn’t), and Manon and Hari-san probably go off to see what they can accomplish that would inspire someone to make a movie about them, but the point is, if these movies exist in this universe, imagine if things happened like that, just imagine it.
I don’t know about you, but I think the idea is pretty cool, indeed.
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Let's raise the difficulty level with the ship thing: Uriya and Mr Kurotori
Or character thing whatever it’s called, it was mostly about ships??
Technically true! *cracks knuckles*
Warning: There isa small novel waiting for you below the cut. You asked and you sure as heckreceived. I basically wrote you fanfic material for some of them.
Feel free to send me morecharacters~
My NOTP for them: As per usual, no aliens.Anything else is a-okay in my book!
My BROTP for them: Enkaku (Remote ControlMonster) would be such a great friend for him, since they can relate to eachother’s problems, so it makes me happy that they ended up hanging out togetherin the season 1 finale~ >w
Both of them feel like they have no control in their lives.Uriya feels controlled by his anxiety and Enkaku feels controlled by hisfather, but they find stability with each other and bond over their searchesfor freedom from what’s holding them back from their happiness.
Enkaku could be a calm sensible head to help reassure Uriya duringanxiety attacks because having that outsider opinion on how situations reallylook would be so helpful for him. Especially from someone he can trust. Andonce they get close enough for Enkaku to learn more about Uriya as a person,Uriya would more easily be able to believe him over his own anxiety abouthimself, too… because Enkaku understands him perhaps better than heunderstands himself. And Enkaku wouldn’t lie to him because Enkaku knows howshitty it feels to feel manipulated by someone.
Uriya could also help to encourage Enkaku to try doing morethings for himself. If Enkaku doesn’t feel like he can tell his father how hefeels, he can at least find some freedom in other things like finding a hobbythat he really likes and expressing himself through that.
Aaaah, these two are cute and they’d go on this journey ofself-discovery together~
My OTP for them: Once again, Enkaku without adoubt because I feel like it could go either way and be just as sweet. Justtake all of the brotp stuff and put romantic feelings to it because ANXIOUSBOYFRIENDS HELPING EACH OTHER FIND HAPPINESS. ;;w;;
I like the headcanon that Enkaku’s father probably expects Enkakuto take over some kind of family business at some point, so this has beenlooming over his head for most of his life and he became a “yes man”to his father because it’s what was expected of him, growing more miserable andstifled as time passed. After his Love-Shower-induced epiphany, he realizedthat he should follow his own path, but he doesn’t know how to express what hewants. Because how does one crush their family’s hopes, dreams, andexpectations? It’s not a delicate task and he isn’t sure his father wouldlisten anyway. But Uriya helps him to take back some control in his life by expressinghimself in other ways and doing things that make him happy.
In fact, the two of them actually getting together could bethe first big step. This is the first time Enkaku has done something truly forhimself without waiting for his father’s approval and it couldn’t have made himany happier. And Uriya would be happy to know that there’s someone who doesn’tthink he’s creepy or weird and who likes him despite how his anxiety makes himcome across. Because Enkaku likes him for who he is as a person and that wouldbe something incredible to Uriya.
In the beginning, Uriya would constantly second-guess how heshould behave in a relationship because this is something so new and unusual tohim. But because he doesn’t want to worry Enkaku or make Enkaku feel like anyof this is his own fault, he would awkwardly keep his feelings to himself. Andmaybe Enkaku would be doing the same because he also doesn’t want to worryUriya unnecessarily with his own troubles. Especially when both of them are sosure that they’re just overthinking things. Plus, being with each other isexciting and calming in a way that they can forget their worries for even alittle while. Why ruin both of their good times by burdening the other with morestress on top of what they’re already dealing with?
Of course, they would eventually need to talk it out becausethese things tend to build up and maybe that conversation happens becauseEnkaku notices that Uriya is getting fidgety or spacing out like he usuallydoes when he gets stuck in an endless internal cycle of anxiety. They’dprobably both be relieved to know that they weren’t the only one worrying overwhat seem to be silly issues in hindsight. And with Enkaku starting to letloose more, he would become more open to sharing what’s on his mind and thatwould encourage Uriya to feel comfortable enough to open up more as wellinstead of internalizing things. Eventually, Uriya would lose the need to beself-conscious around Enkaku altogether because Enkaku has already seeneverything about him and accepted him wholly the way Uriya has accepted Enkakuas well. >w
My second choice pairing forthem: En isso chill and that’s just what Uriya needs! Every time Uriya would start tofreak out about something, En would just patiently logic it away or soothinglytalk to him about something to calm him down AND IMAGINE THEM TAKING NAPSTOGETHER OH MY GOD EN JUST HOLDS URIYA IN HIS ARMS AND CUDDLES AND URIYAEVENTUALLY RELAXES INTO IT AND BREATHES FOR ONCE.
I amextremely fond of the headcanon that En has a lot of acquaintances in schooland knows all the gossip because people talk around him as if he isn’t there(because he’s usually “sleeping”) or directly tell him whatever heasks because they think he’s harmless, since he’s such a chill guy who doesn’treally seem to care much one way or the other. And people love to gossip, so Enjust uses this to his advantage to weed out anyone who’s talking shit about hisfriends. So, anyone talking shit about Uriya would have to answer to En. ;;v;;
Plus,I feel like En and Uriya could have really interesting conversations about allsorts of random things that could entertain them for hours. >w
My fluffy pairing for them: Megawa, oh my god, I have somany feels about Megawa.
Part of his whole epiphany involved learning that jealousyis unbecoming and he shouldn’t rely solely on his cute looks for everything. Aslong as he does a good job, it won’t matter if he’s cute or not because that’snot the most important thing. After all, his cuteness may be an undeniable partof his charm, but the bulk of it is in how diligent he is with every task hetakes on and that’s why people admire him so much.
This is something Uriya would be particularly taken by. Thefact that Megawa can be so independent while simultaneously fitting inflawlessly with everyone he meets. It clearly doesn’t come easily to Megawabecause Uriya notices how hard he’s working, so it must be a learned trait.Perhaps something he could learn… maybe with some exposure to such a goodinfluence…
Megawa was probably the one who noticed Uriya’s furtive shyglances in his direction and decided to speak with him, thinking that perhapsUriya wanted to ask him a favor or something, since everyone else does. Thatresults in Uriya getting even more flustered at being noticed and Megawa’ssweet soft smile would be enough to melt anyone’s heart when aimed at them fullforce like that. Unfortunately, this means he just stumbles around his wordsand, after some deliberation on the matter, Megawa finally figures out thatUriya appears to be attempting to flirt with him. In a way, Megawa actuallyfinds it kind of sweet and invites Uriya out to lunch or something to chat/getto know each other.
Megawa is the one who usually arranges their little datesbefore they’re really dates, but occasionally Uriya gathers up the courage tosurprise Megawa with an invitation of his own. Somehow, eventually, theymutually agree to make these dates official. Megawa probably ends up being theone to ask because Uriya would be too anxious to say anything and would find ita complete surprise that the feelings were mutual all along. In his excitementand surprise, he expresses his “yes, I would love to!” a bit moreenthusiastically/quickly than he feels like he probably should have, but Megawafinds it endearing that he really felt that strongly about it.
Uriya would be so self-conscious about it because what wouldsomeone as cute as Megawa see in him? Uriya isn’t adorable in the way Megawa is- he’s nowhere on that level - and he isn’t tough and strong like the guys onthe baseball team that Megawa seems to like so much. He couldn’t protect Megawavery well with his lanky anxious frame either, so how could he make Megawa feelsafe and loved if he can’t stick up for him? If anything, he’s the exactopposite of what Megawa seems to enjoy.
But Megawa likes anyone who loves him. Uriya’s love andattention is enough. Plus, Megawa feels needed when he helps soothe Uriya’sanxiety. These two nerds could have such cute library study dates, too~ Justimagine Megawa bringing them both soothing tea in a thermos to share andpacking them cute lunches to keep up their energy.
My angsty pairing for them: Uriya IS angst, so thisisn’t very hard to imagine for any potential ship, but damn I just thought ofMasuya, though…
Ihad the idea of Kou deciding to run follow-up stories on the loveless becausesomeone out there in space probably wants to know what happened to them afterthe episode they featured in. There’s always a fanclub for the side charactersand Kou does aim to please~ So, when it comes time to do a follow-up on Uriya, hegoes about his investigation probably under the guise of another story like“We’re interviewing various students of differing backgrounds as part of anongoing project to show what sort of interesting types attend Binan High!”
PoorUriya would have no idea why they thought hewas interesting, of all people, and he’d probably be paranoid that this wasjust a huge elaborate prank. But Kou is persistent and would somehow twistwords to make it sound like he received consent for this kind of prying andUriya would be helpless to deny him. Despite feeling like he’s being deceivedand not liking the suspicious questions.
Thepoor boy probably wouldn’t feel safe anywhere at school with Kou following himaround and popping up at the least expected/convenient times. But Masuya isalways there… quietly taking pictures according to Kou’s orders. And duringthe moments when Kou is off ranting excitedly about one thing or another, Masuyashares an apologetic look with Uriya because he understands what Uriya is goingthrough. He understands feeling powerless to help himself, not being able toconnect easily with the rest of the world, having to clamp down tight on hisfeelings until he feels like the inside of his head is screaming, seeing otherpeople’s judgmental looks aimed at him and wondering what they’re reallythinking. Uriya instantly understands the look in Masuya’s eyes because he hasseen it in his own eyes when he looks in the mirror. And for a moment there’sthat silent connection between them while Kou rambles on in the background.
BecauseUriya is so closed off about answering Kou’s questions, Kou would keep tryingto push harder to get SOMETHING out of him. Anything that he could spin to makea great story. Uriya doesn’t want to cooperate with Kou’s prying, but he putsup with it only because Masuya is there with his silent understanding andencouragement that makes him feel stronger in a way. But Masuya, not wanting totrouble Uriya more than they absolutely have to and not being able to tell Kouthat they should quit before Kou has gotten what he wants, decides to approachUriya on his own one day probably during a time when Kou is busy and he couldslip away. Getting a proper conversation going would probably take a while, butMasuya would start out with an apology for Kou’s persistence and it would gofrom there. They would open up little by little to each other. Masuya is acalm, quiet presence that would probably make Uriya feel more suspicious if itwasn’t for Masuya’s big puppy eyes.
They’dmeet a few more times like this to chat and get to know each other. Kou stillinsists on trying to interview Uriya. The routine is more of the same and maybeUriya starts getting a bit more confident to try telling Kou off for pesteringhim when he never wanted to agree to this. But at the same time, he wonders ifstopping this would stop Masuya from approaching him for their chats. So, hedoesn’t push Kou back as hard as he could even though Kou still unnerves him intoo many ways for comfort.
Fastforward a bit to where Kou starts to wonder where Masuya has been running offto every day and, with a little snooping and due diligence, picks up on thisattraction between him and Uriya. Naturally, Kou sees this as the perfectopportunity to get the information he needed, so he doesn’t stop it orintervene. In fact, he takes careful notes… watches… and waits. Andbasically, through Masuya, he is able to uncover the truths about Uriya thatUriya hadn’t wanted to say. Of course, when Kou makes this public (at leastbetween the three of them) and pats Masuya on the back for his initiative,Uriya is mortified to think that Masuya had been tricking him all this time.Masuya naturally is just as mortified at Kou for using him like that and thentwisting it in this way.
Butbecause I can’t bear to be too evil, it would turn out that Kou hadn’t intendedto hurt Masuya like that. He had been so focused on the story that he thoughtMasuya had genuinely been as focused on it as he was. So, what he said hethought had been happening wasn’t just some added sadistic twist of the knifein Uriya’s back for the sake of it or to keep Masuya from having anotherimportant person in his life. He really did misunderstand. I believe deep in myheart that Kou really does care for Masuya and would love to see him happy, sohe’d want to fix this. Probably by not releasing the story in the end (andinstead releasing something much less prying like regular mundane details) andexplaining to Uriya that Masuya had no part in what he did. Uriya probablywouldn’t believe it right away because he never felt like Kou was a trustworthyperson, but I feel like Kou would probably do his best as a friend to talk upMasuya and how much Masuya really cares about Uriya and just by the way he saysit… Uriya feels like maybe there is one thing he can trust Kou about afterall.
Gosh, okay, yeah, Uriya/Masuya is also a really cute ship,but Kou kinda prevents it from being completely fluffy when he gets involved inhis friend’s love life. Aaaah, sometimes he means well. He just really sucks at social interactions andreading the mood, and he’s stuck too deep in his own world of the press. ^^’
My favorite poly ship forthem: Uriya/Megawa/Yumotois a special brand of saccharine sweetness I’m not sure the world is ready tohandle, but by god am I totally here for it!
Myfeelings about Megawa and Uriya were already explained, so the rest of these willpiggyback off that~ I mean, if Uriya was confused as to why someone as cute asMegawa would like him, double the confusion now that he has TWO cuties lovinghim! But also double the reassurances!
Yumotowas so interested in the Melon Monster riddles, I feel like he’d hang excitedlyon Uriya’s every word when Uriya gets to talking about whatever other fun factshe has in his head. And boy, that would be such a huge confidence booster toUriya! Yumoto would make him feel so important, and I also feel like Uriyawould enjoy listening to Yumoto talk about animal facts and perhaps they’d evengo back and forth just having long conversations sharing facts with each other.Also, Yumoto has enough love in his heart to overwhelm anyone, so the fullforce of it would be enough to reassure any of Uriya’s anxieties. BecauseYumoto loves so openly and wholly and purely, just looking into that preciousface would be enough to know he’s sincere. Yumoto really is such a healingpresence~
Ihave a lot of feels about Megawa and Yumoto coming together as well. Oh gosh. Theyalready seemed kind of close or at least Yumoto definitely considered Megawa afriend and Megawa was friendly with him in return as he is with everyone. Partof me headcanons that Yumoto wished he could be more like Megawa, who is somature and responsible, because everyoneloves Megawa. Yumoto feels lonely because it seems to him like people only justtolerate him, so maybe if he changed…
Ilove the idea that this is what contributed to the whole Megane incident withthe glasses in s1e10. Subconsciously, he wanted to imitate the things that madeMegawa so popular and well-liked so that maybe his friends would love him more,too. Of course, during that whole thing Megawa got jealous of Yumoto (he mighthave been a bit jealous of Yumoto’s cuteness beforehand as well), but I like tothink that when Yumoto first showed up to school that day, he was moresurprised and concerned about the drastic change because Yumoto had been sickonly the day before. It seemed too soon for him to be back at school already -and looking/talking like that, too! Megawa just let his insecurities get thebetter of him when his team expressed an interest in Yumoto. But he learnedfrom that whole debacle that he’s still important and his team still loves himbecause he belongs with them, and just because the whole world doesn’texclusively love him doesn’t mean he is unloved. So, he realized he never hadto be jealous of Yumoto after all. And Yumoto, of course, learned that hisfriends do actually like him the way he is… they just care about him in theirown way. I think Yumoto and Megawa could have a pretty cute relationshipmutually appreciating each other.
Yumotoalone has enough love to make Megawa feel secure the way he needs to feel (heloves with the force of an entire legion), but Uriya’s love on top of that wouldbe the icing on the cake for Megawa~ He wouldn’t have to feel insecure that theydidn’t love him enough and he would take such good care of them in return, too,so they would always know he loves them as well. ;;w;; And I feel like thesethree would be able to open up to each other about the feelings they had beensuppressing all this time and really be themselves with one another.
Uriyawould probably enjoy being cuddled when he needs calming down, too, so Yumoto’ssofter cuddles would be just right for that. And I’ve kinda always been asucker for the headcanon that Megawa even enjoys when Yumoto is a bit rougherwith him during his cuddles. Because sometimes Yumoto’s love is a bit tooforceful and he forgets that people usually don’t like to be held that way(heck, he forgets that animals don’t like to be held that way, especiallyextraterrestrials *ahem*), but Megawa doesn’t really mind being manhandledsometimes. Yumoto also tends to go all out and rubs his hands all up in Megawa’ssoft fluffy hair, too, and Megawa thinks it feels nice. (Of course when they’rein public, that’s a different matter entirely because Megawa can’t go aroundlooking all disheveled, now can he?) Yumoto has to remember he can’t be asrough with Uriya, but he likes to soothingly stroke Uriya’s long silky hair andhum him sweet songs when Uriya needs the comfort. So, everyone gets what theywant/need from this arrangement. ;;v;;
Objectively,one of the best things is that Yumoto would have fun playfully teasing Megawaon occasion (you know that thing he does where he says something sly in aninnocent way with a bright smile that turns into the teeniest of smirks) becauseit flusters him so much and it makes his face get all blushy and pouty. Uriyawould be so astounded at Yumoto’s natural ability to do this because Megawa isusually so composed. Whenever Yumoto manages to fluster Megawa like that, Uriyacounts his blessings because it’s something he hasn’t figured out how to do yetand Megawa’s cute expressions are worth every second. Usually, it’s both Megawaand Yumoto who are always flustering him…not that that is as great a feat to do to his easily flustered self.
Theywould probably be kicked out of the library because Yumoto is too energetic andnoisy and restless about having to sit down and focus on homework for so long.That might stress Uriya out a bit because “oh no, the librarian is judgingthem!” but Yumoto would apologize and promise to try to be better behavedand Megawa could probably smooth things over to allow them to stay becauseeveryone trusts Megawa’s word on anything. After that, Megawa would calmly andpatiently help Yumoto with whatever he’s struggling with and try to make itmore fun for him. Yumoto would be so glad for a lunch break~ XD
My weirdest pairing for them: I wouldn’t say it’s weird,but an unusual idea I suppose I had was Uriya/Tagaru (Microphone Monster).Maybe Uriya secretly really likes poetry and these two could bond over that.Gosh, imagine Uriya writing silly melodramatic poetry about melons and Tagarutrying to convince him to perform them WITH PASSION. XD Uriya would haveterrible stage fright, but perhaps Tagaru could help him to become moreconfident!
My NOTP for them: Dear lord, please keep the aliens away, foreveryone’s sake. XD Okay, but seriously, Kurotori is the real tricky one here.I don’t really ship him with anyone but himself (and that’s mostly a joke) andhappiness because self-love and happiness for the win. ;;v;; BUT I JUST HADN’TTHOUGHT ABOUT HIM HARD ENOUGH YET, SO HERE WE GO!
My BROTP for them: Megawa~ The two of themteaming up to make the world love them! They have such similar issues that theycould really help each other with what they’ve learned. Like… Megawa lookingup to Kurotori and Kurotori valuing what Megawa has to offer in amentor/student sort of way. ;;v;;
Thinkabout it. Megawa is the manager of the baseball team and he learned how good itfeels to accept that he belongs with them and do his best for them because theyappreciate him no matter what. Kurotori literally got rejected by thevolleyball team he was supposed to be hired to coach… technically, anyway… andno one joined his ballet club in the end because he tried too hard and scaredeveryone away. He really could learn from Megawa how to be a good team leaderand Megawa could learn from Kurotori how to love himself enough to feel securein his position without constantly needing singular validation from others toknow he’s wanted/loved.
Imean, Kurotori had to learn the hard way that it isn’t the end of the world ifhe isn’t unanimously loved by everyone, so I feel like he could teach Megawathat just because his team likes/appreciates someone else doesn’t mean theydon’t still like/appreciate him. Because I feel like both of them, despite howfull of themselves they were, sought others’ validation in order to feel likethey were worth something. But by bonding like this, they can validate eachother by seeing the good qualities they have and working on loving themselvesmore completely~
Butwhat makes this hilarious and adorable in my mind is that it kind of impliesthat Kurotori tried to recruit the baseball team at one point and Megawa had tostep in like “I’m sorry, they can’t. Could you please leave so we cancontinue practice? Wait, why do you look so sad? Is there something wrong? Areyou okay, sensei?” And because Megawa is Here To Help, they ended uphaving a chat about this and getting to know each other and asdhklf. Part ofwhat Kurotori had learned from his Black Swan Monster incident was that, if heloves what he does and puts all his love into it, others will notice it happeningmore naturally and it won’t feel as scary/forced as it did before. Megawa is afreaking natural when it comes to taking care of others, especially his team,so if anyone could really help Kurotori in that way, it’s absolutely Megawa.
MaybeMegawa could even inspire Kurotori to take an interest in the volleyball teamafter all. I mean, we don’t really know what happened to them and season 2wrapped them in an even further mystery with ep5. So, this is what happened inmy heart until canon tells me otherwise. Megawa inspired Kurotori to go back tothe volleyball club and work with them to find them a proper coach, and he evenput some effort into actually learning about the sport so he could support themperhaps more as an adviser than as a coach, since that’s all he was qualifiedfor. (And by volleyball team, I mean the real volleyball team that we saw ins1e5 and not just Munakata and Shuzo, who I headcanon have been operating as aseparate unit on their own the entire time, hardcore pretending that the realvolleyball team doesn’t exist because they weren’t “serious enough”.)The rest of the time, he still does focus on his ballet and hopefully he foundsome students to join his club. I’m gonna headcanon that he got the first-yeartriplets interested because they thought it was so cool, and the wrestling guyjoined as well because ballet could really help him with his wrestling, somaybe he got more of the wrestling team to try it out as well. ;;v;;
My OTP for them: Hara-sensei (the schoolnurse from the puzzle game) because JUST IMAGINE IT!
Iheadcanon that Kurotori’s a really hard worker and very dedicated to his craftto the point of forcing himself beyond his limits until he gets it perfect andwill settle for nothing less. So, when Kurotori works himself too hardpracticing until he bloodies his feet, Hara has to remind him to take bettercare of himself as he’s dressing Kurotori’s wounds. Hara is stuck betweenthinking Kurotori’s dedication admirable (he is also a very dedicated worker,himself) and finding it stupid/pointless that he disregards his health thisway. He also probably calls Kurotori out for being a hypocrite because Kurotoriis easier on his students, encouraging them to take heed against the exactthings Kurotori disregards with himself.
Harais tired and overworked, which I have a feeling is why he’s so cranky wheneverhe has a few moments alone (it’s tough having to remain professional all thetime when you’re internally screaming for a break), but I feel like Kurotoriwould remind him to relax and unwind sometimes. Maybe they can go to thebathhouse together sometimes to relax after a stressful day~
Atfirst, there could be some potential for Kurotori to be a bit jealous of Hara’spopularity with the students, but once he realizes how draining it is for Hara,I could see him having an “aah, it’s exhausting trying so hard”moment because he gets that. Hara could probably offer Kurotori some adviceabout that, too, like “All you have to do is be nice to the students.Don’t force yourself on them. Let them know you’re there and they’ll come toyou.”
My second choice pairing forthem: Theship I’d been grappling with since season 1 is Kurotori/Goura just to see if Icould do it and finally it managed to grow on me~
Imean, who wouldn’t get a big old crush on Goura after knowing him for a while? Iimagine Kurotori flirting with him at the bathhouse every time he goes. Gouradoesn’t quite get it, but he goes along with it anyway because he’s always niceto the customers as long as the customers don’t cause any trouble. Kurotorijust finds it endearing that most of it seems to go over Goura’s head and thisbecomes their routine.
Andbecause of this, Yumoto has also become quite comfortable with Kurotori.Perhaps sometimes Yumoto asks Kurotori to show him some ballet moves because, whilehe already has an obligation to the Defense Club, he still thinks it’s prettycool and would likely give it a try. Just imagine them dancing together andGoura watching them with a smile on his face at Yumoto’s attempts to mimicKurotori’s poses. >v
Gourais okay with anyone who is okay with Yumoto and this makes him happy to knowYumoto is having such a genuinely good time. nvn
Kurotoricrushes even harder on Goura when he sees how great of a big brother he is toYumoto (and Yumoto’s friends)… because gosh how can a man be so perfect. ;;w;;
My fluffy pairing for them: Miss Bara Beach. Idunno, I just really like the idea of them hanging out after a long day of workand Miss Bara Beach makes Kurotori a drink or something and they spend a fewcalm hours just sassing everyone and gossiping about their day. XD
I feel like they could really admire something in eachother, too. Kurotori would admire the powerful grace Miss Bara Beach holdsherself with and how she always has the right words for any situation. And MissBara Beach would admire the elegance in Kurotori’s dance and how he has foundhimself so completely in this passion of his. I have a lot of headcanons aboutMiss Bara Beach growing into herself throughout high school and finally feelingreally free once she graduated and could express herself the way she wanted to.So, I feel like she would see that freedom in Kurotori’s passion and in the wayhe learned to love himself, and find a bit of her own journey in it as well.
Okay, but also consider this… What if Miss Bara Beachactually learned dance/ballet at one point? Just picture her and Kurotori in aballet number together and she just… lifts him… hoists him effortlessly inthe air and he’s flying like the bird he was always meant to be. I DON’T KNOWBUT I JUST THINK THAT’S REALLY CUTE! MAYBE THE TWO OF THEM DANCE TOGETHER TORELIEVE STRESS OR SOMETHING JUST FOR FUN. I THINK I NEED IT.
My angsty pairing for them: Jinzou (SnowmanMonster)… I mean, he clearly felt so shitty and worthless about not beingable to complete the task that he was given as a second chance to prove he wasworth something… that he thought committingseppuku was the best option for him so he wouldn’t continue to be a failureand a disappointment to everyone… Aaaah, I feel like there’s A LOT ofpotential for angst there.
His issues stemmed from spending 5 years in cram school,piling up debts he could never pay off, only to be consistently rejected byevery college he applied to. He highly valued his own art skills and no wonderhe was so frustrated when he kept getting turned down as if it was nothing. Theonly way he could compensate for that was by building up his ego to the pointwhere he blamed everyone else for his failure and who could really blame him?! Hekeeps trying, but he’s 23 and accomplishing nothing with his life because hekeeps hitting roadblocks, his own parents are fed up with him, his family andfriends have given up. It’s a cruel, competitive world out there! And no one init took him seriously…
In the end, I think he learned to create art that would stayin people’s hearts because that would leave more of an impression on them.Because if he could light up the hearts of others with his work, he would beable to see that glimmer of hope in them and have a piece of that for himself~
Ifeel like that’s very close to what Kurotori learned to do by putting love intohis craft so that others would see it as something more natural instead offorced. Kurotori could really help Jinzou to see and understand that. Theycould work together and maybe they could even organize some kind of fundraisingevents to help Jinzou pay off his debts! I could imagine Kurotori putting on ashow of some sort for that purpose and he’d encourage Jinzou to create some newpaintings to put on display at the event and see if anyone would buy them.;;w;;
Butthe angsty part… well… the angsty part is getting there to that realization.*ahem* I don’t really want to go into anymore detail than what I already hintedat here, so hopefully you can piece together what I mean and I don’t have totake this to the next dark step on my own… Kurotori would be very worried andconcerned for Jinzou and poor Jinzou would be going through quite a terribleinternal crisis about wanting to just give up already. Aaaaaah. *cries quietlyin a corner*
My favorite poly ship forthem: Kurotorix himself x happiness WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT DOESN’T COUNT //shot
Okay,but seriously…
Forsome reason, when I was thinking about this, I suddenly got the idea in my headof Goura/Kurotori/Hara and holy moly I think that one wins my heart! PoorGoura, though. XD
Butthere clearly seems to be some kind of past there between Goura and Hara, whoboth seemed to have difficult life situations in high school. I mean, Goura wastaking care of Yumoto, running (or at least working at) the bathhouse, andfighting aliens to save the earth all on top of the rest of his schoolpriorities. And Hara moved away from home to live alone while he attended highschool at Binan, so there must have been some reason there… and consideringhe hasn’t reconnected with his family since then… asdklf OKAY BUT WHAT IFGOURA INVITED HIM OVER A LOT AND HE AND YUMOTO BECAME LIKE A SMALL FAMILY TOHARA. (I am totally going to headcanon that this is why Yumoto refers to Haraas Kurou-sensei instead.)
So,add in everything I said about the individual OTP/secondary ship parts of thispost and THE THREE OF THEM PLUS YUMOTO PLUS THE ADOPTED KITTY COULD BE A FAMILYAND NO ONE WOULD FEEL LONELY OR UNLOVED. (Plus, Kurotori and Hara both beginningto think of Yumoto as a cute younger brother is precious to me~) ;;w;;
Ijust feel like these three would also be able to help reassure each other thatthey’re not terrible people… because they all seem to have these doubts aboutthemselves. Kurotori feeling like he really isn’t good enough if people don’tlove him, Hara feeling like he is actually an awful person because he has a“bad” side to him, Goura just… oh god, Goura feeling like he’s aterrible person that no one should look up to because he still isn’t goodenough no matter how hard he tries. Goura would want to show Kurotori and Harahow good they are, and naturally how could they resist wanting to convey to himhow wonderful and kind and giving he is in return~ ;;w;;
Butthanks to this, now I’ve got the mental image in my head of Kurotori flirtingwith Goura every time he goes to the bathhouse and Goura being confused by it.But it has become a routine, so Goura just goes with it. Meanwhile, Kurotorigets to know Hara at school and that relationship starts to form. And then thefirst time Kurotori manages to convince Hara to come to the bathhouse with himto relax (aka: probably drags him there with some reluctance on Hara’s part), Kurotoriprobably greets Goura with the same flirty greeting he always does and thenGoura recognizes Hara and they realize “we’ve all known each other allthis time, hey, that’s great, we should all get together sometime to kickback!” Probably Kurotori’s suggestion, let’s be honest. XD
Ineed them all having a family meal together, though, where Kurotori and Harapraise Goura’s cooking and they make plans to do this more often. Cue the manybonding moments that will lead to the above mentioned ship feels. *sobs quietlyin a corner*
My weirdest pairing for them: Arguably all of these, let’sbe honest, but I’d still call them unusual rather than weird.
Callme weird as heck if you want, but I’m gonna say Munakata (the volleyballdude making all the totally serious ball jokes in s2e5)… I won’t even ask youto hear me out on this one, but like…
What if Kurotori actually managed to convince Munakata to rejointhe real volleyball team by showing him that they’re all trying their best tosucceed? Munakata is stubborn as all get out because he’s stuck in his ownworld of being the best, unmatched and unrivaled in skill, constantly on aquest to find something unattainable and failing to move forward for as long ashe remains fixated on it because he refuses to be a team player. Kurotori hasbeen working with the team and getting to know its members, so naturally he’dput his persistence to good use to pull Munakata back in, showing him that hewas too hard on the others all along and that he needs to try to meet them inthe middle if they want to fulfill their dream.
Once he gets Munakata’s attention, Kurotori would teach himthe value of everyone’s skills that he had overlooked because they weren’t bending to work with him at the time. And basically all thatcheesy sports anime stuff that gets you right in the feels when a characterfinally sees the light. ;;w;; It could be so beautiful. Also, maybe Kurotoricould convince Munakata to finallygraduate so he can come back as the new coach once he learns how to actuallywork with a team. I mean, this is practically a Haikyuu!! AU already, so whynot go the extra step and borrow some of the plot that was so obviously alreadybeing spoofed for the episode. XD
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interview-quotes · 5 years
What It's Really Like to Be a Disney Princess
By Michelle Ruiz (September 9, 2014)
Growing up, I was always the smart girl. I was valedictorian of my high school class, but deep down I always wanted to be an actress. There were no opportunities in the small town where I'm from, until one day, when I was in college and a commercial came on the radio saying, "You could be a Disney princess!"
My best friend had just passed away two weeks before. I was in a really bad place and wanted to drop out of school anyway. I went to the audition in my hometown in flip-flops and gauchos, and I was surrounded by musical theater girls stretching and practicing dance moves. I was completely out of my league. They taught us a cheesy dance — I remember a ballet move that was like holding a beach ball. I was pretty sure I was out because I'm a terrible dancer, but then they called my number. I was shocked.
They sent me to hair and makeup and put a Belle wig on me, then had me read the part from Beauty and the Beast when Belle is talking about her papa. I could imitate her high-pitched voice pretty easily. The casting lady was like, "OMG, that was fantastic!" She didn't even say that I was hired. She just went straight into, "So, typically we order contacts for our girls and make sure your roots are done." I later learned you can't work at Disney if your hair isn't "Disney standard" — part of that was no roots. They handed me a piece of paper and said, "In order to get the relocation package, you have to move to Orlando by the end of the month."
So I dropped out of college and went to Disney World. To start in any character role, you have to go through training for the "fur characters," like Goofy or Mickey. I did Chip and Dale for two weeks — and it was really exhausting. The costumes have no ventilation and you sweat out a ton of water in the Florida sun. There are certain heat indexes that allow for shorter "sets" out in the parks, but some people pass out because it's so hot inside the costumes.
I learned that the fur characters hated the face characters, the princesses and princes who show their real faces, because the face characters make more money. Back at home, I was working at 7-Eleven making $11.25 an hour. At Disney, when I started, it was $7.15 an hour with a face character premium of $2.50 an hour. So, $9.65 an hour — not great, but you go through a whole training where they show you all these mushy movies about Walt Disney and his life just to make you feel like, "OMG, I really love this company!" And the perks are pretty fantastic: 40 percent off at Disney stores, 50 percent off the cruises, 40 percent off food in all the parks and free passes for your friends and family. A lot of people stay for the perks.
I moved on to princess training, which was about a four-day process. I watched Beauty and the Beast with a trainer and spied on girls greeting guests as Belle in the France pavilion of Epcot. I did worksheets about Belle — "Who's her favorite person?" "Maurice!" Ironically, I didn't really like Beauty and the Beast that much as a kid; I thought it was really dark. But watching it a ton for the job, I connected to the song about how Belle wants to get out of her small town and thinks that there's got to be more to life — that's exactly the type of stuff I was writing in my journal. And she's the only princess that really shows that academics are a good thing and there's no reason to be a damsel in distress. I started to really love her.
I got a crash course in Belle makeup from the cosmetics or "cosmo" team, because the princesses have to learn to do their own makeup. They check your makeup and sign off on you before you go out "on set," which is what we called the different locations at the parks. All of the princesses sit in cosmo together getting ready. They ordered brown contacts to change my eyes and a brown wig. Some girls were jealous because I was allowed more freedom with my makeup because I already naturally looked so much like Belle. I realized why it didn't matter that I couldn't dance — everyone just kept saying, "Wow, you look just like the cartoon."
Most of the drama in cosmo happens when someone gets disapproved, or not allowed to go out on set. One girl got disapproved because her arms got too chubby. Another girl had a very bad acne breakout all over her face, and they disapproved her. Then everyone talks about whether she should or shouldn't have been disapproved — it's awkward. Some of the princesses did cleanses to stay fit; a lot the girls were naturally thin. We'd go to the gym after work or do workout videos together during our breaks. The fur characters are running around all day so they can eat crap like funnel cakes. The refrigerator in our break room was literally Lean Cuisines and those sugar-free Jell-Os with 10 calories.
I'd never been popular before; suddenly I was a literal princess. I was Belle for six, sometimes seven, days a week, all day, at Epcot and Magic Kingdom. Kids would line up to take pictures with me, or I'd be part of a parade in a huge, glittering ball gown. It was prestigious to be Belle — she and Cinderella are the two top princesses at Disney.A ton of girls are hired for their roles, and they're stationed at the most locations. Ariel's a good one too, but she isn't in as many locations and neither is Mulan. Pocahontas and Jasmine aren't out very much at all. One of my friends was white, but she's very, very tan, and she does Pocahontas.
It was a lot of fun, but emotionally, it was tolling. You have to smile for an hour straight; you can't drop your smile until you go on break and are behind closed doors because Disney doesn't want any pictures of us not smiling. The first few weeks, my face literally hurt. But I really love kids, and it was amazing to have kids that were really into Belle coming up to me, and I would just make up this elaborate story about waking up that morning and having oatmeal with the Beast.
We couldn't spend too much time playing with the kids though, because we had to greet 172 guests per hour. Disney decided that was the magic number. An attendant would have a clicker to count the number of people we met, and if we went under, we would get a reprimand. If you get four reprimands, you get fired. It sucked to have a really sweet kid that's waited in line for three hours come up all excited and have to say, "OK, let's hurry and take our photo" and shove them out the door. When they left the room where we greeted kids at Toontown, they went straight into a massive princess store. I think Disney felt like, "Well, we want them out of the room and into the princess store to buy some stuff."
The one time that I got really, really angry at work was one of the only days that was actually really cold in Florida — so cold you could see your breath. I had to stand in a doorway welcoming guests into a restaurant at Epcot in a sleeveless formal dress that was supposed to have a coat that came with it. I was freezing and my eyes were watering, but the location managers wouldn't let me go get my coat. When I went on my break to go pull the coat from the costume department, it was gone. I guess they'd hidden it. I started bawling. I had to take pictures with kids in the freezing cold, crying. Later, I was talking to the photographers, and they told me that that restaurant sold the photos of Belle and the guests for, like, $35 — and when Belle was wearing the coat, they sell 30 percent less pictures.
Another tricky thing was the creepy dads who would whisper in my ear when their kids were taking pictures with me. They'd say, "When the Beast goes to bed, I'll be waiting for you in the library." All I could think was, God, I'd hate to be your wife. I couldn't break character, but I would always address it and say something like, "Um, I go to bed when the Beast goes to bed." One of my friends, an Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, her skirt was unzipped and one of the dads stuck his hand in the zipper. Luckily there are petticoats underneath, but he was totally feeling her butt outside of the petticoat.
But amazing stuff happens too. My absolute favorite thing was meeting the Make-A-Wish Foundation kids. Belle would be in her village dress and ride the carousel or have breakfast with kids in their last months of life. They were so excited and amazed, and behind them were parents just falling apart. Their child is dying, but their child that's dying is incredibly happy at that moment. It's a very strange feeling — complete joy mixed with complete heartbreak. Things like that made me happy to be Belle, especially after losing my friend and being so miserable at home.
I met really good friends being a princess. We came from all over the country and had no one, so we all bonded really quickly and really strongly. My best friends were an Aurora and a Cinderella. Underneath Magic Kingdom, there's a really smelly concrete tunnel system — we would walk through the tunnels joking that we were like the three Mean Girls, just Cinderella, Belle, and Aurora marching down the hall.
We weren't finding romance at work, because most of the guys were gay. I don't remember any specific gay romances, but I'm sure there were. Prince Charming might have been hooking up with Prince Eric. My roommates were gay and dancers at Animal Kingdom. We spent many nights hanging out in our apartment watching classic Disney movies like Dumbo together.
They call it the "Disney bubble" — you listen to the soundtracks on your way to work and watch the movies at home. Even when we weren't working, a lot of times we'd just go into the park and watch the fireworks or watch Tinkerbell come down from the castle. Sometimes we would go get drinks at Animal Kingdom. Looking back, I was there for three years and I went to the beach once. Disney just draws you in.
After three years as Belle, I started to feel like I was in limbo. I didn't finish college. I didn't know what I was going to do next in my life. I still wanted to be an actress, and there's no market in Florida. I took a trip to a bigger city for an acting intensive, and my teachers told me I could have a real shot if I moved and started auditioning. I decided to give Disney my three-week notice. I gave them notice but said I still wanted to do a few shifts every year — back then, all you had to do was work five shifts a year to keep the Disney perks.
When I came back to Florida not long after leaving to pick up a few shifts, the casting department called me and said, "We need to speak with you about your role." I went to meet with them and they asked me how things were going with my move and if I planned to stay away for a long time. I said it was going great, and I was excited to be pursuing acting. I didn't realize I was being baited. They had me dress up as Belle, and I came back in and they were like, "We've just been noticing that your mouth is very different than all the other girls." It was the most bizarre thing ever, and it very clearly had nothing to do with my mouth. If my mouth was that big of an issue, they wouldn't have paid for me to move to Florida and be Belle in the first place. It was merely about the fact that I wasn't going to be there working every week, and they didn't want to dole out perks to another person like that. I got canned — and it hurt.
The shelf life of a Disney princess really depends. A lot of girls take themselves out before casting has to. People go on to work in musical theater at local playhouses or be teachers or do princess parties. Some never want to leave; as soon as they get disapproved, they just want to become a princess trainer so they still get to be part of the magic.
There's a little bit of bitterness for the princesses as they get older. I just got back from Florida actually, and seeing all the new girls, it sucks. People used to be that excited to see me, and cry to see me, and now it's these little girls who don't even have as much integrity as we used to have. We used to only speak words that princesses hundreds of years ago would speak. We wouldn't say, "Oh, those are cute shoes," or, "Oh my gosh." Princesses didn't say that. They would say, "Oh my goodness," or, "Oh, how wonderful."
Now that I live in a big city, it's a bit of culture shock. I still smile at everyone, even the guys who catcall me. I probably come across as such a naive idiot, but it's from being at Disney for three years, and being around people that all speak with such pep and optimism and watch Disney movies in their spare time. Smiling all day just makes you believe that everything's fine. It didn't occur to me that I would miss it as much as I do.
Nothing big has happened for me as an actress so far. I'm also working on getting my college degree. Despite some of my issues with Disney, I'm super glad I got to be a princess. I've gone to auditions where people have been like, "I think I have a picture with you as Belle!" It blows people's minds when I tell them. I don't want people to think I'm bragging. I say that I lived in Orlando and then they pry some more and I'm like, "I was Belle," and they're like, "Oh my gosh, that's so cool. And weird." When I tell guys, they think it's really cute.
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/10/does-the-u-s-need-a-department-of-education-2/
The U.S. Department of Education is now headed by means of a secretary who appears to mistrust the concept of public Training need. Meanwhile, a few Republicans stay devoted to casting off the Department altogether. In 2002, D.T. Stallings traced the Department’s debatable history.
U.S. Schooling has continually been in most cases a nearby affair, however over the direction of the twentieth century the federal government’s engagement in faculties grew. A number of giant federal laws providing the budget for low-profits college students and making sure same Education to children with disabilities had been already at the books earlier than the Training Branch changed into shaped in 1979.
In the beginning, while President Jimmy Carter gave Education cupboard-level repute in his management, Stallings writes, the Branch didn’t do plenty. Its first secretary, Shirley Hufstedler, promised no longer to step at the feet of neighborhood Education government and saw her role in part as elevating attention approximately “the coolest work study room teachers do. Then again, Ronald Reagan noticed the new Branch as a threat to neighborhood and kingdom control and made moves to take away it. In reality, his larger aim became to do away with all types of federal college investment.
That didn’t occur. however, Reagan’s first Training secretary, Terrel Bell, did oversee the booklet of a record that changed the path of U.S. Training, the 1983 document “A State at Hazard.” With bleak warnings approximately a “rising tide of mediocrity,” the report kicked off a wave of Training reform efforts.
Reagan’s 2nd appointee, William Bennett, additionally puzzled the need for the position he occupied and sought to reduce federal spending on student loans. On the identical time, although, he pushed for a centralized middle curriculum for all U.S. schools primarily based on “the cornerstones of Western civilization.”
Stallings writes that the wide variety of programs overseen through the Department grew within the George H.W. Bush and Clinton years. Conservatives elected to Congress in the 1994 “Republican revolution” made another unsuccessful try to dismantle the Department, however, its sports simplest grew. The Clinton administration oversaw a massive boom within the federal Schooling budget, and George W. Bush introduced, even more, funding.
Its sports simplest grew. The Clinton administration oversaw a massive boom within the federal Schooling budget, and George W. Bush introduced, even more, funding.
Then, in 2002, the bipartisan No Child Left Behind Act gave the federal authorities a huge new function in keeping colleges accountable for students’ check results. It additionally spurred a big new school preference movement.
The Schooling Department by no means swamped state and neighborhood Training in the methods that combatants have feared over the years. The widespread majority of faculty investment still comes from nearby and country assets. But the Schooling Department has found methods to leverage its power to strongly impact the way colleges paintings. When you consider that Stallings wrote in 2002, the Obama management used investment incentives to encourage states to undertake the arguably Commonplace core requirements. And now, the Trump administration has floated a miles large initiative to sell college vouchers for non-public faculties. If that attempt went as it’s been proposed, it would come to be being the largest flow the Training Department has ever made.
The Obama management used investment incentives to encourage states to undertake the arguably Commonplace core requirements. And now, the Trump administration has floated a miles large initiative to sell college vouchers for non-public faculties. If that attempt went as it’s been proposed, it would come to be being the largest flow the Training Department has ever made.
Training, That means, Intention and Function
The process of defining the That means of Schooling is to problematize its lexicology and re-conceptualize it. An instance is illustrated from real day life. A multinational organization concerned within the making of advanced pharmaceutical products comes to a decision to do away with its wastes in a less expensive manner as an alternative then waste deal with them. They sell off the wastes around the coast of a poorer African continent based totally on the employer’s coverage of most earnings. Are the board of directors in the organization educated? They may be, you may expect for rhetorical comfort. An illiterate, native tribe living in the rainforest jungles of Papua New Guinea does not know the Which means of Environmental jargon: ‘Reduce, Recycle & Reuse’; but, they conserve and preserve the environment, primarily based on the extent of talents recognized to them. Are the humans of the rainforest uneducated just due to the fact They may be illiterate?
Are the board of directors in the organization educated? They may be, you may expect for rhetorical comfort. An illiterate, native tribe living in the rainforest jungles of Papua New Guinea does not know the Which means of Environmental jargon: ‘Reduce, Recycle & Reuse’; but, they conserve and preserve the environment, primarily based on the extent of talents recognized to them. Are the humans of the rainforest uneducated just due to the fact They may be illiterate?
The problems connected with the narrowness of That means known as Schooling emerge inside the contextuality of the above-noted examples, and the conceptual problems concerned in trying to center That means upon Schooling is by way of all means complex. So the Meaning of Schooling has to emerge from this narrowness to the broadness of Which means.
In its broadness of Meaning Education is the method of ‘stimulating’ the ‘man or woman’ with Stories, Language, and beliefs, beginning from the time of delivery and persevering with till the time of death. This Which means of Training would give rise to the Intention, as disseminating formally, non-officially, culturally, nationally, scientifically and ritually-abilities, literacy, knowledge,
The ‘man or woman’ with Stories, Language, and beliefs, beginning from the time of delivery and persevering with till the time of death. This Which means of Training would give rise to the Intention, as disseminating formally, non-officially, culturally, nationally, scientifically and ritually-abilities, literacy, knowledge,
The improvement of the Which means of Training as a stimulation of a person from start to dying with language, Studies and ideology make the character, a Being of the system as an Ontology. This system starts proper from delivery as effective language, for instance, a mom’s cooking, to a method where the individual becomes a cognitive structure, as I the talking problem or ego-situation. Right here,
The person undergoes the norms, traditions of the society’s tradition and learns to conform and appropriate the symbolic codes of the societyAlong with this process, the man or woman also learns to formalize his or her adaptation and appropriation to a literacy manner i.E. growing skills and capabilities. consequently, we discover that the That means of Education to be multi-leveled in addition to multiple -oriented, through each formalizes and non-formalist institutions of society. The formalist institutions
Along with this process, the man or woman also learns to formalize his or her adaptation and appropriation to a literacy manner i.E. growing skills and capabilities. consequently, we discover that the That means of Education to be multi-leveled in addition to multiple -oriented, through each formalizes and non-formalist institutions of society. The formalist institutions
What You Want To Understand Approximately Dental Veneers
Dental troubles can certainly affect a few tasks individuals Want to perform including talking, eating and biting. Fortuitously, maximum dental clinics now offer a wide selection of services that could fit your needs. And, there also are new remedies that can provide you the exceptional capabilities you’re seeking out. So,when seeking to enhance the appears of teeth as well as to conceal ugly capabilities, it is satisfactory for individuals to choose dental veneers.
When seeking to enhance the appears of teeth as well as to conceal ugly capabilities, it is satisfactory for individuals to choose dental veneers. Dental veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-coloured materials designed to cool the front floor of teeth. These tradition-made shells are bonded to the front of the enamel to allow people enhance their dental aesthetics.
As of now, there are extraordinary materials used to create such dental object. Those encompass resin composite or even porcelain. As a way to locate the pleasant answer in your dental difficulty, it is satisfactory to seek advice from dentists before finalizing your decisions. Apart from enhancing dental aesthetics, people also can reap several blessings from opting for dental veneers inclusive of the subsequent.
Resistance to stains – First and primary, individuals can without difficulty get rid of stain problems. That is possible considering veneers maximum mainly porcelain ones are easy and impenetrable. As a result, people can revel in drinking and ingest without thinking about issues in staining their teeth.
Rapid dental outcomes – choosing dental veneers also assist people in getting Speedy effects. Of course, there are instances when individuals Need to go to dentists for numerous times For you to get the quality effects. However, veneers can effortlessly provide you with the outcomes you are looking for because dentists only Need to bond it to your tooth.
The way to Compare Your Finance Department
Nobody knows your business higher than you do. After all, you’re the CEO. You realize what the engineers do; You know what the manufacturing managers do, and Nobody understands the income method better than you. You recognize who is wearing their weight and who isn’t. This is unless we speak approximately the finance and accounting managers.
Most CEO’s, mainly in small and mid-size establishments, come from operational or income backgrounds. They have frequently won some know-how of finance and accounting thru their careers, but simplest to the extent important. however, as the CEO, they must make judgments approximately the overall performance and competence of the accountants as well as the operations and income managers.
So, how does the diligent CEO Evaluate the finance and accounting capabilities in his corporation? All too frequently, the CEO assigns a qualitative price primarily based on the quantitative message. In different phrases, if the Controller supplies a fine, upbeat monetary file, the CEO will have fantastic feelings closer to the Controller. And if the Controller offers a bleak message, the CEO could have a bad reaction to the man or woman. Unluckily, “capturing the messenger” isn’t at all unusual.
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