#and the s2 setup was FAR better than the s1 part 2 setup
nyaskitten · 11 months
maybe its JUST me but I hate how often ninjago has to rely on "world-ending evil" each season, because seriously how can you go higher than that in the next season?
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ladyjayde · 16 days
Okay, I have some things to say about the first season of The Magnus Protocol... This might be a long one but I don't care ✨
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I'd like to mention beforehand that I absolutely ADORED TMA, and I'm a big fan of Jonny and Alex's work. Maybe this is just me having too high expectations for this series, but I have spoken to some of my friends who also listen to this podcast and have listened to Magnus Archives and pretty much everyone agrees. So here we go
I'm not feeling it. I didn't enjoy this season at all in all honesty. The only moments that excited me was the lore we had for the TMA characters to which, as far as we know, have nothing to do with this story. It was all filler to please the fans which is appreciated, but every statement in this season felt unimportant. Sure, we had Mr. Bonzo and a couple others that we saw again as part of Gwen's work, but they never truly felt like a threat to me. If anything, most interactions they got felt coincidental more than anything.
Which leads to my second point, there was no action in the season and it made it political and boring to me :/ I understand that's this is how TMA kinda started as well, with a lot of build up and set up for the world. BUT, at least we got SOMETHING by the end of the season. There was real danger and survival instinct activated for the characters. TMAGP has none of that... They jump in, no questions asked and no questions answered. There's no thrill, there's barely any suspense. It feels empty.
And now the characters themselves. Well, except from the very charged introduction to all of them at once that lead many fans to be confused and have difficulty identifying each of them in the first few episodes, they are pretty mundane. None of their stories truly engage with me. Don't get me wrong, I still love them, but they feel a bit boring and all too similar to each other. They get lost in the plot and don't feel like individuals. It's like they're forgetting who they are in order to feed into the plot.
Now, with all of that being said, here's what I think could've helped make this a better series.
1. Make it a longer series. As of now, there's only one episode left which, yes, is supposed to be double length, but nothing has happened yet for me to want a second season. Even if it has taken an extra year or two, I would've rather waited. So, unless something very intense happens next Thursday, I don't think S2 will be in my "Need to listen" list. Too much setup, not enough fear. Like, I'm not even worried that Sam or Celia will die in the next episode. They have so much plot armor I'm certain they'll survive.
2. Make the statements have an effect on the characters. Only Sam seems to take interest in them. But with the others just setting them aside and ignoring the stories, it makes us feel like they're unimportant as well. And it sucks, cause TMA's statements had an effect on the characters and changed their ways of thinking. Now, they're just there to be there and not much is coming out of them.
So yeah, this is MY PERSONAL OPINION and I still want to support Rusty Quill for all the beautiful podcasts they create for us, but TMAGP was not it for me. I love this fandom, I love the lore and the writing itself, but the story didn't hook me in as much as I would've liked it to.
I might regret all of this by next week when the last episode comes out, but for now, these are my thoughts.
I'll get back to you all next week to share my overall thoughts on the S1 of The Magnus Protocol.
Feel free to comment or repost with your own thoughts! I'd love to hear if I'm alone in this or if people agree
Love you all <3
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iersei · 6 months
THANK YOU for being able 2 put it into words on that post..... despite s2 having so much of my favorite characters (terry jr and scary) i just... have struggled so hard with caring since the seasons been in full swing and it feels like the world in s2 isnt taken as like... genuinely enough i guess? and season two is very funny and entertaining but thats... all it is. any emotional arcs feel quickly forgotten & almost not at all drawn out and it feels like a mess with how often characters are just straight up forgotten,,, i love dndads and there was such a great setup for season two that i think just. fell flat in execution. even when nicky came back anthony admitted he called him nick Foster because he wasnt thinking at all about it and didnt care, and like. at a certain point even in a d&d setting you have to care about the characters youre making plot relevant at least a little bit, and suddenly the close family arc had nothing to do with season 1 and instead everything to do with stuff that happened completely offscreen (and again, once the dads were charting around with their kids they were often forgotten & added little to any scenes) just. it all got a little careless.
and im not caught up but ive heard about so much junk that happens in the... less than 10 episodes im behind on?? like i JUST got to the titanic part and it ends, what, 9 episodes later ??? i just wish it was more organized and theyd allowed themselves to like. take their time with things. i know the 20 or whatever episodes of glenns arc in s1 is known as 'too long' or super hard to get through but thats also how it made such an impact!! there was ALOT to get through and a lot happened to the close family. yet when alot happens in s2 its like, well that happened, and in an episode and a half it will never be mentioned again . even supporting npcs especially with a lot of potential dont stick around unlike characters like paeden or walter or even erin who got her own wrap up like. i dont remember the last time anyone even mentioned mae hails. yeah theres a degree that its messy and unorganized because thats how teenagers are but theres only so far that goes. and im pretty forgiving in d&d settings because 90% of what actually happens is up to random chance but theres a difference between 'this isnt good because im not actually writing it, and i dont have total control over this story' versus 'this isnt that good because we're not playing it that good'.
anyways. um. hero oak swallows garcia i hope i see you again soon 👍
these kids really never had any time to rest, and it's actively hurting the narrative tension to the point that i just want them to be left alone </3
i can't fucking believe that they didn't care enough about nicky's whole deal to not even think about the implications of everything that happened to him. that felt like it should've been a core aspect of his character! and they just didn't care!! about that aspect of his family dynamic!!
i think that, at the end of season 1, the close family and the oak family had dynamics where it was understandable for issues to pop up offscreen. and i do think the underlying threads made sense to a degree! but it was so thoroughly unexplored in both families that it just made even more of a mess and all the characters involved suffered for it.
and i'm gonna be honest. i completely forgot about mae hails. man. man.
they all deserved so much better.
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deltaengineering · 3 years
Spring Anime 2021: Embarrassment of Riches
So this current anime season absolutely stinks, which just makes the last one look even more impressive. Well, maybe not all of it...
Zombieland Saga Revenge
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First off, you don't need to tell me that the following is a severe outlier opinion. We good? Ok. ZLSR is, in a word, subpar. I liked S1 back in the day, but it was already in the process of getting lazy towards the end. S2 continues this trend and is basically just another idol show. And as someone who actually does watch other idol shows I have to say that it's not a particularly good one of those either. The zombie gimmick has mostly stopped mattering and we're just doing what every idol show does, only with the odd occasional sight gag. The alleged subversive qualities mostly amount to a flashback for Yuugiri, which is admittedly the best part of the show but feels like it barely has anything to do with anything. Apart from that, it's a bunch of generic idol plots, rehashed character beats, shoddy attempts at twists (while not connecting to any setups from S1), and the obligatory "idols give us hope" ending, which is terribly hackneyed and flat out bad. Tae gets further memed into the ground, because of course she does. And there's stuff that was simply never good to begin with, like Kotarou and his comedy schtick, which gets truly insufferable now that there's no qualities to distract from it. It really makes me think that S1 wasn't even all that good to begin with and seems like an attempt to turn this surprise success into an easy money longrunner with no edge and no ambitions. "The idol show for people who don't watch idol shows" indeed, but not the way you mean it. 4/10
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But not to dwell on the failures, with the second show we're already above the cut — barely. This one got my attention with its really impressive performance scenes early on and it totally sticks to that, which is even more impressive. But besides that? Well, this is by far the most predictable show in a season where I watched an unambitious Kiraralike and put ZLS on blast for having no ideas. The characters are a mixed bag, some are cool (Shida, Asawo), some are very annoying (Mashiro), but those are the supports. The main cast is extremely one-dimensional, which is fine until they try to heap a ton of pathos on their lead, which doesn't go well. But I guess execution matters, and Bakuten is slick enough to get by. Writing this down in stark daylight I feel like I overrated this show somewhat (I actually put it over the next one originally, which definitely doesn't hold up when thinking about it), but I was indeed mostly entertained. 6/10
Yakunara Mug Cup mo
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Yeah. Of course Mug Cup definitely doesn't invent or subvert anything either, but it's a pretty good Kiraralike that's always entertaining to watch. Explaining the qualities of such a nothing genre is as difficult as ever, but it mostly comes down to me liking the characters and it having nothing to annoy me. It's shorter than normal, which is a plus for slim shows like this. And yeah, you can make an excessive amount of dick jokes with the clay fondling. That helps too. Looks are just fine, pleasant but nothing out of the ordinary. Comfy low-effort anime. 6/10
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
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This one is decent, but sadly still a major letdown. Because the first few episodes of Vivy were excellent and kicked ass, but then it became increasingly clear that the writing can't cash the checks the ideas wrote while the action starts running into severely diminishing returns. Vivy just keeps slowly getting worse and worse as it goes on, not by a huge amount each episode but by the end there's a pretty sizeable gulf between potential and result. Going into detail would probably be a little much for this venue because there's a lot, but from the top level view the issue is that while Vivy has good fundamental ideas and steals at the right places, it just isn't a smart show — it's schlock, and by the end, poorly thought out schlock that tries to smooth out every problem with liberal application of the big feels hammer and le epic twist at that. Yeah, couldn't tell that the Re:Zero dude was aboard here, for sure. That said, it still works pretty well as entertaining schlock that is not to be taken too seriously, and the characters are generally just very fun to watch even when they're doing stupid things. Still, I can't in good conscience rate this higher than Beatless, a show that looks like butt but properly executes on its ideas. 6/10
Super Cub
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So this is 100% a Honda commercial, and I got really mad a Yuru Camp last season for being a blatant shill. Yet I'm feeling this, what gives? I think the main difference is that Super Cub is specifically a commercial for one product (and a very iconic product at that), while Yuru Camp is so all over the place that it ends up mostly a commercial for consumerism in general. And when Super Cub goes too hard on the product (which it does), it's at least pretty entertaining. That's something about Super Cub in general: It goes hard. Your regular Kiraralike this is not, because it's uncommonly slow, focused and moody - yes, it almost measures up to Yuru Camp at its best and demolishes it at its worst. Also, it's just extremely amusing to see sadblob Koguma grow a huge grizzly biker beard and become a badass outlaw dad to her goofy wife and cute daughter, all thanks to the power of afforable personal transportation. Needless to say, that can get unintentionally silly, but Super Cub has so much charm that it doesn't matter — it's great when it's good and still funny when it's not. 7/10
Shadows House
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Shadows House turned up with a lot of potential, and I have to say it at least delivered on most of it. It has some problems; notably I'm not a fan of how the entire middle turned out to be a tournament arc of sorts that seems curiously inspired by Resident Evil memes, crest-shaped intentations and boulder punching included. I also think that this is a show that would be perfectly fine without explaining much, but I guess it is a shounen manga after all so we got dumped on eventually anyway. At least that came late - close relative Promised Neverland didn't show that much restraint. Shadows House is generally well written though, with great characters, interesting interactions and a great hook. But what really makes it memorable is that it's exceptionally good at the cute/creepy contrast, something that is often tried but rarely works as well as here, with great character designs and very appropriate production. I hope this gets a sequel, because it seems like it's just getting started. 7/10
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Coming in with a fondness for Gridman, Dynazenon didn't have to do much to convince me. The surprise though is that it's not a rehash even if it's basically the same show, a character drama where occasionally huge and goofy fights break out. Dynazenon is Gridman done better, and the interesting part is how it accomplishes this - mainly by being far more conventional. I do appreciate that Gridman went for something weird and almost experimental, but that only really paid off towards the end while most of the show was a distraction/holding pattern. It just didn't feel like there was enough material for a full series there, more like a movie maybe, if even that. Dynazenon fixes this by just being a TV show, with an actual cast of characters that each have their own arc. And by spreading the material this way, Dynazenon ends up having a lot more nuance than its intensely focused predecessor, while having the same themes and not actually being any deeper. In a way, Gridman ends up looking like the spinoff in retrospect, while Dynazenon is the full package. 8/10
Thunderbolt Fantasy S3
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So how good was this season? So good that Thunderbolt Fantasy doesn't end up at the top, that's how. And all the elements that made Tbolt such a sure thing are still there, big hammy puppets doing stunts and scheming never gets old. However, I do have to note that at this point, the writing appears to have gotten too comfortable. I don't expect it to ever top the amazing S1 ending, but at this point it's like Tbolt has stopped trying to deliver on endings at all and seems in the process of retooling itself into a longrunner instead. Barely anything gets resolved in S3 (the climax is that the climax of S2 is resolved again, for good this time... maybe), and everything else is just setting up plotpoints for the next season. Tbolt is truly lucky that it doesn't actually need to resolve anything to be a great time, but at this point I have to say that I'd appreciate it if they wrapped it up with S4. 8/10
Nomad: Megalobox 2
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Speaking of sequels to shows I liked, Nomad doesn't so much improve upon its predecessor but steamrolls right over it. This is a tall order, since Megalobox was surprisingly good for a sports shounen and had a real nice, heartwarming ending that Nomad instantly negates for purposes of drama and everyone being extremely miserable. That sounds like a pretty terrible idea - and it would be, if Nomad wasn't as excellent as it is. To call it not the same show would be an understatement, because it's a true sequel, not just the same characters doing their thing some more, or new characters doing the same thing as the old ones did. Indeed my biggest problem with Megalobox was that it still closely adhered to its genre template and was very predictable; Nomad fixes this issue thoroughly. Nomad is about questioning what being a hotblooded shounen protagonist eventually leads you to, and how to fix everything you screwed up by being one. You could call it a deconstruction, but that term has been so abused for cynical, edgy "thing you like actually sucks" takes that I feel like it doesn't really fit here. Nomad isn't cynical at all, it's just a character drama about some boxers past their prime, and it being a sequel to a show that is indeed rather formulaic just enhances the experience. My biggest issue with it was that I really like what they did with Joe in this story, so the big focus on Mac's backstory felt like a distraction for a long time. But in the end that turned out to be absolutely necessary to make the ending work. The ending's just great, by the way, and I shall say not more about it. 9/10
Odd Taxi
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Yeah boy, here's the show that has apparently become somewhat of a "greatest show you didn't watch" meme, which I can feel smug about because I don't need YouTubers to tell me what's good and followed this from day one. Anyway, Odd Taxi is indeed great, the greatest show in a few years even. What starts out as seemingly a relaxed hangout show in the vein of Midnight Diners quickly turns into a psychological murder mystery while never losing its quirky humor. The character writing is outstanding, with even small bit players being on a level that the average anime wishes it could have for leads. And the rollout of the mystery is exemplary, with answers given and new questions raised every episode with a satisfying and logical payoff in the end. This is also the rare anime that has rock solid production from the first to the last second; it's never really flashy but excellently done and highly consistent nonetheless. And the music just owns. I have a few complaints, mainly that there's a few logical weaknesses in the story (which wouldn't even register in a lesser show, but sticks out here since the rest is so immaculately constructed) and that the ending overextends on the emotions when the rest of the show is so reserved and dry in comparison. But those are only the reasons why I didn't give it perfect marks, and I almost did that anyway. 9/10
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shygirlwriter · 4 years
here, have some mando s2 finale meta
yeah so idrk how everyone tags their spoilers here (I think I hit the big tags), but this contains FULL SPOILERS for the mandalorian, up to and including s2ep8, “Chapter 16: The Rescue.” and just to be upfront, I enjoyed the episode overall and think that there is potential in the new story they seem to be setting up for s3 and beyond. I do not think it completely shit the bed-- the first 40ish (out of a total 45) minutes of the episode were really great, old-school Star Wars stuff. but I 100% understand, and in broad strokes agree with, the criticisms I’ve seen from others. this got way longer than I thought it would so i’m putting it under a cut.
but I think the biggest thing about the mando s2 finale is that it indicates that the production team thinks that they’ve been making an entirely different show than the viewers have been seeing. and I think it comes down to lack of setup of themes, then constructing the finale as if there was that setup, leading to unearned (supposed) catharsis. 
I understand how Favreau, Filoni and Co. came to the decision to end it the way they did, and I think that there is a universe where this ending can be satisfying. on its face, if you don’t take emotions into account, it is indeed a satisfying conclusion to the particular story arc of the season. Din has accomplished the task (return the kid to the Jedi) he was given at the end of s1. Grogu was reunited with a Jedi who can and will train him. Din recognizes that he is unable to care for Grogu the way he needs to be cared for (i.e. he knows pretty much nothing about the Force, the Jedi or what “Jedi training” entails) and lets him go with Luke.
unfortunately, this show (and s2 in particular) has been all about the emotions. Even from the very first episode of season 1, when Din shoots IG-11 to prevent him from killing the baby. The closing image of the premiere-- Din reaching into that little cradle with his finger --became an iconic image immediately. the end of s1 literally came out and had the Armorer straight-up tell Din that since the kid is a foundling, until he can be returned to the Jedi, he is his father. and season 2 has only reinforced that-- aside from all the cute single-dad moments of him taking care of Grogu, there’s Ahsoka specifically noting their strong bond in “The Jedi,” and the fact that he willingly (albeit as an absolute last resort) removes his helmet in “The Believer” for the express purpose of obtaining coordinates to Gideon’s ship so that he can rescue the kid. Not to mention other characters (Cara, Mayfeld, etc.) referring to Grogu as Din’s child. do not act like Din was not secretly relieved when Ahsoka went back on her part of the deal and said that she couldn’t train Grogu (BECAUSE HE’S TOO ATTACHED TO HIS PAPA!) 
and then the finale comes and expects us to believe that he would willingly a) remove his helmet in a roomful of people, and b) hand over the kid, even to a Jedi. neither of these things make sense with the character of Din Djarin as he’s been presented in the show thus far. 
point the first: at no point has the show spent more than 30 seconds at a time forcing Din to reckon with the idea of having to give up the kid. this one’s pretty self-explanatory, and imo is just lazy writing. 
point the second: the show never demonstrated a crisis of faith on Din’s part. which is especially weird, since it seems like it set one up and then never followed through on it. Bo-Katan and her crew immediately write Din off as a cultist in “The Heiress,” which seemed at the time to be setting up a thematic arc of Din questioning his faith. (even though Bo-Katan is immeidately hella derisive of Din’s faith to the creed, and “The Rescue further demonstrates her (and Koska too, tbf) to be a Bad Person when she’s shown being space-racist toward Boba.) The show re-canonizes Jango Fett (and Boba, by extension) as Mandalorians, and Boba shows Din the chain code in his armor in “The Tragedy.” But while he doesn’t criticize Din’s dedication to the creed, Boba does seem to be more of the helmet-optional type in his older age. This is the perfect setup to have Din question, at the very least, the helmet-on-always aspect of the creed-- even if he doesn’t take Bo-Katan’s words on their face, Boba’s chain-code bona fides do prove his heritage and he’s seen without the helmet --but nothing really ever comes of it.
Din removing his helmet in a roomful of his friends/allies to say goodbye to Grogu seems like it wants to be a cathartic moment, combining both saying goodbye to his son and decisively violating the creed he has lived by his entire life (and I argue this is different from taking off the helmet in “The Believer” since he does not immediately put it back on at the first opportunity, like he does after the shootout in the officers’ mess), but the show did not do the necessary setup work for that to track as a catharsis. 
I don’t necessarily have a problem if Favreau, Filoni, and Co. wanted to wrap up this arc in s2 so they can move in different direction with season 3. Din bested Gideon in combat and earned the darksaber, which now I guess makes him manda’lor (a title he doesn’t even get a chance to fully accept/process before the darktroopers and Luke’s x-wing show up), and now has to contend with Bo-Katan (and possibly other members of the Mandalorian diaspora, but we’ll see.) Pivoting into a show about Mandalorian politics is not necessarily a bad idea. The problem is that, once again, there has been little-to-no buildup in this direction! The show never gave us any indication that Din had any desire to get involved in Mandalorian politics, even at the beginning of the very same episode when he tells Bo-Katan that if she can help him get Grogu back, she can have whatever she wants including the darksaber.
could this have worked? could we see a world in which Din, after meeting other Mandalorians with different relationships to the creed, questioned his own loyalty to it? could we see a world in which Din slowly comes to terms with the prospect of leaving Grogu, and being sad about, it but also realizing that the child will be better off with a Jedi who understands the Force and can train him?
on both those counts, I say absolutely yes! but we would have needed several more episodes’ worth of set-up for this to have landed with the kind of impact “The Rescue” thinks it has. Din Djarin and Grogu’s story seemingly ends with a whimper.
(And on a tangentially related note, I’m more than a little concerned about the post-credits stinger with Boba and Fennec. Do I really like what Temuera Morrison and Ming-Na Wen have done with these characters in just a handful of episodes? Hell yeah, I do! Am I excited to see an OG Star Wars character, who got shafted real hard when Disney acquired Lucasfilm and de-canonized most of the EU, get to be badass again (and be badass while being played by an older (Morrison is like 60) man of color, who’s also returning to a role he kinda-sorta played twenty years ago)? Hell yeah, I am, because I Am A Boba Fett Stan Now, I Guess!)
(I know not to put much stock in the rumors about on-set conflicts during production of s2 and Pedro Pascal allegedly leaving the show, since they’ve been publicly rebuked by the man himself and multiple entertainment-news articles I’ve seen indicate he’s confirmed by sources to return for s3. But the increased prominence of another Mandalorian character in the latter part of this season, coupled with the announcement that The Book of Boba Fett will debut in December 2021, aka the same time frame as Mando s3, does have me a smidge on edge about the possibility of making this show into an anthology with s1-2 focused on Din and s3 (at least) focused on Boba. Sure, Din Djarin is “The Mandalorian” of the title, but he’s by no means the only Mandalorian on the show.) 
tl;dr: s2 of the mandalorian sets up a lot of interesting thematic material, then doesn’t follow up on it, but constructs its ending as if it did. and that’s why I think it feels uniquely unsatisfying to a lot of fans. 
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
Hey man, I don't know if it's too early to ask, but would you recommend me some games from this SAGE 2020? I kinda want to try new fangames, I have only downloaded Sonic GT (but I haven't tried it yet)
Nah, don’t worry! It’s not too early, I’m getting ready to wrap up my own coverage and move on (I played over 12 different fangames and wrote about almost 10 of them in less than a week on my own, I’m so tired, I wanna forget SAGE exists and go back to play Fall Guys or F1 idk), and I’m thinking about doing a personal ranking with the games I liked the most... so you’re pretty much helping me gather my thoughts for a big tl;dr after this weekend :P
So far from what I’ve seen/played:
Sonic and the Mayhem Master keeps getting better, and I’m starting to feel pretty optimistic about the game finally picking up some steam instead of just playing the same parts of the first chapter over and over again. I’m no RPG aficionado, but I’m intrigued by the whole setup of the game (Steampunk Sonic loses his speed and becomes a detective alongside Amy and some OCs.) The game itself is pretty hard too, I keep dying from not being able to do that much multitasking haha
In the same RPG vain there’s Sonic the Hedgehog RPG, which is basically SatAM but as an old-school RPG. I played this one last year (I’m yet to check out this year’s update) and it plays pretty much how I expected it. It certainly covers part of the RPG void left by Sonic Chronicles.
Sonic Triple Trouble 16 bit, this one alongside the Sonic Chaos Remake (which I think hasn’t been updated since SAGE 2018) are the two main efforts to remake the 8 bit titles. What’s most interesting about Triple Trouble is that it’s set up as a direct sequel to S3K.
Sonic Galactic. This one is my personal favorite (besides Sonic GT, of course.) It’s short, but I played the same level with the 5 characters available and it’s always such a joy to play <3
Sonic 2 SMS Remake. Last year I played the S1 SMS Remake and was left pretty impressed (it’s the definitive way to play that game), and oh my goodness this year’s S2 Remake comes so PACKED FULL of stuff! Seriously, these remakes are the bomb, and the fact you can also play it from your phone makes the whole deal a lot sweeter.
Sonic Advance 4 Advanced. This one left me scratching my head in some places, since it wants to get both Advance and Rush formula fans together and it does it in a pretty weird way... but still, it’s that type of 2D Sonic everyone loves a lot but me, lol.
Sonic 3D in 2D. 3D Blast but good, basically. Also, being 2D makes it a tiny less interesting overall... but on the other hand it has sooooo many playable characters (like, wtf), and in the end it’s still a neat conversion.
Not really Sonic, but... Mega Man Perfect Blue. I saw Somecallmejohnny playing this one the other day while I was studying, and just the way he was shredding enemies with a ROLL THAT PLAYS LIKE ZERO made me fall in love with this one. I’m prioritizing Sonic fangames for SHP this year, but I’ll surely play the couple or so Mega Man fangames available as well :P
Not really a fangame, but an actual indie demo. I played Starbuster last year and I’m intending on doing it again this year. From what I can gather, it’s based on the Mega Man Zero/ZX series and it seemed promising. Also, I believe the music is composed by Leila Wilson (that one version of Sonic Megamix with my all time favorite track; Freedom Planet 1 & 2) so that’s a plus in my book.
As for me, I’m currently writing on both Sonic Freedom and Quantum Collision. They are pretty short demos and you’re probably better off watching YouTube videos of them, so that’s why I’m not listing them here. For more info you can always stalk SHP :P
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amisbro · 7 years
Breaking down Broccoli’s Messages
(a.k.a. “The Method to the Madness”) Alright SO...since we are less than 2 weeks out for Uta no Prince-Sama’s 7th Anniversary I wanted to go and break down some things that I thought were interesting when it came to both Broccoli (The company that owns the rights to UtaPri) and also Sentai Filmworks who does the distribution here in the US What is going to follow is a rather detailed breakdown of when the series started airing to present and also certain other things that I have found of interest as...it would appear that this “UtaPri detective” might be close to cracking what is Broccoli’s code on June 24th! Ready... Set... GO!
Okay so where do we begin...let’s start on 2011 and 2013...specifically July 2nd of 2011 and then April 3rd of 2013. Now why are we going to use these dates in particular?  Here’s why! Have you ever looked up the dates between when the (original) games for the PSP games came out in Japan and the release dates for the Seasons came out?  Its really quite fascinating July 2nd, 2011 is when S1 of UtaPri came out and what is interesting about this is that not long after (August 11th of that same year) was the ORIGINAL Repeat that came out on the PSP...a game that I actually own for the system and have to finish at some point but I just haven’t gotten to it yet. At this time also in UtaPri land 3 games had already been released for PSP before the remake of the first one.  In order they were The ORIGINAL Uta no Prince-Sama (June 24th, 2010) Amazing Aria (December 23rd, 2010) Sweet Serenade (February 10th, 2011) Now keep this in mind too:  These three games released BEFORE S1...what was the reason? The obvious answer (and the very likely one is that they wanted to make sure that they had a lot of stuff to use for STARISH if they wanted to do a series...well they did a Season 1 and then at the “ambiguous” message of “See You Next Time” in the final title card it almost seemed cut and dry after the debut of STARISH in the Anime that they would get to a second series...a second series where the rules changed and we got to start “expansion” of the UtaPri world” BEFORE THAT! Broccoli wanted to make sure that the fans were introduced to new characters outside of the ones they already know (i.e. the STARISH boys, Saotome, Tsukimiya and Hyuuga) so two more games would come out before April 2, 2013 Debut (May 24, 2012...3 days before Maeno’s 30th birthday) All-Star (March 7th, 2013 and became notable for the first game you could date the QN boys) So keep this in mind because its at this point where e get ready also for the second series in April pf 2K13 and NOT ONLY do we meet the QUARTET NIGHT BUT...Shining starts to really show his cunning by subtly introducing a new unit that wanted to take on STARISH but at the time he simply called them “A trio of Amateurs” The Anime comes and we do meet QUARTET NIGHT but during the final 3-4 episodes of ML2K we find out that there is a “rival group” and I seriously hesitate to use that word but others do so let’s go with it for now. The trio, as we find out, is brought on by a competitive and twisted man named Raging Ootori and his son Eiichi is the leader.  The group HEAVENS would be the pawns in a twisted match where the loser would be forced to disband.  Its at this time you can ask the following question: Is this story going to end after two seasons? OR Do the producers and the people behind the scenes have a “bigger plan” for not just HEAVENS but also STARISH and QN? Well HEAVENS would lose as one would find out and...at the time you might not have been the biggest fan of that trio because Eii came on so strong that contact cement wanted him to chill out and Nagi (at the time) was a brat...I admit this wholeheartedly! The thing was they didn’t end the series with a message like “Thanks for watching” or the “STARISH FOREVER” message that we would see later in this unique setup...no they said “See you next time” which made things rather intriguing! What could broc be planning? Christmas day of 2013 we found out! 12/25/2013 an OVA which has only ever released in Japan called “Shining Star Xmas” was released and it was during the OVA that Reiji convinced the QUARTET NIGHT to work together again because of the inspiration he had gotten from their Juniors (remember that the plot of S2 was SUPPOSED to be that QN and STARISH were Senior/Juniors) and they decided to go and make more music and also take on STARISH. Now let’s pump the brakes because this is where Sentai comes in It was towards the end of 2013 that Sentai announced they had gotten the rights to release S1 and 2 of Uta no Prince-Sama in the US.  S1 would release in January and S2 would be in August.  I thought it was interesting that they did it this way but then again I am curious if that is a common practice or I’m just losing it! ANYWAYS So S1 and 2 get released here and other songs would come out for the series not Anime related up until about 2015 and during the lead up we would start to get a lot of little hints about the new season that was announced not the least of which would have STARISH doing “cross units” (I fail to see how they were to a degree but I’ll go with it) while the solo idol songs this time around would go TO...my boys of the QN! Fun fact time for this that might not have been in the know: The date of the OR release for season 3 AND the date of this past stage were the EXACT SAME DAY...take a guess which left a better taste in my mouth ANYWHO! So S3 happens with the two groups working to see who would get to appear as the rep for Shining Agency for the Triple S! Wait...what is this and why are they doing this? Alright politic time! So...in 2013 (so this back around S2) the IOC (International Olympic Committee) was selecting the host city for the games of 2020.  The three countries that were up for it were Turkey, Spain and the eventual winner which would be Japan to see who would host the games.  Japan won and for the past 4 years they have been getting ready for the games and its going to be interesting to see not just how it sets up but also who opens the games as there has been a poll for the public to see which group gets to perform the Opening Ceremony...this is kind of like what would become the storyline between STARISH and QN for at least the 3rd season except...well let’s talk about it During Season 3 a rift would begin to open between STARISH and QN and this was ESPECIALLY the case when they said they would take Haruka if they won (this is the same thing FYI that HEAVENS said or more specifically Eiichi...it was VERY INTERESTING to hear trust me).  Now what made this also interesting was towards the end of the season and Reiji made a declaration that they would keep facing STARISH until they surpassed them! Now surely this “moving out of the dorms” couldn’t be game ref right? WRONG See Broc likes to drop things that happen in the GAME WORLD into the Anime...except I think when they leave in the game its under happier terms...I haven’t got that far in the TL yet! we SHOULD mention that the game “All Star After Secret” was released before this series came out.  The date of the game was March 12th, 2015 and, to date, is the final PSP game that has been released in the series.  the other 2 games on the PSP were both Rhythm Games that were called “Uta no Prince-Sama MUSIC” with (so far) the final game being released on the VITA om January 28th, 2015 NOW we get to have some fun! In the midst of all of this Broccoli DOES announced another Visual Novel game for UtaPri called “Dolce Vita” (Translation:  The Sweet Life) which follows the 11 boys after ASAS.  Also Broccoli announces a partnership with KLAB who is behind the series “Love Live” and NOW things get interesting because LL: School Idol Festival DOES I believe have an English release...hmm! Back to the Anime At the end of Series 3 HEAVENS reappears as a 7 member group and each member would be a counterpart to a particular member of STARISH (ex:  Eiichi/Oto, Masa/Kira, Van/Ren etc.) and they performed HEAVENS GATE again...aight! At the end of the season two things are put up on the screen: “To be continued...” and “SEE YOU NEXT SEASON” Aight...this is interesting! It should also be noted that during the season that Sentai announced licensing S3 (Maji Love Revolutions) but it was interesting that even though they announced licensing it they didn’t release it...why? The answer doesn’t come until after the 2016 season and into this year when they announced that they WOULD release both of them...but about that 2016 season During S3 there were fans that speculated (both on here and facebook) that S3 was it for Utapri...now we forgot that STARISH saved HEAVENS from disbandment for a reason and that became apparent when we got to the end of “R” as the North American license calls it and now that might have come back to bite them. HEAVENS didn’t appear at 5th stage for the announcement but in January of 2016 it was announced that the season would air in October of 2016 which breaks the two year cycle for UtaPri!  Up to this point they only did one season every 2 years and now they did this...interesting When Season 4 was announced (called “Legend Star”) what form it would take would be interesting...what we got was a duet season with STARISH and HEAVENS (a proper C-U if i can say that) and then the fun began! for the most part it was an interesting season...especially if you were on the HEAVENS side watching it to see how the boys of HEAVENS were represented.  Most of the time they were okay with some genuine sweethearts in ther (hello Eiji, Shion and Van), one that was rough around the edges in Yamato, another that...depends how you want take him in Nagi, Kira was a saint and then Eii...the most controversial of the original trio! What became somewhat clear in HEAVENS is they wanted fans to try and accept them...I already had after a second viewing of S2 but for some it was trickier and I get that!  What was interesting was to see if the situation with Eiichi would cause more fans to sympathize...or if they wanted to forever turn against HEAVENS Episodes 9-11 would become one of the bloodiest battlegrounds in an Anime as far as fandoms went.  You were either looking for ways to prove (and you had plenty) that Eiichi meant well but he might have just gone a LITTLE TOO FAR and then you had the crew that wanted his head on stick even if there was more evidence that what he did wasn’t completely his fault! Now that not withstanding here is where it gets interesting and this deals in the end cards for the season First off on AniPlus’ facebook page they specifically stated this was the SEASON finale and not SERIES.  They actually made that mistake with DRIFTERS when that was getting ready to wrap up and then had to retract it.  Crunchyroll also promoted the final episode of YOI as the SERIES finale and who knows...the series MIGHT be over and the Movie is the last you get of it but the way of advertising the final episode towards the end of a few seasons...it was intersting Okay now let’s get really good! So the end cards...let’s recap how they did the end cards for S1-3 1000% - “See You Next Time” 2000% - Same Revolutions - To Be Continued/See You Next Season Legend Star - the “STARISH FOREVER” message and then the Message about the Animation Project Here is what I have found interesting so far For STARISH there have been 4 games where they were the sole focus (remember Debut was only when QN came in but they weren’t playable yet) AS/ASAS were so far the games when QN comes in as playable characters Nothing on HEAVENS...YET! NOW it gets good though After the finale if you went on the twitter for UtaPri they first wished the fans a Merry Christmas from Shining Agency BUT ALSO Raging Agency...I wonder why they also had a message about the new project on their twitter but they used three words that were key I think FROM NOW ON when you read that it almost sounds like both Agencies will be active right?  I can jive! Now we get to NOT 5/27 of this year BUT 5/24 which was 3 days before the concert (and the now infamous debacle) It would seem that, when you get to breaking it down so far Broc has been strategic in WHEN they start expanding the UtaPri Universe and HOW they dod it right?  There is a reason I bring this up According to the translation of the blog post which was put up three days before the concert it has some interesting wording towards the end “Please watch the development of this work that sets Uta no Prince-Sama Sports and Expansion of this world” Okay...WTF?! THIS POST was brought to my attention by my dear friend @shiningstarish (P.S. Nadie one of these days you have to tell me what that blog title means) and when I read the whole thing which, I will bookmark and if you want the WHOLE translation I will give it to you so you can break it down but I thought it was interesting “Sports”...alright are we getting a sports game in time for the Olympics or... Okay but then there is this “Expansion of this world” THIS...this is interesting Broccoli has NOT introduced a new group into the Game verse since the QN back in May of 2012!  Its been over FIVE YEARS since the last “expansion” of the UtaPri universe (so this ends the argument of “milking the franchise” really) so it would stand to reason that the next thing to happen is that HEAVENS would come in to the game world in some way and then a game would come out for them...makes sense right? But hold up...something’s NOT...QUITE...RIGHT! Ahh I think I know what you might be thinking and you would be right See the STARISH and QN characters were given games FIRST and then seasons...HEAVENS went backwards! Here is the theory we can work with Broccoli WANTS to have a game done for HEAVENS...they wouldn’t have made that splash page for June 28th of 2015 with the HEAVENS 7 on a newspaper article if they didn’t AND they wouldn’t do the “White Day” even for them right? So if you read between the lines of the “UtaPri Masters” what can we take from this Broccoli is probably going to be announcing a HEAVENS game in the near future and more than likely it will be either at or around 7th Anniversary thus the “Expansion of this World” line But what about “Sports”? I got to thinking about this and I was thinking that MAYBE they don’t want to announce another rhythm game since they have “Shining Live” to come out BUT what about something in the realm of the “Olympics”?  That’s a “Sports” theme right? Maybe part of the “Expansion” could also be that they include all 18 (or 22?) characters in the game and you do different athletic events (which could ALSO explain the episode with Yamato and Syo which was SPORTS THEMED)...am I on to something here?! again EVERYTHING that I just talked about and scoped out is PURE SPECULATION but if I am reading the tea leaves right then June 24th could be a VERY INTERESTING DAY!
7 notes · View notes
shinkei-shinto · 7 years
Season Two.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] I mean they can still Live over There
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] i just also wanna do Magic rn
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] the problem was
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] I was actually going to ask 'how do i completely tear apart and rework my established species into something i'm happy with now?'
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] That's a pretty heavy question. What are you unhappy with about it currently?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] I feel trapped, and 2-dimensional
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] like I've backed myself into a kind of corner where I can't actually insert anything new and good and Fun to play with
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] like it's a very small, limited time-space thing, where there isn't room to figure out overarching themes or time-based things like overthrowing a reigme (not what I want to do but An Example)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] And if you were going to just edit out those parts you dislike currently it wouldn't be the same anymore so it's easier to just rebuild it from the ground up?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] I feel like I have a finished product, almost, like I'm holding something beautiful and complete and pretty in my hands
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] and to just jam, say, magic in, would ruin the entire structure I've built -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] I don't feel like I can tear out just what I like about my own story, without disrespecting the things I already have that - once - I cared about and loved
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] So rather than rework, you kind of want to immortalize the current species as is and make a new one?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] like I need an AU where some of it is the same, but I haven't just torn out this whole structure that I already had
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] It's like -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] Like I tried. and I got somewhere, I built my thing, it stands on its own, it's pretty good.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] But I know I could have done better /with them/
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] But you can't do that as it is now because the details are already all there?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] yeah, there's no room for the cool shit I wanna put in, because I built things too watertight, too little loopholes
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] Then wouldn't the easiest way be just to make an alternate timeline? With the same origin, but perhaps certain key events unfolded differently so that you now have the room to add in the things you want. It doesn't invalidate what's already there, and it seems the perfect setup for being able to keep what you do like
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] yeah? probably?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] all the answers I've gotten so far have been like, "why don't you just redo it entirely" "why don't you just cut out what is dissatisfying you"
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] and that, feels like it's Wrong
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] Because it would sully the original?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] it's dishonest to the work I've done
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] the same reason I have left my dA gallery alone for nearly 8 years now
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] sure, it wasn't Great, there are lots of concepts I made happen Better, I redid and did nice and stuff,
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] there's things I will never touch again and am very embarrased by
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] but I Let It Stay
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] If any kind of rework of the original would be a disservice, then it sounds like the only real solution is to make something new entirely, that has no bearing or relation to your old work
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] the alternate timeline thing sounds like the best option I've been given so far, because it lets me respect the fact that I did work, old work, good work, it can Stay There
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] without making me backed into a corner on my own designs
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] Since they're separate timelines, they'd never need to interact, or technically have any relation to each other aside from the similar origins
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] because like
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] I have ideas, things, solid things that have basis in the structure I have already built - things like species limits, or their lack of ability to have sparks/fire on their planet -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] but don't fit in with the social and lack-of-magic structure that was there, before
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:41] so, I don't want to destroy/remove s1
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:41] but s2 is where I wanna Work bc s1 feels Done
Gray, [07.05.17 21:14] so u get ur loyal warriors with the knowledge one day they're prob going to try 2 best you? (but like u'll know its coming)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] mhmm, exactly
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] there's no old-and-fat-kings
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] if you get your ass beaten, you either graciously step down and advise them, or demand that they kill you and release your soul to the metallics
Gray, [07.05.17 21:15] NICE
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:15] there's probably some empires that're like "yeah no we all advise the new kings, he's got an honor "guard" of like 15 prior kings"
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] tbqh thats p badass thoh
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:16] and then some that have a bloody line of single kings
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] like. conceptually i REALLY enjoy that
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] and tru
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:16] plus
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] then you get the advice of all of those who were beaten - and you probably had to fuck up at least a couple of them yourself
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] and they're gonna respect one another, likely have some kind of balance/order of their own
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] very little infighting
Gray, [07.05.17 21:19] tru!
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:21] but also, consider:
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:23] you enter the throne room of your leader, your king, the monarch of monarchs. there is some kind of a throne, it varies to every one, but across the floor - a wonderful, polished, well maintained surface - there are shapes.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:24] dark, at first, hard to make out, until you realize what they are, until you step next to one on your way into the true space of the throne room, flanked by two guards that look so fierce you would not want to glance at either to see any closer.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:25] there's a name, written out in a deep russet color. The next is blue. The third, a vibrant and yet dark green. All of them lie next to pools in various shapes; some are tagged with scrapes and scratches, some are huge and circular, and some have written poetry, sayings, or pawprints.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:25] They are all that remains of the former kings, their last moments and last words immortalized, carefully kept under a thin layer of sheen, to preserve them for all eternity.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:26] And although his claws are no longer stained, the brilliant blue that resides just to the left of his throne room has a haunting message written in the freshly-laquered blood: Good luck.
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] LORD
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] thats gonna be interesting when they run outta floor space
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] or if someone wants to redecorate
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:27] probably make a new throne room, tbh
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:27] just bc fighter chose to sit in that one, that lineage, doesn't mean they all do
Gray, [07.05.17 21:27] fair enough
Gray, [07.05.17 21:28] tho i feel like by that point making a new one would feel almost like desecration
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:28] How do you make that decision, huh?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:28] maybe when the bloodstains start to obscure one another
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:29] can you imagine walking that room, as king, picking where you want to die?
Gray, [07.05.17 21:29] places a reserved sign on the floor
Gray, [07.05.17 21:29] 'perfect'
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:24] Cakes trying to imitate humans in greeting and just sneering their lip up off of their DISGUSTING MESS OF JAGGED RASP TEETH
Gray, [02.08.17 23:28] PLEASE
Gray, [02.08.17 23:28] FUCK THAST GREAT
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:28] Cakes, who greet one another with carefully sheathed claws, bc they do not want to point things at each other,
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:29] "oh, humans just. they just hurt one another as greetings. uh. okay."
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:29] half of cakes: fuck this i'm out
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:29] the warrior descent half of cakes: YES HELLO HOW DO WE ENGAGE
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:29] FLING OUR ENTIRE BODIES W sPIKES OUT?
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:30] listen i love the "FIGHT TO FIGHT" cakes but theyre
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:30] stupid
Gray, [02.08.17 23:34] OKAY MOOD
Gray, [02.08.17 23:34] theyr ebeautifulf
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:38] i lvoe them
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:38] but they would absolutely say 'hi' by turning into a miniature tornado at someone else
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:38] "CATCH ME" and all 7 of my flailing limbs, with spikes attached
Gray, [02.08.17 23:39] I LOVE THIS
Gray, [02.08.17 23:39] I LOVE THIS WITH ALL MY HEART
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:40] these kind stil exist in s2
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:40] they never went away
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:40] fighter is probably one of them
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:40] "finally home" he says, sighing with relief, bc he can at least catch these ones instead of being smushed
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:36] S2 Cakes and storms
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:36] Storms that come screaming in from the water and pull at their very homes
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:37] Homes built for it, that sway and whip cakes around like it is a game
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:37] Chasers who try and bottle storms, bottle eyes, bottle rain and wind and the anticipation of a break in the clouds
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:38] Cakes who live where there are hurricanes, and build homes with iron in the wood to withstand the winds, who all gather outside in the eye of the hurricane to see if they can catch a glimpse of a constellation that will tell their future
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:38] Magic cakes who make storms their focus, who summon or dismiss or gentle storms against their own, and make those against their enemies ferocious and deadly
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:39] Cakes who call storms to channel lightening into their bones, thinking it will help their magic, and the madness that ensues when it actually hits them
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:41] Cakes who try to reproduce the feeling, the image, the idea of storms in paintings and magic to bring to their inland Kings, hoping for something in return
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:02] mmmonster designs?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:03] theeee place fighter washes up
Gray, [08.05.17 00:03] they hunt water monsters rite?
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:03] yeee there's been some
Gray, [08.05.17 00:03] : 0!
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:03] weird speculations on monstershapes
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:03] /tagged/nova-23-6
Gray, [08.05.17 00:04] I WILL LOOk
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:05] they probably have some way of luring the things to hunt them more effectively
Gray, [08.05.17 00:05] -chucks a pal into the water w a rope tied 2 'em-
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:05] kjdhfgksjhfgskjdfhg
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:05] more like
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:06] 'steals the eggs, raises them, intentionally causes them harm in order to make them cry for help'
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:06] 'kills the help'
Gray, [08.05.17 00:06] how do they get the eggs?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:07] cake that owns a tea shop +v+ ANYWAY
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:08] their whole thing would love focus on this kind of consumption
Gray, [08.05.17 00:08] IM SYKED TBH
Gray, [08.05.17 00:08] i think i knoe what my first s2 cake will b,
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:09] lmao what do u want u think
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:09] huh huh
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:10] rn all I can tell you is: longer, short 2L are rare, lots of SPikey, intricate patterns and markings, lots of scarring/weapons/armor/things that are just Attached like permanenetly, carrying bags etc
Gray, [08.05.17 00:11] OOOO NICE
Gray, [08.05.17 00:12] no idea what their design might b but Probably a tea cake
Gray, [08.05.17 00:12] pun actually unintended
Gray, [08.05.17 00:12] until now
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:12] tbh
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:12] i think drugs are big there
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:12] hasbrown cakes, tea cakes, liquor cakes
Gray, [08.05.17 00:13] 2nd cake character, ur local drug dealer,
Gray, [08.05.17 00:13] does s2 have sugar?
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:13] totally possible
Gray, [08.05.17 00:14] 'do u have The Stuff' '-opens trenchcoat to reveal cookies-'
Gray, [08.05.17 00:15] so a bakery is where ud get Ur Drugs
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:15] a Bakery is probably a place to chill drugged
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:15] find em buy em have em made
Gray, [08.05.17 00:16] tea shop right beside th bakery >get thirsty after consumin that sugar >pop over for some tea
Gray, [08.05.17 00:16] >realize u can put sugar in tea and have ur mind blown
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:17] those that make other edible goods probably have a good relationship with the Bakeries
Gray, [08.05.17 00:17] true!!
Gray, [08.05.17 00:17] are bakeries kind of like bars?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:17] bars but for Cake Weed?
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:17] like, a bar + hookah joint + smoke shop?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:18] makes sense!
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:18] literally go there to sleep lie down calm down meditate, maybe to sharkpen your magic some
Gray, [08.05.17 00:18] by bar i mean like not so much in terms of atmosphere so much as Socially Accepted
Gray, [08.05.17 00:18] bc ppl will sideye a hookah place but not a bar
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:19] gotcha, yes
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:19] way more like a bar
Gray, [08.05.17 00:19] so sugar in s2 has the effects of a drug but like the social acceptance of alcohol? :0
Gray, [08.05.17 00:19] tho i mean alcohol is a drug
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:20] there's different levels -
Gray, [08.05.17 00:21] theres munching on a brownie and then theres snorting powdered sugar,
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:21] alcohol for us is like yeah whatever, and for them, liquor cake-stuff and then hashbrowning and then sugar
Gray, [08.05.17 00:21] ok explain hashbrowning bc im thinking of like
Gray, [08.05.17 00:21] the potatoe
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:30] i
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:30] did not actually have a fucking way that it worked lmao
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:30] all i have is fuckin
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:30] a doodle of a hasbrown'd out cake holding something smoke-making, and what they look like, and a hashbrowned Ryker
Gray, [08.05.17 00:31] hasbrowned?
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:35] but I'd love to have drugs be a large part of this, bc if they have rec' drugs, they've got medicine and science
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:35] but I'd like for Ryker to bring Runners to them
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:38] alcohol is mostly a breath-thing, although it could also show up as a drink-thing
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:38] but idk about weed/smoke/MJ
Gray, [08.05.17 00:38] Brownie joke here
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:39] that means it must be grown, somewhere
Gray, [08.05.17 00:39] Is there a special kind of fruit they extract it from?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:40] Or r u doin sugarcane
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:40] most of my sugar stuff has been fruit
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:40] distilled fruit has gone to the alcohol thing
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:40] rather than baked sugar, which is somehow more dangerous
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:40] so a soda, while a FUCKING DRINK, would not be as bad as a sugar cookie
Gray, [08.05.17 00:41] Could the smoke/steam from burning/caramelizing sugar get a cake high?
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:49] ssshrugs?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:49] I'll Google like. How much sugar goes up
Gray, [08.05.17 00:50] Tomorrow
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:50] but also: i want to keep it all sugar? or not?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:50] Sugar the most accepted but there are probably other drugs
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:50] cause like
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:51] slightly less accepted, but still Okay, drugs like weed for us
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:51] just, rooms where there's smoke
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:51] and they go and chill and breathe and focus
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:51] meditation style
Gray, [08.05.17 00:51] Sauna,but a High sauna
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:51] yeeeeeee
Gray, [08.05.17 00:57] NIce,
Gray, [07.05.17 16:48] also: the hollowness of ganache chests are there like how is it structured would u be able to cut it open and like store things there
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:49] I mean, it'd be like cutting another hold into ur lungs or ur womb
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:49] and while Runners do cut holes into their lungs, successfully, somehow
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:49] idk that u could Put anything in there?
Gray, [07.05.17 16:50] i mean you technically could if u tried hard enough its jus not
Gray, [07.05.17 16:50] advisable
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:50] u could totally cut holes in, like runners
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:50] but it wouldn't....... be worth anything?
Gray, [07.05.17 16:52] OK i think i was thinkin abt the ganache hollow chest area weirdly ive got a better idea now
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:53] it's like a womb/lungs but without an exit
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:53] there's possibly air, or fluid more likely? maybe? something in there, to make it hollow -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:53] or their lungs are able to expand further because they lack the gestating stuff that ever happens
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:54] (msot Cake Cakes have a vertical line from heart patch to about belly where the skin can open, it's not Fun and doens't work Well but it works GOOD ENOUGH DAMNIT)
Gray, [07.05.17 16:54] S T O R E  S N A C K S  I N  Y O U R  L U N G S  F O R  M A X I M U M  S N A C K  C A P A C I T Y
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:54] lkdfgs;fgjhSDFLGJHSDLFJKGH
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:54] tbh, you could, insert a nutritious slurry in there, and it would work
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:54] idk WHY YOU WOULD But
Gray, [07.05.17 16:55] lbr theres probably somecake that just
Gray, [07.05.17 16:55] 'i wanted to see if i /could/'
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:55] kjdfhgskjdfhgkjsdfhgdjkshfg
Gray, [07.05.17 16:56] F E A S T  O N  M Y  N U T R I T I O U S  S L U R R Y,  F R I E N D S
Gray, [07.05.17 16:57] actually you know how theres like. play productions and stuff probably? i think we talked about that that would be a good way to have an actor Fake-die Oh No Theyre Bleeding, Look At Them Dying
Gray, [07.05.17 16:57] (its rly n u t r i t i o u s  s l u r r y)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:58] kfjhskldjfhgskdjfg h uh
Gray, [07.05.17 17:00] also the reason i asked in the first place is like. idk extra storage space when travelling  thru somwhere (if it worked like i thought it worked but it doesnt work like i thought it worked tbh- i was thinking more like w/ tissue or skin or something seperating it from other organs) ? load up the ganache or s/t & also store things in the hollow
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:24] [In reply to Gray] you could, in theory, just like stuffing something in the stomach of a human being - but whatever you put in there, it's gotta be in there
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:24] so unless it was, like, wet sacks of something, biologically okay with the GGod
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:24] it'd cause infections and problems
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:25] cause it isn't like a stomach, so no digestive food, it's more like a Womb, which still could be slightly acidic and will  be Wet
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:25] bc baby slime
Gray, [07.05.17 17:25] ooohhhh
Gray, [07.05.17 17:28] safe slurry lookin like blood for theatrical purposes
Gray, [07.05.17 17:28] or a /really dedicated prank/
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:29] like, as long as they were pretty safe for eating/fucking/etc, you could mush up fruitshit and use that
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:29] in a normal cake, at least -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:29] in a GGod, the natural flap that Cakes have from their Heart Patch to their belly is missing
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:29] so they'd have to cut that open artifically
Gray, [07.05.17 17:29] a /really/ dedicated prank
Gray, [07.05.17 17:30] BUT YEAH THAT MAKES SENSE
Gray, [07.05.17 17:31] also how does the magic in s2 work? is it Within? is it Around, but cakes can be attuned to it? is magic associated w nature and does a resource drain (i.e. LP) affect it, or is it simply that the s1 just Forgot
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:35] ggestures at the last story I wrote, it's intrinsic to Cakes somehow, but something abotu concentration something about breeding something about the diseases that killed off so much of their people ruined it
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:35] broke it
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:35] the Ancient One remembers some, can stir it some, but concentration is big -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:35] there's a mass to it, you can't start it with nothing, but make too much and it starts to implode
Gray, [07.05.17 17:35] ooooo :0
Gray, [07.05.17 18:00] what are the limitations of the magic? whats the #flavor like Make This Charm And You'll Influence Your Luck or more of a physical manifestation, i.e. LOOK MOM I CAN MAKE FIRE W/ MY HANDS
Gray, [07.05.17 18:00] are there curses?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:14] think physical; it's a lot like "believe this hard enough and it Works" the one good concrete example I have is the "summon a fire in your soul and you can Burn Out the metal poison"
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:14] it's focused on making the impossible and unreal, real and possible, bringing it into their life
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:14] so metallic trees grown from seeds carefully breathed on
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:14] growing things into homes together by belief and basically meditation
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:14] you could probably curse another cake. but they could undo it, or get a friend to undo it, and I have a feeling tracking it back is Really Fucking Easy
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:15] and if they find you
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:15] however there's "curses" and there's "*curses*"
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:15] and turning your friends' tongue into the shape of a fish for a day isn't goign to get you anything but literal jelly bean toes for a week
Gray, [07.05.17 18:16] NICE
Gray, [07.05.17 18:17] are there some curses hardedr to reverse than others?
Gray, [07.05.17 18:18] i.e. someone cursing some1 else w/ their dying breath in vengeance using everything theyve got left for it ?
Gray, [07.05.17 18:18] do moments of extreme emotion amplify magic?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:38] [In reply to Gray] probably; but it's likely based on the individual rather than the curse itself? whether they were strong enough to push the curse, or you are strong enough in belief to break the curse.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:39] [In reply to Gray] death is Big because they want to skip the steps and go straight to Metallics, so being a dick while they die is like, the biggest no, unles s they were SO BITTEr and then idk what happens to magic when the source is Done, death goodby gone
Gray, [07.05.17 18:39] theres always someone Bitter Enough
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:40] [In reply to Gray] PROBABLY? I feel like most magic is the calm kind, the growth kind, the living stuff is more for the calm strength working to gether but then there's WAR MAGIC , which is deffo big anger energy death kill war and probably, things like, funny magic, where u just REALLY wanna get ur friend SO BAD u know those moments where like u fuck up and say the wrong thing bc ur SO EXCITED TO PRANK UR FRIEND that probably makes for a pretty sticky "curse"
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:40] [In reply to Gray] bitter enough to try and expend their shit cursing someone instead of ascending to magic that u literally see, throughout your life, when your magic may or may not even exist after u die?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:41] like I feel like it would try, and then go away,and then come back when they reincarnated, which wouldn't matter unless the other one was also reincarnated at the same time and also not a metallic
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:41] so I mean u could get multiple friends like wanting to be together FOR GOOD and so they, as they die, fuckin shove their energy-magic at one another to do something Stupid like turn one ear white or something, and it ties them together through rebirths until the both die at once and Ascend
Gray, [07.05.17 18:42] i live for funny magic
Gray, [07.05.17 18:42] i need a prankster cake
Gray, [07.05.17 18:42] THIS IS REALLY COOL
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:43] this is what I Wanted 2 do with them like
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:43] these are the Cakes that Escaped and continued growing their culture
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:44] and I think, like, they're just warlike - disease of the body is uncommon, so one of the ways that they naturally regulate their population is to literally kill one another
Gray, [07.05.17 18:44] would gladiator-esque type matches exist?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:45] yesssssssss
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:45] there's big fucking fuck-off wars, probably mostly over territory, resources, and HONOR, but also:
Gray, [07.05.17 18:45] in lieu of th festival ganache battles
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:45] there are Cakes that get older and go "alright itme to fucking die" and when enough of those happen
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:45] they get together and tournament-style to the Last Living One who is expected to either die from their wounds or probably self-sacrifice
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:46] and the hope is that during the tournament each of the other cakes, the ones that die, turn Metallic and rise
Gray, [07.05.17 18:47] would this be similar to the old norse sort of concept of heroism/ideal death? i.e. highest honors 2 those who die in combat + the concept that true heroism is knowing the odds are impossible but fighting and dying anyway?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:48] sorta a little bit? rather than honor through valor, it's a little different, it isn't like
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:48] "kill the most and you win" it's like "live a good life and do well and Fight Good because you know how"
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:49] and sometimes that "fight good" is "literally beat the shit out of someone else" and sometimes that "fight good" is "meditate into a tree"
Gray, [07.05.17 18:49] Cake Valhalla
Gray, [07.05.17 18:49] i, for one, would love to meditate into a tree
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:50] bc part of how they Do is by growing tree-things into big ass tree-home-city-things, moving the natural world
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:50] and there's a infection thing, the thing that the Ancient One has, where you can turn into a fucking tree that just Happens
Gray, [07.05.17 18:52] in terms of holidays what would there be?
Gray, [07.05.17 18:52] are there holidays involving a mandatory truce?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:53] I don't think so, I think everything is really mobile and weird and your loyalty is mostly to the head head batch topper Cake, like Fighter, who rules your entire section of the continent(s)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:53] you can Defect and such, and there are alliances and truces and stuff all over the place, but those are mobile too
Gray, [07.05.17 18:55] Oooo :00
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:55] but the only way that will stop is if the entire species is ruled by one individual
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:55] and that,,, probably will never happen
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:56] there's no real, rhyme or reason for it, there's no like "we have this difference", I think it's just encoded in them
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:56] Cakes just have a fire in them and some of them try to suppress it but many of them just Feel it roar and need to do something
Gray, [07.05.17 18:56] Gotta Punch
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:58] and they don't force anyone into the battles or the wars;
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:58] others will leave Cakes alone who wish it, and won't kill unless they're also being killed
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:58] but they have no hesitation for murder when murder is on the table
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:59] there have absolutely been times with warring parties entering cities and fucking things up and they run into caretakers, who are curled around their charges or the young or the weak and pass them by, times where cuppups come running at them with claws extended and they pick them up and put them out of the way
Gray, [07.05.17 19:00] so theres sort of a code of honor thing? (either unspoken or spoken)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:00] yeah, you don't kill the young, you don't kill the nonfighters
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:00] it's also probably gross/dishonorable to kill someone who isn't as "good" as you
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:00] easy prey is not a worthy target
Gray, [07.05.17 19:02] how far does that extend? would they ransack a city of its resources? bc inadvertantly that'd probably impact the nonfighters negatively
Gray, [07.05.17 19:03] are all leaders exceptional at combat? if they aren't, are they still a valid target seeing as they hold command?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:04] Leaders, toppers, whatever, have to be the best - have to fight their way to the top - the Biggest Ones, like Fighter, are a bit different, but the smaller ones - ones that run warring parties and the like
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:04] they just have to be good at fighting; there's a strict lineage, uh uh uh words
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:05] smaller leaders, the ones that would invade a city, are absolutely gonna be some of the best - have an elite guard - and are going to be after the other leader
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:05] disorganization isn't gonna stop them, though, part of the whole 'fire in your soul' thing
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:06] and even noncombatant Cakes are expected to be able to survive without cushy resource-rich cities, if they're ransaked or taken over
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:06] warring parties are more likely to take control, establish victory, than to destory anything - they're not interested in harming or ruining what is built, only owning it
Gray, [07.05.17 19:08] what about cakes that are highly charismatic, but not necessarily a fighter, but ones that know the Right Things To Say to get someone rallied into action (like. a leader's aide or something, gives themm the words or s/t)? or is it more, you have to back everything up wiv battle prowess before anyone will rallly up?
Gray, [07.05.17 19:08] or strategists that, again, arent the most physically abled but definitely have a hand in coordination/setting up an attack?
Gray, [07.05.17 19:09] would they also cound as a noncombatant? or since their actions lead to a battle/fight/bloodshed, theyre accountable as well?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:10] They're accountable to a degree; someone like the first example is going to be heavy in the magic side, and so would be expected to be met with another magic-heavy fight. A "standard" "footsoldier" is goign to want to knock them the fuck out and let the high-er-ups deal with it. they don't wanan deal with what would happen if they killed the less-fighty, but still valuable cake, but they sure as fuck don't want them to be running the scenes, either
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:11] The best way to survive things would be to be REALLY BAD at fighitng, REALLY GOOD at something else, and afucking turncoat as shit
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:11] passed between two or more Big Groups like a pretty gem, never worse than harmed or knocked out, but no loyalty so no getting higher up in the ranks, never get close to a Big Boss
Gray, [07.05.17 19:12] :Ic sOUNDS LIKE A FUN CHARACTER TBQH, i want 2 make/buy/repurpose a cake 2 use as,
Gray, [07.05.17 19:15] are there groups that makes use of spies? or is that Too Frowned Upon
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:17] Spies probably come in two flavors, 1: I literally just walked into your town and walked the fuck back out and everyone knows but no body fucking CARES 2: we had a spy but they stopped coming back so, uh, guess they're on their side now
Gray, [07.05.17 19:17] KDFKJDFBGJKD
Gray, [07.05.17 19:18] how important is loyalty to s2?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:20] depends on the level -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:20] small family groups, batches, are going to be intensely loyal, very well tied together, knit like a cloth
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:20] the bigger it gets, the looser the association, up to the point where some of it matters and some of it doesn't -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:21] some warring parties will flip flop or be easy to grab, others will have a topper who was once part of the Big Boss's batch or family or something and will DIE FOR THEM before they let even one of their party defect
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:21] Fighter has this down to a science, all of his general=types (down to anyone who controls more than 3 other cakes) are either born of him or were raised with him
Gray, [07.05.17 19:22] NICE
Gray, [07.05.17 19:22] whats more important, societally? honor or survival?  how acceptable is survival as an excuse?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:31] honor, really, survival would be mostly considered cowardly - there's survival of noncombatants, which is an exception
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:31] but the base rules are: honor above all, duty to keeping the rules of combat above all, too
Gray, [07.05.17 19:31] nice!
Gray, [07.05.17 19:34] are there mercenary groups? or would it be more like small warring groups ud make a temp alliance with
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:38] definately groups that have lost allegiance to the current kings, i dunno where they would sit physically in the continent, maybe small forgotten or abandoned towns
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:38] and there's... not "neutral", but
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:39] towns that have a Function, like sea-monster-killing, which will be Taken Over (someone shows up and goes and puts a New Flag on the tall tree town hall) but not, no one does anything.
Gray, [07.05.17 19:40] oooohh :0
Gray, [07.05.17 19:40] if u ever wanna rp s2 cakes i would be interested btw i rEALLY LIKE THIS SOCIETY
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:41] eventually, once I have a little More,
Gray, [07.05.17 19:43] moving away from wartime stuff (though ill prob come up w more questions) whats s2 like in terms of like. making things. is it magic-reliant? tool-reliant? mix of both? whats the highest form of technology they could have?
Gray, [07.05.17 19:43] whats used as currency? is it trade-based?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:43] because I know they look somewhat physically different so I gotta figure That out before I go Doing them
Gray, [07.05.17 19:43] YEAH
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:44] the tech question is Cool bc I can do basically whatever the fuck I want
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:44] I don't think they do cars/planes/things/stuff, but beyond that it's fair fucking game
Gray, [07.05.17 19:45] /Nice/
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:45] currency is probably based on favor and a bit of 'credit', anything that can be immediately done in the moment is the best - you need rations? haul a buncha fucking things for me and I'll kit you out for a week
Gray, [07.05.17 19:47] not cum this time
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:47] nah, they got too big anyways -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:47] there's gotta be something with inherent value, but i'm not sure what
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:48] and like
Gray, [07.05.17 19:48] that will always b me favorite injoke tho
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:48] the monster hunter town that Ryker washes up in probably deals in monster parts as currency, they all understand the inherent worth — but that becomes way way more valuable the furhter you go from their town
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:48] in-town, other shit will be more valuable, but go a bit out of town and you're gonna want those "useless" scales
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:49] you could load up you and your friends and drag a literla fucking life-making fortune to the capital city
Gray, [07.05.17 19:50] cake caravans?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:51] possibly, yes
Gray, [07.05.17 19:51] bc that sounds like a p good way to make a living, if you could get yourself started
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:52] mhm, youand a couple other noncombatant merchants, drag a big ol' carcass escorted by some good fightin friends, bring it to the big city and sell it for all you can get
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:52] come back home rich in everything else
Gray, [07.05.17 19:55] how big of a risk for bandits?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:04] reasonable; bandit isn't the right word - it's more likely that you'll get attacked by other King's units/groups/things, trying to harm your King, so there's lots of running without banners and trying to barter your way out
Gray, [07.05.17 20:05] makes sense!
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:05] and it depends on the locale; where you are in a kingdom(s) is gonna determine how likely a warparty is
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:05] the kind of, disrupting commerce and fucking up the small ones, gurellia warfare, is super frowned upon
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:05] you want to Take That Shit, not hurt it before you can claim it
Gray, [07.05.17 20:10] also makes sense
Gray, [07.05.17 20:10] are t here any big kingdoms that participare in guerilla warfare?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:11] I'm gonna vote that Fighter doesn't let that happen
Gray, [07.05.17 20:11] time 2 fite the Big Kingdom
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:12] he raised a miniature army of cannibalistic massive walking gods
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:12] he has this shit down so fucking pat
Gray, [07.05.17 20:15] trUE
Gray, [07.05.17 21:08] whats the benefit of being the monarch of  a city? do they make laws? how are they enforced if so? or it is more about money/prestige?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:09] You're the Best, and your prestige earns you a lot of leeway; laws are followed, if issued, so long as they are within the lines of belief already extant; great change would have to come from the ground up
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:10] But a monarch will live in comfort and something resembling excess
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:10] smaller batches or towns will flag to them if they can provide protection from others; stability is the greatest asset a King can provide
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:11] if you can make your lands, people, batches, warriors, relatively stable and encourage commerce trade and infrastructure
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:11] you're gonna last a looong time
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:11] (giving up your life to protect your monarch is one of those "sure fire" ways to get metallic)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:12] (it's probably based on a lotta other things, too, but unlike many other attempts to get metallic, this one has a much higher turnover rate)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:12] (so there's lots of data, and so much of it is positive, it's seen as a Good Thing a lot of the time)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:12] but to do that, you have to earn their loyalty and fierce protectiveness - which can be done best by beating the shit out of them, usually, at least the warlike ones
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:13] anyone who survives your fights or duels becomes your subordinate, and while they too want to best you eventually, they'll get in to the line of "I can do it LEGIT" and anyone who tries to best you not-legit, like an assassin, will be punched in the nose and sent home
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:13] (or just murdered. it depends.)
Gray, [07.05.17 21:14] so u get ur loyal warriors with the knowledge one day they're prob going to try 2 best you? (but like u'll know its coming)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] mhmm, exactly
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] there's no old-and-fat-kings
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] if you get your ass beaten, you either graciously step down and advise them, or demand that they kill you and release your soul to the metallics
Gray, [07.05.17 21:15] NICE
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:15] there's probably some empires that're like "yeah no we all advise the new kings, he's got an honor "guard" of like 15 prior kings"
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] tbqh thats p badass thoh
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:16] and then some that have a bloody line of single kings
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] like. conceptually i REALLY enjoy that
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] and tru
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:16] plus
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] then you get the advice of all of those who were beaten - and you probably had to fuck up at least a couple of them yourself
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] and they're gonna respect one another, likely have some kind of balance/order of their own
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] very little infighting
Gray, [07.05.17 21:19] tru!
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:21] but also, consider:
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:23] you enter the throne room of your leader, your king, the monarch of monarchs. there is some kind of a throne, it varies to every one, but across the floor - a wonderful, polished, well maintained surface - there are shapes.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:24] dark, at first, hard to make out, until you realize what they are, until you step next to one on your way into the true space of the throne room, flanked by two guards that look so fierce you would not want to glance at either to see any closer.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:25] there's a name, written out in a deep russet color. The next is blue. The third, a vibrant and yet dark green. All of them lie next to pools in various shapes; some are tagged with scrapes and scratches, some are huge and circular, and some have written poetry, sayings, or pawprints.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:25] They are all that remains of the former kings, their last moments and last words immortalized, carefully kept under a thin layer of sheen, to preserve them for all eternity.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:26] And although his claws are no longer stained, the brilliant blue that resides just to the left of his throne room has a haunting message written in the freshly-laquered blood: Good luck.
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] LORD
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] thats gonna be interesting when they run outta floor space
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] or if someone wants to redecorate
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:27] probably make a new throne room, tbh
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:27] just bc fighter chose to sit in that one, that lineage, doesn't mean they all do
Gray, [07.05.17 21:27] fair enough
Gray, [07.05.17 21:28] tho i feel like by that point making a new one would feel almost like desecration
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:28] How do you make that decision, huh?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:28] maybe when the bloodstains start to obscure one another
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:29] can you imagine walking that room, as king, picking where you want to die?
Gray, [07.05.17 21:29] places a reserved sign on the floor
Gray, [07.05.17 21:29] 'perfect'
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deltaengineering · 4 years
What remains of Fall Anime 2020
You might have noticed that I haven’t been keeping up with my season impressions, mostly (but not exclusively) because it’s really boring to come up with new ways to say “it’s isekai, which means it’s garbage for stupids”. So here’s what I ended up finishing, in ascending order of goodinosity.
Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle- Rhyme Anima
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Ostentatious rap battles in an insanely stupid universe are very fun. The thing is that this doesn’t want to be a good anime, it wants to sell us on these characters, and the characters are pretty terrible on account of all of them being one-word gimmicks. So, let’s give them three rounds of introductions and have them solve lame, generic crimes for 8 episodes instead of setting up the rivalries that everyone suddenly has later, when the show gets good - because it does start delivering towards the end, and becomes really all I wanted. So I can’t even say I’m disappointed, but the first half of the show is almost entirely worthless. 4/10
Assault Lily Bouquet
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I don’t want to be the guy that’s all “I’m mad at this show not catering to what I want”, but I do have to say that Salt Bucket is much better at being a goofy, lighthearted yuri comedy than it is at action (though there are a few choice cuts) and at having an engaging storyline. This is again just an ad for some game or other, so it’s no surprise it has about two dozen characters too many, but it also has quite a lot of superfluous plot - so much so that I suspect it was initially planned to be twice as long. Apart from that, it’s cool and all that some Gainax old hand got to make his own Gunbuster-like, but it’s just not very good at that and all I wanted was Kaede antics and bath scenes, of which 1 per episode is clearly too few. 5/10
The King's Avatar 2
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King’s Avatar got a sequel and overall I have to say, I kinda like it more than the first season even though it looks much less ambitious and even the character designs were changed towards the bland. But I honestly don’t care much about the esports aspect of this and much of S2, especially in the back half, is more about schemes and social engineering - as close to an Eve Online anime as we’re ever going to get, I guess. It’s still very chinajank (why the hell does every episode come with a redundant chibi summary of itself, etc), and while I can’t call that “good” it does remind me of a time when I wasn’t filled with useless knowledge of anime tropes and was just enjoying the weirdness. Also, Ye God’s antics is as close to “looking for anime with OP MC” as I’m comfortable with getting. 6/10
Heaven Official's Blessing
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Now how about some Chinimation that isn’t very janky? I only became aware of Heaven Official’s Blessing when it suddenly rocketed to the top of the MAL charts, so I gave it a looksie and oh boy. The first few episodes of this show are flat out gorgeous, quite funny and very very gay. So I was ready to agree with MAL for once, except it then launches into an arc that mostly consists of our dudes sitting in a dark pit telling each other stories that aren’t very interesting and seem barely related to the setup. Yeah, the back half of this just isn’t very good at all. And the subs are hot garbage. Still, the beginning is so impressive that I would recommend this show despite the middling rating it’s about to get. 6/10
Ochikobore Fruit Tart
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You know the problem that these 5girls4koma stories have, where one of the characters is an annoying pervert, yeah? Well, in Fruit Tart every character is that character, and they’re rather cultured as well. Yes, it’s often of questionable taste and it has a terminal case of 4koma storytelling but dammit if I didn’t enjoy it. It certainly helps that this show’s greatest asset by far is Broko and it seems to be aware of this, because there’s a lot of Broko material. It would have probably have gotten a 6 but the last episode is just so... maximum Fruit Tart. I’m down for some trash if it’s as well made as this, and I do like my kiraralikes spicy, so thumbs up over here. YMM definitely V on this one. 7/10
Majo no Tabitabi
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Speaking of things that are hard to recommend despite me liking them a lot, Elaina here challenges the very notion of what a TV show even is supposed to be. I assume most people tune in every week expecting to get something roughly similar. Not so with this one, you could get everything from slice of life antics to Higurashi-style gore, or reasonably deep character study to pervert comedy. I would say that the only unifying thread is the presence of Elaina, who is a very fun character, but there’s an episode she’s not in, so there you go. But I’m a connoisseur of the weird and I also have to say that I enjoyed every episode in its own way. Also, each episode stays remarkably consistent by itself, and in the end it wraps it all up with a sort of neat “life is like a box of chocolates” thematic bow, which isn’t earthshatteringly profound but hey, it’s there. Just don’t go in with expectations, especially not expectations based on the first episode. 7/10
Love Live! Nijigasaki
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It’s Love Live. Good old reliable Love Live. Really not much to say about this one, any discussion of what makes this different from previous iterations is going to end up in minutiae only people who already watched this could possibly care about. I do have to say that while the musical numbers are as good as Sunshine’s were towards the end and there’s also a lot more of them, “looking budget deficient outside the CG” is the one thing I didn’t expect from something that’s ostensibly a Sunrise premium product. So boo on that one, apart from that it’s idols (an anagram of solid). 7/10
Garupa Pico Oomori
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The chibi SD shorts based off Bang Dream are still better than the main show. Even if S3 was actually quite good, this is just the best thing you can do with 30+ characters that aren’t that deep. Garupa Pico specializes in absurd humor setpieces that at points is better at being Pop Team Epic than Pop Team Epic itself was. Take that, memelords. 7/10
Fire Force S2
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Fire Force is just weird, man, and it’s sort of great. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a property of this magnitude show this much of the ol idgaf spirit. How about an episode where the A plot is the most evenhanded exploration of religion i’ve seen in anime, and the B plot is about blowing up a tryhard edgelord by exposing him to panties? How about a subplot where Batman and Thor infiltrate the vatican to kill the pope, only for that to lead into a gay rape backstory, only for that to be resolved by dank weed and dismemberment? It really is quite a thing, as they say. Now, Fire Force certainly delivers hard at points, but it’s also very scattershot, even if S2 is somewhat more consistent than S1. The weakest parts are unsurprisingly still the ones where it’s remembering its fighting shounen template, and that’s not only because I don’t like that, it’s also because it’s particularly and consistently bad at scheduling these huge, simultaneous multifight setpieces it often crescendoes with. But hey, at least these tend to look super cool. In short, Fire Force is a land of contrasts and still the only fighting shounen I give a damn about. 7/10
IDOLiSH7 Second Beat
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Did you know that I think Idolshi7 is the best one of all of these huge-ass commercial idol franchises? Yeah, I think it’s better than Love Live, and as of Fall 2020 also the better looking one because Troyca still delivers where Sunrise apparently can’t. I guess still don’t like the music much, thankfully there isn’t a lot of that. It also still specializes in gigantic drama, and to its credit S2 is now much better at either getting to the point or at least making it silly and fun. You show that door who’s boss, Sou. Still fantastic Tsumugis all over the place as well, in fact I think I like all the characters now. Even Banri gets his big moment in this season! Yeah, this stuff is pretty cool. 8/10
Adachi and Shimamura
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So here’s the AOTS, and it’s the lovechild of Bloom Into You and Tsuki ga Kirei. While it definitely isn’t as good as either of these two, because it lacks the “about more than just teenagers being hyperbolic about a crush” part from Bloom and the part where it has an actual ending from TgK, it carves out its own niche with its loopy, almost stoned tone that’s full of side weirdos and yuri hyperspace. It’s also uniquely focused, with a tiny core cast and even Shimamura doesn’t really matter all that much. This is all about Adachi, and thankfully Adachi is amazing. Amazingly awkward, that is. It’s very cute. So yeah, this is a bit too lacking in substance to aspire to classic status, but it’s a great time nonetheless. 8/10
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